The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-01-28, Page 1- • $Loo per year, in advance; 14,45 otherwise LUCKNOW, OINIT,, THURSDAY, elANUA Y 28t1f. 1915. Single gent,' When you want ig'b Grade elry an ilverware coir4ktu us. 7 LaCHAPELLE Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician e4.• • 'AAR-KITS . (Corrected up to WenneEinay,tioon) Wheat.,....... -,,,....,, .1 30 Peres.. :-. • . , la at .^ 00,t80 • • •:;.• • 41.0* 1/111 • • • t • 3Utter .23:-.24 LOCAI;AND GENERAL The sitont Detective. it;80..ei-ilitiog:. zn*vith. the mei, '0404' Carnival to -night -entertainment for everybody. • Miss Anpie Button is visiting friends IP ToronW _ - Pte., Dan McDonald Spent Sunday -at his home here.', • , . „ , Women's Inetitiite "At }tome to- inotroW-eve1114-- • Mr; 44 Mrs, Jainet •lkirleBililevisited ideate hsve the Paat . ,Mrs. Fox, of Win ti3ehurch, is spending tefew'daYs with Mrs. EL blathers. a 1te Runtley Gordon!, London, paid visit to hie hear her over Sunday. Mr. W.8. olines visited his KM Harry in Gerrie a few days this ,Week• • • Dr. It, A. Parker Osteopathic physic - 'au, will be at the C:nin flouse,44ucknow• *VV'ednesday af•ernoons. Miss Stella 'Towle,' of Thorold, is •spendiegyer:holiciaye et,..her home . in • town. , Miss Eva Murchison; of Toronto is he nest of.her eister, Mrs, F. T. Arm 140-1Pgi ° •Urs. James Turner, of Hillsgrtirl, is visitipg her brothers and sisters here at Mee M Pentland,loPinerlyof Luck - now, visited eld acquaintances here the pastweek. Mr. and Mrs. john Murdoch, of • Ze, kindle, Sask., are,vioting friends in end'.." „ around town. - William Hood •on Seturday reeeiyed word of the death it BaY City of his 4ggs, f, es .••••••;•10., r.• . •05 • brOther 011a1;188. . ' P.Oga • • • • • r • • . • • • 7: ,; 5 TORONTO PRIO.E.V. THIS EK Wbeat ....$ 1 •30 to $ Pets. knob,. -S9 to 60 Barley, bush., ,....... , 70 •to , 72 Peas,, bush . 50 to. 1 60 Tirnothy,„•.1Tay, .... 21 30 to 24 CO Mixed and clover. 00 to • 19 00 Baled Timothy No: 1.,., 10 00 to 20 oo :Choice 'heavy steers.. a 7 75 to 8 00 Rogs off,cars...,.....1. .7 75 to • • ' 9 CA) to to 00 -Bpi ing- Lambe-. -6 00 -to . 8. 00: . Sheep,. ewes, cwt......-. 5 25 to 6 50 . Butier, . . , 28to;32 40 to, 45 ' PotatLeaTtbag. . • 60 to • -70* we are asking you totry our 'aim Oliye .Soap. and Toilet Goods. o ifitroduce them to you we give you value' of 80 cents for 50 cents viz:a-package-of-Face- Cream or Shampoo -each 56 cents and 2 cakes of Soap at is. cents each. ee Window Display R M. •SPMCR'S • A 'I3ox 'Sabha will be ' giveli,4 the Orange ' Hall,. '12th.. con: of \7 Ashlield, under -cervices L. O. L. 'No, 1044, on the'everung' of Prig. January 29th., 1915. :Ado/A(4914 ' Gentlemen la eta. Ladies' with boxes, free. There'wilLbeia000Ce pregratn ef,vocei andlestrumeiat- Itlinume, etc. . s ' ' - '-. --, ' .; .. .28 1.-p J. Gibson, Seq. •'Mss Mae McMorran has • returned • from•a, week's visit with friendein Strat- ford and -Berlin.' • Theeveltordochis.at the County Town . this Week attending County Council, Which onened.on Tuesday. , Mr.' Angus 'McDonald, of Brandon, Man,,,istlxii week visiting his uncle and: . nunt,-Dr. and Mrs. Gordon. 0. H. mins, Inspector of Continuetion Class* paid an official 'visit to the Lucknow School this week. • Local bakers have advanced the pride of breadto 6e. per loaf: The increase is due to the recent advances in the price of _flour. • • - Miss Polly Buckiiighani had the fortititelo fall on a slippery milk on Monday -Al fracture one-of.ler.• urins ihOtre the wrist. A Lakeside League hockey match, ..Teeswater vs: Lticknow,will. be _played in Lorne Rink on the 'evening of Feb, 2nd. fir tlefteama have proved very. -evenly matched. , • Good roads' end fair weather have 'give* favored teaming- the past Week and that line of work has been ,:very active. Large quantities of baled' hay • continue to be delivered at .the station. MO Ashley Blair, Baby Lillian, )1418- 0,rilorne and Arthur areensiting with relatives in Harriston, among ethers Mrs. Blair's sister from Saskatchewan, whom she has not "en for . oyer thirty years. koNalry; District Medical Officer _ of Health, ytillarve_t*o addresses here on Fell 1st. -One will be at 3:30 and the othetitt 8 o'clock p. m Both lec- tures Wilkhe illustrated by montigc pie= • The Warthog. • Alex kleCannell, reeee: 'of Saugeete„ with the successful candidate for warden. ship Of Bruce.counSY, while John Grow - :Unlock, of McKillop, eenuied- the, plum at Godetich..: • , • - - Reciprocity at Moine The mill running night and day and SOW* ablelet.,-meet, the....eleanted %for_ bran, shorbs and low-grade Emir, We . want your Wheat and'more of it, ifyou , -are to, get what You want -our feed • stuffs and more of them; We. guarantee ----you-positivelY-tlichighistAarice-paid r ,wheat on this market.--Treleiteen DVS, Pamily Gathering. - - A- very enjoyable reunion was held at the home of Thomas , Webster, 'Sr., on Tuesday, of this week when, the fire' brothers'and four sisters were. able to be once more all united to enjoy to- gether. It is reMarkable that so Many of. a family Should be present and all so :advanced in.yearatthree of the brothers • being in their . eightieth _year. All five brothers and t *oldsters are ineni- bera of the Liickneiv, Methodist Church, New fall Puitings- , Aro all new patterne 'Zan' and see *OM. TZMPL4 MAE? illierehato Lakeside League Officers 'Oftleera of the Lakeside Commie eletit. ea for -the year are, as folloits: President-e.G. A. SidditilA • Vice Pro. -W. E. Henderson. Hon. 11. Smith. Manager...RAI. Thompson. . filetiretary4-,A. R Treasurer --H Allin. Captain -4 MallOngh, ZAcb. Cont. -it H. Th0100601, • 01011400k. lienditsOof The work of the 'WOmen's Committee of the Patriotic League, interoupted for a tinie by thwholiday sense», again well under way. A' number ot shirt's, bed jackets, etc, have beeii cut out read) for making and anyone desir rig to assist in the Work may obtain ,the inaterialiba. eating Oil Mrs. T. itoid or Mrs, Dr *tepee, 4 --..further supplyzot,mititlidiv also been ordered and is expected to arrive -within a few days: As soon as it is received notice will be put in the paPer, It is hoped that there will be no waningofthe enthishism show& the work before the holidays. good deal has already been &lie by the pAtriotie citizepa Of ImcknoW, but this it es a drop in the bucket eminlred with. the, geeatneed; and'the fact that eoneider. able. has been done is no excuse' for 'resting the.oars, Too much stress eaniltit b� out mit the need for the work the weinen ire doing, and it is hoped there Will he* 'booty response in the way of ogerg assistoeepeitheg in $0Willt Or 'kOittints, SPLENDID VICTORY FOR. LUCKNOft Northern,.,tenette. lteekey 10 la 0 la1144yor., . . , „ - The hest exhibitien. of .,hocirey given in Lucknow this .season was the North- ern League game played.% 'Lorne rink •Tuesday evening when the local, septet defeated .Wingham'scrack. team hy a. scoV ,10 to O. • Tlie, score at • half time was 5 to 2. The game wes fast and clean througho4t, and it was elearlY a eve of the better teamwin, ping.. The • linetuP.was as fellows:: Winehain, imektiow ,goal , W. Reid pOint,- M. Johnston cover Hedlee rover H. Allin eenfie " 'Pender wing • S. McCoy. wing .: McDonald Referee-Fetterly, of .Winghatn. Grovel MoLema. lohneinl ' Telfer 'Ell' ft Women'a'At Home, • lhe Woman's .Institofte intend' boldr ing their .A.ropicil "At' Home in the Town Hall On -Friday evening, An..29th; to which all the members and their fan -Mies are invited, The Committees are busy making arrangements and a -good tine i expected. ' Pleasetring re- frestunente as in fernier. yeata,-._se,A,,. Keep in Mind •Aud • Watch for THE SILENT DETECTIVE, °, splendid plaY in three.aets,..to-be-put-on- hy the Lucknow Dramatic Club, in the Town"- Hall,Jamknow,-on-theeveningef Thursday, Feb. i 1th., The, ,entire pro- ceeds of this evening will be turned over to. the eroinen'a branch of, the kcal :Pat- riotic League, The Burne' Bell \ Good roads and a beautiful night as- sured the success of the Burne Anniver- sary Ball held here on Monday: This dance is always one the big social events pf the winter in Lucknow, and this year it.was no 'exception There were abont 400. Present, and that it was a most enjoyable affair 18 the verdict of ell who attended. • - , Still is Bic.0linie ; In Et Veocoueer, paper ,to hand this 'week we find in a Write-up of -the rorin whieh appears to. beTopillar in B. C. as elsewhere, the folloWing:, • "Ode of the hig features of the after- noon- was the defeat of Alderman's Kel- lington'e rink by the -Bryan rink of Van conver. •The latter rink was skipped by Jas. )3ryan; While his two sons, 11; W., Bryan-, and Bryan, played third- and -second reeneetteely.•. The Vancouver rink curled in gond style and the game was never-in-donbt: The -final score was- . . IQ to 8. Many of gur„readers, we are aure,4' Will be 'Pleated te4:SeeltAthis 'that' .Mr. Bryan is still able to be in the game` 0.a to take, his pot so well.' ' • • Ryer Wedding' •• A:happy event took place on January 19th.- at the home Of Mr. .and. 'Mrs. Fred *Donald, *heti, Omit thirty of - their friends and neighbors gathered, in the form of a surprise party to celebrate their Silver wedding. The,eve.mag_nete sp.ent in gameri and social conwrsation. Lunch Was served about midnight, When tne friends made it known. • to qr. and Mrs.. McDonald'tha.t they wished them tete-Cent-A; handsome gift of Silver as a memento of the pleasant livening' 9pent. in their home. After a short address of Presentation inset down to a sumptuous lunch. Toasts wereofte ed ancr-with. short replies: and heartiest congratilla- tiona,breught_the eveningto-a-delightfnl- end.', -.Chance-.-for-YeuarPenple As a reti1t orthe apple -aka iveplr for otton and linen to be used for *band- ages, lint, etc., in the hospitals at the front,considerable material has been re- ceived, but as Rye yards are required for ler each bandage, the ainount received Conies far short of makingthe number bandages decided upon by thelkitrice t,ic,Qenn- It has ileen-sugguStedhy - these understanding and appreciating the urgency of the matter, that 'perhaps :the young :people of the -village. awed& welcome an opportunity • of bellneV est This will be a, yeair of selftsactifice for the Nation, andthe young • people eau,. and will, do their- share. The yo ' people of will, therefore,' be given an opportunity of helping: tne cause, by the piecing Of a box -for -contri- butions in Reid's bake shop, • No amount, is too Entail to be placedin this box and ell contributionswill be ' gratefully re- ceitied: -It is hoped tnet in this' Way sort -of "bandage" field proiiided by the youtitg periple, will enable the Commit- tee to forward a larger number than the. Material now On hand .permit -s. • ., 'Card from ,fieriusn Prison - All the Wayirete a priemimainp some- where in Germany arrived_ a_post card, 'last -Week to Mi. Mendelson, of town. ft was front his youngeit brother Dityid, who is oite ot the several hfindrecl thou, skid Ressiansoldier-Prisoliers held by the Germans. On the outbreak of hos. tilities,D. Mendelson who, like all other Able- bodied Ressians had, tpkon military training, WAS called to the colorer- Late in September during the Russian' •,ad- yanee into NOrthettst Germany .he. was- inittdeprieener Of War, andfor sometime." Iiia ivhereabouts, .his fate Wan not known to hie relations. The card reedy., (id the other day was elated Nov. Oth, so that evidently-lbe-Gerrnitri-censer-,* 'marked it-aretaillowed it -4trt-paer-Wab" "the, somewhat behind with hia work. It. Ina cOntailted 110 further information than am •that the writer WAS a prisoner, that he Ma %%Ova and that 'cies. going bare. wh footed, and that a little money would be a 8 very convettiqnt. It, of Conrad, , int4' Sec possible either to Communicate. With or 0111 to send utoney to prieonera of War in Ms the of t dire • fro WILL ENFORCE 1404#AL OPTION IN Rif LEY Strong Movement so Poot to. • 4 • That 1311d--.--tohurehes Act ° A TALK. ABOUT OIL THE SOLDIER IS TIIANKPI.1L During the brit weeks, . we pre - snow, that kereeene-4nore edmmonly called coal oil -has been more talked el --than any pater -Mercantile ,oninnindity The reason, nu doubt, is 'duetbithe - • strenuoue'eativeso made by the twig oti. , It Would appeer..that aftet period of merchant% and in opposition to them ,good behavior thes- lawless element in the two,strangers representing refine.ry in village of Ripley haele Meaiman broken the -United 'States The country was loossi.t'SPectallY with iegard to the vio. canvassed with the view to selling to lations of the locai.1.4'nhibition Jaw. The the farmers oil in forty -gallon lots, and recent con,yietion and finiug of a eilizen alma -Steel drain to contain it. for having a sop* liquor. apparently • 'We wish to answer' two statements for sale, seems tohave rouseel thefriewis Which our .stuinger' friends are reported of !Peal option to ihtivity,and there, is to have used to Strengthen theft :telling likelY to he a ie.rind of law enforeenient. arguments. • • • - , Ihe following aVisleh' we takeNffoon. Firstestatement tothe,farinerte "Yon The KvPress stlit-898ts - the ePirit...which. cloe$ get American 011; yoa only got hetaeerr aroused e• • Canadian Oilinannfaeture&le Oatieda.", "Daring the:past two alyeeke•Veir ex Part of this first 108411100 we are will- celleht trieetieg,Ei lave -been hold nightie ingf; to. admit, ',namely: That Boyalite . the &males 'of:Ripley2:•by 'font' Water White 011 is made in Canada and pastors. Frinn the begnming the interest Hold by us. , . began tri increase'and for the last meet- Everybody knows that high -patent ings the largest ehurchee were filled flours are made in nearly every flour mill ,Mach good will likely !emit from the 9ntario under the name of pure earnest presentatirin of scripture theme§ Manitoba and the wheat grown in by the Jnent thiniefore,11.4e elosinimeet, WeeteyernuteCawnaedtea.r white oir is manu- factured Sarnia -hi 'one- Of the , meet up-to-date refineries in the world, out of American "crude," by Canadian labor. The Standard Oil Co; have a pipe line running fromBarnia inte.the States or Ohm and Pennsylvania, puinput crude oil intc Sarnia every day of th year. In additionto this they ve line of tank steamers plying on the) -during the summer season, American erode from Ainericeir ports to Sarnia. - - • The Nation of this--erude :oil comes in free; while on refined oil a duty is levied. *If the population of Canada had to depend on coal oil manufacoured from Canadian cruoe it would not be sufficient to keep their lanterns going;, 82 the Petrolia oil fields are failing eery rapidly. Second statement; "Our oil'is an ex- cellent article, mil superior tic what you are getting." - 4 • Our answer to this is: We have in our possession oil sold by the company our stranger Mende represent -it was deliv- ered, to the farmer at a town not one hundred miles from here. We have teste.d its burning qualities and -invite the public to come to:. our store apd, .choose-betWeen the two oile • `c --- In conclusion we would say that we. guarantee every tank full. of Reyalite Oil we sell. • If net . satisfactory return, It to us and get your money back. How abqut it if You receive a tank full •of inferior oil from the strangers t Where do you go for redress? • • Deal with your local merchants. They will give you as good, if not a better oil than you. can get from the strangers, arid f".1r3S.:731funcekYil.ow; Hardware' coal Co. • Wm. , u rdie. ing Witti held Ian Foclay in -Knox church and the theme' Wes 6The Kingdom of God in the Individual and the Nation." At the close 'of the strong sermon a strik, Mg application of the truth dwelt upon was made to morel, andel and religious *conditioni in Ripley. and. vicinity. The brazen violation erthp Vicar Option law carne in for some ecething 'remarks, also the use .of bad language by some yenthsalf the-towm- Thechairman read the following reeolution which had been -agreed upon- by thrfour pastors 'before • the meeting and when the audience were asked what they 'would do with it the• great. crowd rose to their feet spontan- amply And thus expressed their' disap- proval of `,41 ooze -swigging" in the com- munity:- , , , "It was moved and secooded That we, the citizens of Rip,lek and vicinity, feel that it is high time to call for some official or concerted action, in reference to the scandalops disregard of,the Lccal Option law in force in this. community. . a • • . 4ia "We think the prabtice of bringing in intoxicating liquors illegally and the gathering together of a few of our citizens to "tipple" is on the increase and it - morally bad, and is having a most evil influence upon .the younger generation of the community-. 'The flagrant violation of a law by A few that when enforced bringa benefit to all, should noPhe tolerated longer, and, therefore, we think it is in the ;interests of the tnorals of •the, community that action be taken at once; and we recom- tend-the-tmen'Erfour churches to make an a •committee to to -operate wibh offieers and others to end desired. "We also. heartily -approve every regit- bilge effort oe the patt of the village .offieer,or pthereeto,putdown.the degrad- ing traffic in intoxicating liquors" The Snot Detective.' _ Be Fair and Pay Have-You-donethe-souareiti • by. THE SENTINEL this year by payingyour stibsdription. in ad- vance? A "14" "oil your address label alter the name indicates that youesubscription isa. mon* overdue, unless yeti live paid quite recently. It is true that your nartieular dollitt-wooldn't -inake-mireh-difterence, -but When cp_hIids act. npon_thet_idett-and- ptit off paying to a' more cenVen- -ient-day it-pridtteen--hirad• tunes. -Be fair and pay what is due. A.I4Md!"0\10%, I INTERESTING CASE ' , . , .. -• FROKWINOHAM- . Last week's Goderich Star bad- the. followilIK-ancettet.ef a trial the outcome-. erwitieh will be heard with Much inter- -throughout the Counti--ef Iliiror: •• • eti.Taeeilay last_ludge.Doyle. held' .County Court to hear an appeal brought on an order from the-IttfOrney, General's Department against a decision of Police Murdock and re Dr. ll A. Allen, .cUlthagrgisettoarteigi:Mnillyt°w'rl'asofmWadie ' by., tice1146 nefit of -Wrap; M nil,' W, ,J,: Hoover and .T. nghatm-:,-.T.lic----Stralt-Ste.:•11farie, Vi -ah..; -Uri J. E, Ag. InslicOlii.; John .1. Mitaliell; ' 9f:' Ig6ttli ft McLellan, Sault Ste: Marie, Ont. A Ituren, against Iohn, E. Swarls; Of 'cheerful -and gentle spirit have endeared Wingharn. for selling. cider which con- the old entinle to Many friends, Ivho tented over nine per cent, proof spirit:"... join in wishing 'them Yet It few more The beverage was purchased at the bar on Sept, 30 last by• an Official of the years of happy married life. __ • . LitenseDepartmeht, ,who took if to his, ,-RECRULTINII,FOR THE Ord, 000.,:bettledTend-settled if-• Taut taking' - it to Toronto. had it 'officially analyzed, . Recruiting for the. thirdeentingent -Of •Alia-tbe 0,111611111-a'al'61)11(1.*4-s,--declAica- the 33rd Battalion has been milder way to he 0 2 per 'cent, .instead of 2.5. allow- the'PriSt three weeks,• Maier Rance; With .ed . A charge , wits, laid againit My, hearlotuuters at Clinton., being in charge. tail!ks ienni stts egad itnhe et Swots, iliit onheristsoi,uhdliegaterdiinngethbret.:mtpidpe. eMrar pwteiso.r0: hiUlttept t:frieitihseeteedafenoadrttho:c liastlinottniiveee:teltAxti:eetceifokeltilloit2ining: IniSiiicti of .the Attorney General. Rich Olin triti; Orrin. E Carte/right, Clinton; V'llistcos aPPcated for Swarts, . (IDA Wm. M.. Ede, Clinton; Thomas t;r.s- Crown Attorney Seeger; Assisted IV ,brook,, . Seaferth; Miterice . E. 0 r n y Prov. Lleellse InsPectcr AYearoar's, on- Goderielq Edward a Graelie Clitif-on; ducted the prse.ntion, Counriel ler 'Beery Groves, Wingliain; Gordon 11°1 - the defense torkii,„ kthOical---ntleet' ' aig...-.4-Seaforthr 4rost4Pli----A.,-- LerniviV tr the-iiiiiiritFoiAlie' MI, Which' 'W-ar--.ur,,,inge,am; T.hoities VIt.,Aforgan;'(.11int.in ; over it'ert -by Judie Doyle, and the Cecil X. Moores, Clinton; 11: Raril§pn, evidence heard.. . The ease in volv,es a McDonald, Cranbrook; Alex. A. Me - 'some nice. points„ ao. for instance, tne ._.,Lana,..1eakan4Inlina„.iNkniaittoocciton..,_ -clefelisc'coatentlint-thc l'iflirt- to show' atery --Seymour, ,Goderich.; Jan II, dte:tliceociii4de'rnlort°/Pliawvilemndotfilitae inFlelde :wthal; '8WthinitgilistiniVtr.;inAgliiftildt.T.ETaa*ylaorrd, Wlilin°gPlals; Oil t or l'Pirits' eb016a br the lobo Thed, Illyth; William R. titling, lyiif in the sample givon hint and wingliank; Frederick M. vrna ann, wing. ith had been carried around in limn.; Chas. F. w'nna, winglianti, anhn atehel or grip. But the erowit quotes Kennedy, Percy Moore, Thomas Garton, , 1 ile of the Act which say's that. the -enkitedlinreli; L. Barlinni., sedgro; Gro. dial air lysts tertifipate is conclusive. Ribbon, tookhowl. le:norm:1 Brunerv sta. ablinr 0110Wett ille defelnle to Rive 'forth; 'Richard Walton. Clinton; Roy it evidence' as to the harmlessness. cook SottoithlI II, OlsTeilcEriteefiOdl lid liquid, and adjourned' the ease t% Thoc Barnes, matili60; x a coror, * witidneo ,frorn the IntiAtitAttlIter , titillett; ja, TWYrotdi A moon,. D. Mit. 10 IvitOM it Will P4r4hatital . ' 104 Oiillt04. , ,, , Sixty years Married • - • It isnot given to many husbands and _wiyeato celebrate the 80th. anniversary_ of their marriage. Yet such is the good fortune which has come teethe lot 4 Mr. and Mrs. A. McLellan, parents of Mrs. Joseph E Agnew, of town. On Saturdav evening brat a score of-tali:fives and friends gathered at the Agnew home on Willoughby street; to celebrate the mi. ique event. After the enjoyment of a wedding dinner,11r. J. O. MutdOch, in a fitting little speech,, prppeded the health of the bride and groomt a toast to which tit McLellan made a suitable reply. The old couple received a num- betof pretty gifts. among these being a gold -headed es,.._hicLellan,___aud- a geldheaded umbrella to his wife. They alin_received_eich_a„hancrionie- Charlie Pinner to lbe People of LOcknow--7116 info 'km Regiment. We gladly- give space to the following letter of thanks from Our represeLtative in active, service intlie Great War: • : .• • London, Eng, Jan. 10; 1915., Dear Sir: ' • . • Allow Me to thank through the col. urans of The:Sentinel the numerous residents of 1.?ucknow for theft kindness :and assistance rendered to my,wife axle hildreii during my period of service with•My re.giment at the Kat: Mt- ara,linocked out Of action for the time being,lutving been wounded by ebrapneltat Ypres in 13eigium,. butl can assure StCni an there is °.pothipg° more, healing in hospital than to know ;that thette dependent en Ono are, being well eared tor by such kindly residentl as we have in ourvillage of Lucknow. myeelf li..al.emvgioww_.:01,eneteton Artegahmettintro;da,to.n!gcoy.no;laenec,ettncee_ andhopea,00p to be able to rejoin ni'y Tecluortspo'' errib:'Pinner; The Silent Detective. If this 'y011 • about you ' ehort:piihted p • ,Whonegleets lt Don't be etiort,a1 • - • . gall To•ed ro •Arins EVERvoopyos COL misAtICE'r PRIOR for Horse -fair. Renters tied 000ett Peatteee. • asi,„.9,weetile ..'.• pre Good Store. • 4 • FOUND.4.0n the'read'between LuCknow an . • Whitecinirgli.,a,ru_g anil claw ban:peer. In • *. 'rennet= at TO 149)0404 AMC". 284-2 • .• MijaYre'rasolVeaTleANrgtes.LO.PFiln°14tgagInsuearaattrIcae,ft' • Stock and Mutual Companies: • ' GM". SrDDAL14,49.nk.er,T.oucknow LOST -04 netnow, on'Satur,+ .1440dee:vefacahntueseeekv:atit reoalpanderiet'it 11,wdrsaaeer,ewountavili14.vit.:::' Westford_ ... ' -Tuesday, Jan, 26: _Miss -.1f.„:-„iturnstrengf-of,-,Kinlioss,-i-s. visiting at the home of James • Iledgips.-. • r. and Mrs. P. H., Ilaldeliby etterid- ed e funeral of the Atter'S sister -in-. la*, Ur% . Thompson, latt WelnesdaY. Sainee B. Murray, who was i.peit'clinf the winter with his parents, has gone to PraSionmpethoni oi.tr spOrts took. in' t.he Oyste Slipper Salem.On Friday. el/clone and report a good time. . Rekayent north on' Sunday.. .Tarn about is fair 1414, ell! Mr. and Mra. Kodgins SPen Saturday with Puiple Grove friencl.s. Chris: .Iletherington • attended • the Rural Telephone Co _meeting hi Formosa nn Wednesday. ' Mr, and Mrs. Fred acidgins, of Kin - lough, -spent Seudayat F, Haldenbii. Mrs Y. C. lialdenby Spent Monday afternoon the guest of Mr. and Miss Owing to the EttOrill: on Friday and Saturday night the crowds on the lake were not as large aauaual. • . For • CORN.-.1ust arriveg. cod. seed corn for sale iii ' lied ElefitOr. • 1). Shertitr. 284 -t -f -a, . '1 ---Graindlealeiv• ------: " - ' FOR .SALE0ocict Ilowie 404/ Sain and ,I. i _ . . acres of lirst °lowland in lack:low.. r lir- ..,- - - • tber,informfition at The Sentinel Mice. • , 4.2.50-p. FOR SALE -Three -Pigs, 4 months Old, rase' ... _._ set bob sleighs and wobdraek, nearly new. 16.8-40-9. • W. Lit t'mstrong.Liicknoit, . , FOR SALE -100 stores of good gratis land i 4 • Greenock fp • w. a ,quantity of har,iwoo . • ' ttmbc' I s it'i'Z'A'i':iliTi'tt* ' -'321' i: I r for qa ok sale. 1 or °tat,* Q... further int vitiation at Sep tinei Wee. '4 -2 -50 -It '' ' ' ' ° ' - • , HOUSE .41,ND LOrtrOlt SAI410,-4 six-resit:fed. ' • _hells° with wood -shed' andinithmer 41,0e00, • liard and soft Water, good cellar, ),,,u,s1 sta.. t ble, driving Shed and hen 'louse, Luci -"rap. street.o 24 75. . ly osul1tItAffleCtsLeislC12 0 w. Institute Meeting; ' • • • ' : • • Ladies interested in Institute work who failed to attend the meetingiu the Town Hall Tuesday afternoon :missed & rare teat. Miss Cainehell, of &amine. ten, the speaker sentoutbylkiLlepart- men% proved to be one of the ablest lady speakers who has ever visited the .town. The audience, *kelt numbered -70; was both .interested and 'entertained from start to finish •by Mies Campbell's sallies of humor, sound advice and use- ful suggestions. lift...Subject was "The' -Housekeeper-Land •the-Hothe--Mither-e- Home andits Relation to the Boy and Girl, to the Schopfarteltha.OommunitY." ,The Perfect day and roads encour- FARMS FOR 'SALK-Let 12, Coil. 8, , ' elite Puwthaltio. containin .109 aoreSv•-moret---- or less. triune dwelling. bank porn ' straw shed; artesian well with cJtuplete ' water system, u.s never-it:dung spring as ' • rear ond of .Ftkrm IS in first class t state of cultivation, being zonapletelp 1111. , — -derdiathed. 'Also. Lots and 'Kincardine Tovvnship, all undergrass; ' watered. For particulars apply tu “ilorge Baptist, Adm. of the estate' of (no late • ' • samuel Lindsay...4, It No. L Slade, Ont. . • -4-2450.o. troxisE ANI) 1,0T• FOE SALE,;. -Ori con. 1, Kinloss Pp., 'roads north of lAlthtnole stAtfon, situatedon -premises, 8-roodien two, atery..cottage with basement. Lull size .ot house, good, spririg,water well tonveulent-- to honse;,alsu goodlitable with- °oxidant hen , a house tittochnd, lett over stable4x30, build ) Ings all in good repair. Lot oantauls ". acres of land. 7 acres seeded, balance -for spring crop. There are quite a *number of fruit trees. Si grape vines, and a, large quantity of smell fruit on preillise& No tuciiMberenee.,, Apply to • • Wilson L.Eagleson, Lucknolf Notice • ' The undersigned trustees of S, 2,s70.4.4iii the ToWnship of West-• Wawartosh,SA' authorized, by the Public School Act, hereby give notice that a 8poblatschool ukootitig-of tne supptirters of the Pubic School in tne said school _wilt be held the Schtiol House, on 1.4(481%1.8Y ttte eth. day of February,1916, at the loft 03 1(1 • o'clock lwtholorenoun ler tho tranaet..tod Re the following special. blisiness o consider Moving autiropairingthe passel** ' ' sowed building and selling part of some. • James Gaunt • aatueskaryie. Trestess. • aged a number to come in from. ,Holy- :WiriezialuUlin, • ' 4.2-teite. • rood said St. Helens branches., ' Nonce CHURCH NEWS 4 St. -Andrew's ehurch„, Wingham has cured a succoeseortool" oir matter- and organist in kt. T. Carvell. Mr-.--Carvell-will also give instinction in APPlications ie isceived"by the' under signecl up to 12 o'clock, noon, ou Ale tir_407 the of /47448r4far, for Inc following" Vitlage calicos, viL: Utilla and Preasorer, Salary gi:818 . Aed1488f4Ukrii1aar.y488;-L;01180104arY §40; AjOU1 i't•ablOt StitrY 0244 .14,f114004. 8D WI/1.0.....Cirkil 5" and aaaa air' X ttritgaS t:tt) '4;:! Ireti ParhegArlik8-to e u v -- -ELY be obtained at the Oleik's Office WO.. take ,• • gold chearti The evening -was rdene1tntlY vocal and instrumental music. „- - rarnetteld.te" alegonuditte"lee,edn° °f•ttitikej'Alarsturet ::-•-•-; ''''' ' spent withinusicandsocial anniseinente. -B•ev. K. J. Beaton, B. L, and his -wile .seart.enloaraxpet,eitioier. :0.1aethaop7ma dicoo,:En.:314,0,n000tesss: ' • ' : in Ingersoll; the Rev, Jcihn McLean pee. have gone to China. to work in the' - • "501' ailtnt'w, • ,. . • 'Mr.. and Mrs McLellan were matried 60 years ago is nosi 83, and the bride is ktir . *ann tde mMarnriy. BSeeanttinzle .food health, and of all their faculties. ealy home was neer Whitechutch, while. rare.readbeortsh. iHveilsi. b 1 1 f ' Noiice ' . , . . 79. Both are still in the enjoymeitt. of We, the undersigned, iviith to inform .08 Was entree -In the :bit -Whig -nit -a sontraat- lintrOulross• , forming the' ceremony. The groom of nasion field under the Methodiet church. Until a few years ago 'Mr.'. MeLellan Mr • Pee.t.,04 8 'early .hOgie, was on t'ut 4th.: ing business. Only two years ago he erected a dwelling at Sault Ste. Marie,. -where---hethen resided. Mre; Meredith §:Duncen received on Friday evening last a telegraM _stating_ th,t,;'..,his iinfy-brother,.who for mor Ahan_a. 'ear av ug ogs Or sole, that owing .t0 tilt" toto rdi... Wins of tilde and unelitrgestoeit of Logi ' the mills last winter We.have a Very .-4rge Stook of 'umber on htuisL are not . deed of any logs this Winter, out at we do nnt wish Ito see any timber ga to %ease) wo bace t. -to tune in a very small stook, Stil,u}4 any ner- __ senelativinaa.,tew.clotot treesor iogs--that tieust- la finite active, andaluring-the pees- hat 'beim -Stiffer& -from tabereakiiiii, • - - -- be ueica eat avo -tea bba, ent winter has knitted • twenty pairs of had taken a bad turn. Mr. Dune , aleft -mittenslor-tlig soldiers Ett ._the - front: for his parents"- home at Moun.t forest 'Lleitigrneinbers of the familylere: Mee on Saturday morning. In his absence J. W. Ilillyard Toronto; ..Mrs-. W. - -Rev: W. Treleavenoccupiedthe pet it of the Presbyterianchurch-orr.-Sunday, both morning and evening. Rev. R. E. Knowles, the well-known Canadian Writer of fiction and patter cif Knox Church, - has resigned his 'position as minister on account of ill 'heath, The congregation of. Kn•-,,x Church ,graitted him aretiring allbwenee of 81000' Rev. E. atothensill? who was esilitant to Mr. Knowles, else ten-. derect his resignation, but he liebeen asked to remainand 6..4614 Last week's Ripley Express 'sari: A delegation from Kh11088 Presbyterian church waited on Rev. D. A. McLean, and tiskc,td ft,he would censiddr a c'Il to Kinloss. Mr. McLean has not. yet given the delegation eierinissiott to proceed with ,the cell. Mr. ltieLean. ih doing- Germany by the ordinary plating; go wo fancy, 014 Prisoner' NfelidC18011 Will he at clic hard meroy ob Getibmis viva LILO war is over. , good work as pestor of }Intent 'church- •110Rei hers' of 'his cOngregatione our -4476110,7--glitntiTanAitivid; by Huron' congregation to rektin -Ins uer, • soa • • i-IINVER.—In Kinlose "an., Priee in keeiii nig with present comi,i tuns, • We wuuld advise mese. ItavIng goeu,- gratin, - standing Milner to leave it• standing as; nO down, it veld be worth limo money in the near , • , future. For tuittner paruoultirs appiy , • The lainkfiOWTableJt: J. Sutton. Ma nears • • ' • Skates Sharpened ' All kinds of Woodworkink orseshoeing . . General . _ Blacks/Wilting G OSTRANDER He is loved and eiteemed by tin. mem, "iiiie'ralli;;alid igfir fight 114t 191.6, *01 Mr.: and Mrs. - services, J ,Horses Wanted Will be in LuCknoW en Toles., Feb. 2nd to, bny ;chunks. about 130 pounds in good condition. • Mares preferred. , Ss Jo PrOiAat ti:TMr• and Ites;-9.41arlet- Pinw‘,,14 'daughter. . Second Conal Moss , . Motieay, Jan. gO, • • , Rev, Mr. Peelroter, of Toroeto, was the preachor'in 8.' Kinloss last S.1,1 day,: , when !he conducted tWei• service.) in a.. manner highly acceptable to the ce,gre agistealth. ox"t11:s30 hWbillth c.ve uh epuy,, tt e rbtotipepitIt , OM r 1.0,40r VOilitrefoift Iifl '44ta Align(leAfg • • •e. , ' 4 a .