The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-06-03, Page 2• lo • • of ••". WOME AXIC „Sestakeet Weights tee Vegotableee 316 elase sot anew tu gonerii. J er karma *Wither Dontiitios Gov - *ramose bust year, touter the title wit "AR Aistto Amand ten Inopec time awl 8alo Act," pained a bill kern staarised weighte ft.,r yew). talalea, which carte into forte on, ,JamotAry let, IOW These standard eptigfetis per buahel are $4 fellovis: tbs. Artkleokas 66 Roans . . • . .. eo Boots. 50 Blue greeet seed ..-. 14 Carrot.; ........;...•.., 60 'as or bean.s 40 Clover tieetl 60 • Romp seed . • 44 Malt . ***t° 36 Onions • 50 Parsnips . .. ....... 45 60 Timothy Seed, . . 48 Pts; • ... ; • . • -. Turnips . . ... ........... Weights Per beg Aetkhokes .... e.. - ...,... 84 ' 1"...P.****.•,4* 76 earrota . .. 7$ Onions . *1**••••*w4*.•••:‘••••11:ws PakraniPii et • r w ; • ; * . • 66. Potatoes . . , ...... 90 Turnips • , 4••••• • ..*75. A, iha,rrel a petatoes, :unless a barrel et seecified eize, kind (mean, teat by measure is specially agreed on, must centaia 165 1)orairtiou otandard pounds of potatoes. - Any person selling, oroffering for side, by the bitgany of the vege- • tables •specified et hove, in. ease such bag dees not contain the number of etandard pounds mentioned, ',liable to a penalty not 'exceeding *96 for a not exeeeding $50. Lotia.effla Spring: titterk4 - - Mortality , has ,-rideel high. io the opring litters Of pigs for years part. For many years it seemed to be inereasingIy.sei•- During„the pre. sent season, howevor, the mortal- Ity has been, morph lighter than 'Year ago, .and apparealy gene orally throughout Ontario. ; Farmers are learning a' more _ praetical -wtke• taring-• fpr ,.. the sout., The use of more pee-, „ tein in their. foods, the value of ventilation and dry quarters,. of exercise and good care, are heing learned by our ferment, end they Aro taking paints to ri,ee that their new stables and building*/ do not deny these to the hop or other live stock. Hoge of True Raeen Typeb, Thin hogs are the reports .to band • from thOntario Departraent Agriculture. Thin hogs are also • e of I heard of from our etockyards and • abattoirs,. Perhaps the high' cost, of grain may have had something to do with it. But if leo, it, would Seem. to have been A poor kind of economy. Hogs that are well fed mature earlier, and it is A -PW beeilleSS to , feed a hog poorly for five, days if you Could get .the same restate lby feeding him well or elle day. KeepingWO . Morse Crean*, , A.lernah pr eptenge.ie not *- 'thing t� use around ale' nose of a horse . when • Cleaning. time lt seratehea and •irritatea the tender Mau. 'Mite .e, .lamp -eleeli for the. nose and around the eees,. ' Only A soft cloth or .the bare head should be used on the ears. Vipe out the dirt, and rub ;the ear, and do not neglect:to ,look for tielts and maggots. When you wail at. horse's legs, get all the loop -out of the hair -and 'dry .-welbe espeeiallY around the feet. 'Seep. left" 'thereve4elieS irrita- tion and sotaetimes sores. • , If the horse is a heave dtafter with longhair be -"feeither" on the book of the legs. you can 417 t by rubbing in handfuls of hardwood sawdust Until' the sawdust • is SO, -dry Thise-leaves---ethe- long hair oily • and silky. In fine stables they use bran fpr this pur- pose. • Fruit 01:4019.0*Cti-Oenre411Y GlOude Apple.s,and sMall fruits ,are erallyein fine zentlition- The com- ing atatiOn'Wilrikittege"the cording into bearing of many new owl -lards,. andthepeesentprospeces wee for another big crop. Sm1l fruits: etc., are also reported to. have 'win- tered in fine condition.- " • - "Inlet 1.A,E,SAitl‘Ct, ...Orr:Pr A leste5hies4eationeMaye Be Found. he the Knapsack of _Jittnics. Goujon 4 A- good deal is heard of brave deeds, ' that: *In ;' the eon. 'Cross and the' Vic- toria' :Croak but the that : Celle', - or an Awardet .- the Afedallle.„Mille ire bythe .rveneu : GOVernineitt:Atte tiM, • reaches us in the , despatches. Ih1s' • . token pf valet is the highest, marklif -Ilistinetion ,a. French esoleier. can--ree- eel:ye. . AS in -the case of the Victoria ; Cross, oulk-intrePiti 'aeula. May aspire • to the Medaille gilitaire, The wearer Is ;Math* the bravest of the • brave, • Ana he: Anna htsnsettin 2,-seleet com- pany. He is houtired with that igener- •, ous -eniiy tharacteriStie of' the Xa.,* an ilie, of the French army. „,(11,1e of: , the youngest soldiers • upon whose . breast the decoration has been Pinned In the greet war is Jacques Goujon; a boy Of 17, " .Temines volunteered at the begin; • tang of the war. He ItileVnothing-ot - the; sehoot of the .. He was simply the raw Material of 'which' . heroes are made, and he aeon preyed himself one. , The opportunity come when;:Witli some of his comrades, he .was -Ordered to locate Machine guile • of the 'eoSiniithat had been vele' troublesome, -'etee. little, . patty dis- covered the. hiding place of the gee% but , only -.after two German- sentrieS, •. were shot .doivt.„-; ..Before :the -. quick - firers could -be seized the French were attacked by a superior, force and all •0 but Goitien were killed 'The lett nia„ •'.-.--7-aPpeared into id. helleirithATtrw shell, and remained,- there: for z*.fiellik 4" en -tie the -coast seemed to be clear. • Emerging from - hie- hole it the earth jactilles'-did,,:not'immediatelP 'return to his: 'own lines,. but decided to ex- : petite the orderaxiven him. d' 'i., . -.,' . Being , an. :ineirneriended , soldier, .Jacques spent no:20ine in speculating about the • reS031 whyethe Machine, -. guns.- or which there were three:- had° not been removed by the" t-erelans:. , Two of the, ginla-he at tined -deStrOYed with,'botnbs, and Anthe 'very .get the. .hoy,-,*antaken'lni.Itioner....tint,7P-riviite- • oirjory, Was -not •done Yet . With read 'wit and - 1 f`ib 1 ., 41•11.1.1 , he Made his eseape,whlle beingy eon, ducted to the rear. • Later Jaeques, pulling the remaining quielt.firer, .np. pealed In the French camp. No dem, tails are given in the meagre' dispateb. ot how the -bee ,achieved -this pe_UP. le•Ohablyetiarkaesii ',favored; him. We know- only that the- Ate'dOne;)/fintaire- Was bestowed upon :him, that he wee mentioned in an order of the day by the adjutant of his regiment and that he:was promoted to corPoral, - `We' have an. idea that 'Mete is A marshal's 'baton in .the knapsack of Jacques aonJon; 'aithmigh 'since he was honored in the presence of hie comrades -A shell has blown off one of his' arms. However, it is only an incident in his career as a soldier --- that -splendid veteran- General Pau has but one arm. , ; . • • • • dOetie WELL AND AVE. Poo many , Cooke c1d to• thee high coit �f living by not knowing that the way :Meats are eediredeenei add much to -their Cost. - 'Nearly every ee0k knows that meats shrink in cooking; but.tot all 0! them are.aware that belled beef or broiled steak. has more. weightehan a roast. ,An investigation hasshown that 15 per cent. of the weight of the Meat IS lost when it is, fried or stearned; in billing; 20 per cent; in baking, 25 per cent; and in roasting 30' per cent of the weight Is font.' , Whet you -Toast, broil or bake you may obtain the beat results by having the_lidexiseeheet combin,ed,,With-fre action -at -the hot air whiehapproach- es the nearest to- roasting before an open fire, which is what the 'makers of modernratoves ain't for. , When the meathas been in -a. hot oven for fifteen minutes allow another fifteen minutes/or-each Pound of meat while It is cOoking., If the .meat is hoiled,ca. longer time IS necessary, and. pork requires„ ample time. :"Vtrell, we have „exhaUsted reas-k, conimon sense,* and4us$ tice. - i:WhaVintirelearii;vre do -V lireallWaiiielfiliadalitWiiibledlegultrielBobbieel', are:at -thelfroiti . ,0,0:15CATION. Duties of A -Members Of • , Boards. • , " Mr. 11.. P. Moore, J.P., 'editor and publisher of the Acton Free Press,. gave an address, exoellently conceived and practieal in matter, before the Ontario Education -al As- eoeiation l`pronto• in Anii1; 1E44, on the above Subjett that was ethi- sidored worthy, of publication in the. 7annua1 report. He said that school trustees should have the vision of ,a prophet to foreeaet, the future of thee growing Canada and to plan for theinterests of the Canadians -both of to -day and •to- Morroiv, and paced upon eehoot trustee the reapeneibility for'the success of the rising generation. Trustees are: charged with the high duty of providing _children • and youthwithAinvenient !Ind...efficient means oE obtaining ail adeqeate education, And that hp to a Certain age that they embrace the oppor. Few persons we fancy'. have held sehoeisteee......reeeeolleehleelereethe success of the public and high teehoc•Is . to the degrees that Mr. Moore does. •--Incleede we doubt if mane?' boards of •trustees consider that_theY. have zee* :much_ to do evibh the educational progress and general' success ,of their selteols. 'Trustees ,- have placed upon Uteni he clainis, largely •the responsibil- ity of 'determining the character of the Solieeraiid thejearnenee it shill - exert upon the scholars and the community. The objeceof thepith- tic school is to improve thehumanraee physically; develop it men - and to .strengthen it socially ffnd MeitaW • ifeititfilia environ- ment is•.the ,.foundation of edllear tion, the course of study the Super- structure. Trustee i aro Wholly re- sponsible for the foundation and,. ,a fair degree, for the super- etructure, They may select eligi- ble and spacious sites and proVicle comfortable,, well -lighted, thor- -oughly-ventilated..beildings.. • Fresh air is the cheapest thing on earth. Bair *air kilis. 40 per 'rtetit. of the raCe ' and centributek largely -to illseessee•-of ethe:rete, They should .provide trees, flowers, •grassy play- grounds Andpure water. . Perhaps ,the greatest, and Most responsi le task: of 'sChool, boards is selection and treatment of feathers. Teachers as a rule are cultured, Ohristian men and, wo- men, honorable - in ' -their relagene ships with trustees, schools and. parents, but there aro .exteptions,- aed these latter eonse .trustees 'much eeorrY.', Xot Moay. coneern..._themselves much with 'selhOO,1.--190-ul,Wo4,htlt they .should satisfy .themselves: that such, elements of true ea/motion as self-relianee, fortitude; eelf-eontrol, • endurance and Self-sacrifice are being -taught) and that correct. dis- ciplino is Maintained and that the children are being educated oecOrd- ing•tor,eortect standards of useful- ness -the' hand to week; bhe:lead to -plan and contrive, Andthe heart,- to govern and controleese`, that the highest tvnc of manhood' guess we'll simply have to ry. • Fire Fight!' t friendShips, of -opinions, and a rine ruhli4, boomer. 'Even .4oute forms; tellectuea stimulus, -The social tee, of 'insanity have:yielded tOehe 'Mae eults were large; • Growanlie 'mate gie: oI foktev -1Ympith, injected hypo - lied and meet West to help 'de- dermically into (flips and arms four velop thateountry, or to the eitiea times a. day; and, it is said, the and towns'iwhere they took fore- most ObStillate case Of hay -fever is meet 'positons. They made their not pro -of akainet eteoltedand re- mark and fortunes because. of the peateer homing of the. patientte all-round development preduced „ears. • - • through the associations, debates, , you suffer e from raieamatism leeteres •and other - activities ma- you will, so they •SaY;t7fin4'Wondet•;. gaged in in the old red schoolhouse. ful efficacy in a, plentiful -dose • of Are there not good reasons. for. bee -stings, which aye 'a very favor - reverting to these exPer-, ite remedy in Malta,: • • ienees? We need to preserve the Ofcurative baths;, frein mud to. original democratic social' ideas brine, the "name is legion"; but and to provide attra,etivelY for the not one Of there, it is Clanned, interests of thoee who have se- mane works such wonders as the electric common needs and • aspiration% light bathe :The patient reclines on -Shouldenet-eehooletrusteeirtalosethe conehT'filak-eit Inside inirror- initjative and make available' again lined cabinet illumined by sixty - the eou'arer school for .eeicainunite two powerful - incandescent needs? ' School authorities should under whoee rays, the mosteobdur- he the active „sprits in. ,providing ate of „beeteriii. earneetelong -survive- and eentr-Wingeeitch use • a • the to, do mischief. • school- prepertieS in, their ,ethei•rge,' A well-known peofesser ea:Wares The increased use of .the school that there are feet diseases which hitildingeforeeonimartit !eidieeeets-is bhe, recognition 'of -a human need; and the effort to supply that 'need, Phus it will be ,recogoated-_*at -the duties of school trustees ease many ,hinct -varied, oft -times vex,ar • dons and exacting; but are withal imporbant and honorable, eand if well and faithfully ifulfil1ed,71,•nivan more to the community than aTineet any other PUblie offtee in the gift. of ; the people of the seotion,. for they Will always Support the efforts Of laspeetoreeteteehere-and- parents to advance the interests andimprove the conditions of the setkacie;' •Jt willeeeadily be seen from these con- siderations that the vnery_best_men ifjoir,,,,s6hoeoi:t sectionrtisteeshso,uld . be selected, RIESE CURES ARE STARTLI - SCORES SPgCTF;CS WHICII' • ARE. NOT BEt0.0.NIzEft. • hi Itiissiij _1111raimlons • Cures are Credited to au ae usive Diet of mii4,.0!...karee..,, If men!. continue to Stiffer ftein the "ills' that. flesh is heiretee" it is • laertainlY , from - no leek of each of Whet* is gu,atan- teieel to renteee one -or other of them, says London Answers: ; For consumption alone there are sores of pecifies not recognized - by our ;College of:Physiiimes. in ' Switzerland; the patient ineist eat five or. six pounds of grapes toyeeen, Flance.,gp_alle_anderow_ meat .are warranted to 'make sound Man of him; in Germany,i salted -herring-reef are to work wonders;' and in Inssia,-Mir-, .ticulotee .cures arecredited to an thiekeit,ofireme{rdieet of ,• ;_the. _fe„r,thented Grnjjcs t. ittatton.• • -appearance. iihe Steel or lean will From, America we learn of a new- rust out in 'from five to ten years, .ly chsepverod• cure "the results Of For 'photograph of whet •happened -Vebiele wifl- ste_rteleeithee-weira! - to,..-niited.,of this kind inelesi thain injection, by means of a hypoderede, eight year k* see Figure 34, needle, -of- nitrogen, gas- intoeelhe pleural cavity; which isscarcelyas the ' Departnienib- Of Agriculture, attractive as the daily eonsiimptioe. Toronto. ' of five'or aix IIJinois-fitm is milled in Switzerland; While in the trade and others 'advocating England_ dt:..is -claimed -that-hut systeine. dredged Coniumpeives have been They declare that ' twisted, Cables •eeetotedto health by A diet, of toast •zi,re pOsitively'41ingerrnif,-. elaiming beef and mutton, as Mueli of each they, 'act like athokeecinlie"...iihit •thd patient can swallow`beet tlibes only shouldbovueed, that in-. in 'wedges an inch. thick, And mut. eulateers must be used, etc. For toe in huge slabs." .6seeentratedeeesence of error these : 1,1. you are burdened with. '"too, eireulare eurpies 'anything - else- I _toe solid flesh," store of ...befall"- have Aeon. _ ble methods, of dissipating it are Beware Of the Mae with the jeep - at your chsposali . from a daily *Witted red and theemateelnePleiens. ieeun'tentaining uJi iteirts as that .twisbedeeiddesett,re.,:e-laegeeeue, hoaet Osaturs.tedwith butter; heel. This Department will -Se glad be he '-marrove Soup, and fat tne-4 moth; Inforilled regarding the -operatione 'era -with 'equally:fat lealeee, to the of miller. ‘116.1iihury Seretete," *hieli pros - r, ar:pound Of4,:teilYak,4eintettpilo 'un'6elf ci. f*hcore°d;• Big -gest 1101' • • and oix Tints of hot water,. Atussict, le in the 'Cod in the line If-foomnia be thO bane of irotir of belle, empe` of her menefitettirte life, do not despair., Dr, Parelini, heiUgtliellabtit ifuntuus in the ordrld. of Terie, ten -notkeyou eleep a It issaidthat in lifoceow alone, be- voinelly and •drecoletsly as a baby fore ehe great -Are, 'there were no by the simPle eepediept• of making .fewer than 1,700 large bela. Ote you "itoitate the drowsy noddings called'. the Giant, whthh Was cOst of a tined man While sitting in a in the siiitesenth.century Atid "beek- ehaite', ' at. the same. time eimulat,.... 'on by falling front its suPPort in- the 'p ;breathing of a eleepeie . repast in 1(154, MAS SOlarso that it And you arc WrapP24 in the artila of Xte .weiglit was estimated et A few oinutes orstheos oxisreiszo :r:frt000iredootuwen nd:st,y4.0,11-r ntett tO rihfr Morpheus-, - • , _ SOM6 Strenuous lifemeolles. • The* Giant Vas ,fitisPenderl ,frotn In Not York hundreds ot *men ,au inonetioe beam La the foot of a have been kilted of:c.• Variety of nil; bell tower' 'but 1± again felt during.. neuroz- thOlire beSune 1.0,1703, and Wa3" lenge, by spending an* hour daily second time 'broken to, itagilientif, in going up and 4hown:in-4111bl tad %%tell were used . with additioad, • •hundred,/ of others liave ',found material in: i'': ip acting tlic the werSt colds in thek„hesd dime- Ring of Bells, also A _Ikredneitof Vrt Ott the, forehead 31143,-eow, ' The value. of meta% put ever the no5„ri, And eve) ,with. 'into it n7,0,3 $400-,000, and: Wouninhoed in be dey_pleeeed. Trustees shOuldladviee-the-Rameae. tien Department if it feels to pees. tribe' and arrange properly:bal- anced-- e..mirsei study, - afid'unite to demand such modificatiOrie and, • reAdjusteieiits as ihey'-iteem Hetes- . .The first thing to get. is the lad- • tinguisher is more 'valuable 'inside . . . der eo:ene eat'. Otttekleeearry water the ,:hemee ediere a stream can.: be up to pat Upon theefire started in. thrown on Are in 'mane eltlades • the shingles of the tool by parks; *hid/ eannot. be reached with a ' A ladder' is needed. ab 'the count* it bucket Of*ater. Water' takes more . - the:these houses 'start -itt -the fialthin any Other --flued offe-sube- - school-heuse, too,- for nearlY. ..p.wheattravray from the burping mater- . roof ,or hi the -attic aiid, a•ladder, eta/26e, „Things other than. water -reuetebtamedete.-elet4titee-fWeattfec-tieeektee_leeteeetokty,,iir ,,o1ftr_i4tolofte. • with seateiee'elti-e ,aliat'T-4igood-pc.ate er $:;7 ' kaePing 'air frol.ril "2", or Lo haVe a bucket Of t!zate,r rga4y, tqr_4 tOr.o_l_ gr. VI: wlirtb Iptzhei$ _tho air '11,116 in the Attie, . ' • ' aweet,:•• . . e in •non, _ • _ _ olwayS a, bucket, kept.1011 voter -Mat water, teeely for use for patting burnitg, • taet, at. the- blaze; efoie '. is. put info. the weter m e. eeeeeeeereeeebee eeatedeeeeee tete; out a starting fire. •In winter alit of*0141.- More gold , bucket eO that it eannot Irate. „ti,brootn„ Chu eAteel d'itin, onee. riree:eesulfing from &tease ,,e'r • 'a& small v-,ae fee•ieeeetteeed ,ey'4e5 boiling , over On the to shonhl a 'rubber b.lan,W icsozon' out with not have water thrown oti thorn as, a Wleb 'bricioitz ;WO, or' 'auhAtur • that spreads the Maze, Use ane',, 'ober/2,4:1,4v 4,..tolgot out fires in baking :gado:, , salt, or liqur to 'the stovepipe, Ott -110300y. • A gasp, smother it, • , • 'llilefire van bp ,pub Out . sturpther- The hest thing In the hoilee lug tt,with wet eagle. were en 40,5u10 .4forolt)t ottanye -Nit. 4000 enec; er.4gour.! va%r of the metal *inks known ' as the ir4.,ont it on in 14rge guaaitico, elibottle acid' • fire extinguisher. A mall amount apreadi t.he itame. One of them hirldt two Imekc-t4 full Do not • 'throw water on 40)6 • Wate.rr, anicils three eines bigh which start f reit kereSerie .oil, ns tot it els thiCk. At the top it has a eijis 401(10 to, .iipread thIG folAZO, •;.,tiferN of 11104e yard long. Proin Smother the flames with a earpet, .; one a them water is thrown bythe quilt or • heavy. etothing. Po not • force of oarbeilo Illatle-in leave .9.• doo.ropen when you, run Oet Ole ',daft, .ttiThaiS iS tlittie4 OIVO Alt ;alarm:. If td doors and 'down ready for 1thte; Water may be wifidaw.k" are, closed when; tho fire • thrown 'through the hose tO the top start's; it iXt,au• be put out 'while it, i three-sihrphouse. This ex- eollr ono toord; •• sarY,..• Surely, AS practical ...men, face to food with the business diffi. Cubits •And, affairs 'of life, trustees may very properly suggest and de- mand, if, need be, that eufficieht attention lit given to the proper. training of the thildret • • --'00.1tooliantrds, especially -of rural bectiprts?.Itave fitit103 to the tem- 0114t-ti'1.11-4400410-.0 ..**0100,1-1?0.4a A terere" "Ootathen.-meeting,•pisee for eeetevettee of the fmt•ton- and 4045, .41 -To entre of OtgATI12440,1c POPUIAtion -inikit al- wa, be the bone and eltley'd any oreentre, and the ethoolhonee should bq the. piapc for training not only foga ;4w 5 to 141• but, on on through young 'Manhood and wo- nienhood, -,Moeb of ur, remember, bapk in the 60s, Isra4 .oer 130s, when the rmintry Sehool irti6C "anawered ttin,4ripror440preinropocv-iezzelthaitioult, dog: singing debating moiety, ovening Writing Okbol,. opening inatchee, ledures.and debetee with Champions' Of netieb,y fel:tools, wti all the attendant exeitepierit ; Ocoee, hionally a -dramatic entertainment, 'Aliwayd the. riebool . bonen •Illat,4 Meeting place r. eoung and Del, and always the,•oppOrtuniff for .be•, oinoings Of iVitriiii1V; Via %tattoos fa the eohntryside, raid -for and t bY' tau. ti o build ing was properly twer,1 top ecerimun. ity purpozel, resulting in 'a claci7 ^ y,roneral acquaintance throughout ' the Pedion, freer iriterehange of , • eitilebilleellatsfeteeleteleiAellieleolltieilelMIlieleileMeleeeeitletteesitioWellefe Rattle, rattle, rattle' over Po- land's plains go Zeppeiins, Grozsee,' Parsevals„ Tonnes and other things, heavier and lighter than air, 'which drop 'bombs and pam- phlets. The Poles era ne their neeks and tare, discussing sibi. lonely 1which is Whiehl though Po- land haa not 10 men who C411 tell an airship from tan aerolilane. When a pamphlet descengs, pro - raising all sorts of nice 'German things if the Kaiser takes.,Poland, there is at terrific rush, and Mere people are injured than if it were a bomb. When a bomb falls • • e The bomb is a black thing whiCh looks like a „workman's pudding tied in a handkerehief. The rag in teeeeh it is tied is peeked on f0P and roul2.4. un4.reeatit, When it touches the" street all the windows near creek with Isynipathetic emotion; and when it hits a roof it makes disappointingly small holes. !some airmen drop both bombs and paroPhlets, •Usually they 1/0 - have fairly, drop the bomb first, And when :they ,,havO Whin •• some Po:les.exielainereria the 'PpoluPthlet) h•oev nicely the •survivors !Mild live if saved beau Russian .tyranny. An . airman ,at Lowitiseh droppeda Pankpliltitt and then a bomb... 'When the LoWitschiang 'were rea•dieg the. PAPPlilet, showing how `nice it would be to live under Gefelan rule, hiss, hiss, throtighthe Air came the hamh. It- fell into A shell hole•and only 'kicked up diet. -Hindenburg 'lies eight airships and hundreds of aeroplanes tor reconneitering and bomb and . Grand Duke Nicholas •is -at. least as regards, aeroplanes -no worse off. Hehas the ' 13 -Passenger Biplanes of--OikorsItteand panephletsehrths millions, which a're'Omitly dropOed . . on Galleons,. .and Ulu/meats the Slav eause. Enema oleo has int . „14,iPielly.),.atiirxetnoltaareit;r,ct,gretriittie...vratholoroffe: nigsherf- fortress, and with a lee ie hie. leg bone flee? 8,CY Miles- 'eannokebee.'ettredeorealleviated=br :4fick.;::- a!ise!----agelAcett-',WIW".'EPC.4_, the music of at organ et/die-4/11y op- front the Russian 'centre at.. Rai° plied.- '"The person ' ' • telling - the to Frankfurteone-Oder,., bear Be.rlin, .treatelentiee.,he,says,e,.:,"iseestended- ondeeepertecletietlY that A. big' ,a-i'mY' at.full_length on a. cot -supported was on the -reed east,! - Which tide by wooden rode and plac•erl between flies farthest no oneknows. `..A.cati-- , • • ,the,organ Pipes; and selections are titred Getman asserts Ave. he went, played to suit the 'one. taking the frene Thorn to Pines. Iniles, Senelenskeend neee- , '''- Ireet-eue0t114- - The*Teuteler effected lytheavliale-way'-back, anctliiiit--he by the vihratiOn of. the cot Under covered without a, descent 1,200 the influence' - .:_.., r. _ _ .. . . - - • ' ' .t:t " • ' Try Smiling.• -,ichanees for aeroplane. reconneitz . , . ' For nervous, diseases ancl.,melan.:._riegegrew ele.s am:1,1es*. The_eeee• ehelia,, one well-known doctor pre*, mans veil all their movements by cribes• the futile, cure. ., "Smile, burring Straw. Thiseends. up . er keep on ;sinilieg, -don't slop mull, anoke ethrough ' which no eye ing„ ' hiS directions are; "keep the pierces.. •When ehete is -no •windthe c„eenere• of your iliontli.turned,Up. saboke veil lairs. for 43,aes. The Wife' If'. this ,einapl treatthentis persist. man if he Wouldesegeenethingelitsit ed i.o.retheepateeie ,e.eteevee and epirits oit.4o-the-arities-hehitid-WIten-a, ye , r-ii-E-dailyi.,:i• ..4aya; ...` %he eeffeet- ee-retii*.'the enioilereelleliiiillbalEdowee is little short of marvellette." Rue:Sian aitanaii 'crossed .,the Ger- _..acule,irestoration e no fi tih, bpi who .: 1 t i ihootel i :_tl•vf f F3:f 45. , htrho:eitp e - t 0, 6,faorp; . ter tilfroanitoi.:iftifetifr, .o, ukheut;i1V.nie,tillignarit_,hSE0IisalPszeYttlii;•40nt.. _wb•toehst.::: be cured, ' like' Any other disorder, were transverse smoke seieede„ 'elbYie'Silltitcir!tileicale dtrirtribresin'rite.IO'lhalaedre:'alvir'e'e7;: 'smoke, whole roads. The Russians Sometimes the Gee/naps 'Veil -in seParation. from ' the object ' of the Il•ave trouble in finding out.. who - lover's devotion, ehatige of °coops,- -,;tion; - woos, -:to-; isstope--tke ii.600,1.4 ther troops are: moving- along the- . - -.road or whether the Germaes are system, ande-Cold dandies! • .• ' bluffingewith the pretense that ehe, - troops are moving:a., ' ' . - - , 'INFERIOR LIORTNING RODS. „Flyers and spies report ,thavithe . • •• .' • ---- ' '• . , • '' , - German aeroplane (parks- are 'situ- ' Prof, W. R. Day; 13,A., professor a,tedat Thorn, at 1Vrekohen, on the Of :phyelea in Ontario 'Agricultural Posen read, eand at .,Ciensteehoeio, .61,116gel Guelph, writes to. *ern in: Russian Poland, 'which is . now the :farmers of ,Ontario Aga/netin surrounded by a 'chain el new forts. ferier lightning rods. One or :the At Thorn inside the fortress, ., is a kyll*- itomPanies. that .biunceied the .peeee of fond itwo miles square, en - farmers with iron -centred rods laet tirelyeeevered with [airships . and year is reported •to• be 'selling the earee tad again . this year. ' Watch AroPlate' sheds. All have .''been. ont7f(-rr-ill*f-n-7"'' ---''''''-- • ' .' --7 Cbilleittsej4iiyii16'e/S.-41ine-. es)iltbe:pe'lelik'nigl'Ise-Wharti;r7 There is'.n° difitelliY lb; ait5t0" ----ke,„ A Russian--ai-rspy dropped -',tilieee'`ived-se. •Phe Outside covering '''." is athin,sheet of copper.' Inside of ,a'51ir curnk,bl'v,aisustp,pe"-6s'beitig itoTh:fc*,niltailLheadla; two galvanized steel or iron irires about No. Gerniany ' in that she eon 'exploit t,ieshteeetiyi-cdfrtPei.:4, chg- around the sate:iiida e:11,iitzandnedd xt.0Russia airship.sftt: Hes 4. '1:4 9a: rstihome.a:: • 1;66; "' 'The °Inlet 45ath the moral Of ect wii6s,.givpw the kod a co,rrugdteci moral, °fleet IS pro lice o sauces On lend camnot„ without spe- cial training, estimate:from the air 'it the etrength ofetroOpS Wed the na- ture of their movements. This is " because army movements seen from abfive are deceptive; partly" be. 'reuse special tneasures are .taken to deceive ainnen, "Fake" trenches 4R:re made, zeal trenches are -ob- ecured or dug liehirtil rows of over - handing. trees, gun :positions are carefully roofed with sod and sche snuw is on the ground are roofed with planks eevered with- snow. • The Jbese eivilien airmen are de- ceived. 'Russia hal a vast number • of civilian airmen, and theprepar. iii of these for reeonnoitring goes; on with great speed, "• ReTore 'being allowed to recon- nottra:41*--:erteray e(neten are to fly over Russian fortresses, over Russian fighting armie.sand over tracts of eountry . where large bodies of Russian -troop?.are on the mareli, -They are required to pre- sent, reports'. as to the nember, pee atiuns and movements ' of 7 the troops, the proportion ° of -each arm and ether 'noteworthyethings,! such as "44" *trenches and " partly ` seencealed• gun positions. : The, reverts Are e'omparece withtho faots, knOtwn to the .staff. Later,. the airman 'student is given bombe and isneloiwedete drop them on the enemy's fortificatiens. This is . steelhis nerves. Only when he is thoroughly competent is he allowed to report on the dispeeitions of the enothee '• Two months of daily exercises are needed bolero a skilled flyer. , can Reconnoitre With, Surety. The time is shortened by giving preliminary 'teaining, with the new "Cr:as-nee flying. game,"_.! invented , - by AA (Alper enr,ifieers: A ma,n about go feat, square is stretelted .en -the fleee or o shed with a -epee cially ,constructed root rhe Iihoiva the .fiatiTral--eonditions and voloring of the thee/I:tree war. On it, by moventente peed/mealy cori) aitaiers. e'titl.Q1$ are fought.. The rakes of movements pt_the, eluneety _ trOOPS.• are itt .peepertion7fOTWe size of the map- , , • , - ; In the telling 'abOve is snlart, moving windowlet, through peers- th6--airt-Teconnedssatee-* stu- dent. •eyelet illevers the etu- •, dent so see anueh eel the., map as ,repeesents, the .erea ef the theatre Of war vieibIe to an airman. Theeyelet!ftirther en-oves iti7OSS: ceiling' at ;the relative:rate of are; tion or on aeroplane. Looking throne,/ theeeyelet the lindent tees in /minket/ire' exactly what would See froin'a Swiftly • 'moving, afro: iffetigthl of •thi-eltiMmytreePs_*.nd- -their'inoVernents; and later -he eeeie--"- pareS. it e With the e,ethoinAtically , along ,slei ets . is shown ilia, advanze‘ kept records df ---the- aotind, ' move. Itiones• • • Grand Duke Nicholas' aeroplane Service' Works well, This spite of the foot that many of Ruseia'a airmen. and mechenics *hep i*v7ar- broke Old *ere Germans and Frenchmen; -who are ,,Inew. .-defee'• 'without. --The•lose• of ilierS alien, • German airmen have en.et. strange deaths_ when flying over the, Rus- sian army. Daring the fight at Lip - no, •in North Poland, in Noir-ember, - 13,,German airman. whO was casting, bait* on an ' advancing.; Itussian 'battalion his cargo of beiebe headlong.. He. blew himself, his machine and .4houe a dozen - %widens to bits.' • e There, have 'beep some. exciting hbs between eeaeroplanee, but ' litt-le harm_ has„Cdorati-,otL..theM....4s.....,.. rule,_•the:ewifter ' and stronger aeroplane mounts„above thee*eAk- res. er anddropsbothb, which eoldoni . hits. Ruesiaes aviator, G:rigorieff, flee, over a German airMat •who WasItaerellitig at row eleyaticii? Oad. ilropPed ;bomb,. The bombe ;hit - the ground ahead ofe the GerMen •-• .own peasant soldiers,--Herres;- al1.0 lexPlOded- ists and "opeleheniye,/ wee.1-laTe ," The Ritsli--01:Gas .•raostly • • . struck one wing of the Gerimen Ma- eeee ._Never-SeenektiOnlanee-Teeee----hrntnrnd.- s.Ome have ,lieverheni7e and''serkt '31)innig/t° earth' sea meet ee eleose. emo "fame e Field lftirehal- Hindenburg of them regard itheht hewvaper 407•,•minnn A );tufSian.:_serop sett up in advan& Oran attaeking force. nerves the would a. sign from heaven. Grand Duke Nicholas' men have captured some bold :German air - met. Volunteer Lieutenant Ku- lork,' who is. now on the way . to Viatka, is one. Eiders is gradu- ate Of Cologne Commercial School. He was stationed ..withhisc.Taube at riyek, in East Prussia. He flew Oyee theejtuesian. ,fortreetee,Olf. Genierids, fell into . the trughes of the, :Bohr; end was eel/tared. Tie eseepea_ in Ndtlee, ing-Lwes heard of him- until. the: t.glititg around -Lodz at ,plio end; ot Noventber. Then he. flow right over the Grand Dukes, army and was ,shot down •at. LipknOw,,' near Warsaw.. , • , In erder Avoid Being toortolltartitiled tor his flight he gave the name of Von Iesse1.4 At Prague. he ra,cog• eized• his Ovin Taulbe aeroplane, which, repaired and without the black iron emus which marks 13i:r- oan itiachines„, was in ase hy..114s- shins, Sho*ed his feelings so markedly that suspicions were aronhed, and hel wan identified' 4.0 the taptive ahhiortal. untee.0 escape was pnrdoned in view of his courage, Aereplanista ' without spetial militarytraining prove to 12e of lit- tle itii fie n !War. *;t ten times eas- ier to learn to IlY than it is it•o learn to carry out air ',reconnaissances:. Even officers used to... reeenimis- , • • • 1, tried !Ins tati101.1.8 "eon ntration of fire" 'lion/ acropla es., • • Grand u e .10 o es rear aed during r• -r. the retreat • Irani Lodz dug iteelf . ;into -trenches-tar ate- iris= Aftr an .:artillery.hotnbarditient failed,. bhe 'Germane serif 30 aeroplanes -to • beiebard the:tett/chef/ atthe Wee'. 'Two hundred bomlbs were thrown; - Only a 'dozen:, ..:Ruseia,e* • - *ere ' • ' Pack who have arrived from Oer- oauy reipor .. that the enemy is ore. . ganizing-a, Vest Oorpi of airmen' • • hitunlY4throwers„ who 'Wili'bombeeeteeeeT:- Warsievi if it conies to a siege. The aim isto creat .paniaand Ake *eongestiOn and *oonftfiroti in• the trioveinenti'of.troops71041:iitecreS-',.:' along the congested roads. Thists a favorite game. The; airman flies • to the head of an artillery or slip - ply Uttin and 'testa a couple et bombs, whialt destroy guns or carts - • and- bloat the road,: . A Fish Story. Ania bolt Forsyth,, when, in Berth/afire, was told about a men - stet tont in a looli near at hand, Dressing 4 huge fly he hooked the fish, and aftersterrible fight are; ly landed thee' monster. .'"What weight might it be g." asked a- • friend,. 'Vett, ye ken," said Tor-k, "the *folks- had tat weights, yondei4 that ,could weigh boy mai* than a. Pall' r twa, but you may guess his weight when r tell ye that efter took him ont'llie loch felt ni foot," Cat .110iwer1 Will keep mut1i lung' et if a *lath piece ,of enmptior• it. 'ph/04l in thevatcr, of the vase. — AIWA& 41011.1111111 ___Alkaittaieestisseriameee_