The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-06-17, Page 6Er VV4 MV -lie Sitker VVVVDLVy I-aVL* wuml ftFIVWIAI* ART -A" WAW _60110110 coalm Mai; *A "O of the$* cases Tin iorv* proauiclu 01 ca*4& P000s. *how* to 04*6 will bloolost th% "OOX#d Augg"tivit 4A CfWAX-i 4015 Worth 17S Milligis "lors sVvr7 00 pow coat, ol the kw*A WM* Of 141" th.11 *irt" zwqm" 000- HIRZOITY LNAVX8 OFF. i0writao", they soy: the 0oquitry, Your **-*Cb r A isow ix rr 'Ths.ixW, howeer, suddenly No other ovlOp 004 wr"s wiJ1 Joavo k* Vwt#* %j*, it _bor Vk6t� like to 1: vrk upon both *A #AW l*ee^&*re, w4exl up in the midst of him sitro- ia v*Aw- - T k 4* i4wot i produotion a now AINU44 him thetoe. dou"Os 7W low. ono, am, doubt. X" (A 44, the FaorWiltek pe. eious eAvirouttiont, broke up his worth 00 2billim rts we Wm !a the rsakm; no jg*ug, rsformed�Qie worst vember Yet Vo opatinualow ro- ewes tko Anerwal Itoy's !eby upsot our evi- meat of " I . � QW ]Forest re, prouklutles in, 1016. k"V tro reoltt out Of "44 t," *%n Vnea just how thisir . of it %*d tbor ooproiota UryolA of * to be 4110" 0111911014 a& wl�z* the dft& illllivat-vw uftor tz cord Of hat *0y oes aad Ohara, wiu dome tUt he W inherited any tre" 400ls not con*et in s.al Thloi outlook lor * suamer "4*03 Jr PGOW IM U *Vt e(.is"t skovId be used around the tikilm orm. Of -one tN06 OVAY �oaa triminal ten4onole4. This made us with the 9014r, Of 1" wow r -oonVoomfivolly' free , from serious *ftT*%1W Waft uslal" It k IOU $ObAt& we be our" wbetheir t1ble, Vrealt, vprd in, "me tendencies that, roake *optltol, about, acceptaez of 0005-r ore4w Arels fs delel4044Y hop,0111- go bWa* 4w prAMd I& dxy 0" owastalks waX be kept clil sweet be upoken, the X4,60 <:&Ov*A P91136- V oontroAT, th* primervaltim of Hleporta* wuTed by ow caniadign, *J* Drs. fttuliling *Ad Jfel% t 9614111504.Aagme individuals MAO -,proof, ill future. sseot wouslosly Va6d tar, and biright It moved In a Wt 04, by KiPe Of MW NilOtOM 02 of OthOrS. 11 note the for,"As % ilili biA Suol,renta of Forestry lournol frow"o0i lals in A we k&w. &MOMer ud'They will keep this way from 0,vtobor Vanquiahed, it will be MO H iroMont, which niegus proi. two f*OtOri im Producing YoUts' of-Q�* C*u*diao farm, control of I str ate" = Mtoriiol, bow pork. am th* to June. id P^- nv Conimvatioij Imo no quor. QU40Lbe, WAR to glory,. no per sdUCatjQ rece ;84 �erimipalshot sometimeet run I Forest wk% swik as tko plate. skoul- Appi" for winter use or for sale In . a _.!Pt g"Ut la 0(wqv�oat. For the old- the. families *Udi, rel with tho,�"wuobl* AW patri,ot- Vinceo, otote" tha docides whether that are factors' of t t fal- dupk ribs at bioet. Mutton, winter an often stored In the h&Y lot- i dumberu�*M. 0 � 69A the factor whieh the boyflinusual went*l.%nd physical Ne"NIA as well m QUerime. These Of vWY aoiftm Gulled &M Pre"ry6d, under hay. lifting. tation of warttro to 14 V& butidaut enerky and. Ikk forea� Vg 10 hK tA Wastir w"A fresh. AN tIAO To prevent wise cows from energy becotaek a law m4ler or I aria. super* iner000 both. n4 Undergrowth is tWg am to go tkronk the -cur- ban. AXU * View of woo4 vertically, room In orb. The first, With tiveyw" nitairkod 4"relo. T*oo facto st&70 V= xhoWd be well trimoll,od, to t�* InAde of the poist above the Since the utbreak -af *e Weir v1s.e i SUW . Ji.nd the 0apit%J Volilo Of - raot to tl*4 Meat, environment *R4 fre6t land' alit in strikin .pp 1 Q tj�er* h&vw been many. %,morodue-, T11104115 ire 1he Wu`QlU#i9u5 Of Qrlm- .4104AF to 04 to *A* so ragged edge& or r*I1 using an* a no 4L.ace, 4611,0_14ke, a roan i dre from A tame beet it forest �oudzt- veroev soft lott, As the" portiolis swqug,la and 109logistA who have ji�sicowpletod rought U-0 14, PQ1 U it ith re- Mg. .1 place of W lar f0rut a " admir omembe4of omioty, bu w poble Qf �slv' ApAl anil'May Vol beoioil%is dry *^d be practically out dwa Wboi% tho,r*11 In to obly, trqth al Weir pletAr-00"DI U)�' 6 1000b, "14114t'" does not a itself felt mre, r, proselon And Undesirp6ble &006- r _40 swung out of the W&Y. 4ormation 0oncerningithe source of ande, off. W*A*OAL bo, lifted It Is two Freawh j. 1116 "d da 4U.%4 is likely to m4e criminal. sign on "ery.,than TU two mothiodo of cluing meat but whou. the I to in pooltioui It ts, orituh4l tendeucies in Penal 1,40 aesoftreles. Itrailea -C& - toteot floor was -pp and reaxly wily U46d AM the, brilit snugly WInA It. Neuville, both W-0 The seopod manifests itself in, o, o i, As op 10, ft" *A* 44== Vramq�Pruwiw tutioUs io'�*.Oera statei� They re- ol�`11!4, to Q a%trucr i.1, -lilt &ad dry curing. Stine cured Fractions �aiuug cxlves tiar be, Iheredity' has fear. th%f '1ta% 4*1�otft seek tiOu N, Peo.ructiou'll, "Reporta shoW a vory *"ts an probably the best for form trained to lead -by takitig told of Me W44, 04401 NOC b e oppwd , e Good upet As 0)� wm� fW Morena POWARM in tk* Ant box A #tuAy fW Wo X*43�0_ &D7 i;n�ortant the 14- p.*ed- to Abupe. epuditiou the prAA1Wl- Affe . d stall aiOi W tiire,�af - The­'Dmitrerv;t� Th battle, piq.tur"L i a SoLfauw *WA*, Oft VMt farmis It 1011UPONSWO head to the atilmal. It 016' :animal' 100nic to Wure a "raVe In wbtr* juraps aliesdo a stroUtser4as the nalso Ing. Uviroumoa however, diot. He'beliv*ea in have I mil to dry ewe. , It Is also less trouble to with a very light switch, Or When It lot ovok ab-�y V§r.,Te#st Is, Needed.., of, te with: an eyo t�o lutur-el 4� ground.. is maht And. *ove,md WiVIT This karldle the rMt, when brine C)i .1;4044n�ls OUJr�o an pr000�it profit. 'Re frosh. tt$e aers ogirl that it is�suggeated thit.the Why'j dstfolke is a 91ve. mine, to than th,21.1 the only attention that It MUIrft IA it tow-alk.alongi-a quiet 11141144r. IMPr th% Meat fKM14 '� -on lletion, MAY *Outi,o foolish,. to most A k yegir, who oths" Ift n young heifers -C to properly prepare and threaten, -walk vols, bu lot them try to be 'soiliged lut., AS' J%4 ptior,'wh P , : t t:''48 o�50.i I ft the ve"el. and prepare tbo brine. Slve,� several rVal laind t*se, ot him At; the right up. to, them, 4ud for it, Wher"1111. in the ce, - Just atroX _ y,,c rgo dryeuring method, it requir %- using fo�s ing Judemelit., The'Fedorg'I V1110jA 00V bs ltob� switch, fuU op-bd, thrtluqh 4;, Aeld of A-00hed im )veMerit of, condit 04 DO$ . Pr< above the n '01 wa, 99,; bclr� ,!in DUtario. pon, erable th*4, a which ,fliread. time to rub and salt the rmqat no. thicker. Every grain. _e U1440i W ver, -pn o to & av�y J,th�.staadin W. I h A v st 9 I and, e lie -OW11 Ply. tuo tell s pl�. X".9 U,ude '_ le&J0j ljjit,'the 4,�.6efloh - alto, id. sidf�ble-'paj dt1erent times, time the *u1mal. tbrOatenk attack,, 4p- rl VlEect, pl, 1 d 4 lot of� s*Ar, 0`10'rest During wolomto weather." smoked, ho�. [Xis t ra �Iug, 40d learn' to be, W friVA4 art in reaching there 44 0 Se In$' Vlelsted,'jn, the pbople. bh6 Quebec went 'this, sugar toomako, 'broad. d, in ro- ites ii" A. rs In t" some, tme. The house ahQuId be, atlenese tateist msy� be I vicll� I ne�;ji4iiiy. fe T In the era oil t4 Ill D co al 01 'Dwo' ' . ijF, t�, �f 3, lipniun!0. an`y oke liquo4a, aiiuere,l, V slte"10' in*%ced" Ji -of �*v7 r_ t tre ted with 0*4�k handed ge Mary to we Men thi-Q4. hoi'hWL, a,P a& y be. f"Quil the U he Impt a olic I , lusions in *rk and well enough at Pill other tIMeN., For his. 111814," Aith �X e4ible, and yeast imused becAuse it' sititationn _Wtred Fit their range. thIF 'A lu. X1 . out ports m y 'I)r,- to Ventilated to prevent dampness� Fowill ran ng, re '10, . I ieck or -two earher- adily be trained tO, d� marka -, trasC, . T -b thetv f e powor'A41 19 an Adis aa =�e4 try, colot odlar or attic, witt free cIF- corn call be- a dphy o for a 034r, far- -n 'Polss"4W A U'tje to iiot more the extinctiOn, of several doorsi,* in the bittoiist, '*old, in a fi t Parts of tho 11TA11.16i onlattion will be a ntisfactory plAd* for flie usual (4chlok-elli. Aory for e aIt, is imade from t1ho plo.t havi -ig they, thij . Oleii which reforms, MAW AA alj,j�at will eld purposely ltr4ol;mplea, erid -9114 in,g oqjpr is rea in, for smoked meato at all otAROM' it does not sound far, im4 r. this 14#. Vor�melut* timber ro36urce% Whatever policy tow&r<lSLthe 06CI Lot ALP iil ivell to.- the $outh ramingtodut 04 . - r to v�nr, k, en u by UeAVY CO William '11 itivalens tm- b1i -it _ " L I --- 7 � it Is. kept dark and the, Mon, are ex oalk, dii-eetor o JV- oq ruin$ i ;and, there . r Who it, . - 'L Qj).!�: _­, - , , L aii -p . aid -P ecautio veyCon of forest coueerv*tion the 0oodi the i Ro it .#reL . t it allowed, to teen. "'tNo T _§40J. A.., _ "ad. ent. hatt. the blrds,utrw� 05F I -InatitUte tion of Carbonle #a$. If to be held only'& shot' d them toiloll0b, th �6­ia4dfel I X� time, 11141116 is only necessary to fee aapoi ibased u0on A great dva ------ Pot Wlea to- &gD'.L Theizz reports are and bacon will need 0`01V t9 be bung a call 0 have them Used to It.'- r the 0041110e of this gas -is, Caught, in. 1 doug.. u.0ung 0 1 rim. h - e k�njd bili, JeA.-ftom- 'j�a' a careful study i0f 400ft ,Y1 � .. � I 11 large 9 I flie form f r 8niall 'bub. longer keeping, It will be necesoary tbree. to Ave illy, depending and he tried. it On hiols, (A both sexos;. it into�. time$ - 4 -anA-' scapes_ 1 Anthillty haq bee greA I sr to, wrap them trot to and upon ono% experience In feeding. I it. I fitted, peo�tly 6o;, Drs. ftlp , , the air. The piit 6at h,imed fo�sil ro-ek of tile PBOP-D, t SL CIS P Thelbest toraperatunitbr ke hi M f� th6 Cases in Canine, S Irk -'s the cholau wbite cha;tiker, lyzedL the, who Dgusea th e d era- near, PU3 to, bang them In tAill, Alry'll, coal VIKO ouoti le, usan4, . i the object bolus to gain, 4 cap5e, ough to. rise and Uniform patr read f eggs for hatching Is between 50 rge, pirror brought, t* efore the Am temperature kosp Away In- he had a I& make ibreid'light. 60,4 )s. T fresher. the eggs, 01 W Acoldemy, Th, athe fold, and rk..paiuting edivine- in Minneapo;- bndred Who, evej giV*A. M . Q_ sects.-Andriew Are wbou p pr ln�ubatlou as holes in,thel�lhbad­&re Isood-, f ther tho dl),j1:o In, fati. .4 ja lia 'now ju t pulblished in. p4m- rid, 'It W$6 so bono shows. vutrii-tak,­ble t i60 for- hle't. lorm. will o if ot d� 0 ment's thought to t.lip. �astr the better b the results 9b.tifned. �' himse, 'little Voitebj wb' ich hod the Lots ot people who,Aamand foqh Fii��o7y backgrou c-tAre Of the anita.al h, iS.interested of th"46g- n- n o one &-litea an 'iA ease o4 -the t . strenuous 0% r, ve ki;eful F rm "Ints. utter fre 1, id' d L th. h'.'f V M ze the is apt, III ll it,, thi oggs"fr0li a , i.s, ee , ro is to the ll�od eat, t4o ' d ited o. the sent -and outsid Who4 jgInIng kitchen drain.-Ploes, e a, This woll.1d ee J�y Sa"y SV.e w m, to, pr to maksl.' tb:em fresh fish aria QVIA dQ without, -An& hg cauld, only -00W(nuti, by - U10 th "h IQ, e 4pnoMb, -tah:pei etr;% v clok.- ws an fact A'So a e boat n f, foo.t Wartriet 'L . a L cement Is often: used, 4itAnding. is to thaw h, study 'of the. m then -Whin, 4 stoppageL ioccursi fresh air, notwit] to. di4cbvQr e.vid;b.ce. of 4ntl-goelaf re y,and hake A properl. of a. supet -t stale air, % m ve taken Up, th § haritl -than, ouo.'Alb tba or P&66 -"��iy- -of he bri, le.pipes I - nthey raust b stale food. ry UsIn*, I inent s they =46 iptaro�tid- in;mudeJbi lie brol _Without� lealig, 111 'the iii must Con apart. 'Red -b$ Weeds. se g to. the beft, L toints, othose tar-' Ad thi� purpo ping a - .polished steel -ble"o a " ­ i -,, �,jr wA&um dbout ihe- ulterations of villk can be Sea 001or d of brevdin thest away from the house. Then It tdoted, bF dIp1 Perhaps it bamu* hie* did The dtbwhing�pf Ph:iroah, zfi�l his' ad,04ntage - and &n. occasional .glanoe hwill u0t, k:4J,ttJng,u'"dIe into -the fresh- tal Pr, V2. name. tak.eg thi� to make her fav, th ey have to be taken upp y eedle the trilM has 60SWUbibelf 1hiW­1 so L .ot it e necessary to break s6 Mo. lingfs, to th& 11 'Ith._ if, Water fivirOL"'060t,faufts, h O' en tampered w are ouh, inAhe �uir t­J,tt"l-' _Nntei�d f�e<f tberj_ ]KItthea Arain atlets 1diotild noi be W40M,, ready to �nd , oh at obill. elk, A into runs-*offqqIckIy. ca p, hough evsiri they' often:dovi`140. 'from, peen'liar "ied4ish color, - ie Qr' I&Y A,T4')`-bU, I 9 I 8 lbeoa�-adllled the. rallk _U&e of .r� tei t. age& to iist 04 C-linqUency -1 --i --- - - 0 It at sence idiked a ons * be exposed to the, outt- e all [van y �olnpltaa Ver ain se" rm jyhich had pol *tiv,Q iiihe Itanc year,in thd 6g. -d . their oou in lii* th r'; e pai6'of this � bea, 6o t soldier, who h&w."a, hizy aaJgpn tan, L , I an _q up ags -Gus- parine -a- lm , I$ L . ng- assis, Oe 0, I . 1.1 . � They� "y there is planbA,-'or to reddisli nid" that' man respisiblef�ome. apS and 81. While bewas - ;1oing. -his, of 'the of Calle4l. �ly d6 L vt ipeiRded, from tho 'cel -,r* * that3t, 1119 '4. 0 "V*,--,-, isfe;V, -.Wlli __A t a datv..in poke M Btu dio" JOHN 8 0, Ll IS ull 0 W N MUD ' Inal, CeM to y bpeaking" 0; Xeeeia Ilew 11.:�l atrriVaf in. faa4ing irom' f.r' 6ral which illgit Was ommuting t6, and- frQ*, -born -61, _Oimilm krwis�_ !,� or to the � �edfs-. 6 e4 e animal kifig&W- It i's od 9- R More. do it uow�, abolincl in iman 'of. ft or, Ve leiiia, fil the'dog-is-L.qlah'- of work u4 ore w1t_eznp asis; i9i a brought-itp-i ;"r a y n sa�a 113toneu eliv -to 1POF -and s ai4 'T] ARjnSU S& "lov's 310b y just bly., 'to,,the� fact hat, its upi�er riio fid 'IDIF 'It. , d. o duty to. ihe � fjolie'AilR& the a Was ortil qf the bun' Ilr3 �:k:�o end -0e Joiner reppal, 110M, and, once riwin'ii even -if he had cours are ififUsion of-fxndjack- is been six tib** oundled xiiake him 11�, Coins after the and. of Vora, "t -d -h MUMG may - i - r*Z0R_1M_1- I i - -o, t.Xo'.biblicil. 41 blood L gn - tYat he t,h,� tried,the. ir 4"i.icaX -been �born _,houlseh f -the h exis ace to � is'liord- an masto on4* they Weire'kOing Ury inei. ents; disessein the. parent4 is oft�n- it ra.6thod,.amd �wrpte. '"De.. .. .r., jestne's#. at, Britishets ;,an..Aroeriban o 'biit it -sorted: that th6 sea took .04ollogi, waiiqh has taught,us so. Te I Mdst -ad, S. name I axAbing to inh' ads'tp cri ih. this- vdlxinteer- erfted,i -6fte e ime � fro h . 6 11 ove . 'r . b row of Ph 'rah. n ran. u_nc er I!k. rOreat War Sho*h.1n. J& in -g. notli�W s i, .,not haird to fall '.aliso,thoughnot4rans. h is muoh 'of the early -Ihittory . of this m; s, bri. 01111"eat B ae VoUnt, , A . 'B' , � L I 'IDW ledge t ill oltolmes wilit.b. thi'know- �)Ut OIL t #iiease may eall A lb;5*a.iad sinhibitint,s, has, .,hi�w- ent. Britu r here are. 6nly two reAt mitud to chi dren, roduce, a we y Dne OD neatily one hardly ik . 8tiluted inen jal' v r, to. 'i')% , evi- Man :at 04ADo ro-orn 7 have: the elpcon4titfitiozi, Or. Scti)btjoh 11aird iavif�d E;n: Etig, e 'n'the world. thit., tou�hes the seems to. dispiove this for,the,�.Cat, and Iwo, len iital:_develop hat,,�;gLvM Ce kno fishing *i-th A�nt,�- t d- -70, t :tee at g. man aSys 'VIVIre - Isee 40luutary,�, mi .7 propei� corigpotidout,, Wrote tIVEl fOl' And the Unt�e4,States- allwed-to fall -the Way';,0716-116 in hiiLexciteient fell 'd Y -no , see- n ee bir, adheeii'tif the a r a Iiif .80 IX0 t 1g, A.great P�=Ie', monisieu Wlebt to- his -in WOO �iq* and J.aru pro toi. I b Le in, i u 'd Ible WL d -Call d 6 t. Through al inte, mk P* L bo' .1 -ithp longm b . I ,, -swittim -, b -�i6di aves"off'' an. etiviroh� Ai r 06 U Islee, I lial -wen. in h ,ty. Je d me thr vith a ment be Tons ils not &jkin1§i;, sM 'to put. g ng. Tommy' ifilk hit's -in ilerb �", in 14dog coats, you cpuld.*& With inherited, un- I-Whii Bull., sh istol I im0eaA. Of AL .Piaintb.iush, I beciility,. no istirvironmerit could -hand "Albe, ivd tmd -the, ort. coit%,, i US iiii. ihoUld. h nti��'aiid t�waships, 3%i 6ame i's, t, se lave i�dslrred Ile In. manj �c&ft egn, W., d inklich- p Citizen,' On the other fush 2111111,11ite roit b b el nweri plans "have, been and be-' o r Pl, will ivAit, but 'the ftish nnn Buse of inilividual'ivrere *u kill eir bL*.W$ Witli:the EzigHsh Army y*11 'ing and, otilintlef4iiiii�hitti;: th A . )!�;ad trake Viis, `alslcover�, 'f, sojL deterniineodO. OM ing jcjc.qut in, its, p.iaco. "es were,z brought. up in dives f viee fr �4it: I " i ii - ney- T profesgiou'al Nbw� I the se a atne, :inein, e ret, i aoi.peo' P-1 *�_' W'Ark Ans W_ efilighten-, m, - wi. .'in n co0vince a', Y 0 0oo. b dy tha'k Inil `11hey aie here be- Ao _deaih,.� twyiti ooVoll, a �POPUIAMO!i,,of, 7y2_ lion L tS, 'W&�_Ojno ere krCit populated 1743-a ten'ance "L L uot 4D'n 9V ih d-.'oon r i is�, �Mre Pg g ment; he, 1=U d ;Put. �ofs, ihe INkligh A 0. n caliM ininAmil Carrie I �,,by� 6 mutieii- rooi Nv ell, -rc 3, hL they Are forced tA5 And, �Qlme_ V of tanking .:Money, type* 1, it.' of,' the most "dostij 45 Wor, -ed bx sometlimig ievOry44y, i'sh iciti- fore Within in- with6iat, in. 'bi - and �Upot, Wtik6o 4b, a, ow I orkil Bull ii the 991y, the aji- Coun'tries' th d Pa ty is 6. wor eq rill* ig,. r ,,t. it o,operato. on- YL sovly, b, ta t They aj�e here not on e- (h " L L : ' '. I . Z�n an ems'to� be around e IMPOr' Mn�' upon hotist, hkv 4b Ades; it --gives cali8� the�j � Wanted- Lt6 be b I "I i, WOU e .1y" plk�, e the �:*h pa�ijth-. t th Totalfty e.. t6 addier riat beica s6. thy �ieie tletl�tiinined, to b *ork p1atlii. t 'ge tif.& Aillied a b. )f U etter ro"'suttwe.. -a Bull he Kipli6g aboiit,:� loh iroiW fomman,., who it is- tp�'cut off bfie d*rt' re and ek rie h -80ni;abbut. "That's,tho -Engli§fi jr`M� Of to- �qs nei'ver, b t i -em itj* o- at t1he front. -ibis 4re liarge,,"ceirio th4d,cen0e.;6f the rohd� -A will 'dto, Johwnull and Hio.CrAstle. day, i �bt y aPart of the.a.rm t, d He'&�th`a'Jiohn. hie, taiw t& relasivo - imporfaln� -of eah as, mUeh �hzrir� -aS goo this;moroing. Me parsonkl*w a A v 14 )440,V 1i o go his home, is his ill flaat it, is as . 'TM 'Old, .Vrldge� . heaters., He talked to them i . . he �WV_Uld_ M, h&-je- talked bck�jn . any, 0 .pa�% Y,.Mm Many, 0 ilittle'old'stoue'chrch Id wo,Jo in any 40or- hb: VehA -ws�apers nor of- ilhe -British 1sles .8t�t4a-moiii g --- rb -()-.cF,.y h n ry o y., as lorgotten, W 6n de -A -wife ad johildrea,- And �-whtlF- ai y; in peac. 0 .6otiMAW-a to C-ar'ry loadh szdely� eri: ne Id r Od xe to Zie obutia, tan' iso-th t badipg i%� flipt, Jt 113 h tol en his hor to in e, op g, &nd.ODUd be r . n)1V11 4p had "en Qb&at 'had, ear, Y, 16 'L Who -i's trait thM inatly cou-w Ta. e anyt Y;6itnge sWas� bout. Mh blo- done ' 0o uiu'6 k o'ne,'4 _r: , ;i& ' the, grautedi.It CUSOP would not! -b ld� neigbborimL4 wyer, a, stmet car Lind i6' !, � 'dill ' slid �bfidgpyd and. 1, A -b co,adiicton- -it - �d �__1110W_ *d&y- �,6nd - for. himmilf the � int I thel. X&PI V CIA I'v, S4 Ut z, 4 qu�t ral O�' e thw blib,refoile tho&p)y,-. in sum" eqully tr4L m. Mlu& and war, - whioxiater 19. joWL 44k amle A -W -on squift 1& 1h, -is., tho tit�e antfio . d., art; n -or; W66d.,66. gardwl--�%ud, d ApPe , r. blridp and, Culvert building4 no4lwa-y4 Vve �ioiry- mut(h. oh the stre4t�-'of3 pailts to' -see.. Ch rhese :ake: all, i'mPOrta,11t, PT01011115s. fiig� b-6fore, go-ing 4o;wiii And to kit xiask-ers in 'spect such b Manv 0 Ut by "tiry. pal b. &ALL. idX�A ,ixu 'high wober' is the pkrt,of wi khkki - Or or the 6md ,belief by,SNlii.6h, -an 0 ,the net" his Tq OU oeneio r, 0 _ JRMY n Nonep'li eel, thiare. art, Many. diffbkonl!` 461 finished.J.-4 fiftfoifils..- It U� beeia vu mar tK _ tkin-6, bles§ his r_,_ , " ) , 7- - - --------- Made whom you ...... . . . . . . . bft 161ish"by it, -but the now mcita It, d4y ti&'show ouii-ved not onl that at lul lit h&* in Aradhig" the Road 0*4 the full, bo�At of tho poUndin b agialadmon ting brig1t -rioad*,61 up liotei, w iihis Ut that a an como 6r- heft to F:n9Z Sometims doWln be ilioi. and tE0 liano Daltian's, home and. Frendblinthi's Ill ov high and whoisti &undation�6­Wa -fr mst. - Maiijr of ou ablegb authcl6 homib nd le'Very 'to' do their, duty wad'tlho arson. -No-we ia.*&__,,s&cr4,,d, v 6 tar- tht the ibiest *hn,s to, Oak: V" is through many Yearb$ n be y. enemme, jtading W, morsw th" it kelll'diftis g."VAV, 11 e )Dng,-In llJa* in &e'U) At this el�� ", w ., k" '.1 hri'll. abotitbeirrg'with is, u1st &eim. Say, tan -1 it,erial ad&Mon' f ",ekav Jedson IT, OUT to, r to ms.of Hit, and death.' iaiiout Ided to. thet best 04 h Mb no A AA L kl ?,tUbg z e -li tdred" thovzand5- . --of M" '" "d'le'ae the surface of tho� t&afk in quic 1 .Shapei -W vithstpmd b6th leroad sutfal irtlits fr4m thel vo t��r -6 ve y itall. IvLt Or nxuih� beltil6r­ n,'L 66.tdown and, thoilght f 'r . ble e il ha t �2 01 b .4 'ti' �lee 0, A" itoadolde tevelfi d ad, 1;6 tho 46� t ny dro d� P or 'a. pla ce wlith A new coat of tAtge 4n4 of 06 strikidij coni I is 4 & iroun gw. tme it-, bettor plan khfakio-beld -1 0 felitis, �*Jll tilld iM 6 0 win' mal t3 A tak�-n:jadv4utae, a if ih,& rboaA h& been graded to a pii;*ezi form.* 'b %6, pri- 1110. VJIong 's OU' f lie M I I Eaw op an ab& A, horse, be'th- otide1r �h -with aidd§ sidles of)" rowl,# football by1116MY els responsible t.6 if - .0 a allup to- pr&vent =13 mid pl� up drowo giraig MU& infore poritantatb astlt. 10061 ut l4is bAtUro, Vith the, Tall) b*:ezy wrht of *ie Atild r legsioh n tbo jO�'. Woex, -ed bUtL'his, duty - ! Pur- ig Should lie 0 po k 0116 v6rkd out '6�Vu`� hag,tievek be-f6beL' oWn Whoeo in, �sor�e, niewpq *1666 vlon raved '1-6�se,oftg 46M Miothr 4rmy'liki thig U911gh-' 6te; atmo of 'h of his lifo" and the Uzwer to-.1is' h be counUldi labno9b i' FrA&� If iffie grav01 ,In th"N oftttd In thil linprov i t it m w *,can the Vi6fid id. gone-ral ppi*ghmdoo of the *hol* Mil, It 6-*�n MM6,16 ot .fledgod 61diot, . ........ iAio diity b A fullt ibouldeita at ebob ountryside. When %Mo d *ea &`0 inWithin, hirn had- Side 'ing the eeda� by- oDoli!t b ovie it st nt the ft&6 (5h lig, of tlie'inafter bf k A* I- .4 MON the Voldsidel. in c1hoo, rd in-eidt "Tip %Ugel, got *Uter Let ihhn 6. do it; eadt'i gaft.V 4&tbeffirt, tiD fill -Up .Zow 'for a affa "t, itig. it* graftd4aind that' Hog ridding'the, 6oulittv of oble fi);J�fl, JNJIP & w 00UMe Of Veied'p rpftga_�j on A it .1 But #Ad' t soiit % AR4 .0001% lioilta, to 'Solateo -ing ii6itlid bd d6ria Vith at Jkre U t 419d 'his musio itio swo. �ng nd TAt tiewes;t -%vt hapital J*r.W.6.UJJJd4(J otpimldly 14�i bon wAdsl hoo beelA qp*Ooill, Ion so 0, tho T,�o I ihm&ua 6aply out tiod bi t14 m6wing Molli*ej 'Jr in" 'a' Wio, . tee' i . OY N , Vn viib able br�wiflg nz1hy, a w . ,-mpire, Ullin&d 'in tih6 Agliting at Ypres 'aft'' teen'-beill:9 Ji4 4011 t, dio gwuo,4� by ove. of, dttq of teirth$ -b tho Vol'AAMO.-Thi oft, 'Gou �,gpod advi4m i9yV6 �wh .1te, r,=e 0 t lieto t6 fight,l, and .,61 givi , A ad, triiittv iA & I ftfOU9 do;ft� a6ei-etv, Jvlia ,who hol-*4, tsfablish tho hosp i�� the ee bro .of, tile ro A ,n y th b xigb jig y tg%tul