The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-07-15, Page 1eke eeteee,4 $ Lou per year adv nee; $1,25 therwise • notv Sore Cu! or ileradaelies. 98% of your Headaches are .caused from defective eyes. Comeaad let Inc Fit LOCAL AND OENERAL ' Mr. Earl graham, cif Detroit, is viait- ing eeitli friends iu town, Mise adie Mouetedo, of Godericii, is visiting with ftiend$ here. Miss Frances M. Siddall spent last week with friends la Wingliarn.• 1-41teknow was well represeuted at tbe Orange dellI011etration in ',Viiigliain. Min Ethyl° liedgins, of Westford, ie iieding a few days with friends here. .Mre 11. C. yr:Mimeo of Winnipeg, 1Slini. is, the gueet of Miss•Frances Siddall WS week. . - Man to go Weste eerie/ fleet week, in charge of gar Of 14Orties. Ikl% *4=0/WU, Tindkriolar. ' . , f41 properly wiih gictSSeS Tell yOur friends they can have TAIE and your lieadaehes,Set/mgr.. for the balance et " '1015, for Only 3$ Cent% ' • • , • , • wfll diSappear " "Luchnuit.Pipa Band fereislied music a . ,at the 'Orange PelehtatiOn at ,Listowel ou July lttli.•• • Miss Mirage Gralmen is home front •Chillicothie, Ohio, and will spend the Bummer vaeation- here, - The Sanitere reather Mattress Co.' makes old featber„ beds into mattresses.: 011e door east of Graham's store. , r an - rtai• enrie,-0 e. D ' a la J * troit, are at their summer eottage; 13race 'DenArwher6thei'willepent thesimenier,- . Mrs Thos. Lawrence and Master Lind, Bay Lewrence,' el Saiilt Ste Marie, are spending a few days with ,Lueknow friends, • LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY,4ULY 15 th.. 1915. LaglIAPELLE Wattlimakeri " jeweler and OPtluall MARKETS (Corrected:Up tO: Wenneslay noon) ...;••.; ;I :CO- ''• heat.. 4. • • fi• pats • • • • •ry • 'Butter, . •'• + • • Eggs, fresh, • • • • -1, .. • . • * 1 -fogs. !•; . . Meats to lioripliel FATRIOTIC NOT PARTY MRS Within a eliorrperiod Ieucknow has AND spEEmEs ON THE nth supplied et number of patiente te t e Wingham hespital for surecal operee thine. Two there at time of writing are Doupe, of, the Public Selecel, and Miss Dean Ueddefe Beth were operated on for appendicitie Mr, Doupe„on Saturde,y, the 3r4, irist" and Mise Cledelea en Sunday, the lith. Doth are doing well. • Mr. Deekete case was considered a sOinewhat options ono, as the. diseaee bad made. .corthidorable progrees. Mies Geddes' case was coin; peratively einndez 'and *speedy recovery is looked for: In New field • Last weeks Saforth Newt had the following reference to Bev. Mr, McKie- commeneeneent of kis pastorate in his new field of labouri 'Bev. G'McichaleY and fmily arrived in town lastm,eek and are gettingsettled In their new,. Wee% Mi • McKinley, PreaehedSwe interesting sermon on Sun- day to large. congregations, In the morning hieteet, eve., '0NOt by might .or. • power -bid 'by ,My Spirit said, the ,Lerd. of fleets% In the evening his theme was "The decision of Orpah and /lath Mr. IteKinley madea very favorable -impressioeeat hie inengeral services' and, will no doubt hOri, worthy leader! or the Work • of the Methodist Church of Se, forth, Thirty -four Orange Lodges joined in dm demonstration at Wingitarn On !Oa - day, Ae never fano the celebration drew A monster crowd', though in WILS remark- ed that Moriday's crowd was not. nearly Ed' large as that of five Yam' age, when between' ten and twelve thousand people were in the park and streats. The redueed :attendance was no doubt large)), expiain. ed by the celebration at thenearby town of Listewel. A new featin:e•of the preeesiden Was thn tireemice of aelerge body of womea wiio followed the fife and driun though - out the "whole March. ahese were mem.; bers ef the order of: "TrueBlues", a, winnatA branch of the Orange order. A number of outside lotlees of the True Ales. we -e represented. A, pleasing feature of the day was that patriotic ...airs . and ,speeches took the. plaCe Of the el•rktune party music- arid addresees.. The speakers .thitdo frequent uiitl eloquent refOrenee to the War.,end of the, neitedeftortii„ of. Protestant .ged Catholic to Over cOpie`tbe con,i won would - 110 oppressor. Proudly dul they assert that -of the iilhions of vehinteersbne iu five IS An Orangeman. - The (*owl at Wiugham was n sober, well.belnived and enunentiy god -natur- ed crowd. Visitors .to -former like •-gelebrationstcould not but observe the 1-46at of the 'dry" condition of the town and territory. There was practi- cally- no diunkenn &Win01deficenoti.- more•than• MO or " three cases having been. toticed On the streets. tiow different 61411 the 'clays of old! *Prohibi- tion: prohibited all right, - , • Ownwto two of, the hotels being, Closed tip, there was fear that there Wight be a shortage of meal accommoda- tion foirthelilegra0d.--Thia was` -e -Ver--` .conie by the Aug.can• clench and the :Salvation:Array 's Imola at. the sIce treet d silara1: e71: vtiO4txtetrha.nOortist li oi e. Cempbell moderate Charge 35 and 25..cents, re 410 en, cream; and fruit standa.did'a land Office titled to vote at:Mtioterpal elections _. 00 neitlesS. _ ale: in the northernf division and 144 In. • , • ••• 'the southern. -10,-the-tiorthern,, division .LETTER F_ROM,..111E....FRONT 11)h;riiareojottt4ee,,gonititubneTn", „0._er_eleTlihreolevse'eh' e:rehwe esliensoilicepilngseeoweeree.es,., • . Wheat..°4°I.th kitiett4t.'"is wnttic. , *eta', 7 `,441$: t.• d --tar2eY; buoi.; • **:. ' 62 -11 120. , to 80 "2- • 70 to - 43' to- 2100 • itcect_a4a, .4.-47..48 4), ovor.. • • - heavy steers.... OQ to ' • - 18 /56, kAyes.,, •‘. . •• •••,, 960 9 (A • , 'SO " • e 60 to 1 00 : Sheep, • ,,e‘e ,*Per'ewt„,10 to „ t,. k 2 • 0 6•" ° 25 ' 6. ° • ,Potatoes.. '2 - • 0 Og. - .610 , 30 • • ..60‘ to ,Aliatis what oi‘i`e.-.Api int onatpin, era calls Nyal:s Digestive Tonic:. ' ' AnOther man said it S%Veetened his Wife aft,er'heliii",` 4ys- peptic, for years, . One wife,said she had to take it away from her .husband, she CottIen't 'melt , enough t� satisfy the appetite it gave him.- " Stories like these inake us 'en- thusiaStic about Nyal's Digestive yintire_noCreeling_iikto.the mark perhaps your stomach, is causing the trouble. `Werth while finding mit. anyway. A, big bottle for a dollat " . _ . ENO UG STORE Mr, and McLennan, Of. !to - reset% fettnerlY :of town, are :.:ePending. Alieir summer 'vacatitar atitheilakneeleere.. near Laurier. 'The Sanitary • ,D'eathel Mattress the child :can tern. 'Come in and 'See Pe or 'Write to box 200. 'Lltelesio*, - Xennetit.Canterett is at :preSent•-1.4id Up with ivy poisoning right 'hand ,and arm,,which liegeteWbileeleenieg_eat old fence 1;01,00. " • -IfeigliMeMillitinereral;.Alvin;Carneenn, attended tne Sienoner $ehoolieeee :pee auspices of the 'PresleYterien•Chureli. *at:. GOO* list week:, • ^e•• ee-Mteeepii*iti.4taytyn.• WOkettoni,,,. and ,Att,,and:140 N6vconib_o,, BulTalo, N. Y. are the guests tif• Mee and Moe Siddalthie:Weel Knee J. itosei,fOrMeihr Mrs. A1!ert UdOregOr;. 0000%, Ont, is ; visiting ,heieetiarenteL.14:4 .100 ,',Ars,..;lLtigh in Kinioss Mr. Haigh is erinfiried. to the, heineeWith.'aedieeasedfeote , teiclinew Vetere' Dot ' The, Thicknew Voters' List for the Year low wet -printed -leete.-Week- -and -conies •have been posted up by the -Clerk for theinspection of parties interested. • It is the duty of eeph qualified voter to see that his or her name is proPerlY entered, 41 that if it is not ae entered the cerrec.-- ' tion PUY be Made at the Court of lte- vision. On the het' of this year there are inell'.423Auunee, Of these 410 are entitled' to vote et annlieiPal eleeti608,e while. the remaining 1.3- may Vote only at electiona for the Legislative Assembly. aen-La (tacithei)Cc-e-te, • A Christian ettliege.horne, °- -healthful situation.. Trerpretuteitteendiermittontethetlincled . , ILLSVIttneri"*.A.01)*D;;;St.ThoinattoOlit- , Single Copies 3 cents THESE HAVE DONE WELL At the recent exainioatioua of the Toronto College of Musie, the reoults whlek were published in last Saturday's Globe, the following pupila of Mrs, Geo, It Smith, Muie Eac., were among 402 successful; candidates:,• • Jjollege 4. T. O. 51,elfabelle , Final Plane, 1st ClasS gonors-eFran, ' ces Siddall. : Senior Second Beim, 1st Clue Honore Meguillin, Irene Sherrill, Mil- dred Spence, Bessie Earithy. • • Junior Second Piano, let Chise 'loners Dean Cleddee, • Senior 1st lst Class Ifonorsee, Cleve MeKinley. 'ehell, Freak Ait,iheSon, ,(1,111lan.Miteh(i1l, Margaret McKenzie) Junior ist Piano, 1st Clese Ilonors Wineiffed •Ifonoce--Frances. Spence. . " ye, •• Piano' Harmony, ll,on or ti•TFranees• Siddall, ' • Primary. Piano,.est Class , Honore - Maggie Maleolme .ticinteale •.• _ • „Seidel., • Rudinient_ tfonors' -Alicia Mitch11, 1.11lian' Mitchell, Mar - wet MeigeneieeIrene $beiTiff. • Mitten Harruonsr, IT ()nor s -Irene Sherritt Clara sired Spence.:. • ,. • " ist Year History, lst,cilass, lionoiseL- Beesie-Earnby, Franceis Siddall, , Senior OieterYi PasseFrancee:Siddele. Eimminers-F. Torrington, -Deerege.C.,:eTefferse..Mne,e,Beeee_eW....,g, • FaiMoegli;1`, eliVielon, there are OS, in this .elessi. The ' • , ettetber Of:5nrere is 19q;' . *. '• ' - • .•' ' ' 8' • Wounded.- - ' ' ' llostillen,tn:Re4 'Cias! - ' ---en-VInel:oc+Pntirl'9fUjeelid°4Z°iiinaiAl hetrieviieght.urvsitchee . 4 .--'f the ---''.or orb' - — - - ' 4 " b'l ' ' "" ' give' ' li . ,:.:•,- a a result o . garden' party. v .letter!.-publisherl e ow, • :We t e by the:ladiea of the villegie a' few ,' wP,elt.P address iii,full,sol1a-0110144 anyof136 Agqiit,*lie. iderifati,4:040 patriotic' V.vOrk' farmer associates wish to -connimmeate .41)40 Seventy dolt* was realized. ',Thie. ,Withthe,eiritereets lie ask 40 they de, has been, tureetle.OVer, ff.Ntile-,".VirolnCten they Will know haw to' reach -him; 'Committee. , At; 41neetiOgheld'hY the L ...DrivenoC. Floinheele,.Nn. 425114` . „COnlinttiee On' Th.aradak.eVeeini of . last ' , 9th.Battery, :1rcl Brigade; .Wpi.e:skooitt ,7tfkisr:leistit:aii'o:'e4.,a*IIihvAi:s*io:t9fioatlloye ' ..0, amtidiAri Field Artillery; ,, ,Qatoadian' Os peditionary Force, , otherwise inconvenienty, to - , begin ,.new., ' • - No. 9 ,Stationary hospital, people away. on, 'holidays.all- , being .work'eitet.iet-preemit .iestead'OClieltirog'7.1)•Gar r Editor: Le. g?N;re' France. ... , . • : • : thn-hinneY;11t.itil,"•:'sitett,?,:,:work:cou , -,•-,ililetAlinetOlet.therOPle Chaugela VASE liseldog In accordance :•.:rispcotWq?-11c44: :Offices, Ihn'13iink Of limed -tone -rid The' .MolsOns.Bank will be - conipelled after July et. to close their BatikingeOffipee at four o'clock dallyeexeePt. on which': 'day they ThoSe,,havitig: Banking . businees to de Will plettee beer. this in mind.- •er'e'ro, -•Witikerteie Sint to - ---eThere areenoW fifty .a rerten yr/ling nlen in active Serrlee.-SincelcOMInerice,,, naent Of the. War 'niter thirtY have etliete .pc1.• for active , overseas' .service in, the three contingents So•far; retruited., ;Five, witie tliw first 'iOntingenP, ;al* with: , the second contingent and•nmeteen With, the third. Besides :these, fivo'haVe.good to Bermuda to. dor garrison- duty and tiventyrtwo' volunteers • under '• Capt., Clark are - in the pornpany which is guarding the, wireless Station at Tober- ' mory,' •. Clothing Por.11eltlana • • • . The Wornen!alnotitute intend packrng ..and sending to the Belgian Oorfsul;:.',To ronto, ribale.of _quilts and alsoLa bale Aecetid ba nd elothing 011 Wednesday, July Atlyone,haViOgalothing they, 00.11. spare that in gocid condition would they ,pleatie boug Senditto.theTown ftidi tor time between end. 4 o'oleck,- July tiet. PieaSe do not be later, se as to allow :time ,for..paCkinpoelhe„Seeiety: desire the- donations to be as , liberal as:. possible, ardicieating. the • great 'peed. there will be during the coining *hater. Offtsle.,,Pert .-;"..tvo!,- 0. Towers, ;$0t:*_.xigmbpi 4)f. yearErteller *the:. %ilk Hanfiltell :beret 1C(tVrndries(10.1uutrduk .for Fort William, Ont. having been. transferred' Oar City. Ile, takes the position of acoiint ant, there. Mr. Te,were ,be greatly miesed from social „hyla tnisioai circles in 1,;uckilow as from the:. bank. Ile is of a most 4gtectibis friendik, disposition% andlit 'leader of • the- Pipe' Dana he did Much to establish and main- tain the reputation of that organization. -nit mint LifeltnieW.,Irieride..will wish; Win Safe trip, and ,gOOd fortune 111 his new Iodation. Mr, Tower's Pleee the ( toilet's cage here he taken by Mr: E. Minimise Diff„' Oro •Mallough 'takes Ifilleon's-Pliee 'and atCtIteeddeli-Stitetee ,teeeittniore Dive Your,010 Razor' In many pirtelfin town and country 7theiteiS: One: or inure old reAcirti Iying about unfitted and' absolutely tfOrthlea • to the owner, 'Cutlera Ilan, Sheffield ag.ollaa Undertaken to collect these ola razors, fit theta up and send theta to the soldiers hi the camps or at the front; Ilicy are doing this collecting and fitting . up free of charge and theraeOre Vdtriot coet either the War Depittment. M. the toldiereeny thing, This tellettion cam- paigh is extended to Canada,andThee. J. Lee, 30 Pont East, Toronto, is ' the niediumtkrotigh, which •rdZere col- lected in Ontario . will be forwarded. Locallythe Luckuow hardware Coal will 130 pleased to reeniVe old vitae which the owners may Wish to, &Mato. Doia think the old blade it AO good becalms you have failed fOrnakelt work. A. tittle, fitting . tip by ,att eXpette rns$ transform it foto vert •serviokkblo .SeeettA the.caele.theailrl leeforoimaett::- neW knmere thete I eani alive, but keeping wilh this decision therefore the ,',..sroxi of $82-.00 .has,„„beetC, forwarded by .the treasurer to-the',,tted-','Cros.a. Society. • at pronto.- • Th slim • represents the ,thuount received ee result garden patty together with a balance of _Omit, tit 00 remaining in • the treasury Since the activitieee earlier in the .eeason. . , • °UR' 191.$ • ...TEMPLE: OlAitl:K. • . Ilikereltaitt-Vollor;„". TOWN. AGUE Friday night last the." lanoigans nearl,loit"their'positioh at the liead.;',of leaW,*ben: the ,epOye.' tieW 'them netslog.a 'weieeded . I managed to • • ' FOR 'KING. :AND....LOUNTRY Voting Soldier Dies 'Reece Mrs; William Aiteheeon, of W, Ingham _receieed,wordene_Moodeeeef -the fleatli of her soneLaeginue vho.died Of wanfichr •ENLISfASENT. OP CANADIAN METIIODIST VOLUNTEERS Mr. Editor: My attention wa_e, called to etatenient widele mede in the Ang- lian Church lest Sunday Morning when, membert the locel„ Orange lodges Were present in their annual church par,: a.de. . Tbe Otatelllent had, reference to the epliatment of volunteers in the 1st. and 2nd. COntingentS Which have gone abroad and waens follows: --"that theAnglicau Church km live plea enlisted for every., Ihrea of Preabyteriae .and Methodist , Clelirehes and religious 'Wales in Canadae",„' • • ' Novuthe patriefisui these remain% ing clearehee is ehelienged 'by .mitele statement, and ' minester of the Methodist '„Church. I' feel . entitled to Make ,a vablic statoinent ',may clear up. this eitnatimi aturpet the 'faets in anew light, "Ever. sieee.the first -One redolent of evolneteerse was, Made 'OM' church has been, badly bierepreeented N41v:enrnettntehliientfanfoti:.takrtil.ons. ent,, that. the ` Ipureaae,iRlinebriiiediesemerviiiipeti'esmkedailettahtisailstatoteniuieinst, represent t1,*, a() be, made the .statement with the government official- fignres before hill); And no doubt 14s. araefaleat WAS:- kefeir eintere.ece from - what he had before 44 Statistics, The error bee arisen out _of tbe,yonms. otlier churches ' egcept, the 'illithedist was specified and hence When our IA," Pante to sigirup there Was no space in the form furniShed there Whereby they could sex that they were Methodist, :It Was inevitable that they be classed Borne. ;where aimmg,:thel „other_denoihinatinptc. -some denomination got the benefit of received. while fighting In France, ,eilleneeeleere and credit for our patriot-' conlrade had been wounded and .Aitelie. •ism through' the; fornis -fureished-no son went to his, aeeistanee, when 4 Oval).- doubt the Anglican. Churth got its fuJi nel shell burst over ,hirn, fraginent Aare, . • • striiek Alin in the back injuring. the dneoteeish. to belittle. the glary : spine SO that the iower:,part his.' bedye which the Anglican Church. has 'won in Aima-Pwalyseor,_lifi„,-WaS._-takCji the ,mattor.-_,,...W.e.tbink ie- is doing hospital who)* he undervvent Several,' nobly; but ,we also are trying' ,tO faith - operations, these were without avail fully do ourware.for Ring and COuotrY,' Young Aitcheson'is verFhig41Y BP6On • and believe We•rtrO. The public ought. Of about Wirigharee 'where elm grew to to know our position.audi- :peaking for manhood... He Will be ' greatly misied myself,4feelthat asAllethodist Ohurch obry;7;ita:Yv-i,farsiettrid4p4bnedwholsif wmiedsoswrse,G. incoortgit, ',;ewnet entitled entitled tnine 4 t. inapology o te from mn thethis-we 1Devaairtej.:' And Thomie Aitchesen of to*o. -- meat of at Ottawa for. haviug nateliiililkOked'aftntOnedeMeOinatien, • • SUCCESSFUL' pue14, al :registration wine," ,frlitted: At tbe recent examinations of the To •fin inoirser.,ettr: cae:utuattirr „ali'°dt .'QiujasP,,aretTsI'u9itt,eisdul also routo college of u4.1-scs' Igte. iC in not having provided sufficient Meth-• odischiPlains toniinister]Waiir , lias,pasfealier,eliamination th tinctio in elinrOla in piano, nab hbaors. ipearreaodesgitv.h1our rilber4 )1,;.11 ld war. "ranf..• BowLeRs. WIN FINE' When all facts are known regard .'.pgrittAT,tirwo-squND. -wiliaf.,94014#4,t010-3ioluatabta4;it.the„ • •• first serhettontingztiti-444tfildai• come tn..' contact, wlt otne Getman The uc now rink. of older's-Wm. .811000a .0i- the'llth of this 'AAloilinnLendoohnst46eTe•Wite°11 and 11 the. night that the atinartieeS'--Inede took part in the greattonin- grand cliarge I will endeavor', to • give ament at ()wen Sound lost -Week, have you an eeeenne of eeur little frapas.. On .been, sbi6e their return; Showered with congratillations by their. retie*, sports. ftIttnry*. wbtr e.° ft oti lattacketh naPdsectionl7thQi They didn't Win the trophy, they eneiVe *nen .simultaneously with the succeeded %landing the "consolation"British. . It wasdecicled to let thc llirbie4,0verthirtir rinks took. liart•!.-nianY, , prize,' rio•small feat m •toUrnarnent. in joh,,-,While,the 3rd TorOutos Were to sup- ,,of them itthoeg the beat in theproirince. port the Ist Bathliou. Atterofir three e The prize -four potable. electric lempetho ' 44 'AA .114d''' delivered a 4,-••ba8 beert•one$hibition j \5,r Davison's 1.,4 some,' On TeeS ay- . , fierce ; binlibafelment . the eneldre -window the past week,--ivhere theY :have their belts •irenchei (inWhiell'ense battery did very attracted much admiring attention. The allies'added another scalp to when theyclOwnede the Caoucks by good work) the 1st Battalion charged to lamps,' which have reeded stems and 'Score of .,15-4.•: .Marsh, Grahani. 'fbund: the Minute with the bayonet. • In less very pretty shades are about as appro.' the 'Cint‘elt!s'pitcher a.eincli. It looks - than fifteeq Minute's they wore in fan priate a prize for -such an.everit as could noir' like 'a 'race" between' the Allies and ; . possession of the first ' of 'Gern1411. be selected. Naturally- the winner are very proud of their success. • ',The way of the. winner in one of those large tournaments is net easy. ;Th order to win this prize the rink had .to play 3 0 tett ga.mps, eight. Of Which they ' won., They -were on ..the p,reen and_ playing most_tonstantly-lroin eleven o'clock a. m. until three o'clock, the folkiivii4 morning -no time Allowed even for sup,' Per. " That makes a strenuous day's ve' °Trkhe same' rink is this week trying their fortunes at the Port Elgin tourna- ment, AriatiniganS.with epeYe as possible .run. uers.np, , The standing to 'dske,1.--- •'• " • 'Von Lost Tied' annigans Canna Sepoys '3 trenolies. •Only'for a, moment did they pause, then on they went, tearing at the second line, which: they carried in a few minutes. A third and fourth were cat- tle& in, alniast as quick thne'as,the first r-infantey-fellowectlestemahe beels-optheying_G erin ansr-not - giving ,thent time to rally, , The wedge had gone through., The 1st' Battalion, on carrying the four German trenches-, at Once began to consolidate the positions; but the fleeing Germans rallied. Our grenadphad•all been used -in taking the trenches, paid amid a ' shower of shells and•grenades of all descriptions from the enemy our infantry had. to retire from the trenches they had so dearly won. In the, partial -retirement our infantry losses Were very heavy. On thenightof -the 1.7th the Germans made a heavy counter ttack against our 2nd Brigade, but the '103SWater -Tuesday, JuIy 13 Our ti.,‘6'wlerft have gone to Fort Elgin to talre :Part in the. tournaMent, Joe McBurney went to I:04°n, last .$00i,day/tu.p.040-;:tor .Overieas service, Mr. McEren ancl his.t'wo, Abdo. -:„girlSeOf Oederieit; etre visiting nt Mrs feti.ead t -Beni , , • ,r1' thetninge Parade at Witighani, with, our 1604,104.0; ThecariVaasers for tontributions, to fair have Veen: very illecessfo.1 - and.seiiid . new special features have boon added. ' • Tho--leatriotie,.::-Soeieei-laise changed_ 7izeiteitiiiiiiet: matt-- ing.tiothe,!.5th beeleuee cif' the recital in Killer Church. ^ 0: UverybOdy,i84teparing for the races 011 thu gii-a Angust.T7Thiatireke-ileage eleetrepiet-in,excellenteshapeeandAgos,. point to 4 biiniper attendance and good days sport. wili bI believe thepeerehetitage;\ t°0Pfr---°Xeuet.tehoTist will com- pare favourably evitiv others: - If the editor will allow space for the printing of a letter by ,the Bev. Dr. Chown, General Superintendent of the Methodiat Churob.written, to our church paper, 4ThesObriatian Guardian', under elete•of April 21,, 1015;, . it will further clear up the:situation., • - • ThAnking you, Afr:',42ditor;--for: nie ;to give publicity to those state- ments, and to say With others; "God I ,smye the King." • • ' Yours very respeetfull1C. Ruv. Samura, , . "The Parsonage", Lucknow. . , • July 12th" 1015. Short Sighted Perpn one wliq neglects to give the trontion to their eyes that they fully realize should be given'. You see •°antra enjoYing good. sight Wall good glasses. Why not your- self it you need them'? Our optical skip is at yew. ervicee. 'we correet that eight, weak sight,"failing sight Examination Free, ARMSTRONG eading Jewelrand ,OPtician e Issuecl far . -shoit,Teita OfTenai-• "'- DEBENIUEES Interest Coupona , - payable Half-YettrIV NEGOTIAPLE Assets—$7p480,339 / The Great West Permanent Loan Compaq 17 20.King St.West • • Toronto Itepeesent,ed /by Jos:. A4ri,cycre' ' On - • EVERYBODY'S COLUMN ^. desires saitaapion del:.bonsekeepe3r8i r IvAdoV.r '-#bx water,oit,, • • • •• Ir44c.-... • Stocarand lliCutaapacouVanzOS.' • • ; • „ .!: •;, , • . • . . at reasonable rates. rite. Asnronte; bothF • • °Mx .4.01.01).111.6 Balikor4Thiciioalv „ fri:rlf.Zi;EXS BRUM' AlsTP VAlti5 noul operation and orders can be mite_ sizee made te order:, , T. PnitUM- VreOtlePOr- gol, "E. TO ,ItUN't..-PrAtee itweliaerr with stable, eaUsveleekst4. flair acre of land. •;Alminiirdice, Of soft and hard, viklter. Apply .1.04-M °xis; ryonekno*. 3r, Small tilOaktrar JoARO ••,';"1, 11": S ;;:f;Pa IrT4 ' 'brit `..' Tooting . ao er,w, • for'rtrePle VrOVOL-.•210h001'-'-putioWV1` • ---Mtnlec('StOiti.UV4 4.915i-SalattabOSIV.M... , teStiell0)419i,,Ot," t,40.T3*!A elm salary. AppIy t0 • 16-7400:•. • , zegau, Sirtoy • the: Public ' • The iL1,derigne(L hereby e. t • tlitk Notice gives not.t be ;?,pps0 ill - berrriAc4g „ laCk)"r' tki-Q Following is Mr. Chown's letter re- ferred to above: To the Editor of the • Christian Guardian. ' ,Dear Sir.• --Permit Me to draw the at - the tthe ention liAt4-Stra(beintr 719411:fsoft(...1 Government, in respectto'Era and Second Overseas Contingents, are Otto, hitely incorrect their record of Meth- odist recriutit, Strange tnsay, While the volunteers have been asked to say Wheth- er they are, Anglicans, Presbyterial* Congregationalists, Baptists or EOM= • Catholics, they have not been asked :eke whether they,, are MethocliSts. • The Ambetley word !Wesleyan appears in the form of • - attestation;•butAtiasraucli. as since the, Mrs. Ferguson, 8r., friends' 'Year thew. has. been no Christian, 04 'n „ • body in' Canada .whose :appellation in. atter move's than eveued-hp-' thee -score- Whigheineevisited at James C:deditsrold_that '-wordom. h:onornekfushiestan has bbeeee: -Which -was agktin,,t-ettr,--i-etr4lattalion McIPIrlrssoanu'tsmlacet walei.jek;n1 - -created in the-minda-of4lethodiair,re- the Oettnitn attack .110 cthvelet)ed into end.with:her sister i at Bethel. • , credited with UK share- of 'volunteers. The'2nd 13rigado riflemen waited, until ,strength: They•then t Miee Ddrothy. SaWyer .vieited her This will affect thechurelipanides; 4and full ,Their. rapid. fire. wiped on the friend., Alias ,Annte Bine, ori Sunday. • 41 apt also to divert from our boys- the Clerinmie witlis • back There to Quitea lase crowd from our ministry of•chaplains whom they would were only a feiv Gerniangot their.owie lines alive Altogether this celebrated the 12th of July' in-Wingham. naturallY most desire, 'how many'mah_ is not a.pictit, and believe me. I Mr, andMrs: and babe visited °diet renraits have been switched under witi good it 18 ':-.. -- Mr. and Ara. Itinee,Shiells on Monday, tbe. heading :Of otber-corntnuetons havillfkIt i - game ofbaseball, We often -have :catiy,p-ti.plespWto_iliseciYer; but Blue motored to Walkerton im Monday. haps iliVro$0514.41141aijafai- "fiei'- peop16:stiire at tis. Well, Mr. Editor,' I 'Wet* Steele, Of Toronto, is naps. oVeu thousands of. na,mes have even here, and you should see the Freneh eernorttlelltarwcie' could get no:reply' from hardly linoW Much: more to write) only spending her vacation under the parental • --yolnifiglx-r kenitottheeball playees-to, :drop inc a linei,1renikOke to hear from them; also you might seiia°. inc an odd copy of your paper. I will now ring off:- WiShing you and, your paper the best of puccess, 1 re-1*db,, . °mitt lIoleettek: .:...,11.411,==litio Nixi§e-tioultiriattlto , bo 0 Ightg^ tO MP; Will'014$011 lv:PablIc.biagtiolfatligr . .ben $tre0t,Inickan*, on Sattirdayi Only lei • . 'at2.1;,i7clock 14 in, • There are 4 -number. ta:' - very good le:tides on salev• begideS 'all• • ..: ixtensilS. etc., oto, • Tetals: . , S-740; •• Tiallreartsrtr,ts; ASIefiencer- rAIM FUR s'Abil,--The Adnantstratet of the •Nstate of Brutyltyltulatitile. Tfinth• et! woman. dopea-sed;•°, Ora; tor,Aale the. follonc. ; Itorlity-Tft Vravtancali on ;Janet to Mr. and Mrs. Patrick MUrpby-,,,n daughter, . Lucknow, ou June 8th IOU% tO Mr* anct Mrs. ,Tames Beres -ea - daughter., • , MeRutn1(.-13 Monte; la -nohow*, on July 7th., 1016, by • Rev, J. fele Irittriean, Mies „Martha Browny of Ititiloss, and Mt. Mk% Mel)rlde, CulrOss.. The young ' couple will make Muir ltutto on the, 'Oct. lino1 Oulroio. • 'Latoter • • , . A.clatt Bottle is at pteserit bull . eeinent for ,ttacKetitie., Nicoig. It. v. maeberinan add xto maltenzie *ere yester- day, 'Mrs. and Graeo from , gay, are visiting their aunt, Mre, Jas. Johnstone • M ' rs, Mortieon med. children trona tintutlis are' renewing old acquaint anees th Motonald VItaanaver $ 6 St. -Helens , A rit.1100110 Piegt0 under lie ails.' pieee of the St, Melons, Wenien's 'stittit,e, will be• held in 44The., Morton Grove", an theinfternoori of .1to 2200, Amuceneeete of all kind, children'S games and ft baseball Match, etc.,: will boheld. A silver cellectien ' be taken itt the gate, all mbnoy to us• ed to buy material toemake up for the Rod Cross work. Ladieshindly bring y our bashatc and ei,Joy 0,:*, good filter. noon, A cordial iniiitation, is extend Mies trlikelYOriTaltonthcsicklist. theMilitiaellepattmentetbOttase-asete, eat present:- - We hope for .a„ speedy re; Why such an obvious ..wrong Was coin- eovery. •mitted. Atlefigtili after much'effoit, we Peter Campbell, Jr,,chad a successful obtained blank forms for enlistment, and bee hauling earth for his gang -Way on found that they were madeout es re - Monday. Presented above. The question aa to . Mrs. Alex. McKay and children spent why such Was the case WU at onre mis- a few clays visiting her parents, Mr. and ed in tlie liouse of Commons. It then Mts. 1', Courtney. .• • appeared tliab the blunder was due to A hall game between the 6th tted following forms printed in Great Britain; Amberley was played on the Oth Con, and the Minieter of Militia prornisvdtbst Ss.thrdity evening, the score being one in the error would be rectified in the ;uture. Itavoe 01 Antherley, They intend having I write these lines tO reassure any . their final gametenight at McPherson's. Methodists Who, judging by reports, hare This will likoby be the last game of the had misgivings 48 to wflethr our Chitich WWI contributing ita there to the Cana - Olen atmy, old to melte request that out nunisteze and Teofle take „special pains eieti housemie ow put designittAd at gnat, We tana0t, with troy hest all Niagara eninsula erawe tettiotieta, afford to beeinierepteSentect visiting his' father, Mr. J„,,MaOponaltit ed Atignetitie •Virorneti'll heti. who ha a beta ill for some tinao but; id tdte 000 aptilet4 Svoybctly rOcovering '044' volcomot. ,Godorich in • the CoVtr of lirmObbrIded ing farm pronor4::-The south 110 nerds' . Taot 10, (Au.' l2„ 'West \Vowel:01a. „The . property is situatoa 1-2' iallea from .1.Aielt.4 ' • now ankTravultslrenr•St:-•-itelollui-Thi.1 r. .0 feria la all lir grass and has -beefs' vastilred • for the )7ast7aeltert -years-, goilti-viroll--wifik-. • Vita:nal; 10 acres of. bush; Situated in first olass farming eistrict a g00Al' (tame house, 2 barns and driving shed, The birth has ngod& clay loam,- awl Is in first clIss,, condition for inixed-fatniines. For flirther partioolars apply to I's...T. Ityan. Godorieli, Unfurl°. Administrator: or 5.0 3. n. Afrnew, Real Estate,Dcaler,lateknow;;or te.Vrtaul,- foot, 3011oraerfo Prondfoot, •belleitot°for - down 6 good FRUIT BULLETIN . to tee that al Methodist recruits are aiinnly Lafilberf iiikopberrle‘ The '8Olt tM)eat fileee days aliteunling Mack Currants are Also now At ihtlt Wit a a Inatter so vital. tor tit00101t. •AlbstomIncy derrick Onto Sinorelst years, • WNW,. floe year weer oder (48(e. . IX Ow*, a/. ;'•• • Administrator. Oiderich. 20-5-fd-o at 25. The 'reeswater Turf,Club will ,holci a great Race Meet in • rs eeswa er on Aug. 2 entries close Jut), .30ces 1915 $700. in Purses • DAY'S pitoccgo.... ceir Raici--(Itaif30601etlicatOst 2;50 Trot or_Pate • • 210.4)0,. •Tret Or ?ice • ' Pro tor All Trot or Page /0.00: LACROSSE Ma,,,Tia.--There will bert• game of Lacrossebitween winning tennis of two districts -at 10 a.m., .For 'Wes and Conditions see Cir.. colas or tounimitieate;vath , ' ' J. tiAgglillARSON„ Seersh.ri. Lochalsh` . . -Tuesday, Auly 13tb4 GrA) BitSinttlk - One of 'thcr'old4 :residents of Luchaliti district, passed away oft Saltilday of last ve°t it 0,16 person et Mrt, Roderielt Oain,no.ri, tliteageef yea& , She heti b'Ii for wino tinho hnd horamth hot) uno%pecte<1. 1110 iUnetal, t0611`. ta'Aeck OA. Ttbuthy totootAlat.. cometur$, ha...••••••.a. •