The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-03-16, Page 54 4.1 ' Thutiday, March 16tti., t016 11101 1,4111$KNOW 1er1711111Illi •1 Use more water and less flour, and get better 28. bread with— • , • 44- . • , ••••• , ..• . • "-- .• ' - • Campbell, 050; jack Nob% 100; *14rtna McDonald. ' (Total 00,0).Bt1101 114000tIlitilit aft; Mazy McDOhmic!, 467fIentile McDonald, 450; Mary Nesbit, 400; 'MurielXaake, 396; Eddll Geddes, 333; Wilda McLean, • 33; Jack CaMpbell, 260e IltalPit*Buo, toe 007 Hewitt, Hazel Bannerman) tieS, Rete, Barnes, Torrailee cilleete EiIa KInsardli/e' and for the Past o Yea's Kitake, Edna Quest.' a reSideat °OBIT, Washingtoi kinette, Eric Caskinette. 551'irrarukgd, rcalrhree.6Mgipreitod.nt: livtbrfteriteoles_...:„ ,t1S47032.14.467...Y.! r.Z,11-4 ne5.4.10....ehiii that exulted when the hichee of leer. Bee/lilting has been quite active at " Those marked * missed one or more the .tewei ce Kincardine lately and the ;tiered children twin the Lusitania floated exams. NO. OR roll, 36; aver, atteedance, squad diem is nearly 100 strong. It is on. the Wean, is the one which before the , • BRUCE' COUNTY NWS ' rvs—omAnn CANADA" filfilluese. • Harold Vra,per, y9110gOat SOU ef Mr. and rs. .John Fraser, Teeewateee has vttalea, Marcie 1.1.-elEt is -6 Curious fact that the nation, wheee seldiere used little colleted for ov.orseaa service. After Irving 17 years away from 13heetia:gcabitailsfir tnhe"firsich.foelfd3;rtioospilrQatencdt French guns, the =Hen which rejoices WAPPe bo..rOs 4F.c.tpred Jima ZePP4.* kill innneen,i English children, the neaten .JOL.LflcIi Tenho...hoped te bring it UP to 125, which will outbreak efr_mad___e_teeeell • make two p ITC.toone, cliltdren a over tile W-orld. There +Wile -SCHOOL REPORTS .Tr. IY-Mertle Ritchie, 594Friderielt- s. N 9 s ititchie, 4'4 Mired: -A-ndrew,. Kn. koliete- ' 1.1FIELI) : A'ex. McLeod, an employee of the no sentiment in it. The Germans' knew S. zsTo .0 iinums. • both 29. • Jr, IV -Cecil J. eteni, Lennon. . that every child throughout the world • Ripley-Eeprese office, gave up ins job • • - Lough') Harvey An Owe Rernarcline •• Jr. III -Janie Ritchie • 70.' Sr. IV -Grace Lockhart, Florence Stroud,' 25; Marshall 0ibeon, Jr, II -e -Esther Ritchie 00; Gertrude eSr gine:Wilfred Nicholion, '(Feank list with the Univereity Corps. He bits. lcleDiarund, 11,401 McIntosh, Irene ,M0- ter ot business to supply the universal Stroud, 43; Margaret We'bster, 41; Earl Mo Fred Finlay) ties Hack- Intosh . a bi other a -prisoner in Germany. LOU demand • ••• , delighted to play vvith toye tend every ,-. • 7. . 014ou blin • " last 'Week adwent to Montreal to en.. little girl deeiiect:seelen.. it was a „amt.. JOhnston): Lautettabrojier was in the Red Croes Berenice in alenoet every Canadian household Sr III -Evelyn Lockhart, Malcolm chheoe, (absent); „ Duncan, 'Hervey McDotigall, Hackett, Qlive Anderson. . children played Nvith, Gm:elan-dolls and • Sr. Pe -Eva Gardner, Edna RitChie, III -..-George Twarnley, Tem Glaz- toys. Once a year the great Canadian • Jr. Ilie-Ruth McIntosh, Charlie Nor • • , Jr, Pr,e,eMarcolin Webster, Grace Eel). jer. ; . • 7. . . department stores anllevh.olesale houses and wes telion in.the mat ,bettle of Ypres when the Catiadiana saved the situation e• „ • , 1.408.D AN 11.1P1.----,Jaelf n eq vie, a gee • Jr. II---(Denume Berger,. Lizzie Al- 0 13, while_at work in the Flag mill, ton) tieP, Allan Finlay, Palmer Icillitkti at Ripley last week, had his left band. rick, Esther Glazier, ; • • ecaught•in 'this knives of a `machine lke Ft. II-Milliceet Hackett, Eisie' An- was operating, and had the arm so dersoef Grace Blake-. • e badly mangled Wee it was ,later Pt; IL:::•)lare. Ohre 'M. necessieey to amputate the inn below paerielt: ' • • • the elbew. Ifie is p, strong lad and is Lane ' • ' " A Class --Alice .Shackleton, Walter well on the way -to recovery. • e Meate• Hierciep,, !reicher.: At meeting thP Directors of the , • , Ontp.rio Petiple'S.Salt Sode Co., of • folk, '''''' ' Per, Harold Gardner, William Pepper, Sr. II -Norman O'Loughlin Finlay that auPplied email retail storee., with Jr.II-461MBeaeo'n, Clair McDougall, • Perfect Attendance-MYrtle /Lucille; SI tel caswell Hiekett. • • toys sent their buyers to • Germany , to Ponald O'Brien. : Esther Ritchie, Gertrude Seroud, Eva .. „ - ..• purchase toys. Since -the outbreak re .. , . . , . Sr. Richards*. • - ,s• Gardner. ' ••- . - . . the war German mode of all kinds being • • .• • • • • ''• lemiu Maell,irerealst, Teacher. • .. Nember,on roll,e10; •arerage aeteed- • • - Pielueled. from Camilla, the 'large depart • ti N"0.' ' 0 W. WAwaileSite, %Iles) 16". • ' ' " - • - • . M. eueneleT Teacher merit stoees and the wholesale houses -Based on attendance tots andgeneral • ,have found it exteedingly difficult to get ,J• preficiency, . . 19:-Ne: 7,' Kritieesti b. • to§s,to Warmly the Cenadian demand ' Senior IV-Mergeret'Itintoule- Annie • Sr. IV -Willie Webster, ••81%; Mee' and similar conditione *avail in every Jamieson., , • • '•country. of the British Empire. MaisInnes,, 71; WatsonWation • Webster, flOe Sr. Ill -Lloyd Teter MacLeod, 56. . ' ' , . The Department of Trade and; .Com- • tinnier XtfzeDoiothy Webster, 'Verna `. Sr'. III -Bert MaeLeocl, 76; Laverence mem has recentlYreceived several in- quiries from' T.biglaild. as. to whether Phillips, • • Finleyson 72; Kathie .McDougal 48 *Sr. II -Henry jteavis, John Minton], Luella Ferrier: • Sr. I -Genie Aitchison," Luella Rin - toil), Harry Champion Frank Levis, Rep Levis, Arnold WoOds, Sr. Primer -Fanny Turner. Jr. Primer -Gertrude Martin. •LILLIAN E. ST.ENTENs, Teacher. S. S.' 14. 14, 'AF6MULD- , Ye -Annie Pickering, Bertha Clarkson. Sr. IV--eRae MacDiarmid. Jennie Towle, Sadie MacDonald, Jitney Ketch • abaw, Pearl elacCorvie, Harold Mac- Donald ` • • Jr. IV-Aneetta Towle, Willie Ketch- aletw, - • • Jr. III -Ade• Pickering, Verna Hanle ilton, Jack flibiten; Nelson Rayner& Sr. ''11•:-= Helen IlacDonald, ' Ellen • Ketelia.baiv, Derotley Pickering, Annie McDOneld, Carmen Hamilton, Pearl " Ritynard, Beth Furriell;Ernein Faulkner. , Pu IL -Harry Hibben, Annie Ketch- • abaw, Hazel Raynard. : A -Fred Martin, Alvin MacDonald. • No. on rolle27; average, 2%. , • • • ' Isaneae MI. kARDIADMiD, Teacher. . , . S. S. No; le. E. AND W. WAWANOsn ' , IVe-Nlary Laidlaw, 77; Jean • Eggle- stone,.73; *Joe O'Callaghen, 73; Ernest Morrison, 72; Gordon' McGee, Nat . Tnomson. 44'. " Sr. .III -*Anna Morrison, 62; Cassie • ' kerrisen, 81; Margaret O'Cillaghan, 70: • : - Jr., ILL-Aidin Terdon, 70; Nettie Pardon,- tiee *Pero 'Everett,' 60; Mae - Inglis, 4Stanley Thoinion, 41. _ ',1I-*Fr4nk 00alla.ehan 'Me:Elizabeth - Inglis, 69e Ruby Everett, 60; Lottie Mertin, 5l, . • . ' I--e*Wineie Farrier, '9,5; ' MAdeline - O'Callaghan, 84e • • , • e • B-Rogna Martin, Garnet Farrier:. •. 'Inglis, Mary Martin; " • Those marked *had perfect in. spelling. ' • No: on -roll, 24; ever. attendance, tee • ' M. Teacher. ' • • S. S. No: 5', Asian -ere. ' 1 , Fourth • Olin sea were, examined in , Arithmetic; Third Class in Spellieg, and Se -end Class in Literature. ' Entrance -Verna Stroud, Ada Helm, 76,, - • - ' • # FURS Are Still Good in the Market • I am paying special prices icir Fox, Coon, Skunk, eta., and am paying 'the highest price for Cow Hides? Horse Hides and Sheep Skins, Horse Hair and cola Rubbers. -lam taking in trade Eggs and Butter. DON'T MISTAKE THE. PLACE t B. BILITtSTEIN Dry Goods Store Next door to the Sentinel Office. 1111 , ; • Verna MacLeod, 40; Allan IlfeConnellee' Canadia,ni; can supply toys to ,take the place of the Gennen toys now excluded Jr. III -Isabel Stewart, 85; Evelyn from the United kingdom. Burton, 32; Archie Graham*. . Sr. II -Gordon MacInn it, Malcolm. With a view to encouraging the man-: ufacture of toys in Canada, both for the home market and for export„Sir George' Foster has arranged for a Tey Confererice which will take place in the Royel•Beek - Building at the corner of King and Yon e St cot T th March, beginning at 10 o'clock in the morning. A large number of samples of .German toys such ae were foimerly' im- ported ineo Canada will be en exhibition to show Canadian mauufanturers what the Germans supplied, and there will be a-collectien of American toys to show what our neighbors in the -United States have bee& doing to replaee German toys. It is hoped that all Canadiati manufac- turers a toys wille3end exhibits so that the exhibition will be thoroughly rePre- sentetive. There has been a surprising development of toy manufacture ill Can- ada since the outbreak -of the war, and there are knoWe to be not less than twenty-four toy inanufattUrers iu Can. - Oa at the present time. „ There mey be other's.. All -manufacturers of children's playthiegi and games are invited to send exhibits. Most of those now manufac- turing toys -in. Canada are making ' them its it side line, using Waste"materials, but there are a. few concerns that are devoting their,vniare attentien tothe manufacture of toys. While the Tey,Conferenee. will not peen until garcia 28, it is d'esired to. beim the exhibits in place not later than March 21, in order that everythieg may be well arranged, Ail; prepOsed to keep ,the toys on exhibition for about a week after the day of the COpference. Ex- hibitil Should be ;addressed, Toy Confer.: mace, Rua Bank_ Building corner King, traitor 'to his country. , The man Who add Yonge Streets, Toreeito'..• • ' has adopted this country as his home, All the large department steres and ta and still wee in league with our foes, noinber Of wholesale h'onsee Montteet was worse That Judas Iscariot . for the antiVerotito have promised to send their Pennueseeite A. Rivers; W. Mt. Sproul; T. reloPhee, R John . latter put himself 'out- of the Way, toy buyers to the Conference anctes most sten, Iliwain, Wilson, R. CousinseG. Daw'son, while these men and grow wealthy of these toy buyers.have been accustom T. Doyle A: Ciill?ert, Geo Pollock, elte;. •eri, our rand and under our protection., ed to visit Germany every year and are .. LOUNCIL MINUTES . West Wairanosh, Feb. . . , , _______ 28, 1916. 2nd., Mr, John R. McKay was appoint. , -Kincardine, held in Toronto on March od Secretary 'and Manager, t - - he p-si 'Municipal denial of West Wawanosh tion occupied by the kite Jelin Tolmie. ' The new occupant of the pciSition is.the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs Geo. McKay. He has been an dinp'oyee of the Salt Block for 23 years, andfor the past 14. years had been Mr. , Tolmie's • right hand man, , MacInnes, Marion McDougal, Ross Mc- meton above date as per adjournment, Donald, Rosie Stewart, Aida McDonald Reeve Murray presiding. Minutes cf • Sr I -Etta McDougal, ,Eveart' Web- list meeting read and confirmed on mot- ster, Peter Mortis, Charlie Pinner, Rus- ion by Naylor and .Purdon. * - Financial statement read by .Treas. showing balance op • hand of 862.77. This report filed 9n motion of•Johnstoe and Naylor. Communication from Lt. - Col. Combe,. 161st. Battalion, asking Council to petifith Ronouralele the Robinson. Eddie Johnston. . • '13 Class -Murdoch :Stewart, A.ngus• McDougal, Cecilia .Pinnee*, ..Margaret Johnston*: • A Class -Dorothy lieid, Melvin Web- ster; Cecil Webster*, Blanche Pinneet No- on roll, .34; average attendance • Fins WAtuunTON.-About. 2 o'clock.a. rn; Tuesday of last week, 'fire:broke Out in the third 'storey •of the Walker House, , W'alkertone and in Minister of Militia, that a camp for four .• or more. Battelions • be established 'at a sheet' time male'such head -way that • Abe Weneree,:Teacher. Goderich, Mot P the whole upper storey Was soon gutt- ion y•• tirdoe end Nay- • S Rulum. , • lor that petition be written, signed and ed and the roof of, the buildine greatly • •• Sr. IVe., i'e yliis Stanley,' Edna Cul- bert, Eva t., al bert, Willie .Collins, Elmer' Heroin.- • • Jr. -1V------Verna-'-ginkn; - 7 Margaret bentures to thd amount of $4100,, be covered by insurance Robertson, Walter Needham, Russell iesued for a term of ten year's for the • ' Needham, Victor GOwleY, Cecil Hill. purpose of building a new school This 111 ADE THEM Huemee I udge Klein's Sr, III-Maryille Se" Margaret By-law was passed on motion by Naylor lannouecement that in futpre he wbuld Collins, George Emerson. • .. and Purden. ' • • ',, refuse to probate wills of those who,had Jr. III -Lenore Logan, Glades Mc- Engineer John Rogers' general. report not taken this oath' of allegiance to the Cosh, Viola Thompson,. Efieda ti §.tenleY, was read re Young Creek Drain and or Britieh Empire has caused „a lot ' of Olive Thompson, Eleauoreszardey, Mlar- dered laid on the table for further con. consternation in the Township of Car - the Robertson (abseet). ' ' ..: sideree by a full Board at ie: date to be. r eke There are a ei-eet many Ger Sr. II -Geraldine Emerson, Walter , arran.ged by Reeve Murray. , I.:emcees' mane livire0 in Carrick who have nen- c ollinte, Bernice Logan Yelthe 'Stanley, Roy Morgan. • _ , . I -Leslie , Gawky, Howard Thomp- son, Oeton LoganeCherk Needliem, Vir- girlie McDonald, James Stanley. , . Primeie-Do,nald Mccosh, Noneend?, McDonald. ' ' • Average attendance, 24 q. .MILDRED G. LONG, fI*.011Ge. , d • . . . claimer:ed.-As. t water had. to .be . By.Lew Ne. 2, 19,0, in compliance-poueed on the upper part of the build. 'with. a -requisition ,from Trustees of ing, ali the interioe with. its contents School Seaton No. 4, asking that De- was greatly damaged. ' The loss is .S.. S. No. 9, Kieleoss -- 'Sr. IV -Jack Middleton Annie Kene nedy, Nellie MacMillan,.Dunean ,'Mac- Millan. • • I . ' •IVe.-1(A)-,,John. Griunt; Patric Mad.' Milian, Maggie Tiffin,. terette. Bethke'. (B)LEdgar.Gamit,, Ruby Kennedy, Edith Gaunt, Veronica MacMillan, Clark Mac- Lean, jean -Giliiee, Ltaira*Holines,: Her 'old DaWsen,.George 'Kennedy. Jr. HI -George Fisher, "Mae Jeivitte John 'CrOWstoie, Ruth MacLean, Fred Tiffin, Joe ,Gaunt, Jean. Kennedy, Ewen MacDOnald. • • . Jr. IP-Oljye KennedeeTGertie Gaunt , - Grant. MacLeen,, Helen Dawson, John MicIntyre,• Grace Jewitt, Horace Mac- Guiee, Evelyn7Gaunt, bsen t), Sr.. I -Mary MacKenzie, Kenneth MacKenzie; George MaeDenald. , • 'Jr. I- Margret Maantyreee John, Wraith; Jean MacLean, Willie Dawsone Peter MacDonald. , , . ",.• Number on Toll, •,1,1; average attend. emcee 2F., • . • D MACINTOSH,: !reacher. - - S. S,NO..1..::KiNDoSS, Sr IV (Total: -700).•-.-M Richards, - 518; Tom Miller- 488; ;Annie Stanley,. •186; • german McDonald, 463; Pearl .Geddes, '459; ..Elirier Armstrerege 432; Willie Stanley, 372. • - . • ' • e 1. Sr. m. (Total 000),-.-Majcolin• McDon, 430; -*Mae Barnes; 177 !*Normail Carapbelle*Everett McDonald. . 'Jr. III (Total 802). -.--Leonard Hewitt, 396; Adgar:Arct,strong, 356; .*Margaret , „ . „ • • • .. • • I • ' • • 40, -• 4.7 • • It frj( fdle ol I I I 'OW 4 I • . • . •• " oNmi• • •••••7 •••• ,••• • • 1 "cmw"c6mberian Sore Throat "You may not look upon it seriously, but a sore throat Judi, cites a weakness in the bronchial tuhes. , If neglected it may soon develop into ionie. chronic complaint: , , People who are troubled iiii this 'way are most susceptible to influenta, c.ontradt pneumonia readily, and fall easy victims to consumption. . • To remove this irritation, soothe .and'heat theilnilarned inem- brnne, there is nothing equal to • ; • . Chamberlain's Cough Remedy It gives tone to the weakened tissues of the throat, gtrengthens the. bronehial tubes, and at the saute tame builds up the system. . VVI!..4 the throat, is healthy, inflFenza ,or consumption germs - cannot obtain a foothold. Above ali thipgir never neglect a child's threat, for it may mean year, of offering for it in after years." 'Nola : • 1, . • • • • • • I I , „ „ • etwg.r.0140(144it e • 1 L, r, time for -completion of estimates • and lected this formality, 'an il the judge's plans was extended' till March 15th, on announcement hes. *tilted in big 'motion- by Naylor and Pardee. Accounts riish *the Oi•-d*n Attorhey'S Cake tee amennting te $38.40 were ,pas71 and sign the necessary, documents. , paid onemetion by Pardon- and vier: . By law No. 3, tam, .was • passed (hi • 'WORSE THANISOARIOTT,JUdg0 Klein, . . , motiou byjohestod and Naylor making speaking at a recruiting meeting -at the following appointments e .• • Port Elgin, fetid that. the people. of ' FENORVIENVERG-A. Rivers, J. J Wash- Bruce had not made financier sacrifice engtoe, a -King, J. Tiernin, 'W Arm- as yet... -He believed the man 'who is strong, Geo. Greere,W; E. MePherson. - not aisisting hi this needy work Was a. Voulenkkereene-.J.•Teylor, J. Feagiate: .TeDoyle' 0: 0. Brew% .J. Walsh,: JOF. -Kenntighain, .4 Humphrey, W. Miller, P. Sinelteer. .. • . e :. • -. 'J 'W..11.•WilserieR. Plunkett, A. , . . Church, D. LeddY,, J. Mills, W. J: And- Timely Advice to Potato Growers rew,.A..:Pentlancl, -W. It Carr . J.' 11- • . larcL T. McCabe,. H., -King; • .P.: kearneje W. •J: Wightnaan, W. J. Parks, A. Stuart, .considerable damage last season to the .• Je, poteto -crop', particularly throughout the WRoble, AH. Fowler,, G. McRobe erts :..J, .Cranston, W. Thompson,- J. -.Eastern section of the continent of Am- Boy'le, J. 01:aig, J..Chtemney,, W. Tisdale, erica. liemany instances the loss amount - Boyle, J McDonald, J: Reid, B. HarPer,, D. ed to 26% of the, total crop, and more in certain localities. In consequence, fee-. Errington, Geo.- Stuart, rr B. Taylor, niers were induced to W. •J.. Todd, 0. -Alexander, • S. - Phillips,: ''• part with theit J. Aneerson: E Halites,,J, Bowles, We petatoes 'more readily this winter owifig . '. to the high prices paid for this 'cemmod- YoUngeW: Orser, C. H Fowler 'S... Poi- Late Blight .and Potato Rot 'caused . , cerostie N. ampbell, R. Woods, F. Tedd; R. Woods; C. Aitchison, D. ,ity for domestic use' This, it is prob. , As one of the objects of the Conferenee Ferrier; A Emerson, J. Turner, D. 0'•••• able, will result in the scarcity -of sup; fa to interest capital in the development erior seed, since the general practise is of toy industries already established a is Callaghan, F. Smeltzer, •C; Gaynor, K. for faimerseo use for that' purpose the hoped that capitalists willing to inveSti- Cemeron, J. Gaunt,las. McQuillan, W • . . "-remainder of their potatoes in 'storage gate the possibilities of the industry will C. Webb, F. Webb,W. Donnelly, T..eeweeds spring. . Seeing that the crop be present et the Conference. - It is be. Inglis, Jos. Laidlaw, J. Eaglestoia, G. A. was much diseased at the commence- lieved that inank of our large industries Cheer, J. McQuillan, D.:GilliseR.Thomp- ment of th6 season and Considetably. af- :might make use of waste materiels in sem. Dungannon-eDri Case, IL Fowler. faded by storage rots, and will -.all: or the manufacture of toys and it will be Council adjourned to•meet. at .call of most marketable -potatoes sold : for table well worth while for suCh induetries to . Reeve. - •• • Use the quality on hand for seed purposes - • • send representatives to the Conference, Lucknovr • - - , March 4 1016. will be very itiferier,' when the time for Sir George Potter will take toe chair SPecial meeting of • Council held in planting -domes.. ' * - and deliver the opening address. Lucknow on, above date. Members We would, therefore, urge farmers to present, Commillers Malletigh, Purdoe, immediately reserve for sed purposes , • acquainted not only with the reeuire- merits of the Canadian marketleut also with German methods it expected that they Will make practical suggestions ef value to Canadian toy. manufacturers arid those who contemplate the menu- factuee of'toys in Canada • -All Canadian toy manufacturers, all de- partnlent stores, wholesale houses and retail merchants, who handle toys are in: sited to send representatives to this Con- ference, an any Others Avhdmay bif -in- terested in Making or •ielling toys will be welcomed. . .. °$aylor, Reeve Murray presidieg.. , the quantity, end•O little mere. to make e RECRUITINGIN TtIEWEST . This meeting, was convenedfor the allowance for .further lesees :through vete , • ' . . . lenepose of repealing By -Law -No. -2, lin: 'required for seed purposes. These should ..: .• ' . (Special The Sentinel). • 7 • . -- -‚ der which it was found ' Debentures, for be hand -selected tubers, sound, and free • e. •• 1.. Scheel Sedtion.lsto, 4, would 'net sell de from any sign of rot or . The•Irate. at which the young_, men of• par„ By Lave .No. 6; sfaikrwas read and site and pure in variety. Tubers slight. theprairie cannotritiriepbutioviigeeisadadenhe retioiekinhgeiteetsil rtitber,• passed o•Motiou by and Nay., Ii, large!' thaii kelien's egg o9 ost econ- Joe, ' -. Debeiitiireeeeere issued.. and sold eoneidfor ieelt. purpoees...:,:. They should anyone e010 is 'ie. 'tette.- Can'ad4ell • and -U, , at it small premium. -. : .• •. ' ,' • ._ • , :he kept until' planting time -• in, a 'dark.; roYlki Biltre.h .81-ilfect: , The feeling • iliati for the past Year and a' hark has been ... Council adjourned to- meet as 'above.- - well -ventilated and cool. place of storage „ , . . ... . . . . , affeeting • titily some communities .tand • .• .' , . .- • we A. •wilcont:C. !r,k...:..s.pread out -in A, • layer not mere. than , •, three potatoes deep' . • ... .,• certain classes of people', is gaining • a' , • - •- 1(ingsbridge ' - ' - - Inquiries. v,v1irch ,ere reaching us; not':awnidoerrecatnuditfigrantieernfolilotchoen1L:gveirny, not by .. • e • ,Only feore Many sections, of the, DoMine, - ., • e...4,/ - - -d- li • ii•Ta. ion, but:elste. from ethe .4Tnited• -States, ones suldiilj'swa.°8'4).tbhileet:gbhi the the score. . .. •• . .., oil, ay, ere .: •people .have. :. Maurice Griffin, of .Godericheis emit- . 'indicate that the above -caution is jesti- teached a finel decision, namely, that the ingher 'sister,- Mrs. Tim Griffin. . .. a There e'en be little 'doubt that -., .. • .: euenoe•weeebaee, a •Eaqd .quantity • of existentte of the:Empire :to which they . Owing to -cirettinstaCcei .1rneitPeougi . sound seed potatoes on bana',•Will obtain:- belong is htinifft-bitaWred--aelettliatileetre-- and unavoidable, the ICA D.C. have -found a. high price. forthemy When, 'others be- country is calling; not only' for such then.it et necessary to postpone until some' tut -gin to re such iieed as -Might find pleasure in going . oft -to tail.° the ' scarcity Of nee, date .4,The• Ourton_Diamortii.ilfie,t2E,4,oristilt-cirenkr /si,ii,..ii.for-orevtrutiorr.of fight in*foreigir,:dountry, ,but'lfor ,everl. tery7., which Was •aaVertmed foeMai.°1.'Late, .ivlio usable' and privileged eto • ;0, Ilth.• • • - • : • 1'.,Blight and treat - went of lewd - iu13' men , .. • Olivet .. . , • ,'' ,. . ,..,,,, . -. :, Dominion Botanist. Experim eital Vann, ...: .. • . . eta to prevent diseaSe, miblist lmd 'by the, and. .1:n!y . are .answering that call, net in .. the spirit ef (Weedier*, but ' because it , ()Lawn, and obtainablefrom the '•Puble is -their grim ditty. ,,":••••• . , .•. .. : F.iiery *jot the Weit is , r.aieing. a . . . ' ; eee--"-e : ' ' ••• ' . .. clitioriti Branch; Department of •Agricul: • . • . . ••••-,Moridayi March ln, .. , Suffered:from .,til"'" *°Wa. .$pecific itiqUiries relet. battalion end genie as teeny, AS' four and ,: Mrs. Win. Harrington ',- . • ing to disease questions addressed' to the five, whale all the largertowns an attack ''of le grippe. , •-• --" : - .- • .. Deminiori 13Otaniet; Central. Experiment- fallen the work of recruiting at leaat-bife• . jamee Roulatoe attended the Temper-. ei nem, (*ales,. will . receive prompt: company,' In. this work the &Oldie:is. ere ance Demonstration lucid in Tbrontotast attention-. , - - - • • • - • ' : encouraged to 1104),.arid inlitany in - :week. • • .: - • - .. , . '• • - ; e . ,.. , . •.' . . , stiericeeere• 'allowed' .a lialfeliolidtey, (4 " .11re- Joseph.'Colling spent a couple' of e . , . . . , . evereeePernit They bring it, . The teetnIt days with her father, Main••Ituttle, of" . ' - ' •- ' is wonderful. , It is believed., .that %the' iloyal Oak. 7, •• • ,' • • AFTER- THEGRIPPE . .• . • ...,... prairie .provinees will be held faith Ara an . • , ., . Mr, and Mrs. Riebiord Solonion and ' • - 4.1 • • • Uinple to the tett: • 1, at aterk • filer- • Oiree children of Teetiwater'tare viettirg '. viol Restored Her 'Strength.. • ' • , . , ., • chants, artiearia and stiidenta:••are ;alik 'at Sehnstonoule. 11 • 7 • . • '' titon's. ': - ' '• :- ' '''CitittOtt,MILS."" / am 75 Yearn old mid*. answering to timetall, and by .thif end of . Joseph Whitby, an Englishman who• +became very weak 'and feeble frbinlhe the yeatethere Wilt be scarcely a men left has been •wor king With David - Stewart, •eifectsof, LaGrippe, but Vinci has done' but those who ..-cannot go' either from has enlisted .tOr overseas • .servwe, . Re , men world of . good: It has -cured my- reason oi their years or physical ihitlete has ia•Wife tend five smell -children living tough, built up My strength so .1,,....feql ' .0 the 26d, oori., .,, .. ,, .• , • . . ,.. ..aBcAti.wt.ewffi, im,d6wanetoil na,g.Ans:s:',4VIrs. LtZZIE - imt:16'1•1 • . - ' • • ''' • :• • : ' '. '• i• .,• Litet Summer the western larieee and During the pieede in connection Wttn. .vinel, ont delicieuicort liv. er and iron • -western h•Ovest•8116i..ed.grOailY.11:6T14116. the .Temperance tiemonstratinn held in tonic without' blood . aids. digestion, en- Aorta& of jarni help. During the coin - riches the Wed and creates strength., hug spoon the want will be• still greater, .Unequalled for ductile coughs,colds but: in the face Of thts:',fae't the people or bronchitis:. Your money back if aye 0,5t euesphooing;... They. tealike. i --hat fails.' . . , fOgai‘C.11,4 ilgtiOtt PlilkiWillti• 404, et 0,0300 lliAlt 40 4 ONto . allt Mc 04p4articipaters in this, grettlit strug.glc AM. Of , • •• • 0 A e" tussr -Hariclwar * House HONE 66 will• Vicliver Order!' ne So'cree w. Deceive It ar _ utate. for gtd iles • GET 9V.,R .PWCES • , • , ' ° 4: • Just Arrivedg-7F,A Car- load of Genuine Cleve- land,-C&1.Sprilit:*- Wire „ .f.opsf We are glyipg erc'elit:1 .discount Cross. CAA' Sawslor the it two wks' ELL (S/7, • . • • • • - • , ; , eL WE, AIML:to PLEASE.. THE STORE WHERE YOUR MON-EY GOES FARTHEST ••••••••••i•1111.11111•Millnd... 0. :,144,010.0,44,0"4,040,074„,,,,arselifritgc© .i , IThe soft.,. sloppy., clays will soon be here and Heavy Getting Time to Di.scard Winter' Footwear . 'Shoes will •be requir'ed to lieep the f. et (fry..- We carry. , -Sterling and 'Williams laleatvy. Shoes v1/411.iqh . are,Second to none for wcaring qi;larltit--s. , . • .. Try a pair of.ciur Fine•Ruhbers--They keep your fo'ze.t dry. ' • , t ACKERT..&. RATHWELL "A GOOD SHO::; STORE FOR .A Lt. TtilE FAMILY"' 4411,atiehlthiMi~04107k4tutelrgesets40,47t,p auzemMasn•00,-,,....0a0C00.00. ^ The 1 .• .. • _ .01., • • . eadirig Itter The home news ; the doings- cf 'the people in • • . this town the gossip . of our own.cornmunity,. that's the first kind of reading matter you want. It is more importanit, More interesting to you • than that .given by the paper or -magazine from the outside. world.. • It is the first rea.dingi matter you should buy .: Ea.0 issue of _this paper gives you just what you consider • .es o '1741%,73, r. 66-1'ff ;in slit • We. are lg. the Ina r k•et for cr s W e-i2j; or s.o u r. : NVe supply tsV4; . cans, sti Teceiverd • t r9ns stAti;:x. Delit test and butter 'fat. in each cf.tn; 'tcle einptY•:&in re-torned. • We refs(. yoU• to qilly:1.‘a'nk. to'bUr.stancling:. Write for cans . - • . • , . . 'TRELEAVEN & 'RANTON • Ptaltrr'c rc Arruzry.,..ilta 1.41E'SSTOV,, . " . , NOTICE..-We-warit agent_eleye 1,,r Patin bairy Li -cam, It • ' Wriee,for prites" and terms. . ..apcsooto r.-4 , Toronto last week, .Rigar..8(atiaton •hatl, his glasses eineshed, dotting • him vietit the eyeai Whtell Was 'the resell; Of di -U. • paraderki halos attacked by mine of. to '00141;00k •• • ••• . , • • • - . . . • •• • .•.. . . .• , • • . • , •• • • . ..IA‘; •' , le. • -0•0040.V4i• • !•444,4440 a . /0 j, , i.10414i 1•444,10,401444.0. „ aa ,r,s. s s • , . : •. • .• ,er,..'• <I:, 54 4,4= ""•• - • . ' w.4 ; .7L.....•17:1••.• • '.• .3 11-111131T. y LI IS 1 AtC0u11". I 'my: ‘70:iti . d Dar, ani..ad,;t:ttivac 41.; rnontilFg ''stithr.11,1! • , , , . • . . , s . eeeeeeee , LUC. emette 4eutecrizeti eeet (0 daoltatace • • • • V."39, • A • " • •••••4 .40 "4. .4., "4,, • • '64 • .1,