The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-05-11, Page 1'91•1••9911P.199.99,9"-. 7 a -9.99r .19.• V 9. •11,- TIPP111111111F' 4010110010 ,41_q • k,„ cosure i•t• • 9.961,99,9 , t 41.190490,9090999999999999.99.0" $1,00 per year, in advance; $ 25 otherivise LUCKNOW ONT., THURSDAY MAY 1 lth., 1916. • The WALL PAPER Season is Now in Full Blast. We can supply you:with anything you want from, 7c. a roll up to Scre. .` Good e1ect- i�ns, ..nice A Bicycle Tfir Sale -- Used. pne,. .week—At $6 ..reductioie in, 15rice; Wagons,. " Catti • and Baby Carriages for the children. DR. SPENCE'S • Drug Store • •,,•••••••••••{4./••••••••••,,V..,1,I,A/WW.40.,••••,,,M.••••.•"••••••••.,• - Spring Stock. Just Arrived Black and 'Blue Serges, Faney Suitings and Pantings— Sontiothing New, ' Perfect Fit Guaranteed on'uniiime 'TEMPLE -CLARK Merchant Taller FREE. BROS. Studio, Lucklow. ‘• OFerr Nroilday;Tuesclay an4 'Wednesday of wOeic. LOCAL AND GENERAL q••••••••••••,•••."..4~,/,/,./..r./.., Slater 'Shoes for • Nen..-Xurdocli &, , 0Mi4e-rell Co. Mies..A.. S. Steyenson,• Of Loudon., IS Vlaiting at D: Should's. •• • • - 4:3. Aflati, eye. speeialist will, be .at 3. O. Armstrong's Drug' Store on Ver. 37, •'. . -An interesting letter by our old friend, - E. S,Oittvell.,.of Toronto„ will be founcl. • on page 8: • . - • -. • . • . • _ • William Bineltzer, agent ,for, the ',Ford auto, has had a .phone installed at his . . xesidelice No. 97. • • • . BeY•ar. 8.,Ditncan was in Toranto,ovea. Sunday and conducted' the_ .servieee• in• ClaalmerschurCh there. • Mr, Frank. Tate left 'on li.londay for .Talinereton, where he,expeets to spend a few weeks on lensiness.' • -WEDDING- • DENNis.:--CiairnalI • • A (Inlet wedding wee solemniZeol by the Rev. Mr. Duncan, it the home of Mr, and Mrs: Donald Caintli?ell, Genet St., on May 3rd,, when their youngest daughter,-Dabelle, was, united in mar - ria g (TO Charles Andrew, Dennis, of To- rcnoto. Tho..bride, who. was Riven away by her father, was dresser:1ln vvhite silk trepe de chine and veil trimthed with. 'Orange' blossoms, and carried a bouquet _ot bridacreses. 'After the ;ceremony: a' Iranian:Ion was, served, after Which Mr. and Mrs,. Dennis left on the 3o'elock train,. for their lionn in Toronto, ,the bride travelling in a blue silk snitwith hat td match; • „, - • , Bp:thins! Budons!-Six d if erent makes of Buggies from the leading man- ufacturers for sale at W. Allin's. " Mr. Jesse Button is the happy posses- sor of a new Chevrolet car, bought from 'the local agent, Geo. EL Smith. Let. your next shoes be Slater's, and get them ate.Mursioch & Cameron co' s. Mrs. T. W. Smith, of Detroit, is visit- ing her mother, Mrs. A. Ross, who has been in rather poor health lately. Climax Wali Payer Cleaner will clean • wall paper and make it lock fresh and new. Try a can • and be convinced.-- Lucknow lidwre. & Coal CO. Yin. G. A. Siddell• went, on. Monday, • to• Tilanto,. where she attended the graduation piano recital by MistFranees. Bidden on.Tuesday evening, • .The name McLaughlin ou your motor cat is a guarantee of qua'ity. None has. this name only the •McLaiighlin cylinder valve-in-heall-niotor made by McLaughlin: Agent, W. ' • We Were in error lalit week in saying that, May 9th would be the first anni- • versary of the sinking of the Lusitania. Sunday, the 7th,••was the date. • Rev:Geo, E. Rose, of Knox church; Goclerick has reoeived a call to become • pastor of St, Matthew's Presbytelian Church, Point St. Charles, -Montreal, hc...PAMPB.LLS ARE. ,.COMIN01•..TI -Opera--fit;usev:Lucknow SATURDAY, MA* -13th A The Greatest Military Display of the Year in rive Big Reels -2,500 People 41n the Cast •-,••• • Four Mighty Acts • of Thrills. St. tielens • • -Tues'day, M Wee Gladais Webb.and Versa Wdods. 00,fveWr stIn ingirdaz. High School, werehome c:•••• James- Hyde has •returned to New Ontario alter spending a few Months at his home .here, The storkcalled at the home Of W. G. McCrostie on Saturday and left a little baby boy.-COngratrilations, • Messrs. • William, Frank and Dave Todd are in,Wingham to day, attending the funeral 'of the late Dave Thurlow. - bingl.e Copies 3 cetttS _TEESK4.TER. 'OMIT CHURCH NEVVS Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Todd, who spent. • the winter with their daughter, Mrs. • Dave McDonald, W,ingham, returned to °St. lielenwlast week. •, . • Quite a number from St. Helens took in the anniversary.services in Lucknow on Sunday evening last, services in the chureh here being •withheld. • The annual meeting of the St Helens • Woinen's-Institute be helku• a day, May 19th, at the borne of Mrii.'114: Woods. • A report . of the year's •work will be giver', A cordial invitation is !extended to all the ladies to be present. All those who have papers ,or magazines kindly have thein ready for iihipinent • when we get more word. -Secy. . DP you think of buying a washing machine this spring?. If so, before pur- chasing, give the 1900 Gravity Washer a 30 -day free trial. -G. S. Robertson,. Lucknow. Mr. LloyslAlten, who spent the 'fall and *inter monthe in the ahospital at Gravenhurst•was brought home on Sat- urday. We regret. to Tay. that NI r. illten1/2- .conditibn Is not very promising. . • Intending'. purchasers' of cars wonin consult their own- iplerests by looking over thedVIcLaughlin six -6,Dninder valve- .in-heactificothr. Rower alt, the time. Comparism:rtvill convicePirsaieby ••' • • Mr. George Fott dispose of his household effects and other property by public auction on -Saturday, the 7th Sale will•commence at 2 'oclock.'• Mr. Potter and family intend moving to North Dakota. • A wonderful representation of the Relief of Lucknow, 1857, The whole battalion • 72nd Seaforth Highlanders �i ; Vancouver take part. A High- land Piper. in costitme will play Scotch music for the shOw See the Bills—Come with the Crowd — Absolutely guaran- teed or money.yefunded SPECIAL MUSIC -2 SHOWS 8.30-11.30 p.m, • Admission Adults 25c. Children 15c. hevtolet Is Popular alamis 1/4 " -Tuesday; May 9. -" Ploughing and seeding is'the 9rder of, theday. • - -.4 • , • Miss Edith HOwsOn returned -to Clif- ford on Thursday. • ' ••• -Miss Margaret Symons has retnrned home from Paisley. • • • ' Mr. • John McKeernan Sundayed. • -S(ORES FINE SULCESS Present "East•Lyilne" in Inter- ests orRed, Crass Here... . . . Au who, attended the 'entertainment in the gownlapo. Friday evening . • were, delighted with, the .. -play •presented by'the,TtesiVatee ;Dramatic. Co. The acting w411:KordthroughotWand the,old story ot East.tyraue:-teoir -oh a' Ow'in tereat• • ..11%044 was as fPlows: • _ • , Sir Francis Levison -Cl• B. ArMitage,•- Archilaeld:Carly10.--0, F. Richardson. • Lord Mount Severn -i. C. Thoth peon.: Richard Har—Q. H. lanklater. - • . Mr.\ Dill, Officer -J.. O. Tlionrpeon. .• Little Willib74)orothy Stephens,. • Laciy, Isabel I, Madam Nine (D.uef role) -.Miss Mildred Bradley. • Bari era Hare -Miss Quilfoyle. • Miss. Carlyle -Mrs. W. Stephens. Joice-Miss Belle -Farquharson. .Wrhop-Miss - Bradley. . Five Of these are teachers in, or near, Teeswater and Ur. C. • F. Richardson will he. remembered. 'es a resident' of Lucknowarntil about a year ago. One could have 'wished for a larger audience, but circumstances were against that. There has been a serfeit of enter- tainment 'in ..Lucknow the past few. months., and the pour -1w • folk were too busy with `seeding operations to come t� town even .for a'geoci. thing. Receipts were $86, and, as expenses were not great the evening resulted ig a .suostan- tial addition to the Red Cross' fund. We nriderstand that . the troupe has been invited to present last Lynne in a number of Other • places,- ,and,• -me- are - Sure that should'they take advantageof theeeinvitattons„.. they .will.meet._with_.EI ,most gordial reception. -• LUCKNOW'S ,o,NMI•4/••••••1.1, Mother's Day is to be ielebrated in the Methodist church, on Sunday. The sermon tind music in the ionyning will ba appropriate for tile day. In the -after- noon, the School will assemble in the auditorium of the church, when a spec- • ially prepared program will bb rendered., • White carnations or some other white flower will be in fashion. •This is a. fitting way of paying your • tribute 'of devotion to "mother'. • • Acknowledged With Thanks Still another donation has found its aadrence. The doctor is not only a way into the treasury of ' the Women's learned astronomer, but has a very, en - A tertaining way of" Presentrng the truths of astronomy. ,. He is an enthusiastic scientist, and declared there is no science -so,interesting, 'do ekiiet or -so useful as that in which he has • speCialized. He -gave some hard knocks to thepet super Stffion frf the man who believes the moon controlls or indicates the sort of weather, and Was just as hard' on the 'Science" of Astrology (fortune telling by the stirs). • These practiceshe referred to as the • abuses of astronomy. Many of the'views thrown upon, the canvas -were beautiful as- welt ae, instruetive;,he- only fault •being that sufficient •time could not be -taken. The ground to be gone over was so extensive that, as Dr. Marsh put It, he cOuld'giveonlyir sort- of;a.hop, skip- • and jump lecture. • • The doctor was assisted -by -his Son, who is preparing for •the; Ministry and • who at preseet is in charge of miesion work at • Mildmay and Ayton. Mi.' Marsh, the younger, is an accomplished singer and during the e ve n in g odntribut- ed a number of beautiful solos The seareal Annual •Meetini4 of the Maitland Presbyterial:Society 11r, s, wiff be held in the Presbyterian Church,' Lucknow, on May 16th. inst. -- A good progrtne is being provided. One of the principal features of the afternoon Ra- ma *Ube the. diseuesion on 4.Mission Band wprk;•and' in the evening' session an -,address will be 'given by Rev. Mr. Little, of St. •Helene. hinsie by :the Lucknow Presbytariain Church choir. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES. -the pastor and board of managers of the Presby- terian Church, Lucknow, must feel that the anniversary services held in the church Sunday and Monday • were all that could be desired. Rev. Mr. Wood- side, of Chalmer's Church, Toronto, who gonducted the services on Sunday, is a preacher of power and eloquence quite above the ordinary. • With an impres- sive personality is combined strong in- •tellect and imaginatron, a voluminous and pleasant voice.and a free and cupious delivery. There was a large congregation to hear him in the morning, and in the evening the church was Packed to Cap- acity, while Oita a number failed to secure admission. The Lucknow Meth- odist Church, South Kinloss and St. Helens Presbyterian Churches withheld their services and quite a number were in from these places., On Monday evening the church was 9gain packed-fullta hear Rev. Dr. Marsh, F.R.A,S. of Holstein, give his illustrat- ed address, "A Night in the Skies." Dr. Marsh's lecture and views were a real treat; and something new to a Lucknow Committee of the Patriotic League. y personal contribution of $5 received froia •'Ars. Alex McCarroll The amount men- tioned is the result -of -an effort On -the- part of Mrs McCarron to earn moneY, • for the work of the Red Cross-. Society, by/Making end selling home-made: bak- ing. The Money represents several weeks' labor and a good deal of -unselfish effort, •whiCh the Committee recognizes -and ap- preciates to the full, and for which the• members, extend their grateful thanks, -with friends th Kincardine. M iss Ethel Pickard, ofPaisley ,' is a guest of the Misses Howson'. ' Coaductor Coll D McLean returned' to Parry Sound on Thursday. .• --41essrs. Tom -Colwell and:ME:Robin" son have purchased new .buggies, MiMarry-Deolitin- is confined -to his • bed with inflamatory rherimatism. , Miss Myrtle Clarland and Master Cecil visited at James Thompsoh's this *eek. , Pte. Arigus McIver; of Kincardine, is working at Win: McKenzie's, 2nd. Bruce. • • A number of new .bOOks were placed on the Pubhc Library shelves lest week. • Chevrolet automobiles have been pur- chased by and delivered to the following parties; T. S. Reid, manager .of the Molsons Bank; Johnstone Bros., furni- •ture store;'Wm. McKenzie, horse -bnyer; John Harris, Rifiley; W. J. Todd, • St. Helena; Mel. Greer, Lucknow; A. E. Durnin, Lucknow; Jesse Button, Luck - now. . . MARKETS • (Corrected up. toWecuesday noun) • Wheat * ' 90 '95 'Oats. .... . 38 • 40 Aarley . 58 60- ' Buckwheat . 65 .•• Butter 28 29 Eggs, new.lad. . . • 2 1r'30 • .Report Not True A rep* current the past few days to the effeet that Dan McDonald, recently wounded at the front, has had his arm -amputated, •is not trim At: least no word to that effect has been receiVed. It appears "that he was bit by shell 'hag- meritii while aiding in carrying the woundecl'froin the trenches. One of his arms was badly shattered but, according to the nurse in charge, thedocters were in hope of saving it. - - :• BORN . - MoCiosm-In West Wawatiosh,. May 6th, 1016, to Mt and Mrs, W. G. McCrostie a son. • TORONTO PRICE P THIS 91/1310{ . • Wheat, bush, . 98 to 5 11: 05 • oats,•bush • • - • 31 ..o 52 • Barley, bush 58 to . 62 Choice heayy giteere.... 8 SO to 9 25 Butchers' cattle -s 8 25 to 8 50 • -Feeders 7 SO to 8 SO - Lambs, 1030 to 12 00 _bec cw 9 •00 to -9 50 - Butt er, IFfiitteicarairy Prints. a. • 29" to 32 ggfo, new laid, doz.... 24 to , 25 Potatoes, bag.... "2 00 to irogs,•:fed and watered 11 25 to 11 55 c . Kintail' . -Monday, 11/loy 8 • Neil McDonald was a Sunday Visitor in Lucknow. ' • '• Miss Links Stewart Visited friends here last week. ' . - EiiI McDonald was in Dungannon ▪ On• e"day last week. • Clifton Ainffin niade a business. trip to Goderich on Friday. • ;The Griffin has returned after Visiting friends in Goderich. ' Mrs. Ilusiey, Of Godericli, is visiting • ii•er daughter; Mrs. 0. O'Keefe. Mr. S. S. Griffin, of .poderich, spent the week end at die home of Tim Griffin. • MO. T. 3, Lannall, ni Lanes, 'spent -a lew days last Week at her former home • Ithrierlireat, who has been homo for •tome timebat reetnned his nuktis at SCHOOL•REPORTS • 1114s Jennie ' ,MeKeeman nurse -ii training in Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, is home. Mrs.:Abell and Miss Bessie, -of Cargill, spent a few days last week at W. J. Mc- Keeman's, • 'Miss - Phyllis Moffatt has 'returned from a visit with Major anclars. Moffat, of Walkerten. Misses Aileen Pinkerton, and Sa,die Colwell, of Pinkerton, Stindayed at J.• • D. Robertson's. . • Pte. John Kitelien, of the Military -School, .Walkerpt, spent the Week -end &Whig home here. • • • Pte. Clyde McKeem'an, who -left for Toronto last week to j oin the Treasports„ lias returned home. Ptes. John Kitchen and Mae. McKin- non are taking a N.C.O. course in Walk- erton Militiry School: • • • Mr. and Mrs. Earl Avery, of Armow, Sundayed at the • home of the latter's brother,I. D. Robertson. - • Mrs : Kitchen has rented the borne twa.doors west of Pest Office from Wm: McKenzie ' tjncl 'moved in last week. . Died in -Alberta • 'Much sorrow and regret w.as expressed -when-word-Was received_of_the death of, • Mrs. IL A. MacLeod; of Grannum, 411 April 280.__•__Dea.th, which came unite .unexpcctedly,. 'was due to heart' • tronble.--Iteruiaiden,name was Annie Mcl)ougall. She wis formerly from -the 4th. con., Kinloss, where she bad a large circle of friends and relations who sym- • pathize with Mr. MacLeod and family • in their sad bereavement. • PIA S. 5. Ne: 3, KiNLoss. • Jr. IV -Irene Hanna, ViariOnHoicigins. • Sr, III -Grace Thoinpson; Martha Hanna, 'Pearl Boyle. ' • Jr. III--.0scar Hodgins, Tena Hawk- sha.w. It , raeiner-KarlB� Harry Ilodgins. • Jr. I -Bert Thon.pson, Mary Hodgins, Gorda Staters, Nornie Hodgins, 'Alice - Hodgins. !' • . "r -Marie Gambol': ' _ • MADELYN MOMOURAN, Teacher. • Fourth Lon. Khiloss • -Tuesday, May a Willim lionston is on the `Way to . . recovery after a severe illness. Miss Etta -MacKinnon - is Irvine this week taking a much needed rest, •• A sister of Mrs. I3en Chestnut with her children, from SaskatelieWan, visited here a feveweeks. ' Dick Robertson and ;family, of the, 10th Con. of Huron, visited ,itt Arai. McCann on Sunday. Miss Annie Ross is waiting on MM. John' McDiarmid, who is recovering from a severe attack of pnennionia. A number Of those ravenous dogs Which periodically 'overrun the township vsited S. S. McDonald's steep pen last Week and detroyea a lergo 'portion of his belt. Oorao dogul1t to be poi& POilt are here fot.a short time and are -living in the house of Mr. Malcolm Mcean: _Quite a large representation of the I O.O.F. Order . here attended DiVine service in Tieerton on Sunday morning. All will be pleased to)" hear that Mrs. Chas: MeKinnon is' doing Aitely, Nurse "MpOreit-th, of ,Kincardine, is in attend- ance. •• ' . ' Real Estate is booming! Meagre Thos, -431.-PerevatruLlkoigelkKaffruvrJeacit purchased -50 acres {IT the farm- of the• - late•James McKenzie. • •' •• Mr. Neil C. McFarlane, our popular shoeniaker and barber, has been unable to be in'his shop for thepast two weeks, and is, attime of writing, under the Dr's. care. All hope for his speedy recovery. Who says (Marais isnot patriotiel 160 copies of the specie,' edition Souven- ir Nanaber Bruce Battalion paper was received her last week. News sent in witenot printed. • We were not used fairly, • _ _ _ rtes. Neil McDermid, James and 'John Thornphori, Albert Groves, Edgar • Mc - McAfee, Win. Patterson, Edward Chap- man, Torrance McLennan,Wilbert Me, NaIlyind. Walter McKenzie are all -home fer seedibt Mr, SohnK. McLeinnin met with a riltiaway accident' on Saturday night. The buggy passed overbill% but as far as is known at the present time injuries are not rierions. All hope to see him around Oen. "ie home was unhurt, baving been alight in a wire fence), but the buggy is badly damaged. Mt. McLennan is vory foOloato to lutvo eecht3e4 ea well. . Courey's Corners 'HONOR OF ROLL • .The LuCknoW .Detachment of the 1,60th, (Bruce) Battalion, baying (with. • thn exception of those working an farms) gone to battalion headquarters, and re- cruiting tn tbia part of the ,County, *nay he regarded as completed, for the present, • we take the occasion to, lightish a full list of the men who have enlisted at the office here, '• Following that list is a list 'ct others from Lucknow and -Vicinity wise are, or were:with other.-dnite:, Lucknow Det., Bruce Battalion's • • •stoT.,MAJOR • Carrick,' R. T.,1, Carpenter.. CORPORAL - • • 11. M., Telegraph Operator. •• Henry, A. B , Student. •'• PR/VATE8 • • Austin, Robert, Farmer. .. Agnew, Thomas, Laborer. Baker, James, Thresher. • Barber, William, Farmer. Buchanan, Robert; Farmer. ;Campbell, Alex Farmer. • • Chisholm, -Harry, Farmer. Clark„ Melvin, Farmer. • Caaemore, Roy, Farmer. • English, Bert, Farmer., • Fisher,'Itobert, Laborer. Graham, Marshall, Merchant. Henry, Earl I., Farmer. • Huston, William, Laborer. Hughes, William, Laborer. • ,Harris, Wilhain, Farmer. Hutchison, John, Blacksmith. Jewitt, Albert, Farmer. • Kennedy, Alex. W., Farmer. - • Kennedy, David, Farmer. • •• • Kennedy, AUX.D, Blicksinitli. • Kupnochi, John, Farmer. - Middleton,•Clecil, Farmer. McInnes,.John B., Laborer. • . McLeod, Angus, Farmer. • •McKendrick, John, earmer. McKinnon, Peter, Carpenter. Purser, John V., Farther. • Plowright, Sydney, Blackthirth. Romminger, John, Farmer. .Rising, Frank, Farmer. • Robinson, Robert, Schobl Teacher. - • Taylor, George,' Farmer. • Twamley, George; Farmer, • Wharten, Alin F., Farmer. , Smeltzer, Gordon, Electrician. 4 • Drennan, E, Fernier.. • ," Hassel, joseph,.Farmer. . Hassel, George 0., Farmer. Irwin, St Clair, Farmer.' • -"Kennedy, Win., Farmer, • • -.1>attersomArchle„ Fernier- • -Webster, B.,: N., Farmer. • Butler, Alex., Firmer. Gillespie, Ches.., Buttermaker, • MeDona1c1;-Thornaa A.„: Farmer, Nixon, Joseph; Lineman, Wilijainfi,]{arr-y--Farther Pi thee, Wrllian4 Farmer. • . Piercey; Ernest, HarneSsMaker. •'Hibben, Robert, Farmer. 'Slaughter,. Jas., Farmer.• , Bogues, Gordon; Clerk ' Henderson, Clarence, Fernier: Johnston, 'Noble, Farmer. • • Hughes, Alvin, Farmer. • Patterson, Jamea, Farmer. • . .L -Tuesday, May 9, • BoiiN.•-•4'o ..Mr.: and Mrs. Kenneth Farrish, a daughter. . • A number attended the plair in Luck - now last Friday night. ; . Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ferguson visited, Mrs. F. Scott,,sr., one day last week. Mr. and, Mrs. Angus 'Meliermidi of the Nile, visited friends here last Sunday. • Miss Effie McDonald, of Arriberley, anent a few days withMrs. John John- ston. • - A -couple' Of .our young gentlemen have purchased new Niggles. Something do- ing, ehl • We are pleased to state that Mrs. D. L. Taylor luta so far recovered as to be able to eorne home, . Beryl& -,Tu4sday,.'May, 9.. Mrs. Jos Bloore, of Itificardine„.sp,ent a few days visiting around B- rvie: • • :-Mr. Arthur •Deilnet bee enlistectatitla the 16oth 'battalion 'in.,KinCardine. • . • Mr. Wm. • Peterberigh was on a-busi-, nesa trip te tic coo! on r on ay, •• , ' Charlie Hewitt is •eutting. .gnite show in 13ervie.noW witlf•his- new Over- land. . '• ••• •, , • • •- Privates .Alfred • Collins and 'Wesley Sturgeon .are Werking for.la few. weeks on'the. North.. Lipp. • • • . • Ars. Daniel Last and •Miss..!Edith, . Ostrom, Of: Kincardine, Visited for a•• couple of Weeks:around. Berv•itl. • -r„.,ktrilkLylimner-Beetti-of-Toron-to-Vrtiver- . Pity; returnedliethe lint week -to Spend - the holidays at her home here. . •• We are glad to see 'Mrs. Thos. Mc. KinneYback to otir village again after spending a few months In Chicago. Our cheese factory is to be opened again about ray 15th. Mr. Iliank Watts is to be the cheeseinaker, and it good season 18 anticipated. , Inspector Bald, of Port Eigin,.thade i his regular visit to the' schools n this vicinity last wedk, and while inspecting the sethols gave a special 'teat for the - boys cf the entrance class who are able:. to assist at farm work. Several from the north and south line schools were successful and have conahenced to work, :on •the farms. •, • A write up en it Kincardine township trustee is causing knit°, a bit pf talk around Bervie It appeared In the Walkerton Herald and Times and other editors 'were' kind enough to copy: We might just -add that the editor would do well to gOt WO before making such a write•up and also other local poor men Might profit by investigating before: cOotios mob Odioulow4 dot% 7Moving Picture Show • • The great nailitarY play :coining to Lucknow on Aturday, May13th, called "The Campbells aro ,Coming" promises to be the finest ever:shoWn•in 'the town or county. It should especially appeal to the people ofluckhow on account of the,history connected witii it. Special Scotch music will be playedby an expert Piarrist. On account of the high cost of producing and putting on the play, the price of admission will be 25 •and 15e. It is thrilling froin start to finish, in 5 big reels. • . The doors open at 8,p4 in. Two shows put on, -so all May see- the great picture 1,206 of the Vancouver Highlanders take part. Rerneinlier the date, Saturday, May i3th., and corne, Meney refunded if not satisfactory. Died at Edmonton , • Whet' Laces Blur There comes a time *lien letters blur and .. type seems to gather and read- ing becomes difficult: This is nature's way of telling you. ro get glasses: . Not iiist any glasses, but • glasses Made to order for yourowu eyes, the kind in fact that we'are having Made, every day. Our ex-. ••aah3ndfree 0i°12are charge. rthar"gh‘ scientific sgt LJSAND SEeBETTER rtS4:52" • F. T. ARMSTRONG cl,eviieIer and 'OE .ian Phone 92 4c VOCAL Teacher of .Singing, Voice and Tone • Production. ,Pupils prepared for examination. • c..AprogRsoN EVERYBODY'S 'COLUMN .iitAID WANTED at once, nigh, wages paid. • Apply to Box 263, Lucknow, Ont. 27-4-1,-.L • • Mrs, T. S. Reid; •mother of Mr. Reid of the Molsons Bank here, 'passed away at Edmonton, on, Friday of last week. Mr. Reid had been to Edmonton to see his 'nether, and left there on the under- ' -standing that she was improving. The recovery, however, proved to be of only a tem orary nature, and on his arrival at mg amie learned Of her death.' Mrs, Reid was 62 years of age. 'She is welt remembered about Lucknow, and has many relatives in this part of Cam-. io. She, with her husband and other members of the family, went to Edman - thin .1904. • Mr, Reid died two years ago, and slam that time Mrs. Reid has lived with a, daughter. Proposes Brace County 'League r _ : Judge Klein, chairman of lire 13-ruce County War Auxiliary, has issued- a circular letter, propOshig that when the Brune Battalion.is fully mobilized, and the work of the Auxiliary practically over, a Bruce County Patriotic League be organized,' Some of the things the judge stggests such an organization should look after are: • 1 -Arrange for employment of soldiers who retUrn, 8'-Endoutage admiration of -disabled War heroes.of Bruce: • , 3 -To induce retired fanners to return to, the larid. 4 -To assist in fdture recruiting when necessary. 5 -Assist and encourage Inunigration to the county.. 6 -To instill patriotism in the rising generation, 7.--T� boost the County of Bruee in general. •The idea will dotilitlese appeal to many of tile leading Men thronshout the county, and the organization iniggested 'Will in all likellhOod come tato beleg. • , wA.NTED.-Illen or boys 'for finishing roont to Sand, Stain and Nil. No experience necessary. Apply ot Office. . - - , • . D./OXBOW TABLE CQ, , • • APARTMENT TO L7T.-5 Rooms and Bath. . Over corner store m Mui -ray's Block. . Ap- • ply to.,Marie Murray. ' • MONEY TO WAN. -,--On niort,gages and -uotOs • at reasonable. rates'. Fire Insumnoe, both •Btoolt and Mutual Companies: • GED. A. BIDDALL.•Broker.Lucknow • Room irott RENT. -Suitable for�iflCeor , dress -making. Also a good house to rent. '6 4,t -f -c. • Apply at Joynt's °dice, ROUSE FOR RENT, 'on Havelock St.; Ina.; • now, half acre of land, edit venientto school . and charch. Possession at mice. Apply to Mrs: Martin: Con. 4; Kinloss. or address •Box 187. 'Lackno w.• 2044 f. •• . Notice to Creditors • - NOTICEIS'IlitREBY GIVEN„ nisuant,to Soctieif 66;Chap; •121 et tile HAW1S13 E9 '.011tario,that all perscins having claimsugat 1154.• the'Estate of Patrick Kenney,. deceased•, who diod' on or about the .Tiventy-second, day or July, A. D. 1913. at the TOwnship of Kiniess, in ihe_Ccittnty Of Bruce,..are required to send • by pbst,.prepaid, or to deliver to, R. .Vatistone,' - Wingba.m, Ontario, Solicitor for theExecutors.. 011 or before 'the Fffteen,th'darot May. A. D. - : 1916, fEerrh111110S and tiddresses. With• full tor- - Oculars of their elahns in writing." and the nature of the•securitaa ies•ny) held bY tha01 duly verified by a statittory-declittation. ND FUltTHEit TAKE NOTICE thatlifter the said Fifteenth 1103, 03' Pria}7. 1916, the assets of the Said estate' will bel distributed by tim-• Exemitors among the parties entitled' thereto,. -haying regard only to the clahns.of which their .,bail then have 'notice, and the estate will not be liable for any claim not died at, the time • of the said di.tribution. ; lls.ted ot .Winghain this Fifteenth • day of • • A: April, A. D. 1916.. . . VANATOBE, Wingbam P. O., • ., -11:5-e. • ' Solicitor for -theeskectitors. • With Other Battalions • Sergt.• Major McKenzie„.leth. High. lenders. Sidney Towle. • Huntley Gordon°, 18th. Batt McDonald, 18th. Batt:" A. E. Mortis, 18th. Batt, „ Robt. Barbour, C.A.V.C. • Murdoch McLeod, 33rd. Batt, i• • Jack McDcnald. • Herold'Aekert (invalided home). . • Herb. Graham, Eaton battery. Billie jOhnston. • ' 0. Tweedy (killed hi action). Alex; MeDiarinid,, Mounted Rifles. 0. Hibbeni, i8th. Batt. • • • Herb: Miller, lst. Batt. • Gee. Hunter. • Chas. Pinner. '. •'• . ' Harry Tucker, 5th. UniVersity. . Arthur Newman, 71st. Batt • Joe McCoy, 33rd Batt. - • -• Andy Hableki 33rd. Batt. , Gilbert Thomas (died Jau. 28th.)• ° Harold Allin, nth. University. Arnold Ratliviell 33rd Batt, Wilmer McDonald..• Alex. McDonald, Transport. Bert ChiSholni, 7Ist. Batt. Geo. Abbott, 74st. Batt, Chas: Piethy, 71st. Batt. : . Robt. Sturdy, C. A. V. 0. Robt. McIntosh, kb. University; •' Geo. Stilwell,..101st. Batt. ,,,...Fraser Paterson, 33rd. Batt, '• Geo. Pater -ion. . , • Dr. Freemen, Med..Corps, • Billy Corrigan. W. --Finlay McInnis: Middletom4tat. - 160th. :Batt_ • Clarence Spence, Imp. Army. * • Jack Hawk, Transport. , G. Helirbeck. • A. J. Grundy. L. McDonald, Ambulance. Alex. Heriderdon, Stratheona Horse. ' McKenzie. , P R. O'Reilly, • Jack Berry. J, Taylor. , E. L. Racine, 1S`o. 2, D, • Cleve Aiteheson, 161st. Batt: • Telford Aitcheson, 161s1. Batt. Wellington McOok, Ambulance, Clarence MeDonald,,Anintils.nce. • • `a • 1 1 J. ALLAN • EYE SPECIALIST * At J. G. Armstrong's Drug Store •.. Wednesday. May 17 • ' Eyes. Tested and • Glasses Supplied. Court of Pevision Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held pursnaht• to the AssesSuient. • Act, in the Council Chamber in the Vil- lage of-Lucknow, on, Friday, the .26th. day of May, A.D., 1916, at, eight o'clock p.m..; to hear and detertnine.the appeals against the Assessment Roll of.the Vi lage Of lAcknow in the County.of BrucC for. the year 1916.' All persons havingbusiness at th e• said • Court are hereby notified to govern them- selves accordingly. , . " Dated .at Lucknow this9th, day of May., ° A. De ,, 1916. ' 18 J ; AGNnw, Clerk. . Notice Re Past DriVing at The Connell of the Village of Lucknow has instructed the undersigned to see that the by-law regulating the speed of driving on the streets of Lucknow be observed. The speed limit whine the corporation, is nine Milos per hour. The) danger from. faSt driving is especially great OA Satirday evonin j • • A. 4,004F,A0$ Voustoie. .COUrt of, Revision Notice is hereby- given • that. n Court Will be held pursuant to the AtieesSnient - Act in the Towreship Hall, west Wawa. -nosh,- -cm Memday;-Ilay--29,- at ,110-o'cloar ..t•1-p-to,hear andAletermine -the -al*Tals.'". against the Assessment Roll of the Tows ;- 9 ill; "Of Virest of Hiwoii fol :lip year 1916. • All persons having business at the said court are hereby riotified.to govern them- selves accordingly. - Dated at West Wawanoeh, May .9th. ' 25-5. • W. A. WILSorr, Clerk. Kingsbridge . . --Nion0ay, May F4 Ed. Wallace is engaged Ivith John Long for the seeding. Ed tie Smith is stuVring from ft se‘;er.1 atpiele of pneumonia. • Scipio from here attended the play, "It* Lyone," Whiehwari giveu in Luck. now last Friday, 41, • A. re.gruiting Inieet•ing,• tt hieli will • • addressed by the, welt -known. ,Goderiell- orator,. Mr. .and- 'Other • speakers, will be held in the Kingshridgq Pariah Hall, next Friday - 18tli., commeneing at 6 oclecit.r-.In adw dition to the sPeaking, a atoti vrogtao . la 41so e$0,eteit‘ ,