The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-03-18, Page 1' 1)4p nows *Log per year, in advance; $1,23 otherwise • ".r „ARP rIVTIF'r, wv• •40117.077" , ISZ1414 & DOWSE LUCKNOW, ONT.; THURSDAY,MARCH 18th.,1945, Single Copies 3 cents. hen -are -You GAIL to, Purchase that .Eilgagemeht. Naw is the time, aS you are going t. he Married., 'this Suminer, are yoP• We havea teaudful line ' of Pearls,' Rubies,- DIat1rndS, G a'r n e t s, etc., especially for the pU itiG.sec: • 4-!;ZP.11 Lajiiii!Et11 Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician . LOCAL AND GENERAL „ 'anat.& MePonald visiteawith friendfi Cloderieltover 4,e,414, • 1• 141:4. MoWbraY has eeeld bi bp on Ross S. to -Albert Boyd. G.-ernith visited with,friende in Kincardine this week.' • A number ofcorrespondents this week report activity nutpleeytitp • Making. Nomine,tions fo,r Reeve ef LuCknew op Monday, March 2.2n4. 4'7:30 in, the .evening Mrs. tff, Holmes Hamilton is in t.oven, this week -vieiting her. mother Mee; J Taylor. ; MreCleve JoyntOl British Columbia ;trisited at the lioma J. W. Joynt a, 'few days latiit Week. 1. Allan,. eyesight epecieliet, w- ill beat Armstrong's Drug. BtOre op ,Tuesday,. *arch 23rd. ,Abbett Lindsay, • who visited, at the hone of hie mother here, returned, Eingeton last 'week. ; . • • Looks as them& the high cost of ing wou soon be a thing of thepast- Eggeoril3L16 gentitthis week. We regret to repert that Mr T L. - Treleaven in•quite ii at Present. is said to be suffering from anaemia„ „ MARKETS tCorrected up to Wednesday ncion.)'' . Peas:, ; • II% ow • • o o.• 0;0 O .50 , 1 75 . bete- . . L .A • t.r f • • .50 Bavley eetee'i 75 .„.„ so: Butter ' 25 26 . Egg; .• . ,„ w.e-16.„ . }legs • .... • 4 8 15 lt TpNTO Wheat. .... 1'40 to $ • Oats, bush., , .66 to 70 Bit.ley, 85 to 90. . Peas, bush,.., 1.. 1 504to ' 1 60 .Timothy, flax, 2190 to 25 4)0 Mixed and Clover., .... 19. op to 31 oo ' Bitled:Tiniothy 1900 to' 20 00 Choice heavy steers.... ' 50 to `7 -7•5 itogs, off cars . . 13 1'35 -Ed- 8-41) Calves.. „... ... . . 9 GO to 1) 00 Spting •6,-'00 to, 8O0 -Sheep, ewea, 525 to -- ,59 'Briber; lb. . 35 to 40. .agge, 28 to • 30 • . Potateeir, hag.- 65 to , 75 • A PAF'ERS , .0•••••=1.1 . Our Stock. new papers is reailfr ••, for r your ir!spootiou., The patterns, : cp-lorS and prices will please you A. large assortment to_chooseirom. • may return remnants or add to your -order -r- without expense or delay aq occurs when -----7:yonlend-out-iof town:- 1:1111111..11111, A. M. .SPRICE' -:-Dnue-swiRE L - MISS J AL AN Messrs IL It. Allin and. Ewart Cam- . Aron 'contributed to an entertainment program at St, Helena on Friday a last. -Rtibt:T. gook, 'whow wvisitiog with his _uncle,. Mr. D. Huston, left op Thure: day for-Lit:leis Head,'-vihere.-he has a farm. . . Bills are out arinciuncipg that repie: sentatives•of the Militia Dep, wilybe in e Lucknow, On March- 24th., buyignieny horses. • 4fr. W. Murdoch; of -Sault Ste. Matie', Mich., who has 'spent the post few weeks in this vicinity, returned to his home 'on Tuesday. - Mrs, Eweii MoKenziehiold-her- emidenseto Austin Solomen, And has ptirchased the property Which beltinged to the lete Mid Agnew,' on 'Haveleck St South. • '. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron, who have been Spending several weeks with friends here, left on Monday for Detroit and other- places,,which they Will visit before returning- to -their home -in theWet • Dr. Robert P. Parker, D. 13. 0.• A., F. S. D., Ophthelmokogist (londont Eng.), eyes .examined, glasses stipplied.. At 'Cain House, one day -only,, Friday March 19th, 12.30 tg 10 p„ in. , '184-75-C. the Seaforth News says;1 Wilbert WebsterOatelir. of tneknow, has - rented the property. On John St., belonging to, -Mrs: M. Henderson, of Detroit ---Mr'- Webiiter secured the c'entract for: carry- ingthe-Maile on -the- itritteirOra lit Seaforthiough Winthrop, Patrick O'Tool, who,:a couple of we -age; hurriedly -left- Lochalsh, -and elateie wen arrested at London on a. charge Of itealing 000,9j from.his emPloyer, -Dan- - MeDeinald, *tided und was re mended for sentence until, the Ma hitt.' In the meantime enquiry -is being made -us. lais-pteviousrecordee--- - _ -; Canadians Wilrbeititereeted-to .know that, the Count,* gepfeliii-,-*lle ofithe , son Of thetamona Gernuin count wire invented the.airehip " a that naine,is a ; Canadian girl, whO was bornin Writhing , in 1875. Her father Was, the late Vir.' 'McGarvey, who formerly lived in,Petio, lea, but move to Austrian ell fields in the early 80's, , , TUE 17the OF IRELAND Shamrocks 'were, yesterd* the Most popular- of aliplente. -11033,-Weree.bei1t• carried everywhere by-everybeay. In- deed; few days sof the Year eall.fei!th- 80 lunch, er mere universal, enthusiasm :than the. day„dedicated to t140 Tem611,'• of tke Patron .Sallit of Irelettd., The story of '8t. Patrick *pot ni3W, and it. may be familiar to many of Rut readers; but a few; no doubt, will• be interested .teerefreek their reenAriej,.114 reetgling Of•ii. few salient ftiots in 'the' life' of the mail who banished. all :the snakes and . , toads froneireland. Here is. the story . . , . •"' „ . , bris; •beeri `fairly welt, eiltabli4ed that P1'. Piitick Wait. born of Jriiih"Par.; ents in 'the village • a - Booavena, Soot, land, in tbe year '395. He was minted $ucat and was scarcely 10 years of age when he WAS Carried Off by Marauders along with his father's.servants anct 'Many ethers to lite county of. Antrim*. Ireland, and sold for the medial worieof. heidboy in theserviceof thejaigankieg . of -Ulster. There during sk years of hardship his spiritual - nature' gretv„ -and developed and when he finally _escaped to his native land he Could not rest Init intard voices calling Win back to ,preach the, gospel ta, tbe Irish 'people. His Parents resisted his desire to obey the heayeticy Call, but her. Could not be turn- ed from. 'his phrpose.. After twenty years Of prepatatieg 1.12,.tye .best centres of learning of that time, he iiturnea to Ircland.in 431 and began that. welder - tut !Moistly which was to be so , • •-o• 4 imnort- ant to the Irish tiation. • Though ' bis ministry was so aueceisfiil, rieVeithelesi. he was frequently _in great danger- and; met many Obits:cies,' but he. finally: tri- umphed -over.all of:these. eta ; If history affords us but me-gre' in‘• forrnation about -St Patrick; tradition i$ certainly prolific in fasciriating steries about him. One of the best known and most firaq believedis the legend which Credita him With the Miraculous ment of all toads And snakes from Ire- land forever. ' Foolish as this legend may seetn, jtis undeniable 'feet that, • outside of4ddlogicaLgardens.anclmenagt, eries, no suakeor toad can't he • fund -in' Ireland, white- both exist in Great Brit., ale This is a mystei y which itatUrAlists- and scientists have failed, to explain. This : sketch would te incomplete . without reference to the mystical Mean- ing of the shaintOck which is so precious t� frishinee the. World over. Its adcip- don as a nadOnal and4e1igious emblem atriase friati the use St.. Patrick ntade di it as an illustration in instructing a ilea- , . then king about the nattire of, the. tine God, the three leaved shamrock re- presenting the great Three in One. . St. Patrick hired•and labored until nearly one kindred years.of age when he died fall Of.years and honour and the people . ---7-- - -110USg PROKEN INTO 'Neves 'Poked lot .1119fieY Bet Oat nene. When gr. ' and "NA neat Taraniouut, returned home trom a recent week -end visit witlifrimids; they •Nterttilirprisec.l, to liiid that the loer of their !ranee had been forced open, A Pane .glass. having beenrentevecl to leci$ ropetatione. On entering the :house they found theither4ad been it• general ° thoughthe burglar' bad. been leek- ing:fer MOneter. other .;:ealuablee. ,In, this pearehhe'bed failed', be no; money had been left in theigtese;• •Not. ,alto".getlivr unreWar114ii, for his ':,tipuble, meting v.allie to only fO:irreir fivedol- ehhtlil4,eerried:aw-a. af.feWWeis, earoll' .lars. • The amountpf property stolen Or thie other damage doneis ,not*so much to Mr: and Mts. Page as the revelation of the fact that there .are in. the 1(103E4 epersoniprepered-to steal when- the op portunitY offers:Since the early -days. Ornettleineiir Patefuoinet residents have .never been disturbekby the thought of housebreaking or Petty, thieving, and this Weir has created a good deal of ex- - eitement. • There-arejef-oursef-suspieions-as-to. who the guilty parties are, but no very _substantial evidence,. ' • TllR$W&RTS uguoit toASP •Judgment Was delivered by His Honcir ..judge Doxle at Ocide#01: en JeiesdaY'Of 104 Week on the appeal frem-the deeke, ioneef .Police" Magistrate Merton... Of Wingham, in the case of •Jno. E. Swede,. • ee Wiegheee charged with the unlawful sale 'a liquor. On the,30th.of September last clioarluoiHtuhnete, Qrn, loaafriT000roonvtlatnesapet.,ciablollogffihi we vere wok handed letter CANADA. ATIHE SAN FRANSCISCO EXPOSITION linew-kadyltiriter laterestingl'y About ft- ' Tile tifritoll iiiturope has so engaged. attention that the opening of:a World's, Fair, or Exhibition, at an Franeeisco, 'Cal., has beep almost therlooked. HQW , eVer, =Oh an exhibition iti actually under, way, and hae been for Some 'iveek. ' "ing'Qi eider* Swart -s' bar .and took .., 14.4c•know , it to his room. in ..the where, 444 11)/ lady, Miss Galia- Bars; he put some, of it intoglierwho Spent the,winter in Califernig bottle and who tipen:t some time to the, Eid:01*. Which be corked, sealed eudlabeled and don( It gives some interesting informs::: thebf 0: I t4foi letor at Toronto, o ?/) 'fr days afterwards t) °) it 1 I •G 14547 80f.1.11."11dine sgb‘ow7ladO RanWkilettl Se :.ibeWte474mtitilY6.'eantICcle`:, god especially .11,bout.the -.Canadian eminent analyst. - • that the letter was written without ' any The analyst certified that the contents thought of publication. The receiVer of proof :spirits. of the bottle contained 0,2 . Per cent. of it thought it would be of intere.at to Sent-. . inel readers. It is In pert'es follovve: , The ssle of any beverage containing over 2 per cent: of proof spirits without We went to Expositien at:might-and itaVithe-won4erfulilliirninailon_ and the license the'Liquarin.- cense Ad. ' iinTi'buildings. To try to describe it is ,haSiond' but it eertithily le mittni&' The prosecution was: mit, commenced for nearly two montliti after the smile cent, the "Tower of Jewels", being superb i atnight; the coloring of the bUildip4f4 wan taken and analysed, at 'which time ornamentation, etc.; being beautiful with the defendant'had none Of . the cider 14'ft; and he complained that by the • orownts iy_a walked aboulLit_the search -lights plagyi40...Ing Upon May he was opportunity main courts, etc., that night and went to n_ the Of, defending himself by cdmparison of Lae cidereinehis -possession-with the„ bed very tired about'nndnight sample analysed. - CHURCH NEVYS_ r•PlIE LEA.a11.-The meeting' of the • League on Monday evening was in, the form of a. St Patrick's Social itt 'which -Olivet:Leagwerevieitors.. The Nnn.7 Merit Of the Church was prettily decorat- ed With flags and Shamrocks; The visit: ing league gave an interesting -Program, topie being "The Life of John Bun-. pie". :AtterMie Prograin ten` minutes wereallowed tor all to 'seciire partners, for which slips had been giyen. St. Patrick'soontesteivere then enjoyed.,by. all. After answers were react, a dainty lunch was served, and the evening was bought to a close by a vote cif thanks front the Olivet League to the Luelrnow • League for, the pleasant. evening sPent, . - - - gvEstairr simciroadt -17 .v14 he if• -- J. Garitet -------1--DrutStore--,------ From,2 to 11 tr. tit., Tuesday, March 23rd • Eyes TestedAnd Glasies Supplied. CREAM WANTED .;••• Barn ffurtiAd_D.oin *destructive fire occurred, about one mile west of Whitechurch on SitturdaY aftetnoon, by which Witham ,Pattenthi lost his barn and some hire Stock. A. :gang of men wereat Work with a steam engine Mating wood_ not fer frOui the berniand -it-is. thought thaexparks-from- the smokestaat were . carried into. The baseMent and starved ,the firS. The fire was CliscaVered about two *leak in the afternboh-tvliett-ooe' T.N1r.' Patterson'S sons entered:theastafila-and discovered it luiPotamoire. --• 'Ives. '-about, la: give the akirni of flame shot; up in the passageway in frOnt •of the horses. The horses and -cows were-litir;. riedly gotten atit,liiit tWo. calves -a11dnumber . of -fowl fall victiins-tEabellames. AbOnt 5 tons of hay and oVer g00 btishels% oft -oats Were also burned. Thongh. the building: destroyed was ban hirge one, the less to Mr:. Patterson will ecriP eiderable as be had.only-.0200 itianitinee on the- -btEria‘La.rid..: house together,: and hone at all on the cdntents. A Italy -Spot 7 • • : 'Plea 71; here intim for th9: past few days presented a busy scene. Many levelers have decidedrioliiy in a ..0001totnaattoil_ and numerous_ tanks - 'IA kitty and fifty lett, the station...during the past, .Yreek, The al ttitiye_fl_ft.t station in it huge. tatik Obtaining. six thoulland gallone. Be sides those engaged in hauling home,oil; large quantities Of farina machinery have been taken. by farmer throughout the surrounding, country. Sister Wed tuittieniy We are in the market •tin buy • sereant, sweet or sour, at the high- est mai ket price. We Simply two calla free 'Ed each of our patrons, pay express themes, pay twice each mouth, cheques at par. Re- ceive cream -any day in the Week, test each can recetvcd, and send our paroliti a Atatement of 'same, Write ,for cans and. give Otir • Creainerx trial.. \.11eferentei Any • • • TlallAVEN•i RATON Ps* treenierYo Peheerttee, oat; , L- • . . Mr. *Wm.. Connell Was over in cs'arrick Township the end of last weeklattonding . . the funeral Of bis Stately Mrs., Darling," who died very intddenly on Tttesday. crwas-drivingwitlrher "siin,-.-WilliaM, on the way to Belinore When lite -was stricken with heart failure arid passed 'away before any assistance could to given. She was. bort it Ayrshire, Scot- land, dfears ago, but coning 'to' this country in 1801, the greater , art of her life WAS Holt in Carla, where hi 1884 iihe WM Married to; Mr. Darling, who tewing meeting on Wednesday; Making ' , stirvives. ' Betides Mr. COmlell Of tOichs bandages, tate., for tho 'soldiers, Miss I). S.-4 should very:mu:eh like a reply there is living a brother, 'John, In Pot- Tres, tinaterson, of 1307/vie,' is to be . 1.from you. My address for the next Ida,. and' $ oisiert' Urn. 3011114011, in present to give inseterions 0l1 how they lu"th id Serg' Pric°s l'it l'It'limiek° 1 .-- ` shire Wavy Batter risitdow .rtoad, TO an.. ' . ' e• . : '1)4° t° be tnad.°1 .• " Olielni° efOtd,YmitiXt 11,Staildi ' together.. CliEL-(41.T1i.TD '-41.01106110Wv; the -4139. .and his poetry, wact. the topie at, Guild last Monday evening. As .the subject, suggests, the Literary COminittee was he,elutrge. There was the metal good -attendance, and the meeting was favored with a vieit by Mr: W. Miller and Miss Clark, of -St. Helens. Mies Clark con- tribilted two solos. to: the evening's program„ bothof whichwonehearty ap- Plause. Mr; Alvin; Cameron gave bidgraphical sketch of Longfellow and a number of readings and recitations Hips - dated the peet's lucid style and „lofty thought. Miss Dean Geddes read a number of selegted qtiotatiOes and those plescot. were given the opportunity of ehirwing Their ianilliarity with '`Lonfr:. fellow's poetry `by &mein as tothe 'poem front Which the quotation- was - triad , , The Devotional Committee will have clutrge next MondaY, • evening When "Favorite Books of the. Bible will be th .„ The case was tried before Nilo Mag- istrate Morton atelVingham and Waidite. 'missed, and the appeal was taken against the magistrate's decision by permission Of the Attorney-Generik The poiut -aeLissue,111.,,the..OfnleFg,e ..yeliat was the proportion of proof epirite in the: cider at the time it was sold- by the defendant tatheGoverriment Official; The certificate of the 6:;vernment 'anal yst showed what was in the battle on. the 5th. of October Evidence was giv- en et the trial concerning the condition of the cider .While in the • defendant's possessionethere was also evidence as to the.impossibility of fermentation. The OPinion of Judge Doyle is that when the defi3udant received the cider its alcoholic strength *as under Of 'per 11115-0A1S GOT THERE cent., and thee the increase or Percent-, ge-foniut-by-thean' tayst:was.due-nd..t.-to- 'tsrmentation but to the addrtion of proof spirits. His 'Honer, held that -it - was equally within the power of thirinform- ant, who bed the liquor in his possession ler several days, as it was within that of the defendant or his son-in-law, the bar- tender, • to tamper with it. In order to ConvIct-the defendant he would lia:ve to find that he Or his son-in-law not only put in the extra spiritetnitalso denunitt: ad perjury:by denYing it. From a busi- ness point of view the informant and the defendant were equallY interested; "as each lives by his business," His Honor finds that the charge bee not been proved against the defendant stbeyend a 'reatiatialile doubt' d dI is the ap- peal. The deiendant-receiTes-a,--portion. hil5-:COatiS. --Cciurity-CroWn Attorney'Seiger, who prosecuted the case, asked for a reserved case on the qaestion of tne effect of the analyst's certificate. This was granted. -cloderich `Signal - Whin last fall the contributions of , oats and other articles were being. ship- ped from Huron County, Alex Graham, of the 10th Con. of Howick.,. put a eard bearing his name and address Into Sack. 0loateeitiking-thet -the party- otiening- ;the bag Would COmmunicate with :him. Last week, according to the Forchialf Record, which rektes , the story,' Mr. Graham- leteived the -following-leder, which explains itself: Beddow Road, . Pine River andt Mrs„-C-Itan-AiittLiainily- are-. Risiting Intends in this vicinity. • , We are sorry to repert • the- death -of • • Thomas Harclie'an- esteemed residntof ourcommunity. ' . • , 'Ilie'Bethel. L. O. L. is still booming., They have received e:glit applications for membership., They will be received --en the -evening of Merck 20. -Six mein-, bers took the .Seatlet. Degree on' 'March --Thweio'sing ineetittg-of- Study Class Will be held at the home of Miss Alice Kirkpatrick on Friday cyan ing of this vietqc;\ The meetings through out the winter have ;been 'Profitable and instructive. . The ladies of Bethol are having a Chelinefoed,.EsseX, Eng. Dear Sir:- •. • • . -- 1leeee..musktiltire in acceding ....to -your. request that- the- party findingr .your eard• ,the sack of oats should eorreenetid -with-you; :--I -found-your card:•in-it-consignment oLoats delivered -ton-i-e:ife'Vareiftinen-LIWFeh, 1915. " We are a Ifeav# 'Battery of Artillery awaiting orders to go to the front, anTfoTtliFTerrof oui friencla,",appreciate the kindness of Our brothers in Canada. We have been .. - training here for sii; menthe now, and they are sending smite of Canada's men mit before us, arid, although. 'we envy them going fiist, We feel r.7.ry proud of the men who have dune so • far Ito "de their bit" lot the Old Country. am a Set geant it our Battery and therefore -41avechateiejoLidlont_30_koreea, e 64 That anyttlitg that :weals ts ,the tvell.being of cur horses appeals to us, ti -at 'wl.)Y N% 0 Appreciate Ontario's gift of oats. ' Aar enclosing a photo of myself SQ that you will sae it is , alright what I state, With bAst. wishes. Yours sinterely, , T.. Pnigt. r mkt to go alone en Wednesday, .as Mrs. Colville kft• for, Los Angelee.. that Morning:: The colorings of the buildings are rnuch more beatitifill at night (my humble opinion), but it ,is a gorgeous affair viewed whenever, or howeVer,"you may have a Mind te. Many the but1 lige 'are" hi ebiiiPlete, and- iftnifiTi-telieite?; wiJI nev.erbe_ cenipleted. , Some_ tat the incomplete ones, or rather ones that are not opened yet, ere; . Portugal, France, Onba, Netherlendie.Aratine Denmark. It °Will•be &erne months yet before -some of them are opened. Alady fibin New "York Was telling Me (coming on the train from Sae Franscisco. to Portland) that on Wednesday.she was at thededication Of Ilite New Zeeland buildiege: She seiel the_deciteation was spendeily gotten up -gooa speaking, Musk., st:s.,aod telling of the Priigreati , She said. she felts like 'getting tip and telling- them that. 'a' °t3 *aflame On flough.SL, uouSe lately rem, va-t 0E4' .11t:-SA-lartu-OlirktENT---.§ I f -ca 14 • there Was one thing they -lad torgotten , ea cottage with 8 rooms, And w000stal.k lard:anti soft watereesreenientw etable-a ti4 to tell and that was about the municipal • thheinthAusuael:toalsr°a.fruoreiottrlatlaittlidlogrfifue$1/14:;:14 ownership of railways. „ child living to sale, 7 years oldt gentle to hamae. i4 the sub• urbs can alweys have . a free driver or ploute gA, Mare,' or for cutler ,14 VC& 18.3.tioruk.. I,Apply Wilson E. Eiglesonolatetno .tr Only:A few 1 A. comparatively small st I number of.,1-lanfilton i Watches aro made everv i year. Their extreme acu curacy and .ale 44,10- ment forbids making them in large quantities. ' Cs' - . .. 'ark RathaadInatioatrofifoo*.;%. . Not only the man or woman who. .Wants a very accurate watat, buys the Hatnilton--batthe individial whaknows about watches usually dernach the Hamilton. 'we sea -Ita-ifrap4°Ani-74'sreons'inioviluPle4rt fflyft i„ • Yeur-Pregenr-wateh cAtie‘ Allilizes-- 'coy men end wereem 1 F. .T.: ARMSTRONG . - A I ti The Satisfactory Jeweler and -Optician j EVERYBODY'S COLUMN . . , wB WAW an Raw Furs, , We are oayiti . 100 cts, for tho-dollar'S worth aud'3,5.i. a 1,, 'for' horse hair, Mi.irmasolki's dinx Gooi • in.Ortga:gesanaitello, atreasongbto rates. Firaulithii.urixilioa.,..0..!..4 GO A. 11thJAL1 JJaIi 1 Chei ,._S• a 1 e t, hbo-lituei du:M.10,741i . tor, car of American arriyea. cat B • -; For Sale SEED BEA.NS.-A choico t o • selected whit: , beans on hand. Yriee *10 1Juktiel ter Li next week. . . D. Urquhart, ' • -• Gram and OntliticalMb. 26-3-100p. • 1 RcusallAll.itarit• FOR S1114E,--Good frame house and ' acres of good, black soil seeded With rim •othy. good water. Situated j east at %IL; • railway at Con. 2, K.iniass,140t • • further particulars apply to • • Box 2. • ride to school. " The Canadian . building is • siinply, s . Auction Safes grand, being -fully .equipped,±I.L.is_.B., D. A, goDO,NiAbD & Solsi have depided to p11.. splendid looking building and the inside 1 ZleostIn'PAresg.laet:fs()=IrtataY4age9W tt" ' attempt, however. •On one side.is gtven • - ,...... cr,...t or 6 per CMG. per antrum off tor efts... is verygowl aes to quilaaFyilj.ut'lr°'ve:rin.11:17:otactikoani2:teitis; •••• is beyond descriptidn. •I shall Make the • • Vitewreo!rageirvhsatfere with milts`,?1%"•:: I an idea of the animal life, etc, animal 18 -3 -60 -e - and bird life being set up in tile midst . of ;apparently natural surrunndings, elioin,eatatOliele;..Fa-liggesiegie,L,Fliet, prb.o it grasses, rocks, etc., `being about.. thein. ally strong -id-67ciii-acliiiii iteiies-eittriely- e-iitutedlii"ti=ieV.4441-.-A*-8191)°.I-Pc'eswatvr; ' - - A.- '---- . ., nous departments • • strew, and for stu.o at aright ,price.mAis)toll'i - animal, of ti, hettilycxcellii'`,d'`... On the walls of the va ' d ..grains and. gresses... The mining iodos- Riverside Poultry -FeirniTT tries are well --represented by inirieralS, - also-also-by-a-dianffilliw-.0far• i . ggs .011, toi:rilthruttnsisse.ealase:tenOgnstiviteng ;11.urilin r, WItch shoWs the main mining., districts, e 11 111 4.1 Bull fo(r Sale, ". er We are ofteri Iv for . 1 ' ..e.ted. tro.0 .6 The grain: Production is Shown by Min- Reds (13usliman-. I iaturepietures of grain fields, e:evat,ors, :tilielINA; Sr.treiteelti.Vnti=telirairlislitiferuil 1 1 4 . ' dock of buo bird s6 )olost'tg&'111.1T."; C. II. . .1 - - 'plebe' od iirloAti: '--- . or Tompal.,i . inform mtieuil sfastir.t4siitihrt.epiannig.ot:ii.P:trini5tie:d11.0 caartTed. 8., ..!:11112'11;6-aring:4;i'wel'ill.°"1:e1:11C'lliarR73-f-911111:11Z-1?.t" 41.rkwil‘k bre from their neaviest trap nestea&,,,i3O:0* );,: ;- • Ant:ones (the. town or-eity bird; thatkart-1' trains carrying grain, also the water ''d tion, lands yet asailabie;'etc. •The show:--tki'0",r4::;:nLIPA .0br..en errotubtreirlocanttutoaenku tienat _as* IV1' aelitlettth 1.41.tliieititt:,: -: - :itig of Preserved fruits of • all „kinds. is tea Iteh beautiful. ,: . • • . ., , . quality of greeirdticks, weighingtii•rput.462uttoi.? . . • ___, _ Ivois.ofizpi tt.:1 jyTekt .1-!riggs ,c: oaf eg.gs pp painiingS, back -ground of apple trees: be- -re,-Iiiirig=rlitils-vh_.4:405h-1:713:eidu.°.:;,,,,,y'r-tTiliftit7.----- - Then a splendid space is taken up with Apra 23h,, 6e. a pwce.•Dvutelk6F"''', .11u :c.::::::: . c ere -ing-robbed--".01-- the• ir -gle.-rY-434::". , pleke-ls-ree-tinitet*i'l-e"plAittieeteeiiit."4° ,-e,tee-_,tilgoeje.3Ti'n:atill:att;:s41:::. great h.eaps beieg.spreact about' a d then_, . parts Ot Dee; jiiii. ii:ilifFeb. ,•„. , wher7- that reaches the ground, nattutil• • . : • very harinonions whole. I, don't know s . .._apples_are_dreouyaround-whiciquak,es.a whether I have made you knort'. What I ..meant 4(1 not, but the painted picture and the. natural fruit join and you ceu hardly tall where One ends and' L he, other' . begins, but the natural fruit strewn near • the picture ninkes it all wonderfully re. alestie." Then the staice:,betWeen -the paintings and the apeettitord is eeverect *Ali grass atictirotted-riirer'llthl 'sflatiiiif artiatic groups are bikkets (daintily made , . _ _ .. and artisticelly.shared) filled with that most troederful fruit, Or Canadian ap- ples: 1 suppose all the varieties are re- presebttd, but it is certainly realistic, beautiful and artistic. Words fad tOele scribe the general completeness, beauty and realistic qualities of our Canadian _elhibit taken as a whole as to building - exhibits, etc., and no CanaAiancan leave our building without a. feeling of elation ,...tarnira.d ant.,;vdottdeiddlpirkide;riuttelpaticijoy int;not%r ichiou.anyi,tolatiwpareekw.tratt_titlantlitur . :Mimeo Workers' • . The members. of the Womeeti COM- . " mittee of the Patriotic . League are re- questea to meet in Miss Boyd's roams a.t O'clock Saturday afternoon, the ecitle for the purpose_ of paekincthi-linished 'thatethosewhohave tnislied gartnenta on ivhieh they iiitarbeeii .working, will - kmdli,send these ini.soiltat.--they-May, be included with those almadyreturnede Ait Opportunity . ' r • • i" I. • : For a young -lady' who wishes to take a course in '1.distOwei Business College. and•get her board. free of charge. we: can offer.boarcl in return for companion-. Ship and light services in the home of an -elderly:lady to a younglady-who'wishen to take Fmse at College. Must come 7%Yell recomidenclede -Addresere- • . , Itowtie G. MArrnaws, principal, - • Listowei; Ontari0; , Everitt:1ton* R. H.. Rew, C.B., concludes, an -ills? trakive article on "Food Supplies in War Time," being one of a series of 'Oxford Pantphlets, after pointing out that Great Britaitmight hold out a year if actual- ly hiochitada by saying: "Farmers, In my belief, will prove, in this crisis, not --virivorthy-to-be-imutryine -those; who are heroically defending British Jmmen and hearts etthe fields of Flan& They detheirdnty by -work big their utmost -often under grave difficulties-to•ineititain and, ilpeseible, increase the produce of their farms, not because it is (as in fact it will be) pro. &able to do s , but because it is tits desire,. no 1 than the duty, of every in his own sphere, to do his part to help Ms country in am tithe. e-laUletKer Short Term.of Years DEBENIMS Interest Coupons . ' Payabla-145112YettElr. _ INtEGOTIAB!..,E Astets7-:$7.)48%39. The Great West Permanent Loan Compri 17 20,King Se.West • • • • Toioxtto Represeented . jos. Agnew, Lutknow, Ont ,Mortgage Sale of Fariniti West Wawanosh I:TM& and by Virtue of the Power of C.1.1'0 contained in a certain retristered atertmn.6 which ..0 ill be produced althe thilo of tele at .( upon which default in paynitiqt has been 500,i4,, there will bo'cirered far sole lly_pubhe.a.nor'l at thelleGarry-TIOURO• 111 the Village of Lue:i ., now. in the County of Ilrucc. on Monday, tho - fifth day of April, 1015. at 2 o'clock in thea.li r noon. tho following hind's naniiilvi All thst ....:.,' in Oitr building' , but SA rettinie was verY- .".‘iir:!'411:::0:1:351'iyi'74 1,:na:',ebea .:::::::01'61'14 irL:iii:tt::4:1-1--- svititald:oee sortie olt.,tdli°0; other- psrts; so Wnee''''141N:fm.4'1.g'14trn 1Z.:Alftlit;,25,53,;;':.?4,i': limited, i could inO, Ott ihOtight I' oyinc_o at cotta141,,ligilfPtutY °I' a of that Order, are not natural buttmidels aft .t'ilisifte.rasni;:clvtithat the ‘buildir,g I was leXttpdeinctginiig to 'see was tinoperied. Atisira- TtAyhO67liatir4litstrd egfg"sit?rit4icrejtIoNtli*tniefttansii(,fli:29t214e:L.. lia has a fine exhibit; hot their fruit:, etei Lair iVii tile'it rge6ttiA°0 la It'V&'%tttra .. . e me ranagring about and Crt:caiTrIslilk"w iiiirPelt .14reirta...1'''''144 ' ' txtre witnelt interest in thirty two , t ee.ee ei;%0`11tistligt.Tqat:ttit.laignabYmal.)de're- ';'..-1)-1-: barn .480 • anklIr 411(1 1 If. 'I 9 'l'.w. 1 ii pi it linth lei 6igt: IN .• 1 of the buildirigs, but spent of her treittliietielea). rttlaulitayenlpallthCxatt'aii 1 teharteamsititimp,us :00, AintioAljith, eitoibiti the . Ote tteh 'better .i'irkprgit. or to lou,u Pou-rs, Atictinneer, liot hy adoeil birth, .• 4i0ti% Datettattiedesklithia.utiolq a kao, • „ , • J . • '