The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-02-18, Page 141,' • - , el9rer3/4"F".1711""Pr 4"1.1"r"-PIMIMPW"'"1-'1`.'04."1,47,7-'7 ;w775.5".177-cfr— • 4 •.•77711'71. TW."-• '"," re .0o per yea*, in advance; .2 otherwise Luotrilow ONT., THutzmwir, FEESUARY 18th., 1915. • bin& (:,,Apies 3 r, reV , [...Ai, ama,tow-r,e4 I r• •. ' . . , WEDDINO .10..ELLS.• • . . you want to got . LOCAIL. AND OENERAL . . . . ,QUICI‘CAF TURE ' ' 'OF suspEc..T,E0. THIEF . THE' MEAT :DETE‘...111.1/E" • '.1.1)4K.NO. WM.. INS OVER • NA. k. ES. 0„..11E... Ai OM • - .R.11101411. AND.T. E...ESWA.T. E. R. . . .. . PfEtkE--;04)erittrIL ' „ . Gift A quiet wedding:was: oftlefitni3eciat the A for • - 1 . 1 .. Cain residence Post 'Office. block • ' . Wife 4,t • • , . , " ', .. , ' Young • lat.:tzeic.. The. . .. . .. • ,.... it ,SOMETIIING . . .• • fOrf. almost Nothing?. • • . • , Rol will Wog owiteo to be '111;*11--- 280. this weOlp , .•, : • . ,., B,oliettP. Webster visited:friends. at ,. .. .,Ccelliteble Oareerou.got"iiw?rd On ' Pri. .day 'last that theft :of some magnitude • had. been Otiumtitted, on a ,farm near h i h • : - -• • - s - • . Full II Enjoys . # • n . b- The 1004 .letkeeide logic. Hockey ;' in"Se POPYS Hum* PI. :ioam Wail, :successful in tWO. faB.t ean100 1.0.. al Talent—Proceeds„o - .:' ,. : • . V11 11 t t." eek. • * - .- • ' „,„. Iledw11.feenryabreile7vP4:,,,,, . ,, ... ... ..., „ , ., _. ._.• . _ To L'0.--vy. 0-llfs- fairw..t•ic.U...:„..„..._:. 3.6:"fleintl.41.4•044)17.4"7,,,Lett_. lOwtoo'voa;,0.o...Taloreilirt.e:uf kk(07,401.11. if Mr Harry-Pieroo,-,--of Winnipeg The bride Who Wore ' her travelling. suit: of h•t'wh broadcloth, wati,•,•91"v'et" ,.aw.‘ by her brother, Malcolm.' Campbell of •Co - bait.' Ilk j S.,Duneen.o,lated. there, bolo:IT:present' Onl.li it- few of 'the' near ' relatives of the: bride .andzogni;., r.Aft,',••••r. 'the enjoyment of the- wedding dinner.o.. • Mr. andlIts: Pierce_left.,..eea_trip; to,-:: • Toronto from. which they. returned Bat- ;:auVoattoeuvriTleidn'thg4., eutontlihrelobeistUVtiOfu.f,triehnot they were. treated, to." the " utokal ": .atteb- :goes and tacks • 'of, good.duck a .oxe • wed- • ... • • • • .• - , . .`. •• . .. ' ,". : .„ , ., .. • MIAS Cam boll's residence. in Ludic • . ' ... , . ... . ' • .now, and her long ank obi wing service, in the Post Office had•Won:for her niatiY friendsanda mesetire -.,f good ,will from the. people of the tillage' which found ._ _.. , . . • . . : . ... , - . • eiPreaSiort in a pleasing incident Which' s . .. , ceded the martaage eereinon ' Miss • ••uae,:t3.esntwillagized_uo.tuifpizzr:i..6.4:: 044,41; :now•and. ptesented with a beautiful oak cabinet'of • silverware, cooeisting of .119 . " Ores.. Tlie splendid .gift was , „icecap - panied'hy the addrese-whichvve publish below.. attd was ,reed by Reeve' :J. G. Mardoch. . +: , . ...... • • .....,_,.... ---•:01 -her a . . - .- • Glass Bowl, Cream Prrresae14.41.e,D.gis,ah.r. • 414 akstli• her. qes,:glai. , with .. pleasure. iiito j'e", deeply hand •'-'1rialWeletir heavy • And:: ihtwlessly, - . Qttr .aster- pattet!tt '•wOhderfnlly Pre tty.'„. . 4 , .. Pare..$ With'..itite on : have, ever ..eeen. •' '' - .. you.will agree ...with Call \ and, let lia these: pieces to 'will be, a pleasure • both Of us. • • ; ..,. • .„ E. T. ALMS • .• The Satielaernry, • . . • : and, Optician , .,• .,.. ....... ent-7 - • • Vase,. . - ,r4oh• ' cut • crys41 finished. . i e . • pm- !I :Ilicest, , and us.. she* .. . , 1 1 you, A • i for ." . • • 1 II , • ' . . Jeweler' , 1 .___ • ...._ -4 --:-:- --.41S40#;! - -----: . : •:,... 4 Come 40 'Ir"9-44-1-471F"-14"------f.-:• --:-.-------- . xis); Viela• Sturdy of Detroit, is visit- . • ' ---Oriretarningtohie-houseafter*brier abiteece, Dan; McDonahl Maud. that. his 'hat, coat, vest., it watch and about ---"-T- -.Le., . -4-04,7„•":":7---- ' 'Mgr firstgame.,e-Twee.--.plirfed-*Inst- . . ,: • • Ripley on the: Ripley- ,rink, . where .the",. ;$g.i:trelVa0 .. ,.., . ... I' re , . . . , , ViihiCti , c01•011140,OeS . . ,o'n. Saturday, our • ,, .. . ati!"4:4 :•:: . • - • • • • • •,...-• . • ingat'hee home here, , . . etrei,A, Mottle" its at Present laid- up il•;•1411 twifitid•444°.- • ' * '' - -: •• • -• • ' • • • " ' " ,,, • Mr, and 'MO Robert Dumb* and Miss . 'IOW VISItedfrande An Toronto.hist week.• .11.:;01kik.'ts-4e••no.71itat.n".efti),..ii.cuit..14r7..e.wetn.114g4. :cog' ol'ecit,, Luelatowi •••• .•• . , ,. 7 . . .. . 2 . - Attr,„ 0,04 mta ' liiettry pi -e•;0(;. left L ' Oil TOetabw, for their, oew _haute rhi7W.ioni. • ••• • - • ' , • : 'pegt-Matl, , • , . ,• • - ,• . • ....i .. ..: . • . 004 erich: hockey team will pity • • . • . : now In te'rue• Bink on, Tuesday evening -of next week. • • . , ; • : -. . • • - en06-66 ram', and ' Tip.* .3.foolciiiieet of Niagara; iiie spending a few'" weeks .itt .014 wir..0;werOm Whig fremtboltoinfe- Hetiext•Ilisco.yettid thStbia hired, Man,: 1146i^lic' CYT°1414 Was 04-0 741'8°14 a° enein0104. Of the theft "04co fon -aPtkil h., • • ' '• ' ' .010 -Donald at once"-eeraniunleated laY. fpohneneff ,.will..4:1,0.7-C4ittii,,hoble$1,1,9- Coaiirobet. roAn:,,tewktet. .. at the 0,T 4t;• station AO aftetnpenfor. 111London6i0ite withtilte4 ET40,4nt0dPon' . '4,:.14a80. i to:, 'vi,l).14'.0' .the. 'detailed. !amen -W. ;Await. the...so, iith•bo.,,und tr4in,, ., „ ; '.,•.',. .:•.; : , ,.• ' -0'Tenl."..'who"hy thih.,•... tune. . :40 ,...d.poht hegail• to feel f.airlY ,Sate, Walked right into the hands of theLondonrace; was placed ;snider arrest. and brought. te •Goderieh jell- • . " . - : . . ; : • , . • . . - _.• •••• . •• • ...4 lOeetki* far)r: a LuClinow.,” The reputation of the Lneiniow:DraM• Setae Want the importanee• of thia• win :I ,atie,aub. was sufficient to insure .0 .efun - -may be had when it to awed. thit, AI* • lionseat•the'leill Thurielai-eVening •of hi but the- oecend time in. 14 years, that ' laseweek. Whe'n °The Siletit'Detective .0, Ripley -team' his been beaten MI thefr Weti presented add the fall Immo Was own ice. . • ' • there' alt eight', '' :In 'feet:- inanYwho 'aP, . : Another kei017 *Out' 'tiod 00,111 .;Wne _. ;pi!! ,d ifoLf• r -seam could het be neCOMetlated. that played, in Lorne : Volk • on FrIdaY 44.# itiOnt hOniot,tiLlinit:entertaInmouts • evening of last week. Teei,owater weenie ' aa.ndlielc:14,;:f.t.1";.irvInglinilliti,.81:Phr:P,, .E"e4vvevnadinellgi ititnkii.e. f*ri!saTtl?Orthmi:ienigai 47:7,07'4. iiii%.44414:04::131FeQ.. aiour wao. ITO t VP.1"1.14:.ble_.,*, • . •.,, , ' thenil.wps., -"ibee. ewater.h"piav. e -.- g,004...- - .nop. R-... The, laYreMIkreitinuled one or - 1 he •.ey al. mit, ut Oa t..la , occasion, taw tolen iamonde • resented by the tdati. were completely Outclassed. by the lorala,.newly _. . ... .- -• ,,,, - P • • _ . • . . •• ,,,... .- .. _ , , • . ...... . , • „tb eome: years ego :. Thee" and - experience, . who woo wgoa..10 10 the vnators. t. to, IM have:N*00A iMpre'vomeut. to victory pate the Lneknow team a fair the arth,t,„4 . and.. we .hae•s,6 „the t)i,otts : 410,y to winning the ptriet, • .. .. weretekee- even bOtter than at aa.7 Pre- 141.4cittioW.„and Brussels met on the ice vionaperfOrmance by 411e- Club • ' for the first time Wednesday evening in. . - . : . .. - • • - • • • • • . . . • . Feb.. 20th • : •.-"• - . • .. , . .. - ritgre* tatIllAPEILE 4, • . : • . . .. • ' theirlionwhOre, . . - - : . . •• . . , • I.MrS.i 4(110 Turner, who.' US 1?0,q11. - Visiting- ,with : relatives .in and ,steund . . town,,..bas returned tO her horeout Stan- ley. .• . . • . • . . • . . • :: • , - • . . , '• These ;taking Part-werei • MisSee Iona"- Al-Alteeide 14eagno' gdule- We 80,' tO -- ' .. - - . ' Taylor, Rena 'Gordon; Annie -1.100. press too early tOrsppert the outeonie, • Temightfut Presentetion,- , - etih} iThrteyt. 042 ii•ft;orilielvas liosA:118 .,f.:Ta017.1sti•Smidg:ilt...I2GalwilbloDrzouxtbim,s ottrbs,,Ifi-,. . ..totnnoTttezcfr4auni:xist ..11,Tekeked;,..L.tv;i1 - Attbie°11 . . Boyd. on the. evening" of - .Veb. • rth. .ancl, Gilberb•on, D.. J. MoCharles, T. S. Reid ,.e0xotd.iriitcjohr=ewill.:be here. to. play- -an presented Miss.' Bell ' wit.h a beau.tiful -3, I'd, P.,'liflit..1.11.1',1! . • • • • • . Orchestra V. ita v.er.,V ' • Watchmaker., . . • 'skiieeler and Optician... , Jea• Culbert, :Who line spent the, win. centre table and a•roeking ehaie.of .1p3c,, ...lilt). e...TJACIMTV. , . . ter With his son, James, at. Mafeking, re- Tee oreeeritation Wasiatede in view. or Illb"0"catto‘',vildgIti?0,17 garatghcarwinP;t•aPlur g'e.tZkenne., • ' • Zion' , ,,,, , 'in " Sask., Ben's . , , turned to. his -home . Dfrebolt, Miss aoproaOing MOrriage, waS•takeo completely by "surprlse; .6bnItet. a,ts- , • ''' " ' . - - • . this -Week. ' . -TUOtida7; Feb. 16. • e ressed-71tett-thankfttluestr'-t07-t is theorder-of--..the-daY.' ' . , • I „ • .1 ...- . . . • , • MARKETS - ' NOTIO%-4,11.• accounts owing *0 the •-,1.P ." - • • . .• = • •,_ . • ,• were -Most tatisfactory receipts' amennt- . triends forttteir thoughtfulness, sta me . - • : • • • ' • • - • firm: Of nen & Dowses. hardware Met' that its .iihe.,,‘•v4e net. going f • • away. • lie. ing to .8100.00.,....Exnen.ses were 4ightas chanti, LuckaMi4 m.ust be paid before'far -- 43 ' 'the. artists give their : time ' and their hoped they her hi her ...i , .• ".• ' • . ' • ' •• 'borne attraction at /ton, eh! Mutat' . - , . ./ ... • • , • . is. alright. ' . • . . ,.• .. • • . ------- To Miss Mary Campbell ' ., ,-,• , Dear campben • . A few of your Many friends in Luck- EVERYBODY9 S COLUMN : ., - • : ,teorre„.,,,-.4-0.-•••4--:in'P's# We' an' 9,,,„A:-; March 10* next as the .partnerShip is would visit new .4,:ients. fat, tit'e ley p.r. exere.ise. and tie,. 2t.4...trAti..1!#.1.x$4. .. ' . '. , :". • i • • liome, • After•ehe presentat1,0,7 the, 6,yent. 11.* Hazel . Gardner,. of Lucknow, . iss ,, -4 "r.• -' ' --'.- - " -"or ""1241A4r:"Iltlicling--4°Iintlea;ning-- that you are about to leave . yon.•••.-natiVe - tOwn , . 'Tu .ebred:Obirsfiy.. -Buit-fotbrvioeut. • •- • - - '. ; • '', , : 'Wheat:: .. peag4f.f •• ir,ia,,e:.•,:.. .. ,, ' e'. 4101;04 ,.: ... 7 • it.....;' ., ;77..‘.:•• • •:.'...", :', '...1 '01,1' • • • : '• ., ,;•.,: ; ; ;T.... ._ :;- .., ;,; ;1 '0' -,.. . , ,f.,„:•••77.;!'•'•, ..*:•• •,.:' ' 1 , •••.. ,' ri' 7 • .. • • t. ,..., , ,. ., • •,,..., ..... 7 vy. .:':. , ; ',:•80: : , . ," n . was spot,in games. , .ixie pleasant , ' ..Mits'Afit8lie • McMillsn;, daug'hier , t)f .• 1 • g • - - • . • - • Mining was brought, to aelose by -Mug- Mr." "Milet • "MtMilla117-Was' :,one„ pf like '.? • • ...-.-.• •-. he's . Ai -•- : • Fellow" d ,gia"dhoiag,,.6.6-1.0".. at.. the: ex --460366, ia ..ing ...,Eorgin. xi 0.1 y. Good • --. 4 ' 11 WiAirig the guest of 'the eveningevery -London, Hospital list week. ' : : a ,• ••••••••. . '-.1,1•-• ... . " ..-• • • - - - . . - _ : 7. . , : • • . • . happiness in . her hew. home. . Ilt„.3.00,.uiiiiii4.1140 boo, 0.;,, • ! . ' : ' ' ' • , . . , . :_pletitittre Of Contributing: to.a -gooa cane: The proceeds above expenses -amounting .. • , •• - : - - - - - • • . toover $.136,45, were turned. over to the Wonielf.ahranch Or *". ' ' •• • the Patriotic League, iv.ii. ere.it,„ Will ..be ii.led in., the petchafte, of .In 0 tt ell a I for the nen, .0toss. and other ii b 04 -*today-el _e..:.. 0.,Cro..'",•.-,- : • :Miss Margaret RitehieSundeYed.With. . • - - - - - . --•--.. .. ...-- ,• .. heLeonsim,. Wellington_ Hendersou,..,_. . • ",..Zion ,was well represented,' at . 'lle went Detective" on Thu.teday night.- " . ' and:take up leur aborle i:i nne of the-•,; - --- • -•'•, ,•.;..- , - • ... Western- rrovincee,,enu• .reeognizing Igtshtf.,11WIlieaffitrecra attautcli• .: • -- - • • - . - • - ' • .. . FuLmitattium vi. rot for Mule Tiau•,.. Old . - • "Reueeveaterueveatbere,_ 411011•1elsono ' ..Yse°.rytnicl;snat- p1ice' desire. ere. Yon.leaVe, to present. N••••it with: . a little tokeri7of. our . apprecia ,io . and .• ,.. . very_ kind regard,, atulthe'refOret al', von 'cabinet lz-co• iirtY•t-,1","..,.,6-6,„."6•,•"„6.60" 6 4.,' . ..:,17:08's - •,• . ... satreaksima Ile ratro. Fire Psi 1.se..rarif.:0. 04.1% too awl A. utua . onipao a • - iit,t1.4.. o.i.,13:41.4.4., .13aukOrt•Lack. 19. / • ParleY!' - tater : .Egiii;*041i, . ..;• flogs .;:•'.. •-•-.: 0:1 •-•`:";. • ... •,., .', . ,:t ,•;3',:t. ; .:1•• :.1':,.. •,....::'; - 23.• '24 ;.„ :r .,:•.;,, „., „ ., ,20. - • , • • , • • • • ; .'. ". ; : .. ; .."..•...., .. . , .7,30 .. :. .visitor . in town the past week; having centre , Up . • • • • s front Tere..nte, where, !or.. the Pas..t•.Pc"0.16: ' • • St. :Helens • -. . • ,. . ,.. • of years', he has peen, taxing part Ia. the -..,,,,.-..,,,...• • „ • it., building - boom . • . . . . • ••-•TUesday; Feb.iotb; „ .•....• .... • • . . 1,V7,6;*-11,050-Eitii..8-p- ent 6,:i.0 --i,- dais.' ja. . . .. relief stork • • . , ., •• . la.goinglohlt the trouble incidental to eying this drama and raging this MoneY, the Dramatic Club have done a '-rliTO:Sce,, :iiiii..:thenahhle"..sefiiiii; and we feel Miss Hazel Webster, of Lucknow, ds , spen!ling,a•feve.!lays.at.Fred Anderson's. ' • WillowCreek,ai,or"ai. 0,st. .,aPalioist '.1.8. liff,%aw,,,7,da;s1x;7.4.9.(,:•,,,..._...fth.P',....,... - •.,,,-,,,..- • ' 7Mr. and Mrs Reid ' ' . to, accept froiniis, this :of .silve-r- '...,-Welgarn,,viitkpl':;A! - ou Ste. swar_e_for use in your new lio;...1. Laeu... •w itic yy,p2.1 . • A.:.evein. sr., ;2.eiriPIT:th.E5eles;t11!!!otiti:liit.•d4 • Itara..4.e.nwchishoun -- ' .:(4-1"":70, -shortly to be united in t ,. holy bonds -of ........-, . ;.t. -.T ....., t ' it 04i . • - 7 u,'..."4. -Air! :11 iw• „tin: tbremiliettey, ttnyvnoerre,.0.wf., „„ • g.a.... therefore voice • th4 . ex • ssion Of the . ' • '•-• '.••• • tendering •• • ' - • whole c9MIngillty '111. to him , wAygoo, ,20 cog44 groat 'wood, alawa.a144, . . ‘ , camp, it.ily;pa,doir, .4ppi„ .4: Lewitt to:- . .. , 184-50-u • • • U.,,.11.,slawzoa,. i... ' . ' . . ,Wheat ' - Oats, ,'•• , VoRoil.TO .V11,16uP :THIS Watt* ' . ". . ' ' . . . ' . . bush . ..- .. ; ,• .16, 1 06 to :$* • - • - ' - :-- ' ' - -: -, ,- buel*.• : . • = 68 *0 • JO • 'Mr. 046..ttoberreWreceired, word on , Ripley' lest Weak, • .„ . • • . . : ; Sunday. Of the death Of bie" methee ' at The Rev •:M.r.'llii cleatehicei,' of Strat-; Grand Rapids,:Mich ' The remains- Were . • • • . . . . •-! : . - , - • ... ford preaceed in St Helens on SiindaY. brought to this Country forinterment in. • ' - :....- _ - ... _ ' • . • ,... :quite from the burg took. pltre tust,theus. patriotic efforts appre• • mated by- those who. -enjoyed the-. play ', . -• - - • without participating in the work ot the. Worry, •:- ' ' • Mends at Whitechurch ,one day 'last- • .t- , Week.- , ''• • • a ' ' . Mr. and Mrs. Jim. -McKay . and MM. .... G ' Bak C IT eorge _.„er, o diew Creek, -vlstted our wannest Ocitigratiduitiont in winning': one so worth for his life Partner, *. Cur earnest • is .404 '4e. 'be ' ' 1. • .. . _ . . • • . . . ,, .14111- •Zille . • ' :Barley, . Peas„ :buSli,:. , • 85 te 85 bUsh.;.,,'..‘„ .. . ...tr.* ', 1 '60 40, 1 .- .. . a number • .v.i.0 0,-*on:u.,..e. in. etp. iy; • • • • . - . ,• • • . ; ." in tha ,concert in town . on Thursday. _MM. F. °Camel! his returned: to her night last. ,, ' . ••,• • • • .. , ......,;., , . , . ,., • , Lurgan ..., • at Ralpli Nixoti's a few days. , Jack McKay and IsabelleNixou; who • ,wish • YP# ' may spared to each other ,for verymanti.,Vefirs,...: and that, your lives :thus haPPily 'Innen ' Maybe •glerified_and•. crowned' with aii- , 4 . . 0 ,, . . . . ,I•Olgalitg,t,- SI,Uig•Wolio-74`4',°41,4•Lincolf,:•.h..4.'P;,,, • , ply at taw onice: • iss-ou..e• . ' • Timothy BalediTlinothY .• CliOiee - °. ,.... ,..,__,,_ ‘ct • .. •• .'Spiiiig.Temns,",.":"..4",,,,•4:-.vii,,,,i0,----.9."--,,,,, flay . .., Z..' 235 Or ti..' 25 oo moied,"44:ca.;:;,-1.1 00, to.. 19100' : 1400,..,7 19 011 tO ' 20• 00- • • • : . • 'heaVy.:Steels........ • 7 40 to 8..tiO r . , - • . ., : . , . • Hogs, off -ears; .,;., . , .,, . -•:1135-7-io,, - 8 -8(1- , . • .. :. .. • -, ,•;,, to • •61. Do "I'Vea.,•-•-•-•.-•'•;-•'•'-'".,...' • "--4 = i - '.•;-‘1,,' • helea in town after visiting A inpalt:..itt l. • Th"e..iiiisses Elizabeth. ,. TAFanny' the home of Mrci -I McKenzie, •lotli• and Ethel Anderson: spent a' few .d. aye' con., Kinloss, end it the home Of. . Mr: D , h , , ,_ , . , . .., . • around Zioh• last -week. • • • . . , •• • • Walter , - • . ay, .6t. . eon.. uilirOS.8,. .. • , . , - - . . • . • Mtss,ilessie Catupb..eff had a 'few of, - • • Mrs •,* alair-rntUrned....on. Saturday her ber•friendiitr ottinontlay- stre;oing;''- All from -visiting. friends ""a0d.•• relatives to repot having a geod tine. .. HatrigOblitlfd Owen- 8inind•-•She - was- • . -• ,1 :-.- -- •-•,-;.:. . • • .---,..-.. .• • ...1 , : - -66atioatliad,,tata-0,,hsrlia -.. letai, lera, . ' . .. . • 4-,Taeltday,, Feb:,16. • • " . . • . Mies Jennie Walden is visiting friends at Olivet this week.' , . ' • . • • . Misti.MeAllis'ter has returned to Exeter -afte-yepeodhie •a, few days-at,m, w.eisli,e,.. . 'The mamariends of Miss -Wilson Will ' • .- • .- - - n ., -.-. - - •,..h-e,,Ifed-40"•106-washeisitlo-wly--"i ilicm-p__J, have • been visiting friends at Willow Creek, retioned: home on SattirdaY. • , .ti . , • xi. 'num,bet "of "ginnites 'attended the : . " Bpc. Social held at Belfast. on • Friday evening and ' report ' a . very enjoyable One, .._,.L. - ' '.'• ' ' ': . ,:.* - :. .-. ,- ' The -members of the -Epw • League - . - - '. --- ' -- ---- _ • orth ., ., - -thortollake6:"Lefig OA things, needful from the hands, .of ••\•• - • • an ever -,. Itin. . and loving' ProVidence. • . In the words. of the Prophet of 'old we A -Ins -Lord- bless- • .4. , loft fLENT :0It SALE,--A;coinfortable. frawe , it:w ' ''• h• • • - • • • ' ,einag AN it me maw, 44:led to , _ : ow). ii.mattaii, ' 2,20-c. would -say: yoand, ' th • t d' • ' ' ' i • . . eep Jou; _2 e __ or __ ..e F4.r. .. ace_ to I ''' Shine -Upon, you, ittur tie Oietous „mite yottfAhe.40->ra_ii-fp:Th.-0,_..couptenanc , „ . -'' 8•11002aBil 110(70/10 good cellar witts coutea 4 _: 11.00)4.4..0.$ ad/vault wii..ter. Attroo;proluire.. ... _ ,,_ , itosses,ii".• u.:01„.•,.,,4 .- Sheep, ewes, cwt . ; i..: • :5 25 to . 6.50 il-co,•..: W • H. QOle of Moose araW. Safikt-:. who ! ug .:••tescLot young pool, from 7 _ .,- • ." , in. health,- . '. . .. , .. . .. . hall here cia ,Titescloy, , Feb, •ON•d., .. A open. yOuuutt gifi# yOn. Peace. ,. ,, . ,..c„..,141,ti yon4,-,..,,,, ,b3.2.7tOo.0 •,1.4& W111, lb 0/14W1g011, -a,Anovr , • , , ... ..,,,,,,..„,,,...,,„„7.,,,,..2 7 , :Signed on -behalf Of pi:Mr nisiny friend's'. . ..... . J. G. Murdoch , " • • • - .- Robt. Johnston - • ,A..E. Durniii • , G. H. Sinith! • , ,I41'. B..Henderson , „ . 7 ; ..,,, ; . -P-••••p m ,016ki .S.tiLE.,...101.LitoLea.Air..ktca,u-graoi, - - -'• land ill .Ureeeock .14.,. Avgli.' ku.a.,),- of ' • - -aarciwooff itithoor itautabie tdr veou4, 444: • saine. li. snail for. cituoic, 2atiy, or u..11 •ura.4,' ror amses, kor Lurbour- iutor2:....4:10ii • '1.9 .. ,; , uoeunet.L.Mice. - : . • - .. 16030.1.,,,, • • • ligg,, .7..' P,91140e0. But; er, th,',•• ...• ••••••• • , , • P. : 11:1:4r ••• -3:3 . doz..:'. ... ; . ........ • '38. tO.. • • 40. - b4g. • •• • • .• • ?. • . 60 . t° • : 70 „.......... now-last"..Wednesday . evening. ---...,.------ • Paterontl-e• Feet er more,111717110know. " - ' • . . . . ,,,, • • ' # . - 2.... : . .• : - • . Miss•Chris Miller, of . Stratford Bler 'f . the 1 The members 0 , e • Mai IfeekeY makaccomPanied by Miss- E. Saunde Club take Means 'Itif, •;thanking . - • ' .. . --,. .- - - - : -,: • -- -, -:, . Mte glad Mrs. Capt. Brown- -were the guests of Mr.. and Mrs, E. Reavie in 'Ripley lest Sunday. . ' ' • ' - ood,-. ro ramie -bele ,• rovided and. also, g P 8, .. ..., f P . . . huich was served. . • . . this ..11ir f NV' h h S . . . • sou,. o ing.am,..was home over. un- RObt.,Johnston, Ter. Splendid ' '• ' • Another of our young Men has • 'ans.'. , . ' the oyster ,day, .. . •• , • • - • • ::. • , i Fr .. ,• ' ' ' Fri he wired the call Of the eountry. Harold' • •Ainberley . . Luelinow, Feb. 11th., 1915. ,,.. ' • - 110iISE AND LOT „091LEALE.;-A.eiX•roanial, • house with woott-eueo,audetteauoi .:..a.e.i.e14 ' llelkiri • ,• ...ea..* I . . If 1, . ..,,.ng'. _OW. ved ate.a.,p • ' . - • • .. . • .. . which gave the :team on ., i day oihalastbeing'theni•ght' ' Of their Mrs Robert and Mrs. Robison Weeds 'success m their ganoi with. Teeswe,ter. are at *present: 'in 'BriMefielit attending the.funeral of their ,Sister-ir;law Mts. - 2 The boys are very, glad . to know, that. Charles Reid, . • • .. 'there Ore at -least some :orlict appreciate , .. . . . ' • " • '7•-• • : .d. ...,. "Peacock left Mondi to enlist. for the 'third contingent -;3T ' •• • • • ... • . ' .• . • . .., , •• : - ' The Ladies' Guild of. the Anglican Church:Met:at. the.j!ptil clif .,..,e • , •-••*- ' • • - -Meliday,:, b. 15, Miss Frances Bltsy4i1iithig. lends ..-,.. - • - • - ' - - • in nmearartie • . ._ -de ' " Carload Of Selina . COok Broairef-lienscalr•Were-ititthie, • hard a;49 gOti., WALW:t gOth/ i,t•ou 21.0..., . We, ciriviOg sbou'aulttioute,•••vO 4110. • aaru street.- apply ee "tee en:1346-.4 •..o . .. •24-4-4.AL•-•-••-•-•••••*'•"-9-8-.14.-•••"44-•4•!`-'•-'5-12`-5'-!"1- •-• -m.' -o• • • yOu--to-tty: our ":..• . ,, . • • • - • ' - - • - • • .dni.Olive Soap. •• .i, - — - -- --If- h - - • i -ro i - ' Sh-iiii - 'clean :active ea hy . p i ,- and Dont-forget-the-D.--C-.--otty ri ay , .. . " _ ' • • ' " - , • ' a • • , 0.1 . • bow'• •night Feb •19th. A goed••debate is. that . they ate interested m . e, , • • - The Wel team this ': year hail the- Credit d: "Re 1 dtli 't• W lth ,' being prepar.e _ _ , so ye .it,• la ,, of not. losing a game AS yet : . , . , . rs iwirg' .:1:Pilue4ce t''.a-n.':.0.1aat'ci.r.?.; . • - ' • . • •• •••••• .. -. — ,. he affirmative is token .oy Atessrs. tt !:.- • - . . .'M..188_€11mbi n d • ' d- i 's e• astWed es ay. Aeon qii It wa mad and f-rwarded to the Red Cross Society ' - • ' • ' • - . • - ' ' • . Aisne :number from . here went 'to ' Ru Icy on:Saturday to attend the flineM1 of Mits.liav-MikDonalii, • M' .-E-1 -St lv te tale -number me sie ee , en r e.., . . f h friends•' Friday'•. ' - • . o her . evening. . • • ' ' Misses. es•and 'Margaret Campbell ... 4.gn k •• • friends''' • H m'l ' left last. wee :to mit ea•• a . 1 - _ton. • . • . . _ . locality the pear' week succeeded in , , , . ,... ,. .. 4 . . , ck n u a e 1 a f be which th...., PI .1 g P •-•*. had ' shipped out on • Monday,. Bean- growing for theinatket us a' ileir line . 'of. FAura.10.0.0,11+11-Ohaitie turib:OX L..t. 1 ' dolown, /Aquae irow,,:motgow,„•.„ g4c.,4;, • : - • • Ir 0 • • -...-- 4 ' 'out builuu,Ige,ono-2toiti,), am u.0,./..o,.b..io - .. • spring ,ww.or, lkyavautia ru, u, • tr•-:•,*t.ittteli. 4.1Xirr•t":' 'lg. iti -',7 4'': ' •' • ag-ticnitifre in -this distrite 'Mid, -tme as tii- t •t• ' • • • • •• • - r, ioad lot to be shippe 1 from '• • runes,: peeceausrsteem. , . , . , • . ,zitel-c ..-nr•o.vos..4.tc•Ideison, ,...•eanove. ''. . • ; "---"-----'-'t' • • • • : • : : - . ,...attd- Toilet , . • , OciodS$ ' .: '`,.. ',. Cord of Thanks . . .. • , . . ; D. Wocds Elhott 'Miller tied ..R.' Bohm- • • • Mrs. Angus MeLellen deeires ta Pub-: 0Iiiii, and the ne-eatiire by "..ifeesrs„ Johe , an iss . liely thank her triortas4Wid neighbors for McQiiillin, Durnin Phillip-. M theirs" inaity kirdneases and • syrimathy Luella Shaw. .l3esides a gottCprogrom sbOwn. her Miler recant bereavement., ' ... is expected. . • •• • • . . .., .. - , • • . . ,. • ::. ..• • .. The -fourth weekly Meeting of ' the St; Friday Plight • - • .• . • 44,• ,. . , • : • 1 . • • • Litemil Society -31;iiis-McDon Old...Was w.ell mid Very favoribls.r. '..known ham •116340._ g 'Heed at :the tiglithouee. er, death . wee very" 'sudden, end :her.. H mothers A 11 la 414,.....,r0t..ers have • 'the 'sincere inraipathy of all The bUdy was brut ht. . • . - • F from•Stakatoori Lind buried in -the faMily .. ' ,- ., . • .'• • ,.. • . , . ‘ . We are liortytti hear that Mrs, Jaines MeEllerson is indisposed, but hope for:a sPeedy recovety. :: ' :: . .. • ,. Mr. end Mrs.' :P. ' CourtneY. Visited • • their daughter, Mrs. J.. A. McKay,. • 6th. ' - • wr d d • . - • con .on e nes ay. • ... , , ., Lueekrtliv9a. At 120 1. b • . 'h .. per b us e 1 , wine We understand weathe 'pie() raid, the. to cro • 'd ' • . 11 C 1.1- B ' • -- ----------- -•1-.. -'''''''' .'7"." . • Auoktit Sales- • . . " • ' '. •• . ' • p is said pay Are . . Op roe.. i • heve handled about 40 cars his season. ' ' ." " ' • . ___:____. - . ' / . .......— ---1--------.---, 4•---7-,s, . • N. litoffINNON .lut IL am. 5, .4.410m, WM. JOH , , : ..•• , .. . • .... • nave an Attutiou boo; of .bigici.a ':-.1:0-..ax. WI,. , __,•,_ . .. ., , ' Whiteehnieh . Veb, luto4 eowe'; iroung7eatue„ c i.:',4,..i. .kott • tees.- .wetiumometions-„,-,,,,em.• ,,,i,'er eeet.„, ... -- • . . • 4,,, „, ,rieleas •• held ast, riday. forget t•- the Wln hato-tc,-- - - - . plot inititipley on Saturday. .. . .-Ser tito Methodist. Church. . -Dont . • g • • -night which took the form Of an '----Men' ' ' . • • --- -. • . - ' •. • ... . • - • vice- in next -To, intioduce them.. tc...•. lou.. - ' --:-.: • • - • • : - , -1, Ininr--4-•• °ant lay-thtilt-otin - . ' .-00, -,- .- -7-1) . - • • • g . :.• . ,ammen w• :, : Isplybrthytift i. ,, . , Bible Claes in. the return .gatreiere.:• at "Acethe_Sociatyland_Ace_thoSe: that ionic, , .. , . . - ... . ., , ' • •CHURCH-AEAS Suridekeveiiing__TkilLhet_emidiktikLbx. . • Rev. Mr.•Penroge,,,Whitechurch. • : •. • • ic,,_,„0,.. • .c..ktuatiii,,:i—mioneer , .. . • . . . • - . _...• - • :•-•,--• • : • .. .4.• . .. ' WO me you Atali.40 0 , 8 p. Mot. Only costs -14(09S and:children, ..part. , SOlok +mire- given.' by Mr:. Louie- . • • -- • • ' • • • 1 • w Wotd.Wes receiVed.here the Other day . . . - --.-Mooday, Feb, 15 . - - • ' ..Don -...., -Literary ' t g t Of ' " ' ' • -On- Friday. Pm WIN. PUILVis„ Lots 42:itou..43,,wav 1, gin- -' • • . • oi ss, 2 111110$ WOG Oi l.411Wij 'VW,. Win uoVe.* • . iV ' tui • 'jii: • ' ' :•rg-e SaAe Or t*bilAs,k,„.0A...0„ ,irO. , ma '-'-:- ' 1 .80 cents 'for SO :deriti .• - • : . • . . • ._ of igi'ce--. tOc.„.".iiten":90c,„ its....vvOrth•the-Pricetnkee, ,...weatheAkiid7--ikeirz.miee•-tehee,-..cnifit:' the..organization of rooters.•- .14-44:1031°` • ids° recitations by. Misa Vera Todd and hies to be an even game; the Bible ,()lass litisti,r,'• Horace ..McGuire.',". readings; _bi- • , , . . , .. ... .. , . _. ... . . . wins_and-noiessek. liss-Nina'We'ods--ond - .;„; • • . . . _ . u " ..--";. . ' :''' ...II. 13' --'h 'id'- • . e.• .. w_ . e .. at Presbyterianthe.- . ,Church on Sunday i witt____:...L_BitiMtL.McKeilZie, Of •-•"1°I-111-1*-1=-,,,, ' , •e-fthe-death• .of Mt.. Anglia -McLellan,- of •Lucknow,.au:old `resident , and, *Mier • o.tated. te ...reeide here on- the larm Wh • --.1111:-. -t- or e ,e ., .. night.'..... • .' • • . • , • ,,,..ples,,, ,,ure.,14:4. 4 jot, .,,e_•• i., ...- '''''''?•!ftfuttlli`,"trt:Ziot'ri;li.,zir'1,.:,.-: _., _ Rev. Mr: .Stewirtis-mitsot•the 'Village - :18.•?,:tutt, .-,', •• • .4)".i..etrires,'4vic"-.....e'ise4 •1 ' - . . -this week, . • . • • • ' ' ' M' B th • lit Ka f•W' h iss er a , c y, o • ing artiorar at'home•oVer Sunday.. • • ° ' • - • _ , •• ••- • • -Migaida...Cartick,:etWitighan, spent'. SlindaY at her home here. - , . . , • . ' • • - Mrs. John .Canipbell is, on tile sick list-. •-.4nw ' aeon See her W.. e,,...,...,,.--. ' tott STU= AND LIIPLEALEN I •••)', rAt le.. .. : . VA ea„con..to,..Ktems,4; uti.• rboe$oa.f. Au -'011 i.., • . &At 17.0'olooff„ Imo., rhileau so. o41.,0.0,,„ rill-seio,. o ace: „laze, el -event eons, rare, els eine- • _ .r, •t-har--a-sti--g*Li • icroli--•- • .., 11t7,.• ctiall0 i -u. . '• „ . , • ••- . IVA), and grata, oa2ii, or ui will* a_s,y0; t3 name.' tweilitIni aperoVeuJeitai-o, ,.••s. or 6 per-ceigi. tat tor case WI W.4.1111t. V.1.7,,LL. . • J., w.• tiniwoh, Yr-we:toter. • 18,2.50.0.• . : . ..Iebn Purvis, .a.a -1.4 Auer. , . . • • •• - --, - . , •,-V-ii--a Ikadkage: ' T ' - • '. ' • - , ' CreanVor ShatikpOo each '.. • • , • sb.:•cent6-and 2•- --ckes-of "." • :Soap •.dt-- -1., .5'.-oeots ..e4c le -y- +.: . ' 1%.•-• . ...4 •• .havels.d_Lstraight ---Mostor'Stenley: heating Whiglitun-. on . their lio :ice . in ,Todd,' and Mstriimentels by ....Mr. John • • P. r 6 • . .. . . ovet•time play, A Bible •Class" hockey. Milki;aliio ii,...ntimber of Short • speeelies team is something new in this. Part of from different meintiere of; the Society. twelierotty-ottivwen.*,/ortily of lour , 'miteeditorOf the St. Helens 'Times was Wronago on Frida3r night. Th j'aq "present with, ehe•latest editien;. also the night 'We 'could arias* this giuna.:Jian critic With his elevating' reineilts . The Will he' ill tttteiidalge: '''. • . • mieting-ciosed• with a; nilinber- .of- lie-wi , •••• ._,_, „ -.- , - ---- - .illanit'ugh an" n'ivqrsanae, wl" •ass'et at the l'e =tory .services cin Friday tuid. ..s' .P , . . , . . Situraay. • • .. ' ' . ' - .— • GUILD l',ToTES,t--The 7131-nild- meeting Monday evening 'Wilk eonducted ai „a• conimumeants' class by Rev: Mr. Dun. ea ns_Was Meeping of_tlis • w ,t,.•.k ---novrowned-by-Mr7-AT-Brovin. and- Mrs, MeLellan left here about- five, years. • - • ' - • • aye eee ago for ,Lneknew, where. they h b 'residing since' and where' sympathy iiii extended,.to 'Mrs. McLellan: • • ' -• f. ki '. k ' On Thuisday• evening o st, wee , little •Jaines,.HectOr, - youngest 'son of IrlintUiss.-.--..„Asicie-.McDorialdried„.con= -.. - . ;..-___..• • • e-Witlitiol/FLOSPlaY - . - ''''': ''''' ' . ' . ' "-, • , . • '. • • • • ' HO the 0001,Wark ' . - -- . • , • members added to the riii-E7 - ' -- , • - • • • .the previous_ • •• tin of next meek-- ,., The n..ee g . . . .-:around wil be taken. by. the; merobers of the. . • • • - - - cession, passed. away,- after. a brief illness_ f ' 'suffered - • . c - .- . ---- _ - . - - --- -........-."., . ••••• .-. .•"....... - We are sorry to hest that Mrs.... John Johnston. is ill. •Vite•"hc,Pe-•fotliettPeedY_: ". • - ' • ' • • • • . , . • • • ---• • 'm - -: 7'7. . ' .'. .., Mr aeetor cKay has almost Omsli % ad hiscOnttoct of putting in,ite at the 'Creamery ' • ' : . ''' ' ' -- . , . - , . . . . „.• '. -13.ailifit- -6•Etk,•••••::------1,-• :.T-.:. -_-.-.::- .. , . "Afeametvilavie---A&Iii."",'•. ,:: : "1'7" . • • .• - iilik: ktual.f ,. , : ....,.. . .. ' ..A bailiff% Sole:Nail be held at lot 8,, kiniuosojallattsato;yi 3•44.4,:ittx.i mlarikz.tar,rair.' ar, z o'clock p.iii. w),04 the zolaiwing 1.1,,percr . wnt llecusposea 01: .i..9.1w, s res.% ,i, •tow, *•••• y.eare; L cow, ii years, id ilea% I. tattling • nun; • Th-CWO-iii-gii'cifittitute-are-takinirt , _ .. • A _two. elm. ,,,,,The Child severe nterniediate Yeta-i"AeRit7Bibie filase_.„" intervale;eattsed krAmeitmoniar '. . • ' " ' - - • the'ffileigium••relief'work;rand.are, -milting -..-7- HE WOliCEN AT WORK. the people of the and surrounding • _ , . , . - . • . • - , • : - - - - - - Ai' there are a a -anther. OT bright , young • : . • . . _ . . .felio*e in tint claSitti. ood and interelit; g mune at 1_6 .t . ,: • a b kind hand' .. ut. i was soon remove y a inreccuery. • • - • • . • death. On OR. A......14.'SPENCE .. ... er. ' country to send in any kind of tecoad . • , - ..• • • d. s a resu t of . the concert given .hy Unit -Clothing that,40 cl an d in goo 'They the Dramatic' Chib on • Thursday "even, . hid eve•ning now belooked. forward 'Ito. - . . . - , . - • ...: . . The. prograniii. fer tne present term, _ to where there is no pain nor Sathicley afternoon service. Was conduct- eel P t Ow house by C. M. Railer- ... .11)IWG:STOItt — - --..........-:,p'te condition,. arociiiio asking aliTthe, , . .. . i L W • r Committee• '- -f • • ' block, • '• ung last, the omens o the nkeinbees totnakeii•,or _a0 many.. ,.7ford; otio-Lea fie-li had its NW' it, a4 ,, February to June, which werV-tifiaigiici•• • ably •noW--ovailable- for • all .Rev. after which the retrains were bon— ieyed to Pine Itiver-Cementery -kit: in.-; • • ' - - Mr --Strailicke ; who • represents " the ' 'C ' OF attOias•atuatA -.3:Orthttemai; . . .. .115 -2W -e• ..• . ._1'.• j• Y!•.i!Aerol., ! ;a, UM, . • • - • ' - ' fir'village' Buffalo Fertilizer o, was in .•• this Week.: - .•,. • .,.; • 2 . , .. M Ch • G'11— • : t r, as. i espie, .who is • eking. a. . • . , • : • fenders Wanted Tolifierte Will be•reciiiVott by the' undet..iiIncot .• lige, is , d'eltpcx nautr, aturen .1.st.. luta* Lox' tala, ',_ , blocks neihey...Avish4_.,for AMU.: ' Each. I . ..! fc , _ t '1 ' $ - •• piquet -lea m .. , . . _ ... block is to be 20 inches agitate,. Made in - 'he o a most, 13‘.. members of the. Guild, and we are P leasod to say that el* bill of fare pre termerit, followed by a large concourae. -- '- - - '.. ,•*-'' . ANfu,t0.•4, . • * . . . • NOTE. TIVSUBSCRIBERS • . • • This generous -contribution enables, .the 'crazy patch 'work and worked With. -i. . . , . . . • _ . .,. . , . .. . ' k nr. d i - ti • t women to extend, their work considerab . -stitch '04,:imaene three., woo en an co ••• . , .. ,,: _ ,, • to be made in -operate blocks. : ly, and the qcinntattee wishes, • through. to - u goods• .. .. _, not belong _ •--- • thaeolemns of the Sentinel ts-to -express • Dien Moen -Who do not -belong te the . . . - • • ' • = • . , ' w • • its grateful ap reciation of. the •gift. 'I he . - . " • " ; . .. • . . :milted it such as :to fiatify the "mem ers . _ ... . - . in looking forward many goon even- . ,s, • •,. . _ .. __ .. mg. IR theamethe10 email.: , .. .......... : meetiog.o t e ne now rane . o A: • • ch• .t, it . . it . h f b expressed-'•• • ot people who t ere y .their b •i . •-t • n b • _sympathy or be• sudde ly ereaved. - parents. ... . This -so young and fair, • - , . . , , . . Called hence by early dawn, ----.- : • t Gr' . .. . , a in p ,, was I h : coarse la the 0, A C home Muir Shnday, : • . ''.. . • • . • ' - • • . - •-• • .1- - • ... mr.. and_.*Mrs. Ralph ThOthpatiri„ of Dundee, arrived afew.days_ago r)•umite the future . home here • We is Icons erawei"" or mitkon4 wbby orethevritic.r. in. bounettion With the Porananiutt,, .N*43 ey "Leee,or o auy, ewer tolutor tuck, .0.0a0A/ IV .., ;bulky iit000toa. , ?umber ifitOtillatior Nukir bo• . liadittankiagitlidantOtak, L'.1%$,,Dr.,4ai. ii 'ii ey,...._ • ..,.. - . • •••' Tiii SENTINEL 'illitilitig list Wait , correated-op, tri:-.:41ate - last week . SoCiety may take pact in this welt-. .. , . ..aiterL..inembers of the roma lc, .13, •w wye Donations -to be tent-in--TuesdayP D ' f- • -CI b ill h ' y, the. satiSfiction 'of know that their id. MY &mode _ ,-tiOoil.,,,geb.:: 2Jid, .nr early P Hoff . haid•Work and telf-therifieeitiettet• addt:' • • : - - to Ake_IthrarL-TaWn- the„Adth.,_ ''''''. ' ' . -the- Lordsn"1:. Alliance Watt held' in the ,...,:_ .• y.. _ kb- • d . - 'Methedist Church on e . 3r . The Prealtletir,Nt 3%-o. gordoohi occupied just catne to show,' how sweet 11. iipmier • I:Paradise•bl. -•"-. ,n wouldbloom . . , Ere sin toota harm, or sorrow • fade,- . , . . _,, . 'gur them to village„ . • • •..._ -,.• . .. 'au -it titelatiel-eiveach-Iiaper show- - - ---• -' which'•- ' 15------- 6il Ike date ' to :=' the"SU -bud • scridtinn- watk-paid.- Ihree- tot,. then nuaked with a "lb!' after the -, . `-'----- -Viable Were he &Mare, - rtYlle,nt':` r . ' for TILE' Sy.,NTINEL,S.8 for an QUM! r . • • ipere •ohcitild be io kdvaneo., newsy,. , •,• . We hove have no deoire that Tim SENTINEL, Should.. cost any .stib.- . : scriber, more titan fii,66, per. Year: . * $1 00111 ad,' - The Price itoWeVe. is.' . . . .: ' . 0 or la 25 if not .• a paid. • • r .• in , . Increase in the price' of impe , - labor;and in 'everything thiit goes: to the makink of nnewosper, and the chance of 'losing on those- Who . • do not, in. Ovate° miikee it, iYhat .e adhered " ab ),•.' - I • 1. --st,. -,r--.-'' 17-- --"---•-"- • .,,, , . ,h; • h hone( couoorfe or ,,,,Lose - wuo are so There Luckuovv: -; --- will, he koul Mg bee - • . ' -,- , -• ' • - -- - --- - - ..• ti Wed es' day afte noon,.. Feb, jeth; fe ' 'bra -Volk riskily their fired lathe •honor cCouncileeliambrer A sliver . collet- '4-061r IIMPire• . • - -- '--- ' -- : the.. , help b, 1 f In farther reference. to 'the progress' of :will be taken . buy ming or tion.,: Come ....t'l? ... the pettiotie-vcirk in:. the village, the tilittr and new. q .. Secretary of the League, has received a• oftetist haohnsitti„, ,, . . iioil 'letter from the'Red. Cross Society,' ac- . . _ ,- . .• We take this. Week in direct. knots a elnotilent foist last ., , ing the attention. of readers to the "Pat; "reek, consisting of - thirty:, dozen.. band-- , ,. t'• in'and Production" ' advertisement .ages of assorted sires, SAVA bag of lint - no is .: ... ,... .,, . • - hill* lit . ' On page b. inns eamPaign for the en- wetg ,., . fie 'pounds. - . .. , .„ . e e 't of the prochietion of more Meerding to 'the best authotities, the , • eourag ni n tisli ......tmy, will Jest r. its wor, food eta& ,iii order that the canary 'Brtbut ' e A ' 'I ' begun. ' 1, . may reap such advantages. 'as- the War .with the Spring, _reminding usthat there . Situatioti presenta, is hung conducted in it enormous work to be "ilooe by those 0. MOO intelligent Mariner, It &OS not 'MI6 etay at Ion* and that,: locally, we it,'`. at `Mete boosting but at -giving lutist do our eltate. • .,,,--.. . ' • • • • • : • 'an ' • s - ' ' ' ' ' '''t -- hair" II , fr - - - --lia -fli' the 6r.- • le -me -rig Wali open,..--wi.,- ' • - • • • • • -d•-• •11 • ' -d' • ••'. -- f ' h eihmeg;:peayer un t e.- rea nig o • t e-• •Seriptiire, -Owing to the blockade- . On, the" tailwey ' Me.,, Snider, Who . was . t av: .- • - -. announced to he presen , at unable to attend The Rev. igt, •MeKinley: wet 'asked to /rive eri address, Which he • did - . , in a very nut able mentier. The subject of hiatettiorks Woc. "The need and propee. observance of the Stibboth " He stated' .. , that the rest which liAtkipg• Meer. obtain' - • &wing 1116.6ff:hours and in the reght; le a Stift-Went t 'support their: hyincel. ti 0. p.. . „ notate mla tho,refore they heed to. rest every seventh day. The method" of ed.". A dog apart.eue day in ten hod been trie- in PraFrance,hilt Illtd so far failed that the -4-'-' -'"-'-- 'oak --tlidibliefith fert ' • th-fr encli -cafe- -- . 1 came ; y- , . • The- 0 ening "to Heaven conveyed . • k- - •• bade it ISOM there. . , • And:i . o , '... ,..., ,. V.irni:te shio iIrifilt.st. yeur,-veatiis• imitation,, whoever the victim may e '. but is, at any time, a sad one,more es- to it is when it lucks from our peei. y w p . Mi det-theyoung, in the very 'prime of "with' -11 the womanhood, a, prospects of e '..a.- •tii before them, Such was the ri. life , , lien'1. ' - ' a the • Beeper's- errand w le visite t nie of Mrs. Murdoali MOE:tone:1d, now •,t). h ,:e - • i• e of 'Saiikatoon, Sask., , ormer y .o ,, . , . .. t. p lien-"--- -daughter,- m'..'• this lace when only i. !is -about' twenty' :Aye Vara.- of Age, May, . M' McDonald hactbeeti passe,. away. ., iss . or a - . operated on • a short time ago, for o- m• - .r. Miles McMillan also 'Mi r- Saw- _ -- .;.... . .L • - t ci d ' -gie-and- ro awes. e. i an •a, .en e • •the,gradtiation'Of Miss : Muni& 1.1eMil.. lan as nurse,. last week it London. • . • • . .. • . On Sabbath evening the Youtig Peop ie'S . Meeting was' in charge of Mrs." (Bev.) - Stewart, the topic. being ''Solid Foiinda- • , dons of Lifer. A very helpful paper was given by the leader, followed by- --a .selo.. • by Iliss:M. Gordon. The topic for Feb. 31 .-ti "Favorite Ohti tem of the Aible"; • 1-1 - P - .. • ilt.'' e - ••• .._ ..„-. • . . • . : Parties requiring:. farm' -help or • . domestics should apply at once at Men with experience on fern* • , . . , .an be obtained now . •, . .• • • , WNio. MeQUILL11.4* • , . - St. HaP,no. . the leader, Mr D. Kennedy. .• , .,—.... - .......-- ......„ . ,. . , ' The monthly of the Women's Missionary SeeletY- is :held ia the -on rely.. • fordyce . ., Chinch Wetbiesdoy afternoon; IC. Mrs Stewart presiding. • An un"; i - , . --- • . . Moliday, FA. 15.,' - tt ad ' kel-• Ili', tottl y:-. arge-4 e twee -mar t i. 1 meeting Ottlittit-WYder.-!ttnicing . the business trait acted •Veits the decision to held a serring Meeting •in the 1A/4.6. mot of the -elinrch on W.Pci., Feb. 24, at which leatieh will terve& Mru. )). Kennedytted Miss Me Martin wore it - •• • Charge of the pigtail for thin meeting, and both • gave interesting .pa Yo.6 eti. "Our Educational *smote:. - T ,s opm ' for March is "Our Medical ,Mfteloos" . led by NUL Gillespie and Mrs, l'amic. .1. : . , . . --ss .'. -•-- u - ---'"-"----4.-- •••*'• • 1 .. f8 -Darner° . %Am iii,„_ visitin: ,_ IrifriVit IT-remise:1i.;- , f._ Quite a miniber iment .a.'n ,; iovt40 • evonto. -1 • if .. . Th . •1'-- -1' 4 2. recent y at • ert ornrson 4, ,, ., -,,, , , . - _ . rj, 000.r..403, 41' 10: 0.k. 0,- Ire. 1.4'omiii.% • brick -from Whittohurai fore, n , luinse . , _ ,, this which he Intends budding .40itrimer• , . .. .A.• Avery pleasant time Was ,;(4.it At , the home Of Samuel Demons Oa Aonday - etnninif.ef 104,1 lietk• ZerY.b• "y spent • . a goitia ti*Ute Mid Went hOtile 14,, i eultk 'lout% it4 *etlliniN , . . '.1 thieni . . . neeeseary ts - . • e -appeal-- Ale- -VirbIllelielf-etiirif- fro • , te.eotiliktihot day.. aieitij Alt oWing Ws. wet* tbilittittitr.. ,, tound--adv-iee--and"--aseful."-infermatiere _. . .. 'is ,.. , , ----The '' 11 -- - -.--- ----'• ' • loon her -16 - J 6.4.'is'---Y6Siiitlit"inl", a wing. Whii+ $1.:00.' Will be .0.0 - fet. i eir, fly isrving be . .,-.110 :fere that time expires, Subseu re Will save -93% on the priee, ,0 • • • • - ' . ' ' ' " '... ' " ' '" - ' 4'. . • ..mAgotito ' • .' .4 . *"..." ' ' "1„ . . Feb b, . pettoe";;MdtAtittit 4:1 Dt1.4I,t,'„(1,!1.," tti Ittli 19140 Pa-. "."114, Reference/is inada to • ..ilie Agricultural -,ThilAce...for..vointit ,i0- assist in CEO War tiotik in Which will be found an luShing, of garment , is 'meeting with a excellent artiele on the.. inipSrtatlee of g•eiterotit. respento; but nci. ono teed bei .nsingthotightikioct of seed by the Do- deterred itont offering their, assistance ' • • ' mialett,Seed Commissioner, and another ty the fear of a shortage ot materiel Oa * t w "r Thor is no seared? at• b.y Piet, Zaiiits. oti the productiou..of winch. o o .1g. . e , . ' ' Cartadiari-gtO*11 Root to take, the present along this liticis' tyi additional l • r• b • place .of flee& ferMeelit. imported' item shirts and bed jackets lava, been cut, , the itititiaknOW at War and uneA)10. to and may be had at WO 'Bake 'Shop. na at ' supply it. Another -useful' article, in, Theicis also still 3-0Mis Ytiltinti' ha , Able Agricultural Wat Dolt jo . -0A TIM MM. Clmpliell's restautim to or It inq bo ' Patti; Labor orabletn. .' ; : ` ,Ilad by 40004 to X”. elcidalli. • - To lawing. officers Were • elected. President; ,1'.. • G• 'Nfutdoeh.: Seerete.ey, Mr VeR11116 Jesse lluttou; tlgjeuti-les i _,.., J Mr„ •:Thiectio, Me, RIeher Hog; ,i. . IVIardeeli It Me nollin D • a Taylor . .. l'A '4 - Q i . '‘. ' ? h It vris •. 'el ect that th o Interest o t o supported y co ee- ' '' b - a . h . . 11 . somety should . , , • . • thins token from AM different eorigrega- . lk. " . -eolith° , lions at lite „tiMea, ,eti the ex .. thought to be . favorable. The meeting . , ... closeti'lky 00,004 of*. hynin "and-tlie . benediction,' .. • claimed' atits'inetlin-:" .me,lsecond death 13 1 ea vis,n w ' rm Mends. boot- Miss eeD ' • "1 1" r. h ' - h GI' f ' MC mai d eaves. et •Mot er an 'air 'breth ti to . mourn her lots, one brother , is the Wet at the front and an. is n h . ii ' t--- ' g at Calgs.0.. and ot et w o Is lo rat= allhatethe sympathy of the entire who e . ., and Dan eminnuinty; Messrs. Madoe a . McDonald accompanied the body of theiri ter f $ statoon• to Itinley. a 6 min a h • the t - e al * - la gal* • Atel-ae4 • ! Ole ., ,,,, 1,?_ F 04 , OA 'DOAN Ads •kaiU r, reV , [...Ai, ama,tow-r,e4 I r• •. '