The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-06-17, Page 8Weekly Store News for 9 pocial orset a A 'Large Purchase, 60 pairs of one °line of - D. az A. Corsets, which we bought away below regular tirices, has jtist arrived. . To seli„these out quickly and to share this extra value purchase with our custoniers, we are plac- ing this regotar'$I.25 Corset on sale for x5 days at 9Sc. likliS, 4 • Corset is made of fine quality of white cotille, and ii nicely trimmed with lace ancl fitte4.. with six hose supporters This corset at this price is a genuine bargain and one that , , will give pleasure and, comfort to the wearer. SgE 'ArxxiDoW Dismkv. • • • .9 itt an importatiOn of goods 'received this wcek EXTRA COTTON VALUES. - cm ..rora we -ave some extra values to offer you in CUttOtl, goods, 4 ihr A Fine Grey ,C,ottoiitrintrtZt73:41.1.117,,r,?.h.t 10c. per yard Another. lot of famous Imported Black Bide Shirtings- Theteare guaranteed to wash and wear, and among- this lot are some DOW 4 7 n, vulva 0, 1,44 end MO patterns Price.. , 0.**•••••••••••• •••••• .600 le, • •41., • IA; •••• II ‘00 %AL • Jannelette Blankets 3n whilie and light grey, with light blue bord- gp nn ors, 'size 64x72., Specially priced at . . 41P. 1 .14iti ic Fancy. colored Crib Blank:et " *Doe t and fleeey,,all clafferentin pretty e - A _designs, Special _ White Crash Bath Towels, line quality, at 39c. pair., • —..31.401104 bat 111. Else *MSS Roam of Vold* los nesation Labor hot Maagarams E. and J. Brady, vt4 AA - Ana, of atrathrey, are viatiting their penes, Mr. and fire. Wni. Moon. Owing to the °Arden !arty that ,ie to be held on Fridety eveningthe lfitla hest., h Lacknow, the debate that was advertited for ths.t evening it Lochalsh tehool wil have to bepostpotted. One or so of theprImperotighttniers' of this dietrict have etrong symptoine of it diorama known et "ant oluohileitle. 'Whether or netthe dieeeet het develop- . ed sufficiently to require the 'Mention. of an iswat we cauu9t ow. rtorrTy. JIM* W311400.-00 Mon. day morning, the "141h - inst., a very interestiug event look 'place in St.. hem* a ehureh, Kingthridge, when Miee jean, .the yenugest daughter of Um denies Gilmore, was joined in marriage. to . Mr. Jawed Mahoney, of Toronto, ,Rev. Father McCormick -WO •tug elergyentn. The bride,,...who wag, given...AVOW by.. her brother jiref .01 Weyhuro,'Sask4 Who tante horoefer the • . °emotion, was becemhtely, attired in 4 beautiful gown of silk net trimmed, With . peerle. of •Cheeley, -Watt the brideemaidi• while :the groom was :puppOrted 1,y litebrother, Ed. Mahoney,. of -Tortitittx After a dainty dinner :e.ervett .the being of the bridee.. brother, 'Ed:. tltey left- on the afternoon train .for Montreal, after .WhIcit they Will re. • turn to Toronto, where they will Their tuany.frteods..,..nosh, thew a long Clear thinking':iihnPOOSible,.. WAWA', . :andprotperote*ifo'yage.'44-.: 60. .bealqw beivet-aetioni.&ecaU. Orderlies life. • • • • are O'Sjjegifip: against' constipation, -Sold • only by J. 0, Armstrong. The It.e4an. :Store, 10e $5c 40c. boxes,' not The Jus.m,.ting of the Women?* In- *tante will b. held on Thursday, - the 24th. at I:30 at the home of Mrs Alfred Webb, A. full meeting ie requested. (keno prepered with *no and ideas for Yew work tor the loore, Everybody ntermited Mini Edna Wo ode spent Sunday at Mies Chria. Miller is home after cora- Plating her limns), oouritaitt Stretford. Mr. and Mrs, Jack (lark,of Toronto, are visiting at the home of the former' parents, Me. and Mrs, Peter .Clark. David Todd is preparing to put a stone foundation under his barn this atuniner. John McLean ie getting it in shape. • Everything indieateen grand fInceSeta for the Garden Petty to be held here under Presbyterian Church sinless _OA the *sad. We are looking forward to a beautiful end a pleasant eveniug, A highly interesting and well contest. ed game of ball was played here recent' . picked from the !owl Grits and Tories. The Score was 10-12 in favor of the former. (NMI Oar as to whether erne; the outcome was mph. eotie of the next election. A. 000 crowd Was in attepOanee. the* oZth.g. Helene to be Uhl ow 40 No, 10 Is st Your Servios THAT NM/3R DIHAPPOINTO TN ST Zion •4 . Monday, June 14. Miss Margaret Ritchie event the week end at her home here. •• itliss'Auby Ritchie anent Sunday with friends at.Paramount.... CharlesBarbet, of Wingletin, vipited friendt her on Tuesday. 0, . David Andrew is spending a few days with friends in Kincardine. , Miss Janet ilackett spent the week end, with, friends at Atefeking. Mr. and Mrs. .Yolieph llackett spent Friday,with friends at Oedae Valley. Miss "Helen liackett has returned • Langside 4', • "The riot Weather is Here. ou Need, Ittoutt.-On June 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. James 13 Morrison, a daughter-Nortna It'Ilthieen' Don'ttoriet the.. annual Langside erden-Patty- -*Vat- will be held on Tuesday, June sOth,* See, posters. Mr and mac W. R. McBurney left last Tuesday for their home in Kennedy, Sask., after speding a couple of Weeks with the former s parents here. °. L_John.Rent has charge ofthe. People's meeting on Thursday. evening. The tepid is "Christ's Cali t� the YOUDg. 'of To -day." All-ve cordially invited to home after spending a few weeks in attend. ' • , town- •• .• /The 'Sacrament of Lerch Supper A • niwabei, front' here attended the was dispensed in the Presbyterian church Lawn Social held on 'William' Crozier's here yesterday. Three new members lawn and and report yrat enjoyable werem . added to the. Cem imunion, namely, Angus -Strome, Irving Etichte and Annie Simpson. mtng the many other stapte lines in our. gtock, much in derriand at the presekit tit1111, are Fancy CraSh•Towelling, for bath towels, at 10c and 15c yd. .Cotton Sheeting, plain and twilled, at 25, 28 and 50c yd. Splendid quality and nice designs in Flannelettes at 10, 12% and 15c yd. Awning Cloth, fancy stripe, heavy weight, oin yTd1U28c yd. Patriotic Cushion Covers We are showink a very fine assortment of Linen Cushi%m Covers, emblematic of "The Great War and the Allies." These are shown in a number. of new designs and everf home should -have one to keep as a souvenifOttlib-Allies' struggle for justice, freedcnn and liberty. Price 25c. each. We also have a large assortment ofcolors and shades of Crystal Rope Floss 4 , at 5c per skein or 6 for 25c for working the designs, Also l3ucilla and D.M,C. Fioss in colors jat 5c„ per skein.. , a.: Anthelley 111611EdREASB IN BUILDING; "116- 16.AL 1 There has been u marked' decreaseinMi'' IIM'rF1301.1.@PeO. 'No! OnOtlaY:nt :the number issued -Pet-71-tTarecpglre, thisyear jn Toronto, to date .compared Mr Ifarry-CoiQey is attending : the with former years. Otty Architect Pearse Synod in'Londe la Week; • ' reports the, value of pertniteassued. for . Miss Nellie Courtney is visiting her ;the first five months,: of the ,year total sister, Mrs. •Wm. Sinews at Loyal. • $,377,395 .8 compared with 4110,541a086 • drearic Peter Careptelined $611-n. geatnt had During Ili-corresponay 586 permiin,g7Petionlaetts fl' or 665 build- ings valued at $807,769 were issued. :In 'fltlay last' year 1,030 permits were Mined' and the value .of the buildings was and Mrs._ AehleY_Bleit and two 4.°,827''513. childien;42OP-LuChitett, ettendaJohn - esbitt'sliarnmjetng on Friday. --Waiter Wilkie had the inisfortuno t. fall a'number. of feet at the raising on 'Friday; but hewas not seriously hurt.. . . The bill \game Saturday night between .A.mberleyand the 8th. concession, came off in favour of one for Amberley: One of the boys in the Shore' Wain get -a sev ere blow on the nye with the ball. , . Sohn -Nesbit- received Word 'kik Week of the death -Of her eldest sister, Mrs. Dougall Blue; of Iranco•tiver, B. 0. Mrs. Blue was formerly' a Miiii,Miirgaret McKenzie, apd livedfor thmbet. Of her earlier 'years near' Ripley on n farm now owned by Alex. McMurchy. Mrs. . - Nesbitt and 'NOTES. ON, THE:WAR.. who has been residing with her for sent; time, his out deepest sympathies • • nappiars now to be settled thatitow DROWNED in B. C. -Mr; and TfarAlgeteiiii7kettieWvga°rnfUtilulet: Pat Coortneyseceived on 4, Monday ' LU( fonowieg_aceount: few lweeks ago . 6'4 master of all the. very successful barn raisings last wok. Rev,. Mr. Inns and MM. Inns, sr. :of Pine -River, visited friends QIIthel3QCOnd on Monday. • - A Wm; Beatty had the; misfortune to lose an excellent colt on .Sunday. • TieidaY, -jtitie tithe The above is exact cut of the QUICK MEAL OIL STOVE, the stove with the six distinctive feat- ures.over other wick stoves.. -"the stove that does yout wak quickly on the least cons(unpti?,0 'of oil. See OurAll Steel' Refrigeratoi., the only r'Perfectly 5anitark Refriger- ator 011 the market. Price $26.00 We have Screen Doors from. $1,00 to $2.2546. • Scr,,en.Windows.to suit almost any Window and bcreetfl'irire7-feOin to 36-10 .14tottivw ..HiLOware; tid .Coal (The Remit Of the Supreme flange That Save* front 30 , to 50 per cent.' of Yoh!. Fuel Bill) ll�iriOd 'Mr. jolin Purvis got hie :new Ford ear home. , Mr. and Mrs. E. Ackert at N. Bashell's on Sunday. , . miss Rutledge spent Thinadayevening the guest of Miss:Myrtle .-Congrate..-- ,A, fere Of the spode from our 'burg at- tended Clatics garden party on Friday evening.• • • - The Women's Institute intend hold- ing their Junemeeting in..the..ToWnshiP Hall, Eolyrotid, Thursday 'bine 24`th at 2.30 p. m. Mrs: C. Burns will address the meeting: . All ladies who have not paid their fees this year, and who wauld like to Wee= members, are requested to pay. Lunch *Mho served. Recited-3ns' and, Treat. - Ktngsbr dge • . Miss MayPalmer, of Kincardine,spent • -Monday. June 14th. last iveek visiting at 4r, A. Palmer's. • Mr. Morgan Dalton is in Stratford on . A number ftom here went to the bare. internee& , • ' , .13." ii.iallyr,„ogin:(1.icilearitoWinme: Gsprilth,,sa,i;nnaciolyittalet are pressing hay ip this vicinity. • raising' ;Whim Nesbitt's last Friday. I Patricklitilly and-SOns of Eden Grove janne,s amulet is .spending a fel. days, with friends in 'Detroityand Jackson. • J. Waldin's. One of our ball players is sporting a black eye these days as a result of the big bill game on Saturday evening. their grandson; Harold Nelson. The diP1(4"'3., Earl QV, gel-dab-I/Ifni-der _. UL LUV. UVlIA UL --stery_ia.taken_from.:the_Prietee Rite, ' of Foreign:Affairs, took a vacation, "for (8:!n. '1.1.4VenryaislYed drowning accident aCcident -"ook t-litellerplitri7of toi1713:11:,1Yai-1-77-61-:cn. a . . Place Saturday affsrnocnilt-Mi etlakatia„. laT;iti,e1 :..niitl'Iissi(g;o4rTelArn to have • when Itarold Nelson„ the yet no son of • ' • • . of thisinty, hlst L! hre. ily thatthe government of Routtiania lias S.-'''. r. Xelson, Hemline Griffin, Genevieve O'Connor and Joseph' Garvey of the Gloderich Co1 Inst • spent Sunday at their honies here We were. in error last sveek in stating that Philip Lang had: diphtheria._ ..Ria *llness is 110 tieriotla and ..fs re- ovenng xaMigar, reantr.loaMrvrti-a:Jipahnitr? jouohinni ItIte- artless: of Chepptow motored down bun- daylied spent the day with friends:. • Gaderith • --Monday, June 14. The many friends of , Mts. Jarnes Switzer will be pleased to hear she is recovering from a severe attack of pneu- , monis. • ,. Nelson Mose, of Widten,"‘wen the MO of John Middleton last week. Willi Mccire.gor, of thei6t11 Cont, stilt _ continues in ' velry poor health. Ilia -many friends hope for his ',speedy re-, Miss Linda Cantolon has returned. hpine after spending a few - dap in .Streetaville, and while there:attended the funeral Of the: Ittte Wilfred Cantelon,' , of St reetsville. Andre* McGuire, of the 6th •• , remodelling his louse, and when &tea will have e, fine ohms:00ns., resi- dence. • ,••• .• • •• • • • ' Bervie LtdroSs..Centre June 14 McKenzie, of Chesley is visiting, -friends in the vicinity. , ' E. Jackson, Con. 2, ulled on 'friends z,hemon-Satirdult-itisk served on the jury in-thetkitintst Town last week • Hardy Simpson, of Wingham, spent the week end at his home here. • • Mr.. and Mrs. 'Walter Day visited friends in Kokes on Sunday last. • - A. Hughes was neWingfiant fast Sat- urday and purchased a new buggy. - Borer -To Mr; and Mrs. Walter .Pin- nell, on Wednesday, june 3, a daughter. Mr. and .Afra Robert Pumroy, Of Mild- on'friendthete On 'SunditY; nuMber from here attended James .MODotuthrs-barn 'raking on Wednesday, June 9th. •. • and Mra.- D. McKenzie were Sun- day visitors at the home of James Reid, Teeswater. ••• • MM. Arthur Simpson has returned home after spending a week with friends in Wingham. • andilirs, Geo. Richardson visited at the home of James Stanley, Per& Groves on Wednesday last -Monday, June 14th. ,Pred: Shovfeltspent:theweek-end In Kincardine. Mr. Sersniiik spent a`feW`days with Dr. Bradley ia visiting_his:ihrothet in Clandeboyefor a few days. , Mrs.. Adam Millar spent the week -end •with her sister, Mrs. Joseph 'Daniel, of •' Millatton. • We know :where one of our young • 'linen goes. on Sundaynight; Never mind ' Kittle* is alright. • ' Via Waiter,, Deitch, of If.ineardine,- spent a fa* days, at 'the' home of Mr: James McKinney.' .0 " - The iianYlriendn of Mr; Adaiiiroblie will be glad to hear lie is eome better •• --thelast-fewdayn,•- •'Mrs. John Alexander spent a few days •rin Vivertsilf-Vieitink her :laughter, Mrs.' • James McDonald; •Mr. John Bushell has imoved into his .• .house on the Durham Road, north where flee new hernia being hunt. . Mite Annie McKinney went to Kin- -earciinti last week to take a position in • Wm. *ye! Dry Goods store. Ladies!. nowt Innis themillinery dis. play at Gable dt Sturgeon's millinery parlots, Goa values., right Prices , Mr. 3". Pengelly was around our burg . lately deliveries his. books. Et ervone kQeMfi weltaaihfied with their bargain.. The Rorie Orangemen are planning to celebrate the nth. of July this year Winghant where a good time ie ex - Messrs: W. 11. Gebel; John Dagg and Seth E. Rewitt attended the meeting' of the "Scarlet Chapter" in Kincardine on Monday lett. - Bev. Mr. stride occupied the pulpit in the Methodist Church on Sunday hist„ preachfng hie farmeell sermon to ths rvie congregation. Everyone it terry to too Rev, and Mot. Stride and with them an stuatio in that now. home in 'Otaffordv,1114 .Tieswater .-Tueeday, lune 13; AlIie Robertson, of TOr011td, is.spend- ing his holidays with his parents, W. Stephens •has heen in Toronto writing AO his inuinth since last week. Alex. Oinks, of Ottawa, paid a Oa to his' mother, Mrs. Archie Gi11io,'last week. , A. Strome has ' installed a gasoline tank of lat,eso design in connection with. his garage. • Mrs. Colville has gone to Toronto to meet her husband WhO is coniin� dOW11 tom CAlgarr. , mho Glofdyle sm been ippootedHari,.,Tmiteetibaekaythia,tidfobreitebn9 itotrntd41:looca.litioio,1 at ':g.tnirn*p.gan agrinrinutti;gt It. tuiswitiaktbttahokse exaininer for the departmental and will appears that they,. were in the habit Iote. aocuthern eonntries it is a matter of terins thottly go to tec teed -papers' : holding a Wait every 'fitwafternom on •after 916•.1v.at IS over..' '1... i-:: :'''''''''''''' ' Mr' . Payne, the resident student of the beach on A Harold„turndaiy.;tut i whit mural, aii--ive--d hot:-,-Faaair- 4.ii_d_ along with ttiteltetr r iineisrwinas chargepisrwinefg ..t6'. oltwlitionl-vitiertiyantiunicbtlk ear itthoolottlghtil-±t40,:ceteivet it, wieth: - raft on 'on -the. heack.and fianally- .e emiefOfthet Inernvinkalliatice:7.There'i has taken up his thities for the summer, PI! .' A'-$ar-f--eh\l"-bramed--11‘---..-e- --nrangagedlOitetifioeSerAssfsted-by-thn --aire!- in-Itttlyr-Atei•,:-PrinitrAlinister;. Who . village with it view to encouragingloree ,,,,.„, incoming. tide, , and .witti on -board the favored war, resigned becatioeof opposi- -'41;1601'1 -21.1614"-O'ttwkhas'beell:"PP`u7 raft about- forty feet- from r the shore lieu- to his -policy: -- This -lead -to -an in first blase shape for July let. • ... , when 'first noticed by the teacher. i ' She election,Which resulted in his return to ',14r.Thoinpion, princiPal 01the.'"gen.Q4 called to him and this apparentlyhiade povier;:,..80hitt he will have his way. as .13as gone to Luektioir to preside at., the him nervous and induced, him” to 5001P did ,Premier Salandra of Italy. • examinations, while' Mr. .Donpe, '' of from the raft and try to get to there. Premier Asqdith Announced: the other Duane*, 18Preaidingin'Teeswitter. . He irainedilitely went dowiiiind aithriugh day that for some months' tocent% the Oointeuttion WAS dispensed at Knox the'tteacher alined lest` ber life in trying war would cost ,. Ghat,Britain fifteen °bur& last' Sunday. Eighteen „united to reseuelim, she failed ba get neat him.. million dollars, per day! • with.the church. Me..-"Orty; Of -11trit4, CI ,O, Petry:, the Indian agent, was sent •- . • '- " ' " " . ham; preached the prepargtotir eerViees: for, and tooknim from the Water about SCHOOL REPORTS rriday_cklaat., week waa.gattektuao.a... half an hour 'after the accident, ' when : - • • thirty-five strong and were manomoyed ' •obrcif-tailmt feorr. Mr. 110801), W110,113 a popular • S. S: No. 4, Xsiiiiiiti-r; .: . tion at the school. The mate turned out: 'life irae estiPet;-14{0h-iinitiatlik'-8Vh., V 32nd. , The inspector was . well pleafiecl: id. and was The bey exceptionallywaaa,b aboutr, rito tt,1 °,0:41,te a tT..14,1_ 41 VI' vir: cf 8( I )*.ii i IP') 1:i ifiilifil:1 4:01bItPtit: Mt;,i-,l°,71WfKoeie::n16:z7r:so:14si 'tit:sit/6318111 ,wititTlieththe7drilitaird thepItysintersr,et funeral took place this ..- by Jr; H. McBurney, Sit -Major of the . the boys, . . pan. • Theatiket was givers& witkflow . erg, the Otte of sympathizing friends, in. )464/iir•ayi:/:175.1illYar/f•y116Kottnezir'StiVfikistbri elirdingatnefroni-Lyea-Lodge A. F. iind in which Mr.:-. &WM kap' hollOte4:114euve /r:. ado. t_jaatota: -whom. ago; - West, 83; *Stanley Drennan, 46. • • bet.. 'Canon Rix had chargeofthe itg- . _ , .„.....•goidaz,..:rime.14_ '..3*.ificett, ihAant intepere!stionenktr ottrytkiietVitietiWtnetai: .11C:tapt,,;11,.Loertitisi:MMeeFD:slitaxii.p1d0A.01:2:iiiilt..d17;4;11:01165::. I itol:re',.i44_62!„41,1.13081:11 t45 •Itt and Mkt,. held here ere vietime of sudden. death., . . _ ,,, . • ,. . . eon . t WI. M. Dalton was a Ocklerich visit- •Pine Ritter . • rtigezteg.:;==== , ..i; e'!4' . . :or a few deo last Week. : . . ,‘ a. •. DO ' Iltoll Wall : MISS L. Onfetia. of AMberly, . visited ' ,--Tuesday, :One leth. . ' ,. . Isabelle McDonald last Week. • , Jantesitilpattiek was An Walkerton • his vacation with triimilS here. M. I/cables', 'ol• Xineardine; is c cle ' Albert Thain of Toronto it epending last week on the Inry, ..k, Mr. and Mit. lallittf VOlitgOinttl of visiting at W, A. Bells. , . ,,• .. *infer **Sunday vinitorsutitudilife- 'The W. itit.t will hog two. annual 0.110000malm" , , al10.11110 Xenties. , .. picnic at the lighthotit4d. On Thursday of , ,_ . Mi. and Mrs. Nett Wall and children• this week , . ' around liere. ' :. • ' i at otir faetery during the last half Of , . 11» In 410nobett ofet* situ% St, Marie are. 'visiting friends The cheese *hi& was nuninfacturedf. Get4. who has been suiretiir front tt very Sere Our baseball team went to 'Plowerchile We are glad to report that Philip Long May Was teld at 1(1 emits. Per pound. ' :Order IroM. throat, is better • • • • • and played a matched game on Saturday • 'Little. Origin has returned to evening . Sett taint.* hard' ontok on: ', ., her home after mending.. ti .te* Weekii 'tlieleit Side of bls head, hut ICrat4 C,laronee. DipDonald with II .154r, *rt. Tito, Orii110. • ' 't4 4IW '004 O/ be il *0111 ifittuat. . ...,• . • L01400:414, hit*, ' . -..n.,.,, . Made in Canada ade.in Canada Magnificent New ,List of Columbia Pati4otic Records ST !Udall „ O. Seleetiotit oil 'adi ReCard. y-matnificent. Every one recOrde8. in England,. . . THEY WItL pt.ak or: .voutt- ttaCtItitt • Hear Violet : -Loraine. sing the routing tong "Three Cheers for Little Belgium.". •,Three Cheers tor little Belgium • ''COMe On; :You Boys oi LondonTown Our_Etnpire; .rart • Our Empire. • Part 2' British Artily BugleCaIls. Part t • British , Army Bugle Calla,' Part,2 ° • EnglEitidiS;Batile Hymn • I P38 There's,Only. One England • ) 85c. Popular Patriotic Songs, Part t t P36 • Popular Patriotic Songs, Part 2 f 85c. Help We Are, Here We Are, Here We 7L'.4 2 Are 'WAe tDeoAwgnahlenatted'? ..11.4,%1* arc c" • Marseillaise . •'Lord 'God, Protect the 'Czar (Russian' National Arnhem • It's a Long Way to Tipperary Old Comrade's March • 3 P.37, • 8sci, V.41 Alt IN t LUCI(140 a 17, • _,,I' ilaSo".• 41 •