The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-04-06, Page 3•••••••• I ler.rasO, .ts WAVOUS DISEASES ENS WHO WILL - TM SPRING LOSE THEIR JOBS Oared'Iy.TODINI; the illtiOd V`,,iZAT ABOUT TUE ROYAL FAIL-, TIRES OF '170 -DAY. • 'Illtld -Strellot,othelfilrig the 4 • LI NerVeS. • , It le the. opinben of the best medical autholitiee, after- long obeervation, Hint nerVoire2diseasen are more com- mon and more eprious in the spring then at any other tirhe of the yeer. Yl '11 t:hant've in? •Ille'' 85''•t°111.t after thronee have been: rudely shaken and long winter mentl4i, iriay cattee Mach their orcupants_44,4ato_exitg._Igvp4or Imo.1-1111111P- Itrall lire foillf°1911).1thrget ecutitry has Iniinerons examples to nr. a -calmest, and weariness from which fer us of 'the comparative insecurity • ;most people suffer as the reault of of tenure ender which various kings, indoer life, in poorly ventilated and „ hold their jabs, says London Answers .offen overheated °buildings. OlTeekle+•a4 Tlie Member of monarchs alive tit - records niove that in April and-A/AY day who have been put out of bnsinesS ' neurelgia, St Vitus dance, epilepsY would, if they sat down to tea to. and °thee forms of •nerve tronbies •are at their worst,. aral ' that then, mere, than anyoilier time, a blood - making, . nerve.restoring 'tonic•.' is needed.. • , • .e 'nu, antiquated custom of taking purgatives in the epring . is, useless, for the "system really needs strength." • ening, .. 'While Pargatives- only gallop thsough „the betevels, . leaving yeti weaker.. 'Dee Williams' Pink Pills are •the best medicinef for ,the er eetuallY ,May fluleks Hare In the PoSt eea *awed 111.1i0331h . Teir ThrOnes. At veriode • peiieds in: history gaiter, • make quite . a large eiarty. Their numbei• IS hound toebe increase ed by reasort, of : the ' present • war, whielt if Ile ends in a vielory for the Allies, Will. certainly mean the . trans- lation to private life. of several ambie. .tiou.s.. and upecrupftlous .motiarehs,.. - • W'illielm.'s. Prositeets. ' No•olle doubts Una the Kaieer Will, -be Tenet:ere(' m' frohis throne. It 'aim-. possible that ,the Allies sheuid, ever peentit• a tnan:Of his deranged..egeltigin mekeethe new, rich,. -red blood" that to impeill•ligain the Peakof- EuroPe. feeds •The• stareed. nerves; . -and,: thus.' .. Just as the •.vietory - of - the Allies cure the Many forms of tervoue (-l-sd against Napoleon •brought 'about hie. ' ei . Were e They dare .also- such- •other.. doWnfall of the depot who bee „Mode • forms. of spfing' ti•otebles as head, oiled his Career on the lines of the • , aches, pear •appetite,, weakness. in the Corsican: adventurer:. ,. limbs, as well as, remove unsightly • . King Ferdinand of Butgarie realizes •• pimples and _ eruptions. In fact ;they only too well that he will follow his . u•nfailingly bring new health , and fellow-conspitator,' the Kaiser, into - strength to weak, tired and depressed . teterement the moment the superior . men, women arid children. • , numbers of the Allies have prevailed. - 'Sold by. ail medicine' .dealers or • by JFe. will not . be t e first •Bulgar seve- n -tail. at 50 'cents a boil or six , boxce ... fo.12:5_0._ &oil ....tie_ D.i.,:.__ willittynset regale,. lose_ bis. throne; a.. b.etter. ream • , than he, the. But nberger, who had a Mediehee. Co., Brockville; On. • - - gracious way and heroic •presence, . ,I. . • 4 :SPLENDID FEAT.. • Could not Survive his conditions. • ' . • Ferdinand. the Foky has already had one narrow squeak of being pub out of business'. • When his country sus- •taiiied its disasttous • defeat at: the heeds of Serbia: and Greece, public feeling ,in Bulgat•ia,,became, so strong against him that he fled incontinently to 'Vienna to .escape assassination at the hands of his infuriated subjects. How British IllOtor-Boats. Captured a German. 'Gunboat. A theilling • narrative has reached ;Cape Town of the capture ,.of a: Mr - man gunboat on Lake Ttingarr,vika by two British motor -beats.. . • , The" gunboat was sightedat, eight in the tnorning,„"whereupon the mator. • In time they •learnt to forgive him, • boats..immediately rushed' et full- but be can 'hardly hope for a .seeend speed to the attack. Fire was ,open- dispiay of marey on the. part of the people whose' interests he :has sari - .to at 2,500 yards, the Germans failing to' hit). • liceci to his own ambitions. • The Britishers' second 'shot. carried• ' • .Joining His Brother'. - away the' gunboat's wireless, epee'en, National PrOttredness does. not come from guns and dreadnoughts alone, but from men who are fit for the .day's work. The making of men is a question 'of food and rational exercise. :'You can't • build stalwart men out of an unbalanced "ration." Shredded Wheat Biscuit ,.contains' all the 'material needed for building the per: • fect human body. It is the whole wheat grain made • • . — digestible by steam -cooking, shredding and baking. One or more Shredded Wheat Biscuits for, breakfast with milk or cream makes a man fit for •work or play. It is ready -Cocked and ready - to -serve. • Made. in Canada. • is the e* -Emperor of . Korea, Who .Went out of bneiness when Jitpantoolt the•eountry over, " ; Qneen's Without Crowns. , • There • are still.. ,•'several mieene who. have fallen • from elheir high estate Most notable of 01. ,is the me -Empress. Eugenie, who, during, her residence in England, has made .„ La ,Grippe, Riteumebieror, Neu, herself beloved by everybody. ' The , Halifax Graving Doek • Co., ' is . • . . , ritise Inflammation—in ;fait • all Otherladies in exile are' Queen making another up-to-date addition aches. and pains; the "Thermor" Amelie of Portugal, a greathearted to its plant by building and equipping From the Ocean Shore 11•1111.11111 BITS oro SEWS' non' TIM 011Alitrimg F.Ruytwegs.7-, • Maui 9? Interest From Placeo 41'14 By Wants oi the • Atlantic,. • A reeved fel+ the -Port of St. John was established one day recently when 18 steaMers were in the harbor. The little Gloucester ifishing. scheon- er, Elmer E. Gray, 84 tons; has en- to-ma-Mo.-hind:me eureering"-lfgal Private George powie, of St.. An- drews, who has twice been. wounded, reterned for the third time to the front last week. ' A company in Woodstock, has secured a contract from the Dominion Government for early delivery of 3,000 tons of hay. , Several reports have been received in • St: John's, Nfld., that seals „ are plentiful along. the 'S.-. E. Coast, but so far _only a few' have ben taken. • twin boys were born to Mr.. and Mrs, As: O'Donnell, Little Lorraine, redently., This makes the third birth of twins in that diatitTet !since nuts. • The public lands denartinent at St. John's. displays marked improve- ment eire any 'previous ,Year. There N a $1,900 increase in. revenue ,frem leases 0, •• - IIIERMOR Vilotor•ie•ssporirg: Hot ElottleLasts, wow 111,:iltee cglreeeiffr-tcrial.,°. SANITARY JI • wAigRLESS HOT -BOTTLE ileT R6005 tkr.Aust It is made of 'raetalf nickel plated, of a convenient size. Simply boil the "Therinor'l for ten zninutes only (no longer) and It stays hob for full twelve hours at an even temperature of 125 deg, . Recommended by physt- • •clans. on' actount of, the steady • heat and sanitary Metal caee.. • • No trouble —‘ne no • danger of scalding the hands— no leaks—no expellee „and one Rureliase Jests a lifetime. •, In eicknesei, suelras'Nettralgia, worker for the Red Crass; and the a floattng electric welding -plant • ex -Empress Charlotte, widow of the At Newcastle the dead body of Miss Grand Duke ,Maximilian of Austria, Hannah McInnes was found in her brother of the present Emperor of home where 'for some time; she had Austria; who was elected first Em- lived alone. She had been dead se- peror e Mexico and then killed. • verel • days:• . . The. Kaiser and King Ferdinand Wemaia_knitters in the Provincial would make notable additions to the Hospital at St. John, N.B., • have gallery of exiles, but it is doubtful tnrned out 1;5100 pairs • of socks • in •• whether the Allies would permit them •addition to doing a great dell -of sew- ' to have the same freedom of move-. ing.for the Red Cross. .. . ment which characterises other living John March, very Well-kneWn in ' kings and queens out, of business. John and Kings .county.. as long con- nected with 'educational and . news- paper wk in .this provinee, • died at; • RUSSIA'S' STRENGTH GROWS: •1 his home in Hampton. ' -- Andrew Paul, a native of. Wliyeocae. . . . New - Prime. -Minister. Says She .1s 4, -the Indian settlement', • Tufts Cove., •. • "Bound to,, e'in." , • , died recently at. an advanced age- He • was. well known to. sportsmen of the e'Instead .ofee. lireinishing, - our . • ,• past generation as a .guide. • strength is growing .. greeter . day :bse; The Board of School Corninissioners day. Our armameet is now equal. to • • had before them One evening. recently —7-- , that of the ...enemy, 'While .we posseas. ., - • twenty-five fathers to anaw.er •to• 'the more fighting men than • ' Germany, I • •Turkey •and Austria: • The inevitable charge that sena and daughters under '•.' •.'• to I. the • age Of sixteen eVere delinquent ! tus, and. thc. third hit. ber . on the We:. IN% ile the train that is ' epeeconelusion is that we are hOund ding - .1.attendants. at school, . ler line. The gunboat then turned and- King - Ferdinand from Sofie away • tO. win . ' ' . , • . , - • • II • :.q . fled, but • the ,motor.shoats... \Mere much . Austria is .neating • .its '•(.1estiiietion; •• The . foregoing ie .ae. extract taken There. is a much. larger uantitY of, . , I :. - • the. faster. • The 7 fifth -shot killed the, Mpluned V.„, the puppet . of the young. from an : interview, glyen by Prenuer , lumber cut on the MonquartSteeitite captain, to b.elongedto the Keenigse Tfirks•,who occupies the Ottmen ,.. e St In • • -of 'Itti -sin to th P Aro• red.! e -- :berg. . , • - ..... : . • . : ..• , : thron.e, may find lum-self--smularly. be eet'•- • e . , seorreseendsenteed. 'the 'P -oris•••• "urnal' : has ,2,000,000 'feet of lumber. t-- it. Bath, this winter'Mthan has been o e: , cut for a-number'ef years. One •fierd • The.gunboae ..eut•renderCd in twenty , ing driyen into .retirement. - The Allies The. balance •of the intei-Vjew' follows': . . e =mime ' ft .1,--t-heenetiori•:eeoinmeneedel-wille-ma-ke•-att:end--ef-hiineetedeee-fle " ' arls..pelhe' 'ye...tofrom thisstteam this coming snring ward . Pelandi. Plans.lOr a - campaign .. to ' double It Was not serionsly, doe:tinged. The gang, of knaves Mid . freebooters in Is baor aed on hon, ..His intentions re- I . . I engines and hailers. were untouched, Constantinople to,. .oee. • wishes -lie gaiding Poland have twice been -maniNewfoundland's complement of sol e3 and re:pairs were effected' Within. a ' haS -meekly boWed. • ' •• ... . • .1 tested, . onee by Grand Duke Nicholas • . .,. . . . e _. . I . diers . and • sailors in . active :' veer ; ser- !- Week. The gunboat is five times the '•The real •ruiler of . Turkey rs: - not hi . his mapifeato at the -opening of I vichave been cainpletedSo far 1,200 naval reseryiste and 2;000: pol- ed' V...but. Envet Bey, . -the Ger- hostilities, -again through the deelat- • Combined tonnage of the motor-,bonts. , IN,lehin preinier diers have. been enlisted .ato .sOrt be aticni 'of my.- predecesseir, The eaptute Was due to the splen man -trained Turk,' . whose; conceit •is did . dash and gunnery Of the British,. only . paralleled by that, of his atiguet. .G•OrernYliine • on JulY, 19, 1.915... The England - who fired- .fifteen .sheta While 'going at master, The Kaisere •-. • ' .'• .` -. - • . Prograinme....s6 categorically laid -down : ' . . : • , . . . e • • . e • Stewart Ctig.ewell, • son ef., Dr, -A.' ., fall speed in a choppy '.sea, end bit . Exile. in the. ease of ,the 'Sultan . - of by the Duke and MeGoremy.kin. WCogswell, who hasbeen taking a 1, • the gunboat twelve times ..: .. • , Turkey..*fil •eetinite:twe brothefs, for will. lie ..applielllo Poland with .ablocourse at the Curtiss Aviation•SChpol - •-' - . The -cominanding officer had a tre- '''bdulthe Dammed," who was &pos. lute integritee We are •aWat Newport News, hasnet .only.pass- are Of Po- ' . - ' mendoue reception On landing. -Belr ed tp make ;rem ,for Mehmed V:, still land's . eincere loyed a..successful test for his pilotli- dlty; to, our cause,. ' glen -officers-tried tokiss hineewhile i persists- in hying, 'des.ptte..rumors it - thousands of •natives did a . war armee tributing to. him • Various maladies. • ' .... and rubbed' their .heads with .sandeee ' • 'While no „interfeeence with the• _____,____*.- - We - have the utmost eonfieletice 'in 4-- ., ' , . • • ' erian thi.ane 'le expected, it is • not to •• His Military Age; ... .... ;.. , be doubted• Unit • the . swaY 'directed the future. . Thanks to veritahle _pro: . • • aer . . • . • • • .. . e Nova: 'Scofia . ?lib' ... . 1 from. that' throne. will no longer ex.. -digies in improvizatiOn. and- Organize- _ The King. and Queen recently ,paid .tend over Hungary', which will break 'firm 'width would have. been 'eonsider- a surprise visit to the. National. Hos- away. 'and realize • its long -cherished ed iinnoseible- two' years ago, Weehave is invaluable. As a •bed -warmer and a foot -warmer • it has no eqUal. • •• "The "Therniar" 'measures We across and is 1,4" thick, yet it weighs less than a filled two quart rubber bottle.. .- The price is $4.00 sent Postiaid anywhere and sold under an ab- solute guarantee from the mak- ers. , High-class `representatives wanted in some territories, GOLDEN GATE MANUFAC, TURING COMPANY, LIMITED • 9 Youville.Street, • MontreaL . DORM INTO, /rgE IIONO.„ JSurgtial Drill Is Driven By Viectrical I • Neter, .„ ' Yur surgical purposes a '• Motor.. driven drill' has heenfileveloped which, among' other things, facilitates the operation of boring into a, bone Wher. such proeednre is necessary to re. leve a fracture. Its /tarts are .en- tirelY .eneloged in a metal housing which has somewhat the appearance Of a large Vistok -.• • It IS so construeted that after being used it MO' be Placed in an autoclave with steam at a pressure of 15 pounds, and thoroughly sterilized IvItimt-b.g.-m0: initired providing -it b - - , - - . i. _ subsequently dried with •care, The chuck at the .end of its propultdo,n eliaft will receive a drill or bur of almost any type up to • n -inch in diameter. . The hewing is 'arranged so that it may be removed quickly when the motor requires attention. gunk in a pistol -like. handle at .the posterior end of the' device is :a button. con- • trelling the motor, 'which has three speeds, varying from 1200,te ,4,too., revolutions a minute.. , A second handle, which Maybe:ad- justed te various positions to suit 1 the demand of the User, is fitted, bY mewls of a broad hand;:liver the. for-! ward part of the shell, The inatrii- rnent weighs slightly less, than six potindi,.. is approxiMattily a. 'foot, ,lang'• and de.velo,ps 1:715 -horse p4vver7-ropu- lar. Mochatids. _. . • .., • „ OMR JPOT.I'VOM* 'MVO -VOTAWOES,, • IMMIX COn. P.-7, blew, PeIeware Carman. Or - ter at OVN SUPPI1/12Mited. Write for ,entOtations. II, 1-.)Awsen, Vrapat3013, _ won ...n1E.O.in*..sutxt P•AILII.LvtitIpIttelftsgan'gg Orme Bothwell. Oat • - -*maw* ,0*90/' MU -CLASS. NUASNRY aro= • buy and save eniddiemenk eepeoatee write -Or cataiogure. thtminien Nttraeries (Smith, Xtee4 4 Co.) St Catherineo, -Oat &GENTS WANTED ,Alir On 'YOTING MAN . TO, • O01. - „ILA leet in 'their - Doniinipo Works.- Toronto, ' Cafiediaii 'Woods Only.''' • Not .very long ago, Lord Shaugh; . nessy announced, that so far as pos- •„,,,,,,_ , Yet'ile.s.:;r:ieTt lc lir Dfuoaetri: sible Canadian woods. only would be .15%L. in(th cLA•t3S-; ' 14381;A•Ti- Street,' Toronto. used in connection with ,the 'con- 4:itei'n'otirria's:eceAtgen struction and interior finish pf all W HITE LEUTIORN COCKERELS; gh_orn Rhode Iehind. Inacit Canadian Pacific ' buildings, railway Meehan Buttercup • hatching eggs. ads, etc., an anneeneement whity ..cee,ll ,.. Per tneut station, Qubec. was hailed great satisfaetion the lumber interests of the Domin- ion. That such a programme was possible was • known to • the forestry i experts Who have supplied to the • variouS• , Canadian qovernrr.iept exr hibits in: Europe and the • United -1 States „Magnificent samples of hard- , woods .with beautiful grains and at- ' •trectiye finish. It would seem that ciANCEA,• V.:Molts. LA_ Al I'S. • ETD., these weeds are not being 'eRploited `-'- .beeleri•e(4'iTt'el,°Tr."i1-1.;itilt:11.1-1'n'itiltael painternial ancil external, !. wed- with; , suffieiently; but,' no doubt, now that 346 Broadview Ave., Toronto, Ont. CuOutL. LEGE it ,is known there will be a good de- ' ” 14" EmpnitEed.; joisiiinNeEvesesee POR 13Ar.E. FQR 0114 AND GASO. • line Backer° Traction Ditching' Macbinee only dia ebout three Months werk will sell right, ,on 'account of 'lit-, • netts. A rhiniog, • Cheele Ont.' ” • HELP WANWEL, UT ANTE .1.?---UPAOLS'rEltkitfit, Y 1'' Idexhirre-hands; Ciibinot • makers and hors, _steady work, highest wegeat Apply Lippert Purnffure Co.; Ltd., 0„nt. • HELP IcirIATTEDe PJ1OLSTER,Eft-S—'WANTE41 FOR LJ exnerleg,"4,141imr PurnulAric'rh.'t Flitoailte day. • Owen Sound ' enairnrgC en-ea.:1r oe Owen Sound, Ont. • ANTEI) GIRLS F011. : and ••Vinishing Departments.; good wages. Apely.Kingsten Holaery eo.,• Ltd., Kingaton, Ont. . HELP•'WANTED. 4 " UANDS WITH •furnIture wtperience preferred; stegay employment. ..Vddiehs The hien- rfard mfg. to., Meaford, Ont. Pon s*r.E; •.INE'MtPAPERS POP, SALM, pnore/T-,mAlcING Is,7EWS. AND JOB , , Offices tor stile in geed Ontario' towns. The most ,useGul ena n tereeifne of all businesses,' Full' infarninitIon on appligatipn to Wirson Pulilishinir Com.- pany, 73 1A'.'est • Adelaide Strut. t,* Toronlo: '1111SteLt:ANEOtit, 7. niand for it, manefacterees.- will give the Matter, greater coneideratioh, ' • . • -", • .Cause of Collapsee • The 'foreman. eemproyed by a. big contractor rushed irito the .office �f the bogs wild-eyed and palpitating "Bess," geld he in a greatly • agi tated• voice •"one of•them new shonieS' of ours fel'rdown,in the nightl" 'that ?•". **claimed theIsoss,• 1 jumpingerighteerp'.. and-, begin ing to • take notiee " ' 01 How •did it happen?"' • , [ "It. was the fault of the Workmen, hose. answered t•he foreman. "They made the '• misakeof taking down the • scaffolding befere they put'' the • walipap.er."' • • . , e an me and the high cpurage of the Polish sole censgran ey e American our rankaClub; but made the highest percentage diers Who have fought . in- -: : • since the war began.• r. Of ell students taking lthe course. I -•pital.for •Paralysis at ,Queen's ;Smiare, Wish of being a sepasate kingdom. T.helheen able to b.'uild up -our industriee London.: • Some of the niee were in Emperor .of Auttria; therefore will .and national eesourcep, . until from , bed, too ill to get up to .greet • their lose at: least -part of his job; end May having almost nothing•with whieh to FINDS.XN DODD'S KIDNEY ,PILLS , The malady of the ' '.'Sick Men of Majesties, but all who ceeld do so iin- congratulate hiinself on Tetaiping any -carry en • the struggle 'We Ore now pro- ' . ed at the ,frontof their bds and part of it clueing everything we need.. As for ..A CURE FOR.HIS RHEUMATISM. TurkeY" seeins to:. have taken 'another . e. .. " • saluted as. the. Royal, Visitors aP- - combatants,. we ••haand, very acute formInthe Past dee ve more • trained - _ . . .. • preached; -, The •K lug' had a long ;fialk . • 'What About ."Tinn", ?• ' enen now • than ever before." — .. . • ', . . • -cede .TurkeY • has suffered Mere than • States Out of •Hip. Own Experience any other ceuntry. „froni disasters, • with a very young soldier, and ' . .,Finally, •there is the. position of -, The pledgei to Poland. 'Mentioned' •• ed heartily. at the patient's droll re- ' ' " ' rowS. he Young by Premier Sturnier guarantee Polish'''. That' Dodd's . Kidney, Pills. Are a , King Constantine -of Greece. What - . ,- Turks, headed by Enver elm, gain.; , plies, to ..some of hisequestiors.-- Re- may happen to him is' much mere pro, ,Iew.$ civic libertieS which they. have Sure Relief From Pai : . plying to a query as to his , age the • - • 1 • • ' ' t • , ed a tottering ascendency- and went youth 'replied, "Nineteen, 'pier Mae ,blematical. ' Despite his. uneenstitu. not, enjoyed. heretofore. • , •• - • • doubtedly ..yery . ' ' . ..- •----.----eq.':- . Greenfield, 'Queen's Co., N.Se, March into the w,ar on .the side. of Germany. tional .itets, •he is un °jesty." "But that is your, military • populate with his subjects; but ..if the ..., : CRIPPLES AGAIN I say "Take. the. Devil and the deep seeThe emkTURED. 271.1e. (Special).—"To anyone who gut.: Ntny; they are emphatically between -.: • . ' ...• : • • • age," said the King -with a twinkle. sebtlemfors from rheumatiant .ent at thee end of the war • .. . .-- . Dodd's :Kidney Pills They will be sweeping advance of ..the Grind Duke The soldier did not. :appreciate the • meane that .Hellenis ambitions reinain Men British 'Hint • Freed in ' German - unfulfilled this ediniration -mak eas- • • •• - , . . • Ranke . • - 'sure to give you a release from Pain.", in • the East and the defeat and • .de, moralization elf flee. Turkish Artily' suggestion,ebut gravely replied that This le the . message of Cornelius he was anxious.to get. back again and ily turn into resentment arielewerse: ' - . known.farmer livinopposing him. calls for everyeffort , • g • .. -'. ..: do his • bit as soon as he was well In any case,-Khm ing Constantine as • eeng a batch of Gerinen priHirtle, a well 'son. ' to be made to arrest his advance, and enough. He . is • suffering froin eery ers who:have just areived in Engle ntl. near here. Mr.' Hirtle. suffered from . . ,. . • e to reckon in the futurewith •Neinesis- . severe shell. shock. . . , .. . , ,in the. shape of Me •Venizeloi, the nre two soldiees.. .Who• only, .a few .rheumatism for• fear years and found save, all that is left worth while of , 'i- ,,....._.....,_+...__.. - Greek -deliverer, who, witen he returns :months •w ago ere' sent back . from. e cuee•in Dodd's.•Kideey, PTurkeythat s, the fiultfui-regiumof- eille ' • Brave and Vigoroue: , •to power once more .% would ceem England te..Germany as unfitefoe'lur- , "I was in.liad shape for fbor years," Mile Minor, .Or 'ArEatolia: . . . . . ,._ . . . el .... . ' , , . . . . . . . • • I ' .. • .' • C i ntlY II • "Ith ' - • AXLE GREASE s4o I • ,S..4 0 • ' MO THICOURO i'zht • The only College in Canada kaching'all Typewriter Keyboards Oa 'rata, half .thase otevailifij ue he re woircOieid Kilis friction and makes profits. Dpalers:Everyiehere The imperial OH 'Company • Untitled . BRAITCAE$ 61 ALL CITIEi America's Pioneer Deg Remedios • ' ' --:1300K ON DOG. 414.EASES • the Author H. CLAY GLOVER; V. S. / AVst 3IstStteet,Nety rode ' Worked Both Ways, -e • Book Agent—Here' e a volume e crammed with useful. infOrmation. Chapter pnee for • instance, tells you 4 how to manage seevants., 1' • Housewife—Don't ' want ,it. , One ;can't, get any help, in this town to manage :en— .1 - • ,-- • - Agent --Thep there's another chap- ter -in the kook on self-help. • Has Good News TURKEY A VERY SICK MAN: The -Treasury . Is Empty and the • Arsenals:Likewise. • • , . Togs far the. Family: • • . • .. . . ?I suppose tires are i big, expense • in' authmobiltng. e "Yes, and attires." . . retie ' greeese=aseesmee.a. r etore -Wax- • ing your order for 'Peeds. see our I:MG-Gold- en Jubilee CatalogV it is fi•ee. ' at:Wt. igtan. This. No. 1 Rod CloNer.'rranc,,y)$,10•15 No. l Alsyko ...... /3„h0 NO. 1 Timothy .... ' . . . •_ Allow. Sae tor. etu:11 420 tg.t1 • We pay railway freight iii On- tario and Quebec over $25.00 Granulated Eyelids; Ekes inflamed by expo- suretc.Staa IhiSland Wind byiudaa eS ryeitymreej Srnartipg yloro just Eye Comfort At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Merino Eye SalveinTubes25e.ForflaokolsheEyerreeask Druggists or Menne Eye Remedy Ce., Chicago • Mr. Hittle says' in giving. his experi- . o eseque , a the • rks Ea - yon , didn't oe000se to• inevitable, wilfloie notime in putting ,ther ser‘lee... Vreecl-No.• •And not. going .PoteneY to'the proof, • . repean Turkey milk be hurried across and hips troubled me • the ieSues-involNed in is present ime Both men on t 41 teal en teig. ence. "My back a her ',after all?, . • ' h.,' • • • ''' • • • • to. do„ the Dardanellea, and• ewe 'then, . •• 141W ,were t•ecognized by the military •ea. much that I Was 'not, able will prabably :not be able to .stopththeYe" When I goteto ' her bonse. • I found - her chasing •a mouse with a • broorn. ', euthorities as Imeine • been badly.. much Without suffering. I -also .had GrGaenid.marhiniyie:h,a7..ii ..;),i,es.se:d , a :s. . . i6. T,hree kings„ then, seem. definitely to ,be.trea'ding the puth lending, to ith,-..1 u:Plinqed 'and brought to England as stiffness in . the ' joints; my muscles cramped and I felt heavy and 'Sleepy e . „ &cation; g fourth king promises' .te-,! priseners:14.4 etimmer. . One of them': no relief, in men; arntriuni- ...___ ........._. meals, X had a. bitter 'taste iii . °an 'Send , ,she . ; •!os e much of his PoWer; whilsteit fifth I had 'actually . lost' all •ai,n1: • In' course . after tion oi,§,tipplies'tO .TUrkeY... ' The Buie monarch„..isr ,faced : with. „ti desp r' t ..2 Of tiMerthe tl,V.0 men 'were, N.vith others, •my in,outh, .,especiallY. in :the ;morn-, " e 41 e , . iN IL probably' break ,their ' aek to Germany, in excharir .appetite e wee fitful and I garia•li‘l 1 ' an - to whom he owes' mere than he" would' for • British,' prisoners.: inetipacitatedzzy. . •• cycr care to acknowledge, far. When for . ferther t.'rvice, and it %Vas of "I Offered frail ' shortness • of 1 he .Was Crown PrillCedt was M.' Veni- zolee .wleti brought the ruler af G.reece , ! couriie never . imagined that., they.' breath, • I was often dizzy and I was' Would be • seen again. . ' .. , . • 'depressed and tow spirited,' . . • .back from disgrace' into, PoPularitye_ [ .Ervidently, however,. the „Germans . "I took pi* bexes of Dodd'e Kidney Ha ppil sk, • there - is" plenty of • room. inT are hard preeied feremeirefer the one -1+ Pills and -theY -did' me .se 'time", ; geed . The world -far kings lied ..queens out ' armed Skidier and his ."incapacitated" ; that, I ani.recominending them to all • 1 ,d • o . • ' ti my friends • They are better than ''' ' —Ercerraf-- Grape Nuts? (Made in Gonadal. There's a vast army 'of, , physical and mental work- ers • who do not. One reason—ibs delicieun nut,like' flavor, , • Another—it is easily and - quickly digested ally in about one hour. • But the big reason is— Grape-Nute, besides hav- ing delicious , teete...„ sup - piles all the rich nutriment. ar *EOM Wheat arid/Walt- ed barley, including the "vital" mineral salts ne- emery for building hraiti, nerve and muscle. Always ready to eat direct from the paekage, Grape -Nutt with cream or good milk is a well bal- anced' ration -w -the utmost. In sound nonriehmenti, There's, ,Ikeapn',' 'qrecerg.. of, business. They will he able, tai, corm at c m, le nee Mot e sent -to ie • . any etrench.es where. for the • second time.' doctor." ' • - , 1 Every (Me, of Mr...Hirtle's symptoms find . consolation in. the fact that the . present -centery has aundeabdications . they fell:into British • hands, , •,, . ab4.40/4.0eit4eas,9Ulfe, fit. nit.ional,Tle .. L Bo011 Menwhen chant risee_yeee. d 'I) tlie • Was a symptom of Ikidney . disease. militniw •iiiiiheritiee et the camp trThab's *hy Dodee-, Kidney -rills cure Exi•led Hul Happy.'" • . • • - which they were' sent; 'frankly admit- : hinl. • • • . ...... . • • • .... In .14•Yeral: caseti - the -"refire"iPInaite' (eel eillat eliek hair been .captUred - • -- - 4'-e:'- - ---- arehs have not been sorry to exehtufge,,.- (wice. ' . , Worth lEngaging. the-eikeere-atethe •theene fee the amen- 1. .. „ ,..* .. ..-.• • - - - - ,-. • .. • .Into the , offiee -of- a hueinese than of a cotinti7 house in "ill' . BABY'S 01‘71V T& LETS ' rushed a brightrfoced lad. For three , , . frietallY;viieposed . 'neutral' cetnitry., Kink Manuel no doubt feele more GOOD AS GUARANTEEi) minutes he waited, and then began ..• . • , • to show 'signs of impatience. comfortable at Twickenliane than he Nirs. L. Nhell, Kingston, Ont.,' "Exetise. me; 'sir," -he said lit 1,011-Igth, would at Lisbon'. -whin, *iiii1:11. Dam id • Writ:Vs: ".1aMitieleg Baby's Own Tab- 'Tin in a hurry." '• • is credited with fieding dieiractionst "i9 at hie eastle tAe Brisplinrus to eves- pensete him'for the loSe• of residence akt• , Yildiz Kiosk. ' • . His forrner neighbor, Ali Mimi. the* .ex-Shali of Persia, Avho abdioated, must flatter !lima& On haVing ea &ran a- very 'unenviable • pasition; 'while the two 'Sultenet, -of • Metceree, AM-et-AZ.1z and ,Mulai :have long Sitice ceased to .eliafe.‘ at the less their In the Par East two former mon- archs are left to reflect on the vieissi-• tildes which, have, caused them to 'lost, their sceptres. One is the ex-Fanper- or of China; whose thenghts at ,oeink Yuan -Sin -Ka itscend the threw, Fl flier having made China reptiblit Meet be Well, worth o'recording, th: re • . , •ey..„ en take advantage of . the ,3ittiation.„41si recover . the. rich portiens Of berritery whieh they lost to Ttirkey in the last war... The hundred different factions:, which_ hae'e been .held • down by ...Enver - Pa:she's. militaiesi pmeme.aided , by the -,- - ,presepco of the. German. Generals and .tTeops, win riow, assert thetnselVes, ' . •.Itelding Him to His ,Word. • NO Cause for Alarm. , Mrs. Finnegan (to Mike,. who has just collie -horne)—PhWet's all the • noiee below? Did I hear some I shout Finnegan—Ye 4,..y"e _did; but make yel.- self aiSy... The foir's in ,Widdy Ma- • lone's ,tiniment- en The first flure, there's six fiures bechune it an' CANADA'S G. R E ATE ST . " ' Muskrat Handler. is the -old firin of , • • FORAM 40:FINSCIN • Lisnited,, 410 •St. Paul. St: Monteeal:,, Ship all ' furs • ther'e and olitait.Vull • value: • To wham it May caticern: This. is to.- certify that I • have. 'ueed MI-. NARD'S LINIMENT Myself as well - as prescribed it ineti ractice -where , • • . . • ver failed to get the desired effect.- . ' • . C. A: KING, M.D. BERMUDA The Ideal Winter Resort B•eautiful lirit'ea, Saddle itfding, Teratts. Vai•htlnE, irlAbing • and • F.l.ea • Milli Mg. ,V1••• st7111' Vine, 'rison, of the Ottawa .ttRt1)1 tte:izt- rnen,t. _ Tint_ Princosst Hotel -is.,oPen from. DECLm0E.2.:ta _MAY :. . Situated on • the. Ifurber of Rates,: - t:15 per Wet,it and upward: . HOWE & TWOROGER, • , Managers 1-1,AMILTON, - BERMUDA • Berinuda in reached hi „the steam - 'ern itte--Qtreheit -$.14 32 Bi•ondwuy, New york, ;and chaos. come again. Th.e Turkish , Bobby ..(ttying. to.get awily)—SaY;" elude likewilier Poode-.-ektiiring atid---erealairlast nigh* that I. couldn't be 'WANTED * treasury is -empty, tic 'Turkish ay- Int wait a mimate. Iri't.". you tell the ' . • , ammunition are not -to be hail, and ..heet. for. nli,schief ?. N%"0 thrni•gh ,:niol,n.,,,plo..,:!;•ro..;' .rch_e!ges.. - , thtrofitrthrifiKtfihTth-er'Th'reit TO -the; r-. - not avail much in cartying on a Wipe mean by beating 1110 ' now ? ' • • 'and •°eIteralitee I, g , i T., ..;- . . . . inks is t oil t pligieua fanaticism: e:eung. rascal. . • EatherieeThat's what . IT .•dici, • T you. whidli will hold I them faze:there. hut' • flobby-eWell, then, what' . do ' yeti' " • . Cheering ThOught, ' • . Ilinard.'11 Linlutent iteliettea N'am•alifiA. . . ' .4v, 0:IMAM . ,• ••• .. 9 N. MET '. OR '8:0 UR • eClieer up, old man! 1: .V.11 fili.:•ie. s i. ' . '''' .. . .. • . _ • • ' Wan* gambling' debts, hut •• I Couldn't . 'Brelikin---g it ret,O(.4',.: -. ''' ' ' Write tee partkulars. Don't . get too sel-iniperttint;• the- : Rome to those who .•wal 1 ."' • . • ' -•'[. • 1 "•• .. • , • • • e , "Sure thee' elol -You-'41. And es our. ,•"1/ciee..yOur :father...km-NY el Write-...,eleiteesec:e • TORONTO ORE11111.tRY 00... I, EITEll . . i "Not a eituatiep; not a „pesition." I ' Ile hed just been accepted. . . self in an unpleasant situation end, poeti•y ?" he aeleeele tmeiou:sly, 'Ou• Be .k,r an embarraesink 'position if you ,Only.; "Net. yot, dear," she. replied:. ."I've wait' long enough.'t - - . ' •t told hiM all about yotir drinking arid lots • and find them as geed' as adver- "Well, what do you even .. asked •• tised. -`_They',ar.e te_eietainlyeeie wonder- • the 'business' man.. , , .. ' • .. ful remedy for little ones." Mrs. Is-' "A,. job." , • , ••••• . , bell's testiino.ny is like that of thous- j "Bu \vhy the hurry ?" . -ands ef -other inothers. Once a inother I • "Got -to hurry," ikeplied • the . Itid has used 13aby'es Own Tablets she 'briefly. "Left school, yeaterday, and Will :use. 'nothing else for her -little haven't • struck anything • -suitable. yet. ones, The Tablets are told by znedi- The.'onlY .place whet% I can stay long . . eine 'dealers or by mail at 25 cents a fit where they pay,.me for it.'" . The Snob. , bee from 'the . Dr.' Williams' Medicine • "How much do you want V' . FirSt ,Reernit—What do . you. think ' tHREE lierat.• dItIVSVIONS . . ..• Ate vett fell of enctrit, vital lofee, and general Co„ 81`oelcville, Ont 1. "Pour dbilars a week for a start." of the inn tor, Bill ? .. second Tteernit....,ne,_a_eilat.ii a. 1 le • ....--....,--*7-.....:„........ • ,"And When can you come?" • Fe ) , No num elm' be happy . unless • he .. "Don't need to conic; i'ml'itere,' I 'Taint: .'.;),)1)1`)14.k:.,?('‘s 'Yttie.i'it,'el.i..g.li'•ntil.j., isetlY ss(,), . flies to make others happy. .• . , .coilid linve been at .work five mit,- enie'ad,.. ton'to.ijny •0 °teem.); ., knows.. ttmareva hiatiacut tures nutuu. Etc. .. me., • . litittard's Liniment Cures Dandruff tell him everYthing at .once," • utes ago if you'd only se;d go." • • • iabuteda tinting:nu for sale ; overyo-no: 1 rr,,,1.1‘ 111t, bulldog's peiid WC view l' Moral' . 12 07100 . is All ri!zlit in iti ,.,,.,,y.,. bac ib'ere aro theca Nolen 0 nappiness is eit,n. the. pi,i,,,, .1. 1 , „tli.:.- a vezy tvinrrelsonites:4olti.lrwt;111:1...16` ,11, ili...10,11.,1).” bat.lted ttp. with a gun. . ing poor. • . ,..P ,,,r • • . . . 1.. . • . . , Ai All Dreddisti..0* direct on receint of mice, WC; and S1.00. he :ago. oft e torn ru t tct r firth as . txtr,t'a pri them:411m. A, 3, WIllta Sk Co. Lisitran, Cthis .St,ree. t.Wei, ,t, hientrea . ' , •TORONTO • 0 NM, (Dept ily;) „ world will go on just- the 5111110, after - you getout. • orciiion In stomach and chest aftir eating, . constipate:1, headache dinlects, are au e• tido • „of Ipthicatum. Mother Scidel e Syrup. t etreot lletbra remedy and tonic urc you. AIFER: MEALS i*It 'E \ ' M 0 11-1 Eli • s.,*,- 1 i '...- _ ' • BANiSil STOW141i TROLIBLE$ *YR U IP, 71 . • . XS. •It