The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-04-13, Page 1.1 • , inettees, $Q.pr year; in advance; fPx.c5 ethyl -wise LUCTrEHOW; HURSDAYI APRIL 14th., Z9I6 4. ,. • te LOCAL AND GENERAL, • .Mfks Baby Merkle, of Mount Foreet wife a guest at the Manse this leek. Suits pressed andcleaned promptly and well, Temple Claris, Merchant, Tailor. , Mr, EdwinV.Tatson,'of Chicago, spent cpUple. of den last wk '11,t M r, Devid 1,11:14stea's •Woelt•ed,the Ferd garage at Ma. Ore tranderctstispended aurieg the winter; monthe, is again uecier •wee. • Pree Eros, photographer, hese!, open- , • ed a soudid in Teeswater. Free is there 040 TIntrsdaY The Luckpoer detaclunent•of' soldiers weriami a ti amp to Whiteehurch yoster. , eay, the' mast ambitious route march yet underte.ken.• • •„ , • - Thotnari errived here froin the West t.n Thursdayandien Tuestlaimoris- ing started On the return trip tilting a • carload of horses' with hini. •• • Miss Libbie Lyons' was the lucky' • holder of the ticket which drew •the •qiallt recently donated to -be raffled in •the intereete oftlie Red 'Cross. The quilt • realized abeirt--$35.00 for the fund. .0AILD DP Trifteuss.-Mr. J, H. Coutt- aed family :wish te express sincerest thanks to the friends -and nmghbors.whe were so helpfulto them at the time of the illness and death of Mrs. Coartney. Fornaldehyde has a arieed and parties requiring sic:not:latex daetlity::•yofece innaedxet door to R. Graham's More. -.-%V. MC" • , • • Dr. Spenee •hibi received werd that •"Thetaltic',' the steatner on whtch his • 8014 Lieut. C. SPerice,' sailed •for Eng- land, arrived safely in pert. - She was • convoyed by iqapanese cruiser through the danger zone. . • Miss Frinces Siddall, who so success- fully peesed •her final examination. in _piano under the inatrdetion of 'Mrs, 9. R. S.nith; Vita. Bac., left Tueaday morn, ing for •rorcinta where she will give her • graduation Recital in the Concert Hall of the College of•afusie. . Mr. A. Millson 'sold his- good trotter "Daisy La Fortnne" to R. McLaren, of Hensel', 'Ms mare demanded a good ' 'figure, as she was a show mare its -well asa fast trotter, heeled taken 2n4 in __..the_2_50.etroteetnifelst-forseroadster4n• e London last fall, also 1st 'and 2nd In Toronto. He also sold _Birdie Mack. The priceis private, but i aid to be the four figures. _ , • *04 Forma* • 40 % Formaldehyde Gas.. 000, wpoti will treat 40 bushels of Oats or Barley, so that, there be n� stmt. GET R. SPEPICES._- -DruA Store Spring Stock Just Arrived Black and Blue SergeS, Filmy -S•uitings and Pantings---' •• sometiang New, Perfect Pit Guaranteed .TRMPLE CLARK Merchant Taller Y._ FREE BROS.. •Studio, Ludlow pew�MyTeday--- and , Wednesday of each Week. WISHED TJ1M BON VOYAGE ---Latitoveck-lwavertwaoMantrot- tlao presentatiOn of gifte by the Presbyterian. Adult Bible ChLSS to two of its lady members. Space did not permit tui to publish the addresses which Were reed at the tune of the presensetion; but as there is sOmething Avail afffi 'new abWit them they ere here presented: To Mrs. Peter McKinnon. Dear Mrs, McKinnon;- • . • We are all glad to .see that the good old days of romance and chivalry are not altogether dead. When e IMight of the olden time, 'clad in all his glitter Arran beheld the fair lady ef his di•eatne leaning from the,window of her hoveere 'wet once, by peesuiteion Or' by fore% obtained entrance,to the castle and ear -- tied her,oeff forthwith, With the eatnipg of niodeen dareithis geedold custom :his changed, and flow a girl is supposed, to keep a poor fellow on the .string for anywhere from • two to five years, and then perhaps tern hireadrift in a Jd and urisyMpathetie'world. But romance is not dead, for we have just seen how a warrior bold can break through common custom, and carry or the lady of his. choice on very short notiees We have jest one thing to -say about it, and it is that if Mr. McKinnon can fight Germans as well as he can matte love, then let Kaiser am beware when the Bruce Battalion gets into the firing Anyhow, we, your friends of the Bible Class, want to wish you many happy, useful years in your new relationship. We trust that when the time of separa- tion comes, it will not be •greatly pro- longed, and that soon you two maysettle down to the quiet content of, you .own 'fireside. ' - 'Lovers always aro-spoony, and WQ doubt nbt that you. ere no exception. We therefore make you this little gift as aetoken of our eateem, and trust that in the "stirring" times of. the future, yon will Oftenreinernber your_frieritIssofe-the Presbyterian Bible Class. . - Signed on behalf of the Class, HAGiN MoDoNabo, President , E. N. HENDERSON, TfealMfar. :Tonle!) Alice Heston: ' • • , Dear Friend, Alice:- •. • We have heard lately that a new „disease has broken out among the heart( orthe Brae° Battalion. • It is said to bp squiteati-eontagionesas nicasleseand Much: more serious in its after -affects. I:Cseems to affect the heart chiefly, and the. pa- tients have been knoWn to ' p_snight- -after-eight-till e ate bour. Strange to • say they seem to afways preferthe par- lor and a cosy fire. Although the Orin has been discovered, doctors are enable •to do anything for it, the mily real rem- edy is to go to the minister. One good • feature ot 'the Malady is that-- it -doesn't' hurt:the soldier for week, -indeed they are often all the better for geed sharp attack. • Sometimes they are quite will- ing to go abroad after they,haye seen the preacher.' Indeed you can't keep them at home in certain cases. • . • There is an old saying that the'course of true love neyee did run smooth. Per- haps it is true, perhaps it isn't, but, in any event, werof the Bible Cleat; ava.nrto •wisj& you the smentheit and fairest of voyages. May yieur bark ba wafted: by •the gentlest Winds; may_tempests never assail Yen,: may the treacherous shoal and hidden rock never lie in your path. They say there are -as good fish in • the sea aifever were caught. May you and yeiti "Fishet" meet much seeced in your -voyage. •We ask you to accept this little gift as a token of our good will and esteem. May you always have- "Meal for ycur porridge, • And milk for youi- tea, • Belt for potatoes,' And love lavishly." • Si•gned iir behalf of the Class, •HAGAN MCDONALD, President., •E. N. ElEfebpesoN, Treaspier: • Donald Dinnie Dead , •Many of our readers will remeniber the great &etch athlete, Donald Dinpier and will be interested in the report of his death'' which comes kern London, England .On one of the greatest field days put On by the old Lucknow Cale- • donion Society at the height of its pros- perity, Donald Dinidowas a prominent participant in the games. It is said that during his career he had. wen 11,000 • prizes sin-wrestlinge-htemmer4hrowingT running, jumping; etc: He was 79 years of age at the time of his death. Helen$ • hiApvitrnecg.h.Rige-•71.4.dlrititioibtcihaidssooannsi, oaTtopfulaV is 47' laonlYnagieljsiAtaiiitil awitals.. Miss JeadLittle,` of Toronto, is home, home over Sunday. - I- Lucknow, spent Sunday in the burg • - . St. Helens was well represefited at ths. concert in Lucknow last riiday eireinlig. Mies Anna Stewart and Miss Gladys Webb, . of Wingtiain II S., were hotne on'fiunday. • . ,'• Mr-. W. I. Miller was in Toronto last week attending the funeral of hi's uncle, Mr. IL 11 .Daneey. r • • We underatand that Mr. Jack McGuire ix on the ruck list. We hope he will.Boon beableto be around again. • • Mrs. B. It Miller, Mrs. W. E... Gordon and Miss Tens ()onion are' in Golerich this week celebratiag, the 89th birthday . of their mother, Mrs S iikel.li; The next nieeting of the Literary is to be hira on Tuesday, April 23th. A good program is being preptrel as tthis IS to be the last meeting of the season. The Harris Mission Band was re• organ. ized on Saturday last. Officere elected are: President. Mt.'s Etna Woods; Sec. rotary, Myrtle Little; Treatiunr, Stanley lodd j.Organisti Pearl Todd. There wore also Lookout, Flower and eooll oommit, leo apOolatistl, I .. e• ' MARKETS . (Corrected up to Wednesday noon) Wheat 90 05 'Oatss .... 38 40 'Barley • ; . • • 88, 00 Buckwheat . .. ... . 65 Butter..... .... . 28 20 Eggs, hew laLd 20' 1 • Hop .. . .. 11 00 vartOwro-pareita tats-wtinit Wheat. 4 95 to 1. 00 Oats, hush 48 ,t3 SO Ife.rley,,bush..... . . . S8 to 62, , Choice beitay 'steers8 SO to 8 85 Butchers'. cattle, ... 8 00 to 8 25' Peeders ' 7 00 to 7 75 Lambs, 10 50 to 12 09 Sheep, ditt " : 9 06*to 9 50 Didier, Creamery White • 35 to 37 Mutter, Dairy Penh.... 29 to 32 Woo, new lald, dot.... 24 to 25 00 to 'goo fad out witting] it 00 tO 11 10 FORMER LUCKNOW LADY MES W-DAKOX4 'Prom, the '31f0Ville Journal of • North Dakota vvetake the ..foilcoviOg 40000 of the death of Mrs. Mary McQuillan, • forinerlY Miss Mary McMillan. .Of near 1...ucknow: - • . . ' "Mree Mary McQuillan, aged 49 yeah, died at the home ot Mr., and Mrs. F. W. Mc1)ougail.14, MoVelle ..on March .310,. 191G, niter a lingering illness extending over e period of IA years.. • . • safaaaryaleMillan wairhern ifs Litek, now, Ont;. Cad, in 3867, On . August 25th, 1889, she was United in , marriage to John . One. daughters Hit,zel,' We's horn to this union, • aiid ten' Months' after berebirth the father died. 1894 she came tin•North Dakota with hetelau•ghter and matle their home avith• • her two briethere, Jii..niOs and Archibald-- - McMillen, neer. McVille.. She later went into theenilliaery hUriin,e,se in Aneta. In ,39153.•herlhettlih failed ,e,nd-she Went to ,California, where she lived until Julyof • last year, when her 'daughter died. , After the death of the daughter she spent seine time With a sister in 'Slit*, CXes and from there came here, where, she spent 'the linter. "Deceased leave3to•tuourn her death; two sisters, Mrs. F. W. McDougall, of this, place, and Mrs. A. McInnis, of Sask., and two bi'Others, A. McMillan, of ale place, and P. J. McMillan, of Luck7 pow, Ont., Cep. • . . :• 'The funeral services. were held from the McDougall.- home .at '2 „o'clock on Tuesday, April 4th, Rev.' • Williams, of the Presbyterian church, concluding the services. . . • .; . "Rev. Williams' delivered an excellent, Sermon, and , the Herd, offerings were.. many and •beautiful. • • . . "Thus we write the elosing.,chapter of the life in -this 'world of another good woman; who' was leeed by all who knew her.Hers was a life in which there. was :a lot of trouhle. but she did net•-•oins plein, Waiting petientlidering the lest 'years for the call to the home which -the Father has Orepared for her andwhere she Will Meet the levedonesgene.'hefore".- ins Piano Contest • immormarroarmamor Mr Ifamilton, the obliging mail cenrier on Itente a, Lucknew, wart_ the successful candidate in the piano contest which for the last six months has been. y-ate-M-re-Js-'etssee. me s- -Drug Store. •• Mr. gamilton waa•an easy winner, having relied up a score of 8,383,025 votes; while his nearest coin- netitor knew"! is No. 87 had 3,510,595; and the next; No. 230 had 1,103,960. • Mr. Hamilton was in to win from the else4inningandeworke4-lattI-4hroughout. the-centest. • As our Paramount corres- pondent says,' no doubt his popularity 'with the large number of.patrons of His Maiesty's mailson Route 3, was a big ,factor in contributing to his success. We understand -that Mr. Hamilton has a daughteeavithemusical ability, who swill now be able to gratify her taste in that regard. The instrument was sent out to Mr. Hamilton's bottle on Monday. • -Belfast • =Tuesday, Apri,r11.• Miss Olive Alton spent. the week end • with her brother Chaelie,'at Lanes. • • We are glad to see Edith Edwards home again after -her recent illness. Autos flying dound here on •Suaday aseure you that the Belfast roads are good.. . Jack MacDonald purchased e flee co* at the sale on the 9th of- Wa,wanosh bait Monday... Belfast would be almost dead if Sam didn't get heie the week end to liven things up e bit. . • The school children are very busy as the Rider exams are almost at .hand. We wish theui all success • -• :Quite a number from .,Belfastattend- • ed the concert in Lucknow last Fiiday night and found "Iincle Dudley" very entertaining. • The farmers „haee not commenced to work on -the land yet, hut we feel that those April showers will soon make it suitable for seeding. • , • We are sorry to report thatword has been received that Wesley Twamleyawho recently went west,.. iesutfering Horn an -etteeksorpiseehionta. • • Our neighborhood wits greatly shoelt ed Saturday to learn of thedeath of Mr. Hugh McCrostie. AlthoughMr '11c- Ciostie has nat been well since his Ile- cident ip the bush some weeks ago, hia death. was unexpected. The whole com- inanity moirrns the loss of .an esteemed resident. • dtkh fown-stip• -Monday, April to. Mrs. 'Win. Currie continues in 'very poor health; •• Miss.Isabella Reel -entry, ,of Sornbra,ia visiting her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) J.11 Jones. Mr. Harvey Hudie, of Walton, spent a day last week with relatives on the 7th. con, • The many friends of Roy Connell, son of (leo. Connell, will be pleased to hear that he is speedily recovering from a•serions operation of an abscess behind his -ear. • •• . Courey's Corners -Tuesday, April et Mrs. J. Johnston visited friends here last week. • joe Alon, lf Gleclerieh, visited friends in this burg.last week. Mrs. Leroy Horne and ,babe apent few days with her mother, Mrs, D. Far- riallkiias Mary Alton has returned to Mr, David Littleaftor vlelting frletule on the moth. WAT,C4 YOUR' UNCLE, Single Copies 3 Celli9 1WEST WAWANOSH -LOSES 01.11)41E,Y-PRe-VED, - - - ESTEEMED.RESIDE 1 1116tILY. POF WAR faniquEn 100 N$611T'SPUN, AND WAS . The death of Mr. Hugh McCrostie, of the llth con. W Wawanoshawhich oc. mired on Friday of last week, brought • RUMOR ON REST The mysterioue "-Uncle Dudley" who was so iduch advertised about town the , past few weekS,,was last Friday revealed as the leading character in a farce which constituted part of thabig entertainment given in the Town Hall on the evening of that date. The entertainMentwas put on under. aneoleiii Of tbe local Hockey Club and drew a splendid crowd, the Hall being filled to capacity. -Vhe entertainment was livelyand, humorous.'throughputs and all by home talent, with the except- ioe a Mr. Hal Stack Who organized and managed the affair throughout. The first half of the program consisted of a ininstrel,performance with interlocutoi, coou "end men'. and all complete. This part would have made. an evening's' entertainment in itself, but that there might 1:S: a feast of fun, the minsitel performance was followed by the farce, "Watch Your tre ncle Dudley." rhis pro - :tided another hour or more Of boisterous fun, which gave the crowd many a hearty laugh. Here Lucknow'e dramatic taleat deep, regret :to a very large circle . of friends throughout the emote, and in LOcknoar; It was generally understood that Mr, ifeCroetie was in a fair way to complete recovery &Om the • accident 'which he suffered in the winter while at work in the bush. But it appears that recovery was not cornblete and .that of late he named a :slumber of weak spells, possibly indicating a failure of the heart. At the time of writing arraneinents for the funeral have not been vette as the houte.cOming of members of the fam- ily froidthe West is ,awaited., Seldom does one hear a man so 'mi. vt1Tall3r.well,spoken'of as the late. Mr. MeCrostie. ile appears to have been * Man of many friends and, few or no en4 .etnies. It Ifs Saida-hat:his was one of the most hospitable of homes, nowhere could ene go where hp would be more honestly and warn3ly welcomed than to Mr, Mc- Crostie's. He was an extremely even tempered Man, industrious, diligent in. business, a liberal in politics, and if con Stant member of the Presbyterian cburch at St.. Helens. His influence was always oh the side which made for the social improvement and the moral uplift of the, community. had another opportituity of displaying • Mr. MeCrostie was born in Scotland. itself and every part was taken in a most 67 years ego, and came to this Country treditablemanner. We 'understand that in early boyhood; The family first sett the play as presented isa version of led at Belfast where ':his father for a :"Watch Your Uncle Dudley" prepared thue coadected the hotel. Liter they by Mr. Hal Stack himself and adapted moved to the farm, Hugh buying to his own purposes. • • • • an adjoi ning To t. He married Mr. Stack • has seen considerable , of Miss Martha Watson who with three Sons stage life, and has played the , part of and a daughter suryi ve him Hugh, John, eirecle Dudley" in many Eastern States and Mrs. Graham a Lovie) are living in. cities. He becamaknown to a Lucknove• Alberta, and Will is at home. audience last fell when he visited the comity with the Boyer -Vincent Ce. His effort herosin-- wqrkingstipetbe-receat - show with local talent was certainly a splendid succesk and a tribute to his ability as a:public entertainer -though to do him justice, he attributes the mac - cess of the play largely.to thee splendid talent, Which be found feady- to take part. We fancy thee, should Mr. Stack return to town td present anther play lhenthe war. is over, and we all ate in asbetteremoodefor light-Senterteinment; he will be made highly weldorne; and be Agaimgreeted-bY-a-full-holise. • The cast of the play was as follows: Jack Wisntworlha-Mr. T. S. Reid:• , William --Mr. A. E. Mijlson.• ' Helen Wentworth -Miss R. Gordon Harriet Dereell-Mrs, J. W. Jeynt.. Sara -Miss Lorna:Campbell. - Uncle Dudley ---Mr. Hal Stack. •• - • • TEC:PLAT REPEATED So great a success was the. piny on Friday evening that the loeal Patriotic League asked for a repetition of the program onSaturdaY, in the interests of the Red ()roes 'fund.. To "-thir3 request _the whole company ;readily gayetonsent and aecordingly the play was repeated, the admission being placed at 20c. Even with the brief notice the venture proved werth sylute and ebouts$31.65. was real- . We are: sure- this repetition' tor a purely unselfislecause is gresely appre- elated by the publics It was not done we are sure, 'Without consideral le eacii.: tice on the part of many taking part, end for the reward only of contribeti o a worthy cause, and meeting public demand. , 1",..0"wy.el.krry • nN BEHALF- of the local O :Hockey Club the secretary takes this means of. thanking , those Who so kindly gave their services and thee tiewards mak- ing the concert ori Friday even- ing last a success •It might he announced here that the Club made sufficient funds to cancel their debt in fit11. lePlieeteseea,r •. Kinlough • -Tuesday, April 11., Measles are still common in andabout our burg. • James Carlton -is Yisitine friends in ,• Don't forget the. Rec.ruiting ttieting here on Thursday .night. • Mies Bessie Pinned, Who ..hasbeen seriously ill, is improving: .' Pte. Wm McConnell of Kincardine-, Was 'flour burg onSaturday. - Mrs: Wei. McConnell, Kingarf, was a Sunday visitor in our village. are glad to bear that Mr. Win Guest is abie to be around again. • Ur, and Mrs. Vie. MI -teeter Aiiibeirekr visited at II. l?innell'e•on Sunday. Mr. James Carleton le spending 6, few days at Mr. J E Hewitt's, Bervie.. •Mr. R. L. Hodgkinson ison the sick list, but nothing serious we believe. Mr. and Mt14: Isaac Pinnell trade a business tiip to Lucltnow on Monday. A number from here attended the Oyster Supper et • Kinloss sm'aPriday night. • . Pte. 'Sydney 'Parry,of the 110.11. Batt., Stratford, visited friends in Kinloup last week.. , Claude wears It very troubled look • those days. • Anything serious, Claude? We hope it is not the measles you are get tins. ' Instead of putting blu narks on your fire wood, Amos, pat'a little powder en a few pieces"; the)i you will •know in wat stoVe they went • Mrs. Harry 'Innen, who has been under the tr.'s care the past six felentlis, le, we regret to Hay, not making moll frogrofte towavde (eooyeric • Special Meeting of Council • r The waterworksengineer last week reported that the boiler in,the pumping station was getting out of repair, and a sPecial meeting of the Council was held Thursday evening to deal with the mat- ter. . The boiler has.hien in use about 28 years, and the liklihood •tliat' its days are nearly numbered:. • • At the regular meeting' of Council ' sday.e...eeni ng-there-waseno thing -Ude t - routine business. Notice 'A meeting of the -Lucknotv• Belling Club will be held in G. office On Tuesday, April 16th, at /3:30.p. tu:- Secy.. ' Those old Papers . Weare requested to state that the box placed at the vaeant.stose, Murray Block, as a receptacle for parcels of pap- ers and magazines, 4., was intended for ceanti yeesidents ewho ,have something in that line to contribute. Town resi- dents are reqUested not to put parcels in the box; bin to set them aside at home, where they Will be called for in due -time -sometime early in May. Don't over: look this little matter. .Anythingmade in this' lay is an absolute gain; as the papers, etc , absolutely. valueless to pres- ent owner, when collected becoute valu- able. • • Will Help on\ Farms - • . Farmers who haVe Maud it difficult or impossible to get help for the spring work, Will be glad to learn that Soldiers in the °minty battalions are to be given • permission to take positions as farm laborer i dding seeding. • , BORN • , . - . Culross, lst con,' on April • . 5th., 1916, to. Mr. :and Mrs. John ,King, a, son.- '• • Dmis =In Culross,. on April. 1916, • • John Carroll King, infant son of Mk. and Mrs john.King. • Crewe --Monday, April .10.- Sucker:fishing is ihe order of the day in u. Ibstlaurag.craalton is at present saw- ing present suffer- ing from an attack of the measles. ' Mr. Thea, Menary, of Sheppardton, called on•Crewe,friends on Sunday, Thes.„„Oullsert, -of °Dungannon, called on his sieter, Mee. John Hunter, • last week. " • A soldier is ;frequently; seen in our bldg. We guess he islooking for re. cants, 'Eh mr:11-obt.--146pEtty; who -has-been--un dor the Dr.'s care .for.some tune past, is reeoVering 'Miss Violeb, Finnigan left 'last week for Seaforth Where she will spend sante tiine -with her brother, 1V ill. Mr. John alenary left last week for the VVest With a canoed Of horses and settlers' effects. He will spend the stun - tiler them The W.M•S; meeting Wait held at; the home of Mrs Matt Shackleton on Tues- day of lait week.. There was a large at- tendance. At the close of the tneeting ooffix;rs,f9y, the'year were elected as fol l ., Pres. -Mrs. W. 11 Maize. • . 1st. Vice II J. Blake. 2nd. Vice Pres. -Ma W P Crozier. • Secretary ---Mrs W. Hasty. Rec., Secretary -Miss Susie Kilpatrick Treinairer--Mrs. J. Menary. Pres. of Systematic Giving. ---Mrs.' A• MeQnoid. . Pres. of Mites, Boxes ---;Mrs. P. Finni- gan, 0 man Mrs. Sain..Slietwood. Assietenteellre. M. Shackleton. • 'Delegates to the Convention Pt An - burn,. llay iCith J. Meriary 'and 4ta11 Trolo.*vou, • CHURCH NEWS ..vrva1,jec:‘711r the rNefaroolint7.-Qtruret on Sunday evening will be, "How.. the Lord provides for the one who is down and ont.". • Mr. E.; Kennedy, of Harm) Township, who has justcompleted_ his first year at Net* ..College, Toronto, ciceupied the pulpitof- the Presbyterian .Church on 'Sunday evening. ; Mr. `. Kennedy, We understand, will be leaving in the 'near future tolakelip home mission work ill New Ontario. . • . • • • • . • • •,- THE' Gli1I,D.-Tha. Devotional CoM- .. mittee were in charge of, a 'very sticeeSS- ful meeting.Monday eveping. Mrs.,Ewerr MacKenzie read a splendid paper 00 the •, topic "What,. the PresbYterlail Ohara • Expects from its Young People".• As • the subject presents a .wide field for •ffis- Cuss* from ,differoot points of view, it was evident!threughotzt014 reading_ that it had been -Well' prepared,. M4s-, Clara, Woods gave a „reading. entitled "What They Found in the Churah", MiseLoulie Bailey 'read the scripture lesson, Selo. by Mies'EUphetnia, Irving; • two choruses, one by boys and the other by girls, to- gether with the usual singing of hymns , and prayer, comprised the reinaining program: ' The Missionary Committee , are in charge of the meeting next Mon- day and the topic is "Our Deactatess' at Work".'. . 1. • THE LEAGUE -Oil Monday evening • the meeting was in the hands of .the Missionary, Comfit ittee M s. I'hi1lps, baing the vice president, prepared •the 'program. The 'meeting was led. by ,Mary, Rathwell, Laverne Gieer reeding,' the• seripture lesson.-•Thetome for the even i° What,North America, owes South Aineriea,"•was taken by Mrs W E Tre- leaven. A 'few minutes ,were devoted to. discussion of the , subject, led by our president, Mr. D. C. Taylor, Dr. ' asTel eon and Mr. •Stneltzer, • A. duet, "The Homeland'', was ren -trod by Mrs.: butt and and Mrs. Treleaven.- The initiates' of last:meeting were read and adopted The meeting fOr next week iS in :charge of• Soeiel Committee. ' The subject is "Our Ca.nadien Poets"; to be faked by Mr.- J. Anderson Aq. r., J. O. And- erson.• • . , VMS . r 1 Battalion Ring , Nothing in jewelry has, gainedelayor as rApidly 4 „the rings with tile ba.t.tal• - ion tramket on: 1 nem -We hair: just received the Arst shipment of t4e 150111 Batthl- ion Rings. See 1,44 .,, our pirticu. Jar soldier has pil'e of these efegs, 'eaten after yearethey wile be lucre Iliglily prized than an3thing else they could get. , , , . • Ring's for other battalions inade • . ,to order. : .• „.„ .4 .... ., . '1 Tseave your order now as -it takes, • aboht• • two seeks to have them , made. ; • , . F. T. ARMSTRONG 4 Jeweler and Optician .° I • VOCAL •• Teacher of Singing, Voice and Tone Production. Pupils prepared ' for examinations. • J. C. ANDERSON. Phone 92 „L11 .1• EVERYBODY'S COLUMN' APARTMENT TO LET.- 5 Rooms and Hatt'. Over porner store in Mart ay's meek. • 43-• , • ply to Marls Murray. • • 13-4.41. . • • LOO''1' —on Oravei Rona ,.outh, a• box •rott Mining a few parcels uf groceries, etc...1.0.ina- • ' • eylleildY rodort. to -AN'.. thrreser, ret (Rm. - 14% , Business Change • . , Mr, -Bell - has. withd,rawn±from- stileepartnerahipsof-Belrit-tte-L-edd gaged in -the ' hardware business here He last week sold' out his interest in the store to Mr. John. Joynt, who becomes, the associate of his .son-iri.law,. Mr. Me - Lead. We understand that: Mr.. • Bell -intends going out West in the neer :future.. • Women's Institute Notes -- . , Thole) having autograph quilt blocks belonging to the Women's Institute will oblige by finishing the work on them fiS soon as possible and return them itt• the meting, or to Mrs. • The Woinen's- Listitute desire: to acknowledp with thanks'a donation -re- ceived for their work from al isi Isabelle. NacDiarmid cf $7.50, being part of the. :proceeds of the box t 0041 at Pareariount' school. • ' ,Don't forget about the, debate - • solved that Intemperance Bits Ganser! More Sorrow than War", attlie Wonien's Institute nieeting on Friday afterneon in the Council Chamber. Anyone who wishes to cqme will be keartily welcotn- ' The Jungle • . --Tuesday, April' 111 . . • ".A.lbert.Jewitt visited: hie .hatnee a fel days last leek: • e • . . Mr. Wm., MeDenatclis buey.pritchas• - ing' cattle for:his: .grass .fa.rnis„ 'for the, acimipg season., - • a e . • • its. Mary Clerk, who bis been resid- ing In The junglefor smilemonths has: rethened.to.her home helatelteow.•••• We have i hog -hole in our. Jungle, Eiclitime it's fixed jiist* bungle, For when it °thasesr to save:burl:ants- ••• • We've get. to cross on Bilty'S fence. , • ,• . . • Last fall 'twas liked With yellow sited, One would have theughtalat it might stand, • .. • . •• But no, it titreed to Yellow glue; . You see' sand needs an outlet too.-• thejs-arehigliiiiid-dry, • And mightes well be .in the sky, •For all the good they,do per .bog • It's just thesaine; it's on the beg.. , , . ROOM 'POR •:RENT• --Suitable for • !Defoe or . • dress4iialclng. Apply at itoynt's Office. • 6 littf-cl. • • , • FOUND...4n Luckpow, a lady's bracelet.Own- er may hav same oli.pruelng property and :Paying for this att., at the Sentinel Oillee. . 64-25. _..3.O_:_slaNctoEreeYkaix'0411-alix0A)10,21?,Tuttia.--Ontml_Jfiro or. ra-anuccle...:11b.otuteit • . b1D1)11.1.t. Broker, ItilcknoW • A W FURS aro n; good d6nuind. and'You.eun , .get cash priees.at Men•delson's Dry ' God& Store, 141ex/tow. • ;Z144 f. ' 'Higheat Ca -0 Prices paid.forRit4i • • 64-tt• 13,;113ixt•ZSrEtx,-LucknOw. , For Sale , HOUS.F. AND ,LOT FOR SALE -LA 5 -rebated 'house, godd stable and hen .house.14 hero • good•gerden land will 1.10 sold: cheap, owner • leaving. town. ',Apply to George- Potter. • . Lueloiovr. • • ' • • • • • • , '" 1341. • VOR' l 'acres of land with rest.•' .debee, east qf of Imeknovr„' ' - -.known as the Robert ' • . ply to Geo.11illies orlt, J. Cameron,exeeit • tors of Die estate- • ' • • 134.e. ; • Seed... Oati . • Itierease 'Production* .gowing 0. 72- 'Oats, rhis..varietir has stiff' stravr, thia bulls, and ha, yieldyti a average of 18 bushels itiore•per'nere thanany .oltber variety in a 11.. • :ylears'yyst at (Juelph.. Don't wall .1.1ny aow. Price la ceuta,per bushel, 4, O. 3, Duel:now.. • • • . •.• ea 344. •- . ' IIICHEST PRICES. FOR POULTRY ' Hns, 11.10 14c: lb: • Tuatieve• 15 to 18ca lb, DUCES. • , 14,to 16c. alb, Vor. partiOulars ajoi)ly to B. BLITZSTEIN, Lucia:Av. : 11.4411VIAN & SEED POTATOES Two Carloads to Arrive Before May 1St • Early. Irish Col),151rs • 1)e, la‘N";etiel-61‘SieGre' gors... , • Guaraateed First Class Stock.. rices Re , G. Anderson, Lueknow 7 . , • • • Bervie • • -luesdey, Aptil I T. The Patriotie Club, Berrie,' is, receiv- ing not a little valuable aSsiseatice froth its many .fricridseTtesthe fornr of dona- tions,'proceeds from coneerts,auctions, etp. The latest:contribetion is frii111. A finit cake donated by Mrs. Peterbaugh. The cake was ,moldby rais- ed bids at A. E.•Ernerson'a sale and fell' to Robt. Emersoti. at $7.50. • Mr. Eni&- son donated it again, 'and it was sold -tor $1,551, thus realizing. $0.09 tor the.Patri' otic Club. 'Many:thanks to Mrs. Peter. bmigh and •our other sgenerons friends who have assisted our gond. cause, Suicide in Huron County • Exeter, April 11. ---That Wesley Park - inion, the well-to-do bachelor farmer of Usborne, who committed.°..snicide hanging, did so because he was anxious to go to the war and had failed tis get 'someone to take •charge of ills, large farms, is the belief •of inany .frienda who attended the ,funeral lie re yeeterday. The tragic incident is. rendertai 'more sad by the feet that his father ilialiPpeateil one night.eighteen years...ago and hits never been; heard, of since, and, about • seven years ago a. yoenger brotherwas. vertisino leaves a thliteit to the prtaluetes ihot dead by a companion in a ShaCte , and ho 13 simply conipelled to taiSe. t4 • • the Cobalti'dlitriot, • k'vriee or go ont Of busineSa. • .,FOTI -SALE-t-A eelquipiPpead,rwithriLaGrSt:e37ran'cl L Mavis HJectric • startiiifi• and. -.5.1444440:4v.l4et- • ,titiop. milm be Seen to, be elp- preeitiCed. Will sell at .a bar- :jlaiit; Wingliam Overland Sales Co., Windham, Ont, The 1.51) Weekly • • . , - The .publisher 141' a weekly enewsPaPer lie'ds that lie is ,compelled inereas• t coat of t he paper fro 61 $1.011-tc.,$1.5.) • piramm in. The • reas.m t kin i ti inereak, 'in 81; jnany matet i its eateries; intethe.cost•or the prochietion..• , Wilde • ' paper; hag • adVance,t.in.,brie:ec; tifen 44vanci7,(1 in 1' 110 Type thaeonee• 'eonia be'pnreliased fat 4 (.4 iltq . to (14:COSt 9 c mita T,f, 'nal" 1166. it 1.1 its .effect on alitrades„bni• few.•havo.fel T. as. bet t'ily an the. Oel.esteca-.''.• WIT: v. ing STA) forpapor' jieVerwas a-payin„?.... • propisition,. 1.1411 I to' 16014'.1,,t'' 'till • Mon,. • Ole tine now.cosis the prodneer $1.70f0:- , each' paper. Tilos failing peolits Itoin ad A • r4' r•1 414.*. •r••41Vt4..-1.04 ' r....)o.4 • 4.11" • •