The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-09-23, Page 1i.,7317477111Prosir . • .• - " ara-- le • • 4•4141 • ' • 4- 444 5 .t,• ova' per year, in advance; SK NH Read abovOetters*atly at 12 feet (llama 1;villi one eye at a 011ie, If you; canoot, your eyes -need attention. Eyes' tested free,. taCHAPELLE OPTOMETRIST, • 1**00W, ONT.. , ". ivIARKETS — „ iCorrectekup tQ WettnesdaY flOon) x .25 otherwise 141,JCKNOVIT, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTE.M.1)Elt 23n1.• 1915. bingle-Copies 3: cF0t$ Ciat$ . • . t • -*lib* t'aitaalaa'aa'alate;a.04-14 Butter ettla 4•110R,V4 .$.04.4.1 21. ' 25 • Eng, fresh.. ' 20 000 0000 . 1: • • 040 LOCAL OD GENERAL. taar.,40-Ter.P.0.4. 1VO.X1141 YOU iiic0 a Piano? LUChnoves-hig annual Fail Fair one .Weektront to-merrew-Oct, 1st._ . Stoner, of Termite, is ,Vttng her parents, Mr. and Mrs, It' Graham. Lucknow Store gives away a Piano. • aide receipts at Kincardine Pair were, about 4460 which le too less than, 1914, Have our.e14 buggy repeinted as goed Eel new; . puouTd waist Wheat Nish $ 97 to •Oats, bush. ...... P. 4. • 5t3 .tip - 60 hnsh 70 to 80 Tiniothy; Hay, „ . .. ..I8 30 to 21 00 Mixed and Clover 1;16 00 to 18 00 'thoiee heayy steers... 7 75 to .8 00 Hogs, off cars. “....... 9 '6$ "to 9 9 0' Calves' 7 5Q to -10 ho • • • C. Awbnaeoxv. ° ' Mr. and Mrs. Thom. Begley and Leila, of Cloderich$ PPEInt Sunday -with friends ere. • 8400.00 Piano given', away* Flee in Lucknow. • • . • Mr8...1yrn..Terris and -little daughter, Kathleen, are visiting with friends. neat Atipley, " '" `me. Alf; Nevoid) wheiment last wee); With his father here, returned to Alb#daY, - ' 0..Preemau and` daugliter;-Mrs, J. W. Joynt visited with friends in Lon. don last week. Tell your friends about the store 'and get a Piano free. I.' 4 , Miss Susie Webster returned hst week to Mt. Clemens, Mich., to take further treatment there.. * • MLs Leonlee (.1aesart 'who. IAA been ?Pelading wie6nO1e a Monthswith friends in and around town, returned to her D. Lane, M. D., of Priceville,,visit- ed his brother at Kirdbugh this week. He came over by auto. . Mrs. Jaines.Irwin. of Pittsburg, Pa, is visiting her parents-in-law, Mr. And Mrs. Wm, Iwin, Belfast. •Spt inLambs, per cwt.. T* to Miss Litlian Alton, of Lanes, is visit- - _ zs_t_Q. in; With friends at Awberiey and Pipe doz..,.. 25 to • 30 Rev. J. fri. Murchisou,.of 'Xindersiep 76 Seek., who has been visiting' here, re- turned to the West risrerday. Mrs. J. Clark, of Southampton, is spending the week with her parents, --Mt.'ind-Miet.s1.). .Merntosh.' - Mrs. T. E. Finlay is visiting at Peter- borhugh with her mother; Whit is now in o' her one hundred and peconct year. '• o It, NOW is the'Season to have yOtir cuttors repainted and revernished like nevi. JC. ANDERSON,'., •• Shop, Old Town Hall. Mr. at:414rd, R. W. MeMorrap; 'ot Somerset, Man., visited htst week for a. few days with Ida brother, D. O., *- Merrily. ' .", _ ; 2,9 to 30- -Riverthe-paat-twcraveeksr------------ 1 For Ile Kidneys A Guaranteed Cure For Pains in thd hack Fluctuating appetite Black speck; before eyes ‘Painsin the joint tiiziine'sg-whiie-stoopink Puffiness undet the eyes Frequent chllls etc. • We guaralltee 'dime or Te • fund your InJney. zoo: .perhox or..3 fur $t r DR. z M. SPEI'NCE'S. 4 - DRUG -STORE - 44-The-Nyai _ London en 'ThuradaY$ . 'Ake. Robert Johnston end ldiss Leti, ta Joynt returned home Tuesday from itAiting for a 'few months with their Alrk,-Lfllieo Thilatk, Min•-•:•-• 'Private ArnOla Ilathwell Was home 400 the London camp for .a. few days the past week.Like. all the other lAya who have gene to camp Ife s building np Physically. „ 4 Writes interested in the. revision of the Kinloss 'Voters' List Will note' that the date of the Court of Revision is 4th. A Wrong ilate, 'appeared in the notice last' r_oppk, 'A number of tamers in Tharina toWn- ship suffered loss by the stems of the rfith$, ,,Ituppears,to have developed to the proportions OIL 'cyclone on the 2nd -0.44th_concessions west. W. -$.1. Stewart', wife and child, of Peat Fall, Idaho, are gadits. !pa -week at the hOrne Of Mr. and -Mrs„!..,." A. P. Stewart. Stewart will be remembered its hav- ing had eherge SORle years agelof the. electric light plant here. He is now in • charge of a power plant at Post Falls. • They are spending it month in the .East. . Having secured the services of Miss Nugent, of Lindsay, I am in a better position than ever to attend to thg wants, of all who may require dress and -mantle making. • - Miss WOODS. " The five young men who, etilisted hare on Friday lost no tune in going to camp. .They left for London by . the afternoon train Monday. ' We have in stook ahont forty squares glvanizedsteel-shinglesto-ntker-at-1- the old priee., •Lucssow liARDwd4tit & COAL t.:0; a few days of last week with his sisters here h •143 hada.pleasant' trip from Fort William to' Sarnia, iin--thcFnew , beat. "The Noronic." ".• ° You can get a 'Plano for a little talk. ing about the stere.- " anoma••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••• a 'Millinery -will be pleased to have you come in end see our showing of new Pall Mil- linery., blew Models are being pieced. •our display tables daily. • • -G. M. ARMSTRONG. Card of Thetas • lielwish.to.eapress to our neighbors and friends our thanks 'for their thoughtful kindness during our recent bereavement, Mr, and. Mrs. S. 3., Kilpsatrieb. Miss"Thlis . • The 1900 Gravity_Washei. Mr. Bab - 'Conk; Toronto; :Wall, be -here -on Show Dir to, demonstrate this splendid Ma- chine.' --See him in the Agricultural Hall. He; will be pleased to nieet-yon _ Geo. Rohertson, Luck now, Agent. A Correction , k• • KILLED IN RUNAWAY a6s. °Hawn Jiunped from Rig and LOOS Der Saves Boy of 6. lime& lialana, of Males% ufae fatally injured in a runaway accident while driving to Kincardine on. Sunday afternoon. She, Mr. Hentiaf and e son aged six were an the rig, and when going down a hill on the Durham •Rottd, FOR KINO AND 'COUNTRY , Five More From Lucknow— Splendid Meeting Friday Evening—Ptirther Re- sult*Looked For Pifer. The first effort by military mea to.get recruits at Lucknow was made on Friday evening of last week, when *jar Dura - the bit in the home bridle broke and .lop, of Goderich', held a public, meeting the horse immediately ran away. Mrs, , for that purpose in the .Family .Theatre, Hanna; becoming frightened, threw the The irnmediate result was the enliStment. boy to the Side of the road and then of five men with the "Ilst Battalion, and inultled from the *pg. The boy was nn - hurt, but )1 rs. Thyme alighted. 011 her bead•and.the skull was so shattered that ehe died noon after being taken to the Kincardine Hospital. • • ; Mr. Hanna, reinainedin bitggYand after paePing.,a bridge was" ableto. step the horse goingnp a hilt on the other sidd .Mks, f'fanriawaajeat' 43 .3jears of age --Sunday beingalie anniversary‘"of her birth. ,She had intended spending the day- with -ter dattgliter, • Edna, who, is °attending High Schooll'- at ,-1Cincardine, She leaves a family of four children, A typographical error in 'the report of, the work of the Patriotic League made it ,aptiesar that the balance in,the ' bank' was $135.53 whileaccording to the treas- urer's statement it is $39.53. The mita. take Was once. In another place we lia.d it that VD .pillow eases had been received at Mrs Elliott's pillow shower. This should have been 370 • _The Next Big f)ay. The next big time,in Lucknow wilt be on Sept, 40th. and Oct. 1st., when the. Agricultural- =Society holds-iits annual eithibition. With a season of suck splendid crops and general prosperity in 4the_country, the show ought .to be one of the best ever. This is the .50th. ex hibition to be held by the • Society, "and% no effort lied been spared to tnake it a receid breaker. s. • CHURCH. NEWS Rev. James M. Murchison, of Kinder: aley, Soak., who was visiting his parents at Paramount, occupied the Pulpit of the Methodist church on Sunday eyening Anniversary services will be held in Lanes Presbyterian church on Oct. 3rd and 4th. Rev. W. A. Bradley, of Tees - water, will preach on Sunday, and on Monday evening will give an address on "Observations in Gerniany." , Mr. Brad-. liy_haa_trave.,Ileci_on ,the continent ,of -Big baseball- tournament at Ripley thl Tuiesijay, Sept; 28, ,Lucknow, Lochalsh, Kincardine and ',Ripley will cointiete Who will be champions? - . _ _ _ rold Allin_waa home. frem_LOndon from. Saturday .luitO Montilla% We -understand-he and E,wartneronth0r--1 "oughly enjoy the camp work. Dispersion -Sale of High -Clasp. pure, Bred - Shorthorns and ,Aberdeen • Angus 'Cattle Also Grade Cattle, Norms, Farm Implentents, Etc:. At Faii4iew"ifock Farm, Lot Wawanosh, near Dungannon. est I tnke pleasure in inviting yeti to my sale of Shorihorits* and Aberdeen Angus Buse:young aninials fired at 'Fairview" Stock Farnk have won honors at Gualph . -and feel assured-the-offering-will-meet__with_ar.our_aPproval and appreciation. and, TorentO sFittStoek Shows. In breedingund quality my herd never was'bet- _ter and will be presented in gond° condition. This Ale will be held on •-irhuriciay. October. 14;.comineneing at 1.00 p.m. 5111011THwaiNS-' Roan Cow, "Wellesly Bleisimi,"" NO. - - • _ . 61436, due to calf Oct. 20 Iteatt-Heifer.411. 1 a "1 No. 115041 • Red Heifer, "Pidene,", 3 yrs. o • ' 104952; due Ur call May 17 -- • Red ileif.:r; "Wage Girl," 1 yr. old, ' No. 106324, dim to calf Dec, 25. • Roan Bull Calf, Signet," 5 mod: 'old, NO. 101324 • Roan Cow, "OW, "Roan Ruby," yrs. NO. 94421, due to calf Oct. 19 - „Red 134, Easter Jim," 7 mos. old, 4 vra. old,' draught; - -Gelding' vrs.- old, drauglitii Filly;2-2- -yrs, old, draughtk Gelding, 1 year old., agricultural:. 2 -year- old Filly, general purpose; driving petty" ' Id; drivineare+Janiet_f ies to drive, thorOug 1Y reliable. . : ABERDEEN ANGUS Cow, "Cfinton Due Drop the Second.," 14 yrs. old, No. 46504, due to calf June•16. • ' • Cow, "Del B,"'9 yrs. old, •No. 11315, due June 13. Cow,,Envirtmment," 9 yrs. old, iniport- -- 4567 C N 40556 enad an $ ca COW* -.!Tleeklear , 3:::Yre.• old, No. Atte .te calf May 19. 1 :-- - ' "If lifereh-'6.-.1 ---- iiiii-Ordt,'"rollegeltiwar,o-Ilanos.." Old" 10 , -White 'Calf: "White-caneen,"'6. .$111014 old No. 29290. , 10. us043, .: ,_ . _._. • i i' ___ .: ' _ Ito cow 4qhpinqs, !!.s. mas,_Oid,__ No.. Ream Cow, ',Jennie," 3 vie, old, No. .3304. - 101904 di.e to calf April 7 • - • a'slieifer, "Pride,'" 2 yrs. •cld, due to gait Bull Ceti, ''sltsisti -thief, ' 8 11109. old, • 'Nov. 25; . - ,a-- ---- --- : ' - •'s No: 101322 ' • ' . Heuer, ...puebees, a 1 yr. old . • ltoan Cow,-"Arethellite,t•-.8. yrs. old, No. '---''---CRADE'ckrTLs-."--,----- .. , _ . ,., . . . .. • . 82082, due ;to nail Match 28 • • Red cow,, ,,,Lhay Alice,,I. 6 yr. old, No. 2 CoVia, 1 Yearling Steer, 1 'Yearling Heifer, Steer Calf. , 91124, due to calf Dec.. it . . • RIGS, ETC. Roan Heifer' '"Ellei" J. year old, No. 11504/2 .. ' ' • 1 Berkshire:Bow, 1 yr., with 7. pigs_ at . . monsns . - foot; 2 Choice Tainivorth SOW50 6 niOs, 1 Wise, 5 yr.s4 old,: draught,' 1 Horse, old; 120 Pure 13rOd Leghorn Hens, good ' y . 1,,draught‘: Veal of 7.91.1; 1 Mare laying Strain. All IMPleMents required cn a. well.erjuipped farin, incliding stet • adrileit,'. in -Attie • sPreader, hay fork, roped and pulleys, 4 Weil -silo datti in Shea,' . • . • . . . . . • , ' Teethe and •Cendltlettie-"Tweive iliontits' cAdif 'given on furnishing satis- factory .tatettrity; 4 percent. per annum allo.wed for CAA.. , . . • „ mir.,t,w.s with:eaves' at font are proven breeders, ' 'As 11000 as anintid in cold it beeentea the property Of •Pitrenaser. but gond Cite will be taken elation and will • be placed ' On care for thote wi hing them Shipped. Certifitates Of registratitaii furnished, ' La' talogne sot 00 request. , Everything ;Mid Without, reeerveris I have < . . . rented dtv farm. ., • • ••. $ • - , • . ' los. A. Vialibugli, Prop, ((at. T4.4. gobitoon.atio'ciooto T. Gundry, Auctioneer. awakening'of .pahlic sentiment -re- . gaEding•the question of .enlisting in a " way Which will doubtless, result in fur, additions to the 71st in the neer future. • . • • ' si ..tair„pwner of the Picture •Siuw,.ver genereUs17.4ave the...06.0 Of -thetheatteafor the evening and put' on a free phew in the • •early • part of the 'eveeieg while the erewctwas,gatherint ,The theatre was well lilted by thoo;righr, kind -,ef ,,people4-41ie rn,en sand •Wpillell who are'leterested in the. war . • / ° • •. • in theabsence of . Reeve ..Joynt, who. was ticeidentalry delayed' in getting to • the meeting, Rev. IS. Duecanpresided at the meeting. following- the picture show. Duncan gave %short addreps. giving his opinion of the war situation, and. pointing out the necessity of young. men Joining tlie'itraY:"--- "- - • • -. He introduced Major Daniel), who with Lieutenant 'Preudfoot wanpresent in. uniforni. The Maier epoke very' 'briefly, stating that it was hisduty to get goo men in Bruce and Heron .conn - ties.. He intendedto remain in town over Saturday' andshould be 'ready to give information regarding the conditions of. enlistinent to any desiring such The Major -is -a inodest, man und•.•.not ••-exper.. Europe anclas Male to Ewe firat-hand- ieticed 0.1.1 , the platform; but one' W.110 information a): out the land of the Kaiser °meets him will doubt that he will and his Huns, A 25c: admission fpe will . be :charged. Monday evening, Tun Guinn. -The Guild on Monday. evening was in Charge of the Devotional Oommittee-Annie CaniPbelaaking-: the Scripture reading, chorus by girls in Miss D. Henderson's Sunday School Class'and' Miss McCharles took the •ionic for the evening, "Our Friendship': A.n interesting featurn of the program wat the report Of the :two delegates to the Yeung People's Union Of Maitland Presbytery held at Brussels on Thurs- day of last week. Mts.. Imrie• gave a paper in the afternoon meeting and Hagan McDonald reported the evening session. ,Alyiner Aitcheson occupied the chair for the 'evening- Next 'Monday the program Will be in charge -�t' the Missionary Committee, "Scandinavianti in Europe and Canada* being the topic: • Were. Wild Oats ' - • According to an exchange .the..city youth secured. a job with Farmer 'Jones. The 'Willing after his arrival 'promptly - at 4 a.m., the fernier rapped on his door and told him te get up. The -youth pro- tested, "What_forr he asked,' rubbing • his eyes. "Why we're going to cut oats, rePried the farmer. "Are they-w,ild-oate rpieriedabe' veutik"tbat you've got to, sneak Upon them an-the-iiiriar."- died at Edmonton Frcm ecopy Of the Ethrionton Bulletin dated Sept 16, to hand -this week, we take the following account of the death of a former Kinloss lady: Catherine Cannell, wife of 'Alm *- Kenzie, of the cuetome department, died at her hotne, 9924 108th St,,, yesterday, afternoon after' a lingering illness 'ex- tending over n. year or more. Mrs. McKenzie was a native Of Bruce county, • Ontario., and. besides. her husband survived a. bon, Gordon MeKenzie; _teacher at LonglieecLend three sister's, Mrs. Andeison and ,Mrs. 'Deans, of, Arthur(' Ont.', and Mrs. Wm. Ross; of .Heliner, Idaho; also two brothers, Wm. and John Cannell, bath of Erlmonteu,' The funeral will take plach from the family. residence .on Friday at 2 o'clock tri 111674tdinonton cemetery; , Dr. Mt- Qiieen officiating f -1-141R-0 YOUNG PEOPLE'S '-IJNTON:-Two. Auto' -loads of Guild representatives attended P th.e_ youtg.p0501_67sUnion-siaidand .M.r-roudfoot p.enited out that enlisting was not confined ta a,tW--Class Preaby,tery held at Bressele on Thursday make a good officer. He is saerificing o, good (feat togo to the war. •He is the -owner of a drug store in Goderich, . and this business' he is giving up for the present.. • He-_,Iti.:_tharried -and has one, child. Of course, he doesn't himaelf say -anything about what he ts giving up. Major Dunlop was f011owed- by W. Prom:Hoot, IC. g.itif Goderiah, who spoke for about 45 minntes, giving a brief acceunt of the war and the events lead- ing up to it. - If Germany should win the war," said Mr. Proudfoot, "there is not the slightest ,thiubt but we in Canada would'be under GerMarraomin. ation." . The Miinrok Doctrine Of` the _United States would/1)e' no proteotibn, as the United Stateswould have enough to do to protect themselves.. If Canada would pat the saine proportion of its .people in the array as Britain had done we should have anarmy of a half million -instead of one hundred and sixty thous - of last Week. The dinventien was held _iratb,e beautiful new church recently, built by the lPresbyterian' ongregation, sessions being held afternoon -and even- ing. A nuinbx of exce*nt papers and addresses on yotiug people's work in the church occupied the attention of,•the delegates in the,nfternoon.. The evening session waelargely- taken up, by two elognent and uplifting addresses -one by Bev. Mr. IN iohol, Listowe1,-illi3 one by Rev. Mr.., McGillivray, Of St. Thomas. The ladies :of Melville church served a delightful supper to the Visitors in, the. basement of the churcji at 6 o'clock. The. Union vitta re-ergartized -fliatlie-year, with Rev.. Wesle_y of Wroieter, as president. I I Reeye Joynt at•County, Connell Commenting On the new donation by Bruce Courity".Canecil to the Patriotic Fund, the Port Elgin Tinies bad the fol- lowing:7.-7-- • Reeve Joynt, of Lucknow, is indeed a patriot., In a ringing speech before the County. Couneil-last week when he mov- ed that the council give. $5,00t per rich a platform speaker of *cetceptienal .in the conntrypictronlrlaboring. men and artisans were going, bet the' profes-, stons-had contributed largely. Two .young barristers friim his own Toronto office had already gone, and eldest everY law office -in the 'city.waS represented in. the army. Doctors, too, had shown themselves ready to enlist to serve in almost any capacity,. • Following Ift. Prandfont; Rev. me. -Richardson .Was invitedt4Lthe_p_latforin, 133/ the chairman. He spoke very briefly: At this point' it was discovered that Reeve Joynthad conie into theliall and he was immediately Called tcr -the Vat. -f orinv a. 'short Address the: Reeve refeired to the recent action of the Brae Comity Courical-in-donatiing 5000- pee - Month to the Patriotic 'Fund until the end of the War. Fle'said that for hiinself he was beyond the age for,- enlistment, butle was able to dig a trench, drive a' horse or do any work of that kind, and 'should it ever•come that 'such was wantt ed he would nothesitate to give such-het/3 as he was capable of. Mr. Joynt omit - pied the.chair for the remainder of • the- , 'meeting. • • The next speaker Waa Rev.. Mr, Fah- . eringham of the Anglican church, Gode. flURON MAKE$ 0000 $6000 Per 'Month tor Patriotic funds; WM Pay, Expenses of 33 Dalt. to County t a Reda meetingpf Huron County Council held in Cloderich-on Monday to consider increasing the county's grant to the. Canadian patriotic 'fund, and the advisability Of , bringing to 'Huron the 33rd. Battalion now ititioneclat London with a View ef stimulating• recruiting, the,Connell unanimously • decided to gliaratattee the expenses Of .bringing the 33rd. ilattalion to the county And to Th. crease the counlry's grant of 51.000 per: month,to the Canadian Patriotic Vilna to 56,000 a. Month from October to March 1916; and to $5,000 per month keel April I, 1016; as long as. the Council deems necessary. • • • , • Represen .frem different, of the conetywere present and indorsed both propositions. W. 0: Egan, organ- izing secretary of the CatindiAn Patriotic Fund, addressed the Council on behalf Of the pattiotie fund,• • A,cominittee 'heti in: band ..fhe matter, of deciding what pdfute.wili,ho ,visited. by-the...33rd Battalion. It in expected that besides Goderich two other towns -- will entertain' the soldiers. Wingliata made a Plea to have the troops brought 'there for the Wingharn fall fair. PATRIOTIC NOTES, The loeal Patriotic League was able to add about 530.00 to the funds of the Red Cross Society as a result of the en- • tertainment at the Family Theatre Tues. ctay evening, thoagh inany.did not attend the second exhibition of the pictures. The play Was mod, and all ,who attend- ed felt they got the worth of their _money as well'as ha.yingopntributed to a good cense Receipts for the evening *ere $35.90 and there was between 45 and 56 expenses. The ladies greatly ap preciated Mr Sinclair's • liberality -in giv- ing the show for the benefit of the Red Cross and in the course of -the seascn he do douht, swill be it gainer' by it., month, Eta long as the war, lasts, -1 the Canadian Patriotic Fund, he said. he had eine soiq whir Intd-beeir-it mkt- -the-cloc-- 'tor's care for more than 'a year, •but that he WOuld willingly give six eons to 'the cause, if he had thein. ,iewas too old himself t� go into the firing line, but he -wits willing to drive horses or . dig ditches, and fitrther mere he offered his raotirees, allhe bad; to ,the British ,throughinit. - , • - At the close of the meeting-five-You-rat- govere men t, , and °Waited h remarks by gi leg 81000 yeai th.the Canadian inen offered themselves for king and Country. They are Herbert and Ila rry r'otic nd as tong as, the war lasts; is i Geor e Abbott, Chas. Peirey Needless to say r. oyet. was ieere for he has set s great exam -• and Gordon Mackenzie. ,Ple for many 4her inenin the county.. •The first four are Engliehmen. Mae- • kenzie iS a LucknoW boy. - They -all wile are able to give, and'give generous - ability ,and eloquence. I e mado owerful appeal to all. who could do se to enlist.. --Vera ECM-a:11'0f boundiessenthii- : eia,sm, a strong adVoca0 of the cause el' the Allies in the war, and , earnest, tireless worker in the interests of ie- cruiting. His address was listened to with the doseit attention. and interest - DONT miss the opportur ity to secure a bargain ont of the "Fish Pond" od the grounds., Very best Of fishing. DONT forget the'"Comfort Shower" for the soldiers, but come prepared to -drop some articies.of .comfort into the basket for thia purpose, which will be placed' in a Agri cultural Hall. Any of the following. articles acceptable:.pmes, tobacco, gum, candy(goed-keeping kind), , toothbrushes, handkerchiefs,.,towele, *socks, notepaper, etc. - ' 'Wbei looking for 'it Place -to-leave- ' tonne money for tlie 'Red Cross work, DORT forget to visit the hot scon booth and treat yourself to a delicious hot scon, 'baked while you wait. , Ladies! bOlsrP wait he•interview ed, or written to, for donations of breitel. cake., pies'etc., for the home-made baked goods booth in the Akticultural; Halh No cards will be sent out but donations of ,s.rticies.. mentioned above will be gratefully ticeived from anyone. It is hoped there will be,a liberal response. DON'T forget that these goods must be,taken to the. Agricultural Hall the day before the 'Fair. • tON'T forget, anybody, . that every dollar of prat, t made on thEt grounds, Will be used to help our soldiers at the front. oultry anted .At Lucknow Station -On September .29th The following ptices will be paid:. Hens, 8c. Chicken; iqc. • pucks, 8-54c... Poultry must .b'e• starved.' rz ou-rs-berore dellveiy .. • Catch -dm ear y market -as -the - poultry market is not 'pr..)m- • ising taieseason.- • : J. T. LYONS CoURT OF. REVISION OF THE VOTERS' LIST ' OF TUB TOWNSHIP OF EINLOSS- FOR - THE YEAR A. 9..1915.. . Notice is berebY given that a Court will be held pursuant to The .Ontatio Voters' Lists Act by His ilonour the Judgeof the County Court of the County of Bruce, at the' Town Ran. Lucknow, on Tuwday the Fifth day of Oct: .obor A. D, 1915. at.seven e'clook the after- nooh. to hear, and determine complaints •of errors iiha omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of the Township of Rinioss -for the year A. D. 1915. ,,- • Dated at Lucknow this 19th day ot Septem-, -bee; A; 1);491f, • • • A. • Satur a Night a Picture_ Silo ie ho Dared CI In 'Reels . The 6reat• Dramatic Masterpiece, Run in *0$0trtoa,ncllaTsthwe;teriec: Tor- Full- of Tbrilla. Not a • - 'Dull Moment. • `Scion', The Famous . ANNETTE KELLERMAN in • Neptlille'S.Dalighter 7 Reels,I.,00k out!or this one .aoaa-naevoaaPasarstare'lleaanaa'avaeo'at...— .DEBEN Are Issued for • Short Tenn of Years. Interest Coupons Payable Half-Yeady NEGOTIABLE Immo. a Assets—$.7,40,339 • A The (treat West Permanent Loan Company 17 20.King S t Nes t — • Toronto Represented by' • ros.' Agnew, - Lucknow, Ont EyERYBODin • COLUMN NONE* TO LOA. -09 mortgages, and make, • at ream:Motile .rates. Fire liisurani;9; beth- 7, Stook and IVIutual Companies. - • OEO. A. SIDDALL. Banker, LuoknoW ; • • For le - ' 4 . .....1 • . • FARM FOR S.ALE4-The dininistrator of the ' Estate of Mary Ryan, late of the Town of . Goderich, In. the county or kluroarmarried woman, deeed*ed, eiterslor sale the follo*- ing farm jOroperty:---The south 110. acres of • • Lot' 10; Con. 12, 'West VVatvanosh. :The --,--property .1a sitAutted 21-2 miles. front Lutik,,____ .,....____. . .now andl 1-2 miles from St.. Robins. ' This _ "----- -:-.-4.''''. • - -farni-is atilt' grass end itas- been, -pastured- .._L _,,- !...-,....=:-.?....,s • .:: for the past seven years; good well with , wincini 11; 10 acres of buah; situated: in a , first class fitrmingx istriet;,a gond fitune • -- '-houteil barnkunti-driving-shed, 'The -farm : • has a good clay loam. Audis in first 61,iss • condition for inured famine.: For -,further: , particalarsapply to P. J; Ityan. :Ooderichi -. Ontario: Administrator; or to J. E. Agnew, • Real di:statii Detiler,Luonnew; or to sProud- foot. Killorati.& Proudfoot, Solicitors for .. Adminitrator, GoderIch.. 20 -5 -t -f -o at 23. FARM Fon S.,i.E-The north half of Lot No. 20., in the 5th concession of the Tovvashin of -ititrloss-in the County -of J3knee Fifty -live mires. For filrther particulars apply to Alex, ROss, Lucknow. Ont. 2-9-tf. . , . TOOM AS .MURRAY, 13.9. . Clerk of the Tewnship of Kinloss: . -Tax Salezoi .Lands Notice is:hereby given,' cOia th9 a:149, s.• s. 1, Asseitilment Act, R. 8.0. 1, that a sale ()fiends for erre f taxes. will lie -fferd thirrown of-Wittlrertmron Fruilky, October 22nd, 1915. in the Council Chtuirbes. of the County.BuildingS,•at• the; hour• of twelve .o!elock noon; when there will bo offered, tor sale, unless the taxes and charges are sooner paid; the_follow,mg _described lands in the V it. .1age.....01.,_LatoklieLq_Part of Village Let .nal. •Beltig that p011 01 said lot convoyed in histrit. 'tient registered in the 11.7I.Stry (,HScc the, Co. Brtice as 8:30 LacknoW.. Taxes end Costs jA25.c9o3iiiphite. of .1111918--ifFthe County -of Brube to be sold for takes IS ptibligied in the • •tOotttrio tittzette" in its issues of July to Angust n11..1915,1, inclusive, and in ,the ilep- worth.•••Prog•ress in its issues of ifvu.203.1.• 2w1A,litiethe 1.4 1 . • • praised theMedical examieation on Sat- urday end eignad the necessayy docu- ments, This, however, will not be tb,e AN ATTRACTION OF MERIT .• . . THE BoyeallyextspciccosPoir talked the matterof enlisting over with otherS,A/Min bar 'sof-whew -in **AIM, - The monagemeet of Lucknow Fair will sign tip later on. • • ' wish to announce dint they hare seem- Mr.,Sinelair was very fortunate' in his ed the Boyer -Vincent Stock Conipany selection of a picture film for the meet- for- a two -night engagement, confluencing The story was of a dissipated young Friday Oct lst., Fairinight. This at- 13ritish offeer in India, Who instead of -traction lrvlayed:mearlreVery--city! -attending to?his-dutics-spbut,his-time, and town in Ontario this season, and in gambling and carousing. • His dii,- comes to Luck'now very 'highly recom- graceful conduet brought about trouble Only w and ' tried ro alty between himself and his father, a. general whole fruits of the meeting. Major ' - Dunlop. win -town ever Saturd.ay and mended. y ne productions. wi'l he. presented, for whieh all special scenery and electricol elTects are carried. The Company will present - the beautiful four aet &utterly, Westdreer " on the opening 'night here, and it is without doubt ono of the best productions ever offered at popular Pried; anywhere. Several high class vaudeville sfecialties will alse.lop presented between t acts which are' alone worth more -than the pride ..of Admission and have never failed to &to the very best, of sat- isfaction. A -special matinee. will 'be given on Saturday afternoon for ladies and Children. Reserved Seats on Mile at gartint Mulatto:10 Prinf Stole, • officer.' of high manly. qualities. • A -foolish and indulgent mother intercedee en behalf of tlici son, who goes froin bad ..to worse, and at last takes a drug in° ,,..An. that ho. may be unfitted- to• carry may be obtained on front the undersigned. . if an Adjourned Sale beret -mired it, will be. held on Friday. November Mb. lets, at -the above remittent:A.00W. and holO.. • • NoitM*9 Wm.:lemon. : _ Treasurer of the County of Bruce. Latedat-Wolketton,,SepteMber lab,71915, 0,-10-e. . ' • • 'FOR SALE. -The house and lot the - .,John-Grifilth, Outram -St. Andrew Lockhart. , • FOR Sikl.E.-z•House and lot on Bob' Street,." • Lucknevir... Eight,roomed house, 'hard aud. • - soft water, and one acre of laud, with good " stable. - Appiy to Mits. Jonx Bus's., • 49-0. • a • • . Auction' Sale . . • -.FARM AND.FARM S'1001C-On lot IL 13t1i.' Con. W. Wawanosh;1-2milesouth of Luck- ' • :Feeding steers, Milch cows, Heifers. Calves and Horses. .or terms etel.,,pee PALA - Smeltzer, Prop., 3. Purvis, Ana. . AUCTION SALE --l). A. 31°1)mi:it'd. and 'Son I will sell. .atictient at the Cain '• /louse barns, Lueknetvi on Satarday,,r.sipt.,' • la,. at 2. o'cleck P.. in. the following . , •• -. stook; • 30 yearling -steers mid hetfers, 0 --:-.--ruyeur---old-Strers- 'and milch • .cows. dim to calve -soon. TerniS: 6 mobtfis' credit, or per cent per annum off for dash. , •-* J. PunVis, Auctioneer., ' . . 1.4otica.rioNAr.„.-Wi-offir, n high gra& 'Commercial and Shorthand Hem, Study_ Course a:. a, low. cost to alt Catp;.• adiau p eo e . Particalara cheerfitib• (urnianettpu, request. 'The , . Shaw Correspondence School.' 395'. • Vonge Street, Toronto 30.9 . Notice to Creditors In theit'f-lattiFet tit's? -___ranet, late of tl e Toweahip of K leas in the County of Bruce, yoo. deceased. . • Nato) 'is hereby leven that all persons hav- ing an claims or demon& against the 4ate 'Peter ' atities:who diodott-orttliont-the third. day Of July A. D. 1913Itt thctownsitlitinernkiln, loss io the County , of Britee, aro required to r. lilflt(iel)13:gritdrol•Pligegf "fdoerligillttboo tad John Sherritft,executors under.the wil; •of iitdb°ilro5assi(ols artiddterfuT11°rigAlleteellatits_11°ItantnVelYntineg oC ind •their ()taints and Atn, tauten km of their aceciants ana the nature of tho securities, if any* 21,14. by them duly verified by, affidavit. Md take notice that after the Ninth day Of October Ti 1915 the said g117050t1, Torrancci and .an important messagellirough a parr, of John snertir win emcee to .nisteibuto the ,,sets of • 1 le decease:1 among the persons. tile country 'infested by the enemy rititled thereto, lutving regard only' td ille natives; of India. On discovering. this the fatheauedertalrea to daffy the tees, 'sage hiniself, and is'shot down on the way. Thie tragedy brings about a revo- lution in the lib of the young Timm -who cialiiis 91: which they ,aliall then have had - notice, and that the '8ald Ii:112Alietli ',A.orrance: and John Sherrill' will not be liable for tho said Misets or asy, part,..thereef to anY person; of "WliOse claim they 'shall not t belt have 'received, itt:1400.. ,. , • •, . . ilivtuitice.is-giVen 0414014A iti the staLt:ite discards tho soldiers utuform which he in that boholf. " Dated at taiaknow this 14th day of 800toni haci. dishonored, and he reaolves to gt. bee A.D. 1016. away from home tO redoop his loot Mm.Console SoliCitor for the 'Said • character, . worrainv tuld John 4nerrttl'. •0.19•0$ • • I • at.104.14 Iva t ANS 90RTLT: 0 N. -Railway Operations ancl Telegraphy thorairghly taught •irr: • detail, by, Shaw's -Railroad -and Tele— — • graph School Yong e and; Gerrard Sts., Toronto. Correspondence invited. T. • _ J. folinstonc. A Christiatucollege.homp, heattbful situation. - ' "ForinospeetinittildterinSAifitetliePAlleitisl- R.I.Riarner;M.4.,D.1).,St.The;nts,,Otit.. 03 Winghani ,• Bu1.--G4ACEN7,—A very pretty reel: cling was Solemnized dri Tuesday, Sept,. „ 14, at the Imine of Whig- ; ham, when her sister, Miss Eva Gracey, was mated in marriage to Albert' T, BulIK of. London. Only tho• immdiate, relatives were present, and the wedding, March was rendered by Mini Nora, Gracei. After 'the wedding huicheoe therliappy couple left for a short vilitt to Detroit and eastern points. t return they 'will' reside at lip Main street, LotideiL. Many beautiful fifte testified to the pepnlarity of the -youno. • Wide; itev. 4 ketry ofkittte4.; , . , .1 I