The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-09-30, Page 3You will find relief In Zam-Buk I 'It ilaSes the burning, stinging. pain, stops bleeding and brings ...egs.e..,-"PtIP,RrAnc.erWith Bob, means 'cure. Why not -prove this? Druelgir44 ani gore4- toe baso ' 7.1 T.? .:' • •••, ••••,, •s,•••77.91— • ACROSSt THEM IS. GOING ON OV 1/44 SUMS. . - Latest, Ilappeningi in Big Itepu . -TWO AVERA.GE C;VIZEIlSo! One LineQfl Foally Street 414 Other SOS WerldPg Halt • " • . $id Thatcher wanted to), know how I made my money, tie 41174 Were•'boys together andliave lived all OUr liveS in thili eld burg. ,You're mBMW atreet, and I'm still, worlang at my jab, and it's about all ' •C4Mdenaed ROW..1 can do to hold it .,eZr ri,I'm a, dc- • • 4eadqrs, • :cent 'enough eitizeni judging .by the. 'general run of folks, and,I don't know Michigan physicians will centre ef- that I'vf3 done 'anything' wrong. But . forts on the, eradication of cancer, 1 you caught on and 1 didn't. Just • •Michigan. State game warden seeat- he e did 1 ntissl." • • .e4. 128 .convictions during August. “Don't faget," I aYs, mower costs Off- Coney Island the second shark a Man Soraething. I think inY Money ,bas been' Captared larithin forty-eight is worth all it has cost me but when ' ^ hours. '.P4ssed itstra"I'mfft;d7C-IVTIZ you • • N.Y., aged 107, hopes to live to cast weren't right, but I've never. been her vote. ' • sorry that I took tire bargain." • Fourbandits 'robbed a Man in • 4 "How do you mean," he says, hallway on Broeklyn'a busiest corner "Well,"' 1 says to him, "When we in daylight.. , , were young fellows, you were a bet', J. H. IIY1144 'Of 'Tacoma,. Wash., ter sport than I was., The other chaps. elairns to have invented brakes for looked to you, when Alcamo to having fun, more than they jooked to life. X was. left out of many a good time, that you Made the most of. But it all cost, you money. I lost .the good times, but I kept the 'money," « ' . • "But a man has a right t� gQ94 time,:"Bid says, a little roily like, "And he's only young once.". • .'That's. right," I says:! "I didn't grudge Yaw, yoll't glied time old days." days." •• . "And Oa I Slieraltet.. 'grudge: you .youelnoneY•pow,",'saYS Sid, .• getting a Attie' madder. ' *.• " • "Well, what 'do you think?" and I looks him 'square in the eye, "Things ain't right in this world," he says," Or a man viouldn't have to pinch and save at the very time 'when he Wilt wants to spend his money, ;and then have to go without because he finds it hard to earn." 4,4,See here, Sir," I says, not running affairs in, this world any more than you are. The rules of the 'game may be wrong, but neither you nor I can change' them, add if a man's NOTHING TO EQUAL, " BABY'S ()WIC TAILELR From Gtemi hie from the Middle West „ Thel'e is nothing to total Baby's NEWS BY MAIL FROM IRELAND'S Own Tablets fax little one, They are. absolutely safe and _are guaranteed GREEN -tiEoBES. free from -opiates and never fail in .' giving relief from the minor ills of ' ,,, ......., ..... babyhood and obodhood. coma:ruble Happenine in the ,gmerakl, UN of bowDeoicotO. fills p asar oxp e lfr •orpdee6Pr Iteberkeepwto 1,1141mbier them. Mrs. Albert Bergeron, St, Aga- Interest to All Trite Irish- no such disease on record 45 apPendi7 Plt,..Que., writes: "My baby was suf., ' 40E1, It is dee solelY to neglect, and ferrag from constipation and teething • „ men, is tberefere preventable.' If you have troubles • and Baby's Own Tablets ,Steps have been telsen with the cOnstiPatien, 'brid breath or headache quickly cured him, New I eiwaYa idea olg organizing Ireland as a *Ulla- Y°34 need 141edielriq liglir•41917` The keep. then; in the house." The Tablets ten Producing,area; - ,or are sold by medicine dealers or, by At a tneeting of the North Kildare' tectgor piniiutb:h. siaodatblaette rDe9gu'vrilinteeinraielf. mail at 2; cents a box from The Dr. Farming Society, it was decided to them•all. They MVO the hewele and Williains' Medic ihe Co., Breeleirille, hold the Minna' Show On September dleanse the Jiver Se smoothly yen Ont,....-. 29th._ •,____ „.....,-----,.....-..-- scarcely, notice the- effect 'But -1T • • The Ulster Unionist own' * ' Is get the action, just the same. Taken dicitis Prevented 'Life Lengthened . —Health -Maintain , • ocean liners. • • •- Detroit will only em13103' American • • • ' citizens in future; those not natural- . • iz 'mist get Out: • Mrs. Newton Grubb, of Wilitting, „• tea Pa. Was badly hurt when a can . • ' of tomatoes burst.: • , A• )37UiralQ advertised 10P,' a 'Polish • ,, .riprise for the schools $720 a leer • • and got 14APPOCAt!OhOo • , Chicago chemists. are, puzzled at the .430bstariee,•in German 'shells' .sent • thrati from the battle front. • „n- ‘` • Cyrtfa" Page,:pioneer of 'Little . Minn., left $20,000 of his estate for . a town clock in in the courthouse. • By some freak of nature, Joseph • Struble, of Boonton, N.J., has ripe • strawberries on a cucumber vine. « Somebody put a skunk in the grand • " Piano just before a dance at the Free.; From-Kare-Klub,--of• Winsted Conn. • When Louis garsley, of Roselawn, Pa., hit a ottibborn bull it gored him • and took twelve men torescuehint: • The year-old son of Herbert Wyatt, of Salina, Kan„ fell into a jar holding" 5. inches of water and drowned. • going to ,play. at all he's got to play • Jas. Reynolds was freed for hit- the rules." . ting a. New. Mirk politemari : who in- ."You didn't save all Your money; vaded-his-bToiiie-Without a " Wu- Made -a -Id -Of :"Of -the risc• John Guettinger's will left his gun in real estate," says Sid. • and uniferm, to the German Club at "Of eourse, made -a ' Cleveland "for parades and funerals." lot out of other things, toor The son of Mrs. Eliz. Mhitin, "I could have done just as well as murdered by anegro at hfurphybow, you did only I d4dn't have the money Ill.; asks -to be the hangman on Oct. for a start.' - 16th. - "Chat's hat it "''fii4s I "the fnoney • Kansas State 'Minor receipts :shown. tor a start is whet comes You -, ed '100,000 leis. beer drunk in have to pass pp a lot of geed times July and August than An 1914„ to stack tiP a hundred' dollars, , and A wild cat Sprang on to the dinner every dollar is SO fresh and frisky table of Mrs: Maria Baker at Lone Beach, 194.,Land__ Scattered-. the- . guests. . • • Kosice' jordan, Roumanian inventor, 'will lose his sight from a. phosphorus. explosion his New York laboratotr. - Wm. Merrill; pbstmaster of -West . ' Newbury, MaSS., has resigned because , • . the Government is neutral in the war. • Two, special carloads of insane pa- . •" • tients were taken from- Morristown, Pa., State Hospital to Wilkesbarre. in- ,.. • , stitution. • , • • . Frank J. Moore and Sarah F. Kil- ' loy, jut married at South Norwalk, years to see -if ---their • • . • • -love was real. " - , - When yheo caht - • -fire 'at New Brunswick, NJ., 100 - reiponded to the -alarm ,in' , their. own autos. ' . - A slight' blister on the leg of H. E: Duffenbach, Bloomsburg, Pa., cans- - • &I an abscess, amputation of • the lei ,and then death. ' ' :License fees of mraioriiti and chaf-, • • , feurs amount new to.'$1,780,000 in . - New- Yorle-Btifitel. an iiiereaae-of $320;--, --, 000 'over 1914. , • - • • At the district court for Wyandotte ' county Kansas Women will on the. jury this raontlq_thera-arasome . mur- • der cases &wit. Because she had large feet and smoked ,cigarettei a young woman of Sparrrav; Okla., was arrested as a man in Kansas City. . • Mr's. 'Helena Geborg refused to be • . rescued frorn her burning home at . Philadelphia until the firemen saved .$1,000 in her handbag. • • . The 'former commissioner, treasur- er, and recorder of the City of Nash- ville, Tenn., are under arrest for ler- ' 'eeny of nranicipal funds. . • Mrs. Enirria Saute, of Somerville,' . , O.,. was found wandering in New • • York with, $3,000 hidden'in her cloth- , lag as Well as fat bank books •• , TEE GRA,NDEES •OF SPAIN'. When They All Wore .Their 'Hats,in • ' ' • the Presence. of_ -the Xing.; - • • A grandee_ of Spain enjoys the pri- , .Vilege, granted Min Mit* btuitireds Of' ' • years ago; of. remaining "covered" in the presepee of his sovereign. This custom_datea-from -the -period, erlieni: .„, according to 'the theory_then held; the , . king was "the first among equals." • • • The ancient formula always. at the s.` • coronatioh 'of kings of. old Spain was: ' " • "We, your equals, choose you, to • reign• over. es." Arid the' king att. Sented in this declaration of his:no- ' dees of Sp,ain wore their hats in the ' presence of the king, bath) time. the ' ' idea of craiteltegan even among the graiideeli, with the Osult that' they. Were' eventually divided into three @raises, and these classes were. -distingiiisherhylhelarefiquette. •.The first class entered the royal presence covered, and, after 'an' ad- . %ranee of a few stepS, put on their hats, unbidden by the king ,and 'the • third class also entereduncovered but did het "cover" Until requested to do • •, So by the kink. Then, according lo the etiquette, -"all were equal." •There have.been grandees who were , • • • not Spaniards,--aletablY• the Duke .of • Wellington,..upon wham the . Cortes conferred the honor in recognition of his services to the state. a a • • To retnove tight rings from fingers, pass tho end of a piece of fine ,twine monthly circular issued from Ceylon . underneath the ring and wind it even., and just to hand states!' "A feature ly arourid the finger upward as far as of the market Was the record prices ' the middle joint, Then take hold of paid for flavory teas. The oldest •the lower end of the string beneath members of the tea- trade in Ceylon the ring, and begin slowly to unwind could not remember such high prices, upward, when the ring will gruelingly Ile,W:ilealized befors." move along the twine toward the •tip 'wk. • el the finger and come oit • Atilutrain Liniment trapi mu, it's all .you can do to hold it. But' -theY. ,seem' to like one- another's-eom-• -pany, and by the time you have a couple of hundred herded together in - the bank they stay quieter. Ad; they seem to draw others -you enjoy going to .the bank .with a dollar- when 'your. . bunch is beginning to grow. And a very ,feW hundred dollars will give a min a Start" Sid thinks for a minute, and then he, puts his. hand - on my should•er, friendly like, -Sid always was a good ' fellow -and says: • o, "You • know bdy Gordon, don't hright lad and -has- good job. and fine prospects. • But he'S a free spender. I• wish you'd have a talk with hini some day, Do that for me, just for --iild-tirTies 'sake; yoa ?" , • v. "Net to give him good advice," I says. , "I'm, not stuck on myself that I feel able to give good advice to any- body. "No;" says. Sid, "but you and I have get pretty far along the road, and I'd kno'w ihow7,-tiungrIgek--to you now. Perhaps what you have to tell him and *hat I have to tell him may help_hint a=bit." . • TUBE MAIL' CARS NEXT. , • -- • --, Have Been Used in Paris for Some Time. Parliament recently gave permis- sion to the post office adthorities to construct a miniature- tube railroad for the purpose of conveying letters and -pareeleacroas-Landon- time formerly taken. In two tubes,' nine feet in diameter, little electrically propelled trades will run; and parcels and mail bags :-.Lifvfil be stacked on them. The first postal. tube is to be- censtraeteri between Paddington and the epstern district °office at White- chapel. Driven by electric current and con- trolled by switches at intermediate BETWEEN' 'IMAM() AND _TIM! ,COL-WELMA., 'tints /From Provinces -Where Many °Marie Xioyu and Oirle Are SUM. TF zoontr:4N CI. A FA"M co $111•V Sat. haTIO "ftnrorwo Patlartli MY rot /waled la 'to brat saetlora: of Ow 'jig. Alf plop*. It 17 Parrsou. nritanitoa, , • alEWSPa P gn 5 roliTriCe' Dis-iiali'w-igAlitiera-iiiinArii l‘NLI Jon ' I .s. laffiettio roc sale la good :Ontario, . towns, wan moot useful and Intereeollar of Ail basInoascs• Von information 083 aealleatien to iViition Vetalipaing Voni- . MICCELLANWOUS, , 41ANCElt. 41'1Yrrii).1i$3, 1.;172',13eti„ ETC, . 74 in1 eracta41 oaftrni1iofgefrn4inieurfi.4 ,g'irtli': us before too late. 1.ir.'1allrorn Bledieli., Co.. X4ra1tea. •Couirterwoca, cnt". . . . The �T.P ar drilling a Well fat oil Bout- of Lethbridge, Alta. ' Ecititatoon had a- -.surpus- on -its annual exhibition amounting to .$3r ' • • Girt. varlets are noiv frequently_ seen. en -11—i =Vern" opthe streets of SaSka,, ton., , • T CII.ER ! • • II+ • clear beaded hiingry rested •ener. IIE P A 'S FRUIT .tion . Ireland's exinusion from the itegistra- getic eige a ' different' nian. Pa B SAd a resolution agallist at night you: wake up next Morning, • " A Inen =fled Kelly, of of aWnild7'tdryllrY."1-18aPmellildtoan'qsu Piles! Will:Yr Peaches Coth Less Per Quart Than * • • • Sawn, employed at D'Arey's Brewery,- 'work So easy,. just as nature would Once upon a 4time•Hyou see 1 know `Met his death by failing into one a order, never gripe or cause headache. "lbw' to begin a story' in the -right way the large vats. •• • A, Pima- thing for folks • that ar4 out of. sorts, depressed, lacking' in color --a• barefoot boy danced by the .road7. Sergeant Albert Charley, 42ne BO- gade, R.F.A.• is the 'latest id the and s that use side and shouted gleefully, writes PQ-- tinguished Conduct Medal. the. pox; OAS' he• did are neve_:r sick; nevderlahveui Dr. Hainil- ter McArth,nr. It was in Canada, back Athlone soldiers to secure The • death occurred at.ac or a pain, feel g00 a t in the nineteenth century, in the piethe 8y50 - neer dark, The little boy was healthy; Dublin.of , clean,tsiirttieguPYia. tbeeachuansei, - healthy. This and ,frocklek.and what he lacked in the Rev: Frank Sadleir, M.A.`, former- ,you can easily prove yourself., • clothes he, made 1.11) in the kind ef recter of Nev,rcaatle Lyons, P • ayle- • • • 'body one should have inside ,ef• clothes, batch,atthe,Afle:sof SeventS"-four. TRUE PATRIOTISM. Aad he was very,- very haPPY. , .The number, of ow agepensiiins • -fact he was BQ happy. that • a Passipg lielancl in the,last , Fyiday The :excellent Patriotic W,ork of the friend stopped to ask him the mole' in 'Ns.areb, ion, was 202,202, aild oil File Indians at Balcan:os, Sat*" eon. - of , rt• all. . tiniree; and the Canadian Pacific "AtnrayiN 'Shotited: he of the thraugh Mr. W. 11. Baker, the Seere7 freckles. ;•• a ; tary of the.. Company, has received "Why so haPPir asked the friend: another encouraging report. It waif "The preacher is eraning to din- in October last year that thirty-three • Of these colonists subscribed $502,10 to the Patriotic Fund, each Satinet giving a certain number of bushels of grain, which when` sold ,amotinted to the above. sum. During the winter that followed, the File. Indian -Brass Band " gave • concerts, thereby raising another $212.00, which Went to the Belgian Relief Fund, and since March ,last, the Red Cross Branch Of this Colony has raised $500.00 and endowed a bed in Clive - den Hospital. • The young Indian ivol men. have done a great deal of knit- ting -and...sewing., The- branch -has -jta - membership of 86, while there are only one hundred and sixty •-thirty-ellEt men,' twenty-six Women and ninety-six children -in the colony. The .patridism of these Indians does - not stop. here. Two young men Went to the front' with the second contin- gent, and six more are going with the next. The Tile Indians eledit-te having the oldest Red Cross Society eaember in the British -Empire -in the 'person of Pointed Cap. Thit 'cele'-• brated" character says. that he is 'the -.1-10O- old ageof105, and. on Noveinber. 12th next will attairtaid -108th yeah': He is now an. "associate nreinber" of the teel CEOs, and proudly wears On his heart the little red cross, the em - Wein of the -society. It is -quite pos- sible that in addition to the six latest recruit's for the front, older members Of the colorlY•will go, as one man who is, the father of nine children has ex7 pressed his intention of so doing, and than the already sweet peaches. As no in. • peaches usually come in eleven -quart ond, year of the war, and the end Despite the fact that a hailstorm last, .baskets, .you will find if .yo.0,atyjaa deems as far_ off -as ever: Ne_ene imkt.. month destroyed all the ci.O.P.5 the i BET- sqieco-To A- CAIl•ROT.,-&-'•-...- price by eleven; that peaches 'cost:less. gined, h.Year ago, that by September colony, the File Wiens ire not down- • hearted, and have made arrangements per quart than ,any, other fruit. But of 1915, Canada would have sent king Ejlwar d Won; sand Ite Give across the Atlantic. nearly one to continue their good work daring • becauie they were orice so great a Late -Steel Man Costly Trinket. p Any Other Fran.: the last FtidOP. Of gar* .1.210,42e• Reinforeements for. lielfast ship- yards and munition faetories riVe iii, a few weeks from \-(Inited 'States; South Afriek'Citintdii and the Antipodes. , At the opening a the Mayo As - "I aint, but whenever the preacher sizes IVIr.-"Justice Boyd deplored the conieli to dinner we, always have state of reeraiting. He said out of a peach, presorves."- . • o- PoPulation 48,522- , iti•-the county; It really is not much of e story, only 438 volunteered. ' and I am, giving it on 'account of its Second-Liettenarit R. L. Render- arch-e-n-lag-i-cfil interest, and not be- son of Belfast, attached to the 4th cause it IS SO very funny, It dates Battalion Royal Irish Rifles, his hack to the days when people merely been invalided home following an at - knew that peaches are the best . of tack of enteric fever. fruits and had not discovered that The O'Mahony D. L., Grange, Con.; Canada is the best place to raise the County Wicklow, has presented an very-- hest-of-theini•-: -The-woman-who • Irish-wolfhound•-telLieutenant,Celonel- was fortunate • enough tO get some Sir A. A. Weldon, Bart., D.S.O., as a from a sheltered orchard or from a mascot of the 4th Battalion. one tree that was so fortunately A double 'murder is reported from situated that it escaped the frost, put Conon; County Kildare, of Lawrence pp a few t� have for 'such ',special Hayden, an old age pensioner, • and occasions as the visit of the preacher% his sister,' Mary, Ann Hayden, being In those days, the misdate was a found in their house beaten to death. inuph More' welcome visitor • the ' While .slcimthing the tops of pens of farm' than the agent of -tetzfithzgaidt boibtfig glue - in a . Dublin- factory, concerns and tnining promoters, and Simon Toole, aged 19,•. fell into one there is a moraLto that if -1 only -had a the pans and wee -So' terribly -scald - time to work it out Because peaches' ed that he 'died •soon afterwards. were saved for. tineh extra special oc- A largelyAttended meeting,, pre- casions tradition' had grown PP sided over by Sir •,17,olin Irwin; J.P., about them .:in many parts of the was held at Tallaght, for the purpose country Som' housewives, otherwise of explaining to the yining then of the very bright and credit to the ,far4 distriet -their diity *hi the 'present: nert?' : "1 didn't knOw you were so fond of hilur mers' institutes to which they belong, consider it an ektriVagance, to..pre= serve peaches unless they get thein sacrifice Prices: Yet these same Wo- men will pay from tea' to _fifteen cents need far more sugar to de.them up crisis. • . AN APPEAL. • On Behalf of the National Canadian , • Patriotic Fund: • We have now entered upon the sec- has wife says"I will t stop'hi " a quart for currants and. berries that Saskatchewan now has a • Retail Merchants' Mutual •Pire, Insurance ComPany. • , I The Winnipeg telephone directory • ishows 2,467 less connections than. A year ago. • • Elbow, Sask., ratepayers voted deihrn a by„ -„law to provide better Are EPIXT°htibecittliet°onn°.8WS aiSne$91:68-11;71anddthmec;nst.41- plue ;5,497.. Robert Shaw • shot a. prairie Wolf that Was robbing his hen- coops at 'St. WA), Winnipeg, The ,Bani of Montreal, has Named Regina a of the need' of - greater .econollik "by the ' • • .The city Winnipeg roll of honor now'. shows,g,00. eivic. employes :in the Canadian contingents. ' Calgary municipal voters'' list this -- year contains 41,537 names, an o in- crease Of. 10 per cent. Harry Cooper, grocery clerk, Ed- monton, died as the renult„sof a fall down a freight hoist shaft. °As Dr. Woodland slept at Medicine "Hat a burglar in his 'home took PO from his trousers', pocket. are e fah eb rare l) grown b na t Wt Ile n• iPe Min- ister of Agriculture': office. Melfort, Sask., .shipped •out 84 .car- loads of Carrot River Valley beef in one week, valued at $42,000: Rudolph Walters, Austrian, serv- ffi 12 lifraithi Jail at Regina, has escaped. Swift -Current's landtaxsale ' on - October 1st will consiit of 4,890 par- cels of land now in arrears,. „ . Saskatchewan is holding a ° deep enquiry int() school reform and edu- cational, work in the province, The, News -Telegram of ,Calgary claims it has 27 eniPloyes in the ranks of the Canadian Militia. _ Peter MeAra, senior veteran Of the lndian Mutiny, who went to Regina 32 years ago,is-dead, aged 75: t The Wife, tinder. new acts, -has _t sign agreements and mortgages on homesteads. in the West. Alberta is alarmed over the ap- pearance of the sew thistle in the province -the curse of • . Manitoba, farms. hopes for War .1riunitiOn or. • .• ders are roused in Calgary. 'The city thinks , the C.13*.R. shops will be used as a plant. • .,Asponces Bionotorit '.4:icivraa.;•to-ti'i4.•;ftr•cono.. •licy!",144:1Y0141444at3TggAikir.P...5,-.; Ilkertlre /41.014010r CtilS11441. '10.. 4CAlratliCILI %%CI, i:11914.41alf..•4$0.C1rtat•• 1406. 0,4116V ;41v taltU114011317 i'ert.attellat'atar 11 IQ 4:4140P.:1741r 4•119;.4411/0, • geetitiritO.rg•• rgrOlt at5. ONW.41.*01173TIST souoqz. IOTT We- and caaanea •n: !.)1..kos Imadatels aaram ta.asiy•zor zonate oaltenra W. Z.. =most, window. '134 Yo ' ". ' To2ormo, 40'1 t*fit•s' : • • •' Reduces Bursal Bulafvementse • • Curbs,.:Filfed 7.cnd9P:Pi• Sore- "Thickeited., SWollon Tissuesi nesti'frons. Britioeti or Strains; stops Spawn ,Lameness, allays pain. 1 •IDayoenspnottrieblihsteurrs,ereinnoi:oeothe thapirttel: at druggists or delivered, Book .1..h1 free. ABSQRJNT•14,, kntlseptie liniment for bruit, -eels, wounds, c‘.* I strains, paintd, swollen glaatiro heals and seethes. p.00 a bottle at drug." • , gists or postpaid. Will tell you- more if you • - , vvrite. the' S. . • w. F. YOUNG, P. O. F., 513 Lynam; Bids., cloatfesi, Can. , • • '41 luxury houseleives ere, slow -to realize- redAtousand--men -with-as-man the Icernlog-Winfer--aunittis to-nid-t more to follow if • necessary. This. • boys. across the sea, thus showing, a Reny Steel, head of the great Eng - magnificent enlistment, -while 'primar-' paariotism worthy of a king. .. - ily due te the loyalty of our people, • -____op ' has been, in a large measure, made .• . that they should have more of them than of any kind of frit, for they are both the cheapest and the best. There is no reason why every farmer'swife in the districts where , peaches cannot be grown sliculd not buy them tag' free, ly as they ,do othet fruits and have Tthein-net-Tonli-,when. -tho, Ail.,eache comes to dinner, but when the :boys and girls conie home frqm the city, and at all other times when they want to have something luxurious on the table. -» lo'dso Tit should -he rerneinb fen. eating frorn the hand the peach is the best fruit of all; but you should use for this purpose only the peaches that yeti buy in the full light of day. Once upon a time,'or, perhaps I should say, "Once upon 'apother time," newly arrived Irishm‘i{went out with iend to steal-peaehes.-,It-was-ver dark, and Pat had been told to grope along the branches for "Che fruit., appeal to the Canadian Public. . Presently he whispered, "Moike!" There are Many funds,, most of friend answered «"Phwat!" "Has then Worthy, but of them all,. the aiches got legs?" "Naw "' • "Then P,atriotic Fund is the one we cannot • WITH THE ARTFUL DODGER. ' .posaible by 'the, Canadian Patriotic' • Fund. , . .. Pilgrimage to Interesting 'SPotS in Thig greatest. of all • the national-' • Dicken's London. ' enefaOtions _id-rte*assisting-twentr. ,e.--.- • mit ni---kffevr-ifig- London vn thousand families of mem who have wonderful thoroughness. He was ac - .enlisted: for., overseas' .service. These • men have gone 'forward- with the full assurance that:the people of Canada. wffi see to it that during their" ab- -series.-their'-wiver,---Widewed 'aad little- children. shall he maintained.. in comfort • We hear that 'the -drain'. afternoon in tracing the devieas whys of•the Anna Dedget and the , in- .• • .,. • track enabled-•them•Ao enter the Iron arid steel inchistry. aS, pioneers, iii..1875 lish 'steel firm of Steel, Peech and To. zer, who has just •clied-at his home in Sheffield; Wks perhaps best. known outside .trade circles -as the man who • - - Worse Than Killed: , - - ••••-.,___....,1.: ..: • In Glasgow,- at elsewhere, e num- , • ber of good ladies are engaged in ' . visiting the forlorn matrons whose • husbands havegoneto the, front -One.- , i of these ladies the other day found. ' ' • -' • • *1 good 'man wounded2" tinheteoabrjseet of her solicitude d. iasolve. d .. , "whatever is the matter? .1s your ' : - : . '-.., "Why, .Mrs. Macpherson," she said, .. ... - •-' - • -. "Wain-, •waurr sobbed -the poor . . „ ' ,•• .331W%-rser!---"-saicl ihe visit-O-r---'gently.-."I ' - .''-' . ,-----":-' tope he is not killed." . ' ' • • . " f '. , “Waur than that,'" replied the suf- "'" ' - ' . ,,.' 1 efer-.7' ' • ..', -"Worse than - that ? • Why, what could 15e. worse than that?" With a wild burst of tears the af- •,.`„ - • • .flieted one explained, "He's ham!" ' • •!..)." , • .• • . laid King Edward, then Prince of - ' .• . Wales, $5,000 t� 'a carrot against a '• • , ' :" . . _ herse.eit-the-Epeozirraces, --The-The • • - lost and paid with a carrot formed of . . ' ' • • ino ntecl -gold. .. • • quamted with secret passages , and •wini 01 Steel and his partner, Peech, forni- dark lanes, and among --them -he found ed the greatest firm of bookmaltemon inueh-romaneli. Such -is- the -devotion the English -turf 50 year's ago. The • of his innumerable disciples that -forte-whielt--they-tita* de me the many spen e suns the on a recent upon the Fund is 'assuming large' pro- Steel le a e age of :., . , . nocent Oliver aMong, the byways of portions, that: to meet the needs of • . Finsbury, and Holborn. .1. . July and August $700,000 ' was ex- of ' the- slums of which Boz 0 C•Sere, hIlsterdoo 'feet pended,- that the reserves are 'being wrote so iptimately have (thank niaterially decreased, and that the goodness,) diseppeared. He did .much o , ' inalLExecutke...:Conmlittee Cin hirers -Of to .eauid-theirdisuppearan . finds it -necessary to make a further . But William .T. Roffey, the well-known . • Dickens lecturer, ', who . knows . his seamy London as Well -as the Artful Dodger hinaself was' able to • conduct • . a party of merribers 'of the Selborne ' ThiS is to certify that "I have used • : MINARD'S LINIMENT -in my •farn----•'---'7..."` ' , ily for years, and consider it the best _1 - liniment on the market. I have found - cellerrt-for-horse -fresh: -------. - • " (SigneVr. Si PINEO., "WOodlands,"' Middleton, N. ,S. • Applied !nee Seconds orns 5 S tired zrom corn.-pinolted ' toes oan be oared" • by .. Putnam's Exa . !ti prauc;rearni.' ,240olioarsttes.. way that. ‘draring lantantp. '"ilite higher up people get, the less they. are inclined :to envy their fel- ".!'i don't think that' applies -.to Upper bertherajiallinans. Lobo, I've swallowed. a straddle allow to. fail. It is the duty Of the Club to man x 1-4-41-nirfci assocratea: Y. Makes the feet feel good aity mos. bug." . . „, Govefriment to arm, equip and main- . 1 tam troops. Not a do lar do the with the career of Oliver Twist. , Get a' 25e• b°416. of "PutnaPV6 413'464% One Of the most interesting spots , • 4,-,--- • . '14' • Federal. authoritieS give to the Patri- . . o Which he led the eathusiasts was : . .Cautious.."' : • to abode of ' Mr. Fang -the magis- \ . FRESH AT NIGHT . . . °tic Fund. ' This work depends' selely. stations, the mail tubed will not need ' on the patriotism and generosity of t tra e drawn from actual life, who . g e If One Uses the Right Icind. of Feed. n • o i own people, T,hqusands of. brave driVers. , They will hurtle throu h the sentenced young Oliver to three „tube's at abouLtwertfy miles an hour, If by propet seleation of food one men itrefightntg_eur hattles, befieving months on the false charge of steal - carrying the mend from point to can .feel strong and fresh at the end that We meant What we said wheii the ing Mr. • Browolow's silk handerker- of- day's it -is worth while to we told them as .thforward.. chief. Mr,Fang was such•a thin dis- pdint halt the thaie • that' nietor they went :vans , threading their way through,' knew th-e' of 'food :that Will "GO and we will care for the .wife and traffic hi the street a above would duce this result . . „ kiddies " It would be to our everlast- . • •guise for the notOrious Mr. Lang that the gentleman was' erossed off the A school' teacher in the West 'says ing disgrace 'if our. pledge mere bro. rolls -Very scam .at ter making his_ap- Two tubes • are utilized , in th 'Scheme, one for up trains and the 'other for down trains.. TO avoid any possibility of collisions -for mail trains: Will be dispatched along 'the -tube a every few minutes -the line is divided up into sections, so that when ken, • • • in this connection:' • "At the tinie I commenced the use of Grape -Nuts my health 'was so6poir that I thonght I would have te give up my work altogether, I. was rapid- ly losing in weight:had' little appetite, was riervousiend sleepless, and expel'. •the trio has passed over one straw -kneed nlmost constantly a .feeling of "dead."-untiLit 1 - reached another section, This form -"I tried varimis rediidiei without .of postal tube has been'used hi Paris with much ,suceess ftir some dine. The cost of the new tube' for London, which is',said to be six and one-half miles long, will be $5,000,000, ing, body, brain and. nerves,. , good results; then I determined to give particular attention to my food, and havd learned something of the propertiek of Grape -Nuts for rebuild- • "Sinee using; Grepe:Nuts. 1 have Made a constant and' rapid improve - Tea on the Battlefield. . Tea suddenly becomes. one of the items of war material, and ,the price ha 's gone -up in the erimary market about thirty per *cent, with prospects? pearance in the noVel. Mr.•,Lang's The national Organization, with offices Were in Hatton Gardens_ and headquarters at Ottawa and branches' are now occupied by, a firm of litho - or affiliated associations in every part grap ers. ,• , engaged a new Man and gave instruc- of the Dominion, is "'worthy of our tions to . the-it:iron/in to, iiistract-hini tociat generous support ifi.the. tremen- ' ' his dirties, - A fes.v days afterward The teeth • of the badger . are' dous and ever:•growing task that it the manager' inquired Whether the , peculiar, for, instead of - resting . •has undertaken. • new man -tva's progressing' 'with his He-"Why do 'yea refuse :Ethel's. -hand.740--Mr-,--Nocoyne? . , you Want. -your ditiighter. raaralideff ?". Ha ---"Yes; what I aza t yin to having :thagrried: . . • •.7"' 'Partied' -next winter.??1' • "1s or wife going to give :many • . . "I don't know," replied. Mr: -Crinr,-. litinard.'s"Xd...ninten:t Dandruff. • . • His Status. . _ . - ' • • rex. !!I never. ask any .q.ups,tiorii about her -social affairs. I'm lucky to be' id- • . • : • - • vited.," Edinard'a Liniment- for -sale evaiywherp. • The Main Difficulty. . . The manager of a faptory recently each other when. the animal's moatla - . .Tbe fereiriaft w,ho had het agreed Ottawa,. Sept; 14.- 161.6- •• • - - • - r -fir; '444 - London. ' gilltthen 'the suburbs ate gradu- ally being replaod by milkmaids, and one is sure the milkmaids will not 'stand the week's thak of the "fritilfl ---"pnin-rotmet,'"'whiciria--a-tfe-Verdia-rs Journey. They will:not emit the morn- ing howl .of the milkman, but Some: thing ,sweeter and. fresher. But one would like to be sure that her milk- maid's' dross is as appropriate as that of the short -skirted milkinaids we can evers'noW rdmeinber, With the yokes on their necks and the pails port and starboard! . All • Things tome. "I don't know why we crane in +ere," said "Mrs Pored, as she settled clorri in a restauraat "I'm not a bit hungry.". , , • "That's all right" Said' her ' bus- barid, "lust you sit lierti'•and wait". "Viraiti, But why? I'm not hungry, as 1 said before." . • ' ."Never mind, dear: You -will be by the ,tithe the waiter brings our 1ood.," ment in health, in spite of the feet, that all this Aline I- have been en- gaged „ in. strenuous and ,exacting Worii. "1 have gained twelve pounds uncle ift of a real shortage and still. further weight and have tigood' appetite, my advances. in price. When warring. nerves are steady and I sleep sound, armies start buying tea for rations I have such strength and reserve force on the field with its attendant goat that Ilea almost as strong and 'fresh waste, and the -entire Possiaii people at the close of a -day's -work aii at the are suddenly deprived of vedlca and beginning. turned to tea, then it can seareelY , ttliefore Using. GraPe-Nuts ic was be surprising that such a fluctuation troubled .mucif with 'weak eyed, but as shou14.occur in the Price of tea, my vitality inereased theeyes becaMe ,' Messrs. Henderaen & CO.'S latest 'stronger. . , "I never heard of another fdod as nutritious and eeonoriaical as grape. NUtS.," , „: "There's a Reason." -4. , ' Name given by Canadian, 1,ostum Co., Windsor, Ont. , . . Eta, rem the aboti letter 'V A now oue riareato from thud to time. They "are &Maine, tpado ilia full -of human fatoreit. , , a • Out of every 1,000 births, elven are twins, , • rdinardis Idatnant mauves Neuralgia: Unjust Discrimination. "Oh, no!" soliloquized Johnny bit- terly; "there ain't any favorites in -this- family,---Ohreol finger nails I get a rap over, the - knuckles, but if the, baby eats hit Whole foot they think it's eute:". very well with: the map in question, exclaimed angrily:„I - "Frogresssingla,, Therelii been a lot of progress. I taught him everlithing I know and he, is Still -an • 'ignorant BD. G. ISSUE 39 ' '15. . • , ta.nr uk Freight 'Prepeld to any Railway Statien „ 'Ontario. Length la pb., Beam $ Pt. t) Depth Ft, '0 in. • ANY MOTOR 11113.., dpecificattOn b/o.'213 elvidg engine prices on request: oet Our quotetiOne • on -"The Penetang Line" Commercial and' In'esains taunt he's, Bole, boats end Canees. • , , • , • TII4 OIDIenit BOAT., CO., LIMITED, PgIVEtAlsfO, 41••••••,... ?;'• • . • , r • • • • , .`