The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-02-11, Page 7..1W A a ri 0"".— P1 ALMOST EVERY -ONE. I I —;I- BEST f 050 Al SO In, Bed Whea �& 11110 SuTeri shellm, asu lie in of torritor; o range. ThQ U$J�a ia!s ' -were ab For, Sqep,Wmeb Their w4b. Chro111C 11joka th I lh%rker bad lop, q hot turne4 -up, but a deputy was VINIEF 111PIALTIf OFFICER :A440# everyone — man, woma Thr ugh 4 -Wonderful invention 1bund wtho pert5oli d wa 014. .4ad toslo #t THEN,009918 RIONET PILL$ w-ble sdvap she, problent of the thor,# it Tr9PbJ.0Ahvikdk 'w .ortby well,kno -he district own, in t It is often,644 t . I � M. F" - - P CrIM0 MARANE HERIUBES highe4 of *6 speed Photoraphy, Constantly on thoir feet, attending - who as substi- -0 Vft no -1�45 bcQa, foUR4 o P1100 tue w4uto 09 4 largo 4ud exa0ing tute- ip uoh, Tile 4a ta-kos littlo or' interest in -his work-, but tho'trqh iR be ia no . t � , X911ttetlfl,044y �ells 319w, fter 9411h. .gli4s wbilOv in actitol fright. family, womou often. bre0c ftwu wit Arab round was Aoirt to'r bo. fired Vol), J14 jl!eede A tould, CX- nervouf.+ Q F01jr, Years, Illness, 5hi Found ­A. BY thip meana the Britia army 04ustiou, when' the eapig 414 I , i �o in, I lookThe gme is. triae of7a, woman who. lost vskful. .,- V. p4etp�' to' giolve Ptany'vro lk.tho 4� tow4rq' W . 9f, -3 Vt, was w-fied to ,ailing, w not bustle over Tdoaxice which hit the taig stu ,�, Aq lirio, re- It . 1 .1voodo. rrobito., kd ee, the, newlye t only feels at 0 be in bed. $be, seore.U, down with she tort"Uring bitolti0ho ar . maTex right I ja,tho line of. Ore. 11s'pot mer,0 With, a -View to havi r. XontrqnT,-Que., F�by. tat ($pe- this: p 000 -bearlao down paino. I , , but ill. A*11 Thp. caixiera, used . Urp Sudll,,sufterl ig Isn't "llatunij, ",but Itre �'&4 ho'weecbed y, tire. I for V.�ixtjalhe head or' zin b 44,Por QLp , oba7se -the+ighest, nutritive bod' t, ul 09a L*g;tu A Naga, 0 _pe loss of treastif with low the 1,01mst C tw prous, bec4usa duq. tp, 41seAsed bq -1. . t. whgro tbj$ *1,4 pan nsan 'two rO-- kjdjiopj� . I ur yimrO i0king. "I'll, I 1. � � I . .#s of interest in o -show tha of'health �j On it . li, lough, chief QMcer o city, 40WaS, that aftQt,fo and its, 'It I T)io dizz stood, cgilmly.j'al Iness, losbutIlia, -der4vged be. yelled, .as e, ap4, U'rgbV�t,#4 4tb f rom kon.ey. 4 IQUF feet in m.exisep AW other s ut*uk-, lo, b4ee up. the tirloi has,bir 4 4 a � iment 0 ioo -6 she me t t a h e rwryels and $ivo you a,. Aew 144w -of Will be distributedi'lree thtoughdat has. been complotely ostlo`VO to equipd with the Ano$t ympto pro. e4 spWyby perfwt bAing, lus. comPlAlut, can't cur ves, W) -Jfamll� —r� , . e -low -­know-� iut -by*%n,',Wec- Te. re-tho,�- -9 4 -all thq t it 4 si to.,. h' rig. t. -that m4ke& -SeViral tb t 1w Ill. Able re ina o nown Mad we TJw lwviil 0'QW.kL 'The on _0 4oeunje 4epaxtrop Beiub,P aaxI4 revolutions, vxin%. , and as 'Of he trQuh,le� -ply nt, And the t .to wis �JiF rO the, only tonic. -to a sau're-Athe genor I ub wya-in'llor statentnt "I 9pfferei. j vo,pablo ty'And-power to, Me Aro lirkO r .1 the To give. *ltoli k, ojh4t the 4,ef the motor If r r wea Jid 'ailing a t --urate, djusimitt, -'d 14ore J. 1�-L=44 . on to -men 4' 'Id is Dr Go 0 wo ad!; 4 1. c4astAntly with k- of ae .1cidixeysi to lend 9 to the�,hldddei and �4uad -b I vorli the, fpera . ver, to freo,'the blood of mN, and for seven weelc; ];-wg lily supplies. ya in tor c4n -calcu4te te exaet -enth probably there, I$. to rptoedy Pin. Pi S, whieh� we< t�xtesaivo p iecs *111 not 4 lip, ... ... '41' with SfUl J)r. bring baK 'but 'the, es be kid 4 %410� .61 to- i'-6 th 9f 4 health;, be, peTwitte b , way to, ce4 , reps' 'holpir the. country , all woman Ir 00* -C 'at 01 aind en�.rgy. Tho ,y have hon�6 is .noss. The'doewr cou'14 hot help Magi d mularitlies the yerit �49' W, stropt.b maolid sell h6*'01 Ild thou. to spend .6yery .�Qht wisely ,a, to. so 1,decide,4, s ne ithis; in 4 - . . F4 4 , 4, ' , I .9, " olce-Ting" -wbii .1 . I . 4040. I � . I 'he !157 ecaus SATI-d's of ea-�Oa is proved by � t1w the best ddv' follow� t , Wom rig ce;itainly ro 1. a �f ihere� xxilld� O.Q01litig, and 44 ming into T Y rthe,: first bok T'. YOU -WANT, 0 RU 04 SZ111+ Was "Me he" oleciilo'i�41so Aarly ea. U*pn in',60et, roh anoo, Difrir Bur* t 4iyi4il irxtq Imir lass amilton', r MCQ . t* I? raw ton. -or Oel a e� is, exer ing.,44 innueriep. 0: 10O 'hd encr0: 4 -413 el bo I bette bs: or this ca The. . , V. ' I 4yo ds,'hy fhO. -ch W k4h: JvO. 'iri 'A" FLtt,'-',a till noW the P4,10ta- The, ring * gaseous smo 00 ip 4 M. (1)' kiane; =1 - fW s far 4 Ice, an 46 d_wOmqiX'df`Aj1',a&es. 25,'ceills,por 'condition. j an, , 4.rA of PAWSON "Colbor"'O. #t,i� �Tprsolq­ wreft I'd I a, Well aee of tbp 4t; 41*1 deaR use nn�r s4b- W 4 to 40,MY.W Vbscuxing 11. rAgtiire.h. e ed'. 'But, do to.ep btead Dod4ts gun -and UPWAT4 0j- litit4te for Dir, lianditon's RAlls. tem, m6med to bo� �uxi do*# and t -hi SA944 oheyl. 6yrIlpy uzzle yo4 V inki- jA dralcb All,d. ];nitte�niat. - y d r -puzzle a `ixi6 and, T recom, OA beforio'�hel "W �,,e� 13; d t my zondim, bu#6i:' drip,pihi ad. 10 irliell. hppbais ind- -axid Notice ewz,.of ..per sons..*h4'i's sb ia�it, �fisb eg$'.s. 1564- inttly W40 nor, , jn� * , izifiless,' 10fitils)� mil, clioew men,4m rAsing thje, ' t eir. up!�' aq ro", 61ciul . I b tlk � 610IR .11 .4, 'ug All the, medivixio I t `J' , and br4wa brea4;'(3) b- 'e. bu to hesuffering,' sistei*.-thie eno h fqr nib 1 You've ok id me �n on -ildlug.- a 4 i 40; y wir4 Oight .an tarte � td e to, ch,14re S g094" AD. steail� growing food4­01 fp,ecinl' value.. in find rh-ef:lft Doddls Kidney bay.e'been ob. ained,', 8r#18h: Ne �Steel yAik .Pecullar & 13 cw�alovvuis weaker, e y m,t4 r nrj�d ul'o to found: in- brown Britij�h arm officials hope, with, 4313 Pills. The reason, sthat nine- Pasli, Bmt. With 'Nethod vegotabl6s,- d- n-. -41! 44�- t - pot A -�' tenths. of - yemp scow -r-, - ggips seeing t 17411 he�', id f- i r abefore. 1 had takeh'the : verW long cinat isellsed r yexacilv" evbrillii ni .�up in -tA,. whit. t 46 modern lligh-power a. cessies, accom- f bep y6ry w'oman whose'kidney.s. elhow shell 40es wit it plows i -mushrooms,"' E fQ411 of n to feel like -#*,new man; nd, tent such Aples, ru ..es, gs) e idlished by mieens. of : lf� He ife is.'so , -EA AR:B B T AIDE igns of weakness and, AgAin., tho con "re' urib'"riv-thirt ng their use,j* was.. resio ed, r1o, continul lery And all. er ing, Oiec" of a sbell 1-5,000th of QY- -.reciom be e en lakg a N W. Mill to,, t oten lakg 11. 11 co PIP rtd thL- Gorr teCOW gre"y t�pjjlavr, afor full PArti are %end thm fe all.'run down in 4 ei,*Qhd after it,ha, 11 hope hat hi� v;ill,gat P� 0 ull soafte ians like elfaff be _ay 21 Vle viixid. A modern 'baone ey.are the, be, 4t. Medici be to find a Way to make fore t no- Sub.stitute, for. 31e4t., know -of. -of.' pluck "KETTLE' VALLEY-RAMWAY... steel. stronger Py r.erne ng. dofeaba, -is a, combinatioji, harge. �IISCEJL�JkNr;01.13. All medicine d�41-era, o :� all 11yi empdring and disciplitio, to 'A Bri in, Belgium �wasl Sold by of' iiie ve$�� d t r )iewjing, in' the bo ning t it consists. f b I &t'&6..c :i4ble fdods, r. Y, ulai ens'& box or pill point.;Links U. oliet mor ning d-ig: his rwaV to six it hp ­C -Pat. Ivtu, .,Vnit ssei. more thilit a reckless rush ' te cr4g�, UMORS, LUMPS. ed Pro Ayen p Intornat And tile 4 ce at �'T $2.50, from trxl,. cur 0- traent. Wrtwl I'll MYA 1,; oU0- W -that dried, pe*,s. and, earls, c n- is With. boxes f0 The Dr. b , , *' stateg, 4aillyny Troops, engaged I n camp with. a,, fine roos n tain aa 16 fleph-f4pimixim material $no. h a . . .. ter i out bi our -Ke byxiie; arms,, wNen Co., Linit" Colonel to kn�w, i he,-. h444 4.. C9111p, as meat atiel are' rplic -cheupei le:compretion of the 4&,e t e. IO %ns of a apries of rush �ViIilley 1141w4y, will. beexi bread and- 'Pasti is, to say - a' battalion. doe's ma.44 from mean to triins- stemling �bickeils. "Xo, Clonel," 5 epttk&c- ni6t advanice simultaneously,, but'by aEMPRESS -90 -tive, in ape nce than -ger, �,explbined -by Mr.;-S� -Alpryffin a the 'ie "I on4s!' flour, alt '0116 los reight and ara 4ai -mide. rtiohs --io;md each unit --run's I iiaaien -.w.a -Por jam oWoren, ng It i and I -or- '*a wenissw Vlore . *hit,e flowr is more nourish- he presid low G �h�7, val 1, n certai �isfape 4and, th#xi �ak4s co ',agland, and cOTp4iiy, who has� Wen :s dered him -to..ef for E ,b ..ed 4tniexl A 4, nouirishing te,* diis, IT -CURES, RH EMATIS.M. has proved to b Hlts',Conveirt.. H4ir, Eriglish �F Ing; This'nietfiod inIntoa oApital. food, -but r6quites, thpioiijil Wiling east. or ye4rs,pAst the- Thousarids,� of peop t,6ri'thah the�o,jid lia e lie ' 6uld*t�-S'o 1just, i -o o- hi' le, Willa full of more satisfac, ip- w ipitisorre.r�" . . .- inn Paci RAi;lw ny SWI%.k P to, dijoW4 bayonets �Wbiclt fe- � le�' -- 'tbe 41 -lad hits een� t1fe joy of livt Amop, Me hundreds. of nt pie- fig—h4p, 'glad, bright hazgrd dash *ith ures g 9 owifigthe Brlftsh� e d (010 red" ge -pot: he, fire, wrestling with the problein of re,4uc- Deople,'.that N rvillne- 'has cure of' sulted ih, such jieivy qas�ities sold, porrd -on t -or two or er oil Ing g4des in the Rook ]Gunt �' iheir Paine,', all, tell -the game Wonder- amongst the parti�ip&tors, tho, march, III the . tr�ucliesi"In. camp three � hours in the. dby time and. =4 In hospital, says the yout)j's, COxa- warm up for, breakfast"i t it ful story of It r to drive out the section, and it is probable, tha a. pbive DEATH APORT During the charge the -battalion is il ach, panl-on,' were twb. tAlcen. on Corti, m;eAl whole VII 1wIJ continue to struggle for. years, eta and tortures"of rheuin4,tism and split 'tliree.portl6n. '4n 014 offender the same UqU . rl'' Ing 4 up into- tbatliiing on'IQT 7kars. pension - wor -P - Whilst, one' unit -fa*Wr and 'c er, a hoppital I catalo4lre My goodneis, but Nerviline 4d a � , Wli , come "IcMdred Ills cen I ,,,and left. eat 'tre t b6wktjful'.estate, no*, by the goneros, "listed aa Ixio�t ven in ay,,s wben-, toiwh�d his'stolly lrea!�X. 11LER k 16 meciessaiily restr16- in ouChe 4y of Its own �or iound­ The§o thill d the other, thkil)g. cover, C'ot'l cheaper an lraclelwcirker,�. writes Mrs. Char- a vanceor, Tie* and SeeQn4*32;wd, for 4-116--betteL. tho ivenf. up -a- nch. -AIL U& �bral VW6&. ing-on:tli�, ea'Tth`,--keep8- an vnipman,. ,mo er 'o A. well-- lnurw ;r jWt as quiokly hen P.utnamls Flumes. T u'very* old 1� for example 'to push the -*or on known: family residing "my,'and Iusid; t 6 or- Is dy, wid, the Pie- bveakfast foo& Potatoes are best derlorts fire at thp e $TA -ur . es s at lv�ount� qKS. t h )w- In the'niourning fSat. coolted or boilQ in their skGo; h�- the Rogets'Piuss tunnel t6 oomple- Pleasant, "Last mouth I waX'so'r ly the men, by, numerous Adiort , Ar I y 11 at qjI dealers.. she iliv MON WORK0' 4yf -on �a chBut,with w�ars, le'allipg IOns beetA.,ofid garr4ots, -are *or nu� the Xettle. Valley kIMITED oled-Up with sctatl% f!n4 puspu)Rr. es,,, ck�Op twards their iiwbakl aild-Shipbulide and Witti - with some. brIght Y- Railay aild Otenay 'as, to be ahx%ost unable to as every faced bandaged young L gut tritious.,' So ar; all' green Vege.ti, the% It Central' theumatisnf wmnta ULke aav'a.n&tge:'M' I-rati6n the Canadian do a of *houseworlt, Wes and'frults i -apples, green, an Railway -in ope bit untler.,the trees. In th�lr -d My Jointsi littit'shruli or hillbek and evn-a 11V.hy� p -I m astonigheo wheel ehlilr% were a adried'i are a valuabWitern of'food, P4CIA� will-ll.`n�o lternativ4; rbutet cl stiff and the nfuhles go fright, f6ld in tile giound Used a. ,The estate is at, Farhborough and the d. for,' hear';you speak of.Htnr,y as7you. O. it ''woman Is - Eugenie, once EMpressof 'a& x.e alg6 aji�nas, rai6iis . atLd fr6m, tfie, main line; -whih'ghoilld at fully sdYe. that'I, eveA. dried at - Ines Poses,6f ccive'�, in'this i Pulr Way cas- once make -xibuch morp. economical* with, the -,pain. For. years we ave ual.ti, r. ki t d n t inHe-is.ohe of toe bilst -hien going." VrsilI6 now �J�a forty iears, c' rrafiLts;. S�gj A I ENT-, A r, maple syrup `ohd us9d' Nervillne In our farqlly, e a -0 I"Rot he -neve 'an. exile In E naland. the handll�g of trains to -the Pacific, and J mum... r -90e,* 0 '10 V']�_ T lioney, aKe usuijl� cheap. 6nd, Useful got. busy - with' this. wonderful, , I 0. , , , atoCkpot just nta South .'Golunib,ia During these long y�azlg'the world 'foods. The. i� alao ji�ven as Coast" 'The. �Xettle Valley -line in good old liniment Loti� of rubbin One' gre-at"advm ge tof this form 0 E IJAN'rj 5"' #i�p, Briti�h I I . I g �o a4yaxibe -has heard so little � of fibr tha-t4t Is a y&luabei asset ofbe'liusewift'. with Nervillaie'abon' relieved my mP is tha .0iormom Pi o; links t the men, wh-en bard-tQL rerhember- :that she isistill Wrl -to. up, -,With file'United ex�y and - I ` was'� in * a real short b, comp to grips ith th,6`6ii , bbe -d illvoi.. but 64W6 the dis�strou tul- Til Valub. of'elleose, ond with the. Cariadfa� 1�ai- al5eut my work as usual." emy, are cmpan mination f tli4 �Pra'uco-Prugslan:. and. ich Ina -ice an admirable-klterna� --h r. No matter' wile 'tho� -h6 n.Qtl- iff-d to-'bodtWood' e -ache to '-fall....with, fat-, .e U e -'- -. : . AR -15 .of' t if they h runi for: Ti OV,callijig- it,she Wiso�ne he even -'if, -a ed, is d, useful matter o* dit h Y014 't ey. ie, bliber oi tjie ­i)est Farbler's V ----t rub -it- NV h- -FQX- = er--i -it'll 40' U49 gstates "Pass, as R9 grades noWheie forty Years lt As� airing -lum- bl: abbing"spae ­gre&tef3t�---flguresr� M� -�-t nw Viotorth, single, exceotion.bf Queen' she da is 6 doew'not believe �Tlle last. few yar.,d& would -jay th4t r do not knoqv. of h before &O sid Co. then'the m6st doxjpIduouswoxx�axx­ et time %�an -ache, d elibst to e covered by the biyofietJigbt�' medicine thitt has stood the te ' f AT in at exceed 2�per ceift., *hib�the ZDote- bAgo,. sciatica; ba& i, ln,Edr6pe, itild her beauty, graceL and like 411MM'S LINIMENT. - It -has been f trouble and *all sorts of'winter ills. ers.is taken- W''ith a * fierde xusb'� fan,unfailing -renedy� 'in �our b6usehold, anned e a because thdy are nay Central has 'An average -grae Xeep a large, 50c. fariffly sizie bi Ii Gives factovy to fa as gpod as the,'fresh in e�aCt and- Ahaw I- per which. not- only adds impetus t ou� M. elegance, er liatiIial gayi3ty and eve'll' bbst,more -Celn-t.- 'The Kettle ott 6 cl. tb� ev6r since I ,can remember, hrid'has Prites -,on .1-larness. lla�- . . , Ciscoe and othei,hlir' handy and you'll be savedlots'bf trou- her fashionable follies United, to make V4116Y linew Will a -Igo -be -of gr,6a� �lq I 6. Imeil dozens of 1yould4b rings, codfish and bloabors,'inoke '' d. arge, , but also'. badly. `se;fros , th I .. . her a fa'r'more dazzling fIgure.tha'n alid' have shiallei, doci& bills. HOse Goods.' to -.bhd' frliit growers of the Sm I trial size 25c. at- deales P-�e;cia,lly. wheli our ixoops, the Bri with all her',un- vary Zoo4 'food whiJ6'driPptn,g,, ha Okanagan' Vill al ve_rv- di ish , Queen, a much food -vnIlie as buttr. y, - is it. Juehea whefe. shriek out their favorite '4r -cries- ThMALIPAY OIWIPAT16.�tcj STRIBUT oubtoad solid virtwis. Peittictbil and gunilherl IV No splendor, there ait6 plenty., vex "AMI all rL-cagnized at, Suet mining disfx-i6ta'4pf-8oubb`e,rn Bv tish tish ard gener -y Aigestible .puts them-into-dikeot touch of Oheege is iiid- h". and, q and 4t the' tops.of their voices. . The Bri- other, wltness6s to testify, could over- more footf -�alue than. me' *ith'the as be- I .' Ing t er i h Wlibim. the Perfect compleklon, in- 'may: be usea Jn .'puddings in, -t e L wl C(slInnhii, .'As i'seenic.' route' the FAILURE OF "THE ZEPPELINS. world, and specia pains -aie -taken Stliff. tensely blue 6yes t1r' dark,lasheg, F4 oi�dylnk milk is bat'for'ohi�re�- '-Yo )u saw her wed- rich 6heAn�t hair and-cameblike feat- skij6 nilk and buttermilk-bding,b I et line shild prove attroctiv6 fo.tour 'to trafn.�bxn in this forur6f attAck. Nell— 11 64Y Y( ures of., this-' etithroh6d. behuty. it , I s teir. for' e.ve stsi. as -the southern en4. f the, At PKeselat They Ate -Crude 111fa A. maebine-Jr. thiq purpose is in ding -gifts Ho -.V r 'i or, c Inelyeetiy t Indeed to 'think 'that 4ft9r -CLO�b.& with. inilk a;nd 'sugai �g a range ryo�e than t Offee, knagaii Vadley is -by. far the most 'Use, in the. army, whichconsists oLi marked i. LoVis Napoleon, Wilhelm L, Bj pidtures4ue po i -oil of tfiis, 'favored number of wires.streteb6d ad ' ng, the badly ;ex- DOE$ on . Belle—Froln'the looks of 'it whq-Ie&oi66'drihk. Water alloifld'bd Placidly regardii ,Von. Mo ak f- the Frinco of.' e -sh-oiild say it was marked' -down., 4#e, all the�4cmin4tpg."ures se , ctio of British Codn,abixi. Put 4 frame along whieb balls of plait �n-ffequently.. Blodd. 'rie ation live b6en early' summer the full; basenger stra;w run.&-* -PrUsNan'War h. p the Z 1* hi wnwardt in aw errtic al�s- -war mac Ines;, the entitle fashion. 'Ph dust these many*'. years,. the bowed Liquor of No Use. servi�e w1II be in, preriiiioh, and W60d c . e solditr -a fo w* YOU '80r ifed'Eyolids, Beer �hnd -� frits hav�- little' expeets that-.',% 6m, the ippaal Sood value. P Tilley- qvtal ra- war - hogs at ry ng ELndWvait- or no, Volunie of tke ir�rIpconifil � in feet awiy. Ir 'inflained by. dxp6-' black 1s1iiIdo* f 'that delicate lovdlim Mk ** "W' f6ld firan6l in -in �ives waichi ig ro Ligh Wilde bil 6 and. France 'at doatlf, t fort, -of 'the iakes quidkjabs at* these alls, -his �'her NAll 13.w diverted to his. Un'. in. Ing with Germany stud are "expensive tific' -A Sure to Sn0astand'Wind scien merican,- Met* bibink to'st'r*ke them true --quicklyrelitstiii" ]hot ie�g, 1MV war now, d. althouglIL d should be aeve�rely condemnW.-, V. centre' and, rmany, is ki xpe much of the ponderou it.h quik ai'r cl long- mightier than, ever. rance'is n Had n rift W,maA gL Irow.- our of. the ve--tole-rably- well -Ai- -scout�;­butr e'a strok 00n'Mil fatli- wrton's hall. 16 *196ioud. youn ropblic and shi e re printed on'the &Id�,r and Act, t en i ea to iri - actual a`t'tak -::does not. fight alone. W.34iever- t 'al I . I 11 - . goingtp give allal -week ,n) DrulgiWe orXidne Eve Remedy Co., Citicqo; Ile �Frovndf �ty next- ij - 0 Ie a-' fb r n ed-positiori�,-or-everr-mr �-,T I I ­ . . . ­ %.. . I . IW5., n I. -g&t - 11 enA­m­a-y- hie, ff-Will be nge, Ifthose at bolMes e said lie,.d. inv�te pdy ,,,Qf BABY'S BATTLES' 0 e 0 6 1 ad f"8'4 to take "A pre6ent? b ue e nounceg ill n, s OR' cOds in the,clieft 6t s ie Que can't. alwai�s udg6 -a ma ,kis ajid. tears Ve res6nt," a Ftliroat's; for I eS that 'ye. ba opg, they poll it On f thA n _jUr�jve­to plication to.6 e:-apg _look U des 0 a motins- '-Sbby'i th r, fy b Ainriied, -g- thL"- he -b' th .­Whjdh�- MT WhAV le; At re, h( at. apal I qe rijig�, ar --the-- Prl�,a �hj- ble `7h �s for ,heal a e 1'06 kids iake.pre nts Mainly wMa9t, wn if thp mother *il . I eon �Bidldings. se A, rs n -nn nf�rnbafw d gon wrong� $9me;ih1ng Ira in t" . �sijy quick e-. hav�"e'ruined, a feiv bulldihaq� in Ant- stantly,ke.ep at hand,tite:xneang Of, - Millard' Liliftnon'i'Curai 131stpiliper. tbat� day.. and! 'C : andL -killed -some- ii, U M. 0 J&Wer-wan ding -'-h eT emergency miy arise� Ba -7 OR ENOLAND. I a g6dod bLL or. "Thatosall non-' drOn in country di9tricts, b u not �Y'a Own NEW INDUSTRY,,� sel 5" "Every day `4 Ta txcqpt for4fief I sco shi6ul, b6:1ofind h . -dyer ase'" 'be, dec Altsed Toa :and blet O it's'a present. here and a pre, Ing e , war woi J?h t �V-I. Ll"rpbol' Bids For th %Germa.n. T hme were there ar& a yaician-s know, thia; r�gs i. I I ' dy i'r ' tw va.lue7 th ld have pun mail chil.. Trade. ient thei� if _y6il caolt-go- -Coursel-�nthout­tllom d ren-'... Tll�-'Tabl a-p.r.qse t"You. IMiat-The7c, y rexne y� Liverpool'& efforts.. to 11: t LIkK �tive­ -tea its r VF J�� rf _ j7 British is -toy trad6' a. - e 77Thg- 10 ri bapt�ro the Oeian, -�ell ;4 home -,:-'When- ilie . . . . . . . . . . . . . -�b pw d lit of,:'fIWL9nffo wl ay. mbte iihd- it fact curo:�alj tll,6 aP0 'SPDII, Ie, -it� i 5 sa m mo-,- raw por e, in, lln teted yj �[ Liverpool Is primar y- a dist* thin—g;­"T '6-',­hex'f -rdining the heA4 6�' 'ghly attractive Mark 'h re, but It -.has al airs hai Of Cho m ihouglif -hat" I 'cLeAt Ilk, hout6 regr6tted his -huty., offered 'to'the Zeppelixj bu inor illa\ of- I -i ----7 is coffee &iaker for, ma, ered -Th6 -�v ------ "d- .often - could. not do idthout it, ma All all medi,-inp., ciny—o tTi Er —Y Dam le $1th � Lis_ Veale�� iere are rili Ue IEducation ..Committee are ma h. t 'l�povea in. pe; n'I'at R prep jjjjj)lC, hOjile yeir, f uff,oring N,6th dir nati6na, 4. 111ce, rf0et, ' al The D I-. s 6 eor ro ­1V611d 5cets a bow frin ariitions-s h tjoliL , ­ I faiTil o r safe- t 0 e re W *is -Go., y- ihaaady, cly-sp lb Cte74' v ;BomiB-fiotmbii�-,ex-per-imbnt's--wWch..:-may- -,Ne'W' hee1&C-k-AA-X-4Z-. Aks-tl t b epsia� 3 Be r fri 111116, in done W lead to Important -d6veId#meftts.' The 0 -an 'to the Ldrinkin'g -of o&6, aiid. �ifier' r . rodat. ei. Yott. -ril i- is Zeiipelins­ have On t. X 00 Ini it ay take c6mmIttee itte bellia.vers in ho. theory to )) - ;kutoinceitic., ;lve antise tic artMS I in - A I.+-, I .. .. E'lle -"ftJ1)1ft­ftxx i91 L ), I ­ V "Vasellne" Analgic, some t, Would � hiv ilfu- 'Mic etc.. Vluiel. (TI, Of faellitles tjo -6ne Itesi. etc,.; ie or nunated. h ic ink. ge,- They Aot Birds. of Diffc!r for my morning dr accordlllgly�'.' 9 girls I 531 6&ifii, , - I . - 1. - . iveA deilt vootl t1gia and ht�adaches; Pure itirs. Complete operating c;iiAltjon, for neur. L*g t interfere- beeanse-for-, va�jou ­- - S j I - t ey. gist in--te he _;I --a Just lq1_1 -�C#dol to learn t6y� so Ild couYdn.t Y1 # We. a rea-J. h lown fee drinking se. very -s -m jh,6=Wbi* C im, i ar, e rmiradh -son -4 ­tb C C', an oT. icrs;. lic. xjjitg;. required- III the ready-made A -#Ausa- I;' c6A* -;c6nfaift 't --riinXiing-itt-present-,-time: a the promise of 9V trade. Other English. t&y�ni are'rigk-1 ei I don't believe cwr Willie'would . I grbat thi'ng in the IN brigiiUd VACk42C4 WTjT1rVw name.. I)oet, ybui husband ke'eff III for it,"" 'at less thall., h- alf Ing a bid foi the, erman. gej�lj ..., � � % . .. 'Are-- . W1 I ho th'Poibitnt made OaYeful, toy Iraile, juturo,: -but,7 -at present. the -:cost prfce,i y Do 0 &o ehicken- but LiVeipool ji buildhig.'on orud� -affa;d effective,. y u xneaq.7hels,t Stiorm coordlig to, diTectioilis oil the hqL on riquci� l- a Not exatly,; he keeps a,c k_, Monstr . : . ticularl3r, firm. founditJoh. Furniture 9hipe, they' ous liea'rted"I" CH'Es 1V G H r-AFIQ folina , . ,S. fRAKK1LWILSON-& SONS --mhkem;�Whl 0---has4allen e t $go. joT_AVE., �jjrb do�*-`St,�.Wdist- 7 -oro, ntd 7fu�nTifigtheir. atwntiqu,to -woodgir t6n- -txwe� -it Is-ased for 1my 1�ei dfit ther in -flight, wbile t1i,ey. I ki�sed itnly &r blrik- areL ready, to absorb calibot, b,(- "At irii alld young, wbrk 'trs with, adme train nk to- r6con - me 'It V1 O F I Im , _I �. f.6jf0&)t' 's went''Ciarok voldiji *jj­ Tmou OR VE',\ YOU Vd bettei'A 1, bad i cofitaini , sheds* iv sepirate. Shod t at 'All thom. 1§on�e -of- 'tho tb:ys, whidh th�, 9 W pea I T- children av-0 o . V (" h foj;4'-�ftej Thl roq­uiremen 4di A01 P ical qu art L In O� Pigeoyi, Pigeon & Divi g o t. e p d ild dao. in r reli4ved of 1hdigestion. Of adm1rable de4$gn,'topfdaI 4nd,huth- Scotland, &it, a greatly lithits tlj�ii. UsefulneM. Ap- Patent: 31ontreil, report hiv� been . ge4 '4aViel. with her F but'not,stipt"que,or ugly., Aug- p4rently it. wou.ld be, neXt to inipos, that 90 piitenta were' is- ao OR' Fw Tillis is the the core MY W brob-Ibly th6 soundest at, in a e dduntry. The 42th, 78 -of *%ihi6 wic'grant4 iada. endorsed i . lond, nbod eichwiv�iy by gAMed: 10` U as in 4 months and otons, grA - said siW'to land'tkoop� from fof tli'e Sian models, hdo'hildrenabouit hei knee' 'A N js greatly * 'of okol, hea,ith , 40-oficerning'.�- leadel he' Jantiary, sent Uhie In d)i forms of fLrt,' ho;til cat pibvEdf - A �vho. hhd, bec'n - behadpd f6I1.o*,i 14 Ihi`e l)Ou4ldh. the fatubuo Canadian ' J?tJlh-1,' largqly drawn upon, and In tie� to om to -Tar pave bee 'tven if it -df& hot ehil 'A c4cztns� 1� (�antoifjjl� o' tivieg NV& wont * -suitable -Panru for. It, -iind- ;.Ikw Of a young- -trollbI6 W'hh; Il�e Crown, oile t6 repr6gen line, great thing' 01 held L � tainly P�r�ck the', mith. for many a typical set of toys is a row of nine.' 96111 - 't lss bLf'ihe nien ',Would almost cer- 8. to retMelits. of fo eiqn. c she 1ad beell in ill debigned t Death's wl! sad lo tae JFO, a] S u . n ,o�r�, tho, vital ford" nL Uossars, and' German Iftfantry be shreo ut, 1,ow, with but il'. 0 as $500 IN CAS14 -PR ittle, Pain. I Wtote,herf. the good With spiked helmetip'With the M1016d. im. tbo talk abotit what Zep.-" N that pojjt�-jxi cji4 tie; and advi�edhdr fist, $400-00 for the btat name, tis the c6ntre pill, The now I'll, .. p. on ,voutdalightei has proniise,d 50-00 for the beist, deoceription ot the re�furo. i)Ut -little d on its 'I d6iie, upon them to" tty I dustry egs,yet, but t 26.00 for the*istoolia imit name. the 0 b�come my wife., The Kaiser's rebps lave do 6 -10,.00L for te eftond best d6trltitfon.' year one Of those days "Made Iff Liverpool,, ne a "Well; don't,obihe.o 6.00 jor..tho third g�w,t dese'ription 4o poUnds may bo.the Ili 0 pity jiim, but it Of you might know'a4meth'ill T) e y d t,.d $1 00 vizds i r 410 next Qt me that sho. had gain all-mork of the to -shop' cat dial d6truttion in Bel� r nd, fift, * like herseff out gral*dhildr,eu- Will'. th 9 t n t;b, yo -a" hangif-Ig tfat will be 11 would h ap' gonoration, w-hibli- ' had' their huge gulig- on Isol 'd PL *tumbr, Of tho'coti, %Wddi�ig adve it In' its Xcah" rks. . b� A� ep, no aroundere'fiVer nights a W`Oek."' okontr6lu " Tefeltg inet, bV CaTradi"In Poltum s from ixb6y.*. and thdir dtetafon: will be himi., ft6illd two. r Frm' plles�nt appeariin6es: jiltri-is JnOt6 ejjtCdf4nj$j g6fid in th6L *Ydirni upito-tho no, gteht rt,aso:h' to L6W,.FARk8 To irHELCHIOAC0. DrIMVIII: be Ocmally divid 'hlid- &n addittolai, to an. EXPOSITIONS, 0 tbo­kili - ta VI b6 given 6aah a 4�' -N*' etholdvop or NftAb6tlOt "of odawstan't. rontlb, ooihie ire two Iforl-w4 They �ooloiydld daify thiw firin * ightill oxit6y. thb dontest., ,i dfileat;6'Ai Nort'it Webieph Ay. , X*ixIPf& 'XJ trains from the, Xave he edn,* oftist ha,ve Uildi"g. I'l , - �hg raillial, 01ifea . test 61bie at thidpIghti, .1tatch sjs4, 19I& l;assc tro did S'L , oe. Tb Ila ete, n861tij I 7 11 . HOW TO MtER OnlLblo j Diego. p&ckag ip2l 4t 0ii 'ho -, but' theg 01101,e6,6f ceeilic 4nd direct Mites; DoUbla t(P try' � tholt Willi; re d new 4W me bistotwoftbibittin tile 1010,itin h1l, tho wit rpoo Ili Weril-for. Obo dfto: teft'r ihorb, ,, : 1"Ok.- AlWtiom%tie electric for & liable. wo 'M&ko 4041 . W11 A teit%V06hful di�solves (tuick- (lital " W j send .6116 Of our 6 DOW dotivievilt Ott 64 of', tea Y40LIj tLt do It I' Your tr f th 61% Mid ffull partfeula* W 0ORto"t, !,#I nMuDO14. O"td. t to' "CC4�Wftt* to hS.Vd. tha ))14* inAl. WM on tho , top' aptto' Gon. Xec., 46 Y with Paim LiSt Us Pr aud. lurujoix bid. ly 311 4,41 4nd makes n tolls nd-1 �Ouldnit reach it." Mt. h'111 �bel dolltbW *tth. "I'd Ask yjoix� fo Jaiiee pill t* Inds is Xlrde4 'ilia yot, dhic ih '010 thlk,00644 Win thb bl*- r*101,1 About the, 6-666. TARTo P18RFUM`8R5'-' of Wh Id 6, parentg Pon WA Y�d� were tired." y their are enough to, eallse wery nian wbeU j�18tllfied R004318RIst ORAV 'In 1�41�kjjjg hAq .. 11 A". ititd jail iq� ateina Qi lit Pw 11.6t too t4e�t ot� W.1 psiliffil, oulli to bre )i IRV: 8rj mowtniAL, lit 006, 1. ift 4owli P s ! y r d Ile ns Sjr �p F-. P y o4 A] L