The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-01-20, Page 3• . ' e PAIN IN THE BACK tTeelally Comes From Muscular Rheumatism, - Do not worry ahout A pain in the 112 UE mtiicau, pRojojeT back. The worry will do you more harm than the pains. The caese of t , OF OAR,EVUL TRAINING, met backachee •is muscular Thelma- tiem, which is painful enough, but net I HONESTY IS NOT AN INBORN TRAIT fatal. Lumbago is A. ferea of =sell- .How the Disease Drives jeep Front lar rheumatiere, zo• is a othe nech. Sufferere from any ferm of rbeuma- School to a Life a Crime. ehould keep their general health ah to the highest etendard by the Imo ef blood leillding tonic like 1/r. PhYheal diseapes and dieabilities • Whliferne' Phik, Pills, teleing wide range are found to be inciden- uhueieleisig'efoode witheetheee.ehellYhe-Welated-WIth. thilevhig ola to lamb me;vt. ProPet nutrition- and ha contributing faetors.. We iniglat Pelee blood are the best means enumeraee many of .these physical ab - letting. 'thou/1005e% Rheumatism normalities. Vint amerig.them, end conies freen acid in the blood, build' qasiest. 0 appreciate the 'effects Of, • it op, strengthen the. system, and are: those conditions that bring drive out the Peleenous ilea that about failures,. dissatisfactions and causes rheumatism in this way so: irritations. Ed1001 ,like and lead to fermi hove, found eomplete recevery truancy and its eeosequene bad com- a is shown by the following Caage Pa111911aliP, writes Pr. William. 'Ma* Mrs. Samuel Childerhousc, lee', 1# Chicago. : Oat., says: -"About three Years age I We might inentiOn defective vision, Watt greatly afflieted With a severe for instance Here le, boy with. poor • in in the back, wleielt 1 -thought at eight. who has never.eriSoYed his work e et' wee due to kidney teoeble, .1 in the schOolrooin: With 4 .great But in this- Platter, AS .01301474erPi , u .. V- . . ' Porogoug Ally: Thoroligblo'hQmo for cuts, burns, bisolct and many' other Solst in .iitiasS bottles tiOlfhf tin tidies at and general stores where. Ref0S0 totes. A 1 - ,. romefly - 1).#06. . troubles. . and chemists every. - Albsti.. ° Tiatiiii gted 'tliiikiWt,fii.o_...94 request. . : inrellomarie .. mi. 4... _.,,... ,,, . ih, _At, . cHEsEmmolt MFG. CO, - ecileelleeen • ' " • 1ee0 chabotAve. •atooAfto , WAYS OP .CR, ABS. Some That Travel Like Diminutive IArmies.. • 101/ *neoliOf the' sand-liats of the PhiliPpLue Islands mucovefed at low tide . there Are oft'en, to, he seen, huge nun:bora of the grayish -blue crabs calle4 Igyotiris. Tle body hest the slope and Size ,of a cherry, and the logs are set deem Dr, R. P. CowleS has given us n lovely picture of the ways Of these creatures. They move about like diminutive armies, and, though the individuals '•aei4m to be. scrambling along rather awkwardly., But what is most rerearitehle is their pewerhof intreneleing themselves- iwith extraordinary rapidity.- At, one moment there are tens of thousands on the sand; the next moment there 1, are none. • By approaching. Vere 'Slowly arid carefully, Dr. Cowles was able to see what happeped. When be got near enough and stamped with, Ids, foot, every crah, dug into the sand with the legs- of, one ludo, Ad at the, same 011ie rotated its body SQ thatit Sal* out of sight in a spiral, Iii two or -three seconds the ar,MY. had buried. itself. After a few n'iirk- • "The Perfect ie the day when you work in har- mony with law. Health comes from Harmony. Get in harmony With Nature's laws by eating Shredded Wheat, a simple, natural* elemental food which supplies the greatest nutriment with the least tax upon the digest- ion. Try it for breakfast with hot tnft oreani. Delicious with sliced bananas or other fruit. Made in Canada. tried' aeniimber : of remedieee but they Sense of relief he stays out, ands, the there ate niany vavettes of \ Indwi'l utest if the sand wee net.shalteie Alla:. , . did not belie Me any, in fact,' the_pain entieentente,of street life therePP°P. edattls, of /tfetarie and. temptations. eeeen. te eleethemeeeece but ,egaine was greWieg eeneee,eftnel got 'Oa lead become 11344' 11 has A° liwne37; '1'14 Phyeical weakness May be 4 seuree- of and, reforiliug their ranks, resumed '.• thee Ie was q.iiite ,:enteble to do ' my as a natural conseenerice may Feb ine trouble:and intuit be reckoned.With. their leareei. .. . . ..... • housework. I could not even swheti a IP .Petty thieving. . et e , , :.• in eeeenearyeee rimy state that dee : .. . h,:eh. .... hoor. 1 was 4d\ to .erer be., Wile schecer'aene• eireedeoreeeesee .heneent .ehildren should .be ' studied. .'. .,., hams'. Pink Pine,- and I •am glad I ' • - • • . .ii h ftoni 'the physieal. -.Standpoint in the .. . • . hegehlt.N. SPANISH4.- 4 acted. upon the 4014% fez •hbfhhe I ' it is ba(41,Phhhessary to .go t ypug firithplahe to eteeertane whether' 40 ' had been taking. the Pills 'Ong the thi• list of, 14111101AS hwhiele. l'n'hY, °It'isP Ober -Weal eeeditiens and Peculiarities Pain began to subside, and ender the dissaeistaction with the elesed-iii. life az,13 . causative of the delinquent, .ten - continued use disappeared entirelYi et the erdinfety schoolroom. We have - denmee. We arenot going to find,an and 1 'Inive not since twin. bothered found . aoemiti, general . poor -mum- excessiVe proportion of these, but such learn in the world and commercially, Spanish is the simplest lauguage to le ethruca y • also eared of a severe attack of indi. ,defeetiere hearing and many other to - - 1 as are found may prove very impor- .•it is one of the Most valuable. uniform a her cope, and to ride at its • heed upon oceeseon, should - she with it in any way. My husband was dons of nouelehraeut and development, h.. i Tua tent • ' Si menthe' t ition shOuld enable d,esire to do so, says London Answers. we both have much reason to .lie grate- 1 educatienal miefortune. leIuch has ' immemissMeoesessolsoilineemisiielie 'NG' 01JH Man•Ought to he as Henget as the Earth. Any man Making 0, pretence at he- heg henget trY and pay for whet , he gets. But beveng mlinitted •the jestnese of hie elaine that. he 40 so be, may be BurprIsed At tbe. wideneee the application of the Principle that lies tie the bacle of it The earth pays for what it gets -the rain end the simshirie, and the rireezes of Heaven fruitfulneeoe waVing groin, bude end blossonis end fruits, mad the mhnij greenef Oelde. It is not a mere sponge, receiving filwaere and never reepentling to th4 giver. It giro haskeverything, with an added eannethIng erdS-eveith.:Thietartlelee _honest, generously honest •Arel man. oug e a y tt b lee% so lire ClAtili4$ libri FIZA1:,"4 1-114.01. v.in:ptroanta,.01nIltairr or Watt, :Who:so:: want to buy. write II, W I) 'YQ1.1 i nn AVIII40, IS IN Bix.rii ;.:, ‘...‘• :_. ..,00•••10./.4,110R.R.M.T.1.1.1........,!.. 7..., lc,7.7r.0. eeekdon. Prainain, CLOOs. '..if: no , inreeridele. Musitoista. ' e 1-11.1 t :tot 1113)::.t;: 02,31A :f171 er Y131,tt 0: IQ 1.: , t,”1 ng 1) t: 4 er: :* ti .j11 e l : al :0:3 it. 14; li 4::: nt tl:int 4,0,.., 11 I L'f' 111.1" :sr striesse* s;-- till" 114- U." ..)1:f 41: sro. l: : 1: 1 : 14 t1111 P'8"14L''!igN J°11 ptgyna9;1.irgt. '',;'',,Pprilert)1.1.31PIPAItt,.°4' • ' ' ' mprf IA 0140-1,III. . 0.6.t.'•,gtri41,- ti,,t1i,..t?Its, 1.3.*Irts mrc: , . W PAP 211 fal .r4e 94.1)41111 by - our- to a an qt. .11 pefore-too late. PV: Veit unkri"axedieria, Co • 1;initted, -oe• flat . Olar Mot:lent. iof his life,egetting•frent all gotting every day a d - • . Wags and in all possible ways. , IlAy WEDDING sirs.T4 Dritish Orals. Deport It •is Growing• . Serious ' 14tEr..c9xicoNp,§4. • Number of. Royal' :Lady, Connuand- ers of RepraentS, The proposal recently pate eerwerd, .."fithet1117"oulfc'e'sfAtill'iViaagreY:47,seilleUlds' bneowmaodle- • an 1104i:wary" Colonel in the British • It 1,[,a, FE;eipieerh 144:;.irit.geoaargt..11.1; 40: ovo. rnArnlye,riss oa-t reminder that there • ere quite a „number of -Royal. lady CM` • elite, each of whom • • •entitled to a the lestion hy this same medieme so that. men s respon eul for ' • • • been emacle of diseased conditions of • You can get Dr, Williams' pink the nose and throat, and no dolt Pills froin, any medicine dealer or by. they are important. mitil at 50 cents' ah box, or six boxes „ A child who is a mouth breather. for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' and who has large adenoids, is quite Medicine Coo., Ont. ' apt to eo poorly on the work that other children peiforpt with .. ease. This leads to the Irritations and, con - et -FOUNDING FRA WORT. sequeneehewe have jus e‘ mentioned. ,. en the second acquire a W.I. Thus Queen Alexandra is colonel - Society's Great Debt. - enough for the child with quite nor - piece, it is hard ihe average person to ecient knowledge of Spanish for busi- in:chid-6/ the 10th Hussars, while the real tendencies to get along.under bad ness purposes. It is quite simple, too, Princess Royal and Queen Mary hold physical conditions, while it is rauch to compose an ordinary business let- Similar honorary commands in von - harder for delinquents to Mahe good tel in tide language at the end of neetion With the 7th Dragoon Guards in such circumstances:, that period, .. , land the Hith Ilhssars respectively. . Lest one maY say, in this eopnee- ` One fact that . makes the language 1 •The above. are, of course, tepaid, tion, as is often said, that delinquents the German; Aribtt there. are no se easy. is that Spanish is pronounced but in are having too =tell done for them exactly, as At is spelt -there Are ne, fewer than eight women colonels who nowadays, that thy are receiving too ' accents to trouble about , and the let- draw' 'small awords oecasiotially, and • • "h" ' I 1 ' t It far large seleeiesetegularlye and in this Manylocal conchttens tend to. produce much study and attentien, one might • howeeer, would one lay special stress mon; answer that society has a great deal easier to learn than Ifrench, connection It may he 6f interest to an a on as cause for stealing, although Sta• ke in the welfare of individuals knowledge. of Latin. helps ene con- ' note that the lite' Queen Victoria was, Now a G.reat German City of tele the same euteoree-none . • portaneee •• . The beautiful •Gerrhan commercial every caae they should conscientiously city of Frankfort -on -the -Main is said be sought for. The truant -thief pee - to have Udell curious origin; - setts problem- that is best studied • When the Emperer Charlemagne under the head, of trvaney; the steal . contended :with .the &memo the fore ing is secooclary. th"e"-wir-vver"ftettust"-Krri'' .77 -The -Part IrefeloPmelit-Pliiys.'r -7 -occasion • he was ferced to re- • tireatong the ,banks of the Mein, At $oltt6- physical eonditioes that are the time there was a thick fog t and be t ot nearly, well enough underetteed as was .unable to find his elle% or any causative of delinquency belong in the : • place where his aliny "could cross. categories qf ever develoPment and ' d 1 inent If a hild is •:doe, carrying a .young orie, •sprang •possessed of a •super -abundance of • who show a tendency. to prey on it. • 1 I at the time of her 'death, colonel -in - Whatever can be done to check their' An anabitioue Man, familiar With the chief of the 1st Prussian Dragoon little • ones a 8 is Baby's Own, Tablets. tendencies should be done in full mea- Spanish tongue, is. , offered. „.. enormons °Guards, the Venous corps d'elite that , They lia‘Ye certainly been of great eer- mere and at the very earliest cippor- opportunities ire the continent' of suffered soi beaeiler at one hands in vice to me. The Tablets are seed by e tunity.. •If physical conditions are in ee ou ramica. 1 a • the fighting round."Yifres in Nevem- . • any way at fault they, Ar. possible, 'the Spanish markets has been largely bei last., -. • , -shouldebeeremedied. .--. , tthheeLfraciligthuaagtetileenYdnilac7nd uinetaesd4 ' The Empress of Russia, again, is in • ---....,.-44 tered The London Mail says there is a Wedding' ring efeneineehire-Gieat Britain aleheugb ' gold ahuneent.' The paper `eitee three, main- 04-1103f" this ,shortage irk wedding rhigs; ,The. great number of r weddings, eme. precedented investment In .gem rings by- workers since the rise 11I, wage, and dthe. absorption•of the "jeviellere" :wain:nen:. by ; aircraft and'rnunitofls fectoriek , • The manager of a leading weole- 'sale firm in Leedon is quoted as say- ing his concern has orders in the value of 0.g5,000 -which cannot be filled for the reasons mentiened. These orders have been aeumulating since last May. 'i•_ - KEEP YOUR BABY WELL. Mothers can keep their 'little ones 'happy and healthy by the occasional use Of Baby's, Own Tablets. There is no minor aihnent of -little ones ' that the Tablets will not cure, and above all they ere absolutely safe and pest.: tively no injury can result from. their use. Concerning them .,lere. Ienri Humid, Kingston, Ont., writes! "There is n� Medicine I know Of so good for ..Aineritede. el'heeer Datilealetliaa' DPOJNOPASgS Aild Row. to Peed Atac4- ten re sior rddlNig Itis ihabor .• • *H. cLivr mom, 1/„.S, Pest elsiSeeeteNewTeric . He was earnest. in despair when a Peemature eve op . .' from a thicket inalarm,leaped into energy and •lives in an environment . - the strewn, and swam oter. • Marie- that cannot provide material proper- 1 . magne• billowed the . example, and tionate to his needs the reaction may crossedat the same place. The log be delinquency. We studied a boy ofe , Concealed -the army, Wiiieh escaped de, 14 years who •WaS 6 feet in:height and r .. tectien;' When the •emperor reached astonishingly well developea, other - the shore, he eteek his speee• into the wise.. He Was already a head taller; , -earth and exclaimed : . • •. : : . than any other.member ofhis family. • glue* .silaelefeeiey arise) to be ettue4 Theylived in a cooped -up city apart- - Prankenfeedl", 1 , • , ... ment. . ..... . . , In gOnsequence of :crossing the Ille career- serves as a text for one . . stream he:overthrew'the Saxons. • lie Phase of-'otir cliscussion;•we have seen then letult the town, _ vthich afterwards-: 'many others • who present the same became the 1404 Of imPerial corona,- • eheetieteeisties. Some of the earliest - • fiend, :and, hieer, of great -commercial of this boy's impulaes were toward , imoortance.,-..7-: ; „, .. adventure; and after dark he found -• 'the greatest chances for° leadihg ,his • ,• wild life. Under his sada]: ' circum- • • 'Hes Germany Shot Her Boltstanees there can be %little • wonder ' . that he began thieving -hit -is Of inter - In the two main theatres Of the wer est to knew that hefrequently stole the German Powers appear to. have Such material as -would serve him for shot their bolt says the. Westminster .future adventure. - Gezette. If we hold ' together, and For a long time, he Collected ' his • - German hope depends Wholly' on our lad adventure stele a neighbor's 'horse and as a hold on, elate* must be ours.. The plunder.- in bidden places, falling out With each °thee er losing and±niade Off into the 'country with heart, because the struggle is long it, to begina long jburney toward the and grim. He obleetron can be taken West. After we pointed out the es - to the critie Who: points to the gravity heritials of . the case, fortunately the of the issues and the need of the ut- father had discernment enough to rea- ..moat effort, but every -objection Must lize them-, and though the boy, had not be taken to all criticisms Which sow •finished his school life, he gave liiM, tdoubt and dessetneenamong the Al- on a Western rand', the oppbrtenities lies ' or cause depression he the public that his nature imperatively craved. trend. For doubt, dissenefoe, and do- h •- ' 7.Wh— — - _ 2y :ildStl. • ,pressione r- hre the 'auxiliaries of _Geh_, Chren ea e . . • , - - many, and her chance of winning is le 'fa the ardent restlessness of boy. qiimiching our spirits and dividing us hood, and sometimes girlhood, can be 'from one another before the inherent. attributed not a few eases of stealing. •weakness of her position is declared. Physiological phenomena are at the . . , • - , • , , e • e • bade of this. Often the so called ner- =-----r41 •vousness-is .nothing More or less than • a developmental affair. *General ever- ei.— ' ' • - '' e' size, as in the above case, is by no Hard. Sometimes, to Raise Children. means always present, but the effect PUZZLED -- • - ise_ofttimeeeme_re mey be causedby eneh a:factor as • • • accurate, in sselecting the 'right kind premature iniberty; • -. , l'of food to fit the tacitly, than time of Over .and foyer we have seen •cases • •Adults. Nature works mere aecueate- Of this kind where, particiilarly .in ly threngh the children. • hoye, the fertrardness of physiologia A lady saYili "0 lir boy AAA' cal Cenditinns- was 'responsible- fer 'trio trenches night and day tinder the. • long been- troubled witheetealo.digese theirnnteting na their fellewe of the. so ctrong we cannot break it ann. enemy's fire -Without' once' weaken- • " - • r • e• the outeoine as heeu-that - 'talk in public, to think m noniirial- -command Orno fewer"th medicine de,alers or by mail at 26 cents 'a box from The Dr. " 'ae „Qo.,.Brockville Ont • 'their business in it. • Their eataleguei-huhrTegiinents of are "drawn up. in. Spanish, and emit:. otlier European queens ' and queen- . cavalrY;--while-rnost- v- agente -Speak it well 'enough for all consorts holdesimilar positions in con - commercial puepoeesethough with the tneetion with one,ormore Orem' • Baton Ee-Ichi Shibusawae World peace secured by a siX-poWer alliance, which ' shall include the United Stateierlapate Great Britain, 'Mince, ',Bisset, and Italy,' is the dream; of :Baron ShibuiaWa, •recegmzed as, the leading-financierof Japan, who is it Amerita on a plea- sure trip... •' The baron, who is often referred to as the J. . P. Morgan of Nipponon account' of his financial pre-ehainence. in, that country, suggests that the 'Milted States co-operate with his -country iri the •de-Yelopment of China He also Urges thet .President Wilson take the initiative to bring•about ne- gotiations tending to settle the tun- 'pean 'war. •. „ An Old Soldier. One of the soldiers who reeentee re- ceived, the war areas is 'Corporal Charee's • Sierugue,:•former Mayor ' of Auxerre, Prance, A 7,6-yerii;-o1d volun- teer.3,ithe baabn.at the. front ; from the beginning. Of the war. A -.citation in the ordersof the day pays that the - aged' volunteer "has participated,. as sapPer aind miner in alLthe Work -of inevitable; Teutonic .accent, How ,tO--,Save .,Your Eyes • *Mt THIS PRIM. PRESortiPTIoN 'Dp. your •ey."es . give ,you trouble? • Do you already wear eyeglasses. Or spec- tacles? ThOusands..of .peop,le -Weer .these "windowS'.'' Who' nagrit, easily dispense with them.... '.-Yortfintry "be one .of •these„ and it.. iS your duty• to- save, yottr eyes before..it.is.leo late:. .The eyes..,are:neg7 leetect mere titan a•ny other 'organ of the entirelpitly.A.Ster yen . INVENTIONS BY :WOMEN.: Have Perfected Many Useful Artieles '• •,For the Rome. .1 • • Women iriVentors'are cOnsta y inr creasing in number, and among those. Who have recently achieved success is Wilht. She Wanted, , • elely .dear,". said Mits. -Strcinginind, "I \vatic You io aceorripani rne to ,the Town Hall to-Moirow evening." . 'What fore" queried the meek and lowly other half of .the combine. l • •• `Tarn t lectuie on "The Dark Side of Married 'Lai,' miPlaineel •-Mrs. ,Strongmind, "and; I want 1.yee to sit on thee platform and pose as, one 'of - the illustrations.V' •• • , 1 e *a pay ibe.abeive Prfee for crate -fed • cUckens bled, pieked clean to thee, wing tofi,. WAt4,ER's 700 -SFiatilna. Avenue- • • ' Toronta • 4 ABs6REINE 1, $11,0PS 14VIMANESS, from a Bone Spavin, Ring Bone, Splint, Curb, Side PIMP, or firp:ilar . trouble and gets berse going sound. It acts mildly but quickly and goad re- sults are lasting. Diaea not blister or remove *be hair and horse can be worked. Page 11' in pamphlet with - each bottle tells 1103/r. '$2,Q0 3 bottle delivered. Horse Book 9 M free. , ABSORBINE. 3R., the antiseptie liniment for mankind; reduces Painful Swellings En- largechGlandeleheue,13reiseseVaricoseVeie * ee . r -heals Sores. Allays Fon. Will. I Year More if you write. ?at and $a a ottle atc, &atm ot,tellicted: 1.1borAl 0121.1tottin NI' Wilton's. W. F. MIK, P. D. r„ SIG tyrnana:Eildg., illotateal, Cant • toortsie sad:Absorbine, Jr.. arc made In Canicla.; a woman whb has perfected spout• •• kettles, tea kettles, coffee pots and •„ like utensils. She pot only has a ape- Minard'S Liniment° Co., Limited.. dal spout design an these, but alio,e _ Gentleniere-Theodore Dor 's,* a baffle plate at the bottom of the ket. eustonier of mine, was COM letely tie VAich in' conjUnction i with- the Cured of rheumatism. after, fiv years us - IVIINARD'S LINIMENT. • 1111511 VUI• of .day's wok yeu sit down and rest,, yourispout • cause's: al stanoth; contr011able of suffering, by theeudimou - .Ypu• read or do .sonieteins eise that ' AnOther woman has invented an Theeibove facts can be "i-terified by rouscics.:,but_hoW 'about your eYes'. Do stream to issue from the spout. you rest them? 'You -know 'you do not. eyes until 'you go to bed. That is why egg beater that consists • of a sing 'keens '.your..eAs busY; You worlt your . ' so many. have. strained. eyes and dwp,ny piece • of resilient wirebent. spir or her ttrootal blthat indness.. • Eyeglasses are . shape 'crifer the handle strand. • It oteye. ubles threaten partial merely crutches; .they bevel! cure. Thissaid to *conform to the Size and shap the freeeyes. of. so many, may work .equal '.of.. elle eish., o1. bowi. in which it ' preseription,. whieh ' has benefited wooders' fo'r you. Use it a short time. .used, - - - • al le, ivriting . to- him, to the Paris priest th” any e Teofidolireis, 1,c;haant.. is •• • St. Ma 9 Would yowlike.yoUr -eyp troubles to dis- appear as .if byy trutgic? ' Try this pre- scription. Go to the aearest widen:wake .(141.1g.store. and get. a bpttle Bon,Opto tablets; 1111 •*a. twoounee bottle ' with Warm water; drop in one tablet and al- low it 'to, thotottghly dI5S01Vt. With this liquid bett,e the eyel4 twer• to -four time§ dally. Just note , how; quickly your eyes. clear up and AtOw. soon 'tbe inflammation will -disappear. .Don't be afraid to use .it ; it is. absolutely_hatan- less: Vany. Whostre ,ntew I,Jind miglit haVe saved Abeltr eyes had they started to ear() for- t1ient:--1-n-1 iMe; --19,110-is a simple ',treatment; • but: marvelously" ef- fective in Multitudes of. CO:Sek4.. N OW is of the.newest clothes -pins is fitted with a spring so that it can be damped upon tl•ie...wire • and. the gar- ment Suspended frora it. A grooye is cut in the upper end of the pin, in order that the elothts line will •fit -in it, and the inter lower surface of -the pin that clamps the garment 14 cor- rugated, so that the drying Article wilrnot. , Excellent lunch boxes are now pro - it wut ao *bat sOn tel .sttve Included, at"Ceinparatively little cost, Eyes inflamed ny expoiure Britain's Wealth. At a rough estimate, the capital Wealth of the British t mpire 126,- 000,000,000 0130,000,000,000), anti its yearly income-£4,006,q06,001L_($20,00,4,-: 900,0001, Reginald McKenna, Chaneel- lor of the Exchequer, told an enquirer it the House of Comnions, recently. ID • ME, Granulated Eyelids,: that yeti have,.been• 'warned. don t, delay "Yitled for children, thermos bottles volur eyes. tad. yen . are likely, to thank to ,Cald Wintls and. Dust US as long as • 11,-e fo, .1111 invention of ...ewoman., These box, cannot All this presCription, send $1 to ,y. requickly. relieved by Merino this' prescription: If your •own--fittififitst •SLara-•Of metal oi• tia, that periPit of - OUR LJEYO-Remedy. No Smart - T.1:60 On eut justable eompertments, se that tile just Eye Ceinfor At Your Druggists' the Valmas DrugToronto., for a (Jaw scanting. t f them h complete Bon-Opto, Home 50o per Bottle. MurineEyeSalveinTuhesMe.. Fer Book of the Eye Free write . o em aye a • contents', can: ' be neatly:. packed' and. Oaring gYo logimadY comPamle Chicago 0.11tfit*--tablets and • . THOUGHTS •FOR THE DAY. kept in place. ..• He' who -loves riot. his • country cari 'How' Much Rye. THE QUEEN AND THE TEACUP. 16ee nothinve"-Byrone • - - _ _ _ „,„ How Sfie Caine •to the ..Resehe of An ,Do Volt Eat? - Iteligioh is •the beet armor '• in. the Old• Servant. . .. . worldebut the worst cloak .-Newton .• • - It the love of a brave and: faithful Tlio mother et 'the preseet Qneen of inan there. ie. •always a strain of ma- ternal tekiderness.George Eliot.- : •':..Habit • is a . cable; ,,we weave a _thread :of .# each 'ley and it,-,hecernes 1. 1 0 ••:. • : • • • • ' to take Piore than olie taste of ,any illicit adventures and sobs actions orthe War of 1870; he had received kind of cereal fothl. He was a ,Aveal Were, sought. In such eases a great the ;red rosette of the Legion of lion - little Chap, and we Ware- •puzzled te deal of 'care is needed; lees, however, or before the war. know what to eeed hint .one : e on riecount of stealing than beeatise . . ..„_....*„.4. . . "Ono lucky . daY:.wg tried. Grape. of :other ' delinquencies. ..A. free ceun- . • • :::'irle4.9,4*.A1,-• J'A ,1i, _ ... E i „. ...-• Nt , `0.47;1• 0.' •• -0- .., •.•:.-,4•.. ,-..,-... • '-es 7. " ,v.• lliErT,Al• rr if [11.f:1 PIT RA ., ''...; THE LeiteEeT FIREPROOF 'Ilh,SORI ee1i6 - ,INITheeRi-TligehlOilile- lit .. 'Tile glitTit-01-atiner1CP?"ait Triti3E: .' Magultfide ' aiya Oiaerfirinesa. ''' • . : Azeitioazr priazie . ,' toteOPE.aeierhare • ' . ,. ai.",s. ytnitte, pre". . a... -w; Mott, Mgr. . , , NEW 'CHICKEN. COOP. One That Will Prevent Hens Front Seteing. . A device invented by Benjamin E.' Bush consists of a coqp.made of lath -about two feet -square.and swung on a shaft set a little above the centre so that most of the weight Willhebe below the *left on the lower i•rt ,of the cooP:',.. The ends of' thp shaft are set- on: .. posts -abottf-Ahree --feet '-itheve the - ground. It is impossible fora hen sit on the slatted bottom, and ineete tempi is made the rocking and . tip.; pling of the coop •will seen Make ,her seek- a more stable Support, and the enter one within the cook is the shaft passing through it; Mid the most per- sistent broody hen is usually -glad to roost on it the kit night When the hen has perehee for two nights she may be considered cured. e ThiS • teop will accoMmodate three or four hens- , .,„ without crowding .at'd .rmesinnlatts,a..,s, elm Goi‘ds:. Etei • If It Comes to the Worst. • Smith's wife said to: him tile e;ven--• • ing anxiously, "I know; , this high cost of living is terrible, but he - do y.ou really ,think we can get along without a servant?", .•••• • 'We'll •: have tor SMith answered firmly, "unless I- get • a srise. • Why, hang it, if the worst comes to the Worse- you date do the • cooking . your- self --and -can get My meal's . at a •restahrant.' " • . -1 • • e .N.16.41 people eat iittle. if any, rye.. Yet • rye • is one of the 200 1. ,henithrui. anti. leollatet • married King William when uutritiotts cereala.. : - • • :. :. the • King WIIS , Pretty Well 'alikig. in , • r he :elm -flew it eeretaieeeeehote o'hOit.. • it-tilo.t one,"clalEhe •Parebased.a tee set ' • 't • . 1:m••• Jackson's Romano:Meal, the moSt .. . • eeare; if was his second matrimomal - - nutritious cereal' food rcilown to. •;ii•ti-mee, eentains..35 'per .cent. Whole berries .of adVenture.,' He was so • pleased. •with • ... . ' • . .. . . . . _ - deodorized tax seed, and bran. ' It dia. ,of Costly, 'porcelain as. a 'gift -for his" - - ...•• ' . ..-.. . TING• queen. e e ., that .1 was qui e air r • •iito -on anti market. It . will pos- ' acY • • f " ''t E G tinetly 'differs :In composition treat afiewer inquiries, is the ,business of a • •scholar.-JOhnsori; 1 • , . It 15 :8 pleasure to think • that . we • • • • itstuts; Well, yi.jott never saw' a child try life With plenty of op ' 1 00 , itit0/11.1)1.1r. ' - • —_sureption of another State that the • have not • followed the minibus as- • • ture is. highly desirable ** " exercise and nopronirtaratdyvfeenr: Mi. i$7,7,Fa./smyainbnent cur ro issed Opportunity, ..• e ,Alreighty-is its Lord and that the -AT - physical • threatened fe elis- Itively re teve cons haelc." ho absolutely certain, to foirow .dirce- 'lltkrat.11 ES --V31:1STIPA"11.0 • • One . day, 'snys Novellan-Schatzi, a' • • . "-•- • . • ehUrge enti r.servant who was careless - • • quires, a simpler, way. a areeeVat Ion. 1-10 Odough te. eeene .a• part •-of the •set: • •• • WIND IN. ME NPMACHhe-ACIDITY* Roman Meal. looka different •end re- , . tforr=1 Package:and do not stir Al' hill • soid-leeeer-eoeere te• .etia mete I the IVO.. house for Many - years had • RE SIGNS 01400us. etni,R. -Be was heartbroket.h. • . 0; mit with such -a relish, and it did• me geed to eee him. Prom that day �n thougkwe epuld•onp.st -See hire ,groW. Be would elit-G, uts4or beeakfesteandesupper„earidel . man who .had been in the service of • A A.Ticin,n(Igt. the mithirtime, to brcak ehe' ike-'0.1e• t. 1. '47 --"holt' •a! hi 114tIrIctietAlitquleeeinilloilek-4t611e4°.f-i; ;Tot 517plineP"-cen.::: ttlYsatit-ll°1•Inrii.4"S6e'onc4tcrloefligPleeituicir tcsiriesc-sPWIhritortelaiL F iNDIGESTIW • • should think. doetoeh mighty es leading., itto victor y. ---L Ord Qeitee:in.,...eontrast tp• the class •' 13r"in :: • Ane man luta- test Tenney TearfullY be -Went to'' .Queert Emma • • siiieli----mitneiits as rieriousitts--- be- evch niligh•LA tee eti tie lhsto •er of* the- _eesearesteveeus, demo etd Ice moi autocratic than they are, . • world's eenflict more reve s t he would have bleed the food consider. unfortunate *physical stethsT-ShrlIth Whe' -Se?• " e'tlee-devilislr-eraftiteare4he unexain_- TOFelihhiere • theteIgheewhielythe pied,pdattly, and tem tynieleiii-oe the h heediff• he eq_nn_ga with eeople who in po treadle ,so ething evenderful. pkey to temptation front within or • --tiOn Man Mind than.the use of, poisori- - a -7147-1)/a . sayitigh!".L._„inaelliner.y_olthelod You ean'tenjoy "riallar(143 tiniment' Cures ' Diaiitheria: • 'Junk _we VAI).,4.that. jest p ste Nigc)ir aud vitality o goo ea *L L4L th ether with retient." The edges are - iniki‘s yeithetenraelheleiverhhildhowels e., smooth and won t show roue 2. eave the rest to me; ril do, what I 812 to • sai,-0.2you,.'.' • • . . When the royahfamily Stit• down to tea•the next time, the injured eup was at Queen Eanne's plaee. The qteen, pretending te be vary thirsty, drank (middy in her chair . toward the king, SYRUP: .. t ell- the tea sit eacee and -then, as if•.- .itttt'ek with a .sudden idea, she turned and her' arie swept. the CUP to the "re'inetly, Mother Seigel's syrup.. IS Ac.• m digestive.. tonic and •stortiaehle Peer.. As it creslied.into 'a thousand , - esteemed ity. tens. of thousands of pi-6So, tho - (peon affected an .eXpres, bows. whereyertheEnglistilanguago. Striltef tleept-regrefrotrid-said-titnid-;,-LiS_•Wili.CP.-..ii. Icla '•.P5f!111u.C.1. or Irk! ly, eTheve, Your Majesty', eee whet en the etestriacleel vete only thipg you eat de is Le dismiss' me' in water, after- ralcals,' for a 'it* from disorders or or bowel% try the effect of' taking 15 awksvard . servant I" aril. Now, the . 6 30 0,..01,, bf this famoto remedy from your. seevice." 1 , .. • days 'and note its' beneficial effects, os ,s6130itilltit ‘Zio.TAgilrilo\Nts) 151 ,INil:f41-rial;pbe.i:eld, . ' Servant, stood trembling by, thanking ' ‘" 11 „ ASSIS TS 1E5.110 Ile made light •of •the IoSs and 'con- soled her afteetieliately, while the old his aso4 10 10124 for ,teetietress. nbese tact Mel kindeeee heti eeeeti him hie tr,,,,_:,_,,::.,;e1,, 'e,Lesie,,=zzo ,..,..,..hicl-elifite:;theee,411%;: •• e. eee•.ci -,..,00 ••• e. 1 ti. Semom lyttle, pasitialt. ' . '. oils., gases.- r. P. Eugeee•tnseppe, eereal foods of ettnY kind, Pus fl? bee pleyelical conditions that' bring about Clerk; (run Whilicirdlisidulineilt tiureeill:tiVetit in -otitis: f trate -komethisig• awf.iilly 'nice #9 into by . somebody in ; has ,been much Unproved hi health is, pernicious seee. eiemee. Qpesideeee ehat it is bis• employer) thee I' eel!" ihhire eke Mee' a hegthy family. and' •other eatise ef. phisical .denietron;. we ohs. bonee ftere college ` IP.. M.-.W1iY, 'Bobbie, bli*rillkald:"Pit.. naturally:believe in Grape -Mite, ' 'can include the 'Yeasting of any chronic ' .0,.4 friend has two " ebildren veto disease, and particularly the result of e 'guess? -, • e • I eke " husband had., never fancied witheut, The main source of !these ."- • Fond Alotiler-13obbie, Come. • here. . . " • came very fohd ef Grape -Nuts and a' weeketed wili and lead to stealing the dark -Clumsy (perceieing • te you. , A Curious. Will. A etiriOus will has just been settied in lenglatid, bentaining a moral worth. a wider eireulation than a iniser's bat leetament 'often obtains. The poor Man died, when to genetulehurprise • • _ Bobbie (aged • six)• -•••A W; • I don't care.' I know whet it es, • Big, heethe shied uoingeit. • •'• • • •tone ‘of the gem- sort upplee to any were 16111101Y afflieted witit .rieltets. 4106i itygtiing, .! ,Resist emptat an. - • lcatieed by lack Of proper • • •• ----eetteethildretieelloWecte4t;hoStreleetege ,„.....eThebeserowithe,Sheyeth,ene 4!,e. morn: her to USO Gritpe-Nuts as .an expeti- leg after having •'.tanent., • And the resUlt was. 'attneet ing .air 'deficient in 'oxygen,:' for ex- ' 'mottled. . . • mu more 1,1"0/1A to be it„ "They dont-limed the food and to. victimoftiiniptations, to be easily tea :day both children are as well aid by hair conipsnionsi thAti, is the inch- 'frItcong "OR any children in this city, vidual who is, ...posseasion„, of fall • '0.01_14(4 elY.„.• lo.a :fhau. liliYafeal and mental strength. Niro by; believer M. Ktrapt.iNuts,, top.,,site has no metals want to urge the tenclusloil, . 'the, evidence before ller eyes every" however, that the 'majority Of delhe- Naito giVett•br cfottditm. ro31 tittota.., are. sneering front atrociously ' tura Coq, Windsor, (Ws , 'bad ,:physicai condition*, Indeed, we - vvet vogo t (to Toto :now alaiNfi that tototig children it y•qty X wad satisfied that the disease Was Cannot • • 'one 'Mom nont.1 ma t1211. Viev often most active ones who en., 114nr0 iceirallto, tree fall Or XittafP*. gage certain forma Of .staaling, Gi tegest, I • A . s , Was 'found ' he left $170,000. • The •' $150,000- hi. package, 'signed 1(101 Sealed, was .given•to his naltitO t'CiNVITrIttnrthrfaSIVINF;trelt-td-t-iwoo-im.) therse arid five tbousand to *lend with whom lie lied querreiled. .ntas stifiblated tiat twee of The foto" • ehould , follow thee lux& ;to tho. grive, which suggeetion the • three brothere gladly accepted, but elite teniereller walked alone, forfeitedhis $6,000 for the sake of mayine a 'last inittgat- -Aug honor.- When the package waA Opeaed 'fon, the. toww-it4lielesed al:f- etter ,w114 'giving, the *050,000 to Any 0"the lour who ediould. dlSregard 'the .atiptIlatiort4 ' • .• •, B. -My bank !don't rattle any -more. poiStm. one coloring matter. Antisepttch-S t o p 13 le I no d. poisoning, festering; etc. 'Soothing -Ends quiekly the Pain and smarting. Ueals;ali'sores, • Sec. Ade. AlIbsukaists and Store's • , * • , • MOTHER E 16 Et • ' •