The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-09-16, Page 5a : •.•lil�;yw•' 1.0".;M,,oma. .. • r 5 - • 0..•• •....,......r-�.► .. Thuistlay, epterbet 16tb,a ?9T5, 1 ea xative .fo 0 - aan . c...:i "ren YlkiNittleVf Page 1 OR P4't IQtIs WORK A% !ARNOW G enitle ?ut 4 . shire • grePW' 1 g1/44 - 14b Ffeasant to take 'Na. ingredient' In .Retell Orderlies Is in the Retell Or ettie:Oreaspeciflc.forconstipation '• &lightest degree harmful or injurious. for people of all ages because, havinga tonic. Even the most delicate child canbe given effect onthe bowels; their use tend& to restore • Resell Orderlies, for they are'oafe,, easy -to ad these organs to their normal activity., • minister and mild in action}, No other'laxative They are particniarlY recommended',forr wonxg is so -good for children.• • , : ' ,: en during prngpencyand after 1M1ade Iu, Canada and sold • in metal boxes . at 10c, 25c and 50c each, at• Resell Stores only, oth their guarantee-_'�,..y`` .0 Itioney back U rtot satteSed. get a.. BosToday from. J.. G.::ARBIS' O IMCKNO . : t 4. J__IIU1ON'COUNTY Nw P S I Messrs..George Dale & Son, of the Huron road, Tuckersmith, carried • off ,the first.piize ut:',.Csrralito.Lor._.heavy draught foal, and .third' for mare in the same Dioses, _ - James Nicholson, a retired farmer,: who recently moved from McKillop Tp., to Brussels was etrioken with, par- ' alysis .*bile visiting Thomas , William- . son in Qrey TO., and died on Sunday the 5th afterat few days'Yillneas. $e 'was aged '63 years. i . • The house. of Wm. If;: Bennett, of. • Wawanosh, was struck by. •lightning during the storm of Wednesday morn- ing last week and the chimney .wreck- ed. Two gills sleeping in a i oorp close to the chiiunoy,were thrown from their bed -but notliurt. The telephone wires :...,�..:. - were -•melted: .. • • wrteathatRose was left won ded 0 the field 'during the 'battle of Ypres o April 23rd., and he has not since been seen.. \ As the Germans never occupied the ground where Rose. was left,, it i believed he cannot be a. prisoner. L. S. Palmer, of Goderich, founde of The. Dengannon News, died at;} the., hospital in Goderich on Friday, Sept, 3rd' after a few days' illness from 'kid. Hey trouble. Palmer. was a printer.by trade and lived for many years in Chip. For a time he was proprietor of the Wroxeter Star and la 1908 moved his "plant toiriungaiiuon and started the News which 'he, sold to. his step son H. Bellamy•in 1912, Dast spring he pur- chased a job printing office in Goderich and had this business at the time of his death;.. , ' • Accompanied. by then'' band; Coin. Pally „A,, of_ the '3,lyd J3attetion, marched.. from -St. , Mary s=to ,Kirk.town- Monday morning and" gave the town a day of interesting drills and marches. The men were well entertained Wand enjoyed their trip mita as the many who came to see them. They returned on Tuesday to London.. .A public .meet- ing which"was dart of the . recruiting proggram being carried. out, was well attended. Prof. Reithdorf; .of Wood-- !stock, ood-, stock,.Col. Sutherland, of the 7l'st Bat-. talion; and Canon Tucker,, of London,, all famous.'for the work they have done in lecturing since the•war stn:rt.. ed, ' gave brief addresses . Which • were enthasiastically•received. It is expect: ed that thevisit of the men. of 'the 83rdandtlioaadcl asses -o£ =the evening meeting wit] have an exceIlent,= effect on recr u>_ting in the.;digtviot:. • • , . „: n • through h o yr a e heavy rifle t h v ea d.. 'h`' n y a n mac ins y n gun fee.. . His display of bravery and devotion to duty were most marked. • House or.REruas-;.The quarterly g ,l meeting of'the'House 'of Refuge .com- lekkee of, the ,C46intyt .00.111ci1,was..held. r • Fall ;wheat threshing in Ashflield t_ township is, proving. that the crop there this year is one of the best in its his- tory. On• Sarngel`Gray'e•farm 517 biis. of excellent wheat were -threshed from • • i0. acres, and Neil,..McKenzie, of .. the: seine .locality.. threshed • 410 • bushels from 10 acres, Alex: Straiten,' treasurer of the town • of Goderich, • and' a 'veterap , of the Fenian Raid war, offered himself' for overseas 'service at the •Goderiob re. crusting :ddice last week: As he was within a day or two of 75 lie could. -.not be accepted, but his offer was ap• preciated byANLO cer-ionharge __ Itexall Orderlies work ;gently on the bowels; bringing to the elieek a tinge of ;: • good' health; So1d`oitiy `ry: r: G; Arm- strong,. The.Rexali Store, 10c 25v ud 50e. boxes. . , , • Norman T•o h mason; son of Samuel, Ttrompson, of the sixth concession. of Woof- Wa.6vanosh, met with, a 'sei•ioas s.ocident:while fixing the hayfork ropes• in the top of the barn. ' His foot slip - 4 'ped and he fell;•tothe floor about.3D_ feet: The'aecident•happened a-bbout ' o'clock and he was unconscious till af- ' • ter 9. ' . Dr. Weir of:Auburn was suni-. maned and at last repo�rte:Mr;:Tkontg_ son. was' getting; along very nicely, Word haq beeR_; .ived-fr Frari-a that it is impossible •to.locat Pte. Rose who unlisted with No. 3 -Co, at -i God erioh and went out with he'first Can adtan force. Capt.. t.' Hod - � . - p Hodgson of� the Co. u • Private Verne_R. •Qledhill,: of� Ben - miller; with t;he'-Can dian`--forees in Flanders• has. been awarded the distin ,guished Service Medal. Though scarce 1y.2:1 Gledhill is 'a, crack shot. • ,'At Givenchy he was in•,a cross • trench a. bout 50. yards from the Gerinan • front 'line with a rifle ., and 'some hundred -founds;. of ammunition ; Irl*•. -a• letter horse sometime later he recouoted-liow with, telescopic sight's on' the ..rifle he ,missed very few shcits. • when WWI but of:the trench by a . ,shell and his In`fler broken, Pte::'Gt]d: dill managed to. get anot1iier and,con" United to shoot from` behind a. pile, of debris. •'In withdrawing be'.fdund a man with.. both -lege .broken. Il'e bound p hie legs and'carried him into safety • 4. P File fo11owlo , letfer has been teeelyeti -frow"tileiei rosesFeiry`;,:-Toronto, by the Treasurer of the Women's Com, of the Patriotic 4eagye. It ,is, of course; re the B3e4. Press. Society .that all :cont i'i- butionai, wbettier• cash or . clothing .for MO soldiers, are beilrg,' forwarded by tire: Wonmettt'ri Committee:. • September IIth,,,1910. Dear Madhna:: - I be to• ackoowled$4e receipt :Of your, letter of the 8th, inst, enclosing p, cheque,for $1a0, being a_,contribution lrorn the Luckntw Patriotic League tie.' nerds! the funda.. of the.. Canadian- ..fed Gross Society Limed say that •1•'e handsome 'stooks very much appreeiated. • You will 'be glad to know that we have sent supplies to'tlre•vatic of 'abant• HENRI CHILDREN 8460. AA- ` " i ,�' fie t hould.vroydtbu t �usy H�.r�wa�� Iiouse PROM :60 $nd we 'Wit 11,IJVER -yowl ORDER PRUMP 'f.'l °'aln :early years the, irhlld'e..feed les. mattor of 'Very great importance; not • only tnay Che .child by this means„ be Madeifl401pnt or active, eluggleh or me tle, ' c'1'riiu ,or brighti inert or vigor- -one during childhooaf , bat .for hip entire life. - ;Parents• should remem ''Dor that 'sinapflcity and frugality in food daring :childhood enhance anan's ;power 'of attaining happinecu ' and vigor,: __Mille.. has not noticed children, over -stimulated by • spices 'and excesses 0f Rood:,. appetites. •Of alw very to order,' :rem 'which: they never again can be freed?' ApPetitee which, even when they eeena.to have been suppressed,. only nluanber; .and: return.with :greater• power,. threaten ins• to 'rob man. of 411 lila dignity and two million dollars; to the ,yarious hos- tp force:.hila away from his duty.;" pitals in England and France;. We; $4' says b'roebel, .wlio understood have also sent over $125,000 • to the: children with a great,• bread ender -- Britian- ,Red'.trross; 'Society, .$25,000 to staildina;seldom, if ever, found among more:recent• edueatore., . , And ilothers Will • do well to give heed to what he eays: aibout:' educating the sense of taste 'It id not sufficient - to satisfy 'a child's•, hunger; it must :nurses•end -fifty men nurses:.`. < a . ba' satietfed• "with a; .pied 'thait builds the French �' act Cross Society, and estab- lished the Duchess of Connaught Cana- dian Red Cross Hospital at Cliveden,. which is said' to be one• of the' best in England, at, a cost •.Of ' nearly $200,000. We have also sentover sixty-six :women • Many .a soldier 'twill have reaesoh ' to and, develops after it eatialies.. give thanksfor the work that 'is:. being Let -your motto be "It is better to done b.thewomen of a na da th,r ough underfeed than overfeed," and you will' the Canadian Red -Cross Society. We save yourself, and your' baby much are toad that no army baa over ,been so worry and discomfort. Overfeeding. .well looked after, as. our Canadian troops; is giving a child -more food than he. I enclose herewith .official receipt for requires, either at one time the amount: • or too fro, ...Tr y� ttentl•, on 112onday of'last . week.' The usual • Tours sincerei` q y: '. The normal b'aliy at flret NOEL MA1tSHALL, takes only what he• really needs, but inspection showing 91 Inmates_ o the habit of over -eating IS ;soon ac- eeeryOhing in good order as usual, .ac- Charrinan Executive • Committee, counts totalling '$2,417.80 were ap The 8150.00 -cash contribution referr; . quired, and some 'children take twice proved, Mr. Connor, of Clinton, was ed to above, "is the. amount the ladies the quantity of food required.' All awarded the contract for supplying were enabled'to forward as• a• result of food takhn in excess of what a child bread to the House at 83.75 per -100 the baseball nratch and the carnival, can digest becomes a burden to him. lbs. The question of selling properties Besides this amount $95.60 in cash was It lies undi� ted in the .stomach or loses.al*-debt. in,_ u1.,....the.result ,of:- th -- - to - and : owned by inmates `that the proceeds Y e. bowels, fed inents and causes 'colic.' garden party, together with donations mr;ht be applied to their care, was a• . from the.Pr'esbyxerian Adult Bible Class,' The child 'will be restless.' and fretful, gain, discussed and-Ilnepeetor Torrance and cash• received at Mrs. Elliott's Show- and 'will sleep badly. • He cried con - given power to deal with each case as er, this making the total amount of cash stantly for more food because the tak forwarded during the' past two months, ing ,of food give's hispoor stomach 024.5.50. . • temporary relief. *hen overfeeding • In regaid to the receipts and expend- is long continued it .causes_ serious dis- turbances of digestion; And we wond- er why our -children are bad-tempered, Cross,: hard to manage, dull at school or Constantly -in trouble. I. • seems .best. Miss Haines,. an inmate. was committed to the care of friend>ln Bayfield, on, their request, on the' cop.. dition that the village gives a bond itures of the Cornn.rttee since its ap- .that hereafter site: will not again _be• Por�rrti lent last Noveriiber,"the.. Treasurer come a charge -on the county ' Other thinking it Wright be of interest to the eases of persons whose admission. to Public' to, kaaow.justwhat has been done, • th . S•. has compiled the following statement: e oust wasdesired were left for the decision_ of.l)r. Shaw, , the . House plis amen, 1INANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE WOMEN'S PATRIOTIC LEAGUE, LUOKNOW, • SEPT. 9th, 1915. A Country Worth Dying For , ,$eeeapts Dnt collce;yd :$ 108 ,41 In connection with the. announce-Contriliution by -,‘Men's League •100 .00 Proceeds Dramatic' Entertain - ment front Washington that the sinking ment ...:. , .:... ' 130 45 of the William P. Frye is. ,to be settled Mrs. Anderson's garden party: 73 51 With 'Germany. on a cash ,basis, it is, in- Baseball game , ..:.... . ; .. , .' 74 4 teresting to rera:1 the fact little known Carnival .... . .:......:.... ... 147.99 that the now famous ship got -her ,name Carniv. ,El dult Bible CIass.'' •.'. 10 .00 from the late United.States Senator, Mrs. Elliott; shower •, . , . " 3.500 William P.' Frye, who represented Maine B for themost .tributes.- res Big: .. - .. _ . x sn i re 30 years. Senator Frye paid one of inostnotable to -f `t ii ' 'T am ,that has ever been Made ba re re- E P d to 4 Y p sentati ve of a. foreign power. An" ex- `Jas. A • McKendrick; 'yarn. $ 9-24 p Apply -to the ' until nearly dry, then Tub . •briskly' with a soft flannel: Shake the mixture f; ell betore using. A trap :-bath Is good.for eczema. Use one part bran to ten .parts water it used, in a tub. Oatmeal 'end Bran-Bathinfr Oatmeal for the faoe and htu ds wet with water soon Sours, but prepared in the following way it will keep good any length of. time: ' Take three cup- fuls of ' oatmeal- and five of water- or less quantity in the 'same proper;` tion; .stir weal, and let it stand over night in a• cool place; in the morn - Ing stir again; after awhile stir thor- ougiily, and strain; ; let it stand•' until* it settles, then carefully pour off. the, --Water, and add -=enough--bay---rnn, to, - :make the• sediment as thick as cream, • or thinner_ if- referred, A Coal and Wood Rant,e WE' -AIM 'I'O PLEASE. rr- The -;fall season is. now calling for : a chane: to' heavier, weight goods: Our stock'has nowa' full � � _supply of Ladies' Coats of the Newest Styles. The p ces 9re lower than they will be.. Early buyers get the advantage in. price and style. We have a 'ver carefullyselected 'stock of Y Composing the very latest New York Styles. Miss McInnis has just ,returned' from ..the openings in • Toronto and is now ready to receive early orders. A Special in -Brocaded Velvet, 1".00 for 50c. Milli - nary O en1n ,:Sept. 24.25 $ P Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. WILLIAM CO. , tr.;ct from that speech is . well .worth t repeating at this time: , •• J. G. Murdoch Jr Co , yarn and ;flannel, . '20 70 Estate R K. Miller., yarn and. .• flannel. . , . 4 40 D. 1i, McIntosh, buttons yarn '' and flannel... ,.. 78, 03 'Ring Bros., yarn , .3' 20 E. Bender, yarn - 2 25 Geo: Leen,yarn apd flannel. ° ' 103. 58 ,Murdoch.& Cameron Co., flan- .. el, cheese cloth and yarn, 79 47 J Gledhill, yarn.. .... , , , , .. 20 06 W. Cornell, flannel and cotton 23 29 Bell &'Dowse; rope, :`.: 30 o' Express- charges n yarn- , ... ▪ , • • g5 Reru3tted ed -Dross Society; Toronto. ,. 82 00 Remitted Red Cross Society, Toronto,. '.:..... 150 00 Remitted Bed Qroes Society, '' in 0 • face ' with a soft oloth, let #t .rams✓iAwr1#10,16041140.04001161014 '"This little incident, withwhich you are familiar, is a marvelous illustration of the • protection which Great Brit- ain gives to her subjects The King .of Abyssinia took a British Subject named Cameron in 1867 and carried him up to the• fortress - of ' Magdala,;• upon the it. 'hea, of a rooky y �. mountain; and -put hire into a dungeon. It took six months for the British to findthis out. Then Great Britain \demanded his iin'iiediate release which- Ring:Theodore refused.. In less than 10 days:after hiarefute was -received36;000---British-sol+dieis indud-. ing'S,,000 Sepoys, were on board ships of war sailing doivn the 'coasts. • They disembarked marched across the terrible country a.distance of 400 miles under A. ,Otherwise tie in a cheesecloth bag. Opened Big Field fpr Womdn •'Miss' 1inma M. Nutt of 'Chelsea, :Mass., the first woman telepkone over- ator in:. the world, M. still In. the em.. ploy_of__the. New .England --Telephone Co4npa y., IJo numbers were .applied to telephones,' she, operated the ' first , switohboard.:- ever installed. .,It -was back in 1878 that she took charge of the Bret tele- phone switchboard: ; In those .days the. subecribers, and there were very few, gave the name ,bf the party wanted. 4 5 Miss Nutt Bays she could ,handle about 1,000` calls a week, but'they were not °, in such . a 'rush as. business • peopii of - burning sun up to the mountains, ep Toronto'. ,,... ,... ' 10.00 to the very heights in front.' of the, tow- Remitted Red Gross Hociely, ` . - ering dungeon,' then gave battle,',bat- Toronto .` ', 3 ::50 tered.-down.•the -iron gates it th�atone Ex ' eyise ,Mrs- .-Andersongai- • • wall, reached.down into :' the 'dungeon . en party: , . . ...,,, . ' . and lifted' out that one .British subject. Then they .carried him down the Mena' tains, across the land pet him on hoard ship and Sped him to his o°vvr land in saf,ty. That Cost Great fi'ritain'-$25,= 000,000 and made 'Geo. Napier, Lord Napier 'of Magdala. That was. a. great thing for a great country to do,—a'a coun- try that has:•a i eye- that. can see across the ocean, -all across the .-land,-away -up, to the mountains . heights and : ;away down to the darksonie • dungeon, one E xpense Baseball. game.. 7 .70' •Expen9e Carnival ...... • 11 90 Bala ce in Bank...—. ' .... 35: 53 .'to -day: • 65431. InA M. SIDDALL, Treas: As the expenditures. noted on the statement: above, have been mostly to cover: material with' which to work, a list of- the••articles.made.and of the ahip- ments forwarded, is given, below: Dec, 9, 19I.4-73 bed shirts,--- 60 dap Science of Egg.Bolling Never cook in egg for gin invalid in. water that boils"' furiously, . for this makes the white tough and • indigest- ible. Put the egg ,in boiling , water,. throw the saucepan to the' back of the Move and allow • it to stand forfive subject out of her 380,000,000 of . .. o ple shirts, 32 scarfs, 4helmets, 60 pairs sox, long-enDghrta streteacro,s the same pairs° bedsax, 36 dozen 'cheeseclothandthen.lasanarn'.strctig-enoug and r•7-1 airs wristlets 4 -cholera- belts° •23- ocean, across the Same land, from the same mountain heights,' down to the• starve dungeon, and.. then lift ' him put aril carr ,him home to his own " ani rif 'end 1' �Wlio would : of died fir a country that wouldd0Ahat 1 " ° • + 1 M • 4' PATRIOTIC :JUDGE. --Reporting a meeting held• at Marton some time since -The Echo had the fel. lowing: - "Judge Klein, w.ho happened:to be p esent,:gave a .inost_praetical_address -Ile told the audience- that he was brut ally frank, ibut his frankness Was appre • '- c>tated and liWave mad with ieaSure, , :Utilizes -eve heat unit. - hes arranged,so- He`stated`that it;'vvaa of•no piirpOso to h rcli unless we did some heat is forced to travel over , top of oven in belong* p down behind it and. ;twice un- _ der the bottom before' `escap , In to t hi> nney. See the 00Iary dealer, i3Y Sold bar. ,u ;know Hardware & Coal Co '.r.,.; -x w.. b n to a c u some- thing practical and it was of .no use to profess our loya'Ity unless :We showed it, His inotlier,was barn inOerma'ny,. his fattier in Alsace, and the fiist national anthein he Beard was the F'renclr. H`e stated correctly that we pay : too much attention 'to sport at this' time; baseball, lacrosse, bowling, ' etc.' The bowling •tournament in a town he,could,mention• this year :world' :cost ' $300' and he thought it should be withdrawn and the Money spent in purchasing a machine gun.: ' Iii 1885 he' had gone to'the north', west during the rebellion; HO belonged: to the 32nd Bruce and 2:10'men.offered to go.in.ono week, There was no pat- riotic fund, no socks; for the soldiers,• he closed liin office and left his' wife an child, .and at his own expense rent ,there for three months. Should 'net mon do the . •sariie. thing howl He woatld not. buy Froin atny. busilaesS pian Filo would not oivo, tb patt'lotie :pair. p0iv� ; handkerchiefs, 1 dozen wash cloths. Feb. -14, .1915-730 dozen bandages, assorted sizes, 1 bag lint. d...4114416, 864 shirts, 42 pairs sox ,,4 pairs wristlets; 14 dozen bandages, 121 pairs bed sox. ' A fatal of 156 bed shirts,. 146 day 'shirts, 22 scarves, 4 helmets, 108 pairs seer. 75 pairs wristlets; .4'4 dozen band- ages, 2 hags lint, 3o. dozen Cheesecloth handkerchiefs, 4 cholera" belts,, 3 Piths bed soo;-_1-dozed-twash cloths, 2Tfl�l;pillq case`s find 4 pillows, (shower given" by Mrs F.Iliott) •• The Fall work of the 'Com niittee' 'Soon begin and any of the ladies of the . village orsurreuiidiug country! :willing to 'help by knitting, Can'seenre, the yarin 1 Mrs 1 a calling' at Mrs.°Canipbejl's restaurant. SeCtcetary.•. 41 t for same by applying to VI S'dd Il �.or. TRIAL. IN'THl `PAR NORTH u. - Hon: A. G: McKay, formerly of Owen Sound; defended Ralph W. Bradley and 'secured his acquittal in one of the Moat dramatic_ trials. in 'the history of the West, ' which was concluded at Peace River Crossing a short.tiine ago. ' The case • Was hoard before .justice Beck and Bradley was tried for the murder of , Harold Snaith.. The "trial was the first. Of its kind, held north of Edmonton, and the Jridgo and counsel travelled •north 350 miles from' the city &medially for the occasion,' The hearing took plaeein the little n oving'pieture theatre in the far northern town, The shooting of Smith involved tilt:0.u00on of the lin-Written law, Smith Loving waded' Blciadialeo IQtir;1 ' s .• • wWR • • Take :Letil of Sleep Bleep _aa much- as you can-=nei�er mind about the old proverbs -and, al- • T/airs-in pure, fresh air. bet up,, if ,,possible, only when you have 1 d your sleep out, and . feel •rested., To wake trowing. boys and . girls : out of their Unfinished steep' is armful. _the wall. is se_soft.thet--it,-Will not hold a Picture, . nail; Mix a little plaster of eerie.. mid 'Water& enlarge the hole end With the plaster and , in a minute • insert the nail and let fft�Sc ool Again Vacation.time' is over and the children are "Off to School again," The queston of school shoes -.must be considered again as the old ones .w;11, be all kicked out during vacation. , . • Safe have selected our sc ioolshoes `or the.L o -_and.. ti:e• ut-i at- care -an& tail* give' -thys' b`es possible values at the least possible Frice,s:'; Child's and Little Girls''. Kid.and Box Calf, sizes 8 to ' ''.1o!‘.' Prices 1.50, '1.75. and $2.00. Misses' Kid and Gun Metal Calf; sizes I i to 2. • Prices 1.75,' 2.00 and $2.50.'r, • Youths- ies-4n--Brox-ealf'a rd°`K zl, srzes� r -t- ' 13. • Special Lines at 1.50, 1.15 and $2.00.' Boys' Box' Calf Blucher (gut and Button, sizes I to '5.. Prices 2.00, 2.50. and 3,0.0. 1 We are Sole Agents -here for the Blachford Fine Shoes for Ladies: Try a Pair of Scholia' Foot Easers for Tired Feet. • ., JOYNT,...'.•Luckno _, HOME'STEAD' PERTiLvERs A: SuPply.On hand for Fah Wheat: • • LI Riding and Walking. 4.-g.pOd 'supply of :PIO/ Aepairs-Oh-bancl.- New Viiilliarns Sewing Machines__ Nitedierchiefs aro terriers of di*, • . germe WEST WAWANOS11 'COUNCIL Scrubbing with .strong nett .water ' -78aturday, Aug: 28. will prevent straw matting becoming Cottecil meet on above date as perteci- joarnment. *inhere all ptesent Reeve: Mixtrity presiding. Minetes of last meeting; read ;mid fraSs, FAIL FAIR DATES - ed on mitten by Johnston and Mallough. ° 'mem tiio Damage dispitte at Belfast Lucktiow Sept. 30 Oct: I; footls letter read also a copy of letter . . , g8.2v. sent liceve Stewart of Ashfield which Kincardine ", ...Sept. 1:0 17. a haSis for settlement of this matter wee Wingham.....;.„ .. Sept. 23-24 Set forth as arriVed at botwcen §oli -it. Teeswater 5.8. ors Dance% and Proudfoot. Motion by Ihitgannori , 7-8, .Mallteigh and Naylor that this fillif;ier iirt1PSelg • ; ; ; •• .00t, be left in date of Reeve Murray. Carri4: .4ng. 28' -to Sept. 10. Motion by Pardon andt Naylor that 14000 k k 4 4 4 4 4 ,SSIA, lo ift, ownship ride for iota bo two mills on. [lough autlioriztig the folleovieg Levies passed on motion by Xolinston andlifal- for 1,915: Township rate .002; CrevitY .00023:3; Glen. Sabot LCvy'.00169; also By-law No 9, 1015 passcd.on Motion by Naylor and Pardon previding fer the -15:•,°, Stralght Ott All taxes unpaid Dec 14 Ilotion by Johnston' and *Naylor th .i.i. $1,55 be laid WM.; SieQuillin as i_ owl ot repairo , for. dim broken on, Nor h; Boundary. in winter of 1914-15.. 'Meta. amounting to $1i.`425 t: le • Western -F - •. -- , air -t ndo Canada..., -10th.=.-18th.. 191 ill, Prizes, $30,000.00' and''• Attractions r' -Toro-Seed Events flail •, Fireworks Every Night. : _ New St¢el Grandstand. . Midway Better than; Ever. Prizes -Inereased :this ear. h •$3,000410. _: , - - - ' • - '1 Exceliennt :Program :ram of _ g /httrac•� Bons Twice Daily..` uslc by the -Beit Available Bands' SINGLE'EARE over All. lttailways Weet of Toronto, •attd .Fare and 'One -Third from outside pointe : • -si d all front lhe-Secretary PrintLists,-.Entry-Forttis ,iitfdritiatroi ., W. J. REID, President. w.A.. Me, HUNT, Secretary. File fo11owlo , letfer has been teeelyeti -frow"tileiei rosesFeiry`;,:-Toronto, by the Treasurer of the Women's Com, of the Patriotic 4eagye. It ,is, of course; re the B3e4. Press. Society .that all :cont i'i- butionai, wbettier• cash or . clothing .for MO soldiers, are beilrg,' forwarded by tire: Wonmettt'ri Committee:. • September IIth,,,1910. Dear Madhna:: - I be to• ackoowled$4e receipt :Of your, letter of the 8th, inst, enclosing p, cheque,for $1a0, being a_,contribution lrorn the Luckntw Patriotic League tie.' nerds! the funda.. of the.. Canadian- ..fed Gross Society Limed say that •1•'e handsome 'stooks very much appreeiated. • You will 'be glad to know that we have sent supplies to'tlre•vatic of 'abant• HENRI CHILDREN 8460. AA- ` " i ,�' fie t hould.vroydtbu t �usy H�.r�wa�� Iiouse PROM :60 $nd we 'Wit 11,IJVER -yowl ORDER PRUMP 'f.'l °'aln :early years the, irhlld'e..feed les. mattor of 'Very great importance; not • only tnay Che .child by this means„ be Madeifl401pnt or active, eluggleh or me tle, ' c'1'riiu ,or brighti inert or vigor- -one during childhooaf , bat .for hip entire life. - ;Parents• should remem ''Dor that 'sinapflcity and frugality in food daring :childhood enhance anan's ;power 'of attaining happinecu ' and vigor,: __Mille.. has not noticed children, over -stimulated by • spices 'and excesses 0f Rood:,. appetites. •Of alw very to order,' :rem 'which: they never again can be freed?' ApPetitee which, even when they eeena.to have been suppressed,. only nluanber; .and: return.with :greater• power,. threaten ins• to 'rob man. of 411 lila dignity and two million dollars; to the ,yarious hos- tp force:.hila away from his duty.;" pitals in England and France;. We; $4' says b'roebel, .wlio understood have also sent over $125,000 • to the: children with a great,• bread ender -- Britian- ,Red'.trross; 'Society, .$25,000 to staildina;seldom, if ever, found among more:recent• edueatore., . , And ilothers Will • do well to give heed to what he eays: aibout:' educating the sense of taste 'It id not sufficient - to satisfy 'a child's•, hunger; it must :nurses•end -fifty men nurses:.`. < a . ba' satietfed• "with a; .pied 'thait builds the French �' act Cross Society, and estab- lished the Duchess of Connaught Cana- dian Red Cross Hospital at Cliveden,. which is said' to be one• of the' best in England, at, a cost •.Of ' nearly $200,000. We have also sentover sixty-six :women • Many .a soldier 'twill have reaesoh ' to and, develops after it eatialies.. give thanksfor the work that 'is:. being Let -your motto be "It is better to done b.thewomen of a na da th,r ough underfeed than overfeed," and you will' the Canadian Red -Cross Society. We save yourself, and your' baby much are toad that no army baa over ,been so worry and discomfort. Overfeeding. .well looked after, as. our Canadian troops; is giving a child -more food than he. I enclose herewith .official receipt for requires, either at one time the amount: • or too fro, ...Tr y� ttentl•, on 112onday of'last . week.' The usual • Tours sincerei` q y: '. The normal b'aliy at flret NOEL MA1tSHALL, takes only what he• really needs, but inspection showing 91 Inmates_ o the habit of over -eating IS ;soon ac- eeeryOhing in good order as usual, .ac- Charrinan Executive • Committee, counts totalling '$2,417.80 were ap The 8150.00 -cash contribution referr; . quired, and some 'children take twice proved, Mr. Connor, of Clinton, was ed to above, "is the. amount the ladies the quantity of food required.' All awarded the contract for supplying were enabled'to forward as• a• result of food takhn in excess of what a child bread to the House at 83.75 per -100 the baseball nratch and the carnival, can digest becomes a burden to him. lbs. The question of selling properties Besides this amount $95.60 in cash was It lies undi� ted in the .stomach or loses.al*-debt. in,_ u1.,....the.result ,of:- th -- - to - and : owned by inmates `that the proceeds Y e. bowels, fed inents and causes 'colic.' garden party, together with donations mr;ht be applied to their care, was a• . from the.Pr'esbyxerian Adult Bible Class,' The child 'will be restless.' and fretful, gain, discussed and-Ilnepeetor Torrance and cash• received at Mrs. Elliott's Show- and 'will sleep badly. • He cried con - given power to deal with each case as er, this making the total amount of cash stantly for more food because the tak forwarded during the' past two months, ing ,of food give's hispoor stomach 024.5.50. . • temporary relief. *hen overfeeding • In regaid to the receipts and expend- is long continued it .causes_ serious dis- turbances of digestion; And we wond- er why our -children are bad-tempered, Cross,: hard to manage, dull at school or Constantly -in trouble. I. • seems .best. Miss Haines,. an inmate. was committed to the care of friend>ln Bayfield, on, their request, on the' cop.. dition that the village gives a bond itures of the Cornn.rttee since its ap- .that hereafter site: will not again _be• Por�rrti lent last Noveriiber,"the.. Treasurer come a charge -on the county ' Other thinking it Wright be of interest to the eases of persons whose admission. to Public' to, kaaow.justwhat has been done, • th . S•. has compiled the following statement: e oust wasdesired were left for the decision_ of.l)r. Shaw, , the . House plis amen, 1INANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE WOMEN'S PATRIOTIC LEAGUE, LUOKNOW, • SEPT. 9th, 1915. A Country Worth Dying For , ,$eeeapts Dnt collce;yd :$ 108 ,41 In connection with the. announce-Contriliution by -,‘Men's League •100 .00 Proceeds Dramatic' Entertain - ment front Washington that the sinking ment ...:. , .:... ' 130 45 of the William P. Frye is. ,to be settled Mrs. Anderson's garden party: 73 51 With 'Germany. on a cash ,basis, it is, in- Baseball game , ..:.... . ; .. , .' 74 4 teresting to rera:1 the fact little known Carnival .... . .:......:.... ... 147.99 that the now famous ship got -her ,name Carniv. ,El dult Bible CIass.'' •.'. 10 .00 from the late United.States Senator, Mrs. Elliott; shower •, . , . " 3.500 William P.' Frye, who represented Maine B for themost .tributes.- res Big: .. - .. _ . x sn i re 30 years. Senator Frye paid one of inostnotable to -f `t ii ' 'T am ,that has ever been Made ba re re- E P d to 4 Y p sentati ve of a. foreign power. An" ex- `Jas. A • McKendrick; 'yarn. $ 9-24 p Apply -to the ' until nearly dry, then Tub . •briskly' with a soft flannel: Shake the mixture f; ell betore using. A trap :-bath Is good.for eczema. Use one part bran to ten .parts water it used, in a tub. Oatmeal 'end Bran-Bathinfr Oatmeal for the faoe and htu ds wet with water soon Sours, but prepared in the following way it will keep good any length of. time: ' Take three cup- fuls of ' oatmeal- and five of water- or less quantity in the 'same proper;` tion; .stir weal, and let it stand over night in a• cool place; in the morn - Ing stir again; after awhile stir thor- ougiily, and strain; ; let it stand•' until* it settles, then carefully pour off. the, --Water, and add -=enough--bay---rnn, to, - :make the• sediment as thick as cream, • or thinner_ if- referred, A Coal and Wood Rant,e WE' -AIM 'I'O PLEASE. rr- The -;fall season is. now calling for : a chane: to' heavier, weight goods: Our stock'has nowa' full � � _supply of Ladies' Coats of the Newest Styles. The p ces 9re lower than they will be.. Early buyers get the advantage in. price and style. We have a 'ver carefullyselected 'stock of Y Composing the very latest New York Styles. Miss McInnis has just ,returned' from ..the openings in • Toronto and is now ready to receive early orders. A Special in -Brocaded Velvet, 1".00 for 50c. Milli - nary O en1n ,:Sept. 24.25 $ P Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. WILLIAM CO. , tr.;ct from that speech is . well .worth t repeating at this time: , •• J. G. Murdoch Jr Co , yarn and ;flannel, . '20 70 Estate R K. Miller., yarn and. .• flannel. . , . 4 40 D. 1i, McIntosh, buttons yarn '' and flannel... ,.. 78, 03 'Ring Bros., yarn , .3' 20 E. Bender, yarn - 2 25 Geo: Leen,yarn apd flannel. ° ' 103. 58 ,Murdoch.& Cameron Co., flan- .. el, cheese cloth and yarn, 79 47 J Gledhill, yarn.. .... , , , , .. 20 06 W. Cornell, flannel and cotton 23 29 Bell &'Dowse; rope, :`.: 30 o' Express- charges n yarn- , ... ▪ , • • g5 Reru3tted ed -Dross Society; Toronto. ,. 82 00 Remitted Red Cross Society, Toronto,. '.:..... 150 00 Remitted Bed Qroes Society, '' in 0 • face ' with a soft oloth, let #t .rams✓iAwr1#10,16041140.04001161014 '"This little incident, withwhich you are familiar, is a marvelous illustration of the • protection which Great Brit- ain gives to her subjects The King .of Abyssinia took a British Subject named Cameron in 1867 and carried him up to the• fortress - of ' Magdala,;• upon the it. 'hea, of a rooky y �. mountain; and -put hire into a dungeon. It took six months for the British to findthis out. Then Great Britain \demanded his iin'iiediate release which- Ring:Theodore refused.. In less than 10 days:after hiarefute was -received36;000---British-sol+dieis indud-. ing'S,,000 Sepoys, were on board ships of war sailing doivn the 'coasts. • They disembarked marched across the terrible country a.distance of 400 miles under A. ,Otherwise tie in a cheesecloth bag. Opened Big Field fpr Womdn •'Miss' 1inma M. Nutt of 'Chelsea, :Mass., the first woman telepkone over- ator in:. the world, M. still In. the em.. ploy_of__the. New .England --Telephone Co4npa y., IJo numbers were .applied to telephones,' she, operated the ' first , switohboard.:- ever installed. .,It -was back in 1878 that she took charge of the Bret tele- phone switchboard: ; In those .days the. subecribers, and there were very few, gave the name ,bf the party wanted. 4 5 Miss Nutt Bays she could ,handle about 1,000` calls a week, but'they were not °, in such . a 'rush as. business • peopii of - burning sun up to the mountains, ep Toronto'. ,,... ,... ' 10.00 to the very heights in front.' of the, tow- Remitted Red Gross Hociely, ` . - ering dungeon,' then gave battle,',bat- Toronto .` ', 3 ::50 tered.-down.•the -iron gates it th�atone Ex ' eyise ,Mrs- .-Andersongai- • • wall, reached.down into :' the 'dungeon . en party: , . . ...,,, . ' . and lifted' out that one .British subject. Then they .carried him down the Mena' tains, across the land pet him on hoard ship and Sped him to his o°vvr land in saf,ty. That Cost Great fi'ritain'-$25,= 000,000 and made 'Geo. Napier, Lord Napier 'of Magdala. That was. a. great thing for a great country to do,—a'a coun- try that has:•a i eye- that. can see across the ocean, -all across the .-land,-away -up, to the mountains . heights and : ;away down to the darksonie • dungeon, one E xpense Baseball. game.. 7 .70' •Expen9e Carnival ...... • 11 90 Bala ce in Bank...—. ' .... 35: 53 .'to -day: • 65431. InA M. SIDDALL, Treas: As the expenditures. noted on the statement: above, have been mostly to cover: material with' which to work, a list of- the••articles.made.and of the ahip- ments forwarded, is given, below: Dec, 9, 19I.4-73 bed shirts,--- 60 dap Science of Egg.Bolling Never cook in egg for gin invalid in. water that boils"' furiously, . for this makes the white tough and • indigest- ible. Put the egg ,in boiling , water,. throw the saucepan to the' back of the Move and allow • it to stand forfive subject out of her 380,000,000 of . .. o ple shirts, 32 scarfs, 4helmets, 60 pairs sox, long-enDghrta streteacro,s the same pairs° bedsax, 36 dozen 'cheeseclothandthen.lasanarn'.strctig-enoug and r•7-1 airs wristlets 4 -cholera- belts° •23- ocean, across the Same land, from the same mountain heights,' down to the• starve dungeon, and.. then lift ' him put aril carr ,him home to his own " ani rif 'end 1' �Wlio would : of died fir a country that wouldd0Ahat 1 " ° • + 1 M • 4' PATRIOTIC :JUDGE. --Reporting a meeting held• at Marton some time since -The Echo had the fel. lowing: - "Judge Klein, w.ho happened:to be p esent,:gave a .inost_praetical_address -Ile told the audience- that he was brut ally frank, ibut his frankness Was appre • '- c>tated and liWave mad with ieaSure, , :Utilizes -eve heat unit. - hes arranged,so- He`stated`that it;'vvaa of•no piirpOso to h rcli unless we did some heat is forced to travel over , top of oven in belong* p down behind it and. ;twice un- _ der the bottom before' `escap , In to t hi> nney. See the 00Iary dealer, i3Y Sold bar. ,u ;know Hardware & Coal Co '.r.,.; -x w.. b n to a c u some- thing practical and it was of .no use to profess our loya'Ity unless :We showed it, His inotlier,was barn inOerma'ny,. his fattier in Alsace, and the fiist national anthein he Beard was the F'renclr. H`e stated correctly that we pay : too much attention 'to sport at this' time; baseball, lacrosse, bowling, ' etc.' The bowling •tournament in a town he,could,mention• this year :world' :cost ' $300' and he thought it should be withdrawn and the Money spent in purchasing a machine gun.: ' Iii 1885 he' had gone to'the north', west during the rebellion; HO belonged: to the 32nd Bruce and 2:10'men.offered to go.in.ono week, There was no pat- riotic fund, no socks; for the soldiers,• he closed liin office and left his' wife an child, .and at his own expense rent ,there for three months. Should 'net mon do the . •sariie. thing howl He woatld not. buy Froin atny. busilaesS pian Filo would not oivo, tb patt'lotie :pair. p0iv� ; handkerchiefs, 1 dozen wash cloths. Feb. -14, .1915-730 dozen bandages, assorted sizes, 1 bag lint. d...4114416, 864 shirts, 42 pairs sox ,,4 pairs wristlets; 14 dozen bandages, 121 pairs bed sox. ' A fatal of 156 bed shirts,. 146 day 'shirts, 22 scarves, 4 helmets, 108 pairs seer. 75 pairs wristlets; .4'4 dozen band- ages, 2 hags lint, 3o. dozen Cheesecloth handkerchiefs, 4 cholera" belts,, 3 Piths bed soo;-_1-dozed-twash cloths, 2Tfl�l;pillq case`s find 4 pillows, (shower given" by Mrs F.Iliott) •• The Fall work of the 'Com niittee' 'Soon begin and any of the ladies of the . village orsurreuiidiug country! :willing to 'help by knitting, Can'seenre, the yarin 1 Mrs 1 a calling' at Mrs.°Canipbejl's restaurant. SeCtcetary.•. 41 t for same by applying to VI S'dd Il �.or. TRIAL. IN'THl `PAR NORTH u. - Hon: A. G: McKay, formerly of Owen Sound; defended Ralph W. Bradley and 'secured his acquittal in one of the Moat dramatic_ trials. in 'the history of the West, ' which was concluded at Peace River Crossing a short.tiine ago. ' The case • Was hoard before .justice Beck and Bradley was tried for the murder of , Harold Snaith.. The "trial was the first. Of its kind, held north of Edmonton, and the Jridgo and counsel travelled •north 350 miles from' the city &medially for the occasion,' The hearing took plaeein the little n oving'pieture theatre in the far northern town, The shooting of Smith involved tilt:0.u00on of the lin-Written law, Smith Loving waded' Blciadialeo IQtir;1 ' s .• • wWR • • Take :Letil of Sleep Bleep _aa much- as you can-=nei�er mind about the old proverbs -and, al- • T/airs-in pure, fresh air. bet up,, if ,,possible, only when you have 1 d your sleep out, and . feel •rested., To wake trowing. boys and . girls : out of their Unfinished steep' is armful. _the wall. is se_soft.thet--it,-Will not hold a Picture, . nail; Mix a little plaster of eerie.. mid 'Water& enlarge the hole end With the plaster and , in a minute • insert the nail and let fft�Sc ool Again Vacation.time' is over and the children are "Off to School again," The queston of school shoes -.must be considered again as the old ones .w;11, be all kicked out during vacation. , . • Safe have selected our sc ioolshoes `or the.L o -_and.. ti:e• ut-i at- care -an& tail* give' -thys' b`es possible values at the least possible Frice,s:'; Child's and Little Girls''. Kid.and Box Calf, sizes 8 to ' ''.1o!‘.' Prices 1.50, '1.75. and $2.00. Misses' Kid and Gun Metal Calf; sizes I i to 2. • Prices 1.75,' 2.00 and $2.50.'r, • Youths- ies-4n--Brox-ealf'a rd°`K zl, srzes� r -t- ' 13. • Special Lines at 1.50, 1.15 and $2.00.' Boys' Box' Calf Blucher (gut and Button, sizes I to '5.. Prices 2.00, 2.50. and 3,0.0. 1 We are Sole Agents -here for the Blachford Fine Shoes for Ladies: Try a Pair of Scholia' Foot Easers for Tired Feet. • ., JOYNT,...'.•Luckno _, HOME'STEAD' PERTiLvERs A: SuPply.On hand for Fah Wheat: • • LI Riding and Walking. 4.-g.pOd 'supply of :PIO/ Aepairs-Oh-bancl.- New Viiilliarns Sewing Machines__ Nitedierchiefs aro terriers of di*, • . germe WEST WAWANOS11 'COUNCIL Scrubbing with .strong nett .water ' -78aturday, Aug: 28. will prevent straw matting becoming Cottecil meet on above date as perteci- joarnment. *inhere all ptesent Reeve: Mixtrity presiding. Minetes of last meeting; read ;mid fraSs, FAIL FAIR DATES - ed on mitten by Johnston and Mallough. ° 'mem tiio Damage dispitte at Belfast Lucktiow Sept. 30 Oct: I; footls letter read also a copy of letter . . , g8.2v. sent liceve Stewart of Ashfield which Kincardine ", ...Sept. 1:0 17. a haSis for settlement of this matter wee Wingham.....;.„ .. Sept. 23-24 Set forth as arriVed at botwcen §oli -it. Teeswater 5.8. ors Dance% and Proudfoot. Motion by Ihitgannori , 7-8, .Mallteigh and Naylor that this fillif;ier iirt1PSelg • ; ; ; •• .00t, be left in date of Reeve Murray. Carri4: .4ng. 28' -to Sept. 10. Motion by Pardon andt Naylor that 14000 k k 4 4 4 4 4 ,SSIA, lo ift, ownship ride for iota bo two mills on. [lough autlioriztig the folleovieg Levies passed on motion by Xolinston andlifal- for 1,915: Township rate .002; CrevitY .00023:3; Glen. Sabot LCvy'.00169; also By-law No 9, 1015 passcd.on Motion by Naylor and Pardon previding fer the -15:•,°, Stralght Ott All taxes unpaid Dec 14 Ilotion by Johnston' and *Naylor th .i.i. $1,55 be laid WM.; SieQuillin as i_ owl ot repairo , for. dim broken on, Nor h; Boundary. in winter of 1914-15.. 'Meta. amounting to $1i.`425 t: le •