The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-09-30, Page 44111 rigt* 4 rrm 15414101101111, <7' Thursday, Ser401111-; er 30th, OLDER BUT MONGER US' be heathy at aesety, prepare at foartr, eound *dyke, become in the atreagth et middle life we toe often *eget that neglected ei,1da, er melee" treat... went el slight *ghee and riNsp Mmply underznine strength andthrgak weeknesa lee later aeons. To be stronger when oldea.,,, keen your Isloed pnee mid rich and *dere with the ideength..bianding and bloodenourishieg peeped** of Seott'st Ibutleion which le a lend, a tfanie end. * tnedieirse to keep year We -rick alleviate. rlieutnatnini mid `*Yeid sicknesse, At itsty drug stare* ' acenthlow**Teoude.00t. ' 0051ness and Society Canis. 4Q11N 811TEGIBIAND & 80N81 BO., Guelph, Once insetrenee, Fire and Marina lit.6.RVEY .7.1.#1N0bA. Ont. Agont for various Pussot inouraace. PIM and Lifo - Mint alas& companies guaranteed. • Only - resident sweat intateltnow of the Tondos Mutual..41L 1111100r Of village ;sue farm properties- for sale, - I 0.0. F. Lecknow Lodge meets ever_y Friday • • evening at a Cr (.look in thole (Jame - bell street.. All brethren cordially Officenc.--Noble Grand. Thos. NVettion; Vice Grand. V. T. AruistrengLTraaw, ,alex.Ros,s; Rwersolatlee. .# 11. Borslt Aln# 80Ori, Br. pat - R. O. Old ioight Lodge meets everrrharskay night on er before the sou moon. in the .sonie ilall.Havelook street Lueknow, W. M0 gacOonald; O. 1•1r.. »Oattieront#T. Martin; 800r... •.4. ('.0. F. Vourt, 8herwited.. No. de. LuelcaRwr Illsettieverylast Monday of the month in thelkidreircqve"Flail. Visitlingbrethern wormanwinvited to- attend. Chief Ranger, John E. Bell. Rec. klecr.. Rent. Graham • Stn. Secy. ''Itobt. Johnstonx-Treas. I/ it, v. ')Ifteintoste: „. , • „;, • -, • • . • • W. Lucknow tattoo; No. ,13t, /nee& • " • seco.:,d Monday of often month in the Odd- .. Hall. Master Workman, J. Hac- Diartuidi Fin. Seoy,_..1), It. lifaclatosli; Ace, Veer, tiles). Potter:. Tretta, Alex. Ross. •••••• .••• Dental • • rovetaott, 11. 1). a. • etaireie Bettore meek. teeswater. epee iatattention tegold plates, crowning and 7 bridgework. visitaWreketer lat.-and-at& 14.refteedar of nientb: Gerrie Thur. G. As NEWTON, D. 1). S., Dentist. Ofilea. Allin Moak. tatoknow, Ont. All. modern - methods°, used. Best, materials furniShed,- Crown and Bridge work. Painless extract- ion by the use or tile latest, sinnilest and, ',safest remedy, BOHNOFORIVE. Newest ' thing In artificial teeth. Alin:Mum platesd. non breakable • • attaktii•Oar). 'eat. lteilt. • fsusen,ese _ • Onr instructors are exPerieticed:---- PaPils get individual �ttention and graduates, are placed in Posi- tions. We are receiving applica- tions we cannot meet. Students • may enter at any time. Send for our free catalogue and see if it , interests you. D. A. MeLAGHLAN, Principal. Creant Wanted - -Having in up-to-date _ CreitmefrY lu-full operation we SOlieit_....YOur.: 0 patronage; We are prepared to pay the highest market prices for good Cream, and give you an hou: estbitsiness. Weighing, .sampling and testing each cati..ot cream re, ceived carefully and returning a full staterneut of " same to each patron. We furnish two cans to, each patron pay all express charges, and pay every two weeks'. Write for furth6rpartictilars or send for eans,mid give us a Arial. The -Sea Orth Crealliety--CO Seeforth, Ont. - jlin_r_riliktiER AI LW AV ti 1-11U111V-S—T.STE-M DoubleiV.rach All The Way TorontO,. Chicago orOnto Montreal • . 114. Vutitttout Orttlintl Putslielie4 *vary Thuraday moridstr at leicknow, ()uteri% ea. D. MARICNNZOSI. Vivaria* 4.44 Falter. „ THURSDAY, SRPr. 30th , 1.910 that way its it Wee not otherwiee wouud, ed. There are many ecommtei ef cididrca being found with hands and feet cut WY. and one man, after hevbeg hia lege cut oil at the knees, lea thrown hit° bls bareinglineelf-andieirnallo-deetli. - Many bows were set Onfir and the inmates ebot down if they attempted to 'MOMWC ronegr. escape, by soldiers posted for that Par-. pee% In other villagee general" moo - ores look Place, hundreds or Ole% we - loon and children being shot and bayon- eted. It ePpehrs that after the first .Ger- wan advauca tuta RelginM the arm* of dealer told llatbat the del/laud, for the blvasi" defeated the ilelfdans teport bad greatly fauenoft in •filo, and forced to retreat -a eOnehletable dis- there mien% ranch demand of -late and :tatk9q.' .4kwas delEttg this refroat- that they were now irseing the Report, at 100. the murders Were emeinitted, evident]: and the Index at afic. by way of taking revenge. These brave eOlshers could shoot and bayonet" .the unarmed civilians .thougli they TOM not fight the soldiers; ,The- 'sante thing occnrred France during the German' general publuis The news Of the: war from der to day has been So absorbing' retreaad been. t etate::::from the tu French women that ihe events of only a few. months and'ehildrell werebutchered the*Bel gi. reading het* stories, which. are MerelY illustrative Of the contents • et a. •beek- Of 296,pagei; one has no difficulty' in believing the other stories,told. in; seine 1,061r of .wisunded British sol - diets, being fillet, h*itsheted,-; ot having their throetes ent, by the kultnredeoldiers Of ,the Kaisertis they .(the British) lay on the field or in tile trenches. • , • • It isUseless and •prefitless: to. iiurse hatred of,theinilitaristSlermane, but it is just as well to keep in , mind What theyreallY are. By doing So we shall a result of reading .'what-:-the---news better_infotivithe terma,.0t peace that apers had to•sayabout theni eught'P be mad° w011 tiliT; and there; Soon after the (*threat(' bY,the Pu.hli- While in a Toronto VOok or reeently we pike, up a copy of the Bryce Cott Misolon Report -ou tbe outrage e 'said' to have been committed by the Gorman "4108 in Bergliaa end France. The weuld apPear that the remeltsgo' pert, tholigh Published b Very' cheap forth, has AO hese widely read by • the ego oeeni old, 4124 the general reader was 091Itell,t10 'rely Upon the brief reviews of .mid *tracts from: the ‘Report which be' saw 111 the • • Thesenotdes, k„m!nit be . admitted, were ;Shirking enough; Yet .they •gatfi, very inadequate : Idea Qf the _rOal, :and: • whole` eOretelite Of the RePort HOne. has to read the little book itself in order to appreciate what aetually Was done, For our own part we can say that a' reading of the report has lad us to' think of the outrages as ten 'drawl greater and. more than -We had thought of them as cation of wIldly contradictory ,reports and stories quickly proved tobe abaci.' lutely false, the newspapers beea,ine much discredited as SOIreeS a information, and when they told the; Stories of Glerman outraieneo'briltal as to be beyond belief except upon, unquestionable authority, they were accepted with ' donbt" or not b Woe& at all, •" • ' Thetii6OfitAlitirt; however, nifead Of adding to the discredit of the news papers,. goes .to shnw. thataeffer the, stories of German; 'outrages. ',Wore ','con. cerned the papers had net. Only kept within reasonable bounds, but had not told half the seerY' • S105; Italy,..4efOre:$80; now $91;.:Qer- „co Many, before $17, new $68; Russia, be. ar fere 025, now $49. , • These figures are interesting. It Will will be learnt* about the war being a "draw” or .a "stalemate. The German as he Was and is • is no More fit to- be among civilized people than the wolf or tiger is fit to be among sheep and citttle, HOW WAR stsTsArrkpuoisrim The rapidity withwhichthe countries engaged in war are,piling up ,iindebted- nese is an interesting study at pres- enttime. Accordingto The New York they are •pro, greasing; .France indebtedness per head - of Population before the -war, $166, $278; Great Britain, before 477, now Op33; Atistda-Hungary, before473,,now The story, or stories, of the atrecities • ' himitted in Pargiutli and. France' ere Yttiing but pleesaet reading—they'are sgusting, sickening, madclening-,-; yet they oag4,0lja,rea4 nierk.:Widelr than • they have been. for it le important that to be thealchest and furthest away trom a real character of thekierman as an bankruptcy are for every man Woman_ Areder and a e011411erer keptinellefl and child in the country meat deep!y til the #nish. recent description debt; that France noted among 'nations in hicli we heard: "A. beam, a for its wealth--; and wealth-prodocing ute in ivar'f,wannot 'putting it too ung. . Most of us have read stories- of °Alie• artless Cruelties of the "rechiliimil of nearly days Quebec and of later ye in'theXidd end Western United tes ; and or the negroes, of :.A.firica;, ek mei) of adia and brown men' of uricOnquered islands of the Pacific, nton and ienseleas cruelty to •unfor- lend Russia something over a *.billion ate stranger or °Etemie/ -30°1°ll. -11° dollars,andloans made by Russia have It the hinds ofthese were. to 'wiped- hau to De guareiteed by Britain and waSthought that with the passing .France. • : ' thesavage,the day of Savage, cruelty. - It is said tett the: per capita -wealth had also passed. The Bryce Report how- , • • — . tne. various countries is in anent-. the ever,' Acme that . underneath the thin son cotionras, ,their ind.ebtetiiess. veneer of Germanleivilizatioa the savage It is a' country's past record as a revenue afilis worst dill lived end but awaited producer which enables it to borrow , hie Pli)ortimiti. ' ;In the case of Britain the increase in by 'Here are a few of the stories SS 'tol • national.debt is 'more apparent than _reel. witnesses end accepted as trim by' Britain cculd raise money so quickly the Bryce Commission. They are soften- # tnat tne rush for money at the out - .be observed therthe eeuntries, repined th un 'hi str • he th tia 4ta bla •the Wa tun to. ed. et' kawer was -before the werc_th_e_ tie deeply in debt, and still holds that psi - goo; that Britain, with 'its tremendous reveniinproducieg pewer„'has set the Maddest pace, and that Bassi& the most helpless financially; still has a compare; tively•sinall debt per capita --much. less than France or Britain had at the outset. In spite of this fact Britain heti had- to • _ 4. . , . FOR CHICAGO ed somewhat' by its inorder to fit; them . . , . breeltshenditancedilargesums-to-Russia, *. —*—&-treva roRoerroimo jorlmb 1145 p m. daily. rOR MONTREAL l'eave 1r0R.ONTO 9.00 a.m., .8.S0 p.m., ,and 11.00 pari. Eqiiipmint' the finest soti M1 trains, PANAMA...PACIFIC . EXPOSITIONS 'Reduced Peres to tSav franclecoXos Angelot and Soo Diego • Full particulars and beith reserve. !Ions Oa application to-Agentsi - , :Mit tie now. • -.11shbeie-2 CHEER' WS a. mi ty.gdodwo4d,-eo"-it-is;_ dear - „, _ When even_ the worst is said. ' Cheer, , • , But better be living than dead; kjey and w pain; ir lots. and a xaint, • „. There's honey and.:Mayhe,some gait; Yet still tdeclare foal weather -or fair, •• • It's mighty good world after all. -Wok, 1-= -break from the fight, - • My kingdom awaiting for me; ' Theree eetiifort and•restand the warmth '. of your breast, . And little {Ales clifilliitqf iny knee. • TheresiTrelightand StingsOld the wet Id • • ' may -he wrong!, • ' 16 empires may topple and fall; • 'My home is my care—if gladness be • 'there. • . , ICA a fitiglity geed Wend after ail! f • Oh beta of pure gold! / have made you . a fold; .Itte s'heltered, sun-Toedled, and warm. 0 little ones, rest! I have fashioned a teat; ' • Sleep'ent, you are safe from the storm,. For there's no fee like,fetir, and there's no friend like cheer, And sunshine will flash at our ca11; *0 CrowilLove as Xing, and let ita all • eiog— • *ewe a mighty good world otter all." • /04,414; Wo (WA IITko Opitotitleit; • litaticnin a newspaper: Belgian soldiers searching through a,village from which the Gernians had retreated, in 'a mallbarn found the remains of 'a man, woman attd boy The _man had • been ied by the hands to a ring in the wall, His body was frightfelly mutilated and is heed shot. almost• to pieces The women lay a short way off, stripped hf lothing, giving every evidence of abuse, nd filially despatched With a, bayonet thnist: The boyhad his feet and bands cut off and was not otherwise waiinded. title of fo r Serbia' - cBelgium, Canada, Australia, SOuth Africa; and it as thought to Italy. These countries, of emiree; will assume their Own shares of •• theindebtedness when rhewar over. :If the -war end's - as we all-hopeaind-expeet4t-Lsvil1, G - many. ;lilt be Much the Worst off nation of the lot, as she will be loaded with in. deemitiento the eery limit 61 her p:bil- te PaY MPS! YeIrslei coil& ' *Wig SCOTLAND ANSWERED • , marAngly7thnceal-tio,arnis-z-h to run_nnt on tile streetewhere_. drunken. been answered in Scotlandisillustrated German soldierwere, passing. One of by the record of the famous paper mak the soldiers drcve his 'bayonet into the ing firm of ,Pirie and its employees child and carried lier off IS far at lie Was There were ten -members of the family a sight of the witnesseseligible to go/to the 'front. Eleven are In another village -a woman and two serving, one being long -past-service-age. little 'girls Stood by the street near where Of the otlice staff thirty-seven ..were Je,91104,4111-eiXteen ate-serVing.,L Of_ the binning. German Soldiers catne along employees 180 were eligible and 140 no The little girls _Were picked up on two now _With the colors, .tnost of them in- ba.yonemi as harvestertkpick upsheteses- the Gordon Ilighlanliert, recruited lin on forks, and the bodies were pitched Aberdeen and the -'adjacent region. .Ctin. from the bayonets into the fire. The ScriPtion would not greetlyiedrenee the case,wasleft,tlonn.— supplY, men-froin- Scotlandr==l)ally • A ,Gernian officerand two soldiers en- Globe. tercel a fern; house In conneetion. with whibh thereavas 4 'dairy. The farmer and other Men who' were in, retired to the dairy, the farmer's Wife who hada'baby •'two or three months old, remained in the kitchen. The German effieer seized tlie baby ind With a, stroke of his Sword severed the bead, from the body. 'The ody dropped to the floor and was kick- ed:bra corner. The head wee kick,ed after. it. "The woman • wail then frightfully abused and finally Was almost cut ti pleees.on the floor, The tirett-(not-the husband, however) eitiv .this thropgh a window in the. Wali be ween the dairy and the kitchen. ,Xn nother plate 4 child was tonna iikserriensysmia Neeoza el • • (Daily Star) Sid by side in the same 188Ue of the mine ,rieWatifitler, We read ith appeal for an Aviation Fund and tesuggestion that there are toe many War funds, that there .is some danger of overlapping, ana that a capable Government OffiCial, bureau or' 'commission cesildpreveilt all Mich waste. The funeral of ltoderick Cameron,. If every lean would honestly Oarlike one of tineel5teet, eeidderge of. totne101, his case mind, he 'sit/quid perhaps. find took tithed on Saturday •of last week, ideas running in .parallel Wimps; and Mr. Cameron was in his aeth year , and egiially difficult to reconcile, • had Spent the greater- part ef his life z n Met), wOmen, and children are elusions this district • Mrs. Cameron died only to,de.something. those who are net a few menthe age and Mr: Ciaineroit's $oing to the 'trout arc hitting Socket health heti twit been good sinei), lie leaves nolo, to, 4 0001 a1 eridellq ia441e4 Makilticjam,i contributiOS tO (49$0 a large tamili, • . • • • ° 4144 to funds for meetirl'h gums or air. ship. The Imegluation or heart of one nay be struck by the 'suffering of the wouuded. Another hem thakout hien are nut as well provided AS the GerMatla iWei:ohy.17:4107:cw ai. bralpdreowthe4r buynitubito.iaoinre, Of war, -Mail eager to anuidy the dello- tipy and the:great work. it. has done and • At the eau* time all these people. have 'In LWOW feeling' that, there ,are toa wmalzeyaftitnhtime,tiaiztovtehrelativeinoetr.gy may be • Roth, pepuiar enthasieeni and machin. Cry are needed, In the main, we - must trust to our Governments:9r •umehinery, -white the peeple must provide' the fuel and the Steam.. It is for the military. authorities to say what men„ what guns, viriM veFlekle on see, under Sea, and in the ter are required, and foe the Govern- ments- tmcceeperate with ,thettl." POPO- lei enthusiasm, on the other had, is the mainspring- of of .recruiting. ; One of the greatest 0014_6, recruit ing: is the Patriotic Fund. 4 provides for the'lante of those whom the recruit leaves, at home; he is heaitatine taredu public duty and family duty, the, • Ntriotie Fend senlea to hie aid, and helps les te,Move,Iligt.perplexity. He may 'go. to the front feeling confident that his fanijlyaiid thoOes Who depend 'lima him will not he left to.sterve or beg, It is net a charitable feed. It is a ree0gnitucn of duty on the part of-thoie who. stay. at home. It is their contrilmtien to •their country, not as great as the laying down of life, yet sineere and practical, andgie- ea in the same spirit ,..Of sertme as is :shown 40"-the-eollatment•-of -a. soldier. it t be feared that thus attetiOon may be dietracted *Ina this, find, Which lain need' oflarge oupecriptiOne by poem of these' new appeals to the nubile: It .would he lamentable if. this were the There seema te .130 a necessity for Co' offl 'eating the. argiiiitirf and activities in which patriotic enthus- iasm ,fiedo ,expreseean; Without. ;owe suck system, citizens may beeeme con- fused -by a lnultiplieity of aimancti, and enthusiasm May be frittered, away, • _ . •(London*Advertiser) • , • - The'Department of Trade and mem) has -just, iseiled 4 Special r4ort-On- the foreigteborn population -of Canada which, makes interesting reading in these thnee..`Thegrent percentage of our pope illation bore in the Britiph Isles is, of course; not included, the statistics steal- ing with the inumgretrofi born tinder a- •01-111 F'OREIONp ISORPI foreign flag. • The total foreign -born residing Canada in .Tune, 191 I, was 752,7:32; whom 45-77 "per.pent were . naturalize binaries -has re4oreign-,horn penal -etre of 148,784, representing 19 47' per ce of the total, andb1.117 opine:during th years between 1900 and 1914 thetialith since 1899 and before, There are 39,97 native-born Germano in dined& of who 46,010, or 37.93 per 084 reside , in On ario: Of the 121,430 of Austrirtsi an Ilimgarian aloinat all reside in th _Wastern althongh , Qatari The tlermans coining into Caned haye been naturalized for:the meat: par 23,283 taking out papers, while: 60;94 Austrians have taken out papers. Th pmeentageof Who• has; become eaturalized is 45.24, while 04.7 of the foreign -born population is alien Only 19:08 of Italians are naturalized andall eastern .conntries have a lon, av erase, China, with 9.52, for instance•. • , One interesting table -shows that Can iane-Still---have-a-7-heavy-baltrice o Power at the polls. There are 1,98.2,51 Males qualified to vote, of whom :1,442 618 are Canadian.born, 408,805 British born end. 134269 foreign -born. - • la °aerie, after the list eeneei, ther re--7;871--9ermenehore-naileif-ev-err yea fs of age, of Whom 5,143 were natur alized. There were 10,429 Austriane, o Whom only: 1,039 were naturalized There were 11,300 Italians; til when only 1;874 Were naturalized. ' ' ,Another„ strong -element of Germa Origin came iiito Canada with the ha- to migration from the United States. A ste tetar of 303,880 born in tho adjacent bo republic shown as levini.eressed the we in border, of whom 46.374 wore of German of -d:tsteuenratice.40. f theSe -21;36.2 haye.- been br Londoe has a foreign -born population of .2,316; per cent Of tier 1,280 ariTirateiatildi;OSEr finales. In con BRUC COUNTY NEWS Irvin Hendereon, a lainolonr"okt ISM1 of R. °Henderson, Winghane,, got bold of cartridge, .one day_ eeeently, end in trying to: get tile bullet out of it caused' RR explosion Mitielt blew' two fingers and the. thumb eft his right haod. Beeause be batl sold. to tile WrAtern Foundry Co. a quantity of fire 110$0 bOunging tu' the town.. of Wingbaffl and refused to explain why to the Town Council, Fire Obief Dinsley was ausliseeFaitr,40.1. lit -111,41:30'11"a pecitTek 44, chick. Of Resell Orderlies are free from laareh druge.and. ,are the nieeet lesetive for •children. Sold only by J. O. Armstrong, The Ronal Store, Inc., asei.8e50c.boxes. do4raufodWectP,asolapigoe 00fOrNtat4Aer.6,0. Bi.iOnwtOor, iile,11 out of about 03,Q0Q. • tIo sold them stock in a "salted coal whoa.' De tective Twigg picked bini Op .fes, Tor onto last week and ha will. inoiti' have to. face the COurt in Bisteclee pool romp. in. Kincardine came very nearly being destroyed by fIre Monday evening of last week. The fires.star:escl, in a slit'et the rear' about 10 o'cleck.iit night . and -for, st time; made V.0144 headway, The f'prOmpt arrivarofthe. fi e brigade, put a stop 'to the eonflagrIttiao„, : " , tiring °severe electrical8 91'88 of Sept. 16 the barn of Frank. Harem- more,13rent Township; wa$ struck by lightning and completely burned, in. eluding his entire crop. Ha had just finished' harvesting and threshing: was to have started next morning. The: loss will be over e2,500, and oaly parially Pr9b'egte41 by illOacalleo. - • •WMT FOR Kizroannure Tr—The law.firm of Robertson Liz 'M e.Nah ,ve ,issued e writ a,gaiusit, the corporation of Kincardine Tp., to compel the stir. render of the bonds of et Treasurer Lecalerd Stiewfelt. He has endeavor- -ed to belie his bondsmen, R. R. Camp- bell,- A. Collins and Peter Showleilt liteS441-"lia-111-47-Reeir-e-Tefused, ate though the books bairn been audited , . several tialei, since and found Correct; J AQ1K86N—Maelop.--, On Septem her II* in Bonar Presbyterian Oh &eh, Toronte the merrier% of Florence B „ 9 • rt, . ,‘ '1 daughter of tRecittte.. ,Atex;.. MacLeod, of Paisley, to William Jackson of New , York,: .was : solemnized' by tlie Re!". Alex, Afaegillivray.: The bride, who was giypee away by her unele. Mr.: Sohn MacLeod, of Kincardine, Wore a 4#,Iiite chiffon -die -Wind -Brims-61g 'Veil. Mr. and gra :jadkiion have gone to Niagara Fall& Albany and Berinudat the „bride travelling' in * r avy blue suit'andlarge 'Week -velvet hat. They will live•in. New - York..,1••114 Islay sterile. -- Dn. SINCLAIR DicAu Sinelair, for many years a preetisine physician it;ef . and prominent citizen of. Walsleeton, died at his home thereon Tuesday: of el. last Week.; He Wita in his 77th year ii arid dealli-aiiii-due-tira general 1;re.alt: et. inguP of ° the ayetent.• ,,,pri; Sinclair was e. a. native Lobo Tp, Middlesex CO. °° Ann He graduated in rriedieine 1864 at Arbor College, :fitiehl and • far a 7: time served with the U. S. army • to - 11) wards thanelose Of the:Civil War. Ile carne to Walkerton in 1863 resid- d edtherneentinuously ever'eirice. , 110. o witti the. pioneer medical doctor of O Bruce. County. He le.,serviee) by one Sinclair, and o one 89E4 Pr. H. 1-1.' Sineleirv who has been.a partner.* the : WalkOrto* practice for' the past21years. 9 IN Hann buck—A band of gypsies streak' Walkertorritlyi 1106°16f e their number, being thteusuill fortune- teller, The woman proceeded to pine- • tice. her yowl:Oen at the G.T.R. depot , and by working a simMth game, sue .ceedell in having several of the Stern er sex .part with, considerable Ions° change, A Complaint. was (men laid against her and.ehn...sese-arreeted4y Chief Ferguson on the 'charge ob, taining money by fraud. As the wow- - an had ewe sinall children to .ceie for, - and pleaded., hard for liberty and those, who prosecuted having received money e the -Wen Modified the charge to that of-vagraney-and-On- the WQMalll paying the cods incurred, allowed :her to ft!io. The caravan at once left for 'Fi)GnirIcas. ere—. Dtelte7.,Sedie Itifirgareti I only daughter Of Mr. and. Mrs. John Dick, 6th. lin-,. Calms& Was United in. n, marriage to Mr.George„ _Gillespie, of _ _ ronto; on Sept_L7.._Rcv_S_Denip r„ assisted by Rev W. Christie, th of Torento„ oifloiated, Thes re' about 4(Yguests. among them Le g and Mrs _Norman Mackerizie, Teeswater, • grandpareets_-of ide. This old couple. went. out by., auto and it • -den ern --t fact that they ,op years ego bed • ono , On foct 12 miles to llivereditle 4o be . married, and walking batik the same distance after the cererneny. Mr, and :NW Will a,t 18 , Ave., Toronto For the past three *ore MILO Dick has been &fineness of Roder; Ave., Presbyterian, Churele,Tia_ :.tontek ivinireilie-madermeny-felendil."'" • treat to thia, Lite foreign -horn population orWinehieg s ajrnesk 29 per coat „Fifty per cent of .the foreign -born males ,in London are naturalized. The voting rower of the,-foreiorr eleinient rn le only 369 in e total et 12,982 voters.' 63 males born in Germany resided in London When the cenhas wae taken, of *hem ga were naturalised and au. There were Mee 96 Austrian males, 26 having become eitisens. Of the, Greeks resident here none have been naturaliz- .ed, • , ,Lochalsk The Jungle %SONS •BANK IP-ITAL AND 1*SERVIII* $8,800,000 SO Branches' In Canada A general, Banking ,BusineTt ansaele Ctroular Letters of Credit Bank Money Orders • SAVINGS, BANK- DEPARTM:ENT • Interest allowed at highest current rate ,- T. S. *REID, Manager. `•••••••••••••••••=maker .--canaoe..-ituit....Fohloo..... Store: ux MISS -GLENN will ,J.3e. ilekligiff, Wednesday, .,Oet; 6th4 it the Cain Hon* with a 'full line .of Hair Gamin,. inclnding Switches, 4;to an gs, Pin Curls, Partings, Pompadours, TransforMations, Sen's _Wigs and Toupees, We are pleased to demonstrate Our Goods, knowing their pialifie and • workmanship, ONE DA.Y ONLY • ti[ENNLadies desirous of having' Miss Glenn • calf.a.t residence leave address at hotel !!--C.11 ARLES --------Toronto-----1°° 1144Stre"We'st m44 ri44,440•0444061,4100%.,411wSkiredkes"0110."*.04010000~00•4 etains flavor and freshness i*breaitarid pastrii P • Mafeking • - . Sept .2711i: Mrs. john !Jelin spent a few days last week with Mafeking,friends • Mrs. H. E,Harieon returned to her borne in East Tales, Thursday. Carman Stothers leaves to day for Toronto where he will take a course in Faculty. • _' Stephen Stothers returned to Guelph today having- .been- home - on- basinee& He has engaged Ernest Neil to wink his farm this fall. • , • . - Owing to the ram storin Stuiday- morning .the Sunday School Rally was I not as largely attended as usual. How- ever, those who Were out- were --wetly repaid. The programs this year were splendid, especially the tnuaic.' Rev.. S. J. Bridgette gave an interestingaddress, taking fer, his subject,'"The Ideal Meg-, dote". His remarks were apt, reviewing and bringing out '.the teachings of . the year's les sona;and comparing the causes of the rise and fall of nations in Ancient_ and Modern history. • Qrey Or , . Sept 27. . Miss, Mary McLeod is away for a few days on a business trip to Toronto. - Archie and Lizzie McIntyre, made a' social gall over Sunday at Kinnon Mc- Kinnon's. Miss Aamici McKinnon has returned to London after spending two -weeks With her parents. here:, ' -Mt. and Wird.- Andrew's 4onete hate -re-- tweed to Tot onto after spending two ' weeks with friends add acquaintances., Some of the -farmers in -this -seetion are making geed headway with their . e _ fell plowing,--whiletsthers -find it, lather: toowt. A very interesting program was favert last Sabbath at the Grey 01 'Sunday School, entitled "Enlisting for Christ.", . Last Sunday was Rally Sunday and • Many 'turned out, Two very interesting addresses were given by Hugh McMillan and 11. H. McKenzie. A special collection., wee also. takes], which amounted .to g726. You can can Cook to the full capacity of the toR- and bake an oven full of goad things withli 'r n at the same time. Many excluif sive features you should knOw; - - about.Let.the McClary dealer show you. 0 -- -- -, . . — ---sold---brLucknour-11Xidivrare litc-oat c . " . °mew 'Authorized $5,000,000 .Capitin Pald up . $3,000.000 SUrPtUIP 03a500900 . • MEN Of" TO-AAORIZOIX, . (Intended for last week) Threshing is the Order Of the 44.: Harry jewitt is working for Newton. Cranston Roy fludson spent Sunday under the parental roof. • , George Ferris took aearlead in bis Ford to Kincardine PAW OA Friday. Mrs. and Miss t. Cameron, Chicago, visited at Wesley Hudeon's last week, ,The auto tour to Formosa 90 Sunday was enjoyed immensolyhy the partici,/ pants. ' • , • A number from here attended Lang. side Presbyterian church on Sunday to hear Pet Stewart's sermon On "IhititintO War The child of' to.day is the business' man, or to-*orrow. He should learn early to economizeand invest- • his savings. , , A Savings Acconnt for eachebihi should be . • opened with this Dank. • • piCKNOW BRANCH. • J. A. GILENrIEj Manager,, r