The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-08-05, Page 8W4, me Le KNOW inliferineL Gr at caring Whitechurch -;..Tirliday, August 4.-• --Sydney Rlowright was, in the 'village .:Sunday. „. ' - Bobere'Uewisray is 1•11 'Too:ash) 'tiiitt week. • • WeOcly Store 's • *Kr The opening daYs Of Or. Cleating Sumer Sale' has bTought. many customers to our store'who have, tabu advantage of the Many bargains offered. ancl_many have expressed, their:satisfaction at the 'opportunity offeredi!by this saje fn its money -saving possibilities to them • '130814es the 'Sped& Bargains mentioned in our circulars we ,add other clearing lines eaoh week as the:sale' continues „ • , See,ciur Special Clearance ot Childrea'w Shoes of :various; kind' and - sizes- Sale price Men's Straw Hats. Clearing pow' . lot at - 4 Boys' Linen and Cotton Hats Tf%rp, Up to sc„oc. Clearing price See 2 -clearing lots ot- - Laces & Insertions 2 and 7c See 2 clearing lots- of Embroidery and A. 4‘,. and 9c Insertion at . Ladies' Vests,, shortsleevesand • no,sleeves, special Clearance, • Boys' Cotton Jeiseys;..short and long sleeires. - Special price Mlo Children's White 'Handkerchiefs, h stitched and col- A. im• ored edges, snap w lUt Ladies', White Haigikerchiefs, ‘; Colored edge, spe- A Price for 2,5c.. Ladies' White Handkerchiefs, hem- stitched and embroidered cor- ners, regular i 5c, for 2 - Ladies' -Black Cotton-- -Hose,- . seamless, :extra- vatue,--2-pt-s. .‘• White Wash Belts, reg. 25c. Clearing • • I..inen Spools, black Special __ or c ChTtz Covered Cushions, spec: 25c . Patriotic Emblem Rugs sorriel tbiPg new tt,. - Iancy $11k. Embroidered Covers ore ' reg. 1,50'and 1-75) cleating al "C • Fancy. .Cushion Topi, assorted lot , - Clearing. at 5c, 10c, 15c and 19c • • Ladies' GIG' ves; various kinds; colors and ,sizes, up tot 35c for Clearing Lot of Ladies' Collars - :and Ties -at • • • • .Large sized 'Floor Macs th nice 4 0 designs, regular 2.90 tOr 1. _Ladies Black and Grey • Embroidered and. Lace feet Hos regular 19 up to 35c.. Sale •Pxice - - C 1VIen's Ties, * clearincr cv . . lot • 7 for Auc REMNA • • See our..itable of Rentnants of various kinds of gods, all Measured, ticketed and. marked -a w -.clearing , prices., ODDS ANDINDS See the bog of irarious odds and ends—a mixed assort- ment of clearing out lines. Any ,artiele in the box for ON 1--•--7eArauld-ask you- •to- shop•NVhen- -the4orenoons- whetove'-can-give. you:- - ‘ better Attention and service than during the rush :of business inZthe -afternoons.. 1 -tinlOss - .- • --,--Monday, 'August 2nd ]?he rubber tires ate_ii-oite-.n fail -ion _1246ve•-• - - - - • • Qrv!eRdbaS -returned home- from Voronto _after spending a' few holidays , there; • •t•r- • - --Sam -titilleorneii-southauite-frequent.__ ly. We hope it May not continue Much • longer. • A large picnic from Millarten. was • lieldbere en Tuesday audit is., reported that they enitiye4 themselves greatly.. The, Pictureahow which was given 're- cently-in-the-Forestees --Han proved', --a ' great enema -told. all report a few 'bouts of yealenjoynient.' ;' • . . , •• Mr. Frank Cole has purchaied the : howleof Ei..,4'.'Atiderson, where he ----'-'---tlititeinhetteretieeentlenjoy•; the -r • der of his life as comfortably ELS Pbssible _ while liiasenAloy..reinains 'on. the' _farm, • .1 Olivet • ' .'Tuesday .— , August 3. .. Miss Gladys Tamblyn, of tendon, • visited her cousin, Mrs. J. W. Thompson,' ' last week. • ,. • . . , . ,., Vit -8 Oat ;ROW f,0 report- that W. a ' McGuire has been on the sick list for . ... "the past-wetle., •. • ' • • • The ladies :.e)f ItiPle'y 'W.- M. 8. enter-, .:- tabled the ladies of Olivet W. M.S. On • . the parsonage lawn lea, Thursday after -.• noon. . ,' . . , Mrs.. Ititharxl Solomon and' three .•, ellildrPn, Of Teeswater, are visiting her gee:its, Sir, end Mts.. iohnstin Itoulaton. . . . There Wan no service in Olivet'ehuech. • on Sunday, there being Quarterly Sac- • raitiontalservi0e in the Methodiatehureli, . : Aipiey. . c,' • .. . . Edgar and rOroy lb- Illskol (Tent the • Week -end in Wiugliatn.,. ' Edgar had . tharge or the servicea la the MethOdhot • , viu•rpl.i tbete owSund•e• r' • o I1OFMiiS. a MOGOnix.—Death- has epee more visited, our -communiti and reinoved 'frern Our midst one who was loved in the person of Mrs. - :Sane -del McGuire-. pa Thursday evening. she Was stiddeillyitricken with paralysis; -which left her, Unconscious •up •the time of her death on Monday morning. tTntilEitelrertif-ago-, -When' „health made it -impossible, Mrs. McGuire was an earnest worker and faithfUl attendant of Olivet -Methodist. eliiirch.- Besides be linsband, she leaves to Mourn her lees: three daughters, Mie.,Austin Solomon, of-L-tucknewr4nd7Misses-Seeniearid- • Robetta,a. honia, and one son; Willie, - at home. The, funeral on Wednesday to Ripley cemetery was cendueted by Thelamily have, , the-tympathroftheirmerty, friends in - their bereavement Ber,vie —Menai, August 2nd. Miits J-eitie Moore,. Of . Toronto., is spending the, holidays with her uncle, John Moore; Messrs. Vert and Willie :Millet, of Stratford, spent a hi* days around our • villagerecently. • MiseVinaEmmerson, df'Purple Grove, spent a few 'days at the home Of her aunt, Mrs. M. Guest. • •• , Ross and daughter, of ChicagO, returned hoine last week after spending the holidays around-Bervie. • Mrs. William Walsh and; two -children -tefiCiiilenghr spent irfeve days et the hdnie of Mr. Stephen Walsh.. • • Mr. Walker, fernier junior minister in the Methodist church, ,renewed old at- lusintaneeiraroued our village during- the-'vittelc" ," • - • Mr. and MM. T. J. McKinney and 'Mister -Russel Millar,''of Oueph,wcre imBervie the week end attending the funeral or Master Otto Millar. Mr. Johnston, our assistant ministe• of the Ilethodiat church, hasbeen takr ing care of his horse which R week ago refused to do any more Work. It ap- pears that the horse broke into a box of whe,ati.and ate too much Ofthe gtain. We are glad it is about alright again. Mr, 'William Nesbitt is nursing a sore arni atpresent A couple of Weeks ago he wee doing some repai▪ rs. On the barn when he fell through the trap door alighting on his elbow dousing a dislo- cation. AithoUgh he has had quite a sore arm, he. WAS fOttllOate in not receiv- tag worse ifijuries. Quite 1?. -rt intereMingevening Was spent, by thelocat Foresters last Tuesday, be- ing thelnitiation of a number 'of ROW members Mr. .I; IL Campbell, of 'Ches., ley, took charge of the-nie,eting, when the following were admitted to the SC- eiety: Robert Itidclel; Seeord Becton, Gordon Clark,- Herbeit •Sheane and Duncan ciftest; ° Verdun-- -•- , -Monday, August 2nd. A nuniber of Indians are engaged. in ptflin ilax•at Thoinas Frasers Miss Eva McKay spent Thursday evening With her friend, Miss Jennie' Shiella , The ladies of the inetitute met at the home of 'Mrs. John Reid on Thursday ' afternoon, • • Misses I% and G. McDonald and the Misses Congrain• spent t Wednesday at • John Wilkies. ' •• ' • The Pine River Sendai. School intend holding their annualpienic on Tuesday at Blair's Grove. • • • Miss Phoebe Cougrato was the guest of her friend, MAR Mary Wilkie tor a few days this Week. ," • • '. The Moonlight piCnie held at .Pine Ityer on Friday evening was a greet alicetSS. :The - evening WAR Add and the go.v1 ' . • . •"Pte. Frank Ventler, of London. 'spent Sunday in the village. J. Gillespie, is spending a. few days is Clinton this week. Atieortelysionirasofitek. .of visite at K.pad Mrs. .Y.niee Metntosii, of BrusSale,' la .viaitintat p, ,golketi thieweck. - Q ,lit114(Iftlat*.uellaliinClibeTee-tr•stivr7tterthe took ' Miss Ruby Nixon, of 1.446know, spent a f(!tvi'tlaYS at X. raterscsetriastmeeir. Mrs.-McGavin, -of Wingham, epent Sunday with Mr. and MP. J. G. Gilles- pie - • nuYtielrilaoniflialtridricisteotn°,11;sCilepe. T. R.. ..afegwe days a his hotne,here. NAP rmine•Troy and Mr. and Mrs. Toronto,were visiting in the vinare last week • ••,t-- • Miss Gordon returned home,•;em Sat- prdayafter spending avery pleasant two weeks' vacation 4 vruce Beach. , Miles Memillan' had the Misfortune to havelitfourh pusblie"cPr isjiineg4 htwiti9fairkimuriona • Saturday by the morning paesenger tealn. ' Mr. and 3),IM. W. H. Paterson, Of Galt; Mise X. E. -Paterson, Of Toronto.; ' Mr; and.Afts,..wat Paterson and Matter R4.6.?.' Ifarrist01; of Wingimm, spent Sunday at'N. POO, , • • The Young People's Guild lastSundaY evening WAS led by Miss Maggie Gillies, who gave an ietei•eetitig PaPer on "Little 'Everyday Kindnesses," ' The meeting next Sunday evemng will be taken. by the President; Alex. 'Thnry. Topic: "Hinderingollabite, Thoughts, Speech, '•Conducti! • GOderiall FOWGSliii) —Monday, August 2nd, Mrs. Topples, of Toronto, is visiting at the home.of -Mr, J.G, Steep. Mis 14erflie Mcl)enald of London is =Visiting friends nrotind-POrter's Hill. Miss Mitinie Fejt,. of 13ervie, was the guest:t f her aunt, MO,' Go Hudie, last week.. Mr. George Cooper and family" held their •einnuar pienie ai. .Bayfield last Tuesday.. . Cempbell, oflorontor spent th7wodoepke-te.nd..at-the home of Mr. George Ac , • • Mrs, -fl Webster bee returned hofne- aftersi.,tortnighCs Visit with. relatives in Flint toid:Petroit.; ' ' - „ . ;moo Vance, of LOncion, Waithe guest last week • of her eolith* Mrii. Percy Cole and Mrs. Arther Welsh. '••- • The Misses Telestiele and Gleorgina Ruche spent the week in Goderich as the guest'of Um. King. " The Misses Flossie and Margaret Mg. Robertsi-of London,•are visiting sit the home of their uncle,. Adam Cantelon; afid otherrelati-,ves. - The Tipperary 'Football team • played .Holmesvilleboyelast Wednesday night: There-Wasiajargeotblvd_ther-e-to-vvatch the "game, This was • the third genie played, one beim, a tie, one in, fever • of Hohnesville and one 'in favor of Tipper- ary.' The.final game will be played to, =grow nikht. , Pine River- • , • —Monday, August 3rd: Smile fine 'fields of fall Wheat have been cut in the neighborhood lately: • The first part of July ilitesh was sold at our factory 4.13 cents per pound. "Misti-EdiierMillef-tlieSraitli:-- Line, is visiting her friend, Miss Helen Terrell. Wm. A. Graham is busy building a cottage at Bruce teach for'the Rev. H. J. F[arnwell Rev. T. H. and Mrs. Inns and son, _Eric, returned on Friday after speeding a month-with-friends-m-Ifentreal.------- Mr. and Mrs. John Pollock; Mrs. J B. Findlay and son,' Calvert, spent the week -end visiting friends at Shepparton. The Kincardine Baseball team knovfn 4 • as the Federals; came out ori Thursday evening and played' a game with our team. , The•gamz ended eight to six In favor of the welters. A large crowd if spectators 'Wdre present, Rev H. J. Harnyvell, who -is eaniping at Bruce Reach-, addressed a hill 'Wine at ilethel o undey evening. He is one of tbeArboys from -Tine RiVer Who has made his inrirk in the„1-World, and all were delighted to see and hear him. 7 . • • THE BETHEL ETIWORTH LEAOFERS held their annunl moonlight picnic at the lake on Thursday evening:' : The Leaguers and their: friend's made a great gathering. `41r.! Harold Johnston, Of I3ervie, was present. Kincardine, Ripley and kAniberley were elsolvell-ropre ed in the gathering. A large bond -fire was built and the evening spent in rac. ing and various other sports which were ,AN OUTEREAKOPlit'A•Ot(rQUARTER has - taken place on two ,adjoining farms on the Lake ,Sliore. -.Alexander _Cameron and William Emmerton have each lost three' 0iya- calves by the disease. The. disease, which is very -infectious and also, very fatal; is characterized by lameness in some of the legs, generally one of the front -legs, and swelling just back of the affected leg on the body. Tho • disease generally necurts in animals between three ninths and three years old. There is no cure, and all animals effeeted should be destroyed and horned, to Pre- vent a farther spread of the disease, enifved by. all, BUTOM BOY TAIVEY.—Death came to obi. &immunity very suddenly last Week, taking away a smiling face from oIlr village in the person of Master Otto Millar. The little chap todle ill on TWA - day of last week, and in, spite Of ell medical aid, he paned:away on Satur- day morning, Otto was v,v,ell known to 'all in this eoinniunity aa cheeiful, quiet lad and a friend,of all his associates. The funeral On Monday from Kneix Church, was largely attended., Sitideu oympathtio eztorided to the bereaved' friondo• ••••• • • Ainberley, •ThUfsday, Au uSt 541,, tOt6 —Monday, August 2. Moonlight pienies were the. Qpier a the evening last week. Maggie McDonald visited her aunt, Mrs., ()buries Tout, Bethel' last week. , A babied arrived: at the home, of Ferguson's On Sunday, Augnst 1st.. Congratulatiena, AUsti Berths .A,Iiriond and Hareld Blair, Pickup% 'visited at the 119.11.110, of Albert Nesbit ver Sunday • •litirs,Grace,'Shier and WOO Mainie McDonald have returned 'borne after an ex,penclef:1 visip with Melds in Petrillo.. Mitehell MCI chat/rent Or Kincardine, ere spending their vacation Witklier parents, Mr, and Mrs, P. Cbuit- ney, Mr:and Mrs. D. Melezod and children, of Ripley; Miss Christine Nesbit and Mr. M. Henry, of Xineardine, siva Sun- , day: at John Nesbit's. . . • Sympathy is extended te' Mr. Me- iUtchie and, family.in tlie berehirement of aloving maenad mother, who depart- ed this life Monday, August 2nd. Secrarnental service willbe held,in Amberley Methodist Ohurch next Suilday raornblg, August 8th, at 14;30 .o'clock, Ttee; 'Mr. Kellam, Ripley, officiating% .A.,' good ttirn-but i expected. .. • • • r ingart —Monday, Asius't nd iIr Diekson' and Miss, IdaStanley •‘. • Sundayed in our burg. • Mr. Will Reid, of Pinkerton, is'a reg. uhlt visitor to our burg. • . • Berry-pickingis the order of the day in and around, our burg. Mr. Walter Percy, of Wingham, was a Sunday visitor at the N'ithite Houee.‘ •- , Mr. and Mrs. Dave McKinnon Sun - doled with the latter's parents, Mr. and. Ns re woe , o Tem on, s spending the hohdays with her aunt, Miss Lydia . . Mr. Percy Swalwell and lady friend were visitors at the home of Mr. WM. -McConnell on Sunday last A number from here attended the Piiilierten-pietiie to Milks Mi -Friday last. All report a first class time. Phone No. 10 .....t Your Service We San for Ca•alt-,-ilre 5011 cheaper Than. The credit Stores This is the time of year that the • hoops fall off the wooden tubs causing annoyance and inconvenience.. A Galvanized Tub is 'with superior --it is stronger a n d lighter. No hoops to fall off—it will giv.: years of service - We have them in the Price 70 cents. ° NOW'ii the time to get in your order for fertilizer. A carload of Gun's special fertilizer for fall. wheat expected within a few days; Order from G. S. Robert- son, loicknow. • came size As th wooden till), ,r) ibA ter -C1 We have the promise ofShines. abountlitilhatvest. The farmers should see;Ito• it espgol ps that their?' roofs are in ]?or '75 per derf,..the &OS tilat good', repair so t h al • there will be lois through „leaks. ParOid destroy tam huildinos.. IVP'QNSET arOzt ROOfing One of the Time Tested , blEPONSET, Roofings . • Roofing • ELs saved valuable property from destruction. Per Square *2.55 _ • WE SELL IT Canada Rooting Per Sci4 $1.,60 • ••••0.1./10.1.*. he L.ucknow. Hardware and Coal Co. THE STORE,THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS Lothian , . • =Tuesday, August 3rd. Almc Barnby spent a *eek visiting 'friends -in Colborne:and Goderielc - Miss Lena' Henderson is visiting With friends in Lueknow. . , • Charlie McLean, of Chicago, is spend- ing his vacation at,his old home here. • Miss Levy,of Clinton is visiting here . the guest of Mr and Miss Mike Hogan, ' Mrs. John McKenzie and family, of Oshawa, are visiting her mother, Mrs. McNamara. - • --,- Rem Tatiterilies-. Forc1,-of Woodsled,. visited his sister, Mrs. Mike4logan, for a few days last week. - • Mr. Thos. Ford, after •'pending the -pastievryears on his -farm 011 the- leth. con., and with his daughter, Mts. M. Ifogan, left laet . week for Breinerten, Washington; where he will spend some time withhie family. ' Goderich • A Humes Pio/emu—The fineral took place on. Monday of the late John Por- ter; on of the pioneer settlers ef Huron County'. -Bern in Ireland in 1828. he came to this country while a boy. and, 'settled on his honiestead in 1842, about 'eight, miles from Goderich; and lived there eversinee.- At that -time GoderiCh was practically a, 'swamp, with ally a few buildinge at. the dock: He •• did all his teaming on at blazed trail to London, the round trip taking nearly a, week. ' Mr. Porter was, in fairly good 'health • and his -death eame quite neexpectly On Friday hia son, Richard, with whom he lived, went to look.for him at dinner tiling andTCde-a'd-TEE2• is room. Heart,trouhle apparently was the cense. He was one of the most highly respect- ed citizens in the townshin.aa was 'evi- denced by the large funeral. Riverton Ledge, L. 0. L., of which he was a life long Member, turned out in a body. Seven daughters, all. married, and.. ne eon survive. 3 Zion • —Tuesday, August 3rd . Miss Helen Hackett has returned home after spending a,few days with friends at Crewei-T • Miss Mary Finlay, of Mideking, is spending a, few.- days with her :cousin, Ada Helm. A. number from here attended the Quarterly service held in Blake's Church on Sunday' last. ' rar-Htigh-Girvinef Uknowvisit ed her daughter; Mr's'. Fred Anderson, a few days last week. , Quite a nimirt from our burg -attend Plants and Frolyer-s— For Sale., ' . Cabbage and Tomato Plants For Sale' . A 'Great Variety. of Flowers such as Asters, Carnations, Portulaca and many other kinds. Geraniums for bed- ding Purposes.. Begonias and a number' of others. All good, strong plants. - - For -Side -at - Bannockburn Fruit. Farm Ges. Jardine, Amberley P. 0. SPECIAL, DuringAugust and SepteMber. :Men's Soles and: liunber Heels put on•for ..... ••sp • . Women's Soles and RIM-- rIKA ber. Heels put .on for.... UV These Raibber Heels are regular 40e: and 50e valnee per pair. , REG: BARRETT. 111111111111111.1111110. LATEST WAR NEWS TOCe more than a month interest in_the., -iiar has centred around the retreat of the Russian Army on the Eastern trent, and the operation .at the Dardanelles, ()Li the west where French, British, Bel. gians face the German hosts three has been coMparative quiet. ' For the past few •.lays the RUssiane appear to have made a •stand, or the Germans, fearing to be drawn too far away 'from their military railways -and •supplies, have slackened their efforts. At any rate there has not been the , us- ual activity; By tlie end of last week the Russians Were reported to be_•_with, drawing from Wareaw,' taking with them' all-their_gans- and military Stoma. It was thought 'then that the Germans would innnediately occupy the Polish Capital, but they were still being held back on Wednesday. Talk about the Minims expressing dissatisfaction With the slew progress of the Allies on the.'West while they (tie Russians) scrinereilenly pounded in the last, 'appears to. have been pure fiction. Commenting on the. close of the first year of the war the „Russian iMinister of War said: 'Standing on the thrialieild of -the Ifetolittlertf of the War,- nnpreeedellWd• m the•world's history, Russia and their giorioukallietti-confident-.in- their cver increasing strength, are preparing to -continue the strUggio-,TeVen though it be for years, till the enemy shall be fin- ally beaten to his knees." ' • • ' Progress in the.Dardanelles campaige, has been made,. but the greund won is. counted in Yards and fractions ' of miles as on the West Trent. An important faet this connection is that Rottintilda ntill persists in`reftleing teallow aminn- itition to mils its territory on the way from Germany to Turkey. On this•fast is bnili the hope that the Turks cannot long hold out They appear, however, to occupy very strong positions on the roeicy Gallipoli Peninsula. • • It was stated in a British court, by member of tho 'British Ganeral Stafit; that aormany has at least ten million men in military aervice. That is going' some, as it will include all the ablel bodied men in the country between the, ages of Ha, and 46. That does not include e Austrian artnies, which will iminber five Or six millions more. TffiR explains how, in spite of terrible tassel, the Ger. tow eau 041 oottiiituheg their tnonio ,ed the, clarden _ arty at Dungannon on_ e nes ey evening es . , Miss Irene Paton eturned home on , Mender After spendinga few, w_eekti.„..et, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Hackett. . Lrewe --=Mond0y; Aug. 2nd Mr. Richard Finnigan • visited . hie brother litigh on Sunday. • Miss Bessie Mallough, 4 Teeswater is 'Siting friends at Crewe • - ;Mrs; Ted McTaviiik and two thildren of Ripley spent last week With • Mrs. J; MenarY. Miss Ida Rivett visited her conath, Mut. Will Nevins, . Dungannon, a few dayi last week. p Mee. John IIiintet, who hat been sett. erely ill, knot recovering as fast as her niarly friends Would wish. Quite a fithnber from here attended the lawn social inSaugeen on %rifles - (14 evening of last week And all report odl'ine go . . ,Mralt,R. Begley •aicl two children and Miss Lilo Ontrall returned to liani. iltcm last week after spending a 111004 01-01101r 1101110 11491 . • - • , ' on all fronts. The pace, of course, can- -not bernutintainedr--- . the•sea, the submarines continue to pick off their daily toll of' ene, or more ships,but there has' been nothing big in that wayduring the week. • • • A statement given out the other day tolthe effect that the British. Govern- ment spenditig.in maintenance, build- ' ing and equipment of the navy nearly $2,ece.,000 daily above what was being spent in time of pease. St. Helens . , • —Tuesday, August 3." r oeorge7Clark; -of, Haoritten'„,. is -hostiec 1 • ' for e few: days. . • • ' .: . . tilis-P-owell,of Bhievale,is vi,itingat----,--- jeme Aisnsdimearsrgorrse.art 61(.. enzie, o'f Lueknow., is rpending a: few days with Miss Mary Durnin. St. Helens • expects to . play ball in !Westfield on Friday evening. 4- good , time is expected. Miss Maud. McQuillin is on the sick list these days, We'hope: than:Ilia' "Wilt .• Isoon be able-tO•beabout again. ' yera Webb, of Ninghtim, are spending ' Missed Wilma Shaw, of Bluevale, and a few days With Mise' Margaret . Miller. ' The •yoinigpeeple Of St. Helenijoined . in a picnic to Black Horse' Lake On-, _Monday of_thia-vveek. All reporthavieg'-- - e very good time TORONTO FIR: • HESTON.. RE6ORO • Directors planning prOirattime• on Scale LoMmeasuritte-witb-o *cord • Attendance •There Was never a time in the thirtyaeVen years of its .history when the CanadianNational Exhibition Proinised, • mor real ifistractlort-and•-entertainmont than this year In addition to the mar, •• •velOus proofs of , the manner in which._ tliepittrforath-Ome is taking,care of kis responsibilities -in the way of increased - production that thexiietriot at the • front, may have thp wherewithal to •keep • his ••'_, . place,,in the battleline,- there' will he "•.; specialleattires of patiiietie:IiidThi4Oric significan ce. Tliebig war 'spectacle in front of . the Grand Stend: will be quite the most eleb-- orate pagieant ever in -oriented by t.6 Fair, while -the Model Military Camp, aero-. atio4glitand -the-aniti'irstarnl-torpeelo-2. .• lug ofiihips in the harbour supplethented ' by the war trophies, will be a reveletion. The new Giant Miclivay with, ifs. army • •spieler, novo prosonteit-'irificifedi VerSifitd,litt-of While -the • hippodrerneand, citetiii, j it front of the, Gitinef Stand wiil be a triumph in the • annisekrent hins -, The Air. this' year in all departments promises to eicell ny • previous one ever held at Toronto. The pit;ector,arie legking forward to tepetition Of the ."Million:. Year" and', are planning their' pregrainine on a scale to fit' thia ittireenie attends nee. •„ . A POINT IN LAW , The following question and answer- ' appeared Saturday in the legal column of the Mail and Empire: • "The limbs of my neighbon tree hang over on tny lawn with the result that rio grass or iloivers will grow under them: Can I legally fWililo the brandied off to the line fence •Ane.—Tha owner of lands, has it right to tut off limbs which project over his land from a tree growing tin his iieigh- tor's land, The I). 'jetting linaba area "ritliaance" and 'the cutting them off ijustifiahlo a Upon that grotirid; They nlag • contitute o, i'treskaaiii9 . . '