The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-12-16, Page 5""- Ir. 4. ••• . .w.irtio."'„,"13,-0"sw"'11377ra _erwevaotilm, ' • 1"4•0111O Pegg Thursday, December 16th , 1915 r=0 tit as Page 5 qtir .0:,rpat . Bargainp• In :all limo of •goocts.ti4 .Serrmv...*WRI* • Men's Ready Made $uits :of the very . -hoot quality„. fine :make and well tailored, • Moen' Fut Ucats, sea, 10.00, selling • !price V10.40. Mcn'i Ble OIfl Coats,. regular :price 15...00 for .810.4". • - • . - Men's. Fine Shirts,. reg. a.2ri. and ..$1:00, -seling orice .9.91 and .990.. • . • .....fett'S Woololat.luderweer at reduced: •prices. .• • • Mkt 1)ross:CO-00i reg....prieegOe and, .selling,'Price11e.•. ',Girra•COats,, half prices. • Men"a;ittitces„.reg 240 arid 35e for 19e.. . Alitle4)71)..1"tnnies,. reg; 75e for • ladieS" tfaoditerchiefs, -tog .0c or . .8 20c., • .•, . Ladles'ian0.11ancliterchiefe, Aale 'Prim for .• • Sillt-lfactakerchl -soar eqo. •-•• . • • Men's 'Vine_ ifarialteichiefe, rreg '• Toe • • • ,eacir salertalfinice:'---- • • .• . • •.Ladies'Olack Sateenj.rnderskirtalined.• ' :• - .7. • . IlitiViiSiVeeterji at reduced PriCes:" `Spools 4e, • • • •Boy's and Girls TYnderwearat rectuced. . epricee,. • Menie Fancy ,Chriatinas •Tea sold' at reduced ' • • • • , iin_payint higheap price for: leaW Furs,. especially for -Sltunki Coon and Fox, B. BLItZSTEIN . • ' DRY 000PS STORE nha Mrs, Charles, -Sutton o ' f Walkerton reeeived word last week �f tho death of their uon Rikbaid n'a result a wounds sdstained ivFran4e. Tb e day before receivitalltJe.tlad 144'04 Seaton had to, long letter from her son. It is just po?,sible that there la a mistake., HO there was another Rich- nrd Sutton in the 19th., ant/ the num- ofitbe dead man ni net., correct This is the first son of Walkerton reported killed. • Pi0P310Eit'' received in TeesWater recently of the death akVancouyer, 33 0., of 3:01m Oliver, one of ther ioneer Merchants Officers of Huron Battalion A partial 51 of the o,flicers of thliOlet Overseas Dattalioro, the unit to be raised in the county of Huron, wasgiven ant by Lieut. -Col, H. D. Combo, the, ofileer commanding,. The followinewirecommend: ations. hava been niade:-- Lieutenant, colonel, 113. °withal 33,14; senior. ruttr, Hon. Major R. S. Hayes, :33rd; Junior, inkier, Cant: It. V. McPhail; .33rd; pay. master, Iletie.MaiOr' M. 1); UoTeAgext; tvl 33rd; Medical %facer, Major J. W. §44%14 33i41 signalling °Meer, Cant. T.,11. Run- dle, 03rd; machine gun officer, A. IC. Wilson, 330; Company Officer3---0aPte• W. J. Heaman, N. T. Sinclair, J E. Mai tie, J. kleittheilngtiozi. Lieutenants -D. W Hodgins, Harold Town, 3/1j3. I 'Herbert Campbell, C. G, Venstonei W. E O'Neil, C. 11,,,Holines, Q. S. Hall, It .0. Hoyle, Edward Torrence, Vf, B. WW. son, •Charleg Stewart, J. W.'Ireleasaln. . • of South Bruce. Born at Guelph, Ont., 1839 the late Mr. Oliver., mune to Teeswater When a young Man and entered thamerehantile business. ' the early 80's be went to the, Canadian West and later to British Colombia, •where he .aince resided. in R. 0:„Iie took en active part in puhlic•life, being 4.10emebeeatfethe-City-School71 and •!..• a., . ,...,. . . 4e011v ,80 ommismoo. . Ile was. Chtstorna 011icer from 1900 until three years egoi-- when to fesignee. -.. al . • • ,r.. wife,, Rebecca Pi; kard, died 1'2' year years: ;Pour tains and two qanghters 1 • • • • Conditions in the -West s' foriner resident' Of near Seafuttli, §.. .now of Rapid OitY; Man. 'ivriting • to. A ? fernier ...friend,' has soinething yrhiehstIggestsIlMt even'ih this. burnpr, 9.nteRIWRieltipeavitil the.prair- 0.. • . . farmets: .TOey appar euffeting 'tom' too 'ninclr crop. He says: " have ' tad'. of . the treinentkate clop We have 'here. :weir .they . Were fine, I. never saw 'bettert.• y never saw fifty bushels of.WheakgroW on an acre before tide y‘e,ar, that I was sure. of; but ' it is quite comma this 'year, and eata Seventy to One -.hundred bushels . We -had. seventy tafshels of barley on a small ell But the Crop isnot 'going to Mak& hc'farmers rich. Harvest was late and vet, and the grain was so heavy. it took a lot'ef twine; land cost .a lot to thresh, and on the strength of tie war •call; they _all of were burn 'at. '11.0eawat,er starviare.• • •• Don't mistake the pla,Ce: First doer West 01.the Sentinel (Mee. 2141.02412M.-- • planzinp, wrril ycar its lifiati of 21, son of hiahlir respected par mita of Orpint Tp..; appeared:. lonfOr Judge , On Satin - charged with the theft of an overcoat; t appears thittche had been working tit ()bailey and was offered a positiow in the Stp,tcs. After he lied lele•Ches ley, it was found that lie.had taken t,he w rang overeCht from les baairdieghnnso: -A-warrant-was--i-s-sued for MS - Ile was stopped at Wilicker and 41, brought back for trial . Judge KR'fin • Notice to Creditors • 'allowed his liberty on his /Awn % niurety of $400. and $200 filen two other patties. I 'appear for tri.41 on the Vth. when the .curt will try to: determine- whether •be- • realily :stole the coat or tock it by mistake. ..Two other charges, of stealing Were lodged ag,ainst, tilie.yciartirman bat were dry, - there wag. evidenee.7- Walk - erten "Pelescope; • . • '• Laa:11' MODeNaLo.7-' '- One' of .the old landMieks of Ripley passed away on Dec, 3rd, iii.the'pe.rspn of °Den ald McDonald (colt ncil ler), .aged 91 year a ant1•5 'months. The deceased was for meny'yeare a.proinieent figure in the coinmunity, .1-1e was the first 1. • • Postmaster of Ripley) Ohs e member' ei the township council, waS' Couray Constable,. and the early Watery of Ripley filled • many rospon sible positions. At one time. he was the. owner of .the land4n • Whieh • 'Rip ley is built. ff.e wa-s it staunch Liberal, and • a rue:1131)er of. H u Ton 'congregation. For the past 25 years .he has. t. sided with his datigliter, '17frs. •Matheson; The•reuiains were iest in the Kincardine ...cemetery. The Primal services Wereconductaby Rev. D. A. Mc -Lee n;: preder. Hu:on Church, as isted by"Bev. Geo Gilmore:• . _ • • • A• 'HURON -• Twe. PioNaint.,-There died:lin:Ho ran -Township -011-1)ee,-;414,14 'Norman MeIsinzie, aged . 75 ..Years. Tge.deceased was one -Of 'the . pioneers Of Huron, and was' 'rived and °steadied., • by a large Circle of friends-. • He, emit ..grated te.danada from Scotland 'when 12 years of age. and settled With his parenta on the homesteadi•Let .'14'or. the past Years he hes.been in poor health, but all through lite was a consistent and. faithlel meinber of • the •Gaelic Congregation. 31e was poSsess_e:d_ofia-retirlog.4ispositin u . Was recognized as a kind: nisighborand • God•fearing man. ..• .In he was a 'Liberal of the old school. To inetirn his death leaves .e.. wife ;and three sone,' Kenneth; Donald and •°•J Win, all. ina the homestead: :The funeral took place on Monday. to Ripley ceinetery.. Tle. funeral services were,eoeduete-l' 'by•Retv.. 'McLean:. . • • • ,ItiscAt RnEimri?.S-,7Glordon A.L Bonter,..the Melanchon cCal mine .art ist, who WM up before Judge Klein on • Thuisday *Li the 'charge Of conspiring to'clefritud Misses Kate and Isabella. McKinnon, of arton, to Whom he 'Acid -$11,00. wortlrof tlientining-stock,-- • Wae acqUitted- •the do rispiracy Charge by4iidge who took ", until Sat- urday to 'consider the 'case; The'. fact. that the PlArile-g MCginnoti had . been recOmaiended to . buy tbe.stookby thein eetisin,"Miss MeNeil4 Of .Bochester,• N and.joact. first..wrifitett.toflontet.. about . tile shares, was -the., weak . point in their ease... As it 'seemed,' bOwever, from the °eidetic:a • that &mice ' had persuaded. Me. and Mrs. E Gibson to subscribe for $300 Worth of stock on the representation that 'sixteen of tthe Most preinineet peeple in, Walker -ton load • alrearli purchased .ehtaree,- When.,enell. was not -the aiase,. 'Judge Klein stated that he Would be tempted. • on the- evidence he hatito .sen term. him" a charge. had been. laid • of getting • money from the .-Gibsons tinder • false. teriatip:7.0roivn "Mornay. Dixon announced that Stich' it CNN-6Na Nat" • been laid, and. that Bantee was' there fore charged with this 'offence.' •As 'touter statedtliat he in tencled.to'eive the patties back their oniney, Imre if he could get Utile to raise it, he was allowed out for nine Months on 'furtt . ishiiig bail of $1000. to ppiiaf here .eer Sept. , 51h, 1910; for ti fat. -Bruce • Times. •. • . • ' thellatter of L. LaChapelle..of the Village Of Ltieknow in the Oeunty :01',141119324e.weller,.. rionail is Ifin7eby glren that ilia abeve- toed isisOlvent !nut nutdo ad assignMent ni estate to ole for thb .general it clit of • his. 'vret to m -pi det• thellevised Statutes. of Olitar-. c apterial- . , '1' "6 creditors art/notified to meet et my.oflice be Town or Wingham in the County f • Mitt:Mon the Tenth day of Dee.entber A. D. • ' 1915,. at Two o'eleek lir the afterithen for the • 'purpose of receiving statement of the insol- vent's affairs, for theappointment of inspectors • .., attilthe.girithr of direetions with .referetice• to '• •Alm disposal of the estate. •' persona ela tinier to be entitled te rank on . the estate-niust Me their claims with me cur or before the Twenty Seventh day December • • A. D. 1915, after Which date I •will proceed to • . distributi3.thO assets theroothaVing regard to• ' . ,• those clolms only ot which I shall then have re- • it. ceiVed•noticeoand I•will not be. liable for the . • said assets,or any part thereof to any person btr• • Whose elaint-I hove notthen roccfred-notioe.-, " ,Dated at Winghanrthls Twenty-ninth day of November A. 1). 1915.. . VANSTON1C. Assignee. • . 23-12.e.. Wingham, Ont. ' ' • • Notice to Creditors •• lathe matter of the estete of William Humphrey, late of the Township -of Witwanosh in theC04nty bf Huron, • Yeoman, deceased Notice Is hereby gi von chetah persons having any Claims or do tt Ian d againstthe late William; • Humphrey. Who died on or about the Tw.enty• •. seem' day of August A. Ds. 1915 at tlfe , ship of M awanosh.in the Province of Ontario, , .are require/I-to send'hy post prepaid or to de- - liver to the undersigned, Seticitor .horein for .,„. John R. Rutherford, ex,ecutor under the Will of •Hie'ilaid. William 'IlitinPhrer,-. their tittineS *Anil • addresses Mid 11111 particulars in writing of their. • claims and statements of their accounts -add (henature-of ho500211ties, in ityiltelH-bY them- iluily , Y . . And take notice that atter lb e T wenty-eighth . • day of December A. 1). MI5 the said John 13. Rutherford -will proceed to distribute the as- ' scits'efthe said deeeased among the pers,ons en- .. Mica thereto, haring re•garci only to the claims Of 'which Ito shall then have had notice. and that the said JOhn 13,. Rutherford will het be . liable for the said assets or any.parC thereof to .any persons of'whose claim be „Shall not. then • bate received notice. ' --This-notice is givetrpursuent-to Cho, Statute • in that behalf; • ' Dated at•Imettnew tliis First day of Decem- 'ter A. D. 1015. • . • P. A. MA LcOmsoN,• , • • • • Solioltor for the said John R. Rutherfoni. . • 16.1243. • BRI COVNTY NEWS •. Willie n Watson,. an old resident of Teeswa.t whi e coming downstaiis at his home one day last. week, fell and sustained ft e of the collarbone. Dr. and rs. G. ...-POWIer, Tees-. water, announce the engagement of their elder deughter, Nellie, to W. Ilisc'ox, of , Stratford •• The marriage take place the last of • December. 'The bazaar held thieseason to raise,. • funds • for the Kineardine HoSpital preyed the most successful so far: The ninouet realized • was 0.47. Tho re „Milt was very gratifying, seeing all the' ,calls that are being- made. upon the .; • •-Capt. Ostler A; Cannon,. son- of the - tale . Bon. Cailiarin;."til keg ton,. has' Ceen appointed medical officer- of th'e • • 110. of .Pertli_Battilion,. and will ' re , , Attila to the front. • 1 -le returned some • weeks ago from Island the • Vieriiterranean.. • Dougald Meradyen of the. 8th. line 'trice Tp:, lost hi S . house 13r fire on Tuesday of lakt.weelr. He woke. in • . the eight to find ..the bowie burning • • ;furiously, and 'he •and "barely had finis to pet out; without 'saving . ttuything There was4500_insurance. - house andt200 on the contents, , . . -, • Among.the wounded to arrive from Illeitain recently was Pto Jack .61c teed, a Teeswa ter and Peisley boy,. who was the 'baby" of the P. •P.'s. Otherwise strong andeavoll, he flair s from a wound in the foot whielt ha kept him the hospital for mant Months. • „He has gone to Calgary Where his 'Another and a sister reside. 'Get"Morelioney" for 3;o0iSkuntik. ISIUSkret, Raccoon, Votes,White Weasel; Fisher' Other Fur bearers collected in your seetloa, 0010 YOUH 141118 DIRECT to !I,S111.119EHTI the Israesi Reese is thellktrid dealing eXeleelvely in NORTH AMERICANRAW FURS a tellable"'regtorisible*safertirlietisowfth An Ithbletbiehed red - Waded existing' fet "More time thitd' of a odd hirr.v d !egg sue. despft.d record of seeding Fur Shippers prodyg,SA'118PACTORY ARID PROFITAMM retures, Write for ' TO: Obatirt OthdYeri."' the OW telleble. deetitate erket repott hod ettee list PUblitilted.' Write oti, it -Now -ie,. rums . A SilUBE T,Inc„ att•ainiestAtf$111CAMI. ussitt;20CHICAGO,U,Soki . pAt 'la r lt the . wheat they could, and, they got it. cut and steokedi but there ix d large' part of .it stands in the snow. Soni e are stacking it the snow, hut largely-theY_ are.. telling -it amid • not/ spring. • Thea there won't be machines to go round, ad the men will all Want •ty put in their crops. They cannot get out in the fields for Stooks:- YOu sno man.. who did not get.' threshed. They have no teed for: their stack, and. •.eatit tatta them Mit as they 'largely have •no fences. So they have A6 money • and *ill have nO credit. • The banks will ad- ' vance lid money to a: men who, is no stacked. ...• „•. • . • k rent 'Parkland,. Alta, R.. 14. . foriner resident of, Howick, writes -as follows; .'We have another harvAst gath- ered and it 1 think, the largestyield on.the wheie I baste ever _helped ,to har-. vest Our wheat on' summer fallow went ever fifty hunhels to the acre and On stubble land forty bushels, though ..some claim • higher yields.. .With litany the trouble that.they cannot get their grain sold as the eleatorsaire fell And 'Came. get cars to load. • We, and those' near own,'draw.freomfithe.threShing Machine ..to the eletrAters. tie-ve sold two cat- spirits_r-li"or,,the4geocL-order And -the, "loads mail have two more to seir-:7W.r.suecessful way in which the:whole affair have over 0;600 bushels • wheat,. and .curriedamt Much. dredit is due • Mr. 13,900 bushels of Oats. Our potatoes weie X. -Purvis, who•not only 'acted' as and-- alsfi agood ctop. • We. ba.Ve eighty-tive •tieneer, _but chitirina.n.throughoutIthe., rieren nummef fialtow -4•eirlY-for. next 'evening. . fte.'alsO gave askortond stir- apririe'e sewing, but little fall' ploughing ring patriotic .address •which,fitted. in hasAen done on the .aticount of the late- very welt with. the rest the progr;fin. nesiiin getting threshing.' 'Our. thresh-• The sale Of the lunch lxixes, which of nig. bill canie.to nearly $700. . course, as the big feature' of the Oen- ing, took Place about the middle of the : Kingsbridge program: . Bidding, was,.lively and prices • . .;. • _ .. 'ran somewhathigher than on Any prev- . -M-onday,..tie'0. • 13. ious eceasionat the schen': Reeitatiods. • .E.Iward Dalton,.who spent the past were given by Elliott Miller, St Helen, smatter in Northern Ontaiio. and Dui- Mrs. Robert MoWbray,,WinghaM;. James uth; returned home Mondayfor the Penrcse„Whitechurch,• and little winter • - ' Evelyn_Nolnei_ethese-girlinh-pekcorrn-- arices delighted tile audience and won Mr. and. Mrs'. Mithhel Bowler and • daughter, also Mks:McCarthy and son; t lail • ntributed i'ZP )lg1ere. E 1 stire, Jam isa11 e Gordon,oJohn Capt. Patrick.McCarthy; all of Goderielt, - attended the %Yam -al -Law, •.d. ) e ent s , eines ,e (coin- . e lam and Hector McKay; )..vlio made a on Saturday .# • ,. . .t • - great hit with a 'comic .seng addressed DEATh. or WILLIAM. HiCKHVT After t� Various Persons present, ' • • a long and painfal illness patiently borne. Me.' Neil AleijallUnt, gave a nuinber of the emit of Win Hackett, a well-known Selections on the bagpipes,;, and there and highlY 'esteemed resideet of Ashfield witS other instrunientalnrusic by Messr was wafted into .the, Great': Ileyond on ..Robt,,Nloivbray and Pia Stetwart. •An. Thursday •of week, Mr. Hackett very Catchy manlier was a dialegue had-beed in health for the past surta7 1.y Miss • Veronica. .adother mer, and after returning from Northern very young performer., who ateatlY, de Ontario,. where he was. engaged • le the 'lighted the crowil. -By no means yeast, capacity of 'fire -ranger, .last autumn' he .though we Mention it last • wee the consulted London specialtsts;•'• and was Scotch • dancing by. aleista: . Dan . Me, itifortned-that-he-had•T-caneer -.in--.the-Kinnon-and Jas. Post' -Rase is always Stomach, and his case ' was hopeless favorite and his perferniaoces are too •Then" he returned. to his , home .here well known. 6 need special mention: the inevitable call. •'Deceased was of a while McKinnon, we must. confess, ser - quiet and kindly disposition made prised 'everybody by his. sptightliness him very .pepular with all. Who knew and rigility. Reno longer• .pretends• to Tug tIODOINS eASp. Wee libonlescd by Mc Alaglafretes Ilacerreberated rdeu Woo • homage* .• (Frain the Walkerton Telescope) A ease. which aroused great interest tbronghnut the district, _ewe a4p• before Magistrates Richards:ea and Tolton ,bere on Monday afternoon. Nellie Nicholson, a Scotch, girl of Kineardirie, the cow, plainant," charged Thos. E Hodgins, In- Irngr;.t1on Officer,' Win. IV..414,•Of Kincar- dine, and' James -Stewart, an old bachelor of. Huron 'township, with ,consPieing to conunit an indictable offence. TheOrion, Ohantbor MA crowded during the .hearing -The fact Of One of the defendants being the immigration, • .ollieor .and the pile legal , protector, having aroused. great interest Italie cam After hOir, lug*. number' of ..-witne.see.s. the : Magier trateediatulased the ease. • • "4 f. • The prosecution had to --depend entire- ly-uporrareitocorn ence ;the gir1. "rhe girlseid. She wes 5 years. .of Age, and had .coma to canndi, from -01raigo wfi ve years ago. - 'For tWo.-.years slie inierkedin the country near Sha‘ hank wad for •the last...three ..irelkie. 10. Recently Site vati. smithy the 'Ituntigria• 'lleneltideirs itt Tertie'te. .:Kilicardiriel where:She Wag' to be pla 44- 0 tilos. 13. Hocig,ms, the imungratte 'atfliders•there. • Accaildieg1.0 her.evidene ‘'1ledgitisaithed.'.1) est i ri seeetaiposifion rilme of which suited .. bee. 'Finally "he ietrodaced her 6-Wm:Reid, .Sylto clam - fat he •lived. a few miles out in. the court-. try, and .witnted girl for housework , Reid drove her at night, according to the girl* teitimeey,...to the honse ot. an old bachelor trained Stewart. Sles . testified that improper proposals had been made 6 her by all ef the .eseused.. .Slie wafild not 'stay. at Stewart's; so Reid &bye her. back to .town and: left her on the road op- posite the. railway freight sheds, between three and four o'clock in .the morning.• ' ra. Cook, of . Bervie. who befriended the girl; Constable Jos. Aroistrorig; who was .present last Saturday when Iledgins tried 10 get girl•tO sign a •stateinent to the,effect that her-- charge • was -false Mid .untree, were .alsO beard. •• The- Magistretes • founit that there. AY - net suflicien t evideace-`of :*bonspi racy an lel not see their 'clear to -Sen .t11' .case up. for . trial on. girl's • unsup- ported evidence •. • • Prices 90 Years Ago.' la about • 90 years ago.sinee the first, settlera.carne lutethispart of l3ruce.says the .editor of theVhealeY Enterprise,. but DO years ago there wr Marl$ settlements:, , along the .Niagera- River, Lakes Erie ;d Ontario and .the St. Lawrence. 'As O.; • soh of litonee.r parents, we cart remember selling .er,gar at Scone at 100 per dozenand . but b9oto. rytenios.00,nanoptilowed..tetricteeagifitu-Srlitt:txprollii..,:. uce was still lower.. toollowhig are um prices °torn noodities and luxuries neatly _century. ago. The prices. givek are taken.. from cbargts in AA old • "Counter hooky .of 1020, 19.09..i. eggs,: 4e, a dozen ;.britter 'ctilia'oell).9;4PcPaPP1111 .t5e°411,34.0;' • 9.4.tlibgrhalcOgn Ib; whiskey 2c a 014 wheat 400 a. Date lae a bus.; porn 25e a -milailh'20c and 0c a yard; 'Calico. aac ' and. &Ons, yard; flowered '•ft..Yettlr ealt ..2.*.e a lb. . Te Hardware -, House PHioNg 60 pelivet Your Order 405004(A* we Receive It --Tiiesday, Dec, 14. '• Misi !Vera Alton la visiting frielads...at Nile. ;• t . - ••' arebaling an ePidemie of citiiltinA rDcl ba@s...inat 119..w./. • • ••''.. .. • ' , Miss Beryl Johnston waa hem from GQdericll for the •vveek end.' •. ' ' Stephen Stothers,. of Guelph o. A C• ip-horpo'frop the Christmas kolidaYs: ' e, • Mr. 1114rsh:111,:nf: Kincardine'," vistreci'. S. hiseister, Miss Marakill, over SundaY.. , Misses, Mary and tarbant Oulbett Stindaaed at the heine of their brother, James; Mrs. Bla,ke returned last week "from h few days' visit with Luelthow friends:-• : • Richard. Finlay; is .still seriously • ill, slight liotip 'Wing entertained for MS recovery. Mrs. D. Anderson reterned home lat week from a two weeks' visit with her eon and daughters. here. Rev. A. Langford, of Kincardine, preached educational sermons 013 the_ Aslifield circuit, while Rey. S. J. Bria. gette went oa the Same mission to the Bethel circuit. /kir. Langford' had his subjeet well: in hand, demonstrating tLe as value:at eatication and mete educallen • • in evety dePartinentef life, and present- • :The,Itingle ' *as expected, the Box Social . at School No. 9, Kinloss,- resulted in an all round good We don't know that .any who came failed -to certainly there "Was no. room for any more, and infivitig.-aboat in the hall dur- ing: the evening was,oat, of the qiiestion. The preemie was not concluded. aditil Aftet one o'clock the.motning after the night before, and. the ,crowd - stayed. throughout the whole of it. • It was a fine, orderly crowdtop, indeed theyourok folk of the lbeality are to be pongrafulat, ed upen their excellent behavior: pro'Wd- ea' as linutie was more • noise teighti have been expectedl hut everybody tv,as well eethrtained and in • the :best of ed the claims of the Educational Depart-, mint of the Methodist church in a clear and able manner. . • %- T:POSTAliE Rag TO FRAME :The Honourable T. Chase • Casgraiu: Postmaster General Of Canada; has been succesifill as a resUlt-of negotiations 'en- tered intii with the Luperial Postal An- thoritien, in . effecting an grrangement -Go•vernment whereby peicels from Canacla,for Canadian sold - lets in Prance ae'd-Rlanderit will be car- ried at the same rate Of postage: as ,ap, Plies to pareels: from the. Ueited Kink- dom for the Expeditionary Forces on the-Contineet; that is, :* • For parcels . weighing •U. to three Pounds, 21 cents. , • , `• . :Ter parcels Weighing over t e e pol,nds and Apt' mOre than seven pounds, This _ means Material '• reduction on the cost of parcels, and it is hoped , it will be A sour,ce of •.satisfaction to the:. Cauadiark This.'reductionLlag, beeri• hronght:abbut by Canada forego- ing al/ poital charges for the conveyance of:these parcels in ca•nada. and on„ the Atlantic. ' • Btg Money For Advertising -In .the Saturday Evening Post.for.De- ceinber 2nd, apPeari a -two page. &dyer', tisement for certain electrical appliances. The two pages are nOt a's large as One of Ibis journal, and are printed -in two -col - Ors: Our readers' Will be amazed to learn, • thatthe price.Paid for 4 single insertion was„$43,000. Had it been in, one color only the 'pride •vvOtild l'aveibeen•$11,000. This particular '`ad" was placed thr/!C he:blip/A:60N at a tall cost of 03000: •Evidently American manufacturers 'hew in judiciouS advertising. •• . • • • • • • • Godericii fownsliip lifin. , The remains were interied.in, the be yOung in yearn' but in_ sts years Kingsbridge cemeiery on Saturday morn- seem to have merle- little dilferenea,on jr.ig;-:.411iftpallbeitforawerel-Petey Atratin; .1„lith, And::we-disluiv if: there is in th ' 1- A J • I. Sullivan; Joseph 1. Dalton tied nets. in the deilee /as he, ikno"ther ..W.O. tallit 131.1".been, visiting her -'son. Walter lor: . 1 44 .roye. He leaves to mourn -his lose it' not overlook was Bridget.DoliertY who some time, has rettirned hoioe, . : '. t wile and young -family -of five. The sio-.. gave•a 'very: eli texiainirig and htughable Mrs. Eldred Yeo, who has, been Visit:'• cerest sympathy of the community is dance. Mr. Neil **pill= supplied extended to the fanrily in their hour • of muiic for' the ' dances and Mise Leila ing her father, Bev.' T. .Snowden,., dt: bereavement. , . Yarinotith Centre, haS ..returned hoin•.;:.: ' • • Scheitte well, performed: the duties'of tie- 11 w sh • the title of the thrilling War ..dratna in al musicians. Financially ite • '.1. ('11 ,as Tebult, arrived,home trent taaskatchawan fout acts, 061104ise the affair WaS clecidedIST. 8110- tl. week hgo and Will, remain P. toititle • 9f" .. whieh Will be presented in -the ' , • ,--Mo nday, Det. 'Bethel Sundey School purpoae holding their Christmas tree, on Dee..23rd, • Mrs. Joe Jervis, of Holinesville; visit- ed ftiends on theith Con...last week. Mrs. Wiliiam Perdue is visiting: hoe • Biller, Mrs. -Jas. Donaldon, of Bayfield. Mr. and:Mrs. Sainuel.EnersOn spent .Senday at'alie home of,..".1Yilliain Currie. . •Miss May Elliott, daughter of Alex. Elliott; safferi ea from at:6a' of pleurisy. . !„ • • '• The many Merida of Robert ,Beacnru will be sorrEto.hear enjoyie:a,_• good" heal th. : Si.ep ten • lartie,. ohir. Couitney, dohniry.a,nother man of hisoage actise • gre..;•Jitni‘s, widiacea,of Olinboil, 11(1 rs. . eppa.rd: dattr,4.1iter.Oftl.36.. `.foit.riip RED; WurrE 'Aso -Batt" is etfitipinist to' the singers arid instrument, Kingsbridge.Parish.liall-.(ettureh.. base- - The receiptiovere. a1/4,1ittle .over , •• , 't 1 g g'• N Mont) on the evening Of Dee.' 2`i by tlis $94, witie4.11 Kingsbrioige gramatie Club. • This play good for • on hank hst }Lr p1ae_is has the name of being -The' 6cei Cuban. Enienses 'Were not high and the anin- • being 'supplied- - by Nliss' Golginaii, of war play over written, and will iAideed inittee..113 charge taiga. nice :dun le font Stanley , 3 • • • be a rare treat whiCh nci • )ersoll • to the ditedit Of the Patri tie Fund: We • 4 0 ().. • . .. t a reasonable distance should miss.- The want to very heartily . congratulate • the play is full of pathos tragedy, thrillmg piting men who arranged •for and so sittuitions,'fine comedy, intense climaxes; successfully carried' out the affairt comie Irishman, and negro, three meg/. - • pificent female'pary,„piettirestine Span- HURON, COUNIV, RE. mix villain add geroiejuvenile lead. All . - the members of' the club aie indeflitig-' • : FUSES BATTALION 7aRANT able in their effortit to Maki", this a grand . ... .suecess, and no Stone will be leftunturn When Itt Sgsiidt1 at Goilerich last week ed that Will help to accomplish that 'the Huron County Council Waft asked ender vol.. A good Orchestra will be In fdt. ,), cash grantto aid in reotuitiog the attendance and will provide instruntehtal 101st or liniam BallOon. •• The-ameent musii. There will also be relined vend- ....!..i.....1 l CI,SekVLI for Iran 81,600. . The request was . evine • by well known local vocalists. referred to a special deininittee, Which Look out for Beverly, the doleed, colo ed iipniana in .favor of a fount oi ,01.,000. Odd! Come prepared to laugh and to -.being made. The tettinteteidatithal;.itew- CrYt to hear the quaint humor of t‘he ever, was not toted upon by the tetincit. typical Irishinati,ao see' gild hear the The *Ilion expressed byliteve Leckie, gothic opeehes, 'humorous tong and ofilrussels,'• who paid that flab govera- screamingly funnY•Actione of the dusitY ment ought to. make' any grant 'that genius, the diabolical °tinting and -no- would be made for slich it purpcissi; seem - scrupulous resources of the villain and to ed :to Air -riven' with the Council Air. oe how 40 Anittidail girl can tow &all Leckie thonght that too many men.e •re for the sake of those she loves. Ite.10•1 being i tkeri away from tho farms , h :. • the ItIOgsbridge correspondence nekt .twoefetkhofroroalitstitt;fetlitsaraetera, I. riopSis and as ne sanl, "Intiirlteds; of: sniffle's you , men are iinnglug4touud tho oonns 4 ,A Purple Orove . . It's Corning!. It's Almost ..liere • • be helpful ip. 'making seine, pkYoni Selecti011$4.-: xl.134Wal ,iti9vociitse, -youQ1 i toexamineand pti0's our.1 itB,Bread eua i 44$6tmOreixig.Cerlict.f .4 , a tfg`zra*m , . ...,,,. VO.,.R.,,p• GoR:elitD:Ai:e '.. Axe or 4.7„..,..144„, carpet s,.. eeper 4„1'.:Pe'art Handle ' Wright Light . . ri.04.chopper • • Pair Mitts.. ' . nutter Bowl'? Chill% • • . , „.....: , ,. ' PCuasirPMidiltr-!•?.r'P-1°:ire4' firgAoe and 10its , : ' Ccolti94 Utensils ' A1001101,14mti ' ' ` " cht`aals, 'Planet, Ac. • ' • , Set' Faim Scales ' Vacuum 'Cleaner Reacill:'.11 LeAnP ' Griedsteine ' . • t'on• .sts-rzu - • Clothes Bresh . ' vahe„ ibartow .• . • , /- . .•-'"‘ - Pipe,' . '' t Foe:fee and Shovela. 1•45iiesAut° 5k.a.tits ... :05N.reiiicpuilscHaaeonfrdostniecar4oftwerdoecivitptd.: tcsle2::::,,i,,t 8, seentss'ic,ig..its ...• spSiettigt4ratirr,r, ,.. ,., . • : F011 MOTEitIM 'an a Y 1)11t ir"‘ Set ' Asbestos •Sad Irons Corn Popper • Se Knives & Forks .fioot elvarmer ' set ,,,'.arvers ' rote Bud:Timm. A . . . Automobile Skates • 11114onckaesTy eSitgilick FlashlightGun Pock et ioi to • t . • Charcoal Xren Silverware• . Toaster Whisk Parlor Labop New Range FOR FATHER - wasitnig-MachiRe Razor leonine DIsard Strop and Hope Set Irons t 5 We Will Give Big Reduction on all Hanging' . Lamps in' Our Window \ V,. . , t,• • ••5. • - WE P. IM TQ 1?1.EASE •TIYE STORE NITHERE YOUR .141YEY GOES FARTHEST 11, WE -have a woll: as -sorted Sfock in. Staple Gods , which means a mving to- our Customers who buy now as all .kinds of wool, cotton and linen- are still advancing in prioe. • In Men's Worsted Suits, made to order, We have k 4 „some specials at, the old price, gen% '-Sweaters, in-ireitur-z1-1-46-17--ar$2530, ea a4sorted colors., - A ieir Mon's:Overccat3,at Bargain- '1)..ricea..- - Mens Overalls at $1.00.- • ,Liiied Smoolis, $1.6o. .11.11 accounts rendere4 must bo paid in December. . • .Thoss,oving bills ill kindly accept this not!.ce.. '• Butter atui Eggs taken as Cash:. • WILLIA.M. CONNELL as' , - -Don't forget we carry Fine Furs and 'sell at close prios. See our Men's Obon 'Coats at $60 and $65. Bargains in odd Muffs and Stoles'. ., Reductions in Millinery. Some good shapes still in Stock . -Mrindey, D. Miss Nina Blackwell is home freni Shakespeare. •- . ' Mex. Stanley -is home after spending the'summer in the West. . Will berdne.„r of CoCirran, called' oi. friends at the Drove last Saturday; Nfisg Margaret MeDonald,. Ainberfv-i, sioent Llie week end •with her .anut,..Alts. •• Mitts Villa EinmerACiris ithnie •after. 'spending it fortnight with her. aunt, Mrs. ,Will.Moetgemery-, Mr. and Sire: Sill wore in Kincardine' on Sunda'y attending the funeral of ••liN, Samtiet Emmerson, Airs. • Hill's simier. It is only abnut two • weeks sinee til death of Arr. Enimprson, " It is with regret we mentionflu, re. of Nit-. ae.1 Mra Clitistotther 11. ,g ••tas -I knelt' trotll Our, net. it • • , Cy. 5,i U,ViIlg thia A ; drattti4 ' The days i4re slipping by,land Chri.s,finas will QQq bellete. Begin to ,preer1.t-s..116* 61-1PTS7 Therelis nothing rit a more ustiful present 'than ,-.Sthoqs_Warrn. Sil.vpers:/. arid Rub:bet; PodtiVear., , . . • We have the stiappieSt.- ine.-4 up- .. ave'have it lat'gtv .',tock di Oozy - to date, fine Ladies'. Shoes ./ve. ' •And 'Felt $lippers t.6,choose front ever had. Pri eseroni 2.50.. up , in at. thapopular calors, ' Price:s. to $4.56. 0 • : : . ' • :. 85.4 1.00.and $1.2‘5. .; . •_ ,. -Bargains i . knbilie6 alid.• OVerS1:1.6P:Iill af.4!r. X IiIiis• . olio wi tvp ei,ces• Speak; for:t he niserts, . • , ..: . • • • n'S 4 -buckle 0:versLde uo - : -Sleet's 1.euclee Overshoe; spec- ' better tuality matie: Special fat .1...t'• ea $4.59; • • . , . price $3.00. . , • .., -... ' Alen's. 1-11fickle. Heavy Rubber 'qMtutlenit8y. 1k247.7. v'-e•I's..117(ri-'-•,1).6kelsi.. i''Sanzarii\la:::-.Pc,r6'3,46:4a're,P:e'i7‘,.,,i-ii2t4a,,4107*R-o-u-b..shDer.-1.-1• . •,,. 16. • ••• --,Priar'euality Nei -Cs felliii:Isii.....• WtneNt's High Bawl Over, Overshoe, price $1,744 ' ' ,,'elicte. price...441.90: • . . , ,. , .• • . - HOCKEY' SHOES: ogrstock ef H•ickey 'slie/,-s iol dotrtOleie : .ittli.eu:s, l • i .., dfys' ''atid t., .adis'. zit. popnlar p; ites, .Clii 'aild ask to see' I.tItie W. J. jOVN F,* Lucj(now,.. Ont. 0 UTTERS A S Call and se,fliern be -fore buying-, . LOUDON'S FEED and LITTER CARRIERS STALLS, STA .4C14I0NS ' and PENS:, TEESWATE'AZ.• ROOT' PU P 6 y vope I Nev,Seivini.i.MAchirkes ••. r." • ,