The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-09-16, Page 17tr-r-virTr le .7;:lt" :717711FIF/IIPP1', "i!%1"PrIPlir'vrier.7.77.- , - • ' • N • Nr, --1••• .•• • tr.00 per year, in advance; $x. .othrwise'. 1.419101014,0 914frop THURSDAY..UPTPKBER 16th." 1915. Copies 3 cent' 13SXN Read above letterS clearly :at • X2 f get distant with one eye ata time, If you .cannot, youreyes need attention. Eyes WWI free. 4,1541,, L. LAIIIAPELLII :opToivAwriwr MARKETS' KCoire4e4up to Wednesday, noon) • ' Nltheat P ;1/.4 • I, ! !At., 1,'• • I:* .„ .,thits10'•‘•••e•-•••••••11,•••:••••‘:•••• • • Bader . aa ••.•!, 11,1• • Butter . • 4k . . 21 22 0 20. 9 40 .Eggs,.fresh. , 1•••...b I • A • • Hogs . 114. , .A * ircinoriasaaattens atm vvttax.. . • Wheat, ...IS .97 10 $.' Oate;, bush. , , 58 , to a) Barley, ush 70 to • 80 Timothy, liay, 30 to 21 00 1Vihred and•Clover,...'.. 16, Oa to 18 09 Choiee heavy steern, 7 25 to • 7 50 Hogs, off care,. ..... 9 40 to, 965 Calves 7. 50 to it) 00 • 'Spring 1.4ambs, per cwt• 8 00 to 850 • ••• Sheep,- • Butterrlb.. .... . 30 .to 32 doz . 30. to • 32 Potatoes, :big, • . 60 to .70 • . , . For The-liidneys A Guaran• teed Cur. For 'Pains bad( Fluctuating appetite .laclespeckn--15.eford eyes-- _ _ _ Dizziness while stooping . • Puffiness under the eyes , Frequent chills etc. *e guarantee cure or re• • fund your. rnJney. 50c,per box or 3 for $1.2 DR. LM. SPENCE'S DRUG STORE - "The Nyal Qp;Jlity " 1 LOCAL AND OENERAL Ktnoarcline 1141'Fair to -morrow. • Mra. R. D, Cameron is visitingfriends at London this week. • Nortnal SthOols throughout the pteir- line opened on. the 14th. The continuous wet weather IS said to have ruined the potato crop.. ; Wingbam's Fall Fair will be held- on 'Timidity and Friday .of ,ext week. , - Miss McIrnu s satin in. charge of the Millinery Dep. of Mr. COnfiell's store. Izss Atice.HustoU left' 10,4 Monday for a Month's visit with friends in C hicago. • -0, CL Liiidsay, of St. Louis; N D,, 'is visiting his mother,- Mrs. LitidsaY, Ross • Jamee Anderponi front Pinnies, Mani-, tribe, visited. at Kenneth Cameron's' last week. • ••, - Misses, Eva Greer and Ainie amp:: bell are new assistants in the,Telephone Central.. • ' Alva Cameron he; gen et0' W se . eentiolle kis .StUdiea. at the High School there. • Mr Andrew R. Allan, or Edmonten, Was a visitor at J, • Henderson's, the end of last week, Mrs. Jas Irving is visithig friends in Hollatid, Mn and will be . -away. for -a couple of months,. • The Secy. of Lucknow Fall Fair re- ports an active demand 'for the prize lists and entry forms. J. G. Anderson and W., C. .Johnston left on Tuesday of last week for a trip to'the Western Provinces. Lucknow was well represented at the London,RxIL Week. -The- mili tary display' on Tuesday proved a great attraction. ' • , Mr. John Murchison, of Toronto,. ii• visiting &few days with his daughter, Mrs'. Fred T. Armstrong,. and his parents at Paramount Miss Boyd will receive for the firet time in her new home on Wednesday -afternoon; September the twenty-second froni three to six, . . • .•f • •• . The 18th Battalion Canadian Over. 'seas Force, to which Corporl Mortis; Huntley. Gordon and McDonald be, longedos reported moved to Fiance. The follbaving Luchnoir School grad- uates are attending Nornial:-Lloyd Ag new, RalPh Bueglais, Nina Woods Mar- guerite MacLennan. Martha Hamilton. • The Walkerton branch of the Wom- en's Institute and., other, ,Soltliere% workers have -purchased two field kitch- ens for the 71st Battalion, now beingre- cruited. VscarSine. Fall Fair „ • Remember .the.*Kineardine Fall Fair Thebig day s Widen tho i7th.. Tiro good ta-cekfitl..Frge.Per-All and 2. 9.0 class. The entries are good and the Fair proW: iseato be better than ever, - 'See posters for particulars. ' 1101,croan Nlght . The attention of the loyal potpie of' Lucknow is .ealled to the evening -at the Picture Show,. Tuesday,. Sept ,:21st... The "proceeda are to: be given to •theladielt of the Red 'Cr* Society. to .assist them in .bitying bandages for the wounded at the front. Every one is invitedt� aid them.. by 'patronizing the shows on 0)43 night.. Do your bit.. .Adinission .15e. elas..spietures, will be..showm. „ • . . • ,Pattione meeting • . 'Vriday- evening this . week at .the'Piet'. . tare $liew, No admiasi�n charged.:.Reg. ." „Oar -Pictures .8119Will and, the following • :well known,- .speaxers will. .address the audience: Wrn. Proudfoot,.K,0,,X.P.P..;.. Capt. Dunlop, 7 lst Batt., • Rey.' Cs..ipeton;EstiThe. Yoting... Men. an cordially inviteck to at- tenii .ae.thisfi!eeting is in the -7interests ;of recruiting for the 7 1st. Batt.• .." ,New Mali Route . •• . .• • • . 'gad:delivery eve' t Rival Route No, '12 out of Lucknow •startert•oa Wednesday of thiaweek. No. 7 pets loath -from Lucknow to B.elfast- and.' tamingweet'- oefvee concessiOn 10 and 8 of AshOeld; It will affect Belfast, Lanes, Kintail and Mafeking -Post offices.- Belfast post- office elosed withlbe..;.opening ofthe route. The opening .of Rodte 7 cempleterc'the- - rural service cut of Lucknow as11•11 tho. adjaceiteterritory is now covered. Wingtent vs .• Orangeville - • A lacrosse •match!'betvieen. Winglatm and Oranevide teams in the itetiti-linalti• played at Qrangyille last. Friday resulted in a. score of 11,8. in :favor of •Orangta • ville. We understand that Wingtarnilia.s _protested the . game on the ground • that -.Orangeville. played a Family. • Man in their team. The .game was of • unusual interest as the teams • had •played a tie at Whitetail]. on Leber Day. . 'About 100 from Winghtim went down' to. Orange- ville on a special train to see the game. 11 Wiligham wins the protestthe teaut Will then. play Weston in the final ganie of the league, series... • tie od-Wis heir. • The following is . from recent Purple Grove correspondence ' to The Ripley Exptess;. - • •Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Stanley ave a farewell party for Mr. Ewart Caineron; formerly teacher at the Grove_ School, and also for his ' Mend, Harold Both of'these brave Canadians left for Leaden on Wed, , Sept. lst, and many friends gathered for the purpose of wish- ing the boys God -speed.,. A number of Citizens from Lucknow and Ripley were, Preeent and a very enOyableaeveding was spent. Mr. Cameron was, exceeding: ly popular as a teacher. • , • Lieut. McNeal, of 'Chesley, is in gen- _erals_karge. of recrniti lig_ in Bi.a.00 Co from which 150 men are required. He will visit the different -Centres through- out the county. Mr. J'. Garnet Armstrong is giving. free sample bottles of the well-knovvn \ Deify Dimple's Perfume to every lady 'visiting the -Picture Show. Saturday • evening thisweek. ••••••••••!..-- 0.0 Second Con., Kinloss -Tuesday, Sept. 14. - George Irwin returned- from Toronto to -day. • • t.-Glriftlitleaverto.day-to-atten London show. 'Angus McKay took in the Toronto exhibition list week. Our teacher for the present term ia Mise Aria Webster, of Lucknow. W. McGuire IS busy threshing on • the.line, doing a first class job for every- 7one. ' ' " John Ross, who has not been well for some time, is, we are glad to report, improving, Miss Anna B. McKenzie, Paramount,Wait the gitelit 6f Mies Annie Rose for a feW clays last week, ard-Mr and Ma - and Mts. Rod Cmpbell attended the • .Earrish-McDonald recePtion in Ash- field last Wednesday evening. . • -a---- has been tinting asbousemaid for the past week and is yet undecided iehether to remain a bachelor or not. Will some kind friend advice?, Zion - - - -Tucsdhy, Sept. 14 • .,,Xist Lath) Henry, of Mafeking,• • ill, visiting friends here. • A nufnber from Itere attended the fun- • eral of di& late Worthy' Kilpatrick. • .1. Andrew 'of tuaknow, Visited at her datighthr's, itira•Ohitries • Miss ;Lily Repaid, of. 'Paramount, opent Sunday With Miss Itithy Ritchie. • Mr. and Mrs. George Baker, of Willa* • Creek, spout a few days at Ralph Nixons. • Miss Ida Miller, of Listowel, has re- • turned home after visiting with her sis- ter, Mrs. Strong. ' ' hiri and MVO. Fred Anderson 'Mee re- ttirned home after Opetading a few days With friends at Nile. • Mrs. Joseph Taylor and daughter. • Margaret, Of tAtieltnow. visited Mr. and. • Itirs,,JOhn Helm recently.. . Those 'who attended the Toronto. Ex- • Iiibition are Mi. .Robert Webater, ROA: Andrew, Mis. alph Nixon, Mr. and mrs, lust liaokett, and Mr. and Mr, 4: J. Hunter, of the' -.-Kincardine -Re- porter, was a caller at our sanctum on Saturdatt. • He was herein the interests of the Kincardine Agricultural Society, of which he is secretary. Havingsecuredthe Of Miss Nugent,' or Lindsay, I ain in a -better position than ever to attend to the wants of all who may require dress and mantle making. • Miss, 'WO0DS. We are pleased to learn that Mr. Har- old Allin, who recently left for London Camp to trainasan Officer, has been • asked to join the First Methodist Church hoii-and-has-been-placed-with-tho Bass: • . . • Dr. D. Patterson returned home Tues- day of 'last week froin a trip..through the • state of New York. The Dr. says he en- ,eountered a great deal of very -grong anti -German sentiment • in 'the Etnpire State. . • , Mrs. Robt. Gra,ham had the misfor- tune one day last week to trip over a piece of earpat and failing broke a bone in her left •arm at the wrist- - Mrs. .Gra- ham is 70 years of age and the' frapture will be slow of healing. ,. -14 • - - Capt Dunlop, Liellt-ProlidfootaSergt: Southera and Corporal Eiliett of the 71 Battalion, made a run to LucknOw,from Glocierich on Saturday a veiling: They make a smart soldierly -looking quartette and should be effective recruiting officers. They will be back later looking pp re• emits for the 71st, . Anexthatigeitym;,-Cariadiansin Eng- lanil are referred to 'as "the millionaire, soldiers." WhYT They aro paid$1..10 •-per day:While the pay ol• the other . na- tionalities tun thus::• -English 28c.; Ger- man,,504-French, 2C. To the French' and Gentian soldiers the Canadianswill look rich on \pay day. • A trapper in the Yukon went 850 miles to ,piiii-the-recruits-arCaigary. Guelph has some young Men who. can't Make the trip from the pool room to the armories for the same purpose. -Guelph Mercury. All 'that's wrong with that note from`The Mercury; 18 that ieehould have said: "Guelph and airiest every Other town in Ontario has,',' ate. " IP • Walkerton papers last week reported the enlistment at Toronto of A. Hintherger, a former resident ot Bruce County Toun. judging by, th it name weLarri botind to cOnehttle that "Itt least One Germari•Oanadian is also a loyal Britisher, While a. resident of Walker- ton Mina erger was one of thebest foot. bail and baseball players in Western oritiirio. lie was it outer, having aer. ved hitt apprentleeelup In the ,Teleeeope 00, . • A, Pleasant -Surprise; • The ladies of the Methodist • Church • W-omena' "Missionary. Society planned an . agreeable surprise for Mrs. Cater, of Stauffer St. On 'Wednesday' of last week when she attained her 8011i year. The surprise took the formof a. tea party at which, 27 of the members were present. An abundance of flowers for decorations' were sent in, and the ladies brought with them many dainties for the table. A.Very happy time was spent and after, the.teathepresident-of the -society -pre- sented Mrs. Cater with a purse of mon- •ey. After extending many happy con- gratulations_ the_e_ompany,left all ex - Pressing the hope Of being able to hold, 'another such meetingnexe-Year. -A- Pak.ef Ills-llares A capital little Story is told of two Lucknow devotees of the bowling green • who attended the recent tournatnent at Walkerton. Their rink had 16st and the • pair had retired to the quiet of their • room and gene to bed. Owing to the crowded condition Of the house they hd to deuble up-hFith-,neentiYing the bed The gatne was being_ Played over again•in imagination and converse- titm, in Which ways It is so fatally easy to play well and win. Presently a die- -mite arose as to which of the two was the better player. In imagination' each coUld see hiinself laying -If, elicit Wit up' against the "cat", putting on just the right kind of a guard, in short playing all round.his antagonist. Neither would yield an iota, they • eouldn't sleep and they couldn't wait., -So up they got at DM a. re, and away . they go to the bowling _green to settle the dispute in the only one way. They beikled; but it 'wasn't aleasy on the green as it. had -beetr cord thepillow,-anode,- -of -course,- had to acknowledge defeat Thin they Waked back to the hotel, 'crawled into bed and slept the sleep of the satiefied: These Men should be sent to the war. The LaW'Re Subscriptions • • • The following question and answer. appeared in the Legal. Columo of the Mail and Empire _Question -My subscription to a paper Which I •Italie been taking \ expired" -in; February Wet. - The-pffliitalrear have - been, sending it regularly ever since.' They have notified me to pay tor the •,ceming year. -, (1), "- Can I be. compelled to do mil (2) May I relieve myself from farther liability by notifying the _polishers to stop_sendinune thopaperi • Answer -J-(1)- Where a newepaper 18 regularly maded tb subscriber after • the .term of his subscription has expired, and the sobscriber regularly takes the paper frino the post office (or if it . is de- livered to his home) doesn't notify the 'poblisher to discontinue sending it, gen- erally speaking an implied contract is .thereby -created, rendering the subscribnr liable for another year's' subscription. When a pertain accepts an article, which is sent to him, knowing that it is not sent free, in other words, knowing that it is not a gift, there is 011 prom- ise On the part of the person whoacceptEi the article to pay for it. (2) • You niay rellave.yourself from further liability by notifying the publisher not to, tenants fouling the paper to you after the ex - ration ef the Otttrellt /eq. #log Ott, , . • _ • CIIURCI1 NEWS , A. meeting of, the Young People's .1.11don. of • the Presbytery ot Maitland will be held in' Melville church. 13rus- sob, 'this afternoon: and Ovening. A nunabor twin the Lucknow congrega- tion are attentiallee; • Rev, F; A. MacLennan, of Tor0nt0) formerly minister of Smith Kinloss con; gregation,Was in laiPknoW 'daring the' week And conducted servites former; charge ou Sunday, Anniversasy sort/ices ivill be held at Bethel Methadtst church on Sept, 19. Services 2;30. and 7;00 'O.° in. Rev. J. A. MaKelvie Dualianaeli; Will be the prea'ther," inueic will be • rendered by the Whitechurch Methodist choir, , CoMmunion serdeap Will he:.40114:' in the SOuth Treabyterian Ohnieh, ort Sunday, Sept,%20th.;• Services will be conducted: by the miaierator; Rev,' D. McLean, asSisted by'Retc F. A. Mac- 'Toenail:of TortintO;: . • • • . . • Tug Gump --The ".43tnilditee. met- .ie rOeittenVne44ky. evening of , last . week after a to months' vacatien. This was a htismess irieetingt OW the following - new offiw eers ere' elected: President, Hagan McDonald;' Vice Pres- ident, Aylnier Aiteheson;-2ndVice Pres- ident, Mackenzie; Cor. Secretary, Dorothy Dooglattv Secretary, .Adelia. Spindler,;.Treapatteratigar„Racine;Aad. -Treasurer, I-farad:Burps: PreieroPorter, Clarence McDonals4 Organist, Mrs, Jag. Glennie; Convener of the Devotional Conimitteei Dolly.,IIenderson; Mission- ary,Com , Margaret MeOhire; Literary COM., Pearl Henderson; Social Com„ -Rena Gordon.; lookout Com, Jean • Douglas; Flower Com., Mrs.' Decker; Program Coin, Mary Little. The com- mittees above named are taken in charge .by tibia -workers and- in. the, evenings to cotne we feel sure of `‘good meetings. Guild also met on- Monday evening of this week, when the High School stud- ents were entertained. The program con- sisted of soles, quartettes, contests, etc.. also addresses of Welcome by Rev. J. S. Duridaw.and Mr. 11. -Cameron. Mr. Andrew Allan; of Edmonton, was present and gave a fent interesting _ remarks. TwO delegates; gra. Imrie and Hagan McDonald, Were appointed to attend the convention of, the Vnung People's Union in Maitland Presbytery at Brussels on Thareday afternoon (to -day). The meet- ing next Monday is in charge. of the Devotiomil Committee. Everybody Wel- come every Monday evening, FALL MEETING OFWINGIIAMDISiRICT • -.-The minister and laymen of the Wing - ham Diatribe of the Methodist Church not at Luckoowain.Thar.sday, Sept. 9th at 9.30. All of -the Mititstertband- pro- bationers of the District in the active work were preeentas well As a goodly 4andier.,of Chairman of the District, 'presided througheut Ilia _session, .• • • A splendid interest was taken in.. all deriarttrients,otahe worW•andthe .ing resolutions passel - . • 1. That Rev. D. Wien beDistrict • re- porter te. the Christian Guardian•:-send- ing,items 'through Rev, J. E. 3. Mplyard, Conference reporter. 2 That we assure the Editer of the Christian Guardian that ,we will "earn esilyendeavor toincreasetheeirculation Of oar Church paper.; • 3. That the amount of assessnien pen Circuits for the Superanuation and en- eral 'Conference •Puncla be accepted, 4 That we pledgeeurselves heic.i an, Education .Anniversaay on Dec: 2th, • and that we iecept the offer Of Victoria College and the 'Educational Board to assist us by sending out five speaker's on that date. •• : 5. That a hearty vote of thanks.be te,n- dered Rev. J. Lloyd. Smith, of Victoria College, for his 'clear and explicit state • Tuent-orth-Fn-e-sds--d-Victoria College, and for his §Plendid leadershin in rela, tien to oiir EducatiOaaf Anniversary.: 6. That the Missionary Anniversaries be left to Ideal arrangentent • 7. That the Social Service and Evart- gelistie Anniversaries be left .to local arraugerccents: - _ _ • p. That we protestagainst the increas- ing tendency to destroy the asectity of the Lord's Day, and Will do our • titinost to further the attempts: Of ,the Lord's •DaCyAllianceinJtswark. • 9; That Rev. Wren and Mr. John Bee- croft be theConimittee to act with the Chalk -Wm- itryisiting-wea;k Circuits-- •-' 10. That Rev:: Bridgette be. Seat - isticid Secretary.,* the, Diatriet._ _ 11. That Mr,. D..0: Taylor • be Assist- ant Statistical Secretary,. .- • , 12. Thal we as a Distriet express our sincereaud heartfelt sympathy with Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Eangford the less. of their only daugeter. • • 13. That we express our sympathy with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hopper and Mr. and Mts. Harry Hopper, 'of Belgrave, in the losard their barn and :seasons' • crop by . PATRIOTIC NOTES Peciding to work together on Fair Day for the benefit' of the Patriotic Fund, the Women'e Inetltute and the Wonieu's Committee of the Patriotic League have sepured •froni the Agricul. tnralSoeiety. the right -to- the nee of the Fair grounds for this purpese. Every dollar spent by the public therefore, either 3.1 any of tbe 'boeths on the gger9oUdikIictilep'9tr. atLhe % 'Ilhannilte-Mdehablpaltet40 SWea the feAdet Wbiell be used in the interests of the lied Cross work. There will be no lack of opportunity tor those who wish to help in this Isra.Y. - For those who failed lb get a. chance . at the "Fish rand" at the Carnival; there. Will be another "Fish Pond" with evert bigger and bate,' flak at which to • try One's hick, ••• • • Fee that vacated feeling, the result of 'thellunger 'producing air of the big hill, , ample provision is being made and lad- : leaf well schooled in the art of icon- ibint4411°Wn Obillehr,iyto°u'''uwPaPiltY, ("Itti3tYbot acons, a ivery moderate mile. All the other wind refreshineuts maybe had °nate grounds, krbile in "the .411 may. be purchased. sandwicheS, pie, cake, ice • cream, tea, coffee, etc,' as usual, at the booth occu- pied by the WoMen's Institute. ' There will also be a "Coin fOrt Show- er! for the soldiers, conducted a§ follows: In a conspicuous spot will be placed a large basket plainly 'marked, and into this may he dropped, pipes, tobacco, Writingpaper,..toothbriithei, etc in fact any of the things that will prove MP fort or luxury to the brave lads in the trenches. We have been doing our abate • but the need is so great there pan be no let- up and we. mutit continue, to :`do our hit."-Se&y. ' Kingsbridge -Monday, Sept 131h. Miss Adeline Keefe, of Chicago, is visiting frietids,here. . 'Miss Violet Austin? Goderich, spent Sunday at her home here. , Fr.Dean,. ef St. Augustine,. _was. .an Ashlield visitor lase week. . Joseph Garvey, of the t.) 1, 'spot the weekendat his !lame here: - James McAdam. formerly of Duluth, is noW in the employ of M. Dalton. ' Mr. and Mrs. Thoi. Fion;of Detroit, visited. Kingsbridge relations' _last week, returning, on Thursday. . • Mr. goigan Dalton, who is relieving Collector of Inland Revenue at Stra‘ ford, was home ever.Suriday. • Master Harvey Aletts returned to London on. Friday, after a stay of -sev- eral months with O'Reilly sister, 9th., Wilfred ,Oarvey, , William and John Long_returaect last weekto Assu.raption Collage,-Sadwiclq-tecontinun studies theie. Leo Kelly, who •has been in the: em- ploy' of Maorice.Dalton for the past two • months, is now working for Duncan McIntyre, Kintsal. • (_very enjoyable ,evening_was spent by the young people of the locality on Tuesday of last week, in dancing and card -playing, at Wm. McCarthy's. , Mr: Ted Griffin returned today to Detroit after visiting here, -Re-•was- ae- companied back by his wife who spent the last fortnight at the horne ..of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jaye Miss Annie Sullivan Spent test •Week •visiting•her sister, grs„-Jas• Phelan, in Gsdermh. She. returns this week to Detroit after a lengthy vacation under the parental roof, to resume her &titles as nurse „ ••\ • •° 'After a summer ef alinost COntin nous rainfall, drizzlekaod fog it is _Still wet, despite The Canada Temperaiiee'Act and 14. That our :hearty thanks be tender. ed the Pastor, Trustee Board and. Oen- giegation of Lucknow Tifethodist.Church. for their 'kind hospitality on this O. Resolved thaethis Winglutur Dia- triernos iaSesth1i, befog or MIMI 'over . conditions as they exist on 'the Contin• ent of Earopn'where Militarism is 'fight- ing bard ti attain woild stipreinacy,: puts itself on recorcl as lnytti to king. and Empire in opposing the power that seeks tadestroy the freedom we treas- ure under the Union.Jack. Financial Secretary for Wingliarn District. niialOading,proPhesies The only waY to keep dry is to get into a mix up to front-of-a-seven.fo.,4-,Mogor-mick-b1 and conae,out second beat That makes the times unmercifully dry, 1)eheve • me. Air EXPERIENCE ON TUE ATLANTIC.-' Although we read daily in the various journals,the accotints of- allied• vessels being sunk by the- cl-e-c01-Y-toriied01A- full significance Of the Getman subnykr - inc warfare does not, come tight home until we hear an account from actual ex, perience. °core Cascaddin, who, pre- vious to his degarttire, for the ocean Test .sPrinG; Worked in .-this locality for the peat fesi- years, returned last Wednesday from Euro ue -after an interesting experi- ence with the Huns George was ern, Loyd one, steamer laded' with munitions of war for Great Britain.. One, night while fiff the of Ireland, the vessel was stopped by a subinarine and the crew given five tninutes to take ,to, the life boats, after which, according to the Custom of -the Teutetisi, the merchant- man Was given a dip. All the Crew were saved. We know that,George likes the . "beep . Deep. Blue,. but prestin4 .that "Terra Firma'.' seems to 'him a safer . - place frbna the deadly -device under taa innocent -looking Periseope FRUIT BULLETIN NOW the Government AdVertisthgtellitig you rave t Canadia n CraW lad, Peaches, y'ou. should see'your Grocer at Once iontinitaiown tin elate spaply.of Niagara Peninsula grown fruits. MAR Year ClUalltY Is entra,11116 for conniug. Ptah means gird health. THE SUMMER CARNIVAL As The 'Sentinel was off, duty last week we were unable to report theSuM- mer Carnival put on by the Ladies' Pat- riotic League on Sept. 2nd., end 119W OA' InallY tine features of the affair have 'So fatlei from, memorY that wocandot zafc- ly venture upon coMolete story, The 'Cptinv,a1, however, was a role ridid sticqess, and. must have quite realized the best hOpect ef the busy4 patriotic ladies who had it in chaxge.,..lteceipts at •thedeor would indicate An attendance • of over 060 There was the...free and easy fur of a carnival, and 'Allied it," jolly time. The various 'boodles, the fishlond and the lortune-telfing • witches were well patronized, and --'-what it cost some ef the visitors "to get \pile presents a questioi arithinetie; The gross pro eeeds of the evening amouptact to f$147,99 suggests that the grown-ups Of the, crowd were in a 4iberal state of mind.• ' • • FREAK WEATHER' • • The ;weather nun still handing; Mit surprises'. Throughout this distriet.Sitn- day waa, °pa of' wettest ,aod roughest days ott•record; • Beginning -in the early dawning there was a suciession .of violent electrical storms accompaniedby, down- pours Of rain, lasting-awith intervals of calm --until Midnight Atew fields of gram still in the Stook, got another drenching, and mutat now - be, in rather bad shape. • Fortunatsly. there is not Mitch grain out in thiSpatt. The Stall* were Pretty general over Western -On.. Sark). This disturbance instead of being fol- lowed by a cold dip, as'might be expect- ed, ushered in a couple of July -like days, and on Monday and -Tuesday everybody was sweltering in a paid -summer heat. Amber ley . • -Monday,,Sept .13. Born. -Tp Mr, and Mrs: Bert Humph- rey, on Sept. 911a, 1915, a son. • • . Miss Hazel Palmer left for • Stratford on Monday where she will attend Nor - MM." Rikert Duran,- 6f- Lifekiidtei visited ter raether,.grs. /as. Courtney, ast Wee . ' Miss 'Elizabeth and Arthur', Courtney' and Miss Edtm and Frank Scott •ate taking in London fair. • . Mrs. W. P. Bradley and sister, Mrs. Mather, and Miss Bessie, of Detroit, spent a pleasant afternoon at" Tom .$cott's. • . ' ' Anniversary services will be " held in Amberley Methodist church on Sunday, Sept, 26th. • Morning service at 11 and evening' service at 7:30 o'clock, Rev. Mr. 'Rivers, of• Gerrie, , officiating. The folr-: lowing Monday evening &patriotic an - cert will be given. A splendid program is.-13eing prepared. Miss Mamie Ander.. sotc-otKiticardine,---has again consented to bePresent to sing. Ainberley Darkey Minstrel Show.will Make its- first ap pearatice. There will also be speeches, singing, etc. Everyone • is 'invited' to attend: - Kinloss e ross A‘Tamanoto.M.,!ga IVESDAT • Igilt EVENING Sept. 21 The.proceedA ofthe Pict- ure Sklow will be given to the ladies of,the Red Cross Society which is associated with the .Patriotic, Fund. Ems+. adkas PICTURES • ADAissthrt,, 15c;. Tbii is for worthy cause. All are asked to coine and assist in swelling t.e fund. Shovitt Each Nght 9.30- 9.30. " 9;34-.4040, Remernker your KingArid Country Need You. If You Can't Fight, Pay. Are Issued for Short Tenn of Years. • • DENNTUREC Interest , Critipoul , PaYable Half-Yeark- 'NtGPTIAPLE Asseir-$7,480,339 The 6reat West Permanent Loan Company 17 20,1iing StWe.st • • • • Toronto . .RepreSented by• Jos. Agnew,• :Lqc1cn9w; Ont. . „ EVERYBODY'S COLUMN' MONEY TO LOAN. -On morteges And notes --iat-reasoriable rates-. -Fire suranco. both - Stook and Mutual ComPak?ios. , GEO. A. SIDDALL. Bankers'Lueknow . • • LOST.- A. "Man's silk.ramcoat, with initiala ' . A.11, M. &icier chain. hanger. Reward 10, .. finder of Same whenleft at Bank of Hamil- ton-• :„ LOST. -In LucknoW on vielnitkon Anost 11, 1915. a short gold chain and cross and two. . ._..,_.,.._golft -p.es'i h'inder please leiive at Tlforatis- Welister'S;-ROSSZff;WMItedeWeTraWard''' - 16-9-p. - . .. • -Monday," Sept 13th. • Mr, and Mrs. SainueL Moulton: are .atpresect.atteoding_the, London hibitioe. ' • Mrs. Hugh lame, of Kinlotigh, is visiting her parents, .rMr.. and Mts. Wm. Kaake ' --Mr Edward Harrison has: returne'd borne after spending _a_ -a4 • Toronto Exhibition. Mr. Walter Kaake has finished putting a new -roof on one .Of his houses and is now shingling -his .barn. •••',We are sorry' to report that Mr, _Robert Thompson IS under the doctor's care and we hope 10 See him arotind again -before -len • gr. Richard Thompson has porcha,i ed tarm from Reuben Statiffer. • It is also rumored that Dick has bought an ante, but we have not -seen it. yet. For Sale .F.Aft11 FOR SALE. -The Administrator of the-- Estato of Mary Ryan, late ot the Town of Goderich, in the County of :Almon, married- WOMiLD, deceased, offers for sale the follow- - •ing farm prenertyl-The-south 140acres of • , Lot; 16, Um.. 12, West Wawanosh.•, The . property is sitileved 21-2 miles from Luck - now anal 1-2 tildes font S. Helena. This farm is all in grass and has been pastured • for the past •Seven„yea.r.i;:goOd_AvillIzwith_-:::::. -- ivitidni.u; 10 acres. of bush; situated in a ' Ilist class farming district; a gee& flame :" •'house, 2 barns and driving' shed. The farm • has a goon clay loam; and is in. first class-, - condition for Mixed farming". For further •• • piirlienlarg apply to 1'. J. --Ryam untario. 'Adtuniistrator;.or to J.E. Agnew, Real Estate Dealer,Lncknow; or to Proud - foot, 1Ki11urtni &• Proudfooti Solicitors for Administrator, Oodericii. • 20 -5 -t -f -e at 25. It haa been years since so many gram stacks were in evidence, •Smne farmers have several gigantic reeks in, addition to the full of their barns. Considerable hill wheaten been sown' this fallsome justinThw days, while other fields. have beewin.for twelveorfourteen days and are now 'presenting a Magnificent appearance, alinesecoyerliiMeground. FAubt Fon Sang, --The north half of Lot No, 20 the 5th concession of. the Township of • • Is.inloss in the County.of Bruce containing: Fifty-five. acres. For further particulars -apply to Ales. Ross, Lucknow. Ont, 2-9.tf. FOR SALE. -The house' and lot of the late JohnOutram Se. Apply to . . 134p •• • . Andrew Lockhart. • ALMOST ITNivintsAr. Torics:-Weathe'r anctcraps--Raial "Rani Rain! -If this deluge continues itIvilbsurely be adVin- able to commence the building of another And the majnrityof thelaimers here completed harvesting Operations it couple of weeks ago,there is still sow grain in the fields, and the condition of the weather at the time of writing is certainly detrimental to drawing it in. Like the- Surrounding distaiefs; harve.st- mg this year was a stiff' proposition. Cutting the long, lodged grain was slow and laborious, while stoking and draw - bag in the tangled- sheaves was Woo scratching down the bulvtarks of Gibrar tar. Threshing has'coratienced With A good number .of4odcl.rnachine.s to thresh the bumper crop. &Utah McLean, Thomas Richardson, John Green sad Robert Curran will in all probability niiinopolize practically all of the barn oleamng in this &trialea in former year, The bumf %loll well filled, 04 Notice to 'Creciitors • lo the matter -of .Pater'Porrince, iota of ' the Township 01 Kinloss in the: _ County of Brticei.Yeematt; deceased, Not ido is hereby given that all persons bay - in ganSt clobbsor ilet11ands4against tho• late PoterTorrailooL• Who died -ow or abotathuthird day Of July A. 1)..1915 at "the Township ofiiin- loss hi tho county of Bruce, are remtirod to send by pOst prepaid or deliver to thr. valor. • signed. Solieltor heroin Cor •Blizaboth ,rm • •and John Shertiffontemitors under tho Will of tho said Peter Torrance. their riantds .and addriissoS, and full partioulars,•in' Writing of their claims and statoutents of their accounts and the nature or the securities. . if any, :mkt by Diet:114111y verified by_ affidavit'. And ' take notice that after the Ninth day of Oetober A. D. 1915 the said Elisabeth Torrance and John Sherrie. tviii' preened • to aistribute• the assets, of 'the deceaSed atuMur the .perSons • entitled thereto. having -regard only to the claims of whit*they shall then, have had notice, and that the said ElizAbeth Taranto rind John Sherriff will not be liable for the said OgSdA Or any part Alietoof IA any person .of Whose &tint they Shall dot therthave reeeived notice. ; • . • ThIS notice is giVOI1 putstiant 10 the 'statute • Datod Lu'cknow thia 14th ,day of Sept* •b°R. ‘.1111510;46011;• Seliciter for the 6611 . Ulizateth Torrance ana ,tolui 8W:wilt:tr. 4014j Auction 'hale •, FARM .AND•FARM SI,OCK-,On lot 13th / •, Con. W. Wawanosh, 1.2 mile south of Luck- • .• • noUrr on Monday, Mt. 4,1013. 50 acre farm: - Feeding steers, •Mileheows, Heifers. Calvem and-HorseFor-t-eims etcr., mobil's; Paul 'Staeltzer. Prop., J. Purvis. AIM; -30.9-0 AUCTIO SALE. -D. A. MoDoiojd and,.Son • • will sell by . public auction at the' Cain •• •- House barns, Lucknow, on Saturday, Sept.; , .. 25, at 2 o'clock p. tho following livo ' stock: -30. yearling Steers and •helfers, fi two-yeitr,olct steersand heifers, 6; tunas cows, due to calve Soon. Terms: 6 menthe' credit,. or 6 percent per annum Offlor cash& , 23.9-c.• , PonVis. Auctioncor:-• COURT OF REVISION OF THE VOTERS' LIST, - OF THE TOWNSHIP OF PNLOSS FOR Toe .VEAR Ai D. 1915 Notice is herebf given that it Court wM bo•• hold pursuant to rho ()Mario Voters' Lists•Acn" " by His Honour the Judo of the County.Court or the -County of Etude., at the Tovvn liall. 1k • LUCk110, OD TOOlidaY the Eighth day of Sep- teutb'er A. D.' 1915. et soVen o clock iii the after- noon. to hear and determine bOtnplaints, 02, errors and otoissioint in tho Votereldst or the of tho ToWnsiiip of Rinloss for .Inforrantion ...IY•nnted - .Any information, leading to the recorory 01 11 Bernardo boy' named Albert Clifford.. aged 15 years, Will 'be thankfully received by tho undersigned. Tbo.boy diSappeared on Sunday. Sept. 5th, He was short, •rather • small of his ago, and ha.d dark liair...11e was, seen in Luck- nevt.on the evening of the .5th,• bat has not, boon heard of sinee. • . • . . , J. W. Tnoitrsoit; ft; R. No. 1. Munici alit ;11itcyrstr rt. 11115. -- • -Dated at Lucknow thislOth day of Septent. , . , , - Dor, 1.-11. ler& , 111051:AS MURRAY. 109 clerk of the Township of ICinloss. - - • REitICATIONAL.-We offeit,s. high gradn • Cotnnierciat and $horthalid Home Study Coarse at, a low cost to oll•Lon- 'action -young - ,people particphra cheerfully hirnished on request., The Shaw Correspondence S c hoo I, 395' icnige ;Street, 'Toronto. 30-9 „ TaarAspoatzmora.---R, away Operations 'and Telegraphy thoroughly taught in., • , detail by Sliavet Railroad and Tele- graph School, Yonge and Gerrard Sts.. Toronto. Correspondence invited., T. • j.,Johnston, Principal. ' - '30-9 •• agoza;E:cefieeee A Itristiiiit collegelome, .P6,, healthful situation Itorniimatctecar4terint,wr1tethePre,,t1 .1'.'Warixtrait:A Thfl.5St.ThesuraX 03 lay • 46, •al .keo., • • • • .1 • , i atik.o.,•&,..2, 111.