The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-12-16, Page 4METED r the tortureeof lame nerd joints bemuse of , end saelt suceeeding vete until rheUMMdmit. T. serest xlmumatimit it ise as int. all toimprove your genc then parity your blood, and the liver he .latiott.'it Ituuilsion la nature' greet Isloeillsseakers while its Medicinal nourisht assist strengthena the ongautnto expel the imPuritita, and uptimild your ritretsgth,‘ liktelit's Itmulitant is helping thousands eittry day who 0%14 not find other relief. Rehm the alcoholic iruhariterea„, Business PA Society Cords JIM 811110140.144K0 14 SONS. Ltd.. titIiiPb. Ontansurarieit. Mre and Nadu* Si/1RM $.14INDbA ..hucknOw, Ont. Agent • for variouu lines of Insuranceafire (Int' We Tint alma companies guaranteed. .)ctly reablent agent in 1,4uuknow ot the I.iondon . Mutual. number of village end farm PrePortles for sale. I O. A Y. Inichnow bodge meets every Fraley. _evening at Cr Clock ilk their -Hall. Cale*. DWI street, All brethren cordially Invited. 0dlicers:4;Noblotirand.-Thos,-.Watconiltlee- Grand„ 14. W. Armstrong. Treas., Aim 11.0.9n. itaC'Oerli 4•Borik:rie, Secy., Dr, Pat. 4. r..scG. fl. o, Chi Light Lodge meets averY 1IMusd.14.,Y night on eeseterathe'.reit 'nwan.ln the maSoniellaii.Have1Oeir;street Muclienald; .0. W., CianerOnt4.. A„ .. Wilson.. • ' V, D. Y. Court Sherwood. No. 60, Lucknotv, . meats every iast Monday of the Month In in the ciddfellowiekIall. Visitiingbrettiern cordialltinvited to. attend. Chief Dengue, John Deli._ Seq., Rola, tinhorn: ' Yin. Secy., .101inStOb, Treas. • • . 'a• 0. U. W. tucknow Lodge, No. 137, meets seco..ti Monday of each month. In the .0dd.• fellows' Hull. Master Workman, Wee- Diarmid; Secy., Alt, lifizeIntosin iteo. , Secy.. Deo, Potter; 'I'reas.,, Alex. Rouse ..• Dentai * • • o, tt. stain/ 211 134;t0lt .141901Mi weeswater.-: spec taiattentionteigold, pl_ates, crowning and work, :visits wroteter La. and 3rd.. nesday Of each -menet: Vorrie Thur.' - Oh A. NEWTON., A D. -ER, Dentist. 01110 • Allin BLauili lock, now,. Ont. All modern " methods awed. -Best mat,alials furnished, .0rownand Bridge work.; Elitaless,,extract- . loaby the use or : the iatest,_ _simplest and ..'.eareaL .reniedy•".• •s031N0FotrAl.- •Plewcat • thing In artificial:oath.; Aidadina plStead• .- mon breakable e • • Winter Term from Jan, 3rd CENTRAL STRAtFORD. ONT. . _ , . _ . .. Canada's Beet Business college: .. -• - .We,have,threeclifierent departments -.tCainsinereial, Shorthand and Tele- graphy. . Our graduates are securing good Positions. We are receiving • many applications we cannot meet, I , In two days this term we receiyed 14 twit - rations for trained.help. same calls ontr- ', log from 115 per mouth to woo per anima • .remataanittliod,.'Siet our free catalogue at .1.1, A.' .altC1111.411, Principal. . • . 'CREAM WANTED wx want cream and will pay the, highest inarketaniceslor geed cream, __summer ,CreanierV and, - Cheese FactoryPatrons haying, cream during the winter months would do well tO ship to us: We weigh, sample and .test each can of cream carefully that we receive, , and return a".statement of same each time: We furnish two cans, pay ',express charges and issue. • 'cheques for 'cream twice eath--- inenth. Write us and give us a trial.. It will cost you nothing and we guarantee you satisfaction'. . For further particulars write or send for -cans •and give- us -a trial. •The &thrill Creamery, Seaford', Ont. G AND TRUNK RAI LWIAY SYST EM . ..... , HRISTMAS and W:.YEAA:.,FARES •111NOLE FARE. • : .(lood,,goidg ' Dec Zilth' and 25111, .• Return limit Dec 27111, . Roc.3ltt, 1915.„ and • • Jan. Ist,*.1916, Return • linill,Jatt. Jra, 1916. •.• FARE ONE ONE-THIRD Good going Dec. 22od, 23rd, 2411, 'and 25111, Return !halt Dec. 28t11, &soloed going Dec. 28t11, 1915, to Jan. 1916, Inclusive. Return limit Jan. 4114 1916. • li.eturn tickets .will he issued between 'ail Station111 Canada east of Port Arthur and le -Detroit and Port -Huron, Mich.., Buffalo', .111arik Rock; Niagara. Pans and -Suspension-Bridge, Tickets and fall information on appli,- -atitertsr_G•rand Trunk-TieliatAge.nt . O MARTIN, Agent, LigcluiOw. Phone, 2- SCilOOL REPORTS Asurno • • , sermairo • • COntieuation Clais.!--Jean Scott, 6. Sr. IV.-Lorise Farrish, 85; Marjory •••-.-4-•.---7---H-1----07thriotoiii • .• Sherwood, TOCk; Harold P,ergiiiion, 100; Mame Mullin, 00; Bessie Reid, 70. • ' Sr.IIL--Frank Reinhardt, 100; Ruby lehnston,' 70; Arthur Aehford, 70; Cecil , - Mullint •Jr. III.--VioletDrennaii, 90: . Sr, II, -Albert tton 10; Stephen' 'Reinhardt, 60; Leonard O'Lepglilin, 40, Parrish, 66; Ambrose ,4K- v.. • ' 77.; I-7,774117- 14,141464•11pplirrr77,w•,-...7 ••••- ---••,••••• • Trio Leetesow 'istormost. ••••••••••••r1, ".^T.K77k1r7""m"M" 41 q Thurottay, ernje i.6t f 0,5 Vie lititittiout, eptuttuti tilOW WE' TRFar One 'I'RA OUR hEROL.0. - . ey.es. wfUtlel tiftak that, when — , they landed, We would b$ down. at the pahlimatel, every frituredity_ moraingcCapatitan wharves with flags and Isrnds and a at Lutailiaw• Ositarkt . Courie:.), . ,. , . . yottlejpg welcome. We would 'surely 40MA.oir*NZI*Pro motor ]?or the lito of 403 I Ig$14'1°t 'and"' 'ill 111.' 1. %LEI okf to their Waiting homel- and Eattor• i.tand the mentatattitutio• of ow.lne iet..•, ' ,et0 ours, if they lacked lama. in towera tlge -wei. Tau., for eXtunl** mateninbiles, the heroes of tiaelday, eir Attitude toward tio,'' nadian boy . . . , x it x • . who volunteers to light ft!, iiEtArn. iTt44te' : But what de we clol We put them to .. .........,......... . . be:, waiki out of at WO boolo or a- Pp° sleep IA immigration abode,- and Are The rinestion naturally arises; What ',10b --or both, ile ileadiet go, ° He could hookui and even lostatea it .00., com. ought to be the fate of William- .II Of '°a7 at liar" WIth. Oa 'Pat a Ila) w1191* 1,4a1tt that their beds UT fiill of vermin. ever Germany and fa war lords rho are •cur ()gam. .1,1e. rm,Ild Meet -us, Ara there no hotels in the country? Isn't ,w *wintering on our gay streets,.sitin front die cloveroniAnt rich suonah to p#,-4, Ruitt7i"4140Ellrol?0411. war m4 411 it° 'orus at WI "nioviee, dine. with us at rew a,,,yeiltetel ,bie ler O., -man; -wile, ainie aims and horrors. If them Forel totlid bright restr,•Urants,. and •Iivea.seeure• .1c,e* emanently blotted.' out the :brightest be suflicientlerco against him to enforce; WA happy life. But he cornea up to u$ weveete•ef 114 lifoilo orderte save .our the claims • of ills tiCe is there "illdoIs,„ inseffeett oSorita of us 14.'lat g°' ''ree institutions from being riddefittlown any . good' mann ;wily they ,should'I'4-4°Tila PE de z*u't dm alil 4414:41a - aill: 'iy. 1.41110.iall T.11)14041 We fawn on them not be treated like common robbers and t 414 14341-10 a 41°141"7°44 a. Clar"-I/9"la to enlistkana then we et,...9.0. wit. 11 14.04erera unless :10.,aesume.thg the i', a us must elidure.the •wearidg'„Viseiba. immigrants... when they •cbine ..lanne too Scale onwhich.erinania.carriedonnittires 6g' wftring t'.1 '11°. r'-'44 '"Ad• 0°4 -"II .• badly: injured 6 -go baelt into the #ring ' a difference-d'hopunisliment tobein. stlwdia..'; for cl ' in 4°441114 4°4104 . line., "What do you thin,i; .0('-itl.' .Private• an laverse-ratiq'Wthtrningoiindgrof110., -,177,89-•0ekolA5 11 40.140APV---911-.4319.11-Pt4aterprises,•°,saebt-astiva,Icliakt:44.eagiitic, crinies.-iltere is no getting., away ;freer ''?1e114141).ide°441Y maime4 49r lift"' i4°1t ' lo yodel* to'inalre. Up for; • Our ,nationat the1aet that theee- mei • ought to he (4 11:8''''''0 '3* the 911.1/4"ftri'ul 1141' 76'.': .0&:4e0L. This simplY Means that :a nurn- . . treated as ordinary :murderous highway- '15hj.1414tyli,cor'.atvh: '7.;;:ei-,,.'''1.0tee';'.61*:.:Pr.titit‘'„,t°4; iii:. Of our.;oit4eAc. ii4:ve"- theTekht ',eta - Men,. be tried iit.Ourt in the countries tUed'of minculiiivard these boys . Who edpiathey found thuir vicuns'.•and'T11,611r-641-iv JleF1414,0,rharig9..bigt.:r 4.3,Niefferelfor.in thok,,iitt'erinost:,erie swing,on thogallowair,found:guilty thait.Y.04 Oen.: • T-wiligQ.::-I-lik:04.4A4Y; - .riftpe:-,-Riiknationitlly, we na4i...'41 .the .- ' , That may steM like- all 'extreme' .Nil,w .. . ,. x x x . . lad who veluntee.m: .`4:1rdandViaOit:iirea:1)eoi. soldier and not likely' to be: carried.;Out,' even i...•:OrieWould.,:think,that the Man, thVa .now, 1:TAU finist We' should the wait* fightineakiha,„intar- left, seCure..'.and.•peinfortable At 'borne,' .66tlabig•'!.;' Tbti isight'beall 40#:it:TM 'oak. of Itietiee and eiviigatina$;Pririe alcol,44 be toe' grateftiVfor. words. ••E‘4!n. 4til,didit,Hf. the wilolentitioe put itself strong enough to bring thi. criminals to if he werabeiond the age or unable tft undefat' sohner's. regime.' But how pain. trial, but We are by no means .thefirst passthe,heelth test, lie stands to benefit ed' we would bi if the soldier tried to put to suggestthat the eturdererscell' and eeorrisously-sincalcniablY-loythwilinit-, himself under onr'regiine-4tif he said:. "I the.gallows or'the block for ' the . Kaiser lesssacrificed his young iriend. Surely will'fight for you, 1)10 El:dollar-odd O, day and his assoeiates incrimewould bathe he will not be able to do em:nigh tor' the is not good enough. Pay ine ten dollars: right termination of the War. In his splendid andunselfish hero who *Baran* a, day. .1 Must Wye a motorcar if I:come :excellent- little-- volume on oThe---- -offilvitVicl-'stiff-sUpP'erlip'tefight---In,t,- auk; .-,-Ini ustnialre erionglt-out---Oftha Leila!' A. G. . Gardner, • a prominent battle for hitu'l You wont I think-. that; War; to be iedependently, riekafterward. English writer, andini taers fire brand, vvonlan't youll But •.:hat in , the fact? Why shouldn't, 1.3 , I risk more than the says; "The world will bean the better Turn to thUt stay -at -ho me map, and pay 'War profiter.' You tarn out , of , your ; if, ‘after the war,. there, isanotherreinin- to him; . 'These. lads .to 'whom we .have house when I COMO back and try sleeping :der that thedivine•rightiaanantiquitted itist.said 'geed -nye' are gang to need in thojannigration sheds, I'll take Your 'fonYi 40kings can be tolerated only as: ,this,-thatand.thanther thing .to: Mail& etnnfortable-be," Yet, ye gatie and little expressions of the will, and tliat'-thein-tOnake tlfentOst ...f taeii vallio '•• - fishes,. Wottld'et7 that be a fitter .state or if they offend against:the laws �f ..huai-nese to. fight for us, and. w ' would 11 et-. affairs ihan. the bid(' One selfishnessand enity they must pay the like any Yon ,..td ..help wooly` tbP4-',- . through -.•the, ingtattttmde:whicli .now-clisgrace-ast--:. . other 'criminal." After piloting out that .Govesernent"; and what ti.;.), 4 Mr. Stay-, 'if this cOilree 4,4-., notpursueil, the. slinall,...0-trolve.dol, 13"as ie. say -,..,Rete is :ABOUT .PARCKS , .. neutral countries are likely' to . be the my chance t� `yoltintterl '' Ilet (slaw:her. '• • . ''. TO TtIP SOLDIE'R-S. eufferers, he contiffiresi ”For this reasen I de my bit for the eountiyr ' Not so. . . .Iim.glact t� see that the nioVenient..for you would n. aCe:: Too Often r hp,•iie.eiliti t .-_.... rnm-thi,.POorOfti ca-pepart,Oeili action Meng; tkelinea .1° have indicated r•) say: "Ifereie.my chit .tce to • ' 'd�' : the • .., . . . is coming from neutral quarters,' ',Seller ,:oantry." : : Ottawa, Canada • Perez. Trialia„.Whe'r0Presented VoloMbia s, But never mina his attitude toward , . • a . at ::thp„.., lest' :°Ifagrie .ConVentitat,..'llaS, ais.Countr.Y.. Ve disetutsed. that the.oth- : ' Newspapers rip constantly urging the .already called Or the ParilcbMent of the 'er day, 'B-, 6 think of hiz' ottinicle 'tow Department, and. applications ' are still Pril,nintii a:et.s. Of this war*Cording to ard thuboy whethaS' last gone off to (lie being .reesired h*e. to halr.e' .alf Parcel's the comnioo &Willa. COO."' ' .. . for him! He' says,ineite-et: "That pair addressed to our soldiers in France sent Theidea44 the: 'suggestion • are the, young feel has gone away now. I'll juSt; free or at reduced ratesof postage, there Outcome of the' development -of thedenv 'inke-a.dv t- 0- ' - f r b _ :t - . k . eiridentlY being the tmpieseion that . the ,.. . ... , .. . , • • a,n it,.,e o is a sestet, . o • ma t • • , . • , . . ocrattespint Which regards all • men itt: lite hard for him when lie gets backancl 1'.a9ffi-66 DetArt616at )14.- Caqadal has equal 'before, the ia*, and. refines • to. ..easiforttne. YOU Won't see,' nerworkin4 eoetrol of this, and can de as it wishes. heliere' that:SO.41 Prominence or high,,. for no dollar ii -day to beii -,'in the w•,..,,. This.ie.not Correct, inasmuch as the even kingly, office putau Man above eli• Ita.11-6,js dojo& thes-A3,.. Nothing of t,, transference 01 _parcels depends On . a. laW . civil and moral alike,. • ‘ . .. • .. . •-•-,------,__ ,_ - , • .. -. V. s..-rtz.uNti Fowl!- . THURSDAY, DEC. Nth. 1915 ,. THE rATE or TH.4 ISAISER , 1 -Stirtelfirectepttimrs, iii"::their discussiou • , , The tone. dg a number of united , .. , •, of the War, has changed somewhat of lata • At firstas fiercelyanti-German as our own of the British joirnals, they are now diapdsedlo argue that the one is about as bad as the other. -, $iiii the Chicago Tribune: "Greece has at least done. this Much::: It has.clat• ifiecl;the air of considerable hypocrisy!' The. hypocrisy, is- that of the %Allied powers, more partiCidarly Britain, in Claim* to be the champion ofthe rights and neutrality of small cemitries. Ac- eording to. The Tribune, the Bsitisli'and Preneit are as unjust in lancting troopii in greede to fight the Rutgers ad Ger-, mans as the Germans were in marching derest Belgiunile iglitthe-Freribli:- -,--- , The comperison does not hold good, however, ,as the Greek government under Yehilellos, not Only invited the Allies le put armies into Greece, but premised to assist inthe_CamPaigri... there was then a change of government in Greece -and a change of Policy, hut not before the Allieshad made all their plans based antiOn•-80- Sr, I.-A.rith.-Matthew 100; ThomasFerguson, 100; Frank Hog-- an, /5; Mary. Reinhardt, 50; Mildred -1, two from another. listen 1. -Agnes Cranston, 00.;. Marie Courtney, 80. 1A" -:-Leo CoUrtney, .75. These marked (+) absent for.exams. Ne. ma toll, 25; . average, 20, sort!. No I'll ta.ke vantage of the pref,,- mg heed Ong it -tion•Lrind-ar. the PerielidP. Goverilnycnt in coliduc- big:the war, ,to char0. two or tbree 'prices for whatever° they bay of me;and when--tbat-yourig nuthusiast etimes home from' ihe wars -or what is leftsif bim- he will . have to work that much the .harder to Pay the additional taxes need- ed to pay ray •war•profii.,.' Ofcanna., he'll never know it . He's too bot oi serving his Country to inspect a little thing like &tit, rii levee get his grati- tude by makings-ereat favour of giving hire a job÷et low wages. He'll be glad to get it at any price, bens,use he has lostuararrit oeat letfightieglny battles for the. ,P11:Eeft by in my 'motor ca:r, while he lime' along in my dust -L. -my nietor car botigitt out Of:the Wj",i' PioAts', which I made supplying him with equip- ment in which to get'. Maimed for 'our common country,' aed whieh he is paying _me r.ow inacIded taxes ont_eflis cut wages that I am _torterone' enough to give him. . Can you beat it? Yet -that must be the mental 'attitude of, those men who are making doable profits out of tbe war ---,instead of Conscientiously. working for tile Governinent as eheaplyras they poi - speciat conventien,. Under the terms of whi.,hltirpareels are transmitted,. and_ under-thatteintsLof- which. 'ONLY tan parcels-betransreitted to ngland and Franee. .4s-Canticie is ottly one party to this agreement, it is not possible for her to take independent action. and lower the rat* • If Canada did this, the par cels would simply riot be received, ,or, if delivered in England, weeld not.- be transmitted to France nor distributedhr England. , • ' --:Application- has already been made by the Canadian Post office Department for a reduetioq, oi the rates of postage on parcels pcsted in Canada and destined; n an&tbishasbeenrefusedisy England and France on the ground that the ampunt of parcels and Mail • matter presented at the present time is such as to strain altimat' to the breaking :prrnt the trairport eerviae, and the War Office has stated publicly that it canna and wilt not transport more. parcels than it )ias been doing • -This shiteinent was Made in the 'Brit- ish House of Commons, and the reasons above were given as to Why, theyWroeld not make a reductinn in regard to par- "Cels'being sent. from -England. What France.ancl England could not do for their. own people, they could not do for Canada, and an orenver they. have refused thasipplications Of the Department t� have this done. ' : The inunber of parcels is so many and on landing in Greece and • &stab:lino sibly can. ' If they have the‘OOLirege or the stmin on the transport systeni_ia Urea •assistancb, They Cotild net be the brains to look their own conduct in greatut the presont time thatilieBritish expected to change their plant and put the face at all, hew ean they see it chi' ' Governmetit has notified the Post Office in and vvithdravi their armies to sur t e 'Changing Conirdlof 'Greek aitY ;The Oran e ese tnited tates papers appears, to be due party, at any rate, to the "contemptuous critic- ism of the United Sta_mfi,..by-thc.--p -in-thee-warrifinTtions. These think that ,;Unclet Sam is taking aitogetheitoo much abuse and insultairom Germany and Austria, both of which.have drown- ed Many American citizens while 'within 'their rights -upon the. ear Americans, at first stung by the insults of Germany, are now stung Iv the gibes of the, Allied nations. • - _ThelinitedStat incy has suf- fered abuse at the lands Of Germany such as ode country is mit eipected to • E. HATA TeaCker, $100 Per Month Cape Sensabough of the tug Mystery Against whoin a tine of 860) was reedrd- ed last week fortiel,ing intoxicating liquorin ifi Owen Sound and got time to, payit. yesterday accepted thit alternative of go- ing to jail for sit months; He is now doing tima--and unless the signs change the roseswill bleOill before. the Skipper of the Mystery walks the quitrter deck of hit ifiyilteriona craft,. Still a hundred dollara* month IS geed pay--,twheri you fkolonp Soo „ 4001100 of civiiigAtion, There is a good deal of jtistide hi the view, a vieW shared by many prominent Americans, that while the Allies opposed to Germany and her allies fight ffir civil - ization, the United States stands by and, makes money fait of the war. It is not &stand to be proud of, but, on the whole it is perhaps as well that they have kept out. The country is a great storehouse for the/ Allieste draw upon for munitions and food,. • But the Arnerieans are beginning to feel their position: Hated by the Get, mans because they Bond Munitions to the Allies, and held in contempt by the Frimeli and many British because they are not taking n, more active part in the ferentry. fro in iYhat . We ' have outlined Departnient of Canada that temporarily all parcelcare seduced_toseven „peunde, aboyet T 803' notliTi*ilerw 61 11181hii that Is, no -parcel weighing more than se poor articles to the Government to ,aeven pounds will be parried for the , begiven this brave bay to protect him Present. • . ' from hardships or ()Prima eneinies at, The Eritigh War Office has notified e-pirtratititein-tment-ef-tb Gera that it is cessary to hunt the . amount ling the moral position of any suchof parcel traffic for the troops during the 'They are in thuposition of the men who Christmas and New Year's season; in the sold peldter bayonetsitio the British army -interest Of military efficiency. ' The War many years itgo-Ithayoneta .w. hich bolt Office poirits out that the great bulk of BRIXE COUNTY COLINCIL Tho County Cannon of the County o Bruce met in the Council Obambers, Walkerton, on -Tuesday,. 7th. December, as per adjournment, 4 The Warden was in 00 Chair and all members present. ° Tbe December Session of Council i Always "pay session!' closing, up. the ,jaceounts•for the year. This year an unusually large -number of accounts wets presented and the Finance Vonim,, ittee was kept busy, but under tbe able g uhlanee of ° AMMO Brown of Made), kept up, with:its work and finished the ' lis t. • . A letter was read frorri the Treasurer of the Belgian: Belief Fund warmly thanking the County for the- aSsistanet given, this hind and showing hi* badly required it was. • ' The towu h ot Seafortwroto asking the Counoil.to jail in a *test:. agSinst the • raneecatlietae; tn_linperatintigtiotr:nt• teaghers. • ThaCouncildid not thinkthe . 'Act far and agreed to protest against r" AtS being passed. TheWeir, of the 32nd. ltegt and Col who has been apparntect to : comma -ed. the Battalion • tale:raised in - 'Bruce, for OVerMa service, appeared be- fore the Council asking assistance in thk recruiting of this Battalien. Council gave a grant of $1,000 ked also recommended that -All officers asfer as POSaihie Should be BMW C01114 Men.,, t° " The appointmnont of 11, Goal Surgecin; rendered necessariby the death 'of the late Dr. Sinclair„was taken up. There were five applicants, Drs Farewell, Parker, Sinclair and Stalker, -all of.Walkerton, Five votes were retfalred to make the appointment, Drs. Hall and Stalker on the fourth vote being; ties. Dr. Hall recei-V-Cd another vete on the fifth and Was declared elected.. • The Townships of Turnberry and Cul - Toss have Mated e Writ against the Counties of lluren and Bruce to compel thernto bridge a sinkhole nn the County boundary between these Townships... A Committee from. Brace .a,nd one from Huron has visited the place anti report- eolthat all that was required was to clean Out Some ditches. The township say OW Olt net de" as the road- there is sinking and draining will not -prevent A,COmmittee was appointed to confer with a committee from Ii81.08, if one appointed, there with power :to act. A by-law was Passed for borroWing $57,900 on debentures to pay tlie granta madefor Patriotic purpose', the trem- bers. thinking such .payments might well be spread over ten years, the tertn of the • The question as to the payment of fees by outside papas attending Continuation C/latises, where the Schools received tlie County grant Claiming pupils living.in the County but outside the.,place where the school was ahead not have to pay any larger fees than pupils residing in that place',is the, class was largely main taitted.by the Government and C iunty grants. The matter was ..al.lowed to stand for this year, but action along that line will probably te taken next year. Mr. Joynt, 'of Lucknow, railed the' _tustioi D.% astotohtethdoispRoaLti6oen_nofit_itive ugtr ITATe-rJhe Act these Maybe Claimed by the inspector' and -sent to the Medical Schools, Unless claimed by: relatives or friends within_ twenty-four hours after death 'fins Me. Joynt thought was not right. It was decided in such cases that the War- den should claim all suet) bodice on be- half of the Council, and have them bur- ied. Mr. Ballachey again brought up tbe matter.of :assuming by the dounty of the Cidertiridge-in Paisley- The Committee appointed to see the. bridge reported it was over the length at which the law requires a:County td. aniline a ',ridge, and after Coneiderablediscuseicht, thehridgewari assumed. . • An offer was received for the sale, of some mere land for purposes of the .House of Refuge' Consideration thereof, was deferred until the January session:, The Council h i gbly complimented Warden MeCannell for the able Manner in which he had discharged the Onerous. duties of his position in a difficult year. --In-replYthe-Vardenthanked_the_thein- berg for the courteous and 'able manner in which they had supported hint, and for the business way in which they had looked after the many matters .brought' [before them. l• U.13:=Irr INCORPORATED 185$ vrt ANTAL AND RESERVI: 8 800,o04 96 Branches in Canada A Oeneral Booking iltiSiness Transacted " Circular Letters of Credit, Bank Money Ora!era. • SAVINGS BANK, IMPARTMENT Interest allowed at highest current rate , T. RIID Manager, . Good..for ,bread, - good for pastry, ,.good for you. - is understood. • that. -JudgeDo e,. though still vigorous.in mind and body and capable of -rendering further good staser.itivicwer,oynatgberie teunilu rbitiscir;is.ehed the . Andrew Oehler, lessee of the bar of the. Oolborne Elouse, Goderieh, was last Week fined $50 and ccists foe keep. ing.intoxicants for sale. On the same day Clarence Swartzwas tried on a charge, of bringieg limor into dry'. ter- ritory. • •10 . was shown that •Swartz's auto had. three cases of liquor. loaded. into it at Mitchelkhut theanagistrate_ didt�flsider • this grounds ..iipon which to register a conviction. . • Dr,.. Smith, :..Nrrnerly.' Of •_Bayfield, - who joined the army 'medical corps in England iast .sutnnier,.. Went., to the -Dardanelles suixisweeks.. age' With • Wash uniL He is now in cimige of the typhoid wards, with. threedectors; sit nurses and eighteen orderlies.under him. He 'has - • been ' complimented several -times -by -the: Officer---eonsimuid= ing•On his 'successfitltreatment of eases. The eleeriliness,of the wards also. • has' Fon the warm Commendation of 'Coll onel. Wileox,-.who in:'. consulting pliy-. siCians..in all be hospitals. • . Bad* Fuca( THE .TRENEfIES..1-Pte. Thomas- Pritcherd, 'who has-been with 'the -Princess Pa tricias at the front retained to Goderioh last week to spend a week with friends. • He was. disabled. on May 6th, hy the explosion id'if-Gerrnienz'stan''Voirik'amnthasiii :in hospitals aim* ccietirmouslyeince, • that 'date. ...He is .going to. .a ?Seeker-. isinS to ',see. if • the. ill_ effects ,..of the gas _ean Aiti-eVis. 'come. Priteher4 speaks ae P. A. .1 -Cetnity Clerk.. , ItiURON COUNTY .NEWS , 1 Mr. aid Mrs. John Brown, of Stephen Township, have been uppoir t- ed by the County Council .as keepet and matron -of- the- Huren-Gottuty. 'House of Refuge at Clinton. Mayer Irwin, of Wingliam, bas de cided to retire from municipal politics a 8 a pa a e or the po sition in January. Prospective caedi- dates are: McKibbon, H. 11 El• • Rot, V. R.- VanNorman, and Dr. Red. mond. ' • • The following' from Seaforth have enlisted for overseas service with the new Huron Itsgiineet: 'apt J. Hedgins, Prov. -Lieut. Charles Clark, Prov..Lient. Stewart Scat, Wil zliare--KT, Pte. Harry -Pierre itnitPte: .ioe Sills.. A change ha 'a been ma le in the legal firm of Prouclfoot, Killorairand Proud.' fot.k of Ooderich." Mr. IL J, D. Cooke, late of Termite, joining thefitan,whielt noW known air Proudfook 'Month and Cooke: The change: was made nec. esaite by Proudfoot, the late junior member of thartn,,enlisting. -A4 10, Johns, an old Tucherimith boy, la now principal of a 12•roomed school building, whieh was recently opened in 'York township, tiear• the eenfines Of Torontci. Prus evioto go in g to Toronto Mr. Johns Was- priecipal of the 1,toridesboro school for five vett s and also Of the Auburn ' and Porter's Hill school. . . The resignation of- Judge'l Doyle, senior judge of Huron County, is ad. Bounced. The- announeernent• has gizen rise to much Conjeciture as to the fiiling of the `Watley, but 00 Information KOOS ttn ba altiti14414 ou Wicgoint• • . inait nattier dealt.with in normal times and efurliPled up when the "Tinagne,a is already a seam tax On•the, transport depended upon tlaeinto prefect -theirservice;•that theain-nunt which the roads Lives against' charging enendea. of will carar without breeking up is 'linked; 'tours, thuenernies-killed the Tommi'es. that ammunition, food -And stores. for the army /mist neetiStatily have 1 ' pre ect Or was it _the_ eneniipq _who do -you, enife over the inaiia,---that any iteeoase in think in that' ease was the real mttrder. the volume ,nf mail trtiffic mist cause mil ---the only murderer,• for it is the delay in :the forwarding of these neces- business of an eiletny-soldiai to kill onr still'. equ'Pmeat for 'war' '' • The' pnblic are, therafpre, appealed :to men. - in their owii interest, as well as in the X i x interest of 4'11Ni:try tffioiency, to limit No, we VC just talking.,about men•-:- LIM nge of parcel post to arteies of real , ordintuy decent business men, utilii ty. who . limit, perishable articles of ell des" would acorn to sell. a poor article for the iriptionl, bot tles and earthenware jar; nse of our brave itidii-Ltinit who do. not iitinod:11)10k::encrtiCle_s are prohibited, and will hesitate to put their greed' fingers, int epted for. 1r:1118mi:4,8ton; and, the pockets of those sante brave lad:: unt'l f 1 nailer notice, riliprircel exceeding . seven peurals can or Will be ateepted for and snake out a few of the Meagre dol- tranamission to the forces in France Or lam which the ,eountry' pays Mimi for Flaorlers. . . hieing death and accepting: rurisderous All pail:cis must he strongly and so - hardships whose scars they will bear to "'rely packed in covers of earivae, linen, their graves. It's funny, isit't it? It or other strong material. Parcels which lutist be due to lack of • imagination tgioenttitAzlipl?' With iiifse• requireirtenta But, in some cases, even this explain: safely, anclFif r)obsteertiv6 d 94r de°4114t1" tion does not. exPlaia: T ‘,... the: wound- frill Le 'returac'i toP till': escen'Ardseet'a°`i 11164 ed Imiciiera who are COnling hurite to ila..- inallY Of them disabled for. die. Nei.* hOto 11 something' to be neon right Under • , • . ' name and address Of the sender Must be • :written on the outside; and parcels wbieli , do ticit'comply with, thi0 COndidOnwUL be rutoodt :11,• • very highly of the treatment he re.. ceived both in England and in Canada since his eeturn. He is'not discleuged and if he recovers 'sufficiently may re- turn to the war. . Firle NEAR lamui.Towx.„,-,,QA day night; 'Dec.:ea], as David M,iller of . near . Jumestown, was doing his , chores, after putting down hay to fee4 • the horse's, he :slipped While coming' . down staira and upset the • lantern int 'the -bar ,which immediately ignited'• . Mr. Miler tried fo „smother the fire with his, coat but failed. Fortuneate' ly he had only a eouple of horses in the building, and. these he got -safely out, " The barn contained- all •the sea,son'ir - crop of hay a 3d some unthreidied grain. 'Which was totally- destiOyed, An int- piement shed was also ,destroyed but willing tiorlie.rs succeeded in getting - - out all the implements There was in- surance in the-Howick Mutual. ; COUNTY CQUIri. C.A8b;--MV81 .Village V. • Village Of Bewail. An action taken, by Peter Murray, a farmer of the township ot Hay,. to. prevent the - pnration of the village of Hensall Irma using land. adjoinins, hia .farrn ap . inunidiptil dump ground. His Honor. directs that jedgment be entered for .1di the plaintiff against the dbferidt anfo 820 damages and also that Judgmen be entered for a perpetual injunction restraining the defendant from usinar or maintaining in any 'way the dump- ing groand or the socalled garbage • heat) on the land owned by the de.... fend-lin:Fend mentioned- irr the plead . ings; with full costs on the County Court scale. ' • === =31 = ==== EWSPAPER PRICES FOR. I9I6 . . . . ELow. j. given a list. of the prices at which we can here.: after supply city papers for the coming year. You pan save money and trouble by -Ordering at TnE SENTINEL Omon. Our intimate relation whin the city ofliees enables us to °order with the mininium chance of.loss or irregulaiity of any' kind.- We• are always in a; poSition ta•rectify errors as a complete record of all orders is kept On file. No papera "erdeted. without payment mn aaly'ince. These Prices clo'.not inpiude THE :SENTI1VEI., which -$P)O-rfer year_additional : • • Daily Globe : .. . .. . • , . • , • r • .. .. i ' $3.00 Daily Mail* and Empire, . , ..., .:•. ; ... 3.00 . London Daily •Advertiser, .• .. . . . . . :... 2.00 London Free- Press ...... .. • ". . . 3 00 , . ... Daily' Star • .- .. • .; ... --'-----• • . • • • • ...,. • • 6 • • r • IF a.. a as •61•• ' .• 2660 • Daily World• , ." .... '275 Weekly Mail 'arid Empire .... ...... . 1,00 _ , Family Herald and Weekly gtar .... . ,: ... , .... .........: . -1:00 —Weekly Sun .. • • • • •••••:•11•14;••••,••,•••••t*•••1;11•lri•J` 100 : ,,....„.„.........-......*...., Canadidnaictorial, .... • ' .1.00 . , Canadian 'Farm . •: ..... . 6 • • • • • 1.. ••••• 1000 1 ••••••••••••1 ..... ••ter•11,166•6 . 6 . "6.6 1,00 Winnipeg Weelly. Free Press. . - . • , , 1.0Q London Weekly Free Press ..... ..• ..... 1 00 Montreal Weekly Witness. .. .. ; 1..00 Canadian Baptist . .... .. .0 400 • • .. p .. r • ; • 61 V 11 6 • : • 60 " Presbyterian V • • • ..... "6 1.50 Canactien. Horne:Journal. . 1.OIT Cap1tal Authotiziiid $5,000,000 - Capitai•Pald up . $8,000,000 - Surplus . . . . p 11,060.000 • AM B1 'T 10 N Every . man s ima to be his ovv3 master, NO surer way tot get the • capital togethnithan by Startink a small- Savings ..Iteconnt. 'thiS • Bank. "• • "