The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-02-25, Page 6-1 , ��'# I"MA the total roturn of ftr"Jo IN ONJ ^ N'%.X 0 aadhoedro" T4 the country, ver largely 4*peij& upon cultural meth. 40 r*04494 by the indivklual far *a &A"16, *�# Twhexi 1�j Xr. J. J. Ta ey,, Ex.log"ttor ot mr, as well as,upon the are* sow X440 thereto. Hance, with ey f4rimer On thc doing big grain aeeiliu better than ever belore, handlitjt his, hoed crop As it 41wAY4 11hould e, but '04oi PeOP10 MOM inviting Aelds of labor oeuever is, in tbe'way of than *he school. r40OM, and by the INIShIg X arl Lmb�. 1%YMe11t*t Uoyermist'CAMM& Ing 4 rxsuli�h,.Aad keeping'free from U,p to lwt tbo �Goyernwieut large '%rc-45 lu X�e*'Ois- weedi, Such -an iaermcd return. per In no pther greator profts tbs gptircd on, Or"ta to rural ocUo6l* were b4aed tar**) which Ore eoinstutly x"uir- acre may be %Dticivated iq this ng more teachers for their new cou of fed Wely on t4e &Vora ntry As 14`0111 4stonish- t4e far- Iconsuracd than jA *lot *CboQ1J. The large, growt11 Of Urbap wer himself *ad no, re d,ga far tow4ts eu- �raisinx nd feedii 144Jzri. ceRtr1eK AIOQ� dM. and* mauv a4di. abling this colintry to, in of the to r.0 6rof his cer- tiolaa, cot the ex- The-peopre who mi thili �P44.3 muttrs re the Tm4lthy, ,Oho z Bmall.ftbool UuOit by * the.�jupplyjo , and t�Us 'reduves tmordinW_demands the Inother- ro r rural se'llools. laud, is aure to'wake, upon First r Spoond Ql,asaieawhar. to Uri. willing to (pay tho hip"hest, V46 U whom .a, liberal salary was paid,, cthorough �la­ljty—j"ighf� would receiveleagovernment iew aklaries, �wbich arfe, w- Yff anlkr d than a lar"r school t^ugbt Ago were very small "have, Pays Well. Avlose obi�rver of the and Mp and 4-C 400-hairo 1� r6lJoWingpoint . low beett'inera aw h ve opoen t, -of. le,411 m, -Priced w MY hes-lit connectio It' The certi 'The Oer4 a in be, tender 4n hi* wa* no li the P44 fivo years.. er4ip e roductio 4006 hold by tb,6 feacher skndllkip, salir, Paid, to ale teachers in 1968 1910, would work 'woudem Let us ervation will salary poid, ocime %xi rural achools, jUcIu4 all try thera, jug, the uuo'r* erAl ea o f'the � usi tors is do , awiount of f*Aized 4istrits, Fap *405 . W,Mako'eyory prearation termiuiag, th t16 le for �seWing lone before se�'dlxig 1 tual, Oxpollaima grant miable f6 tthe actwol, -the figures granix wqrsi� also paW %O. ppoiclav were, reWtIV91y' ',*536 timip cwea. a (4).Lolean, test aln r 00 Oft- And 1*404. efore A, a *Yrnsent'4 FiOt or 0 eo4nd T1116 is -a decided #aprovemeut, u your atOf ue as. yet lo'hot U 8 In* teachers. lu 41*raet�r of o t florseq, irnesi'and''ImpleM6 t mxiy- vu- IUo first essoitial Of aUcc6as I$ hjaheep, have godd;,war.m _Q scolahouse, WO -0011410000f 601101 tulip Oat Van, be done- �beroke geed time. that t�ey- J4.0'" remims,'a e mqum q, i t4te or 'expedito. di ^te o, favili filso 'See Ing Ian;l A0.4h. The, Doset& the,, tP� e afi 111pp in$ the amotiot, of jo.eab bromod foir eA, v lmb 311A. Lqs� e at 'ealfoxi tbxt- t4qy' ;01 �,b spy, when e 'at 40 I t 44`46011-r4or Ora,. it r0mQue pet btw,ther,,q,eriAq ' "': * % erbad *Mont beliefloial'ie reed geet favor, I texchiisra" - sattsries a e"r �`Qif, trevolies'to'those faci ng, &,f achrsOt -Qur wh*t a" _iicho6l prery.4 4id 'Tet lk xxie4na, �igger crops. As an� mergenc�, fi ade,)Ase. of in the V landers.dain n,'the Frencilt, U611960tter kept ftrUldr whO.' is Ing to otare iii the there are those who,take au 0 Tlerforim every,, p t'. ave AL eMPIOyillK some, of their QLWn old,44whioned- m 90 ifies., 1t,A0U1d1bW* ppo t , in, Semo Places, bee oMaontioxied in this Wite View., Ailpagioo m;xybe ieces that for I0tg­V1MQ':hiv-Wefi co-sidore b4i a M411 icpjo-� I t I ad: in fho light- of histo -A *ties, ng weU, 0.40=941 x connection t6t. 'Do - ths prAtic0ble. fn thM obgo.jete, a istil, were,to]4, &,regular htini-iou,nd, -01 ewes.wA with -a the total Govem- ely..'oonstruptvd iind ewipo lit Disc and! hikrzow he 4 ork,*there'w soon its' the Ge an, trench -mo !"lit gratitt; to rlital 06064'' , e w' I nd 'u rtir - *at� ae-en at Per �e d' wage, inJhe*r6Qna1s, f, the oldeo'Freo'c fort- e -Up, all we u is. r4piquire Perfect Seed bed jjL Ioereof war., in rum, rtfrom 6L Ithe seed cafFfull" -with n'o -IXL V o #110t( way it w44 that the curioud-� oent. 'rng-, at 2a,with the'sphobl. 'from bad 4rivingi no. bi �1�9._Itx as -eallvd, ant.terit typo mortars, ­60two Of ewe4 the 6ired D istRet -Xodet Seb�,ol Mabliiked' We mky orgauizq,4 got anks. from' in 11 -for rinj With black 1�oowder L' caSt-iiQu',WQaPoA of ouis-Philippo'a reign Achowl ast- Plugg,cd drills, -0ed Sewn woo, 4iro'bshellay-tame to make t too Rh la the It de,6 othor. piece e at,1Ue, front. With fill 4 a Of their thier. 14c pepirale rapoi :all the, lit-veAr W8 asmallit abe em, -494 414Y isozI4 pfix reg ' ular- deep Mough, according to their. Short deeply �curvingirajepto,)ry, P, 4 uae, f a -'big, bii.avy: of District xode 1Y tOl aclx*ol anit. thon'-we' 'tion, soil I L ' eentage 15f ewo not . Aer and confli str ; tiV t , '11 opeaed for th UP e r PI aif. thebi _ ar e purpose of prdvld�n Inib the Wh Le matter into, thei hands After i"din a9 ng. with4ho *,G at V ight time fpr.tho'early 'of tea&L .mau, tre -mortars1p, geuevO breed ho- Ti a lower upt grade of teachers f-br,"o- -It, has lboen ii;011 to lambpxid th' we la bg LM be ega,o from 0, low' W0864 to.achiper SO is-1ho, .(4) :.Sei that WRt . isr furrvis that the *or 4io improve4 It at kind -of -weather rams, that they x sues,,, nor Ono Of the - fill ewo.A: to reta 04u$ are " ted he's. 1�by -be, -use, of' V460tioA.. 'or , schol, " Water �nll qot'riAo above run, w ore XTS & time. 4ake xbQ Is It eded, f6r�Mgreatpart.bf th e lle� xn',ght -be unabt�, to U Ountain wh6hc�i it. 'is I _ I F 1AIN to re SeooO '*e I (0) Keep we HE' sehoa e 0 e4b& nchock. 'lass ieicheii .at, opuntry houses V ng1ana,-Q1J.yeden- inly the.. I n -4, aw years, a, 0*4 NEVER W N4 re- Ull Ing Thame's, dias been hand6 ON J)orseis�,will the quece or failure tit Aug4st, witf e, ' :' ' - To IV` eks Aer, 0 ver a peirov of se Moen' O.'Wv, �.e�q a, is. '10. L situated -on the, bank6 40 I in& Qrethor*x1gb-*otk tixtejid- ail -d. the "tort-Acates afe "known as sPonsible for succe r. to and. do of the e4ulpatioit4l SY -Do not economize, io� lab.or.,at, W, Major Wi' �13 wife was heth I .not perrat, stem, .1-1 � 6- �-­t- .71) A, L "' ' isRe& Society by Y',ST,.o em to engage w,,.tll The requiroinents �'of. th6 40 . _RM9 : f e the Mgrjn0aAhA",gie replae pr Ae, 6ed timie. and', m6p t9" dt course - if -it last iny sellooLat. will, An- engagement tinso, dew6d v�uoh In, 'than. tlle� rw. after the fie �dbed`ieexqi nuade, i e than. Cat, she aW-a yp6rfeeb p or; A�.e coul&-Uot'at all, .Under, wit�'Po,sslhle, .for x -man to aeporq May ra ML bttwoe,4 --and a teather 09-o' UecAsisryAe"obtAin,* JQrAll ore the ti�Usteea. book knowl this ing Have 'go e- -.grade Mrse m Sayl, a- atLil re4!$�O.W. bushel �istand wl ertificate e l6ed b &certificate, Behind the',c atid. '12113ease, k4_ bad. h4p 4d -"b de #,�ffiijhipkov t by the jit -an .... To -Sunim riie-� ears tri ato�,to..Lpsadipp. ]p l(Ch.L. a he . ... .. Forcecl,- jt�tq o Mor4 epop-_ prove there miia� be the , teacher'. 6. Wh`o;kno*s%tb Owl of ah ae you-qiiasti6ned lie out -of bfit 1b is, leoer- e ,00-11*4 to MWst be. -blie, G laxight.� Ta 1' bll Surren4r. dt.-teady forijeding now, P 6,w* Lodge, w i vlalkts?" 11viske queq. resent time �d� v I e 4S. �41t_thi, Ithe secltiox� Tbis, qnigen�egt 01,44 with land tibe oughlk o�vn. d" athe p dei�loped, 4tands X -V gr0ll)), c -the. end.- of Use .good seed the -main lite Ge*grti1')hIc Soeletk at -sr','men, ontrAnbe to drive has ljkel� ifiai. la wrvaai b, wnIC 9V as Preoparet.,jhe folioW pt-!�ded overby the tenatits,to - Wasifti tMM more than iy So'seed* ell hit throiv Tem. -at nly for SIX be he'. -ma -e th luwp�s of to eImobs should begib.-io, drop'.' 'it coutinuedr it mus�, ho� known the, School Arts kfow'seed We] Y, ­Xajor Alt ill1119. Me4t con'd0rul &I ors'11he. d nd- or, jj�. Wha�. the And e objectl r. �g­ MotZi 'Ve. Of the.'r al subjeo!- room tappet �he keplied.'. 3.1 the 46,*e oadifloils t ih la9t. week it Adition$ The crops of 'Stiff, Lorralne-, each. JuvaSiOn -6 boil' his are pv,uar'-' 7 -the ti�re hing;---a,._pI;tyf ul- bo -A 00 fei b- r "of As ci�ilizatioi� fto ' teA �.iGtor�quakers I %n District �Iodel $4 ow -19,61; th, thj�'boxs: 'kilitom At' h a re 'RL i L* _est,, els.- at do -has Af More� aly, each SUeL a.Qhristmas,,L1Pr4sents,- di& 1% ist d 1870 It hrive, much Whe;o­the'Di9Vrid %ba.01 in. area d, ;containing ye kVerL eeli Ogrjr!04, by A pupvy.. pohaps., gl.r. 0. losand the lit, done to, ioi7 cogerne quires, that iiicreaae�, the"qi E h net arriia frbw time have lifted e8s e, wero opened there 4is uo�b"is gaittity �.O In tO 61"d P iT 11�) tO0 �Pft._ , NVt 4 - 4-— "'D - ---' -the Frach In 1870 =6�.g owes XL the, U -0 -sit b t mea OW$ 'III n risti�jii dered to -t the',-4t� owever, ar - go 996#x6ent of pip, - es, Aobacco famine an,Ct d�lSejoer- riiher than to a shaxlkUbis. fed 61i the -iight kiiid of 4, W mate -Modernized, io,tuable them" the' 1oastern- h waling. AR4 .1 6f �n4ante won n -n lotted, it sticks 4e'lbi�ok anc io nd ig.are Ow, J Y.- rZMSf._almoRJt'd on t4hink-thpre haV.e been ony ellis-b6s6 aad 16ards _esi, up, sown' t mpleg- 0 the- 'stores and hati, hangeil-hands o.w g-hiMien-i Out, to rgd, amoiin, t Tilx4ee. of sch<Vols Cos. �iere 'si oMw ;adapbed t work _n midk, g an( sefette4a6 Model.Sihools "is And: peas! af ter thoiiough. the 4111316'fOrtiess has 6 fb6 houi c *.ero'no- d'ed tifie4.r that. t in Tltc� rej I "'sure17 en'unaer the. peiion?"i Sp changes hkve ru ensilage, roots.,' c si I aa n, and these rq ent,Farmor .0 urns wou 4J, �ck .. C loier h %fringetaebts mWe ion be er vening'A-fid anliolipeed once Joight, - bb- 'oni if 31oft, ik 'h*y' v1s beell tiffected , -fein At a n `w-ee ir. the, Dom involl better thes of Captain. -Blake: Owing jo by treaty.eand-treadhery and for'all t1haI the, hou§6 '. wa,& egran - ration of corn pQrary. Six, be ''al I on, famine; !Jilt 'never: by force df witqhe, "and she, ga;v . e ii.u� 8 seed n1gid'and,wli-eat bran xna�6 e iia tiAree, y'.&ars of i6ir exist- -his pro;er 'hu,v- sili6uryL Plain Th. Metq, DI: -had found a ideal iWon' rapia grow ach0011i Mrere during ioA. Grange Mr., X U., Drury's This is, true v,hefb 'Ir L the crop the teirible. stat4' of the rb4As 6 Rommis'. k 0 ed .on, 0f 11he, L ee� I as. ay or flowed -th, I ll�tfo� at- v6du . at, 4s = loofah onges �tL --I toL d—A)t- -the � 9 �. ­� I two athuagn it; may. notbi-iiii 00. sw. 0 O f �Soap, elhbLo ilelv` that it iwilf i . 'Idife d e M �woul e OIL oor.-: -vi xetz,ds,the 60tal of Germ *nL th a�tj Year #'as,4n1$t48, or 41 think ther��is,-the alikhi�s Que'64",theae,old� meadows'�Sow.�! everyoe worked artanged Iii a..pltbern t b SSW Lor ge tbat-no, -sibk Soldier ra n �0__. - - j�ffi n W a ngq4. sn Ti k UUM et of schools a ase e for.16ache rS, ere 0 :are too, Wis. Wei Iiig tho .. a 69 -o. he _"O"M �rtll I, Lfor- - not yob found 1DUt' red6ktra, . most powe le: time g :: 'LLLLL .. ," 3 I II . Vl#bV'f)bMt "ll d th rtlii,* tobd k4bod4ric' walk U rs pose -a mannei,, ig, - -Lady R Velyn',Var.quhar has the en ry shi i.controlli 'fa -if such I brolKen, e e M! Iiik�Ty _ipmen 001y'450, pej vear,, or. M--pSr 'Serve. for�ie, irliO, esiii...bring t�.- 'jeir. anuire s, not -0 think th;a ill of the 1.d t these�' llayjs ­fo' b6 doar- West an& th6y' will bri-ag �Ai wasf ihe� e and Call's , ,O�r ", -'-. L ­ :, ' seltool": �Wit,lt this. e.�Pe work-,% .1 . " tended h6f1hanks".to Cpla e been, pt, an was o die inan of the,ga 'that unti I men. we't6 V'&4 grow othet 4-arage and' In Canidlan South ftoiTi #46 a at opiiirly trained in their the makets., in he bmi- pinion -.Position id. sell' a fL at It ith ten diVisions at least Ili a g w a g e,' th ey' coul0iot ns. Sell Red Cross iri Engl1ifid" , Ld Xl*th- The. ehtu�io"Oug 0our 0 T.11 A6.5ra w_en pends in &,-way . as to e, Sent teai and Mili6d.' ith the* a ness de .be ex ing,b&Y L js.� farm 1 pra�,etipis,. a German has� 0 ell �poa would fupi& the nec,iis� peAW -remain'pe t4hOO6 nivifter 4- b6 4stijb :,tbq, 'r-ais ng. and �qedfifg.'- nuted aweng. Sary requirem or' e training VAj4 lv,.,in wai� knowg_,no 1,&-,v,- memb-ars of' surged 'Jya li 'And fbr�'th oviit this,city. it iest shO*uI,­.'- -el ntS the' tea'c ing rofe 0 the. ncess.'Patri-` brbiben Inc as He. of the soFoirag e- ed&4s a�� iti As - soon ha ent -his udentg who MiA6 be 'ex,_ said he. "had given lab crOps''.and coars&, feiad in Light Infantry. ,Th6 contielstan e to 110 IS e 'a r, ceding. Alf0f-, tS hiLViO COJItilkilallY regroup. first h If h oring man ib e4P proL battalioxi­*bas- alre�dj. i4o�� e newspa r Pectrd'fo all;6�d_­ Te ga6eia'we ar, much s a -teacher re�e'VBS. Is dndtion' Of _ � 4 actho,� eentr6­ -ft�d Lj�. eiv9,& its 6 id, A$ , I _* to, , L , b. . I I . -B'- � I . ­ - ­ _fi horse ood- MI L ta-2-n tnA� ot,1leah-,-and- ilk. P614f in, is�rip - ' :�-�alfa, is ;� splendid wit; ;Lub, mU, f :, � ?%. , � � t forAata' I& fej. . 'a L, 14�1< 'wl, Ju ginept e 0 can t its be ]Plans' ;of 1heli oppOsIng ztrate4ieg; i, n e r e fi�' ith ad'th (T ee and fireL sper 6L said: comfrti for-�ftoi` ID most-Impc care, Ricaikso"bf, its 4�ttpnd'aee. w1lich' As. 1 Is' , ': LL , I 'Iy pi,educed,� -'routton And, k 461libi but'dat thes Spo th e 'diff reaJi h z is till �rti&, key in ifion mad 'tfbun4ajj� be e atly . ao ey -are vi -a 1912, - felt to ivailable A�i prcleiatea .by the meh.* the barrier', betwtt6n. Latfll'iuid 'Ger- idontly driii e ir uo man civil' XeU, and "'Stt_ in a. 'get*ng t* UR at'�j7j� Ar, dL "Auties-,that they are md 365. Y, d milk Itaftnt. And the thing'is. io 'ea too �Piit-oxperience- showed jLba�t �fort *XD BETift CRop& ason- boidq - drLe� likely. rg two Western gfdes. a, r0 tudents could be i-rairi able Price �ith, i� fair profit,. Ii , to ­1indetako; bit are th R6 fries W talled** upo e of patriotism whiph'll Gemny)ff te"the, "O' free access o it. Tfie,averagii� -t*t I -,� - -, ­ - --" 'the wiv e4 IIIJX llYProt-, J- d as on. the backs of enir6lbpes but re he� e� at w eat iThe � n4turalli-he ret Wei. ro%x- Is every oneo -us doing b fo th4e: wo.� oFnims 'ij y e h'an, L sw6pt hatb'eait,�,44; *e1st,,1 !A A hors hhard' ' ork I disturbing tlle�,�-]Mgular ias' ich- omin Bise. his drawing is piti#e;' and the the lr64 t ed'Lacom much dents -would bim.and in jig Rowan$ used Metz isi tioir'. ;6 L , h' r more,alfal(i and dth6r tu th I't onct re- wo,rking 'northern' b0o aistIpist the. Gormanid ject; that Is .out afadyb,* be a a e: Yery, 41seo �1180 'Of, eacre In 'of t appe a be 4ying #916'than e reilly.lieeds-to,mainei, [For the i4sigib, Of �i at' . is under 1 heroic- ar a article is, CIO batlans,.aimd they. connected It by etain, his *eijht,.. t t&bIe,,pIa,nks,it,d6rwn for: Ypres !.rict rof-L. Grisdale giv s'comforts oPractical, Ii a;rmers, pay. IL to .-f nt o-Ilil arY;r,*ds -vvltli-. , 6111 -or, �Canad;an I I , vertli* and. advice. aAd timel do. the nien at the . ri-ont for, hose ot 'T like,41falfa. s r- -eimpiro an M n In'ManY V umes 'From very -ace -so 9.1 f -h counifik"'QUL' her, &mps. n. He w and, esserionslyto work. ReftlS�o' 7 Y. AUggesti4psAhari of our',Can - Ito.nian. ll fromhe tattle bf the M. are to 1 _6U p4r'� r u and a4i 1ho Mi3tz the Aomiu, le one made and'.8inelL air wek6sittingbefore, It -the ea thel' Inc, rAlons e.1111senotrable qnb� ex.eep- Into th I the Illit fire rs Il. a., I'lie n take ill in. rawing to he is §pring B It -of. both ko� a an r 1'e isii d 6 ndit ib -wil 1 hfl a 4-10 h -r4 turn S� to �fs rm lit ns;-­as--ta­ W eing t _4*aM#L d orwatde it r t'and- tbe�morffi Cutting. alfq,16 which bypolthesia'abbUt a Aanking moire- number -e xvisions,,'an no e t _:Of- MOT§J�jft 'I IG lit e in tfw Profits— Pkote per rls� west.; lRy -th;4. ir& _y case'of a creag Societ, a of .8 0 X,&fg;. came, Ili ...'ti�e n von . u ia right..., Henry. L dalei's:, d the er to sudden dhang�`-,oj. fee'&-deiah-* --at Ah Appreelotell �diditii6t' have L tubsdri ed. all wak-w] -he Aiticlop. 11io. harses 41 -pa ge a n tug-' it d W'Ili On -his k ges ive SYS L In' il.ew, b,del .S'chowa: �r" -.0t -aw, d �h Sent to Theiki Ciblif Money 'to 'Purchase' cmr-hi idly -gain6d e now 1pum, At t ne6,s iii Ino,ment as an In- grabi i , I , . . . 1, . . Horses 4ecustonsid, to i er acre t Ing pieces of,coal. 4POn a better -basis'-than_ were tho, averig'6 Of -$45 "'I Tbeie. are.' OU40ii, which is. now'. th 4LUqt 'Al and Ggtpost dfy;,ind In' -the w _116' efarzhati6n, f --a; -fres' on,res i riag tar ip age %0 ' Sint -of *h,61YIr,tA,,J, t - - ' ' L "t AWfUq4th-deuttir d" -Can W?,_ matt�rs, of. greitt I connec lot prin6ipils hive beei I; profit of $a anc e -s V -he Sala iuipott -o- t1O__M t Vh� T ai4;L�L the, Rg�,fhe' tL�Ditfy� 10 'that'e ove is aor� _h_0 Igo 0 -at. Or e,l Sing carried 6 e nursing sons. You Must� not fdrget by 'dovernment ,gkants very seven get le'dr (ntowss. so 'Miss Yhrian.,'Tr,"i o dr el6m6n-t of the 1athi-Germaa itat 'tr' ditY tblit'shoulil be that the asteds shbill. be, a fq. se� Ch6ds ,pr Red and o with Struggle,' figed iwouird 4p y Piole -'beforo ill( Metz ag a Ardennes Ve in behi;ad here $sor Qr�jg._ Ubli 13 ing hosp r0mg- brqpefit , sister, A.9 othrSis cen GERAN WAR ure .and notice of the. treL During t se. tilmee,of L- Vi�ek$ L - Jous upry dale. ilz and 'the sot 'f retain 'the b -busy or represente by a .-,hea d Fr6och were.. cenhr a e -theii: 6& 14 - I 0 power . t_(c _p oAavd b' (t6men- ti, ury.,, Vin ha tt, on -is, Yran logs fro, the -and The6logia 6 A�d ISO110 assistanfgL in-th-e- JrAinjilo�. in 'his it6thz 13 �that,pome of o. f �Pleas6. nil Main .11 s'iie'eently VA Pies is the' 'the eoraforts'and Of, the., 4940 -se. -con. t' WS -6-Y aiedescribed in recognized f ed Ill L. Pit by theL Peace ol nx -;h-'---- de&r' ite' At -PJ)1WS, Id-,,_ Re -est getting ... .... .... 1h er out, b, th�_ -�Cro 3, N Ux ft- 1%. tobobiepy haie hings thit, ffie—y, kn�,w. FrO 1, i Q - $11 awvr __ __ - __ - , . e. 991 sno*­,mv�dii,to -eath assistant, Th6 eu 14 a4thing'-fikiE, -t-'e-, __ I 'grant of- $50 b�r h they_ha*e-- -FeMMIN , adilim n"thi ;9. een extcn is. -i iije—r are, BOMIWO th-611i have beLe PMS 0, -eo- Ogy­ U_ Y "$lie ...O_JtE6 Ah. ng I use- onse'Quisatly, ell a nip, this force here lbetweeli.� tW6 voluntarily iSrVin 'th'6 l8thf A' eriman- aim Needless m4i­ -Wbr and .,Y..t,, &-of-the* Is 'Printip,if 'Di> Y46'4' 1�b,6 Say) , Y__ - 4yve Th . -4 - ill fult ronourseed'- AiRiZ t -j cr .1,6qu Of whatAi- the Silo. ainfed iilv M n . eeded cow istudents -nated drom cannot make td -o, many h4nd icafiied nver been e_168-iPaitoamo hav-6.. #rlv spleildidly I ' in for hati lit bee 4�1 �e A-;4 9-eth' -Cinad' soilrees 4re .6ticouraged ar64ftd- the lit, havet arms in the Xingdoni rtress, h 15, Wotk Outlined and i 't night, Shirts fd en irely a 0 biade for Ir "I 9, 9 -w-Mritul - Well, -if �of_ ur em i I . __ 15elio—T great. tard M t he.e -i PY amas, nVea4ed -upon of *lit& wideiia out- t;dng the Is get "-4, tTi , it in r � - tO 9111e, any: ittetition, stern e ronti. gUd of J70 ivinity $bit-' to thb. polid naida, An -`ncreas6- ciety a e hito -in 'to ake 'it kti,6Wn',tliit -Whi . . r I i. PY &hoof.. .,,AMh "Of fifty. to 106 nji . 110M)i dffd you slema &teelaa nd rticles the.wbulifad 7" x ly, of this, new plan., 104rrying Zapaci -:Which im0 French f �ontler. it mOVe Your air back, Thei 4 q 1011WAT, 1. JSulD) L the 9 Tuebinigen 15o hav 16:1i . 1 o In -ClOsifial thi;- the affeL f� OnL the ts�, the c 'rig the '(Wgd. t119� thriioh, the-than-1AM of Me pres, to, X . - coat. e orma years are t �a Ili- It e 'te� thht �f the 305,stud-, ducton in measures 0 crop Pr4D-4 :Of - owda -for that- she ws, th a �Vrmy, 0 art, ofms, r0poot uifl.at it nlav hd AFa Cotimittee the distant parts of the'D6ml ion . d; ­iaz6ri-Vatk-SPur -hills itb*. the.po*_ -Oiyl etkt how :ibrofigh. 66 Society hive. PeOP e of C n4dai` _0044che& tofts.-vuhich glulr'o. -the vjbSly-=Yo­ li e th -elltst In 'Attendancia, at -the' Jdffre:is not a leep gar IerV ij, Xodel 1 - ' been �g erful I s -0b:-. f & I Ion.. _.OQ e city Of Metz and 14 vaalej r Ot hdnL 258 or Seenty u8trY h. fii�iei, by British vess&61s' gr6saly their - generous its,' unhing, 1)4 "PPt �exit. 'had �,what L is L� . an the prospeetIVOL. , frow.'Qitabec, And I.- Aq �tweaw- r. azice 4nd. 6e�mally OP. a' 'bit )' said i6in 4tI1 kn P ibAtable,mar- Hatifalt mid th It' h* ' ta bden-4pp oeiated*. -19til - are plaht Clair; 19 r vt a no- a ipmen, Mope .6. * , - I .1 ket fbrL the product.s'of hi - lab ,&nted-, 'an oeiety .1 toed,Thetq�vorks haire 6e.� coliitru6t the ert�wn- . fince.", ntrApee' Standing that or. been m-adotho4gYAmorlean. rts. In the 8 d At 169 -with tfibol6gicalL faell ... -r .6oks ho' ne, a ound the ell -peoplo to cbfi-�, - "' r *.I de, on� lin"*6 or -,k--- :r by thq "ore, sad thby L him thiiyo ,614his -country b0dxx,it, 'Thai' a ties the -8 IP-. strf re- u sell au,qp_ more t An _."1TJdJi&i' f1ti , 1-1. i :q_ re e" , _r -w z, an a et;� hands 'of tit ly lans all Iare apocl&] five for few of thent cAre to, gery o e, d odd at ot t 6y e enenl. things hif n desired, abd� �onl o�� as of- ioIs ma tfref6r s6,rvl!l must have, ibedn _ _t e t. 6ptere4d through W portance. iii'the -hea the ftlem� 4,vol Mt ail 1 6: eta'. fhe­.�res6t! are ee-oaps,,,4An,d iSe, , nt 6 at onts �Or re ther'l hisMer: 6f. uBuilt Orf -Art at �an aresai to, i e een per to oen. ett, an If�r tion to the making of' y, Ito, _g in the _,�dd04 fbeL � --oxaet: IBM _-IS' of �6_d -ork -the a, ian tont con tionee Of thb, ihd Tht! t�ht ­uance' ot.this, gent. rs an a . Sedlie and Moselle, she. came to 1dit, UThey ieir it) A-PPIP-119 ta,the headquartem'of the, about 11 :m1let.' baat� of be' Oft Salibur aiStiteA, d, I soldeia is'stitd to aminiti-m sedons karely given"' by y9ur firmert and b 4her I Pitenich res )r Canadian! 'Red "CiOSS �.&ciei3t,' 77 fr6nMer, It. is bft-�, tw 0 neces y went$ hive " n pubI4 LCII PiettV far -anel� -And there It -is be o n the:two otime to ee m1hed' 66m �Iin oet east, Toronto, Ontario,, riV&S"ItIld Upba f ill 66ra 'are servi-i, b6ttert it, t�ty� vill in the "mPlAted that:40,000 InOr, 61.9pecially dur-� C, g 0 id Mo 1, lOt 6f the,111 UlZr.tbe s6rj.,) V k W4. Of 1�91tiffil supplieg7of food- 'Ing the PAst'tW6 weeks, OW an ad! sello, . ducll�of Vhb now tht idea obtaine& t a very city Is doftoaed Is is thd this ountry vey atuffs 'of All kindaf6r, Of 49,iTow,irrogulartreeta, lined with j of th L man - -and largel :lia;d' brought e entire. i)l. -h,e, ti6n - b(f the oijhidjj�n the, effectiv6 cowbiii', troops were I FR6M 6AWN TO.DARK. inment pittu"sque bulldifigs.. wslkh�j IveM I Ire th4 sarne 6�inibfi if; still ft hoApital'and thg �tidks 641bn of those Very There we e 45vr Suppose we go , t Are tkildtu�ea re, to swin, by inany, th ty to, roduC4. and' Percent& , some, new and ImpOsing s At the t165ing of' County'. profitz0blo, demand for the roduct' `Dr.,Jamea L. �Hdqhei,.To �in the, toft, .howeyo� 'and Rome 91 round like tihig�—1 e I lo * ridi"to. soyodo ove' Y I Are the Vital glow -of # ' eA. Yourhair, Like"thig. sca'rck' of tootliek, Although ';*16Wth' further inspiration f ii, 0480, 48 will be, 'seen. from the fol, ILWA, times "Of Q�nrund, it, IdiAn't n6tice, that lit, is" (IepositcA litt.q. W4a " fkspoJj%j 14, Idy Vottuilately� this " not -th b straight triodd nettsd�y, surely'1lich � yeaj lw1bg gt�Cc rete 61 And' solig of 1pirk,; . D0466 Mett bukes 'j)1ahl. that Its 0 I I w wat. Tarougli It has caliI's table was ill -ithe wity Why smash, i8h rtime- - 01 14iinfg 41div-4y qnav be -auticfi- C,elon;6I Whd'n light's triumphant inbJefty. about 75,000 werey vid contention, wag truo nonb � , nt Ito 915 -in' Cana6 ag bag the populoph; the peace arrisn f Ow, - Canadian Rc&Qr,6ss gociety M� a tly t 6 men,morg 'book a� �Wr4, .IoVe If, fmctryll� how that it,ja' Hodg6ttq, coirnmissfon�ji,for olvil Peapl� Put silly of flow. giSt pated -foi I ShIiies out dirlt, longer cret, . During t on y 0&ra'of the O)dStAfto 'n9latid iiih will you I lid last Ave xi�ve before been seen and,as will E gratefuleafts g6,00 olized.,te attonti er4 on,tdbJe41 Mop it up of. Cofitity I Ir 0 sivys bt, every (hmukilfare, and prohiade, Of ci6iurse, r, renth is, h�to.' 9 - lv"I"k _DL.%l 611, the Of JOY Rildl0elic6o and gteatot tho city"asid wkilifil, It,. are the! ke6p*your ;eye -on 1�rtn�h n wAround M "im- a _ YOU"hust I agt8a,, _,!C0tjJr& 11tt0,bAatAckd,of ffi,6 ,,Stop a it,, ut--, I 0' ke. ­ --h- I -Wifspqrs, to mo. .. oni. t 0"adittit, Ut tow M*111t; biduding r I *hest, grailla, illfie8a �*nce jalluofy a, #ho ove 1t M J said' -thi mxt4 <laity hryou J re mo aiOri%inal lawyek products aa4 1my are SfAtMent Was imuod '*n ya,ilur PPY, busy houts: ilid fall of evergro6n, Woodlj��da, la, P4rj'j' Aldowo�s. tbll 8 ado -certhin, t6 bt be=11firl. Whaevetth , .,Me the *h0q are e;Y InA (Id f;�,it whe� it u Ing the, 90 per yt­ or ce Y-0 nt. Only ti*eftty' WhIoll, la.thb. bublight men way Work,' ft6t tftly 1hftVI1Y forestiid but fallg—if Oer' it thnk ur- and hoi-alfie6.during eazeq of er o mehingifis -And' 6f 'having 4nd Irregul4r, OOM4 they'll r�o�6 ar just olog4 tolij, totol num- thapOried, of thi's mrar and, for many A11106 landing, With Lurteo-if deatha. Whoh b� a61116v6rhosit of'hlu p "Oddilff a Mitu'd About sgued;' not IftOuths therd4fter" lh#go prducts Of Y9611eft I tot -atta6ldfig May 1# ith-ab iSch&d ltehrY loAger per- of our Units 4ro allll, that for "the oastqq of pneqnl0ni#,,:Jo1 O'� ihftun. Mp�t vigoftt ot &.111khtr coal Iseasps' there *er6 1j. 'n.0 InMaSO, Of 414 over niost pvf6) ut 11ttic, jiMie fo;'rts, of .4016 petwit.,01L 4 Via tw6: of grov frdt� b6guft, 6h 4 11fato scale bs"thie, 11reaell let Oh t!h� 1r0ajC14qb i 1)1c, een iW1 2a, four of -diplithOrl th V ethe, output. it) Ste, twe of aeft,�!�t revr'. Abd Ono And they hiivo.. beeg 'strong nl lie han Ismind: an Tho Ao' 41 Truo, only GliglitlY ot h tholight through wil; their "4ft f Dtst allftea to� t§j' Young, anal P 61 ft until 16 M;A1 Is over AAd-he !a tot tbb ill jaboUt Iteadwrif durIng cho p devolbeit to - JVj1ell 16 I Iw goodby;o b;r the 4bythd 1144 been "116i qat "I or ally quo, thono crops Adn iorA Of Oxulii�ii Mpe 'Ora "VO, been 011MMPed A6ro tho oicy miff , I tin grandi nil bl I niliattil 6i a 61� niat esq� Ore To 84�0 the) wett; jMU1*,tJ (! er,'01* Pbosihly �Vo Aould 4y jex�# ving, tllo I 010 1014. monthg, More 46 Ono 01lit In, order 4 - , 1;, 0 Or P144n#tt for in, to'000 'P'0141 a mldast: imble., lves, �,y ) oil hig Ai'.61d Ito ka'a to, .6 66 -b to I And �L64� tsj�d by an � lid. life, ifi Of Ita- vraidd ftirnin ;04 And, qpo- I A � inbar6d , it t*, 11J�Optftb to Mt, YOursolf falN the e4go i