The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-04-06, Page 2ifl•ittor. b - "UP wUl 400U be Sow.that aro ether pole,Xeral--always lie, •On• . rot set *Part ter ,sonie .special object tine in, your engagenienitsiof whatever welIare Sunday Was -ObSerlfed..natillre and de not held Up ba sy pee. ecently in, „Many elnircb.es, Thigi is an; .pla- by your promo in: unneceaSerY • excellent 'movement. D&. lorolor.tqk talk.; -Don't toh a men Of bis tiMe for .14010b. in •artiele no "The Era of- lest time can neVer.be'regained, the Vhiltir, in the • •christian Virork, .. • . • -* . SOS the natiOn has: been -,•,•awaliing,• • •wbe.'deeelaet nue 4.0,..0ed eon, wen; 70.-;F 1.T ASID. although too Alewlyi tO, two, gr&tail old? A fete!weeks ago we gave Itn these talks a Paragraph from Nellie U McClung' s ititwit book, "In Thus., Like These." Here is another, AO even better one. She calls it 4 "Hardy Perennial," and it appears in erainee-, tion with_women_liaving-votes-'-Bb says; When I was a little god be* an the farin in the Souris Valley, I used to water the :cattle on. Saturdays; drawing the Water in an ley. bucket witha winalaSs frein a well. We had* an oltf`white ex, Mil* A patriarChial- looking old sinner who never had enough and who had always to be _wa- tered fltat. Vsually Lgrive him what I thought be should have and thew took him back to the stable return- ing' to water the others. .0ne day I, for fun, decided to give Mike allhe, could drink, even if it teak all the water .fn the welt. I admit I cherish- ed a secret 'hoe' that he would • kill We are in full ftin accord real:monk himself drink*V I will4ult set down Charles W. $liet's, views -On ' educa- )Mleirit9eid4;agnQkldfibugttiiie:iknho7..m•AatnY'lesPtahiles '.. the eatication' Of children' With Or. tiOnal methods AS set forth 1n:a pant. could not drink ,anpthet drop, lie ,pve‘t.ho haa, just issued: .discussing to with.the cold and' I w9tched , 'various School problems. '' ue is,..re.., O'see-Vlitce 'die Or at least turn away - and give the .other tattle a chance to being President emeritus of Harvard gattled as an ' autherity of education, drink. .The thirsty ° Cattle crowded round the trough, but old .Mike, go University. .Some of the -things pr. full, that I'm sure he felt) as if .he'd . ,liot•has to say reflect seriously on never drink 'another drop of Water as , nuxlern educational methods. • The , long as he. lived, deliberately'and with best Part at human.- knowledge. le difficulty placed his two front feet over -the trough 'and' kept • all, :the peer cattle away! Years 'afterward's I had the pledi- ere of being present when a delega- tion waited upon the Government of a Canadian province and presented '' • woods, the .crops. reasons for extending the fran- '' Here is whereDr. and the many other _ objects of nature. chisel to women., One member of the Eliot scores 'another 'good Point, '11.Gfe his overnmen arose and spoke fOr all ' 88Y6 inrespect to the traininge colleagues. He said in Substance: s - a 'IY01z,ean't have it, 'so long as I have ' .their senses the children' of- well -to -der anything to. do with the affairs of this parents are nowadays l often worse off than province -you shall not have it!" the children Of the poor, because Ver Did yeur brain n they are not called household upon to Perform or on the give you ' a • &I -neer little twist and suddenly. you - :farm' Which gives practise in accurate Were conscious that the- present mot - 1. hl ' pbservation analnainzal-:'-clexteriV, 1.33t. pro-oesg; had taken place loefore? If . all means bring children up t� work, you have ever had it you will know • * i * * . • What I Mean, and if you haven't I , - cannot' make you understand. I had If it is true, as stated recently in a that feeling then. I said to myself, leading .moothiy magazine, that the ewh ere have r seen that face before?" , . . president of nearly every leading um- . ., Then, suddenly, I remembered, and in ,versitY in the United States was horn, ja- y heart I cried out: "Mike! old and raised on a farm, where the Km- . ple life and industrial habits, and in-] friend, Mike! , Dead these' many dyearal Your_bonea-..-Ile.-butied under •dtvidual initiative- were ineuleate„ - the fertilesoilof the Siiiiiis Valley, . then Dr. Aliot's theory must posiess but your Soul goes marching on! Mike, ... , _ _ old friend, I see yon-agaiii--both feet in the trough!" ... • , - • feet% &10010Y, that the future tapital of the nation is its children,. and there,, fore it doe S not lisy to kill. them, Mahn them, weaken. their 130;40 and . Minds, make degenerate Characters loy bard and eruel.Work in 'nine and fac- t zch be1iri qt!iter • generally subjected to. Continuing, he -sari many people have had their hearts enlarged and haVo cense to; feel that the child has the right, the irreYoCable.fight, to the years 4of • growth, or play„ study, and general. • PreParation for life. ...In a lierfected dvilisation 310 one Will have to 'be - ening a wageearlier .until he has be- einne of age. We presume, he means by a wage-eairner, one hired to de reg- ular !Work in nowt industry. His last remark MOO .apPIY specially to eitiee and towns and ,not to fart:lei:a' chit- •••• 'Sem has come' by exact and studied Observation made through the sense of sight, hearing, 'taste, '.sznell • and togano boy on the farm has ad- mirable opportunities to train .eirO, ear and hand, because he can always. he lOoking at the sky and the soil, the may • -give- our -xeaderS, ' 'Avhild on this subject, his views in re- gard to the teaching of some 'subjects • . that have not been, Pe -Tiller, - Schools in this country, but which DO J. B. Dandeno, M.L. was last other educators of ; advanced ideas. yeer*.appointed Inspector of Element- •' recoinniehd.--Only an Insignificant per, arsi Agricultural Classes, in Ontario. Oen of .,, school time in , secondary This implies • that, the 'Government • _. ' schools has been 011otted tic the calm,- wishes to give more attention to .ig- 'vation of the:• Perceptive power ricultutal subjects in the nubile, ; .through mnSie• anddrawing and ;until schools. School garden work . is re - lately. boys and girls in such seheolscommended:in rural Schools and to •..:- -did not. have •their attention :directed encourage it and the teaching of ele, to. the fine" arts by any outside ' Or ..nientery agriculture - in all country . voluntary organization; Many, highly schools, the- Depertnient of Education • educated ministers, teachers' and lawiofiera grants in money to such school iiei-W- fe-CoW4r ani-soleatme. as will seriously 'undertake ' the.. work ther . than you can draw it back. 'Be of the speech" Made , by the Kaiser triiining,, have never used any instru:- 7440 to a fully qualified , teacher. of. bold On -occasion, but ever let prizdence the Pothdam Council :is now in i inept of preeiSiok possess no mei-mai agriculture and $30 to the trusthea of govern. Be a good loser, bearing in, archives. of %the ;British Governmen . skill Whatever, and cannot draw, aiiii schools which carry .on the °work ,mind that the Minority ' often • beats where it has 'remained unpUblish or play on, a musical instrument: After themighout•the year. In a smite this the Majority in the end. 'Ever Make Until riON'll. the copy Of the Speec '.-01, Inatt to one' of. the, finest: equipped isp ying at the matter in comparison good use of other men's•brains7-7be a he adds, Was obtained ermine yfio . , and largest lechniCal schoola in the with the way 0 might be carried ,On. 'keen observer .,orresulte..• To be popa- "a high' • functionary in Germany .. . ., , . _ , 'United States, and seeing the class of We 'believe. there are in the United ler with all inen;.be' a good' listener; who was closely assOciated, with. ti Instrertion.'.*ven hi • -oie : Cleveland States several What are called' Farm always . aniwer important questions Kaiser, and, who held •• pro-43ritis Technical School, ; we are inclined to Schools in which all farm operations cautiously, and decide 'Promptly when ,Viaa'ra: . , ' - • - . ..agree With Dr. Eliot In a measure are taught. We Ita,ve.nevet• seen Such ' necessary. LpstIy, preserve „by' au :This is, the _story of , .the R:aiser ... , 4 when he shyS. the changes which a sehool,'but'should very much like to . means in your power 4,‘Ii.soand mind 'siieecli ' at Fbtsclarn. as ,told lii Mr. L -0. .. ought! to .be made immediately in the. visit \one or More. We Understand ' in a sound body." in brief, lie a 'per- Quex: . '., , , : :" . courses of Study ni secondary Schools the teacher lives hi the farm residence son of high character. An old saying • "Shortly after the Zeppelin eirshi in Order .to cOrreet the glaring flefi-..'etid the school proper is built on the; among the' ancien tiri,. Net ay 6:toid, was: .had, been .tested anti 0 Oved.• succes • Kaiser: •"Think D' kour •gains." Germany: "nut 1 think ef tile p -Now- York Times. • BizSiness makiins_ are numerous and of varying values. It is a good plan to adopt, some real good ones, Every boy looks forward to some day being a business man, or More • correctly, • perhaps, being a man capable 9f tren- saCting• business; Another' ;,ivorcl in modern 'times nearly always' linked With butiness is that magie word • Success. Publishers of leading public- ations pay large money to experts in all departmen,gs of industry for arti- cles telling how they won success in their endeavors and what .are the chances for young men to -day, The person who reads indnstrial literature and. ether informing' peripdicals and hooks will find 'abundance of mottoes, inaxiiiis and rules,.the observance of which is wartanted-to bring the cov- eted success. We shallreproduee a set of maxims which years ago we ,selected for out sacred collection of clippings: Have a definite aim in life and go: straight ,for it determinedly and persistently. Master every im- portant detail in your efforts. Always FORESAW "TIE DAY" '8YEARS AGO RAIPER 'IN 7. A. sPEEdii TOLD 'OF • EIS PLANS. ' Britain and France Crushed and U.S. • and Russia Held at • His -Mercy. 1,•.• • That. the. Kaiser at 'a secret council . _ . high Gennep military, Oval and, other offieials, held. in Potsdam, Pal; ace • in June,--1.9087briasted., that he Was supreme in 'the -United States -because' of the iireserice in that .doun- try of l a population :.of.. ,one-half of Which "Ts• either of German birth or German, descent," and that,' the. day Was coming When - 'he (the Kaiser) would orush-l3ritain and.; France__ •to learn more than you are expeeted to the ,dust and hold ."Russia: -and the know.. Remember that diffieulties • United :States at my mercy,' are are only • mittle overcome -t� 'statements quoted in a book entitled. "German Spies in Eriglized,":by Wil- liam quex.,-the British: writer,. conquer them is --to win. Treat fail- utes as stepping stones to further' strong efforts -this is a very good one. Never put your hand. out far - Le_ (bloc states that a true'eopY, at he. t, h. ed: • /•-••••••••••••pnw." r",•••••••••...."" ineaniS dieposal to Iced .0er.' many triumphantly Out of he pre. •gient •diffieulthia and 0, .rgu&ko,.. Once ••Oncl for all, geed the. Wevii.st -of :our -poet, Weutsehland„ Deutschland - ober -411eSV. . Teo, gentle:nen, Ocrineny over. :everything in !the world, the first power on earth, both, in peace, and wan thia is tho. pipe°. which I have been. ordered by Gini to conquer for her, and Which X ,ConqUer for her, with the help of the - IS my irrevocable- •deeision. "Mg Cleanliness at Milhing Time, •to retain customern. The- man cupply,- Twice each day dairymen draw from At present, we are,lhanks to our air- their cows a finished preclect, a food ships, invincible, ancl can carry at ready for use, or capable of being will itvar into the enemy's own cowl- further manufactui:ed into other vain - try. The attaCk, has always, been, the awe too. PrOLAjgt$,, No •artivle best defence, and he -wile Ftrikee the human: dietia Mere susceptible to un - brat WOW generally coMes trilMIPh* desirable changes, due to the delicate ant out ef the fray." Iiiature of the intik itself and to con- • Centinuing, Mr. Le Quex -says .the ditto ns naturally surrounding, its pro - Kaiser added that plans for the in- duction and handling. •11tlilk is read- vasion of England. had been carefully ily affected by bacteria, found On the • prepared by the German General hedy of the cow and on hay, bedding 'Staff..• •• ••or dugt,laden .atmoipbere falling, into Sees Pan-Crerman tra.: • '' "the :freshly -drawn Milk, The eXtent "Of course," the Kaiser is reported of this source of contamination de - to have continued, "it too early Pends on the care COWS receive, the Yet to 4.x the ,,exact dabe ,when the vareleasnesiz .of the milker and the blow shall be struck. But will say Utensils Awed. Unless the Oder is this, that we shall strike -as soon as diseased, it is claimed that there will I have a suffiCiently-large fleet ef be few" bacteria in the:milk when first Zeppejizis my • disposal. I have than, but it is subject tacontainine.- given eiders for the humied construc.,. tion •ftozn the • moment it le" drawn Non 'of More airships Of :the irnproVi.. until..renioved from ,.the stable to a ed Zeppelin t type, and when -these 'place that free from odors or dirt. are ready we shall, destroy England's The WM of the` dairyman should be NOrth , Sea, .C.hannel and Atlantic "to -reduce the .'eourees of .contamina- fleets., after which nothing on earth tion to a miniminn. Th ls limy be, can prevent •thelhnding of our. army done with a 'degree Of sucecs's through 'Oh• British• soil and its triumphant) a little extra e t' in g milk to a 'cheese facto*. or Crean& to a creamery is not affected directin, but indirectly he suffers Sooner Toter 0 poor quality milk or .cream ia elicese nmice#45nnet---- •ntalce iirst-claiii Weese from second- grade milk, and the quantity df milk to .make a pound of cheese in- creased, Likewlise with the creamerY- 1%sitlires good milk to pro- duce good cream, and Ai: proper care - Must be taken of the •ereani if the' higliest-priced butter is to be made. There is need for a uniform method .of caring for milk and crearn in. order that a uniform product may be mend'', •facfurect that will compete ' favorably., with 'the products( of other mottles. on any nearket, 'The solution begins ° with taking every•precaution at milk- ing time. -Farmer's Advecate. • Cato of the Coll's Feet: • .. • • The 'care- a horee's feet should • • commenet When he Is a colt, that is, . before he is :weaned; •Entrinimed` hoofi tisually grow long. and nnevetz, and a crooked feet, orworse, a crook. ed, leg IS the result. Failure to re- ir e e March to London. Do you reinern- of the cow and. the udder are wiped foot may make a straight leg creoked gUlate the length and bearing of the ber; my generals what our never -to- with a damp cloth just previous to or be forgotten Field Marshal Von milking, the danger of bacteria get- a crooked leg worse, while Intel., ,cher exclaimed when looking from ting into the milk frozn this source i8. ligent care during the growing per - the dome of St Paul's Catherdal up- lessened. In some stables the chores iod can gradually improve a leg that on the,vast metropidis at 'his feet? are not Planned so that the stable will a colt's foot, leach him to stand on Is crooked at birth. When picking up It was short and to the point, 'What be free from dust at milking time, three legs, end not depend on the' one. - a splenlid city to sea!? ' but. just previous to -milking, or while holding up' his foot for the fourth "You will desire to know how the the milking is' b • d • • , e ee outbreakof hostilities will, be brought puts straw, or hay down from. the about. My armies of spies scattered barn and proceeds to feed 'the cows; over Great Britain and France, as it thus filling the air with dust and is over North and Sollth mAerica, 04 making it im ossibl t • point of support. The handling of a colt's feet begins with the near front foot. -Tie a rope around the postern, /- • grasp the rope close to the foot, push well as • all the other parts of the milk eleen. 'By a *little planning of igyenitilfty atghaeinfsototth.,e sThholeildieutt,inagndoqfuitchk; world where Germ interests may the work th t b • • e kept prac- come to a clash with a 'foreign pow- tically free from dust for.a short time er, will _take good care of that.. It morning and evening: After the Milk will become ' the starting point of a is removed froin the stable, feeds new era in the history of the world, which cause a dust or strong odol known to all generattorTs as the Pan-. may be fed. In stables where certi- German era. ' fled milk is produced every effort is "Even now I tele supreme in the United Rita -es, 'Where almost one-half of the populatim is either of German birth, or of German deacent, and where 3,000,000 voters do mY bid- ding at • the. 'Presidential elections. No American • administration could remain in power against the will of foot must be simultaneous with the weight shifting to the other feet. Gentle the foot and leg and let it, down. Repeat several times and then trim and level the hoof. To raise a hind foot, put on a_rope • as on the front foot and. draw the_ made to keeythe cows' bodiei clean Toot ferkard; Te put a rope on. the - and the air free from dust while the hind- foot of a wild hors, tie up a milk is being drawn., There ger of bacteria lodging and grOwtng is (Ian- front feet, have the aisistant hold his. - in cracks or crevices of pails or cans hand over the eye On the same side as the'foot to be lifted, or take 'the that are difficult to wash. The pail headstall in one hand, the tail in thee with an open seam may be the cause other,. and whirl the horse until he of serious trouble. FeW milkers talce the German voters, who, through that the time to put on a special cOat and i tien he.may admiral3le organization, the German- apron for milking, but apart,from he-, becomes dizzy. While in this dondi-; -be handled with safety. American National - League of the ing more- sanitary, they protect Ae Lift the _foot- forward-two-or-.-thres- - - - -United_States of America, control the times and gentle it As soon th destinies . of -the -vast -republic -beyond the tea. If man ever wits worthy of...a_high_decoration-at-nzy-handaTi everyday clothes froxn,becoraingapo fed with Milk. was ,Herr Dr..11examer", 'the president of 'the league, who may., justly 'be• termed to. be, by my grace,. the .act,.' log -ruler. of all Germans: • in • the .United States," .• • - , • 'REMORSE. •. l' -'killed h squirrel: The little chap - • Had ventured forth from his' winter • nap ' • ' • -_ • To nibble, a t_wi_g. ahd, taste the sap. • I flung a stone as he chattere'd :there, I enly.meant to give him h Scare, • Bat off it went -rand it hit him -square. , •, . . , . A little . oniVei-,-a little, ery; Then •on the ground saw him lie s-bacteria,--there-are alas - and odors' which affect th e quality of milk Arid its products. These odors are absorbed by the milk.' after • it is, drawn .from the co*. ,If Milk is ex- posed to any strong odor,. or 'foul air, resulting from lack. .ventilation in ;'the stable* at milking. . time, these odors will be 'taken up quite rapidly: Or,..if milk is being cooled by use Of an aerator; it is ,liable to.. absorb any. strong 'odor from the attrzosphere. These "off" :flavors are- strongest!' when the. milk is warin -arid . are less, pronouneed Milk becomes • older,! especially . if subjected to 'some form; of aeration in a •freah,, clean Sphere. ' Taints. and .baCteria affect all more or legs, and.. every dairyrnan in I dal net think he was going to die. slieuld endeavor to lessen the setircee • • of contamination, by taking' extra caro at milking Untie and in cooling e milk .pl•operly after •it is remared m the "etable.. The market demands.. high-class .prOduct, whether in the •m ,Of milk, ,cheese or butter. The n 'selling milk' direct to custometei a town or city is obliged to keep milk .up to, the standard order e' But es I *etched him could•see : • h• never would frisk for . you and ,th Any more .on ,branch of the tall fir. • fro • a 's • tree. .• • - '.. • ; , lot Toro in tree top flight, ,ina P l Never more in •the, sunshine brie•ht 'n. s"--tSeeftering Us (leer ih his. wild delight. •the •,ciencies bf the present curriculums fermi. jart. of each .day •spent ; that.whichiS written. on thy. ferehead." .1111, rPeecret council was held;" • In± • • are, ebiefly,the.intrOduction of more class work and the reit Of the time -is ,*theu-.AVirt .cbme to" No niaXims can says "at 'llotsdani in June, 1008, .libud, ear' eye work,- stich as devoted.to ;Practical work on the land, ' teach an itutividual that which, is .not which .the EMPeree presided, . Pi inc ataiving, carpentry,• • turning, rintSid, .the progranifile- including every Phase in him.seltalready.. Hut when A Man H,orirk, of Prussia -la • (lever MEM ,ef •the .sua-warmeil .world •lie•liad. bid .!sewing and col in,, ,he giving of of farm' .work. This, it seerns to determines to make the ;best' of that whom I knew/ persenalli,;-7the eepre much tum to *the iciehece.:of obServa- Properly conducted, would be a vast, which is. within him 'he Usually sue- .sentr.ttives • a tho. kading, Federi tien,-;-ehkinittry,fphysics, biology and improvement On. the .• 'school garden ! ceeds., „,.• • •• States; and the, Wet's. 'of the. :arm •,- ,•geographY, not politicel bid. geological idea,..helPftil .it May he in a 'small .• • *•., r' and- •pavy, that:klieg: .rny infoi.tuan and• ,ethnelogical. .To these subjects way. If any of our readers can give We do ..not Often iedelge in , being present. -• • .• • • horse , plies in, carrii the-foet ba,ck- ward into a shoeing position and_ trim -the-Irdot • • '• To handle The feel of a horse.that, will 'Ilot stand stili, 'or. that Rieke, -a halter twitch is a. great 'aid. • 1.his •-• - twitch 'is. easily ,applied and .needs on- ly the ordinary' halter and tie -rope. ." Pass the rope over the horse's 'Imad' just behind the ears;.•rlise the upper lip, and put the •rope across the gums . .above the teeth run, the ,rope throirgh - the loop made by passing the rope - Over the horse's head. The 'rope should be tight 'from_ the halter ring, over.. the head, , tinder the lip, and. through the. loop, A"feW geed Pulls on •this rope should Make. the horse... stand quietly. • ' • 'Saving the Trees. _The cementing of holes ' in trees is now quite common. . On, old estates, where trees halie been showing' hales in •their trunks for. years„ they lire . now being cemented, •both to •add te the -stability . of the trunks 'and to .arrest further decay. Huge trees With ; holes in their trunks large enbegh: for a mart to 'stand upright in iire inw filled, with cement,' the .perrient being : Painted the celer of the bail t dreamt tharnight or his death -dire- ' - s Green Isle - ers, eldest Son of Rev: Cauou B. 1.•••• • • • C. 2nd Battalion Connutight Rang a• • hied re, •' • . -• god -bye, • . ' • , tin, line been presented ittliitellin by , ,Tackson, reef ;et Beim:1,1kt, .hac il been; e warded' it he Milli ery C.roes: And ni;;- dream fit.avod a Carp: • Carjer Royal Enginre rs; Dub - NEWS •BY . MAIL FROM IRE - LA NO'S 'SHORES: Arra thilik,•and think-evcry summer day•• Boy s *With., the .114^.:.10.1 'Of ' wo would add elementary agriculture Us.a goo description of •a farm scheel ;thing .quite' as. ludieroue an .t1TiM.,pal.4-: -- . "At this° secret eameil the hu (r Time fieve-r,.20(e;;ci• Can I repay. . . • tint], naiLral 'Study sii..far at. it may- ' or School' term- that ia conducted- sac- ''.. rirttph. uot it points a meted . jast noW aPpeare,d di•essed in • naval uniform, Thci:eWect. little, life I tOok aWay, . • • ,. . - , .. . pp , . .. z . ste• ( i a.. i cinches, of farm reel& u y, we should., be delighted to m.hen people. , are .making ..of , their pp le, • determined, ,and ,some7,viutt tier . -••• . . ' .. ' Adepteti:--E.T.8„ . . Aperatiooe. . English achoots '&6 far have air artiele fully dcseribing the' stomach:4' apotheearY -idiopii, ."Ilow I .v?Llg." .•:', ...P' • • . . . . _ ,.. • .iT1 At11.7.1/1et. Of ours along several prim- Method. of operatien .and .t)ie ,practical . Cured kl„y„,„c;,',e,f4)::' . ' .. ' • - ' .'„ • , .'. Cod . !Vs -V1Y- • ,. 01 1 kr ct 3. engg,ested hy • Dr.. Eliet:•'roo • vesults.• ' ..'; • . • • . . . ,., . ' . • . .., , . ... •• ir- 1 sze:e•Lkre.d. Inv Cdidt".• he i'al'I' 'tl'11.1 • .'file kilielf.z• spcetiii, as., lc' 6 .", 1..... ,. • x, roach titre . ig . :consumed, 'in • Pirblie .. • , . . *. :''''..; *' .*, '' . - .. I tell you hew 1 Ohl ie.. , The in fermetion barik,(1 in Mi. .Le. qiiees .bbts.,,.; the• .. • 1 . , .. . . .. . . „..,, .Sehoelq .il .Ctiniula for the ground they. , • if.. §,,ich -a :1.111041 ...were qs-tablicilipe, ought to cOme in handY tins..tretedier-; fell, ... . • • • • • .. • , • -* 61.1) I 1,0A1 EH* CHANGE HANDS.. , Geerge, conferred on biin ky the Cear of Russia for galizint (0.11ref 'at 11 111 the Einereld isle of • yric,,,;* • lutCrtst to irish- • . • inen. I. ' , • . . '• .• , , ••,,,..1,. • . , , , . - • . , • Mrs J. N. ';(;riliaglier,. formerly- city • it War. Ilas if orced Thousands in Eng:. . • - • • cOuncillor, bag b"cen elected Mayer of , lanzi to Give Up Estates, . . . . . . . •• . .At a .rn'eetifig• of" the . Coenell . • ef ..Derry Cht,mber Of-: (t n. rev- .1.!to • 'secretary .'renorted Oh tiv; .ri::)ivet •cr : the vommandeering`bV tie.. -Ilinirtti-,y ....._,_ 7.. ., situation. - •. . . ' ..• 1' "" • big :out that it:would el.( at , a le riei:L; • of one .of the Olasgov; steeni;.•,..;...;; Poi et:. . At the Vieerogal Eocigo, lb,iiiin,''th:!. ..... Lbrd Livid% ii?nt 'decei :1:1-- t'..i t. e,'.1 'Lieut. Michael O'Leary, N t. with Of, •' .. . Cross. of St: George, ...e.00r,,r(il nr:on him by 1 -lis IMperial Meijer:1y tiVe • Ptil- peror of Russia. , Ata inetipg of th.e, Taairanee . . . . :stitute of Ireland, in Dublin, it wits ... stated that 1e0 member- of t're lire; ,. . . . , itute . are on .service with 'lie.. naval atiAd..finiiil-ilt..tait!;‘hc.vreer%C.:,s;k3..:ho, 4 0 4vvu.;,,,, •.• •e_.....the eveetive e-i.--M-iii-i-t-tie ' fer- tile Ballymena. and iliet:•i• t Red Cross: Fenel• :Axel red , $2:1,f419•t ne..;.,rit.,4 :,. i he.. .... -1111,'Tikh-Reirri•Osa- ,§Tuerei.;',. - .: . • c• ove v. • 1 here ' ii n'., •fieto or keeping a whol,:e_itLotiuld „be,Convertientl 11:"- (Ms wather• ' ' ' . ' ' - ' •• . : .•..• . . . , y reit(' t • - 1 6°02.ntlenteqr the Emperor cam-. • • ch11,1 e..f,:nt ,tziaes in the Public School ed it would be the right place for .Our i ' "I' boiled a etirirt of,Wormtvood and ; yet...nced, "in calling , ling I ',have follo,wed the ',.Divine 'P'<aglantl .thie, council this .' Th9tiliandi. of stately ' homes in ,a ith the pre;;ent covn.,, a study.' gut countiw sclieorteaellerS to . sPend - a ,:horelieund ,together, end drank it 'het:1 ev . _ _ , . ere- changiug 'hands, accord:, tshi,i..-1 -, a eethei• .'l,tery..; . . • • ' .. month ,,De thar gurarrier. vacailmh_Thi 2Thari. I -.took_..tiee -pi-ll-', awl -put onc . , .. . _ .. ( °warrant!: :Almighty God Ii ails, as ays - Ling -1.6-ti*-real' estate a-utlioi ;ties., The is the idea Of Scereta if Lane f th kind p my hack and a 'third. k* I ' ; p im been .4 relit and 'true ally , ' the old owners have in many ..instances .Mr..john McKenna, a notee‘ rille„ • IxOting the month of .JanearY,. the Rirkeer,drstri4..,e,uort.b,nted 1;20,0 eggs. to the • nitti6nat egg collection. • • • .tint • eteal r 1101110'14 United *gtateS Delia) tment. 'of the, ,Irt- dor: Cn.(41 urn1.- • ' Hons.° of Hohenzolle,en, and it, hi. to been forc'edby increased taxes taseek shot,. just passed &IWO. at. Bel feat: ' • • t 1 t'“i. ••r,i,4.:. i,.. tj,,, .,;,.,,iy that. : li fe• " .4 S. t • erior .W.ho. says: ; . , . . , Thank. ,to my. governor's advice' I nie,,,e mot eta c. .p acts, an( some of nliok v." f. linkcspc.1,itt raiti 'the man "The 0!.,i-fashioned,,One-rpom Selma, hail • simie enough to .claP a "mustard .,.., . , ce9tOrs' Him that l•-•,•jii_st, as . my • august an.. did -16°k ;for inspiration amt. 0" "1'4tes are being* Parellasell 1).Y -that •Won the Eleho He was ..a mcinbee of the. Iriah 'team • ." && hi; 'Oleo; . 'PAH'. r,t11.',' • 1( 4f* trtiSh;'! • hotige Whieh 'hOld.S fOrt.y.'0j7., fifty . un,....p.l.LiSter da_&11Y, atorn.nVil ..4P.A.P.L._41.1c1 tOgig.i.danee in the, hour• --,Of -need. .i.k-fteie.:"'cPs.0• .ila''wila.4ave.-P''Olte'l 113t War. (()-a"--- • The.- n., i+,. flii77,teq; BakerS'' !:1;!..'.":1' ii". • ';'.h".• !t' 141E ,Filf. in (;ot• ;.. 0? I real' teacher who knOW$ nothing but booke„ "An old lady: .broi , gilt it.. 1)1:Atte . tvi: tait ,c9n.1:6 ' t 0: inc., , ....7here Li telt of. w o est( e =gra- . •_:. bread to 9 etaltg Per 2,11). loaf. - - ..j..44."I'tt:'', 'Til Ifr"".1171''Xilm'ic.'&; I '-.1..acir IA not a -iiiiiderti institution,. theugh or go'O;,,e mil and i;111.)v“..0 MC ,11OW to '... "You, my trusted 'counVillers itiul , tion lind predictions: -that , Country life - The new military cenvalee.cent'hoe- : le. bn.e e::,' •11 good eajne 14,/, or:5-e, 1.ut• v'ef. at owe have lesued. frem-its dour. .take it -You. ;suck it, yen- .know. • o rely -friends, before &shorn I, have, no will nadergo '''' r'"1"•ii(m' *a•I•anY . "f pital in -the Palace liarraeks, ' ifoly._ -.1•6 ' ' P" '4 '0" '.41-.'•.•-iitYL-:---&-i- ti,Xn:k4-,• % "flew- ean- -Alie-Litehoolsrof a-county,a--quith --/I4.:.y,-,u-rieler-'frem-- the -eounkey- ..86,,i.c•-0, . call te,isfy----,tha---it .bae..-6,,,,,p, .the estatea--maY even l't' :e91'.11.1?-.- ..:IT1 wood,'..Cotinty , DOWn, arcoMinetlatee' ' 1 e'e.:ite',. ,1 • i.', 1- oi. ife-i• 'ili::'.- e.fitte......... ' Titn.a.t.,L.44.40 Nell macs! and...e.e.yabin d -41'.1 1.4 ' f "P"‘i IP?' r -'1I"1-144-4414' 6r )(irbri; 'e'vt 't- Ill-niT -I itocehtled-the;Throne, my 'Inirfoth"1" •13,,Llt,: -gP-74-9n1-1,:l'iNT. 'eft . •"01-'' "ton sicri•Wountled sord'eTs77--1111 1,1;'. y ih- itio.,4'. t.alciilde :::•orn- .hia4 .; J...hiini 11 I,-1( tools? "Witat-the'se 1)4 111 ninfloqt tea that I took 11 •Maiit ardent detif-o. to• maintain thi; cl'ir.ra' ., • ,- :, ,,. „,• . , .- „ , , Thi. ',outer pretniseS, Of ,Kilmiliill 18"'"1 6 1 ' ...4'''. 1."11 1% W'.1.1 '.• ••.iPer: 1 - hou 1,1 Isahi), standard for h teaeher's cup or evury.liaif-hour. on ft emisin'e ikr.,„c a tii, ,,vt,rici. pod t.,,, euii i vAtj,:: In diseussing the .en'eets OT !no way,,,41,..44,,,x_Ra4,raelyk.b,a;v4....beettaal..,. • r : • •• • grafted • hexing but a single sleep with red hot bricks at, nis feet. • long houi•s of ferrenf prayer light ha; tf.actl• • (lotion •has increased the price of 1 It r • 41 • N niTittiffisWHrifFT • .,4-*'. 41 aa th ; tt,,"k; rid kentrii..-tr,rancro TTirst, destroyed 1)y fire. It ie' thought.. the I f • •.1..,‘ et. de.leable fi'lelde, tan he 1,rought t.o'and taken, fie in -the • 15,4 gob, N‘ i,•,„ I Glri a. widely. (Ili:town eemiornifit, fluid that hiau was reused by- an over-lieated, ' 1114.1.4' 11. Vol» 4•;1,611.4 TY) .tchat, YA(.1t. 40114 •thfl of la 0 ok.nl: tAitlie• -they %',. 04 1,114,414), . • . • .,1 .0.,t • or doors- :tint bieter.;• a',0 it Of''' eggs.. . 'rho11 11" t hie.; 1-4 po •:41.1(.• thriol;t- •Itonies Att. the :hasty. -• ifr to take thrie -1. ' ' • ••• . a. nattival-resulf,;•im'd that • chimney: . • • ! • ..li- • . .. : ie,,,....;.,.., t..,,,,,. v.... 10,..,:,1,..1,. 1...... ..Iiii ks 441...:,:: „,r 11,111 1 if I.? .1 lbw • (4 41 . Tht.y diri rfiv P6t)il,' too: .• • .1: 1 CA W.V.!' t'f!ilt*I. fhb. en;,,,,,, ro . , ,III ,,i.., • 1' 11 o.I.,4- a:,,,I a. k. 4,gri• 4, ;4 i,„ ...I imii tin re 4,, wrvt,.t!tre ,' ' , ‘-'ilie• cri.h: -.., :.o eel)/ yo:zelle,j,. '-nrel l,i);,(-11 1 ••• 8' ...' 17. OP .• lati; 41,.V., ..,,.. ; iiitsti. . . . 0". ' • t,', th',:....".40 it? I rIS :,.' in .C." 1,, r„,.,,, ii.r.,;.,.., v„,..1.11,,,,I,, 11,,,.510, 7 .... ,i .-, tir6.1, to 1-.4Y,!;,,irboiri. ...'lliere., zle. ,x1;41 -.. ,,, . i....,„ :, ,... t. ......1.1 -01,.:.. (1-,1 • „ . • .1),,, .. ,,,,,,ti., „-••••.(11M, it 1 :,.`,1... obin'8%.1h.., frii,,Itirti•Jill;r1.' he &lilt Ilitir.'to wle 1 1 :' lo"'' " 4'1 1 PitA or tar bit., Z'4), inti.y v.: (1 ......i. 61: ... ".1.1 . . ..I...' ''..1'." .1' i a 1." '. !1••,.....11.!,::•:?:';r44:'t 1. I11 1:t1'..; 1,1 1) tItt'., r;(117iNr.lifii141»,; IT!, ptft., 1 .4 . 414.0...Y1 .01!:: 414 (8 :.tinit.,1 11)9 14'g4 i,,en ghtii• to sf:o sivr.w4(. the 14141 ltd : ,.... 1:-.-•,.•;,,,,,, t,-.1 1%,.,...i 41: ..'!...Lt''..p. : 4 . yflii 11;:j ft: . oniinurlity .444140%i ror.tilr. neigh.' i'l a9 .;#4.14101..11A', ftma . took . large ..ti et rather 'I hit ii the Alcoa 4t 1114 &&•0;t.l:n., -att,t.i. Ur stipultiii•fl time for ,b,rtrood• ditacei. ,f!.cturil.,.. pr' :.rnevinj. , dom.,:ti pf, het, rein,' Spearmint tea., ,and 0110;46n :,by ate 111 iny (1(41ingA Itiith • halt an '..b.our' hi , a •.c ebisii. '1'6E4 time Ipieturenhow, or; Pethal)Sp AS the home eustot, tii,' -whieh Vrer4 $;everaliy. rei- . certain foreign nations. ‘. • , ,, ..„, • • i4.1.110.- To lose; icier levity tinti; „ts• ' A . of a' r..0-olfel'ative'bUYing•or marlmb.' coptry,m(lad by a 140a captain,. m'Y Min- ' i".13reakers -ahead!' is . :the Call of ..:,;ort. in alotliii(;11 :, a itftle ;.. to bike yottr. jag •organiSation? Tittsil arit but a .1:i'kir; and my ..grocer.. 'Theft . I took the helinsrmin at the head ,•• of the • .f., ., „ ,„. . ,.. ,„ , „ tient" e (mu. is a (linden ioi'lli f1,1' Mtlr.:' felf ot.the; (ItleStiOOA Wiliefl MitpS? men ' . seven, different ltinds or las, mfrappod Imperral ship ,pf, , $trite,'„ and .1 am -4444 Ntiel4o 4-0-441-411-M it i'ill-CdPe. lift .'1.1. .'' d'-' ' . - .t,ant I p c lave ... ' ) Y 4 (- %. nn -6 stocking ,of ready to hoed i4.. ripe outlook is, 1 the ipo: t valuable thing in , the world, . 1,,,,t1 iLarmt. •44o-1.4%,esfel(,epoelmezie3 my 44, 4'f( sonli,ts1 in hot vinegar -and admit; dark, but' we need not 'despair, . - You' hooty the Man We '08 (1 to .0;0+, end eight answers given." -. 1 salt, and 1 got into lied.. for God, our great ally, has given 1 awitkon to his. responsibility ''.. the One !•Theamiclit',Ai and iiniit.NVI&Y io aid ,.. "A:11 -domed Off, did burnt :feathers.. who! it .babitually late,L'hi'payitlie hi -i . ilti.:•(•.;niiitry Anoint` 'Wit.11 .7%Cat fer o • MITI shovel before nie,'. That complet, WIN, 1.• ,t1. ping; crigeigeinente- the . long- . butt's' t nit', (-4' Porn' t II- ';141(1411 0:rouid ''''"1. the eill'e' .r am now •welli 1 re- wh,ded tether', 11)0 rtitir:.and town:go.s. ' be to )11)0W fire t,eLiehbutl,siTch I 4 e h() 0)8 , ! commend this' siniple,CuPe,to cold Sur- . ,.. ip.•.r ii. li*e ze.isurn ea that . you • are like ...Maki. them. live in' thein and • learn . fel'er3." • • ' •:. ' ''' , r 14 r!•1:A111-. nli. L1)( C4' nri,lee•I billable iiiy- ' '41)344, 4)1' eln im s, tniglit be carried! A pe-isiniist „saY0 that.",•the• ourest •;iiiiit ;and 1. 8)4 ro hear the .ii,testt. hit freed then) 1,y1 )4' thou in' action.' f -... . . 0 • . ..t.01:;.)ifiv,• „fhirin.11ee'filj tit; .to atiMier for. ;10it Ly taLing tim live men no wrniteri ; way. to °avoid troelile, escape lined - rt• '40.4 4, 1. V' ',Lill& 4.14'll .4 bOlOtIali to.; a thP MOSt Moderii korai schools.. tiny i.: lire ,ind life tie;•.4 t•vc. 061eaqt 'frinti..eooll 'State fee 0 triontli".4 ..itiuly yptitwitITz..00:141 *dodge ealienitie.sis to die . . . . • • • • ! • 1 .. .1 4 4 . • • . 1 i -into our hands; the means' Saving oar' empire *ern the (Tankers twhich .are threatening its happiness 'and Tare, yoli know •Witat. Mean. It is flint- wonderful inveetion which hi$ 'Excellency ..Count Zeppelin wns en- abled, 'through the, ortee of th.T. Lord, to make fol. hite safeguarding and .0011/ Of • otir beloVed .10•titheriand,,': 'In this Invent,fon God has; placed • lite the!,0 people .WOUld fvel . tbo pinch. Tboraag Lipton's gt,(.1%?..o.• yacht, : fol4. the Eein, is now an haxiliary cruiser: • rnele (4 11( 41114en.vet. in the British •Navy, attached to the ' "R• fleet that is guerding thil North. Sen. ,•leee of litinleed; theueands against, ,submapino.s. • • . :yet. trnei in the Priine of life and `' 4,he death, nerarred with Atulting vigor 111141o:4 it.ical,...ulable," said Mr.. sudoca,ncse, f wfflitan. .m„rris, 1111(11. 4.V" :bai,•Y' Itssat" that for • many yeat'S • a Member -the .by Nevembor. Inellost threugh the Do.c.y verperatiee;,, ire .,kos mac,. a .war. about a 'tenth o1' all the wealth "The' present public. expenditure of INior Law .Guardian The governing body .Of University pessessed' before..4 • 6 • . College, .Galway, at a special meeting I., -the Government is believed t� be mien:tett a ''resolution •protesting against the reduction of grants for education in Ireland. • • • Mr. Joseph Mattini* • the• • amnial. •Supercritendept of the 'Midland Hail - Way, has retired after 41 yenta', ser - „vice with .the tlejfast • and Northern” Counties Railway Co'. • •' • Sir Olphert, county Donegal,.'has. appointed ! Jame's. Alexander' , Lawrence leiter! these things about Ur lgontgbniery,1 tjeputy lieuten- •• r",olanciiiiiteal. • • • Little Everett. tvas 0 tat.nilicr : Band of Mr,i•cy Soc•iety end. was prou, of the memberehin; lie were Lis badge, -a mall star,' 0.4 if it weee policematee int,ignin, • end Nviis ellen heard reprovingeotli yr "boys and girls' fin" 'Cruel, tTem twit or inut cht.c• . One:morning a r,oinan of the polgh• borliond pearihg',A. roir motion. Mit-side found. Evere,tt in the -net. or • torment- ing the cat. • "Why' Elverett„' she "What ' are you dOino, to •that prior eat? •• thought you belonged te 'the 'Rand ot Mercy SoCiety?" •• "t renlied the little' boy, "but lost ray' star." • about equal te the *beta of the pri- vate incomes, of the .inhabitants the ; 'United ,Kingdani, put tegother. "We 'neer Adding to • the ita:•• tipnal debt eyery. live. or. six ,'Weeks 'What We. added during the Ilit,Re y,eark; of • the Beer Wa11." • - • had lett the toydAt-betit the liitcheti Mother :-"StIside, if you itgaitt: 111 box yosr (taro. and thrOw not flit the coital! • 6611001.1 • t• . .• them in the Lislipit." •• • Cui•tairt James Lee jackson • 'Wife sPhal: to no for a month!" Ilusbarni--"Then You •egratet • to • 111,V0. finished talking by that tinier Some. women are: happy beentiSe hey know Illow te think titey are, • • ' • •