The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-05-13, Page 4healtde in s •. M•pott are imorreass, or lorglt strew” got Seett's to-cfty. At soy dreg stem *wet It Erma. Toessep. Oit. asi Seeicortardo 1=ZitiesadeuregV*"*4 D.O. WOW raez every lerldar toreigoon44th •440:ggrirle. "kiefg Wok!. 4. D. 311.401CXNEIrk Preens/ow . see anon THURSDAY, MAY 13..b., 1015 sinemmeamma EVOCTION Inn Government•eviden*haarlettid- ed that there shall not be an election during the corningsnmmer--perhape net until after the war - ',Premier Borden mid bin oneoeinten will *and remit higher. in. tha esteem of the eountry and the world hecausft ot this Ose cannot but, wonder, in- deed, that the 'movement to king on a wholly Unneokesery election gained the strvnith 04 it did, Within the past twnweelm the, Prime ware to have been fairly bombarded with. protsats against an *dim: by elicit influential bodies asthe Manufacturers' Aesociation, Minieterial Asacciation, ete. Therels plenty for the country to do and OPPertenitien enbitgb..te expend money withatit indulging in. -a. political ;scrap.: • 4.1144; St ta. R• e. Old Matt Lodge meet* on or before tne tun yr. a.VoreltrirVt t.‘.0. F. Omit !elod No. so, Lnikkosevi. ut in • Irteitunchretliern Older Danger, ran" -V- Bent_ .. Rote. (Osborn WM: R° Johnstoe, Treas. 4,0. 1Y. W. raioknow bodge, No. I37meets secood.."0,TiLeachroolth in the isuaa- • Seer "Troika, Alex Era& 4 0.8. - Dental Miri irnigitItitikitak?..Tria Filq tot:pi. cittAl attention tumid Astos, crowning and ir.. visits wroxotor fat. and Ord. i otesohmon,th; aortae Thur. t431. A.; NEWTON D. D. 8.. Dentist. Onnlo_ u441the Anna. Bloat, teZeeguiOntaktel Jail' aboa.weern methods- Qrown MA WO*. Vidnielia.,....„extract, ion *rue axe • ,,,„,,,,,,.., t and save I remedy, _. SOMItliWovElt.'Wesrest thinictlalitotal teeth. Alma= phased, rn.lillityetisit ..,40140citt " Forward Movement Greatly Enlarged Faculties in, Arts an Medicine. Vastly Improved Equipment, library, laboratories, etc. enNeW Selmloships. .Record Enrolment 1,[nenii eaSolieited. , E.41111reitlivraltii M. A., Mit Preeident. iik1101AL TATrOD, oniiittigo-aat - Prictipat Training School We have thoroughtoarses and „ • experienced ,rindtructors in each of our three departments, , Cog. acurtatr„,Aar oxv HAND AND Tnr,nOnannt% Our gradliates incceed and you ,should get our large free cetalogae. Write for it at once. D. A. MCIACHLtitlfs PiriaCi9,1« • Cream Wanted Having ari'mp-to-date Creamery in full operation, we solicit your patronage, We are prepared to • pay the higlicat tnarket prices for good cream, and give you an hon- est business, -Weighing, oaniriling , -and testing each, can of cream_re- ceived carefully and returning a fall stateinent of same to. each ' . patron. We furnish two 'cans to each patron, pay. all express charges, and pay every two week!. • Write for 'further give or Bend for cans and .gtve na n trial., The Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaford!, Oat. • • . • LOCEMOVI SargerirdlL governments Owes that of Geserany, so knewo) woad look upon her deetesteteme imel the droweing of her Paseendere fte eatudert lent wart ere. Autharities on interoational law my that the slaying of the Aineriesias trill scarab come under tint heed of Acts of Wer; but •how the authorities et Waskinfitou elan get away from regArditsg it es the murdering of their citimns by the Ger- mane, and how they eat! preserve s, proper self respect without holding Ocr- wax tO a "strict ooguutabilit tis difficult to underatiod. CortainlY 110 - body can feel proud, of beteg tits* citigen of a country which allows ita people to be alanfihtered in that unlawful wiky, That there will be a, atom of won*, and, from 'some quertere,a demand for SINCliolt SAM, LIMITtD. According to recognized iatereational law and usage ;United Sin‘a. ektizens have perfect right to crass the Mantle British, French or any other Manned ithipa Gertne.ny, however, denies' them *aright 6.14 says': °We shall 'kill Yon if you mit in British cr Fretich ehipe." And tileYbove killed nearly two hundred Americans for trot obeYMO Orman !order& Germany Wants boss the world, the Ilnited States incladedi and so far as the United States Wconcerned, at present appears-Gdatany may. tails/ tamale. of the istioes oxbow- ity and stalking for lag)wir pay. row ye sow pod men UK the lakes hiders; others ar* mous the meant go to the front with the Guelph eentin- gent ot ilf10 men. The tam IJIy A,. Seeman arrived frem the Swabia Rives thie week with asettw- Wag of brick to be used, for building purpoeeks by W.. Burnside and It Kerr. •••••,....1•1 lir. Robert home has rernivrod word that his eon, Private W. hoer, will and meet senseless creations Itiviug. Comprned wibit them, the women %tare pert they are pitying make a morn fav- orable contra* WHY noir r 111,41m It is ,sometinirek- ituidiently asked: Why cost Britain de waething with her submerinest The reply is eszy. thereto nothing for At a reguler meeting of the Town Council held on Friday night of last week's, oat of .100.was authorized to &Kist elle fire dopartMent in the pur chase of uniforms.. The question,of etreot lighting own catne au, ,and was Rauh uttooaride. to do. submarine. referld back to the Ore, water and Itgbt cannot fight other ilibmarinee. If thnn ey (",ttee' dentb oUr reeiderit of ncaid rie for e yelra wild, it is safe to say that kkoon after w/o inn Kitom f i Teas.° A Prior a brokeout ait 42° ClerTsu submarme immured. on Thuratlarof tut week at lki's would have been keeping company with late home ou Huron Terme. Mr. .Prior the other German, warsbitie the bottom ocauneletitni°0thiLiv"dat"f ionitor°01,1/1A 14.gn7wwao' 1F at Married, his widow being * Russian lady. A &righter, 'Mrs. J. C. Mann re. %den at Sturgeon ,Falls. After an illness covering a period 01 several weeka, Anna Henry, wife of Mr. William Henry, Pessed away on Thum - day of last week at the age of 7R years and four months. Mrs. Henry had been acresident of Kincardine for many pat s Pawnger lx4t Fa4aba' The Pr(4,4 "RP of the tea. Germany his net Tre 'hip of She was an adherenet of the Methodist Waehingtcnt Was not vigerous.„„, A. Ger- 1any Irirel upen the high serie.4When they church. Mr. ,freerlr Bay, of Leitfcan, is a immediate action maY be takenfor of the sea or hid away in. Anne protected $rante4' • •harbers. • • lime American citizen!! ia not the first they btu* to do, elvarrectskill and emirs*/ The drowning of .these hundreo Britiela enbniarme sitilere; in the little insult given the United States Ger-, trute equal to that of thee maw. many since the comMencement of the Submarinee attack above,aater craft. war. An American bitienwondrawiled bat; ten thousandthipeafloatand in the unlawful sinking of the British actively engaged, In the carrymg trade CREAM WANTED •• ' We are in the market to buy Cream, sweet or sour, at the high- • est market price. We slimily two tans free to each of our patrons, " pay all express charges, pay twice each month, cheques at par. Re-. • ceive cream any day in the week, test each tan received, and send • our patrons a_ statement of game. Write for tans and give our Creamery a trial. 'Reference: - Any ..Bank. •-31.8-.C. • IRELEAMIc itAtiros • Pest creamy, Poierstog, nat. • . TIII$ JOJSITANIIA - • - brother, and Alta...fames Beatty, -of Bly- th, a sister of the deceased lady. Man sobmanne. then sank the. .11mted, delartat wer ther had .iihou.two.tlkons. States ship %lultlight"; drowning 'tbre, and. These have all beenreared into bid-, American sailors, Including the. caption, ing, cantuted or nen* 137 t‘lie British and in the proems. Still Waahingtow wee Frima4 Comparatively silent Next: plains were , Pada to sink the Ltisitama, with any • THE -Allay rril-to- THE FilOOT. Americans thatunght venture to sail on her. That there will be a strong body of Antericanopinion in favor of making `War upon Germany may he taken for granted! . Inimediately on the outbreak Col.. Ilbosevelt and Principal Elliott both favored the 'United States entering the war en the side ef the Allies -the . (3011Y Star) Three days belga, the great battle in which the Canadians 4...quitted them- selves -go splendidly,. Qol, AI, /A Currie, M. P in command of the anth Highland- ers at the front, writing .to a friend in Toronto said there °light to be 50,000 More ganadianscon tin, fighting hue; CoL °urri6b$,Piht, He is in a position former to uphold the provisions of thea , thow geetuthe 11%4 is for just, Hague Convention, the latter in the in- to know • termite of civilization ' • sucb an army of aleift resourceful enthus- I . Ile bin a pesitIou to kpow _how the German Empire is putting forth the ut- , moritaif its strength, Ping !all its win, leav%ing,,at liOnie only tlie.eliPiten, wow : ea and. grandfathers .: and " Men. skilled in the -pairing of War Mritiens. At Lanemnarele and 43'4110h Where12,000 ed Beigiune, nor to look ,after the liris- ,Canadians fought and held up 60,000 onera, owar in GermanY, to see that Germenis until Britielt regitnents came f . , they are not being starved or even 'mato their aid,Many * man nuist have dered-either of which May be expected. r-. framed the wish that enidiers from, this if the German Madnese continues to _. country Were there in larger ntimbers. :icweLtbisuutry could. provide, Dr. J. G. lifeLeed left on Saturday to join the 'Brifieb. Army Medical Corps, On Friday evening pr. E. E. Braceif office WU the scene of a gathering of friends. of Dr. McLeod, at which he was the recipient of a gold watch, a pipe and a bnx of ctgare.:. James Malcolm, read the addressand Wm. Mitchell Made the presentation. Dr. McLeod responded in a short speech. Other speakers were Bev. Mr. MeArthur, John T-olmie,-Hugh Oanladrk ,p, P.E. cciot, Inkbe31.. Stnithk, Ceolt, e Thursday, !stay tsth., tots HURON COUNTY NMI'S The ,ritsamer Valcartier ' discharged 200,000 bushels ot wheat at the Western Canada Flour Mills, Goderich, on Tues. dayand Wednesday of hist week. L. 1 Binkley, of the Bell Telephone Winghstn, received word last week of the death of bin, brother, Rolm at the battle front in Franee. Book ttiohley was one of the leading foot ball players of Ontario. 1 • It is expected that rural mail dealt- ery between Dungannon end Gorlertch will entomonoo about july lot llobt. • AresetronE, of Gocleri4, Nig the ecnt: tract on the route. Tide will put tlie Lueknow-Ooderieh stage out of busi orgellimtions. Besides serving teeny 'evil in the council, Dr. Macklin Ms been elaurniarr of Ake Board of Trod*, the high *04(4 Wiwi and on the board of hoepital trustee* He contested the riding with Win.Proudfoot, K. c., the reezut Provincial election. Dr. Meeltlin was accompanied by Sndth, of BaYneid, well known here and throeghout Western Ootario, by those who wake Bayfitild their-euinnter home. A party of town officials said farewell to the ',lectors at tile etatton. Repreeenta- tives 01 the Council and Board of Trade Were present, AS well as a large 'numb% of the friends of the Ciodorich and Bay. field physicians. ,12044., • Thos.`McAsb, nil %deemed resident .of the vi lageof ,Verna, died at Ins Imam there on Monday of last week. Tie wags Son of jelin Sife Ash, a pia. • neer 1,1 Stanley Township, and with Vre exception' a a- fewyears (pent in Michigan. had lived all his life in Stan- ley, For the fait 13 years he eoriduet, ed a general *tore in Varna and was postmaster. • Mite Gertrude Doyle. ,youngest dau- ghter of Bfr. and M ra4as, Doyle, former residents of Goderich, died ve6r,and,denlv at her .home in Detroit on Sunday, May 2nd. She had retired i apparently in her usual health and p.s- ed away . aOring, the, night heart -failure, no one being aware of her death nntjl the morning. The deceased was hermit] Gloderich thirty-seven years ago, and moved to Detroit with her parents in,189,7 and had since resided there. . , • Elderly people should use 'Rexall Ord - ernes. They are a per(ect and mild lax- ative. Sold only by J. ' G. Armstrong. T.he Emmy Store, 10c., 25c,, and `ZOe. boxes. • Goderich ExllaYot.Dr. A. 11. Macklin lift on 9,attirday to join -04 'party •of tanacliati , Physicians whose offer of servicein Eng- lieh hospitals has been accepted. He gives up an excellent practice here, and his loss will; be felt as a professional man as well as ,importaut municipal Wingbam „, f'• 'Richard Stone hat! received word that hia Ohara, Pte. Percy •Snyder, died of wounds in one of the recent engagements in Europe, on his birthday. Snyder was in the 234 year of his age,'- and owe - from Englandto this town abont two years ago, and took at position. in * furn- iture factory. When the came for vol. unteers, lag Was one of the first to go. Dur- ing his tune here he made a good many , friends. He was a marnhero ic.oir.hc" When he left here he stated that if all went well he would stay in England with, his parents for a while before coming hack to paned*. The last:hitter Mr.- Stone got (tons him was ehout. month 'ago, In it is said 'that he- oxneoted be fighting soon. • • . „ . Lan gside Monday, May la. Mr. Earl andjane Cindiek of enlrosi visited friends at Langsidw,00 Sunday. Langside wart well represented at the . Liborat Convention in,Forraosa, Tuesday of last week. • Mr John Reid of North Dakota is visitingat his brotbers.Alex. andWilliam of this burg. A number of Iengaide people attended the anniversary • services at .Lucknow Presbytetian Church last Sunday. " - Since War befireinithiViiited State As an outrage upon eivilited human- and Germany has been spoken of, it has ity the iiinking.of the Inisitania is with, beereeneritiened whether that country out parallel in hintory. The crime is could be of greater help to Britain, Ber:' none the lens because Getninny in et war giiim and France as a neutral or as an. With Britain, andinterestedtin clionag- ally; With the 'United Staten in the War jug British int,ereats., .For','verituries it against GermanYthere in has not been the practice of -nations . at fluential rimitral to give aid to the pillag- „war to commit acts of needless cruelty, ouch as the intentional killing of women, • children, and men not takiiig pert in the !military operations. The #ense Of hum- anity which diatinguiehes civilized from !age men, suggested this as a proper inle of warfare, and it has taljd been re - as pert of,the International The crime differs in..maknitude onlyt not intind, from wilt Pitman !soldiers and sailors had before done by the orders of their leaders. The tranipling under foot of Belgium, the aliellinfinf unferth fied EughSh coast towns, and the sink - Wei other' unarmect shine belonging to that additienal areal cruisers and desr develop. What coiddlhe United States do if she went into the,wail For thepresent, .not -8.• great deal, it nutst be eonfessed= excePt to make the case of Germany' even more hopeless than it is. The United States is even less prepared for war than was Britain when the 'Amin 'buret. •• Her fleet is effective; ..but. ' there 19 inithing for war vessels to do, 'except There iveil need 'jet. thenb; the war goes on there will' agun he need for them. - • .. -THE BUSII*S4-01ATL00111 •, (Collier's Weeltit) The "World's Work '':whigh endorses the Nilson Adminiettatien; and the NeW. York -!`Sun,'” rhicli4ormers at it„, are botli• of the opinion •that ' business has ,tairned.the cornerlje...010_„ina&,„*.to-.geod Brittini;- France and Other ,* countries,*tieferkinightiMIPIOnia,ketraileibiitea times i--4he member -the- American without Pretr.hilelt for the safety of theqe, more secure from the Submarines.. To Ne w 8 p a per -P81,11811081 A888Ci8481/1 On beard; was alleentrarYtothe dictates be 03ctive' tho, United States .woald' which heldZite twentY-Uinth aenuel of humanity,' recognized: practiees of civ- ilized warfare and principles of inter- national law. The-leaderit of Germany, thinking themselves the greatest of, Man- kind, and above alt mw, are „reeking and breaking lama as !salts Their madness and their hate. • , * „ Their disposition to do this increases as the War proceeds No doubt, they weld liave sunk the leuntama and many other passenger vessel!! *bre:, this bad they wished to do so, and one ;can ex Plein this step only on the ground that the presittre of the war 'hi driving theia, to greater and greater ileenamtion. • It is a part, of their polloy, of terrorism They appear .to- think Ant by acts Tof this rent they can indticidIritain tegive lip the blockade of Gefman ports' by which all Supply of food stiffs is cut off A further aim, Of conrse, is to frighten British 'Seamen off tha sea, -• and to fright- en of all nations- from taking passage in vessels flying the British or French flags, It,--645-ItolibriTIViltt7frighterrinart Would-be passengerk and in: that, Way iiikut British shipping intereits. But gailings will notstop escorktlithugh tbe. subinarine-infested'ione, of 'two or ihreerterpedoboatoipedo-beitde... G ANDTRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM pottact TRApit ALL THE WAY Toronto -Chicago TOrDlIt0-11011treal For Chicago . Leave Toronto 8,00 a. in 4.40 p. and 11145 p, *daily; • ,For IViontreed ' 14eatte Tetronto 9.00 a. ire, 8.30 p. m. • and 11.00 p. Sniooth Edadbed. /Ugliest Clam Of Equipment. hallparticider. and berth reservation rit Grind Trunk ticket ogees. haVato begin, as Britain and Canada, did, by training and equipping in army', In time,of course, the ;United States cotild become thegreatest milittxy power in the world / • ONE RICH, Atiorozn AB.LE • There *ere, many wealthy and promi.,. neat Americans drowned by the sinking of the , Lusitania. • .The ship. 'was ;, the queen ht the ocean, and the eatinat means of tra elacross the . Atlantic or thorn :who lo ed and could afford luxury The two among the drowned ' whose' laWn businOss,.and it is names were 'beat known to the world Aside Went the war; 191 were: Alfred 'Gwyne Vanderbilt and Year. regiibbia-TbeToriner was hjrof the- late Camellia Venderbilt,L.fecini whom, it ts said, be inherited a tertaine of $70,000006. He does not appear tdr hayebeen distinguished for much elkie than his wealth and family name. - -Eibert -Hubbard was in a, differeitt.. class: He had built up a large and net. ed printing and publishing an&-was- weli and much admired througb out the United States and Canada as a writer of_s_hert pithy eesays. _Re had a peculiarly happy and Tioreetor was!, of expresshig,hia _thoughts Generally he_ stroyers-small active War -emphasize& the glory -Of herrne ' adenriip..- rendet the big shipe fairly safe; or the Passage to Btitain may be finished after night with lights out. The submarines cannot operate without afair amnia of meetiaglec.ently„ Were of,the same Mind. And the'facts back them up: bank clear- ings and railroed, earningare better; another huge wheat Orop'..ls' in sight; steel, cotton, wool and dry goOde !nein. active and brine port prices. Wall Street is • busy enticiPeting Matters booming various:select stock's and sharp:. ening up its shears generally. Our 001111.- 11y is ,financially independent, its re- sources are intact, and public *pion is disposed to see industry go:forward con- structively. We have been minding our going to, pay. •. will be w good PRESS .COMMENtS lishment, • Of this his famous "Coming a Letter to Garcia" is a notectexaniple. He was a good and useful citizen and his death is.a great loss to` the English:, light., if they can. link' !MPS at Will, speaking World, . Charge it up to the, why, in it that, though_ Britain has trans.. Balser' -. ' ' ported about a million of trocips in: hun• ..,,,..; DONE • THE WOMEN _-. • dreds q ships through the infeetted Zene `'"•''''11.' ; . , mit dovode_t*ill)pqr t.,..M144,44.4n1E0r, __Thewomeu of Greet!BritainareplaY- _ _ . _ attacked. '. It is Wel' use the -transports leg a- noble.part inprosectitirwity are at all times protOtectby destroyers against Germany. ,Their efforts are or sail in: the dark “tu fact that Brit- confined, to special patriotic service; ahiliai Been abinto transport -so Many' troOps oversea, in safety-Lforty thousand or, more'in far as Turkey -without the loss of a ship or a wan proverethat ships can be made feirly safe: s If Will,be"cost: ly and difficult, as the tittnalaer of small War craft -is limited, but it Can be done. The oinking Of the Liasitenia will not be all profit to the Germans. The pas. &angers were not allBritlili; There were Beard of Trade opened it registry to give wonienan opportnnity to volunfeer their 'verticee in any tepidity in Which -their labor could be used. VP to the Middle of April 90,000 women bad tegietered inthis way, and thoutiandr; Of' them are filling places rendered Vaelat by the en- listment of the vien. • Even irk tho • irmrtition, faetories, where •fermerly • only Men Werlted, thettsands of 'Woinen he attacked by the Germans, She was . are now inborinft- I not toogea in the war, mid th.e United , .4torganae name timo a IOW labor organa O‘tAtetiirverfSnon4 ke,Well is ill 'olltir ' itioii *to allowlio tilili kilxiquim iv 44,1, Steamship Tickets on lisle O. milittin.Apoto , The Keiser and his Courtiers and war- riors have °Pen spoken of "The bay,". For them the day of reckoning is near itedawn: If when it comes for theGer. man Empire, Nemesis has not already overtakerethe Kaiser and :,:voti,.Tirpitt, these grand malefactors might to be put to death .by. the cOmMen .hangMan.r, Mail and Empire • ' aTi yreiratini tonal% ---fer-t veoundecl and the Attlee, and ' volpn. teiting ae nurses, as is the case with Women ma thi4 side of •the Atlantic. They are takiog' an active' part" in all kinds of work apart from the actual fighting. So great has been the drein opoa. th& working men Wet some time. ago the men and wonted of a half dozen 'nations on board -among them two lanadred or more eitizen's of the United Stem. Two,. thiMs of these likelyare drowned, and ,people are wondering4that the United States governtnent witi say or do about Arnording to all previous Usage, those' Vnited States ,citizens, had' fie • reason to fear that the Lusitimia. would T,AGi\TAT:10, busiiess is gre4tli to be fear'ec1And-greatlY-16`bcaroid-ed: Actioa--an't ffort to. get ahead—keep a. busfness healthy, ,)vealthy and, 'wise. a Visible:action is advertising_ in the LIMKNOW SANTINE147-a fresh advertis= • ment each week The preparation and publication, of a new advertisement is 11 • ' sure indication of besiness energy. " • "Start" SOmething' is the sle,;en of to day Start advertising NOW; Keep , up the ',1,1vertising all through theyear,, and yout. business Will feel the tonic , • effect of year action. To the Merchants of Lucknow e business brisk for you and Lucknow by a big andrightly series of adequate advertisements, .in THE SENTINEL. irectgd effort— et and KeepAhead !Amin ea But what of the -United State4 Does President Wilson propose to let German aubrearines destroy the lives „cit Ameri- can citizens because they choose to cross the ',Atlantic in a• passenger ship flying ' -lied dog of Kurile° Can be trusted at largel ' . Is it not almost tine to join in hunting down the brutel-The Globe. ' xxx A'he Weshington... Governirient knows why the American citizens whose mines are on the passenger list!of :the Lusitan. la trusted themselvesothat shipdespite the warningsof the Kaiser's agents and i accomplices n New York., Timm! Anted. can men and women disregarded the warMega,iiat Eitiitte:elhey:rbelfetedjne Germans incapable -of torpetinieg .a• pas senger iittfael„ but becausd, they felt that the neutrality and puissance of their nit tien.lentfict-bwreepected, The Washing- ton Cloverninent cannot let these Athol - can citizens who relied On its proteCtion go enavengect-Mail and Empire. . ' OliVet . • Paint preserves the wood. " Paint keeps floors sanitary and healthful. Painted floors make the rooms bright and cheery. Painted floors are easily cleaned—a damp cloth keeps them free of dust and germs. Paint, your floors and thus have them always Spic and Span. May I�, Mr Everieghani, of Bethel, had the t,epic �,t the.League meeting last:Week; Mts Adam Wilson has 'returned home after a two weeks' visit with relatives at London , • . 111,11f, 'Moore Visimd dafigh: ter. Mrs, S. It Ilaldenby; yineardine„, last wrek. " • _ . • We are Berryto report that ' ValColM 'McGuirk Minims been Unable' to work for some tiMe, is not impooving • as feet, do Jiis friends would like to Sacramental service was held in Olivet churchon Sunday afternoori. ,4 recep- tion seri/ice,. Wm told iri connection with the, stirvice 'When fiVe now metubto aillorrvilt10140 -000.7 is all ready to brush on --anyone cam, apply it evenly and snibothly. And it gives ai hard, durable, lustrous finish, that stays fresh and bright, . And wears, and wears, and wears. It costs' less tO use than other' floor paint, because it covers more surface and wears longer:. We have Senou'r's Floor Paint ixt 14 beautiful colors, suitable for every :floor in the louse from kitchen to garret. Cornif for a ..)1.or card, and a copy o'Cisur entertaining book., "The House, that Jack BUM". Written for children, but "grown' ups", getku. lot ' of fun out of it. Free to our frieuds. • 4t. " 44, re,* • if