The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-05-04, Page 24.•
Is COMFOO$Cd c# clean, whole young
leaves. Picked rightibignA1444 rightand
packed right It brings, the fragrance
of an Eastern garden to.your
mor,4Loirp,„ Atioricrom 46R ximolgua*
drying end poliehitig leMP ehlAnnert
awl mirrors. When they are- Webbed.
To atop the steleeakiligeef new beet.%
tete A 'Olivaell can and: put.. stew
-drone of ell round the teeter be-
tween the upper leether and the eolee.
When the kettle lid, US led the
In 'push te cork half through thlt
4ittle 'hole -,owl -eeetteet
snail harizolitally,It. will Ituit• along
time end sank burning Abe finger.
Netter put away for any length of
thee linen that hasbeen 'starched, It
Ile apt ,to crack end Oren- to rot. Bine)
the :Articles gate free front Stare%
dry, and fold UP in blue paper, 44 thIP
keens them .frone turning .yeUow.
Chee bottomed chairs that Intlee' gone
'sleek etut he mended and tightened up
by SPetigleg• halt Ode with hot teals
in .wbieli a 'handful of Balt has been
dissolved. Drying Attest lee clone out
of doers. , When nearly. dry cover the
seat with e Cloth and iron it. It Will
clean end "tight" after " this. treat -
meet; - • • " '
Selected Recipes; • •
i.,0965.14. • *tax Titgx0A1Vs, •
. Weald Not Leave- ins Dead ;Master
• ° • • Without Force,
[in balance, Of .stviltr T. flavor with
Apple Snow.—One Pint' aPnla eaueelleMeirexttata, 'Brown in :blew oven.. "We -were. ie the Woeyret• in the
. m.
foreed•throjvil strainer, we CL1 wteerl Teaspoon aeid jelly 'may •be spread ifeare of a foreet,"...Writea- French
,ere eileeetee cup sugar, - Juke of eneeetter flIling .before meringne -6,adedt. eftleer M letter that is trarislated
lemen, white of one .egg well beaten:I' °• in the Louden Spectator. ""The ellen*
• had decided UP Malte a WO Oa* for,
place on ice and serve cold.Or •
11441311"e arid. ' our mitrailleuses. At eleven o'clock—
Pack in freezer eed freeze. Enough Grapefruit MartiMarmalade—One grape- the night .'•was 'pitch dark—thinking
for six personte fruit, one orange one lemon. Slice to surprise us, they sent forward two
DPallisit Roast—Sear meditnnesit- in wafersor put. through food chopper, companies With fixed bayonets, but;
ed round steal; in tablespoon better. using all but the seeds, - Measure although they. moved 'almost noise -
Boll in flour and, put 'in rooster, cov- and add three times the, qu. etity of lesslY, the keen ears of my Colonials
cold water. Let all stand hours; had detected them. .
boil 14 minutes anew to stand, 241 tit did not last long; in two or three
hogri. Add to the fruit and juiee.: reinutes my guns had sent them such
an equal quantity of sugar, boil 2 ea deluge of bullets that they laden
hours or until it will. jelly wben 'chill- ! away like a &earl.
ed, and, pour off into jars or glasses,
as preferred., •• ' •
'Cherry Jalit•-r-Stone mid stem tart
-ered with. thick slices of potatoes,
'three oe four large onions, sliced,
and three green sweet peppers, out
in elides, ," Sprinkle- all with ficier
and dot with piegee of 'butter. , 'Add,
Pint of water and bake one' hoer in
covered toaster. • 'Thicken' gravy and
serve with Toast.
Corn Bread.,—Two cepe, mien 'meal,
, one-half cup sifted' breed 'Amin, one
teeepoon -salt, ' two teaspoons baking
powder, •one tablespoon edger, two
eggs, one and Mier -half cups water or
woter and milk, two tablespoon mel -
'ed lard and butter. Mb; dry ingredi-
ents. • Beat eggs " well: and add to
.tiqeid. - Add . dey,. ingredienteee thee
inel.ted snOrteiling Bake in flat pans
, •
bout two inches deep. Grease paps
the morning a German lieu-
tenant lay dead.; beside him a magni-
ficent sheen dog wile lealanc-
cherries, saving, all the tuice. To ing himself on three legs and winning.
every pound of fruit allow 4 POUtid of softly; he ,serineed to have forgotten
etigar. Pet segue, wed juice the the an ot his 'own brOken leg, for
preeerving kettle . over the flte, and from time to time he licked the Wound
When the sugar is eetirely dissolved that had killed his master:
.'add the cherries. Cook until the "I 'spoke to the dog in a friendly
'Man is WO, Put into glassi jos and voce, he looked it me sideways, and
I heard a Meat discouraging, deep
Plum Jain:A-Mips plums carefelly growl. So I ordered my men to bury
and 'elated the stones fthep slits in the body: 'rhe deg threatened to ain
the skies, taking care not ee waete tack them, and I had to use a lasso;
like a common dog catcher, and muz-
ele the enimal.
".A.ftet the sad task was over pick-
ed up the officer's' helmet eind sword,
let ray Prisoner smell: +kern, and polite-
ly 'asked him to accompany me th my
foxest honie-. ' He consented, no doubt
becanse these things had belonged to
his beloved master and limped along
beside me. • •
"MY bedroom is relatively comfort-
able for it has two beds -,two wooden
t4-ct _ tgst vsirypoonint 41,,,tt 0414,0Mtioiejorainnlild _viTietlktguet rto,70' y time; that's so, so
,if tee Meet= tIter.nhieetintherlit etill
introduced to the corpte.
In return he lent a hand at bearing right to it.
hunt the dee .nntl• Bee that be goes
That's the bet, len't it?"
4Wuke:lied.c:C:esnib::.etc"*." I non't wantthe •doce
"Nobody else leaves the, room .until
lltIethortof "Belch 9o4d 'Cerlbene" Etc.)
CHAPTMt X13.,''(COnt'd.)• ' again, gentlemen," awl he walked to -
• ""'• t•tte'-‘'Ve.‘-•••
ee .kle.A
r • V/ • •
• :• ••••. .
• 041t-
ty,,eteateettlelee_ ciireoel Akietere,e,
etetelettnereetettemetetLe the diteeeettehr
theOne pound tins.
EN:0114E74g AA Mop
it, endtabeedoeing all.ideite of •a pre-.
neeelenel pace, ••ex the deceinne.ef
tome, 'the parttre in its: ehirt , eleitv.ea,
treitted to witliin'hiSlin of Soda 'Creek
• • •
before dark. liere, howftver, pro- torei friends handy tcelteen itie cogr,
ecce„,,ifitei:nttii,p4au.isuentmri.effearent9tOdueuPduint aoriechi,etrit ate',0,Huep.deorei Nv4 -At any, 70.11
with „great. perap to tilh '4°°r of t".# worry.. The doe's get as Much grit 44
Ideal.: • . ** the • next man,"'
.aettin, an unexpected "Appears like it," tiaid Jinn and etole
ty Met them. • The-Ideel was the enlY out, shutting -the -door licaitol°3slY bee
place to •which ,any One went on nrrly- hind mine • . ,
In et Soda Creek, bet in eptte of the • • ••
for. Mer babite of. their cherge, it • was •" r, let:armee, 'ern, -
evidently now no place fel', 1V4V.: 'Hayes., Very eelentely And placing eh foot 4.,,,,„
, ..
He left himself .gOing tiP
"150or old h:oee, 1..ggess, you ain't al- 'with Carefully celeulittedeprecianin, thel-tb ne'w*
lowed ifi here new. Where'll We take little doctor Made his „way from the 1 Lind tli''' itrld. it was cullY will: whigh
hire to, deer' ' s• . , • ,„ . ,. I _Ideal to etlen, place where old man! thuaittlilbieeticathiisee.mhootetrvieedpotoweer4) .4Bisovcriknnegwa
An •elaPty: house was Stiggestott,HaYes 444 Veen -stored out of the way ; •
wheee the boy would be eede ere* the., d ,the • eeie.. .... .. .,.,. , . land cmild, no.. They were tied to his
dogs until the clerge-vetan mine ' for it I The awful heat ''int -1 closeness of the l ail"' ' ' ': •
(To be Continued,) . • • '
next daY, mid there it was locked up bar room Which he luhl,left mad th I '
. P , e 0 ,
"Asphreittshuie," he decided., "Un- THE TRAGEDY OF PitUSSEtsSt
usual sylentom, rather think mum: , •
tural. Not had .enough whiskey for ee was a ,Bech; Gay tit), of wren •
where nothing mattered,. and thought-. _, _ • ' '
' Before the War. .
that, and than he went ant. into armee
itself became a mere suceesaien of "Before the war Itruseels had the
vague and disconnected suggestions: rePutation of. being the genet, °the'
One of these, the moot Persieterit, liveliest capital in Europe."' writee,
was that he was flying, ' He mem- Dr. Charles Sarolea in the,.Sundayf
beret', as .'yott do, inedremils. that he Pictorial,"
had done this, before. He had never "It wee a little Paris, where yo
been quite eeitarit whether It. was_ in song buy. enjoyment at a lower COS
dreams that he flew, or tn *eking then 'anywhere elie, a city: of: plea
life. The dream liad always seemed sure and a city' of leisure, ettractin
so real, but he knew that he was fi- residents from al i parts of the worl ..* ,
To -day the city of Pleasure is tureen, ,
into. a city, of gloom. '".•`.. -,
. "Not- only Was Brussels before the
war the moste cheerful capital of thiii
„contineriti-it was' also the most pros' .
pgroue,'providing, etnplonmelit for ite .
90,400 inhabitants, But Most' of the'l.
'trades Were concernedveith the eunetr
fluities rather than the necessitlea of
eXistence. There were carriage builde!
re and manufacturers of lacie, pd..:
ficial flower makers and jewellers,d,ealJ
ere in fashions,' and milliners in.4
dressmakers.. • '
"All those luxury trades have coma
to a complete standstill.. Even wer
*ere any money left for luxuries, th
for the night chill of the night air more noticeable.
But even then the doctor was not It struck hirn like a har of cold iron
!across the forehead and made him
ready for his patient at .the RiskY
Ranch. By unanimous consentit was ca is ea gasp. _ Why Doctors Ilse Latin for Their
held fitting thet Soda Creek 'should his errand had no terror for him. He , Preicriptions for' Us. ....
celebrate old • man Hayes' reception , was ono of those who baying learned
A prescription from a doctor, as we
in due fertile and no protest on Jim's ! a grbat deal about the mechanism of
the human body, looked upon it•
'Part was of. any avail. The men had
indiffertret piece of machinefy as an .all know ts invariably written in the
cap- Latin language, and persons are often
had enough whigkey, to \Make them ate,
a rnany. improvements, and hay-
stubbern as mules. JIM Combe was able
about it nothing of ' the euterna-
in despair. . Every drink that the hav-
recklese erowde took made it more ' tura
and more quarrelsome, whilstl As a locomotive "he considered it be-
,noisy,neath contempt. Walking Was att
the doctor was rapidly progressing
best 'but a succelision of falls avoided.
front the aonvivial to the maudlin
sage of drunkenness. - tThat had always been his ophiion, but
he had never known tut much difficulty
Finally Protheroe declared' his in- peefOre in getting up that ,hiird pro in
tention of going to take one drink, time to save a collapse. •
with the old' man. Before- starting from the bar moth
"Let hize alone where he is," urged
• door he had taken azline upon the
heard to wonder why a se -called dead
money -spending , aristocracy hay
language is used nowadays instead of
their own, enilgrated. The Belgian Governmen
are at tlee Beare. The printing work
There are several good reasons why •
and newspaper offices ore dosed'
this has been done for years and
Railway traffic id still going on, but•
Will no- doubt continue to be done.
Li the 'dfirit place, Lain is a more it ie only used for the transport of•
exact and concise language than troops and supplies. • •- ..
English, andebeing a dead language, - "Only the churches are filled witbq ,
does not •change, as all Modern lan- mothers and widows who are praying
guages are apt to do. Than, again, for the ttbsent and the dead. •
since a very large pare of all drugs "This paralysis of trade, which has
lasted now for nearly 18 months' has
resulted In appalling poverty, Worse.
even 'than the poverty of. the poortis
the silent unobtrusive, genteel poverty'.
of the well-to-do. For the benefit of
the 'wealthy' cheap meals arn sold in
public leitchemi fel. twopence or three. ,
pence, and 10,006 'rich' people are tak-
ing advantage cif them.
"There have been repeated attehipte,
on the part of the Gleematis to rebuild,
-rememb'er it, end eo ' tries to get it , the ,shattered fabric of trans and int
filled. from .ineinoetr the heict time he destry. But, as the Germans divert
needs it to • use. ' • all the traffic of the ordinary rait-!.
Seppose; .for instance, it called for Ways :for the transport of troops, as,
iodIde of_ _potassium and he got it ' they have torn. up hundreds of miles
confused • with _cyanide of potassium. of light railways tt-ntbtrans-nertedi
He might easily make that very mis- into Poland and Russia, as theyeheve, . •
take,, and, .while he ntight safely lifted all the airailable coppet` and ' •
take several grains Of the firee drug, ' metal useful for military purposes, as
one grain tof the second Would kill they have taken thousands Of machine .
him. Illid- case, though perbaps an , tools fel. their Own facteriese as they •
--extremeihnee-sertre for an illestra—are stilt extorting hundreds of.._ ,
stneet very cold indetd the next morn- tion. . . - s • I lions of francs from a starving pepu- .
ing - ' • : • ' Latin, thee, is a protection and a lation, their attempts to reyiye Bel-.
Dr. Protheroe had a considerable safeguard to a -patient Prescriptions ' ginn trade have totally felled.
knowledge of but
many infirmities of in Latin he cannot reed, and cense- I
the. ,flesb,,' but his .'knewledge .of the quently, he does net try to temember, , have
"The • patriotic Belgian ' woikers
different •• eiperssions of ' alcoholic Now, for a 'final reason. Latin is a hitherto resisted all the bribes
dementia was tompreheneive. He language tnat Is used by . scientific , telecte
: and all the attempts at compulsion,
if successful, would transform %-
even.diagnosed his own ease accurate.: \men the world over, and no other lane , Belgium into a ' huge munition face
ly as, he staggered along . gpage ' is. You cart get a Little pret- , tory for the coneueror. •
'"Drunk," he said, severely, "veey sceiption fillled M any country on , "More poignant -even than the yis-
drunk. •Itsh the cold air has llone it earth Where there is a drug store. One ,
int& Sulterhig of ' unemployment and
can readily fancy the confusion aris- 1 poverty is the invisible literal tragedy. .
ieg from presenting a , prescription :There is the moral suffering , of ite
written in English in foreign coun- proud, freedom -loving, easy-going pee -
tries. That is avoiden by its being ple, groaning under the 'heel of the
written in Latin, • • , • ' ' ' Hun. ° . ' • -
4.-- --
- "To the ineoleiable 'oppression of -.
.. WORLD'S LARGEST TEAPOT. . martial law We tnust add the anguish •
he had contrived not to lose sight of the
use are bbtanical, r: they have, in
Ed. "He won't understand -new. . e house which he wished to reach, and
NK:11 and after butter is peuved 1)1 dip the Alice, ' fruit and to sentsli; he'sh here all right. Ile'll ther,n, moving an he felt compelled to that 13thheayr'rnha4vcePieniabotthaney—qatinha6+ nil:sit:he:
' "Wonsh undershtand,. tvonsh he .
You think he'eh gone away. N
-"it his points, but it was difficult to keep scientific BalrieS. T‘voLthirds of all
hiteigh the ,
in English.. : ' ' , . Englishwritten
The idea was too gnzely. That any Earth seemed for once to haye' no • , hpoavee
ourledainlYot nhe.
• knife, .. • . ' • e plumZ and boil gently for 40 mtnutes. after death'srelease to hang round the particular cape seemed to have been nsuacmhesdruangds •
a little milk . over tap th make • bet- every -Toned ellove one pound of sager undershirt, you bet." . . do, as a knight moves at chess. ,
ter!crest. . - When serving, _cut - in and a Pint.otwater. • • Cook hegatand •
,settare's 'in pan and take ne with flat water to clear syrup, thee lay hi the poor devil should .be condemned, even solidity; the laws of gravity in his But suppose a doctor, does agree to
beens, one-half cdp dried pees two lay on dishes to 'cool. When the veritte it prescriptioh in' Eeglish for
. • - • . • . .•
Vegetable Soup --One-helf cup lima Take'out the fruit wethu skimmer and' Struelc Jim as the climax of, seependede • his feet would not keep an tinedne'ated person?
horrors to which bell itself would be a down and he suffered from an almost The patient reads it, thinks he can.
teble400tis • barley, two tablesOons syri:ip‘,..has_ooked_thiclt return the puniehment. • irresiitible..temptation. to allow his
eieet teio tablespoons beown beans two fruit and simmer go- minute's moree
, But.lie saw -111- the -sot's determinn- legs to cellapse altogether, a termite-
,. • •
'Potatoes, IMO onions, one small ttur- Damsons are met up m the same way. tion his own. opportunity. Going up tion which arose from a growing con-
- nip, one carrot,etne cup'carined tome -
to the only Man in the place who was viction that they really had .nothing
tots,' eetteerpegef selt and pepper onel Household Ilinte. ' • sixes. . e
b Alled with straw'. With a has- still sober,he touched him on the whatever to do with him, euid.that he
Stalk celerY.. one ham, bone. Wash when wasiiin,et eetite woodwork put pitable wave of my hand I Pointed to :boulder. - .. . _
could move perfectly lerell by the mere
.ith houranelialf in eufficient cold wat. ' out delay: 'I Laid the helzhet end woman?" . ' • '. , hot sufficiently •drunk yet to yield to
barley' and rice and. soak for a little turpentine in the water: • die vecant bed. He :got into it 'With- • „"Bill, would You do° something for a exertion of will power. But he wan
. Salt (it tiny pinch) 'added to the
whites a egge. 'Makes. them " froeh
more. quicklye
-.--e-Salt thrown ontthe fixe -once a day.
prevail s the accumulation •of sect in
bone., eedseasoe with salt aed pepper. „the flues. . - . . . 'their former hate and fury had died
an it cooks down. 'Serve qeitn thielt
r Dingyovershoes • can be :made to .away, and now they said, 'You are
stir tremeeetl ,and add boiling wat
and also very:hot.. Cheap, .delici shine it wiped elf with a cloth wiling good. :You have given me these pee -
ant -oht Of ananonia.writer. • .. ' cious .relics of him who is no more:
-and -nourishing, - --; - '-- - .•-•-A--ri 'old- piano- 'stool will bii-found Da not be afraid. -Take °Tit* Muzzle.
. „. $&-iittePtd. Finnall--AWdie.:-tere-TwO. :very useful:eine theekitchen,:: as . it can 1,no longer hate yen!' .. t '
-Pounds finnan haddie, one tablespoon be adjusted to different heights. . ' "/ undid -it and OW him lionietWitt-,
each of ' butter "mid flour, ,four hard- -, Potatoes' Peelings 'should he dried In ter. The .veterinary saw to • his leg
• boiled eggs,-ene-half . teaspoon salt, the oven and. used for lighting. fires. and Put it hi splints. A little latex
ene-elehth teaspoon pepper, one table- Less woad Will be required. , 1 I brought him a large .bowl.of situp,
sPQOn , chopped chives, three-fourths A tag of sulphur hung up et the which Ine took 'with ranturs I _added
ellP Plant of diluted. evaporated milk,. bird cage keeps 'the' birds healthy, and some delicacies thitt had just come'
litrash fith, &evert with boiling water, also keepa Away parasites. •
' and sirflUio!! for fen minutes. Make' To Make an excellent dish -cloth
'eau& of butter, itoliew salt, pepper and take e piece of mosquito \ netting,
- Mith,:and -Add chives. ' Skirt and flake ;double it, and sew round the edges.
fiell. ' 'Dater baltieg dish, put in 14- Rub the flatirons ever:Waxed paper
ar 'Pf• fish,. then; of Sauce and ' one before setting them&they will
. ,away an
.ehopped. Ogg. Babeat until dish is -keep, bright and smooth. ' -
: fall,: sprinkle with bread Crumbs, wet Before cleaning copper kettles fill
: with' melted better, teed bake uhtil them with boiling water. ' Thesr ten :and some day I You
to .aslc pon :to
,broyvn on top, about twenty-five min -1 then be found to palish More quickly.
, be naturalized... • ou ,I. see . het, he:
• • • .
- 1 • A little vhseline applied to the hinges will 's,!° 'Yes"
A. - • - • " •
e Belied Salad Dressing.—Mix toge- of e door which creaks will, stop all . - . • .
ther one eeaspeOn gait, One teaspoon noise, . It is far. more satisfactory IS LAZIEST BIRD ALIVE. .
sugar, one level teaspoonniuntard, and,than oil. ' : - . • - - . •-- - = --- _ ,. '
idash of caytrine pepeer, Melt two! If the -hands ain thoroughly greased Site on a Limb and Waite until -Food
tablesPoens' butter, stir in two table- '7-Withevaselizie- before-usingt dyes it Will • Cern - .
sPeoue flour ' and seasonings: Add' prevent the stain neeetrating deeply . . •.
. . es to Him. - •
one-half cup vinegar and cpok •in • into the skin: ' . • L-azies s, be ili; Ile sleeps
t of bird
er to cover. Bring to boiling Point
eword beside him and passed my hand
gently over. his head ,and back. Be-
hold! He gratefully waggecrens. tail!
• "He raised Ine, eyes toward me; ell
The big man, Who' wee. still drowse this temptation. Ile still had some
°.(1d Vegetables cut in little pieces and ing, by • the stove started from his control over his . memory,. and. he re-
Ceokeelowly_..1intiletendatee.- About one,
apathy. . ' • membered that he had tried that game
"A weman. Thein ain't no woman beforee-and • had -been -found in -the
half. hour Ptelheus to servMg, add ham
from the station., " •
"Since that day we are one for life
and death. We are as inseparable as
the Siamese twins; he never. leaves
Me• for a. moment, ft.:Mowing me like
My shadow, *Wee I' go out at nueds,,
even on to the battlefield. _ •
• "I are going to .teach- him French,
bere. It's Only whiskey and hell."
"But 'there's Women elsewhere,
dewn: to ,the Risky Ranch, for instance.
Witt you. de something to help , one of
"Ahythith he said "rising.
"Then go up into ehat fellow's
them, , pointing to the doctor," "and
corral allthis outfit, instruments and
grip -sack, whate.verhe takes along
With lira when he gees visiting. No
one will notice you as you live here, Alwaysh doesit; but ,I'ni not 'fraid.,
• and if they do they are. too "drunk to
mind." .' ' -
"What &you Wantit for 'Pt
. • •
. "There's a woman: dying down to
the Risky,I and Pire get to get that lit-
tle hog and his •fixin's to setve her.
Yoti heard him 'say he Wouldn't come"
did, curse him; but he Won't be
any' good like that. • 'They never are
Who said Doctor Protheroe ' was
'fraid?" • • - , ,
Ile stopped, ewaying dangerously in
the middle of the dark street to think
.out that problem, but even hia mind.
could only move row as the knight
moves. It would .net go straight. _
"Doctor, Protheroe 'fraid?" .he re-
peater this taro or three times in' 'a
,anY good, When you want them," and. Sort of sing -song, and then, suddenly.:
he hank back into his .dreams: - ' "Dr. Protheroe," he said. "Doe -tor
Prother—oe, Thoinashte tendon -.• "Howon'tbe like that when 'I get
., .
him to the Risky. Will you doeit 1" Plglhnd. -
Net Ontario I None of
"A,11: right;: If itfq ea_ etemane, your bloomne • Canadian . 'bout me;
Docter. Proeheroe, Thomash's, London,
end. he slouched tato the part of the
house where its boarders' slept
114glanaand burst r°iInetBol)i5ieanea'll
Meanwhile Jim Combe Went_ Mit. to man,"
Secure. his Own horse and another, upon Peal of derisive laughter, in the
double boiler. until inixtare thiekeneteL When cleaning windows in cold all days' and instead ,of flying about
. The latter 'part of- the business was . .
Midst of which he ell flat unon his
. Reznove fromilreand cool.' MIX. two-, weather add a dessertspeenful of salt in seach of food, . e sits a n a
' • .thirds elm evaporated milk -with one-, tothewater. This prevents the limb and literally waits for the in,
- ' tined cup Water. Beat two egg yolks' glass from freezing and _cracking.. I sects to come and feed him. :He's
slightly, add to evaporated milk, and i When:pouring hot jelly or feint intol such a sound sleeper that you can
"I.eaak untiIthick. , Cool and stir' into glass jars set the jets Arst on, a damp, knock him off his perch with a club,
eftlakdress4 cloth. This goes a long way towards and he'll not wake up. • :He. inhabits
" '-''' ' ' 401ve time if pie, i venting their 'breaking. the islands of the Indian .0elian and
ing .will' itdeP' . • . .. _
cdot iilatei Cleeely covered . • nee faded artificial" floviers, Atietrialia, and he's 'called the fr?g-
e,ettee.,,,,,,,teh pie. One cue better cent be Made trreettedIresti -aridertew mouth.
. 1
seutt".--- brown— again if held °ye. r the steam'fro-ne -Ws about the size of the whip -
r sugar, lour eggs
pooriint-atti.14Ass his naMe from
horse,itealing -almost the worst of- *tan the • m10.. •
°fence in tattledom, but he had lied al -1 After lying there for a few Minutes
ready to -a friend, end was meditating chuokling still to hinaself, he 'rose epee
tti worse offence than, horse -stealing. his -hen& and .knees, reached' for hih
:When he had. tied the two horses hat, put it rakishly upon the 'back of
at .the 'back of the empty house. in hie head. and cetitietted his 'journey
which old'anan Haves -lay, he return- upon all, foes.
ed th the bar room. . . "Varicoshe veins," he muttered, . as
There be found his 'ally ' he went,: "Shtiatice, gout notin' to
two cups.•
„oHreetsr7 you got tire.'thinge?" do wir whieken: All rot. Cause-
-four tableePoenh &lour, one cup mine boiling kettle for a few mieutes.
eeeenteigethe cun • graziblated sugar, • To save tea, put a lump of sugar in, wide mouth; wliich-Ufsp.,..4erves as his , • e. abseurd attempt violatelawsh- of me-
graine-aralt,eeteceliall--tetten • , it
I • Then snealc out and einclethem on tut& e Man. dam fool; „Meant to walk
tightebehind the. sadnle of My horse; or four legsh, tries to walk on two.
. Trion ektract, fiakY pasety. Melt mg_ thee the spoonful usually nut in "for: food, lik other birds, he crawls along
tit., dda butter' and flour wended to../ the pet" can be dispensed with. • I the limb of a trees, opening his wide a big, itell 'mak tied UP behind the Poshiterior limbo over worked; pelh;
house where Hayes' body lies, and ful •shwelling folloWshit Of course,"
gether, •aild ellen milk. -Cook three loaves °Pithead of lettuce. fon the egg Mouth and snapping it stint, Retching
i Wait there for roe, Den% make any But, in spite .of the excellence Of his
mittUtee, rernetee from. heat, add egg heves of a head Of lettuce for the egg what flies arid gnats come within his . P
Tonqi,44.611ghtly, ., bootee, and 11.itittglaft. *hue the hearts ere kept eceleange. • .. . .• mistake; and don't opeek till I do,' •reasening hherits; obliged after a time
. ,
BM' took his orders:- ie silenee, and to conform to custoM, and finished his
Strain: if necessary and ceol. rill the teinate, /mit; and Other salads. At night' he's found ' &lobed, with
whilst' he slipped put at the back, Jim .fourney in a wild -burst upon two legs,
. individual shells Of fioty pastry: hak. . kit PtitatVeS are kept in a place his mate. on the toots. of hoesee, on
Combe went hp to the bar, and celled Which landed hire in • a heap at the
ea .over ;inverted . tins, -Cover with1 where -the light strikes them they will fences or stumps.. Only after the eon
for drinks for the crowd. , old's door. . . . . • -
meringue made from egg aehithe and turn greed. If they must be in, a goes down does he shove any incline-
. .
• '"Thought 'you 'wee going to take a ' • .The violeat•exereise did something
granulated uegare Beat whithe un- light place .cover them - with news-
-:_eretaitileeetiffeegraduallyeeathie,two-thirdee-PaPent. - 7: .7.1., ..,•••••-• -,-,.- -_...-.7,..,,,..,__,-,
'or etegar, and -continue beating until 'Oa'te All tne tissue Palier'tUnt comes
Meringue will hold its shape. Fold into the house. It is excellent for
on to move about. All day he site •
feet glued to the linib of -a-gam-tree dripic with the old =leen "t' tee to .conneerect the effects,- of the ehitt
-indifferent t5 arnt5iEl the -tiattarnwhOenfah noW ,heIl alep, airuporteetneei Awed }gain. hot.....nett
the call of the woods. 1 "So I wash, bet 1 can't get any fel- enough: lie Conld rememberthat the
low to go along." deer rage/led With .a latch; he cauld
"And you're too sCanedto go alone? even repeet to himself the necessary
thought • you ° Arere a scientific joker, iestructions. far Jilting the latch; but
who didn't believe in ghosts or snirits, fen the life" ..ef him 'he Ceeleriot find
tvEitvrania NEw
• FIVS114-PtIRE.
,our eater tit Wile ,
Aso At
or ;any of them things, you can't see or it. '.. . . . . .
seiik.a knife hitt)," ' . , • • • "te I, .. Sitting. ution. the ground .with his
• • "flon'iih knovi.whast I believe, and • I ' even ' &Irefully omi talking rapid,
elbe'sh 'linear What blaiiked leteiness •ly left, incelierentitt he explbred the
it , is of yours, 'anyway, .but I'M mit whole doer'. from the ' mud. to within
seared 'of • 'anything, Mishter ;the 'gee inches of the lock' half .a. dokert
Combe, if ;Yoe. are a toot 'tenet. than timeM
e, et •at late Concluding' that he
me.'"". • '. . ' . . . Tellat halt° reached theevrong side Of
Jim laughed aggravatingly. ' l'e the house, began to crawl . round it,
knew the man% peeuliariti a. . ',until uttorlrweary, he sank cleatialt.-
"Wher, Yeti're afraid trig $ now. I'll ',Wily info a peculiarly cold •puddle,
bet yew the next round- or rinks' thittifroth. whieh lowly station 'he 'beat him"
Yikt dere not ga alOne +o take, u,glataiterdlittently,npert title liehd pine -logs
wit); old • Ileyes," ••,' • • 1 of _tliem-vvall,tinptoringoliri,,
• The bet lusted suited, the humor of ,to "get' up, and let, a fellow
the crowd, besides the form of settle- Oast oblielen cathe to,him but not in,
ment touched their personat•'ho lcindly fashion to which he had, .
"We up td. you, etloc," they :Cried.; groin decuitomed.• There we's a dit,
"You're -the little Mart 10Win his nio- fleetly about,„ his breathing which •Itc
• , .
i • did not remembering to have uotleed.!
nay," .
To do the doetee justiee, he was Ili; on nrevietie oeetraions. It was 'quite;
eowartiolrunlcoor sober. . ;.natural that he ' rhoulti havd Willed ;
"Band Me the bottle, Ike," he mild, over On tile back, but hie heed was °
rallying in Ole Meet' extraordinary , relling about in ail :unequal Way, and
manner, and spealiing quite eoberly.! there seerned to be an obstruction in
"And one of. those glasses.. See you i front tit life month. 1. .. .
. ' ...
of isolation. 'There are not many-
' The largest teapot, in the world was families in Brusssels -who have not a'
made at, Shigaraki, 200 miles from • soldier at the front or a edugee in
Tokio,Japari. The teapot was 'made wills And, as Brussels is 'cut off
for eehibition in a Japanese tea house from the rest of the world, they heve t
at the San Francisco Ekposition. It- no news of their deal. ones.
measures three and one-quarter feet,: "And there hi -the harrowieg uncer,
in diameter' and without the ,handle !
; Utility of the future What will to-
le 'three andone-half 'feet high. When ' morrow. bring forth?
the wicker ' hendle is raised the tea- "The people of Brussels- still believe
liretreeetrittinph of the -allied , armies, .
but they are living in daily terror
pot is five and one-half feetehigh. •
, Silly Billies. • t
"What is your favorite tine,- old hLt, when *tory doecomim
e to be paid for by the Anal, des-
chap?"• tructiOn of theie beautiful and beloted
• "Fortune, dear, bey." -eity.",„ • . •
IIIKOOKA 0$105A10101/ ANA A A A A 1410071 Ig
A .
II 111
A -k. ' . \0\111 IlliM . • -iiii
)11( ,n'ttil '\,. - \oil SO ..:
It kek , -
r • TOur cares in•coMTort-..
. --iTtg-the-athes-andirafnw--- -
of the family from youth to old age, ate lessened
when you userthis old and truat-worthy remedy -
. .
JR , Mothers: "'keep a bottle in yotir'hOtne
Prke 25c, 60c and 111,00
Ilorse Sale Diseni er
It a kite
ett °or
It &1If "Ifh411:414 fr Ilttrsittexel,tplAtiA,
l'hitlt 1711,11:1
WItIL 1f 7611 eeea t 4
qik .!tuti
OS it Sastettotoinstati
• • ,