The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-09-16, Page 8eeereer.- •44 .V33.* q' /IF -st-r***,.,;• 7"•4* OW ".• Thursday, alptstii 4tiith., t91 Fine New lay oods ',7.2;•• • ' Weekly Store News We are now busy opening up our Ncw. Goods that are daily arriving -40:4 .40011, will be able to lay before our customers a splendid ar-, ray of.merchandise in the various departments of our store. As the prices of woollen and. linen goods are still advancing you'll gncl it "pod business': to buy--eatty. " Never was the old adage more applicable in buying than this year : "That •the Early Bird Catches the Worni.” Much of our present stock was .boughtbefore the higho advanced tuok•place,...but when they are .soid .sato We have to pay the advanced • prices it follows that those WIG delay their fall and winter purchases vvill hAve to pay the higher prices that .41 later, prevail.. ,Therefore we would again advise yOU to BUY EARLY.' adies' and Misse& New Fall Coats .We have not epee•te enumerate in 4 proper way the beautiful autumn ayles in ladies'. and 1*.Ssele coats and wouldask yen to See the One display and the eXeuittite Models exhibited in our window. Every coat, is of the very lateat style made by the best man- ufacturers in Canada and the price is as at- tractive as the style. See our fine range in Misses' and •Children's Coats at attractive prices. ressq6o4s Suitings Our stook of Dress Goode 'and Saltines contains a fine, range of, the popular shades and patterns showing for fall. War has had its effects on colors and style's. and -we . invite yea to see our splendid. aesortment. We especially commend. to you • the fine. range of Blue, Grey, Brown and Red shades of color at our speeial prices of 50and75c. Also a new Crepe Silk Faille in Resale, - • 'Brown,' Belgian Blue; navy and$1.25 black, 40 in. wide at, per yard.. Shirts for ]4en Wearesole agents for the cele- brated " sTAR awry and have just received a splendid aetortment in the latest etyles:. , and eludes., Prices right '- Patterns meat and colors guar- " einteed. • Fall Hats - We invite. eon. to. see our.dia• play of MEN'S NEW FALL HATS. •Tbey are ef fine qual- ity and ere neat and. nobby in • style in black and new shades of colors. :Fail' and Winter. Fter Alen, Women and.Ohildren from the best 'Makers- in the • . . • tounttye Stanfield's, Penman's, , -Wation's anti Turnbull's are all • , represented in our large stook, '.Special Offer at Our Pattern Counters -During. this month. we will ;accept subscriptions for Ti -E DESIGNER at only goc.: a year:or at 50c, a*year with a Pattern. Free, THE: DESIGNER is an excellent fashion journal published monthly and regularly sold it zoc. a copy; This makes an excellent rnoiey-saving opportunity when you can thus get12 copies during the year at the-'1ow- price.of-40 Leave your subscription with us while this special. offerholds goodldufing the month of September. _ _ Empress Shoes for Women Our stock .tto • on oak w contains a fine • range of 'these justly celehreteit shoes for women. They Eireetipe , teedate in • s le and possess splendid wealth.% qualities; • Ladies' •Men's Work Neckwear Shirts e•-__ • „ We have just- receivia..enotlie: shipment of the very latest styles of Ladies' Reckwear at the;pop. Some new lines of Ma's Work , . . • -Shirts of splendid wearing gust •ities in all sizeslrem -to -18.; • • • 25c 55c and 50e •Price-Mtv- q 411111111111111111•MMIIII Whitockurch Lothian Mondnyi Sept. 13, Mr Alex floury we., in London last week writing ou examination*. Gee ate taking in the London Few, Moos Duatan &eon* anal:4w Me•ti Mio F. Paterson ze visiting at the home of her -brother, Ifr• i, 4ter0011. AliaS One, McOlenagban is at present learning the dress -making in Winghain Miss Stella Kirke, of, Dungannon, has been engaged tcaiiiier tat No. aseheol, Miss Lultt Conn left. Net 'N1011004' tQr two weeks' trip to Toronto and Lon- don. gr. and. Urn.. hewn Smith, of Qat, have -been. Visiting atifile..-1,104w a Aire A. Fox, - Mre. Zoe'gvana and lien, joe, Of. .Co - halt, epent a few days at the ,horae, of Mr. Devid Clow. Mrs. Walkes and Miss Tiazel :,Walkes Vent a few days visitifig, at the home of Mr. John Mowbuty. ,• • Miss NettieGott' ,e of Wingliera Gen• .etai gospitid, has been visiting at her home here for a creep% of weeks. Mr: apd. Mrs. Gibson Gillespie and Miett Edith Peddle Motored to Grand, Bend 4 week ago lastSunday to Miss ; . Peddle's school. ' • , Among those WhO left'ItereAr Wing - elm 1E0 snhe.ol last Titesdey were: Lily Longman, AlbeeFer; Willie l'ItlerYe ngiisMcKay and Johnston Ab‘ eConn. t: 1 14„ the fire *high Weed lir. Curry's "Wednesday, although It wen .well •Iight jag the se tiere electriCat peewee 'olast up gii4e"1P4Y,4011fbre°1°Eikveelaalii(14,, adiladlighMter.PIUMebists,, Campbell, brother of the forme'', of Ingets611, visited at the •hetee of Mr. Ben. MeOlenaghan )fiet Sunday: • • :AuniversarT ‘ervice Will be-condiectei in the afterroop and evenifigof Sunday, . Sept. 19, at Bethel, by Rev, T. A. Mc- Elvey,. of Dungannon. The Whitechurch Methodist choir With furnish Music, Among thole who attended Toronto: Exhibition from here were: Mies. Annie Henry, Mr, and Mrs.. telet. WU:emote an and son, Clareace, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Dawson"and Jean, -Mr. and Mrs, Malcolm ...Rcss, and gL_RacV14,4.-41c-x,.,„-rtird9.11,-- . Moivint,tv-goltmt-Apretty wedding took -place on Wednesday, Sept. 1st., at the home of Mr. Hector McKay, White- church, whenhie _daughter, Margaret A. was United in marriage to Mr. Robert Mowbray. ,The bride ei4ered the parlor with her fatherto-theetrainsidthebead. libel wedding march plOed by her sister, Miss Bertha McKay, of Winglatin cereinony was performed Under an areh or evergreens from ,the . Centre of, whieli. whirdgdiang-la.'crogseetil)regle Qe.etaikestoefi8g:re;TslitlkberRideev'8.. R. MeEacherri, of Owen Senna, fornier- ly cf the Whitechurch Presbyter- ian Church; Officiated. The happy couple left by motor amidst the best wishes cle .a host of friends, for Exeter and tendon. On their' return they will take rip -resi- dence on Shueer Street, AVingliam. • Bervie -Monday, .Sept..13. Mrs. Henry Hildred attended the To lento Exhibition lest week. • Mies Hedging! of Detroit, spent th- holidays with kende around_Bervie. Miss Ida Artristrong, of Detroit, effehe spent a few days with her'reint, Mrs. M. Ma Wanasley*, of Huron, spent. tee fe.w .7*Oldcwitle-histratiddaughteri-Mes. Ede- ••' Rev, and trs II and Mr. Yohnston • Attended the District meeting in Luck•. ••`• eipey laetweek. • Mrs. -Witham Walsh, of Kinlough, '-viiited for a _few .days with Mn and Ili& Stephen Walsh. * Mr andAktin.,-,,Ta men -Mang regor,-•• of Ifianineg, are spending thelholidaya:at. Milaebert Mr. and Mrs. John Blackwell and , daughter,* of Kincardine, spent a few *days with friends eroded .tervie. Some Of out- girls are thinking bf Opting,a cocking ,sehool in the near • • :• lettitre. Perhaps itis inetraitenior; e** Misses Vraneie MacLellatel and Viola Iffachavell are spending the holidays in ••Toronee *fiat Mr. and Mrs. John More But on account of the steadyrain very few' could attend the Serviees,fromnround our village. . The. following pupils from around Bervie started to Kincardine High School last week: Misses Retta Sturgeon, Mary Sturgeon, Rena Brown, Edna Sturgeon, Lizzie Fair, Doris Fair, *Rtith Sheane,, °retire. Fair; Leila, Scott, and Messrs. Toni Hewitt, -Willie McCormick -and RusselleEminertohe • The old saying, "A rainbow at night is a sailor's delighWhas eheeked many 'a rough Oiler in, theepast; but there are some exceptions. Last Sunday night a rainbow was seen; and mahy may have been Cheered by the prospect define 'weather,. but the ground was thoroughly soaked again -before- morning.- Ferment who have their grain in the barns, have much to be thankful for„, „ _ Mr. ail hrte. Jelin Bradley- and fam- ily have moved into the Royal Hotel with Mrs. A. Cooke, Where they will nutke their hoMe- , , Vie john Hirelley,and liis men have bath adding a few tottehes to Beattie Blackevell'e -new residence by putehig in eemeAL Verandah. • • Again we hear the *bouts and .., mettle laughs of the ichool children; as 'tiler etao beck to their lessees. Our new teacher m Mr; Cook, of Belfast, and all wish him success in hie year's work with eve • • „ „. feetvieee he the )iethodiiit church:last Sunday Wetet etteMelled owing to 'the ' '004 14014Vertinry flOrvineS itt Afillarten, . . Si. Augustine St. Helens -, ^ •-• Tunkiny...Sept. 14. ;.. Tom Sand/ took in the big , shove at Vronto. Alm Barnby was in Xineardine one day last, week, , Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Sandy took in Toronto -Exhibition, Eli Mack spent a week tetw6n Tor- onto Exhibition and visiting •frinxids. in -Oshawa, eaTtoottactinioyn axifiTnoeh5144.1ytetiontiy4rkeolgot;hre , e4hibhlu9nri Mr. aMrs. 3. McLean, of "Guelph, spent a week visiting their uncle- and aunt, Me. and Mr. Alex. McLean,. a .,,i Mrs. A. Ritchie, Mrs. ixlmore and hTdrghtearinrfl.tlat4ehllert iet oTieday to visit wibfrepda • Detroit. LStindav will long be remembered e 0 an extremely wet day. .There was a series of thunder storM0*.one right after theother, for over fifteen hours. "'About ' threetactics of ratirfell,..,which mist be nearly a record, breaker for that leugth • of time.nAew Alla; and his little son, Jack; of Edmonton, spent ten xlaye visiting . Ur. and Mrs. T. V. Ileedereon. They - left for their home 04 Tuesday, worm - fOr the past few Menthe.. PwahllpiehdadbYbebenis. vdisituignilettr,e'r Missgmegrandparents Faleneell-eille Donideu: -On Werinea, day,;Septi eth, llevereeinteresting event: - tea OW e berowhen vim .rierenee., PAila,ccDoQ0.1.1::alds' uaritePrIlnr.In6trgicireYt°et. Mr. .' iterineth Feet -isle of near ..Kleitteit " The. , marriage ceremony took place eta o'clock he the manse of the o "ciaeing ..Eninisteri . it , Rev; Mr. Hardie; t e Wedding party being motored tiler and beck by ' chauffeur C. B. Allin„ . f Ieicknow. 'lhe btide was becomingly attired. in A beauti- ful.gown of white silk net trimmed with eteeten. , She also wore the customary weddieg veil: The: greoni-Vgift tie".the e bride *Mee. gad ring set witht, agate. ; :After supper, at Which only the inutile- diets- friends were present, they drove ,down to the home 0 the mom, where a reteptieri was held, At which about a hunted andseventy-five invited guests were present. An „enjoyable time was; spent in dancing and other amusements: ' They were the recipients of many betted - It'll; .and _neeelye_presenta........Their „malty. ... • friends with them :a lonk, happy and 'prosperous married life. -Phone No 10 is at Your Service onn tor cob -0/0 0011 Cheaper Than The Cridit Store* laet week)- Mise Anna Stewart has gone to Wing - ham to attend High School., • 'Mr. T.ayloi., Wm. Berry and Hari Macey are taking in Toronto Fein' Mr. Louis Weatherhead is wearing_ a broad. smile these days. Ili sayiitisa Ktteerze-Bovez.-The church of Our Lady, Guelph, was the scow of a very pretty wedding on Wedneeday, Sept. lith, at 8 O'clite-ke---WhelillleiltildK"MW &tighter of Jae. Boyle, of St. Augustine, became the bride of Joseph T. Kurtz, of .Guelph. Thebride was becomingly attired rd" embroidered silk net over white silk, with wreath and veil and carried a bouquet • of bridal roses and. lily, of the Valley. Catherine A. Kurtz, sister el the groom, attended thc. bride' and Wore 4 gown of pink voile with lace trimmings and carried a bouquet of pink vises,' John H. Doyle, brother of the bride, 'Ade& as groomsman. The groom's gift to the bride .was 4, :geld deeltheee set With pe rld and turmolinee, and to the er bridesin .4 A pearl crescent.. The happy couple lett on the 11.00 train for Buffalo, Niagara, New York and other points. IThe, bride travelled in a tailored suit of navy blue and wore a Meek and white velvet hat with silver, trimmings. The bridal couple on their return; will fake up theitrenideene in Ouelphs • • , 11 ' Misses Versa Woods and Della Cran- ston ofeWingham-High-Seheolereturat on Monday. ' Miss Mittel Rutherford left on Mon- day for Fergus where she has taken •charge of a school. • -le- ' Mrs. Marvin McDosvelleof Westfield, is spending a'few clays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Peter Clark. • • Mrs. Perth and son Lorne, motored up from London Nfronenday,iant and epenteedesr_dayreereith elfralteK, Mr. Allen McDonald and, his sister Jean, who have been visiting friende roiled:St. Ifelens retnened to Toronto Mrs. Salkelds, of 'Goderiche who 'haft spent the tunimet With' her dangfiter, Mrs. W..E. Gordon and Mes..Ite K. Mil- • leterneffdii 'Monday, ' Mr. Jack Miller And Miss Jean Cuth- bert, of Windsor, who heve been imerid- ing their holidays at the former's home, Mrs. john Miller, returned on Monday. tielyrood,. ; Mr. T. Henry mites:further of his trip through elle West, es follows: . - e- • Outlook, -Sept Dear Sir: -Leaving :Mbotornine_t_waa met at Wapala by a friend; Mr. A.*Stutt who droeeenueeelialonteley_auto, 16 miles over ion& bluffy hind.. To my surprise I found he and his three broth- els had 7 sections of gond land. I stay- ed there the following day. Next day six of us • took an auto and Went '31 miles over the mountains to Fish lake 'where we spent the. day &blue and sporting; .-inetelotseefe_lee.o.ple •theree-theewildest_ place I. ever eaw. On the way back they left Me at .Mrs. Karr's, another friend, Where I spent -10 days there -and drove over 50 square miles et -country -be differ- ent,direetione,e_a_YeerY_Ongb... POR4tM. On the 27th my chum ewe to where I was and spent some -time with theta lots of fen.. . . • Leaving Drimes at in p. m we axrived at Wolsefey at 7 tleft.tlit re at eight; ane. rived at Regina at 11, viewed the city; saw Some friends, left there at e.30 arriv- ing at Mertes jaw at 5 and spent the night there.. Mr. W. Boyle came in with his car and took us out to his farm, drove ecerarmindiegoott-inany-milearoverethate most beautif el country which is a eight; just got back to town next morningelett at noon for Outlook and here we are, just back After seeing that most elegant bridge that iet so much talked of. We leave to -night at 4 20 for Ker ro- bot, and from there go Edmon- ton where we Shall start out return trip. Hoping this will find you, and all the rest Of our friends well I will eell the next stoty at lionielf Weare 'Cleared to reach there. - - Yours- trulse • " • • • • -ToM Parainount - _ -_7-Tueeeday,e_Setat. leek the feiit night in our le.urglitiszreliest mrsxii„Fine4 rart3'. John Picker ing went to the 'London Fair to day Mr and Mrs. Taylor and their two •children,eif Ghat, weeto see her uncle, Wm. Struthers, a shoal; time ago. Mrs „ Albert Towle has been taking in the Toronto Ehibition and:visiting her daughter, whe has a position in Situp- sen'e store. .ReV, James Mtirchisen and wm, ' Viv- ian; KinderslieSisk , are under the 'parental roof at preeent. Mr. el urchi- eon% Cheirman of a huge district in Saskatchewan, having lie oversight of all the Methodist • Ohtirches under ' his, chaige Courey s Corners ' Toni Sandy is threshing, in the bnre, A. Nelson is gone threshing with H. MuMilrisri.: J.' elliesop Visiting friends in London atpresent. Mrs. John JohnstoU-visited friends-im- thasinth one -clay last week. MissRell Taylor has returned to Chi- cago after sisiting her, parent's: herf. The:Misses _Taylor -entertained a :num, .berof their friends onapvening last week. traird took in -the-Toronto-Fair-and sn are -glad -to- see, WI them beck again. The,Above is a tut of The Supreme Range The, Stove That is Easy:on FUei The 1Vianufa'eturers guarantee ` a saving of so per cent .111,100c1, and 30 ,per cent., in hard coal over any otiber range:1101in) the- market and ive krio* that .watbey Say is positively true. . • p We have.sold Several of -them. and we can refer you to Many customers Who will testify to the, above guar- antee.'. The„.price of .this range as .shown in, the cut? withSIUII nIiih ovn is onfir,S6-4.00-. Lucknow Hardwar and ,Coal Co. HE' STORE -THAT -NEVER DISAPPOINTS- Olathis • . _ e, .S.e0e, I 3. Mr..S Stevenson is visitinglriends in Wilson Carr visited friends in Toronto. leo week. • " Mrs. L. B. Tufferd has returned home. -to Bearnsvilla • • Tom Thompscin visited Toronto asul Maple friends last "Week. .. ' Miss Lila Cunningham took in the Ex at T'oronto last week, • Capt. and 'Mrs. Knox, of.owen-seied; Suedayed at Mrs. P. 11/ICKinneres.• Moses Nettie ten and:Mary Webb left for Strattord ormal on Monday. • Messrs. James ThomnSon and Re Y; Melradyed returned frerre 'Iorento on e-H.--eVieNalfy-was ealled Ao-Sernia„. on Friday to See hp meeker. who is very 'low. • • Bev: Mr. Young, of Clifford, occupied Tthe"p-iilpit in St' Pauls Church on Sunday. • Misa Anna • Greer,. .of Cheboygan, Mich ; has been visiting her Uncle,. M r. ,A2. Greer. Walker who has been visiting at Capt. ft McKinnon's, left for N. Dakota Rev. P. Reith is away on his summer vacation, visiting friends in Toronfo and ocher rents. Mrs. W. J. Mckeernan, Mita -Jennie ther Clydeeere in attendante at- Lendten Re. this, Messrs. George McKay and John Currie.paid their ustial reit to Kincar- dine on Sunday.• • • (Iptended for lase Week.) Hector. McNally has gone to Detroit, Mich. • - Mies Lily. McKinnon has gone -to Drantrord. „• • T. G. Percy spent a few days in To- ronto this weak. - • ' Mrs. Jane McDonald has' returned home to Detroit, 4 'Nits- Jackson has - been -visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. J. Nesbitt! , - .IAL, . During Auguet and September Men's &ileaand Rubber Heels piltt ostler Women's Soles and Rube' zgo .ber Heels Piat..on . 1.1 Thee Heather Heels file regular 406: and, ,figcevalues*Pei-Pair. BARRETT . Plants and. Flowers Cabbage and Tomato Plants 7 or Sale A Great Variety of Flowers such as Asters,. Carnations, : POrtulaca and many other ' kinds. Geraniums tor ding purposes.. ,. Begonias and a _number of names,: Alk good, strong plants. Per Sale at Bannockburn Fruit 'Finn • • . Gea. Jardlart'Amberley -P. 0. „. • A very enjoyable evening was spent et the-hotneeef-Mr; and -Mese -Kenneth Farrish in honor of their recent inarliage. We welcome Mrs. Ferri& to our neigh- borhood. • ' • •, ir• IT'S OP fRN A PUZZL,OR " How often has the storekeeper been asked for "the same butter an we had last week, it Was so geed,". The storekeeper has it variety of butter on hand, so this request its often, a puzzler. '• Why not get your „name and Addreee incelyedinted on gamine parchment butter wrapper paper with•special vegetable ink.. 'Your good butter will then be easily indentified, It Will gest you: only $1.50 for 500 shone,' ee sztn for 1000. Just figure Out how much per.sheet it will east you, and see if it would pay. We can supply . the paper and do the printin. at Tifg ENT. nap offio. •-ig • Allftfyee• --LTuesclay, Sept. 14. Sohn Martin purchased a fine bundh of young cettie at Wingham on Satur- day. , Vritheie Doyle hes 'bought :his' farm back again, utbieh • he recently seld to Daniel 4freetied Mrs. John Gibbona Martin. „ taking a trip in their auto to Landon • , intend-FAie. -WeeVieh them a-pleasaut WellingtOn John -Nixon, Who has been viteiting,aittirel Arthur fora month, has returnedhottie looking find after his .Quite a number in this locality have not yet- finished harvesting. The recent heavy rains will delay there for some tint°. • ' • - - We are glad to hear that Norman Thompson, who met with a bad accident falling frele a beam in the bate, is no fat iinproYedtte ba around again, *InvitAtione are out for a reception to be held at 'Notes Boyle'S on Friday evetiteg in honor of his daughter, Mise Hilda, Who Was recentiv -married to Mr. Kirkby, of Guelph. • Anniversary eetvicett will .10 held in Ilethel Methodist church on Sunday, S2e:spotanld9t711;30Sperrie„eteonWdiullbheld etede by 11v. L A. hicitelile, of Dungannon,Mus- ical seiectione be provide 11 the Whiteeharoll Alethodiolfcliok, 401 • to ' Fs Oil Taylor• 'retured to Chic Mie dBell afio t • -Monday, Sept. 13. Wedding bells are ringing, • . Our village ble,cksmith has purchased °I1SsartutdcaYO ElMcDonald made a business trip to Ripeytoday. We extend heertyiongratulations to Mr. and MM.. Keit. 'Ferretti. Miss AeKeefe, of Chicago,. 18 visiting at the heme_cif her brother, Con.. Keefe • Miss Lizzie Stetvart 'was the guest of •Miss Annie MaaMcDonald on Sunday'. • Mrs, McLeod end Mho MaLeod spent Labor Day with the former's daughter, Mrs. 'Allen Canilachie. • ind Mrs. Ted Griffin, of Detroit., returned to their home on 1Vienday after Emending -a few deys with relatives here, • . • . uIross Centre 11' Threehingis the.ordet of the dey in this view* Miss Lizzie' McDonald, Of Chicago, is visitifig Mende hero. ;- - And Mree.toe 0.11esttelPelet,S4114431. with friends. Eit Kinlougli; David McAllieter,. Cote 2, Stindayed at the herne. of his sister, Mrs. D. Scott. Born. ---To Mr. and Mra, John Rich- ardebite'Langeide, on StindayeSept, 5tle. a . Miss Mary Stobo left for Stratford last ' Monday, *here she will attend Norniul for the coming term. Mrs. Jainee Whytbck visited at the hoeie of her daughter, Mrs, Thomas McDonald, on Thnraday last. George Iletagne;vho has been help- ing the McAllister Beare with • the bar - vest for the past week, has returned Write. • Mr, and Mrs, John Dick announce the marriage of their daughter, Sadie Margaret, to Mr. Edward on Friday morning, Sept. 17, 11 0101001C) V1110144 rarnil TeetiWittet. • , • , , RA• ' John Gunn made a business trip to Stratford last week. Mise ,Arrnour is visiting friends in and around London.. - Miss Minde_McNally has returned to her duties in Lapier, -Conductor Coll, D McLean - has re - tooted to Muskoka Station.. eeliss--Nora-MoNally-left. for Owen Sound Collegiate this week. ., • • • Misses M. and W. McLennan have returned to their work in Detroit. Mrs. M. 'A McFadden and son; Allan, have returned to Gland. Rapids, Mich. Mrs. G. E. Russell and family have returned to Hamilton where they intend totroside.- " McDonald and daughter, ot:_. Walkerton, were guests of Joe. Wright- son recently.' • • Rev. 1). MoIntyri,`.411r-toronto, spent a week with his parentse Mr. and Mes X. C. McIntyre; . Misses Tillie.and Lizzie _Hodgkinson and Masters Wilbert and Joe Hodgkin- son have returned home from liolyrood, Messrs. Jack and Clyde McKeenian Motor toliverhuron by 411i. cone Betide, now. °These boys_ eke getting, very Atnopg those who left for the West recently 'were; Ueserte. M. McKenzie, R. McLennan, T. McLennan and John Thompson. Mr. and 'Mrs. E.,'„Peatock and family returned home lag. Week to. To - Tonto. They were accompanied by her father, N. C. McFarlane. , Mtn Flossie McLennan teacher in tlic'Village school; Miss Annie McDon- ald, of Kiheatdine, in S. S. No. 4, Bruce; and Miss Beta McKinnon, in S. S. No. 11) Xtheindine.Townahip.• The renutine oi the late 3i re. IA • MO Kayo tqed og yeRrol who vanee4 away 41,9vitty , . • • . • . • at•the home of tete son, D. O. McKay;. Toronto, on Monday, Sept. 6th.; were brought here on Tuesday, for • interment - in Purdy's ceneetery. *She ,leaves mourn her loss' twe elalighters-, "Mrs. 13L " Y. McF'adyen and Miss M. -McKay, To- ronto, and two sons, D. "0 of Toronto aild lirdoehTOr this Place. • . Olivet 11 • --Tuesday, Sept. -I./the': Wilbert 'Walden has -cornmenceili his duties as teachevat Lurgan school,. . *Plias Liziie MacTairishieft en Mon- , day. for,Stmtfotel Where she will at- tend ..NOrnial. -- Miss Rhoda McKendrick han gone; tialatiret *where E3lie_Willeakeaeour eel in .Pusineiii-C011ige. _arA arlin_rap. ort_t Borden, who has ,beeti en the pick list • for the past two. weeks, ..is iinprovinge • Miss Metrgaree ilarringten return.: ed to Detroit on Saturday after spencle • two weeira' vapatiou bet home -7 op the 4th, • ' •" Chester- Wilkinson-! reburned • feet, --- week to • Aibert,,Colle,ge,_ •Ballevtlide ••• hone on the 4111. Verdun , -IlteedaYeeSeple4iiii.• • Threshing it; the Order of the dieeer• Willie Irwin left. on Tuesday for: Stratford Normal, School has re opened with tilos .1.V.;. IViacIntoeh RS teacher, •, : . Mrs. Peter Ileavic, who pert tIIhe week end ' in London, has rotaries& -both°. •. • . 1. • Miss Mary Wilkie has. retnited VI A Ripley, where the ie attending High On account Of the very heavy rains it is feared that the potato crop wilt be a thsn. this year. We Are ;(111c1 to report that Mrs., Mex. Fraser is improving-tifter tattiere going an operation in ,X4en4on Uosk tel. .2›.* ;•' V