The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-01-28, Page 5% Ie,, SOIDAY SCHQ)L $1 4 F*41�pl Vor,el two of the �was of 'PIRIA th GREATEST Off UO.Y �," 0 tribe of Dall, and they, wre, AR ARf N fa� from J E IREATPT, W, NY I �N T F, 10'" A31 ON 4 To JoE.S$0N. I0 0.4, 1, T Ot�. WITH R140,004, Uoty Some Coutrtes Have Altered IN THF, NEAR AXTUMP, 14,6swu ,The WrOr of S1101SQ4. 04 ite, �limoillties in tha. Path Nearly- lovels - Qxre.31i Commander I.,Wks& 6w 4QUaries Is that, ve'ry often eil*01 Will Be TooleYAW the Olwat a Ailt, just the sort V the. oeriitua. rRople to. . FRe 17, -Go Is ajt*r#)g all -at tho man of that. Ufar Glimptes -are, over e40me gain ot,iof t 4woom U104 dida PoW u �baa be 09 b�,,,alch us.—ganoah is year, rdduo4y but 4urely,.. in on the' bAttli Tn be . ibuzi% thQX th a racea. ?U010, U8, and The inost omilion di%owty is Ww *4r ;Particulaxly.. o6acerne al, out -the 'ny thet - log bui *#tfeg pp ol t,.Iw ivife" re-wlvOii from from, Am he, Q visit which the tribes 99 antiquity. Quartera- wtg, at �Ch bi twQ 'Jisa Qj4a to learn wre There io from wo be iM b _ultivAte, thero.for the supreincy �4but t1ra that i's to W ild the �;�uhtry wou no dou-Ut,but th - 0 c epples JI4, hadoubt e elti p comint4 W�Weru E uTope ought oth( WAr., 'Id lv'ill -ch, , .be borg untobim. And 114 0 tbat th6 on! tb� plains -.6f Belgium with o .A iW in e"s th ..4 ort Avho. preceded. 'them, b" Observed the �ehanp that, w of aiWla the trouble,' he is uismLAY want$ The Ak,st-battle of the Alan's was has faken Germa, t.,D know, long bet -ore jjj tbj� how hip -is botanial pt. for- 'Nitg4b '1',0.00 �ears go, TWAisne' 313st fi3w weeks, ww owning of, t bild', a new obje4tivo.4 tho t4a, a taught"'im th cj W�llat .p4hiculaly ostry, �xpelrt. Hial lut'Wu is tb jivei is .,o short distance sou14. pla t at- trpe�,: s#4ngg 4 the rego is t* be, &-ne that, -A it may,, lot dgittin, 'the fulic lop" e a seem, trees.. incroa;": the M_ ere t fulfill - t to but-4--form4,the, original U, W1.11 be fir, 1Uy, do this. in, two' -"w -5. Tfi tak -nd*w Tlhiadesix6pf thel-ature.j&.ther and h wiaw�.eiosg the to - tht 'S pla,ep. # q , aGof Lq Qt so are &V --owing lo t A -!to -ed- trencthss,� il!�, eir �meh -4-and nbe thoroughly iTd. rme , ISO hinj.,a, fe;w prs sleep e that Julius: C4 isitz, 'had iLi W. 'h g -to th4hr'.* evidail = --u ---cqQ1 . en th 6, a . . ske . p is aged h h in �trim lit. will be subdue, the; 1391gians Darkehinell b h cros t* olancL imm, ,te, ItI44 jbad 6dia ly in .Wrroun . . I .; . �., . - '40 ` , �jj � _W SQA plendid ibat, 61pr telo: "hTing , 4nge of itU4 I -them Ca x4p . oleon, was unahbi o fbli�w 'up aged 'arid, ivkile njAny cities Q nd -Ahe Ti�ww domi-�. instan re ere.. Is IT "The, b;aydst n4tft motive of 611 general plans.of e !a r jplac,64 upo�'- 0 Y SEA ce of the,-Implortarrop *hich oth r th his -m a cAd Mountain top brings do.wn the Qatils Ais tht.'Belgians," Only bi su.it of Blucherbecause Wel fiep forced -to pa tribute to' the wish 4the I "' Par WN in . was, ad THE ren)'i I Shows mept the. eTman eaipirv�-Aba ll e and rain,, . 'Then, it-oo the roots belp, to after fight w' I gton And yet. 14A of empi -duty W bis; 0hild as Caesar 41� e erm oym ened hi's flank 9 had to fight W the... impli Anoi ' He keep the nno:istpre in the IsQil when W conquer these fiercepeople.-.0ae- tow of he'g- Teatest dis - prolionding j6aotive of cit, faith the- ent el- is ai the -44 terriblot h ate the r4in. ha lly fallon, instead sar" in i* ington first. de-, tres TIIE for Engla. brwr­li�A in- God, who. i the er", a a n -reason fot gliting the - If he' could have ISITS -OJF -NE VS I?Ro gja a to,r art it be, -Belgiana,wa-s"to get at tbe'G6rmana­. 11ingu4n on. 6hior­ orles an, 9, ipya,rdds 0 All hurn -the ot aun., comineroe .61g'ium had with lans to lavad ',E Runnin"g.sbuth, from .the S*iss Alps able day 100 yearsr,ago next june idle the 'B 11 a 10. Aiiii-the' woman M446 1104te tetjp i 4g- i 1i5th-, -he �otkld _bis ,.,y plins' to invade .a,n. i�ai:t and tod her ogum4ree, is. is a laongrange- _then hay ed .of �TtjqfttAjAg and . q: turn :the &ewt 6japon of the extend' hiuch'er. 611ington ca _t t6t will �b.e *,ppp of Mano%hid. not desir.& to. be Ing �into thb pl.ii.ins of 11-1y �rce oR V use their agri ultural andq we 16t orted I's o 10erest, IFINDIDL PlAe" the ngel spo p4blig. opinkm j" 44 " i _' .4 and it waa., v announced that 1109itimt.. Tbe§P WIN- are 411d the_jKjjr4ntAge. of receiving Na' by alont- when.' ke. She fine and- the Qermarl� soldiers, haivo 41)11 -by Irdreis -of t be, d *w4out reo,�rd to the ha R�A; Railway,' h -i h' pli ell, poison's Attiiell;., He 'did. nol have: zird, 'knew the Oricetil of -bar busb w 11P cels for defeiidin'& eate� 'their food the. -people. lin passes through p, hug4d, flat cbesct�t the ultiw. ultr.- 4, the slanoll- by. passat u Atialitie. 4, res porf�xloe'of the. duty trench themselves,. 'Only L to will a victory in a h rry. Delay pb��rving. 'The �,&broejties Against ter,, L te reaell 4 6 Wild siml Most .east - ir a of the Rockies, has had gum Ig W&Srl a th would b aia, upon - he'r - the'llorth the Wls, the BelgiansL athence tree's p4jited for­bi6dr.ed a big fivor� -because it would An s6ildlers. There. were deaths ill�'.Hali �totaLL' %,anted to i b e gresAnt, L a: nvaing army Meet 'the defenoirs oiveiplejor'Blucher to re(Orrii,'iud have been exaggqrated3 but the . suf- in I along We -line to., 'Imen k14, A6 f tban-JA AIX ' ihtl ersono r and droug -*,n_eq'ua,I4ermrjs,___­­__r___' oo d hez Aco.me, up,' Napolebli, had -to win -a - fering--4beca*.e of-' l4ek.-of em�l�y- f ri "-" * -no 'Uh,14,11 h -i squi, e, sald� sery4tions'-and intkryiewe Merchants o" jK : surprisi ql go Wf, liave in and -ii t rontier mro rueTi6ifi -a- ud, (A clirnates, The These naltural they, did n y. od.0hris e giu other 'plagues in. h ji �73 his force against Wellington e, one, bit, mas, rado, WL kDr the eining eucalyptus, takl�a-'Wi6m,'tco. 'The - I '' L'-. - 1. -1 - -_ - , tow4s' ,of Ger& d i -days. of_pra made little Belgiuni, -with its p4ratjon ..6f tlli arid shis. proper nu-r,ture. -miles, th' Pushed fight, but. Bluch6r' came Belgian, -< square, e fighting,,ground of reldgees have thronged intui, t4nuic.ioid Ili the rooU I -rives mA-- There are now two field b4ttefies ve that to the h urnq -e Jo ke e e`_ mosquito L supir L- hattl "And he,J unto'him Ar es_ just th.6 �fg cu, d' �Ho11-04,-_FkAne&,and' Engltarid�-Yet,- l -s ned-- -at- , fit vkrrs� , apo eou, �'and he fled tl 0 M-4rir . a Apa'' eA unto t�10_ X * f to there areL posh an , , ' -d. more. men lef in Belgiumr,with a total oteiglit guns. beside which the PI-aheo' r '.j ;w ted to..'bs.lsiire '!read I be 'secondai -of. trees - 4. wo rig L f"'' r'--.--"- - P,%rla,leaving, -his -dead, 4.4 unde: that it-:, was � t $,same vI61tor.L : - -T ­-skolet6n�W yown dequirri .Ae P. field to ,beL care"d for by h ,s requent,invasions, ed' oil th in with're�pect to t ionj I� callQ-is d6ne b an was"fourid in the "i he number o P. a at e ed ha4e. the 'si. lejgium :16 the'.woat darisel5l.TIDPII� b wnmOtgriakeir for .'cvbha "the h tvibl6QJ�eIgians. Hammond's PI n 'ar H'Iif dliggp6d �mnd the casualt May me, message ains,. a &I -ax. a Olin a arer It 'is 'claime4l Opt over 800 men the tri- from: bim. &*� his 'wife hiad re .0untry in the.world Its Pop :0 Trees * Make lo�4 mil6r That Belgium na Holland and, fouk& goinewdre wA ahelt6r emp . as reglo"ns' n' has ulatio s, f due probably illed by A it. almost, 8,6W, people. separate coun ries is N�Vllg CRE USOT WORICS.. -haye - gon6, f rom -1'64a Sydneaya, efid, 0:12 Ole o d Spai 0" 12.. Now. let' -a Cowded"in.such A -small a ace'tbe It' thy word 06me to for centuiiei' recklestil�, usbd up 'its forced. t Dritain's. -wak foi�s. alsli-the Pre 9 -the -fact 'that 8pain. -once 0 pass: what diii-1.1 be the ordering 0 op I b, jom udh frea f6rests till it -,is now blare PIP .Is,, natural.Rj. cannot'.ibake, .4. her r ru ers �p, over - thii. rand.- The Gjl�s Tnkn.ed, �Oljj. Ilost'l)eadly . The Valley Railway wa#- taken -fialit,: Apd U -11a as. the 4 Are thfi'lapd The living -'s, . I.C,R.- oii New Year"s 1. . I ay, which w 'us 1.6 on r Ade 'a' As countries afp. very'clbaely related t' tlla'child� and. how shall we, do u -n ' livifig from #h the'. ie�kitlt that it climate Madre �hiefly-in 'manufacture a;Rd ge Ri im' .-bim�­Mamoah insisted`Shi�t t1i n the, World; become ery ext1rPM6,--$js;ii1 beitg And ther6'are no -natural. boundaries, Al opeiat it -in future, )-r� should. 'be' fettold the: rr Cotintries. . P redoiricio the. police, e milit.vr a i�whole st< .: rto*i44 in the trade with ilthei The gutill uss&by* the French army In tIr AgAi b sco-rchirigly hot I . t Y,-' . 1, between them.,_,, -thel ear. ter days B-ilgium was- are- red'at. �ourt 'fines in. 1914 Rmounted-*.$3 - this forecast may apppai, presump-. 3r like ilie, $ah;vra, and v �ry , In turned'out by -'the' hundr Sr 'The bi' 729 .1 overrun:1 Jile Nether1qnds, of Which Bel- the -famous 0i,6us6t worki'. a - with e#limeitneie, � so that h )y the Migiating Teut-6nic wous. Yet it may be -hers &A 6wrl p , )o,* e' tln�' d in the'winte, 64um - was a part, p d ,of which $2,150 were, Scott -A -et iyuld,A 1hat. bad been, said Drainage* is an. ermi4e thp',tory,of, these works, as well knbw'n fines. - : - er weapon of thi tribe.a.. The Vah&ls, Franks' a* rid taleaver-' -to 'bi ls,� e, Spitiiish to yule over - -thbm funtil, f Kri;pp many or -Ili St. J,6bn, N.B., a valuable -6 as 1 age teporter's: pr otion, of even, a id man who : nijakes Pli he oth6r of German peoples Philip IL 'be -in . Ger imateo Ysa came king of- -Spa' Armst3'angs, in y - hokise 6elonging. to. George Milne not'fir off'ln' this Ar�triageddn - ik !3,,AAd the angel of-Miova, draining, oUniar-ally.groun not only' forcing ible.irr way into Western: Eu- in Enjland� sa; a, Pear unto Munlahj Of all'that I savid um- p n& I okr.B.el-. The peo lie' bf Antwerp, Arnsterd. lid..be sed -it ill"ah ab6ut as go<A a guess. as any. At tractair' to the. agriultural ro'Re,.fought -bR the ot inWeekly',Iteada like r1ornapee * ..r.l;n away A seaports objected to his first mehtiori'of Creusot, UIj_ auto, t -r as iveaJtji ol-the f.,,ountiS,, !but'raiskv giuinjor it passage 'Tb be and cap ure the, t gos gre e d Ae a I Je� �n e�!g,,qnce,.with-irade. .They were Aer the iname -of "Villa -de Croaob;," At Syqrney, -�C.B is said thdt ul .:forwar lacs4tge. is '_ her I e, as�i4lneA,' th� tmps;rature what. is trol r e� the land. T t ierstancl. it, in a ni*earn�re h -pg. given that- a1:1 tint of- thei. prbss he i ev pe e '&-.Steel-.Co. will n to'the four 'winds by &114 moiat an4urth'eiii1bhy re e a great ebriarpeteial occUr-S, ea. beeiii �throw the warn _o, rly as 1253. , It,wis then th Dominion Iron' wise a gi-on. seendead Jri6m' Derimac or. ple.* steel iiiill We till firstin- The reason is tlj -,the had. heard in. e War broke ou.r. Holla,ud,'now. asimple-fa-ritit. It is. now S,town -of erect a new stiuctUrad German war. th last. At wa-ter or �niarsih and 'Swede&,and-.r' e take -heed 'W, ob- does n.Qtrbeat uplinde -e ir� 3o,000 imligbi6m-fis. and- *have'it'' in operation by ari is, the ge &I ijktainee bile sho.tild ��alled- the, -Netherlands, was-, :1� r sunshin. as -Ared yea.rs ravaged -the coasts. e la I � . ;A - 6, Servo successful in, - reslisting:ihe - Duke Q - III th --c -elithetury coalwas .1st. f a. -ixtL 14. She may not gt of ittly thing s�ed'Belgiuril to.get at, the -pe-o- A unt "P. E.J.,- el obfeci .of a large Iva,' SpWin's -chief general. W disoovsro id Creusoti- thnih it' ' 'Near, -ATo To. undai%ta�id his, ond'.1ids, to scheme of p e d.: In &11,IhAt time was not unti 941111 e* ce the ae t -at nt into k, it rainage is of .Orange. .1 .'young,man Tramed,Wil -thil of.Ar e ille, ne or let le4dttit' r inlAn cut, the dykes. and -20 �vlam later' th U,w4j, dow- by per as ftbin t0% Th kii�own__by_vzr_io *0 us- a ia e ag to beniefit�,ag:r.j- nAiWlind- owed iffleg . IL e. u 6 lv4 qui'4 t e ob ra i a. r�g_ to .any .-thibit.-These, are. nee vaxi�, r u tka were eteeted. -file bursting �6f the- Aftel he lie 6 um,61ean I-Wwlan the 9p-.,a'n'ish' wbk6 r ron. ll:,� b :PT % . with ut ob' outstan-ding. things that,the- A%n*-. Itad in' 'It ha -been united -with jiective , , , - , - 'h k more 1success ul in ihe hilill'i"ands. th,6ia an a nufacf6re f guns* was killid' are ekc6ptions. The b gs :901 had Comina4ed,* And hich. he There the Netherlands., It'has. been part Although the Be'�gisn part, of ihe starlt4e,C)4- :At n rigs leoover it: It waspart 'In 1838'r the:, works were bought 1: a crossilig-a railway.. track. ware not all'of the. thi n 1 was a rue an engine -, of rr 6 ish'kings again emphasifed. :patibularly. thttit- � cove4� V:a, -I '-a part of France. - The A uotrial' age i and $pan- ethtrlazids gdfiied- Its Ireedom, it oy. Rebon -wa to1he C a's ind a part PermAny litis antLouTicedr bol however, which he had. and are quita,healiffiful, owiiig, t�b- of took the meantime thePh trothera - $4 is i when she �t-r - k'b`­ 'said, sar's empire- significant fact that -the German' And throw:rr-som Ir only me distance. H( dly - a _ they On-, pebple'li�inj.itnder the Spanish iz%-, name: -of 'Schiaeidetr was to become that � it. wi irk, f join. -W jilat I tb6refor,-. tain.' O' the Holy Romaz� empire. For a time rijury was a, r et& head.. st�ke everthin n. 6. e5cpeiirnerrt§ :� ar; . Veing 'Jobift, S all =4agndi her 14V her madd i'differ6nt pa pai� feaffy the Danes Atiencs became Catholic in, religion, the great, riva�-of,Krupp4 the -great ullivan, inspecto &all to 'Calais In rtsof the *oAd -genera art& d.unk: r e G From that ;of he congta-bulary of N6wfuhd- obsor' le. fle'tbe� or + its ,wlu -Hollande a, were I 1. the east and W44 Arid to,Nieupor. v to. tbe'�ffaet, . n undrainable. but tbroligbold a. istbiy the most pat Protestants. orman 'gu-n �6akera th rtfi- wiith'th,e �aivov.ed- in-- Sampon. was A.o'ber a',Na*irite as injectin .*:huge, _qjI4,tj._r. BeIjgian ' peo016 maiii-tine& 4h i in these date down to he present.time thl land, - And* Xidholas Pow�r,' late f . 1, I air.- dw 9 -and Cre sot.'gun beg�aai tolbse,6me, f4m,pdbief- of p6lice of Halifiix, have been _mUej_ldj;j tae aoid- - _r' _. CUStonl' shing,ji; new mos a , - ;Uf nflie. indf�idu a u a ana Ian. -itism. wasthe. outcome of But if Ireland's bogs. wi6, guae. Above All.els� the . -have can.,live-iri, harmony tioge ous. -68 at t�e tai,rowest.p1oin '6hek, 'bd6 awarded tbb kirtg's,polic6 medal. Marine lia that d 'theii 4eoutadorr for the hii nk'' Von againat i& dilsaitrou-s4influen,66 tiffically.:. drain4d, country Mitintain� 100, years goi n �Ara.S�l �PPS- The greab. eupeiiority of the, At St.' J*hn;,. X.M., Wil.lianij. of h �cbaunal � with which. to atta �, 1. . I - the� EngliA fleet to whittle'it down' isth ;'isna had, Catias'lligsh he* en would, according to an'Au,stritaian" b M n ' sible, ienoli gun libs�-'in itastability, ind tro�hy; - who. thought he was.a w ind-love of freedom a y t LO_3aAt wrq . foupd, giIilt� climait�-zdjustai, have sumers five 6f the cities of in Uarminy till-4iot fight-�the­Eng­ the -land hs,ve been Demanded tn'ae endence. �aib it will at�and_-.cx_ '.'high -Anincier was of. pas . sing ogus che4ues ion. t -a a iulairly a realetiim degrlet ott _P breme haid wear. T16 .show its ' I --with 'bialkehip 9 ,erhn she his. now�._ sac won- I b oLnd seot, �gh 'fleet I kel rep6atedly. utdle "again r&, _r' the present: relrative Arnja-� n inst the.. w ap, ind casiiolng, 6f Napoleon annexed Belgium to derful st-&bility 'it Ma'y be oVinei&I insame asy um. or so, Num., Ili later Take, for instance,.the city, of men- to . le pr ment. : Germany delinitply intends 500. , r tiond Aat a. I year's. France.., It .-.rern4ined a Part of gilais� of *atei placed Maistricht� in the. yea,�s'.be- a I uic .:Every able -bed.' w to �it.iis nderseas cratt ajallist ween theyear 900 a -the islands qf St� -the prophetil�oked upon. the t, k,til. Na�ob wheel of the,gun. Ied -min bbt een . -.1. '. 41 as n "hoping -times Franc �on d6wrifal lin of th LASS ROINC N_6 r. . h a gs 'of- 8 a d'' Nifti-rites ais a class -of: r1i TI rid I 09 it EngliA d[readnovghs or an volloin =hrnspill6d after tile 42�-on aW ev th kin'' Euorbpe united U 16 -ds JTL'timi _Will X .. it a 4s. eep iaken andrpluhder.ed fre, Mi4iii lia e he � Jehovah esPeciably raisedup to k besieged, II66n, fired. Pi -e 8 an ordered suoll, fid , U r 4 W b,Holland The, Belgians were 'po Israel -b 0 0 on This extrAordinar e as fo Mill BIE Wer of all a in te rub relio '' f What the: War. Has. b e to'�jake� -times. : Iir. the war. with 'S �', f,at, i �otsj 0 bold hims' If in tv. r xl,diWlycriip� I V �vhich pain, Diffr-lble in� the case. of, most anthi�'nist* --ind. bring' B 'rear res ive r Dutch rule, inadine the 'hated' t' finds lasted fifteen,-� a,, it wa's tary ervi' (SeeL.Ailift0i 2, If). rltain� DenippratiO. U. S, has oe in Franca. i is -esti- ta e "n" encei in religin .*ere -the .-Phief Ira;' v0_p=Utrdaha_Pzin,ce_ - hen ",hV' fh 4A pateLth iLbout a moke nearly4e i-111 reaw"d -the 'wx -At op_t of' .14 _ jam.vo war, wx c.ause 6r7d sse -In - Itizko, :w clemm "-OJM - ifo-za--the -de tin. -thqe,. -ill ' * Prince Maurice iom 164 000, thlere are, at. leaat­'_' _200- MP W -P Moy. nl--__ I Is aki O' 0 n --------- applicat -of a special reooil-bra. rba4:a4i4 for Hebrew a itope iff6ted 'from rellbe Ion which'Krupp always, declared could who will stroy - English. s ipping, Jn�A&�ihb. sians also 4xLd -ab 10 h6spitality' shows stituti6p e dacked every time,, ter r'ebellib �:O ek� be included in :tbis order itLk jn�L ally w tim -h-4he- field wtille. d: at.:-' out: :0.0r -1amilleg ip Si;. i6land� r&ze-�tli-a coast b6vms-,�re " -a4apted- irre 0 tf tbi 882, ---a d at tb-e-Oreyi ' P su aes �i ry ­wara bbbween -ouis XIV -n Ubt wl6k�kF� -So- �JN� e to lia.m IU�., and in. he .-Vapoeonic othiei similar is Y but the class s-pirit has rvx e Plao'aidt with letters wer tib n. to -da W -0111d. maike an 4 --seer�tly,,,posted bn, - night that Sue �a�ssagesinj,Old Doe _.pointl Again, it was�, t&kch tdierin­g uirfa are _8'qPbfior' t��irjeTlj histoi �,an 4m�tazing deir*.' Ana_- On— a hereUhe Fre-66h. sile. h a' Program. Mi. -Thbugh thou'detai . n 0 Mk in end it; writes - 4 11 e the rievlolution� of 183o. ATeet. corners of. russels defining to the le'untenale, but it- will, h everyon.'e,' has.' y An -other vem-6ifts of t1le wreak-Idd, wit,h. the 'I 'eges. xg,.progra fea list will W er;ed how wob worth: Di.xd;J.' Haastirelit's 3 till S, the 0 Imnie - "'A(on- tilr6 ot,the' Cr6usot plain'�fte - 'mo An, army, in �.Jric day, ifireworks; Tiiesday,, illumma; Ins is �wbat is known &`t.th� recif- tl1res w4�e­eks and nidiremeiits that trying., to ) %. . I? 1 holdr%im, 'and. aouocce6a:, to volitnteered, r -from colliers. and' That'mdkes,r1fif`6eefi siege's -and' tions Wedzi6sdak; .' revolution rtor, which causes th , gil'it. to will be , Made, ,j.ft the i)e#, thrj6 oth,o- -.atiff erting- 'p, yeica injury. to* fk�ur-ive;ek�. Ro- - W_ -e-v-e r-,. r I r r, 6 a p C T o. -meM. ers.dhi'Rai6he-' capturea�.'Yoi Xtastrichf. worst me fi ing Position 04in slippmeri , to- 'bi �io_n' 6i k f p a' a a 'a, a re irrn a 1;.1 The T ika; in 1 he used It. woud �1'5'eem as. thotioli. here.'igaifi ridithe Wellington, 'in whiLb, siege probably 57D' 'when it ge -biggest fight of 'force compressed, air,� po�-; qf tbedaing sii;oee�siully madle Aa ittelf. The, -Ressing -on the -bor-ou -*pge -61-- the- 16rd --- ildi D -heterogenaa­ elnients was catured-tifter-,ni-sieWe -that -war was-ija;-Brasiel' ast at, a gh qe .111 W 1 Anil Whirtby'nry b 'tjiat, lie might ee s figbOng- side. hy side. r_1 3Y- mort .'Tht. baptq- ed -Belgians led by - -a wo the K�upp gurts; hich s- prings e*. e ths. were od1bif xp pilla. hoia iP9 nd b , utc, ere4 the 'irrhnbit- lek-ge gencril fr n isp-. - -His re'llsect, thav it _ahj bift. -Ma' -1i did --4 nd evil klike-�- h -never weiars out of* --sili -o �pama--Wa I prerogatives The ere ed i -n the the irl imit, And,.detain thegue e quite the ea,me-ideis''as- when it ty of. 34,000-& the national heroes �Pf Belgium. kh%usot 'guns.. folt1toward p Ile- wou no eat�,o --uggff-may- U's iffioe t ie guns ere as c ilia pe,pepar n ca '&,traw k dum- hat, U -ld C QQib br I%— sel also hits a �par,66r.6f d' Charlief had th w6men ilia 6 affid Army. o e� 176- d6l d, Afterward t lose Isom bf tbeij�*.'absnrd' struotion. structio These dummies ond the tile .e. Meaning of the *,ord,: preju- used. 'hie a tdie campag�-,T� n good at the end of ke ready a bu ces._Abut�-thet ribb.; the rich -will bv the mdvement"4 Ger ve.re, shoved apo'' the breastworks. uf the ordinary'. cnveru tb�ou wilt Ilia man troops V le Ti—on. This Qr offeT -itg, 'tb6ii rhust' ffeir iit uilto be'more:,6nderatandj�g oliout, �the is nb"122 e � 1. � - '� t. i ; t e nThe. th t'ri iai'n pe ri aL e. Geila xperf . 9 hadAleriti jaij 0 -It.woillll er -ib 6 mov nie vitll. seem Aalf qi� z C JCal 'dummies would fall h6hind the mc e ig t6o compli- I lodmAbnt in the. tr caused ,us gun as beil finds sea! a x1lourity, *as to be ulace., ''Yow. cann.of, -lie slioul- of otberrjr400pa. Brugsels, fain PP was b6-! bteasto-rks to. be shoved up' again. use in azzlIal the people. in the th 'In' The P qTi thq, words.. -which `lg� dt family of. det-lb.,sh ulder�...witli ,ziere n 9 Uy -French' ut-eh-walated 6ei�' ammurti. . . I 000,000. goujg e war 411 wvt 061ruji'lor days and r '"of tion and at 'the decisive, time t6 T. lights 1�706 it surrendered -to the Duke �e accnr�wy of firt'bf these ig'u.ns ell he now spial ce concer-Ainj the on eridi f4ing death, With,_ Nuk1borough. Fiorty y�aia' later: Be.1giana rlished t6 the attack. 6 siftrpl� bit rnt-offering,; whith. would b ndink, re -cato. 'to MR130ah that he',had been oli oui hig."g6o4l',"'ponis th6'P " rich besleg�J it. _y��r' day.b. tlip'. Belgians *ancl an�glo is tsel, tile' gaii 6ntinues.ttp The ..It "has bie.en` -said that r tdi. unta-iyin ,-,�,ntert, �ing a h Dutch...fought in. the. streets.' The belh fo th deth. Wi and India,, , the home- leolintrv. arid Do 9 streets were filled with. f1fe'dead and' a6.' V i-nch fficiqra�, .. too, 'o any stories of tjolid*,116berts'dre general in the,histoky of the world, axe We,: read in. ve-r4e, �2�, that Malicab u llt' to this ay in the. U ef tell were expert in r use th&C.they -ca 0e. Dominions, are boifig (�r . wounded before 't&' Du. -when hp dizco.Y04 o..ht 'ith 'the:,exceTitiou of.Ilk-Unibal and. fe mt, he. hati been in tyRe, e -of yes nient4 o _Irrdiw��T -is 4ne. +er'be'6n lbeforq'.�_ Tlie�r IaXa. li�r ownl.king,' anif sinde- th4t time a couple -61 s)hbtg* to get thb ra,rig,-6. captaio of 'a regim ent bad ,outrita qigel -of'the. Lord - 'ind, hZ salid,_, e P Ing. 0, att e,.on. B,e4 _Oil aICnj the er4ffUT 0111d" "pole -on there, _9W v-.,mee Ing v je tile pjr aT with great. tf 'Ion too and we sh" d round aniouill to, som alble to f�rjet ou'r-class distinc- t;,. ..Iks.8,000 were' That was the.greal reported' to the': Commaner-in- 9 shall aurely 'die because we be �eab ,battle ever independence. - Belgium has been r3uns &A only fite:nlore quickly than. Pr lit'd tions &swell u. -the 4' iiontr cri �6ol_ - at peuce,,with Ilie, .:%vorld, ox'Otpt the, Irorlipp wftP4qV.s,, but 'thev ard oBut, the i itio'n �v lought on BAgian' s6fl. adeag i�ulle A new- photograph taken just bet re "iere w'as, an, intarVi4�vr nd or arid race.. . so with '4, few small Irprisin&, 'until. lighter and. ea to move about, Of led hor to, show' battle , f- this present' wat have The,i he rpjoine<t.H.M,S. 64ingwood. the Young offitel- was. told sterily Ae far Mote &ocu&te and they 1017. 0he said9.. "If Jabo. .4 It i's the same with the women at exceeded it. The numbers then Prese"'wart four (I I By induStr and skill t1i's Belgians last �Jonrgler. The�e ar e 'rell 96f enotri that lit ad '.a - nionth in. -,to kill us- he home. They Ilkye-givn of their y V41, were ,plased Wdi!6 ginall 'compared wit the nuin' guns in i�hi6l.h to square ti�. Tile dsty etit il. Up.%� r .. .. . s Icare and er Tk.- _ t batter.Y. gitri.. firing -itd le W"146peleii III _not., h4vo. r0_ogiYed[.x.,b s, �ngagei in, t e rese 1. we i ti .94 ` 5 fi 't .& Tnt eld mid have allow 'b ­'bix 411 average. of t' nty r4uh.ds a in 11- - W-4 -rid 4eh 11. ed ito sena- ill is offorilig it I off.ering at our syMpa n the low, Aiet, but the , Battle of Waterloo TUR ' I' Ube. hand;. nj�.itllcr N�6uld he have ihow­ er classes which . Ary would not- have 4s of' more signigoan' begaii I f nt6jVd lie as 1111or t fqvina Ity ed its atl th6selhirtgs, nr wuld atr been possible a few I aglor 6t,Q They are a manufa&uving people s 'of d�iilg so WN'll, ne n, ears ruirle4 Napoleon and forever se ?I L. morri _fir *vq� �d f� c i aa. h on otpyi6a turn Ag on hi's. fetitril, in' Isocia service whcl- ro'p'a­, A, a bulky Pt4�1 t - aNvilat fi g . P iiTED Offieially-entere'd ollll�`NVar Of" opene4, . it was f6unj to wilt, �4, And thd wom-an barb a, softi 'we kt�tied. tle, MAnibered 122,400 meh.. Welling. faxming is done is done intensively. id alleth his rian 'too mudli 0 aa$r'that ill ton's ainiy ziulnbtred- 5,90o - men, 'The fatme-ts have only a few acres Optimism is It good thing ;vli 11" rolls iis dead over i0lirl, M-onifis n0 is arnspyi.-The It is jj�� lischarked b 10jr ell ago, Sergt.-.C.,tennett, olthe"'IToi-filotia. "Bubs" knew bis� w -e -shall find ur,.solve,a, "n it Wlellfiigton's army 6nai0ed of1g- 4nd these atraa.twe rha& to, yield indt' verwbr�ted.. meg,fr6m tji�� word "gh' I , 6 . 4) whia to sl� rfolk Regilifient, has had to pfe�&k64 (f ans Bruiii itibundantly. Fe is IcAr. lid at t b —Bub -a-06te­ii eve y, filIjAud at-thir hY 1100 'm ine8b indl rlteans !'t Xa'a&u - Sol- 'PT. 0. tarzi 19 pay. ouily for England. Bl'ueller had 11*6,867 Prjig This liame giv6n to! S,arnacb would Germahs. &Ad fle4 on jog� 'giurld wng the most lertile-lands Ili The oer&ant W�68 -wotinded-attbe. indi,64ta ' thl was of di sunhy'46nd 110011 ; I only$ Alth*u'gh utnuillbere, al- Atrilem The -Congo State,phyq triw I114 i . All I I wi;i1e. prel6ndingo.,gbed, tear,§. .PP,l outbreal; of -the war. On: Ilia Ais- ihdi6xidd in! -a forfiior Pat, who bMost two to ons, x4oleon entoked but�, ib Belgium. Th6 julors. relativbj a inZij 1�48 the the . fight . witli c6nAdence.' He., aV Vnkler the of, teo6ld the IlttrgA from the hospital.1te went have, 4ppollabive Meanings. arrfiy,�-WAA given hii'lififf0m by'the more lit I riendg. bom6 to regain his strength. A f1w woii(ittilig who. jr., rigttermaster E b - th- tac,td Mucher ab'tigny arid fopeed Congo was &ttelly gsjv�rn A man ialllf ne4 'drily eVon a dayar ago, Ile took & trip to. jamb rileitna Ben v r r U4 ed., It was ceS8 re�i- ther it would be sfe to tpropo" to. ittill, mrana F*n of the,' ri t�. I right ll� 'came 41 -put oft Ole him tjo:1411 '�Iploited for.'L�opoldls � privat� that glirl tbat I have been join W t,gily Were filld hAti"; lexUbUM, (01 tr6tsel'ss whioll, hol� isaid'weto, far too, Vo itorleg of hisprilefty' in hai long for hig baok*pa0,. itig Injijor, w1jo with .25, the gstoubder 50.1 Sam. "X0, no Velling d the w6ild- Via ideil' busbaiti4l nwould. eo, 41 tight. with de"! aM rd- Frod-1 Aon hin�� it hus4and. f Abi- termastet 11the' 'f6rined, tear WhterI66'aftd, Nhgo "'is bold"' 'In 'Of W01hen Who ll"el! �Avas Unable to do anytbiag I telli I . sino It 11)"11ces �011 tilin'k, Allo, too'fjIlit"t gaij r ' ton rArdo-up 6 'beAr the bruit idei- gaill i�,nttrried Xabal 4t - � of goj�rned, �Witjj inueli 'More "Na inarried". owould tufn ie d A Igjjtjri.g­W4g t mi. Army f116Y tb t "A !by poor d 44' horrors pf thi's pro- � I they 'Cail iq'ilowbtining �affi&v, 6110 YOU U'P- "Beg6i- -def4o daai4 sent Wdr ill Wlgillf� are odfie Word point'rJ�4tjl its, from his to 't to, Of 'the. factoJ468 Ile -to Past4*r' arid to ,vil"vinee `f -sit -do*n I - - b6t ftil . -sh�; ros :the Ivar-Offlee.that TWO Ovo 1 '�W it lie to kes"Ve ea. 111id entitlod t6 -pay. ftl 41061101. the 4rt.of in n4girig .4, ldt�h' ot, j, o