The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-07-01, Page 1,70,11111171 ., • • r.. 1 • i tithite • 1 A. itie A. w $r.cx> per yeaa.r, in advance; $i.a5.ohei wise • LUCKNOW, ONT , THURSDAY, JULY last•, 1910 Sin 1&L AND 'O.f ;Ni3RAL A Suri Curs _Headaches 98% Of your .H Ya&Ch, re raisedf`Caln °; defective cyea. = tho.,4 let me Fit aI„ ,A Sin oay--O uw1s is 48 years old to.day. . Mr. and ?itrs. Ed, Murchison Sae visit, fpg at Mr. Fred Aranstrong's. -..Miele Fan Weetootk eiidoo,-lespend- ing a few days with, her friend, filyd. Jack Sheriff. Dr. G. A. Newton is spending thei holiday in Detroit, having gone down Wednesday'morning. Mrs. Bramhillr of Toronto, who was the guest of her ,sister, Mrs. Dr. Spence, returned to her keine on Taeeday morn. Mies McInnis, Who lute' beien in charge of Mr. Donnell; millinery ,department, has returned to' her house near , Owen Sound. you properiyrwith glasses And you! °Headaches 'win disappear UCHAPALE Wtchmakers 'Jeweler and Optician MARKETS r t Corrstet't up -tel W ecuie lay` noon) Wheat. .... •.i, I. ,.., ,1 ,00 spa 50 Barley • . ;•#....8/0••••••'0' ,. 85 Butter, .. 01#0.40'.04#•• ....,. 22 23 Eggs,, f resh '18 19 ....:. ;...... , z ' 8 85 TORONTO, Panic$? rnis w $]iC Wheat. basil....,... ; ,,i3 1 15 to $ 1 20 Oats, buaki, ;. , , } 60 to ' 62 .Barley, bush ,, ° ,, : .7,9 .to 80 Timothy, :lap, , . 18 30 to 21 00 Mixed and Mover:.. •, r,' 16 00 to 18 00 Choicer heavy steers... , , "8 2$ to 8 ,65 Hogs,.` off cars . ... " 9 25 to 9 ;35 w » • Calves..• , .'.. 7 .50 'to 10 Oa Spring Lambs, per cwt.. 10 50 to • '12 50 Sheep, ewes, Cw`:. _5 25 to 6.50 • Butter, lb;. 25 to 30 .' 26,, to 27 • Potatoes. beg: '.60 io 70 A RATTLING GOOD TONIC 1 That is what one of my custom: ors calls Nyal'a Digestive Tdnic. Another nian said it sweetened his wife after • being a sour dys- peptic for Years, One wife aid ,she had to take it away .from her husband, she couldn't cook enough: to satisfy:'" the appetite it gave him. yStorieslikeAheses. make tis en- f thusiastic about Nyal s' Digestive onic. • Jf ynu.are not- feeling_'_ up to the mark perhaps"' your stomach is causing trouble. Wortli•while finiiing-out'anyway °. A big bottle fora .dollar at .. 'The Lucknow Pipe Band was in Mt. Forest Tuesday, vening Supplying music at a garden party,.. They made tbatrip by.attto.. ; Mr. tend Mrs.''. If. Ackert will be, 'settled in their Lucknow .home by July, lath and will be at horiie to their, fronds after that date. A heavy f roar,; last Thursday -,June. 24 did conaiderable damage to garden stui1 Beans. and tomato .plants in many gar!, dens Were cut to the -ground; while I0' plana were, verely- ?Ripped._ Mr. W. I. McClure, of.Vancouver Is, land, is here on an extended visit with. :his brother. Mr, B, McClure, and 'other friends. Air, McClure went to .Alberta about 22 years ago, but recently went to enjoy the milder climate of the_toast. „Miss .Arme±trong,.„who, , for :the ..pact. year had charge of the school” just north of town, will not; be back •after vacation., Atter .spending the summer holidays at her home near Palmerston • she .will go to Toronto where she, will seek a posi tion, as teacher in' one.of the eity'echools. A.°McLennan, :former pastor of South'$inloss church, was' a 'visitor in town during the week, Mr. McLen- nap's many friends will, be- yleased, to ^ivtliat life in Toronta'appears to agree ell with him. lie ,assisted at-' the Sacramental services in' b F4 termer charge on Sunday Recent newspaper; dispatches' report'. 'Private 73utistein,;of the `4 thA iRiiland errs, missing; Bunstein is a , brother • of Mrs. Reyborn of ''town ,• a.-Ife was work- ing.as a machinist at the•ittassey-11nrris works when the war broke out and •,iin mediately ' enlisted. 'Before ' going to Toronto' he had worked :two ;years in Brantford. Mr. E. Mutton; of .Mitchell," writes to saythat hellos word ,that • his::. brother,: 13,W. Mutton; of. Edmonton, Alta., has- been been very` severely injured.. H.e II To redte oat' stoclr mette iiaw selling ttie season'. trimmed and untrimmed -Sats .and: trimming a at greatly reduced pdrices, G. MAY .! L a'T7Ro fG" At "lark Agais After cutting out the lei at the saw mill. the Lueknow Table' Co.. pat the factory iu operation again •on Monday morning with all Mande at work, The :report ;current lint week to the effect that the feetory Weald be Awed _down for sometiu a wailn_not true .as there is weurkt, ahead',for lin. hide lite period. wtt,e a1,i. Dad • Tena Hawk,' the eight year-old daugli, ter of Mr. and Mrs, John'. H;awk,; died at the'iaoine of her irrandpurents in Lie- tow.ei;.on Monday of this week. The Tattle girl who had: never' 'been ir,bust had -been allfor'ahout a ntnnthaufFering. from- mottle force of .:Spinet' trouble. F.. Tate, J. McCael and Mre.Sturdy,,motor-- ed'toListowel yestrday, to attend' the funnrel t P.r l(Is awl ,sata'y Mr. and Mr*. Robert � hail d' fart week t their son, Ifarbert,• bad enlisted with the E'itots battery for svr- vice' in Europe. Herb ha for some yeatrs held a position fa Eaton% Toronto store, :and when the call carne for volun- teem for the i' ton machine gun battery he decided to join the colors The. bat- tery is now in camp at Niager*. Herb is a bright, industrious and amiable young luau,. and he wily take with hide to tite ecene cif war, the good wislits 'ot many fiieknow friends who will «badly Welcotme hianlwiek after the da paugu over. ,• Brightening Op, - Workmen were busy at the local Mol- sive 1'4nk the early part' of the Week' removing the old ,nnd` putting in :a . new Set of odiec f;ttings. Tile new fittings are.of oak and therewvill besome changes in the plan. The eine ts• to improve: the arrangement of th'e oll'aces and to increase the: light. With: this' latter object in view a wind--- was, recently put in the .. CtiURC1I 'NEWS° The Lucknow. Lodge. of the A. F. and A. M. a attended service in the local Ang- lican• ehureh ort Sunday morning. There waas ae.gooa aurn�wut of the'loeal`brethren and* ;nunt!ber.: were over $rots Ripley Lodge. After 'the service the members .returned.'to the lodge rootn" where in *shortaddre e a aitianber of brethern-. expressed. a appreciation off t'he able. and. „tl oughtf ul sermon preached by the roe - tor, Bev. A. Richardson.. °..A delightful June' evening supplied ideal conditions, for +a, soeial evening'' Spent by th •'Guild,and the Adult 'Bible Clam of the Presbyterian •Gliurch on the Churcli. lawn 11lori,Xay' of this week, Jt to the custom for these :organic -tions to tit tcontinite their regular meetings for castor -wail thn aitonths of. J.ulyy, .and=August, ala ',. • this, as, last year, - the (term w+is brought to close. the. last • Monday ef; June,' by a eoeial evening on the lawn'.. lt,ev.. J. S. Duncan presided -whit= a good program of• 'readings, recitations .and,. songs was being rendered. This •'was'.. 'followed by the serving. of refreshment, lie#whole. niak,ieg up a.deiighlul ,even lug which will be .long remembered by tinosey who, attended, •' There were up wards of 150 present, TITE.LIAtieri -=There was a' good at Family 'Known Here . • 'rhe,London• ]free Press lasrt week had. a portrait of Major 'Victor Odium who is novo in coinniand of the 7th Battalion. He is described as a former°. Woeedstoek boy,; but'the. Odium boys are 'also,. well remaembered rin Lucknow. -'Victor is .a son of Prof..Odlum of Vancouver BR„ U Ancor- r acs :of the Prof. Sas killed a •in •the battle of Langetnarch, ,and another, Garnet, was killed in the South African war, Victor was only recently appoint- teedarice ttt League on .Monday night;. The topic wits »low to deal'' with , the troubles-ot life Aispl'endid paper •was given on this subject, supplemented by. some short extracts and readings; in",.' deed if the good-advice:and. J suggestions thrown out were' heeded' it 4would help in. great meeasure to lessen"life's troubles. Oso of the =,Peasant -,features -of - the evening -was ;they presentation to; Rev. Mr.' ,McKinley of a purse containing quite•a; respeetable sura: by',friends of- the Congregation and accompanied by appropriates reference. to, LI r. McKinley's; work.. Mr McKinley 'who ryas ^take,;, entireley by surprise replied suitably. ed Major, succeeding to the command'of Lieut. -Col:. Hart Menaarg who was.mor. tally wounded a'few weeks'. ago. , Fattier febl Dead : . x .lr. and Mrs .T. McGarry,. motored to -Formosa, Sunday night, a having° .heard chat' Father= -Gehl -had' died•. -suddenly- there • Tlie information. did not- prove to be quite correct as the Rev. gentlefnan ha't passed"away' at St,, . Joseph's . Hos pital,� Guelph, where< he shed gone for treatment about two: months ago. 1'!a- ther Gehl 'will be greatly' missed :from Formosa, where he, was priest Of' the FORM I EXAMINATIONS Marks pasaible,� 1060; To fiass, 630, Anna Nicholson, sllu (honors); Harold SCHOOL REPORTS- Fntrance—Harry Hackett. Strotid, D8%; Willie Webnter, 54; Ada Ilelm, 45 jr,IV—Alfred Andrew, 'Myrtle Rit- chie, Freddie Ritchie, Watson Webster, Alm Beaton, Lizzie Helm, Carman Beaton. • Junior III—Marshall Gibson, Janie Ritchie, Willie Stroud, Jr. II—Beverly Beaton, Essie• Ritchie, Margaret Webster, Gertie StrOnd. I --Earl Gibson;,Ewart-Webster, Pearl Sr, Prtiner-:-Eva Gardner. Jr. Primer--IVIelvin Webster, Cecil Webster,'Edna Ritchie Malcom Webster, Grace Pepper, Willie Pepper, Dorothy Anderson. ` No, on roll, 29; aver. attendance, e!6. Jia.-1V-Ceell-Xobnaten;Geerge: Glenn, Harvey Anderson. _Hackett, Tillie Jat. III—Madeline Johnston, 'Frank • Moran, _Fred Finlay, _ Olive Anderson,1 Sit, II—Norman. O'Loughlin, Myrtle Shackleton, Fink.;;;Shackleton, Caswell lay Lizzie Alton. 'Palmer Kilpatrick, Allan Fin - large -church and congregation_ there for Thanking the peop e the past dozen Years or 'more. He was, sions kinclness,,,, toward himself aud of wvery genial dispOsition rind highly -family W.1E-Millicent Hackett, Grace,13Iake, P°Puiar. He'w#4 -4 Peree41. friend at 11,- Ey. Ma. 31oKiNLEV LEAviXo—Mr, B. Class—(Mary Finlay, Olive Inez Mr. and. Mm. MCGarry, they having -been acquainted in -youtk- in -Waterloo ,^,..• 'i'a SraiidaoY11-101.gfhrotni6:eatherr6- wcodn'eg-dreegliautirociiii; - --T9:":"? -11 RP ill "2- "5 --.-- m a' tAyvHe rat; 'k--e-t. ttetn,--Te-"Ei°ch ei : 'County Of- Whieli All three were natives. m was working in a wholesale grocery and,,,4 Everynody- , and the surrounding eountry being pres., fallen and sit shed him. Mr. Mutton is ter than. medicine, learn, how to tell gt, •and.realiect for Mr. ','McKinley,... Sr. IV.-- Marshall Bradley. Jessie, well knoyun about Lucknow and Into, Buckingham, Lillian Owen; 1::$onaldBitte. relations an Rev. },k, J.. Garbutts,begins his .pastor. al work to 'Connection with the 'Method- ist Church" next Sunday. r. c in a willleave:morning ruin on;Jul 1st and Mr.' Garbutt will arrive on noon train by this method the cgngregatton is only a a ay without a pastor.: On Friday afternosh Mrs. AlciCinley;'s 5. Kates met on -Mrs. Irwins lawn and after enjoying' asocial time'. with re - la . sunbeam . , a room. la Cera The Women's Institute's members and Your own .• troublcs ` tct yourse £ . The Y' world is tuo,busy..to".carq for your rile. M M If` 1 y by 'Jr. 111: -John Ross„-,Malcolai `Mac friends ate quilting `quilts. for "Belgian and sorrbwe.; Learn to, sto croakiu.' If' Lennan, Florence Shiells. . arta other relief work every. Wednesday: g ' r Y ori gannot;see• an cod in. thts avorld; Sr.` II:—Isabel MacDonald. afterneon,in the.Council Chamber nod y y 8 Jr. III --James MacNa'in, C%hristena•. 'invite all .who cap to -hell) in tins work.' :keep the bad to'yoi;rself; 'Learn to hide • I half, d th t If- anyone ,car, slake .quilt blocks :such Yorir aches and, ,pains tinder: a ,pleasant Rims, Bessie Blue. smile; No' one cares `to -hear who lir Sr. 1 t TI i--Lloyd.lobb, Harold,Bell, Will be "thankfully received; also any i e a 'on'Jai" es n: . - ou have "tile ears^.Tie headache or rhsuM • • M n mt o eecoed,hand .clothing -Writ: is in good y . +, ;� repair will be sent by the Society. The` ritatisin ` Learn to meet' your friends: Jr.: Pt: 11 Jack MacLennan, . .with a -smile. , Th ' cod=hu ore ma "B": -Willie Ross, Alvin MacNi in. needs kr the comingwinter will be rear. e g iii n < ireshnaeuts of �cakey and ice cte: m an or woriaan is;alwayc welcome, butthe, l s:'.Mcliinle No. on roll, 20; average, 18. • ;,.:,,, Let us;all do the very best'' we can to r.vur,P ;t dress wigs ..read and,.11r y 'I.. M. .Macl)iarn►id Teacher. relieve thein. - . „f.inn,'hSnnahnhAr,iir.',a'nnt"nAnt__,: ._ �i_�..�:.t beautiful large , sick ed anywhere, and wamisan:.-,:e as well., District Convention '1 . The annual ,nieeting ',for the.disfrlat,of at' the home of Mr. A: Ilowand,IYalker-; tOn, on Saturday, 3" uho 26th. T DR�1Sl_a'1O*I = LL REWARD ._ $50 • A reward f'001s hereby 'offered to the twin *no on, the evening of Sunday, Apyrlt.2Stli. last, gave Devtd' Beane .rig: of the late Robert Bean;• of totterne. a ride id hist' buggy ;from near Dunlop to Goderkh, and: liters 'tile same night drove Wn.iro,n Goderich to ids father's lio;ne' near Carlow, ilio Mata:; for this ,advertisement is that pokLuettn,s. iiatne is beau :coir- nectect with- the intitile>r' of lura ether,. whick took place that aathe night, about 11 o`clock p.m., Ira'.the toed between• Loyal and Carlow; and to make; it clear that David Seethed no cosutiectionwhat, ewer with that occurrent it Is deaircable that the paled who drove Ulm should . melte .hicn,telfknown without delay and ,o cheer David Been of any- anspicion which` teary, now reit upon, h iii» The revel d will be paid whrei -the; person makes hiu u e1 f known end gives n atetewent as to his movement* • that till ht. - he' evIdente diteloges tbet' iiavid. Eon And the main, whodrove burn, to ny�t lttitwve, *PM' that eight to two tofloaeriela froth thegy in which they were driving, ot►' tb�graare, betweeais the Ikitir'h Exchange acid llatel- ford hot -14 abottt a horeedeal,,atulthote maul sire sarnesatly retluerted to shake tbentfelrretr kaaowtr to the ,said David air II S rreor to au �ra�rd w11l be ttedo and f hitat id..� Devil Urn 1110.5440 ,IltOta pert, tr. change la Local Matinee liners. In 'accordance with instructions re- ceive 'from their respectiVe Head 0,0:es. The Bank of Hamilton Ana The Moliions Batik will be Compelled after •JulY lit: toe lase their-Banking-Offides at font. O'clock daily, except Wednesdays,' • whiCh day thei will be open until 6 Those haVing,liankiee hileiriese to -do will please bear thie-in- 'The Movk Man The following as , from last week'a Brussels -Post; "A branch Picture Show is being managed by M: Sintleir in Lueknow eonjunet;on with -his Erns. seta busineee which wilf-keep him busy; ThelneknOW people will 'And Mr: Sin- elatr a-*orthy young man. who --may be. " Death 01 Mrs. McKay -cut glass pitcher. Mrs.' McKinley re- plied 'suitably, thankieg the class 'for such 0, kindly .exoression of goed will toWand her. -The .same Class' inet Oil the Parsonage lawii-on-Moriday, evening -and had---a- group photogr4Ph taken, One of which year; tire planning i')f *Orli for the 'coin. windliv‘up .the bli8ihess for the., p-ist -tlierv-inteed-te-Preseets"-te -their teacher, lug' year and for the election of officers, _wok largely attended, thole being', about 175' delegatei and friends from' -the - all 'oNier the district proved 'very satis- faetory, shoWing increased activity along .! all lilies of ,wdrk taken up 'The delegates • ironi Lucknow Branch were Mrs. M. Mitchell 'aid Mrs. IV: E. ", McDonald. • been president of the district for the past years; Was-,--re,ithcted :president, for Toronto, gave an- exeelleWeddresa--at- the close of the business seasion. 'The Inert who were attendanoe at the paralysis Mrs. lkicKey died at' her I time and place joiued the ladies and all home 'on Stauffer St ,, on Wedavgattr .enioyed: a beenteous repeat nerved by night of last week. . On Friday AM 're-. mains were taken :to .the tone of her Motheicand etep-father; Mr. and Ws. It, -held from there on Saturday, "Detinased was" 90 years of age, . Mr. MeXay has the nympethy Of Mani friends in hils Phyeiman and Surgeons of Ontario, *e are;plettlied te, betide the name- ,,of Wur. London Ont.; napheiv of 0, A. filarial). • The passing of this -eptam. enables *the - student to start practice 7tel An M. D. Dr. Freeman hat beert.prattielug in -the Sudbury district' the paet yoke, 1, Liceinie Inapeetor Mitchell, of $oftlt,l-furon, him just completed his re- port for the ,yee.r, and ..from his report the following will be or iuterest to th.ese Since May 1, 1913. --Mr. *Mitchell has handled 52 eases and secured 38 .con - fictions; five Altie$ were withdrawn- and three eases pending. The inspector, went home feeling that A pleasant end ,sAks forthe eo-operatfon of °Wiens profitable afternoon had been sent. in Wing the 04041 Tereperenoe Mt quite nuitibar of lit* members iftst6 the woinen of the local Tirane!), The next annual meeting will litrlield Silver take/ "Kinloss. .SeccespitiOutimier 'Meeting The -innnal .euttimer Meeting of the .iniolinow Women's institute was held' onthe lawn 4001100e of Uri, •A, "604'lleinglaftltrable4heit WA b.*. onto, whit was the viaitiag delegate frotifl the Department gave a very lestrictive addreati on the Vaiture of the 'Heine gave tvVo recitations. all of ..wbieh 'vas wiffelfIltliirmaiel.--.7-Uthe'i101e'nt the' hae bon president Of the..A0etti branch end sectetary4reitenter for the pitet four yeats.aed stilt retains the pOgitiOn, *ere, ealled to the trent and . each were fire. and eiat *last marmalade dish.. Al. though both were taken completely by 'surprise, each endeavored txpress their thankfalnese to their -many frientla fotothe love end kindness which prompt. ed the gliting /A the gifts, A, nplendid lunch vita served by the ladies, and all Calross corners Syndenattended, Bethany 'church laktStieday, L, Bouie..of. the sperts attended -the. Gar-, „Mr, ic)rvis and Miss DonSi of Wing: ham, ,opolt Sunday -evening,: 40.. Arthnr n *Ye With her .lirOthet,', •,ttliisen Ella, • and Edna 'Stanley ;and' Mr; Alyivardepeet,Sanday„;-evening at, god anent StindaY at the home of. her mother -.George Scott. met. With air . aeoident la'st. week :while, draWineiteueLfota-- Mr. and Mrs, S.. Ifodgins atterideaLthe 'aooklent, Ratiirday Wt. While 'came frightened ata calf and tan awayi ring was:sounded ou the, telephone And the neis that Mr. • Win WhYdoek's Louse wita -on, Wite reported; • The lire was snob extingeished and the house, Which they occupy Wa2 saved and little J Miller Fairlie, yota who for some time has been editor The Yfiit,rton Reeord, ha. decided ;exchange the pen, for the sword,. .0r, to be more exact, the riffii. La lest week's isine of The Record he bide farewell to beltnigenialeanetirtigeilveeitalbustraetris f° did spirit in sill& tinware out to .fight 'for house and freedom; t reads as follows:. "With this istinfi The lhaerti the oultocribers will note the eliange of man.- Seme years ago was a student 14 Glasgow, Scotland. X held the rank of: liighlandero. At the tie* eame to with the'regiment at that time tell) aeting adjutant, Some time ago learn, ed that anew battalion of tha Argyles any eapacity. Without anypreliminary notice of any kind, on Tuesday' last, I received. :notice to report at regimental headquarters, S,te riing, Scotia. Ad, on July I, to join the new unit, inney 'capaelty.--TheliOtiee Wit delayed in refi.faing andi 66(14 will he necessary tor me to aail on the Cunard Steeper Orduna from New York on lune 10 in order to reach the ••old land, within tlie prescribed time. , I airt very .sorry :that I ani linable to yontinue as yditor and publisher ,of The Record,- brit these are -times when the. the battles of the ..gropiraJu Europe, I therefore place my e011fifry'S eat' above eve,rYthing else, and will lay down,. the. pen aud buckle err the sword, , mit after I readli the..firing line I shall give The.ltecOrd readers any inforthation and if peace finds -me -still alive I shall mostassuredly return. to renew old ac- quaintances. ,Tiut if the GO4 of ha,ttlea of my -Compatriots have fallen, then My ottiv wish la that be reinembered te make itirn manly. shipment of °The LestaWer non magnetic movement *Ns compensating balmice eod three adjustment* fitted in 'heat atyks Call and Ask ho *flee Thetuckno T. ARMSTRONG Leading Jeweler Optician • Short Tenn Yea.* Payable Half-Yeaily -The (treat West Permanent 1 s,E1091`.3; V Represented by EVERYBODY'S COLUM • desires afthiation us housekeepe either village or cOuntry. Apply: Box 31143-T001st Mr. Thos. Henry is taking a visit east of Toronto the last two:weeks. Elliott. wedding last Wednesday evening.' Mrs.:Donavarr, Miss Mae, Henry and Mr. John Purvis motored to •, Walkerton on Saturday. The Institute meeting held last Thins - day WaS well attended, Mrs: C. H. Burns addressed the . meeting and "her address was mueli enjoyed, The ladies The Women's Institute Meeting will be held at the home, of Miss Nellie Haines on TuesclaY, July '0 th. A paper wi,_11 be given hY Mary 'Hetherington on ”women's work in the time of War". for ThitOle Grove School. Dutiee to tont. Applicants give testimouiais%statt und salary. .A.pply to 154-100 W. 11. Logan itipley A, It. a &drool closed. Friday for the Summer. Owing to . the %work -heing, done in Church; there were no services Mr:" and Airs. Anson 'Finlay and 'wa- lly visited Mr. arid Mrs. J: jamieson; Laurier, Siinday. tend our hest,aviShe's for a long, happy ,MisS Mary -Culbert: lea,ves Tuesday to spend" her , Vacation" with - friends in. -.Manitoba arid ,Saskatchewan, Quito ti:minaber' of Blake's congreo.i. • Mrs. Wm. Stethers and family, Mr.• And Mrs', Thos. Anderson, Mr, and Mr's' VitilaY then. families attended the - annual family pienie at Lane 'Andrew's On Wednesday eveniag,- lithe "Bard, a quiet wedding wai solemnized •at the home of Mr.. and Mrs, Wit: Fitzgerald, 'filartie,ffe t;.0, iTaitieslt-ttilbert. Rev, S., I; Bridgettewes the offimating derv. mail. The wedding mareh, was played by Mhls Laura, sister of the bride.- The bride, who Was unattended,: was given ,away-i)yheriathet•tinti was, -gowned-in Ivory geOrgette oak erepe, and ION ths 'gift of the green', aenbuist -of pearis; She tarrie4 shower bouquet of white hap y eouple will take up their lace of PRVIVIIIILLETIN Mtii.110,0011fei see your *ocelot them White Oitheirt• *Nettled to -riving sally, .1101 Illeat Soar Chary for Pli #44014,1: Rota Cutouts. ceet* nig long "nick *it masers :POSISIiiikt :ittolift‘ 544 Sttar 14140. It PAIN TO' liffittiLize netessity. 'The fathers tell, its they ean, not do , without them. Woo reports' solicithig orders "for mut Spring deliveries. /floix have not been .ealled port by ems of our egonte, wxito phone A. XI. !Matto, Xiistriot Aidbati wingluktit4 Ontario:, Atilberig The base.ball match betWeen. Amber,:, ley ana' tiochaish*on Saturday evening gave theniajorit3r Of the speetaters a big surprise, as it ',was thought by , ah- that the yisitork„, *mild. put up a much Strengee.firguinent!''. The .score stoOd foitowing la the- line W.,13radley 2 E. •D, Finlayson S. Wiley 11„ F. Jt. geKenZW J. Shills, ,3 MeXeOie Per Sale IlLS/1 tale; wilt have supply' on - baud, throagliout the summer. FARM FOR SALE..—Tife Adinielsitator of the Estate of l%lary Ryan, fate of the Town of ivollian, net -eased, were for sale no folio - laCit 16, Con. 12, West Wawatio: h. The Prohortv is situate" from. Lueft., farm la Alt in grass analee4 been. .1.,A.tara. for tho past aqv on years; good well -with bag &pea& olaYlocau; ottani in alas Ontario.-Admistratorfot to -1;-• 1'3° AgIlow Real. E9tate Dealer, Lueltriew; or to Prod Administrator, Godcrich. ANNUAL AIEETINO rb order The regitla.r meeting of the' 'Weinen'e Itistltute wilt 1)e held in the Coattail at 2:30 o'Cloak.' 4Prograin consists of a prize: will...be elven. .DiSensaien on '"First Aida in Emergencies"; 111(121er ete: healthful tittlation. A. IthileSs;:-Oto41111e-- -29 191-k to Mr„ And Oft Olivet curt 1%5 ul Just 'Atitved Olivef Garden. Party 'on the chureh gronae brand,— Miss Delia torite ,simnding a, few days with friends in, IN/Ingliarn. -bit* Sonday,School. will hota 'their atonal pionic Ppiat Clark on Thum, ay and tIts. Thos. Moore. Mr: Ala spee the week.end with limit daughter,. Mrs. week front "onttiampten whew it ban been eondmit the pett'toath. arriag0. Poster Lot to choese trent at all prices, Single' Harness All prices,. BOOTS 81.10115 AlItt' and RIGHT. lengthy a Stye WHO For Sak, •