The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-02-18, Page 6ted Q r- wT, - lir - I ............. anti rowlel -Adg. Stontuar. Ic tal,l yoii6g. WoUll WIP no, VINIble waist. and otrw* I colored lt*trand, eyes. * Disclollup, there, *,jaxono, although Mrs. 3Urnaby bar- so f routtled at the far and. of the table. vern the ear tlon a -W, 106,11 b1gke, youIr bamo most said, Aini. 13arn%bk ItIO Lealti, 44ter the affir. f4i rAtvA onfohtllt it meal wan over. An theiria wore, romp-, —loves T11e r1cUp CIIAPT91t X7XXV,(CQntInued). er. And m3� 4eatest hope s tAQ.t. I MAY Ing and Screaming about t frotyll are. �Vith t4050 beau. "Will ru oblige mo,with the number never see him again,- q abailzr gar (4, delicious flavor of Wallis, Niglit BeeclieE I �rig .k A jipt v. 1) - at bail—very adt said Mrs. Von. On* At Is P. home. I regard inelf as a a .ary Afra. , errier's room?" a mald,la a aril. "Dear me, What.foola -girls. WIII Mother to' -My urtoort dear girls. And low voice. ` -to hAn'aLnQw You're JuP4 where, you X must 11�0& Mrs. rQrd.� that, va will antivered, and Leslie hurried -qn, were before, only a deal worse off. And pevvr spqAX - g harsh - woO to Qgger Volt Want L to 'WSBUR The clerk glanced, At -his book ate ho pils. Moral suasion is the thilic.11- earit'your *111jug'yott gay to escape from the critical and corious', Li4lie-Inclineilber head. � But When- Mrs. arnaliy, bAd Kohe Into gaim which surrounded her on every., baN16 come to Nl,ou ;for pdvjV 11 said the hUoe to receive the mQther,of one -a. Sift Ahl What a. change. Yesterday she. , 'Terhaps. you way know of some of "tho dear 'things," Mine. Delille and' 'I A the belle 'and 9%vorlto of the, +place. ol)onlng� bY Which I can obtaJA 4,decent the rraut I 01 the every. one gt�plrinx for her onilles'Or no- '01, Stel mar'onligh'towed ka . and gestures copied subidstencell' newcoluorililittlo 43 to, the p0lfc�, - And 110i bar yor3� Zoo Mrs. Meitard was; silent for % tow platfrm. of,.the bea(I 99 04 10 and modeled from. her coming acknowi- minutes. -evidently revolvin$ the ;54b.# ment, the, es%bll . oh- edged with obsesiulous, adu)Mlon; to -44V ject In her mind. 411t it odlil Mine. ]Do shrunk from, and pointed out as a forg- 11110. r a schodl. ptly. tapping the ­114 Of her omuf*-bQx,` osenca. was qu o4%raq on the fine feel- "it is A hospital. Mon MOW A qspltati or'e deserted wife --a woman, whose prq� - #41AIIInk 'T can.'!, Leslie �ans PVTj "'Can you teach?" said ibe �t a daily treat—Oxe rfect sweet., 'Just at Ing* of the)other guests,. e , site felt It "Have you the -.be 'T All, the sirli qomo'heio,'rna;,XoI, w are "My p4leace has been 0retty - well turned out of other 4clibols—who 'cAij childna should hoe of tevtO: of, -responded Leol*, unable nq�. learn, wlao Arp� reftActoryi who Duffo -0 ORO PTO or but tQ *n4ura? 'there I It to b1X'BlVa4—i--Qs!S far slljnIQst keenly; 'bUt'Wb%t W , She tapped Nottly, gt.hoi covert F�. to, refralm front gmiling,'Iti aplto­ t. a nee N of b, watching. . Xf a. girl can tie. -maiiav cious with Hot heavy burdew It her heart b tter or ptoserves. 0, e4 no, Ahot. Vhqpe elp%..they bring...her­bari�� X4.MY epa -an, Idiot. An- 14101:1 auoflier-O�es,f me. PA ro: you'wjilln; 'to Wter',Cakes, Gives, p H , there, sle eW 401 g ve ..jo-4r room she needs 44t 'to where lwould� be a 4 oVL a� pittgo Us wAs. ughered Into -the pgrlor, -shamed to oUp , , to tba o4e to, be fod, Ilke. a. 1�abe- Ali. nia fol I But saw Apple�s, BlanC,)&jtnge 4nd, Fludditigs, yenella -was superintonding' thp trim- IT'teed ii; - hoige.-'Mro. Menard 11 iald her * areatts pay '�Xr%- Batuaby like. , _t - *Og of a white, organillo ftesii,l' with Leqliq. "I must, 114m; and I.W.111 *gii for eL Ong W. q, PrIlicest ThOp nother, demdiaoll ylou,lloer clusters' af`�MlVar­f lot a rk rocAls the ratherittiou �be reau Oak Iqaxee, anO ;my more. boorl and -lodging, It. no 'noorno, ioutV, An I who.bas, beeli expelleit. ever fichool, mpqrted rqach b fro* Sits 4r OPp 4, cluo, 't in of �Abe ad a -spray an -the.floor as, she uld offer.". In Now 'York. H pet o& 'Then. You will, do for,Mrw. Bar'ij" b' or ,'am I IAbok-'In by tWO FSTA' lop , �r, 1404t 'frig t9W; '' a bre. Its epute"i JU ZqTt. at, Eight h ish 4 "TMY WH4T4�� is tt Iiiit As oflings, 6hairs, ' cross the' ivoral '13he, Is th4 Vow.;cornor. Ila ord,' she Orted, evArtl., "Yak It 10 1. Fenella," a Iftfi-. with; the: frau, elnl'� .A .ple siant obag6 �Iti fAvor 0 q14 Leslie, L416- glanceH Inquiringly' at herl. "Shia I$X -frie�& 416 didi iAjo-� A O'cr"n Brima". Yogr Gr�W ot, Fe,ne 41st4nt rblatlon of fiiy, m6nls wife," hQy?,x able to refiatu froxn.tearq� 1- oonlnue*Mr4%.'M6uard. IlShe,koepp a 4 Art4ur Henderson 5, 11 ro axd ;w hvxd r4* east& gel 14M for y4o. la! to oAnk that W� shpuld Tiieet'ag,41a 'school. Fourteen jouiig ladtes� bao 'And,w.6t,ls -the rita ter with, Miss by'thelpame of Art4luri thus." Gordon 4i qmm- sl(� .14 MIsp Maydaw?", Asked LeA- chairmAM Of Ihe- British LaWr Mrs. Ferrier WAg tgk�p by surpri, . a at driming,% all th&L languages, and Ovary lie, bo n O ba rather apprehen- Henderson. 'Th4p U him' ginhi g It bad, JdMw firpt,. but sho stion, regovered Uftealf accomplishment inculcated at a. price at Lty, wocname wost included bi th, 'and rememI ThiCa"daSt"CIVICO.VAMILted, �,)Kqntra thatAs incr4dibly -low _4 00 y0i e; An A 4Pa * iThe Delille screwed up her'llpfs An the '.We.W. Year' -s. aj�) Min as te! le�� � a$-.& litt Again. want to kn4w.4 how. sh,40 .e . her -tarrAl tq(ylc- %,priligi - pl -6 i d nor , a Bob ader "And wh4tl- MAY. - I - ask,," said she, d 3vn?'05, scent dw PAvy ­proeure%x�e.�ho this , 9 frigidly,' . .. - �: - ­ ­who,--cqnducted--4,-We -7- me." sniemAleurb," sold she. "Nine, h" omen t -7 You', choose 'to tell 4.�At, "She' screws It out of ber"teacbera.11 facHalto Xew�bstl&oa,j 1�1n,come, ihas n "'I have -come to make what restitu- rod loped twIQa.' Mabel once, It there helbr6 he, I Qt rigen twiQ1 ded rs, Men4rO. "Tbare-Are always rg&chedi hipi.tiyeutiefl tion I Leslie, Vd.th WAS, but. one man in all the vorld Aiof foodgW[s., eith�j, of these r lip,7 iJ, biave� soldmy we , r4robp and educated young ladles. enough *he iu,st hein, Raintchatka, th6go -girl's w6uld be inget situations u ggifts as, a� 4eakelr and organizer Meeting U In Moovo Q should be- lof -v,Mlix� in helpll�g U feed j6welo', I have taken *hdt inoney my or. sterve.., There It AV- correspoding- with- hirn, - Miter riikd no-, so impressbd bis fel1c, -w r er a - * Q.k husband left me.and it awounta nearly ways circumstances that drive eople vel6; they ro#i ince. Ah, the, -poor- chil- lone ago,,, dille ot t �A ina4o some Into corners, and, make them-catob. at 111A% a. hungr brood,- Bra.ix'B.read,­0nja to three thousand dren. tl, -not wh that, -theyi*ays pho'se Wi. to head .dol Ira. . It Is not the hiereot,straws. Like yours of, to- key know, At real life, I.A." fef-breate tp ,,�Qhy .there. 4.10 71 cup iliblitsses, twb. te,4ip6ons baking mine, Fenellal:-It Is You I as., In the. i he Hints fo M 01lathera moria Mmel. Dellile"A report W ;Lb.l Qxoir deput&0011,�. 'Th day, .' for Instance.' Airs, Barn by Is �tract, correct, polls Ford found, that,, m6teiiry'aboutlit),t' he Will V -him?' tell hint. that 1, at toast, know human although plenty. as. xtr4oted from on give It back'to g'aiq� ' Or 41. to� a, and grinding them-If6tweeti. bor In thIs-until last rilght9l' . .t�ie w4y� Of '#�tly lessons and school 'rkin 4n for Ia, (dissol�,ed in bpt ivator 'and. Will, )-rbu 'like, a, 4.ackal, Prowling About fora her When, Mr, � Hen6roUl 'Was whi,L3' I Was e nothing hope till 111101asslpis); stir well until of 'all and Wo. 13 battei f*tim. . then ad, �"And where Is. the'.other* t*�Uty-to teeth. she Will g5le you A, home irX M asfirM 4f Y*Ungj and, ad W( Aydow 4 ordo x. miould ' the nrsbe bOb. f4tjbphenson*.snd, one pint rd upon my ieA0 int; the 01, '' t , I think. r principal ohargos.'.' 40-r insolently. dent a -A 'We 0 a),440cl I hil A ot O 'WAY of, -91 As to salary -I, warn von Ne '14turally"g ing me. t S. BAM%by. "that the tja& he Ih r ateptatber's name' ame t1- M1 P Leslie shrunk back Ford," Winter UPS of Wheat 061ir, 0116 ,0h; Fenella! do not speak lll'ara%grtiteful, .11frs. I Kenard,. for - ad 941' hiA- iimitly for, 4, lwhile'. but so eveilt, sit place,!' said, Lesli, earn-,� dear girls are net to, Imow Aha -t they -At Pprentic. w a4poon Salt,. 4 Mix �11 Ch a h- Hot breadt "!brl6eikfast atai. le, V 'and -hak4 it was not. my fault. I never dreamed esq Watched atoll. - rreedoM And confidence on ". Olnigg a. trade soploty' 11: was, i for W byea. This Makes where, 01 this wealth Larn0from. Dear )[c, t. . �. ar,w the watchwords at, Night Boties, bl.ii Uenar4. forl� lining, was more ampOr- 0 -winter., At, Z:10 aidMrs. most necessAy in d Fenelia, I am'crushd t6'the earth 41� did � a me, see; � .Butaf the same time,, you are not,'to m- to give my proper ,name, e, not, tell. ine. readyj do- not. add to my Your- rharried. �n4me..I' lax -Your guabl-z -Aecond--not Ono -see- tant,than: jediipation--to,-.tbe--Homder- h Migrated leiist�thv ae %ighly Aeiir4blo- - Thp �by usewo6reaF those unkind tauntu.11 ."But You -would rather no -Ond. Girls h* kind swayed W� feeling;!? - rom Qlsi�.go 14. , ll, ­: ": -. . que4tio ad the by Mr. - fA W morning ppetite, in cold we "DO. not data to addressAne so famil. Is that'the Idea.9 t retain It.. dernandii s4me And so, 4i. Barn thingsiubstautial,, -4-Ad tilled -out Mrs. Perrl,%r. "You Old y� ly wa,m W c�o So Ill jff 111t, 'the.w.ife. of P; fQrgeri.q. switidler-9 "It Js InqxT)ra4a1bl3r- repulslye:- to­� ine, bqj airicl Nina'wore. allowed, to, walk opt Ji� thp librth Mr.; H60dersoW-je; Tn., n -this sobit4liti4l, dish the-streeti of Harleirw� takes,, who ought -to bsatiindhig�:ln a cri!pIngi Mild. Xeiiard,ll, shuddered Into , closely. atl; alwayd r6fe,jj S�lad �-egetables arb'as, imp tended by the VInglish,goyarxiess, how-, ..y 0WIX4, Wroxxtt in the folqu f a mliffin, a; roll or ortanb court, chained and handcuff6d!, Leave fself Mrs. V on 1. Gil and iron foun� 8 dieta, M.4 shops Here are recipes;' aind Worsted stores. At their: Own wwoet, t Vas vl� - presume to, claim relationship With mo true indugh, I ant sure. Wld6wai are al. -with reaf affec� r wi, in 11­e� summ,er. mk presence, at once, and. never again that You have loaCyotir husbandl It Is to patronize carA, some� oilie "Thea. call You ever, to go.sho Working moil pping. ln4New York, , r tempting bit bro'ad, a various ders,he is regardeA ew$ ry Ior inidel"' Ways -sure. of Enibatfiy. Deoerted-wives. �?, but. nevert Better) -AilLegeellent st&W is made 4 f'SOU'lP Without a. word !Leslie laid t will. , And, exposed to ..the jieip6tul tIdn,. for fe,w men. hf-­ 41one'mor@, helvSs, jgbod. ratter: how a,lirlces 'and, *oecaslonal.. hold' Insole 'I icieased.. he 'nbnw Ate 166k,6d coldly upon. � no i t of L F their lives may , have ' been. ume-at and:-maoaroni flavored with on'the table. 6nd, pale 4S deatti, glided blameless - . , I perhaps, b ou enella's presence,. �bf these. girls, LpslAq Ford felt, that. Vlee thain Mr. erfel�ij tied anA I L' I .. Yes. Shill Wa go down to a tomatoes "Thorp' sald Feriella; trumpharitty, We$, Indeed,7 . ea iiiii her tw o hundred The, labnr teader Owes lye afteli hi Eight, .h. i, Qj)le of forinei, Par_qf pe to-- hqr�,'Xndlld. who 4rom the,�,other­roorq� It -by lollars. pqr-,aimum. -T the fact t' h4-ving lived' td- &'g bad listeripa"*[th'Antese 'reat age- not little of'his, success to, lines 'e. egg, 'Well_ en.,the glass the Wbol& Interview. n ­-engage7 d1o"e's­ n,Q .0 Ong Is ag- OA4m hwatev' will bright ;e,oars In an,hour, ient was:pre�jsely whal U �i Watt' And silver; !11,guess .she we t" ow good you , she'viotit'do- a e need anothen s�iittlng down, I rather Constant Occupa ion as. ort. O; '&jite0'�'a'tjj.bjjsP6onfu1 of bo thl Arer!"'aa,ld Leslie. feryeatly., "I didnot lre&, greStsiv type OiVlAot M O'He I tter nk I 'am free route lut6l necessary. te --a; aa zt�',col'mmon thhin-g in,days goe, expect. such., kindness, as,this", t.ber the repregent-A and, A.tlibjespoo.aful.of sugar, With a it " rtley's 021 was, per i it is U . est -We now -1 Btet,4 an,d, butter spread with no%,* Ing; up ','the t partl�.' for, . ray. . cousi Ile nrdr';-Irrjtant 'to Ily- gnswin tive, -of labor 1ii by -to livo -jo 'th, d ' hr�e thdusi�nd . th t thl nger an , 0 atqn Un- c1lopped . ;Hates - Makes exellnt �,'Artd swep saits. child,"...said the old, la _ Vetua . W -a illb, riglit and,re,spO)1- There are early histgical icordi- teAspooiiful 4 alt; 0.11 b( dy, "partl L . palls �dollar Abe locked It Into her desk.. -heart. was lbanict I r M, ' Ahe-,- mS6661 ,siagdwiolied gene as- t - wQqxd permitt net ver t36gm although it is good many vears, ago, err , table-' I . I . 5 - reek, t all avents." said. Mrs, F if 'important LO It re To pad the edges. of. doilieg,,before Help me'-Wlth my' sbawl-th6r6, that her..If� ndon TOXY jOurn of years. three The mote we advitlice in Cr. be continued4) n, not 'long ago --high rJ12se them,v w, to- had,& keen Ovel'to the main cha 0 w - my. parasol and gloves. Sp at oonfuls, �of bilking powder. 00- embroidering .ork the Is right,' No about hii M 14, W , While. Lesjjej, hurrying back to P. 1. scientific know'leclge 6f condi- �,half mMe qarg(� cliain-stittill, Own. room,, burst into rars, dac ReWly, It I were rich �dhiiuglx to', efford indeed for 4 mat W10 heglin to;�earn of Which, seemed a d, of 11 ul fir"Orl� the luxury of wcorppanion, ild,ke ana the more %you W]C, L14. ID I aeon. properly,.. dice myself, you, a so . () � , q%jU IAS own. living bfoA� Ihe, Wail tw61 ar q1tick t- re a wou cl a �Ibe It p handed." ve, to doufA -the I ath Of ir attempt to. not h re to a To slice, dt thilrle 41i�ea,is' reason I rind do not s ;of, age, down to the ear S1. to 0 'ishe e was. -14 , 'Itrough'th ind. 'done old'br hip- Was Not.T(. .e t? sobbed. e, at hav, � Elght, Beech ick The Old S oo OldA�� His'FaOrifte. 141otto. ri �hnvlqn. standin . In It gt4 patty, jo, des v.e. as It Is, :a grounds Solid and quiet,",is' the ke into onsideration t ' - 'Raint the'I 1: . W must t pans and'Vake twenty ininu es, in a andleg. af''the garden and surrounds y &..,high stone. 'wall, desciio- .4 nelar the-N6rt. -IThak. thci Germans. e which ll�q.s-boen 7hp W t .Ages.coln "quick av6 or Iike on a t6Ols r ticn, e Storie�s ng bright,' lip .0 Mi I. - --e Own ifeAfl§­Xrom 11-6131iffrg­ -He- a: I . I . srr 'to �and -d gri4ale In. fir .1080. joititU d r in,. whiareA piano, LIMil, kings. end' Tivin Noifiltiltin. jOU Spill Ink on� the -ca -.Leslie -Te4s welt �stands of iiiiiiic,,bbtolcened.,:t.he-.-chark&,.-soatetiliiet cN:)wble Of. ,glorious.. ion, and it is: a; I hod no such accuraAe Uriderst;And­ rpet, put But aware that - 'a ca-0ne�. -quar-, ,.Sa n I imme -1411st-dfiSr,herself even tha luxury Of factrtss-'�-vvas a up Iay n telter. ofl-the ostAbliahment, while, her bene- de-eds. ;such oeect :fro to, one iCould affort], howp to . a. Barn� tears. 'Sh6' knew',,th&t she for They �re.-Mave the tbjs X6- Qua -M - 14a -!been, a4- ajthe--�cxe4i"fAE1.X- ter. pqpfuj, spot, b -to spend,z�.IAO,.-u#eless�-�timL--tbat-- jmme.4 Ppepe Anat ber,through-the crack In a eeLten;4hree-ctuatter cupful ilk, alwaY With the- Sound -of'& diate action,of some. sort was. lmmlnexit� tbe Qo S ious a thiid-cla;ss cruisee:,-of work-4aid len talk�,' d r, a, buret of zubdued: giggling TO gubte th,61 d i(I -'n 0 e -oilil'calendar as wlia ly-necossay., and sq,'brushIng AWa'the Was ccaslo all ona,.. whi6h north countryman ovov, $1 I b It' h' adeAt Stud of tWo, -cupf roomSalt sprhLy L from her eyejoaheiij- she 'set one filgh-'1101co. audibly 'aaked,"If it was he i L ukilaur, two teaspo'ornful$ at 3� board'in-tho'ball; and BZW,' �Vasl* built, 2 WOr& Of jj-' s for xeckoning'­ owa.er, '�'.Ckeam�the buiter,, umd In -the nioutie-frept?" The e ard,on one baking i 'Wat6h er a,,tilmilijej. herself to' work packing , Into a small a new scliqlar ars ago,,,, and'Was 1011 Y. the ri- tll W 0 Dvv� b In sugar,, then -the' 6-ke band�recttpule ihol fp*: rimakfiffig At- vor, ' 'wit's hushed c�2 W" when the -,war bega.n. CIO, -sabject tell Us that the people a& griidually the let -7114� It Interrogatory, - hp,pre" .-teri 11,Artyls a ep ?un. � j�je 'the p filesh by chop.;' ticles of her Wardrobe. They"*e&sdant�dwn 11 of, at once—a slIpshOdA did Woman in &'.rust� 6144aVbioned63Ila1b IbY %glim., 46 eAn who are siid il�o halve, lived U-.1 such*,* eggs. Sift thQ ping; rovilily, an. sprifikling it with ehoujgb,�,'after. th , a cohelut;16 a. ruty.black draps, slippers down at Diane; but Jd big pendats In her data, w a little gratti heel.n tho OUghly -and ada'to the Lesliq feli that 'she had'noi fij gold as the i8iiiiis, t at alth ages. in the pasti,Aalbly dlo, wholesale .bavgala, With, Ume� POVA�rl, r ilaWtsugar. It oikh 'she: think!" H& th need u ad across the Ivaxed flodr'of'. the fulst !MiktUk6: Alt6inaiely wi ij cheese in, a cloth moistened for any.of 'the brilliant hat ngings" that sall, d, Ith a variety Of I ex *a's* �,A;Aised 1.6r' sale again . and One of the ArA men;to,. ep�gn;zq XIC16 'live -as lb-bg ai� we know to . jje� Wife, L of .'shril he flock. of fpsubbrillif, aga n ne Voou 0 in, 'Jibt'. buitered gi�m 'Viith: Vinbg4i - if you would. keip It appertained, e;<Jplitsively pla s.� drova-t no. O" ldlo�ki her,' -S n wag as the Period (hen'te-. milk� 1�tike th(i:abilitieS Of Mr ­Hou @ib . Edmurid St. Just. -When thla� simple, ool-, before her Into "other dhe':remained t-,ChthAm,� aw y -of a �1�: ed �a�.. a ye ar'was pr;obab touch t.: 'r' a r Lqr4 Mrley) card Ur cup" 1)3,&. mijob from the house, feeling palfifilily, hat- e44or � I .. MOisli task was accomplisbeo# be hurried room, And, sudden :Silence, tell upon ver speech wh Oi I Fb Joutn',Was not parheiilar� the scene..- ing,te 'Order.for, dentolitr6n. But shorter..' Sci . g �s.:are ciocheted ly,desired by'any,k4d'of those she left ess," . sild it rOrke�'out; &no . inist . ea,d Of the, f0sr, floilit, bile teab6iIhil. soda an& tr011ger. if the 1*0 bar,. further, so suppose tbat.-Ja- the Fench govern. -befiind� her;. "I should I,6slie: to herself. biitiAW4tPonfnl Salt sifted,togother,, .6vr-with' a, -fide .cr(ichA book.' think disciplifid Wat,mot Ono of the SP orde� 4imblition there Ite reasoft to -believe tb"'$hb, aver.' As she walked he r ad� which clAlties, of this '�stabllshmentll' re are. njp p , , � Oe duration.af lif;'has ei Wh Mill, bOils.,ov;sr,. sprinkle lqd to,III4'railwav StAtion-'bor Ideas, of 13ut her rdflections war' * `f� - 046 pint sitr eyeam., Roll< .0 jk word., -that the $irius'was� tc� An, Abated- ,board, : Wiiij he -��utrhl 'Salt On 00, St be. tQ� lit g.e. aPOVP -this- will ecohom3�w6uld not allbV r- did cut J'hort Jor--'actiive �ge In.the luxury of,a hack,'or even the -ho- -by. -Mrs-.,Xonard Step -on 7the-43tairsi and. rvil6e-; creased,. More attOlition is given, the old, lady entered, 4ccompaWed by. a tall. spato person if�spectac nd 6, re One. indh thick., ' Cut�- with.-bigeii1t counikract the Unleasant dor. tel jeninibba---an onen'barofiche, swept The. ld jship, a t e ea '' of our',boaies , WV. C�tft&r,� aiitl put tlIe $iscuits.- in, a' BMAI C6 �Of PliMphor injhq� towhil-heir. and In Its occupants- she re- les a wkkOed to a; new -0-ow -to cognixed -as. ivirom Int -o ' life- - eveial'up� to to -date. guns were. pan' Corona Ciilderon;, leaning 'stiff bombazine di Ashe :havel Improyed liiag. cobaiii;�S'. ater just . toudhib .11' liced'ka. "Mrs. Barnaby.."', made them. 1116're, sanitary. ald bae: , g -'e", . haugUtIlly.-Vack under' the Wadow of a, Mounted upon'4eY, land ix.' dayA �'tjvef*e- to fifteen Much longer- Ulac-Ibled parasol''of, tla§tly white' Ira. -k- and -cradiv mitilk is clieaper,-4nd as -tibulation, and -her pennant gliewas other.-..'.! Ritke'j will -jba�� thew -last' ' - tby� in, a pre- 1 rom th d mise, li�rd! "Just s0, Whis Is the Arned t;D, figh after Ioistiog mintitei in A Coriddliged one lees. Auht T young widow, Mrs. Menaild, ft a- ortance, k ashing southern Tildy Itf R -in.the.midst of a tiloinehdoo!boln diseases' good .ag� fregh'mi'lk for the Mkfil& onas,latest.choserr intim- ther y6ung;tp which �vere ClOnmeat ly cupfuls- Of r - be A *IdoW!", white ofcoeba,- puddings and icecreAM.:. axble, don't go, � by the, calendar,., bardment,r.. nece�Aarily $jAal senar !4 ai 'bo I fill ge Wildly in' the, i -a' r, sholw' e guns worked Ree6jd i1v Pireleg '!.Quite true! true'* "Xr, arnaby.­ said Mr&, M He 'C&rrat I A crew dlv that pib;i 00)!00�edl� 7fOU --telagpdon a , 9 sticuldtink t Iteiidexjrj� then, ve d I toplil'- - d X r" "StOPP a. Barnkbly-' e m,eMberg.6f hich-har rorT7 said qoronA. Driver, OU are apable. Of' un- --new eAch, other by oight, -worked an f ti I S,�U gk a r I,& le-� 40 inkld, with dertaking tho'du one tabiespro" P.. Engliaj. gave age,' it is ii6ncluded ill rn- ess a thjree� Po' rd 's'a A u h -aver spOonfu's of e ar,de-fici6tis..' nt Tribit14- It Eight Beeches?" I e, ej, OS, and 66 age OT11fe is ji�A�i t1oh. ."The poor -girl as. Is, degerted-by "I can,trYI, Mrs. Barnaby.1,!, L61le an- old.'-Siriva had silenced a-couplp-of thanat any Ubok-o ­tim (ill _Oitphil �4()f swered-,. _qe a r t.,t ­injdj0V0_ Mix-itd What of It?"l, ; haughtiLy sii-roments, level, Jr� eer- demand "My aidam. i� larke-l"'sdid the -Ge—rm6n--bUa teries. ad bpectacled tffy-;,;%ut I offer -the I Other, bmteripi-opened -6� Put the label t orona. Its- . ....... Andthere's,nbt M soul- ly, Long 'Brari op.' C "What uxur-�, 'it, &O �hutf -th6, to 4"Xf A, home. - We site Ill'Iffht e 1birkUs' Men av Z em...and. -but-wlll­;� -zhe-19--serVed rl ht. ----ter- mw d� if� All­fhe fan Beeches, '' My Ora t aiklnc his: cue from ;Viench goi 113 enced,'theixf. In 'Oile da 'braArd a4d'All-,-tO -dry ingr ientg. A good Aauce for lamb is cmad. 61. The driver, Dolille. tlxe younger and. tiriore authoritative or. a pharming, Her father officer In -ma I thaVealf be, haii- C -Ur: mixed iwo ladles,'rattt6d om Aunt Tri Is.- ille f th k?�,.,v soft dough rant'jol.1j, L broken.�Up and. rein rerst Nappleon, M -ship, hAd fird4d as. many g with Anely chopped, mint leaves. aud len waved a handkerchief to L rounds -of shrapnel and Ile =ncies- . court life Are elight- A.10 dled;­aAd'.-more milk. it :necesgary'; lydite Iful, while ber Maners partake ho. returnW the gosturb witb..a no rogirne. ,MSr.L of' the from her he n old rie 'left, OV ��f, alan gov turn Onto A-6ur& board toss� a few shavingii OIL'cikangt- And old German and Ital C ornegs is &,pogtess, and translates half' in6li -haughtily In-th`o':fac-el­.iv1t1j'Ijo sign. Or fo� lh� G"ans.did thA &tit bh6- er rom a Meal 1 e it Utiftmt to eah b bd YOU d token..,of.r6dognitibij, and 0 Ma e. Into, Ing, rance,. uttlt�lbdreyeg.lasses ge eI the labors. 'Jt., will - � for.� in,, exit wit to cut- own aelt'. tohc6ntrdt� svitly rolling, p h t, th of atf�,r, gi a, fee �qf led 2e .of Wth 0au&t Minced. If, Bile !lot fawmad, at thp zrk. t ring�­=� 4fig T1 e ..e i� fa- � U ------ *p a In eentre ng, to. Ford e j�� ) 4F �Seasoni R4 PooF ii .1 Y04 D, U ­­ tovrea S. Ward -L 6; stood;. For you, M to, fitica T aepart-� flushed, And -vv eary. 'on t116 I 9 plar mebts of r,,nglish and music, W1 nto I ".i�oand. in c�n : - . I it ae faj� e sw -egg the system.jus ­OUX Klela ifbn vok w the- Ii nd, 1. 7 h 41i L " O� �;' -0hel city 4yin ard the'plin .. fbod- tbe-chil a _ _Wj_th a__ Ve.__Of jt.P - �-p I 0 on, uer--bag-, Iii her, . Met 8010600vir -O)r-- ore 9. a -must Inys6if be It a ­ ­ . J0 dMoving- St u dropped 6 -Ott ig�ed thpir JIT �heet; ruh­4-dy#­ t'ap, wi ' t abi aing regUltin lid"in, pota-- '.But, she Was not'altokt un re at-- J:udge of --your capaltles in M r) t,pUr6'Ua6�atf(Tjj Alt anidl oring to - Wh he 'ate aFirst -h.erfuture.'. mueshad Won plowing h , at.;::: y *Vtfst --h a 6y -ch 25L.'Inilny. 6f the" the. or Chopin's with much a Laqfav dtte ail hia& in 1180 accKl..ihim in"the, c eal) bin . tnients, itant work I -owning,. casements -Ott. 7 dip- tfi6lb " nto ttltt� and', th9lik A effect Afta'Bandby's ey tw-I kied -Having� done good ;614's* ' Bit ly theIg L % p'hbd bie ' -.1i ret ry pi �W) k�'t ielenon. And through the,NaV sf, -Ah g1eqX;T1i­boh1Aj her glasses� Inning f4 ur-bildys. ther two %pp the ffiriusut-iu at'a,j�er Lr in eni e deciding what stop A'Was b ne 1�9 - , -- -poridetin"ver-her., n eat to eed! And now, .4ing t uk -Lesli - * -feeling, t hmul t ukL r-gat'aild . ' a abd repI slI6 herself -with aniZ' deea, ht&nam N.'Lpojs--�- o use. a j; tually. ebL �ai�fuf -'of. grAnutit I c, T " - - he.49:11c: - r - I �; AROETAEL UR )ersorLk whom she plwai;e. that she was "being ei%Ive; but, 161t ihit she wag, he� pates," took -up Ar this tiine -news had �come to ex ai:� se it. aliv Mr. :Mat _ __j , a ballad that. Ila M AH Ddiggis .unfoitl4hatelkjAn PWItzerjand. But on the music - h� ' e t Monient Mr. James. C,11-itig Is and stores, ;h6in't of home stand, the "Thr ha% that a� numb6r Of �Ge Utley bad� it dIstfint' cousin 1INbig - In' tim" AIM sung It simply, but we - a 0 r e o onst an Mix thilbughl -, then. -New Yc;rk-ftfi. elderly lady, very - much fact t reat t6rleg:in' anothe�'Aire�ction appe rin he ­ " .ve a le V A019kin lVoitte'll, and'. Children L:,S 0 4, a Airs. 13arnabY nodded. aPPro a rtPrftentation of tb6tity, or GermanK. -aft6r her o-.vn'P4tt0tn-­Whom Leslie had. tion, While'Mrs. -Wiped t & teArs C Mepard A to be tooxo�nte�ated with life, so 'was per9114(bld to-Stalid Onte oil twice met At her house,- and -to, from. he,, ndrjjtjj6.',Q'fijldren -- -were tbla�'Alrs ffie� d6t6rmj11pd.tO'AO. "My dear," said Women 5relviird. -a e.q. L 1h6'i9ikiUb-*`et r6und 'khvd thcM jhu� tThe al,a she "you. Ilke Henderson W4 asily, ' obtained' b ilin smiet m0kr*; in'ead into A jotted to spend a, night -ft brid&� thrutift, and that swe;t, 'add, Old ballada friendly �%li.'diopped few iof e: FOR CHILDRENS -�Sojft itnoOth dou. nin -a of a'directory-and Iii.abo, -makes me cfy,l, Sjiell d visl Ing M4 ghlan4'jet it an troops tha�b.jrjvajo An hour she was.shown tntO1M Arlen, alWay -asleep. I - . by the Germ rig. think.. Mrs. 13arxiabyV­ cartl� -Tid' lelt;'thefft coming � varin; pbice ov#rnight. I[*. --t Arrd's room In it 'large' and fashionable Arrs.-Bafnaby inclined "her he 'She spent, I astlo allafdat;4,% fo,r be; worn- preve� 0. neh Lwo hourar pt th -thir d-sald� W16 1119 -Ac­enter6d �Par- nte, u It an am7the­fim jreport- of of a. 'e, 'ham he oug German batteries, A,%VZL.-- 7.the. A-1— 11i �atllng� _e Pali Vegrass q;hr Vety-marvel of V - a It n -le, you. rwar ormed. by I� IL- 3,L hl n uenc Of Uttoten Brush -grdy curls. Sholooked up.at Leslie w 'I ate officers of �016 It4al PlOng Corps, AInCe't4presentej. oregiel baking.,PAR, Alld,wiiir� W sPOtle'99, lde*e,-'TI(!h blddu Vilk, and silver you ab the-, �An g I t u ar -the t, pointed' to. question Belgian an-Wirecognizbig glance, 0 Wtl lllk-aod spillikle-with see-,11� -But I It as fair hrefugeesy IIYOI�- have forgotten, mt-j - Z - who, htid pttinfu calla Owe f6r Aout O minutes. Belgian illInS AiA priests toftelred jyA,olrldl!0�,hor "There,II said Airs.' narnaby, britikly-, -change pf ocnipliments front aftlr,' used to rhedt�',VOU b0evii$16nally treldtibent, regard W at*14rs, Utley's IIX Philadelphia.", Will, Call' It a settled dr aA de,Aroed a G rahvilhent; her guns' dh Air. Soutfick'a Corti Jlr�ail.-Sift two the'saine 'When c9h -You COMP? I AM At Present to Mebarld.hodded, hot- f�ce bright. w1thout an English goilern at and.,-'* condid &O, fi'rSt )proached & cu "�1115, 4f .60rhMehl tWide Vibh n Ong. kiom, 6,nvdy .'as it, -aI 40omplish-ed and P- c6at IIIS 'M' any 'CVC the, 110h; I can remain Ao-nikht," said Lebll�*� 6� itild had' AWaS.h�,;d p & nuM- ul lot �wda �'and ''As' Mtinvasion'. %us, "The sonner' I enter 'dpd ias metiMICS-haV oft6n !'the- Indepetidetit little ft lfil Wes gO, . Ver;y girl that wanted better so'far as. I am conceirliqd," 9 oW juelif- womou and. children y d the ber' f th� ,colleaguds. jKV ig living. Yes, Yes,,, of -I Wrti. truly glad to heat, it," 8AId Mr�,, abo'�',co *gfif-; ViX One teas', ofuf-vf th0it; 4AVillhO. totifi*. dow my d6al'.. And What gliritm The fqet�' - at Jjbt onj Can I do-Ifor, Varnaby." "I will conduct you- to yotil, several -R SA to datft her Own, Man of" 9; dozen sixid afiel room at nce-a. large and alt ber of Initteeg, jf�.14 ft Vat. in. 5ree curfuji',3f fluttermilICIfig trdops. th -y It men and: T)�!n. J.nFi It wat to eaffi in$* OVVh lIvjjjjr I j� ge&ctiry Of th L Itlif A,9di.b." Intent, which 1, trustybu, Wil awlt erg ate PoOnd that bu� 'entl I pot O. �ci Sion d Milk-9dd the IC96.4 smallest AM& Leslie., "And a iUti - tob to'Allarifig-WIth tWO bf y Young ladfei; old ship party tont�140..Of, Larte: the a�d of-mAted b atMiCS ,eMj for,aitay.to­�afd me *lth thb kind pjnh 111sa'.0ordozi and Atlft- Maydew, a ed'&61n -t&�.. ­Pret),�fzd Ho� led the Belgians; -eopecT4 -au"eillance."' la' Utter, ployed ille same meana wit'; 8 V indeflitig4blY -the local .1mi --and aptift, that. I know Jilig-1-ofing-creatura, I assure you, bitt .by wout b to believ� that this mine..; -Wok -e obe here'toove 4�4ir in the -0, appeal to You in 44 I "to -heedng7 �i PlArlialn an jelly usit 'of tioft4o atotg in war lIjg decided 't her. 01 e.'f And, *ban. Mrs. Tsfenard, ha of: war.� e 0 a. taken bier' kl divit4 'Quito right, 'le&Veo folloWe Of which latior-plue be, Mayor shafflnibn my' dear., clUlte rIg%t,I , d �by Leallola.'Whin ered wal; 6, to tli�ee 111C iffidly. "But Whitt haikA, Mrb� 11 no ameter; Pulldyd e,6 the rilled. iiit6 the CUrMarig- .at aarnaby.led: the ne V9 - AnA As a Meraliry di twdhty to- baq become of your situati6n witbL. -�oc -the- .- -- the. - -ItO foll in pirbr tr- Weoldyajj :; 081ti".2. I'a f6ss-tha couldn't rftA eh- AtaIrtAA_ Whi, Ar—= , .- - Awelve iAlmes, , Will- 6ugh,sonip*hat shabbily fut6n or ri any e&1% bpp Alth a . _,n all, jjeti�,b lay t tell 4 a 6r�poped' Of' diiVil. Abe could rem ald write,"."Id Ira Or hi par�'L treatment commanded a 11fie V16W of the rlv'e lahed: 94509 and praoller and 4 teilreteAtative at Logue, amiling, 1141016ug,b. her. odue.Atl6n. ,eat.,ptt Wag of. little ft tSolife :V1o0rj L gjIlleg,. 'fans taken jpri4onerq, hftd ',tr4ns-� had, aetil vomewhai 1169leCtOd, But She drAparlod, hung, froin old-faniflobM gilt orn and, laded, thd WIfido* kes',of fuel vvhl the annual toda, had loat their ori ,earrivid Up ported to Goititaity. They b4a inal trInison. suedofi. 11he work retuddd d&y4, �vheti flon. Ahll# gnd *4 i t Io n I ia rapidl, I long trA thte6l Hit 6 WhIRF bodd B ro, herded- iti ' d"'Through Tio fautt of mifto, �fra, bron. wereongoit sidb by tilde, .01) - hultithto "Pnd �r)j Aerhood and tb(- P.13A, NK WIL60N e1�y increasing in. :pride, filthy e-Attlp �ard, I YOU. BUt lot me be 48 doolfll On ona, Of th explained. The 01' V shoulJ try =4 rAe. v�hab thoir ',can aiidlodgd io - ng bome book, ghleb.. aful iO io PrePidotit i�r. 101446, Add: St. wodti Irottiqto,, elip uart6tt, if, end, Ztra. Utlon", ou Aa I-ahould be Witfir mle gitl Jay, readl el Iparticleg 1411 -to 'tho, grou4nd of, sillo cjajM,q 'hia 4tttntj6n,, iga'ij ntraneeL� &er7 line With sdear' ealt2� the, V� This re'A nchf, . - their, own 'Weight, When -they get out We -Aid '61 thA' J4, 'alviraya, the .". od-60k bon0 h t ej)1114w. . .* rkjojjcy� 'M�t. &4JI, believe aalfjr 'Mr.4, Nina, my l6ve,, I ltopd� you are not ond the , drawing, -power ,of ltfi� ho.0 'MIA94101), ill," -dald Mrs. llartMby, fill ofily a h6jdadhe," agid. th U 6rrmt I.MY14,1P 10 TO lip, lin rh. . I � I . . pprooft dildt6died arj,- atilf. *on, Ihe� 'heatcd air 46 *iffioub food' , hhna�y and u jgjan, _ %jilit "L " 'It 1mr4Ltdia I I good Make two P5 out, threo, Wdflt OA 1,09116. - )9 fitte'. of hiirl� *eli treat6d,, ibut Ver is te h marrJO4, not b ur r; 111 606 It will Mon pitad Awall, in 11,116 9 jeca with wpko ' W, - tcjd� Lg4q in pr6vidClA 'With i9anitary lconvoft. a'fid WtAua4 I J001ed 3% hOM0,11 orficnn, Mrij. Vora. Ford, 461 OhCV4 tier Wad. nua tmoatitiftio, berd In our no* MR, 4'�lda fin but'beeauno 1, r 6w 10 --r about 4P Vol, oil some, tow IR, JA. Bake In to hhoth& Airl"A a arp tiot, - ientkply who itThe, biggest dock is ia fatil Ualle, poroste hotaol top rou Ifflarted 11111tioAsTv in 116th '#at jift the wil)(16% blot, hrtWsr "Come Am Ilia C'himney tbunied by do air t)jill mrj, until y top,..Undor the'daveet of'tht t NOICAL, 00.11 and, a, A14 liousaw Whos W41ed., Also& 0 anguish 8, her u fo any 19�� r 01 t -Altos 0 tbo i '�l it ed h