The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-12-23, Page 8Moudey, Dec. Q. Albert IXng'hea is huvy enttiug wood its Moores Waddell,* bunt. Mr. and Mra. Robert Elliott of Holy - rood, visited friendtthere last week. Miss Lula Stanley, of Kinloss, is visit. ing at the; home of her sister, Mrs. (deo.: 1tiebardsou. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Day spent en evening last week i►t the hound of John'. Ross, Kinloss :Hiss Mary Stobo; of StratfordisTormel Seltole aterolbnaa►c he, is spendire.ng •the Teras. holidays 1llilas, Cameron lute returned }owe tram the West,after spending the stun; tiler months working for Robert 'french. Jaynes. Mc%tiighlin,antl Nat. Danbar- attended the funeral of the late Nellie Cnitb. winelt • was held tit ,Luckuow on Saturday, ileo,18th, • . S.1). A. A. Stobo 104 a bnay time last week attending the Fanners' •I stitute, Meetings which Weree ;held into suck" rounding towns and v1llitiges • ,Andrew Mw31'h. ersotll lias sold his farm, S. D. A. A. Stoln.buying one half and Guthrie Jte,id the.c.:ther hall Mr. li e viierson,iritetttls:'h ving a sale some tinie ui.:l,ircli; as the purchasers.get posses: `1'needity, I)et+ tilst Mr. Herold Johnoton anent afew days at hia house iu Fordwieb. Mr, Nieholea Me .coy, of 1s",incardine, spent a few iiayir .at the- home of Mr,: Samuel McOotnb. • Mr. Wilmer imine, linctrdine • is spending the holidays with hie uncle,.' Mr. Wallace Sheane, Mr. John Cook, teacher, heft on Wed, n•esdlty to spynd the fi hristnius holidays at hie' home' in Belfast. , Remember the Methodist Christmas Tree tto• be held on, New Year's Eve. Bigger and better thouever this. year, Miss Wanda Fair has been baying an. extra week's holidays on accoutt t of, the measles. in .her school on the 10th, • eon. The special services held. in Bervie the Past, two weeks by the Methodist and Presbyterian or ngregations. are proving quite a success; The people .of bout churches aro giving their support • to make thein .a .site ess, , Everyone'as de lighted with the work of Rev. ;Mr. Coc- kle, of Toronto, who is taking charge of the services;_ and also. Mrs. Conkle- who assists in, the :singing. pion in the tint"ing;. • 2,19i11: ' .iJ'ueaday,, Dec. 21st Di'erry Xmas to =' Br40,-•-.•;Deo.:istlt1;lo M"r,; and airs Fred Anderson, a son: " John:A►1,drew,'of tbe,Gael nhr 0 AC., 'borne for the hQiidays • Messrs., John and Beattie •Oibsot: are visiting, friends at cii:ntbn Y4 Mr. Richard Gardner inade a business trip to Goderich last week. Yrs. gorses (forrinerly bliss Eva. Mc:; Vitae) and two children, of Tego, Sask..,. are: on. an extended visit with bet tattier, john 'McRae, of'Con, 2. Mrs. Bowes has been 'in: the iYesI the past pines years: and wasmarried there six ,yearn agog' The family are en,%oying their share : of western prosperity. ' , • BOx° Socr nr+,,W:e s , Goon. --•There • have: been -many g.o.o;d entertainments at Clark's•Corners, but: few, if any; store. successful than the box soeia•I held in the schoolhouse Last Fridayevening. Under the skilful aucti.oneering of John Purvis good price' were realized for the Boxes, and receipts -ran no to 00:09. Besides the box feature there was much additional entertatniiient. The school. children gave several excellent numbers, Which reflected credit' upon themselves and °Ones.: Bradley, their- teacher; -J. ltoss, of Langside was very popular in Scotch and'Iria1i dancing; and he. and. Mr.' Fred Vince•gaave a number of selec- tions on the bagpipes, Mr, S D. A..A. Stobo' contributed a nuinber of songs, as did also Miss 1\li]dred Hewitt, of Tees water; Mases Lizzie Stolio' and Katie Kentudy-OW a duet; D..Kennedy °l"':rloilrat contributed violin music, ani Hiss Mattie McMannis gave a recitation' which: was well received. XSOST Set, but anyo:. , t e'irx",1'all 'that only When that. best' progress' be expectettt . dairies where the 'only 're of :the :cows is that they large a mount of milk, recut. kept to seep that,': all cows are it`-' above the. r.verage. Any fallil ' Tow an average thatis set as tial is sold at, once andanother her, place. In large nranufa' - plants, when .everything rr, DeC.20th. full' swing; and all machir4, : f g, the question'arises if.in•, of Kinloss, call fries of producchitiof t t -Friday - els using ma • nlfohh$ton, of A131ifieTd, duce' more vvitl ,itlt her sister, Mrs. Jas. w .Higher :..pi odut' ' secured l'Sisoilald Nicholson; of Alymor, er tae 'called on a few of his Paramount lofriends this week. • Mr.-:Wiilbert Webster, -of- Seafor , :::while visiting _up here; tight a -horse - from .Max Baynard. Miss. Tsabel;McDiarmid;is•having .her. ncliool examination Tuesday instead of ednesday as formerir' a mo5na .. ]sir. 'Robert Struthers, one of our. pop. ltlar-young-m'en, was married •to Miss Annie Fisher, of Kinloss, last Wednes• day. We.wiish the yousngcbuple success arc -happiness through xfe by'a ten -cent so ial. The evening's .en.• tertainment consisting oa local talent, culminated in the presentation of a chair'to.both Mr.. and Mrs. 0 :Blackwell who=leave-in_the:.near future to reside'in_ : Ay Purple ttrove -+-Tuesday, Dee. gist. • • Y I 1lreee-.eMarJcrie end_ Fhylss Stanley are spending the Xmas vacation:. wil friends at Drayton.,and Oorrie Quite a number:of the Groveites .at- - tended. the Box Social given by Mr. Duncan Guest in the South Line school `lash Friday evening and all repors a good time. • Some Xmas visitors at the Grove aro: • amiss Sadie Io1lock at ler home from_ Midway; Miss Ina Culbert home from Stratford Normal .Miss; Gertie Scott freta Wingham Basineas.• Owing�to the storni last Tuesday even- -` .r• -was a Success•a•onl -log-the-RAO-Supper y b lily regarding the supper and entertainment, brit a failure financially. The " star of the enterrthidnient was Mrs. Templin, of Kincardine, who captivated theandience an much that ah encore each time e scarce. ly'satisfed Acini . ilii', 'Orah Crawford, of Ilipley, who is an amateur, played, b • Very important part intho program with kis patrtotia selections. , • 'he Fowl Sup - was cunchtded` as Thursday eveuint . Monday, Dec: 20th,. Carmen Stothers,+ of Toronto, is home for just -five mora-d_ays -until , O1iristmaso. We wiah;.you ell=a merry. oen Isaac' and Carmen'Stothers are • visit-' ing friends at Lochalsh at present. u "' Vat Ilallishome from :a month's visit with her aunt' at rill, : 0 : r o Joh>i Andrew andMiss,. Mary Helm were guests of Mrs. Wm. Stothers Sun- • W. Fnlayi. of Iiolniesville, is spending •a few_ days: the hetes :of Mr._ 'Will Finlay. • Frank Jones, who wentginto goderich last Monday and enlisted for y,overseas service was out; to Thos._ Blake's -Satur-; null-r'eturned-�yesterday..a. oompani-' ed Vincent Kirke who intends to en-, Bat if he can pass the examinatiori. OndtrAnv.—ltichartt Finlay, a life- long resident of this community, passed away Setnday afternoon, after four weeks of intense suffering, caused- by tumor on the brain; He was .fifty-six' years of age and unmarriedmakinghie home with his brother, Will, on the old hpnre- stead which was his birthplaces,. He had travelled much•through the Cana- dian West and Northern Ontario, and, always a great Leader, he' was a most- interesting-telker, - Isis---•conversation•--al ways sparkling with humor. His was an honest, upright character, whose in- fluence was always on the side of right. Ile leaves to mourn three sisters, Mrs, J. Long, of Benrniller; Mrs. Allen, of Alberta; and ,Mirk I1'. Finlay, of Water- ou's, Sask., and Will at home, who have the syinpathy" of many friends. The funeral will take place to•rnorr w alter 110011 to Dlingallgou cuwetarf. Godericb fownship —Monday, Dec. 20, John and Beatty Gibson, 'of Ashfield 'Ti., -spent the week -end -at the home of Alex. .. Elliott.........................- Miss Sudan Webster, of Ross Street, Lucknow, Spent last week with 'Clinton and Goderich Tp. friends 'Bert Cooper, son. of G. A. Cooper, who has been attending a dentistry college --Toronto, -is-spen: tliie paieniul home Dir. and Mrs, James Graham an Wilitam Stanley. attended the funeral of their brotheryin-law,: Tames .Keys, of Yule Mich., laCat Week. ;141'r. Robson, of area, , o c arge. the services on. -Bayfield. :circuit;on Sun- • day last, in -the' abeenee of Itev., J. E. Tones who .preachedanniversaryservices in Ingersol' Firemen's dance: Luckn ow, -Tuesday night, 1)ee 28tic, 13ig crowd: Good music. 'Cowe.alon;. • p . : Monday, Dec, °20. Next Monday night isthe big' .night, when the thrilling. war:drama_."F.oi• _.the Bed, White and Blue" will be played in Parish •[fall(church basement). The - erformance coin nnences"'at fin -'clock; and' the admission fee is ,3O and. 26c. .S,ome-, thing doing all the tine. ..Instrumental meati--end:vau;leville between acts. The following rithe oast of characters,: , Capt. Oscar Hutton. leading jn}senile- In•love with _Cara ,R'inund"''Sinnett.. Beverley Brown, negro :'comedian—In love with chickens. , henry P _Hogan. Fernando Diaz, 'Spanish spy and'•villain. • —In -:love w:th:(Jora..Jos. L SUlli'ra,n., ,Cornelius 1)ywer, Irish . comedian—In love with'"Naygurs"..Jas d Sianett. -Phillip. Bassett—lei love with Isobel Horace Hearn. Mutes .,Merry—In to ,e with Bess.;.. .'• .;41. Walter Dalton. Lieut: Uliristobal-,In love with 'soldier-. ing , A... Martin. gluier Walton --In love with. Spanish bonds..:...Royt J 1Meyers.; Dr. }1arrison t -In love with surgery.•; . .•', William Lanham. Lie▪ ut Fislc--11 love with his duty.'.. . , ,; .....R, Meyers.,. Antonio Oarlos—Ill loveiwit-h warn . . Cora Bassett Irl love with -.Oscar, .. . r Miss Elizabeth McCarthy, Bess Walton In• love with Milton :.:•brise, 1'. Patricia Sullivan. Isob• el Carlos—In love with Phillip.... , Miss Ursula A. O'Connor.. American Soldiers, Sailors, Spanish: Soldiers GFaexillas. - ,BYNoists '' • Act I—Ball a ' ;Dalton's, Washington: Act Ih-lied Cross 'Hospital. First day's battle of Santiago. Aet III --guerilla headquarters on the Sierra Cobra: Fight in the" Mountain Pass'. Act: IV—TIn tel `Taco : - ' n Santiago o inn. ax K the night of 'thg surrender. .• In consequence -of L. LeChapelle hav- ing made an assignment, all accounts owing midst] are payable at the Bank ofHamilton, , and'prot _ prompt settlement- la Wo ; for Cash-•-Wsa 3.11 Chows, Thom The Credit Store This Food Chopper .Makes ► !"` A Nice Christmas Present. .It is better than the ordinary cheap Chopper. It is built o11 the.Keen :,'utter pattern, four cutting plates and ,a eapaeity of g1,4' lbs. of meat per minute. Priee, only $1A, A Rayo Lamp • Mrs.. John Campbell and... daughter; Nellie, are visiting, at Jacob Hunter's, Mrs. Jacob Hunter, 'who has, .been, on:. the sick list the past week, is improving.:. Mr: and. Mrs, Ralph Nixon are spend- ing a•few drys with friends at Willow Creek., • , The young; ladiesof this vicinity are busy practising for the concerti which will be held in S. 8. No. 7 on 'Thursday' eventng. .'• Brigiteis a hole. ` Rials -without doubttliee' bestker^'er• osene lamp on the market. .Being constructed With a: ventilated burner it gives an.excellent light. Bright- en up for Christmas with ;Bayo Table•-Larup"at $2.25 p_ or a Rayo liat�gi�ng Lamp at $5.00 or -$5.50. - .f • Clean, Easy Shave Pleases•any nian.• Ladies' there is nothing will please your; husband better than one of our •Coiuluergr • Razors, the beat: FnglisliR razor• made today. 'Mice $1.7$., ' = lel; Skates'` We Ttlav�e a• Splendid `A,sortment•, ' 'The Slack Diamond' Skate, fully guaranteed, at $4 a pair We alsohave the Automobile line' of skates. • • 1-Iockey Sticks from 1Oc. up; Men Do You Need qo Axe ? Dow is this for value Ahan'tlled, axe all ready' to go to work,:, -made bya •brst 'class axe maker .7.00, We expect to have our Calendars nor, Saturday next and would be pleased to have' Our. Custdtriere• call knd get, one. • `Tuesday, Dec '2a.. r`Biam amiltoin, of 1(ipley; was. the guest of John Ross one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Irwin and daughter spent a few days with friends 'near St.', Helene last week. Messrs, John Ross and John Me - attended the'I,'rresbytery meeting• in VQingham`.to-day. Mrs.: George Ivin and sons•have pur- chased a barn near Belfast. They intend taking it down and having it erected on: one of their farms here next•ssuniiuer,;• - - and, -, of our line,•toraa• in the concert in liipley last Friday evening: and, wo'unclerstand, were well Iileasei;d wrth.the drive, or the concert;` we are - not sure which. • Miss Annie Fisher*wis narried'at her hone here last Wednesday to It•Ibert Struthers,,of Paramount They left on the afternoon train for -a • short --honey- moen..We-v'vish on behalf of the Seconct- ers to extend hearty' congratulations •to Mr, and Mrs. Struthers that they enjoy a long and happy Wedded wife. THE STORE THAT NEVER DiSARPOINTS Culross Corners .-Tuesday,; Dec.. 21.. After-s,-long'rest,we-cotne baek,. ,Charlie • Turner spent' Stn day with Fordyee,frimnds ".S Whytoek Bros. • are busy havrling wood 'to Teeswater.v . • • • 1 ortt- o 11 r.' and Mre, .Brooms • a son: Congratulations, ' • ;, -Ida Edgar spent Sunday With., -tier ,uncle, -James Edgar, of Salem.'• The correspc ndent wishes all a Merry Christinas and Happy New -Year; °. • Mr. Orvis and Miss Dowse spent Sun- day with the latter%s Sister, Mrs. Arthur Edgar: - .. e A millibar from Bethany attended the. :Christmas tree at ldglyrood and all re- port. a good time. ,• • c;rewe ,.•- .M"nniiav',•Tietz 20. • The.,' Billy- bay..presssrs: