The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-02-18, Page 57,7-• i.;",,:swirwwwwqmprippwrw•,,r - 't" 114',1.4 400 Tir 1r4r . . thurdity, PetsuarY T8thf 1918 0 •-; ..7aissisaammow.: MICR Si 00. GR • .t* • '-•"""•' ' •• • ' . . • • NEN SS�LVED px.RTNERsrup..**.1047.41...aughtee7-00.7. • . • . • ..••.•••• • • • - • • • .• • • • , . ,,,, • $7i0,00,,..••St•Ok .M4Itiy' , .. • . • Articles• • .• . .. • '..tteodint..litni*.are save',.troney'tly purcbsing a our store NOW as our stock must be reduced Oy-S3000,,w#110:01he:,00xt :fifteen • , Just a :few of the many Articles which are Greatly Reduced: *Wats' Canada Rage regular $55.0O 1101k $5 1,00 • Buck's, Hippy Thought 'oc, Now $4.5.00 Buck's Three,ip-One,Heaier regular .Op, Novf $.ts.00 . All Oak and .Air Tight. Heaters. at ,Cpst and Below rtig now tre. , regular..2., now. .1•9C; ' • Capper Boilers - regular $5.5o. Now $4.25 Copper Boileys rtgular 4. so Nov 3. 50 • N icfde Pt ire& Boiler,. regular 3 As and 3 5p. , • • , .Now.02.75. ,Heavy D. Handled Snow Shovels regular.6o;centsi now 4.$ cent*. We have a large stock of Pocket Knives at very low prices to clear out. eavy Straight tiandleti Snow ." Shov0s,..tegtil4r 356 , • n'olY nts. • • • We -have a 4rge• stock of Razors. Call and 40e '..thin.. -before they all go. • 00 Granite Ware .• Large Granite Water Pails 11,..'1 15 . • " • 80 Lam go.Granite Spiders ...... • gg 45 • Extra: large Granite Pi esfrviEg Kettles' 44 .1 25. Large 'Granite Preserving Kettles. ...- " 75 " . ; 65 = Granite Sauce Pans , " 3,5• • • Granite rails • •.., 7.7 • • r, • •••• • - ••45 37 Orl••- • 0-0.. • • ..... • . loves an -131-elc Calf Sitin. ... .... Pig 'Shin Mitts • • a • • . " Mule Skin Mitts ...• • . • . • Buck,Skin Gloves ... 4 - Mule Horse' Hide . S Silverware 1865 Rodgers Knives and Forks .. , tog. $.4 .50 Sale Price` $3 '70. 1S47.1todgers 'Knives and Forks .7:7, ' ." . • t? oo 44: ... '4 10 Pearl handled Meat Forks : . . . ".. 1 75 ." • 1 35 1847 Rodgers Desert Spoons-. , : " 6 75_ , • so „ 5 .65 Torsi) Metal Table Spoons. " 2 00 " " .‘ 1 • 60 Carving Sets ........ .7. " 2 50•0 • '.1 •-• 1 • ' , tim_11111..m_ • TeeerViiirK'ettle-,..7..=.-.-7-reg?$1?-45--Salci--Prip_3411-10 - Preserving Kettle.... " 1: 25 " • 93 Tea Kettle . " '2 75 _ " 1 9,5 Tea Kettle. " 1 15 " 1 20 so 165. '1 20 , Sati.ce ... • " 75 44 . 50 , Sauce Pans... • • ••••, -Alumtiiart P 44 .1 50 • " • 1 20 Aluminum JO, ;". 65 " Aluminum' 44 ,60 , , Aluminurn e • 25 ..‘4 1 00 Aluminum 4.5 Aluminum • 41• 65 • • Aluminum • Aluminum BRUCE COUNTY NEWS • CULliOSS 4.0UNCIL . ••... : . wavr,reh.:251:10 . Mr. and Mrs. Iles.cloddee a nt Thurt, ' day evening at the home 4 rt Wit. '5eti• Mr. Vintor Thorhurn an4 IQ* Hoz' t • Nadley spent Friday evening at tle. lime of Mr. Joint Wilkie. . -Town Toes -water, Teb. 19; • Word was received at Kincardine Council wet on the above date. Mn- '! Tueosy atia0 week of the death bers were 31) Preselir arid the reeve ia in sebiotoou 9Exios moo moonold the chair. The minutee of the last meet- dartgorpro°,infttoheiatairtie lirvecunle9Ze4h /14;19/11; gA werer ut r read o nrnaMH dc Ph eosustained.a-That at the nurse, and it is thought bet' death was ptleo4utdireetip:r1 tucl,:eviliervetrilambo"trps: ,due to over work, itipley's now High School will be tem:jiver adeCotrildaintl41 Ve4rrttile008 .4"ern ferinally opened on Feb. 26th „ Case -Donaldson -That as ibis Coon - connection with the event a public cil has finally audited the boas of the entertainment wM be given, at which treasurer And eeranared the same with Ur• BeWingle+ ,11.1. 1)0,, High lieheoi the auditors' report and .find tber4 Inspector Mills,and 'Inspector Bald. „Pkentlir correct, that the clerk get Ime -41 • a:part-- ingidrodtoPiee distribution.- famousPrielleedinr- 1- ridlhat auditors - paid the tenor singer, is also engageti for the evening. •.- Al Jan McLayo a tOrteor Ripley young man reiently returned from the West to ilia boom, suffering from it serious. illness, -Ile was ill for souie months before leaving Alberta, .where be had 7 • - Mr Clarence" and- Miss Eva Frase, visaed AVM,: Peter Campbell's, on tho btomdary, a day last wee*, - _ 4 number front here attended the ro triotle Concert .g.ivea by the I.O.O.F. Ripley. All report 21.• most enjoyable tune..-• A number from bde attended the .'"funeial of May' McDonald, _Wink • • - deceased as) -- a Pa died in Saskatooi; • w of nine dollar's for their services,. Carried. highly esteemed, 3rd much sympathy in • A rinstrong-AlfePhersonaThat we attended to all the bereaved friends. grant Robt,. Ireland two dollars and fifty. A clebate was held, lin On Woodmen's ;to be drivezi 20 miles On Si strefeher tfl Was very 'Weak, when tic 'airiva(Vat Ripley, but his frieodS think ito •ean be nuived back to ' Messrs, ;Arch and, ravid Kirkland, Of near Teeswater, were the victims of inpawayc)accident'athiliv 0 Wing., hairy hero fair,last Week: They were •stiteting to drive home, when a run . away horse hitched to a cutter, • dash ed iota tivir outfit. A , shaft of the: cutter was driVen about six inehesit • •to the shotilder of.Messrs Kirk lands', bins% ififlieting- "it terrible tivefintt, The horse'had to'he left in charge of a veterinary surgeonjOr treatment.' " VaomeT_QPionies,7.4.Ording to the Ripley Express, a, number of"the Inge offices there are goipg, a -begging. in4.128naiyesia,;74'hefroerias ;anYiat:C4V11,eInitipen cVeli; 'bein the. interest Of the ratepayers of reentS rebate On taXt'S for two days! road Eon on. !gondol, aveningi,...the lave:et, er.' 'work rserferined in beat No. 9 instil(' of being "Resolved that United States is 1.0, also Alex- Vatnon two dollars justified in remalaing" tieetraV for workperformed• winterof 19131 affirmstive side won. The proceeds, ef•••-e--, • 7 - which hgl, an paid In taxes m 1014. Car the railway'stAtion-el Hanna. tx,a. ned" • MdDimild paid ohe dollar refund oo dog tax; not being assesged on the .A.4%;81:1 - wont Rai Carried, . • Annstrong--Denaldson-That Messrs' Case and McPherson he a committee to arrange for printing for 915, to let on-. tract if they nee Carried; Case--McPherson-That this Council accept the offer of the Village CounCil. for the 'gee of the hall and clerk's. office for forty dollars for 1915. Carried, Armstrong -Donaldson- 'r ha t, we mage a grant of tweety-five dolloars to the Teeswater library. -80 that: the ladies of the countrymity• go, in and use Was a waiting room, and have the privilee of reading any books or literature. CaseT-McPherson-In amendment to motion for grant of twenty-five dollars to library: That We do not consider it to •OaseL-1-1)Cii1/41sion•-46tae. Thomas , the evening amounted to $14 , • 401.••••••••• • •• Lrewo , are softy to learn of the death of -John Glazer. The funeral was 'It'd , •`SundaSo. • "( ,• , • Quite.tkruntber,of young peoplefreni • "here attended the dance Santidees on.Thursday evening of last Week, • Seileral ptople from here attended the .° Box Social held at J Haltett's on Fri - day. evening last. All report' it good. • time, • •-• • . Two young men from near lucknove while on their way to -Crewe Sunday', evening had the misfo) tun to bieak ' • their cutter. • • COUNCIt. MINUireS: 4 . *est W-tiwariesh, Feb, 1915." 1.4_;511119..meeting of bouj_ruil leas- e d on above date. ,,Aembers were all present, Reeve.Murray presiding, Mie- utesof last meeting were react and con- . 'finned on motion by Naylor and John- Stop. Financial Statement was read by • treasurer, showinclialance..-ofi---band of. . • $409.21..• This -report was filed on motion - • ' by Mallough and rurdon,, • • , ' 'Letter' troneF. S. Spence; Toronto Secy, Ontario Seanicipai Assueiation; urging all municipalities to become Mem,' bers of this movement and send delegates to their conventiOns,wattAladonmeto by Mallough and. Naylor; Letter. fie Secy. Hilton Old Boys' Association, • • r Toronto, asking for help in securing ' .• formation re the early history, of West iYawrinosli as a part of Huron County, • time historY ot Which • this Association so purposes to issue in book as soon - as possible.' This•aiatter was left with. • • ' • • the clerk in the meantime. • ,' • • . The Anditeri • Report was, 'Mad by Auditor R. H. Anderson, showing bal- ance,on hand Dec. 31st4323,23. This • . report was adopted, and the num' num- ber of copies ordered printed, motion • • ;hY Mallough and Pardon. ' • - -Motion by,Johnstonand-Nayior that . ,time for ri•tuta • b ectbrk e ,cheipaehe:issued7fer,collectoel' ritr-no-person-;is-anxious-for----the--p4 this township to make such a grant. tagious clisease,is too great. J.13. Mar. ebb son: Fr Fthre the amendment, nitigicPpliTitason-; tion, as the 64 of contracVng a Case and Kuntz -Amendment earyied. tyn Nail!. take' this ieerrimible office, Samuel Smith, Putting in otilteurt on providing the township council ad con. 12, $2.00; F. Bennioger, rettind on •vance"-the sa!ary.--• ---Therais-also---a-4 statutalabor.-2.00;john Ifundirrepairs coney .for liquor detective, bui it would (*.grader; 2•71; Ni Melvin, win) ve work, be ., difficult to indnea,any •citizen . to on gravel, road, 4.50; K. Mcdienzie, •ser- timo it, leaky as rif, the, office of . police services vices as auditor; 9.00; T. P. McDonald, serviCes as auditor, 9.00; Robb. 1 .)land, accept theposition At the ....enty: 0.9....a.Y.eay.'. :-.!.;riere are. plenty of -refund is rebate on statute 'Moe, ' 2.50; A. L. ,, Strome, rep. plow, 75e.,; Alex. CI? n) 'mon man will be vacant, is .the 'salary . _ :enough to induce any citis.eit . to, 40 ' nedyreQfntrnsdtatuuT:e.dloagb9traix2;a1.).;othl'ilobenit.". Mineliall refund in -dog fax 2 (10. Phit positionsAut the salaries are not large Keifer, breaking gravel road 5.00; Bobt, , ,.i.ora .1517.1NNETir pt. JAIL --Rom 330. Colvin, breaking gravel road; 3.50; Chas. . ,.„. ,,, i tatieltets;twedb!faoriattloatoinfg,:w.aeeekaa agmoill'Iw,t: ._13ntton, Baldry as a.lelic, 1200; Charles Button; registration fees, 15,00; ' James' Goderich on. the 13th inst, and was Whytochewinter work ow gravel road, 3.59;.Mi3h. Fischer,' part of contiaet, ist Lakelet; eamabefOre ' Judge Holt' at 'sent to jail for 90 days for the 'offence aideepad,mon. 9, 40.00; .Alfred Cash* . Torn time n!uteani r6. Raid i haebeen very e7Vi enareyevstethtion°8 tgant;bnroefpiaj ctt the 4.1,8:00:11:Yi a i Reinhart; l so; over-chargeisoptecollectorravr rei in id. 1 t a 110, taxbpotage, ii,i g,b; eil, 2." 1 oi 6c 0.2. ;120: i.. 34 j.; . - ,hargeAn , ' hill, Ohm, and has been 'carrying 'an 'old -1:42; John Clark, as, , treasurer, Snider rifle with a bayonet attached. 85.00; Joseph Murray, balance on tile, As -a: result h fr heassime in for a :good •111,65; T.P. McDonald, refund ort--clog-- ihnmannY:figliebnedlesi-iAtIallieleftrcit.,,,-ts given 1:a. X" 'infili9-P.8-61:18-Ort:1$;48 ;Pi and adopted. ---w-quantitypf,iiiteir 4.1iniTliii•-thiiiight- ---•.Couneil-thewadjournea,kkmeet-dgain- 'en•M arch 10th. . Qhas--.L13-.1-it-tol-1, Clerk. . , . •-•' ' i.' , . • Ripley 1 . . -Monday,. Feb. 15. Ale*. Maitirchy made, a business trip to Wingheni last week. . ' .• • • , ; • go . o 40 Covered Settee Paps ". • " 1 00 • 70 .‘Enamel Aluminum Frying Pans. .. ..... • ", 5 , • ' , • Alitroinum Pie Pla ..... • • ' I..ar s' e 13read Boxes " .1 '30 " Itoend Roasting Pall . . . . .. reg. $ '75 Sale rice •, 60 , 15 ' 10 • •,Granite Tea Kettle. • size • . • . • . . „ Granite ; • 14 1 10. • Netting, Axei,' Axe- Handles, Wii4Stretchers. ranite Tots- ..• .-'. . : " • . , :_.--BeirA,Docir-Tra.-eks,Spdes,ShovelS, fOrks,t83c. • 4 . Granite Mee Boilers . ' 44; 1 n.0 8;3• The ..Prices \ Cut almost in wo on Poultry . .. • • . , 1 , ememb4r th167-fTreatQppoyturqty te:i ve- -MOri-ey---on-l-la_rdware is, only. good -until-March-ist. The we quote are --for- Cash a . - s Come early and get first choice while the assortment is unbroken. • . • „ ..:,•.:-... ..7 , '.:-.,"-- ±... ..'..-: _ :- lift ---= ...- . __ ,. A . ..:- .."--:--,..--;._ .'", ,.-•-:. nevog ad. u'rto'-oate,Creamery . ,in full operaticti, we solicit- your-- -'priliiiiingei----We -are-2preply.ed..Ao.... pay the. highect market...prices for good cam, mid, give you an est business. Weighing, sampling 1 .ancittes,tittg each can of cream re. ceived carefellY and returning a' , full statement of ,satue to ' eadli . ' patron.. We furnish two cans to each patrOP pay all 'express Charges; and 'oav every tvvo weeks. Write for. further ,psirticiders or send for cans and give es a trial. • ) . The Seatorth Creamery CO. Seateeth, Ont, , • , LAOS w_ar-e he- was getting a supply of hard eider. He became enraged over this and re- turning.to,the house began to abuse eveaybody. Robert Caudle, who was nearby with MS team, struck Tom with whip in order to shut him up. :At this Tom went for his old rifie, and • f.'4.auclle drove off fired a shot at him. At the trial Tom swore it. was only a blank cartridge, but the judge sent him down for.90 days edl the sane. FlOOKEY, TEAM. -The town great• WGREATiaritt appearsketeam this : setwon. The to have produesd crack 'team from Berlin, which last year won the Ontario Hoekey Associa. tion, visited , Wiarton Friday, of last week and rims defeated 11-5 by the northern team_ _ describing_ the game, a Daily Star reporter had sthe following to say regarding the ----Wier= .tcgil,pte:ethr; one of-fh-it.'"Wiliaon, jayers is a speed Merchant, and it witsIktIreat -to-see-thein-going-up-the-iee with -the puck. They worked a grand* two-man cambia:Woe •that Trunshitiski mid Sei- bert found it hard to fathom. : And .how they_ ,could `shoal Every time •they drove the puck at Hainitverth it seldom missed .the mark Wiatton 's-liOut&oh their form, win 'hoth -the: Intermediate O. H, A. and Northein 'League championships ha* everything that- goes- to -Make -up-a -great hockey team. Wlarteri -stti.rted right after the charapions in the _first. period', and out played them* all an. ,the score behig._5_4911,_Vlia Mime . preetleally. lost In that pe-ried. ti showed impliAlitnent in the see, Miss Katherine McConnell left Thursday for Cleveland. , • Mrs. (Rev.) D. A. Mel:mai" has gone on a visit to her mother at Wallaceburg. The ftineral of Miss Maggie McDon; aid, Which was held in Ripley on Satur- day, was largely attepded. . The tatty High Scheel intend, hold; ing•the opening of the new school on Friday„ Feb. 26th. Harold jariois beensecured for the evening. 4 • _ The LucknoW hockey team played a gioneinAtiplercer-_Weelnesilay-eveningr The Spore was 11-).-10 in favor of Leek- nowr-What's-the:inatter_avithourhoyel. - Mt* AICKinnon and granddaughter, - of Aberardouii -and •-•Mrs,-,--1:looey arid daughter, Of -Bovimanville, returned to their homes after visiting their sister, Mrs. E: J. Reavie, Sr.. - • • The Ripley Cheese and Batter CO: -contributed to the Dairynien's :Patriotic 'Fundcheese which amounted to $61,60. Paramount. Ripley were the •only, Iwo that Vintributed, , • _ _Allanatetay, son cif Malcolm ma.4,., th-e-Gtetides Hararrived- from the West. He Was diiven ecross tile prairie for so miles wrapped in Wan, kets on a stretcher, " Re was in a very weik coliditinn when lin ardved here,_ th goer:taste-will recoveri: riot:ivied-were-able-to-get9h . eetri Mtion going a little. The result - was t they-scored•three-goalS, but. - the pokeil :in the *tune' .natn- tlowerdale . . named mernber of the higli school board, battle Iii t I and it 7 A .extendect tOilViarchASC:219.t.4..,,rar4r-that:::-.:••'; • 'Motion by Mallough and Naylor that ' .R. Moore be refended $.60; on error in assessment. • ' • The following appointments were duly" Made: Fence.Viewers-L;laines Nivins,, • J. Washington, H. King, • John Derain, • W.. Armstrong, W. E. Gordon, '0. Greer. • Pound Keepers: --john Taylor, Joseph Feigae;-Thomae Doyle, C. C. Woven,- • • -Ambrose trophey, 'Joseph Kennahae, . HumphreY, W. 'Miller, Paul Sineltzer.". Pathmasterse. Girvin, H. Kerr', Campbell; AV. Watson, Geo.. Rutlidge,,, Nichkeon,:G. Horn, J. Spron1,-D.`• kiv- , F. Culbert, • W. W. Johnston, F. Bruce, F. Moss, A;Feagan: W. J. Andrews,' Ed. Anderson, Cal& ' Well, W. Smith, R. Bell, It. Smyth; J. Pollard„. W. Boyle, .W 17,1 'Ledcly, H." Lindsay, , W. Farrow,- -V, eron, U. Thompson, •DT. Mallister, 33rephey,. 'Thor:Upson; J.: -Edwards, J. Lasenliy, ' .1 -744 411oustesn, R. Medd; jr. S. • • • z".' litirPeri 0- Durniii, L Greet, J,11Vilpon. G,-Kennahan; ford, H. J. Humphrey, J. B. Rutherford - . .• • W. E. Gordon, M. Humphrey,' D. Mc , • • , Kenzie, W4Weeds, S. Taylor, &Phillips • . J. Martin, P. Smeltzer, Watson, Greer, J. Miller, W.'3-idgeillie, Phil- • lips, J. Forster, W. Donnelly, P. ‘4, G. A. Webk-K ThTitnDnnkuinon„ • Dr..."T;; B, -Case and II. Fowler.- .1` ,pased and paid t•in *non by Styror , and, Pardon. -• • • . • • Council adjourned to meet on Mardi : • Sndat 11 a, m4 When the drain guef,tent will likely be taken- up. ' W. A. Wilson, Clerk. . •••••••,..,•••••••••11.1•MIVAIM . • Women'efkArnv"..ifirionftwinekondbui!es trowtrikaget* . , . bee as t e"` ret period. The real , •) '••-•0,... • . _ - • II: T, Ricker, of the public 'library boardt was amt frame, • 41Ouilit ' t13Latust&-s- Porter-Vrai -appended -to -Wasailo and tuck: ring -the- whole•20. Drnier 1:31b lioirt MOldr/14'.-;On:* 'Vriday,4eb.--1-2thr-a-erewd -of... thirty, men met at Jobb Hogan's, 1261 Con.„. for wood :sawing bee. There were 12 saws which started 4.10 o'clock, finish- ing at about 5.90; in -the meantime cut- ting about thirty Cords tif woe& When all Wet) over in the bush, they Went • to the house, where the women folk had an •elegant-sunner waiting for them. After supper most of the crowd went home to change their attire, returning again Shortly to a dance which continued Until 6.20 in the morning. The OroWd. con- sisted of a few front Kingsbritige, the rest %ming froni the neighboring coon - trio, there being about 00 in all.. The Matelots tendered by 'Messrs. TeWle; McKenzie, Nelson and Lannon, mom-. Poled ly Zoo, %row, graduate, Of, Miele. :The bagpipes Were,aleo. present; and Meseta Parrish and Met 'Contain rendered some ,good selections. Jack and his sisters seem to hove lots of food friends both in the bush and the dance. Several had breakfast before leaving and everyone said it, was the best dance of the winter. The Hogan faintly are to be,COtioatulati:xl; OU the great •stieteile they made of -It, and the crowd will be .1^bk104,101Wikt4 1410010# 0110 lkoft • . „ '''''''.•41••4•44•14.••••••••••;44•0404,000.4•••••••*••••••••• he First ,Step 0140. ntettna ititteh. htia *BMA istteteaft ,tilOttattlida ° youtig• peeple who Wrote for,our catalogue as the first BYO, tOWaril a, geed salaried ..,p06itio0., Take the 'step to. day, .Address Centtat ihiSi- ,ness College -39S 'Yetige W IL 6111kW, President. • .. • • • II • _We itte soffit to tile illness 76ii'Aftiiiirfi-otffuteth";'•;80-0 Mrs. .t.flcott..• . will have hie office in. the town hall, , in g the last five mintites the losers had • ,- .tWhoittuig•tlion thbea:kbeo.dninaorend inotrn •siltoettis,, f rbotitit- :611%1 ,spent wee_k. . Anglia Mcintoeth had the telePhone Ali a„egles they were unatile to -beat • • • installed last week, , : . • , • . . . • 1Viondity F b 16 him' Miss Helen Scott 'spent the week end Mr. and Mrs. J. Norman spent it day "Otuith Coo. Kinloss` . with friends at Olivet. • - with friends. in TiVerteil this week, ' . ' .. Mr. aneMis. J. +Johnston and dat411. iNfrs. Graham of '1Anghant, Sask., -has •: - 4 -4,,e... ---•e== . -Monday, Feb. 15. , ter visited at Virm, ajeCennell s oit . Pct. been.visitteg Mrs R. X. B.air this Week. . WalterMcKenzie is borne from T� - day. • ' , , • 'ik, : ' mt. And mii)s, .6100. illitelcwell spent n, ronte, where he has been for some time.. A huroh.or.of our young renPle attend-. dire with friends in Tiverton this. week,' Mr. and Mrs. tAptl• •MeDoitgitil were a good time. ' the,iiloy Valley Vane), •in Kineardiee inst. Quite a number from 1.iere fook in presented' With ,n, fine boy. on the 9th . , , , ed the psrt# at Amt. rraser5s. Allteport ',-. Miss Rhoda Donglat returned home on the retiu Miss Sadie McDonald is 'awe; on a from :• WhithY, where diphtheria has Rev. Ltuteford of Kincardine., and ttrhie,I1trnerbic-dbttnesst;t1e,n4 °*er placesonbroken out. , . , 1 , . , Rev. Poulter of Tiverton, exchanged ,.TheiLtiolard, of Toronto, who has pulpit's on Sunday, • .., . • , been Visiting at James McLeod's on the - 'ani Scott, : the, 14 year lold Ste of .6th coo., has returned to his home, Thos. Scott, was operated on ei few days Mr. and Mrs Alex., Fraser, on the 4th ago for appendicites. He is doing hies- of Motu, gate a dancing party in honor hr:w' hope -for the best. • • Of their niece, Miss Elena toelchart, of Quite a number of our young 'folks attended'. the hockey. :match in Ripley Wednesday night, .' , • • Wiiirdiatli • A patriotic dance held at the armories ,the Baptist; church, Tiverton, 'Wednes. sh'ortly retie tO her home. nett,etttlle Itea Coss. Society °Vet $50 ; day, at the l'areive)1 for Mr. and Mrs. See. by ;the last issue of your interest. At a weird nieeting, of th"e l'ovo Viriguoo.who kayo tor their charge'in log paper, The Sentinel; that the prin. Council the following town officers Were aoderioll. . • eipal delay in the Matter of the PUral named, With Adiatieil an steed; the gen- „,,"Iler Priced the Erietny'raVill ed, Moil. Delivery is caused by the non. eral figure nitheating a 1,04 reduction: Feb. loth,' the Tr) Hall at Under- erection, of the posts andbOteet atop Clerk, Jobe Oroves, .$0e0; treasurer; wood. Uri play. to n, good' nue; tlx, 4th COP. hustle them, up, friends. 10. J. Stmrart.006 Chief orpolice,4705, tiptoe hi. Just one OW and twoleedA, $0 fito.10.01g.to keetw the ,..rna.On V'5('d and two $1,140 Ol elOthetit night viatclk, to, - Unkhe 0611090 ad 0,4440) , order for the and WO 0 WI 4:Initlt *4,6 44311140% Alkit aifidi OA tit Altoclit Vit.$ Oak Mr. .1> .11.1el.PrintM of Mainip sang. at Beaten Mari., 'on the 12th• inst. She ' • . . r ot_ . • • .• • • . o , • .• •' I inter Bargains We dant want to carry one pair of this season's -- gooas into next season. Or Janx5tb' and after .we will give special pricers stn all our feet goods for spot cash. Every pair must go at reduced 'prices. Ben's Heavy Rubbers. at 10.per cent. off. On and after Janr5th we will give a cliscount of to per cent on all om- Men's Heavy Rubbers. We have them in the popt-ilar-styreatbn -Anci_lact. - and lea:digt. top. , If your Rubbers ate getting worn this is a chance to tet a pais to finish out thewin. ter, at reduced Prices. . , , . , J. jOYNT LtICITNOUrt COM . A $epar, Deal for ilvetybpdy# „ ,