The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-09-16, Page 4• 77 • . • fa_ • • " 5:1".PV 7il;`97,7V7L'IffIfirgr 111, rn ni.,111,340 sarrnrux Thursday, Stpternterldth., IgTO imi-wiroe eyebolt le the alarm erten el the losimait body., la period feeeltla tee loudly realism titet tio_bave a astwork of astires, but ;rims etis *Wag, whin etzwestkie deirditie tire. Uses **swum *yaw loves Ilse arm ist beadecbrie, **dims, draw*/ irtilebtlity and nukes earreetsdo Te oeirvect tworvonsaciee, Scolt's Marreal- Awe is ;meetly whet yeti shotild. *eke; it* seritristeut g: eta into the blood aisd ziaik Wad feeds the tiny sertercellawbile tbewbekr *ram responds to its retreat* iagtoaicforee. Vreefrombegriefuldruge, seat re, amnet.ThrosSo. Oat. BaSifICS3 and Sncietytards owslumulauANDic-4, GaelPh• , neurone., and Maiue.. • K1tV1CY vittiousBusaof insurance, lire and ea oorapietee guaranteed. •Ontir t moot lxa Aieelmow .of the ,Trondou. ;nue]. :a• member of village woe farm PrOnasticSitor Oder • . • I 0.0.1r. Iruchuow Lodge meets every PridaY . evening et kr 0140k let their UaII, Catee- tbltremir-',•110blar GrA14. That'. 411Y. n; Vice bell artregt. brethren efordiallicwitect. Cland.lir. lirmetrotur Tres., ex. Rossi - Mo. noc.. H. Wprcl; 11)34 Secy.. Dr. Alt, Anson. - • R. O. OhtLtghtLodgerneoh aver! iurday night on or before the full . moons in the masenic Hall. Havelock street, bunknow. W. id.. MacDonald; SI LhearrieroluJ. w..0.1.tartin; Pow-, ' . 0, court SherwOod No. Of, Lucknovrr 9Xerirlast Moulax.of %the Month to • „ tits_ved Vlsittintrarethern •"•ou*ny invited to attend. Chief Renner, • jcain ,•NiatoltiSeo• • • `'-`77°' a. O. ILW laroicnow laelge, No. 137, :meets secozAffondayef eaehmouth in the Odd - fellows" Han. Meele Workman.J. 1,46c- l/tumid:M. Seoy._,..p. B. Maelnto8h;11,eo. Secy,;(1e,o- Potter; Woes, .• ROSS. Beata' th 13..101VI.ER,* 14,, '0030 up stairs* Button monk. Teeswater,. Spec, lal attention to golcl pIatC, crowning and idgewerk. sits rozeteriet. an4 3rd. weduesday Of each month: Owl° Thur. 16•••••• „ NiowT0N,. D. D. Dentist. office Agin lilock,frtiohnow, Ont. 40,1 modern methods Used. Best matortale: furnished, •° Crown and Bridge work; Painless extract. baby the use of the 'latest -simplest and nateat remedy, . ewes . Meg oiet teeth. ..alumbim. plateed , nonbreakable • •. , rauktuitu *gunnel Publiebee wet Therreley No/welts at lacked:ow; °mane. 4.1), AlACICONZIN. Pre ulster see Editor. r'rriertiroice*. . ,TRAIBM1AX4 BEIM 16t,h4 1910 oth rri TIM IIRUCE COUNTY DONATIOt, Brftee County Wined did well by in- creasing its monthly donation to the Patriotic Fund from one to, lave thous- and dollars per montib. Thiela 4 better end fairer way for the people of Britee-Goiptty to contribute to the great work of relieving the want and suffering canoed by the war, than by the taking of subscriptions or by other more local methods: • Subscription CaliVaPOS 'alwrge fall most heavily on the ftee and •generous and neirisea the stingy and the pro -Ger - Man altogether; , As is well knownthere ia. 4 large element in Bruce County of anti-Sritudi feeling who Up be thepresent, have done nothing in the • interests of the essuntrYand •treedein, .Yet then wUl benefit as !ouch aFt,Phe POO patriotic by vigorous prosecution of the *at "and OW triumph of the Allies.' It is difficult to believe that :Men „Odd& be s0. far blinded and "tried away b prejudice • as todesire sweetie of the deaillYencirny. of the country which PtOteete.thOM and guarantees to then* freedom and pros- perity far beyond what they might ever hope from the ceuntrY from which they or their forefathers canto. Such have no hesitation in. accepting the 'benefits of freedom, and we . should have no, hesitation in imposing on them their share of the' cost of defending it, Whether or not it `grates upon their feelings. , • , . , THE MAN WHO PAY!? coma There Is sound sense in the' louring about theanan,who-paye.0484t • - Why should not the man. who pays cash, or its equivalent, receive 2 percent discount/ .Mpst of the wholesalers and jobbers give 2 per cent cash discount. The Way things Werk out now, the -Men' whe.pays'eash is penalized for the slow slow payer or dead beat.- -Scane one -must: make up the shortage -and its not hard to Sgure' wire that Boni -norm is. It *Odd enable the merchants to buy to better advantage and he could Sell tobetter ad- vantage that's slim' Two per cent mak discount, would be better than • ceupons. and such things for which the cask buy- er Par. 'In:Inany Cases the. man Who gives credit wastes dellars. On; postage submitting, accounts again and again only to hive no attentien paid to them, unless he places them in the courts for collection.. • The one treubleis thet sem imagine that the other fellow never needs any money. .1f_heruns ;short hecaugo to ilk -hanks and borrow. at 7 • per cent; • or ,moraand'beCome the other -fellows banker -and Pay ;for the. privilege to boot. . • • -•a tHE ENEMY AT .110ME Western. 'University ) LONDON Another, Oreat Advance Memo Doubled -Now 175.0011 , . Another Large Addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts and Medicine, Greatly Increased Enrolment in View Write for particulars to 11 L Braithwaite; M. A., PLO-, President, •,• Ontario's Best Business College Our instructors are experienced. Pupils get individual attention and graduates, are placed in posi- tione.' We are receiving applica- tions we cannot meet. Students may enter at any time. Send for our free catalogue and see if it interests you. • ' D. A.`,. -Me. CELAN.- Prine1Pal. j• - ,Cream Wanted . • , Having an up-to-date Creatiiery in full •operation, we solicit your patronage,: We are prepared to ,pay the highest market prices for good Cream, and give' you‘ail hon- est business.. ; Weighing,1 sampling and testing each. can of cream re- ceived' carefully and returning a hill statement of aattie-- to ',tech -loatrenr---4We7:furitieb•-tcycrrait each patron, pay all '•eitpress". cbargeo, and pay every two weeks. Write for further particulars or send tans and give us a trial. The Seaforth Creamery Co. .8estorib, Ont. OFFICIAL FRUIT BULLETIN Frult linuttlt-001- 01 Agriculture , Not niany.daYa Ieft ler scenting the :best Of Peaches and'Plunis. Crawford and .SIberta-13eaclita aeobtainablentr moderate prices; but prompt actio nwill he necessary to,thcibe wishing, a Supply•of thee delicions, health gm - in fruits. It is inipossible,to have too ,nuc • riu in our Us.. ta • W 'ers. The RedCross Society would be grateful for a:fewfiirs for our boys Is • Vranee, and the Overseas Cl ub has promised to look to . delivery. Beery -Canadian housewife should-put:down- all the fruit -especially Peaches and Pluinsthet shecan, possibly afford.,-, Lloyd George herr Timed another ap-' peal to the people of; Britain . in which he urges the neceasitY of the working men takinittlie Situationmoresericeisly His view 18 that the -issue of the : War will to determine in the munition .frie-• torieri, rather than on the battle fields. .Inspite...4-thelact-that- for A-Lwhole ye_ar„theuriny has athod in the trenChros without an adequate. silkily Of guns and- amintinition, Seine labor' leaders insist upon MOS of work Which- are intended to lerisen the ontpost. : They won't worir evertinie and they won't:work at nights, Ai1 -they. want is a she'rt. day's work, _reasenable.tiMe forLsleep-and.:„the;--re mairidertelmiike and hooze. - - It' e agieat pity that class cannot be . handed over into the slavery the -Gee: :Mans are souniknis toimporieen theta and others, .They do not deserve theqUestion ' enlisting for- the present. '84 -0 -4 -and- the-areda of. the inillre are 80' .Treeilonf 'which their forefatherr, • won ' and which theircontemporaries evidently must maintain. If there were net More iseneible'and far seeing men than • they in the eMititrir;'the'*holo "It 'meant mull to me," he Continued. speedily be under the heel pf fiermany. :"I thought the WheTii. matter over. in efforts. teMde the securing nd visaing of gone end the piling up of tsii* uf ohells, The Gormanostill yeosionally„ when the opportunity Olfefai ' resort tO aid USO Of PA and burning. oil. Mithotheee their win a temnorary sue. ow, but inverialAy are driven off within a day or two. It does not appear that the Alhea have yet taken to the uoe ot gas, emitting ohollo or bombs other than the Ordlicary lyddite *hells. There are oecasionid intonation/3 that pa of some kind Pay.yet be used On the Germans, and it may be that the are laying in a big supply of some tort wnich will pay the ROOS back in their own coin, . 'Prom the Dardanellee, where we !Owe so often been promised an early victory, there is no very marked pbouge. British. subinarinw have cleared the Sea of Matinora of allTarkiiiii shipping, having daatroyed an immense 'limber of their craft*and no doubt the. Turks on the Gallipoli are badly °a; but they 'still hold out,, in elute of the repeated and herOle,attacks •ef the British, French and Australian armies... - '- The principal Balkan 8040 live not yet taken sidee in the war, " 04f .,late.• it lociks 'very much as though Rnigeria :would line up with the Huns. .and the, while, in that event. Roumania and Greece would come in on, the aide of the:Allies, But there has been 8° Much dickering; so niirch fromieing.and hesitation among these strange and un- • fortunate nations that there is really no saying what they shalLultimatelf The big German Zeppelins, Or *at .baloons, have at last found their way to London, andappear to have visited the city at least twice mi recent weeks, ing and injuring more than a hundred people, anti no doubt clang Considerable striamNE surtmom 00,04,10144...:0 0, cr. liontair, Beelcbles lode );ty Plilleeopber.Phyelelan OltOMOIA liDTLEM, 404, MD Many of tis ere griimblere. get.. thin out of sorts frequently, het few of WI know how to prevent, : vetting into the grumbline 'tete; . few 01 4* use to the full,tha roe imerees or hropplimea that ere ay.' table" . That: out/44614i feeling', from which everyone suffers. at times. arises 'In Moot carets from one of . 11NO getageef, Either the etomach la rind wants day. eff, or that's " an eccUrriulatlen. ef ' • waste. Product; In. the num?Icre and brain. -- • •. EvOrY Part of Our lintlY ‘10090' by . burnInn hp the Material stored there aed derived from th; breed. Of course the waste metter thus formed -1,111m Mines flre-urate--;moot be removegiii and• Ilettiutitfula It Os not, .renneved quickly enough with the :coneequence that the • person le Aired .and "ogrur•iblye Besting fh bed for a day•With.. out feed., or With very littlefood, Wilt often 'restorer -the lest Its, Another Eminent plan ,le .to 'eat nothing,whatevrie ,but: or ...engem or grapes, or both, for 24 hours. ;SOW another plan IS to eat nothing. and' drink' only het' orator .with. a little milt- In it. ',Tha water washes. away, all the. fatIgue-producing linpiirklee, and .freehene up the -system In mar; velont manner.' Oome people 'find 'minaret; 'benefit from a tillick walk: in. very warm.cioth. • Ing, followed by,. a tepid :bath.' Out byall"Means, cleanse. your- self, within end without,. arid' keep clean Don't eat toertiuntri ' and keep.emilIng. (CciPYright. 491a Ny..'\' Oharminn-) ' damage to- Property. Other raids -on . • the • east . coast also .relmtecit but 1100E'ir POI! Ttie 801,401611S . • , ' • ..04 the Allies, Ade, fit day goes by, , The beekeepers of Ontario are re.ime- without fleets of their aeroplanes dropp- ing hundreds of bombs upon German pimps, arsenals and' failWaY stations.' a 'Maly service . of destruction" which niliSt, be attended by groat lose of 441- • More and more those who OidatiOS the v../0-..40011.1 to .09.12.k. cTiOon At:fib.Ukt these Missed their mark ' ins in a good crop of honey. Threeliun- dred members of the AsSecietion report- ed over One and a half mitlion pounds. While.these are no doubt the most eit- tensite or the ten thousand beekeepers". in the province, the total crop must be quite large. , -'While are enjoying Itinindance • in tins and other crops I am sure that ever beekeeper will be glad to learn that sr-, ea to Kitch-ener at the ,'011tbrealc: that oi ea ehdve9--• 0 se:" madewiMAnthettlye the,wer would last at least, three • years. we mayshare our honey with '..r3 ant. laying nay' plans' onthe---------sidie,„iboi,, 0,.c;meits oatiegents‘ w 0 so. bravely, or , . are lying wounded an htospitals.: WHY ONE MAN ENLISTED three YeartirWnr,' Kitchener' is reported are fighting Otir :battles' to have said. - • , * (From an:Exchange) • • • . :He Was a fine type of Canadian -man- , , , . . hoixl. :Standing within an inch or tO of , This is it, war in will. It„ every British subjbct is concerned,' 'Those who cannot, their hit":. et home by `Wiping these who go. " • coining in,' there ti no limit to the size or number Of offerings whieh will he go and fight- for the empire- can "do Contributions of 11°14 are allrioeandeYi. six' 'feet, he Wait matnred heyrind ,the iacce•Pted" ‘,°/1(1" 814'44)rWard'•*'- • •••• should be'eXtritettik.ancl; granulated ordinary for his Years:, kle:liad lived P. lb , 10 lb. Or -5.'1:1x tins ,dvell sealed a clean life,' ancl Was inclined te:tske and' seetzrelY 11mre(/* `euri:L.° tat,firat = - - - qualitr*..-clover- a:toner:SO Et•-ovulr. life a Eg!liot -fleal:tupre- in...earnest- than Unripe honey,1strticularly basawood or JIOXIOS MILIC01114 president of the Kincardine. Red Cross Society Woo do. nated 1000 quart waters and OW t On Of sugar tO the, society. The Port Elgin Time says that the 4th Ma. of Brno° Tp, , not a, very long one but there are .on , twelvo. farmers.who own automobiles, - Kincardine ladies working...in the bringing their costributions so far up 4344250 to the •Society Torento to 5O0. I:tares:a, last week ferarard Welter Boser of Toeswater% showed single -cola white, legloarfw 4.t- Toronto, Exhibition,' and won one first, tale see ond, third, 'fourth- and -two fifths, *be sides two epecials;‘ . l'ilsinger, of the same town, Won ;WI). firsts with black orphingtene, • 4141114 tteniftki 'Meeting Of the'Ainer lean Leicester fireedere Association held Toronto during - gxhitition, Mr, Geo. B. Armstrong, con. 8; Cul- areaisos.r. rwelt4rpeo-lenlectedteci, ruPorgeeeidoet.ntet, and s twe4r.: itt Chicago for. 1816; • ' 'With advancing Y4r§ comes, eo_estipa- you. Reirall Orderlies are -a specially good- laxative for egeing people,. Sold Milit by J. O. Armstf011g, The Roca, Store, loc.. 25e, and,: 50e. boxes.. , Mr; John Sully, of kineardine,....re- ceived Weird.linit Week' that his. emyt. Jack, who was n. SteWaa on the ter,. pedoecl transport, the Royal. Edward, was among the list. of saved. ,Teek was a few years ago an employee. Of 'Coombe. furniture factory. - Albert troine, who °wrist 44 auto repair shop and prep . -6$ Teeswaterf has. patented' gasoline tank, which. ;has several adtantag , over those. gen• entily in use for supplying Oars on the 'street. This tank has the further ad vantage of cheapness, wit can be in- stalled for $150, while others cost about $400, He already has 50 or- ders for tanks. • 1?eter Rielley,, Veteran of the ;Cri- mean War, died at the4Bruce County' House of 13.,efuge lad week tho age of 02. Reilly, had been rin, inmate, of the Mime since it was opened in 1899, bating gone trent Bruce Township. He had been. through ' the Battle .of MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL AND IMSERVIii $81890100a 1 liellirititebee in Canada gen0,41. Banking Basiftessitansacte Circtr LetterS of Credit 13ink Money Orders SAVINGS 'BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at highest current rate T. S. REID, Manager. loPoloommotou. air teemwoomenw. sweesereameme siessessleaerseu mar weesteucceamee A6695 12 bleb Inkermen and Belaciate; and Wit8 - 173gtittiXBerfgii'46d7.1•Ikef49361".:6441:,g.:, .45f e 7 . Walkerton doing- well . in. the Way of supplying .recruiti for :the '75th Battalion.. During. last week 1.5' sign - f • • ' ed or serum). They are ' Everett Truax., Albeit Miller; ,Clar- ence Krueger, David- .Seiling, Nutting, Deis. G. Cunningham, Wilfrid littcHay, Louis Anderson, Melville. Wil son; Haiti' Wetthtefer, 'Ted ieltielm, Welter Y.ictel..-PeteLoughli3en Gillen' and Vol. - ; eiv O 'old .Wooden bridge over the Willow Creek, just .West Lov,at, is to be replaced *Mai will 13e the ' biggest bridge ie the township of 13rue3. The abutments aro to be .24 ft. high and will be built ontripiled-foundation.77'. TIfirsWn. is ss ft.,' The 8th. Cori.'Vvili be closed there while the Werk is beingAone, and will take about taramentlis.. Jas.,Me Kin , DANCE RECORI) ON • • DOUBLE ia • 0.A0 IN CANADA gladly. play tken1 over to you - etAssi0 ediey-,-...-lotreauelng aaer sofir,.” .44hielodt in 'Malty in QPr'.4116,.." Anvil Chorus," Liszt's "HungarianRhapeody,' , ."Funi deli Funieula," "Saint a Pesti]," Played and arranged • by 'Albert and Monroe 'lockers, violin andputno, • „ SNAPPY oxg,ST,EP. (Jockeys Brothers 4 May00 • Albert and Monroe, Jockeys, 'xiolin and piano: • 4. ,a • . 12 ino w1,41.1::.LI:11.-99mciatBiAlYg .114,TQhMe!rolNa gilT11113y4theWsFea8'±' a:"4 111t311:edelf As::: . _ _ CARAVAN 11AS RESTED. Medley introducing "i Wish. I Were a Tiny ,Bird» and §'Port . . . of An Iternr.'. (14ohr) Walti. . Prince'ri Creheatra, A5702- RAGt1ING THE • SOA.7-4, ' (Claypole.) , Fox ']*rot . $1,20 KINKY. Bernard. ' One•Step.; ' PrineelOaritt: { 12.inch , • Prince's Band. • ''• • , • ' 41251?:i KRNIT''''il!leRY nJUBILtE. SINGIErt'S SCH0TIS011.E., • 0 ALvi.li iME, tBOaUdI.1,,DEABEST ONE.: Ziehrer... Polka'..:. • 1 S1'25 . . Carries. Prinee'a Band. ..• . . . , my, Heart," (Lohr.) Prince's Orehestrii. WILLIAM ALL Luciwow.. Wfugham - 'Mr. Harry Hinseliffe One of our most eeteemed residents, enhated la.st week and has gone to Lond.on. Harrlis from a family of Warriors. He is ,the fourth of the tam to -join as he heti. two broth- -witir-a•-tconcietearict-StrieletrilttUfe--t'ere Ited-onirsowtrainhigutliontlen.• - : MoRAE-Hair---The home. of Mr. and E. E. Hart; Weston; near . TOrdisto, was the-scene--of.--a ,quiet aveds,ling on TnSridaY, SePt. 7th, when their daugh- ter, Ruby; beeme e the bride Of Mr. John McRae,- a former Mail -Clerk at Winghttni. many of He had taken his en- any --of the darker grades Would be nitie: • • , . - to arrive in noor condition: , listment„.senously.--Ile_hed:qek_ba.01. Donations` o carried away by the glamor of . war or freight as Soon as posstble to the Cana, f--heneyshonld-ne sont by the Clanking, ofiiis accontreniente. It 'Ili -an lect.G:r°88 89'61.64r' '717:King St' E. . *stout°, l'he Railroad Companie.shave had •mesit a. long session ' of prayerful very geeerously-offered to carry t ree. 't f thought and consideration,for h had ' I -Mcwitl retti4- spent mime years preparing himself for his life's'. work 'pee might almost. stop :and wonder; why he. had made the choice When he was so .well„fittectIoithelvorkilehact:intended preAcaile- the: outbre His story was told in a' quiet, studied fithhion that niarkeii his Whole 'demean-. o There were no exclanuttiou marks in it; but behind- it all there breathed , hed-eeperit-teritictidetlial. .7.1te, had teught first hattle,,,andafter Making the decision he Vould. be 'a soldier worthy of, the mune. . , • "Yon 'risked me how Viewed the war," he remarked to the questioner, "and whether I conehler it a higher call- ing than that, in' Which E was- an nnder- BRUCE COUNT-Y-1-0-0VR $500t).T).,11,19NTiii4 Blg Adegathin Miked, Vollecil to tocielloo • Donation -to Pat/fork Pune. ' ttsv.07.3tivs11rito-gnsuSs1a*PitistiSA At the specialeessiert of the County Conned of Bruce held abWalkertonon Thiiredity.of last week it was decided that the county. Should -donate $5000 - I The bride is.,aniece 'of ,Mr,. and Mrs- J- 1194- 1146 „th e contract for , the ' c•ellient F. -arrives and has.meny friends in thin work and ['hinter Bridge & Boiler Co. where the famdy.lived • -anti! :about a supply the steel. The old wooden year itgp,,, \ Twounss,ou-pie win, make bridge stood 11 -'y.eark,.. and ..the -nevi -their home in --.',7" -- 7,-.-- - 'one being ell„concrete surface ',should . iaet fer apa, . ... •, '."; 1 • -. ' ,arrxreos To " Pioni‘:-:-Reoruiting ii • • :, : still under way and Capt`Sinclairhad a • - - surprise last night ,wheir alormsr.South 4-- C1.31,ROSS COUNCIL -t' '- ' --African-soldier--walked-ini-a-diritance 'ef' • . lir miles to enlist.. 'His. name is .1, Mar,,_ ,. . . . • • .• ' shall, 36years old,. and he is,r3f ' English Council' met August 310. .• . • ' deseent. He rtands 6.feet, and had seen • Members of the Board all•present service in Cape Colony and wears the -.- .: .• The mutes of the lad nteeting read Queen's medal. Hepassed all physical A and adopted.. • . . .. requirements and went to Lindeto - A grant was made for the Purpose of jinn with the 70th.. He is very anxious :•-.: ... ..., ,,,, • . • ' ' . • , n Grading and Gravelling at lot 25 Con: to get to.the front • • ' - , .A CALL TO ARMS • . , Constipation-. tie tone of old.age • is not to b.e cured by harsh purga• twee; they rather L aggravate the trouble. Por a gentle but eure laxative, use I ChaemIlaiveorTrlainailjdetiThey t,tolv ani-,_ @dime the liver, 'tone the nerves and freshen the - stomach- and---bowels--just--- • like an internal bath. • monthly tO the conadien-rettiotic Fund . : . -unta1--theLend7nftheivitr;--7- At the .January -serirrion. the Council had made provisioe for the giving of $1000 monthly, but the demands for relief work in its vitrierieterine has been CHAM BE RLA1 N'S :TABLETS • I ... Woman's best friend. 'Prom ,girlhoottto old 'age. - theta little red health re- storers are an unfailing gnidetoanactiveliverand te•Aleau, healthy.'norioal stom ach.' Take a Chamberlain's Stomach Tablet at-night-aiid the • sourorsetobayinnufaih:AT7ndelitfeeir: 'mutation. and the' inve All bdIrnniggickrrstrn.g2.5O.. Chambering Hendee 14. Thee. ;McPherson -to atie -Laurier , -Monday, Treat and fetidly yeturnefl to .Chica40 last meek, Miss %min Milmstoft, returned to • Toronto With Mit "grifilti and babe.. Mr, 3401331ack and ion Robert, Ayri -ealled. On friends in this vZcirity Isat • Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Grant visited their • daughter; Mrs. K. J. lfacrzie la$ Vielet•Msletretiriali aad , htmre, Sam atat Elmer Bradley are, attending 'the G. O. 1. • • -Ur. And Mre, Alex. AfacKmiiie, Of • Detroit, Viaited the fornmessiatert Mit Chas. Boyd one day haat week. • • , mime ...xfarguerite Mac...,,r4nnan • and • Tabitha ItempOn also Ralph Bueglass ,• left today to attend Stratford Istorniat, fittmbo from here attended time MeThrintialarrish reception last Wed- Oesday wreniug 04 revoke $004 One. • . •• *"'•• .'414'7-ciiiithfully: say '1- 00 my PROGRESS OF THE- WAR: -• ehe matter MAY --Theoutstandingfeatnre_ ...the. . _homely; 1)4 hero'a lappened. t. news of the past two weeks is the check am Prepared to die Death for the will sustained. by the German and Austrian mean niore'tliati life even emild,. That ariniei in their drive • againet the Russ.' question is settled, so let 'Align on furth; er, The next matte was, What wag the best use' could Make of My life Could I do more service by making, the suP. rreme,sairifiefflor such. 4 -principle -a tam 1 - mns: Operations t • eta are at a strut still ,its coMpared With the comitant motement of a month ago. The Ger- mans hitvomade some progress 4n - the north and centre, 1)46 the BuShiluis have scored denided-Tanetesses against tIi •Austrians in the south. . •- The elute& of dendifions is likely doe in part tO the exhaustion.of the Germans apparent that it. was thought well to inereese the rtmount.: • When the Couneil rpet:on the 9th it ''vas waited, upon by a delegation repre- senting all parts of the county, which asked that a subetantialinurease in the -monthly donatiorrhelrecde-.---ThcrAtele-•' gates from the ararnma patriotieerganit- atione of the eounty met „. in the tow halliirWO-Akerton• to plan. an appe.al to the Council Mr, CargillrK., EP:, Was in the chair and the meeting was ad- dressed by Mr. Greene, of Ottawa, who -ARN Bspaxam_.1)1rt-„During -the The Reeve was appointedto ineet the ...: lent electric storm which raged over ,:.; ' Reeve Of Greenock with regard to a Cul- ,this district. early Thureday morning, vett en the Bortedary to hate it ,ittend, the barn belonging to , john T. Currie, ed whose farm is about a nide and a half • , to.,' . . from town, was struck by lightning and - The Formosa Electric Light. -,.'0,0 was ' given the privilege to ereet and ' operate destroyed with all the season crop re. a 'Street Lighting System in the Villaire cent*, threshed and 'mime implenientiV 11-ight Policeman . Lewie noticed the of Formosa and a 13y -law passed for that .blaze and called the fireman, but these purpose.. '. . • • The Reeve was appointed to meet ihe foun,d that the gre was outside. thetown ne.eve of Kinioss w-uve 4,-ot-il-i-,ert re, . mum and- too -far, aWay- fr.ciin • ir :water The Reeve, .Donaldson anclArmstrong supp Y to: a Ow of effective fighting. Last fall Mr..Cnrrielost his -,house by . paired on 'I3oundry. ' Inako.gtatits-fed-that--put was or cor ,•wit rmimings.ef Chilfonand 4,:l If il • e resolved by this Council that in their dnchess satin, as she entered the parlor opiniontheDominuni Governmentehould to the strains of the Lohengrin bridal arc ase all necessary war material to march, artistically rendered by Miss Mil.her hey our brave -Soldiers-- at th'.e- front,- -diediewitt,-and Warr given otdy'whe7 hey being in the best :position to brcther, Mr, John Robinson. The rector now:mhatia,-onededund raise the mon-- -or St;''Pruil's perturbed - the linpressive y from the people who •are willing to service of the Church of England: " aYany sum reqnired to carry this waste.' ,. - til war to a successful issue_ Carried. The following levies were made for was appointed o committee to manage: flie. • • • "•• •'' ' • • he Electric lightSystem-in-,•A_cpriet but Lvery. • Armetrorig-Difaherson. That on ac- interesting reient•took plaee iliellome punt of the conflict -in Europe a ..,petri- of Mrs, Isabelle Robinion;.Shitter-street ecit-deOng-selivaTih7tralkerton and tuetiday .Of late Week,. when • her t was "asked that Municipal. Couecils .youngest daughter, :Lilian,' became the make contributions to purchase maChine wife of, Me. Win, Lamb." The bride look - tins or to ask the County Councils to ed.charining dregs Of it0 0 men s en o e con ittow of the Canadian Patriotic Fund, as well . ,as pointing out the necesaity for increas- ed subscriptions if the claims of Wittier „ s is les ' D'ondnion tircTre TO stake in the present War or by:hold me ' • • 4., t inilsadk and nitin:'-**of Teeswater, scte's'iutkilcluave4 bt'''Dr';'-x°'k'"r' .1g scowled )v Mt Chan- e PrObably not so Ivan prepared to. part withlife air I am. to go ahead and til the Man Of Pert Elgin and unanimously 'carried; read as folk:twig "That this gaps in the 'ranks that I should hate delegation request the County Council t.hey moved -farther and ialthir fPm. ililedi It wasn't annoy matter to de, to grant the patriotielurid the annv of their base of supplies and railway's, and eide: I have only one life to live and 0a451;etl.Cred°yw‘bac;n1,iegr4101-onitairen-nt e44,11:11unvtei tlithe.;; seunind were Ol-Aiged, to move over bad Russian one,death to die. I may go through the c. he current year.. Antte- of -.mills - n the -Dollar -was levied -for Township urpolies. • The amount. levied $350000 ounty rate 380 milli on the Dollar. Capital Authorlied $5,000,000 mount levied $6500. War ht, rate 1,20 ea P ea'vsalit c Altai ale up . $3 000 urultas• • • • w a: • ••••,••••• ttradOl end iit part to a bracing up Of'the campaign in,safety, or 1 may he heried The delegatiok Wall introduced to the A linssUns whO likely obtained- 44,,supply _ with: the brave lads somewhere., in of ,aiumunition, possiblY feed); JaPan. Or Prince'.or I3elgzupi Ant X faced the ;.13ritalte , ••. •• 'question and the triniViee dente,, and here OA the Prenefil, British and Belgian :1 am hi the • kines uniforni, i hate 'fronte there his been no movement of never hid a doubt in my , mind ainte iMpOrtnneef though thegreat artillery that I aid the right atidlitoprit thing." , aation, cominented by the Feels& • two This is one the finest "VIOW13on the weeks ago has hew kept 'up Without inmatter of enlistment that has been ez-. teniaion Itma said. Alita eonstaiit premed, ie Much eaaierto en1it, or aixowei, of high pole/rive eliona hie been to make any decision for ...that Matter rained upon' the Germau. position from when the eompanyof 00 crew& is, there. Switzerland to tho eea. The fildrislantl, to , urge eau :deep_ The •thart tvhoig of OOtlfdep are reterning.the compliment ,truly..brave is, the: One Who Weigle ell to the.best4 their, 4447; but, accord- the. &antes, sizes up the 'situation from ing t, report, the advantage testa with every angle, :and then resolutely aird. the Afljes," • ". • alone Oda ahead itt the Path that dUtr A004 and OM dire9ting hail marked out for himi. • a , County Connell by S r. Cargill. Mogan. nyder, Bradley,. Chap -Mut; Chieholm and others spoke to the'lesolution,' • Reeve Joyok of Liicknow. Moved" that the petition be granted, and that steps be taken to have it carried into effect. It was referred to the finance committee. Instead of increasing the previous donatiouby„.$5,000, as suggeated by the resolution, the Council made an increase of • 841000, making, the total monthly donation 85,000. .Reeve Joyn t. made the,ttitement that he. had decided to make a personal con- tribution of $1,000 a year for patriotic purposee until the end of the war„ Mr. LJOYntir1 patriotie tilWaY14 has been recognized, and it is to be hoped, that in a business way, hd, will continue to Prosper, so that liis splendid sift shall 410'04 a14111400 mills on the Dollar. Amount levied .. $2100 Oil Statutory School levy rate 2,38 mills on the Dollar. Atheunt Idvied *3441.00. School levies not . all in yet, the amount to be levied will probably •• be about 85000.00. • ' • . • Account i Paid W..- B. Smith rep, Bridge 81.00 Wm. Ruth, 104 yds. gravel and road 11 40' Rod McDonald 26 yds gravel and road 3 00e She Caslick inspecting Contract 't 00. Jno Scott contract gravelling 47 30 Peter Murray sheep killed by dogs 45 33 Harry IVIcKague tut of Jowl through farm,5 00. Wm. Willie buildipg culvert and timber 48 00, leo Clark 55 yard') gravel and road 6 50, Lealie Howe 55 ft, elm timber 1 25. The Connell attiournee to Meat on Mouth% Sept. 27th.' hM Stitt011 glerk 4 ,11.!re's laire.Brrolexapecte:d, t.e Oend. ' Two new battalion, the 70th and ''7.1'st: : are to be re4inted• •an. wester Ontario . for overseas service and the &mintier! of .firiroe and Bruce are expected Co fur. companyof 250 Men for the This company will, he under the .coinh : Maud of •Capt,.140 tiocler: Ich, as Major.' Recruiting commences at: 'once at 'various °entree, the:Militia nem ' pany . • Lendonfortraining,:- , - empties, and tbe battalion will assemble • head-quartera throughout the two • e71st will be under the command ;of - !ice in France. with the .first - Canadian 'contingent and returned': to "Canada; . • weended, • The second, in ctiininaucf. • • ; 4•• re, -who -also -was tin . in France, • MajorDelainere is • South Afriemi. Veteran.• It Will this be seen that the new bat- talion will be ingoodkande and jt:18 "hoPed-to make cf it a Rack Owns. .Capt.• X T. Sinclair, of Ningluovott bfOriderieli, are receivirig,reentits front, eighteen t� fertyjite Years- of coif —2••••• PUTTINO AWAY SMALL SUNI. .our. Savings Department' you ".can put away .srnall andwhilc waiting yaur call they will .draW interest . • LUCIKNOUT • IIRANdil • J t A. CILENNIC, Manager.'• 44, , • • • 4, --A44410004060maniamill-.., , ' 44.• A M16.,