The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-05-04, Page 5w7 -r . �. .,,� . • `.. , . , - - 1 4littll1sy,.ayt, setietinii Tie e 10 .c, } 1 r ttwrr \NADA''Gi 1-•A\,°OF?I i L DRUG, STOF? f 4'17sssweeteatatory snsr told" co C_e our, sweet- ears-� choice. "%Af the Iaintieat: lips- Pure Chocolate coatings, pure fruit flavorst carefully packed ••in attractive boxes. A fresh supply of thew delirious sweets is always on hand at the Reza! Drug Stere.•60c., 80e. and $1.09 per Ib. • J. G. Armstrong, - Lucknow.. OURON COUNTY NE; plc. If: L. Stewai t, who for so:he time practiced mnndie ;te at Relgrivn, .has opened an cera: in \Vingham. Miss Jessie L. Wilson, daughter of Mr.. end Mrs flavin 'Wilsomi, of •Waw- -annusli-,. 10 •o crei•.hei-Aorvie •beton aceeptpd•ae €a Red Cross. nurse. Ed. Pettey, w,ho in •June: last map, •ed fro'm'Constable Phippen, of Wingg- ham,, avasi last week arrested in Toren to, and°laa5s b2' tenen• ho erich by. PhipPen• - Use Reign Orderlies for .Chronic' .ion• stipation; they are.gentle in action, iuild and natural. - Sold oily by R.exa11 Drug Stores, '15c..and 25c. boxes. -=••J. G. Arai- strong. • • Councillor Alex. "Fraser and Baines Brown, of',fKincardine, :op: April 14, acting on instructions from the trustees,. sold the tied and telegraph poles be• longing. -to the Ontario West Shorp .Railway. The piiccsran from $T to $10 -pee •Hundred ties. The ,poles sold, about $5 tc-Sri per mile and a .quarter. It Was deemed better that this shouse? • be done than have'them geadual•I,yslip, away.. 1)aATti ~ ov Mus. HoaiuTsu -Mary• Kate Hardiq, wife: of:Win. C Homuth, of 1'ur'nberry, died on April 19th. after a•brief illness from measles .and'pneu- mouia. During 'her ilfnees a baby was born whi,,ili died on the day of the mother's'. funeral. Mrs.' Homuth was a daughter of the late John Hardie, who for ninny years lived in Culross. She was 39 years df age, and' is sur- vived by two children, "her aged moth- er, four brothers; and three sisters. WE ARE' HERE TO SERVE YOU' M�Mb/At1'M�iA/aw+��'/+wn1VwMIYti/�YAlnl�wq+lA�/11r�� OUTING SHOES With the warm,, sunshiny days comes the desire to be out. of ;doors., 'OutingShoes .are becoming more pop- ular- every' ear for ut door wear.. They 'are light aid easy to , walk in. . We have them . in all sizes and • tar an out door sports. 'See our Window Display,. • ACKERT &\ RATHWELL "A GOOD SHOE STORE FOR ALL 1sHE FAMILY" 4I'r+,,�1'M+ttlh�ekp's ul6wt►il 0. A Dollar spent at home reacts in its • benefits with unceasing ,general profit. ' Sent out of town i't's life is ended.'' • Kept 'with -the -homey merchants .it is 'a messenger of continuous benefit. 0. Business men should awake • to the importance of keeping this dollar at home.. - and'lnake a bid for it by. judicious advertising. -- PAINFUL ACcinnwT.—A painful and unfortunate accident .betel 5, F. Tre- leaven, con- 6, Ashfield,,"on April "2t Mr. Treleaven was taking a load of to.serve hns•country an whatever capacity grist to Diishe's mill, when, in front he cin serve her best. To you has come ,,rutilf rti �ri9lllliltl _ liri.t'intee, 19t. .Itettorlb, lf, T. l),.rtikilfaonaI , 4, palinal.; a 11. A. Ireland Allan'lf•aact htei' Pred 0: V. Manuel W. (l Adair Walter ' Perrty. •Ceo, 0. •Rantciol llichaird Fay Wlrn, 'Scott .rlis. A10041k01nl ° Thos. Price Richard ,f cries, Hsaay Dye. -ia mol a ucai :iaz 'i:ui!:. Su rd? ... V. E Tonkin Wesley White . A. T. Hahne - t. ,A,. Campbell W. B. Jlu!ps Jird Guest 11 J. IIaiues IL. tMc( ire .It..0 Svelter • Herb Isard.... rte•-� #ay It. A. r as er J HCaultes, R. J. 1''atllis V. Ferguson... T. W. Peinrope O. Backus.• J. R.,Jefk'erson, J,.S. Thompson' 0; .Crawford J: Harold Ourrie Thi r. Lutton.. Geo, ,Day • ' David Johnston. J, A. Allan., • G'r. H. Anger J. R. Chisholm • Ben.. ,Holland L. A-. Orisdale - W. 0 Rush • T. Mundy Hsicokl v: Kearney Thos. L. Mo Kinney o • IttilitioNROWUITINOs Zondoq, Out, Murcia 210;1.916: To the bfeplbers of the Knights .of CO nt l.ggi in Ontario: The civilized world .faces: one of the supreme crisis of History, 1! a amiil'tarity, with the :horrors of the struggle is, apt to-hreed-indlifereive-tnits4rzie4neaninG and its inherit Menace, It,eeenls to nae that'I am but fulfilling one of array duties as State. Chaplain of the. I{nights of Columbus in Ontario in drawing the earnest attention of the tiermberehil of the Order to the obligations that, zest upon us. ' I shall waste no • time in discussing Undeniable principle$ Iry ifundemental truths: That the British Empire is eu, gaged°in a jest war, that the war ig as much, Canada's ae that and, that Canada's} citizens' have a bounden .ditty to spare no , effort in 'bringing thatwar. to a veltoridus islaue are statements so Self-evidentas to requlrts'ntnprecif. Neither shall I aptempt• to fix ,a term. to the duration, of• the war. , The time ' of its endwg,is known only to Hiro who Olivet.. • ' • ` ' holdsourselves and all our interests in' munity, the hollow of His handibut'shall write ow t I m n the • The people of Olivet and coin of what I know. At s moment, held asocial evening iu thg church f a Imperial authorities -are urging enlist- F'riday, April 2Ist . At the :lose o, progratn of rnnsih, recitations, etc., three ?hent by every available argument and to of the' soldier'. boys, Percy Roulsaton, are appealing •to all British subjects se Richard Scott. and Wilbert Walden who place. patriotism and the national cause .have enlisted with the l6JLii Bruce Bat- talion, were presented with wrist watches ,adian. Government has issifed . a call for and a ring, accompanied by •an': address. ,.half a million men. I agree that the Pres. Pere Roulston Richard Scott. tax o Provision opf such a number of . men will Y + tax our population to the limit. What and Wilbewt Walden, if it dates? Is not the causte worthy of the Dear Friends: supremest sacrifice$ I am not competent Your friends•of this comnrunity,,to measure the possible effect on coin - desire before you leave our neighborhood coerce and industry of the withdrawal of to express 'their appreciation of the stand so vast a body of men from peaceful pur- you have taken and the.sacrifice you are suits, 1 assume that good.judgeuient and snaking for your country and for the common sense will prevent the• crippling liberty of mankind. This is a time of of enterprises that are necessary for the trial, when. it is the duty of every ,manproper conduct of the war. With all other phases of finance, conimerce or industry,. I have no presentconcern-nor have you. There is a work to, he done; our effort must co-operate in the doing. • Honor calls on every Knight of Col-' uinbus who is fit' and free for Overseas. Service to offer himself for the work. Shall we leave the'burden, the duty and the glory of this work - to others? Patriotism adds its urging: to the call of honor. The danger is just as real to Ottawa, Toronto and London as to' the shores of Sussex:- or • the banks of the' Thames. : Shall we forget the 'sacred truth that it is sweet and glorious to die —or at least to offer to die -for pne's of J. A. Reids farm, one : of the : colts he vas driving become frightened, and it seems Mr. Treleaven, in endeavoring to obtain centre', Of thetearri,\lost his balance, and fell off the 'load, . one - of the. wheel s°of. the • wagon passing over his log, which was badly brc ken and "'shattered below -the knee.' He was•tak- en to bis' own' horse •where medical aid wasMr..Treteaven suffered- a great deai and will no doubt be confined to his 'bed for. some time. W iN,aa tm's-HONOR Rol.? -=-The fol: lowing is' a'list of the young men who have enlisted in the 161st, Battalion from Wingham and 'distaot:— H. Guest T_ T. McDonald W:'E Thompson T. S. McDonald ; 'pleasant associations we have . had to - V. .1,6. Sanderson . G. W. Schaefer gether. We assure you that in every W. A. Windsor G. 'L. Stillwell ' day of your soldier life you will have the '11: W. Powell A. 0. Williams prayers of iirany of us arid the best wishes M. 0.'Camgree R. F. Forsythe .of us all:' When the war is over and the W .:Aitchison Jas. H. Currie, :. victory' won we hope to extend to-. each G. 'R. Taylor ; ' J. G. Penrose '- ,of you', the glad hand of welcome back Chas. Gander. J. H. ,Barker - •.=to a useful and honored .place in our E, M. Forbes .. R. • Huffman cowtnunity, , Wm. Holt L. Kirkham the• call to .bear arms in her defence. To that call you have 'responded and we are confident that in all the trials, hardships and dangers of'a soldier's life you will ' so conduct yourselves as to do hodtir to the Bruce Battalion and to your country. In the great conflict which is raging, in which. millions of brave men are engaged, the partof the individual soldier is necessarily small., and usually obscure, but we know that each of you will .de. his workwell,-and rt.is..the' millions of Britain'andher Allies each doing his bit well thatwill in the end win the victory. As a slight token of our appreciation arid esteein we ask you to accept these watches and this ring. As you wear them :may yon• be reminded of your friends in this community and the many ,•: , W, -S. MCGuuiE R. C. 'Minn. -M. Mercer L.• --WW. I. RoutsroN . J.F.- Galbraith—L-C. Cantelon - r • •W, L. BORDEN J. Holmes , C. Orchard ' F..Johnston ' J. C. McTavish N. R. Bloomfield . W. Hinscliffe• J. T. N. Taylor .• , -J. J.'Kern ' •ALEi:.Tfnc'eavrsu• - Wilbert Walden thanked the people in behalf of himself and the' other boys, in a few ,well •chosen words, after which lunch,'•was server, by the ladies: . u un W„Wi n n p QtwarrsathrsursermrjWlmllt111rumu IummumatulIrIWLar'r.nnlUy;lii);pilinueux ice Bef rice After a IIWOW UMIN 111191111111WWWWWliMiII1111aliillaWM I IMPS 111111liffli MIUMIWAWIIINIIIIIIIIIIIII111111 11111 p 111111 • 'it; L. • • • 4. •'f• t ear -:o: • Why Are We Proud To AdverGseThis? On the very day that war was declared: the still make a reasonable profita•.f or- the company : ' price of the Canadian Ford car was.reducea .$60. ; on thus volume. tion. It ,was made In spite of the war'—pot 20,000 cars, the reduction of $60 per car would • because of it not be warranted and this company would'be To understaind this reason properly ,requires , ; operating at a loss. Zt is the profit on.the a knowledge. of how prices, of Ford ears : are additional 20,000• cars which makes the; priee . • decided upon. reduction Of $60'possi le." 40 000 cars means doub- These rices are based on the•estimated� pro- - . .Although to build a pthe Ford executives:' • duction.,,." for ih'e, coming year—never -on- the 'ling last year's business, profits eared the preceding 'year. , firmly Lelieve that prosperity in Canada will be .For instaahce, some time before August 1, 1914 .' of such proportions this fear as to create 'a the Ford' Canadian executives decided that the. demand for -fully this much ixicrease'd business..:. demand for Ford _cars 'for the fiscal year starting . And the sales to .date and the prospects, for'the Aug. 1st., would be about B0,000 cars:, " With next few.months prove that they are correct, in this production it would be.possible to reduce their belief: • • • • Moreover; this action becomes increasingly the;price $60. n •, heif -:the-advance in price' of` raw.:- • So an'announcenet3t "mss tia;de to ilia public � -significant t w . �-- , - • But don't mistake the reason for this reduc If we are only able to manufacture and sell.'. • • • • M 4 country. The rights of humanity require .that. we make the sacrifice. Have martyred Belgium and stricken. Servia and sorely j ressed France no poiver to awaken a responsive' cry in our bosoms? ' The defence of civilization demands that: we hurry to its. assistance.. It is our , civilization=the civilization that suits us --that is in jeopardy., • Are we. prepared to' willingly accept another kind of civilization? Do we realize that the exercise -, of -personal, responsibility in „poliiical affairs: upon which. rests civil liberty, hangs in the balance? - -1. say no word of the demands of -con- science .-It were folly,to en'phasize-that aspect,of the present hour. The man who is .stead to.the appeal of honor and patriotism, of hunianity and civilization, is not apt to be alive to the call of con: science. ' - • - More- than a__ cen-tury_ago_.Edmund; Berkelamented that the age of chivalry 'haft gone;.because ten= -thousand.- swords had not leapedfrom thair scabbards to avenge even a look, that, threatened With insult. the gentle Queen 'of France. The Knights of Columbus draw much of, their meaning and -much of their inspir- ation - from the glorious -deeds :of the - great -Military (hiders of the ' days of chivalry. • Let us beware lest, when the struggle is over and the victory 'won, we merit the rebuke that in the hour of trial along distance lay -'between our prin- ciples and our practice. I write much Mere in dread than in reproach. My sole purpose is . to place , before every Knight of Columbus game considera- tions that should cause . him . to reflect,, -that should give him : matter for media- tion, that should inform his judgment. and direct his decision. ' "Alan am I grown, a man's work, inust Ido, • Live pure, speak true, right wrong, fol- :. low the King -- Else, wherefore•born?" :M. F. FALLON,. Bishop Of London • • State Chaplain. ET the right kin. -c " of (erns Screen DOors s and 'you. and- :5 . er 'y card gi- the laugh to m o squft ee s, flies,, and thqother .ests' that'fir b ilar or night. • ,..T. And when it comes toa place •to buy` them, you can go a . long way' and never' find such, satisfying stocks of Screens and Screen- Doors as •we 'have' here :ready' for you. Plenty' of them—and. a full range of ' sizer to fit all doors and windows—half length• and full' „length. REMINGTON u Mc. We Ariake it a,lioint to keep an assortment of Shotgun '. Loads and Metallic Cartridges on hand the' year .'round—REMINGTON-UMC. In fact; mels have come to look' to us as ArmS and Ammunition Head(luarters. McLEOD. & 'JOY -NT - ,L •'The Store Where Your Money. Goes Farthest 0 • ANTE We' are in the market for cream, -sweet .or sour'. :We supply '.tw'; cans, pay .twice each month, ;test each can • received; sznd, our patrons a statertlent of the weight, • test and butter fat in each can, with the empty can returned.' We refer you• to any bank as to.our standing. Write -for cans to=day. TRELEAVEN. &;-RANT.Q:N., Palm' Creamery, PALMERSTON'.ONT. NOTICE.—We want an agent here for Palm Dairy Ice Create. Write'ior prices and terms. 11-5.c ' at large that the priees•:of Ford cars would be materials is''takeri into consideration. At least ' $60 less for the coming 'year: • .- . one automobile manufacturer has been obliged .It must be admittedthat this was a remark- to mcreat;e the price of his car .on this account ably sincere and substantial, expression of Porth And the' Ford' Company again have an added .in theros erity of Canada and the Empire' that - burden in the inere ed duty on the few - raw .prompted this Canadian. firm " to stake their' materials that' they, are obliged to buy in the entire business, oh the continued prosperity; „ United States.: But all of.these increases have of their country, • been absorbed into• lnantifacturil g-eosts by the Yet the Ford Canadian executives did notes Ford Company as part of : its obligations and lits ailovi-the war tic -interfere with their plans'In But r In times such•as these. • • the slightest degree. They considered the pros tis anoeiFlier significant faaCt-that-wh reprices Verity of Canada and the victory of the allied on'other products have so generally been' = attse s scared F =� _ .._... ...,_ __._. creased, the -prices_ of .Ford: ears have been• This -was emphasized a second time last decreased. • • August when theptice4 of Ford cars were again - . So the Ford Company of Canada, is proud to reduced by -$60. ' , advertise this reduction in, Ford cars because it , Profitably to manufacture the Ford Canadian , is a substantial, material proof of its -faith in t this lowered price requires a prdduct,ion' Canada. • Toquote from General Manager.McGregor's is, a Canadian:Company owned in great part. q, . Cara' is O c" of 40,000 cars durin the yearendingAug.1, 1916. • The Ford Motor Company of Canada; Ltd., .' . by Canadians,•and as' such believes in anada.. otvn statement:, . •.• - • •It believes in her . . "If this company is able to manufacture and It believes in er prosperity., sell 40,,000 cars between August 1, 1915 and final triumph and the triumph of the Empire in ,august 1, 1916, we, know that our . buying this tremendous'struggle that is now demanding capacity; the production efficiency of our ma- so. much 'from her 'manhood and from the faith � ma im- factoring plant, and the distribution • of over-' and support of her people. head expense ense' over a' volume of this size will . And this Company is willing to back its belief . p enable us to reduce our prices $00 per ,car and'- to the last cent.:• . , • FordMotixeCompany of Can' advt., F • - Alleafe ompletelyequipped; ' including electric headltialiti. Equipment docs. not leclitiloi: Ford Runabout • •.• $480 Ford Touring - 630 Ford Coupelet k - 30 Ford Sedan • • i' - , 890 Ford Town Car • • ' 7,80 b.Ford.•Ontarlo CRAWFORD 4 SON,' DealersUJOKNOW. 7.A • _ iipbetlotneter. • S EL1ZER 'Sales Manager. . • • Purple Grove -Tile stork visited, -M.- -r.and M. Dan McDonald's home on April •2.11.li ;and lefta baby 'girl. CROP COMPETITION The Lucknow . Agricultural - Society have made entry for the Standing Field -Crop Competition for .,.rise year 1916, - 'Variety of grain, Oats. ' :Parties wishing to compete°are requir- ed-tcrfrle-theh'-entryvitTh -the-Secr'etar on .or bf fore the 22nd •day of . May text;, entry forums supplied on applicati -Ica less tliaii five •acres-can—be--eine and the' followingpr'izes will be award- ed, - ed, namely: 1st,• $2""0 00; 2nd, $15.00; '3rd, $1 .710; Ili, i" tiOltu ,-sfrioo; tial $6.00; 7th, .$4,00. At least 10 fields' of grain must -bajudgedor int -prizes award- -1)d. • a ticulars a l to the For fii•ther p r.• � , pp y Secretary. • Dated at Lucknow this 24th' day .of April, 1916. • Josirrr E. Ami w, Secretary: SCHOOL CHILDREN, ATTENTION! At a meeting of tire': Directors of the. Lucknow . Agrienitutal Society held on •April 7th, inst•,,if was considered advis• able to encourage School 'Children dent- petingr,in vegetables e•nd,ilowers, and°the following• sections have been added -to' the Scheel Children's Competition in the prize list for1916. •• FLOW ERS Collection of Sweet •Peas - •(0c.25e, Asters, 12, , , , ,t :.. r. . , ., . 617 •2t - Dahlias, 12 i.,.;,..:. ..... fi0 25 Zinnias, 12 '50 26 vEt EUDLES ileets,,d short.:.... '; rte. ,N0 Garden Carrots, .fi short. , . , 50 25 yO,,nionxs, 12 .. • 50 ' 26•, yQU • will find a gripping detective story in the -M a y number:• o f, MACLEAN'S MAGAZINE --"Behind `Behind the Belted Door"--7-by : Arthus E. 'McFarlane. ' Full of mystery,' tense with interest, alive with action, 'passing Strange in plot,; and ineiden't jt i6'' baffling'1.lntil-the. last paragraph of the• last chapter. , . 1 • This i1leF•aiilanie stipry is but oiw ofmanv "specials's . in the. M# .MACLEAN'.S—all issue• really' remark- able emark-able'• for its .highh" qtr:?,girt ars' witties. the fo'ilomInY '•wr tars:... . • These contributors ate. :>.. you will 1'eeog;iaize, a•inost exceptional • '; conipan3=-the best known .•.off'Canadian ii•ritere, EDITORIALS' 3/a Sir 'Herbert Aires • " .. N. W.•Rowell C. C. James James L.. Hughes •., •j: P. • Downey , And next issue (Junel, the,•first of ARTHUR STRINGER'S• new serial story, "The Anatonfiy of Love;: ^• Arthur E. McFarlane ' Stephen Leacock - Nellie L. McClung ' : Robert W. Service. Agnes C. taut Isis (nue'• feature which t•oinnrcniac it, to ell'reader ..its Radii\• (if Reviews tdepartmenit. :1Iero is -reprinted the heart 01r (he best things 'appearing 'hi' the leading • ,iriagaizinc- and ui'indi.c•iils,,of the world: So in MACLEAN'S. w one getti .the esseITce of many 'magazines: . , • , Rich promise. in' this iay "Nnnihet• .of Tii.'n•v .honra of .genuine •' entertai'nlncsn.t nn( pro'fitaibl(+ reading. .\ 'big 15 eon ta Wo't•th- Tore than yen find in a:1141..50 . work of .fiction: For the •Hee yof have twelve niitabers of MACL,.EAN S. a new ?loyal, j•ou anis 1 t • IAc,u.ss •is Canada's tii•st pertttrlton1 publica- tion: It is out•ntid-out,('nnndrnn and is doing a line work for, ••'tire enconragotnent of ,Carindi,in ltternturo and writers. . • good`Canadlan,.you- should be a sear1y snbs'eriber, ' • a e Begin -•your Sbsre?tion � 4 $LO with tie May Issue, Just writ'. 'your name And address on flits' ndtert1semont, *.9d ' ntAtl to tlic ttnblisiters---Th'a '1taeLenat I�t(bitabtng tY>; �,,td.ra uotwislalty Aye., Toronto. um for. $1,:10•• rt+ill be writ' lister. Unclose remittance If yoti prefer.' .. '. :Get the May tae . at • your 1ooitseller'4 • •