The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-07-15, Page 7-ii•-ileemenliwrArmerF! ,Iiiippurpor7ppyr-l• w•••• - ", • " w ' • • •••• ••• • .keir•if.urirOwisie••• ' ••• 41, Thursday, July wit, tots 'Me Now Serrnfl Page The gentle but sure laxative for children is • 0 IV" Tbe Intestinal organs of chit, dren- Ore so ,dellCate *bat onir theMOOt 0411%411140nd oar - oral bowel reetdator should over be used. , On account of their healthY* mUd „rind statural,notion, and freedom from betel' o' iniuti, ousdroge,ResellOirderlieeirea Oakeatie and moot desirable • bowel regulator for children, ellitftheyare Pe ea ey to give im 0;an4Ye. • " " They do net weaken nor dee ,press the *potent even by on tinned use, On the 'century, . they tone eipi . the- bowel'. nod $end to keep the* Ina healthy condition. . Ineldenteut they atone fio.od for grown Prplede they' 'troffer children, . „. Rbsall-Stere4 **mho. roesco..*. „meaci,„ItOwall OrdwIloe, ow* rotund yournwpey.if for sprrepeeit theyfoil 0040.,14X. • • 4;4 Made in Oaneda,and 4014 metal boxes at710c;250 and Ol/c enck Rona 8toteaonlYe PernBox-TOdaYfrent • •tr , r 110R014 HenclerionliegraVei Contreeti•:.B6c, Council met pirsuaet to adjoiontrgint .on Iforiday, the oth. inst., with Reeve Wilkinion'im the chair. ..Membera were oll present. Minutes of last meeting, „ and of the Court of Revision, were read . and conarined; also minutes of special r 'eneeting for lettiAg-graVelcOntracts,`were " read and adopted The following orders • • on the Treasurer were osesed and issued . # Geo. H. Mooney, $100 OQ part pay- ment of printing contract, 1915. Man- asseh Armstrong, &icing snow laetween cons. 4 and 6, Saageen Lme, 2 0o, clean - lug out ditch between con. 4 end 6,,Sau- Aoen Line, 1 OP.,- rep. culvert Saugsen i(W Line, con. 5, 1 00; inspecting David geen Line, 3. days, 41 OOT total" 1000. John 8meltzer, 00 fixing app, to.. cal yen on Base -Line, con, 2; ploughingand, scraping on 13asej4ine, eon. 3;4 00; total 5 00, David Henderson for 114 yarde of gravel put on See. a, Saugnee Line at 55 cents per yard, less halt Inspector's -Wages, Pr Do -70.- , 1 50 fnr.w9rit with grader at Lot, , con. $. W. Wylkeoverieg bridge at lot 20, on; "0,"3-007.„"-CluAlitTit WOO-- Oarep. bridge at 1t 23, Sideline 25, con. 6. nentY Dahmer, 2 50 digging ant noxious weeds in Uipley cemetery. John Walden, OQ for:2 days' work shovelling gravel On Esse Line -David Murriy, 15 for light at bridge 41 nights, and 50 , cents watering AVID:lents 3 days, at lot • 17, HURON COUNTY NF4WS Sinen tho Comas Temperanee Aet Li en carried in the County of Perth the hotels have raised their ate" from .$1.00 per day up to $1 50 and $2•00 per dab Alen etable rateS to 15 conte for inzie horse hay, and 25 cents tor teem% The Salt Nirorke at Winghem have liiviger,1 ownership, Mean, (hey. Yining and Sperling having sold out to A. Yonne, WhO formerly was in the her lware business in Wingham. The change woe rendered neeeseary owing to Sparliissfa failing health. Aceording to tinaOoderich assessor's roll, which has lately been handed in, ' the population of goderich The. tOtal: Valuation is #2,299,202, as compared With $2,258.499 lest ; year,, Tbebusinese assessment i $201,900, bast year'it was .8,159.858. The, in., coma assessmout is 5I,317,:. as Ow pared with $47,081 last Year. . When. little ones are peevish, 'give "Rairoll Orderlies; constipation. is 'often Jhe cause.- Sold Only by J G. Armstrong', , The RxaI1 Steve, 1Qc 2$0. and ..5k, *nes • ' . . 4 ',Oement silo, which' NI/0841010g built en the farm" of Mr'. Dan..Reigee of .the, 10th, • concession of Goderieh township; %collapsed on Saturday Tan. ing,pf Wit week, jest•ai: theVinen were 7, abont; ta'`' Start •• work On if, As it. COU. 6, • tetal, 6 00t.; ,Reberg. trobli_eton, eitpperiod;:u0.9,et'As liege euough, ;to ' -49 00 for gravel Contract 00 See. 5, Side- got hurt in the non's. Much "nuicli APO 15., "q'Oli,lx MeIntoSli, 00 for in- inery, etc:, was sniashed well as the .'specting Joni:tat:Ores' contract, 33/4 clays, complete of the silo; - ,contractor paying one -bait Neir:Mer- ApJO Abeine*r.;,-L Mr. WM. ray, 99 09 for gravel contract on $oo.tiOn Clore,iof -Dungannon, met with sew - 4; Sideline 10, ',TAU Merotosle; 11 00 jou% accident. on the ,eveoluct of jui)„, -fOr-isePeetirl$AnTra,:es contract, result. of which he is .now VOntrae or Paling, -J9'3ePa saffering wftit several .broken ribs and Black, 6.50 for gravel Contract On See. .htekell( eollarbone). • In company -Theines-Mtioree..-,10-6 s brother e in was return for, tpspeeting Black's contract, .s days, . . coometorpayGe4rgeiles.. ing• froin Baninuler me reeentlY ton., po battling.. plane from pureb ,sed Ford 'ear, when, from some rep.,enlvert and"bridge, Sideline 30, Cor. OlohnOwn cause, on a clear road, the kand..5•06•-•,,for1:44.. 9n bridge, S.L. 30, Machine tamed. 'tattle; dorm, was Con, 0, Ictal 3 00, Frank thrown clear and escepet- 4 00' "fixing read at riglit'of-VVOY and but *ea pinned beneath the taltirigdown.old Bethel:,bridge, raames tar. -Eft% brother, ...wile atreng THE SURGEON'S GLOVES.' H. Wier* 'nein While Aporating Since He Can't ,Get Chian Hand*. IOUs. the Oursemete seeceo .4ePenda to * Urge extent Ivo* hie hands, they *re at the nellie Mile a Source of the greateet denger to bimeelf and his. pa, tient. No process, has yet been diseevered whien makes it vertain that sur- geon's Wind* are frefio from Mierebee And inCepiable of .verrying'infeetion.: * patient. Tbie whi the koea Ur POO will not :perform the most trivial; oneratiOn without limit •covering nia bend* with properly.titerilized ;levee, Prolonged 'scrubbing' with eeap and running, _water, followed by another thoreugh",ecrubbing in, -from 10. to 00 Per eent 410104 removes the outer layers tit Skin ,and -bacteria. And InttUett the. burrito* .ot` the itentle. OniacientlY clean, ° • . , But there stilt retintine the ,. dunger •that 'many MierObea which • stay ,con. coaled -in tinycrevices. at. the 140(0 Of the:littinhair *Iambi will be 'forced to the surface 1* pereplrgeon and the use, 0, the Undo r. In 'boOdllug, • Pstrli- meat' tad, make an filtootfOo- Of filo wonig. possible. wilikt.prreticat Perienee obewnthet bis defger 10 very. -0104t, -Yoti..Pr:tegeth111# 'ia :sufficient •• to palte-.4 nntleetrOile..nvet te.•operat% with: the berelitinOrXemt York Amer. , . „ • , r **: -SHOOTING TJIE • RAPIDS.' _ FOOS of th: oli41):80Ye;ef -FoYPtl, Who ' • Are 'Expert Switntriero,, 4rOeng the most expert of e*Inim^ erti are the Aran' boys of Egypt. Like all other boys; tbey are fond of displaying their skill before strangers. This is how ,they shoot the'ranids of the. Nile; ..„.geating, themselves astridea, Jog of wood ahout. six feet long and, buoyant enough to -support them woo. high out of-wsteri-they-rlde--it-with-the-Seatend gestures'-og. 4 jockey and, with bands and feet keep it straight with the line er the current. The. tau is ;shot with an ease and grace that do away with:tbe sense of danger one would expect to tie] at see- ing a humeri being .hurleci along amid such boil and turmoil of waters, but , ;13t.:,7-Polloek.,-,10 00 for right-of-way• and. musettlar mana,ond. to -raise the e Busy Hardware House PHONE SO and we wiu otravnu YOUR ODER PROW= 011 Diebby Tread Casings, 50 * 5 14 imp /9.7 , each.. Guaranteed 6,000 miles!. • Plain Tread Casings, 50 x. 5 1-2 in,, $12000 each, Guaranteed 3000 miles* ;Inner Tubes $2.75 to $3.50 each. yoi ever tried' lierroline ? •MAO; the car ruti-easier and increases mileage' irom 25 to 5oZ,,,, . • - • . Ask -us abont-A • once •at the•bottointhe <Youngsters hive a hard struggle to. induce th rses ,tOturneut of the course• . •-To. do this they avail themilives of „ The' Superiority „ • f Tone • I „ COLUMBIA' DOLIBI.E-DISC RE. CORDS is due to the PATENTED and EXCLUSIVE COLUNIBIA - PROCESS . - _ • 1 M f t • • .1 • • • • .• • • r • • • • • . .• • H •, • • ••• • - • • . • SOUND,13tTrt-tP.- WEAR LONGER • •• •.• ..: • • , Col timbia Records' • are BU IL T -U P. I stead of f•-4onoinising,and using one mixture for the whole re- . 4ord -Colnutbia-records are made in THREE LAY- , ,using tt5,6 gheaper material in the .centre only iwhere,it doesriq (count in he treproduetion. • The best c 'and most expenAltKe tmateor rial the. wld ca provl used on the outer surfaces ,on, Nryigh, _g_pund ..s(iVave or..musie is engraved •, . . , • •••• , --the same difference in value'as there is between an ordinary pine and an expensive buAlliltk door, • , • • • 'Coliimbia records .are double,„a, different, Selection - on. eacli,side- - moving fence arid moving • same back el sufficiently to allow blur to crawl agaio. Wesley Potter, rep. 2 culverts, 04, • Dr haunter, of Goderich, Was hauling plank 2 Do, shovelling snow on ' tl d hill, Saugedn JAne C01,. 12, 50 Ceata, soon °n t scene 'an ''13'ttencle t° ' d • h" 3 00 James Brown, 2 50 sad .A.lex. iniu"1 im"' ° 118 ri°17 ing reser., 50 ftorliel,ii•Etailelc,Ltroicoellycl.ayatteeant. t.a.wAvci recovery: '4eei" dope eccurreckeboiit milifrotu,Pete fferbert Ensign, .5 40 far: Award ditah -1104r the brick Yards..., • *, Coo,. 2, after dediteting 1.. 60 .for' ";-"Ftkit,-ixio ••=;A: long. dry - spell JOIM :WieLean; 0.00. 00 on ace: of contraet, .weS broker) on • Dominion Day, says •• on BOO" drOini'and.,92 :34 for covering ;the 4nroo Expositor; lay a:fierde 'rah, - • • A,:id yet these records Cost you less money than any bridge andextra cement on abutments hail and wind storm. ,4-1118 stencilec, curr a out- oar c for building wire fence alon ditch at Lot 15 on12 , Win Scott .3 00 rep Lot 17, Con. 6.'. John •Patterson, :33-00 -o.clok I id • n the.afier- • ' there was a hea,vy downfall. of bail 13•d be ween liuron an Kin oes • atm ,,. With. lload -Dreg froin'COn. 12,, to Kin. • After the storm the ground was white ,cardine boundar IC I t half with hairst 'but f t t y, oss q pay, ones or una e • none Adani McDotald; '8•3,'11 fcr gravel con,. of them were Very large, and the wind" tract ea Sec. 4, Sangeed Line: John was net Severe, so there was not imich Beh; 6 00 ter ifilpecting said eontrat, p if any lapin done by :the ..cloWnfall. daysicentractor paying half said sum. Thestorm seemed to go in a strea,k„ 43pH:refunded, this, $6 to for old timber. A Pollock 300 1°r road. Only a few drops of ram and the , township folio wing petty , closely the 1:Ittroo , •cleaiiing0111. 011(11 to,hefilfelesouthof-the-Mill rcad- and Johli'MOIver, 3 pit'foel)reakint.tond to there was no ram at Winthrop or "OsetreterT en twO different OecastonS, steuol The_rain_Ntliereit sinter Oravirford,--428- 5-forn_, : Five ler 1111)leY'Praie-;"'O. Emnier- PA?, -ise.rtice, APAt. and L9n, 2• S� 101 shOSB and hose' for Willie stinlulatieg Vegetation. 'Since ; 'then Matheson. Wre.`Jalin`Wiide 1. 00 for there have been several ,refreShiete I work on road at bridge on Con Rev s wry% whesh, • althoughtoo ate to D:XoLenuan, 4 85 for expensei of trip,, help the bay ernp ' will aid the roots to Ripley, re Willie Matheson. Roder- and other spring, opens Whtolizare,• on ick Mel)dnalcIT 35, 00 for hauling -tile for the•Whole,, 1ookihr wehland Weise 4 •.% •MerAinald mid 'Allan Murray's: portiOns _ pley drain•Lfroni-leineardirie,- Reber - - You ,, are getting the utmost Value foeyour,money or• ., the best out of your machine --no matter br *hat:, " make -unless you use Columbia records. r ' Of Course, Columbia Rectirds are Made in Cata.da . • 1 - Ili you have never tried Coitifrifila'record8„ ask to hear • .ithe followinc, selections. . We will, gladly play t.hent _ :and—any clthers for_you. - -- , . Al'ilvA ' ptivirf.;111..T14°°Ps 1:1 - ---- I k'ittliell---71s De'scriptive' 85c. ' . A23 Avr„m, '-'• teraele8 I : 'SI'l Troops in, • 1 ••" • ' ". France. Part 2. Descrip ive _ • • : .t4.0'4,P)0, feA!fg4 SqPg.- ,50, nf .paid . drain. , Per Woilt digging Award; . RitCh:On. 'Cone. .?;. 'fber feli6W.Arg. wns were J:AteGiuire,," 9 00; Geo.., McGilhivray,`25.. 00;"Tliernaa. MeGuire, 27: 00; W. McAfare y, 16 00„! Qeo. '06'.,fer building,culvert; • Zuoi..an McTavish, 20 Oo for building, anteerti Duncan MeTaviele i 00 for eov,, .ering•tridge. Ashfield to pay half OCOt ofinlvert. A. Fraser, .5 00 fcr planking bridge Lot 1, Con. 4; and digging ditch, Robert Belli 32 00, for 'reinforcing iron for two culverts and, one* small. bridge. Ample E. McLeod, 6 00 for inspecting John\M-cLean's-confraCi-.-=-4-iii;-'-eornis rOttfer rep. bridgeThl-Lot 25, CanT.T. gortnan. Murray, 6 67 for. two-thirds los or damage to sheep worried by (lags. Thoinas Mbere; I. 00 lorinspecting Mur4 ray's sheep. • J. 13.• Martyn, 5 25" for clothing for Willie Matheson', Kenneth. :laa_Angusilotay:43713. 00: fer,e.ontrect• :onTeeinerit'abetmentent-Bethet-briiige; Olin ROI, 17 op inspecting Said contract. sMetay Bros.:- 21 no -for bat ce tient. contrce At Lot 17,, Con. €1-. Jacoh Gates, 5 00 for i')art paymentof care-, -talter'S„sela0. -Duneae-MeTainsli, 80 00 'forr•Pitt•pityiuent Of Small bridge on St': '!•:5\ • Ver rv1 to. eauemastersi..;-----Reieekt Lowry, ; 21. 84; Peter Itelioe, 34 0., Wm. McConnell, 10 72; Win Belli 5 12; johnsten 'Roulaten, • 6.420;,. Nor- man McLeod; 11 84;;•.Wni. Robertfame 66e.; Alex. Robertson', 8 00; Cookllain, ilton, 7 04; Thos. Blair, 15 02,; John L Gamble,„•, 6, 00; Thomas Farrell, 8 40; Albert. Brown, 3.0; John McRae, 1,16nry Stephenson, 43 06; Sanies Cliddesi 82 eeata; :Marco)* &Midi; 6' 24; R. Stanley, 0 56; Joseph Black, 400; Peter McTavish, 1, 601 Alex. MeNair•, A. W. Hamilton, $12 5,0, for work' ori 'readDr, Dv A. 0.,rinenony-.10-100;, for SIX”, montlis!- Salary as M. It, 0. and 15 50, expenses to ebil. fetenge pe Provincial Roard, of Health; total oct 50. Angus Martin, Clerk, 00.'40; part paynietit Of salary, "Alex. Thomson, 3 00, for operating road grader on Side, line 10;, . • Proser ha'alithorized to pay to the Treasurer • the sine of $8.00 received front . Angus Many for eld timber, and Ookoherein- bolero, friontiorted ,froto John' Bell for teats& Carried. 13y -law No. 007 of the Township. of Huron to borrow the sone of 81875.00 toneeet theleterest on certain deben,, tlites of the Ontario and. West ghore •llailway(ion.p:niy, gonranteed by the Said eaneicipality, was (ittlY passed, Signed and sealed. ° By,law No. -608 of the tevreiltip of Heron 10,,,ribthoriee the r'berrowifig of cute%monies. (06000.60) :from the , _Bonk to meet the 'current Open- ditute-of the toetostip for 1015.1/mealy. :veasetifsigued and settled. Pritter..Wamsloy-Ihat the Clerk be ' 'ilietriteted to writ to Theiotts, Stethelt, 3)t.ingentiOe'•Oit, the' -trottet .fOr t144 - • • i5,670 BenderneePu-Streum. Aliee-NeilSen OK; - • f The Little Ford u'ambleol 'right Along I 0 t Iri5tOrsBesti „Vaulting Cider ' 0 OU. - • Lubia de I:snaeroot. . Sextette,- . , • : . '-• 1 • ,- . . - . .. • • • - , - - - . ik. . " -Ellery Band. •--., " • . • •,- ' A- t• -ht • - , , • ,, • ' : , ,539O II firoratore,..-tt ikti8urrete. : . 1. , • • • • :. __3.. .! 4,11ery.Band. . . • i• • , , . ., : . ._.... , . ,...,..,...... ,.. , ,.., . , , , -.1„:::_4,,'. :_,..,. ___',....__ .' ' f..It';:ifi...., ,:coliiin, opc he Telephone. Collie { ' ;1518 . Happy Tho' „Married: " dOmio, .. u• t; Us , • ' ' ,• .....". •. :. There are titicr a thousand double disc ilieofds• at. 85ci . • . •Canada Sept. Oth.*18th, 1915 • $30,000.06 in .Prizes and Attractions Prizes increased •thia year by S3,000.60. Excellent PrOgrain Attracei Omit Twide Two Speed Events Daily. rireworks EVeritiigbti New Steel treind;iend. Kidylay Better' than Ever. .1cktiSid by the Best Available Bands $1,PIALt Okikt over All RailiVaYs 'VOW or Tortidoi a4 Pate and ' One.4hird trern ontelde fidinte • • *Igo Lints' Entry retina and an information tretnthe Secretary tv. at,10.0 011+01411.40!. A. Me. Ittntto Seertukry• • • , • %. • ••• •\.011, , • . • Pine River. , (IntendeAlaTiist week) •• Mr. and Mrs, John Patterson of /1031 -- al Oak spent ,Sunday with friends in the vicinity. Rev. T 11 Inns, wife and son left on Monday for a months visit• with friends in Montreal, • •• „ -1 All the Orangemen' aro trimmingto take in the hig celebraticii In Ningbo:in On the 12th. —Quite a number of )3ethel Orangemen ratteadoci-ehurelt-yskrado-at -4pley-un the impetus acquired by the log In its oboot, and, throwing themselves full length, upon it, they seemovith a sud- den -stroke 'from -the, left leg -and -arm, to drive it and: themselves out of the current , To fail in this would be dangerous even to Arab swimmers. Immediately below lie ugly rocks on which the heavy stream breaks With great vio- - lente.-331rebange. ' Tliey Were Solid. DOhht,l9Ss ycarl .;hal:0'.he.ard. the ,StOr$' kr. the -retired centracter Who' had en- gagedran artist to paint a Portrait of his daughter. "Mind you, he ald to the. listoriished. artist, "I want none of: • our Cheap slapdash Work -three good •. • • „Whielt bonn3ot leads me ,tip" it'. the Story', that. a teacher in one -pf the Test aide Schools told me- the --Other' 4117 abode, 'a , girl. Her parents,. it • .ueems„.-had 'been° Celebrating their 'silver -Wedding,. and.: little ...Rosile. the net. morning, with' commendable family pride, was boasting of quality of: • the presents received. • 'There was a whole' aetl., she •said, "of solid. shver teaspoons." • . "Are 'you. etre, 'Ittede," .fitilced the teacher, "that • the. !ovens Wore.soildr „ . Hay fork Rope, all glies, ':4,sulleys,, sipts'.81. Muds, . . • hep next you are in (.4n; stoke 'take home a ,1-,Ialf,'gat.".of Opt. haveLubdcating . Oil forkinds ofrnachinery.- We .alt: . it. pot- tip ready, without any , extra charge, °FREE! FREE!' With we vee, wryilip,Ilartych:aswe o4fyGirr:ite7,1.;lirier Swatter; _.• , Saturday. Special Free lily Swatter with -"every of Paris Green,- " Price 30., lb. , WE AIM TO PLEASE Yes." Was the reply triumnininti, sliyer-tripie ,-ChIcagd filter faceae,• „, • ,••• Candle Power.' ' eeinnotring :candle pewee it, Must be re ,itienibered that as tbe4are MOO different sizes 'ot candies the rate of 'burning and intensity of •light radiated would vary, so 1110 the standard candle, untet whieh England and this -United...States agree, Must be use. This standard candle is made of pure •egiermaem4, exactly retire; seven - eighths inch.indianicter and,Of a length woigh one pound_and Sanclareiening: - - • - Oar baseball team 'defeated - the 8th eon. team' by a big majority on Thursday evening. 'Our team will aoon stand 'a- gainst all comers. :with wick -adjusted -to -bun 12o- grebe,- oteperreaceti per hod -the -1-,000i4-- 000 candle power searchlight must emit a light, equal to 1,000.000 standard candies. Mr. Lorne Smith of Teeswater, spent -4 few dayErvisitingfriends-arouncl---her and at Kincardine Ile intends leaving for Dundas on Thursday where he Will work in a Shell factory until school re- opens. ' 'Thawhole neighlainhood tweed out to the Sunday -School picnicheld- at' 11r ace Beath 'on. Dominion Day. atlie evening a--stins of baseball was played p 0 la rkii and Bethel Whichended in a big victory for Bethel: ' • • ' \ Grey OX ' -Monday, july12 We notice Dan is here again. Just rn timeroF the haying, Dan— -haying is in full swing around this !motion, and. Some of the hay crop. is better than we expected. ' Ogorgeitirris hag received his new IVA. auto-What-4_11AS_ been waiting no long and for. Look out, girisT Miss IsTelhe Graham returned 'home lad Wednesday from tear Melia Forest where she luta been fondling fortno pia year. Rev.. Mi. Duncan took charge of the Grey Ox Sunday, School last Sal..ba,th, It wes largq1111 attended, the Sehool be- ing wo eliristenings were per, formed by Mr. Dtinean. , • MaincipalitieS ititereatecl in the Ontario arid, ViroA.$1iore Cc informing him that .the Reeite of Aehlleld, he.,e allowed a. township contractor named McLennan to terneVe 0001, from the right of way of said; ritilWti,y,; and that the Matter shoilla be looked into. Car- ried. • , Witnisley-Ltrown-Vhat" we purchase oye,bealn bridge (7 eye -beams) 16.86 for 40 foot Span bridge, same as ordered a 'year. ago. Lod. Drown-Comphelt•-•That thie eotinell do now adlotim to Meet again, on Mon«. , day, August Othi 1915, at the usual hoot spa' place. Parrierl. ,• -"4timia-Attittiv0101t, " Maybe Ho Bet It Back. Brown and ,3ones wercrlecining im pOlished cannter and talking lntlmato- ly Said. Brown to: Jertes: "Look 4 -ere', old man: oppose yott Were t� come. around to my apart- ' inentS ono- or these days and shcalld. Wolk up to my.roota receiving no answer to your knock, She -tad .coinciitt andlinTrily lifeleal body istretchednut -eeld--acrose3-the---bed.--1-in-4-ees like that, what wobld you der. you," allEriVerett Jones after thinking it over. "I'd institute an tm. mediate search for the You have • ciwed me for tWo•yearst:' • . 7,-7- • 1. S • Thb Now Woman., Mine:0 Ford,:*iti7hiibibrist,,Sald Tit a -need, dbiner: "The new woMart•ts Cotamanding.• igure. 'Man buckles, &vitt' to•het., • • "Man,Ahe eimqueror, *hen he wetild .virth-e-tromentn:thectaekbroulChee- - tothe-dtist---TedaY,.ott-the-e0 tinrY*:- he brings, the dust to' her.".-Ohicago • Retord-Herald. " - - ' Necklecia oriving. 2 Titabel-I' see Charlie Inis his band in Mark -e$, reekleas driVhig. :4(irk Pfehel, iiIerse? liatka.No. britrimere.•Life. , WOOLLENS Of all kinds are advancing in price. We have soine extra quality Worsted in Men's' SuitingS at old prices; from '',$.17„oo to $2o.00. Good Trimmings , and. a fit guaranteed. A;Few Mees Ready -Made Suits at Reduced Prices tO• Clear. :$16. Suit for $8. • All Trimmed aiidUntrirnmecl -17.1.1010: in the Milliiiery. 'Depart= ment at Great Reducti�ns,-t�- a Stylish tfat..tofi • • •Iittk.• ..•.•••• • . • WILLIAM CONNtLL l'We„take Butter and Eggs. 0010.1•00,10.0almineWoi ormlamilimems • , 04,,;14"w40%06"400.01:1401i* volow.•0044,~^ft. Warm weather suowests cooler a.nd ,lighter Foot- wear. The WhiteCanvasShoe is 41.e shoe for hot weathet. We have them in The High But- ton and Strap -Pump styles. • , . , • • See that your children, be taught not only the label* of the tartb, but the !evenness Of it-lobn Itueldn. . SCHOOL REPORTS _ ,. irttOtOtr.rt ESAItINATIONS fir m b $o. 12, Riutatt Tr • Sr. III to Jr. •IV.-4adie Ceiling; Russel Breeketitidaq (recommended). 3' .aIII to Sr. In. Mary ltedginseu,, •Rene. graser, Margaret McIntosh. Sr, n to Jr. III. -Olive Robb .Sr, Pt, /I to Jr. TI.-letances Mao- Iver,116yd Steatilde04 N. ItodgineteL , It. X to Sr. 1 -(Fromoted in l avi : MetYht Colling( 4010 UoIntosk" Den., • *""1:""-r-'" ' Me. Sk Andw Tci1. , , • Vacation Time Is Here ' * - t hin fo'r ru ning around during vacation. We have them , • wnite and blue cotors in the 0?cford and -Bal. for 4 • • ladies, boys and men. , We are still giVing Sp 2 dal Prices:on Misses' ,-Shoes, sizes .0 to 2. -Our -values-are ••worth lookint -; 'LlICKNOW. ONT. •• • Ossiiii"iiitstabAtiOAM****444 Adir****1014004iii.ssea Deeting.liove§tiOg Machiii Wingham Buggies,: Adams waget r,.. and itadic:,S, Frost Wire Fence Goods, „ • %flair Tlivine, and Rope, and Slings, Keystone Tongue Snp-, -port for sale by.' t -DF • ' • ". • •