The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-05-04, Page 1Lisessrawsweserir•T*1.1, • s•-• ess, . sew ster • • .„s• . 7 • f "77777 s • ••••••-• •••,,,,,,41111004/01 -vas- • e•• • $1.00 Per year, i advancd;.$1.3$ otherwise , 4NOW, ONT, THPRSDAY, MAY 4th., 1916. se„st. bing.le Copies 3 vents • • • :TlielrlfALL*PAPER *.Sea;son is Now 'in Full Blast. We can:' supply you with anything ywteD. want from 7c.. roll -up to'Sloe; Good select-'. ions, nice patterns. A Bicytle POP. Sale--. Used one Week -At. 1.0 reduction in Price. • Wagons -Carts and Baby, earriages for the children. . - DR. SPENCE'S• .. Drug Store pring Stock .Just Arrived - Black and Blue Serges, Fancy Suitings and Pantings- • • -Sontething New, . Perfect Pit Guaranteed -TENIPLE- CLARK merchant- Tailor micig,.ANO„qoggAL, It willpay to read Mt.., . . of bafgains,:on page 8: •• . .1. Ws las, A, •Cientiwi, is' visiting with: • •fviend8 ir lOrnafr. • , , . • • `: Mr.leseph M.; Sin*. of 'BItievale,' is *isiting•Mr. and Mrs." Frank Irwin, of • -Will:COnnell is imam after completing his second term at the Medial College, Toronto. • • , , . Mrs„ J. Garnet Armstrong is visiting her mother, mother, Mrs. ...Matson; of Toronto„ this week. • • . Tuesday next, May 9th:,will be the anniverarry of the, sinking of the • . Miss J. M. Murray returned vo town this week frem Tlfaineeford; where she has been the past three months.' • BuGGIRS ! ECOGIZSI-Six- d ffe r en t Makes Of Buggies from the leading inan afecturers for sale at W. Allin's. Miss Kidney, of Siracee„ and Miss MacDonald, of Ripley, were • root • miters With' Mrs Dr Tennant.• •. . . Pte. W; J. and, Mrs. Mountain and son,• Willie, of: Griderich, spent the week' end.with Mr. • end • Mrs. Win.. Smith.. .• • *Mr. .-Jemee Hyde .tif St. Helena,- kft on Tuesday for Xew.piiitario 4here he will serve as fire ranger ':during the Buthmer. Tie. locallodge of Odd fellows to • the nitinber of 75 attended service .it the Methodist ehnichhist Sunda* punning. . •,,. • Mrs.. S. Rethivell and Master • 'Gerald • returned on .MondaY,froin a ten-day Visit ••with friends in Varna and ..C4oderich • TOwinahip. • • • • - • ' • • ' - FREE BROS. Studio; Lucknow. -- • Open JVIOnday,TueSday • and Wednesd4- of -tHcacb week. • 7.441i Kings bridge • The editor of the -Kincardine •Reporter isofferitag a reward of t25 00 fol evidence leading to the conyiction 'of the person •who.poisened Ins dog: . Few �f us will ever sit at the -eye- • • --Monday, May 1. DRAMATIC SVCcESS.-:--The 1C D. O. • scored another big success here on the • evening of April 24, when they present.,. • ed their drama, "The Frbien Trail", in. • the Kingsbridge parish;nall. The drama was eqUally as strong \ as the previous . production, and in • the estimation of many of the.andience, was better played The instrumintal ',music and fatitievitio which *aii prepared under the instrue: tion of the Club's efficient' musical direc- • tor and vaudeville accompanist, Mrs. Jas. Garvey, was unquestionably great, and was one of the -strongest faCtors in Mak- • ing the entertainment a rearing success The vocal artists were: Misses Hattie Young and Eiizabeth McCarthy, Mesiire • Joseph Griffin; Horace ffearn•and Henry • - P. Regan, and it would be impossible to •• say which was the best. The orchestra, ' consisting el Jerry Connor, Will Hogan, •'Will .Lannan and GOP. McCarthy,. de- • lighted the audience with several melon- ; did violin selections, while we must not omit to add that the kind order and at- . tendon of the audience delighted the trOupe and made playing a pleasure. The step -dancing of Messrs.,Jas. Sinnett and Walter Dalton *as very good; while • thearienner.in which the funny Indian eealpsd himself -certainly brought, down • the house: The Club hopes to put on. .another piny in about a month. Here's hiring that -it will be as successful as • , 1 • .1•••••••......1111.001monl Interesting Court Case piece of a great telescope, but :all • of is may. virtually thi 's9 at tae .Yresbytenan. church next Monday .evening. • - Don't'fail toseethe Teeswater Dram- atic Society present the famous drama,: "East Lynne", to morrow(Friday) even- •ing in the Town Hall, Lucknow.• In spite.of rain, almost tIn•creghout the day, many local apostles of Lime Walton,. were after the iimb1e trouton May lst. few' good catches are uported, •-•• \. • The name McLaughlin On your motor car' is 'a guarantee Oi qua' ity. None has this name only the McLaughlin . six cylipiler valve -in -head -motor made by M.cLaughlin. . Agent, W AIIm. - •• The epportuoity.of viewing the. won- ders of God's great workroom, wind) will be afforded by "A Night in •the Skies", is too good to miss. • Another such chance will preleably. never,• come agate.:• ,• ' • The autograph quilt for thep ist week • on -display in Davison's furniture stoke is the work Of. Miss Lavine Carrick, daughter of Sergt.-Major Carrick, We understand the quilt willies. turned over to the local Red Cross workers. The Ripley, Emptese' says: Reg. Bar- rett, harness 'maker, has leased thestore now occuined by i•Viiss Armstrong, milli's-- er, -from MM. R. Thompson, and will take possession on ;Tune • 1st. • Mr. Barrett occupy the apartments .above as a residence, which will be- convenient to his placeof bimineas. • Do you think 'of buying a washing machinesthis: spring? • If so, before pin- chaiing, give the 1900 Gravity Washer a 30 -day free trill:4. 0. -S, Robertson, Lneknow.• 4.5-c W. M. McDonald, Son of William Mc. Donald, M.P.P. for North Bruce, has been granted his fOurth • year in honor science on standing:003 'the 1915' 1916 term.. He leaves in the conise Of a few weeks with the Divisional Signallers, of the University Corps to train at 'Ottawa. for overseas sertice. • OPERA PLANNINO BANQUET FOR LULKN,OW SOLDIERS . Following the Villege'Councilanciatieg Tuesday evening a meeting of theonern-4 .bers'of the Patriotic League Was heli! to disOss,plarissof recognizing in some' fit way the.departure of the soldiers who have been trainihg herge;the pop few months.. ,, • • •• . 'Uncertainty as to when the Men would• be leaving and the fact that so many of thew have gone to work on farms, inede it difficult to arrange for a timely and suitable send-off. The general plan fixed on Tuesday evening was to wait until the men are again all in khaki and with the battalion at Walkerton. As soon as possible after that, arrangements will be made tohave the %simile Lucknotsedetachneent together with the splendid battalion band -40 strong -brought • to Lucknow. Field sports, military drilla and hand Music will inake up a program for the afternoon and the soldiers will be treated 10 banquet in the evening. Of comae, much depends upon what , cun be done, The movement of soldiers is uncertain and always on short notice. A committee %as appointed 'Tueiday evening to ascertain how far this plan can he carried out This committee will report at a in,eeting of the Patriotic Leagus to be called by the, •chairrnao when the neCessary information. ,is ebs tabled. , • An'interesting case was argued before Judge Klein at the County Court, Walk- erton, recently, when Mrs. Mary A. •wife -of -a Kincardine beet and shoe merchant, imu,ght to reeover pay- aiientof V.,20,onAlpromissorynate,made lalier.favor„bylirs. Leslie,._ef 'Ungar- dineoseveralsears ago. It seems that in April, 1915. Mrs. Loll° deeded over all her property, Consisting of some three houses lb Kincardine, to R. Meredith Unnt.3r, eldest son of Mrs. (Reeve) Win. Minter, the latter of whom was an adopted • daughter of -Mee, Ladle. In doing so she reserved the right to live in one of the houses, and also 'stipulated that she was to receive $3 it month, and Hunter to keep.all her taxes, etc., paid. Mrs. Gledhill, who advanced -her a loan and held her note, got judgment in the Kinoriline Division Court far $120, and then brought action in the County Court at Walkerton hist week to have . the deeding over to Hunter of her property Set aside On the ground that it VMS done for the purpose of defrauding her cred- itors. 1Che court, aft& hearing a Multi- tude Of evidence on both sides, held that there hadibeen no intent to defraud, but VeVerthelesa set aside the deed On the ground of there ininifficient con- sideration. This means that Mit. Glewd. hill Will he able to ,recover the fail land of her not, together With in. 04t Mid all 60110 (10atles..4341001,11114 • • His lease of the room in e •in Bleck haiing -expired, and being unable to secure other suitable acceniodatinn for the mbving :picture show, Mr. Sin - Oak 'bad the whole equipment shipped to Brussels on ;Saturday. Should he succeed in getting it suitable room be nifty again open up in Lueknow, but for the present the village innSt sget-along .without the ..TOvies.• • • intending purcinisers of cars woniri -CorieuTt.their owe- ihteents---by-lookIng over the McLaughlin six cylinder valve. in -head -motor: Power all the time. Comparison will 'convitice. Por sale by W. iiIin. • The Walkerton hotelmen have entered ihto AU agreement With the military authorities not to sell anythidg' Stronger than lager, beer between the hours • of 5 and 8 p. m. while the Rruce 13,ittalion is in the town: These are the hours during ' which intoxicating drinks of any kind may be sold over the bar to soldiers. So the arrangement means that Whiskey will not -be sold to the soldiers at all by dila Walkerton hotelnicn.: • What a treat to lift the eyes for a time froin this war-torn, distracted earth • to behold the serene wonders -of the mighty heavens! Think of a planet', 100 tiines .larger than the earth, floating placidly un its orbit,think of solar fires 400,000 nines high,; think of 'the thillione of heavenly bodies ' floating in unguessed depths of epade, and kV With the psalmist "When 1 eensidet thy heaventi. What Is Man that OM art minUftt of Muir Appreciation • ' . , - . . . .Mr.- and Mrs...Robert Fisher wish -to. thank Sergt.-Major-Cariick and men of the LiteknOw De•taehtnent 1:60th. Bruce Battalion, for the beautiful teble,present- id by:them: :It is gratefully appreciat- ed- .. ' • . • • . Mr. Wilfred Anderson is home. from Toronto Univ,ersitY. '• ' rs'Atiton• -visited her- --son at Gravenhurst this. week. , • •Mr. Lloyd Speck, of Toronto, visited with friends here last _week. " r: J-Milealey- clot left:on_Saturrlayir wasswstiddeny andnee-x-pectedly ooa .10 .__ • - 0 scalled from our ms to be taken tiidst week. The scheme •ips the " re- shoIf t on a busiriess trip to Tennesseeuld. . s s: whl. .cer a n y_ oo s g - . move' in the matter Withont . ' 'delay.. • Miss Wallace, of..Torento, is epending instruction:given in the topic 'Ile Lbe al- ea-. a f eW Weeks 'with•Mrs...Dr. Spence. sons of Immortality"' befitted the occa. :Possibly, the Bruce War 'Auxiliary which sion On this subjeet. Mrs., McCarron., is composed,of li-ve citiiens, representing Have.you secured. your seat.. for-•th • • ' . • , M . Decker and Mies Dally Henderson e 7is .Seery weraicipality in • the Conoiy, could enterteinnient to-morrew evemngi • - •th -b - t.- &ant ' Mr, and Km: W. -T.-ROIWes," Wiarton, • . • s ent -Sunday with blends .in.tent. .' . 5E„ WCKNOW., . . '\CHURCII NEWSr', 'FORAltRUCE; COUNTY suggesti looking forward with Much interest to: , . ' REUNION IN 1917 .., , Licimov_i_ Prefkiiykroll Asigregagon la .. . - . . ,•the anniversrayeervie,es to be -held' on • jedge, Klein Made s. bn in,. the. Sunday ancl Monday next. • The coming Course Of a speech at a big" patriotic iner'S Church, Toronto, and • Rev.' Dr. e.ommend itself Elgin, the'. whichfieepe tolfheBatithiclYe of Rev: J. W. Woodside, 11/f. A.,. ef Chat- meeting at PortginW 1 • u • • - Marsh,C. A.S,,,of Holstein, IS eufficient. c unusual eloquence of preaching. IS: minty,' The pith of the Judge's proposal to ensu a,nd,an astrondinical tresit of eurpassing The year 1917 Will be the 59th ,Apni- leterest, ;Doubtless large numbers .will versary of Bruee,ae a•Countys. - . even themselves ,of the - opportunity of The year 1917 wiii be -the 50th Annis„ hearing these men, and the chdrelishould versary of Confederation. 13: packed at all the services. ' Liberal • The year 1917 will in all likelihood offerings Will be asked at the serviees, see the conclusion of the Great War and and the proceeds will be devoted to the the return of our' soldiers. reducti ni of the manse.debt. Why not then have a memorable ,re - E *ht, the . union and celebration of the sons and TinLEAGUE -OnMonday nig daughters of Bruce in that memorable first evening of the new league year, the year? • . Meeting wesin the hand's ef the Otaist- - . ian Endeavor Committee, and Mrs. R. - It is &well.known fact that Bruce Old Johnston, being the convenor of the Boys are scattered from "the rivers unto conimittee, prepared the program. The the ends of the earth"!. The majority of scripture lesson was reau ny our Oen-suchthem Would be glad to come home for an occasion. It Would be dent, Mr. E.• Millson. A duet was given the event. of a life time! • • • , . - • by Misses Laverne Greer and .Peart Ir• win. Miss Letitia Joynt read a splendid The Judge suggested that • an Old paper on Consecfation. The.. topic. for Boys' Reunion might extend over two weeks in July or August. A two days' the evening was "Personal Purity" and a address was given by Alio celebration might be held at at each of the very excellent a Ada Webster. Miss Wa'llac.?, of Torontb, leading centres of the County, such as: also rare a vety interesting and hopful .0liesieY, 'Port Elgin, Kincardine, Wiar- 'subject. -It being ion, Lucknow, Walkerton .and possibly talk bearing on the ther towns. 'Cliriiitia it Endeavor 'night the roll' call e . . responded to by .a verse ot scripture The hist tlrfie OM was a Bruce Old was bearing parity and a naiiiher of gent- ROys Rennion it was entirely' a Walker .ence•prayers were offled. ,. The Leaguli ten affair. That was back in 1900: - It. next week will meet Tueiday night and Was a. great success. . Our boys came the program iS ,in the hands of . the Miss from all parts Of the North • American sionary comnifftee, the fPUbjeet. being, Continent and beyond. When they. got "Canada's First' Inhabitants and .Wha,t Viten() the scenes of their boyhood days ; many of them stayed all Summer. Mr.. They Are Doing for Their 'Descendants,' t' -be taken by Mrs. ' Ostrander and Mir ;Arthur Colima, who Was secretary of the Eivart Taylor .. , , affair, twiays that many • of them. did ',not • .want to go horn° at all. At any rate it •sHE Hito:=1:1. hrlfetidayeVeriing th--1--wite "-de" ou'ecesS• 13 1-It'4.-w-a$14-96e-- members of the Devotional Committee tenth part of the Success .that a Bruce presented 'encipher of thosa • pregrems Old Boys Rennion•with the whole County , which' have given thein their sback of the sehente Would be. It would repetatiou.' as .Guil-d-ivorkera..- Mplendid be Tit ee t----zeanoeceaion on which no.scia of Bruce in•g•was lengthy, and a good variety sof in all Christendom would care to be ab-. -talent added 'greatly to its success, al- B1.it • . ' .; • - • • thbugh in a degree it was- saddened -by What de the Other teeing and: town- • the loss of an earnest and willin,g workei,.: ships of-Brtice think ef the seggestiori?. all read -good. papers. Another •feattre the program-. arne--the -reading:- of -a- -ages- 8404' .641-4116t1.011---Vall •• letter froin Pte. Sydney, Towle . by Mr: County. Council..7:Walkerton Telescope.. W.' L. MacKeezie, which gave us some. • .. ,iclea.of what life is .like in the war zone • of Europe. Other numbers were: solos' by Mrs..J..G Anderson and Mrs, Decker,. chorus by a'nnetber of girls; readings by Miss. Belle - Howe and M iss Dorothy Douglas, , scripture lesson by -Mies Euplietnia Irving, and a few remarks by. BeV. Mr. Dunean, rievi:of theanni- eersary entertainment next • Mada.y evening thie•Guild has withdrawn their • meeting, but .on the Monday evening.. 9f the, week following•Guild • will be' held Miss S. Mallough, of Goderich, visited her sister in town a few days this week. Miss Irene•Holtnes has been sending the last few weeks with friends in Lon- don. + •• Mr: Richard Webster, who returned a few weeks ago from London, is improes ing nibely. • • Mr. and Mrs. Will McCoy and ehitcls • ren, of Winghain, •visited Ine niother, here on Sunday. , Mrs. Ashley Blair Was called tp Owen. as usual. . ' • ••- • Sound filet week on account It f tb e uII • .riess of her daughter, Viola Bernice Who was attending school there, • H.er. cn- ;dition is still verrserious.. • • Presnitation to Soldier, . Another pleasant social event at whiCh. •the enlistment of a young Man was;re: Soldiers to Walkerton cognized by his 'friends, took piece at the The Lucknow' 'Detachinent.Of . the Bruce Battalion leave this morning for Walkerton, where it is eXpected they. will spend a month in •battalion During ,their stay•liere they „have proved themselves a civil, lair -abiding lot of• men, and they take: With; them . te, the scenes of larger activities the best vvishcs of all•the people of Lucknow. • • Lumnow Public School Report Room Testi in 'all -subjects, The following , pupils are recommended • for , jr. H. Entrance; II. Treleaien, 84%;,V. Healey, 84; T. Smith, 82; C -Douglas, 79; *B. MatLAkod, 75; ' •wale, I •• I - MaeDfinald, '68; F. macOrpgpr, 66. • • (*) Failed in History; but reconuriend: ed on general proficiency, • IRENE G. SHERRIFV, Teacher. . . : . Took Paralytic Stroke of Tlioinaelrwin, just west of town; on. Friday evening of last week.,.... About. one hundred friends Werein for the •eVen- ing and had a. most enjoyable 'time with Music, gongs and games. . •• Variety -Was given to -the, ereeieg's -,-program when. the 'gathering .was Called • to order by Mr. •Wm:. Hunt.7, who very: ably acting as chairman, ..expleined . that there was. 'something of:e.eisecial nature to be done, to,Pte. St. glair Irivin. • Mr, -EldoWffendersoo then read the follow-- log addrese, Mr. Geo. •Gibson 'making the presentatien: • • • . •• • ' • To Pte.' St. Clair :- • • .. •'Dear Clair :-We have Met here this eitiliffirt(rgilMtre'yotttif _our Interest -in- • You and in the noble steed you :,have tiken. in ,giving ..yont. serviee...to your God, yeur'King and.Cotintry. It shove 'sr -to -never ' et the -old- •-fla .We cannot but adinire yew great courage to join the rankS, - where, hard twilling is called for; we are proud of 'you as a ybung man to'sli•crw yeti are willing•to Stand up for the defence:Of" liberty and jaatice, and in.:Smile tangible Appreciated (letin on. Time Gat to the Lynne entertainment, to-inerrow evening on time -that is be- fore 615 o'clock go that, the program will ,not be delayed ,waicing for you. It Is. the crowd,- net those in charge, that usually is the cause of a late start, There isoo use in starting • while the ushers are still busy. If the crowd is in the program will commence on time• •th- .thorroyv evening. Do your part. , Another Donation to • Red (dross Funds Again it becomes the pleasant duty of the Treasurer' of the Women's Conunit tee of tbe Patriotic League, to acknow ledge the receipt of a donation to the u fede.__ Thit. time it is a cheque for $2980 which oines from the Treasurer of -the Boys' Bible °lass of the Presby- terian Church. This money is the pre- ceeds of the debate neld in the Carnegie Hall a few weeks' ago between three young men- front St. Helens and three from •Lucknow. While the debate was arranged for by those Whp took part in it„the boys of the Bible Class arranged for the prograni and attended to other details, ushering, receipts, ete:, and the money received has now been Molded over to the Ladiesof the Committee; by . whom it is greatly appreciated, and who wish to thank those by whose efforts it was' Spcured. When Letter 1o Blur- -, - There comes a time when letters • blura n. d type seems to gather and.,read- ing become§ difficult. This is nature's.. way Of, telling you. to get glasses. Not just any glasses, but glasses made to order for yourown • eyes, the kind in fact that we are having made every .dav. Our ex- aminations are thorough, scientific • and free of charge, • • SEE US AND SEE BET'MR r1C5Z9-#. T. ARMSTRONG I Jeweler and Optician Phone 92 Canadian Fatriotic Fund .• Wives and dependents of enlisted 8,01- diers in need of assistance should make .application to the' Reeve of their muni- cipality or to the local Secretary of the Canadian Patriotic Fund from whom full -,incOreititiob be olitatilWAll-Reevis: are Members of the ()Minty of Bruce sociation of the CanadianTattiotic Fund. • H. M. Lair, Sec'y.-Treas. A Popular Troupe VOCAL I • ... -reacher Of -Singptg, Vcfice nod Tone Production. Pupils prepared for .examinations. , ''.j. 0.. it Pi0 t Rs0N • The Teegwitter DraratitieSoeiety whidts . . . .is to. present "East Lynne" - in the Town Hall here to-irwitrow (Friday) ei-irrig. has: been iniited, to,iplay at Orange Ville, Kiecerdiee, Wroxeter and Gerrie. This .saggests the popukrity of the troupe, and the treat which is • in store for those for- tunate enough. to get seats • .•..The charge here is reasonable -45c. 7reseryed, Seati and 25e' generaladinission: . -• u Store. • plan of a a, tst ron g s Dr• g • EVERYBODY'S COLUMN • MAID WANTED at once, high wages paid. Apply_to_Boxiel,LUeltnOw.9nt. WANTE1L-Mon or boys for finishing Mona . to sand. stain and fill. No, 'experience necessary. Apply at office. • • . " Loom -Row TSBLE Co: \ • • APARTMENT 'TO' Rootris and Bath'. • Over Wilier store in Murtay's Bleck.• Ap- •`' . L. 'ply to Marie Murtoy, MONSY TO LOAN. -On atorigirgWatte'weiteli • at reasonable rates. Firelnsurauce. both • Stock and , • GEO. A. SIDDALL., Broker. Lucknow" • 1 ROOM' FOR RE,•17.-Suitablo. for Office Or,. . • dress-Moldng.. Also a good house to rent. • 6 4-t40. • • Apply at Joytit's Office. • . • . . HOUSE FOR RENT, oh.Havaloek St • Luek- . ' now,--haltacre laurt, ceavenient tirschoO1 • and church. 'Possession at once. Apply to • • -"Mrs: Martin, Oen, 4 lauloss, or -address, \,\Box 187. Lueltnow. , ' • . 9044 f. • .A letter; ccnsiderably delayed in trans- it, has been received tdom trooper. Alex. HendersOn of the Strathcona Horse. France, by one of the Wom • n of: the Pat- riotic Comniittee, in wbich he acknow-: :ledge with grateful thanke, receipt Of the box of :good things; sent, him at Ch t• He also acknowledges re- , ceipt of the tobacco, and wishes to thank very heartily all of those at hare whose kind though,tfor the boys at the front, provided such acceptable comforts. . , --;Tuesday, May 2. . .;• • ••Women's Institute Notes . Sewing every' Tuesday afternoon in the Coencil.Chamber fer the Rea Cross 'Work,: ander the au.spiees of the.Women'a 1.11-T8thitealtennual meeting ler .the„. election, of ;Officers for .thWomeri's'InstitutewrIl be held. held. ie the nom Chentbereh Fri.. .day, May 12th, at ;2:30 o'cloek.__ 1011 cell is to .be answbred, by paying fee for. • coining year. Music, etc. Refreshments • . . Second hct anclothing of any kind, .in • good repair, for the Pelsiati and French f b thankfull received by the C. Dore has sold out his. pump busi- ness to Robert, McCorrhick, of Bervie. George liodgkinson, of Riveredale, visited at Jam.es Hodtskinson's on Sim- - -day. '• - • • -• Mrs. William MeLean and Mrs. Herb. ;Graben) visited Mrs. Nicholson, Of Ser.'. vie, on Friday. "Mr. and Mrs. ,F, .Hodgkiesen are Visiting _friends around Langside and •Whiteclaurch thii•week. , • Mr. arid R.• F. Hodgkin:46a and Mrs L Pitmen' visited at Rolsert. toe's at Hplyroted on Frichty. • A•nutriber front' our burg atteeded the :nomination a,t Holyrocid If riday. -John Colwell Was elected councillor for the remainder of theyear. The right, inan • in the right place. • Mr I). Murchison, an 'old resident of 'Partiniourid---1cTrititoirayears-tenvell- --known figure on the :treets otLucknow,.. suffered a.stroke of paralysis on Satur- day otlast.week. He was in the stable milking.at the time, and failing to return to the house Seardli was Made for him. • His condition is quite serious, the right .side and liinbs being completely paralys- ed, lie is also speechless. PLANVO "VVEAK SEED:CORN ° • Although seecl corn has tested fairly well at, the Ottawa Laboratory, corn growers whose seed has not been -tested would do well to take special care this season that their seed is' of arcing vitality. Owipg'to unfavorable. ripening and her - vest weather tionie.of keit y'ear's seed,eorn crop may be low in both percentage and vigor of germination. This seed should not be planted until the Oil' is warm and the Weather at its best to, entourage •the growth et the young corn plant. The rate of seeding snay be increased, but tie amount of fairly weal; seed is -likely to give a good stand �f planta Unless the conditione of gtowth ate. most favotable 111111 •• • • 1 1g • I 1• A Our old neighbor, with us again, but are very sorryta have him feturned to es front the county hospital without having anything done for the cancer from which • he is, suffering.. -He hes, the sympathy' of a large•circle of friends. _ e e y Women's Instttute itt the Council Cham- ber Ain. Tuesday, May nth, br Friday, May 12th. . About the $LSO Rate • . . 'With sorrie:there is a, misunderstand - about the . coming. inc ceaSe . of ..price. lor.weeklynewapapers. THE' SE*TIN•pt, .announces the new rate of $1.50 to go; into effeCt on''Jelv lat. ,This does not mean' that those whehav .paid .for the present year. will have anything inere.to pa,Y. for the.period from..luly•ist, to Dec. alsts The new rate.appliee bnly tariew liabseribeis coming on af arid thalLrenewils paid lifter, that date, A- • ,•nnuitier havenotyetpaid fer.4919,'.and„ these.can.saVe 60a- ,b3i• paying before _1st. . • •••• • way, wish to show our apprdval of your . . action and .therefore ask yon, to -heretit, . Kintail •.this .wAs't avereh as a eliglir •••••••••••:...:',• stekeirofseursrearet-feesyouticly-the , • etsdaissMsty71.,.--a word of God. t be alight Unto s . • • • - - -Your•Sek;'---icagrritte-thriteghs--the----dask • places of this world. We trust as- you. look 'on. tlre face - ef this , watch, ;end- as the hours pass by, your portion May be health, supecos••ited •sanse• ot divine protection,. arid <whea-the.sword shall be sheathed yoa may 1.e spared to return to your. home... Our prayers 'follow you for.yoin"'safe. return. • Signed on -behalf of 'flip neighbors„, • . ()tows GIBSON. Etnem Hmrimaso's . , Military Day at Walkerton . Grand Military Demonstration at Wal- kerton on Wednesday, May 24: Physical Pills, Bayonet Exercises, Signallers; Battalion Dtill, •Exhibition by Machine GUtiii, il./111b ThroWing, Trench Warfare,. Rugle and Brass -Bands, Proceeds. de - .voted Piirchasing moss tents for the 100th Battalion., Last chance Ursa thli soldier boys befhre they (co . London Snead ,trains from all points in the connty being arranged for. Watch for Alise_Isabelle Taylor is _home from. Ohmage.• . . • Miss &Mice Drennan.is ill at present with adages, • , :• • Mt; Geobge CollinsonavaS tOndon . Visitor last week, • - • . . Miss Ethel Austin spent,a few days in Goderieli last .week. . ' Ted Griffin, who was home for a few days, has returned again to Detroit. ' • Clifton Austin sold,' his 'driver •for which he received handsionm Oleo. ''Miss Lorena Bowler,. ,Nif Goderloh, visited: friendi this vicinitilist week. •Miss H. Griffin left today' to Visit her Siste'rs•Mrs. Ronald Melcinnon, of ' !..7 MI Ulk1. For Sale- , F9R BAIA: OR RENT.•--GOod dwelltng eight • rooms. two lots and good Stabler on Rose Street. Lackner'', Apply to Bc1-: Jarvis, 11- Micknow.. • 4-6-p. • • Seed Oats:. .••••• IncreasO prodUction,by sowing 'O. -A; 0, No: • 72 OatS. l'his variety has Stiff .straw, thin ' • hollsvand has yield:et:ran' average of 10 bushels More per acre than. any other varlety.-in a 9 years. test at Guelph: Don't. wait.' Ray Pribe.75 cents per 'bushel. L Asomov, R kt. .No.Lucknow. - . ' ••23•344.„ . . • • Notice to Creditors . NOTICE IS HEREBY •GIVEN. • _puranant 10-• •Section 56, Chap. 121 of the Revised -Statures of : • Cnitart0. that aipersufily having claims ogaitiSt the Estate of Vatrick .13,..etiney, deceased. who • (lie& on or about the -1'wentyrspeond- day of • . • July; A. D. 1.913,at lho Township of liliriloss in• ' the C.lohnty of linice."are required to send,TiNf. . post, prepaid. Or to deliver to R., Vatistone: • • '' WinghatujOntario, Solicitor for the Executors,- • on or before.the •Fifteeoth'daY of May, A. „D. .1016, their names andoddrc.sseg, with,.full 1.a.tc ticulars of their clainis in Writing. and' th.e..: . nature of the securities tit' anyi hold- by, them. Atrity verified by a statutory deelp,ratiim.• • . • • AND FURTHEIt•TARK NOTICE that after • • tb:IicElttt.d.l70r:,•:S'19"-' of thosaid, estatewin ou distributbdh• T'e Ee:ttots.a;:thepatiee1411ledrto 'having regard only to the claims of.v,hich they,. • shall then hare notiee, and tile estate will not% -be liable forony claim dot tildti at the time Of this* iift.eenilL daY•• of Wingham Py0.,, • . -r141.1•11.1)0:1.7seinlite.: A. oiDstlriis%.)1111,‘6.11.:itgi.io;i01!Toni• lieitor for the•Execators. . • • . . St. Went Owing to the illness of Mr. D. A. lifaeDonald, Winghain; the auct- ion sale •of Cows advertiszd -fO'r Sat. May 6tha,at the Cain Heine, Lucknow, has been postpone:Lint- -111.May 2,th. . . Mrs. Neil McDonald spent the week - diktat the home of James Montgemery, Ripley', • Mike Dalton, .who iment Ale winter with his sons in Porcupine, returned oti SatUrday. Albin Gain &raved home front De- troit On Monday. U� intends tipen4ing aeed tra,A0 Ottawa .1.arfle tostete, ,a tow Moo t t el too lett t In Civilized America FT' trading wive d cia though they were live' stock, two Pennsylvania farmers are in jail •fiSeing Serionli charges. They liked *each otlier'swives and agreed: to 'trade. There were. twe children in One .fanillY and none in the other, c•LTader the new 'arrangement onohild was to go • with each,fanuly. 'The WiVes did net • object. . and i all might have gone well f the pollee had not interfered 'and. arrestedthem*all. Soinething hi. This , -Tuesday, May L • • visiting friends in Wingham, Miss alaggie Gullies, of Whiteehnieli, spent Sunday at jamas Turdon s, • Elliott' killer eoinienced 'spraying. at John Joynts en Friday o1. last week. • Miss Latira gu. i"rie, of near'Winghtini; • ,spent. the .week -end , with Miss Chris.' 5141iller. isirMary-LittI;(:ettirjr.4ter.... grim. 'ton on .Frido,y last to teatime hers.,,durtjes,.,,.......„.; • • '. • • Miss ,Atable McDonald, of Wingham,- spent Sioulay at the home of her Uncle, •Mt Thos. Todd.: •• • . Alias Cassie MacDonald our new teather, ceininenced bet duties here Nlooday Morning. ° . . , We understand that there is to be reerniting eiestiog ln St- Helena -oh ThAri:scl.‘avynisi.v. Neinci.Q111,11u sVent:.te I/Mtge....li- nen on Tuesday to attend a. Meeting of . the Directers of the W. W. Fire Inoue. ' •Alice Co. • 1 'The astounding .praces that gasoline has reaelied are beginning to alarm *the users of it, many, of whom were under the impression that the . war was the cause of the increase. The LOS Angeles Record has stlidied the matter and says increased tonsiimptien is not the cause of the increased price, but that every time the „price of gasoline is raised ira 4$:tea dividend is handed over to the few WhO 'Ave the mower IA the otl wag, • THE BREAKPAST,POODS A uceitt bulletin isSteed by the Inland Revenue Department, 0 ttaWA, deals with • :113 samplesvof the new-fangled breakfaat, , foods, • It'AliOWS thaf,,,,Witliod any in- crease in inittitir vaine,, one .dolla,0 . -werth •of wheat in the bie,akfast- fOod , (min costs $0,'and corn even man ore ths' that: .0rdinarynat meal, at the regular price, has it higher feed value" than of t,ho IMO treed fadek • , t. .1,•••w