The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-03-18, Page 4- . . The 3,04191010, =PIM nor -.March tiltb., 191# Oreat Reduction In all kinds of Men's and Ladies) AppFel °rested OltrgaMS Otter,ed fien'e Par Overcoats •regular pdc 615. and ICOO will be sold .... • ...... . • WO Sprint'Senits, beet tweed% regular price 410.00 for, $6.25 Melee Worsted Stilts,. reg. 14. anel $10. Rale price.1.. 19..25 All kinde of boy* Fruits, beet maker regular g500, now $5.25 Shaker Plennel, reg. 12/1 and l'Oce• for..; ..1% and 8i cents. tires" goods, reg. 16e. and 20.1, for cents, Trio* regular 15, 12/ and (fee for . • ......191e 9 and lelei; Shirtine, reguliriti,e, and Are ,‘ for. t.j2c peed 131o. Men's Top Shiite, regular OW., 75eand el, fer and 89e, ineached,04totts regu1ar.10 and -12c, for ... • • • 80. The Railroad ()venlig, the veil best make and Material, will be xoldot, reasonable prim. Also: Snooks of the same goods • and -make - - • Ladiee Handkerchiefs, 10° for only * • 41 **25e* • * EverYday Apron?, *Wei' 253.. fore. •-• er • ;**...160.- WM Aprons, fancy made, reg. . _ 259., for . • • • • • • * • 159* LEW INAnig'i oL tbe frnost' make, may be worn os. a drees, reg.60e: for. .45e. B. BLITZSTEIN'S Bergain Wet* • Nextaloor .to :ea Armstrong's PriligeOtOr. !Le laid.111111111 #tIliititt'' FLUORINE A RAMO ,E14 Palatatid, story Thluvdir movalaa at Lucittlow, ontsrlo- MA.OZRSZIV. Pros istor mid Editor. TiltIRSDAY, MAUCH 18th. 1915 Buslaeis aud Society Cards • Tug WAst riEws ° War newa has been searce, autl there glothing Can Resist the Power of Thie - Ohernical Fury. The tory et the chemical, world isi * elemeut durielue, although. Stritniiet• 7 eaetliilx, It exists peareNly le cora- DOPY. 'with Oitlehlin lit Ononipar end ilSO in it few ether comnountle.. dithougli this element was known and named 4 good whila ago, it tong IMisted the efforta 9f themiste 0 •iso - .4tte• lt, ter 'the instent the .couipound :earthling it wax torn apart. the free bodge :attacked and combfnad 'With r whatever aubstance composed the vele fel containing et It eras tinnily isolste a bY tbe great Freach chemist Mole,. LIL Fluorin° is it Valid gat that liothiag • haa been little of Seusational ioterest for the, nistmooth. . • . , The meet gratifying ePort in that time vani made on Tuesday, when the destruction and sinking et the German Oruieer, “Dresdenr; Nees announced. She . mether dooni on Sunday,. the ‘14th '94 resh't- it annbinee witb ail met! near the,iiiland of 'Juan Fernandie bison Oresc•'elsland) in the South, nee. .• Three British ereiserneoutewhatlergee. then.herself"came, up With the 'Dresden and after five, Minutes' fighting the Ger- Man .Ship. hoisted . She shortly afterwards blew up. ',NOY :of lier crew Of Over 30Q were ream:led be the Briiieb• but under the circturistances the., Majority muse have pone awn. The Oglit is remarkable at the Arial nasal eng4eineat of the war in Which a flag indicating surrender has been Meted. All oers. destroyed in battle went down with colors. . The. Dresden wee the.one ef the German fleet which escaped from the battle off,the Falkland Islands. Sloe° that notable engagement her Whereabouts have been. something of a mystery. That She WAS ite-thinth kaki& becaras Itnewn only recently when she sank the -British, ship, , Conway Castle, ?off the coast- of Chile. :Batons throughout thts world -will er4oy a thrill Of satisfaction on learning that she is no more.. The "Glasgow", the only ship of. Ad - mind Craddock's 111.1ated. fleet, to eicaitc from the Germans, was in.e.t.thet... •Her crew is -doing their share to; atenge the early di.saister, in which their so near-, , Their played...4 prominent part,in the. Battle of. the...Falkland irt. ecome. etriBileieseele soies.eitiu, Guelph. - • Ont..-11unninee.Iflreand 118, explosively with eierne., or if • ther are oready toratene4 *lot Boron other aonmetaIIiC eler,neat' it MeXellesell tears them away from it and Mho .titeen to ftself., •Inpnituig"With eodinene potaselem. aIcIuin.'Plebe** and itinruitittan-- the Metals bgeOnie lieifted, even te'red... tie^. by °the tervor,41• ita, embriree, irone',51)nin 'elightly. *atm, buret 'Into • hrillbitit..aginiglations when eseeied to 'it. Manganese does the same. Siren iliet noble pietaki, Which at pieutitg. beat PrOlell7 resist the tascisattong of. OPliest'auctualta to this_ Chemical siren. at moderate, temperatures. , • MOSle devoured at once -and water Ceases to be Water' lir contact with this DRUM. COUNTY NEWS A cm.$0 a siaallpox,h14 developed at Welhertont and greet precautione are being taken to prevent the *Treed of the dieease. iftinal °orbital, neer vil- lage, has 1174 tree* .tapped and is lot king forward to a good season Qf syrup anti sugar making. `Mrs John Lainoriby. a former, dent of B011091'0, died in 'Toferito 0 Wedeezdae cif hist Week at the age 0 The remains were brou Winghain for inter Mont . A fire in the Upper etory of the reei donee of J. W• Bermister. Cheeley,' did Over $1,0igi. damage. on Wedneedeer of last week There was no one. 1I0 the house when the Are etarted, • gee, at the same Moment forms -the Lacrid.,g1a_lifePrin1MOIV.11,1°49 acid • WL liberate, drone, itinds, awl iipw haye. finished eff'wi the oinking' ef the Dresden, - Even ,hzdrotluorie'acht eats into and deetroYs every . 'mown substance ex sept Pia Oa* and lead- BURNING •• WATER. Coal Wet Gives o Mach Larger Animas*. ' of Neat Than When Dry coal does not produce as mach heat AS coal that is considerably demi). It in, og.;conrse, a fact that a greater 'heat makesthe fuel more valuable, and. •it is essential to, now no* to. Some: ,the,Most. train ordinary fuel, , Oat' is to be burnedin g fur; niide a stove or a grate . for ininiedi- ate heat Will produce nearly one-fonrth' more heat.Wheii ,Wet 'than evneie'dry. .CoaL tliat 18 to be placed in. a ettwe • or furnace to he :anima 'VP ''SO.-asto - produCe it long continued, Moderate ' littl ratre-then Capt. Arthur McNally, son of W,4. McNally, rie•ar,Walkerton went to,England: with. the fire't ,Pantulian ermy, has been appointed • instructor. Ile is etationedat Tweeclumetb and is engaged in' training reernitre'-.. .`• . . . Mrs. John Darling, of the B. Line, Carrick;- dled.yery teteldenbe 'Tee* day.oflirst Week While on her Way to BOloicre. She Was in a cutter with her son when gibe, beearee ill; they drove into, a neighbor's place where she' passed away before • being removed froin the cutter. Death was due to heart failure: ' Oro- Birctint Ahe death on Friday of last week of Mr. Thenitisilitrdie, aged 'rt. I ears, at his SOLDIER BOY'S LETTER The following letter 400 at Tide wuttb, Eogn on Feb. la in% written by John liildred to the Ntrood.ster Review. He end a brother are 'with the reinforcements to the Princess Fate. Local interest attashee to the letter 011 amount of the fact that the Hildred iloys spent their early days in Luckier, where the family will be remembered. Mr. 4.0)314 Hildred, at preeent visiting here, ie an .uncle. Since the letter wee written tbe boya have gone to the front in Prance; • • "It mouth tomorrow eine° I left Winnipeg, ' Since I wrote you lest wail sent out about twenty miles on a guard to protect the camp's water eupply and was n week. We hadto march out and back, se it had been raining eVrtr ,5194! all the way there and nark of, the way heckler; eau realize that a. twenty utile march in the mud was some mode Since got 4aeir we haveebeen taking ine field firing in, ronshetu which is sup - POO to be done undee*the Pole. Oa, (Miens as at .the front.. :They make 'fife a. certain number of Uwe in a given tiineet a target Thee they put a dummy Mad we can see the head 014 and we hay 4 to fire at that ' a distance of kern .900 -to. WO yards: -1 diet My best shooting at gee Yards'. • My average is about 75 per Cent, which us eeli better than the a.vereee for the ce1112,41/, - we are also getting igetruction. in bayonet work and expect we will start enthrenchingoext week, . They are .not 'giving -As very much 'elementary • work, as thWleive-riot much. -eta- get - US .ready. The first draft is expected to leave next Week and- 'composed home on coneesreore 12, Bonen 'Town- of the exterieneed 'soldiers I: expect Alp loses a• man of sterling character, tp qualify for the first draft after that, who for More than half geatUry had enkyed the respect of the. community in which he l'eeicler‘ .Mr. Hardie was born in•Scotiand, and haidedinliont- 'real about 58 years ago. . Moving to Huron Tewnsisiek he lived for 56_years ou the form on which he. died. Ile was an adherent of the Presb)terian cluireb, arid was aI4iberal. His widow, three sons and two tkughteresur vive. Interinenb took ogee in tbe Kinear- dine Cemetery. op •ftlonlay. •boot wlil produee • o _ 0 one-third -*more heat.lf there ihpleati :WveheiCkl.Wil,r1hleikewlyeabtheera hneulreetlitiZrciusii; • Mild, but yesterday and toeley . are the &it . two claY.S. it hasn't rained ',since We got here and we have had very .nar.- 'to* escapee,. as you can see the donne ptiesiege around'. There. are a .great allnit hen airfiaeroplanesie'ti anyin ceYoui1 Iitel :tag: -look up herese at least one and sometimes as many t as Wen or eight flying about, and go- ing through n11: sorts Of a aneeuVres. We have not bad any lette yet and no . , IDARdil ROD AND ON' not knew whether' we can get it or not. Sprink Miliipery Display March 26th. and 27111., Our Spring display of trimmed; Millinery will be ° held on Friday and Saturday, the 26th. and 27th. of March, Miss McInnes extends a cordialin vit4tion to ,the'lladies to visit our showroxn. -and, see 'the newest styles for Spring. The store °will 1;4 kept open on these nights to give an opportuti. ity- to those wbo cannot come in the daytime. ew Speing ille „ We have just recei!'vea a new assortment in Faille Silks in blacks, sand, battleship grey 'and other new shade's. • " . See our Ladies' IZaincoats. A silecial at $5 oo• •We have a toad aiportment of Men's `"Raindoats w at different prices; •• .4 • WIL1.41ANI, CONNELL We 'take 'Butter and Egos. Imminnolonomil, • ".• Thi Business MA rintin 00 'InjuneBones and Enekiee". by -J. -Re Fraser in Mareh aii4 qua 18 00 lap - "deg -Wilt %fit hffatcOult deeperate encounter which two adventurers in the 'far north had with band. •01--•'•ferocitms • huskie•s from which the narrowly „ .11,ITCHENEri istAmes • ot moif3ture than can be Secured. eacee iisith their lives. hat Cub of • Lord Bitchenet luis turned ids 9.ttep- Large Winos of coal can be Beaked though Pat himself found the experience very provoking -of a captured bear mils that proved onetoo much.for his 'captor. .44 Visit to he Naltireu Caves of0lacier 'Birk; B. O."; "Wirdobin's Cabin";. "The , Passing f- the Buffalo'1,--andetber-stories no to Make. up 'a...fine' March number. ali tthisowir over_ Illis'sOrtsmalf3- 1,1.blicatioti issued - a. ton. of coal wtll increase Its, value . _ DRINI ' coal la real dry; • Yatrick's" is a somewhat annislart tale-- . tor *aeons of insurance. Noe, and Life tion • to 'tile • enemy at: bottle, . In • _the,' In a Pall of ' Water for a OW hour. and • ileti*ATILmialtek.taianauivr_ithit. Agent , First maim companies, suAranteed.% Only Home of Lords the Other day Be stated the beat be • inqlosSed :nearly one - resident agent in Luoknow of the London • • • halt .T1110 is done in eases where the, .14utual' *umber et "Wm form: 'that he was greatly hampered in outfit- .. propertiestoe.aile. • • Inmns . aro .used in stoves tightly .elos. • ••ting the army by the shcirtage of , such as theio•viowli-oo "tdf "UMW' I .4.01,F../..neknowbitige meet.s eve ,Irsidar 'ititina Of war, and. that these were mt. furnaces. ' , . everlingat 8 0' Olook e Allb Gwen cordlallrsolnvite beinr.-Griried out as rapidly as th0 everal a-0 w at , oodstoe , n y . reildItem Seci• HaloYd; 1710' f3**Y•tprt Pat' 'among the worknigreatly to tixe consumer. --Coal will es. burn: tirkiltlyin 111111* -t- '77:77-- .elle=slagghereV,._ Pleas% .811(1 --be because of _,..drunkneifuels arson:. • • , A. F. it Aa It., O. R. C. Old Light IMO pleas , every Tb night on'or before the fall Moon, iii the m so oBa , • Lticknw• W‘ Ty*:,otpLaarts3D°m; scopnalt1;..1v- .WA.', ‘follow the example set by R ia. and wilson: , ,„ • - 1188 We • might as well secure a little ef D. Cameron; J. France in suppressing the liquor traffic L' r. Court Sherwood, No. 50, Luckuow: altogether. Were the circumstancei 11, Permit ICAO to go unused.-Phlladel: the heat stored in burning water SS tO. meotsersiu'laatillondo.y of' the month in Britaitios desperate as that of her ton- phia North.Anierieen... . , in the oddrellows'HolL Visitiingbrethern i , Roo. fooPioR0,X'• Urlijallt -1 Britain; however there is greet tinental anles the st,epwoujd certainly Os _.. _ inaLdlensrp finvitetto attend., Chief Ranger, , Fhl• se0Y-• ROL ohn,li 111. eall. taken.n , , Thiel:: and toheoCoentton eWeOrM. •litiotntosh. •A 111 " t ri tal h racter le . -...eee., difficulty in dealing with the liquor -traffic ' fro 3 h A: T dd' "Th Banks of L.ense of the fac that many inflnential the Nile: t' Lloyd George had simething to es3' less • mines; and Wig' said the heat Is • ..,- ,.•_. SCHOOL REPUi(lts-• along thesamelide a weekago, and -par- intense. -When there ia a fire and the • • that portion of the fire with water. ni ifoitelock street lianient may yet' find ft neceektry ,to. coal pile .burns it .18 difficult to drown: , , , • 0., R.* 4.,4 Q. ii.S11FiELp. • a. 0. XL Imelmo* lodge. No. 13'4' mode second lifondayor each month„in the. Odd - fellows' Han. Abater Workman; J. Moo - Secy.,_, D. R. Maelntoshalet. Seer.. Gem -Potter; Treas.. AleZ Ross. Feurth Classes were `'examined in Snelling, Grammar., •Coniposition and .GeograrhYi TriirdClassea in Geography and Spelling; and Second Classes ;in Spelling, Recitation and "'Composition. Sr. IV -Harry Hackett, oeyo. • Jr, IV -Verna Strond,,51; Ada Helm, 43; Willie 'Webster, 37; ' m • ° ° • 2 a ' • Sr. Ilt-Carman Beaton, 69; 'Myrtle. • Ritchie,. 56; Alfred Andre*, 'tee (Alvin Members of parliament-eApecially. in "Well. fioW' le the toeoften worninspec3.noW-rBeaton Lizzie Hel )`54Watson.- W is sad an.EnglIsh cotn werin tor • Web - the H0115e of teethe are, largely: interest- old ,Egyptian" oho._ •eiree-ishece. ster, eeg.'Preddie ltitehie, 49. • to an r. II -Janie- RitChle,1-79; Marshall ed in the breweries. A proposal to sue- There iS BOB& • How can there becoi- prai*.the traik Will put a saVore _Strain ton wornis now?' It la more) than Out. ulre.°.111,41'..winiil.: Stroud, 04;.?4;voriy Beaton, .:45. Rifehiri Get iide Stroud -Margaret Wenger.- , Pee -Earl Gibsen, Pearl Beaton, "Axle Ewart Webs..terejeee And so there, is no cotton:Worm.'" • . parliament can deny :him inaliing. If Pr:-}..va. Gardner. ;.„ - would hke to get up to London for , few days. ' I have ran across ohite a number of the Winnipeg boys and ' am looking -for some of thenryete-The -first division of the firat contingent have gone to Prance.and I expect we will be .over We're a lot of -the arid Contingent are. Warren and I are both in good health; and.,:tugar as I tun concerned I like it .fine and am tandem, to get to the front . to do my share and let soineOf the other felkies who hp -e been at it so long, get a relit'. No d: p the weather Ns, he. quite warm by the time I to Franco P0 theititriotism cof, theie. But ivhsn la 'worth- If we do not P.e ti the ue r_Jcitiitm iheie 2,84-7 -cotton-worms; you' gne seod_na_ Jai attention tgoN. Obeli; oroWning 'and . , Prism4--.you-ialie-gs-vas-priSOners mock TigiEtWate.TPCjkiyt& . bridgework... visits reader lat. and 3rd.. something done. He mainly respoiis- another plaice gems and oaks us eke Weanesatikof each =pith; Gorrie Thur• for .tho ear__rying on of tbe war, and his cotton worm. What eari we do? hasn't it siivedyong cot -ton this year?" it Will not de stroi the enemy at'.hem;. . O. A.-NE*14°N,- 8::Dontist,--0111ce Alibi Blot*, Luoknow, Ont. Alk modern methods use,d. Best materials furnished. Crown and Bridge work, Painless extract- ion' by the usa of • the 'Meek -simplest and , attest -rolued57 -SOMNOFORM.- Newest. Mug In 4rlidemi, teeth.' Alumium plat,eal • non oreelrAble • ist .ithas • meant: aucceis. thousands of young people Whe • Witte -for ourcatalogue-as -the sL_ Stip. fii;wird Ir -good -salaried- -- posit' ion,- -Take the step fo; • day. 'Address Central Birsi- • 'peas. College, 395 Itonge 5t4. •.• • W.11. ;#411,W, President. whioli will -make it much easier. The country around here is very pretty; all hills With chimps of bush here and there. lm:httle7n1lages are -very .quaint and-I- ia!lgeare just tbe Mae:as theY,-Wge-tiv or 02k -if -hundred rays ago. 'Yon' ortn ,not find a new building in some of them. The big gables and straw thatched roofs look verriluaint indeed, and the streets are:so Very .narrow, The hotels have such mites as The Ram Hotel, The Green Dragon, etc., and the stores are much the same as the general stores to be felled in the country tom* of 'Canada. Our quarters in the barracks are very cone- fortable and strictly • sanitary. There are reading.roome for the Men, and dry canteens tie well as•Wet ones where coffee, cakes,. Candies, etc., can be purchased. Of courses the Canadians are taken ad- vantage Of, tilt they are known, to be much better -paid than the Tonindes. , I prig twopence:for laces"they can buy for one, two shillings for Socks they tan buy for one and sixpence and so eat. Some, things are cheaper than in Canada, but at regent -a Canadian soldier gets' little more or is- nii-meirhere th-ffifiritaigt-da. • For our meals we get half a loaf of bread and a Piece of cheese daily, alse. two .. of bacon and Meat for dinner tted , “Assuredb,„ the praise, ,Anato, No. on. roll, gee average attendance; . , .. how 044 egpeetlAni ti! .overcome the. ' •44Then . won't - you doall 'Oda picking ie., , , ' , . , • .-... ,._._.., , . if. R Culbert; Teacher. enemy 'mooed. •-•-• - -•-• - ---.:- -- ..---.:•. ..... neatiyear_withoutAis.- coming_tomake_ _ •• .• ' •.'' Yon do it?" . "No" .4.1Whil" "Betatiati - that it the way Allah, made nal" • , . - -- :"X.ELliPli°00 YlittliTTIS- - . . ... •• . • . • ! -- - '' The Arm- I Rainfall. - (Daily --Star) • 'According -to aa estimate -To -Swearing or using abusive lariguage lifurran.the total annual rainfali upon • • aly.the land of the globe limit:luta to S• No 3 ASRFIRI,D e_2 =Tuesday, March 9. 'Remy .Farrell has purchased a new ; ;am for GI:inner, The bread and cheese has to do for three Meals. Of Course we :get no butter andeo Milk in our _tea However, it tastes pretty good te-aemen Whole Iningiy•andabotit the Only ' per. sena you hear complaining are the ones 'Whe 110e inever r had nny better or 7 -as - geed.", • over the -telephone vs to be mad° auf 0 f6b.coibubbiblb, iititt4rixe_ .. _ .,,a___ti:1,2iltro,,,t/d_ittiteuhbictiitillinettetiiittilarain6:..1.,thiso.,..ctillisgh _ hiprisentrienitorthirty,..dair - At leat4t• -, Wets to-tho tea.' -4 cobie-mile.-orlive in aniendinent to thicit effect *Hi bs pro. ,Water" weight; approximately •4205,650. - posed in theiegislature , You inn:it-ilk !..., Ow tells and ,PaFtlea bi- -eellitiee •en the . average_iibour:42.0,000.tons_ef_forei n _ A largrorkfront_arowitt:11!5e: Ivs_5t. eit i .'. Ile-Perst"matterr-Iii ail, about 0,74909,909..'tene- or_totheperson at the. ether end Of tle: :of solid substances are thus carried an- to- the -like". Mat -eiijoYed ait eirejneflingle *a ing on Monday eventrig. • - . . • imaliy to the ocean.-Alnited States better 18 beolvil any**. --One' 'AeologoaLtnrrare : Jteaging from the nee weather and the riniebei of -erowe seen lil-the neigh., mug hat‘hanixLnot -10,46-t. ttWo. Wise °hen. • ....„...,....... t , ...At ' _c_ :_:: e 5....* . . bowl:food, Spring„is fast am:woad:wig. . d ., Fine -it Ar.,er-.JzOyt-gtLt,-,Rtih ' should not be unCivil at; long range, ' say ? ' ,-,,,7. ,,,,, . I . I fie& .Sotneteries the operator tliaYen r, the clgara mini his. vest . pocket. and team in a.ganieof hoeley on Thin:Atty., mistake, and very rarely one is guilty of Placed therm on the piano.. Then' be ' on Clarente llooey's pond. , TIM. game discourtesy • But *cry : often the • ma?-... °Pened 144 arms But the "leg girt Mr. Andreverhompson has engaged a faleteleaud byetheenume.of Jesie Merritt. 1.1.ieelV'.71CSillith arid: son lettirrinti 18 thor:holne Toronto after spending -a month Fab friends hero. •.• r • STRATFORD.' ONT. . Ontario's Seat . practical Tramming School , We have thcirough courses and experienr.ed instructcirs in each of our three. departments. 003f- N011telaL, SA OR TRANI) WWI, TilLitGRApfrit.. Our gradtlates , succeed and von sliould get our • .birge free catalogue: Write for it at mite. D. A. "del./AC*111AR. , Principal. . . .Crea,m Wanted 'riming up..to-date dreamerY , „ . 18 full operation, .we .$rehr patronage, We • are prepared to pay the highest Market prided for geode:tam, and give an bon - est humble:is. Weighing) sampling and.testing each can Of erettift re- ceiVed carefully and returning a MI statement Of Mme to math . patron. We furnish' two Cana 18 patron, pay all; • expecee • ohm/keit, every two Weeks. Write for further particulara Or aend tertian and sive U3 a trial, Seafarth Creaitteil . . • stook aia. repulted,in a score 4 -•-fl, in favor of line • . ihojeAsjes seelpsegict the best lik. Ald net dater to them. "You," she 'River. . - -'..gaidnoldiy; "hare 1bred- liefora,”-Oh1- 187-realljY-Yefiti*.-- --auger ---iftficia•-•'-cago•ReedriteEleritlit • who. rads at the weather liebainle it i , • .. ,....• woMenwa Way. Sniallnox isreportedthine or a ystein. Reis like theMen ...' .d: from Stephen n- " - ..,•. _ t -coldeor too hot,,or:tenrwint, what idle wanted at theint storeIavingbeen quarantined.quarantined.d et -kir tou s• ellay_edidkn _you ever ovr a xviiMeti to Township, the. family of Albert King ldry. ' . • , - .• •• ,• . ehe came tor' . .' • , house south of Dashwood. has been . We temember a ease Wier° a 'reait,--.- ,lree, my wife frequently doeto,, - slosed in consequence. of the disease, 'ff. --e. *A Selitta, . I 'Call him C -tried 0 -get two ilintilAra.... that Is, she returns to it atter meekDr., MeKinnori, ine,dieal litalth officer .of i tell theta A and B. In both, cases th;1 -.0012 ti:42t1t1" all the , 0.0or sterea;.." .. EtaY To'wtiabilY, ja on *be alert and 'POs- epeeetee mei etiziee have: this, ha 2 Boston Tram**. ' - - , i Ably the schools her may 1.e closed '‘. (deo. '. pened several: times, " for perhaps. Affect ,, . • . iniroivad.. .• • • • filitiffed.-Tatt_of_exarns,, . ethealict 4th. Classe,s-Belie z;e, lel; Idel Griffin; 122; Lottie Mc- Kenzie, 170; Will Johnston, 135; Will MeDonald, 119_;_l•Berta Beckett; 124' _ *Isabel McDonald, 127. • 3rd. Class=rohn Meray,160; - aid West, 151; Stanley rhenium,. 142; Lily McKenzie, '140; *Marty Melvor, 135; Will Benjamin, 132. --- '2nd, and 1st. Classes -Harold Clollin- • no.3.1. herineAtcDpn ItleIcenzte, pe; Harry West, 93. J. 0, Yellaud, Teacher . • minutes. .It looked as if the operate:: nhike-I notice thrtt ion have 10. Laurier had faked that notion about the line being busy. Explanation. •A was taking OD about the very sitle'eet On eeeeh wanted te coneeme With both Of there. . Iloweveri the law shOuld not be w filmed As 18 prevent proper ,r6inei strance • being Made; for the opetator may be at kilt, and'shouId not be al- lowed to iihtit: off a complaint that is justified. ; • We should, like to gee' penalty, not onite`tfl. tetete, inivoaed ea the' man who r11153 you ttp.onti asitatoWhea that epealtingt: That is likelloguig a Maria dOor bell and eoking:."Who horl, anyhoier It le the person who is tailed., not the taller, who hag the right to ask wb� ifeaddressiug 1114, "Get Off. the 4inef' aviator, forninla, that ahould I be ototota. too 41ephono coavetotiont :thread' tied. round Year thget GDP - pose that le' to reMind You 'of wine - thing, .1Inket•Not ezifctly." •to • reallad MY' Ofite it, ask Me if I forgot aothethttnevaha Wit ma to .renierribee.e. igtelainge. . ' • ,/t is *bier boti ng good nto being tiAterProweinott Fordyce ‘(Iiit,Ottdal for last week) ° Daniel ifartin had a wood bee on Saturday last. • Wellington has returned home After hie visit to Dartravele. • Mies Matilde Aleeateler visited at the home of A. Pok, Winteehitrehi One fir 3t week, bpr.4,8, it *Iv • hut pitch difileulties ery. green) Steiettince ',Urti. Robb.. 1LLiv.1 Ij ratutied 'home of the credit ';'or °gringos -11%g. tilt. The Writing the Dqntrtnien of Phydet)., atter spendingcome" time witlt .bo linnet lie fried MrS. II, ter inibrmation And sotio „• Urs, upon licIgnotni roititookt, :kook (intended for last week) • Misses hunk iliaelsram .arni Ella 'Menelieldvisitha at Su, trainee's hot, 1lon:-On Sunday, , „ March 7t)1,, to r. and Mrs Richard BrOWn, a daugh- ter. •e Mike Frannie' and lobe MacDonald • (if 'Ripley, spoilt the week end with their aunt, tire. J. N. Mitacenzie. The house'onted by.faince Johnston was almost. destroyed by 'fire lest PriOtty. The fire *ea .that, noticed by Duna& Miteterirlan Who raw. the flames lotting from the•ROtith-ieett part Of. the loose; 41t be fire alarm was given by means- of thn :Theme Ahdtho neighbors lamed. lately responded to the tall for assist. owe. The fire hid pitied eorieiilerable 1914.11RIEST YEAR.. CN MORD , The -Gaul? Agricultural Oellege. ree lie that the crop year of 1014 waif tiro lest on record ' in Ontario. The precipitation from harvest_ 1913._ to hart tele lacked 61 inches of being unto the - average. This is a shortage of alniott 20%. The College. has often steted that tile drainage wee effective in It CITY seaaen as well as in. a Wet one, and litet year it was ahle? to prove this in tiniest practical way. Since I912 the College has been Installing Practical Drainege Datum). etratirso Plots in parts of the province where little or no drainage has beim done, Thto e plan is drain half of a• fie d, lefty - nig thleotlier halfundrained for com- parison. .Both parts are rowed' to the .etitrie kind ot grain and 1110. trop from each pert threshed separately. Nine plots were drained prior to 1914. The; tieerage Of the nine fields showed diet market _pricee at theeshing time the drained half produeed '04,12 more per acre than she undrained halt, and that in the driest year on •record. In an average setiStn the' average inereaPe due to drainage oVer 020 per 'aere.,.ciiid in a wet season even Porn number of years the Agricul final College has beim making draimige surveys for farmere free of charge, exeopt fot travelling expenses. Thiel offer is ogain renewed Partnere having dreinate ghthirs whether.he is progressive '- or retrogre'siive: He must :use , . the ne3tet, cleanest and .best • printing'he can' if- he -would .1m. press, his. ° busiiiess forcibly Upon - We are HOre.• to .1)o your Printing • with. 4.1enaid equipment and a . large assortment of type ready __to, serve you, We p int 1 Wa The .Way..yo..1j4ipt it ' Who. you Want at Thi Sentinel Presses, Lucknow. , ; all -and See Our Goods • Before Bu m • - Nevv Williams Sewing Machines Frost Wire add Gates Connor's Washing Machines .° • Pure Flax_ Meal - Homestead Fertilizers teeswaier Sleighs Cuters- -only a few left'and will be sold at close prices. AN -DREW- - 41 •`• ese-is-or"eveseeis-meereureirearep-treineeireine.tir. iireirste _ - ).-. ` 41 GENERAL BANKINa. BUSINESS TRANSACTED - ' • CIRCULAR LEflER8 O CREDIT eeetentieri- e -CAPITAL' ' ' RESERVE :.$8,800,000 Sayings Bank Department • ' At- ail ei Brnebear -7; latoriatellowed at Idalietit,currinit rots , T. S. REID, Manager. . . • • 'Capital Authorized a5.00d.000 Capital Paid up $3,000,000 Surplus $3,/50,000 Why a Savings. Account? • It is bestto- put your niliey, in. a. Savings Bank Account herrbecaurret -it is sale; seemid-it is readily available in cash; third -the hatred 'is' Certain and lotoMPL Liteak. Ando, ciwitxtrNa,izite i'hilianger. •,• -**,**•-• • •