The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-02-18, Page 7• -• cx" • 25. CAN YOU WRITE ONO ••••••••••• L!frlitirte# Prizes to In Awarded in a Letter Writing Competition. - , Some years ago the Dr. Willianiat. Medicine*V.,. of Brookville''Ont:: "offered a eerres of prizes to r eel - dents of the Province of Ontario for ' the bee"t ' lottere-deseribing-coures' wreaght *the ,usteef Dr. Williams'. Pink' Pills for Pale People'. , lino- ! ' - dreds of Jettera.vero submitted in this eempetition and Yet them Tent ., have been thousands of .ether users' i of the pills Who did not avail then17 SeVes of", the Opportunity to win a , prize: To all these another letter - writing competition . is. „ offered. Thousands of cures through the use of Dr. -Williamet Pink' PHA have•/ - i: never been, reported. These. will furnish thematerial for the letters 1' to lie writtenz'in this OcuteSt. ,There is U6eleneend epee the iniaginaticd; ev.erY letter Must deal .. with facts , , . . and facts,only' • The J. ir eie ' il ' . ' . The. Dr. Williams' 'Medicine Co., 1" of Brock -Ville' '' Out will award a '? 'It ' '' , ,epeeze of 25.00 for the b est 1 Step .'.,, received on or. before the 1st day Of 4....4 March, 191:5, from residents of On- •.41'twice on ihe subject, "Why I ,Re - •;t. Commend DT. Williams' Pink Pills." q,'A prise • of $10,00 will be aivarded •0;,. for.the sewed best letter receivedi a priSe 'of $5.00 for the .third hest •,, letter, and ten,prizes of $2:00 each ' ;`.., for 41nel:text best ten letters. ' 1 • „ te , The Conditions. . • - . e•enre ore one rem •ee uee of Dr. Williams' Pink -Pills des- , oribed in the letter may be in. the !, writer's °Wu ease, or. one that has 'come Under- his or. -her pea:con-all ab;,, • servation, ' More than one cure may be-des- 'eribed_iii the letter; but eterY .., statement must be literally and ab- . _ • solutely. true. . -Eeeryieletter musteln___Signed„.„.by_ the Nile nestle and correct address et the person sending it. If it des- ires the cure Of some person other : .0v ,the Writpr of the .letter, it muse aieeEhe Signed "..hYlhe,-PergbIc. -whose care is deseribed. as a gnar- l:41'We of the truth of the statements e made, The Writer of erre% letter .maet- state'the name and elate of the pa- per in which he or she taw thin. au- neimeement. .. . 'Eine writing will riot win the prize unless ' you have ,a good ease to des- cribe. The strength Of the teeter).- reeedation. and not the style of the . letter will be the beeisof-theetevaiel. It ' is understood that The Dr. er.e.LWilliains' Medieine_ace- shall have • ,the right to publish any letter en-. .• tercel in this contest d-theetdesire to do so whether it Wits a prize or -7.-ilot, • .' The cop -fest will close on March ., 1st, 1915,. and the prizes will be awarded as 'boon as possible there: - after. Do eot • delay. , If -You . know a a erne write Your letter NOW, •"Dbserve the above cenditioirs care - 'fully or your letter may be thrown .!, Address all letters as follows: ' The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.; . . . : • Proelcville, Ont. ' -,:•• 'Letter.Contegt Department.. , ffeArvirs MNEMONICS Per reasons of economy, says a con- tributor to London Punch, we get all our supplies from Maggridge'n atigelit ooe have no telephone at home, IV I in up Moggridge'a when. 1 errive at my onice, and order what we want; that is„ whenever remember. Un- leetenetely I usually forget. Con- sequently, it generally: ends hi !Teen's :writing it note when I return home in the evening. One rooming after beeakfast joen .,• AIRCRAFT IN WARFARE:, • First Used by the French 'During the Siege of Paris in 1870 1. didn't say anytiely 711-i-A,,istricts where the Meg formed handedeher the evening paper and "in- lese_leeneieee per enof the_popii- dicated the sailing paragranh: "14 lotion. • read it through.: Then she said, - • • • • it as zo guara; for the_ futume eeres, I thought you'd Mess it all lip , , in spite of your fchneunionics,.or what- against seen probectures ; as these ever Yen call them; and so after lunch thatthe national council appeals to I went to the cell office antrardeeed the "ireedividedeepirit4-1-,-af-Polend the things niyeelf.. Next time don't ;and looks forward'. tea."radiant try to establish an alibi with yester- Morro* reunion for erre nation " day's Patter." ' The Poles need elbow reom-in :two Our private telephone will he in- directiene. Sheald their asPira- stalled my next .week. • " • • ' *ions he realized it will be possible • 0. • for the Patriotesito erect their long ft 111 Started From a fad.eold W.A.TEOBD MAN YOUNWBELINV .000D'Li Mr. Bobt,.Taylor, Sr., .UteSuffer- ing for Two Years, Tells of the Benefits lie „Clot Prom tDoild's Pills. • Watford, Ont., Feb, 8th (Special). -Mr; Rbbeh Taylor, Alr.t. Vet, ,estimoble Man, living here, AS telling his friends that • the pain in his. asked me to repeat her orders, did back. from „yoriob ale cowed for , not what I cried . a ,, eloate, ' "I did not mention 'smelted 411Be> 11" disappeared, and; eeeneee aiow. _weer -Joe, that he giVes .11 the credit toDedd's' 'write it down on a Piece of paper." S9"• • -"I .iilways: lose the .paper," said. • • 'MY trouble started with'a "Put go, on with the .list; Very Mr; Taylor states, and thougP I good idea." -vvas treated by., a „doctor got no •0j' ptiends of Mocha coffee," chic Perrinereet relief. f, had cramps in began. ' •" my muscles and stiffness in my I !picked up two coffee heens from joints, my. sleep" Was bkokeir 'and the tray and put them in My. pochet.:.Liam-f n rot...mg, and I, perspired freely ,"Fourteen winds 0C,lent.-1$1104k; with the least exertion. I bad. at - e4.0 Went on. , lacks of th,eumatisna and sciatica, 1.:drew out MY handkerchief, tied * 4. th jeel d' -e-E sugar Carlo/T.:A/ Jt, And. n Ong . tr many me es. Omit Mit Win. inY Irate : found- no •relief till•ttrieci'Vo'cld2s • "Why pat it. ,in your hatri a*ot -Kidney Pills. I must Say they were, 'jean ' ••• 7 IL ,,great benefit to me " • - "IiecauseJi ainwered,, "I may not Mr. .Taylor's troubles, came from haye occasion to 'draw my banderker- his. kidneysi, The ..diseased kidneys Chief .from •place,„wboreas I failed to strain ' the uric acid „.ent. CcR, always have to talremy Int. Off," .. :the ihrood and the results yee•rceoerhe ."Ho' will Yon yernearber the ..quant- has fitattd.:DOckild Icidney Pills put' itY"• the kidneys in working or, ' der the "Well, fourteen ,Pounda make' one. uric acidwas strained out ofthe blood,- and the troubleswentwith iti stone; den't' they? Before I' remember the liard:-thlog-lsi a Plece.--ef fiagero shale .thirilreitet e seine," , , • Jean • Sniffed' • contemptuously. "There's ray ring," she continued; "the diamond andsapphirethat.' left- for resetting, Axid-" . • 'noir on a Minute," I cried. "Just tie- a -place of "cotton round My.third finger." 'She did. see Then she went on: . "The fireeving.Atiom. clock should have, been sent home,' cleaned; last 14Y.Itew,=. "Perhaps, they expectedit to inn down," I suggested. Joan merely said, "Well -de w• head,el.po•lski at- their sonic- Puts:the' eardinee .in Tour Pocketbook ot-th•e-marmakide ino-your -4"1111t, -Pelee are now in the full, tide of • war'and witlethe exception of some of their !brethren in Galicia, have unreservedly threwri in ' thear lot with the Allies. As a race they be- lbeg eteee_ecoiflicting jurisdictions. There • are 4,000,900 -in 'Prussia 'alone, west and east; Austria also has her share.' Geographically complex. the Rm.- oliu'grpuir IN POLAND. People gopii for, More Liberal Treatment as Result of, War; he 'movement for a -larger Po,' •la,nd 'takes new strength from ' the a-llationsl-eonne Warsaw, and from `the stiering manifesto just issued in its name by the Polish leaders, °Omit nit - TUE Ramon X.I.VY. Saving Nation an Enormous Amount of Money. In the course of all article on "No Naval Battle-Whyl" which ap- pears. in the Fortnightly Iteview, Mr: A.rehibald Hind eays that the German fleet, which, during the past fifteen years cbst -X$00,000,000 to maintain, has eospletely failed to fulfill any,single one of the hopes on which it was based. • Deolaring that the British people would do well to be duly grateful. for the blessings which have been. theirs idNittrig to naval predominance during the past three months, Ur. 'Hurd. says that in the absence of -eemplete command of the -oath British people would - have had to face the following weekly bill: Increase in the cost of food by 50 ixer cent., raising the outlay. per head- of, the population, from es: to 225, Week, R9,000,000. Decline in wage's hill, about /2.0e, 000,000, - • ". Increase in.cost of other necessi- ties and luxuries, E2,000,e00. •• • - of shipping, £1,000,�i0. -Decline in national incomefrom investments .22 000 000' Total loss per week, R16,900,909-. • We thus, reach the Vanelhsloat adds Itre Hard, that during the past" oeleurt-•pma9oyitnligstiovfiaweawriptthoet.,4ritr","nyhatioans at. the rate of $111,000000Per -Week•y without taking into actertriettlinefact that it has spared ge unreel and'in- ,tellectuel damages wletell are in- celculable. Battle or no' battle in the North Sea, the peoPle of the United Kie,gdom, not. eelet'io :n the peoples of thefar-1ungn jons:ravereasn for satisfaction thatdur_t.theyearawIWh-Pe- cededwhetlneda4aiar to those the - Iiu,,onthaeat Sbeeld bele- dutei • _ 11, Noia • Scotia Lase Of "Those," 'I maid; "have .nothing to do. with clocks. Everything.; t haVe` done is suggestive Whetel have to remember," and I turned ,tay watch round ien my _pocket), go that .it faced outward. . As I hurried toward the station a xe4ii. wind was blowing. 'I 'withdrew the handkerchief from my. hat _and wiped my streaming eyes..,. thou, over, I pieced the, handkerchief In my sleeve. I heard the whistle of a train, and instinctively, took out my what. It was right -about face in my „„,„, f and thegoodwilled PoOket and -I Tost-ii geed -seCond --`1"'"e' 44- the -war.- • Willing 'it over. I had Just one min; Russia'. That its people are already ate in which to' do the quarter unified by suffering in 4ominon is and I missed the, train handeornely. Plainly the oeevietiorr of. the . na- There was an interval of twenty *nal council. In two territories minutes before the ,next one, , I they have felt the heavy hand of the bought a Magazine. •had to remove. oppressor. Of course, it is the RUS- rdSr glove in order, to,. get at my tyrant orwhom we have heard And pulling it off I noticed • a pian ehree of cotten Come awarewith-lt-ln9st His zuthlessesuppresaions_of That meant an: inside seam gone insurrection are still served up in .somewlierer and they were - new 'ourhistoricalakar and time gloves, too. '• I' threw a. coin to the story o is a emp s • e inguish paper -boy, and "two tbe-langu aye sinftictional-Vrit of" Poland form a part of every liberal education. -.7 • --- ' • ,,But the German tyrant has also blem of "unifying" Poland es elsO- politicallx difficult, for at this ine- meet its dolutien !waits on the oat- jects like boa buttons .rolled upon the platform:, At the office I was se busy all day that it *as not until I was seated In the ttain, -going home in the evening, 1885 40,000 Poles been at ineerk. In that I vaguely remembered that I had were exPellecl from Posen becaule forgotten something. I grew- uneasy,' they had not become Prussian eiti- and to distract my thonghts, I picked Subjects, as a preliminary to mess up an evening paper from the opposite ,ures for colonizing Polish districts seat The lint paragraph that Freed with .German settlees. In 1873 the -reminded nie Of 40110 forgotte.0 or. Polish lanaunae was excluded Sidm ders; but ie relieved mei• too, for it .. • - - ran, • 'The funeral. of the late Mr, Ale: elementary, and later from the Jeremiah , Meggridge, ' founder eee eecondary. schools • of Prussia. In managing director of the, mammouth 1905 a decree. forbade religious in; stores that beat his name, took Place struction in Polish,; and the Poles this afternoon: ' Area mark Of respect were compelled to pay ;for haying the premises were clesed for business their children taught the catechism all day." So It Would have been futile ha German ; hence Ilie . famous toying them up . in any case I was "children's strike" in the diocese of saved! • - , ' ' The first thing ,Ioan said to me,was:` Posen the following year. And by e"Did yea order -those -things from a•law passed in -1998 the use of Po- Moggridge's." ' lieh wateinterdicted at all nieetings The present war is net the first 'contlict-in--whielr-aircraft• heS played 'a part.. -During the• siege of; the there of -the Encino-. ' •;Ciarnian war, belleons successfully ••-e'esailed-sailed-thilErinch battlefields. These vessels, heereyek, were deed ' as forlorn hopes rather' then.recog- • nized fighting ' units; for 'by this [teen's the leiesieged Parisiarie en- deavored -icTeonimunicate. with the outside world: One attempt to eon- eeeeeeletterseleyeein_froan Paris • "Itiatil,p with, le trilwie ,balloon - named time Etats Unis. • Three rather an.; balloon, envelopes were . fas- tened together and loaded ,with soo:letters. To. the great dellibt'of # the eitizern, it floated away, .frem the town,- eventually landed :-.--"eeetiritle. _its solitary Occupant at Nan- -'ties2.---Encouragekl-bY this. liiiCcess" '. • the citizens sent aloft another bale loon tailed the Celeste, with a hen - deadweight of mail ori"biird,7-The. wind,:, however, splitthe vesselin two, for at that tiine ballobris were insecurely constructed.' ' The • letters and the aviator tumbled .to ethe grapnel from a height of over • • • • hundretkifeetrthelakWir.beinglatk y injured. --Qambetta aarried across. the. tirench battlefields in a helloes. Ale theleeerthisr-tiere-billeons,werc• - zontinually collapsing in mid-eire and killing their unfortunate ' &sere, trips With cargoes or letters were 0,ontinuallY made' from, one point, to „another of the .eat of Wer • ,in Fiairee.• A balloon 'named the ., Washington on one occasion : took up a sailor and a post -office •dele.- . gale, with huge collection of IA- - 000 letterseand 30' carrier pigeons. ,'rhe 'sailor Witi an inexperienced air pilot-, who' fell out of the balloon -4kWhiligr-attempting-to....cist.-4LArtia.„, ,ipting hook, At the nferty the ,. wind the -vessel drifted uncontrolled over the German frontier, and the .11..'remaining. passenger with his let- ters 4114 prgeoni came near to being • shot as a spy. •Nadar gained undying tame at this, period by ascending in his hal- • loon, Neptune, .afkiUontmartre, and by MUMS of primitive form of daft - era took ,plfotographs of the troops below. Every half hour he sent a glass, negative eliding down *the hal- loon rolie,- 1.,o that the. quiplete op- erations of the 'forces below Could together. . , • ° Interest to All Women Halifax 'Benda Out Message -of Help . to Many 'People. Halifax, le.a, Dec. 15 -When inter, !dewed at her home at 194 Argyle St. Mrs. Haverstock was quite willing to talk' of her pecullarlY tinfortunate case, 111.-wagealwae.s..„ !blue eau& !lemma. felt weak, languid and utterly Amin for any work; "My, stomach was so disordered" that • I had no appetite. •What I did eat disagreed : ,suffered -greatly from dizziness and-sielnehead- ache and feared a nervous breakdown. "lean my druggist's recommendation I used, Dr: Hamilton's . • "I felt better at. once. ' EVery day I improved. In Air Weeks I was a well woman; cured edmpletely after 'differ- ent' physicians had failed to help me. It is fcr Oafs reason that I strong] urge sufferers with stomach pr. diges- tive troubles to use .Dr. Hamilton's PIM"- ---• • ' Dr. Hamilton's Pills strengthen the stoinaehe-improve digettion, areal -VP - en the nerves and restore 'debilitated systenup, to health.. By cleansing the blood of long-standing impurities, by bringing the system to a high point :of vigor, they effeetuallY chase away weariness, depression and disease; Good for young or old, for men, for women,' for children. All dealers sell Dr: Hamilton's Pills. of Mandrake and. Butternut. , 1 , !JNIVERSiTY OF TOlRONTO.. litany Professors and.Sindenis Have Enlisted: for the Ware Though the military orgaeriza.- tioes of the Canadian Colleges were hi a much more` rudimentary co'ndi- tion than those of, the British Uni- versities, a large contribution has already f -be eneraade-t-oebhe•eerniy-fO_ the present war from' their grade- - The foliewieg ie. -an 7aceounti of what has been done -by tlie elTriiver- sit-y of Toronto - Accordinghto our:mostrecent ine. formation t ere are, besides. the inerrib•ers .of the staff, 134 -grederetes a 86 undergraduates„ and of these 1 7.are offiders'and 83 Privates.' The cl ef electrician -And several of the laboratory assistants are &1st') oil service and their la.ces are being and- Areasia:146.1:band* and 'Whet of thel:.f! -at Men Frefieff-ilFtfritz' Voraity- 011ege-rhavo been serving Ithe• French army since tire'be7. ginning of the war, . At prceent oue infornietion , is' enrite ineoinplete, but .we have the names of :53 graditate•s and 03 under- . r QUA A.NTEED MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES 130;bra OWII Tablets are a good medicine for little, ones. They are guaranteed by a Government one- lykt to bo. absolutely free from the opiates aikd narcotics found so- called "soothing" mixturee, They cannot possibly do harm -they al- ways do 'good. Once a mother has given them to her little ones she will use no other niedielne. Con- oernino them Mrs. Js. Doerosiers, Alphense, Que., says: "Baby's Own Tablets saved my little one's life ,.when he was suffering from worms, and would not be without them." The Tablets are sold, by icirfe dealers -or by wail at -25 cents a box from: The Dr. Williains' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ...7...,••••/••••••••• A. WARLIKE UACE. The Bedouins. Live AS in wa testes Ma* Tinlete. . • • . The report that the Turks have induced the, Bedell.* to assist them in theirieyesioie of EgyPt•ealle tention theee . strange nomadic tribes .in Eastern -Palestine and 4-1'aigat obseriOS, the London 4Tobe. They are, undouhtedly„ among the v4arti aPIt'iligetregilia'cibuo.Priir:44hitd4irs'At:Oedle444'•'' able of giving a geed acceuet of: thera'selves,... 'Weald he • 'useless againgt a nexlern army With artil- lery. Their prineiPal, value to the Turks would be as anadjunctto their cavalry, or for making guer- xilla raids or attacking Inns of . . munreations. Their mode Of Welles not greatly changed since -times, and to -day -they steal cattle and camels, and theieyoung men steal, wives as was their Wont in Old Testament , deede-the-parleining-- cattle and camels is considered law- fturilhealllor" age tihndemiv'id4unadl can eninri"celi in tinsimanamtheJnote. thel r-prow0s ,oehles to be recognized. • , • . These people, _however, who. live by thieving and move 43r stealth; are invariably hospitality itself to the stranger within their gates. Years of experience in travelling through the more unsettled parts of Palestine, Syria,. a-nd the outskirts . 'of Arabia bevel:nada it very clear to ;me that the Bedoum can be trusted . and"-wordeof their shieks eelied upon. There are alWays three thingserp- peemost; , in, a- Bedouin's mind --his gue, is horse and his wives. The modern arms of precision have replaced the primitive spear; which, until a few years a.go,ewas the usual' weapon, The Bedouin is quick to 'ee'alize the efficiency of modern weapons and soon becomes an ex-.' _Pert enarkeineh has the. spear fallen Out of favor that the lienirrer of one would ridiculed his own -camp • • • Just4teeit ieeellowableewith to steal camels, so the young men help one another th'etealeviveefrom .other tribes., The yoretheinxions to obtain bride forms a company ef companions, all mounted'and well armed, while he also mounts on camel's and horses ten *mien of his camp. They go seeretly te•• the camp Where the girl is, and while the young man and his companions visit with their, rifles loaded and ready outside the tent, the Women go into the apartment of the herein d-bringethe4irleouteby-fereee-She- is then taken tri the tent of the young man, wire makes a•feast and with this the Marriageceremony is .complete. • _Painful Swellings kedned 'MORT SOLDIERS. 110,000 Neu Lost to Britain Becaus of the •Ifigh Standard. The British .Medical Journal thinks that the present standard of height in the Arliay is too high, and estimates that in the last few Weeks More than-ithirty thous- and excellent soldiers have been lest to the 'nation because of it, In war thins, short men are in many respects more lesirxble than their . bigger brothers. They occupy less . room in transport they find. cover more easily, and they offer a small: or mark to 'bullets and shrapnel. They are better sheltered in trepehes haArt, to _dig iheine-cleep to; proteOt themselves. As the Journal says, "It`falres less khaki to elothe,,them and less leath- er to boet•them. The army blanket CoVers thein more amply, and they need less feed than tall, :thin 'men to keep up their bed5eheat and plain - WA their 'marching energy. Those who 'stand the " rigors of cold grim- etteebest ere net always his men; -an4-the--isailort-jike -the: mind -awe.* tree ,,eir ',fhb Coast, may be sliert:' Warmth and easy eonditiongof. life -rather tend to the•clevelepineet;of tell.men.. The eeialryman 'aeid are tilleryneen" need to be big and• 'peeved:41, but as to .those who ,bur- row in the trenches, he* can' it and gine Welles or -aye feet ' and six matter whether.they are four feet inches?' We are not out l'oe show and.a. Parade, _but to win a. War a sieges and attrition." C. . . • e Dene•Properly. "How is it You were so long,eyer your .work to -day"?" she asked " c$ure: ma'am," .replied the ser- vant. "yeti Were Watehing.me most of the Itime;" ' , • Atellard Times Coming? Ves. for the man - that Wears tight boots, but his Corns am relieved _Catleltly ty-Putuam's Co Extractor. No pain and certain mire., '-That's Putnam's. WU: no other, 26c. at all dealers.' , • The Modern' Way.,' He -Listen,. My love for ycin is k consuming fever. The 'bleed runs• through My Veins like .molten lava :from a seething'volcano. ' She -'Well, jast'hold this t.hernto- meter in your =eta till I get your temperature, to prove 'it. ' ,The Nova Scotia.' ."Lumbei- King" says: I consider _ILIIIIARDtS • LINIMENT the 'test LINIMENT in use. I Kot my feet/ jajjcly,'_ I bathed it MlNXR-13' S LINI- MENT and It Was .as wall as ...ever next day. Yours./ very etruly. - _T. mcalf.t.aai pelleetely flavoured 1414 COMM. Wed. WaY WORRY I Choose your variety and - --ask yourtrooerfor "14Clark's". f4RBIS 'FON xf9,g. It • ii*Oisok •iisisto• Onainiaji :Strbe*: To'ronte. • • ' • . . TO17 WANT TO _BUT on SUL& 4 1. Fruit, .Stook, Oran or Dairy Farm, . write H. Brampton. pr ea 003P' • bine° St Tcronto. " ' If, 'DAwbolt, coibeint St. • Toronto, ..4e 63310,,, x,oitNT,ItinFirwS4ialliifoSiaTt.00. 0,C.,, ...•, :.: ., . .QTRAVBBABIEfic, RASPBERRIES. 'OD, , . J, TATOBS. Catalogue:tree.. 1,IcOonaell , MALE HELP WANTED. .., , . .. . 'Ejwe:itstilirleil''emPuired°.7:-:fltiiittirte°4cf;rrlfr' ' f % • for lull particulars and *catalogue t,o.da,y. • BAlLSEIt TRADE •,-• ALWAYS Molar Barber College, 1.19 Queen Beet. ' Terento.... .... MISCELLANEOUS. , QANGER, TUMORS,' LUMPS.- ETE/..( N./ Internal and external, cured with- out vain, by our home treatment: Write tie bolero too lats., Dr. Bellnzen 1.1041ea+ Co.. Limited, Vollingwood. Qat.' GroCary ousnopso IN TORONTO, ' for sale with store 'and dwelling, well established, good location: -- -Doing &ecl business which can be large - 1y innreased,-.43,a00:_vgiu,--handle---Onr ' tario Realty Po,, 05 :Yong° •'$t., Toronto. . Their .Bind. "Yon can always 'trust a" piano Mantufacturer." "Why so'?"' . "Because his products are both •square and1/41pright.'' • 4 •••.••••••••••••=, YOUR OWN DRUGGIST WILL YOH , Try Marine Rye Remedy for Red, weak, Watery - Eyes and Granulated Eyelids; No $marting-. lust Eye CoinE2rf. .Write for sioatof thosia -byname°. jaminer.yeRemeayenteago. ' The hiedshipe of wer---rirmored cruisers." Minard's Liniment etirei Carget'in Oars. ' He Didn't•Forget It. uscll at" rains .Ende4 ."76an-rr-dta-Y°11-1"altreltel-i ates and undergraduate gave yoe tv;e weeks ager ' 4 - • • -M011.1111VsfitA674C440V4:465: ICI-ieforthei& -Pro 'SENSE A -ROUT FOOD.. Facts Worth Itriowerigi-- Jt es a serious question some- ' timee to knew just -what to eat when person's stomach is out of order and -most foods eausettoriblie • Gra 6--Nutsloodecaer betaken- a any time with he eerteanty-t at it will digest. with, experience of -people-es--valualeleete-anyorre ested-; ••A+woman.:writes.,:,."1 had suffered with indigestion for ..about • four years, ever since an attack of ty; phoid lever, and at times 'could eat nothing but the ,very bghteet food, randetbeerauffeaeoevettherny stomach 11 Weald never'lleid. tee eat- eteything., ;Was urged to try Grape -Nuts, esinie--ueingeit-lecto-notehave-to starve myself anyrinore; but I cln eat it at any time and feel nopeighed and satisfied, dyspepsia is a thing of the, past, and I :4* now Strong and, welt 'Illy husband also had an experi- ence With Grape -Nuts. He was put under_ the dootor'S 'care, but medi- cine did not seem to de Min any good Until he -began to , leave off erdinarY foods and, use Grape - Nuts. It It Was surprising to see the change -410,--geow----betterc 'right off,7-and waturailrheAtau but WorcIS of prait,e, for Grape -Nuts. '"Ofir boy thinkg he cannot rolaswithout•ititape-Nuts and lie. learns so . fast -at sell:oaf that his teacher comments on it: ' I am satis- fied that it is because of tho•great nourishing elements in Grape. Nuts," This Mother is. 'right. Grape,. Nuts fec.<1 i t certain and. remark. ablo rebuilger Of body, nerves and brain. . "There's a, Itensim." river t6sa the above letter? A new ono mottle front Nino to limo, The, aro paeans, true, an4 fail of liana* intermit, . ir 'Wareaw and forever impossible r tett_ ren ihe-F-lbrittal-ly- flogged Ter- refining to -use German iii Pessen, • • • „ Kate Douglas ,Wiggin'se -closest osseesione she_saYsr letter w s (3.'0 es receive rota superintendent .ef a home for the -feeble-minded, 'spoke in glow- ing terms* of the pleasure With which the "inmates',' has Feed her little book, "Marm,Lisie" and end- ed thus superbly„ -i • "In fact; nerd: am, I think I may safely •say that ,yen are tlhe favorite author of the l'etble"-ininged111- . . •attaarai 4.1xstmentt.durar.polds, Wise Pop.lones•---= Sergeant, I• think • my daughter intends to elope . to -night with young Smith. • • Pellet Se rgeazitr-Well , Jones -Well, just lock me up till morning, 'so I can't 7'possibly inter- fere with' them.' 1111.0101114110111111.11011111110111112141MilliMili • . "Yes, Any eleareyeaereley."--. . Rbeyrr:zaL:ful • . If you 'haVe, any muscles that, are strained: amid weak, that are frequently subject to 'rheumatic pains; if you have anY 'painful -swellings -that.--re- fuse to go Away -get busy. with Ner- viline. • This is the ;very scirt of -trou- ble that Nerviline Is not9d for 'curing 'quickly__ simple'ca :woad -ere In reducing a paiafullseeelebig, It."_foliowee after eery 1.-ileFelved.71a my".ieftieimid caused me great pain and' diacomfort. The eieselet were etrained and sore, and no other remedy gave the- ease and comfort I. got ,trom..rubbing on , There is a Soothing. pain - relieving pciwer about NtSrviline that • ▪ kr' for the . second' Contingent: - Friday. January_ 22nd 1,500 students with 'their offiterseevere reviewed by His Royal' Highness the 'Nike -of CorneeSght. Ile addressed' the'rtn in part as, ;toile -Nog.: "I wish to. &press to you any very great 'shtis- fiction with the •splendid turn out eybrielfaive' given me this eVelling: 'ItleV-1.4-,941064 at on Ana Sar.‘f *lee, you stood to attention end the ad- mirable way in:which Yon inarelied pest. I swat that your work since i.reniteennt..tronitl.ge. .Nze. viline reduced the swelling, it destroy- ed the. pain, it brought thy limb tack to -perfect condition.!' The -experience -of Mr. Bowen, whose horn is in VI& dlesex,. Is net unusual., Thousands, are ProVitig every day thatniusculat pains of every kind, chronic .rheumatism, ki,mbago, neuralgia and sciatica will yield to NerVilitte when nothing else nan -Possibly -cure----,Nerviline nearit forty" years With great ifileMS: -The large family -else- bottle.costs'-'60m, trial 020 -25c -at all dealers. " you wereforna0, a very few months ago, has been performed with a will, and I can' honestly says that I have never 'seen better results than you have shown 'me to -day. - What pleating me still more is the splendid example you young gentlemen are Showing to the whole of Canada. You have ooms forward at a Mo- ment When every .man that, is able to do anything to 'help the Empire in a time of stress is needed, and you have clone. so „re_ ily and in a, est -efficient„..inann soldier and OA Governor-General of Canada, I avish to Say that, no pare ade that .I have seen: --and I have seen many lately -has given the' mere satisfaction than Your parade, this Oveninge." At the saute tithe the *omen Stu- dents of the iThiversity haVeshon their determination to be of service by. ecetipying0the hones ont ter to six in the afternoon, when t Vire in no instruction, given in the tYtni- versity, sowing and other work for the lied vow, poomty. 6 • 411111011i Cures, itistenoise; • Heard Enough. '"W.here is Tommiti" -taked Mr. jones,0,1 his return from business one evening. "'Gone to bed," was the wife's reply. 'ii hope he's not illi'' "NO, I sent him to bed as it Plinislutent for swearing." "Swear- itgr' repeated Jolted.- "I'll 'teatii him to evear." Without wait- ing for a light-" the angryfather rushed upstairs to interview' the Calpriti :only „ to fall over &loose -stair-rod end7leiripT hie chin.-- At once he became exceedingly fluent,' and when the air had cleared he heard his wife call gently "Bettor conie'down, dear; Fan stifi Tommy h06a4s, jh,,eard enough for his first les- ,, , • -J.... . • , The only time 05ine fellows look for an Opening when they tarry. corkscrew with them. tabard's Liniment Curet binlitheill: A .dillaren with a slipper unless she waist* ilhOlati never yank her 1 put' her gale into it, • TRE Triajm-af.Ut-. OF ' .BOILER FEED WATERS Comprises knowledge of. the water. conoitjons, application Of the correct icegerits, • careful, ty regulation of' treatment. lichr-;:thorougiri samttifie handling- 'of Beller* Water _pro- positions,' results in tire prevere tion 'Of' scale, corrosion, pitting and fawning, and, consequettly a grsaysavingenfenrouere. analysis of. -water' from your own hollers, 'by ...our • 4 New Wheelock 18 x 42' Automatic Valve , • .... Completeoperating: condition,- ' flywheel, frame; "belt,. cylinders' and all parts. Can be thewe -.running:at present time., . ' W-ili sell at lesS-athah -fiat ost:--piice, - 1 SF- , ....„. _ . ,. ,RANIC:WItEriO_N: 'd!, SONS '. I , TB Adelaide St. West, -.Toronto . '. *-Blikillili=il — Charge if You are interested 'in 'ridding your healers' of scale •DEARBORN. 'CHEMICAL CO. 'OF CANADA, LIMITED. . Engineers. • dhemiSts. tenerld OffiCeS antrWorkm 12294230 OUNDAS. STREET, - tororitoe-eatiadeie - • .Was a noted .hurnorist 'fiVe.s.k. "...0',..S Were. in 'consultation as tii:tlie..:!•4 , means to produce persp:eatke'7. ree . • sick man overheerte the tliSeltes,:: .1,. ' IfIRI, 'after listen, ingefer 'a- fe.e.e. in.." , group and whispered *Ali • a idry ., , aut.: sek, chuckle.: t.u, riiiitestdelii:tIi irittil.4.t.::14..e::.13 t2:1677. 7:: _ entlemeri • ;that will.briez.11.,,;:.) _lb ....... .. e orice..!,"e, .• - , - e_ $500- FOR -A NAME. Elia is the been ti fill new r,erfnme, ma ado -CPauuadlint .Deloidn°2131dedand a. fla,18metiouesxeClutTilava'sti:Yit b ritthdt1 Dolma. ' • - • • • We Want a suitable •name for It, and so Will 'tgiVe'' • • ,S510 IN "CASH PRIZES as , 8400.00. for the best name. 60.00 for the best destrivilon of the perfume 25.00 for the Second hest name, iat the second best description. • , ' 6.00 .fOr .110 third best deeOription. • • and ten Si.00, wham for the next best descrio. tit'ee-winner Of the contest Will be doeidea Thilby a -6:siittittfeo-or a•iT4/enta11i5 sew 'Sift -V111 to .fiast, Shoutiltwo---er- ,:note contestants tend in the Winnine name the Wise will hei •Otittally divided, and an additional arise to the vertu) of j5.00 will be given each dual , geoeui eontestant„ No* etnplOye0 Or member ot • this. firm 'shall enter the, Contest, The sena test closes at midnight, March Slat. 1011ir, ROW TO SNTB14,----To enable Mory contestant • to Or the new lliOrftIMO before nahinitting their send one of our Special, Souvenir Doti es Of the woogieStai iboniufgLItt.ornamotiee: title atektte .ethonelfolitloacryitnui,, ' Trrer-leoneitreriatiarin.26;ttnalion° et3,11326-tem"iletiu 6'001' '1114101tilli• 11 ford mite, et teStedrare have the Flee Write tOnVidar. °IrYletau deliffitted With" 'tho bertuitte, and have 'a e14tee to *In the Ro Da ERS,. a RAv..st ;STEWART, PERP11.14fiRS Det. W.1. 'I. ...‘ 4,12 9V.i, MONTREAL, ,4- .1 ..... A, '- 4,, , I ,.... 7 , . • `.4 • • What Is Your . 1 Mirror's , Story.: .-.. . • You can't haVe. a bqautiful complexion for, the 'asking, i , , a dine , Tratemart: ' _ COLD CREAM . • Aida lira Cginada . -*: used regularly will iFniove blem.4. :1'-'2tiliheo; and make the ski 11 deal' mid sound. . , e .Vaseline Cold Cream ceniains no animater vegetable fats... It is sterilized -in the making and"delr: cately patfurned,' •• "Vaienne".preparatiOns are for s* . at all Chemists and General Starch AVOID SlIBSTITUTES. Insist on "Vaseline" in original pack- ageS•bearing the nanie, CIIP:SE- ;BROUGH MANUPAcTti 12, . ING CO, Conscilidated. . .11iiistrax* bookletimon rerieg -. ClEIESEBILMIGIII/OG CO.' , - (Consolidated) : 1886 CHABOT AVE, MONTREAL .- .. • 4 New Wheelock 18 x 42' Automatic Valve , • .... Completeoperating: condition,- ' flywheel, frame; "belt,. cylinders' and all parts. Can be thewe -.running:at present time., . ' W-ili sell at lesS-athah -fiat ost:--piice, - 1 SF- , ....„. _ . ,. ,RANIC:WItEriO_N: 'd!, SONS '. I , TB Adelaide St. West, -.Toronto . '. *-Blikillili=il — Charge if You are interested 'in 'ridding your healers' of scale •DEARBORN. 'CHEMICAL CO. 'OF CANADA, LIMITED. . Engineers. • dhemiSts. tenerld OffiCeS antrWorkm 12294230 OUNDAS. STREET, - tororitoe-eatiadeie - • .Was a noted .hurnorist 'fiVe.s.k. "...0',..S Were. in 'consultation as tii:tlie..:!•4 , means to produce persp:eatke'7. ree . • sick man overheerte the tliSeltes,:: .1,. ' IfIRI, 'after listen, ingefer 'a- fe.e.e. in.." , group and whispered *Ali • a idry ., , aut.: sek, chuckle.: t.u, riiiitestdelii:tIi irittil.4.t.::14..e::.13 t2:1677. 7:: _ entlemeri • ;that will.briez.11.,,;:.) _lb ....... .. e orice..!,"e, .• - , - e_ $500- FOR -A NAME. Elia is the been ti fill new r,erfnme, ma ado -CPauuadlint .Deloidn°2131dedand a. fla,18metiouesxeClutTilava'sti:Yit b ritthdt1 Dolma. ' • - • • • We Want a suitable •name for It, and so Will 'tgiVe'' • • ,S510 IN "CASH PRIZES as , 8400.00. for the best name. 60.00 for the best destrivilon of the perfume 25.00 for the Second hest name, iat the second best description. • , ' 6.00 .fOr .110 third best deeOription. • • and ten Si.00, wham for the next best descrio. tit'ee-winner Of the contest Will be doeidea Thilby a -6:siittittfeo-or a•iT4/enta11i5 sew 'Sift -V111 to .fiast, Shoutiltwo---er- ,:note contestants tend in the Winnine name the Wise will hei •Otittally divided, and an additional arise to the vertu) of j5.00 will be given each dual , geoeui eontestant„ No* etnplOye0 Or member ot • this. firm 'shall enter the, Contest, The sena test closes at midnight, March Slat. 1011ir, ROW TO SNTB14,----To enable Mory contestant • to Or the new lliOrftIMO before nahinitting their send one of our Special, Souvenir Doti es Of the woogieStai iboniufgLItt.ornamotiee: title atektte .ethonelfolitloacryitnui,, ' Trrer-leoneitreriatiarin.26;ttnalion° et3,11326-tem"iletiu 6'001' '1114101tilli• 11 ford mite, et teStedrare have the Flee Write tOnVidar. °IrYletau deliffitted With" 'tho bertuitte, and have 'a e14tee to *In the Ro Da ERS,. a RAv..st ;STEWART, PERP11.14fiRS Det. W.1. 'I. ...‘ 4,12 9V.i, MONTREAL,