The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-09-30, Page 1• 41' s1eW • t,12,11 • ,h e• Loo per year) in advance; $x.g$ otherwise LUCKNOVITI .011TT. THURSDAY, SEPTOIBER Nth., 4915. :9 Single Copies 3 cents ThoseHavingtoupons for the-Watctrod- Diamond Ring Contest are request* ed to • bring them in not later than Oct. 2, 19150#, L. (13:tsre LiCHAPILLE evve1er , LUCKNOWs " LOCAL AND. OPINE,RA OMINRITifyilr TrialagPielit P4)!•. To -day and toaniarrowee-Laeleael'e big Fall Fair. , litiaevive. AA* old buggy .rePailite4 ats.•good as J. C. AtOgu§ov• • - A number 'Of Ducknewites -*he. took The Pinner 'Contest opens 'On Friday in the Winghanii Show last Friday report • the area • • lat'ae attendance. Untertueetely, the •••• -ABee'Leila Bane of FOrffuOi vifilitiOff grari°rIt11,44or4e4acinttltnate °:•11Tunagl 40°OcireccQ613nb- With friends in tQW13. dition, • Bargain seekers are reipieste.d to leek If you want. a ,coinfortable fitting. 04' clothera ,make it. •up A. M. spagee's ad ori PIP et• RObert4ohnston Waii"doWn to Mont. TUeSday gave the' Ant falllike 11.00'0 the .eeaeon. real the end of last week bidding elate-. a , .well to hicebrother Wi1I1 who, it ikrals'13k0 Be Aire and see At. Artni4ienW8 Pected would- Aeonsail for • Beelalede Window, specialfor Fair Day only, •t,Prientls here will, be. 'pleased, to Kith • Several allt0100.43 of Lucknew sight; eeere etteededelliplei Fair yesterday. • Pe. J. 14% Mackenzie, Detroit, attend- - Od the f nneriel of hie sister, tianlatn Mrs.. Jiket. Henderson, on Monday, • „ The.addressis j»j Luke Wilson and- a 1 Bailey in the rink* thie even- teg should be intere4tinK to town and .001.Intry people alike. :MARKETS, , liffi's,Aohert' NcLaren,,,of Mitchell, 'fie „thee -Will - Is, enjoying eplendide heelth• .. e eisiting heir eine •Mr. W. W. Hill. : iniving gelded 11 pciunds since he went , e . . p' CCOrr.eeted•up,to lyednesolaymPOO— Mr, `Murray And two • children, of into cam. lie is with the 'Zatli Battalion,. Wheat -Michigan, are gastli at 'Mk ;W. W. • The rpgular pneetiag of the Women, a -.....:., ... .. . . .., .. ' .., Ili% ' ' . Institute will be held in the Council Chamber on Friday Oct.8th at 2:30 Mr, Fred Johnston, Wiegbana. ia the ,Barley ,.:,..4.......•,...,.•,, . .o clock. t was decided at the last meet - 'I ' . ' , new assistant in Dr. S nee's DrugPe • .. fog .to hold a "befit sheerer" at this Batter. - .. , .. ' ' 23 24 some , . . • r • • • • • • ' Egget e. 22 22 Hoge 0 • .. • . • t • 9' 00 and stay to the finish. ° Getin thePiano.Oonteet -- -' ce irstart •jar peeservedfrult or ejellies..-ef any. kind to the Red Cross work to be used Mrs, Joseph Anderson is honi. re* after in the hospitals for the wounded eoldiere and a it wilt be thienkfully eeeeivecl on Friday an extended visit with friendsen Buffalo fternoon at the meeting. The program Habeilton. • Will consist of a paper or talk on "What Mr, and Mae .Gardner, of Mitchell, the other Institute is doing," a • reading motered up and spent a fetW daye With; by a. inember and a contest on "Cab - Mr. and Mrs. F. Freeinan. bage.Salad". Music etc. Come every-. • Ouresuitastand Outiimerawd-for-stylp. and .en:joy..the..meeting„...__ • TitlY1FLE CtARR, •iVidse, Tailor, • •„Bee sure and ••get Pianb-Contest 00a_ Mr. -Charlesliidsayaeturned -to St ins with -every purehase at TheRexell, Louis on Saturday after Spending his Store: vacation at his home here. ' . No napes of contestants twi4 be pub. Hilted in the Zeno eloatest, juet the standingby hunibers. - • • • Lloyd, Who worked with. Ma W. Henderson during the summer, has en- listed for service' with -the mt.: Mrs. Dr. Spence and Mrs. J. W. Joynt were delegates to Epworth -League Con- vention in Kincardine this. week. meetin Anyone wishin to a • g.gdonate VononTo rition.* Tins WeElt • Wheat.- ..... 4 95 tofr . Oats, busb. ; ............. 45 o' 45 .13arley, bish. .. 70 to 'sq , Timothy, tray, 18 00 to 21 00 Mixed and Clover.... :.. 16 00;to 1800 itotoe, heavy- to --28-15 Hogs;offea'rs.;..-.,..... 10 O0t� 10 10 7 SO -to'-10 00 Spling Lambs, per cwt8 Oto • 8 59 •*'.:Sheep,.ewes, cwt,_5 25 to 6 50, 1 Butler, lb ' 29 to 30 r‘gg.o. tigz. 25 to 30 Potatoes, hair- 60 t.9 70 'High Class Tailoring Justi received- Qiir-Tall Stock of Blue, Serge, Mach Serie at d Cheviot aiid Fancy ings. Something new. Call and see them. ” TEMPLE' CLARK. Merchant Tailor ' adie:85t • A Christian college -hope, healthful Forprospectusandferms,Wiltetheitirielpsil- Kinloa.s Wedding bells are ringaigl,n our burg. • • . George •Co,homr had -two valueble• cattle killed by lightning last week.. -• Mrs„ James- Huston are visiting friends in, Ituron, , :Ernest Blackerell, of ;London, is 'visit - lin; hi fethee-ih-law, Albert Stanley, . lles. Joseph ArnistrOng has returned • home after spending a couple of weeks fe with friends at Kinlough. , Mrs. Wm. Armstrong lefe • last Tues- • ,dav for the Welt, whera she will visit •with her sister, Mts. Irwin. ' • Wendell Russell and George Huntley • • have enlisted for overseas service and •• leave for Toronto oed Wednesday. Th3 annual 'Parlor Social of the Kin- •. loss Sunday School was fret(' Jim Wed, nesclay everting at the home of Frank A'...goodeprOgrein was •givera- focal talent and also talent from Bervie •and Riversdale. (4 • - Fetch Them Anyway , Parties who intend contributing goods such as hontethade candy -or baking to the PateibtieSeeiety-iin -Fair Day, and who find it impossilile to get .the goods in on the day before the Fair, are re- minded that these will be acceptable if brought in on the day 'of 'the Faire - Secy. - ae- • • • , ' • . New is the Season to have your cutters repainted and revarnished like new.• s"C"Shop, s° o11,1(541Rd1‘N'oven It is announced froin Ottawa thet. 20,000 have enlisted for over -seas ser- vice wain the past five weeks. JG. Anderson returned Friday night from a business trip ' through the Western Provinces which took him as far a a'Calgary• ' • . -Kiss Gien, of the GieniCharlea--itair goodielealers, Toronte, wilt he At the Cain House, Lucleaow,, on Wednesday, Ogt. 6: -__See mitt on another pagea- We bave in stock ahout lofty squires of galvanized steel shingles to offer :at the old price. " , ' LOCKNOW liAnDWARA & COAL CO. Mr. 0. Martin; station agent, is apend- ing a two weeks VeleatiOn on ' a -trip • to Imported • ' ON TUESDAY OCTOBER 12, • The Dorenwend C.of Toronto Ltd.. Can- - ada's. foremost hair goods designers and manufacturers will display and demon- strate a sample stock of ladies' ' quality hair gods and gentlemen's teepees and wigs, at the Cain House.Lucknow. A free demonstration of any 'style is offered be anyone interested Remember the date, Tuesday, October 12th. • 7-10-p. • The Call fontileti ' 'Major Dunlop, Lieut. Proudfoot and re Mr: Collins,, of Goelerich, beldam open: itieeriCruitheg meeting On the -street here on Saturday evening. Mr. Collins made a vigorous address, standing in an auto- mobile, and attracted quite a crowd of listeners. He is a good oirt-dooreseeak- er and made a strong appeal to the erung menWho are fit and free to enlist. • _California where :hewn! visit the CeataMajor Dunlop Spoke briefly after Mr- .. toming-te-.Luelin-ow they oftfietkid Gate and the Panama Exposition. , tweet Canieron, looking 'smart and fit in his lieuternmee etniform was home- efroin London Military Camp over San 'iao time lolia-alie we -FA -We -1:e A' on. day, enorning. • , ' 'Special prices in all lines at F. 1` Armstrong:a on Fair pay, . G. J. .Dow, who hes been buying horses here the pick two weeks, had about, 30 delivered on Tuesday. A car load was 'alipeeed_by expieesataloutreale ore Wednesday. • • . • The ladies who visit Connell's Milli- nery department this week will find a stock of the newest lets and .trinimings -to choose from.- Other Departments also. have lirres of special interest:, CHURCII NEWS The Saerament Of the .1,41.01 Supper Will laredeeiniaterede Lucknow -Prezt- 'byterian Church on October TOth. A epecial Rally, Day service Will be held in 141;4130W l'spfibyterian clhurcli 'at o'clock next Sunday ifternocia. • ' • At a meeting of the congregations of Sa Helene and goat Ashfield, pe'Calvia Church, St. Helena fast Tneaday even-; ing, a very Iteetety'eall was extended to Rae, John Little, now Of ItiAowel. . . The Presbyterian Church pulpit was 'last Sunday occupied by Mr. Aylmer Kennedy whew home is on the sixth conceision' of Huron Toweebila Mr, Kennedy is it tide year's greehiate of 40,4. "Gill 3.11iivereitya arid we upcieretand,eie, new to:cotamence the Divinity' ;course 'in preparation pr Ministry. Iter. Rev, J. S. Duncan Attwood conciliating opeeial services. • • • : , The "crell".bY eihe. Peesbyterian ;con. grOgitlea Soutli Kinloss to Rev. ea' .4. liclean,,now of Ripley, 'has taken definite kern., It' was before the meeting of Maitland Presbytery at Wingliam on Sept, 20th., and last Sanda.y Rev, Mr. Gilmore anneunced the "call". to Mr. McLean'a coniregation at Ripley. • A speciel meeting of .the Presbytery of Maitland will be -held in Lucknow to 'finally deal with the. Tree GUILD: -The Miseienary Corn.. • rnittee was responsible for the ,program Monday evening. The; topic, "Scandi- navians in Europe and Canada," yeas, taken by Edgar Raeine, reading by Nor- ma Thompson,' Scripture reading by LOrne McDonald, and Miss Ethel Have tgaAre-an-excelleht-iiittriotio. rettatieste 'Quartette, eliests.Jean Douglas, -Mary Aitchison, Mabel MeClure and Freda Aitcllison, sang "Speed Away." New talent appeared at this main% giving a change to the Guildites and showing that the Committeeavas Wide •awake in their preparations for evening. Guild 'areeeet, wed_ will meet'on Tuesdeyeverang instead of Monday, the topic "An' evening With the Allies:" HACK FROM THE • LAND, .OF WHEAT Mr. Ton Henry, of Holyeood, was Caller at our l;aectam early In the week. He ill iiletIonto frowt a trip. through the Prairie Provinces, during which, will 'be remembered,, he sent us a ,•eoilpie of interesting letteo. under Holyrood eer- respondence, It was Aft Henry's 4iist visit to the•areet Wet., se, everything there had the interest Of novelty.. - Froin Outlook, where he last Wrote to The Sentinel, be Went to: the capital city of 'Alberta, waere a busy day was epept in Wing ferinee Wends and viewing the, sights•of ate', -Alex. Mackenzie, tereperier of near he says; tiew4r on a trip to 'Scotland. Duneari, wh:o holds the position of Dewy Minister of Education, Was up in. the Peace RiVer country looking. after eche- catiolajanitters in that neer land of, promisee- cale :at John Mackenzie's Mine Wes, Made it few dieyie hefdre the death of his -wife, which Wa reporred. last „ . _ - - week. • After re full day in Edmonton Mr. Henry toek the train forPthe Etat, and next morriing woke up at Wilkie, Sask. Here his travelling companion, Mr. Mel- vin Irwin, had friends to see and they 13pent a few -days in the ,emptt•ryi with Me. George H-ritchisen eencl. the Irwin Bros., both fermerly of Ashfield. The farmers were in the thick of a bohntiful harvest, lent the travellers, went duck - shooting at Coldwater Lake, a pretty sheet , of water near Mr. Hatobison s farm. On turning out one mornua the • SCHOOL, NOTES •••••••,.•••••••-•••••., Mr. Isbister who beet been vary acee Pableeactingpreetiparaf the Luokraiiii Seltool Mee theneetiiege Will Complete his dales here week and return to Tema° University where he in" biking tha Afts 0ouree. We are pleeeect t� know that Principal Donee has oo far regainedatrength as to ha_able to again ' take char ke of the school the first of the 'month, " • • The pupils of the Continuation Scheel were addressed last Thursday afternoon by Vr.r. E. Braithwaite, president of the Western University, Lando% who, after counselling tljnal concerning their' educations1;iirogress, epoke of the, rapid ettides now.being•takee at the Western University.- Unieersiter.- se ••• The' staffOf the aledieal Department has recently been increased, the labora- tories ha,ve,been rally equipped with up to -date .apparatus and the. echoet•-now conipires favorably With Any in these reepects, as well in the _clinical mate erial available. • . In the Arts Department new laborite tories physics and hi -elegy have been installed this year and three -new .pro- fessore have been engaged for the coming year in addition to three others who be. •gan their work a year ago this Vail. -The revenue Of the Arts Departmept last per wes $14,000 as compared with $8000 the previous year, while there is rn View for the coming year not less than $24,000. The attendance last year was the largest in the hiseory of ,the Institation g Y and another large enrolment is antici; found the country in the grip of a severe laded tble:Yeer_ naite..of _the... unfavor. ANN time' -Put -alt- -ablieenditions resulting from tbe war. ,thought of duck-hentieg Or harvesting 'out of their heada 'They accordingly teak -train for Saskaeoon and when the White -• weather modified returneA. west as far AS Perdue; There they spent a week -Tuesday, seot.-2S. the gaests of Mr. arid Mere Ranier, for- merly of Holyrood--afrs. Herper . belt% it'e‘ Mrs Walter. Lott Visited Over Siinday • • it daughter:of. Me.' and -Mrs; ,P; ti: A:ckert Mi4 Bina -Henry -is visitingefriencite -=wherethey Wee the subjecei of Whole- hearted weste-Fri•herspitality. Here they in.- Bayfield. ••, • took a hired in the threshirferjastao-get Charles Gillespie, of Seaforth, sPent- riesprinkling of the prai-ie gold and to. Sunday at,his knee. • • e- MRS. JAMES HENDERSON . enable. thein tersay with that they ‘: Mtn. .1gc,Cleaaglain :A; treating :her- . PASSED AWAY _ItactiCpaitiri handling the biggest crop liOnie titaeeat-ert paint. evet., A day of duck hunting at the - Mis. Wm. Nein-ran, and son are vent. numerous mall lakes of the Eigle Mlle ing at the kome other Ogee, Mrs.. As. . _ ._....—... ' gave variety to the week near Peedue. Wiliam. • • • • : ` • • - ' • ' • •• . ; Mrs: James 'Henderson,. for thirty . .. years a reiiident of_llavelock. street, riled ' "Had the snow all gone and the weeth- eMiee Caeiie lIcDoneld and Mise Ruby about 2:40'1:M169k on F#day morning\ was•asked. . - . ",,, Nixon, of Lticknow, visited ateK. Pater and up by this thee?" Mr.- Itenry• of last -Week. • She hied been an invalid son's-on-Moirdder. ' . • and a•gret .sniferer for the past. five "Well it -had, but still It was pretty A large number from froti,oar village took 'cold:foes° early in the season," wee the years. \Though - itt times, she enjoyed in the Winghero Show On Friday, also reply. And this seemed to seick, as a e comparative ease her dondition 'was . re - it was known that any unfavorable cone. gerded as Ultima' for the Paee year However, accordieg to ME Henry, Mr. and Mrs: Alex. Piirdon, 'Miss the conceit at night. • - and sort qf II:epics:sant memory. •: . , ,dition might at 'tiny. time prove, fatal. . the people of the West • feel prosperous Cassie Pardon and Hector McKay vesit _ MrseltendersonaivIrese maideri name tips year and are inePeYeLThey havethad_ ed over Sundayan Mitehell, ., f. • _ _e _a _ was Abigieretti4lienzie; was born7neerly -a Pagelifieen'"I'elr;""erelaTie` Well her- —We are sorry to repoit.the 'illnees . of ship -of- Zera. 3Teted,•,so...that the peet,two years, whiph • .. 66 years ago in the township Mrs. John °Rhea Jr. Hermany friends While she was quite young the family brought many of -them to want, will scion wish for her speedy recovery.. • , -,,--'- . moved to thel.2th-cencessiortofAshrmid, where She wasenerried to Mr. Headere, 13ut °Ontario -kir me ' said the tsva :-2e-Iveratiagre4ttevaslit";inotliiheidld, b•netii3t inistgetnd;a•'Ire- • son; Soon after -• a/hid their moved' to, travellers, as, horitewar:d bound, they port was .kiven of the 'convention et saw the comfortahle homes and well all- • leueknow. She was a consietent enene- , ed., if smeller, fielde•of Huron and Brice. ',Brands. • . . . ber of the Presbyterian church, and while . They recognized, however, that the West :The: anneal Rally /lay service was • healtlrpermitteci was a &Irate& : worker held in the Presbyterian church last • like, the East has its own' good and at - la the church •• • • . Sunday:but ewerg to the bad weather Besides her husband she. leaves ; ewe, tractive features, and that like roOsnp,teirioria, i .____y_.,,,___ ,___ _ __ gm_ having. all the esaintialseof ..a. :n • Arm. few were in attendanee. ' ions.andt_three dauglitere,eldta-Afeeteb ' - ---e.- - ta...a:-7.-=.2. TVs time yOut consulted' -us about your 144 simple defects -'d •-• miy be comipl,icated by and kr., ' "r. AlNiSTRONG Jeweler and OptiCian DEO Aiels4lieittar• Sti-Ork TORli 'Interest Coupons • .Payable Fialf,Yearly NEGOTIABL4 • Assets -"-$7,460,339 The Greal West Permanent Loan Compalui 20.Ring St,West • • • • Toronto Rec'preseuted by JOS. Agnew, j,,ucknow, Ont. EVERYBODY'S COLUMN' • Axe you interested in gold music? If Ti-Arinstrongls-Jevielery Store, and get a hook •cia the Victor. They,are free., ,Dorenwenci's Display. of Artistitlfarr-Gtiods Shottld "Seen by every man d woman who youthful.• . - 'Ladies who, have not sufficient lair :to do jus: • tice • to their appearance ' A/3.V. BALD, COMO to the • Cain House-, Lucknow, on 'Tuesday, Oct. 12tli When you can have a Free .pemonstraticti,oflhe style that*11 ausuirinrour &minds. • LADIES : Switches, Braids Tradsformations, Pompa. diAirs' 'Waves and many other hair -goods creations of the Bizest qttality , . • GENTLEMEN! • Hygettic toupees and wigi .whtch are mdetectable, 'featherweight a n cl e worn' by over.' a quarter niilhfo men, See what a benefit it iito your Health Coinfort and Appearande. , RENWENti'S, cad Office and houierooins. 105, Yeitge t. 4 • • 1404ON1O 04!"#4;roosiNovoNse.,,r4k.t."*".084-04444,foovisorooN'Nevowvi"isew • ^ had held a similar meeting at :Doper Back-io Work _ The opening •of-Torofitti-Valversit and-Paeulty of ucatioar is caused something of an exodus Of young people' froni town this. week. Clarence' Spence and Will Connelleare back to Medical ,College, Wilf. Ahderson, to University - and Misses Dean Geddes, Francea Spence and. Ruby Garbutt to Faculty of Educe- tien. To their various studies, which -w111-beest1ierteoine-shtenglrfFeiii'9leie on, • these bright yoking ladies and gentlemen take the good wisheir of many Lucknow frieeds. VVINDHAM. WINS - ;* NORTHERN LEAGUE. . The lime Press Cup, which was the prize at stake in the Northern League. baseball contest this season, waswon by Winkham in a game aeWalkerton played on Triesdey of this •eveette . Special interest wee:attached-WY Tues- day's game on account ofthe fact that this was tire third time the teams had met. On the 17th Walkerton played .itt Winglitun end. Ms defeated* a score- d 11-1. The n.ext geme was at Wal- kerton on Saturday last, resulting in • a tie. of 6-6. As that , game- did net teit-weee-uP-Ue4glee eighani vesit the 131'11W County Town. The sem Tuesday afternoon -was • 4--1 in favor of •Wingbam, : , . Batteries were: tWalkerton,Anderson and MeCattneye Winghem, Teller and 0. eddes,• • - _GOderkh. : 3 the tieW wheat from tho Prairie Prov- . inees olumencucl Coming down the lakes,- aad,iteis. reported of good'attalkey.. , Storm' Signals were Out all 'day Mou- day and on Tuettlay the lake was very tough; A large steamer Whirl came down witleacargo of wheat had difficulty in inalxing the harbor. , . . Packer 'Kennedy, chirgeel with an assault and brought here by Chief Con- stable Whitesides, was on Tuesday sent to London to §pite, the volunteers Mei oveeeetre ererviece He took the good advice from the bench, and eeemedeglad ef an opportunity to gain honor in an honorable way, . At the nomination ineeling .held' on Monday for it candidate to fill the , posi- tion reeVe of the town, lately made' .Vaeant`by the death of the late Robert Elliott, four nominations were received, ail (Mows: Dr. W.. P. Clark, O. Mun, iiingp, Chits. A Xairri and Fraok Elliot t, Dr. W. T.. Clark sral 14"tenk of • .tiliOreab teetork, both eti,ted tli4t .thoy would remain in the . . . . reeid larrdeat too willeaby-and-by he- dotted • • over with millions Of. comfortable homes. The funeral on Monday afternoon to Kinloss cemetery was largely attended, -Rev. J. S. Dancan-toonducting: the , seft- vice at the house-and7gramtv-The fatally • a sympathy Of adla ()irate of frieais in their irreparable 1. -rTuesday, Sept. 284h. The farmers are buiy cutting their corn. . _ • Alex: Irvin, of Ifiefekihg, Sunday - ed with friendhere,..: ▪ Jarnes and Lottie• Henry spent Sunday at John Gardner's. . - ties ay, ept.'28 , Miss Tillie Alton,.of Lanes, is visiting :friends on the Second. . • Min Annie Courtney left or Regina. on Saturday .after a. lengtherevagatioh with her parente Mr. and Mrs. Opertney. Wingham Prizewinners tie tile special- events-, at' the -Fall Pair were as -fallow-• ` War-eEtiete Wee% won from Turnberry. QapteStopehouse for East Wawanosh Sad Reeve Mulvey for Turnherry. Green leore, Race -Geo. Twainley 1st, J. C. 'Higgins 2nd, 4. Mulvey 3rd, Gthalerrien's Turnont- -Levi Lott est „ . , The Anniversar serer e ele-Y- eaebeadyeDriaera-aal rs. EreTiir r Johantri st, A. Patteson elide:Alex. McDonald 3rd et odist c arch on Sunday and Mon- Mrs. Millison 2nd, Mrs: Alex McDonald. clay 'evening were i a splendid success, un ay serv ees weie ably condoct- Tilting at the Bing on.-EforSeback H. ed by:Rev. Me. Rivers, of, Gorrie. ;Olivet MclCague lst, JOhireEegleson 2nd, Alex and Bethel choir. rendereclaome vererap- Middleton 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henry 'spent propriate music forthe -occasion': . 011: Friday:at-Joseph 'HecketeS: ' Monday °veiling a concert was ertiol:ed Mr. and Mrs. Bert Treleaven, Crewe, by ell present. -The chair was oecuprea Sendayedeeeithefreendsahaee, eby__Rev.-IVIr Harding -and splendid-atl- - dresses were delivered Rev. Mr. Rise We are sorry \ to report ••• that "Alfred ers and M . fry . Mr. Roulstoo, of Ripley. Mies Andrew is eery illeWith appeudieltia.- Einnut Morgan,of Ripley, was • present- Mit:Robert Hunter is visiting With and • favoured. the andieuee with two _her_datighter, -Mrs. Alfred_Shery,voody; re.i.dingS,. it duet by I.,,i-Zziu lifitili.- - ---..Mr:,--antl---Mrs..11i unellun ter -are ticlis . to toarihciapWabaeirrts.Weaalpdten-E, sraol.ivosnbaerndMrwtJtiattelkr spending a:few days with _f_ri3O Tiverton• •, ••• ' Walden were also good features of the Mrs. Andrew MeKa•y, who has been. visiting friends - here, -left-A(344 4 eVentag. The darayeninserel winch was. _atrhictld-nder12 Years, 50 Yds -Hazel ; A:fr.-composed Of chorus and Violin mimic by Wilkinson 1st, Nellie Boarder -reit 2n0 Winnipeg. .--,... eta- t • • ." Mis0 Olive •Jeckson, Frank Scoet and t Girls Under lie Years, 50 Ydse--Bella. A nember 'tiOne-liere ' ittrencled ' the Tompkin ist, Sherlie Donaldeo kiss Edna. Scott as accompanist; Ma Fastest Walking teem --W. taeloi let, J. B.. Tyreman2nd, Bobert.:Webster 3rd. Boys'Hitching Race -Elgin gender soh let, Rbbert Webster end. ., - FOOT. RACES ' • Bays Ifiider le -Yeats, 100 'i'ards-7-6i man Walker and Keith Donaldson A. JOhnston 2nd.. • ' • Boys tinder. 15 'yeai•-* -100 -Yards-- Norman Whitenteri W.M.S. Meeting held at Mrs. joie Hoek.' ett'sla• W. Walden 'took the ohair•and acted • as "Bo t' e • a • - Yards n er pee or: or le, procee nee: arey . Waellace Ge.-Joyne" end. • • . .BASE BALL AT. RIPLEY The base ball tournament at Ripley on areeiclajr; the eiret de* of the Show, did not deaW kaeOd crowd. _The, gay: tfarathereeld-T FO-relblir o u s meet. ,and anyhow folk` intended doming to • tovrtetko:.dttr 'Atayod at home on Tuesday, e • The tournament was won 'by the tdc- Jutish teeerewhich.deteated Kmeerdiee•: :-and „ - dig4ate,d Lucknow Lochalsh defeeted Kincardine FIL,-4, at d defeated Ripley ta--7.• • • Jobe Geod, Tee:twitter, was umpire. , OFFICIAL FRUIT BULLETIN Fruit i3riach Dept. of Agriculture • VanningSnd Preserving. (ruit's ire al -e. most done although some good peaches inay even vet be obtained. Those who have not cantie•1 or preserved s_fficient to lent for a year Should etFt iirom pity. 1)0Pot forget that grape idly' is del ic- • ioui and a liberal supply shoilld be on the shelves for the coming winter, Get Stuoce eleaches, the latest and one of the best for minima thlaweek. If you can still get a few Meths, take them. Smite geod.prunes are still available. DO not forget calr sc4diers, no. oo a few jars for tl ern turd erminiunie.ate with the terra Han dt• eled Cross Branch in the neatest city. speechnewereegiven.by MedWs--; -.,TOCkey Race, 50 yardp—VV. Wallene and Sem Courtney, derhY, •recitatiere and J. Campbell (tie) lei' John. Bagiti by Miss Iona Nesbit, tweedialogues were km and a; Middleton (tie) 2nd. , acted by .Arthur Courtney and Pr trek .Three-Ledeeelellace--GaNtev teen alid Scott and Misses-lactbefe Scott, Aliitripj- A, -Wilkiraion, lst, J 'Eagleson and C: Cempbeltand.ROS65eil versary_procccds amounted-to:S*00.H : Wallaee eat, J. TeefiWater • - ..eetueeday, Sept. 28-.• it-ferk- eiu-c . ful tall opening lest Tuesdey, • They have a huge and up -to -die stock, • and are catering for a big 8l1e.V6 of the trade. , Christ thurdh held a very seceesefili Harvest Home serifee last Sabbath. Me. Payee, 'student in charge, conducted .services.- The band was he attendance in the evening. The chinch was beauti- fulty decorated with • 'fell fruits and grains. The Bishop of •Hition will con- duct conflanatien services next; Motiday •evenitaa Oct. 4th. , • The Rev. 'itr.Tiinncr, supei'intenclent. of Home Missions in Quebec, held morning service an Iteox shuttle goieg to*Wingliam Inc the evening. Mr. TAn. ner's address WAS very interesting, show- ing the struggles of the Protestant mir- ority in a Catholic community, mei mentioning some of Vie inius6,es Wit .wincit they have to contend. The a , • kneed was deeplY Marital And ingly Iwo stayed to itor mom, , Notice 'to Creditors.- ... ____•,, . , ..._ - .• • - _ trtiro matearrefetliteretateat'PeWTor- ranee, late of the To,Wiaship"of I:4•11- , • loss . in the County of Bruce,, Yea; leen, decerreedi . , Notice a hereby given that All ° Mona 1,- v. 1:g.:"-iil'i)Ygraril"a"ttru3 1etr."oto, dec011er about thet •.1 • 4 dov of July A, 11.191., at the TOWnshin 01 loin the Otanity of Attire, tire renniri• ss T to sand by post emirate or dintArcrr to, the 'a ;vier. • signed, Solicitor herehr for Flizabeth Terril . ,,le • And Joint Sherrill' eXecutors under the wil, nf the stl id Peter :mance.. t heir manils. and addresses/and full particulars fa writing' of their clabils And statement:. Of 'their accm.rts and the nature of the securities, if any, held be them duly Verified by. affidavit. And take 110110,1flat after the Ninth day of 'October A, D. 1915 the said. Eligabetli Torrance and John Sherritr, will lirceedd to aistribitte the assets. of the decoModtunong the per:4MM entitled thereto, haVIng regard eniv to the deltas of Which ' they 811;111 then barb had metiee, ancIlltat the said 'Elizabeth Terrance and John Sherrlfr sem nee be liable for the said att,sets or aoy .part thereof' toeily master ef whose claim they shall not then have rece,ved notice.. 'ihis ,,-t,,,' 1, •gh On rt.,0,-.... 4:n t tO thr st. it e liBttl'iltitilltblatlifieltooW this 1.1th day Of Soisttelt . 1'. A, 'Ipti',10.1.iOn t4olloitot ,fot tlic -.3ak1 it Ilapa eth Lorlairro andlloha, Sherrie. , . • MONEY TO LOAN.-011Minregages rem at reasonable rates. Fire Insuran, ‘eWW1 Stock and Mutual.e.ompanieS. - •'. . GEO. A. Banker, Lai:know. ASTRA.Y.--Cameto the Iroinises Of the 4, undersigned.Lot_12.1)en ' orabout Sept.,15, bne-pig. wnermay have samo,on proving property and oarilig, ex- • 'anises. ALEX. Tuomno144 14,10-p, .14.11. No. 6, Lucknow. _For Safe- • FA.RAfroa SALE.Tbet Administrator of the s Estatfrof iVIary Ryan; lateef the • Town of Goderich. in the County -Of Mixon, married, Woinan, deceased, offers for sale the follow- • • lng farm property: -The south 140 acres of Lot 16, Con. 12, West Waw. anosh. The • • property is situated 2 1-2 miles from Ltick ' • , now and 1 1-2 Mlles from St, Helens. This • • . . farm is all in grass and has. been Pastured for.the peat seven years; good well With 11; 19 adz -es of bush; sittilitectitv a • first glass farming eistriot; is good frau* • house, 2 barns And driving shed., The farm, . has a good clay loam, and is in first ,c1xss - condition for mixed famine% Fbi"further ' particulars apply -to P. J. Ryan. Ooderilh, ' • Ontario. Administrator; or to J. E. Agnew,. Real Estate Dealer, Lucknow; or toltmid- • -• Loot; icillontu.-&-Brouditiot,-__Solicitei- Administrator, Goderich. 29-544e at ?b. • FARM FOR SALE—The north half of tot` N. • h4 the 5th concession of the Toweshinv.,:e . • Itilirloss-inthirecranty-tif-Bruce-vo tit • Fifflr•five acres. For further partied es apply to-Altix. Ross, Lucknow, Ont. • 2-9-tt Auction Sale FARM \ AND FARM SI. i/Cli-On lot 14,.. 13th • • . . • Con., W. Wawanosh; 1-2 Mlle south of Ludic-. • • now, on Monday; Oet. 4,1916. Macro farm, • • ••••,.,,Reediutlt.40444_,4111c1cotws,lieiterS,081eks—t;.: 7---mumbrse- Forterms etc., see, rop., J. Purvis,'Auc. 7•4041-9 . • -; ,SDIJOATIONAL.:-We offer a highagracle Cemmiteial, and - Shorthand .lionic• ° Study Course it a.low test to all Can- t adiatt yoUng• peo pte cheerfully furnished on request..he Shaw Correspondence S c ho 61: ' 95, Yonge•Street, 'Toronto. .. 30 . • 1'RA.14SPoRTL.TIO ,--Railway 'Operat tus and Telegraphy thoroughly taugh ia, se. , detail by Shaw'S Railroad 'WALT: " • --graphSchonl, Vonge mid Gerrard Sts.,, • Toronto. Cori espen &Ace invited.,T., Johnston, Principal. , 30-9, • .tax Sale cof•Latids „ Notioo is hereby given, aS directed by the Assessment Act, R. Is. I. 1914. See. 139, s. • s. that a sidaof hinds tor arrearS Oi.LAY:444.4 Will 1.1.4 • 110141' .at.--Lhot-to-w-n of 'Walkerton...ill-a-Fri-Mil ; October 22nd, 111 in tlio (louncil Chamber •)i! . tlie County Buildings, tL the hour' of twel1. o o'clock noun; When there will be offered- for-, stile, thi;...i.F,cs and, oharges are soriier • .• piny thelollowing d est •i1.46, lands in the -VII, • lege -of Lo.tacnow: l'ait of "Villeki .tet ,252: Belogtfit rar4 tri ;al444440VIViOjitill 11i,411.0.- • IELlit root. i-tared.in .,..x.egritrtry i of=".fli-a-- - Om Bruce n P; LUCA 00 l'Axes and. , _ . • _ A. complete. 1,i"0 lin& tlie etuinf-y (4f Bru_ee to ue ..11*,1/' tor tax.04:18 publi,hod - -.Ontario I Lizette" los issues; of. , August 7th. 191% inclusiVe. and in • tin. , worth' -.Progre,s" in its issues of July .218 - October blth, 1915, imdusive; a copy of. Vhhtt may be obtained co 'applicatien from Ow unciershrtied, . : If itti,AtIjoureen t1I0 be required it, Win ho :hold on, Friday; NOVOlaber 6th, 1915,.. at •ithaVe in4.4n tinned place -and hour.• , • • • Nolor RoinnirseN, ° Tie:istirtIr en the Cmoty of Bilice. Bated at-ty1:41kurton, Septembefitith, 1916. , 6-10.0. '2- - MOVING SIL Open all Afternoon and Evening of FAIR DAY Change of pros -yam every hour Good, dean, High, Class Entertainment. Don't. Fail to Se the Plievies when you're at the Fair • a eneeefeateee . ' • • et-