The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-07-15, Page 6,..77-1,111firreflf1-711111111111111111111111WW1111111FIPV77WW"—, "nurc.'"?' 41•4? , • • '7 • lc • 1 ..........00.•••••••••.•••••••••00•••••••••••••••••••• Eurittuna *tunnel iiirf YOU NI 4 Th. lige- YOUS systems is tie Wane torleatt let Om Mama body. la perfect b-ulth ere bare a sotweek et hasaititie 'Ora Ogg, the wow IbliVOIN vita* alstrat *aims =meted, =atreielst *a a beesittlwena. To mate* alevolasamta, srates Ansa - le wee* valiett yea eboald Wei; Its xielk atetplipmat itato JARIte the bleed ;ad ricklieed loads tfigr that volmois aroma revue& to its retreat:i- lea& bootie Sane, ?roe bow 'harmful drugs. am** *was, Teseaso, oat. Buidoeis and Sodity Cards PlOgIalbtA ereaT Thareilay yeersies Lsoksaw, Ortairio. ?resistor sad Moe. 121010 1IENT111611., Thursiayi July X5t1i,i9t5 Sin* sons will km to take 41131664 4111 WYLY RECISUMMO Is to being clrownel. (Doily Btu) 'Where as irrerousilahle difference come* in is that President Wilson holds that American* have a right to go urn the high *ens in any of the claws a cam* a any digggreement go to the assamaelosaawassaaseaiseweees=sexwoovg shipg deoeribed without having their merits and demerits of British and Per- TilURODAY, JULY lilith I 1915 I: Joel endangered by the German allb. in4.4 rule, or rather British freedom and merits*. According to international Order end cierinc,n -weakly and taxaraky., THIS WILL GROW law as reoNnised by all civilized nation*, It in Weenie astottdiatis do it yet clear - they have that riliatt. But 904rm943r iy see the peal` in which civilization F41140111 here sio4 there throughout baying mode a new law, governing war steude. we enjoy bete- tue blessinge of the t°wItitiliPtI "6 b681/41/111$ to re41/11° au 141E-dt al2a juatifealif the maileacre of civilization and freedom. We have been the value to them of good smooth roads. the Belgian* 'wlabea now to Isslre * law taught that in regard to civilization, In snots two or three or more farmers for the seg. justifyiug the rnaralaern ci Europe .% in advance of America. We club together for the purpose o!iumr.ov- Ablerteobo when they happen to be ,b4 balm heard ot Eurveith yaw viluch re, jog the road pv.seing in ,front of their the way of the:Germain). It ievill thig, lteat"1d Jegtoi 8 Buti4AND ktioN11,1.4e..ouenia, farm& After the annualfrfth °Qat a laying down of new laws for the people 4thUeselite4,(r felt rt tlliktvwaldem'andehadn:lt! o o 014.. Ars 4,44 /46434.• s gravel lo put on by statute bliso, these of the *United Statekte live by that the cern, many cenediene;30 not rerogaze if,ABNEEJ.1.4_NDbA\ k.lautifo,ow.Ontt. Atka. 41011 take a half day Or more and rthe Garman note become insolent. , that this is a different kind of war --that I/Arlon* uma or lantiro-noguser.talriireourdoir y the larger Stones in the gravel off to the 'A. Or a t.; itroriTutflotheoure'vg, Weis of the road; and after 4 vain they Gle.;:: -dlerFoulp:ttlgetlfuthaeol'hiliolihZta'uthoe. tGliteeralie7 •01;:htrj:egat:41Qt;eor 80:erZeotcf; tigetawVaaryd..ineel,tlireVeV41113.1arnosi 14:11.ts!vtlee ithles ka proportion; tor aloe. • OW 0130 of the German *pouters at DO - unit ma that recruiting in Canada is slow. It is slow. But that is not he. BRUCE COUNTY NEWS The hits Father 00111 of Formosa, though reporte1 to be 4, man of con Womble property said to have left but a smell estate. Rev. D. A, McLean ond wife, of Ripley: were (*Ilea to Walsetilmrg Monday Of 140It WOO on account of the death of Mrs, McLean's aunt, who was accidentally drowned in the Kt. Clair Ritter. 3. A. Ileksiy, for WWI thine prin. cipal a the Kincardine school, Ilse resigned and will .10 to,Guelpb, were the re °pub* of the schols in will become Mathematical teacher in the Pollegiatett Excavating for the foundation of the kitting factory to be established -111-11i""11 NI "III -111 '11T- "H: -11t- wiligo This induatry is being lib °Ut.' with a Islilit.4Qg 434 and fli/ Paralleled tearder was justified. Ile that if Giermany.can so degrade and de- "ntreet vat' Wt1 y o °an. tors the ' bITM,I49fr. Aver—lIenry 'tire7slhaonc4k,!''LlauHt"hnoclervVafturorscelr700401Yir ' • take o otk^e g,ritiiest,,tiRsant,eAndcrwil3:1.antstmearep.pCeaatr*. Tlinjuerie4hatnnitpleT4boa uretd alright again. ere and ',21 04 in police court at Walkerton re-, his * body. Mrs! Rowland who ' WAS ane4U (11,- cent y4to answer tq, the ebarge of trav'. altle in the hbuse WAS . not injured, * agony, our Oiling stallions which Were iict enrolled thong!) tbe cupboard door was takOP o bave not whieh As °buttery to .the statutes of off its hinges, and „thrown -agaiest her crony supported' by the town tn. the i. 0.0. ik Lacknowlxxlice mooning B`rinay, in the ruts and holes, . This Ontola inakeS : contend* however, that - ttita; was to )114tounize Europe,' it maY de F:t. 'P‘. arl:7:74:"4a:12:1nig-71:124:41d:1:1L'tilttl°14i4i4:1376:r411;; the r9adth .elPlag-terw: -aregbi.Pf‘ 'e.:41444,41haw•i'elfri:41b-k):,' bi•aule' i:17..131.' :7. Ns , 4 '. civilization , But be,C.031r a at,theiarliawlaig_ A. 1111fiL4Vgc, se4r 'time *ant in •thia' war au BtaPXte'.140°r), Ilownin , ER A - * lIg... u.10ka vides ii8;frova the strife and ttgis...t.ort,...,estrlemntorisf#w_rom vigi; __ , by her lawlessness' had humanize the whole wood, ,. • • ..., aran4,111, AraistronithWiat,,ritifoeuoss,I reniokable^ The411:0Pulit' a 1-4/4°1`.. 4 -,c'' driiran GerrnanY t; tli,4 cilia% , And be . Wo are not passive spects. 041'8. 800." '4U' H. s',11; Nu* e‘egg'Pr*I""' eetituy is not great, while the improve- evn,:ientiy,, -didn't intend filo; peoplo war in. Europe, . we .1301, , • • . ment to traffic ./o• immense. In soine* ithoula laugh at his 4 ghtnent,.either. , 'gt,do-,..0g. nide of 'tlitiV .bretli ' , . . . • • ,. . • , . . Vi* ---Ilittri4n. ' ' ' w A- hAt" the. la pioneerlt0'.:-'in 'this ' 'yph il .• ' . • . . '..t .44 a • w 1'1' "Q. ;1"" . W. - liv "WS' '* ......e. Bryce report,911 the German OUt4•• realization s',,, . ec ve. • , .. ' movement feel that they . are rewarded rages iri,rtiecrtiAd Bejgibio Is .120,w` .4, been, injoea.,to, de in4re tba. .. i",,o, ie. Qum ont,rWoos, ltrii. se, tooknOw., by the, dene or ttavel .and the. improved ineetAilaverilaat Moaday.of the:month in . ... , . . , _ , . . . ., . , . Vairableig ixamptilet ferni • .it :Wll no like tO4a, ' On'..the.' .00kqii!-, . in OddfollowIt'llall. VISIAilliKbre—thera 'affenrance of twill, xarIP tr9Pte.' . ' • doubt haire rnan readers; and it 'ought 'lS than would have 'beet?, .• -... , inviteate attend. wow= zninsre. , Mt.. ' lr • t * LA A',.. ; a : aecy,,, Tow. royatuan ' -Anis ino entent,miarr Oa, ANtter: roamq to have. . Itisnet-oben,te 'question, • 11 had clearly 'understood tb '-'• - '',,,litlt,=. a°414444'1.1"Ak 1) Ri ' in the country will WOW, for the *Vote' proves,. the esee.. Here is one rf the the Peril, and had *ea .: - ----1.-----. that are being improved voluntarily are stoma it tells;,4 Beiginin WOinan'whosa ,honest,promptinga at aur harts. The. .. . (• mooed monday of eaohniontla. In the Odd' . '°'-',*'et 7.P.48°11 to all Wo'etse. - bonbon& had been wonton.ly. mu.rdered,„‘ 104::.it.twb°'-iltioctlit'ill:(0.11:-L;i::42:1;i18eF.lifi(ri,;: fell°”. 'Balt' iia9t4a. WCtrigniii".AN: Cki" over the* t•I.At ?.' cermet .13 attacked the:Garman SoldierS with her ' i L 0. w. Luoartow lAceset . 137; meta such a strikleg hi 1 $007, ,dertoitecriee74,...Allex. E04; ' , learned, Theu,:toO*Iis „ the „anteMelaile •hands, They:smaslied her--liknll, 'then' - • , , . • . - ' beeemeamore common en the farm Spitted her baby Ma bayonet and burn- NEW TRANS4ONTINEN:TA ..(0107...-10sa been...•bought...by _farmers. ....4,..th.e.,,whei,„,,bhiliyin.,:„ 1,,„nv,.. if straw.- ,,,,.. . t.-D.,,,Aital- - ' ..-- -------,- - . ' . ..„ ...• .,_ , • , , , . • ,.... . . .... .... A I.A. ......, .,,. I, thm-Tatimmer)-it will 'gftyiwt strengthen Th' is what avaite the women and r. Ark :oi. r"rt'allt!tlIZIY'Att!-I'ilSnuElilge-Ven,,ItCae$ , ., 0. S.-WI:m.1AR. )4.. A 8.,.. II.opinion in in. favor of otonetesa roads; for - tax:attention toleld plates, -crowning, and every auto Owner is a good -roads adve- ... - ' stairs In Blktk011 Block,- Teeswatcr. ettoc Children of] ngland_ it the Getman atto3; twev 44demthwissevirevIcke,.beTtwh3e0734int'Atut 'ever crosses the channel. • ' bridgework. vanne wroxeter 1st. am Sr& oate. He didn't notice the wont and t.e.ar , , • . • Western Canada. Canada,. Wwnosnay a each month: tiorrio Thur.. of the stones on his horses ang.wagon, t, - - - ..', ' , O. A. NEWTON. D, • Di 'B.., 'Dentist. Office Fast passenger service was itaaugur- x.,,ts • Anthaosok, Luoknow, Ont. AB modern hut on his more costly,. and delicate out- ' .' . , A.I• . . I sted on July 13th between Toronto and , (iv:magma midge, work. Painless extract, AL, t,liere la nO:OVerlOoltingit.' . - . ,t- ' .icifeheder told the, ffeeoe ,0 .. e nnipeg: over the CanadAan, (40yerrf., ' methods -ttd. Beet niaterlala furnistiCa. iorcbv the use• -or Atte latest„. shnplest and ' ' . ' `. '2'' ,- . 'i ii.. - - British: r,nliiral ..--the &het.' "dnic/hdt the the Grand Trunk System, ned.th"-Iftena- inent• Railway.,! (the ,T.ratis,continental , r *goat remedy,- rfoNNOVOtad, Newest trio Brun, bkral,tAth., 4,4umium •Pbde'd"CAN BEAT 'TR& 1-.1B11AARINES .. War Department could new equip all iskamingaiidNorthero OntatiO,R.ailwaY, 8 , - U'k.a. 0.111,..1.1...., . . . the . recruits that ,would ortie: along , __Ilri,l,t_11_reetr!iifreYes;',Ifr,se e2bniaefatsee • „ • . . • , The,Germon so nitirines. • can't sink ' There ,need be no hesitatum on that ,!u"Ke viY"' " "e" - '' "' superior•. ' ' nor will they dare mu*, a ,ohlp • ,which = • . - to every•respect. "Thif /tT. at.zonol"bisthe , ( ' Western -University - - - - ------- - - - - --- - -- .-- --. — - __..... neit.ited...bete. _iiis..furthey • state-. 'fOr,..theL.principaltrain. ori. both 'its...,etist: the British Admits.* decides'they,Shell - . score, . ,lie is prepared for practicallY appropriate nettle. winch haebeen c osen not sink. This was. proved last yveek gdorioon . . ..... when the Adriatic, - ;arrived safely at /11; e. nt that there 'we/11d be need of of inen. ',,l..Tdliwi:,,...tt-rba%le.,44.11.1r'enae,48:. Toronto .:' each , . • t . volunteers to rep aee •Inc . Unlan, ,':cffnite'. ' Another . Great, Advance ' Liverneeli TheAdriatic Ives as", surelY ,at the froat was enthieu. 9., • It sounds as T"sd4; Thlired4k 4.14(1 aert'laY." . and ' and sPeeiallY'Parkecl.• for destruetum es though. there was going to the -something :VTVIii;Islitl:f,'IltIse; a:ohiliSpiftililedtAY;',oToPtIs4i6sdtainYgall'ocif • • . „ • . . Wiwi Denhiett-,-NoW $75,090. . was the Juusitartia,:. The , 'whole,. world . ' and Equipineitt in Arts and koew. When theAdiatia sailed from New 4a.ri°iyn,graiten,!le" iie.a.t future. . We Shall, at, colonist- Sleepiag•-oarsi. --electric-lighted know'now that 'petition on the firs"14s e°achei; tc4dst aurl standard Another Large Addition to Faculty , Afedieine, ' ' ' 'York: ' It',Was known that sheearilea i3iitish, part, of the .westeto:froot is not sleeping ears and.'dining•cart 'i'lliell'Avin' Greatly Increased Enrolment in View flue to a Shortage of Sti,Uipment. , At the betlehDeermatieledagtbp,r,tily°thwtsi,kiln°evtut''' reobuatner:ne- cargo of MI'. 8401Iii0S for the British , , , . . .. , .. that on beard were Fremiei. .Boidea ,O)-1 8ame time Kitchener ,iyareed the Empire, tweet, votonto and. witmiprek is 1247 Canada, besides a number of. other dis, that the War would .be a long'` war,•,‘,..,Ite: miles, and "The, NatiorTI) 1/411 '.'nialte a, tiogiiished Canadiaria end ,'Knglisbnien, appears' to be confident arid feariese, with' ., fast run CoVering, the distance in forty-. Pro-Geri:nano, in the. United States said two hati'rs.: Westbound pa,ssengers leave out. being an "optomiat" rtwhieh - ineene , . tlie Ship was ' Marked for. destruction; that lio;$ the right kiecl of an ontOmiot. 'Tozrolye.at jtroi,:in54. ,p,i..iluillii aittlls..t,raavreelliiN , i bat shenevertheless Arrived safely. - , "' N . , '1 - -orth' l3 -y at 7.00 '0'0166k next morning. . . ,I .- This demonstratien that a ,shik cnnhe . •.: ..A ii, or 'Go' op iimils• p.‘. spkrohl.,daylight:_rim. :Lis then, C., tad! • I 't 'a' 1 t i s' i 1. ' 0 afelk through th; datio'cter zone 111 7-77-7_ -B '' ' .- . ' -7----- "-eV et •the-.TeinisUrning . and, 'Nort.hern p ' • • • . ' - ' ' On t4110 liailwaY,' th. roughtht:„ 861lic r - spite of all the Petition Subrearines .can ., : ater ,the ',cables from Solidi Africa, t. . , sTFIATFonm, op,rti' . , , _. , . ' do-vas:scare* 'IlicessarY.- _EveY)'-' -ti‘a°1 -,catan 4 --,hit' 0 'good be.Tws't'ke'bilct 9.1.:',.Ah.e, Cobalt.'negau•ties°f clTii lsItnal A! m. 1. c't-7(1'1:1.*'1"-.1:11-t-e,„•1:.-r.''t:'-'''l 0 Pl. Ontario's ' Most .ucessfull • 1;bnigPita,.iinild.i.Qh:flAraoa'ai, gEann,-gai'afatd°,t -0.: °Elul:ad:h. : ataa wi3ekietiisth:iiBtowe'rOlettiaciateGl.henaPdrarcp,1-13titeuivi;eadt. Otheel, ,•',..,relieeeNitatiPoeni:Zor.tahte4;e41, .12_egt4,1`e'''r?t,;1.:''30...Iii•anile,5yd r Practical TrainingSchool , Teachers ate coMpetenti; coisrses are, pioved the seine,- thing, t he Germans last ctei/pah flgh-ting . fe.' ee in ,, south •over the main lino ot .canacts.d thorough and graduates succeed.' We - would.get every one :of them ' if they Africa,. „ ',With :the SUrrOnder-ef Vtlia •enQutirvtl-ntertnrtealnivdititho itnsost(licliedahrl7d•gtcilleintttleew received more applications this -month t that( we had students graduate,during • could. '' 'The dernonktration was nSeful, army there,caineinto the .PoSsession of *all enntribiltieg to the i gig's -test r cip re e the past six Months. The three ap- , however,- ne fa..et. that preolier Bordeo. Erit4ie 4, "loge, tra6t.,of .,,terotory_1,,,lowe. plicatio4s received 'most` recentlfwere, for .1n,d3r stenographer at, s780,. book_ Was onboard the. Adriatic, and that Pro- -tiaGermaii South; -We'et'Afrfes-,- .. 'Phis keeper at , $1060 and •commercial Germans. declared ,the ship Would be .territory.is one-and,d.-1!alf tithes as large -, teacher at $kiDaper annuni.. Business,: attacked, gavethe occasion' prominence. as Germany in Europe. ,'-'1t. is not arich men ' want our graduates:-.: Get our free catalogue at once. . ,-,,.. . It hi an instance of which the World Will land', and of course,istalready 1)01)1'114., , . D. ii,,, iiiiciAcHLApi, iprincipai.:. take note. It. proves to the world that ed by hie& tribes.' Britain did not need the -German submarines, in their lawless if but it has .cothe our way intho.course warfare, are the mere pirates Much the of the war:, One of the early „moves :of , . British declare them, to be—that; their, the.' War was the the inVasion, of., British attocka are directed againat. defenceless Sciiith,',Africa by an armyfrom. this 'inerchantinen and passenger t'',vessels-•,-L Oerinan pOssession.; The, expectation -of , Having, an up-to-date . Creamery : "the:'Wetneii, and Children of the sect.'.' ,... , . .th0 Gernians, .no doubt, was. that ,,the in full -Operation,' we solicit , your heilg'hWeste niaarerksPtrePPrldreesd-lotor . hisT:olliewo:fiertrindnwittY-°.h: seacatioks-e-thOeO.Lhoud?YitaonliiPe;11.:4045:: -eBo(ineire-s.sititich.13-iiifl intalsieorriti-trYd.,...---.w:laildicil;:•-waeid-1- ,...._Ppnaytrothnetig ' good creata,, and giv.e you an bon.: ' e.c1,-..4at. ,4e_c4orilo',4':..4.0:4:do.:vc...0PcL10.. ..ia-the-004.1'i:w.'ef '•PF.44'4.' power. A : - est business. , Weighing, sampling • and testing each can of cream re- the svagetYWhich rendered ,'',eaP--. 'feW of the Boers did rebell,' bnt they . awe- m suou an uaAurous,u bile neglect were quickly crushed I Y Botha; and 'his ceived earetally 'and returning 'a ' •1..1 r -1.: act. fru. •...t. 4./... lull stateinent- of same' to each . .. ..•. ,. •.. , patron. We .fUrnish two cans to of ' a; eel -meander or through • aeeldent loyal f011ower§$ who thee :forma' urine each patreft, pay, ' alt express... .they may again get such, an opportunity,: the Getman . itivaders; defeated .thein;' ' charges, and pay eyery two weelts'.' - -but.that•such "successesP...Will be . rare droVe them ..te, their, .capital where, the Write for' farther particalara or ' ,send for Cana and give' us 9,, trial; mai be taken'fOr. granted. .-• . . • ‘ . other day ,fheY ,14640 0;11 *.tiii6:;iiditio,nas The .Seaforth, CreallierY 'Co. - . ----- • • ' , , , surrender.' Though the., trritoiy io , oot, . . , • ..,.. ,esiartii,, Oat, , ; • ArtiLsortilZlitzSr Rom otnMAN'y -of 'groat 'Tttlu'the °ftl?.Pire of it ilthea:Y. , . ......... . , • .. . . . . . • . • . • .• . . . .. _ . , . . .44 TOE BANK 185.5 A GE NIUOVINES* TRANSACTED ileitti„ttOINE OINOBI.Art ixrrals cotton; 'BANE MONEY OROIENS me. CAPITAL Ass RESERVE • $81800,000 trire...11 • 411•11. .10.4 Oa.Esirsinches COO OP • Savings Book Deportment At ail aranchoo Untwist siltawid aa iliaataat eerraat rot* To Se -Reit), a Mortager* • :11111v1,1111111,11,..,11,11111111 IIIIIIIrF1111111h1111/1,11;1111111$1111/1111111,11111/111111111111..1111.. it1111L1117. . , struck the house. it came clown the chimney, strack Mr. Rowland then the floor and preminab14' .cliopmrosi in the well inthe hack kitchen, 111r. o Ave wawa Ontario, gannaora and CasNdjr plead: back. Pait ottbe,iloor was splintered' 0,, -we' 'el,Iguyilq" *1.14, ‘Yere $ 'nos8se7sssed 0014. idta4304,tog:,4teh Wood and tha ehininey was done iC we .Ecorstneltseoeuleantdientateotinaty :node hi:41; follovied the ewveiadte;fitettroleol'onTv!li convict, however, not ea fin r ano. 0,f!laWflalttFratt`to:nBftrIliulasjiictie.Anfoo..-7:110:Tw:aultielstiloPlory:i 0 iisue and laidt.ireunrar ,eveinatenweae!):orunit ieeeoutrile't town On Saturday with a lead of 114 No man gin an e4c,tive work eon. and drove On to the towit scales to get stipated---ReiFall Orderlies are AU effect- i34437pigtf17.4(terl_lkeall,stcl,„,a-b_uvt'aies:!6/1t,t4i-heml/paly: alvtreeelt Ttihvee'ReSieltore, only by 3. (125'cA. arinud bee?' bottles and two boxes : Of • butter --50c,-.13oxe-S. • • weighing, 50 lbs. each.. After he had ceSTtaliljecit:ss.V;(18in'eptu3r4; li49111)te; (fdlw°811:---t tIP°e-tiftle4s(it0Wcrellitetd0;1'10'effsalh131°. ‘V-dre. '1111tile tI dlccievvgs.4 ..0,,Koasty 119 to .10H9ejoiwo 1.4othwuraso„uaidsuitit have t and unloaded, the hoY at George Byes, livery barn, without saying anything ftrhiev:otio9wii; teioleultcldwrinetesovuoktidn, '(.4.fittfew6locian: 103014 the 300' odd• pounda that he had discardedibetween the soles and' the ,dtoisfieggvItryit, ,t4nEdvidiicenteiLwatos niake 11111 thhaerniv;',•4411,0rie .twheoinghwedentforbaicikle.nilldr,pg9soet, 'plaiatiff, pat 'evat$, ded.acting its 'weight from 'the 1084. . which he' failed to do, .0 Then; were no chief Ferguson got oil to the racket by 'pleadings and po trial, yet the Kinear. seeing him reMove staff dine solicitor's, bill was 039.1 .0, which aed .ousneeting that somebody was he redliced by S. There still about to be stung for over 300 lbs. of. aruPloground , for low, reform . when it costs-0;0mb to:defend an ,action that,- . never went. to trial.—Kincardine _Re • Write for particulars to L Braithwaite, -A.; Ph. D. President. CENTRAL li /../J , • Cream'111J111t141 OREAlii WANTED We are in the market to buy Cream, sweet or sour, at the, high- est market price. We supply two 0110 free to eiteit at our patrons, ' pay all express chargen,:pny twice each month, cheques at par. Re- ceive ereaM any daYji-the Week-. t - test each can received, and send our patrons a statement of same. Write for cans and give our Creamery g trial. Reference.— Any Bank. • • • . ,3144'cl " -IRELEAVEN- Et BANTON. - •. Palm Creamery, Ptilnieraton, Ont. • mitlerService to ItighToods of • Oritorio from Toronto z4}5 11.1114 ttalli, tor Atinikelai Lakes, dailvexeopt midday for Lake of Bays. Alaeliaitin Faith, AtaganotaNitArt, River and TimagaMt Lake' . points. - • 10.15s.ti.dttiliekOOt$3ttaday tor 0 eorkian Day Lake Ot BuYi. minranetwwau Itivcr points* .9*cept Burnley for_Milskolta Lakes, id1140 of 00$3 and A.Istaritplia • STEAMSHIP .EXPRESS ,Leirege Totailin Attires Sarni* Whitt .4.30 Om, Zacli irondaY.'VednogilaY Mal Saturday-, tOti., ttinit loth N„,1,14. cio,'n palatialoteattiehiva tot .. ' kat% steo Moto; Fort Arthur, rort'W,i_ Nun . aria 1)u tub, and at Fort, Willi:tin with 0,1..13. ltailwit goy Winnipeg endpoints in vitostern rierotam. (....oac le% rarior-binrary-thtte and rarior.L1 rii1,. Liget cep botwece'Toronto .,, .. • and Nettle wharf. . . Further partictilaran .a oPPlicatiott to Orand Track TickerAgop too 04 4411101N I AtOAto. :LOCknOVit, pm*. to' . ,' . - - — . ' • blow to German prestige arid 'it will President Vtrilson of the -United States bring -hem& again te the- Kaiser and his has received the German relkly to ;ilia brutal associates a realiza-tion- of .the _ , , r ' •-•• ..- i "Mite" CA thhinarine warfare. and the' difficulties uncl'olisfortunes which lie' n sinking of the , Lusitenia, 'which -'Bryan the way if the Would be vvorldcooquerer. refused to sign; . Like . the 'previells German • cornmuni- ' "I'Ht..SO.110410s.`4..OBACCO. cation this' one Was not sent over until. • the thiiteetith.,hour—ratlier 'late to • be , There has beena lot Of foolish objec: consistent with international ' courtesy.. Like its prededeeSer, toe) it is long, it is not give a fair and open:J:001Y...to. the questions which President Wilson Oared, It to Stupid, it IS illogic* it has been ea of anynational pocie. and dignity' atinottettittlit".as otherwise thaninsn, lent., Perniany wiLl not irecogoize the right of-Aineriearis to travel on the high seas' ,in merchant or paismiger ships °whit'by her, enemies, rinr eVen.,in• U. States -shtp$ it . these earry‘. contraband goods'...sutiliiiree for the alliod Armies It theqttited States ships Are about .to tress the Atlantic it it Will .gairantee 'that 'such OOPS Will not carry contraband and if United, States •Gantitires VitillhOve ,their sluPs ploihly Marked so that , the submarine commanders can easily clis- tingnish them from the. .enemie'S nhips then they may' Wall. the °dean...Wig:tent &tiger of being. souk. But if umtna Stoke eithene go noon' the sett lit's., Ilritisli or French Ship ofany krnd, or oral alien tnitertStatel ship which tattles contraband; their blood bo upon their OWII head& Tho Germans will Sink, the, Chip, . they .caniad ilnc14 . . tion to theilsising. of funds tor, the, pUr- peso' of supplying the • soldiers. at • the ffent*It.41-649:op..,rhitc-olgtoi.Oripik- izations: may be eXettSed,from participat- ing in the raising' Of. hinds for this' purpose, it Might to be recognized that 04c:effort is by -not.tineanstililiclirected, Wre-aain soldier is eny better then One who 411E8 the'Ventoitrittet,,:ttet is juSethe'iirica his tobacco harder•to keen, and therefore just that moch.less valuable. There are other, things,' toe,: wlich ar&.more neees. eat4! to •eihn the tobacco-IniingsobLier than his pipe, but it ought. to he roman. bored' that the Mon who hos •controsted' the tobacco habit cannot get alorig nearly So Well without as I:001111k smolsOng otit- lit. •smokera at the front areltaelhg-' onvet ,baseball: team ,fioislied- a series. of I a bora enough time of it without adding,,:,..matelteit: ' They; playing, :PloWertlelei to the hordship.that of aUddenlyhtealfing tetini With, itHaCete of 7 4 in falter tif 'frb Olivet boys .Ittsred good off:tvlittt.41*48 t°16.rIe;i. t* very - t"tit:161..ittl PlaY" and no very vow harmful habit. ed, trim mitt. to *48 to tollown.... "14411 are ''given fait "1114 tobacco Wilbert Walden Thotnpson they will fight:the .Ghtinani. all the better' 441•11. wietnteh ,0. Abu -McDonald on that account, and northing should be W. ilbalstoo 1 B. Angus McAuley sintred to 'm%inteitt • or improve 'their L. McGuire '2 11. Donald Douglas •fightingipahties, .116 may be euie too Bm6eritlendtie.06:14.416.16shltritg,:e701., that the, thoughtfulness which provides ;11,0y ),,ioatiire • it John Thotopon tho tobacco will bo 8ratUlly tipprociat4 0.'itofilaten ; Bhtelt, ed. •.." ; gotAlSten 14t Pt.004.0.1040 , „ , , .of,comfort by. day or night., It, traverses ,a country of woncletfid ,poisiloOlitina in which tens of thousands of Settlers' will carve out their homes in the future The region between Cochrane and Winnipeg is "one possessing great At. tractions for the: sportsman as 'well as 'the settler, for here are sitniatedsome of the finest, fishing waters on the continent while big game abounds in the, forests 'Thorp, is an ever-changing panorama of beauty. Great riVers,:tloWing.north and south, have 'their source in this 'height of land, and here the Indian, unspoiled, by, Civilization, still 'naked his home.' It is indeed virgin territory, for'its' natural loveliness has notoret been..marred by Are or the liimberman, Before entering the Province cf gan- itolta the train riinithroughthe' famous Nibigama, (country of lakes) region, an- -other of- Canada's magnificent holiday resorts, reaching -Winnipeg at 3.50 p, m. Eastbound "Tho National"" leaves Winnipeg at 5:15 p. m, arriving Coch- rane at 6:10 p.. tn. next day and Toronto eighteen hours later,-7-40riVal in the .glieen city' bning timed at 12.00, noon, At Winnipeg -the -Grand Trunk' Par- ifie lines afford splendid connections for all inkportorit points in Western Canada, the Pacific 'coast, California, .etc., 'and also- hunts& &nevi?' short route to Alaska and the Yukon, traversing the Canadian. Itoclues and other marvels' of • seenie, ,tuterest., - • , The openingOf this new ratite !Mikes' ,OO:enoch in:the.. history Of -Canada; 'as t't13 new SOrVie0 will provide for fast through travel : froth ,Holifax to 'Prince 13uperk-Varicciukter, Viotorio, and other Pacific Coast cities,' via an all Canadian route,. the.Canatliati Vovorstrient ways (Intercolonial Railway) in the teat connecting with the Grand. Trunk gait - way *stein in a Voloa Station (Bona - venture),. Montreal, thence Tetotskaniing anNorthinli'Ontatio, Tiatiscestinental "11'aWwaya.nd Grandlrtiiiit'VA-difier con - heating in the -Union Stition at Vint& peg, and forming a eentinuous,, band of steel' troll &eat to ocean, ' • PhblicatiOng pertaining tO this new routO with ocean to neeall, map maybe precured from 'all principal ticket agents arid 'Tatitiefirrer repreSentativee of the . 87: 0 Canadian ,Glovernment Railways and G et Ohl•Saturday evening n1y loth the , °NM& :KIND OF FOOL—On Friday evening, says the Port Elgin Tinies, two young fel1ow4 driving Fords con- veying parties of young people and meeting one another on the read near Tiverton, had ,a thrilling experience. Autos are great things to play .With, and one young man said to his party of young women ",‘Vatcli me scare this follow by keeping straight in the road." keptoWfet Well, ei th, wetoot?dmidleOnnkge.w7e.rrietnhetkhne:makdie:cdubl--)uuns,bocomhti. ',15,\'1-441101111"- -El pl ,,,, -, :. --------. "..--- , . L''t'...i, but as it so often happens, the jupecept, scions, and the onto badly •datImg,ed, ''q" ' ' 1 ::ir:-:;71a:ficz,..,4_,;(')..,1.. ,party's Machine received the greeter ,...,14.,..„.., 41 i ,...4,7( 4;01 . __,______........„........tb-n,,, r..! . ..! clamacte. .., The _trock.the.boat .,fool is gradually givingplaceto the fool with -------eil ttitollt' - -:.....•L.k.,L tile auto. ' . Itb,,,,,,.....-----__ -_-____'------- , -6,--,-,-.-_-eme- ' , t , .. bay that liel akin% get.,. laid an io. formation against tho farmer. Rear. . jog, it. ,seems,, that the Chief WAS OKr ki. IliMi' a4 the( stlair VAS pretty well talked aboat bere, the farmer cam in • • . 1 en TuetidAy and ,(5(ittled with George Bros., hy, deducting the weight of the extras he had thrown off, and the Chief hi consequence: withdrew *the -.., • i charge. -' " , . - - „ - " • 1 :THE REAL :STRAPICONA: ve'il:)stiiy°f,i9trv/reltBinrYgeeic-*Q1:;111t.nit°A.133NA: MAGAZINE a IMMO of nine oketchee 0 . . . dealing' in an intiniate way Wt .thQ personality, characteristics arid tower- , rnent of the late Lori Strathcona, As t well as with incident connected with 5tratlicena1s life in Canada: The personal side of. "Deriald A," is but vaguely known even to many who were closely associated with him, bat Dr. Bryces renOniscen. dinag-1?Xthefirsti*h___.. appears in"the July 4111,1114b(31..) .serve er''‘ to help thousands Clanadlane, to form* \ a just, estimate of One who for fifty years , took a leading Part in the developineut of Clanadat' Referring to the part Strath. C0110. took in keeping doWn Rid and his follower4, Dr. Bryce says: qt,tgCltlited the nerve of a Garibaldi and the. skill of ittiltioUniloyr$:eds,e8pTerliaetemtobree owasetbink ofe seerne, an the thought arises that justice has nailer been done to Donald A. SMith for the immense service he rendered then to Canada" • ACITAB New Ontarim' Route. of innumerable Maryelm Forest Equipment -T vie North Bay. Cobalt and Cochrane. Through the Scenic Highlands of.,Ontano, Splendid Roadbed. . Commenting Tuesday, July 13. Lv. Toronto 10.45 p.m. Tue.. Thu. Sat.. I...r. Winnipeg 6.00 p.m. daily " North Bay 7.15 a.M. Wed, Fri. Sun. Air. Regina 8.05 a.rn, " Cochrane < 4.45 p.m. Wed. Fri. Sun. " Saskuroon 9.38 nan, " AT. Winnipeg p.m, Thu. Sat. Mon. " Edmonton 10.00 p.m.. " e New Transcontinental TORONTO-VViNNIPgG NEINSIIORT ROUTE to WESTERN CANADA Can. Govt. Rya.. T. 8c N. O. Ry., Grand Trunk Ry, System , gthTeihrrobue.geth” coaches, dining, tourist tic standard sleeping cart. , Vancouver. Victoria. Seattle. Electric lighted T....11riy.o,,Ry. Agent* °Rang; Ica ion. formation frotn any Grand Trunk.iiCan. Govt. or 9 Time tables, Bleeping car ticket* and other in, btcokepliv:o!Reupe'Crr.Vukon. Alaska. , at ' 11*;t Ati I A BRUCE Bait'. --A, ictoria, 13. C., despatch says: Duncan Boss, inembei of the Rouse of Commons from 1901 to 1908 for Yale•Caribou, died 'sud. denly, on the night of ,4 nue 30, aged 45 years. He wasbornin the County Of Bruce, Ont., Of Seoteli parents. His edncation'Was received•ut Scheel and he entered newspaper work in British Columbia, having 'been publisherof The Boundary ... Creek Times, Poi* four years he ‘servecl in the Town Council of Greenwood and was one of the lead ing citizens of the locality; Ile carded the Libei I ban. tier to victory in his _riding in the oeberal election of 1904 and remained 1,4 Parliament for four 'years. :in re ligion he *as a. l'resbyterian, • ,--Li4i11'rNiti0-.----14tE-44(-31 ward,- _ Itowlend of the Nen!4t,adt Bead had" .abeiit as narrow an escape' faun death - by lightning 'during a recent' eleetrical stoma tis 110 likelY, will have until hia. time comes. • Ile was .sitting in a cor- ner of his house probably testing, an ellOW •011'''.tlke 'stove': when the .belt •tt . • . 18,000,660* — • capital Paid up $3,000.000 ••• , • gurPlull - ' SAVE SAFELY Safety is the first 6 ansidetation atid the„s`niatier of interest earning of 14. s:cotid or eNieri third itnportante *to- ' careful people. • • LUKNOW`01:1ANtli J. A. dide,ritilE; Manager, Bank OF Hamilton ESTABLISHED 1872 . • 1 •.• 1 , . • . 1 •• • • hp CANADA';5:111AtiONAi'A*S14PEli - : ..irl• Annog treei. au vary. Any. ,I,he .gitoitt.tgliroDoiku. vier -'bogno is,-.Aailest ie' War SOfrimarY."--- -.:. .: :',.•1::::'.''. '.'Y.'... -.2' .. .. . .. . hist, the OntStanAlingloOttlitit...1g,e0Xtrution lotitnniistit .ocverinfp,the.vonfIlot:,,. .. : mos be6ii"'llio Vat' Onintuaryn deny. on pew* 1 -nod. ,2 O.0 TitC, otorne,; ... ... . ._:10-..,Ote ecutisest , nosm.ble: foilit lite : .WrIter hno ,ttlVett. Ian' -teutleros; It , pea *into of 'the lleventinitents, lit an privis of. the, ,ntovit1, .. NiT11110' tIW:; tlebiltoof tile 'movements along the extended frontiers. have not , been., overlooked., the' teal:tern Of 111110' or4non. Int* t*uu ' enit1461 to (17 OW . '. . .intallgoittly and with 400111100.0r•tl .gotnria O1ItIllici8 rif: thO. rItri71etiI0110 .".• ...Leamillet...1...4-IttnisA,Vir,tmitnitino,,v.u.:nr. :Tillillkit01110-13 reptoduted.:,tiailj:.- 15y, -.,, -•.i. • --......Vvellitl.,niip,ens,t7iiitAinut_tila....onnnalaa,.....,--,..--,--,,,..- ..„7.,-;...„.,,.......7 ...,.... -. s. ... • .Hrho. 'Editorial Page. Viiit •0$',0010,..00 its' ,4t1itur7a1• .pitgelpia,•sttiven; 'tii. Otte- boroo. tlio- . ' 011414! -:14:-:prijpot 9I'105 of e b lVe throad ,-boelotPolnui : , of tho, 1111))) 7,' : . struglrib' • TUN. bee en ot articles has attracted the latelitlOti net billk of' . the camidion rieopie, but of, .leitding • Pull and Jottittata In 411 ;porta . of t110 Vifftkld, The mimes leading 'Oh to tho wor, tin "eleotento cotetink : into its 1(111(1 34(1. a lig the results ithely to no* teont tIftf ,eeeetaloo of, hOntilltleit have heoli-Oitit *ith In _that; bola on clear.Olt tOrin Obit NA,* . titIstle•.:07 l'IBE tii...010,115 eititorun page. •. : . , . The: tibiwe teitiotee, in ltdditInh to kitittiii&ntlel leiter:so' rvlee'.. fr6m- tilf0 , ' 'Nom Strofee ' ' ;1 ‘; "' . ' '' ' ' ' , rt. 011t Ofilliatilled 10 VanadkAtvo Plaeon TIER 0.1.0014 ror In.tneloo ,,,.n nir • • einfidatan papera„ and partly explain the phenomenal inereittle Of li IA . , flee eon, in Tilt ,015010108 th'8111gt1011 4tir Mit rceest menthe,. C)ther reatitte.s. ': . ....' ' ,,:- . ' ' . .• .'' . .,_, . , . . ftli0,41)0al4ig Pliken,-•flin.Thnorailitlinaodin iii 0 ril 711get,, the WoltlgiN, ,,,. • i . • . . . -batest.e..... 47.'., withtttiytolillyotun pogo; 11 WotOklitYVA,Nt4110 iladrVot-Oilto "t4arm Ali&C,onny LWAremtmitexcelleneeia standard that hta • hmilteil T1iil901.0i1iio, ht its•thla of . i Canada's National „Newtipither, and haft *vett it hg' ninny thoessinia the . ,- largest eirenintion ot any morning linnet in the lynitinlon, . • . 4°14'1Y6lalielinnedtti'in'Ciallitei'Y...yPoitar tt.toecartlitit' ii -St',., hitt in t.lie ileld.o'f;inetrOp'rtlittitt * • . . . . , . , • nomunperti *nu tii3Onft itiunieettonobi, ertsts .$ett me., ittentent value . '. ' ''. . . . ' t • ' 70-1)0'1144 in (41811 tin. . Ordt't it to.tio, p•eolita the, 111011t11 -.,o110 tIonatt . jt*,,t40..dieoettittisk te terit itItehetiett - ', • tot tont Montpo..-,tlitee dollars- per. year. lita Illg- . '001*. 1.1" .',.6t1r illcg.4,-*'::. ' ' ' ,,.., '' :: ' • , . ' ' THE-4140Dg.:#: Toiolitio.. . , , . , . , , • .4. ' •.• , • , „smirk •