The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-06-17, Page 1LUCKNOW,'ONT., THURSOAT, JUINZ17th,ot St., flioulls,00rdso potty mliqsSnale Wehter ip. visiting friends Cord of Tloxoks. SHOWER WAS WCESVUL Are You Puzzle'd AND WIRRAL ot Toronto viW 1801111t W Nario. Mrs. McRoberts and, fit Of 'West swotit muouncing the, lovioual prdeooarty�of the*. I lAfieff 0 slWamish wis me rgaby. . 14 heSqu miss Uila, Agtriof Keith J)Aots, '10' plan A Sincerely to thank the riends and. to Ohur6b: 'Thodato is Tuesday of W -A flat t6 ove? TMr. Loyd Alt6n, 1.0 hometrom, ronto 'Visiting relatives. 4,11 A"44rquad, town, 'kindly �18W thomi next wook,the The vory �st UQU. FreemAni of Citing Ionge ful 10 -WA - the A So' Car nelglobQrs who so a for thoaca Mrs. Seaforth, is *V1 or ollowed sympathy at t of their 4&j of the- year. For ptogrmme eto. Very success deed 0, 1110)Y. lie time case "showee given by Mr, (Dr.) A.- 01 A Tot., Dr,, Ifam 'ba at o, of litor.sop rted at th in Oft billot recent ber4yement. -hursday 41400 on T Afternoon lost ater Postponed home ofi,Q4trAmSt,,, for the'lion4fit -of ouaty W a Rospitials at the' fto�t be Agardon S A. F ayt' dar t m ow garige W ,gisrar the 041;adia b f bid real4on Oleo: in Sght for of A debW itientiob ot WAlkortotop was defendant ImV �we rs id -so freely. co Qix. - U.00S St. Pa! t4e room . our last .,week ,inder _4 1p I . ok zenerous wag tbo -,sponge at I I Lotblau correspodence, hwios:"to Jein, 4 slander case befoie the court in Wo �14 tbeontriblitiond come, in th D'haS, `$0110 to., hVen held- in ' the U0114104 County Town. ThQ plaintill was Geo. event might really betyled. a 1'4elugo Gore's Laudin where he will open Mr John X Scott, Ot CUIMSS, WAS on the 113th., has been ao� yoi . W d JX McKay Or to Me- rather than.&. "shower"i t set who for yt*ts pri he W! A."d * r few wooks. e �atrlotic garden ty to 1 4ppointilpathad'bold the Oil& as! oWill do. for rec.hring the 4oroaOms.beti'A :held it) Llteki;ow that ivealrop appeol. �fr '40 oqVio the VA; .1 , , , , Tw9f ;r, "Mo&y had. been . li'lloo th numiViof Xi 4130*10a t JI; M. . . ty rogistra dcd`� wA* bundles, by , 0� ol9so.."of DOW% ioint.o.rators were o have of depu I � 5I., e &V -14 Ul .,Sm y ith,, of New'York,' is, -disoMipet , - k_ --If,- - �.C.V ta enpar Again on vedi, a. talli $11V are 8, !OC as, JLJ T 0 W ter 1,144pok or too f rip el�� mil village, 4ifte -were recel plier of villagerq, ;Ive CVW At a 1414Q ov4d' presetit. After th6 dismispal,'accoMing to the. py-i-. %of tho-article., how! 0, f 11 370 Anxious diys thefio,fok floe �_boiki iXidl feAA4,henm tho,cotillidt of :Interests.' We A a P 487 9 owe at High So I R O114 pee"s'appet 60 , CK spit4l b There is, . nq gift thitt lo, vo 40cept- beds ?WAAA4� O JpI hoN that this contest, Of In d, r,o R" de h M ay had one, -way pillow cases. (,which, AS och he e oe 006 T inel. OMqe yester4y. kill :f)r aiiether misappropriated About 00,0., required but 6110� pillow, 370 si�i000s,44t , I . .. able -and etta so long ;is good idl- 'be t 4, , q. WAy .iirrangoVor 4, a later da* J 0- Thq,ou e autV f9r". sland9r,' a 0, in, c lo, - Iatcomewas, th lopplied). 4 Rillows. $4.0 re. lhaVp t4e, kind,wet sell. V A %qhAD04j4 W For is Openiog up* it)IQ ' i d to Mr Tom e6ster, ftO.r hearing Oide 'ere $or tlie� r, ac%And giving Atone ir on ury-re a was- aosistecl,by 'Wei" gurantee verk We, 'a hai41 -these, V P*Qrly- wi Citipyf,, i1qited friends, in Luck I _k r?s. deliberation A. #4e. W . h th k, ine)AIr, M k% rue Q gbords lu:.th just �"jhc I' nd In,' b eak, 114 jo miniltho , _� ges the eat 40signj�iq, Tea, '&It 33, red.' -I epk, commonceil�' of6io W6t, of -the �BaDk of 1% AS Well. ah'.to t! villaw' nd oies the,.endvf.,h eeA �equb ry) w hQlpe, d,t6r, Mal�o .the 0 ei.ositi, h Qqt, the J)tS�jei;'PA k4'�UoWl 'lk the 'Ih*e,1oUPq'f on0n, W h I.;,. , f Sap t a of.00toCrefv 61di�, - Atted- up as A. P'10 UP Frayaht give bi. ud c etine pr�per at�qesqrolo�j etc. t4ur *biqlA.Vill talm.,kx the . . AFT, R Sh ta� preage, " # I 3 "0411k 'joined .,two Of'hel" �herq this,afinoisiday even Fe ext;eih e Call, iti sotoo day sqou -and Rr�rociqqo� Th 9k will caU4 Of tlx� patriotic garden, pa-tk on Ackert�074 imo. ,.eire his- w0ek R. E. Truax, . P,, was, n. to" on, return, vii. VAnd6nver and Wlioni eg., Aoideisop'o lawn, hut there �wilt, be an' into, L .0 T 'S r ' . � - - I . moving.11 nekiAaw Jiom. -Holrood, 10019fis, -ifitin -Tuesday, keo on -evening . without Repa I' M eDis I to. t ping, Ma fitogrer :L yes rday of o, hibition r aiday nd improve he !Boyd 1 �p!Also of the vp er, e. fai, Itis'not yet decicTed, Which even. regide —Monday, June 14,. er; w - prod P the, death it Lewiston; Montan4i of' nee pliFeliased by -Mr, Ackert some' Th6.Woh Of and V03. Aj tho Mrs, AI: 1h ofthe vjmk- the 'showA. will be u ).,)Ut ancl -the.. .—John .11 14 Uipe cal Alex. McLean, of 91% aro-al athe;. F�.-' T ARMS RVNG" A ih -omer Ave .9, h D11,164. Improved 'C41D. House. jards, on Saturday was Mq enzip, w, 0 liveaj,4t north Of t,).*n n _RAA IW A g a will h e Prices h&V rea, Ized. eat appears to .0 t.- _­ � 'I, -re ughes' IAO �,n i�d ing oon RVe co.We conv olt sidence, Q U, acoops" g. r an 11) in d sclan At;4CILIP tAnday last.' The,, fp ,ral. There Is it�rcsting coincidence f.tbp 'Ackert to-' ...... ly On $ one over Wstvrn' be'. grholaj ift AD n L -day. wist 'to the ouo�iig ofXr, and Mrs." the front, wehoar.,% morningfoi Renfrew, Where he .expects, Ontariu. throughout art, e d4mmer 'the ladio"'otive. it! patricitic, work in Qugh to`iave the crop. L the present- time., W� J. Bain on the 6th, has to�speeqcl tlib� greater p OfIth U'Amom at, got his' 6. fQn for sev- Monday, Mr. and M4, -though the eral weeks,to cow years,ago on U .,progress in with his. don, town, 'Ahr tQ State that �.auto, 24 d is making rapid p. As the, dayi - before moved into, Luck, Ackort once the ArOdit. report rih 'Ward only waq canvassed for been-wArm iacv- the rains, set 'a the nowI They were then ropen0y. maried Wb jegr�tr to the serigois illness No Who is an eiifi A46atibusfor-the gardki, patty , of -the gTQwth Qf� vegetation. en, Alm and bravely. beginthng; life With— 0,13 the of Mrs. Lees of town, - be oat Our Popular ofing'bacheler. has 18th -,,,1 id the- assur&- a Splendid. 6.thi -BillCurlinM sqld-his arm-to-E�rnie ht call .on. South plibnoweval. It will ca ital th d tlfoi if AM 0, 1spiing I*, o ga;vourage an hope- -of the-nowly-wed-- ' --Mr. a"Improvint, -and-ro -tion -A.11149n, on, the �jh4 �3990 IatlklI ;I '�Ua o Com-: Ben Cheinitit,and Mrs. ofty too lioi With 9 �up to Wedise 'Deet '00 tied ((!orrgcted COT Or %ff4r_, plon and greatly help te� bay ciop wbl-.b soif- was Dar has' e 'for _06m6AeUC d- work on- r -, Part., Ackert ood joiroip 6 Or fievea Juture., -.oe 6a�k 1he 1at enta 4­0-to'Listowel, 'a, IS a1ACQ Wheat,..., w resi, ence, just fei�d�a serious, -for a Ing to Acknow, in _10teres Coupns Aichar 44 be ... id rove .0 Preaeni� tudicatioas .'are it aniall, Scale. Thid, vots the 'no $a Better get an' e Qos, last tqday. ,aut., y th of town, J& enderson-has.th jabl!��Alf-Yearl 2. ck H Wre on to Oatar, 6. 401)ntding;�of �the b4siegiitha, ine -has- __B carpenter-wor Conditions thrbughoi 0 d . Q4t deVelo Afro. Biitrellj �o Ing 'Mrs. William Ell 0 An, podinto flie.,preattit' Table Coni- an- Mr. iOtt, f'Ki refirorted good. Mcm-Wobstero O pauv. Aftbr fiv years. in qcknow U .r. her mother,, - M `946,114yray, on. -1be NEGOTWLE Icrdine Towns , t . re; hip, anhQuodd tbe;,�.nkage 17 18 Y ord Auto Ackert. bought the s4wrnill at Holyrood 00; Who'hqs not be well for -some, -day so"Orih,towo., He' i0e Doetit Of their' 4�glot4r, to, n en engagi 0 . CARY whEre, ever inqp, be. as beei sd­',as shbscriptio h iI,& pr6mi- 480 310 ir- leopolln- Rtz - Mrs.Stithei -50 Irk 4 7 'i r "Wri 4& eilkim0d reside Vo - n riagete take .Olaq4. the latter part dent, this Purvis, well-known P erpris dand of the Oth, *-Aq week,John itig An,bosiness and aetiVe.rili Jun the 44k -'been in. Lonaou hospi "lJor som time :RaffZ%1vMRy;FMM)J M, Ahd 4 e. thom.—T.' Cia'&-" truce of the.church and whatever, done&niid- tretment for her eyes, is -much '17 20,1[ing St.West Tarontu Dent farmer, c%ndid@xe, iii South: or. 'Cooqm6n a,; ete,) I rove 'Pr'dprick ing t( dents' of'Wept; for, the House mp -A� "RONTO "kRICU.9 TIM W9149, the public welf0e�. One of the"v Th sammilling. having protea'..a a Represented by V- May6r, 'T --M - _C16 ziow-riceiv qDiar ? V , - , e Wheat. US ......... S,l oronto, Eye� on ay. o sful !is Coon y or! e oliveirto ima, cO g. homO to ree'apeiatit after his confineopn, .0 W -L. ckhow,,'Ont ", 1141: 62 to. 64 Thomas Me- years one� a; I e thatw couldni d hi firm'andJoi. week in. th few weeks ago Whew",lie -ask &I adjok* the hospital and before'goinj t& , -th g d �80. to -had- w ep budino Ile a- 8-- -%edinganddeiil- .1 dr,eyj e" 17 to.,lihp: wth-, - �G, AS: just ')?eeiiii bUS .. ....... . 1r25 to,� 15. abii -auff6ring1ri)#i 9. seat o way.. "EVE 'S'COLUMN beQD'ilt lit two Weeks, asa' a to,. Ure us there - was nothing in the- RYBODY., 'es of old Work al6oig the line of 'be%lan,' relief. b�art Ovqblo, and ot1J6eIooArjjijti withdrawink, -from ihb The. advice given Jast; week'Auent Thouill ho sMOO �t6 .91,00, d by the local. W�' fore 'is ia tipoit - Tor be fe. What 1e, qetually� fences hai in. &'few Cases bee omen a bit a few: �44ys be eath id ' a that he n followed ge, I hid�l.yroi:l business Which le&VrbS to and ou , r ill Viied andClo, .16 00 to wa commene( V "to any 18 OO sa a n t yet seen i h ft w vpri - - o'. o. Ihatituteyesterdety- *hooi they held A' giver qigns.of recovery --end� co�,;,,i 0 r Oid 'highe4t market p so that the. ylmer, Mi., Ackert does �;Iotll irL PAY rice for choice heavy �,-8,10 to 835. 163hectuol. delivery -of 'the gall horse hair. MEN] 1DRY -cxoous . t4tj�-Vo qu came somew ..come4o 1uokno*­td -retitemetor,- _)R 46 cars'. �6 qgs�), 'd' k Aeiaoxis. ei, is, erecting, a, fine 0 'to 9, con. for abont h A. �I tioiI�-'bnt hat, but Z' i I D re4dent, r . i* ]q�� is. yet of -energy for i k. H6dgkinson oppe-io pxesi., in id proac of n ec ............... -7 .50 to 2A); 00 36 y6ata,.having. from X ust in what direction he -will exercise fence along front of his .farm-. We VIGHE$TPAIOES'A��',fqf old h b S' in Toeswater week and Mr.. piing am 6 N 46 $00' dlesex Nuntr London. ::He. is *sdr. be "Cotnee',.Dead his-busiceps instincts'we. are not : in A, 'understand'loot exijeCta to Sell' 6& 'at a. Reisman, Lu6knc!*. See him atAfendoll near son's -Store. P.� SO -sello Ing'a' like. 6ervice loere,,, .ahnost 80 "Comet" tho-vaee horse,00ld- sho osition to say� ow.ek 'cwt 5_25 to vived by. A,-widow.,wlio is good pricb4n the,near.future. ol ia perfornii . , - - 1. .1 I - _.. . ,::1 I be 5greitly�' years of three dons �nd Iw6. daugh-, time f The, A&eft'fatnihi" will oso T, W litostein, itbit door west of The sentinel nco Mt�. Millson of town,. die& Mr. AD& Mrsi Goo. 11 Raines, ofne�r '0 in Aolyro0a. Of- �N -LEAfiU]B� 116f.whoin,liveneitrth home. �at incardine: on -Mandsy, ast; week-_ -SALL IJn'.1SSe4. frQ1 tbia-evidence entine atur I Charles,. eorge, corres- 11 1. . bey are,. war '40: 'The hr&'i ad, beciA suffering fropi, a cold BASE! P- t4i­ bd Ed G "will -be oundin, -Our"Iloly� &-, 0- Oelli- a and., in6treasonable rates. rite, usur&uw,,bat4,. .by the score of 44 .And e -�or-dist�mperi=but�on---th"pommen &­ ,potoden�,�- W6rdan� weiLkf. The Sepoyjrlo�V*-ther 0 In- d accoun. if�,Messrg. t teral-p Dung&Dw;� cceiie- 11on of ai -yet., had- been eiitere4 A 'the 1w.pleosant was given to Fridaynight; Stook'and M*tual Compinles. -Won--the -firs and- Xro,A'ekett; a _e 0 . . n - Y" ink _ws_h _gth"_ �He- &-likat- and,- 6id their daughter A T it- Ba�ak�r Li thel ght to thb Allied. li� t fr 'The. fire eenure Winner,. bu, -in - 8-7. h 'the b6iindar� 01111cult"to.9ni r associates fir the' Methodist was reg�rded asal% t� 1, by oor" - I . a score of Le eP6ys in losing both gaimes. by imirgin 'TJ@A'UHhR WANT -,Pkotd0& INo, 3,A[JnJoss,'dut1ds to dommence, Seot, I,. farm, his, barn. having. b JrWiniof WiE came in'Uh. On exam ation. he- *u t one run. The four ins - are oveii1y n tatilig 4ualia6atloyls., L' CH S: Igham".Mr. J. A. W 106wn,-SuWay-no6iiing was,& Joefboylear A 4�ptotation composed of Dr. A� J- the, second beat. he Acted, straugely,'and church thsie... We -welcome the' fauiil hardluck, ut_ i0i S.- S, E een 'siriiiik- �X. oLdeknow,.where we fecI.sur0'..they of 1015i Applicatio s; s tf6una t,6 be suffiering from brain feveri will Soon find many friends to take the �,atched and '.when the public becoA�e and FAlgry, will baeceived by the iinot-. lightioing%,and'destroed. The load is and Dr. W.- 0, - T1 of Clinton,. LevI Boy a, IOmp§Qn, signed... cadied by the' combined - influences -of place of those. they le4v more familiar with the -.1ineilip I' 6 obehindat-ffoly sj, it ,is . �i 6 CI ao)kroo ted, upon, the Pioiviodi&L License sieknesoi excitement of the -race a rood. rosult.. s rd' oid' o4pe6te& largei atteiAdances, Will When re at Vorofite, re!*qly _M_d,.asked* Jj purs, kept getting To avoid clashing So:* LogTr-In 6A a imulent�s, er A -We, ave?ev.er ice up-to4dette.. Al , 1, y pr _th4vih"Caid7' -i ther enf rcem'ent. Cie en-d6atb-puf-an--eiAd---to� Z iddriki Aleficliditt d it� A ou`s�o day, of the Cdha a Tot been put ipdXpolullmo.-T per 0 iiis u6rGgs. He WAS 6wned'by Mr." vfgy 'at AM ill play to�uik]At t to W., QlarkI the ea ifid, Canucksw Fin Qounij bithe appointment of Capable 14 Ys 06 x0nined 'to .—Monday, June torgi R. Fieldi of:Hamilton;and was vAIuqd 46.30. The Sep6ys.wiIIJioncdorth be, tou&44fter 9pending &:fd ''d -It wab,.�titedl.that,,,tliiB.,Ooil- hib4n ras-, ays wit in4pee Gebige Brooks; Sr.,.had. 'at 6e. ween six aiid seven 'hundred. dolr� called the Britons. ts in the, county* since the - ..Iaia. I . jriendgln town. *- Mr. 11avd: was. at ti diti oi 1, ffii ed lot week. a on. b 0 a Qaite & numbbr rA her� to-oi "in the. For Swe oine dme'6a was - ii6ll Acb` 4ad-no .. .. . .1 flg6dtheire ior a went intoorce' Sa�jsfactory� I .,r �tfitlth fro n town d& the stirtoun Ing. e inslipctoTs All 64 Their Bit Garde Party at Clark Imt Frid Whitechurch ay 6v�,P;I be paid enouglA to enable the 'A Stranger in LUcknow. Monday fiiorn- Ing, ZARM FOR 8,ALV.-Tlfb ofth. Owl' I k The -deputation urged J U lu U., C 44 to devot.0 ountity. in -me The tow's, o '.'Winighlt 'Seaf6rih, tbe.work. 'Chair- ..a. �heir whole time to ingwould hav6 thought froon,the numbei riday,'Jutie 14. of Air laeniy Tucker and his friend',' P6ter tg Ryau, In *.of the' Town, of. n Ih In -t e0ounWoflfur6n,1:6�14A. ma - Stated that he 'had ittle trbet that Hastinga,� b6th of Luqkuow,, spent San. 'Weddi 9 ringi g,,,i. Woma r salithaludw- Clinton,. God6richi 'Diiisse tx6ter finoo it. rk on Campbell.'s n bells.iiro In operty:-Tho douth 140 'acres of, on' the 4th. Mks MoLoa is visiting..ftiends in 16 n. 12; - West Waw -nosh. .'"The rather th Peitri6tj0­96dieii6s,,6f faith in th6 �Ciinidik Tenri0rince. Act -er- r t e I astrLeeiiailwitywiiabeing Utizo. �0 rce- e CA, e-ld to Co. -pp and,,ihat it would be diffigult of enfo Me other m6a n. iroveRy is situatedIj towns, have,de 'd the on end of,the town to ro_ MUJ)9 n'thitog ikeret w.'Awith jrub-hob' 610 sho I r_and M Austin- JLii�e., iS. j1d kifCheAi. to be.. L t I , I t, but the boai:4, would dwove* .-Solomoti. and �Blyth" puo�aase 6 A Aep ve kow iLnd 14wiles-fro ISt little son, of'Lucknow, spent S farin ls'a In, grass and, ho.b,0611 Pastured 'G­�raipe A e4 ol in 1W e unday at Mr. Walter -Lott has had the- North' IW�3id Wgiment. power to,. have tb law -6f4ced. and'tho� dirt Was' flying. A closer viov, the itt seven. yeats; 400d,.-W61I - *1 IeA -,riould-sho*' Guir&s.' -Hlawn rA -Tbod­4�-nutritwus­dui however� -th"orke; Saul Me VI..diqiIl:1Qaqrehr 6f bush- sitixated in a. that neAnstal a. en ere no O e u6na''In-0-4ftyp-o- V-111 -8 house, 2 barn an $1.4 We t�'tbeoteetlfiat.thb Second 10inadian of-, the --- Atrot *here -he has I On -k en utlafty 7ith lbert, -W,ald - Yeturned­wUme_'I o botfi, s'' &-t-a" t -has's lood WA3�loaui, a Ilia In art, 0 Iss, ic annual summer meeting, raon tfffrb w I e Ilie -his iinele,--�Mr.-W-alter-Lott-,*-, to 'Ther.falikd onielva US rs as not true. pattioulars al),ply to J. ttyan. Godorloh, etique zovditonforuived-fdrintui. tte of the navy'the workers n I nd to Ftincp'-vii lawn a�- the home of Mrs. A. -E' 88 r to J. R Agnew. was tie, a, in a Real Estate Dealer, LftoknoW- ortollroii& -min-and.tlerkar-had turned- I'fio- t; Mary. Pila 'vqpork isinter rot6tjoh of !rno4n,1uge-:1% -riVnIrBarboiie ' 1; 'r Irs E. Bligdep, of. Hami. on, is ontarie. Adn-dwstratiori 0 white shirts ind collars. The busing 'RM Mir.� Kellim gave an eiceellent attemid in th4 n 'it' C M " "o ol*ck. 0. -H-Barns a T&oho, jeneral.tidy.up and.the,cutting Away. of ference recently held in S ot igthenin' .1 ilithi htU I . - . , 4 r.'. A. Mair, ofRil:iley, G.T.R agen� ii. to be pteont ind Do 'the p i ee addrbsses Zie to iho, rapid growth of W&&.4lidntl9tind -with Iffi.-A vveeds-.ete' - o apbalc to usd Slie- -all ­gup�rououwtufts - t — , i Re*01-Ordeiliew-liee th6lioweh; --rog­ Iias,fivd,,dif&fLik6 Sub eta -T�k U e oose$ A , 0 hem. Pedc is P i,.n t omd., ular "414061thy. Their jJt:tioi.2 I from,which Wecik, )I 11 U t Miss 94iih 1le, who ' feachiag at i6al practital �gubjocib-. Mrs. Booing, Lh r, the t, the. toy, oine f� Grand. Bend, is at,. her home just'. now. ey w all t Rexalfgtort 50c. .boxes b6r, the 'm� the. --Tuead 106i i 95c. as� the- fit -at 'to- ndeft.%ker'. aysietnitic re e r- Il';ht -excursion Ab Goddrich,jon Xonda.� r n yoobg_ Man. e ,monaltiation-lecture work -on r, W` e butelid e iotel a -an goonclass to WIf's rubbeoire. A-& from h iook 1 ih-o'Moon t fid� reat I y g in xonnection. 4ith 9 who. Athe, O'�tbkdhk 6fthe -,w a di - food even -the e of. OtAr­beef,r`1I'ig starts to -morrow. S V.Ing, Suiti o77: e we M Is. V.11R.-, earin so .---h—aM -M-00erative-.4fort. wag, due -to -t -Just- A e was ..'are assu it 0'Atuie4oft. - " ! K �1111 . , . , I of the Streets 0 'V OR frien a Katherine- wDonald­ of V T - . _t .... ., � bn f. for e It and-ebergetic - .. 1. I - few, -tin a-- e-.. I' e -T U uuu -A 1a hes *116i tip one side of the street, and do TZMPLE CLARK rh "Ge dit.- ;z�� -via and COM nittes t riends expee he atL -home nursing las; eek.' .. . ... k, Xe d June .25th.". - 11 th eptiver;, B. 0. is'U Oreaent led._ wn the -town and surrooliiiding 0 0 Are the other asked for the tuta -her father r; J.- MAcDonald whois not Mrs, p. �pa little'daaghtet, toro I -out. -There. Wraoit and Merchani TiLilor. JiAlly.invited to'eittend; i rea F k1jas his,many friends tia v kted wass d re 'th' ew, inaproirvig asquic of I a I sponse.' Dorothy, of Toronto% via at XJ L liandoo, an; Sta, batavdd in ra with -t dkssiatanceqfadqXkW. aovi ed. y A. ie c n ever thi was - Mr. and Mrs. K. _77'M—acI�Cetizie and oil seloobi teacher at Old pr q 'They have neetion an 6Xtevid6d visit 'with' Miss T4ylc da, nd, s�a a n.' a, gobd piece of Ann 9111, his ie worethe. victims of an w6cident Ardice,, apdnt, the week-e'nd- with Miss Foroyce' 06tirio. fdoo d)onald I' 11 is the. Own _fr fl wor an 03t to' 0 ing bui a . last Tuesday evening while retUrnitIg qIII remain in during; tber; , Vil Come] or 0 pe Christina Laidlaw. rom: )50 is befe littl, 01 Ow. ig 6 f a. ball game at Loclialsh. Their 16tJ Mt. and 'M.fg.* Wa hotad took fright. al Iter e , to 9 eas of Me, V Aye .6t 1) �&rt 'io uftnieat� cht.6st bubelt of Miket Autos $Aft w & tedding beliq.aro itogio; i k thL A% 64hatt who (in hevidding offto 414 The alffitial.girdiiii, Pa4v 6f tiiiei Agh� f 119 di1Vj.0_9__.%.___ , , enzios erner, -dishing Across tho, road Luckpow, 3fisited her �moth . er, 1194 Al - I , , -teT cality, the re fidld:Ciitiaiif�Mdthd a ure --wI M 0 squir te a made, 0, o r e, 'held at 10th' no arM.A.Va Don't forget Ga deh. Party at Mr. i's -tin of thi lato the agency for aningenuono device for OcCupants�6ut Thei were very 1or. D nie Var -is at presdii ,iwa, ily fit Aj gaW tfi onobile-trovVel. -a ride 1# his, ZiAggy -IZ; litar �-Aihfield, on"t e e eamg,;b t h t -'-f hup§dayt' .the jonbg�_faln, 0, ig t of or n'r una in escaping wi guy a ig -,L=gsideoa1oAoru-26. Toll pairticulars- On A.busiucsa,tripioZo e.,n g June Thero'Wilt W'ihd tiotial ko)d - On-OkAgh 4gads. The, e000trll� brute' es. will be given later. royeL jng the ofhe' I . ­ .. Afro Mr. George Dohlis, of Xusk6ka, ,Jilm Irdin -ogiodetich to, his fathixr�s d4y, Sbmetl An r )TqKrAm *0 k vanes is ve�y.Mvplo And. consists of a Ad 4A iov, daughtey, Alta. N1,611 -Shoi Bros,, nf Listaite4-mme io aim q9ti. odyW I _9171113" this',­ttdvertlmlitent I& ie-ry'li e come., mfliset its from their bobti'. T is 6ad It -the -:Tlie village pD6 daV'1a§V- o . 6k on tives aruAd Fordyce. b , Ult Y4 n_ the cat in theii way is eng 0, D.3n,t 6, trh, Do. aj� toIjiflk 'to t cIr ing rod ind, to 'on, 'd I tely to Luciiiow�. of -chance i's -not iiecobnaiy) by big, digobvOky'aDa e4ptdri. 16j"wero soon, go�straight p miti or immedi A�aftin hagr�bftUght inarder, 19 16h Iabro -milk, 'tot, Ivistting at hT 00 ce a Ul b rkRiaw-1, N e 101911f, tibbilt making oil - Ad an&_ bring -it, back that p6sition -whdh,:-qqw. 110. Heary,MArtitij tox, 8 Rene anyon "T hii home hich they b' no hiM �octttpiid the liulpit in the p l0adU 11 oleldt li,ftt 00 the- It,;d' Vet-W66i, Ou� can have ntee alax ect e y it C re trii�­ 'ichu'Will soon be 'Able yOuk*ey_eSt:, . '04-0 9,134 Miss Mary Curran Spent Sun daywi a I ' 0yal 41'd and to tuake It cletit kaft" erly by th� most, new d it hole bt"i bject lyibg Oil road, Pr6abyteri n church last Sund�y. riends near Ttbaftt;er, to ."Toloo! Gillespie li�d 66 61 fortune handle it beautifully that David. DWA'ad ho'-dodliectift *hatl -to,dektc T. Arititrooggo & e MIS I ige, which gives them, plAnty,roonl for, The -sort, of, mishap. this. device is td !it to; desirable �Ig . jL 'wheii, to6lit6.. eAeteigei tho� Are developing -Apidly, intended- , to prevent o6cotredi - b e 6, r 0 An* to Va florqVii.firom big, bugg -vtr with that,odcuft, ift #eople fifid this 64 M.* W, in, P. Ur6zio had the ph D6 y Id6t Fridiy, A few in this; viciqity took 'in the e 0fdoil. Who drove - 11101 -, should, Woos, yet or . dtain- Ugto*el rdeofitly wben 6. car 'bit. ib3 . Ste�jje& Dhmrich, and rep6rt th, the annuaf Uitin iqrkndrm`� Institute and .they'are time, ki an 4711% Ultwilight the 14ko, at 00d&,- - I Self without. de*.aud edo!"Pirm At Guelph ing all the,quidkilbgs, twa dash 'of � the way fro M r.. Robt. flasty -of nanonniOn' Spent dorgeldritoge, Wh was so seriodsl IDSVId 136an of aa? sugPICIOU IIin -,London overtook a wagon y- but enjoyed- themselves a iiildli&tto which they. belbtig, Wilt e wood: As. the eat, WAS 'th son William., 'Jig sAme. 06 iath: q#ocittl train will is #r6noutwe& humanitarli hIch lbaded, with sto f6VOayh Wl elng hurt. on aturdayL PVonI by I b ' The storm on'Snfiday last Clid"ConaitI. III bjL ld -whofir & about'to,'oetets 6, blook.-Of the wood fell Myt :B it returned front Toronto flovOwti from his h6r9e, is ecovering as The ribWard 'Wi CIO, 1. kio Inakes hi to when, the p6ti bed6noo 'caable oof ight in. tho,patfiof 6116 "of on r MoudAy to I Wait oh1or onothet,who eribleL danuigei. almost -a ti q(vL off tho� load. ri qstioying'Mr. iself knowti, and . it and return. Pee AS well as can' be.expect�d. Ordturn on qolf-Wpport. 6 givor them, their* freedom -As- a rdtilt is 4 1 At D. Pinle6to's atid Williatit" AtmatiptIg's, the front heble, Of the auto. I.J. stiottedleoil iia to ills tobvttnents QlAt 1aro-Is $9.36, T I ,ving. ue eenA large noo"Qj here 'atton e metalli6alling, It istq b hoped, that tbeit vtffl�r elper*� the minsd the. wheel,.pr 0-onot Mr, and hi the funotal'of .At. "Ronald 'Oil r. D t I oichardav Md tiarlpg th 'in in Agg V 'I, " � tbat' ZaVid, or On'tigokf.t 16V _ oro.. , i0idef with their human benefactor vill �CW� A A e a shed, besidaleveffin din Closes apteiaf son fid the�.car wAar thelioters alste'r MrA. Niitiy, *be, ied- -po �-sudddhly 'at. Ille to L it Jq 9 drove 1ini, ab the -Around nUttiber of tail foucea. Ight jhAj 40Y *it t a .111" One 6veniogLIaSt 'Webk... 6 -his I ter, not �aak, 1"ik 1or, thi the aitch killing 10fi6 &qCJ'r ie * I I " to 110A, a sboie,ipoke that no hom Ois foomdf.V thft IS, tfItioin# bff Coo skapoldl ' We are sorry to teoft the 111009A.'ef ossint Guild meeting WAS. the), btiggy, lu The, Chealey ZiAtittrptAe, sit 'y jutiii0.,'-M1iher.bf, the oC6402rn ileh JroDA A very Suce &VOtIA04 on thts 11hrat eatei 6 d' on' illore, t tooring pvtoo liewo --itiftuilk -And 4 laid Oil a -,Sunday evening under' the heldliat Illeurldy'but Itops f6ir 0, APeOdY. loidaship of 314%irs. R X., PAtt'h'aid' f0d liot Atiot Abditit s, botme di%l, vkbd thtst. ahells -to kougub the. wheiill �� t.h, 6 Attack 6i krotly ttqt Ted -STRAWBERRY BULLE -Cook,, the thpic, bciug - 1100htist's oft'd., is. t a dltd L teWd to, biski This is to laoilly thi 11401eW& thiop mine tight-Amight4ietil position, I#it'* iiheth;r or. known tQ th6 aj oeld "Off CalIr t6 -the.. Youbg Men- W, To. Ixect foi AL �araoq %tiy -oil 66 -ttauds fififiho& ,ou 6rdSi� or',g Mr: $rit ptaloosOol 'ol", 'attimlittifis $fit not the haads 4 iha dilver wer VW10h W . .. to theth Wednoo. The-thpld for 'no t dDing Is ofthe 010�reh 6f the Amentioix hom. Nkto or totbe'undtokighed, sud'. d r tupleted oradfum "'S" )6*' fraget for yotir M, Smith had 6, the Mrii W, Z OtOilW6 lawli lafit X -*Aid; , I L 4 , , � Ceinl4ily Lob *J100) ' JL' 4 ) a to he YO1.111i Tm� will bp devved front a to 8 eolbekw io cooitiblit Itoi_Tflg 41'WILL 40blist 1 IA?A :11 19. TII EST' a& 6' eviCes, on b6i d#' 0 ly -- to No 11 It to 111111t Ath6t. To 0,006 o1*eis G., CAMOKONs f t - d Uod, knd 0i"'al 4tter *hj ; I FOR (ANNINOO, NO �aowt ho , 1. U614voirAle, *e h fk*6 -t 0, 4 46OWWU *41 bs 44444, 14 0�ri* fA `io* %%A, Aune *011toll Otto NiIM 'r a 4 ,to