The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-09-30, Page 7441P11111111111MC"_ 4 -'?'ft . :1 . 0 Ij "P he ThQ,blow'dW 710 kill; Africa, Brazil, And Flab him or even Btu him# but.it th� vast Tudies of- QJRr;AT ORITAIN. AND V-61, 'a4 "COMA f OR VA 0 NY D1 Bout W head -under atQk and, 3Aadde bit Fo 0.1bilitleo 901 0or4witis him ort.'and vplut (for Am0.rtca!;i ter. Again and W40 With 0 liutb4tter), an T again, Uorlo struck him - 1, TA, P 8, 01, anaf�s Valms, and Sim- . . . . . . . . . . . . . a0lidino the kutols, 44 ........... d'bolow the, sur. 0 -10daaild ravY The' great difficulty is toender them L before, the Orinoco 1f,400, but MOM'than a undod. Ill Riveliverg dea Africa At the pro -j giv.0 P1.0 right to a belligerenti mOmQn In belnj�� 'stated of te lt�bpfo;`Q the fleece -beast was BiTuNIX01 UP Una P" CAP- sent to littercept"All veg "o es the g0fi, it divid0si Us waters t ej, fjcAe.. Ind, these in Wethbr be 4W from ating, or from ��y a V14to, M _ny bra tur th b is W 4uled for ille parts of 0 scourge which i e enemy, Groat divide it ndinto, a"furtber, ving, vir And" mazO. of interlocing *4 tQewaya Far, jb.o last ton ypars. or orf TheboysoWed to.opreass t4 a but- Claims "10 right W 111tercoot all veo.: ..covers, several thousand, pqu,)ro milea -,built - -betwee elfi­ - IF 4AVR been trying t% fAnA a 0, four. morielle, VAIM ourap outure, trop"Ical, forot. In this, got where specific pealt , ist glee $449d to neutr4l; Ports, providing two jarge chayinpIq erpm vue rti r Ivine near Irving, YfAXI., A* 40, arkan� pa C ters�*",-a 4 bul �W, , to �o r dare ey s"Anned III and, olin 'not ,e 0 -to COUAtry, 'To. this. rece#ly built p4 Ong ago -found a hi4ilia &I a � big ShI314 although much brgisoil inntirely� There, s- no,doubt that a - cjrc�lar Jair vingrf labo'rf alleg,o right, Amlipa enters , esecure fkonir the raid$ of- the Sanni' 'blood. herpro, am(Ak, Th! feeding Of. the, 4941vill a beneath t :after the WaP-reMirch will proceed, feQt in di C44bs; And -hero the 4, lfih� disea, tog 4-fteitgo til still replAino $4111,WAs not br9ke it Toopddd�i seva ejjmjjjjted*' 0 qila�re Nvit'4 Great B air, -.4rticlo n. be 4 ro, tY ble and built his $W04 TIP They build the .6t XQV�MbAAI da- obtain17 old 300 begli fi,. -above th ir _hom.. treea, I it will be bkg�stej) towAr hia now phase, r laterna- ba red4ojar tb h rn'to, ej w1d the feed should bp jaw -,fo 7w,'hich ill title �jpg e 066d. C114 00riMany Vpy t e Piper V? a rOvOMi from Co ere e 0, tons of ha ugh . point oil, fcoftj� -1sts Pla fsand 1%poo They the writer, sti peod- tfi�t jhq-,dtru. which, wit precedent, as such. pight, was make Are with two� stickIN allil $1114174%9rning -Oresq*., age I hellp to moot,the wAr-bill. should not ha Y or the colwil gbt their. living, by g1p Was kReverting to, dese�t lands, another seloo MI., If 'vr, before 0.1alineil In th rte fishing., 17470shil , ato be, a long'a . nd,'very ve, to be transport wo wag col4plet far from, t 'the was dedica ay lo* to ,y, wore ii P ri 0 hogi; th 'A qt for the, fact, that U wQ- 44e,� ind� jiant6d that method, d bj�tory, 0 . � Ihpi� I$ e$11with arrows The to U tc I by A. big anc�- glid '10ft is to be,,re 'two separate. f a jopd. of pleasure Austria .were �be*,ijen, 11se su -pow But Gormaily is Peculiarly located n3r, to which jil end, to, the because Arrowo are. made in Man, delelves deal Germany or. gniigy go., o An, ned rom. her,w.arAiobe, th acossity fot they *Oilldoprobably becom uld be 4pplied geographically ,,,, belle Permits the feeding o e b4arul? raising of water 6 t116.quostjit be, good� nidtly' tke'neijilbors for � ed -t FO li , leg around wore invited; h. .,pieces. shaft, about 0ir ly Imunt of ab4 great variety 01; clothes 411.4 unable, to an inder lie iri1gation- of comes. GpOr with a -reed. A barb, for di r, pay ACV- tant. -�,Great, Britain ligs'-Th.ore.was r -Jender nity suf� and t. qsertO for, the OOM enough on the i?d head, '0 ftele burs . 0. toun , lit to x�ini e bg ell 9g?A$I jll prove an a e tho Alliea. �ro 'Ing of ',cotton and, other, couple nOwners, - f t w 411 Germai'port%, floor fo� barns,are strong. Pqr Or long, flis atic Prees, but s to' danqe com, in 091110WIldt"'loo4ely into. this, A wardrobe, c4n be' Made A This conclusion -has, beelt area y of, rii*'materi4l, 4117 is Continually receiving 1ortably., their raiso,, fthojo �,jry C 1% shaft, A 0 # , ese cord; sever' f Americaii" �50 men claim that T914nd b�riisaie, better stout most i4isfaqtory neceisity:i t fortified by sil Just Wore the war some, egtrepi of 'this barn phQw an4n 'r .4.1 yiirds, long, ij tied per dis lbsequent events.', Gor- .. goods'vla, -thj Ports of ]Rai- e phot9grAp ely and, w.h.0 Yare re.-transor (1' to Oply'one wind 08vocts arebette'r to th4, barbed I e4d �j erotlwi be exbroiled. in tb many ba§- Proceeded t A44 interesting Oxfleriments. this- dilreew r6 tho' a; n ' dry than �,ny one e#,. an (I to nee her TIX FePIX to a ques- anO oth the,reed at th� other. war on' lines. of piling Pape were, b cgri.1 lie qt4estiba more satisf r oq, Vapor,, 0 by. ion, s to light an pf b present�d the� 04 outin. Egybt so ventilatior of sty, To. use 4 homely 4n4logy, she has by'an Ani�rtcay. Inve4tor; helped -by, eat Britain. the barn, the Owner 'wr When they,lleed flill" Wro Indians. ght -to selve tile carg9ep ites ere her peopl'e t It British r-cletitists. - Th -e sellem a r indows ip o Pawn t Or ;of ships, are .40 - V� the go,out together in a ]1 -0 oods, and, chat i, ol, n , i . b g4k canoe. , ne. , I - . , 0 H In O'PortA, wb:One�er she they w . ut as rjea pf troughs., lined Mir orp, all plo d when the Plet4 Good Roads pay cargoes are 0itliie4 money,_,ib otbel. ihe bow 4 c'tated durin e_iv4Kmdpey tu e with th t)l 'r ' good. reasoA such wkks %ker thear,, and � en to pawn. '04 'Pawn- i to' believe that go and- Arrows'.. When they'gqe g.. good- semen tikets -and give the. further money 4, catch'tbe sun -rays and ult,I)AM017 'for. show. ".The iren They -c.Wpolltr� ecause ed,1 h y,. so.,a.p tp tj ation is, p�rfeei.yx.. nsOrtati�n to the siz SP, the bo.,Wm4n th4s r ed to ilie same purvo*q. th�Xll on t6 A ekb, 3rulany"collikuWPA0117 '01reatBrItaln.. tands, up al's Bond wat bit dairy. bain is A Place, where :-maikets §0 lilnatNo of tjIf ssue, , - hu.- S down 4n.,ArtOw, directly into. it' Ever7th! I,p - Of course, be, m'Man f0od is'pro.di4ced. MoiteQv Th rodiked inn, Ore. while vae 'Tin w sedly bick. at :$tako. ey-7red 411'e, r upon c1pif Ish d�slies�.off';'the, appl.ie Siate�pl er;1his equal- -food ii used'inan un�q invettted. in hoises,.. �Ar - holde,fas.; the shaft' emphasis denies, thig. righ. in'mank in cked. 8 - tate an4 nb 'b [leit'her next area .4gcQM6 iievent, W, which, in9k Ile toy gh6rtly, it _c ing e $utishine s 0 nfant f a., asi' e6din' :OfQ n, ia 0 Germapy .'Cleanliness 11 tj e ,onds 'later tVO,' flishir- e P;Jbo. obsei�, 'Oee ow IOQW; 41ke ', cora Vnivind[s, ana a few an,b.e d juen' see th tha.t".1his c opliat0d pawn nearly il,�e cliento -has bebri. that their act� re� the � surfa Q. In will . be m4d!� d0mmeicially practicable can'te former Pett�yely,. the od The K it 'af Joy I a Agure's- -1attdr must be adds to: the eaeotivonogi, ven - further - -ex-. gauged from the' follow. In every O-Pbr4tiOn 41nd the baill;' J97 9 liviligi Mid '4-rrQ'?4, sh.At- -Iloati�g, on _57gtm I -tI ' re righ't.-to s-etzlir f Then the ci tendgd.. e40 constructed as to Perm. anoQ. shoots, forward, the� n the right to destroy Vy the submarine, easyp thorough and freq Good roads in A. _c# Minister tiont cleanigg - ay be had y fisherma seizes the., The German Finin' Coal i14 Egypt *costs about $0 a ton, are based on of and' 'as aearly gIng. a 'floating reed, ind f VO11 and is now iiEring in price; sn-ipower IhO present waP. Germany claims that anco of all dust, avoid. 'Use the.urgent necessities hauls in the. harpooneUet& I-relfterich, Ims practicidly admitted. S Possible- the has. been captured as an equivalent Great Britain -floor* slip in a public utterance that Germany is t6*cO41 The the74rag. t t 10s. has no right io intercept sm uld 40 e's Fapital d delta the 'without crevices for irt Some thirty or foity,milpo up the riow'buining u* her 'jegpli tok if t1le ap- cont ooth an k(i. is a Gauraun village called paratus can bo, improved rakrXnd goods billed'tol neutral,' to collect, azid it'sh6uld at in war, She stakes part, though, ultimately so be 'hard an ba h �and after er win�..AQ_war research will -be re�umed—the ervious, to-,,watok, so a Ignd. -for iand Imp cost would 6e'loweted, Germany, and because of this alleged to at - p nion contributor, I sbent some time' Although a, soill may� be rieli because low, washing she wre to win, he would un wrongful act, Go" and scrubbing when contains pl, rmany,made use of cess' - - �t there. There was an'' old man, named doubtedly reduce England an Let us assume that sun -power can ary. ne. it ant fook it, ay e, un of the d -France �v6nt the murderous submarille, as a war Ali abund Productive. The fertility and wrinkled, with and the Colonlyes to a eondit!V Of,! ually be, converted profitably xn� ecesance Of' light is, the best 8itatiano, WA atA to irri America claims. that� no and cheapes is its, Productive Power; tillage, is whom I became quite. intirqate. He gla er gation power, and follo t. geimicide and is a W out the mer8 war necessity is a. . Iso a of the means by which this pro one Justification great aid to cleanliness. ductive ased. Moisture lad tyo sons naritedPepe and Carlo. e should be consequences. The acreage of desert- for the violation ot laternati power may be inerp confined under a 'land avgil4l�le is enormous. Tial, law, dirt used to allo' fo' Ab five or. six years before, when Dust and w tir square Teet of an is sy§tetA- of iron regulatifts which by the destructian: of neutral vgssels. light for each -important fh�tdj in'fruit . ' ., .� I ;,. - �:. � . r gkowill' Pepe was about sixteen 4(nd Carlo would. fo ce us to work our hardept I Taking both sidL%s Of the alluvial not carrying cow. and 'the windows As a r 91 eighteen, they had'a. very singular p ain of thl Nile. in Egypt; the sides t contrAbrand goods, or by. -should be is ule. the apples, s and pay over' to her everything he'desruotio o plv�eed as 'to o orchards are ad'exciting ady We of the Euphrates' and 'T a of. bellfiereni vessel . insure, an undeksiF _,140y enture; e n, abo k 4 �gym-diitribu-t�i�n--of---light.- Vand-,aror' ar -ve r the --barest is--f-Or- 00- -carrying- "Olor All luxuries ombataalits bai�n. is eficlent in ilatural jue in o e eriian Gulf ; a st'i usuall a no Would be forbid I rip a '104st without warnlig ouch vessels -Da- y dirty sdoen us, a mile wide along. the rainless ' * t . barn; and'w6nt off,to fish. Porr and. giving RY ��Q_Ws consume large amoul oitfriuit� presents -a mared'egiltrast—_ They took �Iith and- life ujider'such conditions would -tion of 'the w6sterticoast of-, Cali sufficient time Ior.Alj­.'*j -of feed,� especial t. growil in orchardsibat.114va. its them an adoitional bo be intolerable. Those who think that' - for- board to safely e ly rough feeds, such been e of Y would, emigrate' if the nia .scape. aPaddle. As they paddled up on �he' worst, these, would furnish sufficient ' It Is 'apparent that the questions, are It the natrower,channels, they eame, to vanie to the -worst Are indulging in h- s.nshine. for nearly ten mil.lion'en- -n,&t' lly perplexing; - but hro -three L gines of 100 )I -P.. each. 'un island on the right that showed its 11161 relinquish fooPs deam... . &jgration.. would be s4ded� with thre'e nations as respective -o No. 9048. Further, there are the i ment f. national se6ret a ank about two feet abovi the forbidden. Ilimi'table litigant,, ET -DROVE strings., . ....... --tbo We should be c�ge:. der S 4 HIS watr., rnakine;of the ,�rt and while the whoI#'mattdr rocks Oa fallen across, and lay.with its, Jop, One, of the f es. .... ....... -1 a, -4ead.--iree d thes'e glior, Success' -k -Fraffee. island, clothes: clain 61 Mdra,, Central Ile A"ititzlo 'tilesl� bankinj piob. 'The abovq is no idle spdftlation Auitiilffi;,� India, 'the 'Western United and mke'a profit, the, questions back..' wUNTRY" `107 WAR in th�. thl; et, of i- needQ. and used - erniany's intentioniL She has ck Ptates, and So th-West Africa. s and branchids very -much, is' the morning dresi, a about. 0 of this are of lems -!lad llb lniereot—�,he,great essen -ut tea . g c on thet opposite shore. It MIT Tile. above *ill judicate-a few of a far-, chin' ollara ter. )g-abb -delightfully. done thisv ry thipg. with lijal the The London ti#1 lay in-- rousing Italy f smart anftj�49-date ex-.. e gium.. 0 a sense o ten feet above the flood. Not far. from a.qiple � of which is Lit' 1be Unfortunate inhabitants are caged T8'iY Way$ 1A which '.9cience.caki help Morning Post has, tilts to the dpftnce, she nius�� dies' Home4ouir- say "Americans %11 it ANNUNZ1 TTALVIIS- to sbIve the prob ot, we GABRI,EL a9a,1114t a en nol'a"t-r thh; -log,' they, stoi�pe� the canoe ano n Pattirn No. 9*, 'ql 'w with inside, a network.df ba lem of.how Efirope -are at 0. n- here- rbed is, to in It this great cri ts� allow ow--som 0 a -Ft '1!4�004146o he pent fou ts irt, Iengt L.. `-1m P *Oodwgrms'intg the watak, and- oo n th only means of exit. eihg,�7enf o0ded - n r ykar4 ago. to i ­ by a� three�piece ircular It 1I but no:niore rep4Lred -16 -T -the,. Dfit�h. 66ntier, dustriai-svery-, b �_fish. -Ci-rio-7thr e# the`war-!bjII 0 ''be. ng all along �4oiislderattgns- of - pa s na AT1.6NAL ened 6 . the s log als n oil gratin of gall the Iftera icke s nee prettily em�roidered.'- with Working for the Usurpers. a' 11. One Of the worxd,�rs, of, -the fish began- to gA c ing na0bno, or po agn-It de t61ndividii Paris. has. bee .ther; like ell ers verty on winners than rk Pro At f6ring'corn. sign No. 14,736. Pattern buts,in sizes,-' Belgian factories are order i I -- . I round a housewife sea -and. log and Artistic world. Both bo s ait ed to like. civilizatioxi -to Imperil: the world's fit- viOds. to the,Presen War me Won. t4e �be 1141119- Of Ahe- -4-ar D ys wore intent on the fish, 32 to 42 inches bust -meagvr'o -ture." - Tkts -*ould s h-keoir- Produba Government goods.. The ent pelp. to Imply tfiat was in Paris,. a. Groat Rip6tatlon in drifting llitil bits Of me$ size 86, 6% Yards of 6 -inch P10yers are gubject to a fine of while G. B.- knows she Is violating the -into an axilent.'sympatity, with 0 . y � ateriaL the wMd fell into the w�terfr6m, the.de And,neltfiei n6ticoa that the canoe was 'Ing in 'day ok,more, if they' ;0 FROM S law; AmerIca, s'and r6tteii UNSET COAST' refqse.to do go. sould Overlook It. in tb e, but �WM_ the Intere rowili ocaying. tree'almost over their heads., ruck. of civilization. Pro -war sentiment In Italy p, cents each� n-*cdrtainfactotyworkmonist The d b Ptterns,jo can be had I But'rermany 'would doubtless make �u verwhelm- at ydur Ideal Ladie�' Home . Journal What was the result.? They We're con Of Ital-Y and the eat Y his sense of the Idaship. ofthe,' r,.orf tary of Gabrielle DIA Tom The H me d� the building and a similar Ill a They�'looked,ujj to- 1;ec what caused the' ' war U. tfie a* fall �f -rubbish. 'There oil -the . dead Pattern dqale 1) ' Pat- fine ..to kept with- WHAT THE WE9TERN PEOPLE -ea th.fusti0ation of her agr' he returniled.to P16poilej zIQ, -the Italian p6etland patrIdt. -. Who. and passionat sbmarlirb, depredations, that It is don"e elY 11�ppetad tree lay a crouching Jaguar� int , ently tern. Company, 183-A 'George Street, out food until thei signed a paper ARE DOING. �*a ln'.the, injorests of 46rman know.s -the histo of his', Custirla: it watching them, hey both natclI44 Toronto, Ontario. Promising. "volunkarily" toyeturir kui.tur,, ry Passion for was, many believe, really ------------------------ Italy his. litflujice t? and s th and the widellI49-9itdo -of his. work and ------ o ere-nv prbdue!2�­ g�o� oftid- be --no'. end to _swun .hl,4. co U heir addrres'. -the Ing, _rjolu �&ve.-th4.,t-shrin-es--tho-Latt efit twi ;_.FRQn.MN SHOP TO PEERAGE ny pro hi could.,dip Pendiiigr is rpret Ae Ii6culiar�qugiity, the -6ther innoceft inhibitants'amlse' r0greai -of - the,' 'ther6lare-lArge.tra ding can the th �th. 'water r -tile West TOI& - - Und6ubtedly ind.. ilte 14D -af ck jagu Vdii-Bleir goods Into'Germa Battles -Are, Won -By poison; -a- n- Id t -h e ar fell into the water Wustry. ilan-eveniii Jim r, Inabiliy 'to. confined to their -ho ses 'In a Few"Pointed interests in the - tT.S. which' -chafe I PeliGd IM-1titlian- history kno* OLD A -NEW �IN ott Jaguar sprang. As he- did so the �u of -his coyrtributiOns to. this ifist'tense, ell tree colla'P int lten!a�kable Rise of Welsh King of t6wrl were n- ..-othe strearn' tei% seven o!clo creasingly- 'against _s beat WA But when th' PkKaatop s they ts4/- ny and sell he.si6k 0 wj(y in nth oil the feet short of the canoe.� He In the histor yof modern. commerce win win,, if. every: inan and' woman been reported'that Platinum has' them at ;�rar prices, such.. for lasta ' Month of*-wa-rill, Jtaly'sdnt her le. nee, yent clRail under, but -bobbed �up. quick- are wmany romantic stories of self- found at Dawson in the Yukon, as the cotto growers of the Sc)utll,. g'Ons �Igaj.nst her ancient enemy. Air, By -C he Ines up for the struigle-7w'e. cann9t MICA a. fullysix 6 allies win a Ous Miles have been welded into s' featuires of this' ow impose that monstr $10,000. capital hligland, as., is,. Wel I&Qwn, hs'lately Italian One of thq.curidu' y ' ' A' syndicat,�'�rith spluttering and striking out with made men who. have risen. from lowl�. his 0aws.-, He came straigh aglublicb, system 'of t for. the stgtioni: to pogti -as �ast on the list, e �ymbolic perso-lialities_q two war is the revers:104 to. --methods-, __men '. Of Out' -Germany.�� Odr.ideals of PO4icton., nttAbap,,sO the'4uestlon deepens GatibaW fightflig' 6611lited Ob olete. rnii'grezi- eanoe,.but he ei d Ong ' of neb, Slavery. on will 'operate a- fillit, cannery at placed tlli� lass -of goods, th knell not swim epil ce and title; but. few more re- humanity id, it.:' We", cannot oiit-� Property 6wniers of S u' and D'Ann-unzio. Garibaldi as time Wad definitely,th leade' bayonet-sp ..goes on. r, setting his ades, arring, ould paddle. So -Carlo makkable -than that of I:oid dIdntawe,' Prussia Prussia, howevdr deeply she ver-fims airmen's as the boys, c forb o th Vancou as cb t ay. a ti took up his.,bow and bg Y'.-g9v_e..-the-- ho�bas -just -died. r ______oAaxe'S 46 Amej dartsi:-and-nian P irrdd mo Th torch.f—I %But-DAlinuitztalff tab y� ious; brute -an airow ju st Over -the - This Welsh king of'industry began s -Ae'a lorch, - mado a icient days. 'And' these stions, '6,pme blaiffilng that right eye, Wi 11; has been -suggested in resp Prince cunluIatfv4 th a narl -the jagu' .onsible there is ialk of sh ar his climb to the'llouse' of lords as a ter Rupei eat: send- the mat 'flam Of 'the. fell �riggiiigut the soldier i at he rwhelniin its fbr the tai g the'rigbis of' neut ggrcjn�r who lent cuirass, a'714 shield. It it-motild quar - off to its last sixty recru" ni -the ook, the reed loose from the barbed tin worker.' It. has been sald'th ive and ovae' (!is t gave -a. gr, ter, is not �Imw'y onAi of njain- 1.1tal, es k 4eart ok Xorth6rn n steel, helmet, s thi - in the event -of de e _k viitoj -the march but..of oIn'tr.ut. nor ;als - that prote6ts t1ler Qng an egionary., a _5P ow ng Of the emo- Tor -could: neither, -read write -when he Allies' ilibuld take dver Germa his 'head,Ancl tilined said 'to swim. for the- * y#_ i. -Berlin,- ' 0.tandlng by the la"w trit n ttak - 1 -------- nd, - As h6,turne o gave . hi T! and 0 o ­his�halfd fn -ibis new --0jeLk arroxv sit 001 --at trils- not ly in this. tq..get An ht- n run them Ong e bu: The n �xny.wars that may bilow, 0 ell, as. na- one having I tionil ioet, Ile -wa 'Called - sons" he. would' hardly" take kindlk, to., eari,and the shaft of this This is, quite prac- seaMen-of the port. forever.dest , come loasi4 also trail roy thd-rights 0 to make the ctv liflict with hu- Ships flying the American- 11 Md thus edge of bookkeeping; and this' "in ticable, andAbes not ed 'I Isl d Carl 'i "nig oria -had- - a_-SailorsO . Vo was 15. He attended.- -h�_sch -,Austrian -State railwayij -Sun r- 14911ts­- of "at[ iieu c llti�`1114h- Ile made ed behind h im. tpiie, of tliefa t6t he,staAed woW manitarijill principles.. floating arrow ag are.. nefitrals,.If the law'.Is n,ot up'lield, and e ObloWed" t�o. the artillery �'Let us catch the ually disappeoring �mo' at 5,161clock -in -the motninig ind mris gl�ad fle . the giving to the natl - ould 'come to him as' all in �shafts,!,. said Pepe., 'We -can. draw -'kept. . Useful But.'N6i EnOuifi� tradqs. of the p 04 having the strop -g - working until 8 *o'clock at night.. acific., him but iiito tile main est naval 6w.er,the'right to dictate the day's-wo.rk.. For tbR John B.' Lovell, one of -the pion- the world's commered: at-afms' phantiel, and - zJohn,.Jones Jenkins, who became tinis,al.so' practicable -to' take 6ver If'we Yield io, was ever, a great man 'With' there' we may me ome canoe hay.- Lord Glantav�e saw shilling posiibili-, c em, c the orne from, the postal syst eOrs of. -Vi toria; -is dead; he lived 'British violatIG'n Of the law to-day,'we the spade. and. the short 11gladius It Ing a, long morocotlande' from electric lighting;�gas and ears. with which ties in tin. He learr�ed all there wa's water th6re-for slkty y' Wa Str .10 miy have to. Yield to-morro, a that won Ro to 'kill him." =in fact,' from every forlit w to a Ilke ni's,battles Rbly'' I RW in the. haiid t to learn about the tin plate tr -of �s—from-Gres� -:41affoir-by-Rubwa, verm----- smile to ear i th -ade.and erry­Ahipmen reed displayed s ofthe German ton, B.C, exceed pan 7 e French such -rentafkable business hit estj i n 25 got hold of nd pulled.; instinct that at 23'he'was manager of and Austrian Governments. ileileent. thm year. ev ati a tfioii� baidnets; - -the" cords, a mates �,v bbr �e a asys lie Carlo paddled back again But even -th e w It n 'tile' most Powerful of somewhere. that 'the the MS., as There is' still 'a go �acauiay as the works which he"had eht6r!k hard as he could. ds a, at suffice to od export trade nations, It is,ciaim6dj pation. that shortens its weapon's mu. In spite all tl many thousands Of* it- fro' 4t le in M.'tbe coast..of sashed, doors alid not pernift-soh'violittolis 'of law, but' its its borders. i May it be so iri b?y. Af that time the tin plate, indus- lengthe this casi! 4ruggling beast ould 'do, his head try was developing'�apidly, Them lion' s burnt up in war and the. huge shingles to. N an- ow Zealand. 11 belligerents stiletl pen Must hold'di riginated ar. in the CaTIL di ufacture 6f'sheets of iron and �tdql, m of :New, West th khv� supull Aas.. drawn to- One -side, and le �was sion ](at to which every belligerent Lumberm. forced to follow ihe'.canoe servanc. While berntami feeli e into: c6atd c untry-will" minster its'ft uities of w thinly stand conimitted. mitchine guit to thafs1ke is figita waving" batiners, no Ing We and our children and our gr The 60Y� now faqtebed the Germ ut Welsh plate'surp w give s tir, for "Kultur," and plubles"Abretaches any, b and.- aftdion force the war. that -her fight-is-for- �two-cords_--to-4he- stern asped rs only 24,years.df P&Y�4n a' s r--X—.man pbs as a al --childr. and both bekan' to' Swiss res&lvist lization,.so America fe4is',thilt e is bonnets, epaulettes.; sashes, and rib.; paddle do' n the and in reduced scalaq of living unless wail arrested ago John 'Jones Jenkins and G in the called upon to'it0hold the rigil bans­itll that clinks*. and shin�� and rien s.s ar e -new sources. of natural wealth. can :ranks -of the 54th.. is e a' those righti, h4v The channel.' w: fif d t 't d the 'BeAtifoitinplate b pped. egiment at Veil- lleu�ral%iiafions; as.' 0 flAnles Ifave been' taken away .-When- they hadgbt into biqder wal-, Works, reOdly -the iiiielebs 4f' an ipdus- e lion. The� one' -big. hope for an imove ,,Georgp McDougall, of ter the additional force of the been established by dentUries of striij- second try -which pOw.,, employs 30,000 Meb. r calling of th� soldier has no more. part" - Paddle wis too mut!fi fdj ished Eur4e.lies in qcieii Victoria, gle. 'Our idliis.li wjtjj-G.­_B. in - the ]-list of � the- eyepi the prid� -the coida, '.9roWs oil t. ice. LOrd Q'Iantawe soon: became a.mas- fesetied R. Steele, and eAias see . tie -iles I It are won by poison� Of th!.city* en:-'f'of the-re4ric" 'Battles .. tions sh one of*th -broke.- _Cjjrlo__Ut� �ter --h-olk' d Pilse' It r g;neer's the'trade Ao w ich he sulyj�- - Sclentistg­*411 have to., ote-thei' r !tie, At kt Apo -the knowledge- and- resear the, Air r. _arrowo -qently 9 to Dr while our -cla a evia y ell- ea s'thnt S)i a s r c on haft fell off* and 14:� well -Mayor of-,Swansea,.,hd ultimatel Munr��,and' Premier. Lakes, nearltrin the re -thry-both---ioult --paddleg 004C L! OF',EQUIPMENT. rh4eie antrwi44t-Wa.s-in­rcWrn­ With again, and"' kingj t 5 pu 10 ce er. t salmon fry e.-'uP,Gn­coptrab9­Tld core not to P11 or.bi"' iblic sokvi s tbathe was. And' bitilding,' cheap ransp y the Ij 0 M -I G' ch to Do with Raising /50,00 Ort,,, ..n�ion ov- an the ships that.carrX it. Tile 0 much n' romaini' cheaper" mechanical p�Wer—thes are 1 ernment. acts ng cieated.a�baron in 1906. Lord Glan- cord, circled ioudd the swimmi" the developm of one nation. in. Carryi-fij Out i Can tie ant- tawc!s busines,i capabilities have been enU for�shado ticir.po hift. Th daughfegs This. azhin, is not' a I - I T;tis s.this fall-.*iH study icy have fesillied Ili the wed. S., teie n -the ".of Amerl anada'm4y, �jlj for the enlistmenc - 6� .. . I I as . me, e e 11n.111100 "more troops but ih-, cord they also made fast. to t e canoe. *are b Ever sinbe 1900 scientific iesoarch ha, Peace �s 11 Prom*: Of fifty _661i�i;nd oth director Of the Mumbles Rive.i'.-d t t. and-'Achileotin epare( � ter -�edn attempting to produc byw,-artifi,, couniry-,. the.:,a.d6 of t) ter nation, or -r FqWP. ailway-and.P nipallies, the-Rofii d f nation. at', the 1jilitia, Departmenf* res led In t ct 41 -ye 41 IYJ lifted In t I moil- that this t is no cords of ldoub.loif cial !noting t4q. substance all, M re ..,ben' at 116 a' likely to be an iM"g ' t@ Strdhgtli, plalt� tj young.er daugifter, Qving pi ures -a sa of A bt�thwa i djbiit �Wifh aine Jdnkins, he Then C arlo Pr i two more ar ive n 9 -add 'Icail prop My ai d T.. nsi P ts-ah the sale ag, A9 thd shaft$ of- -yet both n lons, it,11s a, hundred a L��e e ba'sis of. meat. of *thd rnount�iti seeiery'.of B 'i isb Qf oe fRm0u_S.dXP,1*dlt1b . n. Of Bd togethbr, and, shot thein also into alsq controlling herfathdr's xte teld weary ill' ar's head. The -problem i� nd t clatm� comm6refild interests. in.'South Wales. itise the rai - - - ..Z& o1T, la 0, des all a Cl ha 'te those alsW fell Nv, and --both s in could bo'secured epeve , 'proprietor .of. the.,gi, nifltj. _y t94, alrvady bken..t.6c= -d-. anie ground Panoe.- NOW they filt"that -they -had-. -hE- cav-E 8 Ms on the, Malabat I X_j .11.0 tY.- real Brifain's eA90 9110 111191k 11" A f -it, -diff ht Jagnw�.bo lecurdl�_ caught tha t Ile, s_kijW -in -many f Qlt.-Problem, h*evvf, Is I $ol` Gel not'.break- loos6, 'Alld they 1 at of q, In. this.. sh�:-Garibaldi as tild I dier Al'� .1 Idsing. 11180 is' -that. of equr cloth-, go Able to. 'Pinent. All the addled, strongly d;' tire converte :Clahns'.tl',jt the. detils of tj 19 ird fOr e rs D',, 'Ing, 'rifles aW own,the middle of te - ap Plica- kbutinVio.has b e I othor:equipmeni his to Hear Now., y Natiiie into plant Wi..E. Scott, bbPutY Ministeir of vote' f e .. ... f j tion of the, IV 'obablp,,tha rlip the wator�ray. lood. It is' P) A Iture-for Brish- Gdlunlbi priniple of -t de-�uO;..sp itilT nt tt chli goi4' s -e grieu h Z 4 tFa-1-08w, (Ing economic violmtillg tile, p r o' f Trro, rhicipies thip. gaged going in many cases dA* 0 annel, *here they hoped- to. meet made deaf and duinb'by an Injury sus�' reduced b� further id Was 0 'in the west. tailled white 'fidliting. with the British, search. t us been lo, Pei -lad An.,the. sind hijht�, the illidbrtaking, is a finother canipe, and? borrow a lance In:the' rpatt'dr of clothing, -have The lumber trad6fro'ni B�ft sw- of Ills life NO)( 'be0i% ot, an I hearing, in a Liverpool h0ipital.' Maltles above 0011doug 'due d requires time. Be� With, whieht� 11W)ish tlt6ir.,datch. But Army, uddenly �recovvfed � hig speech to look to *cheaper cotton and wool:as 010bia. to China �fu��'tgo Place , I TVAnnunzio the Ptriot, ne Nva� tiat lio can6e was in- sight. So'.they k6pt W tile, staples.- 'Extehaive growing of. q0 per . cc t tile 1.1w, inall eeks. two �oplpjo�to Can lecording to Shipp, a a. in Gerffiall atrocities dciIiui1ttPd Ili. B 1. of , ill,; ' p, ion d round in 'A 'circle. The imble divis" $'%Vill be in the field -an Man 'o.n the 10hicago forgo when the the Mesopot Valley Would help ! It I$. flat 'dx 9111111 - afid'11'rance, and on th() 0 Work Ile and tahreTic' 'It b�.h�enty-five infantry Ing, mlhldn� the jaguar swim 13ecl , Olie�- 60ttop lit British Easi 'Africa 'and in men of.'then P'aAfic. all .111 �h pqadli c �wh&;�ijis i'mdtbr. e�cle.'p round y sea$, Ili Wi pected. the sahnop catch has. ncy 10 (.p) paddled until-Acir 'arms tiehed', but war began,. became'a despatch bearer edut�o 'the I)r1ce, British clolgin6eig on 'the r OPilitali largely juifie flfci flarsh c-brate, the 110falions in England to serve jig re- and- was raser River'will equal tile;asilres, gftatlles4,. ra'st and Njures., Or the JA uar. avc.nb.sign. 13: has been compelled Min .9 9 Of being fii� th, the British .' troo si Wore. at work on huge dapipling aiiid hist iear's harvst,'and c uc 40" - by. �a- ahipek's'litillet - Ili ft-'rigation sellemes, iii Mesopotamia is in. deniiind. nij lherby_t6� hi�.destfo.yjjlg_guejl��& in. other words,. tipwailds". Of Afty 'tigued, 6tr It ed fish tr Cailo, now hit"on'.'a"new Plan, Ile Flanders.. go fts4stkeif to'Liverpool. itiat, before war broke Peters, of Vic barbarous eneuly. As . Sill'. ddward Is..in profrtcp. ta t'la thusabd men will be' in the'firifig but—in tacti C that lie. 80 toria, died of . 6R% 6f bit ti�rA (1-ril, line and about t lalpring.ov&boaid an4swant ashore to Frdm the dAy Of ' his ihjuiy he had some�of the staff of Sh J61lit lacks'an, pniaumanla,; while Oil A bUsifitss 1rip biey lberthietitly Put I t in JAR own, felt" at d," and . ter aq, ,our I wenty-five thousand #�'.thiek6t of ana.nogra. Here he, cut. be6h unable to hear or speak -until he� W.,'the contractors, we ta . cligu language, '-Tile oft'$. P . la s11a;I 4blIt1t11e neArby to reinf6reb them, As each takbii with othdr colival6seehts to poners by th re , ken pri-, to F rance; he was o�ca gocoup, rinciple Wireffiffly, d divolls u' t 0 1, and -has. obtain, Pol e er battalion or draft mhvtj to the front, -it -pole about, two. inches in dianietek was e Turks. t6 the old territorial govermilchttallf which 18'fulidarnent twpitty febt long, trimmed it,, ano 6 Mbvibg, picture ent6rtalpm Ili od universal r6eOgpj,tjdp�, is that, bi dells that It �hall gee aild ive, one to take its'Plixce will beaised Ili ent !he I)VOWIR of �rddbcing �heap6r Canoe with. it, It ealls Of blockade, a blligerent is ell. GaLimele D'Ann�nzlo.- Canada.' This plan is Stl Ile lllg� a comic Liverpool. Whi - *11tchl 'Val tick to the wool is the problem of. utilising ibe tk already beitig much difficulty that, fie kot sud4only brst out fit deert l4nds of America an4AUstralN." Che Otled' to cut 'o-ff, the sea-borit� was ii carried oiit,.and con6lderinj the calls 61i'lioakd again, for tfibte chnots tire 'The next m6ffient he & Anxious. k it an'thil—Little Dick �of his Tho Altlz 811411 tWkl-- For th"O and exigencies 6f the, war the, pro - u d Butbank attempted bnepartial to Angtria, the SQ6 of 010 giatpM6 in Itself is a ratfier heavy Ing1k dranky. lear 0 . n of.this in tho artificial btded- upstalr, cl-Abg with th: t4thadho. tipO' any view, Is dcWdlY It, t Presting 'book %i thdt*'he' Was'ab.le to' talk .'and " I.. . I ;. . Ili. anothor pidd -lie uhtiqd all'&ui of tho cords, both Ing of a spineless actus. Cabttli- . Practical PApa—Take him - around t,all, EU14 1 trust it wIll tit aldeably fiD 9, f0biddet a one. makes d polni of exprosAfug. 'doubfba4d gingle,'aiiddroW them ii�. leaves, if not ihokhy, would form f?)od to the dbntist's, soffIdd. CA -may 0 I havbhlt any' I 1 0 ConAcque-ntly wlifie a. ' 11 CH fly S, '4r 'Most British are do. to 8 Molloy; Od for to 11fty, i'llosand, as to bing,.1 'the' jagu battleship' and drink r"'hoepo and large areag y AS.01. nron. su _rt di 11 Denver, Sept. 81 j915. -0 10wre Itliat �.'.-Closer o the canoe. Then he gtood j6pd6d igaividt t1jo attacks of.torpet f iand� desert might� cOlicOlVitill I OU won't need' any mo 6yt The f 61080 1�hd more men, thiO is scarcoly probable y cea OP bof 0' W48 obokell, and (lie hallitils thtoligedt. for A f`4hw'MOhthd yeb, "That it will bo opy brdeod'himgolf %volli grASPed'his doeg by utillAed by planting Weill with a ra. YOU get, loss Men who dndid6j, to COMO Much upon dc., - 611t. th,6 Trentino, aor�tly gloated Ovet dote, then wift"d ant be fits darino. 6 down, -on tho l . lip at tb. ends -of boom sag is blisb, It Is folli"'id treat thOir.wivog and elAIdr(,n,.tj0 it, but. Itailting jbIj a kind bi "to Itall; It eii , It the We- of the Maula Orotkt Enemy,, o6y -gti�at filiportand6 Irc4lietitly abrm" eapimt W44 good 1 fiftaly Wth both hands, raised it crinolines, which 0ap b6 aupeQd& at #I h 11 dist4tiee fr r 44 InVanwhile, OV61, h 3, d nd' t velopm they I UA 19vo-il'b-nd pea 1.4 r to illiportaildb. P to leg &Y w prodiw bodtlem4