The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-03-16, Page 1A ars '•••••r-,4, ••••- ••7" 114,141,.. 1,1•11.. aeaste.,04111.118K sr",gue y IPP"misuentauteespeusou • " 1.09 per yearOu'•44.1ta ere; i0x.251)tit %Vise Mr. Richard Webster er, trrho has been in poor health this winter,. left on Word- warereccived,im t1vin.911- 1,141l1.7 day of the death in gravenhurst of Hyaline. Dorothy McKinley, adopted daughter of Rev. Gee. McKinley, of Sea - forth. Mise McKinley was Well known in , Lucknow, having .livedwith her foster parents throughout the four years Of their residence here. She was in. her 19th year, and had ,always been rather delicate, her condition becorning ,serious abOut the time, the fatally tweed, to Seaforth. Shebrid been at the GraVene buret Sanitarium, for several months, but the hglit against consiemption proved. unavailing. She was a daughter of a brother of Rev: 1$141vIeKinleja but oviiipg, to the death of her mother was taken by hith ina;infancy. The funeral was held at Seaforth on Tuesday. - Monday, to_taka. treatment in, London - • '& feeture of t. lielens Literary So- ciety -meeting Friday evening will 'be a - debate between Lucknow and ;St' Hel- ene talent. Mr. Chas. Alton, of Lanes,who last week underwent:en operetion for aPPeild- iottitiet the Fergus.1.10spital,ls reported doing well. It leeks as theuglr at least owe of our bachelor soldier hoys may meet hie Wat- eirloce befpre going to- the front. 'was writtenbu Monday,) . • • kl,VCIENOW, Dorothy McKinley Dead Mrs, D. R MoIntoele is visiting her daughter in §enthempton. llitereertuting officers at, the village& _ Brtleselb have gathdred in 65 nien. Suits pressed and cleaned proinptly and well; 'temple Clark, Merchant Tailor,•• Miss Ilene Mines is back to town after vitsiting friends,Seuthaanpton, • Mr. Alex. Sutilh, who a weekngo was cPriPlialy ill with PrIcilltionlat is 'Pilch • improved. 'Men's Feit.Ratsin new shapesat Com. gXtra value at $2.00"and $2.25 each. , • • . Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Baxter, of • near Ockierich; visited his sister, Mre. Geo. 11%06', this week. „ 0 If you Want an up-to-date snit well tail- ored and a perfect At leaire your measure. • We,can do it, Temple Clink, Merchant Tailor. • Miss Baycroft, of Beeton, is in charge , of the work at Miss Armstrong'e millin- ery store this season. , Miss J. J. Allie,eyesight specialist, will be at Arnistrongle Drug Store the afternoon of March 29. Mrs. John McKeith, who has been 0" -,-visiting with relatives here, returned to Ler home.in Burlington last week. • • ,„ Miss Antiie Boyd left. yesterday after noon for it time weeks' vacation, which she will vend at Preston and Toronto. For 'Carpet Squares, Uflolen1 s and Oilcloths go to Connell's. Special prices in Tapestry and Brussel§ Squares. • Mies J. Holines. who has been visiting bei brother here for soine weeksreturn- ed to her home in,,ellititon nn SaturdaY: - Mr. Potehet.MeChailes, Who has been • borne from SemonereSaskthe past three -menthe, retureed-tarthe4est--on---Tne8. day. t. Sp_ringStock Just Arrived Black and Blue Serges, Fancy Suitings and Paotings— . Something New, Perfect Fit Guaranteed TEMPLE- CLARK, r M• chant tailor • •143.1 .om:• Needs. 1., The great coin - e fort in the home is • the bath moan. Heoltlkin body and mind staits with cleanliness tind , we offee the best in soaps, powders, perfumes • and toilet papers - To stop 'a cough tTy Vinol, our • cod liver and iron tonic without oil. Try it on our guarantee. • Does you goed or, costs you nothing." Vinol is a wonddrful •Temedy for chronic comets, colds and bronchithi.: Dr. A. M. Spettee's f rug Store , r Luakitow. , Lot& Ear this Oise in our ivkidOW,N0041,10 lOto' tiffr • a" FREE \ Studio,.iLucknow, • Mr. Wm Wigan, for many years a res- ident of the 12th•cen shfeIt,.dJeI' on, Monday at tke ageof 77. An acconntof Itis death will be found in Lothein news. " . Rev. S. J. Bridgette, will, be in Dun-. gannon• again .next Sunday, supply-ing the ptlaPit of ReV• 1. McKelvey whose family is under quarantine for measles. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Johnston left on Tuesday for Semens, Sask., after visit nog here since Christmas. They were accompanied by Miss Culbert, of • Dun- , Buy your goodsuit this spring and you will save money. Temple •Clark,, Mer- chant Tailor. ThetOwn newspaper publishers Of Grey County have joined with those of Bruce Huron and Perth in advancing the eubacription price of itheir papertQ $1 50 per year. , Mr. Brown DU:Hough has been trans- ferred frtm the'locarRank of gun il ton to the branch at Berlin Ont. Nortnan Patterson- has_ taken. the! place orjunior in the office here. Bargains in Ladies' flee' Pitts. Mink Muff, $35 for $27; Blue Wolf Set, MO for $28; White Thibet Set, 513.59 for- - $9, at Connell's. Keep the 'date,' evening Of Friday, fur drairra-by-local-tal- ent to. be given in the Town Hall under auspices of the locel Hockey Club. Fur- ther information later. ' GUNN'S FERTILIZER -Get your supply of fertilizer Icime while the mitts. are good SuppLy on hand. Get it while it lasts. . G. S.. ROMIRTSON. Mr. Clyde Reid is in Toronto attend- ing a School Of Instruction in' connection With the Chevrolet antomobila Three experts from New York are instrueting the Chevrolet agents and their repro- eentatives on 'practical lines- regarding the car. Clyde will beawayfor some weeks.., An Invitation -a On Thursday, March 23rd, we purpose havingaspecial displayof Suits and Coats by The Princess M fg.,Ce , of Toronto, in tier store. This is an excellet t epee' tunk ty to get the eery latest steles; it,ede to measure, fit guaranteed and exclusive style. We extend a dordiaLinvitation 6 the ladies of Lucknow and surrounding country who 'are interested to attend See our "Ad" on last page. -Murdoch 41/4 Cameron. Co. Donation to Patriotic Funds The Treasurer of the Women's Com- inittee-of-thr-Patriotic-Leaguei-ackuovre- ledges ,with thanks a cash donaticn- of \ $22 10, received from Hie Methoditt Sun day School. This donation :represents half thiproceeds from the eembert given' in the Town Halt by the inembets of the Sunday School early in the year. ' . WITH THE BUYS IN KHAKI The men in khaki will be guests of the Women's Institute at the "At Heine" this evening in the Town Hall. • . Sydney • Plowright joined the local force a8 a private this week. Pte.,Plow. right's home is in Grillia, laut he has been in Lucknow about two years' assist- ing in Miellorn'e blackemith shop. The boys report the first casualty in their squod.this week, Pte. McKinnon having fallen a victim to the abate of that busy and unerring , archer, Cupid. An acconnt of his marriage is given in another column. ' The Lifeknow detachment hope to al; etid-in full strengthatthamilitary delta. onstration in Teeswiter 6 -morrow. A nullifier have not yet been served. With un terday, and Serga Carrick holies to have all in khaki for the demoraltration. • • Open Monday,Tuesday ! and Wednesday of eatil aseceserase=unsame=gesesensieassas `. MARkPTS , (Corrected up to Wednesday mien) Wheat ' • • 00 Oats. ... .. ...... . 38, 40 Birley . .. • 55 58 , Buckwheat , p 4 ,•:, 66 • Rutter.............t . 25' 27 Eggti, new laid. ; 24 ° Hogs . 10 35 1610.014T41 rRICIIP'COTS WORK Wheat, bush.... .......$ 95 to $ 1 00' • Oate,,buali...;.....• 48 .,a). . 50 Barley, bush. .... . • 58 to 62 Choice heavy steers,- . S. 00 to 8 50 &Ache* • 7 00 to 1 75 Iteeders......., . ... 6 25 03 2 25 •LaiiibSi‘ Cwt. .. . . • . 10 50 to 12 00 Sheep, divt ' 0 00 to 9 SO Butter, Cremitety Prints 35 to ' 36 'Butter, Dairy Planta.... 26 to SO. Biro, new laid, doz..... 20 to 30 • Bgge, 1 etef NO. rige.... 25 to 26 retoofot ona,wiitsted IQ $0 (1, k, bitgtirp o • 00 to 04; ..Teeswater . ...-TtleedayillarOli 14. Joseph' Olheiser has been' laid nP for a few days with alead -attack -of seiati and le grippe, • e fleanumber of jean Val Jlean, Victor tiriFirgreateete SraC r, as -run- off Saturday evenhie at the movies, , 1Linich f,,ounter,.Did Well • The local Red cross workers' sCored. another suceess in the --way of raising. funds at the "Old Time Skate" in Lorne Rink Tuesday evening. They were there with. the goods, and the people were there with the money. 'The lunch count- er was well patronized throughout the • evening; and the hot tea, coffee and sandwiches, beaides .adding gteatly to the enjoyinent of the crowd, brought in $32 .55 to the .coffers of the Red Crime. We are sure those. wit° contributed, either in work or by providing the eat- ables, will be pleased to hear of so suc- cessfel..an outcome. .' This time the money ,goes to the Women's Institute to assist them -iii their Red Cross 'work.. . , The crewd at the rink was not so, large as at. the previous 0. T. Skate, but • the evening was very successful all round. In spite' of the extreme cold, a mother of toads drove hi front neighboring points, •• , 'Crewe ---Monday, 'Mara 13 Aentunber-of-peciple-are still -stare • from la grippe. • Aleand los. John Blake and babe, of Mafeking, spent last Suuday with. -friends here. 41:ite it: number of , people attended -the-patriotia-meeting-itallungannort_en_ Tuesday evening last. - Rev. Mr. Bridgette, 'of the -Ashfield ,Circuit, conducted servieee .here last Sunday and will also take charge of the .service next Sunday again. • CHURCH NEWS OnSueday morning there I will be a Reception service in the Methodist -61mIpICA:iiiimberare-heing-taken-with; full membership. • . Everybody, is preparing to decorate for 'Friday. The village will be gay, With flags and limiting to greet the visit* ing soldiers. • ' Clark Ay Moon, barristers and solicitor of Mount Foreat, have °prided it bratiell dace in Teedwitter in the old library ,building. James Green is in cheep. • . - The young 'aches of Teeswater enter- tained the soldiers in the Town Hall last Friday evening, under the auxpicee of Miss Guilfoyle and the teachers of the Public Scheel. • " • ' The Carnival in the rink last night met with itri usual degree of success. it drew crowds i• the costuntee were fine, the Mole eXcellent, and the ,young people thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Willie Chapman and John Hendry are the latest redruitslfrona Teeswater. The .110rior Roll in the Presbyterian church now *lambent 10. •• Only three young won in Tenswateolow in that elitirch to ime totuited, and they ate serionsly thinking of plaint 1 ASIIFIELD 'METHODIST, CUUI3CHES.- Next tindity„ at the usual hours, the Powelk-of-elintcrof the Temperance Organization of Huron -kIounty, -will have charge of the- service • He will seeak on temperance, with part- icular reference to his own work in Huron County, and will ask for cf- feripg to aid his work. ' Me. 'Powell, is an unusually good speaker. Come and hear him thiayear again. THE , very interesting program wits rendered in , the Epworth League" on Monday evening. The Miss y-drpartment----had charge ,Miss Francee. Webster occupied the chair, and After the opening exeroises in. which Miss, Alma Alton read the scripture lesson; Rev Mo. Bridgette gave a very lucid .and tomprehentive presentationof the Moalena World, to the delight of all present. After the addrest two readings bearink on the question of niissions were • given, one by Mmn Myrtle Bogues and the other by Miss Mildred Tr leo.yei e. A large number are expected to ; enjoy the program. next Monday night. " Uri QUILD.-The Adult Bible Class was in charge of the peegramon Monday end provided a very entertaining and profitable evening. Thatnpic, "Causes of Failure in Life," Was very interesting, being well treated in three' papers taken by Miss E. Henderson Frank McIntOsh and Pte. Peter M.ckiniien. Their dealt 'chiefly with the Christian side of life for which we must be thank- ful for so nmof Our succeeses. Mr. Hagan MeDonalet-read-olettee Weitten by Pte. tiger Racine', of the Medical Corps, London, descrtbiing briefly bis short experienee at inthary life. Other numbers were solos•by Mrs. Lurie, Mr& Reid and Mrs, D Thompson; reading by -THURSDAWMATICH-- 1St& 4910.. SOME' WORDS OF EXPLANATION •"'••••'r•rr,l1,1.•••-•,••••• FROM MR. JOHN .1(31(Nt Lucknow, Opt, Afar, 13, 1916. ,To The Editor of the Lucknove Sentinel, Dear, Sir: , .4 geed deal of correspondence hie been going on betty. seep. the Vingham Ade:ince and the Lucknow Sentinel for 8°11111.behtiWnlre. Writer who ltas been very busy ceib :t icanest tw. sw4titteolhaZgt.pol leoedwPre ac eodf nt ngtse ir ePs ,63at dt its that some words' of explanatiod wonicl set•the matter 'right as far as'the Proprietor of the Wirtgliarn Advance is concerned, - :.Whe.e. the writer warialefeated-'f simply aniionneed in :My newspaper that was ' defeated, and kaye'aii t4ecaliSe . of taiii defeat polities, to my itistonishment; tFe Editor of the Imeknow`Sentinel who is; supposed to Inn an independent news- paper in the Village of Lucknow comes to tho rescue of hie political friend the, Reeve, and declared in very peettlYe terms there was tie such thing OS polities in the election. The wily reply to this statement, that it was ,politics of the meanest and most revengeful character. , The very fact that there was an elec- tion was a very positive proof that it teas politics all the way through. People for one hundred miles around know this to be the case. The Reeve elect of the Village made a. wry decided announcement after his election that he was going in for the material welfare of the Vintage! and the metal up -lift okthe People. . . , I took it for granted .then, that the 11,5eve Would take a very decided stand on all questions that would- come . before him during the year. The very first question that was pre- sented to him was the pool room question. asking for the granting of a license, and when this inetter was presented to the Council, the Reeve elect sits in his chair as a door nail, andasdumb ea an oyster. . . The writer who is easily the largest property owner in the Village felt that he had interest etiough in, the Village to make some :retharks . in his own news - pa, er, ivhen the Editor of •the Lucknow entinel comes again to the reScue701-de • , . plaice.' friend Mr. Anderson and tries to defend him in a long. article 'The question of the,pool room', and it looks to me moreen particular ta relieve the responsibility of the man who was ging in for the in uplift of the ,people in. the Village of Lueknoiv. • „ The Only exchse that the Wingha,m 4.dvance had for interfering with the poet, rOOM question was because •of_ the fact of the glariiig announcement that the Reeve elect made anstich Thoronton tones doe I wank expected for eonte yrondertal things to take place; and it -rooki to rrie-dotv-that-the Reeve elect - hes proven hithself to be very weak man and quite unable to wiry out the glowing promises which he made to the ••• people. Joim -'1 r. runcan, Ji McClure, and- :two chetuses :by the Clase. Mr. Phillip. McMillan Wee chair- man fer \ the evening. •The t,opic far next Monday is "be -operation with the San - ..day charge of the Devotional Committee. -Bound :for the West. [Regarding this letter; which we print true to copy, we would' say that, in the• Sentinel. Of January 13th' last, . under the heading, "Explanation not Bight," we' bad the following: • • • 'Regarding the ninnicipar electian in Lucknow the Wingham Advance said: "L.uckuow being a Liberal stronghold; • Anderson had little or no trouble to get the political =chide into.action, and in only 4 few _eves where the individual was- too honorable t� bringpolitics into a-muniCipal nainpaign. did the machine fail." • 'The Bruce Tinies of Walkerton, ex- pressed the Same Opinion, and iU is .not improbable that outside of Lucknew.this view of:the contest is generally held. • It does not, however, Correctlyexplain the turnoirer from Joynt to • Anderson. Of course, tiolitics played a part. It was bound to.ither nrin would imake it goc,c1 reeve. There was no lasue other Oita the man, and both are outstanding men in their respective political parties. But it is, well kaoWn 6y every elector in 4.4ucknoW that proniiiient Conservatiyes were among Mr. Anderson's nost ectiye supporters, and that Mr. joynt had the openly -expressed sn'tenort of not a feW Ltberttls • This-being,the—citzei it is not f ,ir to the elector; of Lanknow id say that they lined up like unreasoning partisans And vOteil party when -only municipal ques- bons were if issue. Quite a nutilber minor constderrittons and influences ap- ear to have,been at work, this time favortn ties -so* as 'favored. Jaya:* IS that rt, decharatiori in 4.`very positive terms"?..Welectve it to the candid reader. Is.it fair to the electors of,Lucknow to i innate as The Advande did tiaa.t, in ns , • , .only a feir.• ceses ;the indvidua,1 was too honorable to 1)ring pfifitiesintO a mut'- , ..._ _ ... rat )0„I Ilt NtAnSf4naelgtaTintr- alibirthe-GMIL-station,on-TUesday when a ntiniber of farmers left for t Prairie Provinces, taking settlers' effemts and hems with them. James Caesar tea one ear -load of horses and a car- load of settlers' effects,' with six horses. Jam es Strath took a car of hones, arid HarriWaltera and Wm Smith, Dun- gannon, tooka ear of. effects. • liOlyrood • . -Tuesday, March 14. The Women's Instjtuth will hold theie next meeting on March 23rd at the home of Mrs. Ayliner Ackert. Meeting is to open at 2 o'clock sharp, as the afternoon will be spent in sowing for the Red Cross -Secy. Don't forget the Oyster Supper to be held here On Friday night, March 1711i, An excellefit supper is being prepared and a good, program consisting.of Luck- ' now, Ripley and home talent will be given. Admission: 50e for Minks 26c for ehildren. Proceeds for pstriotie pur- A tore troat. . • Rev, Mr. McKerroll Loses , Father . • Rey: D. T. L.. MeKereoll.t„nastor of otoria PreebYteittli-elnuch, WeitZ-TO-. Mato received. word on Mach 4th., that his faller; Malcolm McKerroll, a retired farmer, Of Sydenhein toWnsleira had died ot apoplexy, at the age of 73 years, The late Mr. .icKerroll was g member Of Knox Presbyterian cleurch, Owen Sound. He is surviaed by few sone and 'five elaugntere, nuiie1y Rv. D: T. L. McKer- roll, •William, Maicielin, Alexander, Mrs Samuel Loeke, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. John Mend, ot °riffle.; Mre, 0, Morrison, of Strathayon; and Miss JeseieeMcKer!eoll. The Charge For,Inspection, A -farmer interested in the hog bug!! nest; has asked tui to publish the follovii- ing, -which is press despatch frock Ottawa: • • IA' , According to figures comPileci from.the officiel blue books hs, gr. Arehie B, Mc- Coig, M.P. for West Kent, the farmers a Canada who raise hogs have been mulcted to the extent of 3179,906 .dur- ing the past season by the operations of the hog -buyers. The modus operandi of the buyers is t� collect from the farmets one• half of one --per cent. of the purchase price, designating the assessment as be, ing made for the expense of "inspection," while the Gr3vernment inspeetors ite.Ve been fully paid by the Government itself. According to officio' records, 1,795,053 • hogs were purchased by the • various abattoirs during the season, a large num- ber of these heing front Ontario farmers Of these, 4,007 were condemned Allow- ing for the payment in full for these condemned kegs,. which are • used for, other purposes, such as fertilizer, ,glue, etAl c., Mr. eCmg shows that the farniers have -been millet ed te-theextent of nearly $100,000. on one season's bogs. He is desirous of having the Government step in and put an end to this "rake off" on the pert of the buyers. Mr. McOmg brought the: matter to the attention of Hon. J. G. Hazen, acting nister of -Agricul tureewheirParliantent- was in Comniittee on Supply to -day. He asked as to the serum, treatment as a preventive of cholera amopg hogs, and al; to the payment of inspectors and the collection ef alleged :inspection fees by buyers. , Hon, Mr. Hazen replied Ch.: :le would ep into the matter with the member for West Kent at a later 'date, when be wOuld- have the advantage of consulting with the Veterinary. Director -General. Wamis .• Mies Lexy Fraser is home from Pais- ley. ;• - Miss T.,izzie Ferris returned triTeronto on Satiirday. 'Will Stanley is working at Mac. Me - Miss Margaret Campbell returhed ' to Harriston this week. • . , • W. J,. graham has been on the sick list with e severe cold. - Miss ,Bella Stanley Vs home from Kin- cardine °pa short visit. • Rev. Mr. Baker returned to 'Spring Arbor, Mich., on Wednesday. • Mrs: D. :M. FinlaysOn spent the week- end with friends in Pert Elgin. Siduy, Johnston is engaged with Robert Keyes, 12th Con Greenock. Mrs. F. Beaton and son and daughter have returned to their home in Toronto: Rev. Mr. Reith conducted preparatory services in Pinkerton on. Saturday atter- Miss Ably Symons has returned from a several mooths' visit With her sister, Mrs. 0.5. Ford, of Philadelphie. Torrance McLennan is another of our young men Who has signed up in the. 160th Bruce Battalion. He Will enter into traintug at Tiverten-this week. Whitechurch The Whitecburch Red Oros's' •Society Wish to thank the • following ladies for . „ donations: . . • • ,Mrs. E. W. Orwia, Patriotic Tea, $5.50 Mrs Jelin McCreight, ,-5••yds. 'cotton Mrs. Hector McKey, •.. 5 '"' ,'" . .Miss M. Sutlterland, Mrs: C1,11.7. an.bu.rn, 5 .`,` • 5 ,, -MU 41 • ti, Mrs John 'Gilles pie, • Patriotic Tea:34 •50 -Mrs. W. J. -Coulteral'etriotie-Tert.$9,e0, also 5 Yds. totton . Mrs. John Norman'e Patriotic' Tea was. "-repotted in a recent issue a,t $2,0e,and itile43e' • M. Beaeitorr, Secretery. SPECUL EFFORT IN HURON CO. to Bring Battalion Up to Strength 'etoreeine •oi the Month , ' A special effmt is to be made by the lEfst oftleials, in co-operation with.the ditreient VY'ar Anxillaties, to ,secure the necessary 5)0 recruits to Coin. plate the Battalloo befote April Ist.• tween Match 20 end 24, the ,men who hat/Oath-early enlisted will .go back to their home districts to aid the toted Ida-, gues to secure; if possible,, the required dumber Of soldiers. On the closing night, of tha campaign, the 24 tit • meetings will. be held in eath municipelity, when the reeruits. will be introdu.W, addresses givee mid reports. from the various com- mittees presented. The list, of niumei- polities and tbe number expected; tram each it es follows: GoderiCh 25. Clinton 15, Seaforth 15, Winghtim 15, Bat field 10, truisele 6, Hensel' 5, ftVrexeter 5, Exeter 10, Olyth 5, and from cash of the sisteon township 2), • • --Tuesday, 14.. Mikellogen hai purchased 'the Thee. Ford farina We welcome Mrsndie* 1ow1sr i it • 6 AT Tug VVALKE TON • MILITARY SCHOOL S•gl,44(;OPle6 CentS 1/03ABe Teacher of Singing, Voice and Tone Productlearasee___ °for examinations. • • 4. G. AMOKRS,VAL (Froth T e Telescope) A snearter-looking bunch 'of men would • be hard to find than. the 110 sOldiere of the 160th. whoware atteedieg the echool for nod comudesioned officers, at the Rink. - TheyarA. fine strapping yolung 'fellows; some just out of school; • pot a few smart looking Young btisinees men, and edverat rare old veterans, who lia„ve been „through soldiering from A -to Z, and have seen active service part. 'of the'Empire. These meta Ski is soldiering, bele w midd Age and should prove valuabje asset' to tie_ regiment,' - • The,School opened Mondityat ternoon in charge of Capt. Chadwick :41 .Lient • Parker, beth highly qualified lofficere Eight instructors have been 'egaufinted for the .scilooll and tbefere the •eoUrse cjoseein six weeketime, every Man of the 110 Will have had .hia taro ill struetiona ,\ At 'Ile 'faintly Theatre The Family, Theatre, wishes to an- Pounceahat on. acceunt of a mistake in the bookings of the' \'IVIillion Dollar'Mys• tery'' we'were obliged to dit,Continue it in Lucknow and Brussele for several weeks. A •new -service has no* lieen -at- ranged in ;which the • serial ." Diamond from the SkV'..' will be show each. week . The date. of the commencement .of this serial which is said to be a -first-class one will •be announced later. Ihe shows for Thursday rind Friday are specially attraz- • tive and we hope elierybody 'will -come and tell us how they like the hew eer vice... • WEDDING BELLS MIiKioN-Mel.N.Tosu • An event Of. Mare than ordiOarY social _Interest took place atthe .Manse,..Lnek- • 4 3•4, it eleven O'clock' y,eaterclay• morn-. ina, when ..Miss. McIntosh, .only dtaghter of Mr. and ' Mrs. • Wm. • Aide- 46311,.--e-f-town, beepana--tite-beide-of-lite. Yter McKinnon, et the Bruce Battalion, 4ev..l. S. Duncan • ofildiated, and the bride and graom were both unattended. After the ceremony they returned to the ha•Maof the bride'a parents for cheat: Mi: and • Mrs.. McKim:ten 'ieft• by • the- .fternoon train .. for Toronto, the. lepel. ued. ot soldiers under Sera.. Carrick, being at the •statiop to• give- theM a min- tary send-off.. .Toriewrolea-CoX.L0 At the home of Mrs. Jite. Uoeley, of town, on Wednesday of 'last week,. was acilettipized the 'mai•riage Pf her detighter,. Mary, to -Murk Johnston, -Of. matt Kin. lough. ..11e'v. J. S. .Duneau. perfOrthed. theeeremony-4 rattle ...pteSerice-cit,about- twenty friends. of the contracting patties. Tne young ecutele. will make their innne. on the second con, of „Kinlore,. where they take •with them. the beat „wiehes. of • many frieiads. • " Hog Prices High - If hogs can't fly, the priee of the 'hog can soar. We . had this demonstrated „anew here this week,. when. the record price of 310,35 per cwt. was -paid fon the live Porker., The hog is rising to .a new dignity. •Yeara ago he won the title of "the mortgage lifter; noW. haying paid offUthst-of-the farm- niortgages,-he bids. f.ttir.... to • beeome the ••auttnotnlei .bayer. • . Fan:nets' won't haVe • to, raise so 'very , many hogs at 319.35 per cwt. -enable them to buy Chevrolets and Fords., St. Helens . -Tn. ado, Starch 1411i. T-homas Phihps, we aregladaosay, is. able to be about.again, • . Pte. George Twitnley, of I'Aicknoiv„ : spent Sunday inthe berg. , - Colin McDonald wept tn . Walkerton to -day. He is deliverilig a horse. Which, he sold on Saturday. • '. '• . Alio Mary:Murray' retUrnedbome oi Saturday:atterspending a, few • weeks. , visiting friends in TOronto. easra;W. *I. der end . f)ii neon' M e - Kenzie' ate in Goderic,h thie Week • ea. _jurymen at the Spring We understand that Duncan McKenzie :.baa -purchased thelarn, E Gordon. Mrs. liOrtiVII intentja Luisa' ing a Bale of -stock 'tend -ienente •,-••••• .r.r.7.1:•••••7 EVERyBODY!S COizt.J..MN (U• AL WANT.E.Ii.--Vor duitiebr,le sertiCe. AA* lay ,t‘lis. t;lark. Liteanow., • 16-34.,f. • - UON it:Y. TO 1.,C)..S.N.$••-i.bi Mortgages unit nOted • id reasonable rates.,,,Vire Stock and ,311•Itilal 4,1nPantet• , .. • . „ A..11.11/1/.1.1,14. Lucknew • ;LA W F1'114$ urn In Rona demand and you eau get lagliebt nasti prices 'at Idt3ulelsou'i• Dor ' toJoaspa!-.tre, . 4..1 tar,. ifildiesttla-?stfr'rlettS tor 'taw Fora, ` 1,11. „ •", • 13. 131.rrzhj,•six.. .• .. • ••• t•For Sale • S LAM Thre4: N*Ory .d.c.44iii . prOperileg jutIte or Luelialow. lor•oartieullos '• , apply to oato. A....'sitala .14 Blamer,. . bi•I•tt. • ' . Luehmtv. • •• • Par A T01,:s; PIER S L •.1I•• broil rip ••• • grown twin 0..A.C, sett'. • • 0,3 14. ()No. A. I 'LLICLTIOW. • s 11.)11, atiNer and 4 ggseline . 011411P, „Lit Lertlational4 all iii•Iirst'elass COSI, • ittlion, partioulars apply at Sentinel., , ()Mee. 231341. •• • Seed, OAts Increase prdithetitin in ing 0. A. C... . • 75 (fats. This variety has gtift straw, thin hulls, and has• yielded an average of 18' bdslielq inereper arm than any other A urlety a. 9 yofito 111-1 at '0 nelph. • Don't wait. Buy •new: • Price 75 cpirt,e.por L IL - .\o. (2, Lucknow.. • - • .*, • • • • FARM F01,1 SALE -V boo 'dela ardporty bo itorilin.norih1-2 and the siert li I -5o1 t bonen tit - • heti of Lot nurnSez' nineteen iirtrie eleventh coneennicin of be:To mesh ia ot West WaWa- nesh-in the County of Hiiron.bne 'hundred .• and fertyselght..neres, wore ar ie144:' 011 Op prel-liNe7i MVO. sit i in 14 t wn•stoi•ey • br ittit lipase:frame:, ba ius89; about one aere orollard, acre' • of fall ..vreetit,- Ill) • acres.M.114,dowing aMlabegLeight_ae4.•es ot, • . •nardwood timber.. The s'ell goad Wkly. loam, wellwateredwit 11;sprilig creek •and " •goocrwell, alai well flawed. This • desirable , property is sittinted at the village of St_ •• •• lielens, and is ennvenierit and. naltool,--IFer----turther •partieuktra apply. to -'• tv: p...,.,c,torteeNrst. Relent,. ot .110sEPIL A GNEW,.141CkIlOW; -" 21..5-tfe: • Auction Sile '11Q$ME.—Tho laroi stock and . • • piemenin of the ItiKeIir:'ff: Gord, Lot: ,•• • 000.U, Went Witwancish. will. be sold by _ public auCtien an Thurklay, • cominencing at one,o'nleek: • . • • • ' J, erriers;.Auciioeeer: - • • • • ImPortatt -Notice In looking over my books pncl, sever.; • -al accounts sti 1.minaid;.and novv.inust ••, insigt on all accounts betngpaid at once-. All al collate' not paid itimietately • . __bei.,placeri..44,Lectirt for .collectibri. Sri dr! • • • not. neglect tbis, as this is .pz.siti'vely, the . • - last•notice. • ...• - 30-3-e. . W. j; . ...•••••••• sg• Thirodg, MarchnPlei '23rd. • . .• A featare of the ,Literary SOc iet y ing Friday evening, the 17th., whiai exc. ,a debate on the resolutinn, •"11..e'solved that Wealth exerts a greater Mil aerie.. in ' the world tlin,ii -does edneetien".' The affirmative in this debate will be taken -by _Meseta 11. D. %Vocal& 'Duran Phillips • and Elliott Stiller. The negative will. ,betaken by Messrs: W. L. • Mackenzie, „LaRTkilirwM.S.141lini and 4). Mackenzie, of --- • • - • - - - That One -Half Per Cent Charge Our 4 t conCession correspondent Tait Week drew -the attention of, fatinets to. what siene regard as,an. nu fart charge, or • , lassessinerit;. 'a:nom-thug to • ':ne,fialfof. one per, Cenvoit the purchaSeprice of imgs , 'Which buyer'stnake in cenrieCtion. 'with • • all hogs bought for shipeefirio-the paek- ing.houses. Elsewhere we publish a short 'artirle 'showing that the statement -had been made ir the Ilernae--.-of- Ceitifeans - that by making thms charee'"to hiSPec: , the the buyers. had robbed the farmers, • of Ontario. of :more than •:oue bandied thousand . ••• • • ; We have 'esked R &noon, the, local buyer, for an. explanationi of this charge. His"..explanation, is that the inspection is -established, in ordertto•pre;* vent the sale Of. Meat from hogs •,,affeeted •. by.umseutse,-primieuital,lyttmbercniosisTbe.' • • preCe Elr.e: of the diaease can hot be .clist- covel'ed until the animal •is killed. -and the lungs 'exainined. The Government ' pays the iespeetere, but .the packing oompanieg are specially assessed in order ., to.thake up -the _fend -front- which the ' ,inspeetrirs . are paid. '; For ,-,ver three years, t he packers paid the -whOle.cest of inspection withbutend;fteing to.shift, it.. • lent ri•cently. they de'citled that the' Dien Who produced t lie cliaelkeed inaleough le pay at least it part h.f'91.e,cor, of 'in- pection, -They therefore inetructed .1he •bayere to withhold one-half of., oite per 'eon. no the. pi•lej::ef .tilt hogs. lbeught, The piilere tnee w ri :fierne the levere, tied gotis, 0. paying the bistiectora.., ittrenge- merit it is tirpfight.willinte,mrage farm. era to .;Tinrinate,,,,so fat as tirarsible, (tiro ° ' pt4 hi -from, thtqr herds, :Whitt* the:paelterusii.Aiii1,.r I ht"r'imuj torS' nfll- (*f their ownpeek-Rs tile're fres not. 1 V.,. Mtiite IllitteVUIent !t) at)t : 111S; • Li •••• tha t the one, half, 010 84? per eent.• charge' anew riOt 'enyer lite,Cost- th packets, but it helps.- -• - - • ; Fennel:a will be interested to have e this explanetion from ,t . • . , -.:11arry Reinhardt harl a yetY success- ful -sale, mn spite of unfavorable weather. Mike 13owlar delivered al horse op Monday to Lucknow to James Ceasar' who is taking a couple of loads out West. • Chas. W. Altop was operated on .for appendieitis in Fergus on Saturday and is improving nicely. His father and wife were present at Fergus with hini; Isao.e Cranston as inoying his effects to his new property, Summerville Farm, east of Belfast.He sold his blacksmith property to Harvey Miller, the black- smith. Get an assistant, Harvey, next. Chas. McLean received the sad news of the death of his brother, Angina in the West. He and his brother, Donald, were homesteading, and while fest asleep they we're decorum by COill gas which* escaped from the stove. Neighbors, faith* to see them about their work one morning,,investigated and found Angus dead and Donald nearly dead. By care- ful nursing Donahl was revived. Angus 'wad i buried n Alberta. Much synitlathy felt tot tlle retail/et, men 118 , he oghthr'weekly,;-teeeting--ot St. ,Helens Literary •Seciety. was held last Friday night, ,The ,attehdance was not AS large as usualon taceount or the had roads. The debate, "Re.y.ilvtid that the Warrior has done • more for hre . ClInO- try than the Statesman", was ably dis- ctissed by both sides, ' Cairtiti Attcheacin and Miss Atephens taking the affirm t- tive, a.nd Misses' Margaret Miilerand Clara Woodi'the`negative. Inlrnin Phillips, who acted' ai Andr, after.'eate.-. Jiffy weighing their polutS, gave. his de- cision in .favor of the negative.: Another • prineipal feature. of the evening was a spelling match. Sides' were called of which Clore Wodds and Marearet Miller were captains. Miss Stargiret Webb gave out the .spellirigs, *loch she did very distinetly. Ti. %MS both lutinereue and instructive. The liiMe griertette also favored tia with a number- Of selte- tione; also a story by Rev; Mr. L:ttl Tin meeting:dosed by singing; "Goa Save the Ring", to meet next Friday, %vett , Or hauge Otte• •The''• Women s InstiI.utt annual •.`e.te'' • Home" will be held' in the .Town TLdI this (Thursday) evening instee'd of eri the Itth as announced' earlier: .. ar• isogon cuts have been aaueleted. for OF., , usual fq11 evening program s • • Nurth LOW. Kintoss .- •. Tueeday, iTarc1m 14th." 'Miss Hurneh MeDotield, we aro.' glad • • to feaiim, has rerovered .tron• • a seVerr • Mr. and • Mrs. Sits. Metieed. eammene al the jeurnee In their north -in *Nue.... et Vert Williaialeelay, Mr john ..Ntel)..zitnik who • has been visit iipz 1,81,1114 'his ith•leis lite, and . the • left few hone, to day. . •tia titliraes of th,. ite.ith- a" Mt. W18,, •Pie'ret;,' \tr. tit' „ rood, tenelled here late oii o ,3:.y nigh t. The 'Omuta letve one sinerre. sympatitt, , • • •••••••• •