The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-01-28, Page 21.1 • e.• ••6 • ,•••e • •- 6 4i *4116., •Ce :•• TilittLEICSNORR iNIUMMIL ••• • fet "roo•Rtiteine,g-inrgkill 1.4"1/r7 , . . • ••.e Thuilday: hut ) •s •" Murdoch at Cameron Company's Vile4y Store Ne:csrs. 0• e I Getting Ready for Steickorrakin As we take an inventory of Stock on the first of February and we are busy these day* getting everything measured and, into shape for calling off,. In going through onr stock we find a number of lines which we. desire to greatly reduce before the end of the month, and in order to make them go quickly we have put the knife deeply into the prices. Last week we ,mentioned -a IA of odd pairs of Women's Fine Shoes to dear it just half pritee and, also a number of Men's Overcoats, reg- ular $zo.00 and 12.50, to -clear $7.95, and now We are offering.a very attract- ive lot of Furs at prices cut at rates ranging from go to. 5o .t)'ir cent. off. Buy NOW ••• Stock -Taking Sale of Furs With three inonthe of Fur -Wearing weather ahead of us this is an exeqtionah, opportunity. to buy aeasoratble goods -at very low prices.- Belo* we quote a.ieW Of the rushy bargains' weirs offering.' •' No. 94- , • opTE, RIME GOAT SET .eaith •• 'goecrlieed Stole and Mall; a, Int -for very little, ',regular price " r $5,115.o.. . 97- ' - CNE IMITATION. LEOPARD - ET with prottY now.ttylegtoie and plain 'pillow. -romper , price $12.50, ealeprice $8,95.• No. 9f3- • ' • • . ONE NATURAL WOLF SET with fancy Anirced•: Stole and, . , . .• muff to match; rt. very handitome ' 1•39,!,t, special regular F,rice Z25.00, tile piice "$19.00. • ' No. 71 - ONE BLACK BELGIAN HARE • SRT with large full Stole and /lobster Mutt regular. price $2.00,- ._ stile price -$13,25. - • - No. 72-. • . ONE BLACK BELGIAN HARE 'SET with fine wide Stole and tater Pillow Muffs, regular prico • $20.00, sale price $16.50. No. " ONE ROK. W.ALLABT /FUR SET, both Stole -and Muff pretti- ly trimmed with Silk fringe and heads* regular price $21,04,• sale • price $13:51): ONE mtNIC ivtalttioT SE r with . new style AnimarStole and Em- pire Muff, regular price $17,50„ " sale price $11.75. • .e -N No. 78.0. ONE ROCK WALLABY SET, Stole xis beautifully ttinsioed with. *Whinge, Muff is -plain pillow style, regular 'Prieh $16.50, sale 'Price $11.50. „ No. 82- . ONE MINK MARMOT SET, -very handsome, full shouldered °Stole, • - trimmed -with orna=ents and tas-. Bele, .341 Empire styleti, tirimniecl Saran as tole, regular price $19, - , Sale for $11.75. " • t • • • • • No. 16- • 4,, • ' • ONE MARMOT STOLE, regular price $7 50 for • $4.0. Another largq, regular price912.50 for $8.25; ' No. 20- „ -- ONE MARMOT 'SIDLE, 80 inches, brocaded Satin Brill*, extra -value at $100, for $9.95. „ Women's.Fur=Collared Coats There: alt ten of these very' , useful and coin, Sortable Coats left, they have sable or marmot collar sad quilted or 'curl -cloth lining, with sizes ranging from 38 to 40: Regular prices were 45.00, 16.50; 22.00, 25,00 and 30.00 with sale/ prices -at $10.00, 12.915,17.50, 19.00 and 920.00 ; E LEOPARD rice $8 50,- sale ONE LEOPARD ,yrice $7,50 for $ No ' ONE RIVER MINK SET with 60 inch Throw and Empire:Muff,' -,reiiilar price $20.00,, sale- priee" 913.50. " No. 5 - • ONE MINK MARMOT STOLE trimmed with 11. ads and tails regular priee $10.00, sale price ••, MU FF, regmar price $6,25; ••• 6113.1;1?, • regular 5.5a. No. 21- . ONE MINK. MARMOT .111JF,Y; large pillow style trimmed witn tails, regular price 919.5e, . Sale Price $9.25. Another , regular 915. sale price $11.40. • - ' • Special Offering in Men's Fur -Collared Coats • • • blare are vine of -these, fine Coats left. They„ come' in quitted, earl -climb or plush linings, regular prites, $15,00 and 27,00, On sale at $1L25 to $13,00, • Bla.ck Dog COats at $16.00 There are just three Of.tbese tine, Soft' furred Coats ,left, reg. prieell were $20 and $22„ to clear at $10,. 0 : vvtittratuivn tattle GUARDS IIpros asseless slot Per (mow About I o'clock lest Sittnrday after. ! noon the Whiteeloireh Home Guard Lome of Ulf. Mewl itt About Twenty t I under the efficient leadership of CaPt Theuesing), With Tv/Wei:VW 1 1 I Robert Carrick, mustered at die TIOVi stirring tunes of the begpipee by John ni reports that coetieue.to triekle ia I Conatantly:sbitting eattinateir• Weil hlitrobee ini.,racti It•-••,...." aliede at the Presbyterieti Church; and paraded to the Greed Trunk- dation, to Simpson, in honor of three of their num :hue th- death total from hot week's her, Russel MeKay, Toni Garton and ar-timeeke in itnly 66$ *OAP an tbl, Iebe Kennedy, all t! in -horn sees; Iliered at a figure in excete or 344. Who have enireted in the third venting- hundreds, possIbly U4°,411444, of al, and who lefr.on the afternoon train lethins, ars atmhurled *nye, lm - or London. • There were 67 men oft • Owned '• by the, wreckage or their wade in addition to the membera ot !Ontel, while rescuers from ev. re . the Wintechurch Red 041r06$ 011011410.- 'ant Of MO ltruee desperately to doe, At-tliestation.between,..5190.....and.',- It then init. Commenications -era - 290 of the citizens et Whitechurob and ,..,.. 17 b4luil-rthestftblisftet:'*nd--hsat' owoomoity tssorob.10,1 to bid farewoli. to saym, ipm4pitr4tezet:ebdeehnosorttadlev, and- refugee iliz,tr boys., At the depot several ,. Klee- tNli°0nuath!oerraga,ritndllaerecindlintaheitsW'llthitee liktliere4t 14event"igiat t"" and vIllalCaa ' 'b011t ,.or partly dentroYed. a tort- en' 3-49. , mites- long and extending passed out long and loud cheers were given. by the crowd. About two weeks ago the. Hume Guard was Prganitedliere urder Qapt Cerrick its instrueor, when 20 !Hen Imone.d. DOI talcs Ow emb • The greatest - damagedone wait at Tuesday evening in the Presbyterian kveszarie, SO Miles eaat of Rome, chinch, sheds and.iikeady over '59) -have Thich was totally destroyed, With n enrolled, and the mailers of the Oinrd . ..,otai, torte of life of more than 8,000. feel proud that three of their ntitater at • Ti. this' district the .scellea Isara101, . least, are to:represtnt them at the ,,front ...Wise of Messina in. 1908, When; 71!,009 - defenc) of the Britialt EniPire and .'ef • otorammiarished... • ': il gAL OF NAT *0.4.1.."110011.1. 10.11116116110060•16111011111611 KINLOSS.COUNCIL 'MINUTES! A P'''..''..."••••••••••Im••• January 11, 113.1t. The fiewii. re•einnt,e4 menlbera .1Pir 411-, Council met on above date aS prr Stat- ute, and having arthecribed to the lac: - (*eery. declarations and been' ,11.,'‘u el y • porn took their sesta at Council ...'31oard with Reeve,McDonaldi in, the elneiti; Illimites of prowl/mei' nasals% were read, and 'on motiattliadbptedassliagned. • Moved by St. MaaDtramist seconded by J. Thaw that, the:. f011origing bill.cers ^be appoiut,ed for•thecurrent year -and that - their eaktriee-htrai,foile.Wa: TWO& Mar- .104,0lerlraindateasturesi 4190, Doniddr • El,._Macriontddi,ofteeCurer,„...$0,_41.- Colloctort,11641..* White M. D.4.1611.• Officer,„420 noitid of Heel* MeolleaMlid; F.dwata Roclionelmd Um- Xurreeg.49.00 each per meeting, Sanitary Impeder, Atex.,Nichobege, $2 • Per mdetlug. Auditors, -Wm. 'Stuart. and Thos. Gaunt, -$8.00 each, Caretaker of James Salley! $1.00 pew diltrilidet. ing and 50c. per night renege& Sb03,0 Iniipectotik John Laue,,,,yhos, Henry, ! Jelin McLeod and AohniXennedY, Fees „ 91.00 each end 100 raviolis,. sad that It I • By-law bellow ultroditeedi and road , • • :firat and eeu_014-fulnelunitAllek ' ' • • confirming 1110 Sallia.. 'earned; Moved. toy-A:lamina 'NO. by Baechlen, that tlie,suiti, of 41.90, be returned t6 miss Entledgc,- charged for -the- trio --elt Hell fee *hod concert, Carried. Motexthy Ilodgitis e. byJ. thA the sura, Of $190 be &noted to eaelh. Councilor to be expended in their • , inactive Road Ihvisions that no Nadler expenditure be made unless and until'. the approval • of the Chimed has bad*, given. thereon, Council giving conaidbc,, I to accounts passing and ierininthe following iliequeat Thom,* Menem: satin, fi Insp. Sheep, $1.10; Sohn 'Mactionatdi, Gravel, $0438; CI, mug% bap. Itnalteet cont.$40.00; A. Ilinclltitiriont, refttud104. Labor, 1.10_; Mary McLean, remit 'TN ; tax 1.00; J. Jnhaeton, refill* Vide 1.00; Jo. Maorr, ditch, ts 0140 . 0, 0.001 X JiOdiIUQn Unwell fikittni,, , t - 'rem the, Antiatiti ,to the Tirrileniiia lea devedeted. irreldamiable work; , art reined7-,•4bie le measure of. the, , latastronhe tamed big. the earthquake ,ibe world. ,.Th Red 'Ootntts etganization A In •Rcitle the damage was relatively_ • here alio *clad amt shipped this week smell,. not a.•• eagle _ lite 'being lOolt' , toheadquarterai clothing made by. its, 6.t Nktplee and FloroSos,: *filch' else Members and valued at 'Over. 0160. . tits. and.th the shock. utI • ktttaZde!atrureltionae, Theuous: . military authorities sent out 5000 L0011411, loldiers to prevent 'looting and to pre- .- • • ' lerve• order In the. devastateirdtetriet, , Tumidity, arin. 19. isout.4.04 1,9 sasti,t.e1),_ Pertieeinte of the 'disaster at Aves, tiwan last week, •' " ,•• • -Miss IlennablIngaii s hen* froni Sarnia for.* COUPIO Of Wreke . 31i.91i.C11„1"ra, *Warfare, Of ICintail,. visiting nt. her .grandinothees • MiSs. Mary and Ales. MoLeao Visit :ang' and the surrounding villages -or GQ ei 01 al:diei,:-..4:11alrszr alto „ aCcoelal well elow.avnud, to touri6M; 'leave a gad iniprension. Only .50.,persons were 'out of 'their houses at Menem) at the =pent 'of Ia the eaerthoualte. The restainder were ed. -friend-- in Kinlorgr-fer. couple- of irui:iliiitIaritilt:1400-1lirvel,11;;ebedi:tan'theVezilirtitrralqs'it:rnla!lisis' days. 1. • which' was travelling towards;A.vez..., A pfirsork.3'at litiorty.to$144.w1O4 he wishes no .platter Whet it .1.41 but wh3n theevidepee.,:proves that whst lie was thinking -le winiig, he ioreither prejudiced or ;not r .tional, if -he contin. oc4 to en:torte:iv) the 'mune 'ideas. ,- If, 011 some beautifid frosty 'evening; the Kingsbridge scribe, will drive bp to the., , Laurier skstin,,,,, rink and take notice by the local custom of building Imuue° Kingshiidge •sink e,cheb!:1 awdrelA°87nutudoctec,:n.°D;16711TFlit ueVtntIrwaneldlOsTillit' :vadgn:livaganes:t rf the hundred or -mere people' in 11 - skating. there, he ,will begin to • in the -territory of Marsi, !clams to have been ripped, open. Ita hlstorie belfry, which *1.°13e,' about 300 feet, collapeed. In' the church belowalt- the chapels were .rtsined excent tis standing iutet. hat tle '-wTointieeniTsg,Nuilials'imotimitittyhys,01,6itetytn9.,o!.htehide' c°2_113vreCrtbil;:;12.; in the Ohurch .0.0sedoroodu afrern.00n, broken. thlLn atbhoen te- s,e4sicaal t bt e2ri :ray and n Niro_ (Rev) Stewart, in •thtrahnit. ,,theAthoPttsez ot the 'Bishop have entlie.r i3, at 2:30 o'clock, be • President Fol- MousiguOr •16111.14rdsii.in.anDgurTietwohivollfh)::cionieiSi_trOtilliSiengSblivpif:er:vst, for 19t.15" lei9nonlign,:e7tBivirotieilt;;- dtBhwIttlitlin7Pbti.A..°Iiitt:ne-rtedpithioe.mu' .":eaNhitig:tollealtPra..976•1ti:_rsevti,rsQittot'eai11a and . . l have eris .d. , , zano a few, minutes' before the earth* rtuake:-tailed to Teich -its. destination, •and,, it la feared. that :the trate tell Over a ruined bridge. .:Tborie, kilted at :,Avezzario-inelude All • thedotter'sexcept one, and All the Goirerniient officials, • including ther . Mayor ,itiad the. Town '0Ouncillors.r-The •dlinusterSat Avezzano 'waft made worse Whitechurch • , 7 -Monday, Jan. 181h ' im subjeht Akan address by Mrs. Stew-. art, in which many. helpful:hints were brought out, . The topic for the Fehnt-. ary meeting is, "Our Educational Mis- sions," and will .be in charge of Mrs. David Kennedy and Miss Martin. • The 'topic for the Guild , meeting on Sabbath evening, "Make Bold Beginn- ings," proved it very' interesting study under the leadership of Mises Bessie leaving death and destruction in Its • Laidlaw and .Tean Clubb. The Scripture , • Passagert were read by' several Of.the meabers, and a paper, dealing' with, the ssubject, "as read by -Miss Bessie Laid- law. A discnssiini followed "Which- .was fiifl of suggestiOns that could be used by the young people as a •basts. tor "bold with the herculean task are .able to: • beginnings" in Christian work Next nrovIdli an °litho*. for the fast rising Sabbath evening "Favorite Characters wateralt Is feared a break will Owlet of the Bible",:will be the subject con. and the . valley with be deluged: sidered, with . Mr. J. F. Davidson as Pneumonia has struck dOWn''. hun. leader, • • ' dreda• ot refugees. forced ,to camp In - • .thiy 'fallow'. in the open placee without .Kultrrrtria, ANtriVEttsAnir. Court a " Ireiggi, a weliknoWfl 'spa,- near Renit.c0. Curlews phenonieima was oh. cervedik, For two 'hours after the Shock'. the rivitiran as black as the Waters frern a coal ' Isrear4SalOto a., section `of a mohn- „MontagOnne, which Wits' 3,000 teat long and 500 'feet ,Oide4 ftplit oft ,,andcrashed into the valley below, -.•blocking the river Arlenn*. and = ' A nOtr peril now- contronta the Popu- latlthi:491 We, stilaken, valley helovi A_vezzatio: 'Debris trem the earth• quake:has dammed, Lake Priciio, and talese, the engineers now grappling Why buy :011 from .Travelling eils wilen we give you "betteis deal? • . • • 1.7' We .•wifl rtitiOsh.. you : *ilh.. a y . .„ ' FORTY GA1414014 TANK niade , • of' 18 gauge- galvanized iron and filled with tbe very '.1,3eSt Anierietio Olt for the sum of . Eleven Lucknow wre. oa ,We_have:Cleveland Aided Wire at..92,R5 We have Mblassine Meal We. have Sherwzn Wzllzams Oi 92 00 per cwt.'? „ . stlake 9200.per •eyvt ' • , We he Scranton Coal -the Standard .intbraoitp , • ”, • HURON TOWNSHIP,. 'COUNCIL, : Couneifinet pursuant to adjourinent; • With Weve Wilkinson in the chair: The - member of toe Council of lois are:. N. Wilkin8on, liseve; A. ,11 %Teasley, Deputy -reeve; Conneillor8,.Alex. Fraser, Dina= Campbell, and 'Samuel, Prowl)... The meinhere took and 'subscribed' the necessary declarations The minutes of last meetingyere reed and adepted, • The tender of G. H. M000ly, 4160.00' for all township printing and advertising' and all Bard o Health -printing,: was aceepted ' , No. 490 Ott:Wended by. :the Coed of Revision), a by-lawto provide for drainage work in 1 the Township of flutron; in the County of Bruce;:iiilit'fOr, " blrrOw ing on the credit of . the thunici,•_ panty the arn of 91685.00 complet• ing.the'same.,was duly passed, `,Wituisley NOtitit Nay. ' BY4kw No. 494 to fix the salaries Of the Township Coniters for the year. 1915' was.thily passed. The. salaries are ...as' fo:lows: Clerk, $2.10 00, and for extra, duties the sursaadgedin fernier years; Treasurer, $129.00 and .$540 for prepar mg the „financial itatkinent at the, end of the year ana so.Ooallowed for •postage. and stationery; Asbessor, $70.00 :and .Postage and staticetery;: The Medical Officer of Health, 8150.00; Sanitary In snector,..91110.00;''Claretaker, of the hall; 929 00 and $L.00 Tieback extra meeting, except a dance or. ell tor. :which he is. allowed 9294. :Auditors, 10.00 each; Selecting of •Jurors, 94.00; Sheep Valli-. atar;112,00 Per day Peputy. jlet urn ing Officers, $4.00 each; .• Poll:Clarke; $2.00;. rent of polling places at Municipal elec- tions is placed at thd utittelfigire; $8,00; proper t; shelter. • Panic alld fear still Members of Council, 42.60pr day each, hold the inhabitants Of the Mintier for attendmiceint -Coined 'meetings and vtllages in their grip, and terror. reigns- 6 dints a mile ' each. way, and, '02.50 P even :fl�flg the.larger_taint, ao3ere dayeach while transacting ',.township 'the trowel' been .: able, tu-,eope -business such.is•letting- and ' impeding • with tho extraordinary' aituatdoe., to jobs. i• • ; „ ' . • , better ?avant:see, . No. 4911, &bylaw of the Tan, and dp ofHuron,Tzoh:iutorera!ittohcbrioirerowt bee, elikomii rid LakutO L..tatiiiiirs tot 191.5, re,;eientisd from 1914, sums to meet ,eurrebt expenditure for Preikkmte'lh Kenned7, Wia°hitab' tblylethheltrotraunadttfInKand i ,a, Municipaltiltenace riesident-11. M.• Evilest/3n. "Whitechurch; -Celebrat=- ed the thirtieth -anniversary of its orgen- ization on Friday evening, Jan. 15. On tbis date, 085 the - Colirteatarted7-With 18, charter members, and in the thirty years that have elapsed it has grown until to-d•ty'it has a membership of 63. It is one of the most prosperous Courts its the vicinity. •When an tificial report with regard to assets used to be issued, Whitechuroh stood; seOnd in the pro ti* 1' a Telephone System that is to say the 'vino.' fin-,ncial standing is becom- • • . adh h ' ' ' ' • - ' . ' -wi, W; by6-0;. '•i-..------.s.ettingy cio-iAirni.„„rs-,,,...-..,-.,:•-_,:„, . ing better every year, n „t :3_ Court as ... .. Sectetszy--A.E; -Minted, Luchnow.• " ,a t 7 77,•,. , :. every -prospect for a bright. future. The : , sonwmum • • .. ; '1,11:"Nsley-Fraser hitt a ComMlttee ' celebration - k -the form of an Oyster '. J. ti . ii....teestu ter'-' .itt ..,Riniey. . of ibis Condit. be apPointed to meet - ` - - a r- • ' • '41 -7:-._ 6) :... ele-swiltiii';' With animdar cortiliiti;ee...appointed--- 'lir ' • ' 'vviiirhip of Aatteld tO• cOme to an ' .b "Walter, Wils°°?., Pudiftti\ezi.ouiraii. . . CInasse remitted; 24 44; ariket Switzer, wiled a, few el the yOung people one with their elves arid larltfriendel , Ripley e done on the boundafY betWeen the two • to the s le did re which tor wird 5 Lucknew • • put equal•anlount of gravel on said . ..• - • MisiAltledgerp Walt,er4Kaako, 1 MA, , tag ,•• Gravel, . ti.trvisr "j44, *Liar -Mitt Rect,"Csidie"iiib-e141"'eAii7teY" ''sgurF.m61,11,611pir-initinit'e*rPo4fel.e°tbfee (101)190ort;' ''" 4144, LRuipeikanyow , Inanow. the ...or . . - envoltet, Agreement with regard to Statute La cr dam* teSheeP,.4.00, . Sohn Murray, , , I evening last week: . , • _ 4..4. +maw U0a1 Oil dealers have ,,been WO. 01 v`"''''''"7. • ,late looking for bueineSe in this • neigh • r• -•*,`""'"Y. . :berliOod. I f ". „a...Helens notning likhelVoll.pinoseirtsiohnelijei.ivaeltishlaiLts4eotef busbies* therefOra the new dealer _Ur. and Mrs. Morris of Winghant, been able to place come large orders. s traefuerywavay0E:xu,h-tril. ars sister,. Jusr VIE MIEN SAV 9.71airner'teld- t'• Mr. and Mrs. Win. Irwin of Aslifield siptwenint.Sundai,,;vith Mr. and Mrs. Frank • . . , .cni1-14,,iitchettenotte.:-: spending a couple of weeks With hien& ;arietind.Chesley and Moorrieburg.- ' Miss (;'olina atPresent 'sPend- ';,ing a few „days ':With friend :around Westfield.. , James, Hyde Who -hart spent the OM - ;flier in New. Oiitario returned home the other day, looking ' • George is Spending a feW elayit with friend e around St. Rehm. be. 'foroleaving for London, having enlisted, -With the Third Contingent. Th nij1 t,apo$jiip' -ofthe aliarehold• ered about seten "orchiek and sat down Feb, Teekvater •• btoknow.. townshiptie•wthet ettat- toWileliip: Shall Pr bj " ipl .t• • • • • ,'• • • ay and quantity, t wOulclui4 dill cult t7 8, Ripley , ',1Cees7a.ter, an "otheeactateerrelongitarfraotngteloeiesnotste,nadoid4 dv,evaleyr'Tts, which the Orders Were prepared. a 0 311 't3iswater, - at their next meeting and fix the time us that We would have to tiny the Cour- :ier. for putting the mall in the boxes after . we voi.i1d buy and erect Lhs.in. Now we are sorry that a few, forlackof structionrare-condenining Rural Mail Deliveryin this way, doing- t thennielVes an iiijnryand cheating others from their rights. • .,Mr. and Mrs. Sim Congradi entertain- ed a nuniber Of the young people ...here enalroni the Eighth con,, last Monday, ,evening. Ahout 45 Were preSeilt and the evening was spent chiefly in . dancing,' The folk of the "Elth. are it fine lot ot --friendly people, and will be welcomed back -to the 9nd, any dine they wish to come. The closing wish hi that the re- cent event will be anannital..orie, ...-Arizirs.listinftheigarenimievithr ;era of the Pablic'llall, Si. Helens, will farmers will he laying plane: for the hem. 'on Monday, Jan, filth.' 'All. corning season. No doubt some, as usual, -3hareholderre requested te- -be Pie' Will be depenclirig-Mt.-the-highwar 4 ' tent - • • • ' ;pasture field for their, iiveatock, Civic d , The Annual • meeting of the' Rifle a field for something else. This Will`be, Club, St. Helens, be held ur the as in tho. past; a nuisance to the traVell. Poofitetss tgth, •4 frig public. Now the law governing the control of the highways is, we under - The Annual ,ineeting et Public Library Wato held on Monday, Jan, iff The (Odds elected., for 1915 were • as llo • PresidentA-Itili, Arr. Mackintosh. lleXentie. Secretary --T. Tsyl4r. • Gordon • Libratiait-Mise Cooling; Clark, trirectoree-Merelarnee:,Peter Clark, W. E. Gordon. Messek W. L Poky (JItik John ito tis Itutherf003, MUT**, ad It, 10141100, vie404/v, • q. excell.. Ken. • ateisen atge o ' ocefro.,-**.• • 11111111hot •c,.;i5711:16,terater--r'--- stand, that any unimal may tun on ' the read, but at the owner's riak. Now who lies to enforce. the law as it is? Is it not neighbor against neighbor? and. who is to blaine for allowing stich a• la* to Watild'it•nots be proper' for the Councils. Of the different municipalities to. Petition the Government through our representative in the twat notifies and haves, la.W pabsed tlist woeld MA per. mit Stoelt•fif 404 kitl4 to potatoon tho • , • • • 4 • H. Stewart, (....rier of the East 75 acres of Lot 21, COe; 11; to have his said lot ° transferred" from S.-S.No.2 to S.. S. NO. ' • '3; belt resolved that -the Clerk nOtify p • . the said parties. to be Present l'at''neXt. Twang of the Vonneiland also n4tity the,trustees of the•said School -Seetionot°' : to appear befere,the Councdat next, meeting to show eau*, if any;Why these'. , . changee.shotild not be 4made d the,. beundarieir of the said sections, altered • , accordingly. Carried; • 7 , , • • ' • Wilkieson--That-That the:. Clerk be. instructed -to advertise tor 'bridge •' covering as follows: WOG feet Of tesati-? . „ •• • ,; 14 feet long,, 4 • inchee thiek and -not less than 5in., *ride, and coop • " feet ot taniarack Plarik 16 feet' leeei 3 in. thiek.and not than in: wide.. , • Tenders to be opened. at *next meetiug of Council. 7.•' 'Carried, ' , Wilkinson-Brown-:-Thet.-the Clerk be instructed to advertise bit applica- , • tient for the offices, of, Assessor and Collector for the year 1916.. Applications : will be received by any inernber Of the Council by - the Clerk tantil the. next • meeting of Cinatil. Carried. FraserWanaleY-41'hat this council, , de now adjourn 'to meet again on Mon- • — .(10.4 the '8th day„ of Tebratry, 1915; at the hourket place. '...Carg- • ANcrys, MAnTipt, Clerk: Coma or REVISION SE PRA.IN • Thac..lonit Of Revisidi mit. pursued , ,to aojeurnment at two...0'6160k. ,the • . liftertioon of Monday,, the staY, of January, A. D., 1915. The menibere • were all present.. The only appeal was • that et Donalc1 Mayer heid over from last sittings; , • • Brown--,Csampliell.-That Donald Mc7„ assessment be rethiced • • ' • int halitrice efb.,99-1Or-outte4:liability,, • and that with the consent of the Clem a reduction of .9.06 be niade in, the item"' . of-the-Clerlee fees, and 1040 zsaacuon be Ina& in the itern ot cost. of dranieg • ,bytlaWiveto;-laws, that the. Octitt:ef viewn be now closed. Carried. . • " The TownshiP sit8iimer Watt •PtesPle ".• ' at the sittings ot, the Voltris of 'Airtime . Angtta6lartYn,.VIerik boundary.line each tear, and that the' 12•47.171 -Wets luit:isotfirlitcotetldiAtiwctillrOlf lici361701121-1 '30, Chief ErtF8sci- 13t°- .61-• Gaunt • '25 Lncknow • requesting them to aptibint a donimittee- took the chair in the beautifully deem-, and 1940 of Web Meeting. , Carried, ated Asserritily Hall tf the Trny, block, and the programme Commenced." It fell to Bro. Frank_ Henry., who has hteit ria eclat Secretary or 'the_ Court since• • • „ ••By.law No. 408. 'to apapolnt certain ilfiguheede; .4ja:°• le. .6ffitawhilrer03%31vhairirs„tirnachdeowhA:'nadlitet":„Lfinard4901f°5'44trhrece:' -emote alcolm °Lay, man's address, • and in few but `aptote-•.' Chopping fuesday and Friday. • The Reeve, the 'Medical (facer Of Alexander Fraser • corn - 0 e celebration , 1 it eivrresbiv.., , theSiltf,gielig tNhilesitioeleetie kn. •--!.an_i •a tr, i,siter •,i,..ii itad it Bylaw (N60497) was duly, poised 'plilreistittiteinliao!dr' of Health for the Year priateverds„howelcomect the,assenibly -• - Rev". Mr. Stewart, peator of th terian Church, gave an address, and Oeorge Colwellt of Bervie, was !in:, for the appointment of said .board. • Rev.. Biro: C. C. 1Caine.,, Methodist min- the village, thig Week., , . The dim' Of 41675.00 isk required to Aer, of"X.OndeSborn, In a very interest- ,Mit or. 11 lintighluson of „ Camille; meet the interest on the debentoies of ilig address, dealt Aids, with the war. wAt.4 viottitio. friends here; , • . • the Ontario and 'West Shore Hallway- Bro A. II. Musgrorei M P P., Winglike, T1__, , .,,(7 2, L . L. _.-, ..,,_ Co, guaranteed by Iluron,- and Which alto delivered an excellent address, ' • uwePn KUr9V USS °um" out °1' buo,'interest is payable -on the first days of touching principally Upon' the- solvency Villate for a. couple of weeks, - . January and July in each year,. A, by. an a finaucial stanaing of the Order. Mr. Miss Merle Gamble, of Ltioknow, is law; No. 498, was duly patised for this Iterklobb, Wingliam, gave a number ypiiting her aunt 'Mrs. Hayes. • , • - purpose. •• -r* lit-eplehdui--reettaittorici,--Vihdh-grtatlY Oscar ----- Aiatiiiiii ,•tit 1.3 it4-65i_,te-a- glx,edtgatpoliffiractier.0 i-ohy-r 4,.-htli.,,,.in1.0-4,fteateatiolfaisatithoto; friends in KilnloUgh.on kAdn(1437. ' '. • from $125.06 w $150.00, that 1i3 to say '.pleaSeci the au lieoce. Mr, Harry Macey, Si. Helens, sang several of Barry Laud- ioa•Lfitinous-songe,.-..which--elways.--take. well • with- an-Milhence; anit-T received -great itplitansO: irkstrUSIOntedS On both _Vitm,lioyle„ from the weet; is spend,,,' 29-ineresse-fore-the-year-1919;,„eme -lug this winter among triode here. granted and lila salary fixed tti CIO. • The wsrden of tho Andie,ll church Communication from Chesley FaIri- tnepiano and violin Were excellently. attended s mooting ininetvine lines 04040401e was read;Asking the Council ;given by Sir. Stewart. Helena, and .i.. 10 , to reconimend that the °Minty qvainoil Mr. Ellison; 1Angefile, The. occompan,,,, Me and Mrs. VV. Perny attend ' ' ' -Nr Ste1 ' t ' • paotic purposes The matter Was left will long be remeinbered in tho' SIMS._ 0 n The teideels of this %Pet abYawrinn. ' chili ch.,, follow by '. a, h.2.VInft been made to this Cenneil by (1) ' :pfletttbdenl°e°cretbtiation will be anincentive gdoliki,•witi bold on .wodnooday ern., lull mcitay to havothe Vast 26 acres tO the VoreSters for the future, idittl leg. 1 forted froth S. Si No, 18 ,and 04(led to of Lot 18, Con. 101 oWried byliint,' trans.. tilitV Yarg with Pt6.t. intertl tlitl Otani 4fiti`Milli 40/44ader,- Of Look.: to 'have the ii cit /0. SOSO of 'said Zet• , le • one mill . the tissesanient for each Via$ Ouster, iSS Uar -11 'letter's father" tO to the discretioe ,of the- Retire and De - 'and Miss Ullison, All enjoyed thilni, •urto I "era' 4406 ,selves to the iitttot and th'ev.!ninej Vti.Ttlifo centnutedtoblliviinimptos.-Oilateourtdittl•ot tito Pill.ollevineLebamo:30.11. applicaii00.8 '0AUSO them te,look forward to the iltettti Mr. olod mitt logrom. of ,soittotoh, ir xonneth. 14014cOd, 44090*n, NT ' • 00 Sof t4fat 4. 044 4) with fireater determination, to I 0 now Iyors tilt gloats ot ,644 scs„, 19, owned by Mtn, transtenl trS. % , r$ . , • . • 1 „ .• - iiiitilitsill10=111=1111sissatib_..--..._ • :00% 11 r, • • • ". Ipulross titre _ , • • _ . Tuesday, Jan. 19.. . -.• 'fleintote'fiiOnda oue day £abi eek Itubt*, Keith, hat pureliaseit. nice ' tWO,Veire'regi 'eget from, Geo. :Mr. and Mrs. Walter Day apent the week_ now,. • • , liendetly.-andiillifire Rate -spent • last Thurday evening with triode eirp, - Langside. • '• . A. Maribor frona' here attended' thee. , Hotta Fair held ice Arett,,•-r cf last week, ' • , , • new veranda tho hit house. Nothing 4 like being up to date Morris.- = , The Guest Bros. of Kiniough, have - - finished drawing hay from Itingarfjo •• to their lAther J ee's farm here. • Mr, and Mrs. S. D. &Oho,- spent Tuesday evening of lest wok at Ile home of Mr. and Mrs. 4.1.), Little. Mr. and Mrs Wm. Little of Teem' water, visited at the home of A. Mac. Laughlin, Tuesday of Jut A. lingli§s'and 11. M-,:tttligue visit. ed at the home of B. /Iughee hear Itolyrood, TueSday. of kat week. „ BLANIKV,rri . Routs, miTirs BEI:LS 20 per tent discount oft -on, these for balante-of-dantmer RePairillg -promptly 4one. 00 alUIRETT Zuchadw« , a • • • •