The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-03-18, Page 7Ieol I On lit I juniRl ra#IS qu"n A�vu. -wg f M,V­ worst -0400 9- US 'OF HE MIDOU WE tA Sf A who ft ferl"! It -AD pING, M TOWNS PERMANENTLY CURED strongest colopips An.d froerom 41s- rialuly is -a g*04 q�xeeu IT 0 W eiiso. She o 'T.&RIO 'BUT, 0, h4tthy r4 x Tito, a the, volony -wAs 00 Wea t A There lis Tr.90blo Ahoad.,,enoili Dr.., lilliamg' FiRk F1 orrod did mt gaVier ovqr 1.0 lbs. of vhito, -pimfur's. ftist=,tly, -on their Not,, Att -is ro�(.�q , b ond .4,7 th Came of hia Troullo tor, tha - N7. anto ot , hargo and, ozzactinj '9mea tli# the,. best remW3r or this' f W. often break 4own Vllgoru�t jt�, WOO; ot 1"torept Fri ImsFom Thiire iwo I 04115 tilUkt- T(N�r 1914:�Wa ,e of 00 PO, ces wfi.pre 31, 04vqu ,e%v ilm Or. exhaustion. On een, 40 ah-eause 'more, genuillo mifiery W the Ia he vtores.,jactories, 4W QA 4 Ontario Roys 4pot Gfirls A Wine tllan iaiim� are weak, ailing wpmen4 draggoift with torturing d, erally The or hIra, A ur-:ou .13 ctvi' 1010'be4ring down RIns. "-,.often' I Id t' V Vie h suffering isn't n4tural, but e Q !And r 0 r"ral)ge. b Phi I whim'04 mother,of a laoMily is, prail- fot0u ;Fjre, Brigade, has, resigned. Fell, 94 rous -because due to �disea ed, als there s not onl)y te h4s,,An4lly tratf,d,at intery bee- , -M, ake., Qt experiments 4eAdt rederietQn, N.B. The 'illizziness-,.. Insomnia, to, 1014 04 Wei' but je�e ing were'sient to, hc�e ts� *use woo 9 Q tffe cAt.-St. J4.4pj. W_ V W. V enaeg�'qnd o , o41n.ey I .,R b rne(t. owing.. - o -'ar ibomp a it. dure; hak n 0W Choose- your, vqriety 4u4 by 44o Provincial Alylaxiat), 1 qt upsett�ng- tit. u f the Ontario Aiii- rbqWre 'the, apsistaudoe of Dr.rHAM11- JrSp �L''. r scho9l. dis r 6 e t 1 ts.to itp. H t Out., J.L RO 4.01; your gT'co1gr cultural- ollege, duelpb,' At onton,; "tiiiii;004- touls, go lf� !, - - Pills, wuldn' 41rect to tboeat mhool anwhile ka fail,�d, to ew, n jrmal xt C14 most of them, pan be re- Myotic HOVA41 or vvie4 throuW, t e Is was it is. qgito evident fF To give vitality and pow to the actor *tiatmeut with 310" In* A re 4% Ing, mpany lima turfIV,a uq Willipms, Newfolkill. ". I 1111101 a F rm, a to 41d �dioka 00 * aDr reSpola4L'P'n�.0 '�at reAtf- ri or�ylavil, Xf1d.., X$. t- kidneYS, to t,bf: b144 il4ren were liver, to PrObabik thre'.J u4* remedy o sue- �Calgary te4ghers.. �Villa. Mrs.- Hidih Doch6ky, wea�- liave W#a ­deri�ed whicb,' !reb th6' blood of pololond, big.orcTe.r for shorts. 8ask�; says-; "I auffor . - , () . !i6eing-Ten.)t riths, lglan,� tw ed for ore After.$ a 'Pork' 'd i4 f -W. bAW;OWL -1 ro he Calog ill well b;s. tabol0ed- 04 O hlirup,d to .ptoro, "Ilea '01 .1914. will, of e-��octors DE. Hqn1ilt04' ,season go do;iu . Fim Objef I�, R. Vialton lias TO - cesoful 4s rteste .9,94 oute Wwvous osbratdoii - an ck head- in the hstory of Ontario bekee'�- ifedlelpeo T ginanly irregulariqqp "'.0 4 ailed to after,25 atl, w rt#eIr merit ailes undielrk. 'ep OAE 4 . - .P. _ ., Is, ell known,, Stel ach�.. .,Wb these, OA vape, oil F TOU WANT TO UTI -IQ 40 Be ..r.re. in j��oniol' cause' of' Dep Volipe, Bruton, the poorest for 6n4py "tilid *sooth k . �ewisp6rtii, Twillingate, DistriCtt iactAye WV1, e Ing 4rid 800k sla Or not -work nor. �Wk)' and ie� d eit'khown. 'Bes, Wip�* '11' sadciegd Ohlef , I or- 4"no. a C1. -healing-,,effect, Dr. HamWon*PIlls,v ne. 1. prQ _ notion eN 1ba ;!, thrill Uu'i o48.-bQ a k" V I cp�ji6, Xe�v,fou 'Ile 11 ded for girls by'. id! hh�vfiig 6o on e - vigin a . b );,tie% -tlid ing Abory, ipil6p mlliii P $1' 8 i4fej ap Wr 6iing, for builc and vbriien Ages. 25 Cents .P6 o9b, of lighlbig. Qaapry�s kL W, DAWSQIR, Calbtinp,. Stq T'011`012101 Are recommoni nfo"ed iir*dd.�' old by Wa,.1 box, at ,all, do --It is alerg. a thai Refuse any .4ree*.is $1131006 ad jt is it wou ter J. R(?blerts� *0114W RAERY STOCK. w low stitute for D Ultoh. S' and, not orq, wag dent of G ,w, r.- HAM .is Pill of IPA:- 'held to fbi3, ek di -at tiilr0a Co" f I . . , . I - ASPD4VItO rpm .8 rom t# idr0 id B -r- Big The AV-, i. CO14, an ord r. 0, I tter u., Top's—.. �dty lititletoney t oGerm..an, ;D werli� 1 40� L4LQ too 'no, aAstriah'Ni .1 in about 16 .1 pe. At" wo an, w FAX 119 18 X ti, U. statiofiW '.at, u:'rep �rfed. for thq Pi r , A� I . K TA lih:'Govr 4i out'' o40 M'Xt A11134 , 1�, of b I�itoget , 6lIp, �vinte'y . Gr ninteen, Mo#40., was, �0011, An r d 4.6r. Ail 08ed I�Q all, AviragD, of OV&i. tit ontbs. ihJail be- QQ -and tried but it mxle no fined. to the house; se te two in ANCISR. 2 NOR@. Liumps. aIld 'f or telf e4 d to 100 lbo, por-polmy.ja-1913. As usual 't ernaiii- Internal aud eztern, SY Wi dif, An ii,goniziiii; tb nop., oauis she' �egged withpu If he Old t s Beeim. Soreu old stler of- Alberta,. Xr;s. f4ienbe,'I w Uied many i0rab� 9.r el Mani. MaLeodl is dead at 0ko- cist, Pala I .0 stage erep �repQrtiid by. ex- medi- pion 0 a roagi . and gd 6i trim uenis tfto P. sufforer, Fin, linobAnd Presseil Iny Times, y bekra 14* latiii. Dr..Zel­ is urged, me tot toks;.ah was in Vo -Lizatteit. Collinewood.- periment6ra is much 'better than. thee., inqhn.%,,Xfld.j le polipe ri born Quelp,0at. Vom t lilu� at miay happen, was in my.. h erin* r3�Dr. '.Williams" Pin �gpnp ifier. bui� got no. ri�liot !to Pills And', got, me a sup ra, �j " eelegii found k�r 1,aige. I)Oxea full -of dif- No matter wh ,p%y�. After- The, -ov!lile reporting,on-M, e tit kinds f goods i,the room the' -of Brij6iih' lba,iiio a toking the Pills: for some I als, V. oi.fo6ur' . as, be and arros, and at times wA,P'AIM0st f r wer-e &��h fiasco that b fa of agirl ar,r e JormQ s0ouliaged di . — h-d-SiF . . - ea. f 61, b 'te" fe ti dlyoon- Qdified 1y'_ �miay, ted, It a litle, be -and, I ila Ill. averaje. ilf �dth rob- nounoed tha they will never give _f n�6t, f eed may- r QQII4�61 is 07.*#ive or the, un ipa ATEN eir use.* V --b&y' 11.11 pery Ion ,p becae, -the vorst b c;tn aral Divelo en 'to 6 6rimenteii d(,Xt list I trie Kidney, Pin, Hill` -N,-S- --Presbyterian prepare f,6i t. N 0 y b6 rti zi,4-riportj. b� d Doild'is el"' ea: -oreitell- whzt-'in- the -futi.ire Al sent- tthe fa*ze, �-P, moro­­of 49--f -the With' leis -fk6 �7,' rl boxe�s,l �olloge b ley cam n. main�'-tbet the oarefu bepkeepero th, - - tamAe­ -stu . -ha-v, onlisted--than &11 �df pire my have to, Miffor paig -takin y e -th ilt�-getlf�r wr'tha;t is Wa4p 'btt6r'retur "eat to agr'loultuxists... is. Pill% for deirts _3"i S lqo 4ndafter g tJ -some -res the -other theciaogiepil colleges*in the, makers and adi4bis W oz, no than all,. and an' glad to g"' e Ing11or the a firm cil-ve-of me " .1 . . 91 -of people tolive'.,4iifilto, gav- his -indifferent ni�ighbor, au,se,4 Domi right F roln'that day -to t4lo I -ha*e bad no * The effect 'of -the eneral . f4ilure Mr. Roberts' troublesv6re nion. Moose. Jaw sanctioned ihe lo's if ro e Go has en themselve:s.- It this ia- ae and y I disezRA4 kidneyg. That is -9�,hy The Russian -vernment t ateeii applicailts for St upon results from co-operative ex- he ne-w of ply a egarde Xay, cured -fiim.. bought the steel steamer 4ntrose portant ttu I 11�tism $1,370 -to nini t . o roporty perin -veiry -marked' as - -6., anJ P�odne d. '115 s special assistance ,;K aents is the Pa g ed tili none.-oi mu factor atroll obe -tie ilIlls pney flow is' of the gries -e as an cuts do ihw*elfous. I. cannot 4y h st Diseased, Kidney lity from the Reid, Newfoundand 0 paign, fal in their d akatoon discvero tbat' -breakek in the by the Dqpar".nt <A Agriculture S Ion PrA inng th-,4i'impllritles -out -of to...ug ice . 0 t) iiig,th46,�ehzvIOulr of Of is 6ndeayorin forcv.1ome. ib, ui ei4ployed,-are willing to 9 -and the consequence g they 6eitainay sal me from,& life he. bfo6d is white S �to a relief ees. r tired Britain, 3p her isoitted. po farm work, sb.�. -,of , is;.1in. 'over the.boy- DQW's'. Benjamin Tuckerii-who, e o s ya;ige almost idois ant er -I s- - n t r The )lost Populat Experime4t. idneYs frbm*fihel�ser.vioe�'of the I.C.R.� aft t Is by building upand enricbing Kidn, Pills'eure, idieased,K 'Glo y e did'not. menir of clivery middl,o-agred Regia apks the'Dominion 43 Y*ars' seirvi have a the� he blbbd and etrengthoning. the 61 the ao-ason,,was a, now methodi of XSRff6i,TFU ISLES..OF c0lif[)14�illt hm in man hcrw,4�e_e*-Jhir.ty years ago, ernment tb dePort some of the re- -using th6 -poor L.WKS w relan�d suffered bitt.Orly, and huw I RUMMdEft ILOVZUNESS�. iiex-yefi that 1,>r.. William$' Pink Pills introducing laying queetIs to queen- 0r,,R1%JN Kirlar uneMployed work seendmi0y nfarvellous cureaj le'ss,colonies. It was quitio,.haturW of 'his S &a re seltew of Offering 1NII outapor. . Sporte'. soclal �&wbt they hav4 6' for bh�rs s e' t should A essciii"Intihl Service ockhart, of Moe- subscribeid for relief 'and* ships A:Iex. D.. XcffA.an, foinierl of ne 6 At a party i hoor -92n4 4rea -of bli-Ir nd.s. of dollars We' the � ciiy. activitlo, and allmisis and scenery,' that thi xperimen titact' Sail r birthday, John L they will do for al ailing ll,�!oplei if- ion .;,ciivaled in the Tropics. %,V�de_attentibn be-eause'the sp,read With Field Forces. .step with with lo'liis Q.f provisions " d olot3i-- Aidbor'ough, on and s. fastest, ton N'B danced- a - two an mb�t air tri do not lux us and only $tip given a f al. If You' �i _,f il "1011i) of `,.Eui4ean.Fpu&Brood requires da�ightbr-;'were illed, when an ex- n,urloi And tbew Pill one of li&,�randdaiighter�&! His *eye-* ing.:Were -seiit�ovei the ocean,to the trans.Rer... e 0 theitime .of th �L4. I 1 ini Now YoriL every Wedzle.9-1 a, at your. Medicine wholesale requeeningnd givei& in- 1;0.t th � least, intereoipig o e istresseid isle. A q. s- train orashe 'd you s- sigllt is.&S, good as it. -ever was. into 0 sa is trg uelf delei can jet'them,b 'I t MOk-by. Magiwivte Ritchie; f,sr ulln, -4f riAre $25,00 fpr Round TrJP, in queen The, -onel% aken- ssils, to eti -in-the rth fl-om; Th. n aa :given warning hat e IBd6h*anbn-' of aska;tche-. lupo.,L -the, N.B.. slitittIng off of supplies from R methl6d. teisted, �rhllb pot . always. on -a �twhich bi,ar will send. any aan to ijhe�Pen. for old people will renleinber -, bread an Highvaj� rock e o . iiiipply . of trained unners, WEST JNDIES i two years, who, is found il -of rose greatly in priee—V uininig -ti? R aaisf4ur Co., B uc�essfitl, *4as piov ' eh iU w46rth to, e aemy g1l ty t*epnty'and w -r - i. . I .1 eina1rom S Polightful 28 -day . 0�u [sobs th% el ank-,,of ki�,6wn It develoedAhat icUb of the men t -stand in- th"r-wit - -9ming-.Ii-qiiurt;o.-soldie'r-9 on duty. ' twenty -fire cents- the - four-paubd led f4or -lite while -P&yin­g� foot! ticl ets �,010 p xn� Apply fqr -Newfo ball. at the campv� 0 . I . ods for Performing tillj1_0 ho, had ' A' h -,- . cripp Antaiiis! sa:11mg* frorn beeii oicked'�up em§e, ves 0AUD1NA1.FACT&. meth -per7- Operations in the pdland 140. Tn e:arliir,.�Iays wlibn'navi- 26th, weiris'gunn The -6xpeii,�nes f t. at -Ion. ers,... is, which; -,�ere'suspended,when -gatin: of � the seas 'was . little Linis, Usnited, %results obtained from Expeiri- em since the beginning. mine Steoibsb10 - This, is-Ca'-wid-es wa. a few 61.4h' the'war- br�ke- but, have: been re- kno-%Vn, Britain's ekperience wiiar .46 Yunire St..:. Tol!�Uto,,or any"Ti.ket, .11 -the,, Harvest',bel Mon. Ld een -extr"rdinary, Agent. What vi t N6, t, a Methd for the prs!_* ofthe-war,ba. auj, 600. men, about one- more severe. 'Jil. A..D. 272, people on-6fiiniltUral SN�Airnli `hArg otland BABY'§- OWN TAUTS. oreasq-�t knowledge-gleatis in- venti In,g In'ex- writes an Edin fourth of-A-hp-imul -number, are at ite the ba.rk of the trees. In..306., 'tracted. honey -productAl6n by hold'- A GR 'Of production. % EAT 9LES$ING' correspondept, work. thousands ih Scotla;iid'dde'd. -Your The f. the t When te -German higH seas fl � t W. Duff Reid, of.*the Reid. New- years'later fonty.thousand peris[h,,4 irA essdntial.for the highest colon -ogbther,1 indictite e f1d.., �jAW YC `g WaS vs X 729, 82 -)D4 Mail-nian" Gegoggin, A w ut-to-datia tiyh Grade. 'yield is go � ­ I 131C . LES '8 by 6ii method swarMan in the od, seed.. that *.as locked a�vay. for safety fou*odland Co -of -St' JoBn in Itinkland. I' 3 and 'from rs. Jas. on rowers per 'harbors-, 4ehinA._' h aii" 1. ,ed f rom. 3ry and nte4 R54 tp--95E�* many thousands. starved Sae Bay's Own.' Noi b edii( per. eth Al - B cle ttedwithAio le)-Oltaiti �Ie - ip's. wh ne: guib;i 94 rs an i pii, tT to-Br�i � - iverage honey arOlp per th- ith-are to, His �;Dde a6'. - In 1016 th-6-re- ww­;w -Tablets tp my ibay___bRio f6r c6h- �bteede d' 11 bidu4cers are - e gieh;o Ibivt 14 �Oth -two M&chi M, y ling,history-at thiaJuncture. co-kny being increase. _Verma�,*! aaset 'in the Yon is. ser . vin fu throu li.6ut.Europe. -br- --d as a pri�iate,with'thb I famine g ne.ttbd r e off s stApathns;fid tething trbu, es an, blp'. is -it! rea `E4 ngland--in 1087- twenty-one , - - -_ -I A -1- ' J 9 Ilgie fbizin t -em. a gw U e i i teit So r.- am I i t, - pr, 6 v e n t i o w. - - -tb4e-pr-qyenton­o,f,-i r-11111119- �d, be In I t1jinj & e -§� lon�b- �Wn,�Y- -production, - were sedure im, c f&�tnd �, .­ . - I mirill iftee paosew us I 1.6 --distrei;g-' From 1103 ti) rher6i -the- ng rin nd ome re are you p vey.-ine miplet be a so he r 7�� ties ii- 1requient �augied of , " �Q e t U It -P oduCJ- P t serve e pre ex or ena. q tho,giftners.�Pould -0 �11, tion of co-mb honey is; always affeet- at il), dist in the'secon .cotingent. ver. raged 'alf over Brtain and b to from us- at -e by a poo, season iffian, that at'. sea; y neiiAe&oTi ,fe remedy fo little ones, 01,Zill= 5114prP.I., the' Were 9 silutely s,� W All grain int6ilded for seed eho'uld ed inoi land. . There seems -no reaigon to Tey failed to enlist, were arresed, Filance. In 125r there - was an- bing ba;cked by the guarantee of a T.W.l3OYl3'&bO1J ;O� 0T.-exiract6d: honey It W48 d6mo-, and e'� 2Q -or 30 other fa-minoin JEriglia.,nd and Scot be cleaned and ­grade, in order I �hts of the prison- confessed Go,m-rnme can b -the stteme nt analyst to be fie-e-froird 27NotreD=eSt,WQMQ,Lc'al. 0 retaln, only the strong kernels. - Arated, however,lhit emb honey 001I labd-. In 1315 the suffering Was eo, that point. Some them days. opiates and n They are Fa-piners, Wh4q -: hae. separate can be 06dueed without' n. iral ers on 01810 h at, of dreadful throughout thQ -British ;bey -ad ' not been on sbip Twiti ago, Scott Mo6ff, itants. dq golcT b� unediciie de-aliars' or by mail ­hoosps, for their'l4borers, haie, no sw- es- since 'the 0anipb= at 2'6 cents, a box e,,'Dr. en ;. N. B., was operated' Isls b�at tdii� ihali Se,cu.rmg., 0 p. -be Montin He,did the fl of. horses" dogs cats zfid Good labo is' t` of ui,itl swirm-; war commencid. -They 'had worthy' e'Inpiloymeint :3) the preven ion na to anan not make ai.,complete a teco,�ery as vermn. ' In 1335, 1353; 143B-' 1141d. 4g, . - , 'hi st Ont. iii winter well as in pring,, . sum� Ing by mapipulation. of- ';veis instead Vake�n from their hips , I . p the d fi�14. The - men , who wa"i,. ex ected, and developi�d'!a 1565 there: were more terrible life it &'great gins in des oi_ Inof-a4d autumn. h I of cumbs,.'indicate that " tim .. - 11 . m Th Ei-'N. G -, n'The results from EiflIerfiftent IT.O. board hal.14 doz en on in a. ml -hospitAl. esh He,, h' 'h' -reduced lump in his, sid.e,� 'Lsfiir, two. siir- . ti-byig famines, he P�eo,wo If labor ir. scaice now; it will not 44,Yanfagd to"giv the 4ueen wbrIced 'the glins w .�c orceps were �ten . -b hig redu�e.d feeding on Jones, Inven.torf.. w ill' op ge.an's' f found. in the e p.0- be more plentifuil in itnoth yeari, tra- 6rood chambei� of empty'= Liege, h �brok.e..down. wound, and 'an operation 'will 'be roots, Nvee& and -offal. In, 1093 'I.se' th�it Jones has failed.', Has . it: is wi d c -ze.to onco6raje 'present f or a, week or tio 'before the opening siirt at Namur an hicill led to sary. ib 0. to' rem�v. thean:; France suffeiea- horri ly. ,In 1748 6. any.assatis FUR' SALE help., ofldw provided tM colon �h� fall ... of Antwerp, were many of neces y The Sydne.y,,C.B., Ohealical Coin- st-a vation was general throughout 11_*.�,Abing- of anV the in-- A buicau 'of employment' epuld is strong enough 6 battle shipi lie ritain. In .1195, a hundried which he filed Wh his pelti- to need the extra them gunners from,thi panj is pt-oducing A by. -prod t ot 13' and, A8 1, 42 find ev. -of� spaee. �which were collqi6ting'.b,wrnkticJes.- in, �A�, known s- benzol,'viN40i is twenty-. -years ao, 'there was agairr. 1tion in bn crup;tp.v o*i ew Wheelock useful work in ery town s thl-t '"li6 -Those wo tried- Experrihnent No. f Au highly'infliLuirnale arid e9plosiv. an.. tv� ill. lack of food. . ig was the had tom4fic. vaver­ hi�ribor i1, -n Austria has deembd tha llich is � inethW of spring man n t�e ,ge enal situation as it ex �4, w b �r6vdd.'be d ist, jt that gage of the war*thorp A �Iiut for ille mamilature 6f the last famine that'.was general- -in Ll rM�Ist &genlent .of 'ees, you Eia Pa(Agaiii.. cdndi' oh. I a ed. substance, which is largely in- �land, but provisions during the complete operating-' kive.hives d--not-sepin. to'.,be. any serious -b b.0%..._QyI.tnder3' -the- ---woriat man<l' for'- war p . I " w.. akr 4rain _t-hiee.m on ere be*: s d extyb of artnient will -iceR, v brought 'tip of ex1ravagance. prtectioti when they.-Aiie t pon - Gvrinhily's slipPlY crectedif thi. _pj and distress-Ni,es7ver"rig and all, Parts. lloners co a ___Tbe * Master— f'unnj t present time. a .ion --bi ............. n- the war come to an t, last �irntilrv, Pa'r- t(EIM haki to man Will sell. at less than h.pLif to- spring..' The 0_xtra a opinion that-th - _pris 'yo.i; rs,-- Henry.?" .n gi . ermaiientbr siucie'essfVl farmifi-g' wir al e niva. g-�t A atained',is -of - great, v�a?lue -to them in exe Cost prici., re used then. because th N ment.:-fiaving. to gran'no, smaller 66 baby Uy been. --nerg. we as it has 4' eiiod.. Ia --- -- -- _h-e& � to -do, -t7--�NVej manu.re Is pi -e and &�Joted, -reAring., notfitn­ t _,p-6`uu,6s air, early brood Now V a;iit 'Most of th he nd 6causeAh'iev rdbd as, (fifty millioli doJ,I& . rs) iii, 1847,_ fo. yoars 1i) ('S111Te yer homor, sonre- S. FRANK WILSON & $ONS ot-hebt, the 1 it y.of E Xperirunt � No.' 71- which is �t were �rega '4. eve the distress. took, 6he; d:oprstep a-wa . y- a I id 73 Ade(.@Ide St. West,. Toronto seedi's is d6stioyed; -but *hn... the bes't men fo'� the work. Iii Ia- Rkuluati H 14.Smoke lllethqd'! 11 stWe, , I -inan, ay her we whIdn't get 0 C drawn to the field from.the ter- stag0sof t6 struggle, however., If Oel hadei w with --I junner-wo-re o:r---nt--Ieft -Jong-- enough -in the �ile �,,of hitroduing-a queen to a: ful�ool� iitjap�ar.-Jlat. xlav* . ..arine blckade, whait oc� to'%eeombls welil rotted, Manure is ony, oroved en&ireIY satisfactory oa,116d 'poh for service'in the field -eurred before woulid otcur.agaan. u t- rd- -o - -the- experi nta -that -t -e-- army con' 14 no�t inqVitwa efing wa4h! f me fdr tho reason- h 4.1. 0 'tfihe t it i Cn. f 'Thie -igystem is -lis - -foll ws'. A fill EVERY C a f6r sitioere .6f- "Jrie what erg. ,no et demitirdis made uon ASE IS CURABLE.. a onc.bii called. upoi an using' MIN4RD'$: Ve a quee m Jolt" but for. gr We 'hg.ve, bei Canada is4nany-times, larger in colony. ta recei h has the it i6i-fli-e u�ply of gkill.q,d efil to Gpod-bye* to'. Itheumatim! eat. 6acrifice,'bo- se- VIENT 1,, our home.for x number of dow t;d'irte. fat(ber flit MI M&-tim—Bsl b ut in -�Ontriaiuv i-ed-need-t"-bout-a--s4tL-*4i-re--Ifg7e�-td�--diD-ii;��-wd-viantaige T) ;-�l oil,'� -k-n NIUMP for a. - g . ea, f d the ri a - aut t Qer� musdles,. those- sleepliass nights uud and -we, 6mq- it W9b17 t- )*Nt-d d'o h -whia" was, ng ar,6..ne,.o6s_ i s_ pains or tiviiiinem * Pf gGiD ' y D er#- is -no b three juffi- of ]edge aii7d--tan-de, rstape i inc ., an spirwins. bru se 9 �ever77- Of iiE�1­ -thick-- A-iininis 0 suffering � dayg�-goo&-b�,e for .=ii It is.' nth tke-Ithroatt, head� t'h isiderin hivk and q ffon% I - _g �11 i0vit"rnoke: oheej, or an thing. .0, t -bout gi�mtt fore the 'y0ur- ay, f - q7fil 1 1 ... . 1, W-6 -w w d -;Uf- _8maIl OW o n y -will- b7e he- -require'me e. a ------ t rida is co ir, e I&' -was. --n fh -news below., I oad it hithly, to av ore, r a -and. mcti-et�-61. roaring. 'The small 4pace &t the en- 'good a.-nd Produ-i�-n m P a fgn' is e fi,o:t.. that" ma&ad o:ut and oaculat- d -A met me -a Year ago, and signed to nW FAR T4E. r iieeded trance operie&; the- queen is -WAXBJ4ELV. LO Ei To ALIFb,RNIA Sri ed al , by'Germiny. - It was nevefi Ta�t I stay crippled',.guit com- EXFOS1­TlON$i it, $e )on. said., 'don gen a . I _41— .191%,nds. Lunonburg N,S. followed by. &. gentle, puff'.�f lay point'of the 4)1' up.,. My_a4*er wasi- Via arnRY._ when. mer -ri*'es. rito in, ,x�e,Aed:-bhat at a aining, limber g=ke­---uud-*t--sp#� ,again, �olosed- ve to dilta - rheurnatic,. I can't. F�ur ople trains war she' Would ba; meelt atonte do it.' He. ndid.dail amenget, Terkninpl., cbi�ao to and_ieft- closed 'for- ibout. ten Thin of o to ihe' 4led aitill6i 0 f Wree, looked taci over in a'Ditying sdrt f uris s :were going. ii Francileco.- Los, tigeles sad, Snn r'e�-oljeried and- th y A part D' _STAkNGT1f utes, when great Poweri "Thre .1tu-6died Afty agd��old me-40-go.,to-the nearest i�fl - - ' , - -, - i ;- r !�77, riough a sma bown, avang Wlde'cho'CO of aceniciina d:re�y 011,1- bees are allowed to ventilate and fbilesfeaunon"' bad no.t.been re-. drute store for Nervillne, and Ferro- 6 e7 of their lives, an (I Some men 'find - it diffioqlf to save 'bouble traoM. Automatic elect r,c *Vithoii t Overloxiditig the Stoftiach-. quiet down, The full. ;-antraince, is I ree#e(l in the- German' "'o. The combination had , cured lifit-I& ,mone.. vhen sirtglb� 'that ignos all the VAT. giveh for an ho*. 6roro, or *Risonvinedd- of -,his sincerity -joking. 'One of, tbern thouighb- *he n 3-6tur trip snil usine's's man,*. - esp`icialyi' n,-6 9 -46 i.uzia 4., The b 4lewiso -she Might am. and followed his Instructions. lliiib- w.,)iild have somb lun,.abd eaqged a they don't, even think it fort e ti eory neitday.-Th h rryin k4jod.iirl the moriling-th1it, wild. even until the while to; try.afbei in & W1 ve eon 1, Austria kept bed on Neivilifib three d -over oad'th'aitomaoh; it, tha lndj§ every lftitilL girl standing ilear., lut give Of - the causb of this an llb illery -16 daY-40bed, It tight into in g )10e any not -Bees' 'in Aistrossi a arm in efter'or6w. y %chin in'�. t4wn Joirits. Tlle*patn quickly lessenedi arid, wbic.h 'the little' ei aosm OWN DRYiddIST WILIL 'TELL YOU 4igor -for tho dAy. method is thii:w, In Jiti6n t'baving � to m6eb 7'eredl YOUR amedy fur Red, Weak, Watery t and exey Try murine 4ye R4 0�&S,-io,nallv a inrin. Much depiends'on ibe start a man know 'no enemy orlien,.. demand *hich I 66came m6re limber and.adtive. . To 4anI.V 1e Xx nnu Granulate I Byelldo; -No Sinartink- 6n Wrli joko n S lust )Z*d ex- at , Cios - e is turning.�to some other for' SulddOnly the gtW&t �s for J00k of the Af, but he go a to how lie me draw the viru of.. thii alsase. from -n earl s it. 7 M and- which- eat e rg�A fbi r �'ax �AQ ry, ',P-074 r r Jny� -b -T!`took ---- ih ing nee -4 I 3r meall !UojfieziV or, . - e Fto- a e�,' not k I rofe-s- minard's. -large of guRners.,day,- not an, pain. and: o I�aii make. a p Liniment kellaide5 Neuralgia. r y, in effiejency,- in sign 0 . ; o", J . ­ . 1. I, h cant e IIe4 tip, same emption'. ift. &rr �6ffort to' Ata or stify, ess t sill ljoti�toes breakfast,, 0 -be: seized viiith (he Yuungbrije'-T want to ke religion is lro.r"J61 tlat e an e second y�digegting Austria, nearly fort . y, years Nerviline has been into the fore �g ni�dls Liniment ciiires Burhs, Etc, thc7 fit-st, .Plae 4, in th d.! in 19% iem. fin is in- What NervUlne. clin do In a 'cage Ia liat for hug�band. sur-; llr(fI04! (L 6 . . . . . . . . . . troduted,to, a hivet. tider these eon- Some . muca neeqpo IEW.- I ft n- -d-d- T —ar 11W 6 Fb `TS. ditions, the- bees do,nidt4m,6w her es of k1ler"k 'stern' bu.- " ,uniatisirl, your A. We 4ine rec6mni�hded for !the Ulm- , I , -64M'and, she is ac- -,This. demand -bad to.e met, "Mid. Xr.g. 1. forgot to find Mer were I ie weariCa I& collif.- " F "O 'n n ie r of -N-871 and 4.iIme f*od 46owbin,tiojm ago,-� a,ad odu�hlg froin their owh qu L a's Imet.. cepted without W, Or 'tt- 1 --Very well It Is the one reMedy 'that fieve -dis. -01 Wife 110 write Furthe� clAitnil. ..Upoft, the. war be,d wan t �O or 2Z in h bu -man (I. unable dea to fiod , a sk hat, woul(In't lie I" rving'Gtr ., -illed �mn' -of the wee. ','I hrtAfait fonot d -1h' en' 'k perau e oad!'.' r! e sediets,tto 11%lqi1l&5 Tkl&li TlI(,,,%peciAI Hxpeinlent:on, ade wh Tur ey wits a d me ais nstant �ed sho,�elling avid'irtokied to. tille J'Wihout ovOrloiWug hiA. of Bees, AppTitatio trolibleso -Y I the fordman, las te Corns, ns &)r this 6x- f.o. the Allies in the 4ear sn t Relief set*jn,t 'fi, ,ent .0 beekeeper's PosoibIt to,the t�i4road,ioffiee ito.report .a r 4 Point oil put"dm'& ifiiVii �gqld, gunsf officers and sips atigbt ccWent.-in he gang,-r1pla-i inmuch Jr Drop corn Extractor to_ 6a' %b bisli4zve bloomini' otided (liseAse of were 6upplied. to. -tilip, Ottoodh ding itiva track, I -le was biwided nightii and corns feel -wt do cnowll to moin. Pow- Germans gqy. lvo�y nervi6lls min, I had Ox. is 1% ltanit iizi-d 1oi 43ong ll eight iintil Iettex In gib inorn-d -qe as "tlie duswntlie* "Me - inateria s Aster, oltiatbg .6t, -it a Wa U wa kno 601 'Icling one of he,small boYb'- OU pution jo r Child's skin gets Ifido goi% 6 imfi mid Dut tr$o. 4r&psXAit4 4AI00P rap he luaheo6 him. -6 bteobd � to ,� �mieos -the -pain, 40stro, -the roots, lilbbliW ataoi ifitoth6syAttri just il"Surely as .% eel, fixill, ispille reliable que -aanong as TTrk!sh foree'g_. AS tho. isinde havo 1) , en, bteedisn' I I what'll a the matiter. Ral" aisktd kills a corn. for all itliiie,. 14o iiiiii. one dai, the toavhe� callt4 the dul- food 66 thil#, clits, Don't lot ,wiork� ' TI uked.00r9- event, his Pro ed, Germany -�could tIs exDedmonter 4 C t Oet & 26e. bottle. of pjit n 'r a queen t4i soiffit 01011Y Or ill -0 'Wa � -a i'guarAn and munitfont Utli r_X _. . actor -16 -day, egat Att 't ny of thi 61g, my'lloas Wolear A -lid fily Aerves i -it Bililio' blig "'P i s Im &M ��U ADt' �,A and give her tho b and leas�,df all �Ooulj ji 4�l.r , ng d epoon . hogr#j so ofare 216 s'n tPoe, e. 'hit id th' and it beto -eport lati6f on 1—io vai ue as a 81he gunhers, 4 .Ok st4tid� afte !1 thA b with a mid, I f, I Re Ott. OUI] I �.c Well for, line V W"Itt 310 - �.y bloodl, Zarn-� 'little oupt "d� d in I . ptit.c 4. 4iWltity br'edorin &v 61 temarks Bill made. 6 mp�at fendemhea6e d iivt .omy 0*0 I -8 regj�torn OfiirippeAn Foul' Emdd' �fhetbolii cold nilk, Wi�ks &.d0IJ,.L1u A 90000611- �eva swo I '%4dd 44 jWt it.) tl' -Ates I 1116 0 e 1111114 'I And WX beokeieperio, ilt & . e Oil w3liolidnVigot 11 malol" "I hZ'd "Yllsot Wh 0 an ove&­ ! .0 yMthard"i UnlMint Oures band It th d i's 11011leAV Da DriliggMs. *"is" v6mft hoo Wand the lawuy w1niA "D6eblt, You A o r in ths ,,o6al4billa, ho U Ott ail the 41t 4 64 I ton 0oft 10,�,t 0 -;in I 1"l; ed bit fee ed Wid ling whe, ,VbU run over it Inkti 1117 tio lvwhillo Ilk, S o4h't:%.Urg11r I go.,�Jntto a tey asked- I iw �lm going, 01MV r %1M.' " Wello lit -he"s , I 6 wo hi Thadlig . w. 6ft 01691, 1. 40n 40 ere Up- 'Woman Was Wiit- Amp nun," t0plied this Autdwo- 1 1. . A h6* Nalttfa in MInarld's Lifill"Ont talli list. hu,614M) pd AAV , Aaea. Ot bile *Pre -4y ft 64%1 so,kb utsiril t