The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-01-27, Page 6f3own over the serews of the micro- seepe, "don't lot the child cell me 'Uncle,' there's a good soul." * * The diphtheria epidemie which was spresating through the with of Eng. land had reached Cornwall. In Perth. carrick and the neighboring moorland hamlets child after child sickened and died. ,It bed been a wet end stormy iuturnn a herd time for the fisher - Ifolk. Many lives had been lost in the rough wither; now it Christmas. time, the akkneaa hadf Mae. But for their Vicar, the Porthcar. rick people would have` been in evil ease. Dr. Jenkins), middle-aged, over- worked,handeapppt by the incessant are of a *4411 income end a large family?) did hie best; but censcieutiona • and kindly as he was* he could nut • have. stood against the dead-weight of general misery without the support of the stronger nature. • As for Mrs. IlaYznondsaie remained the dutiful wife that she had alWaYS been. She turned .her 'old black silk gown once. nfore..to make it last an- other year, and thnidly slipped. WO the Vicar's hand the,money she had saved up te buY, a new one "for your coal and blanket fund, Josiah.* Her mernings Were ape* in Making soups and jellies for the mein her afternoons in *Wing or knitting for them; but..it was the Vicar who bad to. distribute ,the gifts. .• , • • The heaa-brealving tain spent itself At last; And one*morning, laying the cloth for .1Unch in the dreary, immacu- late aiding-town,she aaW an unfam- iliar gleam. ef sunshine fall acrosa.the ,table. The board of health officer frera Truro, game in with the Vicar for a •hasty lunch; they Were to attend a committee meeting, and then to make a round of visits together to places suspected of unsanitary conditions. "I shall probably be out late," the Viear told his, wife. "There has been another death near Zenner Cress, and I must fe round there :vvhen we have • CIIAPTER'XII,;-e(Contld)! "Then you'll stay?" "Wait a minute" She pushed hini, back, and her face grew suddenly her& "If I am to stay with 'Yea,. WU- thuskprothise A* never to, aak who the rnan never to ask any questions at all." "Molly, I shan't leek a gift-horfie in the month! If ever he takes you from me, I shall 'know him then; ed., if not—e. " "That will never happen. He as forgotten me." Forgotten? And -left. you tebeer it alone." " .44Stopl'' She cried with 'gleaming show, ,They oughe all to be in Edin- !prat by the 15th," • • "Wait just- a Minute:- .You haven't told Me what the 'few little worries' are? IlesPital patients?" '"Oh, partly that; and then Theo---" "You had a letter this Morning?" "Yes, I'm anxious about him. He's writing a set of Polish dances for stringed instruments, and he says the music takes on shapes and colors and dances round his bed all night, Molly was still 'looking out across her brother's head, with wide,. grave eyes. He sighed, and added in his patient way: *He 'doesn't say who the Wornan eyes, Iove hitn. "itini, shall not saY time, but I supPose there mus a word against„him; it was my own he 'onel seeres to be the inevitable Choice. Re wanted inn, and I gave condition- of 'his doing creative Work:. myself; .I.never haggled or 'bargained Itt's a bit difficult to understand how or asked that he should marry me, any one's affections, can jump about He has had his Jos', and I pay the cost that way," , of it. Why .not, if I'm content? It There 'fella a sudden little pause; was a free gift." • - hen the girl said softly: She stopped 1043 vut her hand up "Still, there is this; if rainbow, is to the bruised temple. t not a permanent thing, it ieekleast a .,001i, this rein in my bead! I'm half clean. And beautiful one., 'A'ti artist blind. Listen,. Jack; it I. am a is kind of glorious child; his in- cowari. s..e'the end, and turn against stinet•pro,tects him from sordid en - him when I'm not my real self, You're tanglements), , to remember always any thing I say "That makes it all the. wore," lack will be a Re. I have nothing to corn., broke in gloomily. "If he got into vul- plain ger intrIgnes with society flirts', as Suddenly her eyes filled with tears. mn.e.§..-nine Per Cent. of ‘the successful ogne_what_a_bron tistmt, L Muslemns to you like a starving dog begging "tle would neverliefewritten the . for shelter; and when you take Mani 4.CPPeaS Field' OruPlumr,"' ' do nothing but make cenditions." "No; that's true; his mnsic Would. "My.treasure you shall mike all have got vulgar too But . at leiiot no the conditions You like if You'll only one would suffer. As it is-Mellyony, fitatfwith • • • • heart aohes ;for the women that have "Then let make more; .a fear.; lOved him. That little Austrian Prin. ful One. Premise that if I die, next cess -the, year that, Johnny Was burn). May, and the child lives, you'll"; Adopt Yon know; I had a long talk with her it, kill it -anything You but , save it from uncle. somehow." , , kissed her forehead solemnly. "There was „no ,need to ask that pro- mise." . _ "It's one that you probably won't • be called on to kee . There's not.,,,-" The Ppor.- child honestly believed he ,eame boarding -h00$0 With. r. ay- wouldtbe faithful to. lier, and e :th : Mond laietuMmer•_ I•Was taking o self. I've no doubt alie'S . get' over it htb°eIVealrw'ilt:tlietissetvirh,oat,93.e.tn.aisn,dallyO.Winig.as worst of it is that he believed it him- holiday and • married.: as her. father Vvish;, widowi.rthinki with tlittle bey ---=such' ed; but . do , you. think she'll , ever: he .beautiful child!" '• the same -Creature -a iie, „ He . a , - „. '''' (To be don nal , ... . She broke off; . t en ‘ finished the smashed her..yOuth•in ces, and gone '.. . • '.' ' '" .' ' .;..• i ... sentence. deliberatelYoz ' "Not. - /Me* off. to another toy?! ' '•*'' • 1..., .'„ . . - finished." -"Don't kill yourself with work," said the visitor. "Whet would rorth-, carriek do,"„ • , • ' _ "It is the diphtheria. we hope to kill," Mr. ItiiYMOMT anAWerecl" bta3/61- 1Y; "and we shall do. It Soon now, if the Almighty in. His -Mercy should send us fair - weather." The official nodded approvingly. "What a splendid cold fellow!" he had said Dr, Jenkins.. , "As stiff as cast-iron gate to look at; and just see the work he gets through!" . "Talking ,of. diphtheria," , he said, "reminds me, I wonder are you by any chance related to the. Ray- mond in litoomsbury who has been malting experiments lately with the diphtheriticvirus?saw an article about it in this week's Lancet;,he'ste _read paper at the.tdinburgh Con- gress. His theory. 'seems to be -at- tracting a geed deal of 'attention." If had turned to the weraan her seared eyes:lye:1dd Italie silenced him; buthe Was leeking, at Mt.:Illiemend, .*1 "Yes,t) fehe ereto foe neveret:Ia tiytwitched. • "Really? Hew the World is; tO, Sure! 1,* spent a:Week in the RUSSIAN ROYAL hope of that. We're frightfully Strang« "364 ea: Johnny won& .ve , - ANCIENTS KNEW WAR Z GAME we Rayinonde, "And frightfully lonely too some _tifees. 2 Keep aliVe, if -you tatlV101174 Strange Contrast With, Present -Meth - gave him a.'precious ,to play. It-la.the privilege of,babiee and .of gods and of all things..detenceleas and divine;.. they, take .out 'break themi`.and we comfort tuirSelve with the • qty4 you: . have -,softeneil, since the child Sdinetinies ycga remind Me of. Mother." ' "Theo's mother?" ; Christ's 2 inother:' She Seemed to inclike' the Catholic idea. of theMadonna: everybody'o mother:" . . "So' long , as ain Johnny's mother, -.Tack, how, could I againat any one now, .when I have the child?". She set, down by the'fire,'-dratving -towards .1fera, basket Of clothes :..te 'Mend: 'Jack began te, over , his specimens,adsheto-darntar.nestly at a stocking. ' .“Muminylft 'u,Seriali...vOice wailed from the back ;room; "TOY hthisebas` tumbled . "Never mind, sonnie; ;well build another house to -morrow. Come and. play here till Your tea is ready. You mustn't „ehake. the Her eyes werefixed Upon hut a., , • - oda of -11 mg., • and wistful. ' -. - , : ,, .. ., -. , . „•„. . . . you _so, utterly alone?.„, .. -Blocluid• ieg and bIoelcade., running, thought -you had stime.friende.” ' i. of Which, so much has been beard e- - "I have Theo. But Theo ts--", ' eently, -is not 4 young measure He left the sentence unfinished, and by any , means. - One of the. earliest stared absently into the fire.', - , ' authentic instances of ',:the_. Practice "Molly, ',darling, bow you '. shiver! dates back two centuries before, the What Was I thinkirtg of not te. send, . , , . Mar - you to bed at once . : . Christian, era. Marcus Claudius ,lifar- . . . , Cent's, cominandmg a -powerfaI 0 , mon army, and an efficient fleet, laid CHAPTER, .. . . . , siege to the Isle of Cicily. •Carthage, meagre little front room, "1.wish Rome's great rival on the mirth shore . , "Jack "-,said Molly, 'Coming into the You'd Put that microscope away for ofAfrica,Athforitetai,mozeweafsthneogaretatasfrea pPieollerds half an ' hour; - you look fogged to . with -the ideaof-Rome-eapturing_SYra '• Jaek raised his had ' from. the cuse;ott- free • city, and probably , a sloecimens. , e a een s throng Puree of great revenue -through trade ' If li d li • tr ' * apples for % of an hour: 'When done untie the cloth and place the &MP. ling* carefully on a lerge dish, Sprinkle eaelt with a little nutmeg, Put on top of each a dot of batter, set in oven for 5 or to minutes:to brown, and serve with hard or cream sauce. They may be Served without setting, in oven, immediately after they have been taken from the water, or they fney be- served' cold. p, POYAL N N RiPt • Handy. Hints (or the Home, When making plain raisin pudding u"' a finely -grated carrot instead. of an egg. It iii,just as good and cheaper. A, pail Of. boiling salted water should be palmed down, the kitchen. taink every week to prevent he, coming stopped. , - Ground coffee sprinkled freely amengatlhelur or feathers of game When Pack,ed. for travelling will keep it fresh, , - Before lgime made bread, is Pet into , diem*); brush the tops of the loaves with butter, and ,,the Cruet .will remain '1•• • ' • After being used for ,fish frying - Palle should be scoured out with 'gait end' hot Water. This removes : the fishy . smelt batter than soda and wa- teri' „,Serana, of bread pheUld never be - allowed to -neetunnlate in the bread, Pen; They shoeld, he made into pad-, dings, or, browned in. the oven' " for, reapinga. If when, poaching eggs.a. teaspoon- ful of vinegar is added to. the - Tbil 'picture showe. hinV. the 'hofr fq.t)ie :throne, of 4,60.1.44i,,,' enjoys htnifiell the . winter, it tie., The., Czererviteli is ahown otand, big on hi,s,sleo,.wfnie'hAs. cefisf14.0 •• prince 'itotosiav, .'Alesandrovltoh alta at the back. - Isii eyes over thern ever Since be came with Carthage • "You have no business cutting. see-' '. Syracuse --WaS a well -fortified city from liospita 114 tions till you've had ' some dinner,'" and there Seemed ,t.#5 be no, inimediate said Molly; "you'll only cut them too prospect of Rome taking it by 'storm, thick, and get a he.sdache as well." .so Marcellus decided - to. starve- its t t- inhabitants into submission, says . ' • "Oh, m a right,; Y .,„,„. aojelluy, wriggled out of her ' I and ran nu intheto.ble, his: blue eyes inunseY'8 Inag"Ine` He put a cordon 'patients. are so unreasonable. . ' They - arms, ,.., et 'ships across tlia entrance to the .s I;vidayns..alt elk.- Poaoti4)tnheeingli 'Stelleemse to et I -P- cisii4i, elid shinlOg, •- 'flurried, like the cart -horses, , with . ncler lie said, "I want to. zee. harbor' atid arrayed his armY on: tlie- I '" ' * : Icaonnide side so that , no ,succor courld. slipPing about' in the mud. 'I.carne in . '. ,•. , , . ' . splashed up„to my hat."" . - JOC1C:Plit *UP his left hand suddenly, from without But he had u - •' Melly put her arm round his peek. and bit it. The next instant' he re- derestiinated: the boldness of the Car - They had been living together • for membered that even the. DAS have thageniatis. There waa no question of ,nearlY four Years new: No mediae :b SI eL mercy, - - piliji that his. childhood %contrabrand in thoso deYs---_-Condi- • . light; -adding -the butter, salt, flour -,--,,lhontirthu,a6.:igas -.depressed. its .w.ell et, verit to. sat!).._ Jouuty :i..0).at tio4nat:43r other. in their swift oar -driven galleys and baking Powder;' beat Well; then . Would,. have seen from the. line Of hie was' ever. • r . ' Selected Ileciiies, -, Stewed Chicken, . Delaware Mimi-, lings.--,-Take large chicken . for. stew- ing; cut up joints,' climb. each , piece with salt and pepper and roll in flour; carefully - covering all parts. Fry un- til brown in het • fat,. removing each ,piece as soon as brown; ntav put in r the stewing pat and ada-r.t ee.. pints. of boiling water, and a .fiii y minced Onion. Cook gentli.• UUt. • tender, generally, about hours; 'do- not let water . to,AY. Scasoif with salt end. •pepper about 15 .minutes before flour- cut out and let. rise. again for ' ' 20 m'iniites in a. warm: place. Bake. in -;-.To Make 'pelaWare,dumplings take oveff'fO'r:15 minutes or on top , of stove one. cupefTfloUr.4",' one. teaspoonful :d on a griddle. If these'. are -Made, up ' MAKES PFPFECT / BREAD YEAST , Sk490-$S. ARA NOT T110.14rrY, Many IVIiiiione Spoil on N'tedleaa Lux. uries Ju Great Eritnill. • After Preaching the, need of ecgat inny to the 'nation,. the ROO& gouse. • . Of- COMItthe Made its 11rst 'Start this direction hysOlistitnting,titecillar quill 4P...n.Ig *Neil have *alwaY0 `been associated there :ivitliAiiviT,'orid making. Fewargeople like AMU pens, but they' look respeetablp, they. have. been pregerved in: conaerfattid:-.: eirdel(14,, water It will prevent the egg. from boiling 1mite a- the eh -vie" advme-t491) 541 - breaking. Also, tough meat may be .made tender if. plieed in strong vine- gar water for Ot•feW minutes, To spread the butter when very hard lie.Ye a Op Of boiling water handy; -and dip the point of the knife into it. each time before,. sPreAdlifg the bread. This i enables the thinnest bread to be buitered-VVitliMitapoilieg the Slice and ikketini the blitter:, Eggs, if -cracked, canbe safely ifit-leaspOo-iffeTOf -*Vinegar Is add- ed to • the water. When eggs are scarce one teaspoonful of vinegar is 'a g0t)d. substitute in ciiI4 baking, ,and will Make a• calve light in.which drip- ping hes been used instead of butter. • Chapped hand's ',Outing the winter are often the lot of the girl or woman who has to spend: a portion of her; tbee oyer the sink. " Keep. a IIttle jar of oatineal handy, "and aftir,weshing and drying the hands rub the oatmeal well lute' the skin and'dust off. This dries and proteCietlitraldn: When you are fixing piece of wad with at'sbreW; always rub a little4141- ,low. on the !ere* before putting it in; teteonrAtoeyaneabrse atattkeern; oTatinis nischaerasbieetr., ter than 'having to ,heat one'sscrew- driiier; because heating :1 the , screw- driver will ruin it, as the heat takes all the temper -out of it. , The best for cleaning furni- ture is just ordinary brown hoot Pol- ish. • Rub it, Well in with a piece t' of flannel, and olish-up with e soft, dry duster, , The 'effect -is magical. Be- . . sides .telisithig the ..w.eed it tends 'to .natuncipai economy. These. public, bath; and laundry houses have been of darken it, and preserves if /Toni in- seets,.,As a very little pawl ins lie_ great .to laborers - -ceesary one email". tin, leital, a con- don, whose cottages have few' or "le siderable. time. Less"elbow grease". °°"emen"s for washing. 13'484`1":t6- ion out a ,half inch thick, then fry. in boiling hot fat. . potato Biscuit. ---Boil mealy pota- toes very 'soft; pare and mash them, and to every four good-sized potatoes add a, piece of butter the, size of an egg, and a teaspoonful of salt. When the butter .is Melted (work- while e potatoes are hot) add onecali ofmilli ,(that has been boiled and:cooled) and a quarter Of a,yeaftt cake; and ' enough flour. to meld. ICnea4:1 and pet to rise in a Warm place. When risen, roll out Oie the board usingAittle or no baking poWder, two, tablespoonfuls of at night they Can be'ready for break, melted butter, one teaspoonful f ' salt; One ,egg and about one-quarter , . - of Milk; 'Separate the egg, The propai Way .to C0(4 41c.a. ° fast. 'J. • ' • ,• • . beat. the yolk well; .thert. add butter • . EiTin4C1:.:letvilltn;*gvgditiroaixllY2e'dwportikt.iiiin ttlilie,,ifihouitre, . PI, ° °ICI: --.CIPAR----IY!'Y '91 preparing rice, which must'be. of - silOwY White? of: em beaten,' until stiff: _,.".Dron this_dneete,anledapveserieeveter4.1Kr,dryal_il" d, fiiii,utitisitt batter by the spoonful into. the gtOW- tnoroughlY washed and. Picked 'over, 0 ,chicken, c0Oh 1...9 minutes, then lift the dumplings around the edge ' Of jAiii; t4e1t llibbea-between thehands before cooking. Place pan, aver fire with ,.; a send to table on large ' platter Platter ar.d the chicken in the middle. quart of water, and when boiling 'Odd Pour. gravy, in which. the chicken.Was a e°P °I well-cie°:neil riee° a few grains at a time, so as not to stop the cooked, over all, and sprinkle with finely choVed •parsley. . -7-- -water from boiling.; stir gently °ma- ' Cherry Pudding. -Take two . eggs. sio.nally with silver. fork to prevent one cup of'rnitk, , two and one-half ast;t1;en..grttibeltniomti..ietlefezP.7-tno', zeAft31117 In.?. ctiPs Of flour, three-quarters. of a eUP net stir 011 any account; let it cen- ter, .half a teaspoonful ,of salt' one tn•lue boiling t tillitit g.rills' begin to of sugar, one tablespoonful of but - rate the . eggs,- beat. the ' yolks hail Well out and and' appear to thicken; us- teaspoonful be ascertained by mashing of . baking. powder, and ually this takes:, about 20 Minutes. one pound of cherries, Storied; Sepa-, •Tonhells,of the grains betweenthe 'fingers; drain Dial -set pot -in -the oven Without - a cover. The 'Inal" Puff Or: swell for Minutes ;-ItinUSt. not brown, inst ' gi''. .41;*. - ply dry nut.: shake the PO bPfore. 4i0h-, the Steel pen, In the courts, any other polies; thanBut uqiiiisilarwe7exideorzyteet,?tualdea an; a war :ineasure they ere now banned, from the Commons. Their labaenee Ja regretted by members, since Make excellent pipe cleaners, although Poor-pelne. • Steel, pens, lestewritingpaper and.' .ourtalinaeitt. of matches, save the Gov ernment pennies when abolition of , Government_einecUres and tlie redaer tion of the enorramia Pensions, 0$..Wr, .pJeoudngde$0::'.*Benultditiosaytart,hoihe,Olptiocristfic,steii;co s • have not shown a tendency to do awayi with nseless•-jobs-and 'unearned: Inquiries made at direrent tobacce. ebops in London by a IrepresentetiVi.,- • n noWspaper show that war. econ- omy la .not vvidelY practiced. Whn the new war tax. Went into effect, : cheaper cigars. and 4igarettes-iverep- *eked for thne but soon the'sMok-, -Os 'returned- t� old brands.. Dealers. rem -uric a felling off in the sale of hexce of cigarS;althotigliFthere'; greater deinaildfor single, eigare,, The main diffni7ence tax, is that Custinners now grumble4.. about.,the • .., ."Better close the libraries, which ' are. an expensive luxury for slackers and a hatint'for tuid is the comment one Of the women in the-borrough . of Camberwell;., rite. ,cemii to. the public baths and Wash: ,house to Anclit closed as a measure _. . .--,-*P--z. ...1. Is • needed than, if you used,tlfe ordin- ary polish. , , 1:•:''''• apEgt,BRITISILSOLDJOR 10, • He's t ProbOly More, B4 Doesn't figures, . of importations- gitre the ‘01...- • , KAP • • : lowing figures in terms of pounds' Althotigh.he must be well over 70 sterling: years of age, Private Bin Hall of the • . Oct. -. 10 Mtlis., Ornamental feathers, 64,269 :1,03,644 Rival, 'Engineers is fighting against Ornant the Germanshvith the Britisivarmy in ° Cigars . • *...."...• • • 6M07 726,949, France. --,, • .- . thanipagne . • ..,.. - 88,262 751041 Hall's approximate nger-he . does Carpete.. . ,; 9,978 ' 1.344.00 not know ,it, exaetlyhire, selt-has just Mineola, -- ? ;...;.,-•,.? - - - . I26,110.• 040 - been, found out hylis 06mdes as: a Animal ivory '• 17,863 285,405 ',• restilt.of-theldiscovery_thaLhelia Musical Instruinels, 28,973 2*2,305„ . "Is It bad. limo', she asked - impnrt worist jd the sailors of the African 'city easily fold in the well -beaten . whites'. Mix ,as tired, • imperionsly. , •, . tql0;-nothingin particular, .. am" the -mother; busy:, Jack, da-linr' eludedtheShips set to Watch' the aU this, then put a-laYer of it in a - an idiot -to get dovvn the_ moat "He doesn't Welty me; like to port, and cerried provisions and War welt -battered dish or rnold,, then a tioW just When. i've_got a good np. k‘re material-. into the beleaguered. city. Idirer of &erring, then a layer of hat. ' • ' pOintmerit at lastand this big stroke Ile *steepedilown tonk 'the 'child -So successful- were -the Carthageniari$ ter, andsois used, haw, ing battier on the ter). Sprinkle with of luck -with- thnlYfedical•Congress." . • •in., getting supplies unite the granulatedsugar and -minutes • to worry, nVee 'weekly *iieeetints. -Mara • •There's nothing - much to look the ',blockade -411A- lia.d q!ohototalts *list, I noir& used ' "What is Yen want to see, old runntrik the days when.we.Couldn't_ got ..efioirgh ,at toAtay," Tia• Tenon -.through- ., treachery ft Ana hot 'oven. ' '9'yith to eat, as I do now with three pounds "Can't you make the. animals wig. 1, . It week for housekeeping." • gle about?" . "Yeti needn't vtterrY0 old, girl) the . ?Animals?" . last sliilling'S Werth of debt will : be ',,Pinfitatiriti; he ineans, Molly -put cleared off nextnionth. Yon _gee our 'in. ""YouV showed' hirir n drop of wa. - difficulties are all:over:new; OVon t el h • day." - • • private practice is beginning to fieur.! . Oh, those. No, chick, I•ve no pond sea was of vital. -importance ,14 de., ish." _ -She-kissed him,- laughing- ' mals wiggleLabout in the wateiefiem .mportant-_eeapott.:_ • . • "And that's -why you get the blues '1:. our tap.". -,.- .,, _ _______ _.....____. . ._,. the follow- big, and every- &Mu st"4 °Pg. 'of -itself, ivhite and dry, not the sodden Mass -Many people herve eall.'boiled-fice.- Served with meat and, gi-airyr; it makes an appetising eaacipiintotofbumttielkr,•.tawil . • , - would have been "'enabled to hgldproobu.t tinaglesirpoalleoenf:'uT14nk i»definitely. While blaeltades Itice Croquets .With Paraley.---Cine ably .had been established before on .flour, half a eup of sugarillavor with a email:A* the-:bleck.alle of Syriv, vaniilo or ',3oac'e* and two tableSPOon- euse is oneofthe . earliegt instances' fela.'of butte.r... To serve, lift the Mal - where -the efficiency of a blockade by cling into the dishes, Pour over it the . * water to -day, and we don't let imp tennining the siledesS' of War on'. al ' --You-andj -are-rcontemptible frauds,j,- .Why? _ • • ek; our, courage is only good for I 'PO fear they Should wiggle about • The Angry Tree. hard 4irees; it nil: fizzlee .out at eta-: in your inside and give you a bad ." • • -segerde..at,,,Itheatfet_lat_o_*ti qt lhere you cnn get the high Phd you know that n tree can ',get 'verity."' • • •chair and sTt besi c-rne, on y on t • ' .• bt,'' he answered eve- • jerk my elbow. 'Oh, confound the 7 1e Neveda thatnot only it "touchy " t , 15q "I'm not worth my galt. Two years snow! ' . ago, .with the child 111 and not a six- i He Was•stooping With knitted' brows pence coming in, I shouldn't time got - to adjust •the microscope. The king fidgeted by e fog and 'fa little of the household looked on critically. Worries; I'm getting spoiled. O.'S I, • "You're twisting him wrong," he your feult, Moll; if you Coddle rrie.thie ' remarked in a severe ' way I shall end by, growing fat and 1 "True for you, sonnie; and that bit- seesitiveand ill-tempered, like a rich tie head in my light doesn't help me to old patient with .nothing ,to do but ' twist .it right." imagine troubles), . I "I think 1 hear Suseu coming," "You'd bettc-r not, or r shall band '\Tnllv ifiterpOSed "'And I think there you over to pny to be suppressed. ' Hell find you plenty to dn.' 4,Va 'find tve plenty tAir as it is', and hare I an foolues about and .wahtine time. Tea -ate nee The -Celt- -are hot -stones ior tea. Wert better harry op and get:those grubby paws washed/I- - She opened the :deaf iiiet Johnny., •radiant the ,prOspect ot -seimese great; peopleinviting mo -to show, See.:, trotted :wily to Sestet. (ion s if 1 haven't got: any ready to Molly," said 3ftelt, with hie head .V.r, • VINIthltlet,i' • Phte,lapet 0114 tin ,• . • • o•now', owl throat ,nrortorg mirorl. find all othrts, htl twitter hoW, "meoosect,,,, ' Rept front Matitirt any these dissamos with ilrlta, toO0 ZXQVW tttIlAtt13111 oosoonzirn. Three to otx 410.41$1 iften euro a t -ti se, nottio guumntsed to do so. nest tbing for brood mares: 'acts on tlio Mood. Iirogstots and harnets shops or inautifoetoters, toll It kg.onts wonted. SPOIIN ITEDICAL CO„ CIi8liuIt;(11ishogo as the gardener put it, "goes :very Mad." leis about, eight feet high, and n very rapid grower. When the sun seta it is reedy to go to sleep, and shuts its leaves. together, ail& coils up the ends of its twigs just like a pig -tail. If anyeee pulls that tail -well, the tree doesn't squeal, but it flutters and moves uneasily, end seenis to be deeply agitated. /f it is ever disturbed by a shock, such as .trAlitMlantitig,, the ledves;Atand out in, all directions •atid Auiver violently. Stratigest af all; they .amitl out a, go% nauseating oiler, that is Meat unpleasant. It taloa this bad-temper- ed tree at hour ey:itwo to, get baelc into good humor. "DO you think you will be tilde to keep me out of priori?"' asked the, client, after be had made a full on. fenion to his lawyer. "t may nOt be able to ail IA* 1 eon make the proseention speAd a lot of money in putting you there!" saki the mw- yci. sauce ani Agee tablespoonful . of A hard saude top. Half a• Cup of su-' farolelree, bueealitIntWalleemnooet°h°,kmetshtaleic; gar worked in cream with three table- Cd_anud-1 nTdalitre aeon ips seasoning gnwell-beatent;innri: of .alhairegoeflyres,tinirein-tbkeduettazer,---w000lie.ri.taibielksie.-s.p.-inatitni-ii; ay1.01. el4.1._vgragoinssis ut longer,- add- ,fuls is a most delicious pudding. 800.-Breeak.„„Vadding,e,--A --pia bread crumbs shredded •into 'three cups of boiling milk; dust lightly with cirmamOn sWcatell With one-quarter con. of rice; 1 quart of 1 toble- spoonful of ehopped.parsley, yolks- of 4 eggs, salt and pepper to. taste. Wash mid, pre ate rice, thennut to cook in of Ciiiiihemeli are-indignant-tek thls kind of economy, When the free librar-4 let are still maintained.. - Minkel& of dollars in fact, are still, spent in England for extras •that could be well ,dispensed ley, Wing" white pepper; mix , thor from fire and cool,.Wheif .661-ferm---Into.„&egetti in whites of. eggs (left from yolks) and breaderumbs, fr,y in boiling hot fat, drain Ott soft paper, put siirigok pars - of a cuief sugar and two tablespoon- ley On top of each croquette and servo fuls of 'butter. Beet fout fresheggsiiistetel, of potatoes. * uetil thiek anti, ciriooth; then add, to, ;Rice Dumplings. -Ii wag the old this inixtUre, When lilkewarrn• juldd Creole cooks who Arst evolved that of at orange or lemon. Sake iti p fanious Creole dessert, rice dumplings. deeo thh ye meld: Vatwhile warm, They ate; mady as follows: ih cup of with the awceti juice,and flavor with emir, * cups ef grodnd nec, :apples, niitmegtartand not overripe; 2 quarts of ' Spice Cake -Take one and u Ind inilk, attger and -einnameil,' 14 of the cifpa of brown sugar, one tap of but. peel of ati Orange amt..% of a grated ter, one eup'cif moleases,'One• efile U.,nutenegi. '1art-the.;app1eo-and-1- take told coffee, four eons, of liner, three, tut the cores, leaving the apples son also at the front who is 49 years Sergt: PluX, 4)1 Hall's cempany, it nifty be moted, waS, only 262 Pounds of 'age. • - • The import of dressed 'sealskin furs,' who is hieadelf"beyond middle age', for the 16. Months, compared with. writes: rrlie::niOSt „remarkable man 1,3,859 -pounds in the: - corresponding out here Hall, an old Soldier like \period of 1918. • , Myself, who enlisted at 47 years. Of . . Age, but when he -Pre -Oa& his itkar-. German Dividends. Drop. - nage- certificate we found . Was; • k. • married ,in-1861;,.and have ' Sifted, r,rhe Berliner •Tagehlatt publishes. a„. discovered that his son is aged 49. He series of tables showing the dividend ' onleree;fintialleannaoufltihttilinogugolineowefo.rw.fievreo 3 Ithheoecs' siavere. xiefA a niarVel•for work, and he has never reduetions of big German firms since tthrnie niigettniathsohoiseen:wlieliviuottitisenutguff ervoetd, ‘dariTshenseelhddiers have found out about ,of their export markets; the cement, lihni; and wherever We- are you can manufaeturers, -because of •the cot•-, hear such remarks 'hs:.'Where's old lapse of the building trade, and in Billl'f.Goodold Bill; 'Stick telt,13111,' general, all firms manufacturing lux- and- so on Sci-. far as We are, able; to .nries for which-lheri_is_wil_lo'nkei, .fkr:gti,yzeristr.o9 be, over an: ew Panson-"And what is yoiii si-ri-atianiitahnivaisynninttty7Toritirrstihat *leyiIo- husband, Mrs. Brown? Mrs Brown; --"014.„.I'm just .patting a foLthifigs.nian, but PC goes with •'Cni .1 deal." away; gran'iria." ' . • moomassalogolocitoocciti*Eoptoaino teaspoonfuls of liakiiig powder, One egg beaten tight,' end teaSpntinful of Moen, two, of cloves and . if pound of eurrents; Ilayee With half the BMW. • Mi k in. the order •given and bake, in ,loaf -pan "in a mediumoften for .one hear. . • lloughtints.-f-Take one eup each of L.nitat and sweet milk, three eggs, live tabletpoonfulse Ritter, one teitspoinil Int or Mace, three teaspoonfuls of baking' p'owdcr, and r,nough 1101.1r to nehe 4.a soft dough. Mix .well and wlible. Take' the grated ' cinnamon and sugar, nil* well and 611 the cores with this mixture. 111 the Meantime boil the rice in Milk until It comes to JI the'consisteney of flour, having added the grated orange peel and Vs tea- lag spoonful of grated nutmeg and eup Of flour. Takeoff fire and let cool. MI Then cover coat apple With VerY )1( thick coating of the tiee and tie ..each ' dumpling in 'a .elaitvery, tightly roid put them in a 'pot of coPi water, Bring .the voider to a eificit bed the OtneleS1 Your , arcs onifo t " ing the aches and pains of the tathily from youth to old age, are lessened wheii• you us a this old and trust -worthy remedy- tt. 4 iniMent „ Bruises-.-L'Rhetpzatisnt---- . moodis: boltleirryour hoine ' ttilee 504 and tit.00 100,AMMIZirj,rarlZitO*16304 X*1111 )1( • rs • •°'