The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-07-15, Page 2• •• r•o• • • pedal 5aie f Ladies!: and Misses 'hite'Dreses • • WING to the coolness of the summer during - June and consequent slackness in 88,1e18 of Ladies! and Misses" White Dresses we havt decided this early in July tt) place on sale at vii,Veekly Store News Greatly Reduced Prices all of our Ladles' and Misses' yVhite Dresses. , !hese are all neatly - made with lace and embroidered 'trimming and the prices are clit from to to 50 per rentor some at half'price. As this offer is made so early inthe season with practi. rally ail of our warm summer weather yet to some, it offers an exceptional opportunity to save money in this line. • We quote sizes* revlar price and §:pecial %Sale price. LADIES' DRESSES 8m 32, regtilar4.00.. Soo 32, 3.50, Mao 34, " 5.00, • Else 34, 41 2.50. Size 34, " 4.00, Sil‘e Up 2.00. Shle 84* 8*0O MO 36, 4.00. Size 16, -40 • Size " 9e36, *5.00, Size 38, Size 38, . 4.75. Size.40, " 3.00, Sale rrice..;..., SitiO Price ft • • drortor* Sale .„ Sale Priee 4A1,11 •••%. .2.05 Sale Brice.. • • • • , • 1.80 Sale , 4.00 " Sale Price... 1.0 ,•• • • Sale Price. 4.114. •••• Sate Price.. „, .„. Sale Price .. . , . Sale Price • Sale "Prioe • „ Sale Pace, , . 2.00 l• a75. MISSES' 'DRESSES . Wlsolsolo The Doetiniou Day ealehrostios !Irak leery °a Thanalay of Wit week, turmoil mit gait* a suootee is spite of threaten, - big rade, *ad i dowa-pour juat after soon whisk thoroughly dreecheeour or or aye haiehrtal pima* what had gooe iuto th• park. 2The belooaist who was "%aged te make art iteeena, failed to ar- rive, haVing. been deleyed by a railway wreck. A big crowd. gathered in the -park sifter the rain clouds hail cleared away, to witness a game of itereene be- tween the home team and the faMous Indians from Brantford ltaserve._ Tiw 'adieus, though an agile lot, were alto - ether outumfehed by the loud villite men who iscored time after time until at thitcloae the score atom' 15-41in their favor." A number of very strong players on the local team accounted for the easy victory. The Indians were 'a, distinct diaappopatment u lacrosae player, the , min being inch older than one expects to fiee in ouch a ,game.A few of the red Men played very well but the majority. hen seen better dap. The same Indiana ifnfre an eXhibition of war dancing in the evening., Beside e thelacioase there wait hisehall and football. There w,aa grand olisplatof fireworksinthe even; AS STAnYto FairnY...With enough money. ;buried in the cellarof their home to buy square Meals for a, year,the wife and little Child of Fred Hodge, of COrric,- were fonadon Satairilay to te„titarving to death, wheb„, on Monclay,..'hiat; ,Apdge 'was arreated by Qffieer Phippen `atid lodgedin jail here on a charge.. of negli- gence and crnelty, 'Neighbors Say that for a long time they have been ,carrying in provisions thallodge, family, and. it is claimed that of the food provided the husband Ate the greater park On Saturday authorities at, Goderich iis form, ed Officer Phippen of the circumstancea as Urea were 'known, and he made * trip at on0P. to Oerrie4:11e found Niro lifidge and. the youngest child in a state of col-, lapse, which Pr, Wildfang, who aecom Pained bins, said woe due to starvatioa, 'Hodge, when confronted by the 040er with the charge of neglecting his family, took-Phippendown'to the cellar, - where he dug up a 'considerable sum of money in bills, This, Mrs. Hodge explained, had been lier liuShand's way of keeping money for years. Wheoever he got paid for his work as a laborer, she never saW" any of it, and they had to clePend on the charity of neighbore. There was scarce- ly $5 worthof furoituro in house and this, the vveman Said; had 'een giVOn' to her. Officer Phippen Made a second visit to the „louse and El, little dig. ging in the 'cellar revealed more perfeet. ly good euriency that Might have :been used to tiny food. Ifedge is a man of about, 35'with a!Strong tencieney-:de- scribed, by people who know him as "re- ugioU. 'Thera are four childrco in the fat -Oily, three of whom managed, to re- taio a certain amount of health in spite of the irregularity of their meal . times. It is Said,tliat Hodge served a term at - Toronto aome,years ago for similar con: aut. to that for which he is now,in jail; 12 yrs, regular 03.50 for $2.50 14 yrs, regular $300 for $2,40 12 yri., regular 150- for a.75 14 yrs., regular 3,00 for '2.25 1.4 yrs., regular 175 for. 2.50 , 16 yrs,, regular 100 for 2.40 only Ladiee White Poplin Watili Suit, size 34, Coat and skirt trinained with lace insortian and ere'eliot tiuttons. , Reg. price 10.0Q, sale price.... . , . , , , , „. .$3.95' T.,ADIEW MIDDY BLOUSES, fine white Cotton, trimmed with navy and light blue, special price $1.00 OUILDREN'S MIDDIES, $n white cotton and neat striped prints, neatly trimmed and extraTvalue at 50o, Some Suggestions. for Men and tioys, Whito Stepo voting Vol In, well made and Peat fitting, With roll bottoms and belt loolD• ' Price 3: Ithaki-Blooniers, sizes 2.1 to 31, for ayes 6 to 15. Price 90c., Mipti's Fine gutting Shirts, with soft Whirs. $1.00 to 81,50. Meets Fine Silk Shirts, extra quality, special $3.00. lige...Cotton Joiseye, with 104g alcoves, navy and white and navy 'and cardinal. Sizes 22'to iiriee 25e Boys' Fine.Wool 'Jerseys, long 'sleeves, colors navy and brown, ' at $1.00, Boys' Straw Hats, newest styles, 3 specials at pO, 75 and $1,00,- Men's Invisible Braces, fine iitiality 50c. , Men's Paris Garters, in black arid colors, neat and comfortable, 25e. CLIA LE OF WOMEN'S LOWSllOES- few weeks ago °we put' on .a 8pectal sale of tan shaeg for-rrien and it was such a success that we are no going to give the ladies a similar opportunity. Com- mencing 'Thursday morning we are going to run a Spec- ial Sale of Oxfords and -.Slippers at prices that should. -clear -out every pair. These are not old goods being mostly this season's styles. All sizes 12,Y; '10 7. Regu- lar prices were 2.E,O, 3.00, 3.50 and $4.00. Special Sale Price, $2.29. See Window, • • With theseshoeswe offer a Hosiery Bat -gain in our Ladies' Black Lisle liOse; silk ankle, sizes 814, 9, 9y io. Regular price 35c; Bargain Price 25c. V Sin ANOTIER OUTRA Witata RETENGE York'; Palk* Headquarter. Heil a Nerrow, Estop* Lest Night From Destruction •-,•••••••`• umemar714,,,••••,41,••••••••• - • -Sa- Th y, July Silt, /91,5 New Yorl,, July 0--AnarchiCe, an- gOred by the •conviction of tile smelt who placed a bomb in St. Patrick's cathedral, gave defiance to the de- tective. force lad' night when thy at tan4tc.4 to blew up Polies Hasik quarters by exploding * lionfe[411 dynamite -bomb ',beneath the office* or the Detective ,Bureau, Prnimite in gas pip o contaiuing * time fuse omit concealed in a. cheap anitcase wow Placed la the Moor of a basement arcb. way ma the „Centre ;street Cde about 20 feet from Grand 'street and 'the cornerstone of the building. At seven minutes to 2 o'clock iite- bomb explod- ed, anundaing all ot the w„ndows011 that Aide of the bulldog, redncing a **lee-inch:onk door. to kindling wcod. hurling Oaks and furpiture from their position and showering clams 46 066 as powder for he feet both infoide and outside of Use ui1dtng. Ttui windows ou ,tb• opposite' aide or the street also wore 'broltini..„. and Persene in tbe Polios Department Were thrown from their cliair• to the floor. Large Meta,1 singe whitieed 'through the 'air cut- ting thiongh'ilodra, wio4oweand par - Whine and comPletelY wracking that Part of th• baintgult whereottia' bomb. had been' placed, No One was in,lured, the block being empty at thi time. Heavy IltlficlPs on the Windows of the Detective BOW,. which were drawn, saved two lives in the TOOM above the n010,41014 although gloats e, quar- ter or an inch thick from an un- covered part of the 'Whitlow &lowered, areMul., them. One great jagged Pang Passed the face et,* typist and tut through a report. he Was Making out. al1111111k lorlimillorrommelminiftwrimmirriri:iimi!orp7116.: 4Nramilloimlommeolomimipmsimmisos4,4 • • . • Whitechurch • —Tuesday, julY 6., ,„, Fred Davidson made a trip- to Tees - water on Monday. ' ' - • • ,-----Miss-Sturdy,f,f.Lucknowi. is_Mating. at J. J. Johnston's. CharierGillespici-of.--Seaforthr--opent- ‘ Sunday at his home. Pte Charles Cuff, of London, Sunday' in the village. .: . Miss St. Johns, of Pittsburg, visiting at fl.. Beecroft's. . mrs, E. yotques, spent - ,,•, tlpent Sunday with thew brOthW er dhatn t the holiday in the village.,-' - with friends in -Drayton. ....-W. ' ...,.. .. , ,. vv Inece-- ‘Wno-irec'ently- parclialeed Tom Penrose,. of Loridoni spent the ' another motorcycle with a side ear, had ''Week end with 1114 Parents' . ''', " the niiafortune to break the side car oh Dan McKay made the parchaae of ' a Sunday evening. ,.,, . tiPg„te°11,„,.t13".,,,,.„,""!--°"A ad ,,°g ' ,,„ , ,.. - , ' /1.: ''''' Although 'we --have 'had abunclaneelif .: Sines ineatputo WIS in, ',Loretto. iasv. ,raitc :lately; , MIT, Gillespie , tiorilizt1,111 Saturday With a ear 0 cattle. . . hoing hts ittari sprinkle our streets three rte,, Ruscll Afoitity, of London, anent, , timea a day—With buttermilk. , .Doni forget the picnic to beheld near the 10i1i bridge ort„Fritlay not, , under the Auspices Of the Whitechurch Literary' Society. A.good titian is expected'. ' , . Au accident which happened'on Mon. day of last week which aid not reach the reporters it title to be 1)41)110110d in tile-IA.0 *sane of this .paper and which i spent Misses Annie Roach aUd Razel Cam- , erom Crollingwood, spent, the week end with Dr. and Mrs, White. Quite a nuMber from here toolt'in the garden party at Larigakie on Tuesday evening -and -report ti geed -timer-- — - Misses Bertha, Etta, and -Agnes Mc. alittMessrs.--W;I: Arsceti. and- -It- Mowbray motored to Pine Point on Stinday. • Messrs:Davis Martin, of Caledonia, 18 arid:Charles Martin, of Wingham Jct„ Ottridity*With friends in the village. We are,'glad report MO. Sporting • is recovering from ho recent illness.' Miss "Ethel Breckenridge,. of Ripley, • is visiting with. Mr, and •Ire, *Walter 'Miss Douglas, of -Toronto,• is visiting with Ur, and :Mr*. Prank Zenry thia ‘v°611,`„,...' ... ;great)y marred the' pleasure a. the day ;1'. *Newton, laleictiOW$ lOriner•Veather for At least a few of those Who took ' in at No, to school,: was in the ;village on the, Halloo" picme held on Mr. Devidson's the let. ' hint, ' It appears that ft ot young. Whitechurch was fairly', well tePte.: Indies of this neighborhoed were about - scrit,ed at the celebration: in "Wingtiam to 'enley themsMvea telhettilt eap-atity *On the lst, . . ... in the TOW host 'Daisy", Which had'teen- ' 01'rank Vaiiner' tett- 011 Monday for , geonred for the occasion, but, "Daisy" London, where he Jatends to enlist .for mot Imo., been . ottue.le. by a .0orman.. torpedo, tor she 'itiodenlY Obtrierged OVertleaS •Bervice. . ' ., , . . . . . 4 „, i • • 4 • ,... ' ' taking the young males Ivan net, irer- ' A number °toad. Pellowa from the 1 . . - too 6 y, ey u 4: ea •,y is young tillage attended decoration 401=0; In 1440 who :was hoar by, and' who hurried BrxisSole, SutH10 ititern°4411` ".,i' ' I dont to tliiir libuieS, rattier wet.,: btit MastersWi If and llie wrelea.von; little WOrS.5 for their experienee with the 'of Lucknotvi are 8100*, 4 few days , :ciao row boat. They sa9 Ws wellthat :with their aunt Mftli CuYleri ' ' I cods well) bat itidgmAy tin.). direction Mr. Calliphelkot reISIII orgdtoZot'Og the gray driver Ina inbber,tired ug tik .44 .4- . ,. the 0, 0; 1,0 lvtih in' the Village Titeldv ; taking smut, we are .k'd to bellOVO the 04 Weduniolof of last week, . ond,is not Kintail —Monday JillY 5th Miss Pearl Grithn returned to ))etroit to_dtty, Jack Stiles, of Chicago is at pre ent inho .BobaitbnioSfy Wt:3;viA se aL eSaunni d:r37. visitor at the rionnt1.2---A girl's brown coat.. Owner can get it by calling at Itintail P, O. Mrs, Ferguson, of Amberley, is visit- ing her daughter, trs. Dick McDonald. "Earl you are awkward. -You want' to keep on the level and go like Miss Drina Thain, of Teronto, is spending her holidays with friends here. Miss L. Griffin, of Ooderich, 'pent the holiday with her sister, Griffin, Misses Ethel and Olive Eilley, of ,.ne- troit, are, spending their vacation at their home here. Mrs, Ronald . McKinnon, 'who has spent the past 1,veek under the 'parental roof, returned to her home at Parkhill on Wednesday, --One of -the biggest and meat success- ful picnics held by the 1Cintail baseball team and Women's institUte was held at Lake View Park' on Dominion Dan hundreds of people being present. 'The weather was ideal, A program of sports of various, kinds was carried out, • Ball prima were won by LochalsIn- r• OW1'111'40 NAVAL FIGHT eteeka..arn Reports 'Russian nnacelo In Sea Battle Against Garmana Christiania. July 62—A 'naval battle between Russian and Getman- 011•10P . •has been fought eft ilethidud,.... south- east of Stockholm. The battle lasted throughout Thursday night and Friday forenoon and there Is evidence. . , that it .was or a sanguinary character from residents 'of the island who ob- served a swell part ot the action. Throughout the night:- the sound Of heavy firing disturbed the inhabitants of tile Swedish island, aria early -on 'Friday ,warships "-were- observed ,lii ,Lzugarn harbor. 'Heavy firing was heard intermittently and at 10 .o'clock four .0rUief3114 were observed 'elesslY etigeged near the island. • Later a German' ' torpedo 'boat with many Wounded, aboard Steamed into Kat- thamMsvik. A German -torpedo boat is ashore at Sherry an.1 the bodieri of 40 dead German sailorshave been washed ashore there also, A Stock - helm despatch stares that the German mirielaying ship •Albatross- is aonore tiff tb.e island after 'having been Se- verely battered by fire from Hussies Druiseni, oeMtn returningidi1.16,n,:Yfftrehowel daysPe1 .1tedr, '16-ts'h:lvorh:1homes .c afterra(n'ct "The Younf feefire'i Guild Sunday NV116106 she intends taking a Course in .the University, . Bend, •• lett 1,0r Toronto on _Saturday, interesting aper Ori "Malting Life' evening VAS taken by Misses Alba 1176x and-tilirt-Mmersouy'-who• -gavc,a,--very Topic "Seeial Settlement and Fresh Air Worth 'While.", !rha,inecting next.Suri- day evening ia in charge of Mr. Parker. ' (Intended fOr last week) Henry Farrell is buSynarVesting a finnihirty:six.itcre crop - AlieSS.aladYs•-tratrilin --Loadony is. visiting her cousin Mrs: M. D. Viaddun. .. :Rev; Mr, Oiteu-who is -camping' at Druce Beach ivill preach at Bethel next sundayovening. Damon itddreFlol. the .Laague at Bethel on Sunday evening. All were delighted to hear The baseballmatch on Saturday even- ing between itlowerdale and Pine River teatiis was odraVionto a ClOSe dui -in g thd third innings. Dor' boys preferring de, foot rather than ir,justii;e. WM. Staith ia making extensive rovementa to his barn. Janie Creech, m: Dell, Mr, Cameron, Tilos. (latish and Ad. 'McDonald have all raisea their, hams -find pat foiindationa under them. Mere iniprovenients are being- made. than We have ever seett iTt dines of peace.. Are wo downheattedi No. , Mr. E. E. Ilveringlinin left on; Mon - 'day fethie honie in London, test web: lie has been placed on it.Oirellit for the new conference year. He' is 6, young: man of splendid ability and good itt• ,111tOneot 'daring his pastorate on the Beth, was very popular wi 'old,and young and lave:; with the hl t 'isIa? of All for sixekess in hie new eld of labour& tirey s Corners Lochalsh , • ertainly a New Way of Business ' - • .',New ;York, July tn.A.'Themes who shortly will be in Toronto wlth regard to, furtheibig ninnition. • sup - piles, sneaking of his eacaPe from the Lusitanin• disaster, said tb ere. had 'been h`tOrieo going that it was due to divine deliverance .in order that he, could 011 _this more important mission. ba.ve, received a number , of 'letters from ' clergymen telling me they thor- oughly believe thfs to be the fact. They- all end -with a 'finanCial -state- ent of their churches , and niik for mall con.tributione • • • • J_nly Kennie?PerriSh ,ete spent the l'at, of in GOderich.: - •-•• ,Elyvoed'Dreifimu Called op his friends On-tbis-line . „ Ewart J,anneson made a pleasant trip trip to itrpiey.on the lat. ,Jas. i. inwier'vmied hs •Brush street one day 'not week. , Mrs, Jelin Kennedy, of Ilitirea, visited her sister, Mrs Gee, Drennan, lalit Week, •Mr.• and Mrs, Frank Mc_ltitost, of Luckno w, Visited With Mr. Mari li/fra. Drennan on the lst.. of joist. Everyone freer . the „ Cortern:Aaalt-,:in_. the picnic at, thelakte on'Dorrilnifin Day and all report an enjoyable time. • David Little hoa returned from visit. ina_hia. brother, ,titn,ot whitefish,Uont4, 1.whOlies betiri-tOteusly:Ill. ant his'inany friend's are gaz to hear of his reedvery. kneMy Censor Mali, London,, British,„ 00116c eign °tee cortimenting on the allells4 -tions., that the Swedislt,,mail stearnerc, Bjoern. and Torsten had been 'capturt. ed by the GOrnit,413 and that mail from, 'Alniffiit and Sweden had been openeor nnd the contents censored, says: "This has been ; ,esta,bliabed .beyond ;doubt and 'it, deeirablo under ths eIrcumatanees that it be generally; known in Tiovi of the. Wide Publicity given- in statement* .1rOm...„ (lertnen •sofirces that the 'bags had been re- turned to the' Swedish, atitherltlei opened." , --Tuesday, july 0th. Mrs,,Ilnderick Mete/mart is Seriously iil tit present • Mrs, J It. McDonald. is better after he! recelt . , IL, alebeoil le as 'titers engaged aa teacher' for the coining torta, • . Miss Dean McLeod. retorned to her boine in itinlogel, Mrs. Sohn lifeartie has returned from Iticluninid Hill where, She WAS ' visiting hol4ister, Mrs, Melton:tie, The Loehalsh team lied, a -, ,,winning Week, On Titesday, the .tptli. tuey de. of end tilde ii31414:113e6ybrblilto,hyeelidette role( Idbre0h, estIndd. vilitiniti;sirige. Edna and amn onat4Tfifis,n6:1;t4)*.i0IoadlY0 ar or, defeating leteknow 7—& -and. Ripley winnin valuable stick pine Mise 1,11 lizabe_th.Ituthetioral Liu. presented by,A, oininittee to the, will- Vinod,. is borne for per holidays. ning team, -Toglight they play &nest. IvInsen. Jack moottife and chttlytil, dine „in Loclisish. IT they win they esti mnDonnia were in Godttielt over sttn,, eiose their season with a very good 're. day* ligving beaten Annie of the best ..188,000,14 abotott who tits been teams in the Surrounding Vlueli, th,t,tduitoi.,1;,1411:vitit it:nheptiorttlIttpiel:Ittutztoontt oloo at Mr' fOtlifYi24 kola ' Olivet ----Tu• esday' July -5 John Coiling of London visited relAtiveS on the 4th for a few days. " Henry Campbell is at present visit ing his dater in Michigan, who is ill, . onDiris SENT-4W.PlIONE are AS promptly attended to as it, you' brought 'them in person. It saves you a lot of time and trouble., Do„ •not wait till lrouta,e able to 041, that. 'order now. Our :umber 41 10. ere are some o! our Special OfferS.: this Week Klenzo Polish Mop, reg. price, 1.Z, for z.00; Steel liarrtirte.r, guOran- • ted, 50c, , Cartiorunclum -Mower; ife Sharpener, 7 C„ Guaranteed 1-1a,nd Saw, $1 15. Pure Paris Green, 3oc. lb, Nickle Tea Kettles,- No. 9, $1,35. ' 14 qt, Gr. Pish Pan, 29c. qt'Gr Sauce, Pans, 20e.. 5hoe :aennTWrappeilsrli,ag6rnuagfor'tFr, 0nitColanders,1. Grraanitee I)P'Pe rs15 M STORE TtlAT NEVER D1SA.PPOINTS ONION, :A.',nuinlier of the St, Helens' PeePle attended the turieral6of the late Peter Torrance yesterday. • , Miss Lillian Clark'. of Toronto. also Miss May Cameron, of Godericli, are home for'theirvacation, ' Mr. 11. Robinson SPentiA reW days in Amberlei before returning home to Per.- gus for his holidays. Mrs.',11flePliersou and daughter, from near Guelph, are spending 04, few days with her .weether, Mrs..11ugh McDonald, • Messrs., Jim and John Miller, of Fer- gus', Mr. Torrance, of Toronto, also flurry' forrance and Jim Miller, of 'Ineknew, called at Mrs, John Miller's, an Tuesday, ' °levet garden party is to beheld on the church grcuncls on Thutsday, Jaly ' 'Misses "Aura and Rena Cobing vent a few days. wit h. relatives in ' Mrs. Charles Alton, of Lanes, spent a few days with her „motlierf 5,1.1rs Henry egniphell. 'lower(' VieGuire, cf Stratford. Susi noes College, is spending, the holiday at his home int the ' Clarence Aridge anci. '1Vfisses Irene Bridge and Gertrude Worthy, of the South Line, spent Sunda,y at W. 8mith's Miss S Y:',:MeTitvisli left for tueTph on Satitclay, Wheres.o W... f ir „. a s.X weeks' Course in gardening bortitul tore, etc. Chester Wilkinson teturind home from Albert College, , and spond the vacation ,witlin his parents, Mr, and Mr. W.11. 8011. •• • Olivet Scliool held their plonk Point Clerk on Tbur'sdey, July .Tho weather, wee ideal and a splendid time' *46 enjoyeit b all those .who attended it, t. Helen Miss Elizabeth, Miller, of Edmonton, is home for her. vacation, 'Also Mr. and Mrs. Rob. Miller, and child, en, of Chin- ook, Alberta, are home for the summer months. • St. Helens iws, well ,represented in Dungannon on the evening of July 1st -, a Garden Party beitigheld there, also a ball game between St 1161ens and Dun'•-• german., St. *Helens came home victor- A -number from here attended the barnraising at Joe 'Diekenson's Wed- nesday of last week. - Paectanssivn Paining, --- A 'drive' whiCh your reporter had along the 4th. line, revealed a nuniher of improve- ments under way by the ',prosperous farmers of that locality. Chas. Thomp- son has put a wire fence along the east side of ,the graveU. road. Mr. Whytock is repairing the residence on the MeXague farm. D. McGregor has extended his barn by one bent to, the west, and llobt Keith too has en, larged his barn by an addition to the; south side. X. "Mackenzie has sub- stituted wire for the old rail fence it'll front of his farm, and M. Brown_ irc. arranging a new driveway into hit3 farm. Further west John AJleKinnon has bet'n dein. some ;ire fonein,,,,,, along the road and, rias made a big start in the way of clearing up the swamp on the front of the McMillan farm. Alex. Ferguson has enlarged his barn by ex, - tending; the, wing 'fa the South. tal'InekdainhileirNirnfa;;YWfirlileeMdseeer:ste JiutYe°1tesrt: • • cieR0 jelacsealtih0.e-iryesriltimes,atnhciebnetaoduteitivntlhaxeacteiviner, ttb4hY n an 11 lelleV°e1t4i Sh time ' young1ae thoroughlyd6;lpee aeel Aat 81 1.1 I seenuengillot beodySold only by J. G. Ar t The RexiniSteiei 40c,, 25e. 8z 50e, boxes:. ,mstrong,. returning hone. Tao hoatess received • a. number of beautiful gifts, showing the 'high esteein in which she was held. • Culross Centre —Monday,'5th• 'Mr. N. Dunbar visited .frieri'dsin Mr.. Jaines.MeLaughtan ,has Moved into his. honer; on the Clark farm.- , Richard ,Guest, 1 of Kingarf, Visited friends here' one a last week. , „ , , „ A few,,from,here Spent a•- successful deyfiShing,' Silver' Lake on _Friday , . Mr. and Mrs. Joe '0 nest. s Petit a few days last week with friends at 'Dun , , . and M-ra, ,Tee -Diekengen.'"Spent,, Sundayatthe lionie of Walter .Day..- - • John lioia;- of con: 10; Ititiloat,==, •fAtiritiayed at the. home Of Mr.. Albert Thompson. at,.Langside Garden PartyonTtieedity. Juno 29th, • • Xi,: and Mrs. 'George .Richardson ,spent 'fa* days last week with-friend near A.rinow. Theact.wbo 'attended'. the -1staof- y- aelebi held in. TifeaWaterr, %pert - an 'eajoyable day, nth, )10Qtestie'et bee (drewe • —Monday, Xiry- 5ffs „ Mts. Tate of the -west is visiting her Sister; Mrs, Johri A1,16g Lizzie Xeown of Detroit, visited her cousin, ,..,N5rs.41,..,Carilia. Misses Annie and Ida AreQuoid are visiting friends neat ltintail. Misa May and Min. Shackleton are holidaying at ,their home hen, Mr. Soho Ryan of Goderich, 18 visit- ing his aunt, Mrs. John MeriarY, Min May Menery of Shepardton, is: 'visiting her cousin, May 3/lenary, Miss Lily Curran ef Rain lton% spending her vacation other . Quite a number attendedthe pleine herd at 'tinfoil on Dominion Day and. all report a good 8. S. NO. 6, Rixtoss. . V --A, Lockhart. H. MeIntothiI, McIntosh', Ada MeitaY!, Ala Meltay Jr. III -11, McDougall, H. Lockhart, Sr, McIntosh. 'Sr. X--4. McDougall, L. ties.ton O'Brien, G. Iticliarda. * missed exams. . - 11. A. McMillan, Teacher. N VAL'S Mety-f lowe TALCUM POWDER re,ip•mit uoiri.vstiirw1t C.trivitt aytio*.elraictiniti:rwaor :The, distinctive odor ot IVIakiloWer Talcutil is eritir4tneWi and aduch chagitiarid'delkacy as to ittutiOktelst 4p0eal to every winfiari of . refinoment. Antiseptio--OtitinisitelY 'fine in •0*tiore, It its lirekeininent for.' tine oft...b.414. , ,Alt Wye"' preparation.; 4i,re.itt a cla2I tliOtneettee. Nytra. Pace Crearrienit Witt requisites are tiniest 104" .petNible for 'the" compleltiort,. . ,Ask .ei .the Store for free copy of our booklet, "Your Couipiexion,"‘ ‘viliettinc,tudeslirectIoni aa to propet'filethoda of NtasSagei Ati Wo 014