The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-12-23, Page 3QP I , uncluestio"Rbly with ml)�ITARY MOUNTAiNYB0.1p WIRRIONO STATIONS$" BANK ivr MONTREAL -Great Britain and lIor Allies, Talms WoRTH NNOWING. aiter t tuo war#'* resk0justmont ot Fines Feats Or tho Alpt44 fftoops,of Foorteen Wor aknown F"CUR —Afob SIZES — SWOON., 4q, Wo4 Abe Oetwx UrAlv, Dairy or kilt. Whgn yozi trade Conitions 14 - to W� - Ocvecteil. F;0�06 "SA4 A want 6, buy, WA,ItQ 'I . Pawaon, Xho J1094 f wealth Which -has Mtend-1 .0ovillo, ain, ed the export f-lounitigils 94 wax Some ot the most 01- We have soybg that sp T441061; volico of IN VBRY i4quirosque 00h Is , . ". . ��Jp waeflo.ting - In the gvqAt a# but silence 11i golden. Therg CArry 00ra -as of old To* Is noW an wotloli, -to the T01,90. 40ple STRONG POSITIOX. - supplies must of, n�ceiioitj be largoly a allverl A shoo paosoothrougft 66 xr re the 79',diNern t.workraom P Ices to 1.0 CUA81104, And. e, new set, Q1 proble lam .00 . IF sale in milpa and Italy. They' bavo: ilrepoy seen wao. -proposed to ast9bliph, IT40 =04t. U jnterest Aaadws 1bg 4�m J%Vo to be$ . -1 soePa- set I Inklal, In 2 Annual RepQrt,of, Conada.'s,pa forinQ� ocqa�lq Ch sAa rvice -1u. the Vosges a 4414 of Oritlih 2 s� when Ihav had. wireless rat t1MA anythgr stone. spilloation'to Wilson ublix encl. the Carnic Afpp, Alai! WAnother i;no done. 74 West A401 I l3t.i 'PQ1roUt0, ICSOW9 I$ank 44 *11110 U44r9SS9Qft dell- olng ou, It I gn is . fought, they are round 0e, world, but it W 0 to Panyt. pleasure o I ,winter comp,41 .'BrAxil SMOV00a �Qffoo gnoti Ve o at the Annua e - l" b x - The Germans didp Anil ft vesult Make 1J%oQQ000�QQ9t CUP* .0 0 Wetlas by th On.om ercispd t me o 9 ot the in like eo fe, eo a lyr to.bpr,ca"ed up�n for still mote teres UAIIP ej� n;f fof which idifficult htip -W -01UX 04Y. U ORA S; � 9rtRL#t r - ,090-14�; �An inalght, Uft the An we I ArA -f . 11f,#p.eo wo 11 XQ*foun4land,* chsd'by lintormt and Q.4tornal. -cur The njiM tt . IRAC1419 nust bear our SbO the pkQ" OR ,t. P., I berpr .ro 4t, paln.r by alle P e trea P n hoj� stations, Greaf Britaig for 10 Sterling Of a owaothe 'Ouction, of exportable artic.lew 14. , w;r b.rtot" a ooting have not LIST QF 21 country genoolly, 444 into the �out- creased"tQ, the tmost e on xte een, seized or'4e pt, to. pro- be4 re mopt Of which hAve P vog b the Auth or money, ear Xpohmoms have. been known to if we hi have. boea But was, it? forqe, %emsplveq. trou a 0. Am declared war On Ger. nt 0: LD thk'n& "GOLD y� opportunity to; borrowings,, and, 3op in IdMusk looh fqr the tuturoo As Inter�rotod by* tect our,g9ld supply, an "e our tiM Jlrty� bat I stroYP4# i might app 4 r MIniMj7 e 5 01, peace OQrQr Are. thl men who liave. ver f Chas$ . eurs- a pied, stationed Great -Brit I for tbe most p n: theo9i.Q ntai nous Amidnight qx� August 4, 1914. me England and,Swedert aro sald,0 be, eciat liformi !on liav 1. '"^BE$ on Mr. H..V.. Meredith, tHe Ptooldentf, difficulill o . future zq4 d n rt Ji CA -7 t4 A 1 Q AT.F krorw4it . 0 . q two-hea t, eountrio in, V . gatry 4 Colts-ou rotore,fo , . v9p Sev, 1 C - A Too' 4 e-girlier QXROE tier of Vi rwnce. Their txaWpg,amoug. the 4fternpon, Germany sent out a t Tha g It Um on-Cmiadtan trade less in-, them g . plaoeney, the Pricel hig oa s has niql4e, them ae to all'Its wireloqs o.tations� Jurious, that had xpectqdj axid� Our.a rlcdltu unde- III � wit mosso .0ne, large lan,4 owner of Australia CUP �MINE 4l resources And . 4r Itablo for ALu fam h ski afid, , rope s -with s -a SUL' tql; 4:04 �v _lad $4JW8$T9X1 el,Oped, wealth will en,abde ustq.bear tatidn I ra ­dlus ot 2,000. e -Ar a -!about one4enth' o�s sses r rea. of - — - ------ erg -u A VaUkq the strain wbiW may be I milei and each in turn flung this meP- An that �TfEng'land.' Upnate Theirs is a life of qontinualr risk. --bles m9s, to "D r, liell in tb , sage, forth to German ships out at, IT011 French ship �own 4vq'pioV9sed US, And we fs ine, -a ers eon c safe, PS 't'll I Occasionally 4 wliole cor a TOU bealltiful .selection f a, flWar declared Qn-Engla . Make 004 - . ly through the 'Period of econmid So IITJSX OX ROB148 at 0 that for every Beltl,$hL or lFrongh mer. overtake-ift' by. aVAI;tncbe� and swept less than h4 as quicidy as ..You can for , a neb r@1 Of usual upheaval 404 vorld.wido' of these chant vessel torpedoed by the SEA -S away, -In 1901, Says a writer In t�p Robes .for savlah or enemy OG D1 ��US ofittir would malce an, Ideal pne'of -the 278 German ships now in� with, - a 1�rger 'debt, A.14 'true" but And llowi- Tee4 d tII4 were two, such port," th, ou� ability to meet it pnqueS7 4ccidpnt.3 withi Still I,, . a -I.qn4y add;vop by Lo� On ri 104 rL Chrl'6onas Gift, They Ore 4, Only foqrte6n, 'wordsi.. And fewer rich proiirnrblax�.lc, WIth beautl� ternod, dn Fren4 ports be, Seized, Oone, A -04v, ecQwaic yity or Code, but it Nvas - enough 'to' to litstre and perfectly' tall- 1,C New York Is, the b Amodpa's. . Irionip fourth compAny of the H (;IA�l 'Uegiment,.: which. 1i sav� Nrman� the blilli; 4 heit mer- = warn�th, Wear %ua�,40peaor- rower in. the wprlil. A borrowea--.;nr'q Plan GLOVER. Y. Q impair .11t), Alpine Ileet.- Thelships,i4vod. were.an ance. f�art *5 '000,000 -in I -$be is OSO Q9gRqr0qdk@Sr 11,8 e*t,,NewYork ally stationd itt.Chmbery, appokr i404� T&.Ur the JarkeSt la id ownel- withi4 tho: city AGY M.VrU1JQ,!.A�'.'1 ­4altpu a L tor, T40. 190mel, eiltlk- roug b - b an avbtaiiOhe '-down Giant QprrAan linoro crowd holding property 4411104 0 WINTER .I.NRM: OPBIN '% Write to -(lay fol; T v1p),ration. that price list es?Von,.Jts�elf by the Sib'ree Tells of t h qarl. .�ort; And other ships d4t t1j' br- from tbe,,largelt, ors *1,120, 09, mariching c4used JVN�as -sox" timd' 10 , Contact With it. 15gr . co 1be Tfie.136spok,u i#hlch leads to the h of 9very 'h4utral . Eist. re ore elp arrived ll� s014elA gir -tKe prid, triiica which �ffiff 71 Black �d4 till, ,ofthe w �-"NTAG LIMITED 'PC ­d1ta dig;; N e a .&utai qWhity le r and Q -,men,,, wabf on nd, pi 'brqadth ..''Kolairo, a u3a,-zrotre naute, St. Wet 'IS a 06� i6rig, w4th.-a conce rtipg. �.Iafit. fir itle, t "han I , ir 14"st foiU I I � njur , Demand 9w -Gr '& -4)scQhcertin*..,AiIjd.. that f '4e maturerm. of QuA14M ths. f our '06tindik, MibkaiCAr,. Probably. nQU4 tKat-thirty we.Te'rdord or loss 1 ed Ill d of a ore uIm �w. aut IsIng.-un 0 the th#ty, tw mon ro, mile to W UbAn. the o -palled, which in .9TT Calendar ft W. 7.1=1 arm PM. fl. sl*ed Iii;,119J4 t1 Fau ering bitten' feet es. Wt valu Of ali n 4k ree tachnIent,of I I- di ` t ' bUt*a'clinibMj'plant.. The .,t�,,In, their. c4s� "a, pr6dueto n thi United States was 0; . a "by MI on - .0 qt� to r. t' Regiment was on its -%yay'to pproximately $10,000,000,00.0, which foll, wing incident,, 0 �th? "o Try Thii Free Prescription James Sibl-ee, F.R.G.S., in "A Natural- rev4ctr.al thlo .Miountain post, on. the, total. for is $83,000,000 more than the ist in M4agastiai,sll illustrates ". the ol de Frejus (8,200 -feet), on *the. C FLOWI�Xt CLOCKS. 1913, -and �realis 'all records The. -iedtxce .Inflainqd I Do your Jes give you troULb;o ? 1?0 will owol e'jm painful result of coiAact with the agy. *ItAlihli frontier, ',Above the Mofit Cenli; -vou. already wear or spegtacies?". 1914 total'is more 'than double the Joint$, Sprains, Bruises,. -Soft The- itoiy is. told by a Mil. 1VIontgom. tunnel, when an avaldnehe swept "'llougand" of people the'so "wilidows" who might easily disbelisq'irlth' them. The Common Dandelion Orders Its ;Combined 'value of farm products 15 11 B niches; - iieals Cry: down, burSrIng.a serge4fit and kirt Yop way litt ow! of,these, and It is yourl . %. I . . Zv11-,QuittorFistula and to save your eyesi before' it is tbb� Daily Life st�cmatically. years agg.., Walkirr� Un6r some bes afidimen, of whom only five made -god llilifected. 6,9rps. 'pusl�ing- asift the --reeft slid grass, - I, h it' tiny other organ of the entire body. After Anybody 'Who has flowers enou as it, is a positive .1 their escape. r0tid to-, was startled by a' sudden tingling' on IIIIISrh your day's work you sit down and germicide, Ploasant,to Mr. 11. V. Meredith � .1 gpther, but in tWor groups, and when. Y arid a sufficient knowledge of them Granulifed Eyelldsp use; does not blister at remore. ng '�erisatlon iDVqr the backs the niass of snoN� jlje,baj�. and YOU,C46r And.pir'icki and rest �our'mu.40es, but how'Riiout your at a fbss,. t �. escertairt work the borse. an4, ice struck oyes ? -Do yoa rest them 7 You-kuov� need' never. be, 0 SoreEye�� inflamed by Ox of my hands. and -fingbrs. I,stopped ept along, ou dot iiot You road � or 11o. sben6thing apprqXima sure to Slill" Dust and , led vered. S2.00 per bottle, dell that this yehr's- bouhtiful harvest, may, them, both'parties, were, Sw p -oih- ey( ),on tely, 'the gorreet rtime, for ckly relieved by,murine Book 7 Mjree.. in suddeii rprisej for he pain was �se thn lw� 3 -s bus3 work f yes Fut bo'Wintilate cvr- be to &ath,,and tIV6 othef down Y ABSORDINE..) 'not, only be expected 1. the your eyes i;iitll you go, to Md. That Is �thete are any.nuniber of-,blos�oms mady. No Sm 01 Vt�,JIIC MlSeptk ftD40ht for 160161111. govpre, und I had touched "notbing'ex reduces Painful, SiN rent -trade, but to Attract renewed. lr - a telegraph why so have stralned-eyes..and fllk-� t open .Ut at regular hours. E Ilea Veins. Well$, 's plus. Braila; the mouritiAn, side u�til just Eye C I boul 'at cept the grass.' But W'another milriute lly other cie troll6les tha-t threaten par,, tha arid, sh omfort. 0011 01L and insamm2tion, Pficc $1.00 per q. emigration to Canada, post intereopted,the. rope and, saved 'tial or total biluiJiloss., a.ro A, practical b9tanist has made a 'list Your Druggist!s 50c per Bottle. NO ye. dealer$ or delivered. Will tell you more if rou wnto. Ubeml�Tn ep -0. P the .pitiii increased, the -tingling, �6rn-' rrfitelips;- they ai Battle for m- in stimm. .,The Annual R' ort,shows the Bank . heir.lives. 6LA few of them and says that as far Salvc!nTubes',is�..ForBookolikeEic Ing . frec- Prescription. whIZ4 hns beliefitted the W.' F. X00flii, P. ., 516 Lymans Bldg,, Mobtreal, Can. sensation s6me4to.bq o#ciiding Drggirs or Muritie. tYr, R ilyr0.4 Chita o of . MoVitreal,in.'a. -poitio�*pf. uppy On the' ther- side, -of., the-. frimter as. -he" Mae and'Absorbine. Jn. 4re moop in rooL , -eyes of w -may ivork equal' *'Won- . is, concerned Wis. willing, to-. ilied With `,assets apidlS'up 'my, wristsi and I could ­ -e '-the.. Ber qgli.e i --..of 'the It It &-s.hort thim.- Would rdL-r his- time 7* str�ilgth. se alian- army . ders. for YOUL LsL accord.big tQ -.-nothing-to can 116w you llle .yourcye tn les ear -,as so -it As bied my t.-Ime, in wintbi'. ecomes a so 6ub to d1sapp havo. jpst'as tr ing a The 'danderion opens� for the day -A As aged roputation-is W en a young man li, ding. shot into �y If by rungle ? Tkythis prescription. Go liekiNq4t - -111 1-1-1- � --- -- --- --;;- A ­ I 1. 'usually''Iffrid .-year of ---.:it tAkcii..ra lop- - ­ -1 . '61 ' - " oty loader' you wil -wal_ - er,6. 1. -eiltly .. )jothinV ih,,con- ivlfle-�m - drug -and. closes at �38;800,138 . T.h S. appap store and wbi repai and. neck J- -at the tail -of every- other pro4 -with, the' niost power�ul barilcing insti-Inly ears and grew worse nection with mophealticering thai�the get a* bottle -of Bo.n-Opto "ta ets, 11 9.30.p.m., being'4., model of' (iep6rt- evety instant. Dazed and bewildered, two-Qunca bot!t� NvIth wnrui wter, -drop "Mnard's Liniment Cure . s Coldo, &C. tution� in the world. Of ihis 'enor-' Italia� Alpine claspears Are not prer In one tablet uiid a -low It to' thoroughly mept, -indqed. `Tq be sure, there are cesSion. mbus S -Iesi� t I'stood a few. .socdnds iii helplessness, dissolve. -With this liquill bathe the eyes um, no hall $170;,007,568 . I . i pared to undertake. - Some years ago,., other plants that get busy earlier, bu� �or 1. could neither -'see, nor guess at ish and Ii I quid' Assets. Th-is'is sso, being.,. d f tw6 to four flines'daily. 'Just'note pow A Setback. iment Cures Garrei 134 Cow11 le in c� MO 0s"'QU8, 0 1 your. eyes clpar up anil bow soon t ey obs4,rvb. Shorter hl6urs.� -. In. the Win rd's Lin. so the 6ause of the terrible dis Profes flammation will disiippear- Von't be -e 'that Evapgelihe­�-How do you like- my oVei P4 per' cent. 'of the-BarikViotal conductin�� certain e*p9rim.ents - to *6 my -.Company 'With -.afraid to use IF; it is absolutely, barm- temperate regions, th plant Horses*.Ihave provid.ed -more. em. sho the effect -of high altitude -on los I s. 'Many who are,now.blInd.,might have wakes up . first' is .1 the dainty, satin- new hit? Piiblic liabilities7 .7a ratio Whose 09 ago�y wrieten plain e ough on,every their' eyes litid they started to care -plqyznqk�fq�, n 24AA all 'ace6 the--�-htunan.. const uflon,­ Invoked - the saved -6har�n!ng­ I wul, bett line of my -f it f6r- thibin Iri tteAt:� led- m0ning-gloi;y, I staftS" to . Qiroline--L think -it is, When -it is compared With 55.4'.per aid.'of the Itali�n Gov'ernment,'And in 't, but miarvelouly effectlive in inuitt -year dr gd. wei, diselose its tints at- 2 a.m., g�d with hqd:oneJtlst Him it last qua,,Up The me� started up hen they 'saw tudes of cases. 'Now, tba't ou-have,been cent. -last year, and .1 littlie less,than due course:a detachment of chasseurs -the increased strength of 'thia rhorning o me,.crying out, "You haveben littIngli-. dclay a ddy, but do what You -s orders'w6re. led to th t coiithw�ei; to open,- bitt when*,the �Cent. (c4nsider'ed`.a high- pro- under hi 9 sum- spvo,y6mur eeg,niDd-you arb jikoy i ligh per by. thb�, Agy!' -Some.-of them ed me onte Rosa -w and t to to thnk u4 es long as you. live for-liub-., portion. in norma to -a seat, others,�ru�hed- i1br, r I mit of �thee se lisbin big ' The-% Va stin- becomes' �ot Win to aq a prop A91011L. 119 ARL ff ] h-61di I bition'' wate I do gymnastic exercises. In hp suin- Dra it gCot Of ron 0 will 0,11, the auo,ve% close, Arid at 10 a.m. they dre'filiroligh 'from the, rlvei��' and two or . three 3ank's, assets otm. ofty cha� 6u�s of the� preserlptioli by mall, It kpuV dru t 1or" the day. -brought sand heaped -ul) in 'their. -t' f .,does not tend'to.large profits,'itis it the i Italian army. r6ached the summi o The Al, Aland' Beauty ia� an hour -of the in liqffid' f mer of 190D. -f �handi, Then -they Chafed me with Sou Blanci-and`:�vefe there drilled b3t g- - -it. operis1ts' e�ej at 3 o'clock, lass. San i 0 ngv -0 vf great strength, not. only to -, d nd water to* take! tit the sti- -DI an4:cldses"tfi.em. ai -11. tlw.Bank, -but to the whole of Canada,, 16g hairs, which�the' knew. caused the th -^THE BRITISH.'80L ERS,.,. un aineer-. " I .,. - .. - and Beauty -sounds like k new. n rer in these trying And.difricult times.' mischlef,- As thcy:rubbdd Me', I.felit ne' 'Ruil, �� F es'. they had ing-Niras ere it e Italian, mili-� -of 'apple 6k dato but it -is ��a- The'pidfits for.the 'di ed to th A Ge rma 0 Another fi feat 'of rho t ye4i, however, the paiiR abate, and Nicer Says Th.e.y. i,.ight,-tO.. kind P4 MONTREAL.' ouhting to- - I- . 1. . 't * I tj,, trailing. fiow�r that grows, Am v incers -i 1904- when in .134 McGILL STREET, were most grati yin n 1 tary'; ipounta the 1 quarter 'of a .9. Qhafed - me for about a ast. winir I ordey -tb desc for the hour. U was` y -ec to':La both wild, dei -Wst pAces for -fui - -of compariktiv"el fi from Tbllile, -the a'rid'un . .cultivation.' The 108,681,,� they 'provided and two -of' the Tif� greatept, adiuirhtiitifi`�ftir the - are manufaeturers and cianpay yGU iiisual "uarterlk dividend' f 'town beyond fhe Pass blossom. is -white 6r 'light rosd-&Ioi�d q pain. While -the men were �rubbinj, firs J.� A Geir�an of- r nr- Ila t. B vk- 'Volauses' -on-the-Cap�ta-1--bf - tie eknard,- a- whole-battaijon. British is expresse( -411 kilids. -Send fo ',ouro e* list me. some ex ficer remarted that "I mrieu o. men wou, 000,000,; 'the War TAx..on,-Bank *Note tbnt the eftusii.Of my d tress. 'Cbiint- of 'Alpine; trooppi engaged i1h manoeu; -company of men iha)lil: shaped. - Any industrious'person who rather meet any Cir&LIatiori,: -;10,347,;., �hd'­Ieft 6vet -Iess�Aiafrs �--Iiketiny a.krows�,z�aliyi�Dst--vres--,In-the---JI-i 4 ikes, ,to - tell- �can- do, iover tlr Ban ­byAb� oygte�. plant.-. It wake� up -$00,99Q to be added Vo -thb rofit,,anj fransparc;t, pointed t either end e highesiglacif�r in the Ita nover­%se thele'lleads, llevor'k sbalance -of' AT ird to- it :fout-th -Ch4�i, but.Ilixisfie -s da:y at nbon Loss Account, bringtrig, the Ld from. a �Alps-, nameli, that of--R7u s it tor. The:, Six and fight to' tbe.,Iast. Men b -�ho latter Up td-$�,293,662.'. Thisp of� inch -long, had- dropped ..ori rhia in an hundred men,who for'mod the bgttal- .goes . to. sle,op. again.% Tho e who do ourse) i's �.in- - addition ta tbe,,Rest -invisible. sho the-agy-ttee. wt� ion- earried-their- ftill, either wer rom- calr- I -e -to-the I 5004 _under it., BefoireJ came'away were roped boys of 16. o -1 ri Usic -:1b that. name. 6ir Vy ts -of $16 007 Al wiig'the I a . -army- -kit. and have been called 'up for t e An Accounf 000 The .7 "q -botanical wime *? , I I.: .. e.. - ot* iaftqrnpon, - of- - �T p 1,01 -IRM W al- thiii y cautiouily I ven raeo ogort..' porrL Capital. man. is 'all 'W In 'the itreets! ' er" 'Owing 'to "the redu�ed - volume Of. ture'd tb ex Aittle At Va'lgri*anch,e, About fiVe' thtiilsafi(f 0 Arnini the 'tree at a ca)�ware riot or itte to.. ea I t -eill ways know what you. mean if you cll 'tominerc .th6 tiny 1 c. ial . business in. the. dountry?� distan�o d found . that �et, and included - the :Glacier, -Ae owh,, tongue, FREE ..T HOUSEWIVES afi ,In the'lehd­,Tbe journey,that began Un er.thii �J y A� b.. if goats' beard. the, ctrient loans dropped from $10.8,-' h Auter, 16,800"feet,- occupied sixteen -The poppy,' "scai?l�t 'and gorg9bus, A� . big 68, pt and R' I Book Airs grew,�.Qutside a thi*iPh',Pod or* fines. There -'is a great. it e,, of, Lge krousehold Aecouilt Boo "the best '45,a82- ansi inIs at 5.a -an., ut ha� no combilieft), site 9x12 indlies, containing'hundredO of hi 1914 to $99,078,506. Lo -aceo plighed-'amidst e I not quite , so large as a . small hours, And was' fa��, mdftrials. Rub a 'been" pens its �eta ap sausilgips., r hind, s . � I . cb 'he pods were. fully, Ar . , , H GET Y0tFR'C0PY- to municipAlWs' on -the. 4her ie iniens6 cold'afid. snow. iThe feat.ba�� - .1 ­. :W gled, in in the form -of ;rogulq limir for -closing time. Btt.ter� OWTO, -just at that timc� tic�]AjAy o'xei�e&. the admiram -sm4g Df tweii . o, rm. sliwm- an ncrease m be'relled- -upon to come 'to Below are the names and addresses 1 the sdarcity is -io, 9tcard yourshlf e otering the French. troops, *h gieat.that fio pki­� sweet ca -,o Mends an, either have thein write, or Write a pol and the light.wind was scalt o were.exercis�- ur, best f ions, reaching the, figur vate inaiv; to each. of these firmS askin them -to send 1-9hopard's. Houstikeeper's idual in.Berlih is allowe lif.6 about 6 ami., tlius pieceding, the g er* by an -hour. -.'The .water lily supplied. 2. their. cov ings. Ig.on the othef side of thb frontier iise his atitolnobile 4.-�cept a, do r %v�ai�r -lily 'Perfect. Account, Book" to the addrew r , m. For. Instance,, supply- Your naing, and � address.to, tit -o -first It . on,'tlie In ilf the mpit strildrig and im, and who were-ill'an.excellefit position Pp. 166m �Aiig - for 'the on. kubb�jr flo O'rs Tkay.'e be8n iliken, u an 04 -el�r hbout.prepa list; it friend's usinie and iddresis..t.o the second firm on the llst and so featuiro.of the lieptlit ig the to -judge of the -difficulties thaf Avere. she has. usually made'.15 'i Next week'$ Issue of thlsA$a0br ill 4ho* inoth,6r, list of fleins-to pery any day. -but. P- - , -b . n e , - e te.— WiAoteu�;%ur. odatcavils "tb-mday before you forget. NT­LR--LA3UT1VE- - -:7in—e1oiintir­e-& iou I fixt -And Wd resse. -.been, M�eU- -toil6t and i§ n -by 71 .1:.. eajing no intere St have 'in- no'n 1. lib S' e b io�i. Eight o'clock in- the morning is Guejph - Soap. Co., Guelph I-lor & Co., Toronto, I FOR LITTLE ONES b: styilth & qring the World -Wide Populariti of-Tia4 anno NZilliteen Hundred Wagher, creased. d yeai fir $4g,� Three. Phases unceil byt'.the '-�arle - pimperne John-TaN . , . . ... I - I , , . . s t .11 chishaim,xitiling C , Toronto. Channel' Chemical Co., er . . ., . .7 ., 1, -poriLtfon, 'Torohto. .,729, whil n howevdr,1s less reliable as I 'an �anadd-' 9, Anent ortgage Coi 5,745 to 1160 ."I the tea. traile.there is.much, talk I8L. 'Weis't, Tofonto­ Zroxyn -ta reases in the drinkihg, 'o 8tikndard Reliance MortgAge � orpomtIon, Toronto., be ri#k.. deposits "MAY 1. smoke.'? of,eno T p It- as a bAiOn ete -1-forne, kank of - Canada, 8' '689,03-i -to- $7. 6st-, : Baby's Own. Tablets are a gentle a xittivei,� -They -are absolutely Safe. tnious. inc a lock tl�a 0,.; -onto. .-277,083:�-'a total incy, And he smi-iled-at III of tea, ev;eryWher, 'Horne Furniture Co.. Queen Si, Vast. Tot ease of ­$.39,80 'and so pleasant in' actioni,,that -once. 8 e*si�ce th� a*r. e- dependable in the . lattek Though..this is paitly accounted They.- re ne*ly- engitl;L-d; gAn. - Russia, a14 re-a'dy*a-larg I e con y . ca . Iled ,the pdor nian Moore Co., Lloyd fit.i' T61-01AO' ­ to mmonl for - I' COO is it must � the- mother ftas used them - fok. --her re it; is. co "its �extremc ieriii- Rose Coal t9 yonge *t., To ronto by speela , transa h And she. angwere�d­,- er of tea, h3 takirg more and; mo little oneS, shemill never �agaffi, resort weatherglai3s". but' �With Plow voll -ban-, be regarded aii biihly. ja&ti re ge actory to that harsh ill-fimellirii bad -tasting. now that lax, is liveneis to darkness. wiil.'ke�p it- froin n6d.', In France tea is beginTrin an oling--the-time- :;41 -ch -bab. X A-r'6aten the siiprehf�cy-,of-coff d once. d h He spoke�. ab wil. take the against taking. B y giliniter deind-nd'inbami" bighei- pricez -3fear; the., Presiddht In iQvie%ying the Tablets wkh'a smile, and thousands' "May I'smbke 9!'. in 6ur households, especially as there actitim). lis.saidto�be no corresponding -in* laid 6.06i.al stress. on". the reco�,d h,r- stait�t, - th; mothers tell, us theIr, 'little bries, vep6'in the West, -where a greatly The honeymoon edleki are b he re be x ,, Tfiek-aresold by crease tho­gupply.� D �1-,was. cured 4. Rheu6rn4tieQt0­ut Y lolre`a�ed area under a s ..naturally cultiv tion 'ha, She sm pd the MINARD'S, LINIMENT. medicine, deaters or by mail: at, 25 "T in hn , ril. 94., Hallf ax.- -1 UNG. iYen the--hij1ket, Iverag.e ',yield. o idori,.M.ng' e '�f.Ap. -ANDREW -a Vi -a in v cents a Rx� fiom The Dr. W31liams' ct r o .1 the history of the countk The esti- Yii . . � '' I.. ; - - ' . .1 1' *As "cured Acute. Bronchitis by -ted -g.rai cro ENS,. his ZREWE­Ri�A6 0 a-0 Saskatc eWan L F c IW, 8 rS PEAQ3JOK MINARD!8 '.LINIMENT. Y r, horneA Manito -a k "may I.Smo e.: 't fourl hunare he reached for'the. pqkbi­�- he -pla e d million. d BreAlibig he' News� G But s his Toilcb- he pla A Wotjnded y1d been sq,me T f te Rheurn 'tisra fkrs:-.�-a sum.;which'�4uld be depend( The 1. r In 11) n 'O b 4' et-UrifTirtiM dri�6xtendeil t C h r ist ma as t h -e nitich ` debted ess' upon o iquidat squire WAS met at It Id ,ere is a' I. St Lakefield, Qu�., Oct. 9,1907. abroad. all English hoke her. If beautiful hotp *v u ory pry And stimulate Current trade, -ld -and knd To eilt-ly ho�ed-that.it­wbuld. re.coftied -Iyy: the, Rev. Willi e the steamship Wharf by his i o fery r yo� Victrola. IV The real valu of r it' strange sty butler. Thinking klia,&!s. ppsliion froirt ii debtor to tru. in his new -book, "With'Otiv Fi Phlig `9 cr h-- en. c o on 61 W Wif 6 - * a s - ffihk i 111', i bri editbr-nation,'Mi. Merldil mee the round of.'a military wi ot, -en t, him,- Lh6 asked if- they it �Will in 416M 4sln: th� seVexi months diing Octdo, d'whon I ed wounded I Ig. -Old Pa fiiinied.! ma *ith 16 -ten-inch, do"lewsided ber gist 101, " tile, iU'6.of 'WAS, 4 134ti news. 1, �,NV, I'tl floworful Food 4s- MoiAt Neede'd she soldier t6yji' at' Christ va notic butler, "very hecords, (go 0ections, 4 adfilifi.'produets wao $245,55 h old IVkbr -fashione k5i, -isnt dAys to. fbilbw. A genr.., ­WV.q. Tt6 141 I-Ang"Pive, Is- -lead food the soldior�. 111, nd )t1d lit is ."Well,"' ;said she to e? your, c biceY 1 $ 4.50,' 009, a * tile same pe�! of 14 vii & -616'.*111 give a suppose thilt' m'canZ thiii you kille ttine, Victr $226,757,0004, -while this year in lescent 'gq,ts, 'a set back' on 0, ai- , � if .4641red; 0nva me,, es! She had oij u Easy. payments lint did the hird d'Ic of ? the mily h6tirg of.'ellt th6r Vieti these cveii:monthS Nlra'bal�.cxi)i;�td Counl;,pf 'we frock at gbi:ihonths old, fa* 10 ak tom,ach.'T-6n is whei, .Vqlpr `Toaniuch I11,; - it ln products of -the va ti. of'% rap , s wer, fol that Canqdi .14ut, shows it I)o naw," --quietly replietV'fhe TSZ6- 48 'did eat CUrdill Mitt,0121VOr, from rio other. spurce The- World' S' musib flglit *BTU1 Jt--Wils: jike---Ihig.�! =- -- - - "' i -where -U n- ast yeari tind the, -tha I tie lay oti th& field *pretty. 'n"vae me Jth '68tS to Si "The var0ago hori4is, if. , , il, . , .... , at.. our'flresidi, lie'great6st- livilig"hl ng sixirplus-has. sttil."Zo ko for,wakd; About a ,l.'eiir ag'o,' writes a, wi?,st- %i. i awful bad;woiln(T d6d. bleedin' Y bf, �'Whaiv are the ITI , I A IVcre Tkille. "Co paring "'the foreign tra,�.Ie, y, dend. too! Y -r! .;- . I .Sir Dit -Cphing- tot e'll-ndqi. funefil po u period,,. I ot �df bjood,*66� h . -a' my 1�g, bixt- I "Now; chi be' i . uelo( pl cl , ay Can"a for thb -moved to it new ldrin, I Want. you hes, Mlghi!14 band ana. in tiuzhent lee- and -up: t6 hen the' bishop -is 6nding 'with October, Imports Ila. ve r of nAirtag to c bird, .,and 14.V -VVIII- 101" or - ally had a change of,diet perfectly quiet . i, I � l - 9 natu say any Ing 14;ON in 1.9lI ell ununle Su'4) in on rac e everm W I 'r , - _boti 67A -1915' hit PQ t ow yp --You don't iiiewil-to say, -that h man bi ed John' VI "'I'After 4 long siege her.,cas.c,,-s0em- 'coo!%C, a, can't we ask, hilil if domestic ro act$,.. -is, I -afve -S sibn is irn �40 between. �fiew "But, m1amm n irorn $20,550,000 t� es, sir. It f 'ed hopolQss, dilctors'gi hte d no German and the ith6r man ot, -1i lie -will baptize th,�,,new kitterisip.) W f0'r 'ur'MQsi6a1 over:..: have rise I Y jjbv, lligbt 0 ' U' she was notl�ing.'but vt I word '. EngA(rh, o when 'held donei 41l0,000; and advc,lre bala,ihee of' $145,-4 kin nd bone 6000, Victor Records, ncluding' All standavd, and. -se6inl lio,'els6 tae thank 111M I eh,'doubla-Aded'�eeor'ds as ,"660,000 being. c0nvevtod into *8 fa�or couldwt, 'Rt'allyth�flg; an eek4 not did not "kno%v even her, father or just - Smiled, and by way of , tok�n Dpiilar:� iliust abl,6 balaI16 of $ "T i 23,000, or ::Your P1 C 61i. ten 11 n %Pect Of fortigil trade df -too I n t�ying tb,-,'gct hOuded him iny Gletigarry, tind. he nlQth6r, 'Her parents, 0 &Jifts f6r tvVo termelit Whiti ik and 1.jo less-than'.$21.8,06,600 Witlifil (ho othing -dblicate' 'and' i1outiling rililed helmet, She. iievoy held-Aieti. head Som gives me hs that she uld Cat, finally bit upon of two -years.' 4 -will let -you up after your father ied.!' of' "His astoeg -�olc'04' "Great hea onal F he "dowl as Orhpe--Xutg foodi And it turned out to Of' -COU Takitig a Wudbi`10 9Ptiftfi$;t1c . . . . I f M66 Is not one of thd,faivii-ci Mr. 'e4ith iaidl- I JidVer heard a w6rd ol. tbo#ii, be II14, , . I I" - M01 uthwWlfid. In 4o ty; its And:.W, of'o There 1i a certain. deil, 'old, y Are not.41sappointed f.oaiada is,6 higlilk What'%I,as I -Ile cause of "She seemed. to relish i, was soon who:owfis a littlb farm and tak�s �The positi.011 0 misfortunes. myfatb6r1i4 death? clonscious of h r 'at44U'red. fuiurL er SU be-, few boarderAu summpr., of gr6wtll. "Well, sir, -it Was this, way.., .11v re- gan & gain stnength. so rapIdly that Recently an Anxious ypund.niot-h�ri 'BE INER A iit; 'Cef1we ale lid t, war; live in the shadmv of tho gt6ft . 41�ip -11a!l' gone down thlit hAd the ful. And 'robitst., as Wsl e hAa Ilevev f -der medica-11iterattirb "of late, in- 6,01 If.elhoir 4,�tftet.' AlofttrejAl ub9orvitii h'It �bc, and th& he shock a, IliAt, Grape -Nuts: 'Was els& nw.9t bl; vholo * of his fortuno 6yi board', And 'e'd of I.qr e blilAtZRK. In J0VEXi*V ftWk AX -D VZ to AvIll old lady, whether or 41'Jt1i ,,Inill( �otved,atl' tabl w 'A.4 wl i 1) t Ilati"011 9 ul Ing factor 'COAST TO COASIX I'Then'l nm�'a t'hloa In An savi' 1,48to ized ONZ PRICE MOM alto e'-Pr6d6minati it VXCWOX 3%E0O1t1).q-AM1A3)M IN CIANADA -eat '641, tild a. tile sweet little &.1's Well` our;otl 'was 'the old lad .Voton 1, 016 met qji0a.' y S, dqhlit 0% kx., .tbe byt- NAMO gIV01% %t ..dallri'diali PoAdIA �,­Don?t weeep the 28 I--TRA3D] ABU. TEO, cani)ot b4 ke))t Jer. to*s' we've got III Ole- paiture ll 'ot I A op. Y �d W4. A r e N �r� Now Agendog- on"VaX th6 ft'i)0`76 1600i A!njw iiummol itt oniN ittlVeno front tIjU6L to t111146. Thil3p. Ikkaiied A Aftch In ti fio Oita, Irenitinow true, Alad full of 0 Interest. Zliidluftt buttit Diblithd4a. de wnyo*rik R.D. . . . .......