The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-06-03, Page 4, -ae ?Car *ant TI( Ji sow Teeirestay soceolee sa Idabakomor. Ontosio. D AlL401(110121X. Pan state, tea lidtair. dm( aosr‘ and. 'gad Society Cards h,,gt,4Vgitz EON W.. 0 PXM*h k.l.atekeow_LOnt. Atat Valiance, true and We Itift3 tWitrantaild." Only naw of the London author ot1Ua ao4 sern4 VEY (3.44 .14mativraparir Cmp- • WOWS, $L'r4., ?trip kat! U.O. Old ,Light lodge meets night on or before the fun Rall.Ravelook street _lisepoinild; a. we Sartiol $007.. W. 4.# VA le* °suet aliermod. No. SO, lmoknow, Atonday of the month in 0dfellowi' Visitlitor‘hrethere vita& to attend. -Chief Ranker, Reap Seer., Koh& (lraluan ob. 4ohinaoll, Treas..1) B. U. W. lamknow Lodge, Nti. 187, Bleats second Monday of eaoh month In the Odd - we' W.01. Mester Workman, Nap an. Seey.,_D. It, Macintosh; Km • Potter; Trsaa # Allot. Ness. Dental 0. Fowles% it. It. 0., 11. D. 9. Ofitoe vp atairs.lit Rotten, !nook. Toeswater. lipee togold p_iotro, crowning and ark. it mite wroneter 1st. and 3rd. rot eamairsontlit uorrte Thor. G . A. NEWTON, lk, 1k13.,, Dentist. On* ",,no,A4..allin .14noknow, Ont. All modern Illogicr Wet .ttA.Ws. Airnistied. Orown Ws tlfr Vaileilllaergii - sefset . fame% _BODIN FO . Newest. '. tbloirialittin001 teeth. Alurahun elaterd noemeaWie tie- Pitt Universit3r 1.014Dort Another: Oreat Adyance tewa• $73,004 • Another Large Addition to FactiltY and Equi Mont in Arta and Mcdzcine Greatly Increased Enrolment in View , Write for particulars to • • 0. O. Dr.ftbwaft, 111. Aq Pt 0. 1"reel4ent. -# ;••,.".•., • ,; Ontarro's,Iletit Practical, Training.. SoltOol We' have thorough courses and experienced instructors in each of our three departments, COss.-° tockcial4, $ o st.-T A ND Nrt ' 141141tGltemor. Our - graduates auceeed and'you should get out Isrge free catalogue, Iltrrite for it. at once. D. Aa msLAGaroArlig PrinciPai. • , • CreamWanted , . .1lionng an up-to-date Creamery in full operation, we solicit your patronage, We are prepared to . ' pay the hightat: niarketrreee-for good- cream, and give you an bob-- ' , est business; Weighing, sampling. - and testing each can of cream. ceived carefully and returning a full statement of same to each , patron. ltIre furnish two cans to " each patron .. pay, all • express, ' • charges, and pay every two weeks. • Write for further particulars or tend for cans and give na a trial. 'The Seatortlt Creamery Co-. • Sesforilt, Oat, ouressinessor TRUBSDAY, JI.11111C 3rd., 1015 TUX FARM 44101011t 111110151.1011 10* Seterdey a young inart less , titan four yea* out from Bulistria came up from Toronto to Lueknow, expecting to get employment on a farm neer Lanes. Cht Monday morning this same young man wu back in town prepared to take the first train back to the city. Aeked -why he didn't ately on the farm he said:. "Islet money etiough." Re had been. offered, $40.00 per Month tor the emu - mer. On .thfi euggestion being made thet that Wen fair Pay for an illexper- iencea ,uaU be replied 'Bat 1 would work aixteeo hours a day" -up about five o'clock in the morning to milk cows, feed hogs and Mote . before lareekfaet and then etart la to do a day's work' an,a chores again at night. . That rooked like e pretty• herd prop- otation, though many men in thee country have worlecl thet Way for poi& low 'than OW30 Per month. • • . That 10•hotar dey, is the :burebeer which ecareir Men away from the farm, and it looke as though one way or another it will have to come to an end. Ali a matter ot fact men in this day and country eliould not be under the lames. sity of working a 10-heur day for a living -and, in the Long run, that's all a ineUgets. If the farmer finds that be xeally inuet work them long hours, and bale his meework that way too, he is not getting a square deal and he, ought to look for some other remedy than longer hours -and harder werk. ,This simply will heve to be done, for so long 44 men mu: TWOrk-16 bo,urs per daY (but we don' believe they all do it) there will be a.farin labor preblem, GEIttitpflr'6'ittaile TO U sr. Madness still rules GermaPY. The :replyeef,..theedermatt:_GoVernMenteto, rretiderit‘WilSolfs-note-On- tho'-sinking Of the Lusitaniee-was slow Ip etaaing and It tannot be:regarded an at all -eitiefae- .tery new that it Ilea COMM.' Internatienal courteey demands that such a. pots a ?resident Wilson's be answered rn, at within; ten days Getnianytook'fift-ente If Germauy fears tie) addition of the United States to her already long list of enemies, we may well believe:that ;she finds herself in a,difficolt Poeitibik and did not know very Well what to saye One • paragraph_ insults the United Statee harbour master at New York. by 'saying that the lositenia carried mount- ed.guns. The harbour master says that she aid ottointe; gtinittci..rti- sped the ship to See': that :silk did :gal carry guee, The Gettnens:did not go to that troilblet: It Weida he a gross breaele of international -bar Or the J.Triit0 States to .alloW0I erreect Britishe.vessel to leave. 1sTevi York, and when the Get-. man diplomats say alie did ,parrY mount ed guns they tell the Milted States that the lew was not observed , Not only dee:a the, German repty cola - Min this impatient accusation, hut it einem over unnoticed a number of qUese tions to;WhiCh 'President 'Wilson nust hal% a clear Ansi*. If war between the Utntod Stateseed Gerineny is undeeirable, the Outlook is deeidly btel. It is diffieult to see .bow President Wilson,can .evade seeding to .Germanya-eharpeclematat-fori-a-imore definite -end full ns%iei'io bia note 16:"tiee heir the Gentians cari do otherwise'than go on in their pig beaded Way, -.The Kaiser can net very well admit to his Own. People and the wOrkl that he was wrong. The Germans, of course, know that the .treited States &intuit do thein Much :harm 'within six or eight Months (for ehe". .I.Inited.States must firsttrain and eqUip theMar...tALkelided one way dr another before.ethittiinie:• The Chicego.Tribune SeYS that if CREAM WANTED ,,comeatO vat tbe Ilrntnd States will propetly hellessed. Iwo's aloe Um World wee tilkett to notlarsusod, was to re10401, adaloOlegivi eisiekbee. The fortiori has been ia.. stead of being handed inier to Masi Aput clams that *be tamely tithes the polo of Georiany to far se, right to "the territory Roes, Ia additioa to this other deamods love beea node upou Wise to which no country in a poeitien to isht would submit. To the world it loeke eis though Japee ie taking advantage of the war situa- tion whea other great powe r& *re IVA poeitten to cheek her, to make demands upon China which under otlaer cireem- atoms would not be amide. In Japan, as elsewhere, there appeara to lo an element`of theenation favotable to null. taryargrandistnent rand territorial exPan- shin; and for the present this, elemeet appears to be in control; • • Jepan has been aced. byaome of being elf* and crooked; :while -making high profeesions of honor and" honeety. At preseet she appearto be giving ground, fer,that accueation, COLORED WAR liZ.W4 We are not likely to ,hear anything but v4Y.'810Wiligl'ACCaYnOt efItal)A1 operetimes against Austria. The Italian WareDepartynent lia deliberately adopt. ed the policy or no repertere at tt e front anti will give out only such infertnetion as it sees fit. • This,- of course, will be colored tio as to meet the requirements of the.giivernmente This le the policy adopted by Germany from the beginning where it has been worked to heoP. up POPutar enthrisiasnefor truk War' It is said that German prisoners taken. after the retreat from the Marie:believe ed thet*Paris had been taken, antl that the German army had' done pritetically all it bad set out to ao. Other prison.. ere taken after the naval battle in the -North Sea, „when. the. German_ battleship Bluteher was sunk, believed that in that engagement the British had lost their two leading ships --the Lien and Tiger, if -the-German peopleovergeteenything likS a tree history of the war they will ha,ve an ieteresting time oinking, cora. -porione laotweethe 'faAn7.7#1147W:hat, they Were fed up on while the War was. in, progress. 'DEAD AND LIVE VILLAGES (Daily Ster). • -Tillage life isielaften associe&d with narrowness and stagnation. . There is 'net the slightest necessity for this. A circle of half a dozen friends may: be as lively and Stimulating: as it '.circle Of a thousand. . Any Village , or town limy makelts-choice between narrowness and dOlOgs.s. Peu.a tkaatelligeirgand. Ariter- , Mee Which .are falsely , supposed to ebe monopolized by laege:toWee•neeleeitiee; • The ' writer has now in _Mind -two 'Ontericreiillage, s One of the slow and the . - other of the lively type, The SIOW„ 600 . is and wealthier, but it lacks the enterprise and public spirit Of .its rink All that is necessary is the will: There is hardly any village so 4=0.11 that • it does' not contain latent energy and intelligence ennughto.makelt, a centre of intelligence and prOgrese. •, Poke, libraries, clubs are not 'THY - lieges. Of large cities alone. Any village Cali have these things. v Any village -can Organize its whole population inibeclub Witholit'Waiting for a pelatha buildieg or a staff of servants. Any village popta lation. can adopt the motto "Boost; don't knock."- Any . village Population can. make .:ein its • mind to 'seek. out and I develop' native talent, and to look with -*broad -charity-upon:the. failingse--of-iti.. even* nininbers:-.7-7--'---- There are whole Niagaras of energy wahine to he developed in the: 'smaller . .. temps and villages of Ontario. There' are hundreds of beauty spots towhich travellers &Mid be drawn:- There is an iiiiinened reservoir of intellectual line moral power 'which only needs tobe drawn into channels Where it limy do its work. The size of a cerntininLyt is of comparatively little importance. It is the itpirit tha,psoUnts - not make itir by proxy, but shall d We are in eheemarkot to buy Creattte sweet or emir, at the high- est market price, ' We supply two canalree',tO each Of our patrons, pay %express charges, pay twice each, with, cheques at par. ° Re- ceiveereatn any day in the 'week,' teat each can received, and Send. our oat -tons e statement .or . -40,111e. - - • Write for can; and give our Creamery ..0 trial. ltefereneee- tiatike litELEAVEN• & RANTON VaiM-trcamerrePalmerston; Ont. G D TRUNK R'sVsLITX T ACTIVE TRIPS Mir . Algonquin Park; • Ibtta iskoka LaLake of Stays . Vitimil l*1*'r'd Rawartha: takes '111tigraneteitait Elver • %%migrant Round trip tsarist tickets no* On solo fibre tertaiti stationsin Ontario at very low fare% with liberal stop-overa , IVRISKOKA EXPiltSS tie &tell torcinte 10.14 tt. ni. daily. except Sun.: day. for Muskoka W hart, ilturMrille. quill Park and North Bare .ColifiCetiOnS are tnado at Rfokoka Wharf for 11,111<ikokri, Lakes Witt at flea:011ie fOr 15)11t4 on Lake of DaYs. l'arlar.f.lbraryaluffet var to digonstiln Park; .1Urlor-Tahvity-thiro ear and litatelaso cettelles NOrth HAY. 'full particulars and tickets Mt application Le Wats. 0.'144144111ti Agsat, I.uck*iow. 04040 ta ; ;.,-ef*-;.e • ••• *IV* 01401. toms io.,1:414.411.k; • ; etteeessea It would, not pay se we RI ha* to the exteet of esat pase-7 -"rot s a Ieesiti abosadoiting their loge basica/1 or Pro- Wedaeiedvea the title day , of May, thesioaal ectivitiot; tie MO a, good teeny 1015, at, the Towohip 1141, It' of them de ge hick to the exteut Of with Reeve %W00% hi, the ebair. keepiug up country pixie* which are The mother* were ell preseet. Mistrust often model, but ItOt always profitable of oat Meeting were read mid adopted. forum themolvea. Tho roilowniet Orden* c.n the Troller**. But the conepieuoue vuocemos are, I were duty poseeel: eiz. John Dahmer, after all, a linen proporeion. To the Si 00 for ni *king road *round new 'credit of couutry treamng he it seid bridge at Lot 17, con 0, F.Foilia Me- that the abeolute tenure* ere even Alexender *onion and Archie somber portion. McAuley, z 00 each for fenceviewer'S Between eonspicuoue suceeelies and fee. Ripley Acetylene- Gas Compauy, ebeolute failures there is 4 great boat of Ieraitect, 9 00 for gui for hall frOM Feb. 00Untry bred .boya who have come to the 23'to April, '24, 1915. John Bell, olaaall.. city and who there have teaelied a dead or, $5 00 salary 1915, and 2 50 for level of achievemeot. They lea done postage and etatiouery, total 87 40. fairly well, they are holding their own George ej., /gooney, 4 ee tor • talvertiae- in the battle of life --but the great ihitees 'mots re BiPlet,Drikin, Bluek- of which, they 0400 dreamed are as er well, 1 00 for repairioglnidge on Ifin. from realization as it they had never telt lose beuedary, County to pay Oda SIM. the faini. Farther, perhape Milton StanleY, 30 gents.* pitting plank Those Hien are up against the hardest oil bridge oti Kialoss boundary, County proposition in eity life -.that of having to pay the bile Dan UilLiee, 50 cents advanced so fataud being • able to ad - for patting 2 planks nn brwlee on Side. eance no further.: • line 15, con. 0. Win. J. Johnston, 10 00 This. isn't theory. This is fat. It is for grading on cor.:. 4- . Jalt. itannelly, feet which the eouretry hey. -looking to. 1 50 for filliorg at bridge an sideline 20, Ward the city, nevei seems to See. it is con. 1. Joteph illach. 7 for ,repair# the end of• the road for the vast proper. mg bridge at feta 15 and 16, con. g; pro. tient ve country boys-eyee, and country toting gully north of con. 2. and putt- too --who go to. the cite. - For one bag g yank of gravel at bridge le 00. wbo wins an outstanding success there T. Dexter, blacksmith. 1 75; iron, for "are hundreds Who, atrive they never so said bridge. ' Olnier Wilson, 1 00,- •re - *tiring bridge. • Ale. Rea:vie, 0 70for pipe' railing -for culvert near Ashfield boundary, on eicteline 15. Ames Mont- gomery, I DO for eovering bridge on sidchnelt5, eon, 0, J. Butt*, 3: oc,! for 2 half days on. sideline 15, with toad drag. E. TeskeY.11 00, repairing bridge sideline 20,' eon. 9 Anglia Murray,'2 00, one day's work tekrug down bridge on con, 6 Angus McLeod and William Wilde, '00 each for game work. Ken- neth MeLey, 375 00, part payment of Contract oe cement abutinente at lot 17, ton.-6,.as follows; .10 part payment of said contract, 3$3 00; less one-half in. snector's wagee e00;7-belanee "375 00, Anus McLeod; 16-. in) for inspecting Moray's contract,. 8 clays, ; J. N. Wilk. insen, Reeve; A M. Witiesley, Dep.: - Reeve; Alex, From, PunCen GamPben and Samuel BroWn, councillere, .25 00, for part payment:of salary for the, year, :1915. ---Angus Mertyn, Clerk, 50 00, -part. peyment of salary for 1910. 4 • By law No. 509 ti amend Illy-.1aW NO. 501,. appointing rathruasters, Pound- keepera and Fenceeieweis, for the Town. OW of -Huron:- for the year 1915; was duly poised, signed and pealed. A cote munication from the agent of thekle-Te 11. „ Kincardine re sheeprun- ning at large upon the highway -at Public crossime.twe niiles tiOath of Kincardine, and requesting thet.the,Couneil take up the matter with the owners, was. read and duly consideied. • The Clerk_ was directed to make reply, and to• point oue that it is contrary to tolonaliip by-law to allow sheep to run et Ititge aeon_ the; highway: 'The -Clerk Wasetietniete(I to write to the G.. T. It. management C4fIH- Paining of the inconveniences to the people or the township diving to the luggage of passengers pot being put off at ltipley from the tate train, but carried to Kincardine and returned next day, thusecompellieg,people to make an extra trip to Ripley stationafter theitbaggn ge. A resolution to this effe*Wes irn ved by A. M. Wamsley; seconded by 1). Gawp. ' • - ,Fratici-rainsley4-Tha we expend Or gravelling e the Seugeete Line and Sideline 15 the suitirof (f.750,00, that, is, to say V3 15 00 on each road, and that the Clerk beinatructed to advertise ' for tenders to, be opened at a special Meeting of the Council to be held as the Town- ship Hall, Ripley, on Saturday the 5th day of Jute, 1915, at, 2 . o'cleAk. in the afternoon. The lowest. or y tender_ n°t;tagii:(10 LVilkjnson--e-T1' Min. do.now adjourn to meet again on Monday, the 5* day of (Tilly; A D. 1e15, at the usual•heur and piece. Car ried, - ! . • •comit OF aevandit The t011owinwaTamals were heard and determined at the uourt ot Revision for the Township of ,Huren On •,IYe nes ay, the geth inst.: •Ap,pealof James lTarttio for a ra. &lotion in his assestunent was dismissed. 2 -Robert Rady applied to have his niUneenteredaipon4thellolLas %Wrier of south .one.fifth-- 0V-12ot-430-An: titivtaigiittineorichwaossedgrtahrEligofpet ty: reeently. - 3 • -Jetties E. Ilerrison, On. behalf of the Huron Cheese and-Butterepinpany, appealed against the assiessinent of fad= - tory and hog pens. He %secured a re- ductiOn of. $320 00 on " the former, .but none. on the. letter. . • Cempbell4eBeeveyeeThet _ the Court of Revision be closed and the Aseesarnent Rolt for the year 1915_ be, considered as ' • 'toalrel3tviliTtint'edret:Silellebtlieot77011c30"Yf thterr-,Ahl°06-4shae-- Irma Ad.- _Carried, • Angus Alteityn, hard,fail completely to reef above a deed. I level. , • .And the dead level in city:life is a far hurcier,more difficult. proposition than the dead levelin the country. --Victor Lauriston in Canadian GouctrYom`u. • TRE WESTERN PaIR , London, Ontario The Weatern Fair, London"s popular Agricultural Exhibition will be held this year, from September 10th. to lath. It is considered by the niausEeinent that tide year, above all otherliesheula be the one 0gliting• theiselves. 4i3 abnoat evert munition factory in the country is. now IMBY Making guns and arimilinition for Britain, Prance nd1tus,aIaj. should the 'United States begin to prepare an mink for an attack epon Germany tide' would neceteorily be in tenni) measure' eel', off.; hough, of course, the various enemies of..Gerentoy would workineo.operatione Another even More senceie matter Would beethat;-.1Tnited States help to the Belgiani would- "bObtit off. piste in the Vetted States have taken Up. . theMselves the feeding , of several itiullton clestitutapeople in Belgium, and should there be a declaration of. War by the miltea owes upon ipterauiriy this sae& work mould be stopped:until 'the Germans are ,driveli out of Belgium, Whet woela., become of iho. tinfOrtunate Bolgiens is not pleaeaot to emitemplate• 'Evidently so far as 'Germany is concern- ed they might entree, to death: ow.homilaiiimairiormmom•••• 6LACti JAPAIL , It lookses though japan is tot going to lees tip to the high profesione of honor proclaimed at the :oetbreak of the: war in" Rump. . it WaS Olen grinotinceil that, After Wk. leg 'the Gorham!' f�rtrs iki wahina., the harbour, fort and eurrottriding' torritory Weald be litoulot Over to Citiaa to wile*. • . • '. Cotirey's "Canters • 1•••*. -Saturday; May, 29th. _ Vire hope . to love., our geniaF -friend with 118 agein. ' Pete Parrish made a ''Grace.fall" trip to Pine Elver on the geth. Ur& 140rOY Rorie, of Lueknow, tel het mother, Mo. D. Fatrish. Mr., and Miti, Janie* Mootgomery, of rtipieyrviaited at Mrs. D. L. Taylor's, A. number of tire mothers Of the Clue made a higlinetwtrip to 'Ripley. lately. M. DavieFerrisli has the eentreet of ,pairiting„ChetteAtton'aeStoreitt- Lanes.. Quite it number from here rallied to the 5)14 • picnie grounds itt the Light, ki011sOfor the lieliday, ' • Mr. arel Airs. Bertlfinlaye, of Luck. now, • visited the former% roster, Mrs, Win. Jainieton, on Sunday last. • Mr. Johnston, of Dungannon, hailu defied it telephoto) zo the home of 34ts4 Xenitio„Pertiale lately. Hdllo &Janie. Air: and Mrs: A. Cmerphelt, of. Pine Mitt, visited the latthros liome and, at. tended the' Anniversary, -services at Lochalsh Church at which the (Jokner8 *eke Well represented. , The Club had a'visit frons Aft. I. it Morrison, of Toronto, the secretary ta the United Farniere of Ontario, haat Tuesday night. The meeting which WM hefd in the' Scheel 1101180 Weis 'lergolY attended, although the weather, wasnot the beat. Str. Alerrisou gave. us mime good Donate on taut induitry, and he Wad pleased to see the intoreat taken by ,the farmarao • arida ____________ 1' ••• Thok1071 Oil VC Om/ huorillorittitl 1555 CAPITA!. APO KUM $8080%0006 ea Drenches in Canada MOLSONS BANK A4$0:111011. MANKitil0 TPIANOAOTIC „ INc1.001101 einettl,AN 'Artois OF WIRDIT NANA NIONLY COMER. , Savings Dank Deportment At On Brainchanit • hasten alleive4 et 111$1000 Cort.401 ri" T. 8. Reit), M.411ager. IN; 111...: I (FM 11 II II 111 H i.„111-111„.111., 111..urF , when extra. efforts Mutt be put forth to make the Exhibition a great suecesel theiefore with assistance give() bi, tbu Government -the Board of Directorsnave- deeided to make e cash addition to the prize list of $3,000. Good is it was be. ,fore, this will, certainly make London"ii prize fist very attractive.- The list is now in the betide of the printer and will soon ready tor distribution, Thousands of advertising Juana and hangers haveleeeo sent throughout the country during the peat week announcing the dates, and et- rangenienteare being Made as quickly as possible toassure the Rithibitors and vice iterealike, that this years Exhibition vill he the beet `ever held in London. Any inforMatien regarding the Exhibition will be gladly given on application to the Secretary,°A. M. Runt, London, Ont. • • From Helena, *on tante comes re. port'of the marriage of Rim C. Fraser, -daughter oi M rs, Thomas 'Fraser, of Ripley, Ont. •Wir115. • THC 14TOST FROM 1110 FRONT.• . eit:witineeieulie401,1ungillitgwotftitelle„6.,(11:stiticelvi:lacreoopt. The Globe 'Toronto heti attrected at. tention from one end of Crupula to the othereowing to Ito completoneae and re. Rvery day the cable oelve eendensed analaterpreted ,'on the front roptiagrey .uninieTritalsieftelatlteitroof ‘.•11"iTateoWve piaarinemi,taimo. 'intelligible ilia would otherwise be con- fusing to the, reader. The 131hebe main. 4ite circulation of #187.04:07,111:41:::11,17::: Newspaper,' a la tiroven 1.4 the fact that theDantomini that other ,merning paper in h Elsewhere in this issue appears' an ad- vertisement of The Glebe: offering the Paper sent to any address in Comae for *3•00.Per year, $1.50 for 0 tni,..--or 4- 1110. • for 01.00. 'Oreerrt taken at The Sentinel • , 6ANADA!S'NATIONAL NEWSPAPER • *Thi.:TWar. • • . , MuloSt. from the Very -day the greet Europ.eall- War:ilegen Ii Aligiist • last. Abe -ontstanding feature in -Canadian. fournalisur -covering- tlie201111 let • been' "The War Sininaarr* dallYvvpages7Vitled of- • In the eo0isest possibie .form the, writer has Oren hie readera • Pelt pictnie of the 'developments hi all. porta of OM world. %While the '..detalla Of the movemehts along, the extended frontiers have *not been, , •• overlooked, .•tlie readers of run: oLonn, have -been minified, to .follow • intelligently_ and. with .contidenee• the general' outlines or tha itturfendona , conflict. -"The War Summary', of THE G•LQUE . re•produced. dully . Pallets Iht-01,100.lit. the -DololokM. ' ' ' ••• The Editorial' Page • 4 • •. • !kitk 61.011 on its •-eflitorifil piif has striven io•place hefot.t..Ilw - , .publie In 'Proper perspective the broad ,'.bitekground or the titanic struggle. .Thls 'Aries or articles has:attracted the attention' net 01 ly 01 • lbe Canadian people, bet . of leading, men..pnd iflurnald• in, -ail ports rhe world. The eauseS leading 11010 -the' war, the,'eletooltto, Vitertog into it eonduct.•und the, results likely to 'flow troth the ee.s$Ution at • -. Joktinqem love seen dealt. wiGh lo that liolO and 'elear-elet-fevlit eharite'. teristic of TUE .64o13E's editorial page. •• , • News Service -.,- • • •r ••.' -The 'ober° features, in addion,to,a .eable Sini'letter • _front 'unmatched •in Canada,hare_ placeil_AnE Canadian' iiiiPers.•` and 'partly expltiii tl.e pheiiolllei.al inerease!.0f.:231.4 per cent. In Tux "ateliers eireulauon during' recent months, • .° Other Features --• . ' •- •--- The Sporting pages..tha liminelartind eonimerclaLhasem,toe'welOotro • pages. eto...ete:, with the additional pages in Wednesday's Issue devoted to -"Farm and Country Lifei,"' are maintained it a high standard of ek'eellimce., a- standard that has justified TIIE. ,to 4to title of Canada's National Newspaper, and, has, given it by ninny thouSands'itho' largest circulation of any. morning Paper In the DoM1111011. • Local, and City Papers , By all means take your.local Paper:.bet_Ift'40-41eido-of Metropolitan:- . . ....;. newspapers 'THE 0/JIBE unquestionably offeril ,yoa the •greatelit'vallie ..r s... be ingl-in-Canada • Order •it 10-dar.-- 25 tents -per-niontli----tnie •dollar *" . . .-Acoording to Lord Kitchener, • . for 'four ,months-tbree- dollars 10r -Year.- • the b,Ig war boo'only b • .. . oronto • The Country,Boy;*po titis, Left r The man tient and bred in ti e ear as -hears' the cry of "Beek- to the Lend"' only to peas it on to his. fellovee. Particularly inahia so with thethan old enough to be thoroughly habituated to town ware who toile the %yowl incid. eet to en .entire change in his enode• of life: He realilr.en thee in town he is not too well eft; that in the countey he would Probably he betteroff; boo he is liaea to town life;. he dislikee change, Oven if ultimately it will he 4, 0-631,geiol thi); better, e"Yon can't' anolddog 'new tricks,li he pnostiltizON- eifect; !ro-gonietzteti e iirht. Whattlie, Unit Cells iereiliost 'earnestly right now is men of canieity, men who willisiereaat% the retilrns Stout -tlie ol.l acreage,: who wiliraiso twe Mai et first prize corn where, only one -sometimes a scrubby . one -,grew before. There are plenty of insteneee,to show that the eity Maki WWI 43004 to atilliet#04 and particularlywtth eapaeity teleaen, cnn Make it 'Sao. OAS Of fan/ail& But Waling is a kik* OeSil that demands, not merely theereti- htieWledge, but the ability to epply that knowledge to practical, everyday hunt conditions. And there ata a'. heat of city born misfits who would be Just as much misfits in rural life. Ent what el the ."emnitry 'bon and: country bred boy who has gone to the city There itiOwn or city in Pinetirt t hat hasn't ie its population * nutlike of yming fellowborn, tied inotteht ip nn tbe farm, Who have broken awiy frOnri duel life and haye lollowedthe old path of 'ambition 4E4164 to the bright light. I A. Wait eoportion hantif Matln Oro "t4t , 4 r• N' " Bell & McLeod, Luckno 40:04 .4) ) \ 1 i ki ' 4 0.....••••••••7••••••ax:,......••••ma,aitaa, ,. 01 . V ;la , a ( 101_ Weil' tell you how in three words -use less gallons, that!s_the.thing-to4ollylo_Paint-no,t theeergaflon but the number of gallons required plus the length of time it ' . will wear and look well. • "10(1%"Pure" 'Paint testi abont half as lunch, 'caunting the 'mime it covers, and Wears two or three thnes as long as . ordinary paint. You'pay by thirgalloo-boih for the paint . and for ',lifting It ou. '14he Oath* that is cheepieii for yoU is the paint that. spreads 4'8101a:tiro' covert the • . :emestaurfeete- . 0(10 , PURE" PAINT ' "MADE iN CANADA*.' _ bee a eivering clieseity'of 900 Oltittre feet of ourttt'de per intkin tine eeat1. at iiigainot 590 square f::et covered- by hood;nexed teed end 011 -or 600 equate - fret soilited tow prieednrepsred Paint. • • • .46 Ili further proof -4f yoswIll send us tlie ditnensiont Of yeilritehief We Will tell:you the rantlbtr of odious of "inog Pure" Paint retielree'to cover ' ft tioroubli: No. Charge for this seivirei Alik for a copy of our isiterestleg boolOiTewir It, is :free to our fileutli, • 14.1 ee' \66 ecleo•e. ' % ''.1%1••'"*.x%';','-'.54- -":" - • ,, --4.:•-; ' 'Iv "44111 • .•• I"