The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-07-22, Page 201,41t,"?4' $41' : • e ;. - .... orkIng of the flactilme'Attandird by Cfntinual CensurnptIon of Waitage bond Replac4Fient. be flee following article a asettiml people as a winds are to con- Ikerrear004Sat ot tbe Imam Thesis Mee tbet their cowl have um me him imprimis* gif egiff*MAT cherished aggressive As * "taint reeteehee. liewainalf have mid, the intelled regard a Moe ante/egg seacikkee discharlt- the war ea rasinly "Preventive*" as a tag ite energies *A the periphery. Thlk war that might have been postponed, aeaekbal win give mot 111rhet the caw but diet watt bound to come. Ger- tral alare en morn le tuthensted, but luny, they argue, could not have al- avarf. fatart *alio to eoneerva aud forded to let her „and" peoratt nmises, this stare, sad is this respect overwhehniugle areas. Oursnagf Previa" " inetruetivs c°2" Ent for the messelit it is et PureIY • toad with Oneat defensive war brought about by a irlr's,7447*Rowt.717 -orsikirworm7 P • wanton attack Won* foe* nPen Leaking at Germalty from the na. the mod peaceful country in the side and trying to fuse my -world. Had not tbe kaiser kept the sites s.osd eXPerienea Into a single 4Fit pence throughout his reign? The *gin I nem te see huge eentraugal names of Bernhardt, Probemus and machine Abasing fortes outwards. The hanger it works and the higher velo- city el its gyrations the more in the centre depleted and the more intense- ly we the fames crowded along the eircoreforenet. There they batter fa. a -Mostly against the walls -the nilil- tary 'frontiers. Between the centre and the circum - fence there are many eddies and erowevrents, whieh become appa- mot on dose investigation. But *key are scarcely visible in the uni- other* are simply unknown emong fhe messes'. Some people MO re- ineMbir that the Crown Prince con- gratulated Frobeuius on his book, bet they knew nothing of the exiatenee • of any. reason why the verb' ehouid hairs believed in German aggressive - nese. Bernbarilita hooks de not to' be fond among the war literatuit NOT ALWAYS, .1 s .77.47.47'7 .• i-,7711--11-71Noakr 4-444 Ar asool le:10 arsa%.7 `gia1,4"rs..r,"4"; , NA' • .„„taimsimmit-, 1k • .• OW • • .1. " II 14,VA23 NLill 1111144IN aid! • . . - The Canadian Women's Bloch at the Miler ')Naval Roapital* England. . . e.,..1 „ , • i , , The women of Canada some time ago raised Money for a hospital ship OH a .war contribution to the Einnire. The funds raleed on Tag, Day " , , went to this nroAtct. Later the British Admiralty *bleed the building Of a hospital instead of the purchase of a ship, The hospital Is being erected as the , Canadian Women's Mock at Resler, ,the greet *Iva' hospital near Portameuth; Hanapehire England. The 4130116 144100 shows' the hospi. " tat when complete. It ,was sent to Mile A. E. Gooderham of Toronto by Sir Arthur W. May, director-general of the medical.. department of the Royal Navy. In his letter to Mrs. -Gooderham, who bore an active- part in raining the fund, Sir Arthur May PAYS:. "In view of the wonderful midge in the field the Can*dian. Vona has given, T am mere than, ever glad that the gift orthe Cenediin•Werteen to the NalrYjW111 ke a"laating and permanent, and not a. fleeting meMerial, one that will telt our eliildrethi ehildren of the hell) given by Canadian Men and wernen to the Old Conn- tryinher (ley of med.". In the meantime 4 building- at Ilaeler hi known aa thn "Canadian Women's Whig," and. ht used for bed surgical mutes, and there Aro ouppbea designated to it , , in the booksbops. Gerinaiis were ute terly aetoniolied to bear of the influ- ..., .., .. ,ence and eireulation of his writings 1,, , kbroad and of the Which the - '4 . * - :. . terra movement ',set up by the pros- vow' 144 proceeded at first along the • sure of tb,e machine. The mu -if*. lines be had indicated. This ignore the tioaltit of the 'Troops Is 'as"Good as Titat in the gal .force* may break through' the once extends „even to the cultivated A Barracks -at tioine. - - containing human barrier and extend claims, . :,), . - . . .• • . • , . their roans of action. They mai ' These sidelight* On some aspects " • -• , DY • also make but a narrow breach and of the German mind are not withent cause a leakage. Both of theme things importance in considering the work have happened. In any case, the ing of the German war machine. The working of tliOntachine le attended :pee* are inspired- by a uniform by continual continual and terrible eausuroPtlen Sense, of what is needful and by faith • of energy, not only by the machine that their cause is absolutely justi- • itself, but by the waet.age, that can- fed.- They -take their-lotisetr-•as- -a net be replaced, among the ,unite of hind of religious sacrifice and trust . force wilich drives eutww111. in the future. They thenmelvee "do , Coneequentli there are two limits their bit" be., giving up every luxury to „ „the working of the machine. It will and some necessaries, by avoiding all ' men= down When it can no longer waste, and by *crowing to whim .• be fed with enough units of force or whether this retrenchment be. born of necessity or be prompted by the spirit of self sacrifice, the result is the same. .It enhances the power of, the count** to conduct the war With the utmest efficiency. ASteiking Comparison. Yet, Ilia 'hisses are beginning -to tell. The inferior stature and stamina of the new levies is noticeable. The numbers are still there, but the qual- ity is not the, sarne. Where. the Ger- nimiti score. Apart from their actual military organization, is in their gen- eral spirit t of economy and in their concentrationof-nation energy , npon, the successful prosecution of the the protracted :tension Is termite. Ole, struggle.• Perted in England, but I doubt whe- and England are striking and ' mich indication has already been- tee I The Contrasts between 'Germany • , titer its eignineenee was fully un- structive. One such is afforded by when the supply, of 'central energy itself gives out. Both these factors 'come simultaneously into ploy. These are, so to *peek, the PhYeica of the k • problem. Mental factors hardly • count. They are included in the ma- chine itself, and are inherent in its origin and purpose. , .Againet such a mathine only;welle organized material forces can pre - :P. valU True, *he meehine itself mar .auddenly break *down, in spite of its • • • wonderful elastinitY• A revere° MO throw it, temporarily out -of gear. As. , yet there are indeed few signs of • Mich cOntingeheyk but, oceseional- , ly, indications are vinible of the way • • ° . • One might have gone miles along The toll of casualties where there the British front this week without are only suipikt and %fres:plea shell - hearing: the sound of a VII. seem- jug has been. Much reduced owing not ed as if both sides were taking a holt- only to the increased adaptability of day from war out of respect for the the men in self-pretection-the result betintifantunmer weather, or else the of experienco,in-treneh• warfare. -but. &note was significant of preparation tcer an immense iMproversent in the and seeurnulation of shells by one aide protectivt,:character, of the werk, or the other for some great effort Though a trench may be on exactly writes Mr. Frederick Palmer from th the same line as it WOO in December, British headquarters in Prance. spade.work in the spring and summer Beyond the occasional explosion Of has completely transformed it, afford - a mine and routine shelling to harass ing small. chance -for either- shrapnel the enemy's guns, to destroy new for- shell biillets or bullets, fired -by s tificatiori vvork, or to keep the enemy from taking lite too easily, there has been no action.: The soldiers in re- serve have been swimming in the canal, resting under shaded trees* plaYing cricket and football and tend- ing their flower gardens about their quarters, which have been. Made to look like- those oneseesin front- of rows of', cottages at this 'season in England. - Summer Transforms Flanders. It, IS When the artillery fire is con- - Thc and gently rolling country eentoated and an effort is made to ?et of Flanders and northern France, through the barbed:wire and take a which WaS' a forbidding, gray, .leaf- trench by either side that the casualty less mire under chilling winter mists, leaps -like a thermometer vast Ms become a pleasant ,land of rich from an icebox into an qven. Crops dotted with groves, while- long So ueed Imee they become t� trench derata04. a .e0MParison' of the wi,4e: and fertile • a s me so p , • LE IVIE OR ° KILL YOU" A FEW FACTS:- ABOUT THE DEATH -DEALING INSECT. The Piece: to Swet .the.-fly...TS•Wh.ere He Brett's, /slid Where lie The solution of fly; problem is the destruction 'of, the April fly. En- try ' fly destroyed' in April ;peens warms, lees in September. Rout use nOlienni'aroulati places Where. children may .come in Acontact with theta. A fly- Poison is Ow it. child poison. '1,100 traps and MVettere. Fifteen Minntea after flies, had been fed on auger. saturated' with typhoid' bacilli their specks were foimil to con- tain thousands " of the living bacilli. We used to drink the Ingle from Which a fly had been removed; Nowa- days one had rather vet the fin be- cause *test of the filthi lied been re'" _xendereclameorteeletim and may,-.10ae.an, If you saw .a men murder a sick baby' you would be his eternal enemy. Flies kill many sick babies every year --just how many nobody is able to say. But you consider the 'fly men- , ace of trivial importance. • Physicians who realize the peril of ers from trees or buildi• ngs to it the •flieEl "realize 'that if the average laY" defenders, . man. could see a fly commit its many Days Without Casualty. insect would be short. Therefore, a - You can move only a.few' feet in a campaign 0 %edlielitiOA to BO1488 it Straight line in this maze of huntan haieeen begun, ` • • „; warrens. The zigzag traverses locahae Rgre,.ure few facts' ,about the damage. On days the •stale -- mate Part of the line there have been Edira.ttha..!..1Aeli.li.Tiolt;eleilin,ielil-ailthelicii101:Mitild-Osinlinke instances of not 4 single:casualty er St. Louis' " • a distance• of a mile in, twenty-four leie,4 lays itseggs Oh fly. organic matter, pieferithlY on stable-erefuse;. The number about 120 at each laying. ' • These eggs become ftilly. developed flies in about twelve days. ° • • There. are ten to thirteen genera- tions in one season; • ' One small pile of stable refuse. can produce a crop of 500;000 ' '-.NegIecten. garbage, and deed ioWls• and'animals also are favorite breerl- ing places,, • ' The descendants of one pair of flies from can, am__ _aunt: ' crimes.' justas they do the life of the tines of motor trucks of the transport lifetb t o idlers refer life in an • Premature megiening. lands of England where grass ',is Vass along stately avenues • which roads.between average trench on an average day to 0 ornn th Chief of .Police grown, and' broad parke etretch for poplars ne the, , miles in wonderful summer. beauty, All fears of an epidemic of , sickness ne m 1 g 9 , ' in Berlin was Ordered by heAdquar- ters to have flags hoisted in celebra- with the sandy soil of Brandenburg* in the hot months for the immense Hen of an important victory. 140, de. where one travels, mile upon mile, army billeted in the thickly populated toue were given; it was understood through well-cultivated-fields;.coVer- lowlands are grouridliss. -Thanks-to- merely that the victory had been ed With green wheat and rye, and anti -typhoid- inoculation, the habitual won on the Galician front.- Flags- where Ohl folks and children plant Personal .eleanlineas of the English: • new everywhere the school, children every snare foot of ground with no- men and the strict -edorceMent-'d -• were given a holiday after patriotic Woes. ' This is an object •lesson in. sanitary Precautions by, the '"IloYikl ' lectures from their teachers; and Waste • and economy'," of.. national Army Medical Corps in the minuted , the pressbriefly announced a great energy and in the subordination of details, the health" of the troops is as triumph, without -.details- 'Relief everything to the needs of the war. good as that in the barracks at home. from the strain of waiting month at- .. But There is also another contrast-- , Files are being kept down to 'a mini - ter month for a victory that never that between the greatstore of young mum. There are-few`eyen around the • came resolved itself into excitement. men everywhere to be seen in Eng- camps of the ' cavalry, and artillery ' - . Berlin lent mad with joy. • , land, and the absence of young men horses. ' The -Paths, roadsides s• and, , At that time r Was staying at from civilian life in Germany, Equal- yards r• *here the Men are billeted are , a * hotel in a provincial town In the IY greet are the possibilities Suggest- kept a4 clear of litter a first '14" , . . d b th , , , . .. . a a.e ' early afternoon the .lantIlord rushed e y e enormous material wealth golf course or the lawn of a fastidious ., into my room, snYing that the Ger_ of Engirdid_ , in England I, do , not suburbanite. mans had beaten` the Russians in feel that the whole sum of national Tommy • Galicia, and had taken 110,000 Helps Peasants, pris., strength is straining out towards the ' oilers. I heard bands playing in the PerlPherYy, Mir am "I conscious that Tommy, Atkins frequently lends ahand to the French peasant, all of streets, and saw school children' car- the nerves of England quiver over-, 'Odin, from boys girls of 6 or 7 . rying the German" and Austre-Hun- sensitively t the ''enund' a -"everY : ', garian flags'in Procession. , The peo- voice, from the. frto bent old men end women, areen- pie There seems •• /. . pie crowded the central •thorongh.. to be in England an unlimited fund gaged in the harvest, and by the way fore. Two hours later the landlorci• of energy in resPrve for the continn- milnlY .115eS iii8 scythe or fork' one A , , came again, He said he inust tell once of the struggle. There iS, More- knows Whether he is city' Or country - , me at, once. ' iii -w • priSonere taken over, the same determination as 111 , . G h ' -The correspondent • bait Walked erinany--t ou h it works on some- . • . . . numbered 160,000, together with 25,- g - tbtou h the 'long communication , 000 hotses, 4181. guns, , 4,41, machine what different lines. • . , g trenches safely in broad daylight to .. , . - guns, and 35 armored trains. - Tears. -•• - •° • - . -'4.. ` - /- - ----- -the.--firing-trenehes winchifapproach,e-in--chief of- the - down his Cheeks as he re- . - . ei in winter except over open ground 'force and a few. staff officers real y •' lated thee wonderful figures. . Daring fleed. • and st-um. ing through -mud under know. The. average officer never asks, " /3°Ig W6re ririgin Pe's ''' 3 Y Berlin, tells the story, of a daring deed w orth one's life, ,,. ,e' been buTeattends strictly' to his huainess. ' .....n the 'hard fighting •in..,the Festu- , I went into the street. The, church 4 .‘n 004 The Lokai-Anzeiger, a neWsPaPer of ,coyer of daeltness would bait that in billets, because sniping has the elements of „sport and excitement. The ednfidenee and patriotism of the fighting men .at the front are shown, in both Officers , and -soldiers,. even if they have only ale* shillings Pot by, in subscribing to the yar.loan. • Officers .S0THiscouraged. The professional opinion of officers at the front is that they are not dis- couraged by the German offensive in the east. They say the War mud be Won by the killing •of .Germans, and 'that the further the Germana: are drawn into the, Russian, quicksand the , more wastage for.theire, This period. eft the war for rth en- tente allieS is • compared -that,eon the North in 1863, at the time of Lee's and Jackson's success in Virginia and the, confederate,' advance, in.Pennsyl- vania, before Gettysburg was won. Riding about the British front even an expert 'observer is unable to guess how many troops the British have in France, so easy of concealment is the thickly settled country. He passes bodies of infantry changing station or moving to the front without being any -tbc wiser., ' ". Only n Few Know. Only Sir Sohn ' French, cOniniander 77171011.17.711111141Pirv ACROM THE RD WHAT IS GOING ON Oliva of THE STATES. 1111111,P•110 tatelot liappeninge in Elg 141mb* Candentsad for Baer Readers. • liortioopetbe • will build a minim( defter liespitel end echool in Henn( City, in the past ten years Amerleax ritilroade dietributed 411,000,000,004 in wages. Pre -breakfast plotless are an inncei:, .. VatiOn Areong eeeiety eireles of 'POW= aT - della, Cal, . Two puppy dogs were sent by par - eel poet from Middlburg, ra., 0 LeWhitOW11. 0 - :• New York city 31Me martiage$ showed a decrease of 020 lieensea over 4... . last year. • -• • ' - . •Two conviete of Leavenworth, Kan.,' , escaped by climbing an 800 -feet eir-1. .' .shaft at *Coal, mine. . Bev. Joh n Fryer Megieito .1111.,,thei , . '- ,oldest college. graduate 'in the U.S. died at York, Pa.? aged 202. 1 - The ,Rockefellr Institute" says hu- hull' ' ','• ' irian cairiers:Nen, spread pneumonia„, . by disseminating garnia„. , f ,,,,,, , ..%, ' Be,eauee she was eloar inter atudieS,1": '•,?!.. Irma, Chesser, . 0E4" 17, eeniMitted ' Suicide at •ShelbY0110, Ant' '' '' ' Mildred1Vieister, ,1,8i 'domestic, of . . . ., , , . Oronee:Me;,1' _has' just annikenecr front , • .1‘,1 • , a Veep of 144 hours and will recover.!-, •Themilere Berme, -0-Yetirenld PK* • - ago boy, died after eurallowing Itero. . Benet Probably from •euftocation. Frank Walkawicy, of Bartlesville,: Ole, is suing two men for *200, for. forcibly removing a fiCiWing Hit in the eye by a 'golf ball* -Dr: Max I: • Stein, of Philedelphia was moved -by his bath and was left in eye "ip the milk. `• Eiery, passenger steamer - •geing'i ` The fly does carry disease and he through. the Pane/tie canal must' be, , can be eradicated. 'fiteseare the two equipped for 'wireless for 100. ;Olen tho erdiwnaaol aproeintnsowto. bb;inrge Mivealbe der eudp•oinn radius.. , him., . • . thaTperriodb:41-b,r1k,tt eb'ew-celr'nt$Sitibeed-Uwt-L. • - • jt Do not leave the fight on the fly to he taxed $2. for a putligity campaign!.._: . • , others; ..40'-"Sfelir'Pert•-- ••- ." Mr purity. e. • The commen *else fiy-dOe* not bite; The 'expenses of the 0.4 Govern.% he sucks. I3e.fore he feeds he puts mut have grown 54 per , cent. fient - out ii-drep of saliva and "suck!) it back 11103-..th 1913; the net public dbwas an!for.th •the PubstanNe he is $4,850,461,000. -- feeding upon .is dissolved. Would James d' Amerva Kerr, of • If- flY-eirried firth an the force.' ruptured 'his Mattdiseae that e . Ywollulediebe-thee4°puegolphiet°11ve°inili'-:1"uASning-irodneniatobr.k; 'tort' 's'on, a:;',...2'7•- faohroirett you gsioronitse • , that aierae, binntthIreeiur , Joseph' Bich," buried under two ton4 • • graves because of mut, of 'steel, directed his rescue and can* • • If you saw a.11y tchild '!ut, unhulqt you would be his • eternal enemy. Be- " - • ' dtinc aiosuruseeesnatisy,mosontu7ws C.ohaoyl you should be dothn as eeery one is anyot ehsi ehei ss • OOGS F._ WAR. How tioglileum"pryinda, Of Man." • Has Utilized :Thele - part on his own premisesi just so soon A Paris correspondent 'of the Loat will there be no 11:10re flies; When You don Morning Post 80s. of the Belgian fight the fly you are protecting leer- "dogs of war": , present wit hateproved the Val -i •" • self and your family family and your. neigh " The bor.and his /may. The place to swat uplars aid that can•be`given'by trained `• flY where he breeds, not Where, #Nvoetre. Irtsitwasyssilnemlttrauinliz;Actliaaixtietad 401140z. ° 0 basks' `.• • - you Hip like to h. tat after him? _ was. caught, between .tiv& enteit t, < . , ...J. • . • to 5,598,720,000;000 ihes. These are , , active service;_just as it was la Piaui . figures of the United States govern- ", -----;--4.--- ----- . ders that they were most regularly,. .. ,utinzed in peace as draught anima* • These figures are beincl-oiyeach le; s: ,--;.,Three year t ago, there ;were 150001 -..' "4rained dogs in Belgium used foc • _ ,. male fly laying only one batch of eggs ' Veaeeful ParPosse, and It as a natury - when she may lay, four batches . : hl enough evolution to train them to , 'More. than 66,000,000 , germs have . draw the •Triachine gun, Which requires • been,: actually fOund on the body. of • • • four •men- for its transporL • In ; 19124. _ eine fiy. ••- • : • • two 'Belgian, officers made.* series. oC • The ..new-born begins to lay. egite, experiments which were -Wherr2 - - -...thatAlurdog : wowifics,,descending.-from' ona' Belgian slionIct live-and:breed/their descend- An official report quoted by Mete : atits"Vinuld liutithel• entire earth lot- • ale in the Tenn* gives limitiflg,. description of ,trials Made in the ty-tieven feet deep., manoeuvres of 1918 with- do&drawn Virtually every fly in a city was Machine guns. "On August 28 the de- . born in that • • t••,,• tnehment.. covered 20 .mileti in suffol. „ The fly by his habits is attracted eating heat. n August 2$ the - •to and crawls over and feedk ilium all . chine -gun company• crossed the 1Vieese , . kinds of ditt'and carries this upon his . in- boats . •. .: end during the: crossing body and lege, - 4 ' . of -the river the dogs gave, no dif-:.,. - . ficulti. The guns were Carried ashore. ' Germs cause 'disease just as seeds . , by hand, and the dogs trotttSd up and • ,-,,-. cause flowers when either is planted put theinfielves into the shafts of tifeir; , , • • , in preper soil. Your body or the body r . , .," . own aecerd. There was AO barking or • of your wife or child may proper yelping, • and the whole operation. was -" " soil. ' - east orderly.", •-` • . "."›. -' What is the Use of. Screening your•• The doge were then. tested over house and then going out and buying feed-Upoir-whiell filthy flies.----have- crawled? • sfitaeldeise Ihbreokike,nangrdotuhnedgitiini:: -service -eon natural oh. . 'All fifes will go into a trap if 'there carriages- and certe that, they drew • is no other food about: .' . • . ' thined placar.ds quoting the figx,ires matt,.,vv.a, a meniber ot• ,tice,orew of ,a become a sort.. of sy,mar, paradise "F:jireungchh tdohif-.8LenacshiEntalsnesIshhre::2-:Zaniairrigiet.ill'onne.' carr • Aiefid, .onl(ifonlbd,tthe travels of.te . horlse . • itlidic°,11al air3-Viere evellw.h,er?- VlaYed perfonneatin the air by a' machinist • Siege warfare las been_blocuir3:fronSe r_ g•-•"pelrace7inZsYs- arid sung, The shop 'windows con- lis -brraeeedil . named Itichard Imildiardt„ The young fortable.. Some trenches even haVe o in es..conveyenee upon winch . lie :thi. bealieffeimelatri4i°rneeiki °But4thene'na.ittffilittitYhya,. ZePPelin that Was en aged in the where -meals and tea, tire taken al free- the mere gain' of a very_ positive the-. .r boinhardinent of - Liegeg and-. Namur, co, and,floivara even haVe been Plard•-...• tieel_valui.fbe the future were Made. 114.11eyr!le`.i:tr°milelp.ifihnkt" ;31. :i.,:;tti;i mateiled -stericii excitement of the crowds wbich fatoa,the_ readvt-A-1% tee:eofee, 00a i_hat•oiso. took port in the '1.-eg.. ,,,edalont thz_paraXetewhich,nPpertz,_ the If the opinion 4';;fa' lay' obserVer cOunts. attracts files, They also are fond, of • • 17: :ihileaerteysotaitirr:untsclissc;stuckanie e gaasrea.., .60t-intAti,mt:ovri:li* °4zi.irn.,Ine el_uaiittitlely'ttlii:a4,mhee ,7.., .,ii: ° :_. . 4, _. - ' f'7, aureffol:70-±tth_ _.7.itisl:t •I'lli: u.Y.,:l'nis af:ir_. 'milk, A. .sli. :..a;:ii_dIlii_W-6_ et.. Sa'...-•'=';'----'-'---.- -z.-..„.. ludden„-resetiun , from tbe„ leng,_pen - airshiP Was- soled bye, lookout on --the Trenches Comfortable Now-, - from making, anything like Tx nere in winter men stood freezing mum • svialleaving one-lialf its body -:eteight The Ilyia4 a .noracious feedee often. .fully bidden froln hardship pea the, tArget d a 'number Of high -angle, in water up to their "knees, infid oosed ` The anger -of -offiCersi 'and men at if 1 s attacks of the Gernians not. 'at ene4neal- feeds-cceltinuensin Mental balance of the. people , hail At ,last sr-mai:mei shell exploded pumping and bailing kept them "front- foo 'be pr n tat strain. It wag', as though the " _ ' from Sand bags and only eon from ga• r5lidanbr etnialised after having been At the-"aitshiP and damaged the cwilPiete immersion andwallscan- artiebially maintained, zxcitetneht staging -that supported 'therenr Wow. tinually failing he now the onli t, iso e po • corripelled to Interfere: "and many `the SIIIP 'and it3 crew Were in Peril the Want a 'water for washing,' for, of their lives. Some .brave fellow the spongy subsoil as dry as a bone erteste -Were made, for grober un- Yetv Passed. ThrsOPY -At,hinS alwa.Y-s is Ifeep your , premises clear of any ' trenelies with a respirator ,in a bag, slung...at ilia aida„ filth' i exposed garbage or other or seen ni lieW * 4 ' i 0 eXp . -. vitae matter, especially manure. See in 60 yenchetsp these dayts at. least, . . that your neighbor also keeps his. one hea,re nO talk of Any neace whicn PremiSes free. is not -gained by forcing Germany to ...., Put out yolk ily trap early and keen . . • y e crew sagged, and rev int to d* r The Ike werelibtri.e(4atel the 8 °f the trench housekeepers 18 e. oes-irepronne Next -fro -ere. -ge as_hatd.as _her k,nees. I ' . '',' inethe local patrers priblistred. • the- -and- re 68 -the -ha es Yeti tag- . ,....., - - _,.___„.___.„„,, , , , , , , ,.. - . VI/a$ seriously affeeted and it would NEW bi IlVOILIS ' DISEASE. . ; fort at, belaneleg t 6 body when • official, report of filo victory, witieb 'Mg; for the balance of the airship r,oid that the Itunsiao lines had, been itsworlting every .day.eliave einswat..4 • tete. ocattered a.bout yetir nouse on- venieut for use, , erepn every doer and window, and A . inTY ' rose eeign _were so narrow that they Could pasii by the narrowest paths When, in ac - nee the dogs would lie down by , guns and a:wait orders without anY. , impatience, and in these eircum4 stances the visibility of the gee teams •' ,:was reduced to &minimum, •Nor wale • ' the- -risibility mnch---'greater when - • 7 - crawling close to cover the :deg tenni" and its -eon-duetting changed ground der fire, 130 that 1'1_4., swift onward: . 7 • lean they edurd take -en -new and -more - effective .positions. Often in selecting _ sucli commanding' oft ' 4. .'t ONLY. THREE OUT OF 1,000 :• • . soon turn Over. At ono Leik- • ----- 1 , . . wag accentuat,ed by the bomilies of d --- 1 veleped by war: rTbe high fxpjatiive ahem, ,.-the ha laioetvco the -wire eepa t e-, H • 61004 011t Of the car rul worked his • TakineN--1 Tafel 'SA\ V" An ti 40 he 1 ficert would 'Crawl ahead to nelett the ground whence- -by a whistle thcy- could up' their trate, ord. The 'experiment went ote.for 10 days, and at the end, In spite of Weir strenuous exertions, the dogiewerotht • even better condition than at tho be -ginning.`• ` . . enpe the wire oft your screens With.. a h .9.iiet,e4 dr -se. f eve,te gettete.,vvitet *onde,r4t. mou-t-res, otom • -merman . • ; Pikereed Tit"! .121c,te 1,73°a'Se"p Pnitiusi°4eriBt inILdarrYe;t8"4Oluiteek'ed Or/ wiedaw0s1*- en.leilaef Type') -Tlerteff..4,"atItinoleonieg-le -31epolten nhie. elo•th dam. Van, etl,mith. coal °II- • This d'ek etc: ited, theere-°a_smiltil-:.ennilroitieted- heieg betrayed into un,Gartnan war along the frante of the 'airship Ityininm osier, regius professor grenades 0,rid shratineI•411..do great The rest IS • long -waisted — • • . • the press upon the 'wrongfulness or • with .tWo Antall ridfles forming the ',n1 th h A gives gnother aamagco: bat ninie of thein 41 quite. • back. .The lees, which are short Paignton, England, *Well le under the' • skirt, ri h - Y ree ° t 1, 00 cheablee • . . milt* till is riesponsible for OW Oozes by reports, of victory,. , 4 to. the damaged staging. it toe% Lot Oxterd,_ ever and melatia. around, from sbr. rd le, . if! i)rPUght Patiente eated fot at the AM.' ' * These seOlaea. oatirt.04 m t of •half Itin lionr i4 ' the broken. int4reAting :Sidelight oti England as SO frightfol'#g the -deadly gaSSes used ,erY case (PT. ifl - the tosvne throughout the t Empire. staging sAvaY, but the brave fellow! , Been from the 'Mediae:1 viewpoint. Ilis When sad sobriety returned enquiry i,tuck ti, his poSt, and -et last gave the; letter is publislied in the Journal of ' ening do hot always die At once, but. 4.1808°6 't4n. a* he e°11',,Ved from drag rit a lingering . and painful man: to Mari through his bite. Wag Made into the origin. of 'he ex- '41110 i'.ght'itell' and eme andel! 4aft'" I the Arneriean Medical. Association. , We are -Just_ oniMencing to realize tig;erated statements. I was told that trol Aftain, Isiot satisfied With thie i TYPc3. of nervous disorders seen dean, 'entitled by a soffoaative eVvillinn - - .: 'they came lir the nrseplaee.froat vs..iftAt; Luikliardt further rlSked his! very rare* ilt thii. country. or iu in Pr lunza.- , . .. :the desdlY noSsibilitiee of. the fly • in • .rcri), itial that there had been a goner_ life by mending the rip that Ills ex- Europe boo .,romifested themimivee ' ' ' ' :, •*. - ; .;‘- „:. '.' eonyeying-eueli deadly disdaies: as ty.. Mord fever, tuberculosis, infantile *tin liveliness9 on 'the stoat ex. Plodiqg shrapnel. , bdtt made in the as a 'retnilt of the extraordinary stress '' 4 ' ------- .' ' : ' ' ' Paralysi and other fatal maladies rhauges, xetbina ninta tvaa 116824 cover of the oirehip; AS e.reWard, he tiffd etraill of trench fighting, Otto 0! ' ' . . 4 s' that hose. laid ifilllions'fik their graves,. perhaps *bay. - . , • • " - received An Iron Cross of the first these nisorders. in a temporary ,parao- . '. Slowest of Lielag Orceturei, ' , . The flYi, eating from the aaMe Plate, Of an ii ing treetnies tii turtle fe• 414.Y4u tt"i In" be c4rrYbig 11)1°1110 •• ' " elan, . ' '' lyele withoitt eettletittinty due to tiose . No* Don't thifleramuL - _,., . .4,,.,,,„,..._.,,,. * . rproximity- of' an exploeion., TWO le Among tho v cameo; ,in , to esmovotoont" body, feet and lege A inillron germs. . I one eircirmatartees 4t.in canYto , .... ' 7 - ,.:.. . .. . IMGIATA to Military surgeons on "Shell jaw .ttert4,00 of. bean power. yet n. • Wild, dorigerons heasts mut poison - Uri& and the German ,. need for , Too much to, Ask. . . shock Inultplela." • ' •, well:known Anterlean riatUralitt, bat; Mee SilakeS are killed: on sight. Pass h "P l'eceeded in training three " of theIm ee 'kill Mere peeple in Imo year than wild I COM' X'002tA , of victery and for liabel-ZX don't know' whether to Another is t e nye ixe 1 tut ae .131 e, is tied in the erican lironieres., War lioapitarat y h t4 yiethyis Of pm .1309,.. 0,10 'ever existed, because theee two ri u * -"ti ar sto. treatUree tti do number' of little' beeete Or snakes over ditt •Mest of Alf° denial -Of unfavorable' fievva-VII6 merry Jaek eV simply be 4 Sister tO iti.vil)ilt° al. e• .?in:i'rotiltil, a tia trilis, . Ile pieces 'WPM, .ono uhove tho sueh, betiSta arid 'snakes 80 ('1 .get an State ,Of Mind of the. German fietPle bini 'It he every wity eligible?: ' porous state, wftn• loss 01 IntrnOrY %v. , olior, ott .000.10. It 0) pioc4.Lo.t ,. __,, . haze or other ,veen shift la 11.(411°:uu; ge511ully°Otittlinlil!$rftltfilkielillia,thuflullettsrl'iribe:loyigitiutzt. - during the tvor'ivill presently . be an . SdItli*,,,Ot' yeot AB. si butlistnit %opt COO1Pleter fvoolilpatTc.4r$ , or st.aroma t . . interesting fiehl of investigation ter imugitle haying ..euch a boob. ft,t. ti, ing. ' :Iteeevery foil rws in a fer7,,,r1 v studerds of popular pnyehology. ' At- 1... et el et linit. extrose nervous ;frac! 'iln front:Of 'them theyo,Vilf melte a tow' bvn. fitioh o ebaueu overy day, . . ....,0.4e., , . ', • ' . •''.. : ' 04 a vtil • ..1.6 • i ' ht ,DOOV 1 ', • 'a 0 ' orms on tii,e one of ft e, mu tip y. ttlitita 01101ild then he Paid to 'the., . ,.1 : ....4.;-- ' ' '. ' abilitlr. iner Pertdt. r wee;59;ii , bieetpint,etIthietirhbiltdulutigrarld lAtililtuitlib. a h . il ' - I ' 1 . elegalar contrat • betiveeft the ideaS • ihy fewer than 210 soldiern belong; renal,' eanes the Wei :full gait Js , intigo! ling eff,. The- bigget turtle will aleo• !deter than the fly does. Petfonlee the prevailing lit ti e coMparatively Inn- 'ing to the 1.,ochee district have' laid. .ed in all sort% fif,"*etirio,...r3. w al.rq• , OtiP ring a• bell. 'Tine It Mope la -one Of merchant Who proteeta you by keep, i 4ted pmx,German eitelea and those ,01 , dawn their nyee. or Eing .014 t tri. '. reinarkable„, re7e 1.* 7,.. eriiiirfl in iiktall itu ioret fget, SOIkk000m thp. gra., und Ault tintogmtlftlei .06f,004 h, gale you, . screened the people, in general. The Gernean Dye. by the -patient 1/ f. ere t le e - then, g V e a . t • '4',1,,,......oraaroarilbarroa. arid sii'ghtly puffed, are trininiedwith direetion of the Aniericari-,tted Cress,'„ • • . . small wiessaline cuffs, A sniall.turn- Jtave died. . Over collar is of the .atitne Material as. A striking fact_ the cuffs. „ Very narrow roVer 'Of -Beat the surgeon in charge, ie that , Irish lace used as a trimming Cein‘ " SO feW of the injured men bear any • • Plete the.. costume, ;Designed by 'Marks of hand-to-hand conflict. Fifty.. airyland ot Paris,• - Hleettle SOP' Surgery. Sawing bones by electricity instead of by the old hand' method in now all the rage in surgery, it saVes labor 'etul makes for tteCnradki arid tieen the :fluttering public, hearing of the latest, Up to tlie minute methods, will de, mend that *lien it Must have its skull trepanned or the vertebral tibia feint- ed offok tho Job be done according to the lated .i4ty1e3 in soignee. So Sityo 1,1)r, Frank B. Walker, who lectured At the twenty.ninth annual clinic of the, Detroit Cellege of .Medithie and Surgery, • two per cent them are suffering 'front .gunshot wounds' -and 40 • per , 'cent. were struck by shrapnel. Only ttilt4entlis of 1 per cent, reeeited Onet injarlet," `/•,To gas bacillus infeei. • della art reported, and ,There have ben no deaths from blood -poisoningt .spite of the tnet that four of the Wolinded nieri treated waited a days before (Wan a primary dressing Nitaa placed on their injuries; and twentye • • five bore their wourtds for ft day or , mor' befle iirst-aid was applied, lit itt tiwnth this Trim): Ole Twat ettipped 240,000 ots, Of' }Th vr1,,inpan and - , • .• , Vlldakltffu"At. •