The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-11-25, Page 8Thursday, November asth., ssas Zion Teeswater --Tuentlilyp Nov. 2 George Hunter had, a theessaful wood lee yesterday, , IrwinHenry, of Mafekhst4 With friends here. 7,vi x ij w14klt',a >c7tli itt weed loWill Ritchie at Lanes, ('mood-byef S;linnier; su long, l'c4 elle, Old Wtnter.time: • Hiss Helen Hackett is - dt press. visiting at Dungannon. • • . Mrs. John Johnston, of. Bluavale,•°i visiting at David' Strotid'a, Miss i\i'ary Oulbart attended the, Wal -James wedding lust Wednesday. Robert • Iluehanuait,, of St. • Helensv sited ids sister,: Mrs, 'Robert. Webste lass; geek. Ilorth Oia=Friday;.. I '+av: iso, ti lift and Mrs.. David Stroud, a- son. Con gratulation. , Muses Doneda 'and :Vino,. -Sherwood of l,aanes visited ire.• .Jat,eol Hunt last Tuesday. Miss ease Oauipbell,' of tlekito spent the Week end with her sisters hit$, ecoh" 'u i.ier' - - Clothing ofDisthiction. 3. d —Tuesday, Nov. 23, Miss Annie t�lilliew, off Ottawa, is home. for a month% visit to her .another. ed 11; rift 8 Helens r,: The 20th Century Brand `Men who like the best .and 1. who want something better than the average and yet et the full value of money, will .11.ke our latest. models in -Suits, and Overcoat. The 20th Century Clothing, of which we are, agents, means lot of-Dstinri-on '1#-th . are well tailored In the'\latest styles ---Suits that- Bt and. server -Overcoats that will' grace -and protect menwhoohave"assed up " the average >" to WHaI' clothes because they considered thew. inferior 'to gmade-to , measure: garments, will 'gad, in these, suits and Over- coats the styli,- Y . ....p e, fit: poise and dlst�n+�ilola r that". t . . ,• ., .., • , hey. usuall et in the ,moat ex .n i . . � get e. a sae made : to measure rmOnts, a►nd°what 18Tver •iHl ortant the in r u _ - chase, these at considerably.- less than made-to-order garments of equal merit. See what we are showing owe g In Men's Suits ,a01 Overcoats at $12.004o $22:00. We also have in stock other n ` ix es at much, lowerrices, which will also be found to be better than usual values. • e v, evening Someeenting, a, frontt this .lnnvigcnaninnonity a.ttenoradMeaondry the' . and report°5'good; teatiiltnne : Service in this church Sunday'evening,', Nov :.gall, at. 7 o'clock, The -.services which were held,in this; churchlastweek willbeheld. on Ttiesda i. Wednesday and: Friday evens igs of this ;weep,.' •,_ • Among the 'congregation present at Church $un.da ;niornin g Was Mir.Olivera' �, �, � fi $town who'was wounded .in '-Handers and is •on Irsay� home to the west. 'Oliver is Well remembered` here as his early home, was at' Kinn, and itis, father, ,11 E. Rrowp,.taauglit school Fere for nuuiber;of years. He gays ua a few facts on the war, whiclz'ivvs well appreciated. Everyonewas glad to see hire and wel- come hun back; uid we Hope he will be spared to do hisshare inbringing the Union.•Jack through-to••victory,•and after the victory is won our earnest det?ire to welcuure.him back to his old.,home assn. ' KEEP O V R 14,ET DRY In order to have comfort and heal h �a.E this: seas n ,. 4 of the.: year it is absolutely necessary to keep the feet dry. which' can be done by wearing RUBBERS,ANDA �V TSR,- • . �' � • • `PROOF BOOTS. Vire are; agents for the celebrated., �` Vibrated• Merchants: Brand•of Rub- bers, the kind, t1at.'fits, awell. ne. t1 and wears we . ,» ... Y I .., We have a fine' ran e.lna . g latest Styles . o fit the different toes ' . .,g.,....,. .-:.... : ..•: an• d heels now w worn and comfor.•t ; quality, l . wear, and d ,sa. ti s fac:, , t cnga.rante_d... Children's:Long Rubber Boots.,--selhnn freely at 2.25 and $2.50; nd Venis Lon RubberBoots, best. quality, $4.25.Me s Heavy Wear Boots—See puySpecial lines, coisideredthe best waterproof boots in .'. the trade .at a�i.'J~O tr ' '; .. .. and .. .. 0 de �. s Toques sial��tt dla fiaderich ;.f :witshi Miss Olive Gray is• visiting friends ih.. Leeburn - Alts Walter ,Weston bad a very sus= cessful'sale: on, the 18th;: ' Mr. John , Finley ' and. Earl Manly have 'returned house, from the west. , Mrs. Stirling. McPhail ;arid ifaughter, Mary, .are, visiting'fr'iends in Kippen.' .'1,Ir. Samuel ro _ a 13. wr,, .elf AAhfidld, Spent - a. few days, recently at• the home; of Geo. A. Cootier. -: M .r,'an dg'""Sttjvens of 'G . gder.icbt spent the week, end at ` the horns • of ll,ueben Grigg. • ' • : gr.' and Mrs.. John' 'IJ aiste2d spent-, h SundayaterdBethe.lie: lioine' of",�I►,...Geo;..,Sho ;_ ` tte p' , s.tv Mr Ar't. Cooper, of the 9th coil,,, has been. indisposed for the. last. week with muscular iheunzatisat: Mr. Clifford ,McCartney,; of Detroit,. :toot a Couple of.•cli ys', lain .week :at'the` evof Mr. s Mr F _hsaAi. a • r Mr,. ? r. and Mrs,' James -.Webster• suer' daughters, MVOle :and `t►rinnifr'ed .spent the week end wtt.h Glaerhili:,Tp.:.friends, having•coree'in gv:;Milte.r's auto, . hie Many'•frienas of; fir. Joseph 1, ward will- bre pleakied-`to bear that he .ts: a etting.along;ar Well is cad be eaxpecte:d`' after 'undergoing a very critical '.opera ficin. 1. There was,:'noser`viee' in Sharon ...en } Sunday last owing'' to the annntvorsa'ry services.'being held:' in• Bsyield ',Metho-' dist. Church. 'Bev :Mr,- r,- McKelvey, ' of 'Dtuigannon,,took sharpie of the. services there, and preached 't.yo • very impressive sermons'; n' . Qui -Stook of To: u '` d an Ca s. for -' . comprises• a nice assortment of latest styles arid• Y c- olors,,:.,prited ate 6 $ , 50 ma76�.. -.• Mitts and. Gloves • See the values we are" showing in Won en's and Children's' Ringwood Gloves and; Mitts , also Cashmere and Chamoisette Gloves 'at 36, 50 sad"?.60r � -.C ashm.e� •. • re H For extra Hosier : value See ee . Our .:.:vYo�: . fl , _ 3 cial.,:� :lines: of'su r or u 1` a inall sizes, -l' � 1rat Ana 35 . 5550. Also' ood , values' it heavy, . �net. hose at. 35,: 50 and. ..';6 c 0 costume,corded Velvet See this line in Cherry, Purple tangy Marine' shades of colorings,. 27 in; wide, heavy cord` atC5C,: '. Fine finish and nice appearance. p. e -c. iai. x:1.sig Handkerchiefs Christmas ;Handkerchiefs. and • Christmas• ,_ Goods of various kinds are now, coining to hand' -and: our store wi'l :soon have :that Chi`istmas ap- pearance that. make the •clail;Hren think: of the coming of Santa Claus.' This'' week we are dis playing:a beautiful' range of Ladies'' Fancy Hand-. kerchiefs,, stamped "hand' embroidered;", in neat' booklet' with envelope; suitable: for mailing,- at" 25 - and 35c. Also_splendid values. at- 5-a::•in .Men's . Linen Handle erchiefs in book let; with envelope.; Got': early ,.chciee-of,-these-fur sendipb by-mailto friends at a 'distance, - .? Laurier • Dire.-tt 41. Ecelento-ue has returned Lorne from, as visit to St4, Thomas: Lieut, J>aatnea Little. is likely to go t-.. London next week to train. for captain., The Patriotic League is shipping pir- eels of Christmas gifts to all the boys �. Jrotn this part overseas. The gifts aro cli'itilly wariir clothing fur winter. James Jo'bnston's many .friends will by pleased to know that he: s recovering. We all trope soots to see hint ;taking his laeonstomed way to his place of business 1Jre. Thistlewalt, .daughter. of 'Mrs. David: McDonald, wlio died suddenly out' West, was buried on ,.'1londaay. m Teeswater cemetery. • She leaves four small children,. • ''lie Young. Ladies' Bible Class :of Knox, church had a social evening in- the basement- last. Friday.: Everyone .took part, .either replying tai a. toast, reci'dng or telling a story. It was a very e;,ajoy: able.. aff�ir n dlt l} 0 a;.kt't _y, nu _. people. •- K M; Webb, for some time manager' of Mesons' Bank, is leaving to- lake charge of the Molsons bink at Trernton.. The :family were tendered a farewell at the home of F, Armitage by thenaeitbors. of Christ's'chureh,.Tuesd►iy'evening,.and rater ,n 'the evening lYlr, Webb's iiiany friimo ids I own.. and .cou,ntty •tendered him 'a 'banquet 'alt the Grand. Union. ;$oiel, where the. Meru was of .the best. and thOntertainment Wit, enjoyable, Phone No..10 is at Veer Service! wa salt tar Caarla We 'Mett Cheaper Than rise Credit Store* , This is the Range that t e harm-. faeturers• vara¢- ' tee iwill ,willsave 8 per sent.: in .hard ',coal and .59 per cent.in wood over any, other Range on the mal lt-et. • call and�'exanc�ine the • flue C0.n. t ation oLthi.. a Lbs convinced that i . t Y� different .and u error to an' of e o th . market. Ulamts: %4Mtniday, Tov. 22nd, Miss Finial Howson, returned from Wiarton on Thursday. Archie 3r1ci,eod arrived .home. Prem Detroit, Mich., last week,, Will Robinson is learning the black- smith trade ' lith T.,,D; Robertson. • A•nupber froth here attended ' John Bell's'tuneral on ,10th.. -eon:, Kincardine, last week A:.. Archie Mcl;:`n,rdni Tax Collector -for Gree>aock Township, recelyod. taxes .here on Monday. _ The young men of the Presbyterian Poring People's guild held asocial even, ing last week. The" Russian. Poultry .buyers from, Eden, Grove, were buying fowl: in' title locality -last week n' Mitts we have a first-class selection• r an�. . in • 'fr m. 25 �c. 'to Q 2d 4 e about' •: .our. ti'�'• �a ...� Cattle � 4'�h �ii�as. � Have an excellent value e at $2.50 u, per doz. Fr.. • _ . eg Cement on; band. We have. Guns. to..Rent. . Age** for Scranton Coa1-TJie Beat on the: Market:, Lucicnow_ Hardware oat STO T Rid HAT SEV,R OISAPPOINT ,• Mr... McCauleyris assisting1VIr.'Barker, aril Church'in the " evening. Both ad - ng Tort Elgin, in specialvat dresses were 'iruc e l ayed by.hls hear -North Bruce church, • Phi' Miss Mc 1 n rse ; ro :. ' near. ' " . - ... .. ,. a. , a . r,� • rte Isla dune,.... �:i'atrtotic Old�Fashtoned-Teu•�llieet= was' the guest of her.friend,. Mrs. J. K. in will be hold ,oa: Friday _ g' 'McLennan* g ri.. �' lit. for' a, few days. ' this week;\ in the basement of the Pres- Mr. ,.1MeCauie.. y: and Ar, ,. Barker, ,nf •by eri s Church: ,After •the ;suppea. a. Port El in w l excha e i:t' t ,program will be given in the :Church b :. 'Baptist S Ta . 1 , `� _l�iult t s in h$ . Y ,Church: on Sunday, Nov. 25th.' home talent, assisted by Capt • Cocklitirn; ••of Toronto, who. will relate_.1ris• efitpeti Rev ' Mr. Reith went to ` Tnriinto nn omen at the front: Monday,morning.tghear "Billy' Sunday'. Bt Lmg i,—Husk,-The arria o, of miss_ _ ie vinyl spend a few days ol&is With friend's Viabelle-Husk, eldest daughter' of there. - - t Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Rusk, Boundary westi Gla is to n Tho _pco egates,.who were appointed to - in • 'lr••Daniel' Bell, sort" of Mr, o -to= 'h' and> firs. Alex: lie 1 lotli:,con g V esley -:cin; .Manta -Mico ., liincair dine,, Coun:ty'Temper nce� Alliance, :were iii,- ,; vi'as• solemnized , on Wednesday evens able to o .an.:.acco nt 'of Weather ng, Nov 17, :1915 at the home. f i g _ � ,.:, ♦ then and <. � o ' ad:conditions •. • the bride's parents; ,in -.the: presence. of ' seventy ueirits. The ceremony was per.: 8. y ... father to the strains of:Lohengrirt weld nig march layed b �.Mr. D. _. ,� . y A. Mc . Lennon, and looked charming '" g i?1: her -wedding-gown-of wh�ite-,silk and'�ghadow • lace ,Her tulle v u ell was held,5 in.'. place by o'r`ange blossoms. She carried ii,' bo" civet of white; •.ciirysantbeinunrs, and., wore n beautiful'raeeklace ' thegift' of- ► the g."rooin. ''Miss Meryle Dezali,'Hower:girl, was the' only attendant, gowned in *lutes silk, and wore the groom's gift, an sins- thyst:and earl:- , uring.the s p U rnis of - the' register; Mr, ,ll'. A. "(.•;McLennan rendered- n sled- An .:a ,•a T►l?ropri8ate � eQio. The_ ••. groom's gift to•the=organist wits a Rail of gold era links. After con ratulaationsa g the•guests partook of a dainty wedding, supper. ..-The'many beautiful., presents • received show the high esteem:: in which the young couple are, held. They will • Mr. Yellowlees. of Toronto; who was formed. ander an are o 'ev r : • . - y.. _ . -. • -. u . h .£ e greens, pink reside on the Yrootns�f rm�. • here in the i t -res _- end . ., . , . �, a . onthe IOth_ _ n. e is of _I)oannuon All as re s Tc roses, snowballs end a•large white weld-. r► , _ po a in the Baptist. Church. en' .i.ng.laell.'13ev. E"A,:De Mille officiating. Sunday'niorning and in tile ;Presbyter- The brute entered mil -the aria of. her wishes of 'Merida for Joy tkOd laphieso m their hew home.- • • • --Tuesday, Nov: 23. a%r. aucl-Mks--,I:--N•laa'clte ire.– edfriends around Bervie. a.` few days' Mr:Oliver :Brown,, a retur5ied • soldier from France,. Was -visiting friend and; relatives_ around here a few days, last Bernie • Tuesday, Noir 23. 'Wedding •`bells •are ringing. in our village • Mr: Fred Shewtelt, spent a few,.days :Toronto •Mr: Frank Geddes' has 'been' on .the. `sick�list�for a few days.: • ' .Miss'Taylor;'of-London 5s spending a' few'days' with Mr. and `Mrs.'Alex Fair. Mr. William' Gordon returned\ ,home' lest S, r, y i i .says:, - 'the rest *lathe boys are iomesiektoo. Mr. Martin` Armstrong' has: been nuts. ing a crippled hand. for:; a few days..He: got his fingers crushed in a fanning mill, -and as a•tresult.has a 'very sore hand, • Mr. John Cook,, our`: teacher, ie eairy ingaround a sore': leg these days, the .re- stil.e of a kick received at Arrilow • last week. He was Ing- some strange on Monday afternoon. ' She had been sick for some. montlni and death, c t me on Saturday='; afternoon. For; a. souls of years Mr,- and,Mie. Walsh resided"on the - North Line and then moved: to Kinlougl For the past few weeks Mrs. Walsh hats been: living with Mr and Mrs. Stephen - Fordyce • ;Tuesday,; Nov. • 3 GSuss "'Boyle and Elmer Foran have returned -from -the West Roy McOnillin and .. Philip •Stewart Walsh, of: Bervie. -Mrs: - Wa,lah"-was. 'e Sunday ux�cwuo� di...anniversary. ser- Miss Hattie Turner, who has. Visitinn vices ' ett. 3u k gliurch • ' member of the Church of England:._ana.,1.at_her-bruits: in Ciilr"oss liar :returned to h - • Y: chQnd'inte`nd fielding John m. , ('rlivAt ipda g their --Christmas, tree and:- -entertainment on :'hursdaiy'.evening,. Dec; 23rd. Miss M'laiude'VVxlkinson'is:at' present taking the rest afire treatment anti wie , again: °• <'.' ' •' -�.a a o. e ou_. visited at Ed. Haines''on Sunday last, UiIyet ser - , • —..I'uesda ., Nov:. 23: 'Miss Bella Moore �is spend ng `a -few •weekswithfriend•s-in Wingh m Charles Smith ,hes. purchased the•fifty an esteemed' -citizen of•aur villaa+e,- The funeral was. Lei& from the -Anglian Church,. service being taken by Mr. Inneei of Pine River. • .7 Whitechurch liet, and Mrs. StoWart and fatiiily 'are visiting itt-Napieranil Dresden.. glad. Ai- report. 'that. Miss Atayillii Dow is improving. as well as can be expected. . for James Marti!' al. fall, ii novr.entaged with 'AT. Cain, cif Luck -now: • ,Qpite a large number:- -attended the funeral of Archie Martin . rin ()Id pioneer .'Afr, Wilfred Arecett; butterina.ker, 'left., The funerat took pla.de on uesclay bona . for his Wine in Teeswater on Saturday. ' the home of his daughter, Mrs. Hugh' . ,Hospita.1, is visiting friends in .thlo___110.,, Ingham cemetery, - : hotSee and one of them • Mrs: Walter Brown returned te her borne in Detroit on . Saturday 'after an extended • visit with relativ.es 'in this Gerirke Moore.and 'two children left -en Mmiday. for their home in Keliora, .. 4 girl reeently Mit from Sealand hen 15-18,Pelre °:- f"'d48 at ler 11°146* . —Monday, Nov, 22nd, " • been hunting over our village for a lob ne" '' `e'. . - . . . ' .. ' . ' We are sorry -to -rePort that Mies Nei- - for the winter, bgt so far her efforts have ptil, Joba 'Kennedy mild bed .1.-mbhs, t lie .Stnith is still coefined to her bed. • .''' beep fruitlecia. WhY is it that•ci, helpless Stratford, spent Sunday with friende 1 te .• oince the snow hes come we iniss the. , -enugrant of thit kind ii allowed to hunt here. . ' . . .* f imio,that ivied te visit the sixth 'so fie. ' the Emigratiot agents should hare a, We are sorry to report -the illness of',. (pen y an rept ariY. • home for them befOre 'they .send thens Mrs. S, Hutchison, ‘, We hope for her t tentiy'Bros, brought rt fine banch 'of Speedy reCovery.. • ' . . I. elate. limn° from their mash' farm at : Trtn D.giatt—The much talked Of de- . .- . miss smth sheril,a,i who has been visit, Holyrood One day laseweek, : ' 13'ate oh Woinim Snfirage tante off last ing friends around herp for come tiinc, 11,1r. L. .(1c1Cenz,le and Miss Arinie, Of ...rohuillitnrtafty4 iifillytip -their minds OA to whether Avonien• s on , . -POW° Gr6Vre, 0 'attildY 'weTte. yob. ike.c,iiieofj dliii'd of Lungalde, : 'lardy Simpson has- ratiirried hntine 1 ' • of their- water. Mrs.. Walter Day. . , ,,,voto or tot. matoimh. the judgo de. entertained tne.young p.eople..,:otf Wiliit:y- atter spending the past seve6ral , mon, hs , ' aided in fever -of the aflimativeside, many ,,i,Ait. ., 1 .. , . I I! , F ld with Mr. A. Hardy 'of Turn eriy EN not lave the -frateliise.' Ths via r'peilninggrhflaiteattiteTailnl,thttadistdo:eir laiolul !iii.k#'1'itelliiii)tel led tby olive. Terrill'. .. • Tio 1 farmers who have not hal . thole thresh- patrons, should low* the. reolui of theSe m eti g next Stindayeven. much to the discomfort of- niftily of the Branch.. Tt is deairable that creamery . 41(11:3VritiliVitIldtt:th:t4)valcitlitlairield`, W.. Alias 'Henderson, of .Rrns8els will i ,Master Harold have • returned' to their. _liontionsl Eraliell 4 :the Department ..,0 c anad6„, - . ,,, ip,. . • I A . m 0 a gate/Ara and may apply for. and loom from the Pa, of - 'Mertes. John Cook iina Datiout Gost . -iveak-noxt $tindhay cuyinoringwionrktho„: tb. seat: , ' bOnle in Rrantkord after spending itovetrokr, 3Afpkryilletailere p°:i4,1,47,1 Anflicinnt c°PineiLn the,late'Mrsc Alhott lilraldt took rho 0114800er* lost istontnq., . Will bo oont to Moo wIto apply Or them pare ns of creafir gillorifigerettindried f.reiptentfy cemplain of the variations - which ocotit in the pereentage of fat as' have. given ise to Wire leis. dissatis7:' fa.ction oh the part of sihe 'pattOrig,• :arid ..e'reanieries. -A. series Of tests and exPer- intents bearing on this pint have centiy been completed by the. .Brarich of the Dairy and 'Cold Storage Cominision- .er Of the "De kirtthent of .Agricul tu re at „tg. e.4dh_001* not latIO-tontestanti turning. in the trigqt. votes for' their' ifithiber' Wedn'epday 'Nov. n4 arid We...19e.sday 1St, • 10 CHANCtS POR YOU -1 ' TO Eat a BoX of the Best Canadian Chocolates No iiiitter'hOw few vOtes- heti; if yOu ate. oi!.e of the ten 'turning in the greatet, numb-er of: votes; between these tw6 date8 you win. • fkarniony Violet. Glycerine $00 PianOVoteis "It Pio Piallo-11-00:,Mta IkturiOit.to .14 'S.i00.,by.:Dreo...:711i .04stroi4, HERE TO SERVE YOU •